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19” German Bisque Art Character, 114, “Hans” by Kammer and Reinhardt with Rare Glass Eyes
by Theriault's
56. French Ebony and Mother-ofPearl Miniature Cabinet 9” (23 cm.) h. x 7”w. x 4 ½”d. The wooden cabinet with black lacquer finish is decorated with gold leaf edging and painted floral arrangements accented with mother-of-pearl inlays. The double front doors open to reveal four interior drawers, and there is a keyhole with original key. Excellent condition. French, mid1800s. $800/1100
57. Pair, French Black Lacquer Fans with Hand-Painted Decorations 15” (38 cm.) A matched pair of handheld black lacquer fans with scalloped edging and carved wooden handles with gold leaf finish are decorated with a border of gilt painted garlands which center an arrangement of colorful oil-painted flowers and are further accented by inlay mother-of-pearl. The fans were designed for a tetea-tete conversation in front of the fireplace, and are very rare to find as the complete matching set. Excellent condition. French, circa 1865. $400/600
58. Petite French All-Bisque Mignonette with Original Wig 4 ½” (11 cm.) Bisque swivel head on bisque torso, cobalt blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, single-stroke brows, closed mouth, hip-length blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and brown two-strap shoes, antique costume and bonnet. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1882. Value Points: especially beautiful face with fine painting of lips and eye decoration, wonderful original wig. $500/700
59. Very Intricate Miniature Cabinet with Inlays and Figural Mount 6” (15 cm.) Ebony wood cabinet is decorated on all four sides with tiny mounted enamel decorations and faux-precious stones. Double doors at the front open to reveal further decorations on the inside front doors and one of the fronts of the three interior drawers. Mounted at the top is an enameled bowl in which is seated a gilded metal mermaid. Excellent condition. Mid-1800s. $400/500

60. Important Viennese Doll-Sized Vitrine with Collection of Dresden Porcelains 24” (61 cm.) h. x 18”w. x 5” d. Of very fine marquetry inlay maple, the vitrine features gilt metal edged glass shelving with unusual curved designs and with mirror back above double door cabinet with working key that are decorated with inset medallions of hand-painted porcelain depicting winged cherubs. Of finest luxury woods and construction, and perfectly preserved. Viennese, mid-1800s. Include is a display of Dresden porcelains. $2800/3500 61. Rare French Bisque BrownEyed Bébé E.J.A. by Emile 61. Jumeau in Antique Formal Wear 26” (66 cm.) Bisque socket head with elongated facial modeling and very full cheeks, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve-blushed eyeshadow, brushstroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, outlined lips of closed mouth, heart-shaped upper lip, dimpled chin and philtrum, separatelyapplied pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-balljointed plump body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: EJA 10 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1882, the early signature model was made in two large sizes only, indicating its luxury status. Value Points: exceptional quality of the rare doll with finest painting of features on delicate complexion, original body and body finish in especially fine condition, wearing antique ivory satin pants and cummerbund, and textured ivory silk vest, watch and fob, ivory top hat, leather shoes, cashmere cape. $11,000/15,000