Principal Appointment Brochure

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‘the top modern University in the UK’ The Times Good University Guide

for three years in a row.


Introduction from the Chairman

“I am delighted to invite you to consider joining the Robert Gordon University’s top governance and management team and to lead us through A Clear Future and beyond.

You will be joining us at a pivotal time.

Our Clear Future Strategy, supported by

As Chairman of the Board of Governors

We are ready to make the next step

our Campus investment, will give access

I invite you to consider joining us on our

change, ambitious to be recognised as a

to learning and a future life of career

exciting and continuing journey.”

great University rather than just the best

choices for those who have the ambition

University of our kind – indeed a role

and aspirations, whilst also enabling us

model for others. We will, over the coming

to engage even more with stakeholders,

years, finish off what we started twenty

business and other key sectors of the

years ago by now completing the best


riverside campus in Europe, This will enable us to deliver professional education both on

We have staff who are highly committed to

campus and around the world, through our

the University and who tangibly understand

Virtual Learning Environment and ensuring

our strategy and their role in our success,

a fantastic student experience.

giving us a reputation for being cohesive, confident and comfortable in our purpose and direction.

Melfort Campbell

Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Governors

Melfort Campbell





services we deliver. We will be responsive

• Student experience: Enrich the all-

We have assessed the factors which will be

to the changing environment and

round experience of our students

critical to our success as follows:

In order to monitor progress at Board of

developments in the economy and society.

through their engagement with the

• Sustain our Scottish Funding Council

Governors’ level, a set of six key high level

Ongoing development and continuous


and international student numbers in a

performance indicators (KPI) has been

improvement will help to ensure that we set

• Teaching and learning: Enhance

more challenging competitive

agreed. These monitor the impact of our

the benchmark for quality in all aspects of

the quality and relevance of our taught


success or otherwise in relation to our key

our work.


• Generate a major revenue stream from

strategic objectives and against the critical

• Access for all: Increase the

business interaction activities for the

success factors indentified above.

diversification of our student

value that we add

• Level of total SFC teaching funding


• A relentless focus on quality which will

and proportion of total SFC teaching

• Learning through life: Expand our

help to maintain and develop our

allocation compared with previous years

provision of corporate programmes

reputation – an excellent student

• Level and geographical sources

and life-long learning opportunities

experience from first point of contact

of income from international students

• Research and commercialisation:

through every interface we have with

compared with previous years

Grow our internationally excellent


• Net financial contribution from business

research and knowledge exchange

• A focused research portfolio which

activities and reputation

underpins teaching, is of international

• Level of research grant and contract

• A sustainable future: Secure our

standing and is financially sustainable

income and % full economic cost

economic and environmental

• A workforce which is committed,

recovery over time


• Net surplus, current ratio and

In achieving our objectives, we will be clear about the markets which we serve and the

resourceful and effective

• Continued financial health


interaction over time

borrowing over time

• Consistent high performance within

the modern university sector in national

league tables.

Useful links Copies of our ‘A Clear Future’, Annual Report and Annual Accounts are available from Saxton Bampfylde.


“Robert Gordon’s branding as ‘the professional university’ couldn’t be more appropriate. It beats every other university in the most recent employment figures.”

‘Professional’ is our watchword for the way we treat all our stakeholders, including and especially our students. It guides the way we work together and defines what we expect from each other. OUR HERITAGE

We currently employ approximately 1600

Of the postgraduates:

The name Robert Gordon has been

members of staff and deliver courses to

58% in Aberdeen Business School

synonymous with education in Aberdeen

around 15,500 students.

21% in Design and Technology

since 1750 when the original college Sunday Times

21% in Health and Social Care

was founded from his bequest. With the

Of the 15,500 students:

addition of Gray’s School of Art in 1885,

22% are engaged in distance learning and

Full statistical information can be found in the

the School of Pharmacy in 1898 and the

corporate courses

2008/2009 Annual Review.

Scott Sutherland School of Architecture in

60% Full time and 40% Part time

1957, the original college has evolved over

63% Undergraduate and 35% Postgraduate

We offer an impressive range of

the years into a substantial university – a

(remainder in Postgraduate Research)

professionally focused courses across the

leading institution of learning still able to draw upon this rich heritage.

THE UNIVERSITY TODAY The University generates an annual group

arts and design, management, engineering

Of the Undergraduates:

and computing, health and social care and

22% in Aberdeen Business School

the applied sciences and technology. We

28% in Design and Technology

are particularly focused on developing our

50% in Health and Social Care

key areas of strength – energy, health and

income of around £92 million through

social care, the creative industries and the

corporate programmes, consultancy and

knowledge economy.

other business engagement, research income and fee paying or funded students.

“The partnership we have with Robert Gordon University not only helps to verify the high quality of learning we provide for our people, but it also leads to a formal qualification at degree level, which both Shell and our staff see as valuable.” Adam Lomas Vice President, EP Learning & Development, Shell


Our commitment to internationalisation

commercial links

The University has established a significant

is evident in the establishment of an

Our strong links with industry have

e-Learning capability, based around the

International College at the University

delivered corporate alliances, CPD

‘Moodle’ virtual learning environment. This

through Navitas. Following the launch of

programmes and consultancy both in

is used to support an extensive range of

the College in September 2011, we expect

the UK and overseas. The deployment

distance learning courses and to support

to significantly increase our recruitment of

of blended learning through the Moodle

the learning of on-campus students in

international undergraduate students at a

Virtual Learning Environment is further

blended approaches. Effective use of

time when our recruitment of international

expanding our capabilities for working

appropriate technologies is a key element

postgraduate students is coming under

with corporate partners and SME’s.

of the University’s plans to extend distance

greater pressure.

Enterprising research is undertaken by

learning provision, including corporate

groups throughout the University and the

learning, and to enhance the learning

The Dean of the Business School is currently

results contribute to technology transfer

experience of all students. We are, we

leading a project team to examine all aspects

and ‘spin outs’. We have been especially

believe, one of the largest providers of

of the international student experience. With

successful in SMART awards.

online, distance learning in the UK after the

this in mind we are currently reviewing our

Open University.

provision, marketing and corporate branding

Additionally, our commercial organisation,

to ensure we are capitalising on this USP.

Univation Ltd, continues to develop strong commercial relationships with major energy


organisations worldwide and a marketing

of the total student experience for all

Aberdeen College - An Associate College

students. This includes the curriculum,

The strength of our regional commitment

significant corporate contracts for delivery

work placements and the wider experience

and also our understanding of the social

in the UK and overseas.

they have interacting with our staff and

inclusion wider access agenda is reflected

the community. International students

in our partnership with Aberdeen College,

have long been attracted to Robert

the largest FE college in Scotland. This is

Gordon University and contributed

a truly outstanding alliance recognised by

much to our cultural fabric. Indeed, in

the Scottish Funding Council as a model for

recent years, increasing numbers of

others. The College is an associate college

international students have made ours a

of the University and there are articulation

truly international campus. 19% of our total

agreements across many subject areas

student population come from outside the

leading to 2+1 and 2+2 progression.

Our strategy is of ‘internationalisation’

EU. Expanding our cultural and commercial links with overseas organisations has helped to create many exciting opportunities for our staff and students to work abroad.

presence across the globe, bringing


“Work placements, lasting up to a year, are the norm [at Robert Gordon University] helping an employment record that has been Scotland’s best for several years and consistently one of the UK leaders.” The Times (3 June 2009)

For three successive years, Robert Gordon University has retained the position of the best modern university in the UK. (The Times, May 2010). The Guardian University League Table for 2010 also ranked Robert Gordon University as the top new University in Scotland and second in the UK. We consistently maintain one of the UK’s best graduate employment records. The Times Good University Guide 2011 notes that we are still best University in Scotland for graduate prospects, and second in the UK, with over 83% of our graduates landing graduate-type jobs


“Together with a strong performance in last year’s research assessment, this helps RGU to its highest ever ranking in our table, ranking second in the modern university sector.”

within 6 months. Our success in this area is bettered only by Imperial College.

The Sunday Times (13 September 2009)

In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise Robert Gordon University achieved outstanding results with over 70% of research being classified as of international quality. At the same time, the Scottish Funding Council announced an increase in our research grant funding of 99% to £2.7million for 2009/2010 - the highest increase of any Scottish university. The University aims to focus its research and knowledge transfer activities to inform and underpin our teaching capability. £6 million seed-corn funding was invested in a research development initiative over 3 years to grow research activity across the University. The success of this investment was demonstrated in the results of the 2008 RAE. The University was ranked the top modern Scottish University for research quality, with ‘world class’ research activity in 8 out of the 11 subjects returned. In addition 73% of research conducted was ranked as being of international quality. As we build on the University’s success beyond RAE, we aim, through the establishment of three Research Institutes, to grow the level of internationally excellent research. These institutes will develop the potential of strategically significant areas by focused investment on areas of research strength. The University has also demonstrated important success in research commercialisation and has established a relationship with the venture capital company Sigma IP Ltd.


“In the past decade, the university has invested more than £100m to improve its facilities, and intends to make the Garthdee site ‘the best riverside campus in Europe.’” The Guardian (12 May 2009)

‘Among the generation of new universities, Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen is the best placed’. The Times (June 2008)


The first phase, the consolidation of six

The Masterplan 2009 aims to:

sites into two, (Garthdee and Schoolhill) was essentially complete by 2004. To

• Consolidate all academic and

date we have invested over £100 million

administrative activities on the Garthdee

in new buildings and upgrading facilities

Campus site in order to create the finest

for students. These have included the

riverside learning environment in

Aberdeen Business School, the Faculty of


Health and Social Care, as well as a state

• Create a clearly legible campus heart,

of the art Sports Centre, a modern onsite

focused around a student-centred

nursery and a health centre open to staff,


students and the local community.

• Develop a new and unified academic

We have recently secured full planning consent for the Masterplan 2009 – likely to be a two phase, 10 year development and refurbishment programme, adding 34,000m2 of new facilities and culminating in the realisation of our vision – one campus at Garthdee by 2020.

development on the eastern portion

of the site in order to gain from the advantages of co-location and

collaboration between disciplines

• Retain and enhance the landscaped qualities of the site and seek to achieve

a stronger relationship between

buildings and the riverside setting

• Develop the Garthdee Campus in a

sustainable, phased manner reflecting

the availability of project funding

• Re-utilise appropriate areas within

existing buildings to form a more

holistic and integrated campus

• Develop a new focus for arrival /

entrance from the south,

including a new pedestrian and cycle

bridge to the south side of the river

ROLE PROFILE PRINCIPAL AND VICE CHANCELLOR This is an exceptional opportunity to fill a complex and demanding leadership role in an ambitious professional University.

The role will encompass: • Building strong relationships with

• Ensuring that well developed

the Chancellor, the Chairman and

strategies are planned and

the Board of Governors to ensure

executed in a way that is

a common sense of strategic

affordable and sustainable in the

purpose and alignment

long term

• Providing outstanding and

• Ensuring good governance and

Robert Gordon University has already

Candidates for the role will have the

shown its ability to perform consistently

confidence and ambition, as well as the

at the highest levels across teaching and

track record and personal standing, to

learning, applied research, employability,

direct the University along this journey

business and community engagement.

at a time of unprecedented volatility in

It is consistently placed among the very

the UK and international economies. You

best in the recognised league tables

will already have proved your ability as a

measuring institutional performance in

visible and inspirational leader, with the

the modern university sector - in the UK

personality, breadth and drive to operate

as well as within Scotland. Building on its

effectively and influentially with external

‘A Clear Future’ strategy, the University is

stakeholders including politicians. You

now ready to embark on the next stage of

will be comfortable engaging with and

values, direction and performance

its development, to set the standard for

influencing policy thinking in Scotland,

are understood and effectively

outstanding professional education, applied

aligning the University with policy

communicated throughout the

research and business interaction and to

developments in a way which is pro-active

University, to staff at all levels, to

extend its international reach and influence.

and sets the direction for others.

the student body and to external

ambassador for the University,

Your strong academic record will


at home and abroad, through

include experience and understanding of the research and knowledge transfer processes, and you may also have operated for a period, outside higher education. You will certainly have established networks within and outside the sector, in the UK and internationally, and be comfortable engaging with the business community.

empowering organisational

management especially in relation

leadership, maintaining the

to academic reputation, people

strategic direction set by A Clear

leadership and management

Future and building dynamic

and financial and environmental

strategies for the next stage


• Positioning the University’s

• Providing leadership in

reputation within the marketplace,

fundraising, with special regard

regionally, nationally and

to industry, commerce and


alumni, developing long lasting

• Ensuring that the University’s

• Providing academic leadership, through the Strategic Planning and Resources Group, the Academic Council, Faculties and Schools, which focuses on accountability for outcomes and sets clear and challenging expectations

and productive relationships and ensuring that all potential donors and supporters are identified, fostered and secured

• Acting as a strong and engaged

ceremonial events and by playing a visible and enthusiastic part in the life of Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and beyond


The Profile of the Candidate Candidates for the role will demonstrate evidence of:

• Strong academic credentials and credibility

• Outstanding communication skills and the ability to listen and

direction and focus, to show

respond effectively

persistence and resilience under

• Experience of innovative and effective leadership in a large, diverse, complex and successful

challenge, and to deliver strategic

• Financial acumen and an

goals through others

entrepreneurial mindset


• The personality and presence to • Responsiveness to changing

• An understanding of the policy

• The ability to maintain alignment,

represent the University

circumstances and the ability to

with passion, conviction and

making process in HE in Scotland,

take decisive action in the best

influence to a broad range of

within the UK and internationally

interests of the University

external audiences, including

and the ability and appetite to play an influential role in that process

• A commitment to the vision set

Government and business leaders.

• The willingness to invest time to motivate staff and students and

“the Professional University”

develop trust with all stakeholders

is as relevant to Aberdeen’s

out in the ‘A Clear Future’ strategy and the capacity to lead all stakeholders towards those goals

• The capacity and vision to

The University’s reputation as

international business community

• A deep personal understanding

as it is to the public and voluntary

of ‘people’, an ability to engage

sectors and the Principal will

and motivate individuals and

engage across the full spectrum

teams and to set the tone for

develop with stakeholders the

acceptable behaviour across

future ambition and direction for

the senior management team

raising processes, regionally,

the University

and throughout the University,

nationally and internationally

consistent with the University’s

• A commitment to and respect for all aspects of what RGU stands for and what it does

leadership behaviours framework

• Leadership of successful fund


Robert Gordon University is located in Aberdeen which is Scotland’s third largest city with a population in excess of 200,000 and 400,000 including the wider Aberdeen hinterland. Filippo is the Director of RGU:Sport and relocated from the south east of England.

“I had the chance to make a real impact by developing a brand new team and facility on an expanding campus in a modern University. Having never ventured to the North East of Scotland before, moving the family to such a contrasting location was attractive and exciting for us all”.

The city is known internationally as the

Aberdeen is undeniably a wealthy city; it

Festival and the International Youth

undisputed European capital of the energy

has one of the highest per capita incomes

Festival. The International Street Market

industry. However, it also has many other

of any city in the UK after London. Such

visits three or four times a year over a

sides to its character. Not least because

prosperity brings many benefits. The

period of three days on each occasion.

it is located on the edge of the world

city boasts first-class facilities. Shopping

renowned Scottish Highlands and the

and leisure opportunities are constantly

spectacular Cairngorms - a magnet for

expanding. Schooling at all levels is well

walkers, climbers and skiers from across

catered for – with secondary schooling, in

the UK.

particular, recognised for its quality in both

The Mercer 2010 ’Quality of Living’ Survey recently rated Aberdeen as ‘One of the Top World Cities’ and second only to London in the UK.

the public and private sectors. The hotel sector continues to expand its full range of provision as you would expect of an energy capital.

Aberdeen International Airport has direct connections with the major ‘hub’ airports of Paris, Amsterdam and Oslo as well as London (Gatwick, Heathrow and Luton) and Dublin. It also has established connections with a wide range of other major UK cities.

Useful links

Aberdeen also offers a fine array of

To view our interactive site on

cultural attractions. There is an eclectic

Aberdeenshire, with excellent information

mix of bars, cafés and restaurants and a

on education, health, housing, transport

host of modern entertainments including

and weather, please visit:

cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries

and concert halls. And, throughout the year, Aberdeen also plays host to several entertaining and stimulating festivals including the Aberdeen Alternative

CORPORATE MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS The Board are required to delegate to



constituted in accordance with The Robert

the Academic Council those functions

The Board of Governors is required to

The Senior Management Group comprises

Gordon University (Scotland) Order of

relating to the planning, co-ordination,

delegate to the Principal & Vice Chancellor

all Heads of School and appropriate Heads

Council 2006. The Board is composed of

development and supervision of the

those functions relating to the organisation

of Department within the University. The

appointed and elected Governors who

academic work of the University.

and management of the University. The

SMG was established following a review

have experience of higher education,

Academic Council is chaired by the

Principal & Vice Chancellor is the chief

of ‘involvement’ and communications

industrial, commercial, and public service

Principal & Vice Chancellor. Much of

academic, administrative and accounting

to facilitate better and more frequent

sectors and a wide range of professional

the work of the Academic Council is

officer for the University, effectively the

involvement in policy development and a

practice. Staff and Student Governors are

delivered through standing committees,

“Chief Executive”.

better flow of information across the whole

elected and have equal standing with those

sub-committees, Faculty Boards, School

others who are appointed.

Committees and course panels. As a

result a large proportion of the University

The Board of Governors has the following

community are involved in its activities.

standing committees -

The Principal reports to the Board of



The Board of Governors of the University is

Governors on the work of the Academic

• Chairman’s Committee • Staff Governance Committee • Audit Committee • Finance and General Purposes Committee

• Nominations Committee • Remuneration Committee.

Council regularly.

STRATEGIC PLANNING AND RESOURCES GROUP (SPARG) In ensuring the efficient management of the University, the Principal & Vice Chancellor is assisted and supported by the Strategic Planning and Resources Group (SPARG) which comprises four Vice-Principals and Pro Vice Chancellors (one of which is ‘senior’ and is the Deputy P&VC), two Executive Directors, Human Resources and Information Technology, three Deans of Faculty and two other Deans (Learning Enhancement and Students). The four Vice-Principals each carry a specific strategic role focussed on the planning and resources, teaching, research and student experience agendas and all members of SPARG carry wider portfolios which may change over time.

University. This group has regular meetings with SPARG. For further information, please visit:


Principal & Vice-Chancellor Secretary to the Board

University Solicitor

Policy Advisor

Senior Vice Principal & Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development & Quality)

Vice Principal & Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) & External Relations)

Vice Principal & Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Commercialisation)

Dean for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching & Assessment

Dean of Students

Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching & Assessment

Student Services


Vice Principal & Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning & Resources)

Finance & Procurement Estates & Property Services RGU: SPORT Planning

Academic Affairs Library Services

Vice Principal & Pro Vice Chancellor (Planning & Resources)

Dean of Aberdeen Business School

Dean of Faculty of Design & Technology

Dean of Faculty of Health & Social Care

Department of Accounting, Finance & Economics

School of Computing

School of Applied Social Studies

School of Engineering

School of Health Sciences

Department of Communication, Marketing & Media

Student Recruitment

Department of Information Management

Development Office

Department of Law

Student Administration

Department of Management

Communications Office

Gray’s School of Art The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment

School of Nursing & Midwifery School of Pharmacy & Life Sciences

Executive Director (Information Technology & Communication)

Executive Director (Human Resources)

IT Services

Human Resources

Univation Records Management

Organisation Development & Leadership Occupational & Environmental Health & Safety The Gatehouse Design & Print Consultancy


Annual Performance Review

Private Health Insurance

The University will offer a remuneration

This is undertaken annually with the

We will provide PHI cover for self and

Conflict of Interest,Confidentiality & Intellectual Property Rights

package fully commensurate both with

Chairman. There would be regular one-to-

spouse at the University’s expense. We

We will expect that all other paid or unpaid

the significance of this appointment and

one meetings with the Chairman and formal

may be prepared to inherit an existing

appointments or employments are declared

the calibre of the successful candidate,

quarterly and half yearly reviews.

arrangement if that is preferred, subject to

as a part of the appointment process. We

considering the circumstances.

encourage appropriate external activity

taking into the account the qualifications, experience, reputation and leadership

Annual Leave

qualities. The details will be open to

You will be entitled to 30 days paid annual

Car Provision

beyond as this can enhance the University’s

discussion with the preferred candidate.

leave per annum in addition to 10 Public

We operate a ‘call-off’ contract

influence and reputation. However this

and Statutory Holidays, fixed or variable

arrangement for a chauffeur driven car

can also lead to conflicts of interest and it

We intend to appoint on a fixed point

at the University’s sole discretion. The

at the University’s expense. This ensures

is in the best interests of all stakeholders if

competitive base salary with scope for

University also normally closes between

that excessive driving or other travel,

other activities are declared, reviewed and

future reward for outstanding contribution

Christmas and New Year.

particularly at night and especially after

properly approved. An annual declaration

official/social functions, which may also be

is also required.

and performance. Annual reviews,

within the higher education community and

undertaken by the Chairman with a


at some distance from work/home, does

report to the Remuneration Committee,

We operate under the Scottish Teachers

not have a detrimental impact. We do not

Our contracts include appropriate clauses

will usually result in an overall combined

and Local Government Pension Schemes.

operate car loan or leasing arrangements

that preserve for the University the right to

percentage increase taking account of

Contributions are made by employer and

for any level of employee.

confidentiality of its legitimate commercial

general cost of living indicators and a

employee and they are both “final salary”

performance element.

schemes incorporating ill health and death/


dependants benefits. The schemes are

We will agree with the successful candidate

You will be appointed to the University’s

widely recognised as excellent schemes.

relocation assistance appropriate to his/her

senior management terms and conditions

Both are likely to be under serious review

particular circumstances (subject to Inland

of employment, subject to any variations

as final salary schemes, in terms of the

Revenue conditions). You will be required

which may be agreed, on appointment, by

benefits offered and contribution levels in

to reside in Aberdeen or within 30 minutes

the Appointment Committee. As a guide,

the coming years. The most appropriate

travel to work distance of it.

the principal terms and conditions are set

personal arrangements will be discussed

out below.

with the successful candidate.

Place of Work

Sick Pay

Contractually, this will be at Schoolhill,

Sick Pay entitlement is generous (up to six

Aberdeen, although this may change to our

months full pay and six months half pay). In

Garthdee campus during this appointment.

the event of long term ill health, we reserve

We would, of course, expect you to travel

the right to seek early medical evaluation.

anywhere in the UK or abroad according to the requirements of the role.

interests and other rights over material property in its ownership.

Pre-employment Medical A comprehensive pre-employment medical will be required of the successful candidate.

Disclosure Scotland (DS) Other Benefits You will have access to a range of voluntary and salary sacrifice benefits, including personal healthcare, dental plans, health cash plans, childcare vouchers and cycle to work schemes, as well as an onsite sports centre and nursery.

An acceptable disclosure through DS procedures will be required of the successful candidate.


THE PRINCIPAL AND VICE-CHANCELLOR WILL BE SELECTED BY AN APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE. THIS COMMITTEE IS CHAIRED BY THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS, MELFORT CAMPBELL. OTHER members are: • Ms Jennifer Craw • Mrs Elizabeth Hancock • Mr Peter Nicholson • Mr Mike Salter (Vice-Chair) • Mrs Lesley Wilson An executive search exercise is being

Applications should be sent to:

Please enclose with your application:

The process An initial selection of candidates will be

Alex Stewart Saxton Bampfylde (ref: AARGA) PO Box 198 Guildford Surrey GU1 4FH

undertaken by Saxton Bamfylde in parallel with an advertisement for the post. Saxton

Fax +44 (0) 1483 531 882

Bamfylde will work with the Appointment


Committee and the University’s Executive Director - Human Resources to secure a

The closing date for applications is

successful and effective appointment.

noon on Thursday 1 July 2010.

• A full CV, including educational and

invited to have a preliminary discussion

professional qualifications, a full

with Saxton Bampfylde in July or early

employment history showing the more

August and candidates will be provided

significant positions, responsibilities

with additional briefing information.

held, relevant achievements, budgets and staff managed, and latest

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to

remuneration including any benefits

informal meetings at the University on the

• A covering note of not more than two

weeks commencing 16 / 23 / 30 August or

pages (total) summarising your proven

alternatively on 9 September if these weeks

ability related to the person and job

are difficult.


• Daytime, evening and/or mobile

The selection process is likely to include a

telephone numbers (to be used with

suite of online psychometric assessment


exercises. Final Panel Interviews will take place on 10 September 2010. You may expect to be contacted by Saxton Bampfylde not later than the 12 July 2010, if you are being invited to meet them for a preliminary discussion.

Robert Gor don University is a Scottish charity registered under charity number SCO13781 Designed & Printed by The Gatehouse - Design & Print Consultancy at Robert Gordon University

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