The Review Smiths - Issue 35

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Review Smiths

THE Issue 35 June 2023

Happy June everyone,

Welcome to the June edition of The Review Smiths, the month that has so far brought all the weather from cold and gloomy to scorching hot. We have got some lovely items for you to enjoy the great outdoors and good weather including barefoot hiking shoes and swimming headphones if you are brave enough to try open water swimming. Equally when the weather gets crumby again, because let’s face it, it's the British summer time, we have plenty of ideas to keep you entertained at home like the Gamersir games controller. We have two high end work tools from Dewalt, suitable for both the work site and DIY enthusiasts, as well as a bone conducting headset, perfect for keeping an ear on your surrounds whilst taking those all-important work calls.

Lastly, let’s give a shout out to all the dads out there as its Father’s Day this month, thanks for always looking out for the kids, weather they are 6 or 36, they will always need you.

For all media related enquiries please contact us at

For Advertising Enquiries 0208 191 8472

04. COmpresspOrT TrI pOsTural aerO ss

06. BraBanTIa BO TOuCh BIn hI

08. rekkOrd rCm

10. edIfIer neOBuds s

12. IsTOrage dIskashur prO2 ssd 2TB drIve

14. shark anTI haIr Wrap

COrdless vaCuum [sIngle BaTTery] IZ202uk

16. gamesIr T4 kaleId

18. nsd meTallIC - rOll'n spIn TITan prO

20. arlO prO 5

22. vIvOBarefOOT magna fOresT esC

24. aspIre WeTsuIT

26. shOkZ Openrun prO

28. maJOrITy Tru BIO TWs True WIreless earBuds

30. deWalT 18v Xr

COmpaCT 3X360 laser kIT (dCle34031d1-gB)

32. deWalT sds maX Breaker hammer (d25899k-Qs)

34. TraCklemenTs faTher’s day Bundle

36. shOkZ OpensWIm

38. shOkZ OpenCOmm uC


If you’re a budding tri-athlete (or a seasoned pro for that matter) the last thing you need is clothing that weighs you down. You’ve done the swimming part and have hastily divested yourself of your swimsuit only to find that you’re drenched in sweat which is hardly a comfortable feeling, let alone how cold it can feel once you get moving on that bike, at least until your clothes dry out that is. What you need is something quick-drying and lightweight. Enter this sexy little number from Compressport.

Firstly, it is very lightweight for what it is, coming in at just under 100g when dry. Granted this isn’t a huge difference from a regular T-Shirt (about 130-170g) but when you’re trying to get that edge in Triathlons, every little helps! Not to mention that regular T-Shirts tend to stay wet for quite a while and this certainly doesn’t due to the lycra material. It’s fast-drying and made from a mixture of Polyester and Polyamide, giving it a very smooth and comfortable feel helping it to fulfil its next function as a ‘second skin’. This feature is further enhanced by the texture of the material that helps to reduce drag and the lines built in to the top and sides that add to the aero-dynamic abilities of the top. It’s been designed with the help of a top athlete and by using a wind tunnel. If that isn’t proof enough of the effort gone in to making this top, I don’t know what else will impress you! There are ventilation bands down the back that help keep you cool and the air flow regulated to ensure humidity doesn’t build after exiting water as well as thermo regulation that keeps you cool no matter the heat you’re being active in.

Finally, you have two rear pockets designed to hold nutrition packs for when you need those little boosts during your event and a chest pocket to hold a gel pack for the final leg once you’ve ditched the bike. They really seem to have thought of everything!

p rOs

k eeps yOur BOdy T emp

regulaT ed

a erO -dynam IC

a dJ usTa Ble ZI p adds

anOT her layer Of heaT


s hOulders are kepT

s T ra IghT WIT h T he

W eave helpI ng TO keep

yOur COre sOl I d


eX pensI ve

‘ s eCOnd sk I n ’ Can Be a

l ITTle unflaTT er I ng On

sOme BOdy T ypes

COmpresspOrT TrI pOsTural aerO ss
For more information on the Compressport Tri Postural Aero SS click here a TOp-nOTCh W elldesIgned pI eCe Of k IT, W ell WOrT h T he I nvesT men T I f T r I aT hlOns are yOur T h I ng

Bins. One of those things that are kind of essential in every household yet also one of the things that everyone does their best to ignore (certainly when it comes to emptying them in my home!). Usually tucked away out of sight and a slight cause of embarrassment for the owner, they’re not exactly something you would normally consider a ‘stylish’ edition to any part of your abode. Brabantia however, would like you to think otherwise.

They’ve been around for a while providing household goods and have got quite a name for themselves through providing stylish and well-made household items. Take this bin for example. It’s been designed to reach the perfect height for an average person to make use of (815 mm high is a fairly average inside leg length and so where most of our hands reach down to without stretching) and at 60 litres is a size suitable for most families, making it the perfect bin for the majority of family households. The outer shell is made out of stainless steel rather than the usual plastic composite you expect for a kitchen bin and so is nice and easy to clean. It has a plastic inner compartment that is easy to remove and clean also and the whole thing is 97% recyclable once it has reached the end of its useful life which is likely to be a while as it has a ten year guarantee.

The lid is soft touch and opens easily (and, crucially, stays open!) with a minor press and the fact that it is on legs means you’re not going to find it hard to clean around the base of the bin where the inevitable mess and spillage may occur. It has handles on either side for easy moving and also comes with bin bags specifically to fit that you can buy separately once you’ve used those ones up.

For more information on the Brabantia Bo Touch Bin Hi click here
BraBanTIa BO TOuCh BIn hI

any Way, W hy nOT? Well desIgned and easy TO use .

7 p rOs
large CapaCIT y
dIsC reT e desIgn desIgned fOr ease Of use
I n T
k ITChen COns nOT C heap r eplaC emen T BI n Bags £18.25 fOr 40 I f sT yle fOr
k ITChen
yOur T
dOesn ’ T have a large ‘fOOT pr I n T ’ sO saves spaC e
h I ng and
’ re spendI ng
lOads Of Cash On redesIgn I ng

Vinyl. Without doubt (in my mind at least!) one of the best ways you can listen to music. In a time where you can stream pretty much any tune instantly, the ability to actually sit down and really appreciate music in as close as possible a format to how the sound would be if it were live is not to be underestimated. Unfortunately, it’s also the most fragile way to store music and it’s easy for the quality to get ruined with a simple stray fingerprint or just the static generated by vinyl records collecting too much dust. You try to clean it but this can inevitably lead to damage and scratches on your precious discs and the dreaded ‘jumps’ marring your enjoyment. How frustrating!

This device from Rekkord provides a solution however (as well as way to fix this problem…)! By far and away the best way to clean your records is with specialised fluid (100 ml of this solution is provided in the box). You put your record on the turntable and then place the clamp on top, screwing it in to place so that it covers the label snugly. The clamp has a rubber rim that seals around the label so that no damage occurs to it when the fluid is applied. They recommend that you only need about 3ml per side but no measuring device is provided to help with this. It’s just over half a teaspoonful but I wouldn’t recommend using this as an actual form of measurement, it’s only going to get messy! You need about enough to evenly cover the disc but don’t worry! You don’t need to impossibly pour the liquid on to cover it, they provide a brush to allow you to do this thankfully. Not just any brush either but a goats hair brush which is soft enough to avoid damaging the record and

works almost as well as sable (the kind of hair most paint brushes use) at retaining the liquid so ensuring you get it right down in to all the little grooves. Switch it on and let the record move around at a steady pace of 30rpm while you hold the brush horizontally in place. Once done, put the vacuum arm in place and set it going for one rotation one way and another in the opposite direction achieved through a simple flick of a switch. Leave for about a minute or so and then repeat on the other side. That’s it. So simple, even a complete novice like me could do it with ease and even with an odd sense of satisfaction and pride but I guess that’s the beauty of vinyl talking! The end result is a much smoother sound and a temporary cessation of static build up. Obviously regular cleaning is needed to keep this up but when it’s this easy and satisfying, that’s hardly a chore.

The tank underneath has a rather large 2 litre capacity which is more to add the weight to the unit (and provide a pleasing look to it) than for any practical storage of waste cleaning fluid I feel. This weight (comes in at a bit over 8½ Kg) just ensures you have a steady platform and keeps your disc flat while in use while giving the whole unit a reassuring heft. A final word on the cleaning fluid itself and a word of warning. It’s been designed specifically for purpose and is alcohol free. Alcohol can damage the information in the micro-grooves so always make sure you choose your fluid with care and buy fluid made for this purpose specifically.

For more information on the Rekkord RCM click here

I f yOu ’ re ser IOus a BOu T lOOk I ng af T er

yOur v I nyl and geTTI ng T he mOsT Ou T

Of IT, T h Is Is an essenTI al pI eCe Of k IT, T hOrOughly reCOmmended.

p rOs

very easy TO use WIT h COmprehensI ve I nsT ruCTIOns

r eplaC emen T adhesI ve s T r I ps fOr T he vaC uum arm

s eal preven Ts damage TO any la Bels

au TOmaTIC C u T- Off I f T
OverheaTs 9
he mOTOr
rekkOrd rCm

edIfIer neOBuds s

In the constant race to improve earbuds, all sorts of features are being added to them to make them more attractive and competitive in a crowded market. Take these from Edifier for example. Not only do they come with an IP54 rating (Protected from limited dust exposure and from splashing from any direction – suitable for when you’re working out and building up a sweat or running outside in light rain), they also come with active noise reduction of up to 42 dB’s (Enough to cover the sound of a quiet library or just about enough to drown out the noise of someone noisily eating just yards away from you…) brought about by 3 microphones on each bud monitoring ambient noise (amazes me that they can fit this many on them!). You may think that 42dB’s isn’t much but it does make a surprising difference when you’re out and about, trust me. They also have Bluetooth 5.2 allowing you to connect with the majority of devices out there, crucial for any multi-use earbuds these days.

Gaming wise, they have a low latency and so match well with most gaming activity you’re likely to take part in and the battery is half-decent with 5 ½ hours life before needing recharging. The case allows up to 25 hrs usage and the charging time is pretty good with 10 minutes giving you 1 ½ hours life. Speaking of the case, it has the option to change the LED colour on it and these colours match the 7 different sizes of eartips – certainly makes it easy to see which ones match up with which if you mix them up!

Of course, nothing is complete these days without an app and the Edifier Connect app allows you to play with all sorts of features to tailor your sound to suit you and your musical taste. You can also monitor the battery levels and change the LED colour on your case if you so wish.

lOTs Of n ICe feaT ures and dO T he JOB T hey sTaT e T hey ’ ll dO, I f a BIT pr ICey.

p rOs

g OOd Qual IT y sOund

nOIse reduCTIOn Is

g OOd

COlOur COded ear TI ps

sT urdy Case


Qu IT e T he pr IC e J ump

fOr ear Buds Bu T I f

yOu ’ ve g OT T he

mOney, T hey are

g OOd.


For more information on the Edifier Neobuds S click here
For more information on the iStorage diskAshur PRO2 SSD 2TB drive click here £639

IsTOrage dIskashur prO2 ssd 2TB drIve

If you run a business that deals with sensitive information or want to keep your personal data safe, an external hard drive is probably the best way to go. Connect it up to whatever holds the information, download, disconnect and it’s safe, instantly separated from any shared drives or internet connection. But all you’re doing really is moving it from one place to another and if anyone connects that device up again, what’s to stop them just accessing that information? That’s where this tough little beauty comes in.

To begin with the PIN to access anything at all on this drive is 7-15 digits long. That’s not an easy one to remember for most of us so you have a chance to make sure you get it right if you forget – 15 of them actually! But each lot of 5 attempts introduces further measures so it’s not just a matter of guessing 15 times. And, if the attempt is failed after the 15th attempt, the data is simply irretrievable and no-one is getting it no matter what you do. Pretty secure. On top of that the data is encrypted using FIPS PUB 197 validated, AES-XTS 256-bit hardware and is certified to FIPS 1402 Level 3, NCSC CPA, NLNCSA BSPA & NATO Restricted standards. You can’t get better than that, at least not at a commercial level although they do claim this is military standard protection!

Physically, it’s tough. The core internal components are set within an epoxy coating, making it virtually impossible to remove them without damaging them and making data retrieval via this method not really an option. The keypads are also coated in a polymer that is resistant to wear and tear so people can’t figure out what numbers you press on a regular basis. On top of this, it’s dust and water resistant to IP56 and is tamper resistant. You can’t get much more secure than this hard drive.

p rOs

very, very seC ure!

a dm I n pI n TO allOW re-

seTTI ng Of a pI n I f T he

C urren T One Is lOsT/

fOrg OTT en

nO sOf TWare reQu I red

au TO -lOC k feaT ure W hen

unplugged Or lef T fOr a seT

amOun T Of TI me as deCI ded


very e X pensI ve Bu T Only I f

T he daTa yOu ’ re prOT eCTI ng

Is WOrT h less T han T he dr I ve ITself!

yOu sI mply WOn ’ T f I nd any T h I ng else COmmerCI ally ava Ila Ble as seC ure as T h Is . very WOrT h IT I f yOu need TO prOT eCT dIg ITal daTa effeCTI vely.

shark anTI haIr Wrap COrdless vaCuum

[sIngle BaTTery] IZ202uk

I was brought to mind in recent years of a time (long lost and forgotten to history now) when I had proper long hair. As far as I was concerned it was the best thing evva and allowed me to ‘express myself’ and headbang properly at gigs. What I didn’t appreciate was the mess it left behind – my poor parents! My own teenage child (recently moved out, thankfully – from a cleaning point of view of course! Ahem…) also developed a penchant for long hair and so ended the long process of finally understanding my parents’ exasperation…

This vacuum cleaner from Shark is aimed directly at such long-suffering parents (and to be fair at anyone with wonderfully long luscious locks such as I had…) as myself and is designed to deal with the scourge that is loose hair. Regular vacuum cleaners can easily get clogged up over time and are a nightmare to untangle and unclog involving all sorts of taking apart, putting back together and fervently mumbled words invoking the vacuum overseers for good fortune! This one bucks the trend and has a roller with anti-hair wrap technology that sends any hair straight in to the dust cup, problem solved. There is more to this vacuum cleaner than that of course. The battery lasts up to 40 minutes (plenty of time to do most homes) with a charging time of about 2 ½ - 3 hrs. The battery unit can also be charged separately from the unit itself which is a great space saver. It has carpeted and solid floor settings and can convert in to a smaller handheld device, perfect for smaller gaps that are hard to get to and for hoovering out your car when needed. LED lights on the front make it easy to see dust in corners that may otherwise be hidden and the standard upholstery and crevice tools are included too.

JusT W haT yOu need I f yOu suffer frOm hav I ng TO regularly Clean ClOgged up vaC uum Cleaners . For more information on Shark Anti Hair Wrap Cordless click here
15 p rOs
vI rT ually nO ClOgg I ng up due TO ha I rs
deC en
BaTT ery TI me COns heav I er T han mOsT COrdless vaC uums
Benda Ble shaf T allOWs yOu TO Clean WIT hOu T
I ng TO Bend yOurself

gamesIr T4 kaleId

Stick drift. There, if you’re a gamer I’ve succeeded in making you groan inwardly with frustration straight away, you’re welcome! So, how’s about I tell you a little story of when this reviewer came across a thing that, as far as us gamers are concerned, pretty much got rid of it? Now, wouldn’t that be a thing? What amazes me more is that these kind of sticks aren’t common-place because they far out-strip traditional analogue joysticks in all ways and the knowledge has been around since the 19th Century! It’s called the Hall Effect and I won’t bore you with all the science but in very simple terms it relies on sensor readings brought about by a magnetic field interfering with an electrical flow. This allows much more accurate response times and, crucially, means there is no physical component to wear down, hence the near elimination of stick drift (just don’t leave it near another magnetic source as this can tend to ruin things). That alone is a good enough reason to buy this controller but it’s got a few other things going for it too.

Firstly, it looks pretty funky! I love the fact that it’s transparent and you can see all the circuitry underneath and the geek inside me gets all filled with child-like curiosity and starts trying to figure out how it all works! Far more interesting than those opaque coverings you normally get. Beyond this it also provides a light show that flashes in time with the audio of your game that you can program via the Gamesir App. The app also allows you to change the functionality of your buttons including the rather useful ability to switch from Hair Trigger mode (more suitable for FPS’s) to Analogue mode (more suitable for driving games for example) which you can also do quickly via the controller using the ubiquitous ‘M’ button in the centre of the controller. The only thing letting this controller down in my opinion is the fact that it’s not wireless, but I can live with that.

The nO -dr I f T sTICk makes T h Is a COnT ender fOr a lOng -lasTI ng COnT rOller, leT ’ s J usT hOpe T hey geT TO make T hem fOr T he maJOr COnsOles I n T he fu T ure .

p rOs

p raCTICally nO sTIC k dr I f T

lOve T he lOOk Of IT

r elaTI vely I ne X pensI ve

p rOgramma Ble Bu TTOns

I n-Bu IlT gyrO

COns WI red

Only COmpaTIBle WIT h pC, sWITCh Or a ndrOI d dev ICes

17 For more information on the Gamesir T4 Kaleid click here

There are many ways and tools out there to help strengthen your hands, wrists and forearms. I remember way back when I was a teen and learning to play guitar (as we all did back then! Never got anywhere with it though, just like most of us…) I had the good old hand grips to help. My, how technology has moved on since then!

Firstly, the Titan Pro is pretty robust and the shell is made out of an aluminium alloy so can survive a drop to the ground pretty well in case of accidental drops. It’s larger than most other spinners (about the size of a softball) and has a heavyweight zinc core with 10,000 rpm generating just over 22.5Kg of torque. In simple terms, once you wind this up and start rotating your wrist, you’ll feel the resistance as if you were pushing against this much weight and this is where you will build up your strength. The ball itself only actually weighs about ½ a kilo so this gives you a good idea of how much force is being generated. It operates for about a minute at a time and then you’ll need to ‘wind it up’ again – a simple process using your thumbs that isn’t taxing at all. There is no power source needed as a result so no worries about charging it up or paying out for batteries, it’s all based on spring tension and simple gyroscopic design.

It can also be useful as a rehabilitation tool after an injury. Just don’t wind it up to the max and rely on the lower speed and lower torque to exercise your recovering muscles. The LED display is really handy for this but it’s best to seek advice from a professional before going ahead and using it in this manner however.

nsd meTallIC - rOll'n spIn TITan prO

p rOs

sT urdy COnsT ruCTIOn

nO pOW er sOurC e OT her T han T ensIOn

g OOd level Of TOrQue

a dJ usTa Ble levels Of TOrQue TO su IT yOu


Can Be a BIT large fOr sOme Bu T IT ’ s desIgned fOr

aT hleT es WIT h larger hands

a handy TOOl TO help sT rengT hen

T hOse musCles Or a I d I n

reha BIl ITaTIOn af T er an I n J ury.

19 For more information on the NSD Metallic
Pro click here
- Roll'n Spin Titan

arlO prO 5

I’ve reviewed plenty of security cameras in the past from internal to external, day time cameras to night vision cameras and, it’s fair to say, where some of them have stated they have night vision, they’ve left a little lacking. Grainy at best or just black and white with a lack of definition is the usual norm but this latest security camera from Arlo is able to capture over 60 billion colours with its 2K night vision! Most decent cameras deliver at 1080p so already it’s way ahead of most of the competition.

The camera has a built-in spotlight with a good 7 metre range that can light up instantly when someone moves within its view, so it’s even useful as a night light for when you’re getting home late. On top of this, there is also a siren that belts out an impressive 80dB’s that can be heard up to 30 metres away – if that isn’t enough to scare off a potential intruder, I don’t know what would be! You can control this feature amongst many others (animal/person/vehicle recognition and sharing of videos for starters) by using the Arlo Secure App so if you don’t want it to go off every time someone visits, not a problem. The Pro 5 also has a 160° viewing angle so setting it up to cover a wide area is pretty straightforward.

The battery life is good, probably needing a recharge every 8 months or so, depending on how often it is set off and the camera connects wirelessly straight to your Wi-Fi. There is no internal storage system however so bear this in mind when setting it up and make sure it is as near to your router as possible or get yourself a booster to plug in so that you don’t lose connection at a crucial moment.

more information on the Arlo Pro 5 click here



p rOs WI reless COnneCTIOn
OOd f I eld Of v I eW
OOd BaTT ery l
pICT ure COns
have TO pay mOnT hly af T er T he free
r I al ends TO sTOre yOur v I deOs a very g OOd Qual IT y pICT ure makes T h Is One Of T he BesT seC ur IT y Cameras yOu Can Buy. JusT Bear I n m I nd T he mOn T hly su B sC r I pTIOn TO geT T he mOsT Ou T Of T h Is dev ICe . 21 £219.99

Spring is well and truly here and, for those of us that aren’t hardcore all-weather hikers, our thoughts are getting on to being out and about, enjoying the weather while shaking off the winter blues and reconnecting with nature. One of the things that Vivobarefoot focus on is this reconnection and it shows with these shoes.

Firstly, they are designed to be more foot-shaped rather than shoe-shaped, relying on the natural mechanism of feet to give you a more natural control and connection to the terrain you’re heading through. The shoes themselves are made from natural, renewable materials, unlike many shoes which include manufactured components that won’t degrade for potentially 1000’s of years, these will decompose naturally over time without polluting wherever they are. But, Vivobarefoot also run a re-cycling scheme where you can return worn out old shoes to either be refurbished for resale or repaired so you can continue to use them – the choice is yours.

Which is all fantastic and good for the environment but what are the actual shoes like to walk about in? I quite like them in all honesty! They are made to fit around your feet rather than force your toes in to squashed positions as traditional shoes tend to do and the feeling of freedom for your tootsies is a little odd to begin with but once you start moving around in them it becomes apparent that you have a lot more of a ‘glove-like’ feel on your feet than you would get from a traditional type of shoe – I felt no need to ‘get used’ to a shape of shoe, it was strangely refreshing. They are water resistant and also come with some Renapur Leather Balsam, essential for soft leather to keep it durable and make it last longer.

a gOOd paIr Of shOes WITh a COmfOrTaBle feelIng Of COnTrOl and a gOOd re-CyClIng OpTIOn.

vIvOBarefOOT magna
fOresT esC

p rOs susTa I na Bly made very fle XIBle

WeaT her resIs Tan T

‘ glOve-l I ke’ feel fOr yOur feeT


For more information on the Vivobarefoot MAGNA FOREST ESC click here 23

Like so many things designed to make human life easier, wetsuits are not normally great for the environment. Made from Neoprene – a synthetic rubber made from oil – they don’t degrade and end up in landfill adding to an everincreasing problem for the planet. This one from Aspire uses materials from Yamamoto that make it far more ecofriendly than your regular oil-based neoprene wetsuit.

Made from a limestone base, it’s more efficient at what it does and lasts 2-3 times longer. The manufacturing process is less intense so we end up with less energy being used to make it in the first place and less need to replace on such a regular basis, cutting down on the landfill issue. So, although there is plenty distance to go yet in making wetsuits completely environmentally friendly, this certainly helps pave the way.

As for the job it’s designed for? Well, it has 30% more buoyancy than standard wetsuits due to air pockets built in between fabric layers and because of the limestone base, the cell structure is more efficient, aiding buoyancy even further. It’s also very good at stretching to accommodate your movement with 7x more stretch than a regular wetsuit, making this thing really comfortable and not restrictive at all, no matter what you’re doing in the water. They’ve also added a Super Composite Skin Nano layer (the technology basically means micropores are filled, making for a much smoother surface) reducing the drag coefficient to 0.021 in the wet compared to 4.0 for regular neoprene. For those that are serious about their speed, this can make a massive difference so it’s well worth the investment if you’re being competitive. As well as that, the cuffs have been designed to remove the wetsuit quickly and efficiently so for those Iron Man racers out there, you’ve got even more of a competitive edge.

For more information on the Aspire Wetsuit click here p rOs BeTT er fOr T he env I rOnmenT T han yOur sTandard OIlBased neOprene mOre eff ICI enT I n T he WaT er mOre BuOyanC y very COmfOrTa Ble
aspIre WeTsuIT

If yOu ’ re a prOper COmpeTITIve sOul, ThIs Is gOIng TO serve yOu Well and yOur COnsCIenCe WIll feel a lITTle

BeTTer knOWIng yOu ’ ve helped keep The planeT a lITTle healThIer.


shOkZ Openrun prO

We have recently just looked at the OpenRun from Shokz and before we could fully appreciate them the new OpenRun Pro has been released, so, is it already time for an upgrade or is it worth holding on to the originals a little longer? The OpenRun Pro are Shokz most premium headphones and use most up to date bone conduction technology, Shokz 9th generation, they come in four separate designs Black, Blue, Beige and Pink. Just like their original counterpart they are made with a wrap-around titanium frame for a secure but comfortable fit that holds in place whilst you run, or even if you are mad enough to stop and throw in a few burpees. The open ear design allows for full situational awareness whilst you run, know exactly where the traffic, pedestrians and even other competitors are. The Pros also come with a Quick-Charge function but will hold an extra two hours taking it up to 10hours of play time per charge, ensuring they are ready to go when you are. If you have run out of charge just 5mins top up will give 1.5hours of play, that should be enough for most workouts. There is a slight reduction in the IP rating, from a waterproof IP67 to sweatproof IP55 Sweatproof we can only assume it’s due to the tech upgrade, but it shouldn’t really make a huge difference for normal runs and workouts, it can still handle sweat, rain and debris blown by the wind. Those little controls are still there on the earpieces, fine for me and my little hands but those with thicker fingers might struggle to select the right button, the overall weight is very similar too, just a couple of grams heavier at 29g. The integrated microphone allows you to take calls on the fly, the dual noise-cancelling helps to deliver clear calls in both directions and does as reasonable a job as most hands-free headsets. So, what about that new and improved TurboPitch technology? We were more than impressed with the OpenRun and how good the sound was for an open ear headset, this 9th generation claims to have even further enhanced the Bass for added motivation. The midrange and highrange are just as enjoyable, clear and defined. When you compare the headphones directly then yes, you can hear a slight improvement, but it certainly isn’t enough to warrant an upgrade, however if you are looking at getting your first OpenRun headphones why not spend the extra £30 for the latest tech and longer battery life.

p rOs
10 hOurs play TI me COmfOrTa Ble and seC ure dual nOIse-CanC ell I ng m IC en JOya Ble sOund Qual IT y WIT h enhanC ed Bass BlueTOOT h 5.1 I p55 sW eaT prOOf 9T h generaTIOn s hOk Z Tur BOp ITC h T eC hnOlOgy 5-m I n C harge fOr 1.5 hOurs Of usage COns nOT WOrT h upgradI ng T he Openrun r eduC ed I p raTI ng
k eep an ear On yOur surrOundI ngs W h IlsT geTTI ng T haT eXT ra mOTI vaTIOn frOm yOur favOur IT e T unes .

For more information on the Shokz OpenRun Pro click here



WIreless earBuds

Headphones have been around for decades with ear buds simply being the latest iteration. Of course they eventually break or get usurped by the next version and end up in landfill more often than not. That’s an awful lot of plastic just dumped in to the ground! Well, Majority have given plenty of thought to this and have come up with these gadgets made with completely compostable plastic and bio-cellulose! Not to mention the packaging is also recyclable. Their commitment to being carbon neutral is impressive and, if you’re concerned about your shopping habits impacting the environment, buying from this company should put your mind at ease.

Fantastic stuff of course but what are you actually getting for your money other than peace of mind? First off, the battery life is decent at 7 and a half or so hours for a full charge which should be plenty for most users. The charging case holds enough charge to juice up the buds for a further 3 sessions and only takes an hour or so to complete and if you’re in a bit of a rush 30 minutes charging gives you a couple of hours so it’s fairly quick all things considered. You also get three different sized sets of ear tips and the standard USB-C charging cable included in the box. It also has the latest version of Bluetooth (5.3) which puts it ahead of plenty of other ear buds out there.

The sound quality is surprisingly good (sound quality usually improves vastly the more money you spend and when sticking to more established companies so it surpassed my expectations to be honest) with the bass coming across well and a fairly well-rounded sound overall. Finally, while not the broadest range of colours, you’ve got enough to cater for most tastes with pastel pink or blue and plain white to finish off.

maJOrITy Tru BIO TWs True
fOr T he mOre eCO - COnsCIOus COnsumer Ou T T here , T here ’ s nOT h I ng TO regreT and T hese Buds are perfeCTly g OOd fOr mOsT Of us . I l I ke knOWI ng I’m nOT COn T r IBu TI ng TO env I rOnmen Tal prOBlems .


p rOs

very eCO -fr I endly a ffOrda Ble p eaC e Of m I nd

deC en T sOund Qual IT y fOr T he pr IC e


nOT a fan Of pasT el COlOurs persOnally, WOuld have Been n IC e TO have a BlaC k OpTIOn

There are BeTT er sOund - Qual IT y Buds Ou T T here fOr a sI m Ilar pr IC e

For more information on the Majority Tru Bio TWS True Wireless Earbuds click here

deWalT 18v Xr COmpaCT 3X360 laser kIT (dCle34031d1-gB)

If you’re planning on doing some major home renovations any time soon then one thing you’re going to need to get right is ensuring everything is straight and lined up - not an easy task, especially for those of us that aren’t builders or architects! Even if you are however, we all need a helping hand now and then so this big lumpy gadget is useful for everyone finding themselves in this situation. Now, I say big lumpy gadget and that’s probably a little unfair (look at me, worried about hurting the feelings of a tool!) as it gives the wrong impression for what is actually quite an elegant device in function if not in form.

Let’s start with the main component, the 360° lasers. As you may have guessed by the name above, there’s 3 of them! One goes straight up and down in front, one goes straight up and down on either side and the final one goes down the landscape route giving you all the possible right angles and straight lines you’re likely to need. They have a workable range of 40 metres but this can be extended up to 100 metres with the use of the laser target card included in the box. As far as accuracy goes, they are good to within 3mm either way over a distance of 10 metres (a vast improvement over a spirit level!) and they are self-levelling so no need to fiddle about. Each individual laser has its own on/off switch so you don’t have to have them all switched on or off at once which is handy for conserving the battery. There is also a useful feature that keeps the last settings in place when you switch it off so there’s no need to worry about re-calibrating when you switch it on the next day to carry on with your work. Finally, the lasers themselves are green

p rOs

360° lasers

lasers are green

lOC k I ng Of pendulums W hen

sWITChed Off

beam diodes, making them much more visible than your traditional red lasers, especially in bright light, something that red lasers have trouble with.

This kit has been designed to make use of the DeWalt 18V battery packs that are cross compatible with so many of their other devices and comes with a battery charger for the battery provided. This battery has a life of about 11 hours before re-charge is necessary so should be long enough to get the job done for the day if left on all the time. The housing for the battery is also placed well, being at the base of the unit and out of the way of the lasers and magnets. Speaking of the magnets, these are on the bracket and allow you to place the XR Compact on metal studs to better aid your job. The bracket is pivotable so you can turn the laser part of the unit to whichever direction you need it to be facing. There is also a thread mount with both ¼” and 5/8” fittings for a tripod.

As you may expect with De Walt, this thing is rugged and designed to last and survive the usual kind of knocks and bumps that you’re going to face when on a site. When you turn it off the pendulums used for the self-levelling are locked in place to ensure they can’t rattle about and get damaged in any way adding further to the longevity of this device. The carry case is strong and sturdy but does lack any kind of foam that would just help to add a further level of protection but it’s the 360° part of this kit that really sells it for me and simply makes life easier.

T he mOsT aCC uraT e dev ICe Ou T
dO WIT h sOme
g OOd BaTT ery l I fe TOugh COns nOT
T here Carry Case COuld
e XT ra paddI ng
For more information on the DeWalt 18V XR Compact 3x360 laser kit (DCLE34031D1-GB) click here 31 IT ’ s nOT T he mOsT aCC uraT e laser k IT Ou T T here Bu T IT ’ s gOOd enOugh fOr T he maJOr IT y Of JOB s and dOes IT W ell . small pr ICe I f yOu ’ re dOI ng T he k I nd Of JOB T haT needs IT. £465

deWalT sds maX Breaker hammer (d25899k-Qs)

As anyone that’s worked on a construction site or a home renovation project will tell you, breaking concrete has got to be up there as one of the most tedious jobs going, not to mention it’s not easy on the body either. But sometimes it’s the only option you have so you may as well get the right tool for the job and a decent Breaker Hammer has got to be the first thing on your list.

This Breaker Hammer from DeWalt is relatively lightweight at just under 10Kg and has been designed to get in to those awkward to reach areas as well as being easy to handle. The side handle is adjustable and can be located anywhere on the hammer barrel giving you as much flexibility as you need to get the job done. Both the side and top handles have been ergonomically designed for comfort although I would still wear gloves if I were you! The on/off switch is placed handily where you can just flick it with your thumb or hand when needed and is suitably ‘clicky’ enough that you won’t be accidentally switching it off or on when you don’t want to.

The unit itself has been designed so that all the internal mechanisms are sealed with no air getting inside and so avoiding dust build up. It’s also got features that prevent over-heating and, as well as this, there is a fair bit of modularity built in allowing you to easily deconstruct and clean/repair the hammer and to replace any parts that may have become faulty or broken down. There is a 3 year warranty if you register it when purchased so this is only likely to come in to effect once you’ve had it for a while however so it’s kind of reassuring to know this thing is in for the long haul.

The motor is 1500 Watts and it delivers up to just over 2000 bpm. Now you may think that would give off an awful lot of vibrations but DeWalt have made this hammer so that the vibration is surprisingly low for the power delivered, a good indication that this thing has been built well and with all aspects in mind. It’s assuredly rugged and robust with magnesium housings adding to this durability. The impact force comes in at just under 18J max which obviously isn’t as powerful as larger breakers but this isn’t designed for those massive jobs and does a perfectly good job for your home renovation projects.

When it comes to changing the chisels, the chuck is simple to use (it’s an SDS chuck so just a quick twist and you’re done) and there are 12 pre-set positions for the chisels to be set in giving you plenty of options to adapt to whatever job you’re doing. It would have been nice if you got some chisels in with the hammer itself but I would guess that if you’re buying this, you’ve probably got some already that are fit for whatever purpose you need them for but we all have to start somewhere don’t we?

The sound level is pretty high as you may expect (you’re drilling concrete, how would it not be noisy?!) rocking in at around 100 dB’s so make sure you have some decent ear protectors on when using this tool. As an example, this level of volume is equivalent to about 4 times louder than heavy traffic and could cause permanent damage to your hearing after about 15 minutes – you have been warned, just don’t risk it!

p rOs lOW v IBraTIOn easy TO sWITCh Ch Isels On/Off sWITCh I n easy lOCaTIOn WeIghT TO pOW er raTIO sl I m COns COuld have COme WIT h Ch Isels I nCluded


I f yOu ’ re happy parTI ng WIT h yOur Cash, yOu ’ ll sT ruggle

TO f I nd a Breaker T haT del I vers T h Is k I nd Of pOW er WIT h

T he ease Of handl I ng fOr a sI m Ilar COsT.

For more information on DeWalt SDS max Breaker hammer (D25899K-QS) click here 33

TraCklemenTs faTher’s day Bundle

This little bundle came with the Wholegrain Chilli Mustard, earthy and piquant, stir through cheese sauce or mash for a robust tang and some cheeky speckles. The Particularly British Piccalilli is the perfect condiment for Cheddar, cold meats, and pork pies, this version packs a punch of sharpness and crunchy texture. For a condiment with a difference there is the Sweet Mustard Ketchup that delivers a good strong kick and comes in a feisty shade of yellow, made with a combination of wholegrain and smooth mustards as well as a measure of sugar and spices for perfect balance. The multi award-winning and rather addictive, sticky-sweet chilli jam smoulders with a gentle heat from fistfuls of fresh red chillies. beautiful with fish, meats, sarnies and creamy cheeses and last but not least the Tomato and Chilli Chutney is a rich, tangy chutney, that balances sweet onions and fiery chillies for a tongue-tingling heat. All these little delights are gluten free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans, meaning even more people can enjoy them.


shOkZ OpensWIm

The vast majority of exercise is vastly improved by the introduction of music. Whether it be to help with timing, motivation or just to fill your ears with pleasant sounds while you’re busy getting fit, music can be a great accompaniment. One of the best ways of getting fit is to swim and until about 5 years ago it simply wasn’t possible to listen to music at the same time. Waterproof earbuds were invented around about then and they have now evolved to such a degree that we have these headphones from Shokz.

They’re not just headphones of course. These are mp3 players that fit around your head. They don’t even plug in to your ears! Instead, they make use of Bone Conduction to get the sounds to your ears with the vibrations travelling along your cheekbones to completely bypass the eardrums and getting around the problem of trying to get that perfect fit for your earbuds. So the age-old issue of soundwaves distorting through water is completely avoided and you are free to use proper earplugs to protect your ears.

From a technical perspective these mp3 players can hold up to 4GB of data (around 1200 songs) and the buttons are fairly intuitive on the main unit with on/off, volume control and mode being the options. The battery life is good for up to 8 hours of continuous use and it only takes 2 hours to charge them up again. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you wearing these out of the water too and they only weigh about 30 grams so you’ll barely notice they are even there. There is no Bluetooth, only internal storage so no need to take your phone to the edge of the pool or to worry about range and with up to 1200 songs, there’s no need to worry about repetition.

For more information on the Shokz Openswim click here 37 p rOs I p68 raT ed WOrk up TO 6f T depT h l IghTW eIghT suppOrTs W mv, mp3, W ma , aaC & flaaC f Ile T ypes COns s Ome peOple have COmpla I ned T hey s TOp WOrk I ng af T er a feW mOn T hs . a greaT Way TO l IsT en TO yOur ChOsen eX erCIse aCCOmpan I menT W h Ile sWI mm I ng . £169.95

shOkZ OpenCOmm uC

Ever wanted to feel like one of those people up on stage with one of those funky little microphones attached to the side of their face? That’s how this makes me feel! Alright, I’m not broadcasting my voice out to a packed venue but it does lend an element of “I look cool!” to my calls. Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway…

But it’s not all about the looks of course! The fit is good and comfortable with the frame coated with silicone so it feels good on your skin and I could see being able to wear this quite comfortably for long periods of time. It also only weighs 33 grams so there’s no real weight to worry about either. Technically, Shokz have done a pretty good job. They have used DSP (Digital Signal Processor) technology to make use of noise reduction algorithms so that your conversations can take place with minimal background noise and, combined with the noise-cancelling boom microphone, makes for trouble-free and clear speech.

On the other side of the conversation, the ear-piece is equipped with something they refer to as ‘7th bone conduction technology’. Quite simply, the headset makes use of vibrations pushed along your bone structure and so it heads straight to the inner ear bones for translation and avoids going through the air, leading to a very clear sound. Pretty clever stuff If I’m being honest and it’s the clearest sound I’ve heard on a headset without a full ear-covered set-up. Maybe unsurprisingly, it uses Bluetooth to connect to your PC and the range is good for up to 33 feet so feel free to make yourself a cuppa while chatting.

It’s pricey but, if you’re involved on lots of calls, I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find something better.

p rOs l IghTW eIghT COmfOrTa Ble g reaT sOund Qual IT y & vOICe pIC k-up g OOd f IT WIT h T he ear-pI eCe COns m akes T he COmpeTITIOn lOOk Bad 39 £199.95 BOne COnduCTIOn T eCh aT ITs BesT. For more information on the Shokz Opencomm UC click here instagram/

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