Passover Memorial Service
Read: Gen 3:1, 2:17, 3:17-19 / Rom 5:12; 3:23; 6:23; Gal 3:17-29 (430 years refers to Exo 12:40) Exo 1-11 (paraphrase); Exo 12 (all); Ex. 13:1-16; Deut 6 (all); Hos 6:4-7. 1.
Ensamples, Examples (Types) for Our Admonition – 1 Cor 10:1·11, Future 2nd Exodus for Us – Isa 11:10-16; Jer 16:14-16;
Passover Lamb in Egypt was a type of Yahshua our Passover - 1 Cor 5:7-8; 1Pet 1:18-20
Bought with the price of Innocent Blood - (Mat 27:4); 1 Cor. 6:19-20.
Present our Bodies as Living Sacrifice – Rom 12:1-2
Take Heed Lest You Fall – 1 Cor 10:12-17 2.
Prophecy of Suffering Messiah – Isa 52, 53 (all)
Messiah's Arrival – John 12:1, vs 9-16.
Preparation for Passover -Mat 26:1-20, Luke 22:1-14,
Foot Washing Service of Humility – John 13:1-17 (explain KJV mistranslation). Custom in eastern cultures to always wash feet before eating, slaves of lowest class did this. You wouldn’t sit down (lounge) to eat with dirty feet/hands, especially when wearing sandals.
[John 13:2 “And as super was preparing”- Benjamin Wilson Diaglott]; [ “Supper being set out” – Bethel translation”] [“evening meal in progress” – NIV]
Remember the priest wash before entering the tabernacle – Exo 30:17-21.
We are Called to be the Royal Priesthood – Isa 61:6; 1 Pet 2:9 (See RSB DYK p. 1953)
Wash Feet
Betrayal – John 13:18-26; Mat 26:21-25
Master’s Supper – 1 Cor 11:17-34, [HRB note 11:30 “people were getting sick and even dying because they were not taking the Passover ceremony serious enough.”]
Proper Discernment/Judgement – begins with us, “The Household of Elohim” – 1 Pet 4:17 Also see: 1 Cor 5:12-13 (read YRM notes & see DYK p. 1799).
John 7:24 (not hypocritical judgement Mat 7:1-5), Pro 21:3, Isa 61:8, Psa 119:66, Isa 58:1, Prov 28:5 (Optional Extra Readings – Psa 37: 28, 30; 1 Cor 6:2-5; Deut. 1:16-17) 6.
Break Bread – Luke 22:15-19, Mat 26:26 - Prayer for the blessing of The Unleavened Bread of sincerity and truth, the symbol of His broken body for our healing. After prayer only baptized members eat of the Bread and drink of the Cup (Exo 12:44 see YRM note)
PRAYER: “We thank you Father Yahweh for sending your only begotten Son who came as Your Passover lamb to take away the sins of the world, who we confess to be Your Messiah and our Savior. We hereby take of this unleavened bread and break it, accepting it as Yahshua’s body that was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and where forever the chastisement of our peace is now upon Him and we now confess by His Body and by His stripes we are healed – In Yahshua’s Name, Amein.”
EAT BREAD -pause and reflect upon Yahshua’s body being broken for us.
Take Cup – Mat 26:27-29, Prayer for the blessing of the fruit of the vine (grape juice), the symbol at Yahshua’s shed blood for the forgiveness of all our sins.
PRAYER: “We thank you Father Yahweh for the most merciful and gracious gift you could ever possibly give unto us, in that while we were yet sinners you provided a sacrifice, the sacrifice of Your perfect Son Yahshua. We take this cup and accept it as Yahshua’s perfect innocent blood that was shed for the ransom of our sins and we thank you for the only remission, redemption, propitiation and atonement that only Your spotless lamb Yahshua can provide – In Yahshua’s Name, Amein and HalleluYah”
DRINK CUP -pause and reflect of Yahshua’s suffering and bloodshed. (Col. 2:11-13)
Sing Hymn – Mat 26:30; Rev 15:3; Deut 32:1-43. All read Psa 51 together [HRB note Psa. 51:19 “Dan 9:25 states that Messiah will come 483 years after the walls & city of Jerusalem are rebuilt and then (as “Yahshua will make the ultimate sacrifice by dying Himself for the sins of the people), Yahweh will be pleased with sacrifices”]
“Earnestly Contend... (This means it will be a struggle and a fight to follow This Faith!) and Hold Fast in the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints” – Jude 1:3 – We are in the process of the “Restitution of all things” spoken of in Acts 3:21. See YRM note, “This is the “reconstitution of pure worship” -Heb 10:19-39.
Farewell Discourse – John 14-16 (all); Luke 22:39-44
Yahshua's Final Prayer – John 17
Closing – Psa 22 & 40 (all) [HRB note at Psa 40:6, “verse 6 correctly states that Yahweh did not delight in the sacrifices of animals (Jer 7:21-23) but they were a mere shadow of the (future) sacrifice of His servant, the Messiah “HRB note at Psa 40:10, “verses 9·10, The servant of Yahweh here is stating that his job will be to speak the truth of Yahweh to the congregation and bring Yahweh’s salvation to Israel; that is why His Name will be YAHSHUA or YAH’s SALVATION.”]
Until He comes, let our mission also be to speak Yahweh’s Truth to those whom He has called and appointed to hear it. – John 6:44, 65
Remember you do not bear the root, The Root Bears You! – Rom 11.18
Composed by Joseph Miller, Pesach 2022
Note:Withinthisitinerary,IhavecombinedelementsfrombothYEAandYAIY'sPassoverCeremonyinstructionsaswellasadding otherrelevantScripturesandnotesfrommyownstudies.