1 minute read

sNOOper syrIus sc5900


prOs easy TO NavIGaTe bOTH saT-Nav aND DasHcam cOmbINeD cONs uNable TO searcH lOcaTIONs wITH rOaD Names yOu Have TO pay fOr THe speeD camera servIce


GaTION wITH Gps, HD DasH cam

Dash-cams are rapidly becoming one of those things in driving life that are pretty much essential. Almost as essential as a Sat-Nav. But, having both just clutters up the dashboard and can potentially restrict your line of sight. If only there were a way to have both together…

Well, blow me down, that’s exactly what this does! Let’s start off with the Sat Nav part of this. Firstly, there’s the standard post code location search but also the ability to search for junctions and then plan your quickest or shortest route or one avoiding tolls for example. You can save up to 16 routes which should be plenty for the average driver and the speed camera locator helps to make sure you are aware of the speed limits specific to whatever you are driving (This comes at the price of £29.99 per year however). You also have a lane indicator function that shows up nice and large on the Hi-Res 5” screen, helping you to get in the right lane on time.

On to the Dashcam. It records continuously as you drive so you can be rest assured everything will be captured in case of an incident and with 1080P HD and a 130° field of view, anything necessary should be recorded in good detail. There is also a microphone to record inside the car so mind your words! If it gets to the end of its storage space, it automatically deletes older footage and you can download any footage to your PC using their Snooper Player which also has a map showing where you were travelling alongside the footage itself. You get an 8GB Micro SD Card included so you don’t need to worry about getting one and it comes with the obligatory windscreen bracket. All cables needed are included as is an in-car power supply.

a NIce lITTle cOmbO uNIT buT THe lImIT IN THe searcH fuNcTION aND HavING TO pay fOr THe speeD camera DeTecTION ON TOp, brINGs THaT raTING DOwN fOr me.

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