1 minute read

HumaNscale NOva

Most desk lamps I’ve had to deal with are those things with springs all over them combined with built-in finger removing capacity. Not to mention having to find that exact point where you get enough light to work by and the light bulb being just far enough way to avoid burning your skin… Then again, I’ve hardly kept up to date with the technology of lamps over the last few years and I am glad to say they have moved significantly on.

This thing looks slick. Its minimalistic design and counterbalance arms (can rotate up to 180°) with minimal external wiring makes it look quite inconspicuous and can easily be folded after use to take up minimal space on your desk top. The arms themselves are easy to manipulate (you can do this easily one handed) and stay in place quite well allowing you to get it just right and not worry about it for the rest of your desk top session. The wide base means it generally stays put and doesn’t get pulled over easily when adjusting the arms.


As for the light itself, it’s composed of multiple LED lights than can throw out a decent amount of light at 440 Lumens when turned up to max but can be turned lower if needed. Even better though is the power usage at just 7 watts. Not only is this giving you the light you need, it’s doing so at a very cheap rate. To top it off, it automatically turns itself off if no movement is detected for a while and, when you turn it back on, it stays at the same level of light you had it on before you forgot to switch it off. The bulbs are also guaranteed to last at least 50,000 hours.

sleek aND mINImalIsT, IT ’ s a GreaT eNerGyeffIcIeNT pIece Of wOrk. be prepareD TO pay fOr THaT.


prOs cHeap TO ruN lOOks GOOD GOOD amOuNT Of lIGHT OpTIONal cHarGING base wITH 2 usb sOckeTs cONs very prIcey aND wIll Take a lONG TIme TO GIve yOur INvesTmeNT back IN mONey saveD. 57

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