HEAD OF SCHOOL of Computing science & Digital Media
The professional University
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THE OPPORTUNITY Robert Gordon University is one of the top modern universities in the UK, with a track record of dynamic leadership and a reputation as an innovative and ambitious university. We have an established record of industry engagement, an outstanding record for teaching and learning, and one of the UK’s best graduate employment records with 97.7% of our undergraduates in work or further study within six months.
We are looking for an inspirational change leader, who aspires not for ‘good’ but for ‘great’; an academic leader who will work in partnership with others, internally and externally, to achieve the School’s five year goals and the university’s strategic ambitions.’
The School of Computing Science and Digital Media offers a modern portfolio of courses which have been developed in conjunction with industrial partners, and which produce highly sought after graduates. In recent years, the School has grown significantly through a strategic reorganisation of courses, where networking and security, digital media, and data analytics have become key strengths. The School is recognised as one of the strongest research units across the university with particularly strong performance in knowledge exchange activity. The recent launch of the Centre for Smart Data Technologies will serve to enhance the School’s research profile. Accountable to the Dean of the Faculty of Design & Technology, the Head will lead a School of approximately 600 taught students and over 50 staff across the subject discipline teams: Computational Systems, Digital Media, Information Systems, and Mathematics & Statistics. As Head, you will, through creative leadership, set the vision for the School’s future growth and be accountable for delivery of the School’s academic and related business priorities and plans. Building on the School’s established reputation, you will manage the development of the course portfolio and take a lead role in growing commercial income and facilitating excellence in research. In particular, you will be expected to take a leadership role in developing the wider digital media portfolio through effective leadership and collaboration across our three Faculties.
You will demonstrate a strong track record of successful leadership and the development of successful internal and external collaborative partnerships. You will hold a higher degree relevant to one of the areas of the School’s activity, and have experience of establishing and advancing relevant industry networks on behalf of the institution.
The Faculty of Design & Technology encompasses the School of Engineering, the School of Computing Science and Digital Media, Gray’s School of Art and The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment. Linking these four Schools within a single Faculty provides opportunities not only for creative collaboration and partnership working between the Schools but also for further development of postgraduate programmes and thematic research. Many of the courses offered by the Faculty are professionally accredited, leading to professional registration and membership. University-wide common course architecture facilitates the Faculty’s approach to meeting the increasing requirement for multi-disciplinary education and training while ensuring that the courses maintain their vocational and professional character at Undergraduate, Postgraduate, CPD and Short Course levels. Multi-disciplinary education and research within the Faculty is maintained through close operational links with other Faculties of the University, departments in other universities and colleges, Local Government departments, Government Agencies and the private sector. The Schools in the Faculty maintain working relationships with appropriate professional bodies, the professions and the community that they serve. The Faculty employs over 180 Academic Staff, 70 Support Staff and 40+ researchers and has approximately 2300 undergraduate, 800+ postgraduate and 80 research students.
The School of Computing Science and Digital Media
THE SCHOOL The School has over 50 staff and approximately 600 taught students. The School has four subject discipline teams in the areas of: • Computational Systems • Digital Media • Information Systems • Mathematics and Statistics
The School has recently moved to a new £120m building on the University’s Garthdee campus. We have our own technical support team, with well-equipped teaching and computing facilities, and a purpose built research hub for doctoral students.
The majority of our courses are accredited by the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT. The 2013 BCS Accreditation panel fully approved courses without any issues and highlighted three areas of good practice for commendation in the teaching of core professionalism; research-teaching synergy; and the engagement of employers in the curriculum.
The four year (BSc) undergraduate courses have a common first year. These courses currently include: Business Information Technology; Computer Science; Computing (Graphics & Animation); Digital Media
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes
Other courses are designed specifically to articulate on a “2+2” basis from HND courses. These include:Computing (Application Software Development); Computer Network Management and Design
The School has an excellent relationship with industry, demonstrated through the strength of its annual prize giving with over 50 sponsored prizes, the engaged nature of the Industrial Board, its links with ScotlandIS, alliances with a number of companies and a recent strategic partnership with IBM in relation to the Smart Data initiative. The School is leading on a student incubator initiative funded by a £445,000 capital grant from DCMS. All of our undergraduate courses offer placement opportunities in the UK and overseas.
Post-graduate courses (MSc) currently include: Information and Network Security; IT for the Oil and Gas Industry; Information Engineering and Software Technology. A Data Science course is planned for next year.
Research and Commercialisation The School’s research is currently organised via the Faculty’s Research Institute - IDEAS. We have research expertise in areas of: computational intelligence, knowledge based systems, data and text mining, information retrieval, HCI and virtual reality, image processing, cloud computing and socio-technical systems. We submitted approximately 20 staff to the recent REF. There are approximately 30 doctoral students and 10 research and knowledge exchange staff. We are founding members of Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA), and currently lead the Complex Systems theme. The School co-led the Data Lab Innovation Centre bid and now hosts the north-east hub focused on the oil and gas industry. We have recently completed a £1.1m research commercialisation project to enhance Scottish industry through the application of ICT. Consequently, we have achieved the highest level of computing KTP activity across Scotland. The School has three Enabling Technologies Horizon Fund projects (out of 12 awarded nationally).
ROLE PROFILE: SCHOOL of Computing science & Digital Media
PURPOSE OF THE POST The Head of School is primarily responsible for leading and driving the School forward, in support of achieving the University’s mission and strategic objectives.
KEY DELIVERABLES • to assume overall responsibility for the formulation and implementation of School academic and business plans, and to ensure that these are aligned with the strategic objectives of the Faculty and the University • to ensure the optimal management and development of the School’s resources (staff, finance, equipment/ assets, accommodation) • to recruit, deploy, lead, manage and develop senior academic and administrative staff to ensure effective performance and employee satisfaction • to manage the development and delivery of the School course portfolio to ensure that it delivers high quality, financially viable educational programmes in line with the strategic goals of the Faculty and University. Monitor and advise on effective management of student numbers, financial, and quality risks across the course portfolio. • to ensure the optimum student experience through adoption of a consistent customer focus across the School • to create an environment whereby staff maintain and seek to develop high quality research projects and outputs to maintain and enhance research reputation • to coordinate and facilitate excellence in research within the School, and play a major role in the success of key research initiatives. • to take a lead role in growing commercial income to meet targets set by the Faculty and University • to participate effectively and collegiately as a member of the Faculty Senior Management Team, and to take a lead role in Faculty and University working groups, projects and initiatives as required • to effectively engage with key stakeholder groups in order to influence regional/national policy, promote the School’s reputation, build purposeful collaborations, bring in external funding and improve student experience, • to perform external academic duties to support other institutions • to lead the School senior management group in all aspects of managing the School, to implement Faculty and University policy and strategy within the School, and support managers in doing so in their areas of responsibility • support, and deputise as requested, for the Dean.
In so doing, the Head of School will provide strategic and operational leadership and management of the educational, research and commercial activities and outputs of the School – effectively utilising the human, physical and financial resources of the School. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS The Head of School will be expected to develop good working relationships with; the Dean, other Heads of School, Subject Leads, Director of Research Institute, Service Dept heads. Externally, the Head of School will represent the interests of the School and University with various stakeholders, including; professional and regulatory bodies (contribute to policy development and ensure accreditation), trade bodies, industry partners/companies (commercial projects and teaching), government (policy and lobbying), Third Sector Organisations (promotion and reputation building), Other universities (collaborative research, educational ventures) RESPONSIBLE FOR: The Head of School will be responsible for: Associate Head of School Administration Manager School Systems Manager 2 Programme Leaders 4 Subject Leaders Research Coordinator Learning and Enhancement Coordinator Circa 600 students 30 academics in 4 subject teams Linked to 12 research fellows/professorial research institute staff 12 support staff (technical and administrative)
CANDIDATE PROFILE We would particularly welcome applications from women as they are under-represented in this area of our workforce.
Knowledge and Experience • A higher degree (for example, relevant research based • • • • • • • • • • •
PhD) in one of the areas of the Schools activity appropriate for eligibility for Professorial designation Knowledge and experience of issues facing the higher education sector Evidence of effective working with external agencies/ commercial partners with positive impact Evidence of Research and knowledge transfer leadership and management that shows international esteem track record Evidence of developing and maintaining successful national and international networks Evidence of leading and developing staff at all levels to achieve strategic goals, and managing financial, physical and human resources Evidence of contributing to strategic management decisions Ability to successfully reconcile academic delivery requirements, research activities and commercial/income generation conditions A record of collaborative academic development Experience in developing international recruitment and corporate programmes Demonstrable record as interdisciplinary lead Research experience relevant to the key arrears of activity within the School
• Communicates a clear and consistent vision and is able to translate it into plans and actions that engage people. • Champions change; looks for and implements better ways of working. • Treats people with respect; promotes and encourages fairness and equality.
• Openly encourages and recognises the contribution of others.
• Prepared to address challenging people issues when necessary.
• Builds and maintains good working relationships.
• Achieves high personal standard of delivery.
• Demonstrates integrity and high ethical standards.
• Is decisive, making decisions and taking action at the right time.
• Builds and leads an effective team.
• Nurtures talent to support the School’s portfolio and
research engagement
The University would prefer to appoint to this position at professorial level, although it is not a pre-requisite for the post. If the University does appoint at Professorial level, candidates are expected to demonstrate excellence in one or more of the categories listed below, and to be able to demonstrate an appropriate level of activity in respect of all three. The categories are specified as: • • •
academic leadership research/consultancy/development/applications/ distinction in performance and professional standing record and reputation as a teacher.
Candidates should nominate three referees of Professorial status whose opinion may be sought on the suitability for the award of the title. Applicants, if they wish, may nominate the same referees in this connection as they would anticipate nominating in connection with their application for the post, provided that these referees are of Professorial status. The University retains the right to decide whether or not to seek the opinions of the referees nominated by the applicants, and shall also be entitled to seek the opinions of such others as it considers appropriate.
A Clear Future for a leading university in a new era The journey of Robert Gordon University has been an impressive one. We have become known as an educational innovator, a strong partner for the city and shire and local education institutions, a university that understands the needs and priorities of business, industry and the public services, and a place of learning that provides students with real advantages as they embark upon their professional careers. We have invested to create a state-of-the-art campus at Garthdee, complemented by our virtual learning environment. These are the achievements of the staff and students of the RGU community, who will continue to be central to what the university can achieve in the future.
In order to achieve our vision, we will commit ourselves to a set of key strategic aims:
While these developments have been crucial to the university’s success and will still support us in the future, they will not however be enough, because everything around us continues to change. OUR VISION RGU aspires to be recognised, in Scotland and beyond, as a distinctive university leading and shaping the debate on the future of higher education and placing students at the centre of the education it offers. It will be known for the impact of its teaching, scholarship and translational research, the employability of its graduates, its influence in the region and nation, its growing global profile, and its strong interdisciplinary focus on a small number of key questions and issues of concern to the local and global community. It will achieve its goals in partnership with academic, voluntary, public and business organisations that share its ideals and aspirations. The university will enter the global university rankings, diversify and secure its income and resources, and enter into close collaborative agreements with key strategic partners. RGU will be a model university of the future and will shape its own culture, practice and organisation accordingly.
Teaching and learning: inspire all individuals to achieve their maximum potential and excel in the world of tomorrow.
Extending access to learning: enable individuals to achieve their ambitions throughout life whatever their circumstances.
Student experience: support students and graduates to enjoy and prosper within a vibrant learning community.
Research: be recognised for our contribution to the growth of innovation through advancing internationally excellent translational research in our areas of strategic focus.
Commercialisation: harness our intellectual and physical assets so they generate value to the economy and are profitable to the university.
The regional community: contribute to and be an active leader in the development of the regional community.
Partnerships: secure strategic partnerships with a small number of globally recognised universities and companies that will support the university’s key ambitions.
Our university: empower staff and students to develop a strong and engaged community.
STRATEGIC STATEMENTS As part of its strategy the university has identified six areas of strategic focus. These areas have emerged from a foresighting exercise that the university has undertaken which examined existing areas of strength and the demand of the region for the university’s teaching, learning, research and other services. The university has during the course of the 2013/14 academic session launched strategic statements on two of these areas and will during the course of the 2014/15 academic session launch the remainder of the statements: OIL AND GAS: the university has been working with the region’s key economic sector for decades. As part of its continued engagement with the oil and gas industry the university has launched an International Institute of Oil and Gas which will examine key applied issues facing the industry. HEALTH AND WELLBEING: the university is one of Scotland’s largest providers of health and social care education, the strategic statement will see the university develop this portfolio by using its expertise to develop an occupational health service called RGU Wellness and a Centre for Remote Health Care. ARTS AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: in recent years the university has increased its portfolio of provision in courses supporting the development of the creative industries and coupled with hosting one Scotland’s four art schools and four architecture schools, this strategic statement will build on this reputation to enhance the regional creative economy. SMART DATA: the university has a track record of internationally excellent research in the field of big data. The university will host one of the hubs of the recently approved Big Data Innovation Centre which will develop the university’s applied research in the field of big data to meet the oil and gas industry’s demand. EMPLOYABILITY: the university has a strong reputation for the relevance of its curriculum and a strong tradition of placements in its course, together these contribute to the high employability of the university’s graduates. The employability plus strategic statement contains a series of actions which recognises that in order to maintain its position at the top of university league tables for employability further enhancements can be made to the support we provide students. RGU AND ITS REGION: the university has worked for decades with a number of key partners and organisations across the region to develop and deliver its own services but also to assist the development of these partner organisations. The strategic statement will provide the university with a framework to develop and enhance relationships with key regional organisations in the areas of the economy, health & social wellbeing, cultural provision and debate & discussion.
THE UNIVERSITY TODAY The University generates an annual group income of around £103 million through corporate programmes, consultancy and other business engagement, research income and fee paying or funded students. We currently employ approximately 1600 members of staff and deliver courses to around 15,500 students.
OUR HERITAGE The name Robert Gordon has been synonymous with education in Aberdeen since 1750 when the original college was founded from his bequest. With the addition of Gray’s School of Art in 1885, the School of Pharmacy in 1898 and the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture in 1957, the original college has evolved over the years into a substantial university – a leading institution of learning still able to draw upon this rich heritage.
OF THE 15,500 STUDENTS: 22% are engaged in distance learning and corporate courses 65% Full time and 35% Part time 64% Undergraduate and 34% Postgraduate students OF THE UNDERGRADUATES: 23% attend Aberdeen Business School 28% enrolled in Design and Technology courses 49% enrolled in Health and Social Care courses OF THE POSTGRADUATES: 23% in Aberdeen Business School 28% in Design and Technology courses 49% in Health and Social Care courses
We offer an impressive range of professionally focused courses across the arts and design, management, engineering and computing, health and social care and the applied sciences and technology. We are particularly focused on developing our key areas of strength – energy, health and social care, the creative industries and the knowledge economy.
The University has established a significant e-Learning capability, based around the ‘Moodle’ virtual learning environment. This is used to support an extensive range of distance learning courses and to support the learning of on-campus students in blended approaches. Effective use of appropriate technologies is a key element of the University’s plans to extend distance learning provision, including corporate learning, and to enhance the learning experience of all students. We are, we believe, the largest provider of online, distance learning in the UK after the Open University. With this in mind, we are currently reviewing our provision, marketing and corporate branding to ensure we are capitalising on this USP.
Our strategy is of ‘internationalisation’ of the total student experience for all students. This includes the curriculum, work placements and the wider experience they have interacting with our staff and the community. International students have long been attracted to Robert Gordon University and contribute much to our cultural fabric. Indeed, in recent years, increasing numbers of international students have made ours a truly international campus. 19% of the total student population come from outside the EU. Expanding our cultural and commercial links with overseas organisations has helped to create many exciting opportunities for our staff and students to work abroad. Our commitment to internationalisation is evident in the establishment of an International College at the University in partnership with Navitas. Following the launch of the College in September 2011, we expect to significantly increase our recruitment of international undergraduate students at a time when our recruitment of international postgraduate students is coming under greater pressure.
COMMERCIAL LINKS Our strong links with industry have delivered corporate alliances, CPD programmes and consultancy both in the UK and overseas. The deployment of blended learning through the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment has further expanded our capability for working with corporate partners and SMEs world-wide. Enterprising research is undertaken by groups throughout the University and the results contribute to knowledge exchange activities across diverse commercial sectors.
The strength of our regional commitment and also our understanding of the social inclusion wider access agenda is reflected in our partnership with North East Scotland College, the largest FE College in Scotland. This is a truly outstanding alliance recognised by the Scottish Funding Council as a model for others. The College is an associated college of the University and there are articulation agreements across many subject areas leading to 2+1 and 2+2 progression.
The Masterplan aims to:
The first phase, the consolidation of six sites into two, (Garthdee and Schoolhill) was essentially complete by 2004. This included the Aberdeen Business School, the Faculty of Health and Social Care, as well as a state of the art Sports Centre, modern onsite nursery and a health centre open to staff, students and the local community.
• • • • • • •
The second phase, our ‘Masterplan’, is a £170 million campus development project at our Garthdee campus which will culminate in the realisation of our vision - one campus at Garthdee by 2020. Summer 2013 saw the completion of Riverside East, providing accommodation for schools formerly located on the Schoolhill site, a new library and new social facilities.
Consolidate all academic and administrative activities on the Garthdee Campus site in order to create the finest riverside learning environment in Europe Create a clearly legible campus heart, focused around a student-centred experience Develop a new and unified academic development on the eastern portion of the site in order to gain from the advantages of co-location and collaboration between disciplines Retain and enhance the landscaped qualities of the site and seek to achieve a stronger relationship between buildings and the riverside setting Develop the Garthdee Campus in a sustainable, phased manner reflecting the availability of project funding Re-utilise appropriate areas within existing buildings to form a more holistic and integrated campus Develop a new focus for arrival/entrance from the south, including a new pedestrian and cycle bridge to the south side of the river
Aberdeen is undeniably a wealthy city; it has one of the highest per capita incomes of any city after London in the UK. Such prosperity brings many benefits. The city boasts first-class facilities. Shopping and leisure opportunities are constantly expanding. Schooling at all levels is well catered for – with secondary schooling, in particular, recognised for its quality in both the public and private sectors. The hotel sector continues to expand its full range of provision as you would expect of an energy capital.
The city is known internationally as the undisputed European capital of the energy industry. However, it also has many other sides to its character. Not least because it is located on the edge of the world renowned Scottish Highlands and the spectacular Cairngorms - a magnet for walkers, climbers and skiers from across the UK.
Aberdeen also offers a fine array of cultural attractions. There is an eclectic mix of bars, cafés and restaurants and a host of modern entertainments including cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries and concert halls. And, throughout the year, Aberdeen also plays host to several entertaining and stimulating festivals including the Aberdeen Alternative Festival and the International Youth Festival. Aberdeen International Airport has direct connections with the major ‘hub’ airports of Paris, Amsterdam and Oslo as well as London (Gatwick, Heathrow and Luton) and Dublin. It also has established connections with a wide range of other major UK cities.
Useful links To view our interactive site on Aberdeenshire, with excellent information on education, health, housing, transport and weather, please visit:
The Board of Governors of the University is constituted in accordance with The Robert Gordon University (Scotland) Order of Council 2006. The Board is composed of appointed and elected Governors who have experience of higher education, industrial, commercial, and public service sectors and a wide range of professional practice. Staff and Student Governors are elected and have equal standing with those others who are appointed. The Board of Governors has the following standing committees • Chairman’s Committee • Staff Governance Committee • Audit Committee • Finance and General Purposes Committee • Nominations Committee • Remuneration Committee.
The Board are required to delegate to the Academic Council those functions relating to the planning, co-ordination, development and supervision of the academic work of the University. Academic Council is chaired by the Principal & Vice Chancellor. Much of the work of the Academic Council is delivered through standing committees, sub-committees, Faculty Boards, School Committees and course panels. As a result a large proportion of the University community are involved in its activities. The Principal reports to the Board of Governors on the work of the Academic Council regularly.
THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL & VICE CHANCELLOR The Board of Governors is required to delegate to the Principal & Vice Chancellor those functions relating to the organisation and management of the University. The Principal & Vice Chancellor is the chief academic, administrative and accounting officer for the University, effectively the “Chief Executive”.
SENIOR MANAGEMENT GROUP (SMG) The Senior Management Group comprises all Heads of School and appropriate Heads of Department within the University. The SMG was established following a review of ‘involvement’ and communications to facilitate better and more frequent involvement in policy development and a better flow of information across the whole University. This group has regular meetings with SPARG.
In ensuring the efficient management of the University, the Principal & Vice Chancellor is assisted and supported by the Strategic Planning and Resources Group (SPARG) which comprises of a Deputy Principal and Vice Chancellor, two VicePrincipals and Pro Vice-Chancellors, two Executive Directors (Human Resources and Information Technology), three Deans of Faculty and two other Deans (Learning Enhancement and
For further information, please visit:
Students). The two Vice-Principals each carry a specific strategic role focussed on the teaching/research and student experience agendas and all members of SPARG carry wider portfolios which may change over time.
Objective setting & performance review
Form of contract & notice period
You will be required to maintain your expertise and professional membership (where relevant), to undertake programmes of personal development, and to participate in objective setting and performance/contribution review.
Annual leave
The contract offered is expected to be a normal substantive contract. The notice period is negotiable but we would expect it to be not less than 6 months. However, there may be candidates for whom other forms of contractual arrangement would be beneficial and, at this stage, we are open minded as to the final outcome.
You will be entitled to 33 days annual leave with pay per annum in addition to 10 Fixed Public and Statutory Holidays.
Sick pay Sick Pay entitlement is generous (up to six months full pay and six months half pay) as would be expected under public service scheme arrangements, however, in the event of long term ill health, we reserve the right to seek early medical evaluation.
Pension We operate under the Scottish Teachers and Local Government Pension Schemes. Contributions are made by employer and employee and they are both “final salary” schemes incorporating ill health and death benefits. The schemes are widely recognised as excellent schemes. If you have a personal pension we will discuss with you the most appropriate arrangements.
Conflict of interest, confidentiality & intellectual property rights We will expect that all other paid or unpaid appointments or employments are declared as a part of the appointment process. We encourage appropriate external activity within the higher education community and beyond as this can enhance the University’s influence and reputation.
However this can also lead to conflicts of interest and it is in the best interests of all stakeholders if other activities are declared, reviewed and properly approved. An annual declaration is also required by the Principal, SPARG and most other senior managers.
Other benefits
Our contracts include appropriate clauses that preserve for the University the right to confidentiality of its legitimate commercial interests and other rights over material property in its ownership.
We are keen to ensure that your career move is appropriately rewarded and if circumstances dictate, we will discuss the terms of the overall package with the successful candidate. Unfortunately we are unable to offer car, car loan or leasing arrangements.
You will have access to a range of voluntary and salary sacrifice benefits, including personal healthcare, dental plans, health cash plans, childcare vouchers and cycle to work schemes, as well as an onsite Sports Centre and Nursery.
Pre-employment medical
We will agree with the successful candidate relocation assistance appropriate to his/her particular circumstances, with a maximum allowance of 12% of salary (subject to Inland Revenue conditions and terms of the Relocation Policy). You will be required to reside in Aberdeen or within 30 minutes travel to work distance of it.
A comprehensive pre-employment medical will be required of the successful candidate.
Disclosure Scotland A Disclosure Scotland check will be requested for the successful applicant.
How to apply
We have engaged the services of an Executive Search Consultancy, Veredus for the Recruitment of this position. For a confidential discussion about the opportunity please speak to Julia Roberts on 020 7932 4244 or Natasha Jackson on 020 7932 4240. To apply send your full CV and cover letter, to Samantha. quoting reference 925674. You are invited and encouraged to complete the Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form which can be found at: Veredus is accredited by the Investors in Diversity and the information collected is important to us as a means to ensuring continued best practice in the promotion of diversity. The information on this form is important and will be treated as confidential and used for statistical purposes only. This form will not be treated as part of your application, and will not be seen by anyone involved in the selection process.
Robert Gordon University, Garthdee Campus, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7QE, United Kingdom Produced by The Gatehouse Design & Print Consultancy at Robert Gordon University Robert Gordon University, a Scottish Charity registered under charity number SC013781