The Review Smiths - Issue 31

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Review Smiths

THE Issue 31 Feb 2023

Happy February Everyone

Welcome to a brand new edition of our review magazine. The days are starting to get a little longer, brighter and warmer as I am getting rounder and more uncomfortable whilst I bake our families latest edtion but it's all good things.

As usual we have a chocker block collection of goodies to show you with a particular focus on hobbies this month. Now the dieting/detox fad of January is over you might be keen to take up something you actually enjoy, what about barefoot hiking? fancy learning the guitar? or growing your own little garden inside your kitchen? we have got you covered.

We also have some great tech and educational products to keep the littles ones entertained during the teachers strikes as well as ways of boosting your internet to ensure everyone has a good enough bandwidth to keep them entertained. Why not fall in love with cooking again now the memories a roast turkey and sprouts are long gone? February is a short but for many people a tough month so whatever you choose to do make sure you set aside some time for something you love.

Editor and chief

Managing Director

Alex Hilling-Smith

Senior Writer

Emma Hilling-Smith

Chief 'No' Shouter

Master Hilling-Smith

Writer Dave Hicks Writer

Peter Hilling

For all media related enquiries please contact us at

For Advertising Enquiries 0208 191 8472

04. WaTerFIeld agIle brIeF

06. shOkz OpeNruN MINI

08. Isabella pOWer sOCkeT

10. VIVObareFOOT prIMus asaNa

12. sOar TraCk JaCkeT

14. peTOI rObOT CaT - Nybble

16. speras T3r

18. COle haNN zerØgraNd

20. deVOlO MagIC 2

22. WesT keNT 15 pOd INdOOr sMarT gardeN hydrOpONIC grOWINg sysTeM

24. eNgINO INVeNTOr rObOTIzed "gINObOT" WITh

10 bONus MOdels

26. eNgINO COdINg lab: erp MINI

28. gOlF buddy aIM W11

30. TraCkleMeNTs Fresh ChIllI

JaM hearT-shaped Jar

32. VarTa pOWer baNk 10,000

34. shakTI aCupressure MaT leVel 1

36. aVaNTree Opera

38. huION kaMVas 13

40. arCWaVe ION

42. MICrOplaNe

44. gOdOx MOVelINk MINI lT

WIreless MICrOphONe

46. ON ruNNINg ClOudrOCk 2


48. TeNda Cp7

50. TeNda Tx9 prO ax3000

52. TONIebOx sTarTer kIT

54. ekO arOMa seNsOr

FOaMINg sOap dIspeNser

56. lIVall bh51M NeO bIke helMeT

58. eksTer key Case buNdle+


I was so happy to see a box with Waterfield written on it land on my desk, this was one of the first companies I ever reviewed back when I was a young fledging writer, I didn’t know then it was possible to fall in love with a bag but I did. The Agile Brief was also love at first sight, it comes in three designs, the Waxed Canvas with Chocolate Leather, the Black Ballistic with Black Leather and Black Ballistic with Chocolate Leather which was the style we received. The Agile Brief has taken the classic briefcase and sprinkled it with Waterfield magic, keeping things light but incredibly durable at the same time. It comes with a built-in padded compartment to protect laptops and tablets up to 14.15" x 10" in size, the entire briefcase is surrounded with a light foam shell that not only adds structure making it easier to access your belonging and stand it upright but it also acts as an extra protective layer. Alongside your laptop you can fit your tablet and other work gear, at the front of the bag there is a zip up pocket with a key clip, this is handy for storing your most used items, keys, phone, wallet, travel, cards etc. Under that there is a document with some funky self-finding magnetic clips, these take a bit of getting used to when opening as they need sliding in opposite directions but then they snap back together in a most satisfying way. In the main compartment you will find the laptop and tablet sleeve as well as an organiser section opposite. It is all lined with an attractive burnt orange material which makes it easier to see your belongings, especially smaller items. The Supreme Suspension Strap takes some of the pressure off your body, it has grippy material on the shoulder pad helping it stay in place and not wrinkle your clothing on the commute. There are also two full-grain leather wrapped handles as another option for carrying the brief case so they'll get softer over time and won't dig into your fingers. Speaking of the leather, is it weird to stay this bag smells good, Waterfield uses full grain, natural leather which is the toughest part of the hide with the tightest grain (and the most expensive) this version has a natural tan finish. This leather will become naturally distressed and softer over time creating a unique design that looks more rugged and attractive as the years go by. The Agile Brief is a highly durable, functional and beautifully made bag that will give you a lifetime of loyal service, it’s impossible not to love.

p rOs

p reMI u M M aT er I als a N d


s OFT padded lapTOp a N d

TableT sleeV e

s eC ure selF-FIN dINg M agN eTIC

buC kles

su ITCase ha N dle pass T hrOugh

sleeV e

p reMI u M F ull gra IN leaT her T haT ages beau TIF ully OV er TIM e

r eMOVable , adJ usTable suspeNsION s hOulder sT rap

durable a N d W eaT herprOOF


p u Ts all yOur OT her bags TO sha M e

WaTerFIeld agIle brIeF
For more information on the Waterfield Agile Brief click here IT Was lOV e aT FI rsT sIghT (a N d sM ell) WIT h T he preMI u M WaT er FI eld br I eFCase . $349

It’s hard to beat going for a run with music, when that perfect song drops and those endorphins kick in there isn’t nothing quite like it, where we are however there are very few footpaths so I’m often sharing the road with cars, tractors, cyclists and even horses, it is best to keep your wits about you. I don’t enjoy taking one ear out when I’m on the roads, although I know it’s important for safety it throws me off my stride. The OpenRun from Shokz and have been designed around the bestselling Aeropex, they now have a Mini version that feels like they have been specifically designed for me, the woman with three junior sized hats because I have a small head. Although I did get on ok with the original version these feel much better, with a snug secure fit and a slimmer profile. Measure your head between the mid-point behind your left ear and the midpoint behind your right ear, travelling round the back of the head, if the measurement is 9.25 inches (23.49 cm) or less the OpenRun Mini is the right size for you, this makes them more suitable for children and teens too. They have updated the charging to a quick charge system this gives you 1.5hours of playback for a 10-minute charge, so you don’t have to wait around pre run. With a full charge you get eight hours of battery life and charge up via a magnetic charging cable, this design means they can have an IP67 waterproof and sweatproof casing (not suitable for swimming). These headphones are comfortably lightweight at just 26g, they rest just over the ear like a pair of glasses…but backwards, the bone conductive units sit just in front of the ear, the transducers send vibrations through the cheekbones and deliver sound directly to the inner ear, bypassing the eardrum. This design leaves the ears free to stay in tune to the sounds around you, allowing you remain aware of the traffic and people around you at all times without interrupting your tunes. Whilst running they remain comfortably in place, I tried them out during a vigorous warm up and cool down that involved some downward dog stretches and they didn’t budge. There is a button on the left side that lets you skip tracks and activate your voice assistant, on the right side there is the on/off button and the volume, the buttons are very small so those with larger fingers might accidently hit the wrong button from time to time. The PremiumPitch 2.0+ sound quality is really impressive with lots of detail and layers, the bass is thick enough to get your teeth into, they make good work of most genres which is impressive for this style of audio. When the OpenRun are up to their top volume I could feel the vibrations on my skin, this wasn’t unpleasant but after a while it made my ears feel kind of itchy, turning it down just a little however stopped this. If you already have the Aeropex it might not be worth having a play before deciding if you need an upgrade, the difference in the sound is marginal but I certainly found these more comfortable.

shOkz OpeNruN MINI
more information on the Shokz OpenRun Mini click here
FIN d T he per FeCT FIT a N d reM a ININg aWare OF yOur surrOu N dINgs W h IlsT eNJOy INg yOur FaVOur IT e T u N es
7 p rOs g reaT FIT FOr sM aller heads , T eeNs a N d k I ds exC elleNT sOu N d r easONable pr ICe MOre COMFOrTable T ha N T heI r predeC essOrs Qu IC k Charge (8- hOur baTT ery l IFe) I p67 WaT erprOOF 26g TOTal W eIghT CONs bu TTONs a l ITTle FI ddly

k eeps T h INgs NICe a N d TI dy W hereV er yOu Wa NT

TO Charge yOur gear

Ou T OF T he Way W heN NOT IN use W heN used

WIT h eIT her C upbOard F rOM T he Isabella ra Nge

pOps up! a N d dOWN! I’M easIly pleased usb pOrTs CONs

Flex COuld haV e dON e WIT h beINg lONger

ONly really reaChes ITs F ull pOT eNTI al W heN

COM bIN ed WIT h T he Isabella CupbOards – less useF ul IF purChased ON ITs OWN.

£64 p rOs

Isabella pOWer sOCkeT

Love me a bit of camping gear! And when it comes to camping, convenience is key. This power socket is basically an extension lead for you to be able to plug electrical things in to. You’ll still need a power source to plug this in to itself so that you can actually use it (plan ahead – the cable is only 1.8 metres long) so don’t go thinking this is some kind of power-bank, it’s not. But it is pretty handy when space is a premium.

The unit itself comes with two standard 3-pin sockets and 2 USB 2.1 portals. A little disappointing that they’re not USB 3.0 as most USB ports are these days (USB 3.0 is about 10 times faster than USB 2.1 at doing what it needs to do) but maybe it’s not a bad thing? You’re out camping, no major rush, just soak in the weather and chill at your campsite. Also means you won’t be draining your power

source so quickly so maybe I’m under-estimating the fact it’s not a 3.0, I just get impatient!

The Isabella Power Socket works best when combined with the Isabella double or single cupboards. They both have a hole especially included to allow you to easily attach the power socket just as if it’s a tower in your home kitchen! So you can pop it back down and click it in place when not in use. Must admit, rule of cool works for me here, and I can imagine I’ll just be popping this thing up and down with a little giggle on my lips all the time. Now, if I’m willing to do that, you can guarantee any children you’ve got will be doing the same so you have been warned! Maybe something heavy over the top of it when not in use is a good idea.

I F yOu haV e T he Isabella C upbOards already, hard TO see W hy yOu WOuldN ’ T geT ON e . O T herWIse , IT M ay NOT be as useF ul as hOped.
For more information on the Isabella Power Socket click here

VIVObareFOOT prIMus asaNa

The Asana from Vivobarefoot are some seriously good looking shoes, we received the Indigo version, there are also Obsidian and Limestone designs, both men’s and women’s sizes, the Indigo have a denim style look in places, with leather and wool detailing. The Asana have been created to have all the benefits of a barefoot shoe in a lifestyle sneaker, giving you that feeling of grounding, with lots of freedom to move about naturally. This shoe is foot shaped not shoe shaped, with a wider fit for better stability, it has a thin upper and sole to allow you to feel more in your environment and the high levels of flexibility allows the foot to move the way it was built to. Everything about this shoe is built to work those tiny muscles in your feet, this means in the beginning you may feel some aches as your foot gets used to working in a new way, this is because the muscles are strengthening after years of having an easy ride. The Ortholite Performance Insole is made of recycled PU foam, which helps reduce waste and the use of virgin plastics, the leather detailing is located in places where the shoe will encounter the most abrasion and is a naturally scarred leather from free-roaming cattle sourced from small scale farmers. The upper uses Woolmark certified merino wool, which is naturally breathable, temperature regulating and has sweat wicking properties, keeping your feet cool and dry and any bad odours at bay. The knitted sock collar is made with recycled polyester and adds to the comfort of the shoe. The Active Sole offers the most sensory underfoot experience putting just 4mm between your foot and the ground but at the same time it protects your skin and adds grip and durability on hard surfaces in urban environments. To look at someone wearing this shoe you notice the attractive design but only the wearer knows all the magic it’s doing on the inside.

Th Is bareFOOT shOe sea Mlessly

bleN ds IN as a sT yl Ish l IFesT yle

sN eaker W h IlsT g IVINg yOu all T hOse

WON der F ul bareFOOT beN eFITs .


p rOs

aTT raCTIV e desIgN

b reaT hable

Flex I ble

p rOT eCTIV e

sT reNgT heNs T he

FOOT a N d a N kle

r eC yCled M aT er I als

For more information on the Vivobarefoot Primus Asana click here

sOar TraCk JaCkeT

It is super important to start any exercise with warm muscles to reduce the risk of damage and get the most out of your workout, equally when you have finished and its time to stretch things out you can find yourself feeling cold as your heart rate and breathing lowers. The Track Jacket from Soar has been specifically designed for those beginning and endings but it can also be used for the entirety of the run on cooler days. Constructed with a Merino wool lining this jacket is naturally insulating without the bulk and naturally wicking, getting that cold sweat away from your skin keeping you warm and dry. The other bonus is that Merino wool is soft and gentle against the skin, reducing friction over repetitive movements, the cut of this jacket has been designed to be worn over a t shirt or vest but still has a tailored fit for less movement and irritation. The material is wonderfully stretchy in all directions letting your arms, shoulders and torso move freely whilst you warm up, run, and stretch. There is a full length zip for quick removal with a guard on the inside to prevent friction and a zip garage at the top, the zip pull is orange for easy locating but it a little on the small side which could make it fiddly for cold and gloved fingers. There are two generously sized zip up pockets for storing essentials like a phone, car key, wallet or energy supplies, just be sure to lighten the load before you get seriously active as heavy items will bounce about. The bound hem and cuffs keep out the cold, increase aerodynamics as well as reducing movement, the entire jacket is lightweight and will pack down into a compact piece to squeeze into a small bag or can be tied around the waist. The Soar Track Jacket is a weighty investment but it will become a staple exercise partner, joining you on sessions, keeping you warm at the beginning and after exercises, its comfortable fit and flattering look means you will even find yourself wearing it on rest days.

p rOs

h Ighly F u NCTIONal

p er FeCT FOr War M up, War M

dOWN a N d pre/pOsT ru N

TWO geN erOus z I p pOC keTs


NaT urally INsulaTINg a N d


FlaTT er INg Ta IlOred FIT

r eFleCTIV e T r IM


ONly blaC k Or NaV y aVa Ilable

NOT T he CheapesT

Th Is T raC k JaC keT WIll be T here FOr yOu beFOre a N d a FT er ru Ns , keepINg yOur War M, COMFOrTable a N d

lOOk INg g OOd. £235

For more information on the Soar Track Jacket click here

peTOI rObOT CaT - Nybble

A few issues back, I reviewed Petoi’s robot dog, Bittle and was mightily impressed. Well, here’s the version for all you cat lovers out there and I am impressed once again! Now, first things first, although of a similar size the main construction material used here is wood and not plastic. This gives the whole kit a more ‘natural’ feel to it, and makes it feel more like a project than a toy. Especially as none of the wiring is really hidden in the torso, it’s there for everyone to see and, personally, I like that. There are also no screws involved – the whole thing snaps together with the precision cut pieces snugly nestling against each other just like a decent 3d puzzle. Just be sure to follow the instructions to the letter when building – the order of construction is very important! It will take about 3-4 hours to construct from scratch and then we get to the coding!

As with so many programmable robots there is a dedicated mobile app that allows you to control your Nybble filled with basic commands and an easy to use interface. There is also a desktop version where you can really start to drill in to the coding side of things. Not only do you get firmware updates and the ability to program new behaviours for your Nybble, the desktop app is compatible with OpenCat, an Open Source Project where people share all the things they have achieved with their robotics and bounce ideas around. I imagine they probably have a decent sized library of cat videos to rival Youtube by now…

All that aside, Nybble is cute! I’d love to see what a real cat would make of it as many of the motions are surprisingly accurate. Time to go find out!

a lu M p OF WOOd a N d plasTIC/WI r INg T haT M akes yOu Wa NT TO g IV e IT a F urry COaT a N d rub ITs belly l I ke T he C u T e l ITTle bugger IT Is! M aybe CaTs dO ru N T he WOrld IN seC reT a FT er-all
For more information on Petoi Robot Cat - Nybble click here 15 p rOs Fu N TO CONsT ruCT eduCaTIONal COM paTI ble WIT h r aspberry- p I OpeN sOurCe p rOJ eCT TO really help yOu lear N a N d be parT OF T he COMM u NIT y CONs COuld be a bIT COM plex FOr yOu Nger Ch IldreN £299

speras T3r

The T3R from Speras claims to be an innovative noiseless “thrower”, this means the beam has been designed to reach as far into the distance as possible and has a focused, hot spot of light in the centre of the beam profile. The T3R is compact and lightweight at just 175.7mm(L) x 63.6mm(head) x 26mm(tube) and 308g with the battery installed which is why it’s impressive that it has a top throw distance of 1,095m at 1,600 lumens. It comes with a USB C charging cable, an O-Ring, Lanyard, OTG connector and handy holster, this can be attached to a belt with the Velcro cover ensuring you can quickly access the torch with one hand in one swift motion. The rechargeable 5000mAh battery lasts up to 92hour when running on ECO mode, the torch is compatible with fast charging which will give you a full charge in just 3.7hours, it can also be used with a battery pack making it perfect for long sessions away from home. There are six modes to play with High (1600L/2.1hours), Medium (600L/3.75hours), Low (120L/17.5hours), Eco (20L/92hours), Strobe (1600L) and SOS (120L). There are two Noiseless Switches, the Multifunctional tail button and a side button to change brightness levels. The switches aren’t entirely noiseless but are very quiet, making it suitable for hunting, it can also be mounted onto a rifle if necessary thanks to its light weight and there is also an optional remote pressure switch if needed. The memory mode function can be activated and de-activated, once activated the flashlight will return to last used setting when switched on with the Tail Button otherwise it will automatically turn on to HIGH mode. The over discharge protection will automatically reduce the brightness when the battery is low in order to prevent the battery from over discharging. The aerospace aluminium body is also highly protective with a hard anodized anti-abrasive finish for extreme durability and an IPX8 rating, this is one tough cookie, more than adept at taking on the great outdoors.

Th Is TOrCh Is I deal

FOr lONg adV eNT ures Ou TsI de WIT h a gOOd T hrOW dIsTa NCe , lONg baTT ery l IFe a N d durable CONsT ruCTION.

p rOs bIg T hrOW Ou T pu T

durable bOdy

lIghTW eIghT

g OOd baTT ery l IFe

M eMOry MOde CONs

p r ICey


17 For more information on the Speras T3R click here

The ZERØGRAND II is Cole Hann’s first sustainable shoe, a brand known for its timeless yet modern designs, it has been created from the ground using materials made from nature with a minimum of 25% naturally derived or recycled content by weight. It comes in a wide range of designs six in the women’s style and eight in the men’s. They all feature Cole Hann’s patent pending FlowerFoam sole which is made with dandelions, a minimum of 25% natural dandelion rubber in fact, this provides a combination of light weight and generous cushioning for comfort. The upper is made with a vegan microfiber suede made with 21% recycled content and reconstructed felt fabric made with 85% recycled plastic bottles, even the laces are 100% recycled rPET. The proprietary GRANDFØAM within the sole absorbs shock and provides rebound with each step, you can feel this in your step, it certainly springs you in a forward motion. The systematic layers of proprietary cushioning compounds softly pad each step, it also gives you are bit of extra height which is always a bonus for vertically challenged people like me. The upper features ventilating details and temp-regulating materials for enhanced breathability helping your feet to stay cool and dry all day. The sneakers look attractive, they wouldn’t look out of place in most environments but they also manage to radiate subtle sustainable vibes, you can tell looking at some of the details that they have used recycled materials, this can only be a good thing. The upper has a good amount of stretch to it which means there is potential of slipping them on and off without undoing the laces, a particularly handy feature for my pregnant self as bending doing up laces is a 10 step process these days. They do feel a little odd to begin with as they are so spongy, it felt like they were throwing me a little off balance but at the same time they were super comfy around the foot. Only time will tell after longer periods of wear if this mega cushioning has a positive or negative impact on my gait but so far so good.

COle haNN zerØgraNd
from £120 p rOs susTa INable M aT er I als used COMFOrTable FIT sT reTChy, breaT hable upper VersaTIle sT yle su ITable FOr sOM e exerCIse True FIT CONs sT rONg C ush IONINg COuld pu T sOM e OFF These COMFOrTable, susTaINable shOes really puT a sprINg IN yOur sTep.
For more information on the Cole Hann ZERØGRAND II click here 19

Before moving out of the city we took a lot of things for granted, one in particular being a decent internet connection, in our new home the internet seems to be reluctant to move out of the kitchen into the rest of the house (just like me during lockdown). The Devolo Magic 2 is a good way to share the internet across the house, letting you stream a movie in one room, whilst someone can get lost in a computer game upstairs. The Devolo Magic 2 is a starter kit that can be adapted with additional add ons to suit your specific needs, it comes with the Magic 2 LAN Adapter, Magic 2 WiFi Adapter, installation guide and a two-meter ethernet cable. Designed to get through thick walls and out into your garden the Magic 2 can push your internet up to 500m and speeds of up to 2400 Mbps. Devolo Magic adapters are compatible with all routers, network devices, devolo Magic adapters and products certified by HomeGrid Forum, dLAN Powerline adapters, other HomePlug AV products including the devolo Outdoor WiFi Powerline adapter, are not supported. The Magical Mesh WiFi system is suitable for surfing the web, UHD streaming, and gaming, even in the remotest corner of your home, it provides a stable and fast connection, no longer can you blame the internet lag for your terrible scores on Call of Duty. The wireless installation is straightforward and convenient in maintaining a tidy finish in your home, with the combination of powerline and mesh WiFi networking you get a strong and functional connection you can rely on.

p rOs up TO 2400 M bps M esh WI FI a N d pOW erl IN e expa N ds WI FI up TO 500M TI dy a N d dIsC reT e a ddITIONal adapTOr sOld separaT ely CONs expeNsIV e INITI al seT up deVOlO MagIC 2
For more information on the Devolo Magic 2 click here 21 elIMINaTe INTerNeT dead zONes IN yOur hOMe WhIlsT MaINTaININg INTerNeT speed aNd sTabIlITy. £169.99

WesT keNT 15 pOd INdOOr sMarT gardeN

hydrOpONIC grOWINg sysTeM

Many of us fell victim to some lockdown cliches in 2020, be it baking banana bread, online pub quizzes or jumping about with Joe Wicks, some people however used this time to invent and create, like Alastair Jessel who wanted to produce a reliable and affordable indoor hydroponic kit. Another common consequence of the lockdown was that a lot of people found a new appreciation for nature, however growing plants at home isn’t always so simple. The West Kent 15 Pod Indoor self-growing kit comes with everything you need to allow you to have your own little greenhouse inside all year round. The West Kent system comes in a white or black finish, it has a stylish, premium look with a full spectrum 35W LED light system that hovers above the plants, these lights simulate the sun’s rays encouraging faster growth and letting you set up your plants even in the darkest corners of your home. It measures up at 43 x 24.5 x 31.5cm and, when lights are fully extended, 95cm, it comes with fifteen sponges, baskets, and domes, A & B nutrients and eight cover plates rods and plant labels. The system has a 5.5L water tank that allows the West Kent to water the plants for you, the water level post lets you know when it’s time to refill the tank. The 15 Pod System, as you might imagine, has space for fifteen different pods, and there are four different seed packet sets to choose from including vegetables, tomatoes, fruit or herbs. The automatic timer gives your plants the downtime they need, and a pump supplies the nutrient-rich water to encourage rapid plant growth, the adjustable light ensures the plants have enough room to grow taller and is in fact the world’s tallest light of a system of this kind. The A and B nutrient solution helps the plants get all the goodness they need but you will need to remember to add this every time you refill the tank. It is suggested that 2ml of each nutrient is added to 1 litre of water, so a 1 litre bottle will last about 8-10 months. There is a customisable app with settings that allow you to adjust your plants environment from downtime by hour or day and flexibility of the pump along with temperature controls. These settings are also adjustable via the control panel and the display panel lets you know your set up, this hands-on precise control might intimidate those who are new to house plants where so often doing less is more effective. The West Kent 15 Pod is probably best for someone who has a little bit of experience with house plants already, but beginners won’t be completely out of their depth if they follow the instructions and do a little research.

p rOs 35W F ull speCT ru M led l IghTs s elF-WaT er INg 5.5l Ta N k 15 seed pOd seCTIONs p reMI u M lOOk sysT eM CONT rOls COM pa NION app CONs sysT eM CONT rOls COuld pu T OFF beg INN ers
g rOW Fru IT, V eg a N d FlOW ers INsI de yOur hOM e all year rOu N d.
23 £140 For more information on the West Kent Hydroponic Growing System click here

"gINObOT" WITh 10 bONus MOdels

OK, first things first – you do NOT get the pieces to make 10 individual models. You get instructions to make the kit in 10 different ways. Thought it best to clear that up before I start waxing lyrical about this! Anyone that has read any of my reviews has probably figured out by now, that I’m a big fan of building small things and miniature kits. This kit is just as much fun to build as anything else with almost 250 pieces and over 700 connectors, although you wouldn’t think so looking at the finished product. But that’s where Engino have done a good job of providing a kit with both style and function, not to mention the ease of construction itself.

Once the building part is done (which is usually where my interest wanes and things become akin to ornaments in my home in all honesty!), then comes the thing that makes sure this kit can keep on giving. It’s a robot. A programmable robot. And not just one with pre-set instructions, this thing can help you to learn coding language too! It has the ability to allow 3rd party hardware attachments (such as Raspberry Pi’s or Arduino) and so opens up endless possibilities for those that want to explore and see the physical outcome of their attempts. The software that comes with it (KEIRO) is simple and intuitive and is suitable for any age from about 7 upwards, making this an excellent creative learning tool with endless building possibilities.

As usual with any kind of modular system, you can get the best out of this by including something like the Engino Mechatronics pack which gives you many more options but then that’s half the fun of modular kits – collecting all the bits and pieces!

p rOs

easy TO CONsT ruCT

p hysICal INsT ruCTIONs

FOr T hOse 10 MOdels –

yOu dON ’ T N eed TO g O

ONl IN e FOr T heM.

g OOd T eaCh INg TOOl,

espeCI ally FOr sChOOl age

Ch IldreN

COM paTI ble WIT h OT her

eNg INO k ITs CONs

Full pOT eNTI al reaChed

by buy INg MOre k ITs – a

T he NaT ure OF T hese

k IN ds OF T h INgs .

a l ITTle MIs -leadINg

WIT h ITs ’10 bON us MOdels’ Cla IM.

For more information on the Engino CODING LAB: ERP MINI click here eNgINO INVeNTOr rObOTIzed
MINOr gr I pe really, IT ’ s
25 a F u N Way TO lear N Or T eaCh COdINg a N d a N easy Way TO eNgage yOu Ng MIN ds IN lear NINg esseNTI al sk Ills FOr T he F u T ure . £176.03

I’ve already reviewed the Ginobot from Engino which is a great platform to start your coding journey with. If you want to start getting a little more advanced the ERP Mini ups the ante and is basically a more advanced type of construction kit. Not in the construction itself (that’s fairly universal across the Engino range) but in the hardware department. Where the Ginobot mainly relies on using an app to programme and control your vehicle, this one has its own pad that fits on the kit and allows you to programme it directly with no app when using the Manual mode. There are three other types programming available as well as the Manual method: Simulator, Flow Diagram and Text, allowing you to choose whichever is most suitable for you or any children you may be trying to teach.

As well as this, the Circuit Board in the controller has 4 separate ports allowing you to attach up to 4 peripherals. The main form of connection when not using the manual input is via Bluetooth or Wifi so these ports are free to add all sorts of funky things to your robot from the Engino range or beyond. It also comes with 2 proximity sensors and a high torque DC motor with 2 speed options. All of this is pretty pointless without any kind of instructions of course and, thankfully, this kit comes with instructions to build 2 different kinds of models as well as exercises you can undertake with them to help get your programming in to gear. The instructions are clear and nicely laid out, making it easy for even an old-timer like me to feel pretty chuffed with telling a lump of plastic to do a certain task and watching it happen!

For more information on the Engino CODING LAB: ERP MINI click here eNgINO COdINg lab: erp MINI
paTI ble WIT h all T he
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INsT ruCTIONs INCluded
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27 a F u N Way TO lear N Or T eaCh COdINg a N d a N easy Way TO eNgage yOu Ng MIN ds IN lear NINg esseNTI al sk Ills FOr T he F u T ure . £175.91

Golf is an expensive one. Thousands of pounds for decent clubs, membership fees and of course, however much money you choose to spend at the 19th hole! So, from that point of view, this watch is pretty good value. Especially if you’re just starting out in golf. It comes pre-programmed with pretty much any course you can think of (there are almost 40,000 courses around the world in 170 countries!) and has several functions you can use to help improve your game.

To begin with, it can provide shot ranges, using GPS so that it knows exactly which hole you are playing on. The screen is full colour and shows the hole you are on in its entirety and there is also a zoom feature so that you can focus on one part of the hole for shorter range shots. Speaking of range, this is shown by a concentric band,

p rOs

giving you a good idea of where you can get to with your shot and it tells you the distance to the back, front and sides of the Green from wherever you are taking your shot. Not only does it have all the above, the Aim W11 also highlights the hazards for you – really useful if you’re new to a course as it saves you having to do a recce of each hole before playing, giving you more time to actually focus on your game!

The battery is good for about 13 hours (You should fit around 3 rounds of golf in that time) before it needs recharging via a USB port and the watch itself is comfortable and lightweight at just 50 grams so it shouldn’t affect your swing. Also included is a digital scorecard so you can easily keep track of your round all on your wrist.


gOlF buddy aIM W11
a T he app Ca N reCOrd yOur shOT
NCe TIM e saV er FOr a N eW COurse . CONs The app IsN ’ T T haT greaT WIT h l IMIT ed F u NCTIONal IT y a N d blueTOOT h CONN eCTION Issues .
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a g OOd addITION FOr a N y g OlFer TO help IM prOV e T heI r ga M e , T he app M ay N eed sOM e WOrk beFOre IT ’ s as g OOd as T he WaTCh T hOugh. For more information on Golf Buddy Aim W11 click here 29

TraCkleMeNTs Fresh ChIllI JaM hearTshaped Jar £6.80

Add a little spice to your Valentines day with this love heart of fresh chilli jam. This is Tracklements original, multi award-winner, this sweet and spicey treasure has a gentle heat thanks to the fistfuls of fresh red chillies. It will go with so many things, fish, meats, veggies, sarnies and creamy cheeses, or simply slather it on your partner, go wild. It is also worth noting it is gluten free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

For more information on the Tracklements Fresh Chilli Jam Heart-Shaped Jar click here

VarTa pOWer baNk 10,000

A typical problem when out and about camping or just hiking in your favourite outside place is having your devices run out of charge, especially when you’re relying on them for route-finding! It’s not like they’ve got USB ports hidden in the ground for convenience is it? Well, not yet anyway… Until that happens (it won’t!), we have solutions like this power bank from Varta.

At just under 140mm long and 75mm wide, it’s about the size of a mobile phone and so will fit easily in whatever pocket/bag you usually use for that. It’s a little heavier (which is to be expected – it’s a battery pack after-all!) so maybe keeping it in a backpack would be a better idea than your pocket, simply for ease and comfort. This version can hold up to 10,000 mAh (a mobile phone holds about 1000 mAh so you would think you could charge your phone 10

imes but, it states up to 55 hours talk time on your mobile so 10 charges from this is a stretch I feel!) and has 3 out ports: 2 USB A and a USB C. You’re able to use all 3 at the same time so you can charge multiple devices and it even has a function that allows you to charge the power bank while doing so. Pretty handy, and convenient if you don’t have time to wait for them all to charge individually.

This kit comes with a 50cm long Micro USB cable for charging the power bank itself so don’t forget to pack a plug adaptor if you have the ability to use a plug socket on your travels, otherwise car-charging is an option to help keep energy consumption and cost down. It also has bult in safety features to prevent over-charging and short circuits.

For more information on the Varta Power Bank 10,000 click here 33 p rOs NOT TOO heaV y aT 233g sIM ulTa N eOus Charg INg OF T he pOW er ba N k a N d yOur deVICes easIly T ra NspOrTable sI ze CONs dOesN ’ T COM e WIT h a Charg INg adapTOr – NOT eV eryON e has ON e . Very CONV eNI eNT a N d INCONspIC uOus pOW er ba N k, W ell WOrT h a purChase!

shakTI aCupressure MaT leVel 1

The idea of trying to relax onto a mat covered in spikes might seem counter intuitive but this form of acupressure has been around for thousands of years, with the belief it can unlock decompression and deep relaxation, improve circulation, invoke a deeper sleep and ease and reset a restless mind amongst other benefits. The Acupressure Mat from Shakti gets you started on your journey by offering three levels of pressure, Level 1 is recommended as the right place to start for most people and this is the version we received. The Level 1 comes in six different colours, six in the Level 2 and just two in the Level 3, that’s because Level 3 means business and theres no place for colours. The Level 1 has been designed to effectively target tissue and melt away tension and there is no pressure to jump up a level if this works for you, there is a handy quiz on the website to help you choose the right level. It measures up 74cm length

x 40cm width x 2cm height and is covered in 230 spikey discs, these mothers are sharp so expect some discomfort in the beginning, getting on and off can be particularly tricky at the start but once you are laying flat then it soon becomes a sort of satisfying heat across your back. The spikes hold their sharpness over time so plenty of years’ worth of use and the organic cotton and dyes are both planet and skin friendly. The Acupressure Mat is very easy to use, it is recommended to have a 20min session just before bed to start off with, pop a blanket on top for added cosiness. With each purchase, you get a free 5-part Shakti tutorial series to help guide you through your first Shakti sessions, the more you practise the less you notice that discomfort and quickly enjoy the tingling sensation that follows.

For more information on the Shakti Acupressure Mat Level 1 click here
dIFFereNT leV els dIFFereNT COlOurs aVa Ilable lONg lasTINg spI kes p rOMOT es relaxaTION a N d CI rC ulaTION Orga NIC COTTON a N d dyes used CONs NO Carry Case Or s T rap INCluded
35 eNJOy all T he beN eFITs OF aC upressure aT hOM e WIT h T h Is spI key M aT.

aVaNTree Opera

The Opera from Avantree has been created to answer a problem that has caused those with hearing issues difficulty when watching tv, the vocals can often be difficult to pick out amongst the background noise, yes there are subtitles, but these can pull people out of the immersion of a good show. These headphones are universally compatible low latency wireless headphones for TV and come with a transmitter set with an inbuilt charging dock, they also come with a power cable, optical audio cable, 3.5mm audio cable and 3.5mm to RCA audio cable. It comes pre-paired from the factory, is low latency certified, can work simultaneously with a sound bar or AVR, allows two headphones connection so you can enjoy a movie with someone else whilst each having individual control over the sound settings. The Opera is compatible with almost every TV on the market including non-smart and those without Bluetooth, the setup is relatively simple, connect the transmitter base to TV, they’ll connect with each other automatically and it’s ready to go. Thanks to the certified low latency Bluetooth v5.0, the image and audio will always be in sync, it can work with an external TV speaker to allow audio through speaker and headphones at the same time. The “Bypass” or “Pass-through” feature of Avantree Opera allows the headphone + transmitter set to work ALONGSIDE your existing soundbar or stereo AV receiver at the same time, so everyone can enjoy the entertainment, headphones or no headphones. It has a range up to 150 ft 45 m without breaking up this means you can probably pop to the kitchen to make a brew without losing signal, the battery will give you 35hours play back per charge, taking just 1.5hours to recharge. You are not restricted to just your tv either, the Opera can pair with your phone or tablet without the doc, there are three sound modes, each optimized for different situations. You can enhance and emphasize specific sounds of the audio, there are two EQ pre-sets to emphasize speech or music for a balanced sound. The headset itself is comfortable and light (230g), the over cup ears help to block out the tv volume when watching with others but not completely. The buttons are a bit small potentially difficult to see for some, the on/off button also doubles up as the pairing button, which is easily accidentally activated which could become frustrating, especially as the majority of the time it will be linked to the tv, and pairing isn’t necessary. The Opera is a great way for people to enjoy their favourite shows with a volume that suits them, they are acceptable when it comes to listening to music, but this isn’t where they excel.


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Way FOr T hOse

W hO sT ruggle

TO hear

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T he baCkgrOu N d

NOIse ON T he


37 For more information on the Avantree Opera click here

huION kaMVas 13

Drawing tablets have been around for a while now and it’s fair to say touchscreen technology itself is pretty stable with only small room for improvements. The Kamvas 13 has a nice, seem-less join between the screen and glass helping to minimise the parallax (the delay between what you do and what you see appear on the screen) and has anti-glare built in so you get a clear picture at all times so they’ve made those small improvements count!

On to the rest of the features the Kamvas 13 provides. The pen (known catchily as PW517!) itself is battery-less, slotting nicely in to a holder that is almost like a standard pen holder like you used to have in banks back in the day or an old-fashioned inkwell. It’s got 8192 levels of pressure and can operate up to an angle of 60° giving you a pretty realistic actual pen feel. The body isn’t too chunky either and doesn’t feel like you’re trying to be delicate with a brick, which is a big plus for me. The tablet also offers 2 modes: you can either draw your images directly on to the pad or connect it to your lap/desktop and draw on it with no image on the tablet so that your efforts show up on your active screen, helping to extend the battery life and saving your end image is easier as a result.

The other good thing about this tablet is the connectivity. It comes with 3-in-1 Type-C cable that allows you to connect with either HDMI or USB-C with the 3rd option being the charging cable that plugs straight in to your computer with no external charger needed for the tablet itself. Finally, it supports the use of a Type-C to Type-C connection so no need for a separate adaptor.

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Warra NT y!

a NICe draWINg TableT WIT h a COOl peN

a N d g OOd OV erall CONN eCTIVIT y WIT h

MOsT deVICes . CheC k T he sIT e FOr a N drOI d

COM paTI bIl IT y beFOre purChase hOW eV er.


For more information on the Huion Kamvas 13 click here 39


This is one for the men looking for a little self love, the Arcwave Ion is the world’s first Pleasure Air male stimulator which promises to deliver a whole new type of orgasm. Without going into too much detail it uses pulsating airwaves to stimulate the sensitive Pacinian pleasure receptors in the frenulum (guys, did you know you have a frenulum?). The smart tech ensures it's only on when it should be on and automatically starts and stops when it senses skin contact.

For more information on the Arcwave Ion click here

For stockists, please visit or contact our team directly on: 01295 672 200

BOMBAZINE pendant YELENA pendant KEEGAN wall light ARONA pendant

MICrOplaNe dual blade graTer-

COarse & FINe

This Dual Blade Grater provides you with two grating sides in one device, the fine blade and the coarse blade, made with a ultra-sharp, photo-etched, stainless-steel blade which cuts through foods effortlessly without ripping or tearing. As a two in one grater, you are already saving space without losing surface area and means it takes up minimal room in your kitchen drawer. £24

For more information on the
Microplane Dual Blade Grater click here



M IC rOpla N e zesT er lIMIT ed edITION

p rOs

ulT ra- sharp T eeT h

elega NT M aTT e blaC k FINIsh

Kitchen tools don’t have to look serious and boring, the Limited Edition zester comes with a variety of bright and colourful ergonomic soft touch handles, think of it as representing the flavour and zest you are adding to your dish. It is loved by professional and home chefs alike, it comes with its own reusable protective cover to ensure the blades stay sharp, it is dishwasher safe which is also an added bonus.

dIsh Washer sa Fe

s C raTCh resIs Ta NT COaTINg


For more information on the Microplane
click here
Dual Blade Grater

gOdOx MOVelINk MINI lT WIreless


Very CONV eNI eNT a N d relaTIV ely

dIsC reeT MIC rOphON e sysT eM WIT h a g OOd ra Nge . a g OOd purChase

FOr T hOse T haT T raV el a lOT W heN V lOgg INg .

For more information on
Godox MoveLink
Microphone click here
Mini Lt Wireless

For those of you that are in to vlogging or producing online content a good microphone is essential. Now, there are plenty of good ones out there that you can place on a table with all sorts of funky features that allow you to capture the best sound but these are obviously a little static and keep all participants locked in place. What if you’re somewhere without a solid surface or need to be constantly on the move like a festival or something?

Well, a wireless microphone is the obvious solution right? No need for a lumpy awkward battery pack on your belt or wires that you need to wrestle with and hide, just a simple microphone that attaches to your top. Hardly anything new there of course so what does this kit offer to make you want it? Firstly there’s the compactness of the kit. It all comes in a very portable charging box about the size of a Gameboy and is very easy to take where you need it. You get a receiver and two microphones along with foam windscreens to help cut out wind and noise from clothing friction. To get it working you simply plug the receiver in to your recording device (an iPhone for example) and hit the ‘Pair’ button. Easy! The microphones have a maximum range of 100 metres which should be plenty for any situation you find yourself in.

The kit also comes in 4 different colours (pink, green, white or black) and the battery life of the microphones is about 6 hours and 8 hours for the receiver after a full charge is done which should be plenty of time to get what you need done. This version is specifically for Lightning devices (Apple products) and has great compatibility with all of them.

Very easy TO use


p rOs
OMNI-dI reCTIONal pIC k-up MOde
l IghT a N d CONV eNI eNT
es IN a Var I eT y OF COlOurs
CONs baTT ery l IFe Is a l ITTle shOrT

ON ru NNINg ClOudrOC k 2 WaT erprOOF

Gone are the days when On Running were simply road running shoes, they have branched out further and further to where they now make shoes for a wide range of terrains and activities including hiking boots that are packed with the On Running magic. The Cloudrock 2 Waterproof comes in a Black and Alloy design, as well as a bright Cobalt and Indigo in men’s only and a Copper and Flare in Women’s only. The women’s come in sizes 5-11 with half sizes included and the men’s come in 7-14 with half sizes available also, it is recommend that you order a half size bigger than you would usually wear for optimum fit and comfort, giving your feet room as they get warmer on the trail. These boots feature all new forefoot lugs and the improved Missiongrip rubber sole provides traction in both dry and wet conditions giving you confidence in each step and allowing you to keep your eyes up taking in the view. You do sacrifice a degree of traction with the On Running open lugs over a traditional hiking boot grip so they are best suited for established trails. The new hiking-specific fit and toe-rocker provide responsive precision at every step where and when you need it, helping you to spring along the route like a mountain goat. The outer body is makes from a 20% recycled waterproof membrane which will keep your feet dry during down pours and splashing through soggy terrain, the TPU toe cap, heel stabiliser and improved collar fit gently but firmly holds your foot and ankle in place, giving you extra security on uneven ground. The Flexlock lacing system pulls the boot in evenly and holds it in place whilst ensuring the laces aren’t at risk of getting caught on the other boot which speaking from experience is a scary, potentially painful and undignified experience. The new closed midsole channel has been added to keep weight to a minimum and reduces the chance of picking up debris. However, those springy lugs will inevitably pick up some hitch hikers on occasion and that centre channel can fill up with sticky mud, a pokey stick will soon sort that out. The Cloudrock 2 Waterproof have a good weight to them at 485g and with a 9m heel drop, which delivers a comfortable, lightweight trainer like feel but with the support of a hiking boot.

For more information on the On Running Cloudrock 2 Waterproof click here
Th Is respONsIV e WaT erprOOF h I k INg bOOT has T he COMFOrT OF a T ra IN er bu T T he suppOrT OF a h I k INg bOOT. 47 p rOs WaT erprOOF l IghTW eIghT COMFOrTable a N d respONsIV e suppOrTIV e s eC ure laCINg sysT eM CONs lugs Ca N COlleCT debr Is less T raCTION T ha N a T radITIONal h I k INg bOOT $219.99

TeNda Cp7

I’ve reviewed plenty of security cameras in the past and most of them seem to suffer from one fault. They are either localised storage only with a cabled power source that can be easily cut or they have external storage via a cloud service that you have to pay for. Well, this thing provides both so I can’t really complain about this one can I? A micro SD card up to 128 Gb can be used or there is the Cloud which is free for the first 3 months.

It’s designed for indoor use so is less of a deterrent to burglary and more of a way to keep an eye on your household while you’re not there. It has all the usual things you would associate with a security camera these days – Human Detection with Smart Tracking, night vision (good up to 12 metres – who lives somewhere with 12 metres indoors!?) and a warning siren with lights as well as noise. You get 2 way communication via the app so it can be used to have a conversation with your nearest and dearest while you’re not able to be home.

One handy feature I quite like is the automated alarm system taking a picture as soon as it is triggered and sending it to your phone while it sets the alarm off, hopefully encouraging the intruder to leave! As the image is in 4MP Super HD, it should come out nice and clear, making identification that much easier. The almost 360° horizontal pan and the 155° vertical pan along with the ability to leave it ‘on patrol’ constantly scanning the area should cover most situations. The one thing that makes this camera stand out from all the others is the fact that it allows you to record up to 3 messages to play depending on what happens. I like this – a personal touch to your home security.

s eeMs TO dO T he JOb a N d yOu haV e a ChOICe ON hOW TO sTOre yOur FOOTage . The pr ICe Is V ery gOOd FOr W haT yOu geT TOO. For more information on Tenda CP7 click here 49 p rOs deCeNT pICT ure Qual IT y ChOICe OF lOCal Or ClOud sTOrage large FI eld OF VI eW p re-reCOrded M essages CONs I sTIll haT e pay INg a subsC r I pTION FOr a seC ur IT y serVICe NOT COM paTI ble WIT h WI-FI 5 £31.99

Wi-Fi and router technology is constantly growing and we’re learning more and more as we go on. This router (WiFi 6 by the way) seems to come out swinging with so many bells and whistles, I hardly know where to start, but start I must! The processor in the router is a Dual-Core 1.6GHz (good enough for most laptops to give you an idea of its capability) and the software uses this processing power to basically ‘package up’ the information flowing through your Wi-Fi. Multiple devices connected to the router have their info combined in to one data packet which allows each device to receive data simultaneously rather than one at a time, ensuring better connectivity for all devices.

To better facilitate this, those funky looking antenna serve a pretty important function. They are omni-directional and 6dBi (less likely to get blocked by physical objects) and so the signal gets through intervening walls and obstacles with ease, which is a good thing as, if you have young children running around, putting those pointy looking antenna out of the way next to a wall is no longer a problem! The TX9 Pro also utilises BSS Coloring (If there are other signals in range then the router will switch its ‘colour’ to a different one, effectively cancelling out the other signal) to ensure no interference from other devices and also has a healthy number of IP addresses to cater for more devices.

You also have features available such as setting up a guest network, parental controls, a timer and the ability to set up a blacklist of sites you want to bar access to. Finally, it also has a USB 3.0 port for a storage device that allows you to then create your very own Cloud storage that you can access from anywhere.

TeNda Tx9 prO ax3000
a V ery a FFOrdable rOu T er T haT seeMs TO dO eV ery T h INg yOu N eed a N d MOre
For more information on Tenda TX9 Pro AX3000 click here 51 p rOs suppOrTs M ulTI ple deVICes – greaT FOr busy hOusehOlds yOur OWN ClOud sTOrage WOrks W ell T hrOugh Walls g uesT N eTWOrk OpTION CONs aT T h Is pr ICe , Ca N ’ T T h IN k OF a N y! £69.99

TONIebOx sTarTer kIT

The Toniebox is a screen free interactive audio device, this comes in the form of a speaker cube, made with soft sustainable fabric that is squidgy but fairly robust and can withstand rough use from little hands. It features a headphone jack, LED display, built in battery and Wi-Fi connectivity and comes in six colours, green, purple, pink, red, blue and grey. The volume controls are really cute, two squeezy ears, one slightly bigger than the other allows the Toniebox to be turned up or down, a tap on the sides will skip the tracks whilst leaning it forward or backwards with fast forward or rewind the audio. The Toniebox come ready to go, to activate an audio adventure simple pop a Tonie on top and it will automatically begin, the starter kit comes with a Creative-Tonie, this little figure and be used to store up to 90 minutes of your own MP3s, audiobooks or recordings of your own narrated stories. The charging station is included which provides up to 7hours of continuous play making it handy for travelling, especially with the headphones and it can still play audio without needing to be connected to the internet. Along with the Creative-Tonies (additional characters available from £9.99 each) there are the regular Tonies, these characters come preloaded with audio including stories, songs and educational nonfiction. There are over 140 Tonies to choose from include Disney, Paw Patrol, Pepper Pig, The Gruffalo, as well as classic fairy tales, lullabies and sing-a-longs with new ones coming out in the future. The majority aimed at younger listeners but there are a few that go up to ages 8+, both the Tonies and Creative Tonies are beautifully made, each with its own unique little character that has been hand painted and made from robust child friendly materials (suitable for ages 3 years and up). These little characters just need to be popped on top of the box, it is guided and held into place via a magnet and the story will automatically start to download (you will need Wi-Fi at this point) the story will start to play whilst the rest continues to download in the background. The LED letting you know when its fully downloaded and it can then be played at any time with needing internet connection, the audio is downloaded from the Toniecloud. Via the app you can access the Toniecloud where you can customise the Toniebox and set up your Creative-Tonies. We love this sweet little storyteller, the characters are very cute and collectable, we just wish they were slightly cheaper as at £14.99 a pop the money soon racks up. Enjoying a good tale or sing song without the distraction of screens and blue light frees up children to play and dance along with the audio whilst at night-time the story time mode can gentle eases them off to sleep whilst keeping the lights down low and switching off automatically when its finished.

For more information on the Toniebox Starter Kit click here
a greaT Way OF shar INg sTOr I es a N d sONgs WIT hOu T T he sC reeN TIM e a N d eV eN C reaTINg yOur OWN Tales FOr T he k I ds .

We also received some little Tonies to get us started;


This heart-warming Disney story tells the tale of an aspiring young musician, who finds himself transported to the Land of the Dead on a quest to uncover the secrets of his ancestors. Young listeners will love to sing along to four popular songs from the Disney Pixar film.

Paw Patrol Chase-

With his truck and megaphone, this German Shepherd is always on the case, this 54min adventure starts when trouble strikes in Adventure Bay, where the six heroic pups, Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma and Skye are there to save the day.


This Roald Dhal classic is suitable for 6+, over 86 minutes it tells the story of five-year-old Matilda Wormwood, an extraordinary child with a magical mind. She has the most unpleasant parents, and a horrible headmistress who terrorises children for fun but soon she discovers that she has a very special power.

53 p rOs sT rONg , Ch Ild F r I eN dly M aT er I als Clear audIO I NT eraCTIV e CONT rOls COlleCTable FIgures WI de ra Nge OF audIO adV eNT ures au TOM aTICally sWITChes OFF s C reeN a N d l IghT F ree g OOd baTT ery l IFe Ou T WI FI a FT er INITI al dOWNlOad OWN audIO WIT h CreaTIV e-TONI es CONs TONI es are a l ITTle pr ICey

ekO arOMa seNsOr FOaMINg sOap dIspeNser

We already have a few automatic hand soap dispensers; they were a great thing to have during the peak of pandemic giving you and the rest of the family touch free access to soap with a wave of a hand. One of the downsides I found was the number of batteries these things got through, so it was great to find the Aroma Sensor Foaming Soap Dispenser from Eko has a built-in battery that is recharged via a USB cable (included). One charge will last about two weeks of average daily use, this compact device measures up at H18 x W7 x D12cm and has a sleek, stylish finish that looks good in both the bathroom and the kitchen. It can hold 250ml of soap and the handy transparent window lets you see the amount left, the Aroma Sensor dispensers foam soap instead of the usual liquid, the main benefit of this is that it uses smaller amounts of soap, and it is cheaper to refill. It would have been nice if a sample of foam soap was included with the dispenser to get you started but it doesn’t mean can choose whatever brand and scent you prefer. Adjustable dispense settings let you increase the output from 0.8ml to 1.4ml up to 2ml, the motion sensor is fast to react and will deliver the soap in just 0.2 seconds. The touch open lid requires a firm press down before it pops up, making it easy to refill and more difficult for curious little hands to get into, the base has a grippy rubber surface to keep it firmly in place whilst the main body has a fingerprint resistant finish. The only downside however is when it is switched on there is a blue LED light that flashes every few seconds when it is in standby mode, it can be turned off completely but this sort of defeats the hands-free purpose, it just means it will be living in the downstairs loo instead of the ensuite. This attractive dispenser looks great and works well, the rechargeable battery is a nice touch, we just wish it wasn’t wasting energy on flashing lights and some soap could be included for the price.


For more information on the Eko Aroma Sensor Foaming Soap Dispenser click here

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A few years ago I was cut up on a round about and knocked off my bike, luckily I got away with just a few bruises but it could have been so much worse, I had never felt particularly vulnerable on a bike until this happened. The LIVALLS BH51M Neo helmet goes above and beyond when it comes to safety features on a helmet, this is LIVALLS flagship helmet built around the success of its predecessor but with two more features squeezed in. Let’s dive right in with all the tech packed into the helmet starting with the integrated LED lights, built into the front and back of the helmet it makes you more visible in all directions, the brake warning light are activated via the gravity acceleration sensor detects a significant deceleration, the front and rear lights will be enhanced for 3 seconds to draw attention from surrounding traffic. The lights also work as indicator signals, allowing you to alert surrounding traffic of your turning intention to enhance your visibility, this is operated by a Bluetooth remote that can be mounted on the handlebars. The lights can be set to come on automatically in dark conditions and have a 270-degree field of view, they can also be switched on and off via the remote. The SOS alert function will activate in the event of a collision and sends the riders Google map location to their pre-selected emergency contacts, if you fall there is a 90 second countdown which can be cancelled if you do not require assistance. This feature requires the user’s smartphone to have GPS and 4G data enabled, LIVALL stare that the helmet cannot guarantee to detect all falls. The SOS alarm can also be manually activated if you are in distress by simply pressing the red button on the remote for 5 seconds. There are two Bluetooth stereo

speakers and a windproof hands-free microphone which lets you safely listen to music or podcasts from your smart device without covering your ears, allowing you to remain aware of your surroundings. This can also be used access voice prompted GPS sat nav directions, take calls hands free when it is safe to do so and access the Walkie-Talkie feature which lets you communicate with your fellow cyclists when riding in a group (even if you are at the back). If all that wasn’t enough there is also an Anti-loss Alarm that activates when the helmet is connected to your phone and exceeds 15m, both the helmet and phone will alarm, the Auto-off turns off the helmet after the phone is disconnected for 15minutes to conserve the battery life. The Neo is compatible with Strava, iHealth and Siri through the LIVALL Riding app, it is constructed from a high strength ABS shell with high quality EPS Foam and handmade PU Leather Brim with an IPX4 water resistance rating. All this built in tech means the helmet is rather weighty at 480g and the lack of ventilation means this helmet is better suited for daily commutes than long leisurely rides. The battery life can last for a max of 10hours when used with just the default lights but this is reduced with all the tech activated and it takes 3hours to fully recharge. The BH51M Neo has a lot of features to keep you safe on the road, the audio could be distracting, the quality of the speakers is ok but won’t impress audiophiles however it is a handy addition for keeping in essential contact with people and receiving directions. If you regularly commute on busy roads the BH51M Neo does a great job of improving visibility and increasing your safety on route.

Th Is helM eT g Oes abOV e a N d beyON d WIT h a shed lOad OF sa FeT y FeaT ures TO keep yOu sa Fer ON T he da Ily COMM u T e .
lIVall bh51M NeO bIke helMeT
For more information on the LIVALL BH51M Neo Bike Helmet click here

eksT er k ey Case bu N dle+

This bundle features all of Eksters bestselling accessories saving you money, there are only 500 bundles available, so first come first serve, it comes with the Graphite Aluminium Cardholder, Key Case, Key Tracker with the Tool Card, Metal Cash Clip and Premium Gift Bag included free, we will have a closer look at each included item.

The Aluminium Cardholder now comes in 15 different designs including the brand new Forged Ember, Matte Black and the Graphite version we received. This minimalist wallet is made from a space-grade aluminium and has a builtin button that with a quick press pops up your cards and fans them out for easy access, when you are done simply replace the card and push them all back into place. Even with the most vigorous shaking these cards aren’t going anywhere without that button being pressed, even if you choose to store one card. One to six cards can be stored in the main compartment (maximum of six non-embossed cards, or a combination of 4 - 5 embossed/non-embossed cards, depending on the thickness of each card) with the option of storing an extra nine in the expandable aluminium backplate. This can also be used to hold notes, however the more bits you have tucked in here the more it slows you down in identifying and retrieving them. The wallet measures up at 0.29 x 4.1 x 2.3 in (0.75 x 10.5 x 6 cm) making it easy to tuck into a jacket or trouser pocket (even skinny jeans), however be aware of removing it from your back trouser pocket before sitting down, you won’t damage the wallet, but your backside will certainly know about it. The Aluminium Cardholder uses an integrated RFID blocking layer that prevents thieves from stealing your identity and money by data skimmers. The optional Ekster Tracker Card can be bought separately, which helps you locate your wallet from your phone (or vice versa), with a solar powered battery and up to 200ft (60m) range with Bluetooth 4.0. The Ekster Aluminium Cardholder is a stylish and distinctive looking device, it is probably best suited for occasions rather than day to day use unless you tend to carry a minimal amount of cards/cash with you.


For more information on the Ekster Key Case Bundle+ click here

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eksTer key Case

This easy-access key holder organises 2-8 keys in a silent stack, no more jangly keys rattling around in your pocket, it is made from stainless steel and premium leather the keys can be tucked away into to prevent scratches on your phone in your pocket. It is easy to modify with a D ring for larger keys or car keys and provides one-handed key access.

eksTer key TraCker

Designed to fit perfectly inside the Key Case or hook onto any other item, this is the smallest smart key finder out there. It features two-way ringing, voice-activation for Siri, Alexa or Google, selfie mode for group selfies, and a builtin LED light ensuring no more scratches on your car or door in the dark and connection to the Worldwide Lost & Found Network.

eksTer Cash ClIp

This little clip is a minimal way to carry cash when you need it, it has the Ekster logo engraved against a Space Gray gloss finish giving it an elegant style suitable for everyday use, it is handcrafted and made to last. The streamlined slim design provides maximum storage, at 0.8” x 2” x 0.3”/0.04” it can hold cash or cards (One to three, depending on the thickness), it can be used on its own or attached to a card holder or wallet. This clip is anti-slip, anti-scratch, anti-bend and anti-ugly, small and discrete but always secure.

eksTer TOOl Card

Continuing the theme of minimalism meets durability we have another new edition from Ekster, the Tool Card. This ultra-compact multi-tool has been designed to fit in your wallet, card holder or cash clip and packs multiple tools into a neat little card (0.1” x 1.8” x 3.5”). It combines a flathead screwdriver, 5-inch wrenches (¼”, 5/16 - ½” hex bit, 3/16” and 9/16"), SIM card pin, box opener, bottle opener, metric and inch ruler. Made from 304 stainless steel, this tool card caters to a busy lifestyle and is built for travel. The whole thing is made from 304 stainless steel that is resistant to corrosion, temperature, and impact damage and is compatible with TSA guidelines. This 7-in1 multi tool is suitable for any wallet or pocket, perfect for those who want to remain prepared whilst travelling light.

100% flavor Zero chlorine Zero plastic 100% minerals preserved 100% Preserves the essential Purifies water and reduces trace pharmaceuticals and pesticides Eliminates chlorine for unbeatable tasting water Stop plastic waste PURIFY YOUR TAP WATER IN 15 MINUTES No filter cartridges or maintenance 15 minutes Automatic start and stop


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