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Produced by The Gatehouse: Design & Print Consultancy at Robert Gordon University
Connecting the University community
RGU Celebrates 75 years of Radiography Radiography professionals from across the UK descended upon Aberdeen in October to celebrate 75 years of radiography education and training in Aberdeen. Alumni and former members of staff from RGU and Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI) joined current teams from the city’s departments of Radiography for a two-day programme of events to look back at the profession’s development and forward to its future role within the healthcare sector. Radiography education in Aberdeen began in 1936, only 16 years after the Society and College of Radiographers (UK) was established. Based within ARI, the School of Radiography initially trained a small number of radiographers who undertook a diploma qualification. The training was delivered by radiologists, senior radiographers and specialists from within the
x-ray departments. Scientific input from Robert Gordon Institute of Technology (RGIT) followed in the 1960s. In 1990, radiography education transferred from the NHS to RGIT. The first Scottish degree programme in Diagnostic Radiography (DR) was launched within the Centre for Professionals Allied to Medicine in 1993. In 1995 and 1996 came the validation of a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound and the elevation of the BSc programme into a four-year honours programme. Now held within RGU’s School of Health Sciences, today’s radiography programmes
are highly subscribed to with an average of 80 students per year undertaking radiography education across undergraduate and postgraduate levels; plus specialist graduate certificates and continuous professional development programmes. In January 2012, the university will launch its new MSc in Diagnostic Radiography which will provide a fast-track route for professionals in non-cognate disciplines to gain entry into a new career. It is expected to be of interest to a wide range of professionals including ex-forces and those from general science backgrounds. For the full story click here.
RGU MBA ranked top 50 Aberdeen Business School has been ranked in the global top 50 for its MBA programmes in the highly acclaimed ‘Beyond Grey Pinstripes’ survey, recently published by The Aspen Institutes Centre for Business Education. RGU was rated as Scotland’s highest placed school, at 50, and was one of only five UK universities to be ranked in the top 100 MBA programmes. ABS was in good company sharing the honour with top American universities including Stanford Graduate School of Business and Yale School of Management who were placed first and fifth respectively, as well as Madrid’s IE Business School, rated top European university in third position. Allan Scott, Director of MBA Programmes at RGU’s Aberdeen Business School said, “Being highly ranked is testimony to the quality of the MBA programs RGU delivers. The graduates that we produce are ethical, environmentally astute and good corporate citizens. These are the type of individuals that are going to lead the way in industries such as construction and oil and gas; improving sustainability, cost efficiency and social responsibility.”