2 minute read
era prOTecT camera
Unlike other security cameras I have reviewed in the past, this one doesn’t suffer from either a very obvious cable that can be cut or a battery that could be taken out/disabled and so gets around the major problem that those kind of cameras suffer from. This one, short of spraying the camera lens with paint or literally destroying it gets around that by having the power cable go straight through the wall and in to the mains of your home, love it! But, to get this level of security, you’re either going to have to chase the wire through wall cavities or have a really obvious eye-sore on the inside. Ah well, can’t have it all!
From the camera point of view, it records in HD 1080p and has a motion sensor built in as well as night vision. The camera itself though is in a fixed position but it does have a 110° field of view – you’ll just need to make sure that where you set it up makes sense for a power source internally and the view externally. It’s also IP66 rated, the highest rating you can get so this camera shouldn’t stop working because of the weather. The app provided by ERA allows you to receive notifications and view the feed as it happens. There is a cloud storage facility for this device but you only get a 3 month free trial included and need to pay a monthly subscription after this of £9.99 in order to make further use of it.
For the initial outlay, this is not a bad camera. But, for the time and effort it inevitably takes to set up, lack of local storage and a pay-monthly subscription to access your recordings after the free trial I think there are other security cameras I would prefer to buy.
THe subscrIpTION servIce fOr THe clOuD sTOraGe Is wHaT leTs THIs securITy camera DOwN. a sHame seeING as IT Is quITe secure aND THe ImaGe Is GOOD. buT If yOu DON ’ T mIND THaT OuTlay, kNOck yOurself OuT!
prOs very secure aND Tamper-prOOf mIc aND speaker allOwING cONversaTION THrOuGH THe camera DeceNT ImaGe resOluTION cONs
NOT a faN Of aDDITIONal servIces yOu Have TO pay fOr ON a reGular basIs TO use sOmeTHING I’ve alreaDy paID fOr. I sHOulDN ’ T Have TO pay mOre TO eNsure I caN keep ON usING IT.
NO OpTION fOr aN sD slOT sO yOu caN ’ T recOrD lOcally aND wOulD Have sOlveD THe abOve prOblem. 43