2 minute read
DaTacOlOr spyDer cHeckr pHOTO
a GOOD bleND Of OlD scHOOl aND TecH, well wOrTH IT If yOu ’ re lOOkING TO GO semI-prO Or prO IN yOur pHOTOGrapHy.
prOs slIm aND pOrTable GOOD raNGe Of TONes aND cOlOurs GOOD sOfTware TO Help wITH eDITING susTaINabIlITy aND easy TO replace THe cOlOur carDs cONs If yOu caN ’ T spOT THe DIffereNce beTweeN a TakeN pHOTO aND THe eDITeD fINIsH, THIs wOulD prObably be a wasTe Of mONey fOr yOu!
Photography is far more than just pointing and clicking these days, although arguably, it never really was when you want to get an actual good photograph. Nowadays, there are all sorts of editing tools for those digital photos we all take, all in an effort to recreate as closely as possible the actual image we remember when we pressed that button! This can be a slow process, especially if you don’t have a set colour/tone palette to draw from for each photo.
Despite all this technology, it still needs a push in the right direction. You frame the Spyder Checkr Photo in a picture with the same lighting and setting as you plan to use for your session, take the image in your camera’s RAW format and then use this picture in Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Camera RAW or Hasselblad Phocus to help calibrate all the colours in your images using the Spyder Checkr software provided to create an HSL preset to use for your shoot and across multiple camera systems. Suddenly, you have a simple way of unifying all those images and creating a far more professional looking set of pictures.
The Checkr itself is a bit larger than a decent sized mobile phone when closed so slips easily in to a camera bag or your pocket. The colour cards are made with 78% bamboo and so have high sustainability and recyclability. Given what it’s used for, the colour quality needs to be spot on and Datacolor have gone for an ultra-matte finish on the cards to ensure that there is little to no reflection to disrupt your images and have used high quality ink resulting in less colour deterioration over time increasing the longevity of the cards. There are 62 colour targets including 6 flesh tones and a 24-step grey scale giving you easy white/grey balancing.