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Nexusonline AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011

Connecting the University community

Welcome to Nexus online, which will be issued electronically every second month.

This issue will feature the university’s summer honorary graduates, industry scholarships and a plethora of staff achievements. Please get in touch if you have any suggestions for stories or features for the magazine. Email your ideas to Nexus online Editor The cut-off date for articles to be included in the October / November edition is Friday 30 September. Can managers please ensure that staff without regular university email access are informed that Nexus online can be viewed from home, or in libraries and IT labs at any university site at Nexus online

(l to r): Sarah Struthers, Tim Smith, BP’s Vice President of Communications & External Affairs, and Dagmar Vyhnalkova.

and great-grandmother. The judges were particularly impressed by Sarah’s work which aims to find solutions to fabric waste in modern day society. The BP Fine Art Award was won by photographic and electronic media student Dagmar Vyhnalkova. Dagmar’s work includes a collection of stunning photographs based on things that are around her in her everyday life. The judges were particularly impressed by Dagmar’s idea of seeing a picture as an entrance into a world which has different logics depending on the thought processes of the viewer. In addition to the main prizes, Hannah Harkes and Ferne McIntosh were highly commended in the BP Fine Art category. Kevin Cameron and Natalie Lozano were also commended in the BP Design Award.

Gray’s Degree Show and Scott Sutherland End of Year Shows 2011 The winners of this year’s BP Design Award and BP Fine Art Award were presented with specially commissioned trophies and a cheque for £500 each on 17 June at the opening night of Gray’s School of Art Degree Show 2011, sponsored by BP for the eighth year. The BP Design Award was won by fashion design student Sarah Struthers who created a highly decorative series of garments all made from recycled clothes left to Sarah by her grandmother

An award ceremony to recognise the top students at the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment launched the 2011 End of Year Show on 15 June. Among the students accepting awards were Fiona Martin and Blair MacIntyre. Fiona received a certificate of commendation in the Aberdeen Civic Medal category for her design of a sheltered housing facility on Jack’s Brae in Aberdeen. Blair was selected for the Best Stage Four Architectural Technology Student accolade for his design of a new artist quarter in Govan’s graving docks.

University continues to dominate graduate employment figures The university has performed extremely well in the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) graduate with 95.7% graduates or graduates engaged inemployed further study six months after study employment figures, coming top of in its Scotland withemployed 95.7% of its or engaged in further completing theircompleting studies. their studies. six months after Indeed, leaving aside the position of graduates of smaller specialist institutions, Robert Gordon University comes top nationally, followed by Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln with 95.5% and The University of Surrey with 94.8%.

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