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Human rights champion visits University

Internationally renowned human rights champion Baroness Caroline Cox of Queensbury delivered a public guest lecture at the University in January. Members of the public heard Baroness Cox deliver the lecture entitled, ‘A light in the darkness: the privilege of making a difference’, which focused on her international humanitarian work which has taken her to numerous conflict zones. Baroness Cox initially trained as a nurse, before undertaking degrees in the social sciences. She became Head of the Department of Sociology at what was then the Polytechnic of North London in 1974, moving on to become Director of the Nursing Education Research Unit, Chelsea College, University of London in 1977. In 1982 she was created a Life Peer, and was a deputy speaker of the House of Lords from 1985 – 2005. She was Founder Chancellor of Bournemouth University, 1991-2001, and is currently Chancellor of Liverpool Hope University and a Vice-President of the Royal College of Nursing. As Chief Executive of the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust, and a founder trustee of the Medical Emergency Relief International, Baroness Cox’s humanitarian aid has included helping to promote parliamentary initiatives and medical programmes and helping to change policies for orphaned and abandoned children from institutional to foster family care.

Students vote University best for student experience The University has been voted by its students as providing the best student experience of any new university in the UK. The figures published in The Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2010 show that the University climbed from 33rd place in 2009 to 25th in 2010 – the highest placed of any new university. Professor John Harper, Senior Vice-Principal of Robert Gordon University said, “We’re delighted that the University has performed so well in these national rankings, building on its success from the previous year. We are continually looking for ways to improve the student experience at Robert Gordon University and it is particularly pleasing that the students have given the University such positive feedback.” The full story and rankings can be viewed on the Times Higher Education website

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