institute for health and welfare research Health: From Bench to Bedside
institute for health and welfare research Health: From Bench to Bedside
The Institute for Health and Welfare Research is our overarching structure to conduct and deliver world class, multidisciplinary programmes of research, drawing on the research skills of academic staff in four schools and three research centres: Applied Social Studies Health Sciences Nursing and Midwifery Pharmacy and Life Sciences Centre for Obesity Research and Epidemiology (CORE) Aberdeen Centre for Trauma Research (ACTR) Alliance for Self Care Research (ASCR)Â The Institute is structured to harness this wide range of research strengths to undertake studies into the detection, prevention and treatment of diseases and promoting the care and welfare of patients in key priority health areas:
Environmental & Occupational Health
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease
Neurological & Mental Health
Health: From Bench to Bedside
The Institute for Health and Welfare Research provides a dynamic and multi-disciplinary research environment that is constructed to motivate and facilitate: EXCELLENCE through the conduction of internationally recognised research in areas of unmet clinical need COLLABORATION with academic researchers and external stakeholders, including the NHS, business, industry, professional practitioners and voluntary organisations TRANSLATION of our research findings into clinical policy and practice and the creation of novel pharmaceutical technologies We therefore welcome the opportunity to develop external collaborations that address the needs of the patient – from the bench to the bedside. Professor Cherry L Wainwright Director
Health: From Bench to Bedside
OUR RESEARCH THEMES Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease (CVMD) Neurological & Mental Health (NMH) Environmental & Occupational Health (EOH)
NMH Post-traumatic Stress Forensic Nursing Bereavement Ante-natal Health Ethnic Minorities
Chronic Disorders
OUR DISCIPLINE EXPERTISE Analytical, Medicinal & Synthetic Chemistry Biomedical Sciences Clinical Biochemistry
Drug Formulation & Delivery
Nursing & Midwifery
Nutrition & Dietetics
Pharmacy Practice
Sport & Exercise Physiology
Health: From Bench to Bedside
CVMD Diabetes & CV Disease Ischaemic Heart Disease Cystinosis Obesity
Graduate School Knowledge Exchange Activities Research Centres CORE ACTR ASCR
Drug Discovery
EOH Infection Medical Evacuation Biomechanics
OUR RESEARCH CENTRES Centre for Obesity Research & Epidemiology (CORE) Aberdeen Centre for Trauma Research (ACTR) Alliance for Self Care Research (ASCR)
Health: From Bench to Bedside
CARDIOVASCULAR & METABOLIC DISEASE Research within this theme focuses on enhancing the understanding of the pathology of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases at the cellular level and on developing new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that can be translated into clinical practice. The cross disciplinary nature of the group spans the areas of basic science, clinical and practice based research, where outcomes inform, and are readily transferable into treatment and prevention strategies at patient level. The group include researchers with a widespread background and expertise spanning immunology, molecular biology, nutrition, organic and medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, physiology, clinical biochemistry , and pharmacy practice. Theme Leader: Dr Giovanna Bermano
NEUROLOGICAL & MENTAL HEALTH The foci of the Neurological and Mental Health (NMH) theme research strategy are dedicated to the enhancement of lifelong mental health and wellbeing from a multidisciplinary perspective. They embrace an evidence-based approach to informing policy initiatives, clinical practice, and the education and training of healthcare professionals. In targeting applied outcomes, the underlying rationale for the NMH research strategy is to develop established research credibility, foster multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaboration, and support priorities for action in respect of national NMH policies and research funding initiatives. NMH members comprise a multidisciplinary group of researchers with a wide range of research skills and interests, including epidemiology, qualitative and quantitative analysis, motion analysis, systematic reviews, policy evaluation, clinical trial development and evaluation. Theme Leader: Dr Susan Klein
ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH The theme focuses on clinical and basic science research into environmental health, physical and mental wellbeing within the workplace. Comprising a broad subject base, the research embraces the disciplines of microbiology, pharmaceutical technology, physiotherapy, biomechanics and occupational medicine. Theme Leader: Prof Cherry Wainwright Health: From Bench to Bedside
SOME OF OUR COLLABORATORS Department of Health Forensic Network Scotland Hostage UK King’s Centre for Military Health Research Ministry of Defence National Centre for Social Research National Forensic Nurses’ Research & Development Group National Physiotherapy Research Network NATO NHS Education Scotland (NES) NHS Grampian Nurse Education Scotland Open University (Birth & Death Research Group) Pain Association Scotland Royal College of Psychiatrists SCOTS Scottish Institute for Policing Research Scottish Mental Health Research Network Scottish Police Training College & Police Service Sickle Cell Society UK Association of Forensic Nurses UK Thalassaemia Society UK Universities: Aberdeen, Bradford, Cardiff, Dundee, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier, Glasgow Caledonian, Hertfordshire, King’s College London, Liverpool John Moores, Manchester Metropolitan, Newcastle, Queen’s University Belfast, Salford, St Andrews, Southampton, Strathclyde, Stirling, Wolverhampton, UHI Millennium Institute. Overseas Universities: Bohn (Germany), University College Dublin (Ireland), Montpellier (France), Porto (Portugal), Recife (Brazil). Duquesne (USA), Curtin (Australia), Monash (Australia), University of South Australia (Australia), Aukland University of Technology (New Zealand) National Institute of Science and Technology (Pakistan), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (New Delhi), Ankara University (Turkey). Industrial Collaborations: Novabiotics Ltd, LighterLife Ltd, Astra Zeneca (Sweden)
SOME OF OUR CURRENT AND RECENT FUNDERS Asthma UK Back Care Breast Cancer Campaign British Academy British Council British Heart Foundation Burdett Trust for Nursing Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland Chief Scientist Office Coronary Thrombosis Trust Cunningham Trust Cystinosis Foundations (UK Ireland, and USA) Department of Health EPSRC ESRC Fulbright Commission Headley Court Trust NHS Education for Scotland NHS Grampian Endowment Trust Pharmacy Practice Research Trust Physiotherapy Research Foundation Queen’s Nursing Institute for Scotland Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Edinburgh Scottish Funding Council Scottish Government Scottish Institute for Policing Research Stroke Association Tenovus Scotland Wellcome Trust
Health: From Bench to Bedside