If you consider yourself one of the Very elect' or 'chosen', then this book is for you.
F ,,@,h. sa,H:, ,dFsdir r .%-* ,, d.: qd*$ .r* r,W *",uqr, .,**e* mg@rftS8a.,.ffi*ra. e.-_&g* "Forfalse messrahs andfalse prophets shall arise, and thiy ',, shall show great signs andwonders, so as to lead astray, .; if possible, euenthe chosen ones." { i (Matthew z4:24) ji (Matthew3---------------_4;a4) ,,,$ tr&,;1 ;!1i;64[si;u6,1!,1.qry,;w:;&,,,,,#q**r*4# r ek$1&fus,,..1** lw*m* "dM-4..a#
Y.rr walk into an audience of a hundred people and ask for all those r'vho are christian to raise their hand... In the average western country, an a.,erage of 75% would raise their hand - From catholic to or"thodox to Presblterian to Mormon, they ALL consider themselves as Christian despite the wide gaps between their beliefs. so what exactly is christianity? since the time that our Messiah walked the earth, there has been many denominations that have fbrmed, all claiming to be 'christian' and ail craiming to have the only truth... There are reported to be approximltely 38,ooo clenominations that label thernselves 'christian'. we knowiha"t there is only one truth - "Your Word is truth.,' (John t7:r7) and this book will lead you through an examination of many practices and traditions of christianity and how they "o*prr" with scriptural commands and what the Messiah and His discipres lived and taught. fhe Messiah warned of "uolues in sheep,s ctothing,,(Matt 7:r5) and Paul warned of wolves who would come to lead astiay (ects zo:lq).
Even at the time of Messiah, He rightly accused the religious institute of _"mLllifying the Word of the Almighty through y"our tradition which you haue handed dotun. Aricl many iuchltike you do.,' (Marh 7:13)
This book is for those who question the contradictions between what one is taught from the pulpit or in theological seminaries and what lhe Scriptures acl"ually say.
In order to lay a foundation for this study, take a look at these Scriptures. There are many verses in Scripture that echo these, but these are sufficient for now:
"Neither is there saluatiort in any other: for tlrcre is no other Nsrne under lrcauen giuen among men, uhereby we rnust be saued."
(Acts 4:rz)
"Wherefore God also has highly exalted Him, and giuen him a Nanne ulich is sboue euerA nanrt.e: That et the Nclrne of Jesus euery knee should botl , of thing s in hecLuen, and thing s in earth, and things under the earth; And that euerA tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
(Philippians z:g-rr)
"This is His Commandment, That ue shotLld belieue onthe Nanne of His SonJesus Christ." . (t 'tohn s,2::.)
If you were singing all your songs and psalms, giving all your praise and praying all your prayers to the Atmighty in the name of His one and only begotten Son 'Brian', do you think He would mind?
In light ofthe Scriptures revealing that His Name is important, ,,,1 the answer is a resounding, "YES, He would mind!
Brian isn't the name of our Saviour!"
Here's the fact...
Our Messiah's Name isn't Brian, and it isn't Jesus either! Think about it...
If the Messiah was born a Hebrew with a Hebrew rnother then FIe would have a Hebrew name! Is 'Jesus' a Hebrew name? NO. Ask any Israeli or Hebrew linguist. The closest to Hebrew you can tind is the Spanish 'H'soos'which in Hebrew means 'the horse'!!! ',lesus' is the English version of the poor Greek transliteration of the Messiah's name:'Iesous'.
'fhe Name given by the Almighty to His Son is actually 'Yahushua' meaning Yah is Salvation. That's power{ul!
Your choices are: Iesous or Iesus or Jesus - or the Name given by an angel to the virgin mother of the Messiah - Yahushua
'Ilo,lleluYo.h'is a word that is recognised in nearly every language and means 'praise Yah'. He must be important and He-is! yitrls the short form of the Name of 'yAffWEH' the one and only Creator. Look at these Scriptures and ask yourself, .'What Name do i use lor my Clealor?"
"l witl praise'the LORD'accorclinglo His righleousness: ancl uill sing prsise to the Nanne of 'the LORD, most high."
(Psalm 7:17)
"Praise 'the LORD'. Praise, O you seruants of ,the LORD,, praise the Nrnne of 'the LORD'. Blessedbe the Nsrne of 'the LORD'.front this tirne forth andfor euermore.,'
(Psalm 1r1i1,2)
"And it shall conrc to pass, that whosoeuer shall co,ll on the Nanne of 'the LARD' shallbe deliuered: for inmount Zion and in Jerusalem shttll be deliuerance, as 'the LORD' hath said_, qnd in the remnantt uhont'the LORD, shall catt.',
(Joel z:32)
These are a tiny sample of the references to the name of 'the LORD'. Here's the magnitude of the crime!
The Name of our creator is named neaitv zooo tlmes in ttre ota Testament alone yet in nearly every case in most modern translations it appears as 'the LORD!' Remember the third Commandment:
"You shall not take the Nanne of 'the LORD, (yafuueh) your God in uain; for 'the LORD' (yahtueh) will not hold him guiltless that takes I:Iis NoLrne in uain.,' (Exodus zo:7)
To take in 'uain' is the Hebrew word 'shau)' and literally means to
H7723 NllX shdv', shawv; Noun: Masculine: from the same as 7722 inthe scnse oldesolating
l.) Emptiness, vanity, falsehood,
a.) Entpliness, nothingness,vanity.
b.) Empttness of speech, 1yrng.
To obliterate the personal Name of our Almighty creator yahweh and mask it with a title of 'the LORD' or 'God' is bringing his Name to nothingness and is utter blasphemy!
The title of 'the Lord' is derived from old English, being one who had aristocratic rank and had control over a portion of land granted from a king. The 'landlord' was subject to that king and would bow the knee before the king in subserwience (right*) to his authority, yet as believers, we know that the Almighty Creator of all things neither bows nor is subiect to anyone!
The title of 'the Lord', by it's origin and implication is totally blasphemous. The whole of Christianity is guilty through the lack of use of bringing the Name of YAHWEH to nothingness. Not only that, but if you look up 'Baal' in a good dictionary you will llnd that it is Hebrew and means 'Lord'!
Websters Dictionary: Ba'al (Ba'al; Heb, bo'al, Lord, possessor) r) A,uery catmmannamefor god among the Phoenicians. The word rs also used of the.master ar owner of ct hause (Exod. 22:7, Judg. tg:22); af a landowner (Job 31:3il; of an owner of cattle (Exod 21:281 'Isa 1:S), etc. The word" is often used as a prtefix to names of lforuns' and tnen, eg ., B a' al'G ad, B a'aI- H anan, etc.
't'his is startling to say the least. Ba'al is a term familiar with most tlible readers being synonymous with Satan and the name Ba'al is part of a number of other names of false gods worshipped by heathen nations including Beelzebub (lord of flies), Baalgad (lord of luck) etc. and in light of Jelemiah 2S;z7 is most shockirt, , . . :-, .,.,, : l
"How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they ore prop.hel of the deceit of thetr o*, ,
Ancient graven images of the Janaanite god Ba'al * the Lord (above) BA'AL = LORDhecu't; which think tct caus-e mA people toforget nty Nanne by their dreants which they tell euet'a men to-hisieigttiour, as their fathers h au e for g otten t,rrA N annefor"B; (Jeremiah z3:26-27)
.Iust in case you thought uis Name was Jehorrah- do a little historv search on the letter 'J'. you will find that it is a liitle o"". sou v*"r', old and even many early Bibles do not contain the letter 'J,..1
\;{ a {rru l*:1., rll,t irl:'t,ij:r*1 , l:,,.1t, i,,rr::1,,i.. ,,,111", "1,:l " '.1 i,., -i -lifltt1 tlrti:,:! ljjal{': t*lr:irtr-el ,;i lrt:r *{*r;1, ar.i{ rn *tr.rr d*r*t h*i:irij *;r at11! *{i r_}r1.2r !i* ;t:'1,,n; r1,.. qirtt lht\ u{i( cliurl:.
Excerpt from the r6tr KJV (above) and Inner page ofthe 1599 Geneya Bible with the spelling: Iesus (right-) HalleluYah is spelled hallelujah but no one eyer says hallelu-Jah. Aside from the 'J', the suffix 'hovah' is No. 1943 in Strong's Ileblew Dictiunary and has the mcaning of 'ruin: mischief.' It is another form of No. 1942, har'wah, which is translated i,;Mutu1 :::lt} &ili il;ii,. lllir 't:crlanittl, iliqtLity, mischief,,naughty, noisonte, peruerse thing, uertl wickedr2ess...'Satan must be laughingl
I1ve1 1n the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek scriptures, the Jehovah's witnesses, The watchtower Bible and f'ract Society of New York, Inc., admit in their Foreword (pp. z3) that: "w-hite inclining ro uieru the pronunciation 'yahueh' as Lhe more COR+ECT WAY, ue haue reieined the form ,Jehouah, A"rorri iy 1rcople'sJomiliaritu with it since the t4ti Ccntury." slevcr.T. Byi,gtorr, Tle Eible in Living Engrish prrblished by the ,l.hovah's witnesses watchtower Bibre Crract society in the preface slrrlr's tlrrrt the pronunciation Jehovah is, .Z BLUNDER. wrlt'lrl,wt'r' litelatrrrc states inforrnatiou about the word Jelrovah, brrt clirborates as to its Catholic origin in rzToCE:
"By combining the uowel signs of Adhonag and Elohim with the four consonants of the Tetrugramtnaton thc pronunciohons Yehowah and Yehowih were formed. The first o{ these prouided the basis for the Latinizedform 'Jehoua(h).' The first recorded use of this form dates from the thirteenth cennuA C.E. Raymundtts Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, used ir in his bttok Pugeo Fidei of the yeor tz7o. Hebrew sclrclars generally .lbuor'Yahtueh' as lhe mosL likely pronunciation."
(Aid to Bible Understanding. Watchtower Bihle And Tract Sociely, r971, pp. 8B+, BBS.)
With these admissions and the knowledge that Yahweh is the correct ;rronunciation, Jehovah's Witnesses are just as guilty as every other Christian religion of breaking the 3rd Commandment - that of lrringing the Name of Yahweh to nothingness...
Many Christians are completely unaware that the Almighty actually Iras a Name!
"Who has ascended up into heauen, or descended? Who has clatlrcred the uind in His fists? Who has bound tlrc u-taters in ct qarment? Who hes established all the ends of the earth? What is IIis Nc:nt-e, and uho,t is -EIis Son's Nttnte, iJ tlou can tell?"
(Ploverbs 3o:4)
Scriously. Who do we think we are that we can change the Name of otrr Creator or His Son? While it is certainly true that He has many rlt:scriptive titles e.g. Father, Adonai, Almighty, El Shaddai, etc. But I le has ONE personal Name. The Name YAHWEH. Ylhushua said that He came in His Father's Name:
"I haue conte in My Father's -Alame and you do not receiue Me, if another conles in l:ns oturt ttcone, hint you tuould receiue." (John s:+s)
\Vlitten in Hebrew His Father's Name is contained in Yahu-shua (\'lh is Salvation).
{l*fur*lr r{:irris lj'{utlri*.hl t6 1*1t *ry
If the Messiah's name is indeed Jezeus, does that mean his father's name is Zerts?
In Greek, the suffix 'sus' commonlv referred to Zeus (right*) as the chief
deity of the Greeks.
'Dionysus' is the scholars conclude son of Zeus. Some that 'Tarsus' (where Paul was born) translates as 'the arrn of Zeus' and most will have heard of 'Pegasus' (-left) - the winged horse ofZeus.
The 16rr KIV Bible carries this translation of the name of the prophet Elisha (right-) choosing to translate the Hebrew name which means 'my God'(Eli) saues'(sha) to 'Elizeus' - my god is Zeus!
The Name of the Almighty has been known for a long, long time, so why do Bible translators continue to substitute His name To, Ba'al? Could it be something to do with money?!!g
The Secretary of the Management Committee of the NIV, Eclwin H. Palmer, Th.D., gave an interesting reason when he was asked why the name 'Yahweh'was omitted fromlhis translation. He explained:
"Here'x thb reasoi tu/ty,u;e, didntt,use it: ya,uiue'got,tt ;iigit' *nn" you said that 'Yahtueh' is the distinctiue Name for God, and that ue ac,taa{g sftould use if., Buf .fftis frans,latron cosf u s :$o;,ffiiilion,. .r:.n!,..a,throw',it,inthe'war€?i:is ro,frtrnslati Psalm:,eg to: oYqhweh' is :nty Shepherd: Immediateh'our,:trans;Iatioi.waitd be ',.",. - inaain.Nobadu woalduse,rfr".i ,',,, :: ::, Tradition it seerns is more important than truth for many people... Yahushua rebuked the religious hypocrites in His day:
"For laying aside the Commandment of God, you hold the tradition of rnen... And he said unto them, Full uell you reject the Commandment of God, that you may keep Aour outrt tt aditiort.,, (Mark 7:B,g).
Many who have lived their iives Honouring 'the LORD' and calling on the name of 'Jesus' rnay respond, "He knows our hearts." This is true, and He knows those who obey His Commandments and are searching for truth and will reveal it to them, but to refuse to obey the Truth is willful sin and will result in a delusion.
,Because they receiued not the loue of the truth. that they might be saued. AndJbr this cause YHWH shall send them strong delusion, that they should.belieue atie."
(z Thessalonians 2: 10,11)
I-Iave you noticed that a large number of prophets and kings in Scripture have a name that ends with the three letters 'iah'? e.g. lsaiah, Jeremiah, Obadaiah, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Nehemiah, Zedekiah, Hezekiah, Zeruiah, Uriah, Benaiah, Gemariah, Hilkiah, cLc. l-o name but a few.
'fhe names when spoken clearly contain the short-form of the Name Yah (See Psalm 68:4) and indeed, the above Hebrew names all have rneanings i.e Isaiah: saved of Yah, Jeremiah: appointed of Yah, Obadiah: Servant of Yah, Zedekiah: righteousness of Yah... Etc. Look them up in a Hebrew dictionary yourself... Just another lestimony to the Name of Yahweh!
'l'his is by no means an exhaustive study. Please read the chapter: 'COMMON EXCUSES ANSWERED' and look into this important issue for yourself. "StudA to show yourself approued" (z Timothy z:r5) There are many comprehensive studies accessible through the internet on this topic. Yahweh is making His Name known in these rutt"'{1yl,.una if ls lnfumed fl,h::"_"1.-lr"lr,",*, . " ,,, ,, "O Yohweh, my strength, and my fortress, and ^y ,n1rg" in the day of ajjliction, the Gentiles shall come to theefrom the ends of the earth, and shall say,'surely ourfathers haue inherited lies, uanity, and things tuherein there k no profit.' Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods?
Therefore, behold, I trillthis once couse them to knous, I ruill cause them to knotu Mine hand and My might; and they shall knout that My Nanne is Yahtoeh."
(Jeremiah t6:tg-zt)
"Arud it shall be, in that dqlt, declares Yahweh, that you call Me my Husband, and "t"LZty;lfit Me My Bta'at."
; rr.,,::i; r' I,::al: r:::3r:a
The Name of Yahweh hay - nl;'T' (YHWH) named 'four letters' in
appears in'modern' otherwise known as Greek. the'Tetragrammaton' so
The Hebrews had u, "-u.1i", ;,$ry4eti'' '''-'r" 1't:.1:.t';!,qpq,,.1$$,en'l:-l* form of r.triting before the ery,qql*x:"**,$rt"*1i*-i*e;.1iqiq&h$ta,{ s Babylonian captivity which is 19$xlli':xryes,:1lsfl{:/}}Yd'ilti::,,11{ftd;':*'r\r known as 'paleo' or 'ancient' 'ti.i,"1 """{, "'$r' n"ir*'"'t4},'r' rq:\}' {{5' ,''" Hebrew and despite the lact qr'"1'""'i""" t{{'"q\4 !'"ir 1'1;'! \'!'t that the'Dead Sea SCrOllS' .*q5'", ''{", f i\3 1,!"'1r" "."!,ia (Psalm r3B right-) are -r ''ts ? F'1.. '1)" $ '4 r -t: .\ i a ., .'\ written in the more moderp ,r ,,1}d1*1*r *r'" rr**i:i;r'rr1t1*;v;i1lg11;-'... Hebrew, the Name of YHWH :'''' s--"'r 1 {.1 4r1!+u1x tr { ! . )ra':' is written in the paleo Hebrew '\': at'4i1''tir,?1 script, appearing throughout the scrolls as - ffiAt.
Some of the oldest known Hebrew writing is preserved on what is known as the 'Mesha Stele' or more commonly the 'Moabite Stone,. Discovered in the Dead Sea region, it dates to around B4o BCE and is written entirely in the original script of the Hebrew people - paleo Hebrew and is currently displayed in the Louvre Museum. Noi only does the Mesha Stele substantiate Scripture, but also bears the Name of Yahweh in paleo Hebrew (see below). It is believed to be the form used by ATXI/ Himself when He gave the Commandments in stone to Moses.
The practice of writing the Name t'xtends to the Greek Septuagint Greek, yet the Tetragrammaton number of places.
of Yahweh in paleo Hebrew also (below) where the main text is appears in paleo Hebrew in a
An amazing archaeological tliscovery that cannot be ignored is the fact that the 'l't'n Commandments (right*) nrade it to the Americas before (lolumbus! Not only are the (bmmands recorded in stone lirl all to read and as a Icstimony to the Laws that are rurchanged, but they are written irr the paleo Hebrew script! l,)ven though there are a few characters broken off at the beginning of :;r.veral lines and the script varies from some examples of paleo 'LX'l )-tl X ''il qLlX )'rlLX :lt l1 'l),,1X r .j 1e nro 1ds rakbl 'ou your flol,n Yarwel lar, ' ',1|,11'l LO 't,iqHx *lrlllx ]n1l',1 XL mvlace aqalfisl o&er elohim here be not
Hebrew in some Ietters, the text can be read with Xtrtl XL,Lujl )L IUOI XtA ul*1490 T*19,1',lnlqPq relativeease (-|gft). ,,,r n.t idor sharryoumake not orsavery iromhouse ofEsypt Remembef that u1!d Tx c!)xz.xtul 1u"1 r{Lt rx
dd\ o' RFaembe' n.Lhrrg.-s' v^i wel \ame e,e_ Hebrew reads from dayoj Remember ncthhgness Yahweh Name elen IICUISVV rEd LO'riL )u1S ru! )',19X TX A9>'lLlAXt TSLI: right to left. sohat yourmolhs andeven yoorlather even Relpecl loqadosh theSnabbarh ;lnlllX 1'llnl qLlX I'IA4: LO )nlulnl "1t>CX'i v.,,, Eohim Yahweh hal grolnd upon you.days wjli b€ lonq xt, staT xL . rxlT xL' HPql xt, )L'1T'r fol tosleal noi tocommiiadulterynot tomlrd€r noi toyou hasgtoen )loq TUX AU1HT 4L ,q)U AO)Oq! ]'iOT v,ntr,triShbouwituoI tocov6l not ials€ wlhessagainstneighbouglveteslimony
co-nsidering all this information and because the paleo Hebrew is believed to be the form yahweh used to write the -commandments with Hisown finger (Elodqs 3r:rg), from hereon where Scripture is quoted, the Name of Yahweh will be written in this form _ &Aq, u, will the Messiah - OWnAtr.
YAHWEH _;1'1;']r -AMA'
For more on the Name of yahweh, see the following chapters:
transliterated to give an accurate language. The following table gives correct pronunciation.
a - iih as in 5rm
e - ehasinelm
i - eeasinEel
o - ohasinon
u - oo as in iino
The names have been pronunciation in the Hebrew the vocal sounds necessary for
b - fth) v as invet
d - fafrl th as in them
6 - ey as in eight
E - (Sh) The'S'is pronounced as a soft aspirated g sound.
h - (ch) k - frcrl The 'I.r' and 'k' ,." pforrorrr"Ed r. the'ch'in the German composer Bach, or the Scottish Loch, like a guttural, aspirated h sound.
The Torah commands not to speak the names of false deities (Exo z3:r3, Jos zg:7, Psa 16:4), urd i., an effort to reduce tt " rrr*Ue. of English words derived from pagan deities or pulur- titt"r, 9!p.9"lu]lv-*t en pertaining to yahweh, Uis Son and His fieople, the HalleluYah- scriptures contains a number of Hebrew ,io.di a.o reflecting the Hebrew origin of scripture. As these terms #r be foreign Io many, a GLossARy is inciuded at the end of this boot to familiarise the user with these new words.
When the Messiah Yahushua left this earth bodily, He gave many warnings about the apostasy that would follow as did Paul about savage wolves:
"But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in : sheep's clothing, but inwardly they ore sauage usolues." ;,: ., ri. (Matthew 7:r5) :'.' : '.
Yahushua also warned of great persecution that would come to the believers (Matt 5:ro; Luke zr:rz; John g;zo etc) and indeed, there was increasing persecution under Nero and other rulers for true believers. Then, what is hailed as a great turning point in Christianity, yet should be considered a warning sign according to the Word (z Tim 3:rz) the persecution ceased...
When Rome was in the throes of anarchy and decay brought on by the self serving emperors, along came Constantine who rose to power after having witnessed a 'heavenly vision' of the cross (right* see further chapter on 'The Cross') bearing the words: 'In hoc signo uinces' (By this sign conquer). This is indeed what has taken place over the millenia under pain of death!
constantine made christianity the state religion in 3r5cE and sum'noned the first ecumenical council at Nicaea in 3z!cn. ue declared himself the executor of the decisions of the councif thereby -,raking himself the first unofficial 'pope'. This council simply borrowed many of the pagan traditions popular by the Roman p"optl
and 'Catholicized' thern into one religion. The statues of the were all renamed over the vears to become Peter and the aposiles and now veneration of statues is commonplace in Roman Catholicisrn. Catholic means 'universal' and that's exactly what the first pagan, sunworshipping father of this sect had in mind. Constantine wanted to unite the whole known world under a one world government and universal religion. what he succeeded in doing was to combine all the important elements of all religions into one. The fact that Constantine remained a pagan sun-worshipper is evidenced by his continued worship of Sol, the Roman sun god (*left) even
minting coins with his image on the
reverse and his choice of the names of the week (Deis solis -- sunday in particular) in honour of the gods.
Sync.rgtisyt ('srtlkrtttz,"tm) noun - the combination or attempted. combination oJ' chara_cteristic teachings, beliefs or practicis of differinO systems of religion or philosopity.
Tlil l. the process by which the 0niveriai no-a" religion of christianity was created. As Rome spread across the" globe c-onqlering most of the knornm world, the agenda was to assiriilate the beliefs and practices of the various paga, nations into one acceptable religion, thus keeping each nation }irppy. If any nation or people resisted, they were simply exterminated. This is the very reason there are so many customs and practises within mainstream christianity that are found nowhere in the scriptures and yet very
few people seem to question.
Considering Constantine, the benefactor of Christianity was such a zealous sun worshipper, and that the sun has been the commonality of so many religions since the beginning, is it any
wonder that his one world religion placed such emphasis on practices and iconography of sun worship? Throughout this book you will encounter overtones of sun-worship in many practices and sr.mbolism present in Christianity.
The pagan roots of Catholicism are evident upon examination of the rituals and traditions practiced which include: 'mass', 'veneration of statues' (idol worship),'Papal deification','confession', etc.
The Roman Catholic Church decided that not only was the Pope infailible (without error), but all it's bishops are considered 'Vicarius Clristi' (or Vicars of God) meaning that they have representative authority of God on earth. The title of 'Pope' comes from the Latin word 'Pepa' meaning 'Father' a blatantly obvious contradiction to the words Yahushua commanded:
"And co'llll.orte on earthyourfather,-for One is your Father, He uho is in the shamayim. (Matthew z3:g)
The Catholic Church continued making decrees to maintain their dominance. The following are some examples of Roman Catholic doctrine that blatantly opposes the written Word of Yahweh. The first (in grey) is the quote from the Catholic Catechism followed by the Scripture or Scriptures it contradicts:
r.) Salvation through the Church alone
"It is througlr Chrisf's Catholic Church olone, which is thg uniuersal help lousard saluation, that the fullness of the means of saluation can be obtained." Pg. zr5, +816
" For the uages of sin is death, but the .fauourable gift of Elohim rs euerlasting hai in Moshialt OttlM{ our Mtster." (Romans 6:23)
z.) Salvation through Mary
;'By grace of God Mary remainedfree of euery personal sin her
"For c,ll haue sinned andfall short of the esteem of Aloiim. (Romans 3:23)
"And there is no deliuersttce in anyone else,for there is no other Natne under the shamayim giuen among men by whichueneedto be saued.,'
"You do not rnakefor yourself a csrued. itnage, or anty lilceness of that tuhich is in the shamayim aboue, or ushich is in the earth beneath, or tahich is in the uaters under the earth, gou do not bou down to thern rztor serue thetn..." (Exodus zo:4-5)
"Little children, keep gourseluesfrorn id.ols. Amdn."
ves srns
"Why does this One talklike this? He is blaspheming! Who is able toforgiue sins but Elohim aloni?,, (Mark z:7)
s':' ..,1 q'.'-.' ..! i :
Ttre Without sin
'As it has beenuritten, " !!'q ""' 'there is none righteous, no, not one., ,' (Romans 3:ro)
"For all haue sinned. andfall short of the esteem of Elohim.', ri
"But do not eat flesh uith its life, its biood.." (Genesis 9:4)
"And taking bread, giuing thanks, He broke it and gaue it to them, saying, "This is My body tohich is giuenfor you, do this in : : rernetnbrantce ofMe."
;: (Luke zz:r9)
, ;.. 'eos"-'.,e ,.,." .;. #tra,a. F{.,r.6}' '
"Bt1 that desire ue haue been qadosh through the offering of tlrc body of OWAat ha'Masliah oncefor all."
(Hebrer'vs 1cl:1tl)
"I)rLt' l{e, hauhry olJbred one slaughter offerhrg.;for. sins for c.ll tinte, sut clotun at tlrc right hancl of AaAl.."
(Hebrews 1tl:12)
"'...the bktod o-/'OW\At' lut'Mashiah His Bdrt cleanses usfrotn aII sin."
(r John r:7)
8.) Confessing Sins to a Priest
"One who to abtain recan:ciliation with God antt with the Chtrch, musf coqfess to a priest all the unconfessed graue sins he remembers after" haui:ng carefully.exanined his conscience.:' Pg3T4, #1499
"I scknotuledge my sin unto You, ancl my wickedness I do not hide. I lutue said,'I confess nty b.ansgressions to AW,' rutd You.forg(rue the wiclcedness of mty sin."
"r,or therei, ,rn E/rhrT;,ulT,r3Zi)*"orrtor betueert Ektlim antd men, the Man Mrrshil;.fu O\t1A4/."
(r Timothy z:5)
9.) Purgatory
"All wha die in God's grace andfriendship, bur sall irnperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternalsaluarron; but after death they undergo puriJication, so cs fo achieue the haliness necessarq to enter thejoy ofheauen,"Pg 2658, #togo "The Church giues the narne PurgatarA to thisftnal.purification oJthe elect..."Pg. z68-269, #1081
" And such Luet'e sotne of .t1ou. But you were lroo,shed, but yotL uere tnc,d.e qadosh, but you uere d.eclctred right in the Nrrnte of the MqsterO\t|ffi|/, andby the RtLah of our Elohirn."
(r Corinthians 6:rt)
"There is, tlrcn, naLU n-o condetnno"tiort to those who are in Mrrshio.hO\,m'4r, who do not uulk according to theJlesh, but afier the Ruafi."
(Rornans B:r)
to.) Penance
"Absolution takes ctway sin. but does not remedr,t qll the disorders sirr has colrs€d. Roii ed up from sin, the sinner must srtil recauer his .full spiritualhealthby doing something more to make ammends lttr thi sin: he ntust 'mlake totitlrrtiun{or' or 'expiute' his sins. '1-hrs sadEfccfronts0/socalledpenancn.],Ps.g66;#t45g.
"'l'heir sins onrl their lawles.snesses I sholl retnernber rto rnare. Now tuhere there is forgiueness of these, there is no longer a slaughter offering for sin. "
(Hebrews 1rl:17-18)
(All Catholic quotes taken frorn The t994 Catechisrn ofthe Catholic Church) l'lrcse invented doctrines unfounded in Scripture are only a snrall :;t'lcrction of the contrived traditions still taught by the Catholic ('lrtrrch today. The 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church is tlrt ofticial source of all Roman Catholic doctrine" Published in r.y94, this is the first new catechism in over loo years. Even as recently as 2006 Pope lilneclict X\rI released a staternent on (':rtholic Identity" stating that:
(t) Only Catholics are true Christians;
(z) Other Christian denominations are "not true chnrches"; and
(S) All non-Catholics lack the "means of salvation."
"liut He answering, said to them, 'Whtl do yotL also transgress the Corntnandof Elohintbecause of your tradition?...
'l'lis people drew nectr to Me tuith tlrcb'mouth, and respect Me rt,itlt their lips, but their lrcart is.far.lrom Me. But in uain do they tt,,n'ship Me, teaching as teachings the cornrnantds of rnen.' "
(Matthew rS:3,8-9)
" 'And in usin do thety uorship Me, teaching as teachings the carntncrnds of tnen. Forssking the Cornrnttnd of Elohirn, you holclfast the tro.dirton af,rnen... Well tlo yotrput aside the Cornrno:nd of Elohbn, in order to guan'dyour tradition... nullifuing the Word of Elohhn thraugh gour trodition ruhich you haue lrunded dou'rt. And many such-like you do. ' "
(Mark 7i7-g,rJ)
From the year 3oocE and onwards there were many customs and doctrines added to the new religion and none of the extra-Biblical traditions practiced bychristianity including church buildings, 'Holy-days', Sunday worship, Trinitarianism, dispensationalism nor a lapture etc. were heard of before this time and in many cases much later.
Scholars have many definitions why the period from around Soo to r5oo CE is called 'the Dark Ages', but spiritually this title has a more obvious meaning... The ScripturesYahweh's uritten Word and Booh of Law and Instruction - was withheld from the population by the all powerful Roman
tortured before being put to death.
common folk were simply led to spiritual doom by corrupt priests and Papacy that chased around the world for 'holy relics'creating wars and wholesale slaughter inthe hame of god'.
The Catholic Institution created a system through these dark years whereby those who did not come under the authority of the Church and partake in the 'sacraments' were eternally damned. Money talks though and'indulgences' were sold for great amounts absolving the sinner from any sin and in many cases these indulgences allowed the bearer to commit wanton evil till death and still consider themselves freed from the tortures of pur g atory' and hell-fire.
The common folk with their pagan roots still had their love of shrines, amulets and talismans etc. and the Church successfully turned this practice into a real money-spinner by creating 'saints' who could be worshipped by the locals and a penitent could make a pilgrimage to the holy toenails of St. Whatsisname and give some money to get a discount from purgatory.
The Catholic Church created sai161e1 just about any cause or reason one would need to pray and even the official list of saints number over to,ooo! A Church was not a Church that had not acquired a holy relic of some kind for the worshippers to pray to! Books could be (and have fssnl filled on the evils and abominations perpetrated by the Christian Church over the years, but we are primarily concerned with, and will examine the traditions that have remained, and are still held to be truth to this day...
after over a thousand years enough folks finally realised the Truth and Words of Life weie contained in the Scriptures and formed another denomination of Christianity labeled'Protestants' because they protested against the doctrine, rituals and Catholic Institution and actually made steps toward removal of some of the paganism within Christianity.
The first hand-written English language Bible y_an-99-crip-ts-were produced in the r38o's by John Wycliffe (left-; a scholar, and theologian who was well-known throughout Europe for his opposition to the teaching of the organized Church, which he believed to be contLrv to Scripture. Wycliffe produced dozens of en[lish language manuscript copies of the scriptures which were translated out of the Latin Vulgate (the only source text available to wycliffe). The pope at tne time was so infuriated by this, that even 44 years after Wycliffe had died, he ordered the bones to be dug-up, c.uihed, and scatiered in the river!
Martin Luther 48gl^546 (right-) famous for nailing his thesis to the doors of the cathedral
ffi,,:H ? *"i:Itii'""-""""i::t?I T:'[: ffi.ffi
*+Ift I; iltltifi ',!J#:rfr J i: ":r*"i,' ry
l!:f':!r:f' "u?! y:, r!! ry, the christia*. r niiffi tni, L.ry4i.6 fu,tp,!:,onf,;l;.,*,"ffi gtd$arygar,@&Agq-rol.the,,I.itu$,aad..tttha"$grnea,fueltrttuans,,ra: be on their guard a.gainst them." l$if tyrqpr*.1r1;uqs9g.ue,gr..scigp/sah**rbu"raa,,3iiAr*ttn: airt * i rillti&i,abail,,,,,J.-", s,ry,Ig ciri{at T,,rhis,is qq ae.apnqii,rtbngi.,if ;ii.{ iiin6 ofiC,4,iisle/rdAfirt,t t rye.pry,.Chiir*r"rAa dfft..1=i,.:c,p 0n,f,t?.ti&lEpAiri, ond blasphemlng" of his Soi ind of his Chrisr,'rrr." ffilrrtin i*tnJr, '0n the Jews and Their Lies'- 1543)
This hatred for the Jews and all things Jewish was not uncomrnon due to the Paoal decrees_affecting the Jewish peopre. vru"v-p"opr" are aware of and shocked in regard to the well documented Holocaust years during \AavII, but few are aware that the loathing toward the Jews was already part of the underlying culture of Europe due to the christian te_a-ching regarding Israei. Ii"r" ur" jusi a few 'highlights' from the hidden history of Citholic antisemitis;: kq-SqZi Emperor Constantius made the marriage of a Jewish man to a Christian punishable by death.
Year 967-976: St. Hillary of Poitiers referred to Jews as a perverse people whom God has cursed forever.
Year 4r5: St. Augustine wrote, "The true image of the Hebrew is ,ludas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for siluer. The Jetu can neuer rntderstand the scriptures and foreuer u:ill bear the guilt for the tlaatlt of Jesus."
Year 613: Jews were given the options of either leaving Spain or r:clnverting to Christianity.
Year Tzzz Leo III outlawed Judaism
Year ro96: The First Christian Crusade was launched. As the soldiers passed through Europe on the way to the 'Holy Land', large rrumbers of Jews were challenged: "Christ-killers, embrace the cross or die!" In the Rhine Valley alone, 12,ooo Jews were killed in the Ifirst Crusade.
Year tzzT: The Syrrod of Narbonne required Jews to wear an oval badge.
Year rz59: A syrrod of the archdiocese in Mainz (Germany) ordered ,Iews to wear yellow badges.
Year tz67z The Synod of Vienna ordered Jews to wear horned hats. 'llhomas Aquinas said that Jews should live in perpetual servitude. Year t4gz: Jews were given the choice of being baptized as Christians or banished from Spain.
Year 1555: A Roman Catholic Papal bull, 'Cum Nimis Absurdum' required Jews to wear badges, and live in ghettos. They were not zrllowed to own property outside the ghetto.
'Ihis hatred toward Jews is the primary reason why there is so few scrolls or even fragments of Hebrew scrolls of Scripture as their books and uritings were all considered heretical, thus destroyed...
William Tyndale 494-1596 (right-; is credited with publishing the earliest translations of the Scriptures into English making it widely available utilising the newly invented printing press. This achievement earned Tyndale the reward of being strangled, then burned at the stake at the hands of the Catholic Institution but allowed the common people to read the Words of Scripture largely hidden through the Dark Ages.
An interesting tradition began around this period... First published in 1557 the 'Geneva Bible' was the first Bible to add chapters and verses to the Word; something that was added for aid still causes untold confusion to this day! Some actually believe that the chapters and
verses indicate mislead a great
where-to stop reading a certain portion and thereby deal of readers.
the established doctrines and the day.
Another even more serious breach of the Command not to add to the Word (Deut 4:z; 12A2) was the addition of marginal notes... As if the Word of Yahweh was not clear enough! This addition was (and remains to this day) a not so transparent attempt to force the reader into the interpretation of a passage of Scriptur:e to conform with traditions of the religious Institution of
However, despite the explosion of truth, Catholicism had a reformation of it's ov,rr, and under the direction of Ignatius Loyola, t4gt-r556 (*left) the 'society of Jesus' (otherwise known as 'JexLits) was formed, and using ftrrtive techniques, infiltrated and undermined rnany denominations that attempted to steer people back to the Word of truth.
Part of the 'Jesuit oath of Induction' includes this worrying vow still swolrn by Jesuits today:
''...1 furlhermorc promisc und tleclare that I wiLt, uthen opporlunihl present, make and wage u,or, secretly o, op"rrly,'rgainst cilI heretics, Protestants anc) Liberrls, as I arn dirictecr io dolio'ixtirpate and. exterrninate thenfi"ont tlrcface o.f the whole earth: antl tlruti uiil spa:e neither ag", sei o, condition; ind ttrut I *itt tiig,;"ri-,LA, flaU, stranqle and bury aliue these inJarnous heretics, rip trp'the stomnchs and uombs o.f their wotnen and crush thti, infinti'heads ugoinst thc wolls. in ordar Lo ortnihilate.foreuer their exicroblc roce. That tuhen the sante ca nnot be done openly, I ruill seo.etlu tLse the poisoned cup. lhe stratquktting cord. tlte stecl of'tlte poniit.d or the leaden hullet. regarclleis of the-lrcrtor. ronk. dig'nity. or ctuthorira if thc p.e.rson or pcr.sons. whateuer ntuy be their indition in lde. eiihir public or priuutp. us I at anq Lima mog be directed so to di lty any agent of the Pope or StLperior of the Brotlrcrhoocl of ttrc Holy iaithi of the Saciety of Jesus....,'
Interestingly it was the Jesuits who prornoted the name 'Jesus' which has been used in Latin as an acronr.,m for:
'trtatl ltrs nanrc be blotted out!' !\tlrile Roman Catholicism managed to contain the Reformation, rvithin the various Protestant , rll.shoots that sprang Llp, ,,r'cr the next few hundred \ (';rrs however, other ,l' rt'trines were contrived and l,'rl to ntore and more sects rillr names defining their 1 r'l doctrines or their l, rrrrrcler such as: 'Lntherans', t'rrivinists', 'Anglicans', ' i'r.r,sbvterians', etc.
"P'or qou are srillJleshly. Fot'since there is enuy, ond slrife, qnd diuisiotTs among lJau, et'e you notfleshly ancl wc.lking uccording to rno'n? For when one soAS,'I am of Sha'ul,' cLntl (utother,'I ortt o.f Apollos,' are Aou notlleshlA?"
(r Corinthians 3:B-4)
lrr tlre last few centuries, hundreds of new clenominations have .,rrscrr; some getting closer to the truth and some fi.rfther and yet all lr,rrc their roots in pagan catholic Christianity and all honour a ,,,,rrrr.less creator 'God' and 'Jesus'.
riflMil rr11#, "- ,. ga: '..
-uilML. :@U!tr,it,-: 'll,Y iliiirhi .-.i..!r i.: .Ifrsilril. i..:.. .r.r ':, '. ., iii;rnri* trflmlr.. .i.1. -0ffi. i.. ..-r'
llrrrrrrclrout this book the term 'Catholic'and 'C'hrrsfinn' are used r rrrrrryltlously because Christianity is a creation of Catholicism ,rtrli:ring a definition derived from the Greek word Khrisfos' the r, rrrrt' r)1' a Greek god! (see later chapter on CHRIST) ',,,rrt'qenuinely ask, "what do I call myself if I'm not a Christian?" llr, Scriptures refers to those who follow the Messiah clf Israel as r. r,/ r r'('nes (Acts z4:5) or Ttlofsarirrr' meaning'watchmen' in Hebrew.
AIT/ISAPIISTA. number of scriptures define believers as folrowers of 'the way, (Acts g:-z; rg-:g;24:L4,22 etc.) Some choose the name 'iUersiari",arrd yet by far the most Scripturar definition is 'Israer' 6."" "rrufil. o"
If voy are feeling offended,in^that-yo_ur rerigion has been lumped together under the same belief as ali these cf,ristian ."risi""., tlr"" qa.use- and ask yourself why you have chosen to rabel yo"r"r"uGtn u 1i.tle the pagans did, according to a follower of the Gieek Khrestos? The Messiah of Israer is_ w-ho we ought to be foriowins l"i tlr"
Teachings and commands found in tf,e word, not traditions and customs of pagans. This book will use Scripture to determine lust how far off some of christianity's cherished iradition. ,ra ao"", truly are. Again, this is by no means an exhaustive study into lnese topics and it is recommended that you, the reader, "ppry yo".r"ri ril." the Bereans spoken of in Scriptrrre:
'Notu lhese were more nobre than those in Thessaronikd, tuho receiued the Word with great eogerness, and secychei the ' Scriptures d.aity, if these u)ere so."
(Acts r7:rr)
9l: ".f the bigger events in the reformation was the commission of a Bible in.common English by King James in 16o4 (completed ln iOrO. Although this was a milestonJ in history, King James gu* tt " translators instructions intended to guarantee thit the ne#version would conform to the ecclesiorogy ani reflect the episcopar strrctrre
"And I appeared unto Abraham, unta Isanc, and unto Jacob, ba [the name ofl God Almightg. but ba mU name JEHOVAH lDas I not-knownto them.
(Exodus 6:3 - KJV)
Firstly "the name of is an addition to the text implying that He had a different name. Read properly, the last words of this quote are obviously meant as a rhetorical question * "bA rny NtrneYo,hrroeh toas I not knoton to thern?" Or, is the sky not blue? To understand it any other way is contradicting many Scriptures when considering Yahweh's Name was known to Abraham (Gen rz:B), Isaac (Gen z6:25) and Jacob (Gen z8:r3) not to mention Eve (Gen 4:r) right from the beginning.
As an introduction to how paganism has crept into society and religion we will examine this subject here to cover some of the other word choices used in this book... The English language is an evolved mixture of languages including Greek and Latin which are filled with words derived from mythology and the worship of their false gods. The following examination will help to explain some of the terms used throughout this book and why this has been done. Most believers are unaware of the Command given by Yahweh in Scripture not to mention the names of false mighty ones out of their mouths:
"Ancl in all thoL I haue said to you Lake heed. And mctke no rnentiorl. of the no:fite of other mightA ortes,let it not be he ar d. ft: otn y our rnouth. "
This Command is no different than any other Command given by Yahweh to Moses and if we claim to obey Yahweh - as Scripture defines as a sign of those that love Him - then we ought to do our best to obey this Command just as we do in bearing no false witness or having murderous hatred within our hearts...
"For uthoeuer shell guard all the Torah, and get s/r.lrnble in one poittt, he is guilty of oll."
(Ju-". z:ro) " " -:)''
As mentioned, many are not aware of this Command and even more are unaware that the English language is replete with the names and #;.',.,-..,,:-ir;,.:,,.'...,, 1 , .,--..,:rr.:, of the Church of England and its &".; i e- . - :. ;,ir,,,*.*. beliefs about an ordained clergy. ry " .*. %+ _fl. * j;, ;.:J# On top of the deliberate translation & L :, _ ;:,:,;,,,i,ir: uellers aDout ordarned Clergy. P ,' "., %+ _# * #l " *, On top lranslation il, .; -{fl *j*'q," 'gi:o:". u", ertors, the translators continued Lhe i", :-. {_, *. .,.1 ffi.. , tradition of supplanling the Name of -* -*,j.I;1-r,.,.*,,.J,. ii: Yahweh (the Tetragraiimaton) with 5&': a common title of i'h" LORD' """"p, ffi* i" a handtul of places. o"rpii" "if," Command in Scripture not to take away from the Word (Deut 4:z; tz3z) some still attest that the 'Authorised Version' is without error! One simple punctuation error in the KJV has led to many claiming that the Name of Yahweh was not knov,n in the earliest of times:
words derived from the names of mythological characters that have been worshipped over the millenia. rhe most obvious and widely used are the names of the week and a number of months in thL Roman calendar.
Think about this... Even if you ignore Scripture, if there was a day of the week nimed 'Adolf-Hitlerday' would you be pleased to use the name for this day in honour of a man whom we know for a fact was a murderer of millions?
Of course you wouldn't!
So why do we honour these false gods of death, sex and war in this way?
It is interesting to note that the Roman Catholic ChurCh alied themselves with this wicked dictator during WWII (right*;.
The horror of this truth is thatEE e"en worse;In that every day of the
week is named in honour of a pagan deity:
lunday - Day of the Sun - Originally Latin, 'Deis Solis' in honour of the Sun lSol' (right*). Notice the similarity to 'Statue of Liberty'
Monday - Day of the Moon - Named in honour of the moon god.
February - 'Februus'- Roman god dedicated in honour of the pagan ritual of Februa.
March -'Mars' - Roman god of war.
April - 'Aphrilis'(from Aphrodite) - Greek goddess of lust. Aphrodite with Pan and Cupid (-left) all Pagan deities.
May - 'Maia'- Roman earth goddess of fertility. June - 'Juno'- Roman warlike, protection goddess. July & August - Named after Gaius Julius Caesar and Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus respectively. Neither are gods of course, but both were pagan rulers, something the Scriptures forbids appointing (Deut r7:r4-r5).
It is noteworthy that Iceland succeeded in renouncing the names of pagan named months back in rroo CE. Even the majority of Muslims refuse to name the months according to paganism. In light of the fact that these days and months are all named in honour of false gods, and if we claim to be followers of the Messiah, the Son of the Creator of the universe, who created every day of the week, then why should we foliow man's vain traditions in regard to the names of days and months when it offends Him?
Simple answer: we shouldn't!
SyesfqV Day of lyr - Named in honour of ,Tyr,identified with 'Mars'the Roman god of war.
Wedrresday - lay of Woden - Named in honour of ,Wod.en, (Odin) the Norse god of war and death.
Thursday - Day of Thor - Named in honour of ,Thor, the Norse god ofthunder.
Friday - Day of Freya - Named in honour of 'Freya'the Norse goddess of love and sexual desire. One and the same with 'yenus'.
Saturday - Day of Saturn - Named in honour of 'Saturnus' (often depicted with sickle in hand eating his own son - right-) identified with 'Cronus' a Greek harvest deity. More on this later...
These months are named in honour of false gods: January -'Janus' - Roman god of the doorway. from god, the
It is also interesting to note that a large percentage of these are gods "'lil: -o:ill,'ij.:"J :r., ,, .,... ..,r4 ,_. .*i, ..r 1:, ue..drc..... ,s4d,*,"1 ...,...:. os not to go in among these nationi,"these iho remain itmon{ ,';:, Aotr. And no rnention of the nanrl.e of their mighty
Not only are there many words in the English language that are derived from false gods, but what's worse is many have been absorbed into Christianity and are used to 'praise' our Almighty Yah! Here are some examples and from :., *re where they are derived: ilI.l*E*[.7
Holy - from 'Halo' derived from f .,# "gu [,'-- 'Helios'(right-) Greek god of the Sun. fi :ffi&$;[.f.' An example of pagan sun worship I ; ffi-fl. ."5*- *,:j ffi$?",*,i1,u'lj3r,,?,i:.,,1*uo;" ffi: I,f, drya:" book rather than'holy'.. t T". . In the Greek translation of the New
Elijah (Hebrew Eriyah - ir,)N) is written as Herias. Another- reason to believe the Grlek text is corrupt.
Glory - from Latin ,Gloriir' (*left) - A halo or nimbus (rnore sun worship). Notit,e the sirnilaritv ol these pagan irnages depicted with the sun_ halo to that of the 'Statue of Liberty' (right-) who also wears the halo of sun ravs.
Faith - from Latin dide.s,Roman goddess of faith and lovaili Grace - from Roman rl .-r \rrace - IfOm ";l'@& , ,Gratiae,, tfr" 'rhre" biu""., "\ -r{ \ ._. '_ (*left) of Greek mythology .1 M representing the attributes
, . 'r" ., 1. , ., gf charm, beauty, natuLe, J d *. , y, human creativity and fertility. L d l ** Amen _ from ,Amen_Iicr, " # f' .' 1 (right_-lthe Egyrtian creator - god. It is common to end most prayers with this agreement, yet somehow trris wora ir'*tr"lrg serio.sly mispronounced unwittingiy girirg praise to a false gocl, whereas the FI ebrew pr.o nun ciatio i ii,i,,rii-,, ;" ;"i";, i" iJiTi A ", Eim[mmt
Befbre we move on to other, more abominable examples we must pause and examine another prime example of blatant sun worship. you cannot have failed to notice that four out oi five of lh; S11u"n ilisgr shown previously are bearing a hirlo above lheir heads..
k,' ' W ,, , +r y" have seen, even the word halo and holy is b)*. I derived from the Greek god of the sun arrJ vet in Christianity, the halo is used tir,," ;;J';;ui., tn ::HT::l_fl:s],:::: *: is,evident, the sun _has t";;-;;;,p?"o r,y ffii.i"g".tle F{]a1d we shoqld h""";;;; -l;i
lrirlo's, from left to right: Egyptian, Hittite, llrrc'ldhist. Babylonian, Hindu and ,'\s mentioned, halos are the sign of Helios llom where the word holy is derived... 'Ilre Hebrew word 'qodesh' carries the ruerrning of sef aport'but the name Set' ( r ight-) is that clf none other than the I,lg.yptian gocl of darkness, definiiely ,, rrnething we would not want to associate rr illl Yahweh.
ll we can assimilate thousands of Greek and Latin words into our l,rrrguage, is it too much to ask to use a Hebrew worcl that Yahwel'r .rp;rliecl to hirnself ancl called us to be QODESH?
" Be qodesh,for I AaAt'your Elohbn am qodesh." (l,evitictrs t9:z)
( :( )l) - Gad is a Syrian or Canaanite deity of good luck or fortune. In ll, lv|1'147. it is writterr -ll (gd). hut with p,x!n\#rrB!&':{!$r{i r\rs: e *, .'l,r:otetic vowel-pointing. it gives us !l ]"tiY r*r rl'u"u t{rr-, q};i" 'B*Yl i,,/(1.'Uthcr Scriptural lelerences to a ". 1.' !1 ' ' ,r,,ril:rl deitv, tlso written -U (gd).
Lrr r il vowel-pointing giring us 'Garvd' '- * --*: _ ,r: ,,r '( ,otl.' Cad is identillerl with Jrrpiter " , ,. ,. t * rl,, Sliv-rleity ol the Srru-deity. i i i ;j!' jij rri ,i; i llr, rvord 'God (or god)' is NOT A ; I \ h4 l,l Lrut a TITLE attempting to translate the Hebrew Elohim (or ,l,,lrirrr), gt (or 6l), and Eloah. However, it is often usecl as a rrl , .l il 111s [ol the Tetl'agrammaton (]'1.1il').
\,,,r'rling to the Encycloprcdia Britannica: "GOD is the camtnon t ,.tttrtttit' uord for a personal obiect of religious worship. applied to ,,ll tltt' sttprrhuman beings of the healheu mythologies. Tlrc word .1,t,!' rtn llrc conuersion o.f the Teutonic ,'oces to ChristianirJt ruos ,r,ltt1r!11!rr.s t/re name tf the One Supreme Being." lrr,itlopedia of Religion and Ethics and Webster's Twentieth I i n l u rv l)ictionary, Unabridged agree that the origin is Teutonic t, r",,urisrr). [n Indo-Germanic dictionaries, only one word resembles ',,, l' ll is'tlhodh'and is pronounced the same. This word means ,r r, rn, rrlso sexual union or mating. According to Luneburger \\,rvl1'1'1111g11, the following are the same word: Gott, got, gode, gade, , ,, I rrrt I guth (gud).
'rhe irnages above iLow pi"-cilffi''ffi$ffiffiff'flffi;The Roman religion that spread across Europe under the pain oftorture and or cleath assimilated the Teutonic deitvlGotJ' into Cathoticism, p;;;i;s -i"i; English as a title for the Arniehir. W" see the Germanic form 'GottY ii, tt u phrase 'Gott mit ,rs' (Coa-*itt -rrs'] right-) embossed o, ti-,"-U"ftr'.f?" German soldiers during W\,flI.
LORD - We have already uncovered the origin of this title and it's link to Ba'al worshtp b;;; top of that, the title ?ord,is apptied il;Iffiffi;i d"i.i"., if the,word ,god, is not used f.. ih;;.'in most cases Tord' and ,god,are used interctrangeably for pagan idols.
There was an Etruscan house deity whose name was'Ler' (*left), which signifi ed'io'ra.i-ii *u,,tro hoy as ,Lar:th,, {h-r"di;;-#'t"#_" ,r.ry po-pular in Rome an_d became k"";";; ,Leres, (plural) because as idol .tuto". iilt;;; usually il pairs. The Greek equivalent ,iifrirlr*e was '!{eros', which was aiothe.
";;^il;'?ers. a feminine form was known as ,Lara,, *froiua tt " beloved of the god Mercury.
Lar and Larth mean l,ora. fhe letters ,th, and ,d, were virtually interchangeably "*J, i" various nations. It was also common to find ,o, and ,a, ::?".:tTggy,,,?d in pr{ ""J niiairJ Engrish. The word'Lord' can arso be irr"",i u".i.l, r"r"a?i:ffiH;""il?'i* Teutonic god Thor. and to ,urao\ ,il'oiiler _aeity. i".t;;;iiord,, the word 'Master,' an exact ,""a""irg-oi i-he Hebrew Adonai and the Greek Kurios, can be used.
The Greeks used both the word ,Messias,(a transliteration) and Khristos' (a transtation) for th" Hd;;;',M a;hia;i;ie""i*"aj. rf," word Khristos was far mo-re u"*piuri"-to the pagans who were worshipping Khreston ana fnrestosi*
According to The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bibre, the word christos was easilv confused *itrr -ir* ."-mon Greek proper name Chrestos, meanine '$qoq.; A;g;rdtd"'i, a_ French tlieological dictionary, it is absloluierv n"vr"a a""L", ,rr"a^cr,ristus and chrestrs, and christiani and chresiiani d;;;d i"ain""""trv uv,ir""o.lrr.r" and Christian authors of- the fir;it*r;"nturies A.D. The word christianos is a Latinism, u"irrg ;;.ririil; neither by the Jews nor
by the Christians themselves. The word was introduced from one of three origins: the Roman police, the Roman populace, or an unspecified pagan origin. Its infrequent use in the New Testament suggests a pagan origin.
According to Realenrycloprdie, the inscription Chrestos is to be seen on a 'Mithras' (right*) relief in the Vatican.
According to Christianity and Mythology, 'Osiris', the sun-deity of Egypt, was reverenced as Chrestos. In the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon, built in the third century A.D., the Messiah's title is spelled Chrestos. According to Tertullian and Lactantius, the common people usually called Christ Chrestos.
, ,,s1., *.''tr'e....+*j.a 4 ,',' r, -..-3- f -r.;ffi,....,.. .**,u-"tr"kk ?q4*" oq*3*..s ":.,;q "The sorrous of those uho ntn after anothe, oi" irc increased.; I uould not pour out their drink offerings of blood, Nor take up theirnoltnes onmg lips." j
; ,;;;xP #:!,,r6***r:c6s!!di';& ,'uu*'tdrrfff,.,fmlir,,,"o{,..,,,.,,,,ru, ,q:&.**x;:, ,{dqsr,-,' ,,.r;l#
The term 'Scripture' (or Scriptures) is used fifty-three times in the New Testament. It refers to the First Covenant, and together with the Renewed Covenant comprise what is commonly known as 'the Bible.' The parts of Scripture, or individual Books, are called books or scrolls, which are'biblos' or 'biblion'in Greek.
The word 'Bible' for The Scriptures was first used about A.D. 4oo. The papyrus, on which all documents were written, was imported from Egrpt through the Phoenician seaport Gebal, which the Greeks called Byblos or Byblus. This seaport was the home of the Phoenician Sun-deity. The sun-god was associated with the I
Both the city of Byblos in Phoenicia and the city Byblis in Egypt were named after the female deity Byblis (also called Byble or Bib1is). 'Bgblia' (right*) was also a name for Venus, an astral goddess and a goddess of sensuality among the ancient Greeks.
This is the word used in lnost English versions as a translation for the Greek term, 'ekkle.sfa.' The Greek word means 'a calling out,' 'a meeting,' or 'a gathering.' EkHesia is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew 'qahal,'which means an assembly or a congregation.
The origin of the word 'church' is kurick on' or 'kyriakon, in Greek.
*;:a*e & The meaning is a building (the lioo." of t(.urios, or
the Master).
Dictionaries give the origin of 'church' as the Anglo-Saxon root, circe. Ci."" *r* the goddess_ daughter of Helios, the sun-deity. The w6rd circe ls related to 'circus,' 'circle,' 'circuit,' and 'circulate.', 'Circe' (*lefi) *u, oiigirutty , C.""t goddess whose name was written a"nd pronounced as'Kirke'. The word 'church' is known'in Scotland as kirk, in Germany as Kirche, and in Netherlands AS KCIK.
Some -may view this who]e subject as trivial and ask, ,,How can we possibly know which words not io use?,,
l1:,1""*". is simple. If you are sinning in ignorance, there is rorgrveness. u.ut rt you are aware of a Command and continue in olsobedtence then it is sin.
"Eueryone staying in Him does not sin. Eueryone sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him.,, il (r John e'61 * ... ...e., -. .-* "- ,,I"*io , ..r!. ..b. .,..." lf you become aware of a word i"'r;;, ,ro"rfrlu.y tf,ai is derived from a false god, then_ remove itf ff you start with orr", tt "r-t*o,it "., three etc. y-ou_grow from strength to strength and honour yahweh with your obedience.
There t. ro do, and have a sincere belief in the truth thaithe e,rmightyt."utir'r"rt His son to redeem ir," *",iJ iffi ,t,; iliitnT'315';,1if,'?J if,:l christianity isjust anotherfarse rerigionlirat has "ug"" ,i;iluriii", to the true Way that the Messiah taugh?andlived.
If you are a Christian, and before you put this book aside; ask yourself if you believe that'the Bib1e' is the 'Word of God'... If you believe this, then this book uses the Words from that very Book to prove that all 'denominations' are simply sects that have become lareer than the orisinal faith.
The first obvious similarity among ALL forms of Christianity is the fact that they all worship someone knouT r as 'Jesus' and call the Creator by a title 'God' or 'Lord' etc. rather than by His Name.
The Name of the creator is Commanded in the Ten Commandments, yet Christianity is guilty of breaking the Third Command by bringing the Name of Yahweh to nothingness! I! must be pginled_ og thqt Bibtes rgad_:. ;"And it sh,yitll con:te fp pass, thilt iuhosaBuei shql] call on " ' ' '. ' , th:\qmeef'l:j,j;?[?;yffiaew,ired*" ' .'
If that is the case, then ALL religions who call on 'the Lord' are saved! How does this stack up to the Word and what Yahushua spoke: - - - 4:E-e- !! .JlE;i -.1---.-:,
"Because the gate is naLrr:oto and the way is hard pressed ,, whichleads to l.tai, and there arefeu uhofindit." l: (Matthew Z:r4) ,li . ,;-' '''ii.. - ..: * .';r"c q't **. "!", ,.. r ,.,i" 'J : '" ! Remember that Yahushua described the end of days as "in the days of Noah," and how many got onto the ark? That's right... Only eight people! Hardly the same ratio of Christians today who call on the name of the Lord...'
If you still have reservations, we ask that you take your Scriptures and Pray to Yahweh to open your eyes to what He is saying to you. The only way for any of us to know the truth and to be freed is to match it with the Scriptures: His love letter to us, His children. If what you have learned or been taught does not match up to His Word
,,,,**iirryi:i:.rBi,sd,! ii .,;,.i,,, "See to it that no one makes a prea of gtou thriugri; philisapiy and empfu deceit,,tccording to the tradition ofrnen, occording to the eletnento;rA tnstters of the taorld, andnot according to Mashiah.
'&''d'i,:,,e;i,;u:1ir''"'ct,iii,;r,,.:,,, ,,,'*,',,,1,1(- !}[!ilt**"4'9}",'*,.,,, ,,..,.,'
Again we would point to the GLossARy in the back of this book that covers most of the words used in this book rather tnu""trr" pusu" words covered in this chapter.
PI: Pdtu","rffi
stand by their traditional Derers Dased on the nroofs that they have witnessed miracles through their belief and in thl name of Jesus...
The simple truth is that miracles are not, and have never been a singular sign that one's belief is true! Many believers in religions far removed from Christianity experience and testify to miracles. \4/hile pentecostal Christians are
writhing on the floor with miraculous healings, hundreds of thousands of ,C1troli": are being trealed by worshipping our lady of Fatima' or by travelling to fourd"es to play to M_ary. Muslims make pilgrimages to Mecca and receive miracles wirilJ staties of Mary weep blood and Hindu idols drink milkt Even, .Buddhist corpses refuse to rot and speakmg rn tongues' is common in their religion.
Remember that the Eglptian magicians copied many of yahweh,s miracles-done by Moses eye" tu-rnlng water io blood ("E;; i;;)
""d Simon the Sorcerer q:rfg...""q_ sulh great miracles that people attributed them to the Almightyl (Acts S:6_rr) no 3oj foggt the warning of Vihushrru ,"-gu.ding great signs:
,"For f-alse messia-hs.andfake prophgts sharll ,r:i*,, onalt ny shall show gregt signs-olnd.ionders, so as to iead astria, ir , _ ifpossfbteouen,#rf:;;; rn"i.'t--** rv" qe' i
The people of yahweh *"r" *u.""a irrr" rrr"'Cr;*Je'ilJIJ.rro,. follow after prophets who led astray, """" iitfr"v fi;;;G; miracles:
.--.... , ., .r .: .tr,:, { . .-.... "\t\4ten there arises among you a nahi or a dreamer of dreams, and he shall giue you a sign or a, and the sign or the uonder shall corne trtr.e, of uhich he has spaken to you, saying, 'Let us go after other mighty ones - uhich you haue not known - and serue them,' do not listen to the uords of that nabi or that dreamer of dreams,for AaA*'gour Elohimis trying Aou to know rahether Aou loue XaaT your Elohim uith all gour heart and uith all your being."
ng signs and wonders rather than the Word of
Yahweh becomes even more serious when taking into consideration the fact that Yahweh Himself will answer your prayer in accordance
"Therefore speakto them, andyou shall say to them, 'Thus said the Master ffiW, "Eueryone of the house of Yisra'dl who puts up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling-block of his wickedness before hisface, and shall come to the nabiIffi{ shall snsuer himuho comes, oecording to hisrnany id.ols..." "'
One of the most obvious links to paganism that no one can deny is the celebration of pagan 'holy-days'. The majority of Christians wili acknowledge the pagan roots and elements of Christmas and Easter, yet still continue to celebrate them with enthusiasm while ignoring the Festivals Yahweh commanded.
"And. you shall knou that I am *\At, for you haue not walked.inMg Lanos nor executed My Right-Rulings, but haue done according to the rulings of the gentiles ushich are all aroundyou." i '
(Ezekiel rr:rz)
';':!&, 1, .ax --**-
christmas! The greatest cerebration of serfishness and greed the Hf:,1,|l.1^:::ill:y": was never kept with such intensity i"-iililurt. The observance was even outlaw"a frv a**i;;il#;il,#;; but now it is deeply ingrained in thl mass conscience by annual mass j.i,.f practice, relentlessly driven by M{. merchants with massiv" gr""d. rh6 %W Yuletide extravaganza iJ nowhere . l';.M : '
Commanded or even found i" th; Scriptures yet, we see the familiar signs admonishing, "put Christ back iito Christmas" when He was never there in the first place!
SANTA CI-AUS - It should be quite obvious- to everJone that a rotund, bearded man in a red suit, who i( omniscient (knows who's been bad or good),.omnipresent ("i:it. every home in the worrd simultaneousry on christ-mass eve) and is eterral (never grows older) t u. unrotrt"ty nothing to do with rhe birth of The Messi-ah, y"riii;;;;.ffi t o* lanv Chri$i*:,f:"d their children the LrE! "'""'*
"Baruft are those doin,g His Commands, so that the authorifu shall be theirs unto the tree of l.tai, ori to enter through thi gates into the city. But outside aie the dogs and lnoii *ii enchant ttith lrugi, and those *ho ihir", and the mtLrd.erers. and the idotaters' "E":!i^;!: j:'"':offf aitir*ii'"ia-':'
,,.:.r.::.rir : .,jrr:::... .,r. ....-::. -t...,j::i1!aii.r:.:,r.,,*,: t,::';];;i;,: _,-, Falsehood is exactly what this holljav is based on... Think how shattering this is*#the belief of a child when they lea-rn the truth, and then question if theii parents u.u ulro lying about the existence of their Creator!
The jolly, rotund, bearded man in a reJ suit who we know as Santa Claus is based o, o., actual person who lived in Europe around the 3rd century CE. His name was Nicholas and because he apparently was such u .ri"" loy,-t " qas given sainthood (another CatholiJ ftnk) after his death and remembered u, Guirrt Nicholas'. (right* note the ,candy-cane')
If you say this with a Germanic accent it sounds exactly like "SantnyClaus". Over time he became more of a legend than reality and now Santny-Claus rides in a sled pulled by flying reindeer, is omniscient, omnipresent and sneaks down your chimney giving presents to good children!
WARNING SIGNS - Why would 'the world' want to celebrate anl,,thing to do with Yahushua? Yahushua Himself said that the world would hate Him:
"lf the world hates you. you know thal it ha,ted" Me before ithatedyou." .l (John rb:rB)
'Ihe world hates Him because He exposes the evil hearts of man.
"It is intpossiblefor the uorld to hate you, but it hates Me because I bear witness of it, that its ruorlcs are uicked-."
i ,:.. . 0otrn"'),,,,
The obvious answer is: The world doesn't celebrate Yahushua because Xmas has absolutely NOTHING to do with Yahushua!
@r, ffiffi* 'fl\" 14 , 'i, ,t l" ,t
AN E\aERGREEN TREE - Why do we adorn a tree with gold and silver balls and put presents under it when Scripture commands not to do this?
"Thus said*Mtr,'Do not lecrtt the usag of the gentiles, and do not be au:ed by the signs of the shamayim, for the gentiles are auted by them. For the prescribed custorns of these peoples cre worthless,for one cuts atreeft'otnthe forest, taorkfor the hands of a craftsrnan utith a cutting tool. They o.dont it with siluer and gold, they fasten it uith ' nails and hammers so that it does not topple..."'
(Jeremiah to:2-4)
Pagan religions throughout history have worshipped trees. From the earliest of times the Eglptians erected a tree as a phallic symbol of the sun god - Ra, and offered their sacrifices and gifts to him under the tree while the Babylonians worshipped'the tree of life' (right-).
The evergreen tree (-left) has religiously been regarded as a syrnbol of the "rrl"r.. tf nf" (because it is_always green) and was regarded as the.male phallic symbol in fertility w"orship since the earliest of times.
Together with the tree, the wreath (right*) was a syrnbol of the female vagina. In Scripture we read the warning of following the example of the idol worshipping gentiles:
"-..Lheir idots atl oround their artars, on euera niln nttt, on ail rhe mountaintop s, urtd-er eu-ery-greert tree, "ia i"i"i i;;;;;;;;k oak.' uhereuer thev "*Gl#.iT,:;;";" tu att their idits''; -
THE srAR - The sp,bol of a five pointed star has been used as the *a*&' representation oJ the sun god (the sun is a star)
for millenia and many people put a star atop their tree believing it 6 b; the star that led three wise men to baby yahushua. Ignorance of the Scriptures!!!
The astronomers (Scripture doesn't mention a number) didn't arrive till approximately two years after His birthl (Matl 2:i6)
"You, then, beloued ones, being forewarned, watch, lest you also fallfrotn Aour own steadf;srness, being led "rr", ;;11, the delusion of the latuless.', (z Peter 3:17)
.i ;:- .,ri:r.r r,i-.i:.,!::t:
Nowhere in scrintrrre do we find any reference to the date of Yahushua's birth. The one t11"S i".rnture mentions is shepherd watching flocks of sheep at nigfrf (ruke z:g), sometfri"s-tilii. ,rot done during the cold winters In Israer. ti'was more rikely autumn. Most in the western world do not realise that Decemu"r Istr, i, trr" birth date of Tammuz, the Babylo.ria., ,r, god, nor that it is the birthday of the Eglptian sun god Ra!
,,1,, \ (l
In 168 BCE Antiochus Epiphanes occupied Jerusalem and erected a statue of Zerts in the temple claiming Zeus was god on Zeus' birthday... December 25th. When Rome conquered Persia, the Romans adopted the worship of Mithra, the Persian version of the Babylonian Tammuz using the same symbol, the Babylonian 'Tau' or cross, and when theY d-h fr* dffi
,',,rrc1uered Jerusalem they hung Jewish patriots on the cross of N'l ithra as sacrifices to the Roman sun god who was born on..' you rirrcssed it... December z5th! (Read about Tammuz being an ,rl,ornination in Ezekiel 8).
'\llcr Constantine's 'conversion' (what Believer would mint a coin rvitlr his face and the image of a false god on the reverse?) he ,rl,sorbed the pagan holidays and worship into the Roman Catholic r ,'lirion.
"...and wenl a.fter worthlessness, and became taorthless, rrncl qfter the-gentiles usho usere all around them, of tahom Xef had Commanded them l:tot to do like thent."
(z Kings r7:r5) ,:,
l',r'r'rr the early Pilgrims to the Americas refused to celebrate r 'lr ristmas because they knew of its pagan origins.
tirrt [Ie (Yahishua),hauing slaughter offiring .litt' sinsfor o'll tirne, sat doun at the right hand of 4n4r-" (Hebrews 10:12)
A large number of christians contin,e to honour this celebration even though they know some or all of the tr"tf, ,L"ii-tfri, celebration. Thev respond thai if,"V, ,ti, it to honour God,. or that thev make it a feitivaifor Him... -ilii, i.*l"iuutty a familiar story and !n dqing so we make, oursetues as bts ;;;"il ;i,;ffi;r";:'{hor" Israelites that rebelled in the wilderr"Js
'And ru *" onortn tor,* og'r"h," " '^ """ "" q:d;:" ' dtr" g olden earring s-which w eie in their ears, and brought them to Aharon. And he took thisfrom their hand, and heform"d it *ith an engrauing tool, and made a moulded calf. And they said, ,This -is your mighty one, O ykra,dl, that broug_ht Aou out of the land of Mitsiagim!,AndAhariiro* ; and buitt ylttar eyit eiirii cauei i"i iia ,iii, 'Tontorrota is afestiuat t, qnAtr.l l)
(pxodus B?i-3:S)
i "*]&;ii';,.;,,: .rlii;iftr.:t*;':1.{i:l
]J:* +:\ _yourself, whar did yahweh think of this' ,festivA Himself? (If you don't know, read Bxodus-izt)
Got the answer?. . Good!
Now ask the same question about attempted to call 'His festival'. for the pagan Christ-Mass yOU have We are not pointing fingers here, just directing you to the truth. Many people are isnorani of a[ tt "s" ra"i, urra ,iiti "it"*pt il p"t " bit of 'christ back into christmasf u"t i.?yorserf what preoccupies your mind and actions in the weeks ,,rrrorrrdirg !frf, ,"*ir^triii"V. Do you plan howyour family win worshipLhweh in spirit and truth, or make big plans for a fam,y pa.ry (us-ua,v i"""iri"I'gr"ii"iv r"a alcohol)? Is your mind focused on Yahushua, His ,ffi* Life, ministry and sacrifice ffid, * " ;1"H"{:"r:T'ffi:f ?,YT r"*W ffiW&'+:l' keep your friends "and @ *T"MW jp* *o children happy? Are you "ffi:.*l*.*'W#t *;".'sffiffi :;:-TSIslJ".:t*:xm ffiw;w ,,rr* guid" .o you nln qhcnrk +h^ +-^i ^- rL^rr can absorb the trash o.,'teu-o-fi'io;;au;*s;3firiilf ffi"ri;
It does not take a genius to realise that 'Easter' is the English pronunciation of the goddess 'Astarte' or 'Ashtoreth', goddess of sex, love and fertility; consort and sister of 'Ba'al', also known as '[shtar'the wife of 'Tammuz'.
Neither does it take any more greycells to realise that this accounts for all the sexual syrnbolism pertaining to this pagan celebration i.e. bunnies and cggs (all symbols of reproduction).
According to Babylonian mythology, Ishtar descended from the heavens in
rrslftrsY Wfrlain. ,i@istrtFi'i1w* Ishtar Ashtoreth/Asherah Astarte
AII these false deities were worshipped as fertility goddesses and are warned abgu! in Scripture as abo-minable in the eyes of Yahweh: "'-- ,rr-".'.." ' .4;-. -, "So theu forsook A\\{ and serued Ba'oJ and the Ashtorieths." (Judges z:13)
And He said to me,'You are to see still greater o.bornino:tions which they ore doing." And He brought me to the door of the north gate of the House of ffia(, and I saw u)omen sitting there, taeeping for To;ttttttttz."
".And when he had apprehended him, he put hfm in eliver.ed him to four quattihnitrnp 9f lotdlers to l5eep ] delivered to four quattihr . : .: (Ac
Easter? = pascha (GSgSil Passover. From hxp (H6+SS) Pesach. This word p ascha is translated correctly as Passover z8 times.
EastreEaster sometimes coincides with pASSovER and the death and resurrection of the Messiah - yahushua so it was easy for chrisiianity to merge this pagan celebration of the Spring nquinox u.,J r"""ur reproduction,.as jppgsed to the scriptuiat iattr ary oiih"-nrst Hebrew month of Aviv- Sun- worship also had to havl a place and along with the celebration of 'Good'Friday' somehow u ,"rrr.""tio., came about on 'Easter Sunday'! yahushua said:
,. l-.rU*i..,,.rrirl,.,:, :,;r,ii :ei,ri :",,i-
In the U.S. the day is looked upon with great reverence and is celebrated with family reunions and religious services with Churches of all denominations open for services on this particular Thursday every year...
Yahweh has already Commanded a Festival for our harvest which is called'Shavuot' where believers are to honour Yahweh with our firstfruits. Thanksgiving is merely a replacement or counterfeit of the Festival Yahweh Commanded.
stomach of the greatfi"sh, so siall the Bdn of Agim be thiie dags and three nights in the heart""f {n" earth."-(Matthew p:4o)
- ." J
"For as Yonqh wos thre, ..:.1 1::.,,--.,,,1.r, .'.'l-':rrr' three d.ags a and three nights inthe morning? Hmm...
The syrnbolism goes even deeper in Catholicism when on Easter morning the shadow of the (pagan) obehsf, (phallus -left) in the Vaiican pierces the door of St. peter's dasilica (fulfilling the pagan ritual of the sun impregnating the mother earth) and nine months later... Dec z5thl See the connection?
P*l getting into the actual history of Thanksgiving, which may i-11:"5 uld surprrse many people, lets look at two arguments foi
it: :rlrra;i 3)! ....r.. rr:;r,!,. .c,.r?
k:.::1"-.three days and nights from F,riday nighr to Sunday use for justifying Christmas uni Easter! Many who observe those pagan days do not keep them as pagan holy days but observe them none the less. But is it right to keep them? The Catholic Churlh "rp""t, all good Catholics to be in church ll?::,a"r: and rha3ks-siving Day u*ffi ghurches that keep the day as*holy too.
if:|.*l:l is'Thanksgiving na),l".Clristianity proclaims it a holiday []:lI9"r), fo5 tfe p"".qT" ,f si"i"tih;;ksio God f"; ,h;;#i blessings received, "ipe"iutty "d""fi.;ii;
ed*$ffi iffi i* itffi.ffiiffiiffi$S$r j rffiiffi '*r: This answer is in direct opposition to the Word of Yawheh (see following sub-chapter) yet aside from that, the pagan roots of MCIS,*g#e all too obvious t9 tn9g9 who examine 114o*i :Tl countries celebrate a'Thanksgiving day' in one form or another.
This pagan feast, honoring the agricultural gods, goes back thousands of years. Originally, it was a harvest thanksgiving, and while the purpose has become less specif,c, the festival still takes place late in autumn, after the crops have been gathered. Such celebrations are ofvery ancient origin, being nearly universal among primitive peoples. The ancient Semites called the earth mother 'Astarte'... The Phrygians called her 'semele'... The Minoans had an 'earth mother' for each district.
A11 these local deities were absorbed by the Greeks into the one great goddess, 'Demeter.' The pagans in Rome celebrated their 'thanksgiving' in early October. The holiday was dedicated to the goddess of the harvest, 'Ceres', and the holiday was called 'Cerelia'. The Catholic church took over the pagan holiday and it became well established in England, where some of the pagan customs and rituals for this day were observed long after the Roman Empire had disappeared.
'Thanksgiving' is celebrated by practically every native peoples around the world and in some South and North American Indians the harvest entails the sacrifice of ayoung girl.
Thanksgiving, in the guise of the pagan harvest festivals, can be traced right back to ancient Babylon and the worship of Semiramis! Yahweh Commands us to not be like the pagans and heathens, to not worship Him like they do (Deuteronomy tz:z9-3z).
Hallows Eve has it's roots way back in paganism with a tradition -originally known as 'samhain' (saween), u firti"a of the dead with elements of occult and constructing a 'bonefire' (where we get the word 'bonfire') of bones. The Catho"lic Church had absorbed this festival into ii;s traditions by the Bth century and re_ named it'All Saints'Day'to make it sound many Christian churches hold Halloween
holy... Believe it or not, parties! In the 'safe' environment of the church, children dress up as their favourite character whether it be faeries, witches or Harry potterall syrnbols of magic (some churches actually promote the Harry Potter books). Much could be written
3bglt.- the pagan and satanic elements of this Jaa from the il*:^,:1.:lnturning with the fat of a human sacrifice to upp"ur" tne demons, to the trick or treating being representative of iho." demons, to the fact that it is one or"trre most ii"po,turriauy, i, tt" S1t-ani9 calendar, but put simply, Halloween t us f.UOfUiliC t, a" with ANYTHING in Scripture,^yli unsurprisingly this ""r"L.utio" r, weaseling it's way into the accepted Christ^ian triditions.
Food for thought...
.e a.#.i' di :%r. .ry.. r.\*d_c. .sk. q?s ,. -_8". J*.!. ?*r,{E.#J*,,". -ap*.- .r.d" "Do not loue the world nor that which is in the world. If anyone loues the utorld, the-loue of the Father is not in nri.; ,: (r John z:r5)
' Ar4 do n9! be_ co4fonned" io this world_, but be transformedby.th2reneuing of gour ^ina, ,o'inil yo, i :,; proueu:.hotis that gooitand uell_pti"siii "1a* : perfect_desire of Elohim., " _ (Romanstz:z)
- .'Adulterers an_d adulteresses! Do you not knou that friend.ship with the uorld. is eninitg toitn ntiiiil t\4roeuer therefore int2ryds to be aft ieia "f in" iiiii ! i rnakeshimseVanfftr of Elohbn.,, % .'**d iqs,i'qfs,e, ,,j..=e*%au**..ud,a*g4r"J*.... rJ .-.qryI;+-,..r*u*.* *-qr!
Does man have the Yahweh? Scripture religious days in rebellion...
right or the authority to ordain days of thanks 16 answers whether or not man can make his own replacement to His, whether in ignorance s1
We have already seen how Aaron created a "festiual to ffiAtr" (Exodus 32:g-S) and that Yahweh smote Israel because of it, [u1 indeed Jeroboam, one of the first kings of divided Israel also created a festival of his orr,rn: f.'.1,' .g'esdxi,, :-*sil'65*tu.'4't" q',,, fu* *" 6q's4s's'! 'ss .'j'' ."***et'- "'4'xL 'tet*q" , i',Aiahemddeofferingsonthealtaruhichhehadmadeat
Bdyth El on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month uhich he ho,d deuisedin his own heart. andhe perfonned afestiualfor the children of Yisra'dl,
and offered on the altar and burned incense."
Notice the wording that Jeroboam chose a date that, "he had deuised in his oun heart.'Scripture reveals that Yahweh considered it an abomination and Jeroboam and his house was eut off from Israel because of it! EVERY account in Scripture shows that when man creates a 'holy-day' of his o\m, it is an abomination to Yahweh... This is because it is disobedience to the Commands of Yahweh given throqgft Moses:
"WhenA'tA{ Aour Elohim cuts offfrombefore youthe nations which you go to dispossess, and you dispossess them and dusell in their land, guard yourself that gou are rl.ot ensno;red. tofollou thetn, after they are destroyedfrombefore you, and that you do not inquire about their mightg ones, saying, y'IIow did.thesenations seruetheirmighty orye:? t' And let tne do so too.' Do not do so to AM( Uour_Elohim, ,i for euery abominartonphichAa*ry hatus they haue done to their mighta ones,for they euen burntheir sons and daughters in the fiie to their mighty ones. Allthe Words I am commanding you, i suardto diittt3ff?:,.:ff# ,y"::;:;F'auavftomit " :::ti
'l'he prophet Daniel also warned that 'the Beast' system wourd 3-ttemqt to change not only the Laws, but also tt " appoiii"Jii*". of Yahweh:
_' ._..9"d it speaks uords against the Most High, and it uectrs out tlrc qodeshim of the .Most High, and it intencls to chan"ge AppointedTimes and Law, and t"heu ore giuen into iLs hand.for a time ond tiias andhalf atinrc.,,
(Daniel T:25)
As we have seen from Scripture, the actual birth-date of yahuihua the Messiah is not even recordecl in Scripture and can only be estimated. If we are not even commanded to celebrate the birth of the Messiah. then what right do we have to indulge in the self gratifying celebration of oie's own birth? The facts are:
i ).no,one' in' $glip re' is recorded, to: have,ielebrated their :birthday 31cer,! :!!osp of forelgn (paganJ. natisnril,i[uraoh:i.&;'au:*} una Il€rod, (liIat1,14r g),: z') Most of the traditions surrounding a birthday celebration are associated :wi&paganism and wo,rship o"f fahe gods"', :1' lr rr l:-", 1 Birthday traditions are .rrot only rooted in ti" pagan practice of .u*l'logy, but Eglptian pharaohs ordered businesses to close on their birthdays and gave eno.'nous feasts (he was considered the incarnate sun). In ancient Greece, wealthy males joinea [i.tfrari*clubs composed exclusively of rnen who shared their t*, celebrating monthly with a feast. persian noblemen observed their birthdays with a barbecue and serving hundreds of small cakes to the celebrants.
'Afier one's oun birth4qA, the tuo major Satanic holidaus are walpursisnacht and Hauoween." (Anton ilr"y - +il; sJi"iiiiriur".
Birthdavs were considered a time when ihi ria ipiiiti, as opposed to i!^e Sooa spirits were able to harm you, as this day "hr;;;J;;Ilror,, life. It was believed that the only way to ieep the bad spirits at bay was to have your friends and_familyaround you so tha't trr"i, gooa wishes and present giving would t e"a tt e- ut t;; -"
s:rying "huppy birthday" to friends and loved ones was society's .,rrperltitiour *uy of protecting them from evil spirits. Birthday tlrirrnps, bumps, pinches, etc. w6re said to bring luck and send away ,,r,i[ spirits. Party snappers, horns and other noisemakers were a]sointended to scare offbad-luck spirits. The custom of lighting candles originated with neoole believing that the gods [ived in the sky and by lighting candles and torches thev were sending a signal or prayer to the god. ,o they could be answered' When you 6low out the candles and make a wish it is another way of sending a signal and- a message. The lighted candles for the cake also miv have originated from the birthday ol'the Greek moon goddess Artemis, honouring her every month with rnoon-shaped honeiy cakes. Because the moon glows with light, the ,.,rkes were decoraled with lighted candles. Also take note that t'andles are a ritualistic paft of nearly every one of the pagan ,'t'lcbrations covered.
"The children are gathering wood, the fathers are lighting the fire, and the womin are kiading'theii dough, to rno,ke calce's fo, the sauereigness of the heouerr.s, ond to pour otft drink offerings io other mightA ones, to prouoke Me'" (Jeremiah 7: r8)
While Christianity is celebrating holy days of pagan,origin which are nowhere found in Scripture, *i'", we do examine the Word we find numerous reference in both Covenants to festivals given by Yahweh as a Command that have been celebrated by true believers for more than 3ooo years. They are taught and observed in both Covenants, kept by thl ancient"patriarcfrs as well as by the apostles and I I I
Yahushua the Messiah Himself, yet remain a near total mystery to the world. How can this be?
Throughout- history, mankind has disprayed a rebeilious attitude toward anything Yahweh tens us to do. rhroughout s"ripi".e *" of Israel constantly being swayed by the .raiio.r. ,roo'rd them and !.onnn-g th_eir traditions despiie being warned not to ao .o- rrrury IiT*" !gS. feu rB:3,.Deut re:3o, zl<t rlt5, Jer ro:2.) N";h; i, tt e
lTt ?f,'D,lys to Keep'found in f,eviticus aj, B*na"r-;, ;;;i;;;; 16 and elsewhere do we see anv of We would rather make our own rules for life and worship, unbound by Scriptural do's and don'ts.
On top of this we now have a society with hundreds of years of tradition that everyone assumes is commonplace. No one ever asks, "Do you keep Christmas?" They just assume you do as ,rrori everyone else, and t_o go against this tradition is already a huge obstacle for most believers.-In the case of christma. fo.-"*a*plu, those who refuse to buy into the story and the tradition ur" turui"a u. a_'scr_ooge' (thanks to popular mediaj or'fun-spoilers'.
Jhe key to true honouring vahweh according to His Co-T*3"$:r.- worshipping in TRUTH as-well as in spirit.
,.. ."-..-. P...-i ,..-- *,.,.,*1r.,:,.,...fro".,:..., "But the hour is coming, and nou is, uhen the trtte ! :: uorshippeys thaJl*ortiii' ii,i i;;h", in spirit oii t utt, . . for the Fath* "*"d"#;:;:)to uorihip Hi;.; ;
JV9 are presented the same decision as ancient isir"t _ k";p Yahweh's days as commanded or ignore them and foilow the inventions and conventions of man.
Tod_ay's reljgious leaders completely disregard the fact that yahushua the Messiah, His apostles and ail the befJvers in the New Testament obseruedthe very days found in Levitieus e3, and theywill keep them again in the new heavens and earth as in prophecy: " '1 ".'n"'-' ll' , *'' * .'*.3 .'."* % ." . ... . -; s*.*'t'..r....rpr.:, j ...: " "4f! it sho.ll be that all uho are leftfrom ali the gnritx ,. which came,up ag.ainst yentshalayim, ,hdl go "pio; i;;, i 'o ""'"ult!fr*f^{i;*:iojsukkoth"" ', *i '- r"".i 's'!&'. i. ,js..,.,+4i*.,r* :*'..*., :.:" .. .;*:., {- . ,,"i
This fact begs another que*tion: If the Scriptural days were kept by the early believers and will be kept in the new heavels arrd earth, why shouldn't they be observed now? Yahushua !9nt the Festivals and Scripture commands u$ to "tualk QS He ualked" (r John _q:6) and that He left us an exampleto follow (r Peter z:zr). S\orldn;t we be following it?
It is appalling that those who seek the truth canno! Cet the truth from religious leaders who are supposed to be guiding them into it. Instead, they are left feeling rebuked whenever thgY inquire about ryt{ I!" church ignores the qodesh days Commanded in Scripture. Ezekiel prophesied ofthis very thing: ry*,. . .l ..,.r .*."*, , __1,s.,qr.6.!.i -p*u..e -;,r "Her kohenim haue done dolence to My Torah and ths, irio,fo,,.n* Mg qodesh mstters. Tney haue not distinguished b[ao"eln the qodesh and profone, nor haue they made knoun t!" diff"r"r"n befiueenthe unclean andthe clean. Andthey haue hi1{"ntheir ' esesfrorn Ms shabb*t;k:f!"f,:# profaned in thei, midst.,, .-'* 1-.,.,,..'.';.:,' li*n{or.-,,;"4rq""eh;'!" , ,: .-:*,r, .."S
If one seriously studies the Scriptures with an- open mind, it wiil be quite clear thai mainstream Christianity is ignoriq* some of the most important Trut\j of Scripture - Yahweh's Laws. Wh1" pr"u"hirrg how unnecessary -yahwehi
Scriptural ,Festivals are, the Christian Church venerates and celebrates with zealoqu enthusiasm are completely missin* from the the popular pagan holidays that Word!
So what will it be, 'holly-days' or qodesh-days? Do you love tradition more than Truth? Is your desire to. please people or to please Yahweh? It's your choice. And so are the consequences of whit you choose.
",_.And .AW spoke -toi Mosheh, saying, 'Speak t,o-!!" children of Ykra'El, and say to them, "The Appointed. Times ol ru, uhich go;. a7e to proclaim as qodesh gatherings, My Appoint"d'i'i^"", ii" these-.."'
':...Srx days uorkis done, but the seuenth d,ay is a Shabbath of rest, a qodesh gathering. you do no tuork, it ii a shabbath to AnAry in all_your_dwellings. These are the Appointed Times oJAaAtr, rlo.desh g.atherings u:hich aou ore to proclaim at their Afpointed Times..."
"S...In the first rnonth, on the fourteenth d"ay of the lrtonth, bettoeen the euenings, isthePesalttoffi ..."
ts the Festiual of Mststsoth to Artrt
- seuen days you eat unleauened bread. On the first daA Aou haue a qodesh gathering, you do no seruile work... On the seuenth d,ay is a qodesh gathering, yott do no seruile work... "
'\5..Andfrom the morrow after the Shabbath,from the d"ay that you brought_the sheaf of the uaue offering, you shaU clountT"" yourselues: seuett cornpleted. shabitathoth. Until the tnorrow qfter the seuenth Sho.bbath you count;fifty days, then you shall bring a new grain offering to AnAq",. And on this sanne dag you shsll proclabn a q_od.esh gathering for yourselues, Aou do no seruile uork on it - a Lata foriuer in all your duellings throughout your generations..."
",s... And ffiA*" spoke to Mosheh, saying, 'Speak to the children of yisra,dl, saying, "In the seuenth rnonth, on the first of the rnonth, you haue rr rest, a remetnbrance of blowing of trumpets, a qodesh gathering. ,you do no seruile Luork...' "
"x..And fW spoke_to Mosheh, saying, ,On the tenth d.a11 of this seuenth rnonth-is yory ha'r(ippurirn. It shall be a qidesh gathering for aou. And you shall affiict your beings, and shat[ bring an offering made by Jire b Aaa{. And you do nobork on that sume
day, for it is Yom ha'Kippurim to make atonement for you before X\A/l'your Elohim. For any being uho is not afJlicted on that same day, he shall be cut olffromhis people. And any being uho does any work on that same day, that being I shall destroA from the mitlst of Itis people. You do no tuork - a Law foreuei throughout your qenerations in all your duellings. It is a Shabbath of rest to you, ortd you shall aJflict your beings. On the ninth day of the rnonth ot euening, from euening to euerting, !/ou obserue uour Slrubbath..."'
".,t."AndX\qq'spoke to Mosheh, saying, 1 'Speak to the children of Yisra'dl, saying, "On the ffieenth daA of this seuenth rnonth is the Fesrtuo/ qf Sulckothfor seuen days to frAt". On tlrcfirst dog is a qodesh gathering, uou tlo no seruile uork. 'For seuen days you ln'irtg an offering made by -fire IoqnA4/..."'"
" ':t,,...On the eighth daU there shall be a qodesh gathering for Aou, rtrul yotL shall bring an olfering made by fire b *nAt'. It is a closing licstiual, you do no seruile uork. These qre the Appointed Times of \\At uhich you proclaim as qodesh gatherings... On the ffieenth tlrnt of the seuenth month, uhen you gather in the fruit of the land, rtbserue the Festiual of AnAaf'for seuer. dags. Onthefirst day is u rest, and on the eighth day a rest. And you shall take for tlotn'selues on the Jirst day the fruit of good trees, branches of palm It'ces, twigs of leafu trees, and willows of the streem, and shall reioice before XAry' your Elohim for seuen days, And you shall rtlnerue it as o Festiual to ArtAt for seueru days in the year - a Law Irn'euer in your generations. Obserue it in the seuenth month. Duell itr hooths for seuen days; all uho are natiue yisra'dktes dtuell in lxxfths, so that Uour generations knou that I made the children of |isra'dl dutell in booths when I brought them out of the land of l\litsrayim. I am A'\At' yotLr Elohim.' Thus did Mosheh speak of the ,'\ltltointedTimes of Xq,f tu the children of yisra'd\."
Following on from this topic of keeping Yahweh's Festivals which are part of the Commands/Law/Torah given to the people of Yahweh through Moses, most would ask, "Are we supposed to keep the 'old' Laws..?" Practically the whoie of Christianity is based on the premise that the 'Old' Testament is gone and been replaced by a 'New' Testament of 'freedom through grace' with Christianity loudly and proudly proclaiming the message that "the Lau has been nailed to the cross."
"Do tt)e then nullifu the Torah through the belief,i Let it not be! On the contrarA, ue esto, the Toroh."
(Romans 3:3r)
" Or do y ou not knou , brothers - for I speak to those knouing the Torah - that the Torohrttles ouer q-tno;n as long as he liues?"
(Romans 7:t)
"...Cursed is eueryone who does not continue in all that has been written in the Book of the Torah, to do thettt."
(Galatians 3:ro)
Some claim that the New Testarnent teaches the Law is death:
"...Who also hath made us able ministers of the neu testument; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giuethlifu."
(z Corinihians 3:6 - KJV)
Covenant writings as "good", "righteous" and ,.perfect,,?
The Torah was given out of love... Read through these Scriptures and ask yourself why Yahweh would "do away" witn rris comriands that were given for our own good:
How can this be when the Law, or Torah of Yahweh is described through both 'lfa .;ii.l;;,,,ef'r' '- ,.,,,.1':':qr;;{i.l!
"And gou shalL guard and do thern,for this is gour wisdorn andyour understantding before the eyes of the peoples u.tho hear all these Laws, and they shall sai, ,Only a-utiie and. understanding_ peopliis this great naion!," :
(Deuteronomy 4:6)
"29 YA liSht-Rulings and guard. My Lanas, to uc,lk in thern. I am AnW Aour Elohim, And" you shall guard My Lauss and My nigit-nutings, tuhich i man d.oes
(Leviticus rB:4-S) i,r! .:,,:;,..,..,i;:'i;:l;i:ii;;:,.,,,,:,1,:;1;1i::lg.',i;li' -,",.,, ,.,1, .,,,r,,,r,;;
So are we under the Lawwhen paul says the following?
"For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse..." (Galatians 3:ro - KIV)
"For Christ is the end" of the Lausfor righteousness to eueru one that belieues. " (Romans 10:4 - KI\r)
"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but "nde.!ra;;. ';(ii";;;;;114:"Krvi -'^-'
Yet Yahweh gave the Commands that we might live!
*Walkin all the Way whichAffit your Etohim has commanded Aou, so that youliue and it be taell tuith you."
(Deuteronomy 5:33) ......,'...
In most respects it should not rnatter what anyone else wrote about the Law and Commands, but what the Son of Yahweh - the Messiah Yahushua said and taught about the Torah... Yahushua says the lbllowing about the Torah:
(Luke B:zr) and liues by them. I am ffi\(."
On the other hand, Paul also says the following about the Law:
"Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Ne|i'im. I didttot cotne to destroy but to complete. For truly, I saA to you, till the shamayim and the earthpass au)lA, onegodor one tittle sho"ll bg no rneanzs pass frorn the Torah till sllbe done."
(Matthew 5:17-18)
"And He anx-uering, saidto them, 'My mother and-Myr br other s are those uho are heaning the Word offfi{ and doing it-' "
"But He ansuering, said, 'It has been written, "Man shall not liue by bread alone, but by euetA uord that cotnesfrorn , the tnouth ofAW." ,"
,, . (Matthew4:+)
31., ,i:r,.,,"''' rrr,r -;tr;i::::tt'"r16iil:,r',r,.;!t. ., t , - 1{" ..;-,. :oi:- o;.
Considering that Yahushua Himself promoted and kept the Law and proclaimed that He did NOT come to destroy the Torah, is it possible that the Scriptures touted by Christianity to 'prove' the Law is gone are being misunderstood or deliberately mistranslated?
Many point to a passage in Colossians as proof that Yahushua did away with the Original Covenant Laws. One translation reads thus:
"Blotting outthe handuriting of ordinances that was against us, whichuas contrary to us, and took it out of the uag, nailing it to his cross" (Colossians z:14 - KJV)
The Greek word used for 'ordinances' is Strong's# tS7B,
''Hauing blotted out the certificate of debt against us - by the dogrnos - uhich stood against us. And He hns taken it out of the t. 1ilay, hauing nailed it to the stake." '',; ,,. ,.i (colossians z:r4 ) ' "'; ,!*- '*i' l',; '1. ,' Dogma is found six times in the New Covenant and refers to manmade decrees. Those who claim this is Yahweh's Law that was nailed to the stake are sadly mistaken. Paul was referring to the added laws that the Jews added. The Apostle Paul warned of these additions: ,,,7r
"Not paying attention to Yahu{ifables, and ,, cotntnandsoftnentuhoturnfromthetruth."
These are the laws that Yahushua rebuked the Jews 15 and Mark B for their 'commands of men'.
As quoted earlier, Romans 1o:4 is a popular verse that is quoted giving the delusion that Yahushua's sacrifice on the stake ended the Law, but what we find is simply a poor translation:
"For Christ is the end" of the lano for righleousness to euerA one that bekeues."
(Romans ro:4 - KIV)
The Greek word for 'end' in this passage is'telos', and telos is defined in Strong's Greek Dictionary as:
'goal'. We find a better rendition of Scriptures', which reads:
this verse in 'Halleluyah
"For Mashialr is the goal of the'Torahunto righteousness' to eueryone usho belieues."
ln James 5 we find the same poor translation:
' haue seen the end. [telos] of the Lord.." (James 5:rr - KJV) Has Yahweh come to an end? Of course not, and neither has the Law. Both Yahweh and the Law have goals, not ending points.
"For I knotu this, that after my departure soruo,ge wolues shall come in among Aou, not sparing the flock. Alsofrom among yourselues men shall arise, speaking distorted teachings, to drau autog thetalmidimafter themselues."
(Acts zo:29-3q)*":' ';'* {'""" ':';'
Paul gave these words of warning and sure enough, not too many years later, St. Ignatius of Antioch ((gS-ro8 CE) who incidentally was also the first to use the term 'catholic church' rtrote in his letter to the Magnesians: "rr,*l;: for in
This was the beginnins of ilw;: Cil;iffifi#
rgnatius is alleged to have be.en. a disciple of John (the disciple of Yahushua), yet compare Ignatius' quote ibove with what John wrote in the Scriptures:
"The one who sa!t.s,,l knou Him,, and. don" n , nuoii i rris comrnands,"is-. liar, aiiini irtnisnotinhbn., ,i r, i^L- .-.,i "4 "t"'' .; , :i:r.i (r John z:4) .r , "';' ss ".:- : .-, t. -
Take note... This warning from the word arso appries io ALL who claim to follow the Messiah. This scripture clearry a"oot", un trr" -clrrilill religions that do not keep thl commands as LIARS with NO TRUTH in them!
"He tuho turns o,u)aA his earfrom heoring the Torah, Euen his prager is an o,borninoltior".,,
Another favourite Scripture used by Lawress christianitv is: .:i:'.1t1ri:i,,iir,.,:trf:tt:iir.,,i4,ii.i.i;i: ^-,._r- 1..".,.,-.",,-;,.:, l":....,l1r_,."'.. 'For sin shall not rule ouer yor,yo,, yoir"or:" l' ,,otunder r?;:#"!T'undeifaiour"'" :
It is claimed that those under the wew'festament rr$;;;", iil; Torah, yet this is a serious misconception...
"For the Torah of the Ruall of the ttai in ha'Mashiah OVgqqr hasfreed" rnefrotn the lana of sin and of death."
According to the original Command given to Adam and Eve being, if you sin, you die (Genesis z:t7) and in light of the whole of Scripture rather than a handfuI of misunderstood texts, we realise that the law Paul is referring to is that originai law of sin unto death. It is the law of sin unto death that Messiah nailed to the stake... NOT the Law of the Torah! Paul continues...
"What then? Shall ue sin because we are not under lau but under fauour? Let it not be!"
(Romans 6:15)
r Peter z:t6 warns those who use the freedom Yahushua offers for this forgiveness, not to use it as a cloak for evil!
Many people in Christianity, influenced by the traditions passed down from Catholicism have trouble with the Book of Galatians.
"Therefore the Toroh became our trainer unto Mashiaft, in order to be declared right by belief. And after belief has come,
, (Galatians g:24-25)
" .:i'
This verse is not difficult to understand in light of Scripture. We saw in Romans ro:4 that the Messiah is not the end of the Torah, but the eoal at which the Law aims. Paul is saylng that through the Torah we know Messiah, but after we have come to the knowledge of Yahushua we no longer need a schoolmaster, because the Law is part of us now, as is the Messiah. Yahushua is the purpose for the Law and only through the Law can we know Messiah, because Yahushua literally represents the Word in flesh.
-er,:, ir: :::$i ,;, iii9., ,.,:,!, ,ttti:1, ,,tf$1!1',,,ttrllit:r.., ;:*fii:r:i,]ir, "In the beginning taas the Word, and the Word. uois t :iih Elohiln, and theWord.uss Elohbn."
(John r:r)
'And the Wordbecatneflesh and pitched. His tent among us, i ': andure sau) His esteem,-esteem o, oyon only broughtjorin oi , .: o father, complete infaiour and. tntth.". :.'l...,.,".'..'...,,.''.'..].(John\,L4)..... .."j d$.{p.. ;.- t
Yahushua lived the Law in every aspect and Scripture commands that we do the same.
i:,;1:, -rir. ..r,i.:t:i, .rli,:illi ilj:,:r. !r;,;ir!t!i:tr ,
"The one who says he stays in Him ought himself : also to tuilk, euert"as lleualied., i. (r John z:6) .!'t .,'.*" .,:
Yahushua and many of His disciples not only show that the Law has NOT been annulled, but they also express a deep love for it. Yahushua was not the only advocate for Yahweh's Law. We find the Apostle Paul, who is usually cited as being against the Law, in Romans gr31 in fact promoting Law-keeping:
"Do we then nullifg the Tot.ah through the betief?
:: Let it not be! On thi iontrary , we establish the Torah.,,
,,t'...,,if$;fi rli:tiii.i
Paul never said that Yahweh's Law wasn't important. Many will say that, "All we need is faith." Paul says that we need both belief and Law. we are not to throw out the Law because of belief, but as paul says we are to establish it within our lives.
In Romans 7 we find the Apostle paul again promoting yahweh's Law
lj'-1.,s-*l-'.q:-]l.k9,-,9,:*"9,"hr,fighJ9-99' 1n{,pood: .,
What. lhen, shall ute say? fs the Torah sin? Let it not be! Howeuer, I did not knotu sin except through the Torah. For also the couetousness I kneu not if the Torah had not said, 'You shall not col;et'...
So that the Torah trulA is qodesh, and the CornrnaLnd ', qodesh, and.righteous, ornd.good."
(Romans 7:L,7,12)
Paul quotes from the First Covenant over 90 times and a large percentage of those are from the Torah and repeated as instruction to believers in the Renewed Covenant. It's interesting to note that Paul wrote this for Timothy's instruction:
"All Scripture is breathed by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for repro of, for straig htening,for insfiirction in righteousness, that the man of Elohim might be fitted, equipp ed, for euerA g ood- toork."
(z Timothy 3:l.6-17)
When we bear in mind that the rew;r€!€iw!!*@* ffi New Covenant letters had not been collected together as part of Scripture at this time, it becomes clear that the Scripture Paul is referring to here is the First Covenant Law from which comes all our doctrine and teaching and t:,'1,,X:]l:1i",'lcht":":.1""1,,1i*'f:,}:":T:,_:.:'":"'-,1,,91,1,:.":*,;'
'And this I c:onfess to you, that accord.inLg rc fhe Way uhich they call a sect, so I utorship the Elohim of my fathers, belieuing o,ll thc,t has been uritten in the Torah o:nd" in the Ne!i'irn."
(Acts z4:r4)
" that the Torah truly is qodesh, and the Cotnrno;nd qodesh, andrighteous, and good."
"Or do you not knotu, brothers - for I speak to those knousing ,,, ,On Torah - that the Torah rules ..:"i" " rnant as long ai 6z 6g
Obviously, Paul never downgraded the Law, but had great respect and love for it. He realised it was given for our good and that the only way to know right from wrong was by Yahweh's righteous standards
inspired in the first five Books of His Word. What would we use for knowing right from wrong if the Torah were annulled?
James also takes a similar stance defining Yahweh's Law as perfect and confirming that "the Truth shatlmake-gouft"ee." (John g:32) and urites that we will be BLESSED when we o6r"*" His Comminds: {:"". }:'{dF,.x{':'dd*;e, -"' ,&i..'t 6rsd'r. .,}',.."' :' "...' ,!.
"But he that looked. into the perfect Torah, that offreedorn, ,: -and contittues in it, not becoming a hearer that forgets, y' but a doet ofuo"*''o'a:ff":o::':r" burukin his doing"'
Because the majority of Christians simply never read the First Covenant Laws, they quite willingly believe the falsehood that there are simply too many Laws and Commands and that we could not possibly keep them all, but is this true? Many make the claim that it is impossible to keep the Commands! Really? If that's true then Yahweh is a liar!
ss r;4.:$'r1:6a3 q '. .'...*qu.,'. *ru.r".*l{' , --'+ '*' ,*. d,.d'*B}:, ,-S r ,5 '
' he tuho does not establish the Wotds of this Torah.' And all the people shall say,'Amdn!' (Deuteronomy 27:26.Aiso Gal 3:ro)
"And it shall be, if you diligently obey the uoice of ffi4r your Elohim, to guard to do o,ll IIis Cornrnonds tohich I iommand- you tid,y, that ffiay' your Elohim shall make you high aboue all nations of the earth. And all these birekoth shall come upon Aou and ouertake Aou, if gou obey theuoice offfit your Elohim."
Christianity makes a big deal out of the desire to honour the Commands by describing it as 'LEGALISM' as though it's a bad thing... The obvious point to be made is that the opposite of legalism is illegaiism or lawlessness! In other words... SIN
d ,hr'.' **3.'.;.. , .::,.. _.,,_-."1-,.. _.,!:-.; ...!"
'Eueryone d-oing sin also_ d.oes lawle:ssness, i, ;; -'.',i"rlf;rfiiness" j ;, -.'; .!.;,.:. d,.a.., , .,.. - .,..,1{u.,.; .*.I,..p ..,.. ,. .__;... ._.,;.. , ,.: Even the KJV translates it this way:
"Whosoetser committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the trantsgression of the lana.''
First of all there is a CURSE uPon those who do Commands, but keep the Yahweh's not aII blessings and promises are worthless if we can't keep his Torah! It would be like telling a legless, armless man to make his way across the room and pickup his million dollar cheque... Not only does Christianity claim that it is impossible to keep the Commands, but also try to convince people that the Law is a burden... How sad to claim that a perfect Law (r John g:+ - KIV)
There is only one Law that is being referenced here and Yahweh's Law. The Law was not given to mankind to save simply to show us right from wrong:
given out of love is a burden! j!"i, -_.._
"Fo,r tiis is the louefor AM(, that ue guard His Corntno:nds, 4i, "*" '. :r .- a,*. .'.-%X? !\sr sE"': s'.... r's \1. 'Es x '. t t.,.r
Think about it...Not only are the most principal laws of society based on the Laws of Yahweh enforced to protect us from the murderers,
"Therefore bg works of Torah noJlesh shall be d"eclared right i be re Him,for bg the Torahis theknouledge ofsii." i (Romans 3:2o. Also Rom7i7) ?, .',"i- .-,:... t+'. 1*'. , "r,*',t,,' ...., - *k -...u ''' ''.',. that is us, but : andllis Corntno;nds arenotheauy-" (r John S:3) ,. :
thieves and sexual predators etc, but manlz of yahweh's Laws have been ignored, not to mention those regarding cleanliness and uncleanness which through the centuries hive given rise to massive plagues that decimated large portions of the woild's population. Interestingly a much smaller percentage of Jews cortraited the Black r.J Plague during the r4th century due to their cleanliness Laws yet were blamed for causing it and tens ofthousands of Israelites were tortured and killed! yahweh .1 commanded logical Laws such as excrement be buried from among His people (Deut 23:13) and one is to wash after contact with any bodily fluid (Lev 15) yet the medical industry (that once believed the amount of blood on an apron was a measure of skill) pats itself on the back for creating vaccines to slow disease, when in fact it can be . i;.'': attributed to simple running water!
Modern farming has only recently realised that leaving a field fallow one in seven years (Lev 253-7) is more beneficial than relentless cultivation. These are only a few of the more obvious bonuses of guarding the commands, but all the physical benefits of ]<eeping Yahweh's Laws are simply that - physi"ut. it is the spiritual benefits that are often ignored along with so many other Laws which don't appear to bring instant benefit.
we as believers do not keep the Laws to try to attain salvation or proye ourselves worthy... We are to keep the Commands out of reverence and love for Yahweh. A statement echoed many times in Scripture:
If you loue Me, you shall guard My Corrrmolnds."
(John 14:15)
"Aaou guard My CornrnoLnds,gou shall stag in My loue, euen os I haue guarded Mg Father,s Cornrnoinds and stay in IIis loue."
(John 15:ro)
"And this fs the loue, that tue uo'lk according to ,EIis :, Conuftands.Ihfs is th'e Command, that os Aou hZue heard ', {rornthebeginning, you shouldu:attcinit."
Christianity created the 'Jesus loves you' doctrine which claims that Yahushua effectively replaced the entirety of the Commands when He was asked which was the most important Command.
"And oWnA{ said to him,'You shell loue AMT Aour Elohim uith all your heart, and usith all gour being , and usith all your mind.'?hrs r's thefirst and great Command. And the second is like it,'You shall loue your neighbour as yourself.' On these (Matthew 22i87-4o) by
Notice that Yahushua did not reply that the Law was replaced these two, but that theuhole Laus hang onthese...
When you examine the first four of the Ten Commandments, they all hang on the first: love Yahweh...
The fifth to the tenth all hang on the Command Yahushua quoted from Leviticus r9:r8 to love your neighbour... In no way did Yahushua even hint that the entire Torah was superseded by these two. Some try and claim that Yahushua's Command differs from that of Yahweh when He made the following statement:
"A renetued command I giue to you, that you loue one another, as I hcrue loued you, that you also loue one another." - (John 13:34) Again, Yahushua was actually quoting Leviticus r9:r8 and Yahushua's Commands are the echo of His Father's Torah:
"No onehas greater loue thanthis: that one shouldlay down his lifefor hisfriends. You are My friends if you do iuohc:teuer I cornrnand you. No longer do I call Aou seruants, for a seruant does not knou uhat his master is doing. But I haue called. youfriends, fgr atl teo,chings which I heardfrotn My Fathbr l haue made knoutn to you."
(John r5:13-r5)
"For I am X tr, I shall not chantge..." lltratac!1s'!)
In the Book of James we find yahushua,s brother unequivocally nromgting law-keeping for yahweh,, peopt".
"Mg brothers, what ,use.is_i!fgr gntyon" ro ro, On hasbelief but does not haue uorks? rhii i.iiiti"""able to "rrun hirr-., And if a brother or sister is nakefr. "ii i, "","a it nita ir"'i, ^!1"!?ln of you soas to.tnr*, Citr;;;", be warmed and be fil]ed,lbut vou do io-t siue tni^ ini u-oliiv n""ar, what use is it? :1 So atso betief, if it d"oZs "r_ini"i -riil,'is in itse{f d"esd. But someone mioht 1ay, ,.y9u haue belief, and I haue works., Show me your"betief-witi;;i;;;'*irtrr, and r shctil show aouma betief by mg u:orki. youbetieue that zliiii;;;". .: You do uell. The demons also belieue _ and shudder!,, l (James z:t4.t9)
James asks a crucial .question for any believer: What good is it if we have nl]i"f t"t
"9 .*".( r !, q".,;;; ; il;ffi ,'it{",iu?'i',?5j w,rth no truit... Clouds with no rain... Our salvation works the same way. With belief and works we are t "ir, "i tfrl i-_ir", however, without eithercf ih;" i;;^';". promise is cut off. (Matt 7:r9) n""" ifr" demons believe in the existenc6'oiyrir*"f, and Yahushua, but just having tfri, L"liJJo"ls
Ltiiijj$!:riirlliiji not entitle them io yahwefr's n"is;. ^ilr"v ii,,.ii,ll,,.::t:,;ill,tt have neither works nor an ,b"ai"rit?*t. '
Three noteworthv Dassages are found in the Book of Revelation. The first is the propirecu ofth" ;";;;(*;aning the berievers) being taken into the witdeill;. f"rlliG;i;;-i;;* the adversary.
"1"1r!: dr.a.go_n uas enraged.with the u)omen, and he uent tofight with the remnaniof her seed, tho* gii"ii;g1h,; cornrnands "fffi "i!p"""""ri"g the witness , ofO\lt%( fts,11r1rshiali.,,
Notice what distinnrirrr". -vril"rr'.*p"opt"."i*" fi".J"i"r,ro;. define yahweh's eleci:.keeping the Com";andments of yahweh, and having belief in or witness "i V"fr".frrr. ny th"r" two attributes Yahweh's expectations for His p"";i;;;fi.*a. a"a;;;"',"
"Here is the endurance of the qodeshim, here are those guarding the Corntno;nds offfi( andthebelief ofOffiq."
(Revelation t4:rz)
!:ri-,::i. ,t:it , r, rr. it'!r! r. .r:ill;i::. Yahweh defines His elect as those that are guarding His Commands and the belief in Yahushua the Messiah. Very simply, these two clements are essential for a believer, for without them we will not have access to Yahweh's Reign. Right to the very last chapter of the Word, Yahweh warns us of the need for keeping His Commands:
"Baruft are those d.oing IIis Corntnurtds, so that the authoritg shall be theirs unto the tree of fuai, and to enter through the gates into the ci$-"
(Revelation zz:t4)
,r.:ii,:3.:i!ti:tii, r::,r,:,ri:alr
Here at the end of the Scriptures Yahweh clearly says that keeping His Commandments is a requirement for entering His Eternal Reign. Yahweh will only accept those with an obedient and humble heart. A heart that never wavers from Him, but stays true to the end. Every word in the entire Scriptures is for our benefit.
In the Book of Malachi, like many of the Prophets, we can find many prophecies for the New Covenant believer. In Malachi chapter 4 He tells of a time when the whole earth shall burn like a furnace, and the wicked shall become stubble. Malachi's message is vital, for the message does not end with those in the Old Covenant, but continues on for those in the latter days. He warns that we must not forget the Law of Moses:
"Rernernber the Torah of Mosheh. MA seruant, which I commanded him in \Iord! for all Yisra'dl, Lanas oLndRight-Rulings."
, (Malachi +:+)
This is important to understand for in this prophecy, believers are told to keep ALL the Law, Torah and Right Rulings. We, His people must not neglect any of His Law, but observe every Commandment
as Yahweh instructs us.
"Halleluyah! B.1ru! l2r!" ^g!,Who reuere,s AaAV,, tuho has greatly IIis Comr'r.r.r.i*.i, 'r . ::! , ;,:, (:,,:"* "'11)
David was called 'a man after yahweh,s own heart', (r _ Sam 13:14, Acts rS,zz)- u.ra considered to be the author of ilost of ihe Psalms. Of all the psalms he wrote "rtllfi"" the Commands and Laws, psalm6;;^;; amazing testimony to yahweh's fo.oi... ait t76 verses with the exception of rerse rzz uses one or more of these 9 Synonyms for Yahweh's Commands aeicribirs' ii -;, perfect, righteous, good and a deligit eic:
Torah/Law _ torah
_ Laws - I.roq Commands/Commandmtnts _ mitswoth
Word - daftrar/imrah
Right Rulings/Judgements-_ mishpatim
Way- derek Witnesses/testimonies _ edath Orders/precepts _ piqqud TrustworthinesslFaitt rufir*""' _ emunah
Many in today's society. are seeking truth... christianity has tried conceal it .f,o-r centuries, but reading"prui_'irq we read:
"your righteousness rs righteousnessforeuer, And your Torah is truth.,; *you are neer, o x,ry.,;i:;Hr?":;X2,,-*,ndsare *uth.,, *rhe sunt"f{y}\;;iiTl*,ro, Andau your righteous_ Right_ Rulings are for"uer.,;- (psalm rr9:16o) to
J,n,li*\, of..scripture, it is clear that the Laws and r anwen strll stand and the only Laws that have ..'r ".: ': :' Commands of currently been 7o
lrrllilled are those of the Levitical priesthood by the High Priest ( I,.ohen ha'Gadol) - Yahushua.
l,,vt.n though Christianity has tried to destroy the Covenant Laws, rrr:rny Christians still acknowledge the Ten Commandments as valid... ,\ll llrt one that is...
"Rernernber the Shabbath, to qadoshit. Six days you labour, and shall do all your ruork, but the seuenth is a Shc.bbath of AnAt'your Elohim. You do not do ong uorkqou, nor aour son, nor Aour daughter, nor Aour male seruant, nor yourfemale seruant, nor Aour cattle, nor Aour stronger ruho is ruirhin Aour gates. For in six days AT^q'made the shamayim end the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seuenth ThereforeA$( bo:rak the Shabbath day andqadoshit."
(Exodus zo:8-rr)
.:,r ,r, il.r..:,,... ,, ...,:'.. :l-i,r,,, _' .....)". ,..: 't'he Seventh day is without question, what we now call 'saturday'.It was named by the Romans in honour of 'Safurnus', one of their many firlse gods borrowed from the Greeks (Cronus), who inherited them from the l3abylonians, etc.
Saturn is also etymologically linked to 'Satur' (Satyr) the goat god (right-) qmonymous with Satan. The symbol of Saturn (-left) is the cross (symbol of the sun) and sickle (the 'grim reaper'). As believers we should not even speak this word in obedience to Exodus 23:13. (also Josh zg:7 and Ps 16:4) To call the day that Yahweh blessed after a false god is a dishonour to Him! In over roo languages of the world, the seventh day, Saturday is still called the Sabbath. In Italy it is called: Sabbato, in Spain: Sabado, in Portugal: Sabbado, in Russia: Subbota, in Poland: Sobota etc... All of these names mean Scbbath' or 'rest day'in their various languages.
In Hebrew, the language of our Messiah (and the heavenly messengers) it is called 'Shabbath'.
It is a verifiable historical fact that the Roman Catholic Church is the instit"tio"-."" lor.tlre change fronr the ,"u"ntn jri"a ,fr_ I.f!,9.{, Sun-day (originalty nr,r"d, --,Dies Doas rn honour oflhe sun god _ So1). This world's traditions u." 6f ,o irnpoltance to us as followers of yahweh, ,o l"iiI *_irr" Truth..."Iour Word is Truti,' (.lofr" ;;rr\
His Word to find the
ii: :4,:-i:i
"'l-hus the shanruyim ond tlrcearlh were cotnpletad, ancl all thei, arraq. And oi the r"irrtn"i"y'il"ii", "r,iitlriaiiiii,rrr which He hud clone, and,_He i"i*i'i,r1i" seuenth day.from all His trork uhich He had made. e"a niinii\ygk th.;;u;;;;;.;ra and qadosh it, begqule on it He restidfrotn cLlt His uork tuhich Elohimin creating had made.,, (Genesis z:r_3)
Nole: In thc beginning there were no c,nlldren ol'yahrvelr, so lhose who claitn tnrng are misin lonned.
J:*1 gI 'Genriles', only the the Sabbath to be a 'Jewish,
"A,trd you.spea!,the chilclr.en of yisra,dt. soying.,My Slrubbothoth uou.are to guard. by ail mecttts.Jbr thisrs u sign behueen Me and.yorL,tn urrgiii jow gnrr"rotions, to kr.tot-u that I, AMtr, qudosh y6u. ,eia yoi shail g.;;,i rru"" Shsbbath, t''or it ii.q.octgsit y" yii. irryone u_thoprofanes it slrull certainly be dn"th, f;;;;;ne uho cloei u-ark on it, that beinq sholl be cut oflfrom itnrr'iii, people. ,Six clous work is done, and on the seiLnth i" " iiLiUath of rest, qidesh to AlAq'. Euerso-ne doins ruor* on th;ii;iiri,i'i1,,".",, sn a r ce ;ffi;:il.r;;rtl1:,i ni t:i " : " "' " " o
Remember that this f.o.r.* otTHE Teu Cornrna.dnrents written in stone by the finger of Elohim fEr;3rr8j "
"And I also gaue them My Shabbathoth, to be s signbettaeen them and Me, to knotu that I amAnA4'who ntakes thern qadosh. But the house of Yisra'dl rebelled against Me in the wilderness. They did not u.rulkin My Letus, and they rejected My Right-Rulings, ushich, if a man does, he shnll liue by them. And they greatly profaned. My Shetbbsthoth. Ihen I said I tuould pour out My wrsth on thent in the wildet"tTess, to consume them. But I actedfor My Nanne's sake, not to profane it bejbre the gentiles, before ushose eyes I had brought thent out. And I Myself also lifted My hand in an oath to them in the usilderness, not to bring them into the land uhich I had giuen them, Jlotuirtg tuith milk and honey, the splendour of all lands, because they rejected My Riglt-RuLings and did not tualk in My LaLLt s, and they pr ofoned. Mg Shabb athoth... " (Ezekiel zo:tz-16)
These Scriptures make it very clear how serious AnA4/'treats the violation of His Sabbath (and Laws). It should serve as a reminder to us all.
"Also the sons of the.foreigner uho join themselues b AnAt", to serue Him, and to loue the Natne ef AaAtr', to be His seruents, all uho guard the Shabbath, and not profone it, and holdfast to My Couenant - thent I slnll bring to My qodesh motLntait, and let them rejoice in My HotLse of prayer..." (lsaiah 56:6-z)
The Sabbath is fbr those who wish to be 'grafted in'to Israel.
"Arrcl tht,clildren oJ'yisra, -l slrullguard the Shabbath, to obserue the-Shsbbath throulghout their gn"nriiiii as an euerlasting Couenantt. ,Betrueen Me and the childr.en of yisra,dl ft is a sigrrfor"ier.....'; (Exodus gr:t6_t7)
Some get confused over who Israel actually is, but us *" s"" i., Isaiah in the verse preceding; Israel are those who hold fast to His Covenant. (See also: Hos 2:23, Rom 10:12, Gal 3:zg). See- next chapter: WHO ARE ISRAEL?
Notice the Sabbath is a sign forever.
"I shall_not profane My Couenant, Neither would I chctncle what has gone outfrorn Mt1 lips.,,
-"Artd r atsosaue them *[r;t];frT .J)0, b be a sign betuseen thern antd Me, to knou tiat I antAaAt'Lutrc ^rlr"i tt irr-ir-i"rn."
,,Anttqadosh My strubbct;:;;:::i;i^1fi),non be a sign betuseen Me, to know thet LiA<Atr your Elohim.,, (Ezekiel zo:zo)
The Sabbath being a 'sign, is indicative that others sliould riiii,Lsi,,;,i.u,,t",, be able --."""g"ire this .t ,;i?i';l55f':],iii{1 ,, ,u.lll['il,t,11oo observance in an obedient .,u.ra*i:.*r:,t1.1...-*x 1r, r.r.!r,,!,]{1:!,q{rr believer' This is what it '' lli1r1'*',i'Iilli:t,," . qlitirr+iir:r:1r*r': lneans to be 'qodesh'. We are !,i,Jr-.*,, , \,i, '"' l'|j,",;l'ol ' different from all the rest of ;'lili'ii':,,''i:'l,i', ,o ,,,,. ",,,,, .,,, the urorld w-ho follow after l,t';iil.:,'. u',,u.",.,," , I ,fi,S!ll1;rrr, vain traditions. 'ir";i..*lir.ll "'-r liJlxll(il*itrri{
It's easy to say, "I honour the
! 1-lrla{}l,u{'t.!}t tr fft!i.i; , *!ll 1 !J1..!.!i !'fltr:R
1. {'ilr:!Li !}t.iri.]' !r.!1-{.*1'trt
Sabbath." But let's examine the specific commands pertaining to the keeping ofthe Sabbath:
"Antl You rnade knoun to tlrcnt your qodesh Shabbath, andYou commanded them Comrnctncls itd to*, iii-iirut, by the hand of Mosheh yotrr seruant.,, (Nehemiah 9: r4)
"Rentember the Shabbuth day, to qaclosh ir. Six days gou Iabour, and shall do all your uork, but the seuenth day is o Shqbbath of X\A4' your Elohim. You do not do ony uorkAou, nor Aour son, nor lJout' daughter, nor llour male seruant, nor your fentale seruant, nor Uour cattle, nor lJour stranger uho is tuithin your gates."
(Exodus zo:B-ro. see also Exo 31:14-15, Lev z3:3)
'I'his is most serious aspect of honouring the Sabbath in that it is lcpeated so many times and is one of the Commandments that carries the death penalty lbr infraction.
"Work is done for six days, but on the seuenth da11 it shall be qodesh to you, a Shabbath of rest to XAt'. Angone d-oing tuork on it is Put to decfih-"
(Exodus 35:z)
"And uhile the children of Yisra'dl uere in the uilderness, they fowtd a man gathering srtcks on the Shabbath day. And those who -found him gathering sticks brought him to Mosheh and to Ahctron, and to all the congregatiort... And AMt' said to Moslrch, 'The man slrull certaitrly be put to death, all tlrc congregutiort stoning him with stones outside the camp.' And all the congregation brought him otLtside the camp and stonecl him uith sfones, as X\41/ conunanded Mosheh, antlhe died-"
(Numbers rS:Sz-36)
'fhese verses make it clear that there is infringement' and even light work is prohibited. Another implication is that the offender was intending to make a fire with the wood; something that is also prohibited in the Torah.
Cooking is a daily chore that Yahweh mercifully Commanded a rest from, to no such thing as a 'minor
advance for the Sabbatli ofrest.
"And he said to them. "fhis is ulmt AaAry hos said,..Tomorrow is a rest, a Shabbath qoclesh tu AaAt Thctt whicn y"u iit n, bqke; and thqt y?igh gou cook, cook. And. taii,ptor' tlou,selues all that is reft ouer, to keep it untilrr."iniii.; , ,,
(Exodus 16:23)
cooliing o. baking is a dairy chore - just anolher. fornr or work, which as we have read is considered a serious breach of the sabbaih il.
"...and on the seuenth cloy you haue a qodesh grathering. No uork at all is done on thirn, only ticrt wh{ch i* iit'nn bt1 euery being, thqt cilone is [repared bg gou.:, (Exoclus rz:t6) (Exodus p:t6)
fhis verse pcrtains to tlre festivar oI unreavened bread, brrt defines some light food preparation is permissible.
"2" \gt kindle afire in any of yott dtuellings onthe Shsbbo:th AiA."
(Exodus 35:3)
There is some debate about what "kindling a fire" entails. Some even hold that igniting a spark in a combustion engine (fire up an engine) is a violation of this law. but the question is moot in light of the fact that travel is forbidden on Sabbath"
because we have
we can contravene the no cooking law.
"r"",;;;;, ",ll H,i'1ffi#il::rH:,",llili.IJ
"See, because AnAA'.has g_iu-enyou the Shabbath, therefore _He is giuirtg you bre.adfor two days on the ,iti iia.Let esch one stqA in his place,"d.o not Int ,nyinn out of his ila;i,"rTfiieuenth dra.;
't'he Israelites dwelt in tents in their tribal groups up to a kilometre rr([uare (their place) and it is evident that the Jews were still keeping tliis Law at Yahushua's time based on the verse below:
"'l'hen thcg werft back lo Yerusltalayim from lha M outtt of Oliues' which ii near Yerttshalayim, t Shabbath d-ay's journeA '" (Acts r:rz)
Some use Matt 12-13 as an excuse to go to fellowship or wherever because Yahushua is recorded to have walked through the grain fields (rz:r) to a house congregation (rz:9) then to the sea (r3:r) then back to the house (13:36). Most people fail to realise that the villages at this time werl not much bigger than a kilometre across and fields nowhere near as big as today. Yahushua even warned about travel in the end days:
".. And pray that gout' flight does not take place iituinter o, onihn Shabbath."
(Matthew z4:zo)
-l'his Scripture not only implies that there is a restriction on travel, lrut confirms the Command from the Torah.
"If youdo turnback your foot from the Shttbbrth,from itglny. y'our pleasure on My qodesh day, and shall call the ShabbQth ;a del{ght,'the qod'esh dau o-f ffiA+' 'esteented" and shall esteern it, rtot doing Aour ou)n u)sas' notfindins aoyr 9!D!! pleasure, norlfeaking AoLff orun u-tords, then gou shall delight iotu'setJ in AnAry'. And I slrull couse lJou to ricle on the heights of " the eirth, and feed you tuith the inheritance of Ya'aqoQ your father. For the mouth of A\AO' has spoken!"
(Isaiah 5B:13-14)
This is by far the most defining Scripture regarding the Sabbath. If any task or eniertainment w-e undertake on the Sabbath is purely self-pleasing then Yahweh will not delight in us...
If these Commands Yahweh gave in regard to honouring His Sabbath sound
burdensome and horing,. then maybe you ought to examine your heart wherher you r""" fjrr*"r, ";;ffi J#,1 pt"rrrres more.
A prophecy from the Book of-Isai"h;;#r,
"For as the new s,hamagim rrnd the neta earththat I make stand before Me.,'declo.r.i, efua":r;'lour r"nd and your name shelt stand. And it shall ti tiiJir*"rt*.yoo, to Neut Moon, and.frorn Shahb.gyh lo siiuiiti) ailflesh shail come to w o r sh ip b qfo r e M e,.. d e ct a r ", AM; ;; a ti, i in "iii " irrin X n a look upon the cornses.of the min;i;';';r" tuonsgressed aqainst Me. For rheir uo,im,nili "ii ii",Z"X'rt*nre not be queiched. And they shatt be ripriiiu"'io attflesh!,, - -u.
(Is,aiah 66;22_74)
Scripture informs us that- the Sabbaths and F.estivals (Hebrew: 'Moedim) are ,,shttdo.w!, ,.f -t4tfii"io* "o^"" .(Col z:t7),.o -iio.,ty ffi1tiu1#";:r"ilxl tr'" s'ilniir'';ii';" h;,,;,;;;'i, Ir,* .,"* li;.!.:tir'}j'.t!iia4?;,ri',jr,P'r ;
"And He came to Natsareth, uthere He had been brought up. And s.ccording to IIj:i"g;i.'.,'i, *"", into the congreqation on the Shabbith dag,'andiiooa rp tu read.x - r--twtr
.'!ndhatlinoretu-rn7!r,fr:;?:"W,'r?spicesandperfumes.And they rested on the shqbiith;;;;;i"s to the Command.., (Luke z3:56 -,te vv,,
Paul and the apostles t "pf tt " Sabbalh:
"And uhen the Yahudim uent out ojth" "ongregation, the gentiles begged to haue these usords spoken to them the next Shcftbo,th. And uhen the meeting of the congregation had broken up, manA of the YalruQim and of the uorshippittg conuertsfolloued Sha'ul and Barna$ah, uho, speaking to them, uere urging them to continue in thefauour of Elohim. And on the next Shabbath almost all the city came together to hear the Word of Alaf ."
(Act 13i42 -44)
"And accordhry to hispractice, Sha'ulusentinunto them, andfor three Shabbathothuas reasoning tuith thetn from the Scriptures..." (Acts 17:z)
"And he LDas reosoning in the congregation euerA Sho,bbo:th, and u.s on ou er both Yahudim and Yawanites."
IACIS 1U:4J (Acts rB:+)
Because of mistranslation, the following verse has caused much confusion to some:
"Let no one therefore judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of afestiual or a new moon or Shabbathoth - which are a shadous af uhatis to come - butthe Bodg of ha'Moshial.t."
(Colossians z:16)
This verse states that the Body of Messiah are the only ones to judge in these matters but is confusing in Bible translations with the added word of "is" - "but the body is of Christ " (KfV). This changes the whole meaning of the Scripture and the last sentence becomes an irrelevant statement.
Another Scripture in Bibles that has been poorly (or deliberately) mistranslated reads:
"There remaineth Lherefu'e a rest to the people of God." (Hebrews +:g - KIV). This word'rest' is 'Sabbatismos' in Greek and literally means Sabbath-keeping confirming all Scripture. t'
" there remains a Shabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim."
(Hebrews 4:g) (Hebrews 4:9)
Th" Subbut
and Israel, and christianity has ieplaced them with rrrrv Jry*iin"i. or,tm, thereby removing themselves- from the covenant. The covenant is dependent on guarding the Law: :'
"And Mosheh called allyisrn,dl, and said to them, ,Hear, .O Yisro.,dl, the Laws and Rig_ht_Rulings which t ipiai'i" ii", h"1f.i!.g today. And you shailiearn the:in, and guoia rc ao iir^. t., ,, , (Deuteronomy 5:r-z)
rhis co;;;;, i; ;"i;';;ili;;,"i,.iIu i,' tr,"' n"offi 6""",,,, different wording is used to define tr," p"optu of yuh;;h, ; iir"ir""o.",
Christianity woutd liiie tffiink*ffiro indeed, Yahushua used many parables to part of this assem6iv and Iiken lhe body of believers as His bride, but according to the Word...
"And take you [Isroel] as a briile unto Mefor.un , : andtake you as abride unto Me inrighteo"ri*...;-' (Hosea z:19)
alr:.i1i. :,:- iirliarrar.,lil!l Bo
This promise was made to Israel alone and no other nation!
Do not be confused by the terms Israelites and Jews... The two terms are not the same! The term 'Jetts'is derived from the tribe of 'Judah' which was the large percentage of the remnant that returned to Israel after the dispersion to Babylon. Yahweh makes provision for those who want to become part of Israel:
"Also the sons of theforeigner u;ho jointhemselues tuAnM, to serue Him, and to loue the Nanne offfi, to be His seruants' crll uho guard the Shabbath, and not profone it, and hold fast to Mg Couenolnt - theml shallbring to My qodesh : mountaii, and let them rejoice in My house of prayer."
And that is why Christianity as a whole cannot be called 'the bride' because Christianity has nullified a1i three of these prerequisites:
To love the Name of Yahweh
Teachings of Yahushua the the Commands He taught
To guardthe Sabbath and Hold fast to the Covenant (the Law) When someone believes in the Life and Messiah and seeks to honour and obey from His Father Yahweh, theY become
:: And if some of the branches uere broken off, and you, being a wild oliue tree, haue been gtafted in annong them, :, aid. came to share the root andfatness of the oliue tree--.
(Romans tt:17) :.'
Many Christians refer to themselves as 'gentile believers'yet this is in itsef a contradiction in terms! You cannot be a gentile according to t"'1,0i,1,.1"..11o *.P incrudedll jh:.:",r:Tl:rn::,"r--i,,,,f. :*.:,, ,1 :.,,,:,,
"Therefore remember thot you, once gentiles in theflesh, uho are called'the uncirCumcision'bg what is called'the , circumcision' made in the flesh by hands, that at that time A ou u er e uithout M dshial.t, exclud"ed fr orn the citizenship , - of Yisra'dl and strangers from the Couenants oJ Ororyryg, ', hauing no expectation and uithout Elohim in the utorld." (Ephesians z:tr-.rz) _:r,' :.i'r,r.i'1i;;r'r't. irrbr-I:r9::t
Much of the misunderstanding beneath this simpie truth is again the fault of Rornan catholicism and it's hatred towaid anything 7J"*irh, however, as always the Truth is that only those who g"uard the Covenant given to Israel are considered the people ofyahwJh. Pay close attention to the description of the bride of the Lamb called 'the New Jenrsalem':
"Ancl one of the seuert messengers who hetd lhe seuen bowls ;filled uith the seuen last plagues cume to me and- spoke uith rne_, saying, 'Con7e, I shall show you the brid.e, thi Ltnnb,s wife.' And he carried-nrc otl,oA in the Ruah to a great anct high rnountain, and shoued me the great city, the qod.esh __Y3rulho"lo:ybn, descending out of the Elohirn,lruuing the esteem of Etohim, and her ligitt was like cr most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear ai crtlstal, and hauing o greot and hi-c1h wall, hauing tuselue gatei, and at the gates twelue messengers, end nannes ruritten on them. uhich are of the ttoelue tribes of the children of yisra,dl.,, (Revelation zt:g_tz)
Notice there are twelve gates... One for each tribe ol ISRAELI
For over 15oo years the christian church has taught the doctrine of 'the Trinity' despite the fact that, nowhere in Script"ure do we find the word 'Trinity', or even the concept of three Almigity Beings in one. Even theological scholars admit:
Jhir.i: not itself a Bibticat term, but wos a ternt coined btt Te_rtullian to refer to this whole conc?pt under one word." (classic Bible Dictionary - J.P. Green p. 483).
"Respecting the manner in which the F-ather. the son. and the Holy Spirit make one God, the Scriphtre teuches nothing, since the subject is of such o neture as nof to aclmit of its being explained" ta us'' (Cyclopediu of Biblical, Theological. and Ecclesiisriiat Literature - Trinity, p. 5S3)
The doctrirre ol'the Trinity' is often defined in tlre [ollowing terms: "The-holy trinity is o,e supreme being existing in three perions, all equal in rank and in eternity and hiving the same suLstance, all united in one Godhead."
When pressed to explain it from Scripture, some will compare the 'l'rinity to an 'egg' (right-) or, "It is a great mystery, and no one can reallY understand it." T'his leads us to ask, why would anyone want to create a doctrine out of a concept that is absent in the Scriptures?
r,,::::':.:;r:,, i : ,.i;:''HOLY'i,:rl,r, .r,li.ll ,.:,,i,'i r:i:t*F||ftfTjr;i::i. ,,.,.: 'l';il:-i;:!.i::;,lr 'r';.,:r,i;rr
The simple fact is that the Trinity teaching was unknown to the early New Testament assembly. The fact that the doctrine of the Trinity is a 'revealed doctrine' foreign to the Scriptures is confirmed by many authorities:
"Tlrc term 'Trtnity' is nol a bibticol term'.- In point of fact. the doctrine af the Trinitg is a purely reuealed docffine... As the doctrine oY tt e Trinity is indiscou erable by reason,- sq ir.. is incapable of proof from reason" (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - vol. s, p. 3012).
Another. source explains how the whole doctrine of a Triniry emerged from heated disagreernent and dispute:
"The doctt'ine deueloped gradually ouer seuerol centurics and thraugh man!/ controuersies... The council of Niaaea in 325-stated the ciucial.formulafor that doctrine in its confession that the 'Son is of tlrc same subsiance...os the Father,' -eue-n-though it said uery littie about the Holy Spirit... By the end af the 4th century...the doctrine of the Trinity took substanrtailg the farm it has maintained eu er since" (Enca clop adia Britannfccr, Trinity).
Both secular historians and Bible scholars readily admit that the doctrine of the Trinity was not official church teaching until the council of Nicaea in the year 325.
"The formulalion 'one God in three Persons' tuos nol solidly establlkhed, certainly not fitlly assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faitit. prior t6 the end of thc 4th centura..- Atnong th:i Apostolic -Fathers, there had been nothing euen remotelA appriaching such a mentality or perspectrue." (New Catholic Encyclopedia. t967, Vol. t+)
There you have itl The early Apostolic F'athers had no t'oncept of a triune relationship among the Father, Son, and Spirit... It is also freely admitted that the doctrine nras not established till over 4oo years AFTER Yahushua's resurrection. This fact can only cause us to ask, if this were a key truth known by Yahushua the Messiah and the apostles, r,vhy is there no evidence of it in their teachings or writings?
if the doctrine of the Trinity is not of Scripturar origin, where clicl it corne from?
The answer^to- t!9 question above is that the 'Trinity, is another example of catholic syncretism... yet anotrrer pagan beiief absorbed into_ Christianity to rnake ii appealing to the one world religion. Even the Symbol"chosen to represent the trinity is borrowed from ancient paganisnr... The s),,rnbol is known as the 'trrquetra' (-left) and has been linked with pagan ritual magic, runes ancl witchcraft.
The tradition of a triune deity is actually very ancient, and can be traced back to ancient tsabvlon.
"w-illlngong after lhis suy that the Roman carhoric church musr still be colled Christian, because it hotds iii ii"rr:t,,, ;;';;; T:,:jgi f, did.t\e.pasan a"ayti"ionr. rZ aia the Esypriarr, r, jJ tne Htndoos at this hour, in,the uery sense in whiii-Rorr"'d.r"i.,' {TheTwo Babylons -Alexander HislJpl. --" r\v"'E uuuu' Hislop's stalemelrls are supportecj in the 'Encuclopedia o.f Retigion and Ethics':
''Although the notion of a diuine rriod or Trinifu_ is characte ristic of the.christian religion. it is by no means p"ritio, to it. In tntdirn re,qton we meet uith the rrin_ita.rian group_ of Brahma. shiua. and vishr.tu; *and in Egyptian religion uiith ihr" t initarian siiii ,t Osiru, Isis, and Ho-rus, co,titit ti,rq a diuirie lo,"iig,"iiii'rnl Father, Mother end Son in medieual ihristianpicirrr",,'tf.i"itf'p. 458).
Hindu trinity - Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu (-left).
Egyptian trinity - Osiris, Isis, and I{orus (right-).
Babylonian trinity (below)
few ever stop to ask, we find
'.'Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it...The Greek lgnougo.e, houing reigned foi cinrurini o*i ft'ii;r;p:i;,'b;:;,;;; the uehicle af christian riterature and ritual; in" cr"ir*-*iii"ri*
possed dawn into the impressiue mystery of the Mass. Other pagan cultures contributed to the stTncrefist result. From EgU!! iarne the ideas of a diuine Trinity" (The Story of Civilization - W' Durant, Vol. III).
Ihis blending of paganism, which was so characteristic of the Roman religion, changed the true belief forever. Like the developrnent of the Trinity, many practices and beliefs of Christianity developed over time, which are clearly not taught in [he Scriptures. Alvan Lamson, author of 'The Church o-f the Jt'irst T'hree Cenfiu"ies', offers a summation as to the legitimacy of the Ruah ha'Qodesh irl composing part of a Trinity: n...Lue must look, not to Jewish Scriptures, nor to the teachings of [Yahushua] and his apostles, but to Philo and the Alexantlrine Plotonists. In consistency with this uiew, we maintain thut the rloctrine of the Trinity was of gradual and contparatiucly lute formation; thal il haci its origin in a source entirely foreign from -that of the Jewish qnd Christian Scriptures: that it greu -up, ond uas ingrafted on Christianity, through the Platonizing Fathers..."
The quotes above definitively answer an/ ffi,. doubt as to the origin of the Trinity doctrine, t ' but what do the Scriptures actually reveal about the relationship between the Father and Son? The definition of the Trinity states that the Father, Son, and Spilit are coeternal. This assertion is another misunderstanding, developed fiom the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE. .Iohn of Patmos wrote the Book of Revelation under the direction of Yahushua the Messiah who inspired John to write that Yahushua was the first ever creation ofthe Father:
"And to the messenger of the assentbly in Laodikeia turite, 'The Amd.n, the Trusttuorthy and True Witness, the Beginnbry of the creo.tiort ofru."-' "
(Revelation 314. See also Col r:r5, Heb r:6)
If Yahushua was created by His Father, how then can the Son and Father be co-eternal? Knowing that one existed prior to the other, reason alone would conclude that a co-eternal relationship beLween the Son and Father is illogical. Proverbs tells us:
"AMt" p o s.sessed *2 T\.*g. ginning of lris way, As th e first of lris works of old.,,I liuas oniiitna ages ago, ot the first, before the earih nr";il.1r'ih"r" _nr" no d.epths l.yf" byouglt{orth, uhen rn"i" *"rn no sprinss heauu w t t h u a t e r. B efo r e mo u n t ains . ", " irii,'."O +;;:;r;; hii:, f too,s brought-forth... ,:
lir. .,,:,r,,,.r",,, , , (Ploverbs 8:zz-z;) .......
Does ANy evidence for,the Trinity exist in the Renewed covenant?
The answer is a resoundi"S NoJTlr"'rrort gturirg problem found in the Trinity doctrine is_that'scfi,"." "i"r.iy states that the Father is greater than the Son. yahushd ";i[J-y#weh,,,My Father,, for the simple reason that yahweh t. ;rp".ir, ,r, and preceded the Son in existence - as do all fathers. r - -.-r \v'
The doctrine of the Trinity says that the Son is both co_ e_qual to and co-eternal with the Father, while the Scriptures maintain quite the opposite. yahushua the Messiah Himself affirmed t\aj !e was not co-equal with the Father, but wai in
submission and subjection to th;;;ffi;:
''You heard that I siid to aou, ,I am going o,1ry oyi, am coming to you.' rf you did toue Me,"yoi.ouiiiio,rZ ,"ioiia-rnrli riii,,it o* i sotns to the Fathe; nirff"i;:{; is greater than r.,, Yahushua again confirms his submission to his r.athen
"Mg Father, which gaue them to me, is greater thrrn all:andnomanisabtetir""tii-tiii"L"i;fiin,ii"i,{i#li.;
, (J,ohnro:2g)
"And tuhen all are made subje:i to Him, then the Bdn Himself shalt atso bn *"bj;;;i;"rtim *ho put alt under . Him,inorderthainlohimbeallinilt." ----.-*".
_', _;'i'i,,ri;r.,i-,,.,n,s:*;j,r r *('ruc;,,11,1-.'l,:1$.:i*q;fr,:.) , *,,i ',,.,., r';,,;,:, ., ,,; In His own words yahushua- confirms that the Father i. .rf"rio, to ALL, including Himself. lh"-;p;;,f"''prrf confirms yahushua,s subordinate relationship to the patier
" ":". , '-'.- - - ".
"And t utish you to knou; that the head of euery man is ha'Mashial.t, and the head of woman is the man, andthehead"of Mashiclr is ru.'
(r Corinthians rr:3)
I{egarding the second coming of Messiah, Yahushua Himself said:
"But concerning tha| day and the hour no one knotas, not euen the rnessengers in the shamayim, ttor the Bdn,
Scripture clearly states that only Yahweh, the Heavenly Father, has immortality and is the only one who ever possessed immortality within Himself:
"...tlho ctlone hoLs irnrnortalitg, dutelling ii unappriach,a,ble''; light, uhom no one has seen or is able to see, to uhombe respect , and euerlasting might. Amdn."
(r Timothy 6:16) .,: ..:
This statement can only apply to Yahweh, the Father. This is further proof that a co-eternal relationship between the Son and Father is unfounded in the Word.
The doctrine of the Trinity states that the Rual.r ha'Qodesh is a separate being, and part of the 'Holy Trinity.' The phrase 'Holy Spirit' is from the Hebrew Ruach ha'Qodesh. The word spirit is derived from the Hebrew word ruach, which occurs 389 times in the First Covenant. That includes 2J2 times when it is used for 'spirit', 9z times for'wind,' andzT times as 'breath'in the KJV.
Note the definition of the word ruach: l,1i?tjb,,.,baeiC,,*;d g:,,: ,***,,,*,.,brrA',,luraAl,,ti,|:beem$,,:,,|6 AAiitti, is understood as essence; rathe;r it is the pouer encountered in the breath and the uind, whose ushence and. whither remains mysterious...z. ruach as a d.esignation for the usind is necessarily something found in mfition with the pouer to set other things in motion... The diuine designation also apparently has an intensi.fuing function in a feu possoges.' ruach elohim (Gen t:z) and ruach yhtah (lsa Sg:rg)" (Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament, 'Ruach').
The lexicon above also states that ruach i,rpries a power that is within the breath and wind, which is connected-to the liame yahweh. The Ruall ha'Qodesh is the power emanating from yahweh, the Heavenly Father. It is Yahweh's power through Eis Ruach ha'eodesh that breal hes Iife into His creation.
"The Ruah of El has made rne. ctnd the breath of El Shaddai giues me hai.,' (Job gg:+)
The Greekword for spirit is pne,,ta,co..espo,dirrg to the delinilion of the word t.uach.
"Pneumt; to breaLhe, blou, primarily denotes Lhe wind. BreaLh; thc spirit which, like thc wind. is" inuisible, i^*otnriot. i,rrt powerJitl" (The Complete Word Study New Testamenl., 'pneuma'). It is consislently clear tlrroughout scripture trrat the Ruah ha'eodesh ig n9t 1 separate being, but an inanimate power that proceedi f.o, t]i^e f{her-. Many times in s-cripture the spirit is described as having COME UPON sorreone and in Isaiah gzrt5;44:3 and Acts z:r7 the Ruah ha'Qodesh is described as being pouRBo-also in Tit,s 3:5-6 and Acts 2:33... The Spirit is also desciibed as something that can be STIRRED UP: z Tim r:6; eUENCHED: I Thess. 5,r9, ird being IN THE SPIRT: Eph 6:18; Jude r:zo etc. These descriptions are far more fitting for a power than a person.
In addition, there are several kev facts that must be acknowledged when distussing the Rual:r ha'Qodesh that show that the Spiiit is not a person:
** There is no evidence in Original or Renewed Covenants that the Father or Son communicate with the Ruah ha'eodesh. &oPaul never acknowledged the Ruah ha'Qodesh in the opening of any of his letters, as he did the Father and Son. &pThere is no instance where anyone prayed fo the Rual.r ha'Qodesh but rather, prayrng in the Ruah.
&dNowhere in the scripture is the Ruah ha'eodesh called the 'third person.' If the Ruah ha'Qodesh were a separate being, as are the tr'ather and Son, then it should at least have a p".rorrul-r,ume as do Yahweh the Father and yahushua the son! yet, ii remains nameless. fuwe know that Yahushua was conceivecl by the Ruarr ha'eodesh (Matt. r:zo), therefore if the Ruah ha'eodeih were a persoi then Yahush,a prayed to the urong "father" i*.Iohn t7 and,other places.
There are two New Covenant passages popularly used to support the doctrine of the Trinity. The first is:
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing thent in the name o.f the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..." (Matthew z8:r9 - KJV)
The Jerusalem Bible questions whether the formula given for immersion here is inspired or liturgical (added later by the church). The Hebrew version of Matthew omits the verse entirely and although the passage is found in the three earliest l<nown Greek New Covenant manuscripts, withciut any original New Testament manuscripts in existence we have no evidence to substantiate that the present form of Matthew zB:19 is accurate.
One reason Biblical scholars question the originality of this passage is that it conflicts with the other Scriptures perlaining to immersion in the Renewed Covenant. In all other instances baptism is done into the singular name of Yahushua (see Acts z:38; 8:16; ro:48; 19:5; zz'.t6; Rom 6:3; Gal3:27).
'fhe 'Companion Bible'makes special note of this:
"To some, perplextty, and euen distress, rs caused by the Qpporent neglect of thn disiiples to carty out the Lord's command in Matthetu z9:tg-zo, tuith regard to the fonnula for baptism- .-. Turning to Acts and onwards, they find no single instance of, or reference to, baptism in which the Triune name of the Father, Son, oid notg Spirti is employed. On the contrary, from the uery first, only tei d.ays after the iniunction had been giuen, Peter is found (Aits z:s9)" commanding alt his heqrers including those of the dispersion to be baptized in the name of [Ylhushua]" (p. zo6, Appendix rBS).
A second reason why Scriptural scholars are skeptical of Matthew zB:r9 is because of conflicting historical documents. Eusebius of Caesarea (right-) considered by some to be one of the greatest Greek teachers and historians of the early church lived approximately between the years of z7o CE and e4o CE. In citing Matthew, Eusebius omitted the Trinitarian formula fbund in Matthew z9:tg.
"The.facts are, in summlry, that Eusebius quotes Matthew z9:lg
pt,.,times,, etther _omitting euerything,, befuern hnftoni,t,,<r,nd Teaching.,' or in the foyn "make" disc{ples of oil ,;;;;'; in mg 1ayerl,, the lyty loym being the,more freqlrint".,6eyihediatd Religion and Erhics).
obviously' Eusebius did not recognize the current form of Maflhew z8:r9.
^Instead of quoting the phraie, the name of the f,utt "r, ura of the Son, and of the {o]V Slirit,,,he most often used thl ptru.", ,.i" My Name," which would agree with ail other accounts oriupiir- i" the New Testament.
The 'Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics,, p. 3go, further reveals that Justin Martlr, anothei church father, *as al-so po..ibly igrrorurt of the present form of Matthew zg:19. !-Jvstii.:.'tuIglfur Aaole.+,1.a,rsAiry 91 Ue*;6,,,is.i:,piAOS;:qy,,thi neqa-ss!,fg.,af-;repdneratioi;,bntfatLs I; B,upon''ahu,u.$e'if iitdii,ana, sposioltu tradirioi io |yffi'thi yra, ^i{6crprrr*i"i iW,.*4af the triune formula..This iertainry suggists'that Justin dii not kftow:'ih{tfeditioialtext of Mattt Au zditqr' , .r,.',r.,,: .,.,.., .'.,,: The second passage in question is:
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these tn i" iri ii:'
(t John S:Z _ KJV)
Most biblical scholars will admit that 1 John 5:7 was a later addition to the New Testament. In other words, this fassag" i. "oi io""a i" the oldest Greek New Covenant manuscripts.
Ngte the following on r John 5:7:
"During the controuersy of yhg 4th cent. ouer the doctrine of the '\1yiE1 t1t4, W. *.as'. oxb,erldea -. f*i in .,11ain,,ea:,,igor.,'oni{, tfran, 'taken,jn,;y!,,v&',":,.W.rha. eirr'on:''rtii.ii].ara,ttiii,,tiiir,t brar, record in heauen, the.!rcr, the Word, and the HrtA-Siiit, ""a :these,,;|ihlgg.,,tre.a:oie;t;,A,fei:, ,Grieitriiu"irscr",prc"r'd, ::addirion.:'H.itnaa if rd two;: rhe,, nii attiadiriGiirat, ed!:,&ns an d : tr,Ansiati o n.s, of , the lttr!, inauai6t,6j;',,,.: iiit;thu ,,inrerpqilation,, cb.f @ na :parca*' in fu:e' ie"t,iid,misi'liiiuot,,. ma.nuscripts or in the earty cfu{ghfathers" ehe tnterpiiiei;i or".,falumo C6;nmNararyin,lfu]Bj,bier,i eon,ii;h;.g,L;i4r,.].:..,:
The Jerusalem Bible note on r John 5:7-B says:
v\Wq,tqUtii,:?;B,.read,as,/o'ilo*ilthere,are,thrde iafta)- .+L'i i7;iL*;. LL -. irt.:.- ,r -, .' r. .,,.i., y. alg, d,, rhe,,e,*1lg, rra.yqlgryg*s, o,, rh tLit WS il;i; ii;6;; itse$) aieprutbablg:agloss.f&q{ hascreptinto,the1ert:t*, ' , , ,,," , -
There should be no question regarding the faulty rendering of r John S:7-8. Historically, along with modern scholarship, it is freely admitted that this passage is a later addition to the original New Testament manuscripts. This passage, along with Matthew z9:tg, cannot be used to establish the doctrine of the Trinity. Aside from these two questionable texts, let us examine why certain words were translated as they were, leading some to infer that the Spirit is a conscious, individual being.
This problem arises from the mistaken assumption that the New Testament was uritten in Greek. It can be shourn that this is definitely not the case, and that most, if not all the Renewed Covenant was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic (see chapter: WAS THE
GREEK). This is important because of the fact that the Hebrew language has no 'it' or neuter gender; therefore all nouns are either masculine or feminine. e.g.
"And he made the uessels which u)ere upon the table, his dishes, and his spoons, and his bowls, and his couers to couer taithal, of pure gold." (Exodus 3z:16. - KJV)
This text describing the utensils of the table in the Tabernacle ought to read:
"And. he mad.e the ufensils which were on the table, its dishes, and its cups, onri its bouls, and its jars for pouring, of clean gotd." (Exodus 37: 16. HalleluYah Scriptures)
Because the Renewed Covenant was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, that explains why the Rualr ha'Qodesh is referred to by the masculine pronoun "he" and "him" and not "it" (John t4:t7; t5:.26; 16:13). Paul, a Hebrew, also would have unitten in Hebrew to the Hebrew-speaking Jewish believers in distant places like Rome and Galatia and his letters therefore reflect the same use of the masculine pronoun.
From the Word of Yahweh supported by Scriptural scholarship, the error of the Trinity is exposed. It is freely admitted through historical and present scholarship that the Trinity was unheard of during the time of the Apostles, but was not till over three hundred years later that it became established. This occurred at a time when ChristianiW
was.assimilating people of many beliefs, most of whom held to a Trinity teaching in their pagan"background. i,." r" -r"v'n"ri"r. practiced by christianity, the T^rinity a6.i.i"" was developed through syncretised theology, and is unfounded in Scripture. ---rv+ L^'!
Yahweh's Word admonishes us,to .proue
"tt'iii'igr..,(r Thess 5:zr, Acts r7:rr). It is the responsibility 6f Lu"f, to out your own saluation" (phit. z:rz). it i. ,.itut'ttrt-*"'examine our beriefs and understand whether tl"V ulg i".pi."J oi yahweh or are man_made ideas developed through iraditionl
the more obvious unscripturaf"f"fi"f, frJa ty Christianity, let's focus on some of the most visible elements and icons of this ."Lio"... one of the most unscriptural anJ nfi"Si"grv Plgan physical element ln Christianitv i. tfr" 'church'itself!
Surprisingly, (or maybe nol, considering what we have seen so far)- the word in Scr;ipture translated in most Bibles u. '"hrr"hi i, NIVBR lil:T," in Scripture^to_define u Urifai"gr
I):,y::9,,:"9::ibe foilowers "f;h; x,i;"r;iah in the Greek scrous is ekklesia' defined thus :
ilSl*,1!"b$r;'::31,',f,"*.,a,eompoq of tetr (et< . o-ut fiom) *dtderiy4iu* of,,.t oaerr ttgg,n. f ,;;*;; .; :a calling ,out;r thi?',tl I**:XXY]i*-",**$:,especi,ili,:jeiii%ii,i##;*1r#tf; *}iXil i*,i.ryT;.r:19!iistiqn.cgmlunityot*J*t;;,;ri;;ft h.#rXtli:l?; Hl:r::iyP:--'i:'**Tr, "n*"i. ibi *rs e.oncordanie) i:,*:-:,f:.r::l;g:^t"I;iti";'th,ilil ", ;#i:;'I#,ffi, *or, P":llgf i:.f,"1,,*l1oprnorberieve;'ii;;;;;.,;;"J#t'*|;;.: "":,.,.*:{:l Yfv1g" as it were. (il; G;i'ilffi5#JJ",t,xi#; i1li5 f1lh1l:,:*,: are to ry,"qu"-i"';l,#; bfi,i,,i"_,f"7 l:I^, ..:._ ll*.co m e s undat ; ilffi ]il;'p#, J',T'f : ;,"tl H: X}: go.tng to yhurch,? Howdoei one go,r'r".""ifririg;#;;hi
'nnAtr, tuho made the uorld and all that is in ft, t/rrs One beinq Master of the shamayim "ri i"rii, a"es not dtoell j , in dtoellings tnade witihoLnds.,, , (Acts t7:z4.Also Acts 7:zB)
"Or do younot knotu that gour body is the Mishkoln of the Rual.t ha'Qodesh uho is in you, uhich you haue.from Elohim, and you are not your otan."
(r Corinthians 6:rg)
(ioing to a special building to worship was unheard of by the early believers. Even the entire concept of going to a special 'holy' place to worship is foreign to the Word. We find in Scripture that Yahushua and the disciples went to the Temple while it was standing to witness the truth to the Jews, but nowhere in the Renewed Covenant do we tind believers going for a Sunday drive to church, as nearly all accounts have them meeting in HOMES: (Exception Acts 16:13 where they regularly met by the river... Not a fancy building!)
"And daily in the Miqdash, and in euery house, they did not cease teoching and bringing the Good Neus: OWMf ha'Mashiah!"
(Acts S:42)
" I kept back none that ruas profi.table, but proclaimed it to you, and toiught you publicly andfrorn house to house...
(Acts zo:zo)
"The assemblies of Asia greet Aou. Aqulas and Priskilla greet you heartily in the Master, with the assernblg tho,t is in their house."
(r Corinthians 16:19)
"Greet the brothers in Laodikeia, and Numphas and the assernblg tho.tis in his house."
This tradition of constructing a building to worship in has literally put the Almighty 'in a box'. How many times have you attended 'church' and heard the words, "this is the house of God!" or, "God is in this place"? Christianity has created an illusion that only the church building is 'holy' and you can only worship the Almighty in a 'special' building... The damage is compounded when the average Christian returns home after 'church' to their 'normal' house where 'God' cannot see them as they plonk themselves in front of the TV to fulfill the lust of the eyes... Like the Word says: our BODY is the Temple of Yahweh's Spirit:
"Do you not know that you are a MishkcLn of Etohim and that the Ruaf of Elohim dtoelts ir."gouZ,; ,,...intuhom au the o,,[ifin','t;\),XT,fi)3r,,n"ro",, n,o*, intoa . qodesh Mishk,,n in AMtr, inihom you"also "rn U*lirg iuiti tggether into a dwettiig "jnit"iri^in the niih'.'" "*' ',,, ._,,,, (Ephe9----------------ians 2:21-22. See alio z Cor 6:t6,, p"t ,,ij some christians wourd -argue that the the mandate to build a structure to conduct worship is given in the ord Testam""i *rrii" o., the other hand claim that, i'the"old is gone"... co"ri;"i;g'"h,,."1, buildings is,a complete contradiction"to christian-ieiffi*'^, opposed to the Renewed covenant... This is one of tt" u*ry'trrirrg, that Yahushua's coming brought about the tuIfiIilJ.;ii '-'' "' In r_eality the church building.was copied fro- pugu" religions and used to glean money from u.rd irflr"r"e the followeis. -o-- ^-
A steeple (*left) or tower in association with a place of worship was a feature of ancient paganism, oriented to sun worship and fertility cuttus. A Iiii,i*i*#{ common form, especially in Egypl, followed the eeomefric ,o ; figure known as obelisk *, I ,' (right*;, yhi:.h in places served ,u &'-. :: w 3ilr. ffi also as a phallic synbol.
The scriptures present in much a"tuit th" struggle of Israel to preserve commanded_worship of yahweh in face"6f the inflr"rce c-oming from surrounding pagan rerjgions. Many Scriptures-warn of the danger that these elementl por"aio ii" belie"f of Isiaet. ^- *
"Guard y.ourself. lest you make o couenant with the inhabitants of tne nnd uhere Aou _ar.e going, lest it be a snolre in your midst. But break down their altais, and d,estroy their piitirs," and cut dotun their Ashdrii...,, (ExoduS34:13.SeealsoF'xzg:z4,ii,-z6.go,Deut7:5;rz:3)
The command Iinks these piilars with pagan artars and Asherah poles - all used for the *o..hip of false g6ar, *itr, trre .ooi *o.i ro. the pillars mentioned being:
Strong's # H4676 -. ilf3tt, matstS6bAh (rna ts_ts aA :bau l) :
Feminine (causAtive), par:tieiple of HSBa4; something Stofioned, that ig; a CoIUmn or (memorial stone);:pi1lar..1
Israel and Judah both disobeyed this command and Yahweh punished them for it... Christianity has done the same and combined the pillars of the pagans into the worship and architecture of their temples to their god but it doesn't end there!
Atop nearly every Church building around the globe in the highest of positions (often the pagan image of the steeple) we find 'the cross...'
Why has the cross been venerated in such a way by Christianity that it appears on practically every church around the necks of believers to be kissed or prayed over and the all-time favourite of Catholics to make 'the sign of the cross'? Some would excuse themselves of this bizarre behaviour in the belief that the cross was the instrument of torture in which the Messiah died and therefore reminds them of His sacrifice yet even this is called into question... The historical fact is that the Romans 'crucified', or'impaled' criminals on a variety of shapes including the 'traditional cross', the 'Tau' cross, the 'X' cross and more commonly a single stake. The Greek word otnupdg, sp''stsuros!,,Stronglsl Number #47t6, is traditionally translated as tross'. This is an error. Stauros should be translated as 'stuke'or 'post'. It was simply a post or stake on which the victim was hung by nailing both hands over his head. The feet were also impaled so the victim not only suffered more pain, but also was unable to move enough to dislodge the hands. This caused suffocation if the victim did not die from other afflictions. The only reason the cross is so prolific within Christianity is because the Roman Catholic church borrowed yet another pagan syrnbol to absorb into their one world religion! The cross had its origin LONG BEFORE the time of Yahushua. In some other cultures it was called a Tau and was the s).rnbol for "female". As such, it was a syrnbol used in many pagan religions representing goddesses such as Ishtar, Astarte or Venus, as she was called in the Greek language. The cross was never used as a symbol of the belief till it was first introduced to Christianity by Constantine, Emperor of Rome, in 3r3 CE.
The same cross that Christianitv now worships was used in the Babyionian Mysteries (-right), being symbolic for the rays of the sun and applied by Paganism to the same magic purposes, was honored with the same honours.
That which is now called the 'Christian and was used cross', was originally no Christian emblem at all, bui was the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and ngypiians (Egyptian ankh -left). The true original forri" bf the letter 't' and the initial of the .ru-" oT Tammuz, which in Hebrew bears similarity to ancient Chaldee, ii found on coins as 'X'. The mystic Tau was marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the Mysteries, in every variety of way as a most sacred symbol.
To identifiz Tammuz with the sun it was often joined to the circre of the sun, and is commonly known as the 'Sun Cross' (-left). Notice the striking similarity of the Sun Cross and that of the Babylonian Solar Cross to the Solar Wheel at the Vatican (right*) seen from above-
Now is a good time to examine the so-called'christian fish syrnbol'... In ancient Greco-Roman times, 'ichthus'/IX@YX (right-) was the Greek word for 'fish'. In the earlv =ffi r church sometime near the end of ihe first century, the word was
made into an acronlan or a word formed from the first letier of several words. As such, ichthus ;o;pil", to ,Jesus Christ, God,s son, Saviour,' based on this configuration:
Igta - I (i) is the first letter oflesous (Greek for Iesous)
chi - x (kh) is the first letter of Khristos (Greek for christos)
Theta - @ (th) is the first retter of Theou (Greek for God, or God,s)
Upsilon * Y (u) is the first letter of Huios (Greek for Son)
Sigma - X (s) is the first Ietter of Soter (Greek for Saviour)
It is repofted that in early times it was used by christian, u, u .""r"t
symbol that all would recognize, whether scratched on walls, rocks, or sand and the symbol may have also been used by early Christians to mark tombs or even meeting places in a house church. Before Christianity adopted the fish ryrnbol, it was known by pagans as "the Great Mother", and "womb". Its link to fertility, birth, and the natural force of women was acknowledged also by the Celts, as well as pagan cultures throughout northern Europe. The fish is the slrnbol of the goddess Venus/Freya and since the earliest of times been worsh the name (Jdg 16:23, rSam 5:z-7)
Again we find paganism creeping into the true belief and examining this ancient engraving from Ephasus (-left) you will notice the fish q..rnbol scribed beside the solar wheel.
The ancient practice of worshipping the fish has led to the infamous 'fish-hat' or mitre (below) of the catholic heirarc
Pulpits first made an appearance as early as z5oCE. The word 'pulpit' is derived from the Latin word 'pulpitum' meaning 'a stage'. This tradition borrowed from Greco-Romanism effectively raises the minister above the congregation turning the body of Messiah into one mouth and a whole bunch of ears! Tiue to it's meaning, the pulpit puts the preacher at centre 'stage' separating and placing him elevated above the rest. The assembly according to the Word is to be a living, dynamic body of believers where EVERYONE participates:
Babylonian priests of Dagon the fish god, and the Pope in a fish hat"What then is it, brothers? Wheneuer Aou come together, each one has a tehillo.h, has a teaching, has a tongue, has q reu elation, has an interpretsrton. Let all be done for upbuilding." (r,C,linthily 14i,26l
As with many traditions within Christianity, pews were unknown to believers for over a thousand years. Even in Church buildings, Christians would stand throughout a 'service'. The seats for a congregation have augmented the pulpit and join together in making worship a spectator and performance ritual. The main
performance of course is:
The sermon has been a part of 'going to church' for hundreds if not thorrsands of years, and one would ask, how couid it be rtrong?
Didn't the Messiah give a 'sermon on the mount'?
Yet again the sermon is a practice borrowed from the Greeks and Augustine was the first to refer to Yahushua's teaching as the 'sermon on the mount' in 396CE. The sermon in Christianity is reserved for the 'head honcho' while the laity simply sit back and listen and no one would dream of interrupting or offering their input!
There is no evidence in Scripture of sermons or one individual preaching from a pulpit... Even the Jewish temple serwice wasn't structured in this way, but had open speaking and readings from the Torah and Prophets.
"And after the read"ing of ilrc Torah and Lhe Ne|i'im, the rulers of yhe congregation sent to them, saying, "Men, brothers, if you , haug ony uord. of encouragernentfor the people, speak."
' (e"ts 13:15. See also Luke 4:16, John rB:zo, Acts r7:z) iri. )::.:.:. _-. _ ,,: iit ,,:. .: a:at'
Yet again, it is the pagan influence meshed with Christianity that we find to have originated not only the tradition of erecting an edifice for worship, but practically EVERYTHING that happens within a Christian service has it's basis in paganism.
of the ffiristian religion (again with elements of Paganism) is the separation of 'clergy' and 'laity'... The majority of millions of church-goers assume that theY need a sPecial leader to teach them the truth of the Word, and indeed, many denominations have written dogmas that speci{y that only the hierarchy may interpret what Scripture actually saysl This sort of mind-control is common from catholicism to iriur". Firstly there is NO command in Scripture that a believer needs any 'authority' or"t them of any religious system, be it pastor or pri"rt o, rabbi, other than Yahusirua! Within the First Covenant, the Levites were the appointed priesthood, but when the Messiah came, He became our High Priest and Teacher.
IUa"V g"""ine beli"evers are withheld from fulfilling their role in the il;d "? Messiah by leaders in their assembly or inherited lies from Catholicism/ ChristianitY.
:;:11 fu,l1iBrefuri anly right::thar thepeoptre'Ii$ten tCI the bishop ' ' The tnia AA nothtnq'Llithout the'Father rrnd so should yw ' ' do rrothiwg.*ithbvt t '6isttap ar t!i9 pre*fpters, '' "fne dlAisgorre arrryay and'al|isreh.ewed'r :''' (lgnatiris*35'1o8c)' ,' ''
'" "Ard He pti all unddr Hisfeet, and gaue Hbn Nahushual to be heai ouer all, to the assetnbly , ttshich is His bodg, the ' completeness of Him who fills all in all'"
.i , (nph"li-t,,:1.222-4)
Another byproduct of creating a 'job' for a leader is that the pastor/minister is forced to appease the congregation in order to maintain his. position and sariry, thus finin"g ir." "rr"."rr*'*itr, rTcnrng ears".
meanings' to the Word. This is
Fu9ly, evgT mtny Messianic congregations have shadowed the image instituted. pv the- popes and mit iogether under the readership of one individual who nuany has the m-ost knowr"ag". wtil" thi, -ry seem to be a good idea at first, more often than "not the inJiviaual gets a head swell and tacks on the title of ,Rabbi,. The danger comes when these 'rabbi's' start teaching that certain Scriptures don't mean ryf-ra-t ]hey say and .tu.t ufairr*-,tiaa"r, no different than the Scribes and Pharisees of Yahushua's time and that of the history of Christianity with its Scripturally unfounded false doctrinei!
'Rabbi' is a word of Hebrew origin and simply means 'teacher'. Sounds pretfy harmless. Let's examind th; Scriptures to see what yahweh thinks of this practice...
lia ." ,-{e- '1e!"*' X.a*$.* 'dfd:l;r';*",];l&sfu.'l,.*4HsIH&6btiis:f:]":]l]*ae9;qisfl]rl|**!1...1;f.|61{;%:iii}i'.-', " 'And you haue an anointing lrom the Qadosh One, t: andyouknous all." :x '-' -;- '-; -- ^- ^-^. --(r John z:zo) ,:
Notice ,erse z6r "...concerning those who lead Aou ostt'a7." This is EXACTLYwhywe are not to have man teach us! Man's traditions and inherent theologies lead astray whereas there is ONE truth:
"Qadosh them in Your truth - Your Word. is tr:rtth." (John r7:r7)
It is the Rual.r ha'Qodesh that teaches us through the Word. Paul instructed Timothy that Scripture is the source of teaching... .: .br,.{4"&.**'.5{,:. -qud} .:,.':,,,".. .+*p;+rff .,e....qF..,*.*. '.:**::-.*q*V,t,F*,; ,.496,"p ,..;*;* "All Scr*)ture is breathed by Elohim and profitablefor ' teaehing,for reproof,for setting straight,for instruction , in righteousness, that the man of Elohim might be fixed, 'i,, equippedfor euery goodwork." j (z Timothy g:t6-t7) : i: ,"di .6. d.$. . .r.d. id..i#:,t"&Fe$ r ._,y-;{.r#{&&is ffie:sffi k.&, "s,; ",*Sq;,j '-.Wq.,x 1,,i# Paul writes, concerning the wisdom of Elohim: d de*dprdq*ils.**-,#er * "&*-';'.-q}€Pee'!..ffiLa6':srd*.*tkshq#ld*ffi:"$fi*4d.n ,{,q
y ha'Mashiaft, and yott are ailbroihers... Ne..{the u. iotiZri i, 'il r .,:""d*s' ror u"",i.r-xilf,r# :;#; n;'fuiitii't**'*,j
3,t , 'rff; -.r*6"6:, _-* -...u,*.*.w*u#r;,}#'F"' - +.,.yftr.....ryq...-* +;.,,, ;j These are the words of yahushua Himselfr iou can't g"iLv prainer than that... No idioms, no hidden meanins; herel e -r r-' Just in case it wasn't crear enough, the #iters of other books in the Renewed Covenant reaffirmed this truth:
4" "*:r*f'f,d;,)4.'. ;*$*.r: # rsr!. -.s. r.r*".-a * -p* .*.*r*. * t.r,p6?,t.1.".u$;q".f -,Ff..+ " uI haue written this to y.ou "on"nrnirg'those"wiio' leiy,i;' t, *!oa: But the a_noin,ng which yoi hrrn ,n""iriiJ"irifii* , staas inyou, andyouhaie no nied that ;i;;; _hr;i;'' i i ^ !:!.\sou. the sanne anointing ti"i"i'ai* I
*#f t ,S.e.-..&.d#.4'-'ra"*: ,*.,*' ***0. #.-.."r.. P.*-'.r."'.: -d'h, ei ,..-?e!. *fo:ss..p*M-- *r "I:!l*!:_i-tit$ coiled ,ngqui,,f-or one is sour Teacher, teacngou. But as the sanne anointing teaches you r 'i, concerning -all, and is true, and- is no falseliooa, oniirZi * .; it has taught gou, you itay in Him.,,
k..,,,,.,;ii,..i*,..,,,..,.t.. .......:...,;,.,,' (tJOhn s .i*rr ' * $..;-@f' t ;*;.. s.,+,f*ae.aa ri rf#i;'i'l {iffi u,e6.*ii, 6,,, The Anointing spoken of is the Ruah ha'eoaern m"riilned in verse
zo of the same chapter:
"But Elohimhas reuealed them to us throughllis Ruo,l.t. For the Ruo,fu searches all, euenthe depths of Elohim. For uho qmong men knous that of a man except the spirit of the man that is in him? So also, that of Elohim no orle ha.s knourq except the Rualq. of Elohbn. Andue houe receiued, not the spirit of the usorld, but the Ruo.lp tho:t isfrotn Elohirn, in order to know uhat Elohim hasfauourably giuen us, uhich we also speak, not in uords tahich manb uisdom teaches but uhich the Ruo,lp ha'Qod.esh teaches, comparing spiritual with spiritual. But the natural man does not receiue that of the Rual.t of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him, and he k unable to knou them, because they are spiritually discerned." :rt' (r Corinthians z:ro-r4) |
We have already shoum that r Corinthians 14:26 describes ALL the assembly participating in worship *ith u pq:g ,tlgA"h!ggS!g= The danger in following man's teaching is obvious and even following prepared studies and thematic commentaries is riddled with hazards. While you may be learning a good deal about a certain topic or Torah portion you may in fact be missing out on what Yahweh's Spirit is tryrng to reveal. Some ask, "What
we don't
understand what we are reading?,, The, answer is simply: .urry * reading! Maybe your heart is not ready to understand till a later date 6. yo, may reach an.ther Scripture further on that will illuminate the iirst.
In short. TRUST THE WORD, be wary of man's teachinss... _-'_.,.",'
"I haue ntore understanding than all my teachers, ForYour roirnesses arernA "n ay.,, (psalm n9:99)
guard the commands and to "be concerned foi one anoti'ii't"ira", tglsyir.up loue and qood uorks,, (Heb rc-:24), the retoJ Si*., UV Christians is often: "by -grace are aou saued. tiio"g:n j"iin.".'ii i, tnn qyft of G9d: Not of woiisl" (Eph zis). This is the word of yahweh, u"a rt ir Truth! Just as true is this saying by Isaiah:
"All o,ur.righteousnes_ses are as soiled rags. And allof us fade like a leaf, and our utickednesses,"like the wiid, haue taken us awaA.
(Isaiah 64:6)
( )l' course, one cannot take a verse or two of Scriptures and call it a doctrine when ignoring the rest of Scripture!
t )n top of all the Scriptures earlier to show we are to guard the Commands, here are a few Scriptures to bear in rnind for those who would make cxcuses for not letting their light shine:
"Let your light so shine before men, so that they see Aour good. works and praise your Father uho is in the shamayim."
(Matthew 5:16)
"For ue are His uorkmanship, created in MashiaftoWnAtr' unto g o o d usorks, tthich AtG( pr ep ar ed b efor ehand that ue should. uo,lk in thetn-"
(Ephesians z:ro)
"uho gaue Himselffor us, to redeem us from all laulessness and to cleanse for Himself a people, His otun possession, ardent for g ood toorks."
(Til-us z:r4)
"Anrl our brothers should also learn to rna,intolin goodtaotks, to meet urgent needs, so that they shall not be withoutftuit."
(Titus 3:14)
"But someone might say,'Youhaue belief, and I haue usorks.' Sltotu me your belief uithout your tuorks, and I shall shota AoutnA belief bg rny uorks. Youbelieue that Elohimis one. You do well.'Ihe dernons also belieue - and shudder! But do you tuish to know, O foolish man, that the belief uithout the wotks is dead?"
, (James z:t8-zo. See also r Tim 6:17-19, Titus 3:8, r Pet z:rz)
flere's the critical v€rse:
"To him, then, uho knou:s to do good and does not clo it, to hirn it is sin."
(James 4:17)
So, although we know our works cannot saYe us, we can see from the Scriptures that we must strive to do good works. Works are a sign of one s belief and love for Him and when Yahweh reveals to us that His desire for us is to do such, and to not do so, is sin!
"But asfor the cowordlg, anduntrustluorthy, aia abo,iinnble, and_murderers, and those uho ruhore, and dr:ug sorcerers, andidolaters, and all the false, their part is in the like which burns , tuithfire and sulphur, uhich is the second. death.', .
(Revelation zt:B)
could il be that the "cowardly" menl.ioned in this verse are those who are too afraid to stand up and share the Good News and be a witness for Yahushua Messiah and in avoiding the great commission are in fact denying Him:
"Bul whoeuer shall deng Me before men, him I shall also ' denv before *'[ff*i;#i;:rinthe shamavim'"
):. :: ,. r,-. , :. .: .r : ;,,1:',,. ::.,1.;- ,; 'i r... It is quite evident that many of these Scriptures are speaking of our works of Torah - that of obedience to His Laws and commanis. It is clear from Scripture - and contrary to those who claim to be saved simply because of their belief in a Messiah - that we will be judged at the Judgement whether we were obedient to His Laws and Lxeicised those works of righteousness:
"1. AaA+'. search the heart, I try the kidnegs. and giue euerA man according to his wo;As, according to thefruit-qfhis d.6ed.s."
(Jeremiah r7:ro)
"!f aou say , "See, ue did not knotu this," Would not He u.tho ueighs the he(trts discern it? He uho uatches ouer your life, would He1rct knotu it? And shall He not repaa ^rn ,rSrding io his usork?
(Proverbs z4:tz)
"F9r tle Son of Ajam is going to come in the esteem of His Father uith His messengers, and then He shall rewcLrd. each sccording to his u:orlcs.
"...u)ho 'shau render t:y:#Tl'!;7)ror.n to his toorks,: euerlasting hai to those who by persistence ii good. uork seek for esteem, and respect, and incorruptibiliry; but urath and displeasure to thoseluho are self-seeking aid d.o not obeg the truth, but obey unrighteousness."
(Romans z:6-8)
"And see, I am coming speedily, and My reuard is taith Me, to giue to each according to his uork.,'
(Revelation zz:tz)
scriously, how can one read all these Scriptures and believe that they Irre saved eternally and that's it! It's like picking one or two texts out of Scripture and ignoring every other, just because one says the words,l'I believe the Messiah died for my sin."
It could be compared to a fool reading an Oli'enpic athlete's manual which reads, "An athlete must bear the colours of their represented country." then putting on the clothing of an OIIT npic athlete and proclaiming, "I am an Olynpic athlete!", i'h"r" also comes a dire warning from the words of Yahushua for those who think they are saved, yet are not producing the good fruit that a believer is recognised by:
"Ei'erA tree that does not beat goodf"ruit,is cut dotan ctni throusn into the fir e - S o then, bg their ftuits gou shallknoto therrt"' (Matthew 7:r9-zo)
This issue brings us to another questionable Christian doctrine...
The doctrine of eternal security or 'once saved, always saved' is a widely believed teaching. Although no such terms exist an1'urhere in Scripture, this is one of the popular teachings of most denominations and sounds attractive, but is it Scriptural?
A representative passage quoted to prove instant eternal salvation at the time of conversion is:
rr ii.:;.. -): .,1
*MA sheep hear My uoice, and I knous them, ancl they follou Me' ,lna t giui them euerlasting l.tai, and they shall bg no means e-uer perisli, and no one shall siatch them out of My hand' My Father' , iuho h-as giuen them to Me, is greater than all. And no one is able I " to snltch them out of My Father's hand'"
I (John ro:272'9)
.., , ,,,,1
This scripture cannot be denied. The question is. when does He grant
us life everlasting? Are we 'saved' immediately at our conversion? Is it ever possible to fall from 'grace'? The issue of timing i, trr" ilv ," the rnatter.
comparing scripture with scripture we find the answer in the book of Mafthew, with the Saviour speaking of the Day of Judgment:
"And all the nations shan be gathered before it*, ora ii shail ": separale them onefrom anolher, as a shepherd s;eparatis-his sheepfrom-the soats. Aryd !te- shall put thl sheep ,i ii, itiii .hand, byt the qoats on the left. Thei the Souereign shall siy io , those o.n His right ha-nd, ,Come, you Baruk of twy"ralnii,iiiriii, the reign preparedfor youfroi thnTr"ri"ttoioJ iniiorii..., " (Matthew zg:lz 4) ..,. r, ,,. i,.. .,,::.., :.r :..
The background in yahushua's statement is the earth at His Second coming- when He returns.He will judge the earth and at trrri .p""in" time will reward the obedient, boih living and dead, with ,ui,iutio.r. He confirms this in Revelation, showing t"he basis "; *tLh ri" gir", rewards:
"And see,I am coming.speedily, and My reward is with Me, to giue to each according to-his work...
Baruk are those d"oing IIis Comtnantd.s, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the of ftai, ord to "it", through the gates into the'citu.t'
!,|:y3tati1n ?,r,.! , D, :. ::.::.:. ., ,, ,.,, .,,
Doing His Commandments - obeying His Laws - is the measure for eteinaf hfe, syrnbolized by the tree of life. The implied opposite, then, means that if we donit do His Commandments, we will not have this special right to everlasting life.
To be judged worthy by obeying the Commandments and being iewirded according to works certainly doesn't agree with the popular teaching that salvatio"n is immediate, automatic, and inevitable for the chosen. Unless we understand the truth about when and how we are saved, resting in the false notion that our salvation is forever secure could give us false security and in factjeopardize our eternal future.
There are those who take this idea of eternal security even a step further. They believe that because salvation is "All of the Lord," you are saved whether you want to be or not! Even though salvation involves both you and Yahweh, erren if you decide you don't want it, Yahweh will carry you through any"way because it is His will to do so. One such proponent explains it this way:
"Eternal security, then, is the unbreakable relationship uith the integrity of God. Neither God nor men nor angel can destroy the relationship uhich begins at saluation. There ls no sin u)e can commit- There is no actiuity on our part that can neutralize it or destroy iL. Il is something we haue pirmanently and perfectly both now andforeuer."
An even more extreme position, promoted by men like Charles Stanley and Charles Ryrie, says that even if a person becomes an unbeliever, that person will still remain saved! This teaching essentially takes away any free choice from human beings. Yahweh may just as well have created humankind with an inability to sin. The whole idea of freedom to choose right over wrong that Yahweh has granted human beings since Eden is pointless in view of this extreme doctrine. He'1l save you in spite of yourself! But is that really the case?
A Scriptural truth that is not understood by many is that Yahweh does not save us in our sins, He saves usfol4 our sins - from the death penalty that we, because of our sins, deserve. We cannot continue in sin and still expect Him to redeem us for His Reign. In fact, He makes it clear that He will NOT do so: "The u;ages of sin is deofh" (Rom 6:23). Sins must be repented of and no longer indulged in. If we are in unrepented sin we will not be granted everlasting life. Yahweh does not reward sin. Notice: :- '
"Do Aou not knou that the unrighteous shallnot inherit thereign of Elohirn? Do tu.otbe deceiued. Neither those uho whore, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor ', homosexttals, nor thieues, nor greedy of gain, nor drunkards, :. nor reuilers, nor swindlers shall inherit the reign of Elohim." ,,, ,, ,(r Corinthians 6:9-ro)
By definition, sin is the breaking of any of Yahweh's Laws (r John 3:4).
Clearly, it DOES matter if a person remains true to Yahweh and it to7
matters very much whether one indulges in the sin of this world:
"Do not be led astr,,y: Elohim is not mockect,'jo,r *, ' o"rnon sours, that he shall ,,ko reap. Because he who sows to his ounflesh shsll rearp corruptionfrom theflesh, but he uho , 'o" 'o'o" ,*.,uo"^"'l[,:;i1.4:::{';;!;y *'t"'^ o,n *'oot'
Surely a man like the Apostle paul, who wrote the majority of the New covenant and had direct revelatory teaching from yihushua (Gal r:rr-rz), would know whether he himierf had sllvation assured. If the_ eternal security doctrine is true, then paul of all people believed it and taught it. Right? On the contrary:
"l treat my body seuerely and make it my slaue. so thal when I haue proclaimed to others, I mgself iight be rejected".,, :,.
(r Corinthians g:27)
(Rejected is the Greek 'edokimos', one disapproved by the judge as not having fairly deserved the prize.)
"Not that I haue already receiued, or already been perfected, b_ut I press on, to lay hold of that for uhich l,f ashtil OWtqa, has also laid hold_of me. Brotheis, I d.o not couni tnyself to haue lo:id. hold of it yet...,'
(Philippians 3:rz-13)
"Exannine yourselues tuhether Aou are in the belief - proue yourselues...',
(z Corinthians 13:5)
"We haue become partakers of Mashiahif we hotdfast the beginning of our trustfirrn to ihe end...,'
(Hebrews 3:14)
Knowing exactly when the believers are saved wil reveal the error of both the once saved,_ always saved doctrine and the popular understanding about being 'born again' at conversion. Nelither teaching is Scriptural, based on what the word says about how and when salvation occurs.
\A,!at- f9w today grasp is that redemption is a process, which starts with being begotten of the Ruah ha'Qodesh atlmm"riio, and ends with being born again at the resurrection. An analogy about being
saved is helpful here...
Let's say a bush pilot crashes his plane in the cold wilderness of the arctic. Iniured, he sends out an SOS, ignites flares, and radios for help. After some days he hears the distant drone of another plane. "I'm saved!" he cries.
But is he really saved? His exact location has not even been pinpointed by the rescuers.
What he means is that he now has the hope of being saved, the same thing Paul spoke of in Philippians 3. The pilot is technically not saved until he is safe and recovering in a hospital bed. For all he knows, his rescue plane itself may hit bad weather on the way back and be forced douryr. The ambulance picking him up at the airport may crash on icy roads. He may succumb to his injuries. All sorts of things could happen between now and the time he is in fact saved and on his way to recovery. As the popular expression goes, "It's not over till its over."
"...but he uho shall haue endured to the end shall be saued-" (Matthew ro:zz)
"For ue haue become partakers of Mashial.t if,ue the beginning o7 our trustfirtn to the end..."
(Hebrews 3:14)
We may have hope of salvation, but it isn't assured until "the end" - either the end of our lives or the end of this age when Yahushua comes to gather His elect.
Why? Because at any point we could become apostate. We could fall from favour by slipping back into the world through its many sins and temptations. If that happens to us we are in jeopardy, because Yahweh does not save sinners! Rather, he saves those who have repented of sin and turned [o walk in His Ways:
"But the rurong, if he turns.fton allhis sins uhich he has done, and he shall guard o'll My Law$, and shall do rightrutins and rig hte ousness,,fle ffi :;::ifr, tiue, he shail not die.,, , .,,,'
We learn from Corinthians that Yahweh will destroy those who once knew the truth but become defiled:
i' "oo not be arrogant, but reuere. Fo, i'iitinii'irfi"rr ri#a inf "tE ,,, naturalbranches, IIe rnightnot spoi?e gou either. See then 'fu9kindness-andsharp.nessofElohim:onthoseuhofell 1 sharpness, but toward you kindness, if you continui in .l L" :lts kindness'"totfff;!";,#:";hattbe cutoff"' ; &*r;i$''k.;1.6#,r@4$a,l&$,;.-'..1 .,:,:,*qfli;*.:'& s&t*'$-kq;i:r.1{dr q:i&t*i{f;.,iq;4g4, ltii*,;;$ "
Even though the last verse of this passage (v.23), says that we are Messiah's, Paul shows that the possibility still exists that we could fall.
We see abundant evidence in the Scriptures that even though we are called His, we can still become debased through our choice to sin, and therefore risk our eternal reward. Those that do fall through disobedience will be cut off:
"Do you not knou that you are a Mishkan of Elohim and that ', the Rual.t of Elohim duells ingou? If antAone destroys the t1l Mishkc:n of Elohim, Elohi.ln shall destrog hitn. For the Mishkan of Elohimis qodesh, uhich ltou are. ] Let no one deceiue himself..." "Kindness" means 'moral excellence' and to fall from moral excellence is to disobey, as verse 3o reveals
Most who hold to the eternal security teaching dread what they call 'works salvation'. They believe and teach that Yahweh requires nothing of His people but 'faith alone'. Any hint of obedience sends them into paroxysms of denial. Certainly we are not saved by our works. The Scriptures are clear on that. We are not justified by keeping the Law (Romans 3:zo), but by His favour, (v.zq). Justification means .7usf as if we had not sinned.
Nothing we can do will 'eorn' lts righteous standing in His sight because we have all sinned and are nothing but filthy rags (Romins 3:23).
Once we are justified by His favour, however, then we are qadosh for
a pu{pose, which is called sanctification' Through. sanctification v"t*Jft"*bects His people to live pure and righteous 1t'.,":,,' . ';;.+;$-Siqi,xff$Sl6q.O*i*kr:i"'#e4:'ryi; '1hrsti1p16 re:ir411r1r ;*'*rEi#4i;irr;$s$i'ti" h@'!"r :: ' t ';t ""'."iuoji,g , then, ihese promises, beloued, let us cleqnseour".i,li.'*frrm-alldefilementof thefl e,1\*ll.q. --ffi,p"if*ting qbdeshahin-thereDerence ofElohim"',: ,1,'.,,, ;.;, j,iiryr.,i66*,: ,,u,, ,-313-'9',#ul, lffil;ii1;;: *$,r;*&"',ii6qs11.,1,i&i*ii d Noii"e ift" ,"frL d"oes not say, *Let Yahraeh cleanse 7ts"'but rather' ;tiitr cleanse ourrrlr"r." Live purely' Likewise we are commanded to:
.:_\;.r q r{ .1.*,. f ...,. i d *d.' .., ..:$f .-.,,-, 0..:.. E+,}r* _ijt'e .6**, * ', '' c*ork ouiyou, oum detiuerottce u:ithfeai andtrembling" 1,,
!"1 ,;;i!ia*.,.n.u*';***.*,,'*'j1ffi*,I1ffi|*#.1"'?]*,,,,,** ql6svr-' r,,i ,t If one is aiieady ,ur"i, t o fear ind trembling woutd be necessary! ll"itt ", would tirere be a need to work out any salvation' e *""iin"a individual not only lives a life apart from sin, but also is obedient to whatYahweh tells Him to do' l*t.lrtWr,"g*&l*iS%k.d fir$!l:'r':,*;ror,r-,,;'*&!"i$:}r''4t*1*itil5l';'ir::;!rl1$iriq'rcit#q'.!:Slt$"rri$Sql' :; " ';iii''frii x thiiTii,e for 44'*'t, that ue suord His..cornrnands' : and liis Commands are not heatsy""'
He has commanded His people to keeP His Laws, including His Feasts and Sabbaths. They do so, not because theY are earning their salvation, but because they now live for Him and are in the Process of taking on His very nature. We reflect His nature when we do what
[" *r"ra do and follow His direction. He is the Father and we are iii. "frm."". We obeyHim because He is Almighty and He demands oU"ai"r"". Our love fbr Him makes us want to obey Him'
Yahweh is adamant afout the failure of those who once acceptedni* u"t now turn uuik to sin. He will not save them in spite of themselves. He will, in fact, judge them!
The prophet Ezekiel warns: 11t) 111
"Wlgn a righteous one turns awagfrom his righteorr*rrr* and does unrighteousness, accordlnj"to all the "Aoiriroii;;;i;, the urong one has done, shail ne tiub ett iis righteousiiir"*ii"n he has done shall not be remembered. For hr, ;.rrp";; ini"n'i" has committed, andfor hrs sin uthichhe has "o**iitii,' * : -Ex*:,*Sthdte:
Does this passage just apply to ancient Israel? gzekiel and ott fl3.ll:,"plesr,ed not onty for thgir day, but "l* i;;;;;; r,
l9e1 tfis apply to Ezekiel other vrvp'uDrEu ,uL rur- tllelr oay, Dut also tor our dav and beyond. Yahweh does not change! fnaA""nia,oJ.-w:fr"r,i,irJ#r" of of His people then, is trtre of His p*ople today. He has but one standard. Paul said that all that happened in the Original Corr"ru.ri *urE, or. example (r Corinthians ro:u). Backsliding is as hazardous to the peopre of yahweh today as it was with Israel of old.
'/l is fmpossi blefor those who were once enrightened, and haue tasted the stfl of the_shamayim, and haue b.";;; i;iixir" "t the Rtruh ha,eod.esh, oid hor" tasted th" gori'*rr; i;i-4,1, and the potuers of the age to come, andfaliaua,g, ti;;.;;' theryagain to rep_enia.nce - hauingin p"ba jii ii";;;#, :. the Bdn of AnAt aqain, andput iim to open shame.,, (Hebrews, 6:+_6)
': ..:)1. ., I ri-:ii ,,!;::i.,,ri ,r. .:..._.,. ,:.,... j.,,.. .,.,: ..-:.t:;:,:,t, .,,,t,,,,:,,_ .::t,l:.
fg ,!.oy awa,y the Truth once you know it, is as serious as it gets. Obviously such a result leaves ,, .oo- for b;in;;tern;il;"r;;# ' As we have seen, the Scriptures are filled i.vith ur.rr.ur""r' tt ut Yahweh will reward His chosen according to their deeds. Both an obedient life and a sinful life will be rewarded accordingly (Romans z:6-9).
The final Book of our Scriptures shows that the elect are those who keep the Commandments of Yahweh and have the belief of Yah_ushrla (Revelation t4:tz). Belief and obedience go hand in hand. crearry, rt is trre on"J[rr,who are tr rstworthy to the end - who u." .ur,# (ffebrews Siqi, ""a not those who flout His commands and live the rir" irr"y "rr6J.J, y", still expecting some'heavenly' reward.
If such a doctrine were trul, why would yahweh shroud it so welr tt2
that no one could see it? Wouldn't He have at least two or three passages that state this proposition overtly?
Sadly, the theory of 'eternal security' (once saved, always saved) is another prime example of what Christianity has done in it's separation and exclusion of the Original Covenant. The Scriptures are clear that Yahweh NEVER CHANGES (Mal 3:6, Psalm roziz7, Heb r:r2, James t;t7), ar'd neither does that which He speaks!
His First Covenant (as with the New) is full of conditional promises to those who "Loue and keep Hk Commandments" (Deut 7:9, Deut 11:22, Deut 30:10, Jnt4:zt, r Jn 3:24, etc.).
'Eternal Security' is the doctrine for those who wish to use the favour of Yahweh as a cloak for their sin.
"Because such rs the clesire o[ Elohim. that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance offoolishmen, asfree, yetnotusing gourfreed.orn ss a cloakfor euil, but as seruants of Elohim."
(]' Peter z;ts) ,;:l
Due to the lack of understanding of who Israel is, and the rapture theory, a doctrine was created to explain away this misunderstanding. Dispensationalism was created by John Nelson Darby (r8oo - r88z) and popularised by the Scofield Bible - Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843 - rgzr)
So what is 'dispensationalism'? Scofield's definition given to the word'dispensation' - Greek - 'oikonomio' (e.g Eph. t:ro) is where it al1 starts:
"A dispensanon rs a period of time during which man is tested in respect of.oibed{gncei,'td.i:am:e spectfr{'reuel4tian.of the,,*ilL,..,of,,God; 'seuen,sueh dinpeisitiIns ate"aistingiisfted in Scnprune'l',Scofi eld. Darby and Scofield created this doctrine to support the doctrine of eternal security, that divides Scripture into divisions where the
requirements of salvation are different 'dispensations'. For example, Adam would be 'saved' by not eating from the tree of knowledgei Noah would be 'saved'by getting on the ark; Israel would be 'saved' by keeping the commands givenby Moses and according to popular Christian teaching, the'gentiles' are saved by'belief in 'J&us,l -
Edenlc (Berwen tu snd e6) The Covenants
] Adamlc cu6es (sctuocdaida&o!3d.maiHnd)
All covands a.. unooodtronalex.6Pt
th€ Edo&and Mosaic
Noahtc Fahbow
1 Abrahamic Ckcunatslon {a**n ooa *a&.ru_t *i. r*q
chadotrrymuqhtrt. *at6 Mcr &br_..r tm€s_psrtds ar. .FEximr.
Mosalc SabDarh Davidtc a So, @dr6ncd'ndr!Ed) : p€k@ncodnnd{bsonss€d
Therein lies the problem of dispensationalism and Christianrty... They have separated themselves from the Covenanted people of Yahweh - Israel! Onlybybecoming sons of Elohim and being grafted into Israel do we become children of the promise of Eternal Life.
Hufran Promiss
t 1 Conscaence Governhenl Law
.Atd.d,pldn p6m,rd Fa[h o[h 6oh6eremc;r orm*s tahh 6nd obedBnce '.?',f s'hsmry@,',,6ilonbydec,.. rorholaw
fewanA nrins
Eanh ! l$Crdng zndcoming - Pat€$inbn - Newwoild
Ind!tu brh J66 ,trd tudtB3) 2000 years
Chilsl to Aolchtial l0..tiis. rniqrc!orh15 dBp. b.r
new ii
crace Trib. Messiantc FEde,rprbnpErrdd chnn!b_hd-anibhldiasn@,!,,3edy46 kirh in chrH,s workonty i I w.rts, no r"m $h.rrn sbh. Sh. bk.n euay
A'simple' dt'JL:?#;Tiu*ru* (above).
Scofield continues:'#"1!*.f
*?::n^,ry!:r_,::yth,:hedeythand,res.urrecnongf iegaJ.'r,'oO,ed&rj0d :A;E,:Ilid ebrdidor$#iWd
Bible, tgog,r9r7 (notes on John r:r7, sec.e) p.rrr5.)
Notice that despite the fact that yahushra said, ;noi one yoa oi tittt" will pass from the Law," (Matt 5:rB) scofield teaches that Torah observance is not a condition! Interestingly he does contradict the modern teaching of eternal security by mentioning good works as a sign ofbelief.
None of the teaching of dispensationalism can actually be found in scripture, therefore it is hard to define an actual dogma, and over the years since-Darby dreamed up this idea the concepl has produced as Tany different extremes of dispensationalisls as there are denominations of christianity... veryfew dispensationalists can even say how m-any'dispensations' there are, witli numbers ranging from four to twelve!
John MacArthur, himself a moderate dispensationalist, has made an important observation:
L*fr:ixr $$*Hri gu
*iith "o^portmentitiziis rr-ih i-i;,"ii", i;;r" i;;' ;;; ;"t:" unbiblical drstrnchons..-An almast obselsiue desire t; carcgorize *ra rh rrE *b r$,, dir ";;
If you were to invent the easiest and most popular religion in the
world, you would probably do the following:
& You would tell your followers that their only obligation is to believe. You would teach them that there is no need to conform to any commands, because that would be bondage.
** You would constantly remind them that all obligations of righteousness, including law-keeping, have been met for them by a personal Saviour. (Ignoring the fact that after keeping all the Law perfectly Himself, He commanded us to do the same.)
*d Finally, in your religion no one would need to worry that their belief would ever be tried, or that they may have to defend their convictions or suffer for their beliefs. When the end-time tribulation comes, they will be miraculously whisked away to a 'heavenly'
Imagine how attractive your religion would be! Who in their right mind would not want to have the ultimate in blessings? - A11 for doing nothing! And when trial comes, they will be immediately removed from the conflict without having to answer for or defend their belief. Is it any wonder that so many people choose to accept these same teachings?
But there is a probleml The Scriptures nowhere support any of this. In fact, the exact opposite is the case.
Nowhere in the 66 books of Scripture do we find that all we need is belief alone. No such statement exists or is implied. On the contrary, we read:
"So also belief, i-f it does not haue usirks, is in itself dead-.,,
The doclrine against doing any kind of 'works' (sometimes cailed 'works righteousness') springs from the writings of the protestant Ref_ormation, many of which were in defiant iesponse to Roman catholic excesses and demands of burdensome seH-punishment on the people.
Nowhere in the pages of the inspired Word, however, is there any example of, or statement relating to being in 'bondage, because of obedience to the higher standards ofthe Sciiptures.
Neither is there even one sentence saFng thit because yahushua the Messiah met the requirements of obedience, that we don,t need to. On the contrary, we are told that His pedect obedience was an example for us, and we are to follow in His footsteps:
_" this you uere colled., because Messiah also sufferedfor us, leauing us ant exannple, that you shouldfoWou ltis steps, usho , committed no sin, nor uas deceit found in His mouti.',
(1 Peter z:zr-zz)
And Paulfinally, we are never promised an oasis from the trials of life. wrote to young Timothy:
"And indeed, all Lhose uanting to liue reuerently in Mashial.t Yahushua, shqll be persecuted.,'
t, (z Timothy 3:rz)
overcoming trials is -an essential part of what il means in being a True Wolshinqer, and rt leadl to eternll reward:
_"Baruft is the nrun who endures trial.for uhten he has been proued., he shall receiue the crorun of hai u;hich the ',, *oster hasproiff*:: thoseu,tholoue Him."
Nowhere in Scripture do we find even a hint of an expectation to be snatched away to 'heaven' to watch our earthbound loved ones suffer and die agonizing deaths during the worst-ever disasters and judgment prophesied to engulf this planet. In fact, the word 'rapture, never appears in the Scriptures.
Are we any better or more privileged than the prophets of old, who suffered for their beliefl On the contrary, they are our example:
"My brothers, as an example of suffering and.patiertce, take the neSi'im, who spoke in the Name of AnAt." (James 5:ro)
So what of the idea of a rapture, in which the believers will allegedly be removed from the earth before end-time tribulation? Is there Scriptural support?
-fhe rapture doctrine says that the Messiah will return and either secretly whisk away the 'saints' or take them openly to 'heaven' with I{im. There they will spend either g L/z or 7 years in safekeeping while tribulation rocks this planet.
'I'he rlrtll1e teaching rests heavrly on lhis textt .,,.,::, ,,:,.,,::,.r..,ri;: , !,:,. :, .,.
"For this ue soA to youby the uord of the Master, that tue, the liuing ruho are left ouer at the coming of the Master shall inno u.say go before those uho are asleep. Beceuse the Master Himself shall come dou,tnfrom the shamayim uith a shout, usith the uoice of a chief messenger, and uith the trumpet of Elohim, and the deadin Meshiah shall risefirst. Thentue, the liuing uho are left ouer, shall be caught away together uith them in the clouds to meet the Master in the airand. so use shall ahtsays be uith the Master."
, .., . . ....,....: (rT].ressalonianll,F r7) .., .
Tryrng to make this passage refer to a pre-tribulation rapture of protection is absurd, considering that the dead are said to go first. The dead don't need to be raptured to safety because they are dead. Their souls, according to the rapture teaching, will already be up in 'heaven'. In truth, this passage is speaking of the final day when Yahushua returns to earth to set up His Reign, and all the qodeshim, living and dead, will be'gathered to be with Him to rule in a thousandyear period on earth.
The timing of the event is critical. Are the believers taken before or after the Great Tribulation? We wil]
3*:';#:fiJI#Ji"*d.answe .q.where is_the support fo*
ir.#:li:i.ll}1:ffi:r*Tt#:-*Y"""##"!Yi[*:]"ifli silent,. secret raptue - which some believe will occur_i amid "o ,rny No* -Jf,i" f"-iiy,"*uio"d. shout'. "uoice of a^chief messenger-, a-nd a "tirumpet Llast"? Is ther€ ytushua sai<l it will be-the same way at the etrd ofthe age: perhaps a 'silent Seco0d Coming and then a Third Coming? lf so, - ,...r,- ,!4e*.1\_. .i. where is t},e scriptural evideft€?
rni, ii ,n"i'ii i" tne 5"1d, tie one is nken and the one is lei'.|: Let's leam the whole truth and see whether the etrtire rapture iio in"ti Ai gi"ai"g it thimill, oneis torket and one k lelt."" I teachin8squai€swiththecleaIandsbaight-fofl'ardteachingsinthe""(Matthews+:+o.+r) word ofYalweh
.. i:!!iii..':r!i*s '* ".,,i"i':gl'li;*,'1vfi,'*:,":,-:)., , .ri ,.di :r'
Inthe same marmer as in the days ofthellood, at Yahushua's coming Recorded in the iook JU"ttfr"*, are yahushua,s own words that the wicked wiII be removed first and the righteous will remain' rcveals what will happen\,,,rr"o i" r"to-" to ", the disciple-s asked Him w-here these 'taten" ones, meaning the r '."",,r'r+q".. -e<..I.'r*;;i;*;-;s;;i,!a,iai*i,ina*'-.rd. r. *l:tt wicked people, will go. For the answer we-go to a parallel account ir "And lhen the sign of thp Bin of Adom shalt appear in the lhe Book o[ Luke where Yatrushua respoDded: "n,i"yii.iia-tii,i"iiiii.itf""'iin"ii;ii;;;i;;*, -*: 4Y* .lthi ':' ! *.i -: *""" ""' ***i;*r: 'r'*' * *"r a,a.rteysniuiet,iiiixiiliaZi". inso.nttnitoiai ,?,i;*":i,:f,t#i#:#:"::*f[i!f"?tr;#:!,t"#trff*:, oflhe shamoyin with poLuer and much esteei. And He sholl send His.messengers r,ithag,| so:!, , ta'(enandthe other shallbe lejt And thea antu)eing':ai! t? Him'\ ond they -shott goi,er rogilln"iui "ii", on"" Iro^ tn"Iow where. Mdstet?' And He soid to them, where the bodv winds."JromLne end"d the sh.lmo:i,im to'the oth&.,, o. th?re also the uuhlJrcs shall be gothered logelhPr'' ; L "" "*;,..,-iyil.y*;:;i,'^.:
.,;.:: ", .,,,,-r',,rii-.{.:,:,,.*Lmi'iffia"
Here we see that when,u .", the nrrut trr-ret will
Does this sound like a wonderful place of sound and He will gather His elect from one end of the heavens to safety where the believers will be taken up rn another (not huddet ail together i" orr" ptu"", as some teach).
a rapture?- on- the -contrary, Yahushua told continuing with verses g7-Jg, some attempt to claim support for a His disciples that those taken, meaning the rapture teiching, y"i rulio "rii"" *r." *ere taken away: ur q wicked, will be destroyed, not whisked off to safetv in 'heaven'!
BdnofAdambe.Forastheywereinthedaysbeforeihefitood, In His parable of the wheat and tares in eating and drinking, marrying and giuing in marriage, until Matthew r3, Yahushua corroborates what we thedaythatNoahenteredintotheark,andthegdidnot have confirmed in Matthew 24, that the knou until theflood canne oLnd. took thern oll anoay, rapture is the exact opposite of what most 'or, \";:#:# "J:!;:;i of AQam be. ." pe^opre have been red riom the purpit.
Who were taken a,rl'av?
: burnthed,but gather theuheat into ma granary. '
Noticethatthefinareventswi,be justrikethoseinNoah,s tlay...And : ;tlY"tr#"lii#f,tr*trITi.?{#E##'fr:; what happened. with righteous Noah *a n" f"-itvi w"i" Gv . shall senal or/lt His messengers, onaLthea shall g.lthe'. o]llt oJ*is :ilT:9-I_:-."* -p-g:lj:"1J:lq *d*fy.m-s {go{r-_no, 9ir 1 ), ,eig, a the stumbtins-bfocks, cnd thise itoing tau:teesness, lhe coDtrary. they remained on earth. yaiweh had suided Noah to I , -: ond shall throu thm into the fumace offire - there shall be l:"R1.::^p]ac^e'of-earthlysafetyandprotection-agiintarkfloating| on the flood waters
"...Thus shall it be at the end of the age: the messengers shall comeforth, and separate the usicked out of the midst of the righteous, and shall throu them into thefurnace offirethere shall be uailing and gnashing of teeth."
(Matthew 13:3o-So)
But couldn't Yahushua already have come and gathered His elect to safety by this time? Obviously, if the righteous were already rapturetl, they would not still be on earth among the wicked when the wickul are removed.
The rapture doctrine says that Yahushua will come in two stagcs: 'for" His qodeshim, represented by the Greek word 'parousio', arrrl the second stage being "tuith" His qodeshim, revealed in the Grccli word 'aqpokalupto'. In fact, New Testament usage makes no distinction between these two Greek words. The doctrine says thirl the word parousia in t Thessalonians 4:t5-t6 is an initial comirrg "for" His qodeshim before the tribulation. However, parousia is also used in z Thessalonians z:t and B, where His coming clearly is at tlrt' end of the tribulation.
Similarly, parousia and apokalupto are found in Matthew z4:137 (coming) and Luke r7:3o (revealed), respectively. Both speak of this same coming of Yahushua using the context of the days of Noalr where the wicked are removed first.
In all three verses in John 6:4o,44, and 54 Yahushua tells us that tlrt, righteous will be raised up at the LAST DAY. The '?osf day" occur.s after the tribulation, not before. The last day refers to the finirl resurrection of all believers, John rr:24. That is the timing ol'
.lrrsl as Noah was protected on earth during the catastrophic flood, ,rrrrl [srael was protected in Egypt during the passing over of the nr(,ssenger of death, Yahweh promises the same kind of earthly 1rrotection for Hls pgopfe in th3,la1t.$aV1:
"And the u)oman tuas giuen tuo uings of a great eagle, to fly into the uildentess to her place, rohere she is nourished .lor a time and times and half a time,from the presence of the 'scrpent.
And out of his mouth the serpent speued uater like a riuer after the tuoman, to cause her to be nuept auay by the riuer. And tlte earth helped the usoman, and the eo:rth opened its rnouth and suo.lloued.up the riuer which the dragon had speued out of his mouth."
(Revelation t2:t4-r6)
l'lrt' terms "u)ildert1ess", "riuer" and "eorth" demonstrate rrrrr'<luivocally that the believers will find protection on earth, not in '',,,,,,, 'heaven'. Satan certainly has no power to chase the qodeshim .rr',rrrnd in heaven!
\':rlrushua specifically prayed in John l7:r5 that the righteous not be t:rlicrr from the world, but that they be safeguarded. His prayer ,lirt'ctly contradicts the notion of a coming rapture to'heaven'' In l\l;rltlrew 24,22, the Messiah said that for the sake of the elect, the l,rsl-rlay tribulation will be shoftened, other-wise no flesh would be ',;rvt:rl. This tells us that the elect will still be on earth and it is rl'r.irrrse of them that Yahweh will make an end to destructive events. ll is impossible to reconcile with the Scriptures the idea that the ,1,,,lcrshim will be protected in 'heaven' from end-time tribulation. lillipture prophecy clearly maintains that there will be many who rvill be mlrtyred for the,Truth i1fhe la1] dar-s
.:ii:.,,, ,,,., .,, i,,,::,,:, , ii:i. , , ,.!
"And the dragon uJas enraged uith the uoman, and he uent to fight uith the renutottt of her seed, those guotding the CotnrnoLnds offfi( andpossessing the witness of oWnAt ha'Masltial.t."
(Revelation rz:t7:)
"And it uas giuen to him to fight uith the qod,eshirn and to ouet'cotne thern. And authority uas giuen to him ouer euerdtribe Qnd tongue and nation."
(Revelation 13:7. See also Dan B:24, Matt. 24,:9?Fiev 2o:4)
I )lr1,le1sly there are believers obedient to Yahweh still on earth - not rrr 'lrcaven'- and yet subject to attack by Satan. Revelation 6:9-tt tzl
plainly shows that many true worshippers (qodeshim) will undergo end-time m
Daniel was protected from lions even while right in their midst in the lion's den. His three friends escaped destruction of the fiery furnace by miraculous protection while still in the firrnace itself. Israel had to endure the first three Egyptian plagues in the land of Goshen, and were protected there, while still on Eglptian soil.
Revelation 7 reveals a similar destiny for the people of Yahweh in the last days. Before the messenger releases divine plagues that will devastate the earth, the qodeshim of Yahweh will be sealed in their foreheads for protection (verse 3). That sealing is His Name - *gf as we read in Revelation r4:r and zz:4. As with Israel in Goshen, however, there is nothing stating that the people of Yahweh will not have to endure the man-made tribulation that will come first. This is detailed in Revelation 6:r-8.
Another direct rebuttal to a rapture is the passage in Revelation 7:t4, regarding the identity of all those dressed in white
' "And I said to him, 'Master. you knous.' And he said to me, 'These are those cotning out of the greqt distress, hauing uqshed ; their robes and made them uhite in the blood of the Lamb.' "
, (Revelafion 211+) i: :: .,,
These qodeshim are proved righteous and stood fast in the coming tribulation and they are now granted a position in the Reign of the Messiah. Rewards are not given to those who escape, but to those who endure and overcome (Rev. z:26).
Revelation 2o:4 says there will be marryrs who refuse to worship the beast who will be beheaded for the witness of Yahushua. Are we to assume that these martps are the evil people left behind on earth during the Tribulation? Obviously not. They are the qodeshim, whose preaching, teaching, righteous example, and marLyrdom will convert many to the truth during the reign of the AntiMessiah.
The next verse presents a real problem for the doctrine of the rapture. Most rapturists maintain that the righteous living and righteous dead will be raptured off to 'heaven' before the tribulation (a teaching known as the pre-tribulation rapture). But notice:
"and the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand lJears uere ended - this is thefirst tesurrectiort."
,,,,, ,
,,;,..', ,:,11.,1,,,,1, ,, !1'"r,:l1lt"",:'::ul
If there had already been a rapture, this resurrection, not the first.
would be the second
Yahweh promises protection for the righteous, although some will be called on to give up their lives as a witness of faith to others. Resurrecting them to life again is no problem with Yahweh, and they will be the first to rise at the last trumpet blast when Yahushua returns. A key question that needs to be answered is, where will Yahushua the Messiah go when He comes in the clouds and raises His qodeshim? Will He return to the heavens? That is what the rapture teaching says. We read that the righteous will:
"meet the Masler in the ctir - and so use shall ahuays be uith the Master."
(r Thessalonians 4:t7)
Does He tike the believers and return to 'heaven' for as much as seven years for the duration of the Tribulation?
The wbrd 'meet' is the Greek 'apantesis'and is used in only two other places in the New Testament. One such place is Matthew z5:6, where ihe virgins meet the Bridegroom ('meet' here is apantesis) and they continrle on to the wedding feast. He does not reverse direction and take the virgins back to the heavens where He came from. Verse t3 tells us that this meeting is "the day and hour uhen the BEn of AQam comes" at the Second Coming.
The other instance where apantesis is used is in Acts z8:r5. Paul is heading to Rome and a delegation of Roman brethren go to meet (apantesis) him. Paul approaches, they meet and continue on to Rome, his destination. He did not reverse course.
On His return Yahushua's destination is the Mount of Olives, not a return to the heavens (Zechariah r4:4)' His intent is to set up his throne at Jerusalem "in that day". He does not reverse direction and head back to the heavens with the newly gathered believers.
The rapture doctrine is just another aspect of the modern, false ideir of gain without pain. Something for nothing. No effort or overcoming is necessary. Such an idea is completely foreign to Scripture. In tht' Book of Acts we read:
"strengthening the beings of the taught ones, encouraging them to continue in the belief, and that through tnantA pt"essures : Lt)e haue to enter the reign of Elohim." r,,, ,, ,,, (Acts r4:zz)
The rapture doctrine is not only unscriptural, brrl it will also prove to be sinister. Instead ol' spiritually preparing people for what is coming, which is the whole reason we are given Scriptultr prophecy in the first place, people are being lcrtl to believe the lie that they will be delivered out ol' it all.
Revealed prophecy is not given so that we can become comfortable or apathetic. Prophecy is intended to draw us closer to Yahweh:
"...u)hat is reuealed belongs to us and to our children foreuer, to do o,ll the Words of this Toroh."
(Deuteronomy 29i29)
-Notice also:
"...according to the reuelation of the secret which was kept silent since thnes of old, but nou has been made manifest, and by Scripture of nefiuah has been made knotun to all nations, according to the cotntncrnd of the euerlasting Elohim, *'rk"!",:t:i;f;::f-
How will millions react when they find themselves facing the biggesl chalienge of their lives and they are completely unprepared'/ Yahushua tells us how: He says that at that time men will bt' 'fainting frorft fear"t (Luke zr: z6).
Because of the fact that many believe in the 'pre-trib' rapture theory, they will be blinded to the appearance of the Anti-Messiah and bt' caught off guard when he introduces the "mark upon the hand cuul forehead" (Rev rS:16).
Notice the timing of the return of the Messiah:
"As to the coming of our Master Yahushua ha'Mashial.t and our gathering together to llirn, ue ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit tr by tuord or by letter, as iffrom us, as if the day of qn4r 7c.5 t'tnne. Let no one deceiue gou in anA uaA, because the falling auay is to comefirst, and the rno;n of lanolessness is to be reueoled, the son of destruction."
(z Thessalonians z:r-3)
l'lrt'r'e is an implantable microchip available NOW tlr;rt is capable of holding all your personal rulirrmation and banking functions and is no , than a'smart card' except that it's in your I ,, ,t ly. This is a likely candidate for the " mark of the /,r'" in that no one will be able to "buy or sell" r'ithout it. Many christian leaders (including Hal l,irrrlsay) are condoning this microchip implant l,r't'rruse of the belief that we are to be 'raptured'
I r,'lorc the Anti-Messiah appears!
N I ;r y we not be deceived into false confidence by a teaching that does n,rl cxist in the Scriptures. We need to heed Yahushua's warning .rlrorrl lhe last days:
"And take heed. to yourselues,lest your hearts be ueighed dorott by gluttony, aid drunkenness, and usorries of this life, ,rrrLl thit day corne onAou sud.denlg. For it shall come qs a sncrre on all those dwelling on theface of all the earth. Watch tlrt'tr at all times, and pray that you be counted uorthy to escape , I I I his about to take place, and to stand before the B dn of Aiam."
, . 0,,..:.i , ,,(l'o" zr:2,,4,-,,!6)
,,,,,,.,,, ,,,.. ., ,., :,, lt r:; time to find the promised protection and salvation that come lr,,rrr l<nowing and following the truth, and escape the destruction t lr;rt nrsults from the misguided doctrines of man.
As the world endures abnormal weather conditions and is rocked by increasingly intensive earthquakes, not to mention the constant threats of war and disease, many ask the obvious question...
"Why is this happening..?"
This may come as a surprise to some, but there are a number of people who knew this was coming and are prepared...
These people are those who know and believe what is written in Scripture and was spoken by the Messiah nearly 2ooo years ago...
When asked by His disciples about His second coming and judgment of the wicked, this is what
Yahushua warned:
"And Owf\tr anxuering, said to them, 'Take heed that no one leads you astray. For many shall come in My Name, saying , "I am ha'M ashial.t," and they shall lead manA astra!J. And y ou shall b eg in to he ar offighrtng s and reports offighting s. See that Aou are not troubled,for these haue to take place, but the end is not yet. For no,tion shall rise o.gainst no.rton, and reign o.goinst reign. And there shall be scarcities of food, and d"eadly diseases, and eorthquo,kes in places. And all these ere the beginning of birth pains. Tlrcn they slrull deliuer Aou up to afJliction and kill you, and you shall be hated. by all nations for Mg .Atrtrme 's sske. And then many shall stumble, and they shall deliuer up one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise up and lead manA astroy. And because of the increqse in lctulessness, the loue of many shall become cold. But he uho shall haue endured to the end shall be seued.' "
(Matthew 24i4-n)Reading further in the Scriptures reveals some more signs to look for... Read through the list and ask yourself if any of these signs are visible in society today...
"But know this, that in tlrc last days hard tirnes shcill cotne. For men shall be louers of self, louers of rnoney, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to pan'ents, thankless, urong -doers, unlouing, unforgiuirtg, slanderer s, toithout s elf-iontr ol, fier c e, haters of g o o d, b etr ay e r s, r e ckles s, putred up,louers of pleoLsute rather than louers ttf Elohim-"
(z Timothy 3:t-4)
"Those taho caLnnot rernember the past
ail iheie evil practices aren't new, but the "increase in lawlessness" is what's worthy to note...
Yahushua the Messiah also warned that signs of His return would reflect those of Noah's day:
"Ancl cts the d.ags of Noo'l.t, so also shall the coming of the Bdn of AQarn be. For as they uere in the days before the Jlood, eating and drinking, marrying and giuing in marriage, until the day that Noal.t entered into the ark, and they did not knous until the-flood canne and took thern all anotg, so also shall the coming of the Bdn of AQam be."
(Matthew 24:3739)
The scriptures reveal why yahweh destroyed the worrd with a flood;
"AndAaAt'saw that the wickedness ofmrrnwrrsgreat inthe earth, and that_euery inclinatioiof the tt ""gtts-if his heart was onlq euil continualtg. ena emf *i, ioi* that He had madi manT on the earthiand He uias giir"a ii, His heart. AndAnA(_ said,,I am going to wipe 6grn n uhotn I haue thefaie olinn ""r:tt , #tnii, and beast, creeping creature and biids of the s'hai,"yii, for I am sorry that I haue made them.' ',
(Genesis 6:S_Z)
Yahweh doesn't "tuipe otr, people from the face of the earth for no reason, and this is where we come to the crux of the matter...
Yahweh defines "lawlessness, "evil" and "wickedness" in His Word the Scriptures, as disobedience to His iommands :."-, . ;:. _.:*t :*., ,,,,,r,?J (Torah). people through history have_ asked why yahweh has treated Hil p;;;i;'r;;;;i";;th'J;t
harshness, yet Scripture tells us why:
"And many gentiles shall pass by this city, and. they shall say to one another.,'Wha hasffi( flon" io to this jreat cityi, Then theg shall say,'Because they haueforsiken thi Coueno:nt of AnA4/ their Elohim, andbolued themselues to other mightA ones and serued them., ,' ,,Artd *\w uarned;!,;"*#':h?l,llr,, throush au of His n e g i' im, a n d eu e r y _s e e r, -s a y i n g,,, Turn- b o,ckt" "li i ii- iitt utaU!:and guard Mg Cornmands and M{Lo**j o""oiiing to all the Torah uhich I cornmanded your"fathers,'anLd iii"n _I sent to y_qu by MU seruants the ne[i,im.,, but theg aia iit Iisten and hardened their necks, riki the necks of tieirfati-e)s, taho did not put their trust in AM( their Etohim..." (z Kings ry:g_r4)
Note: The disobedience spoken of is not just against the,,Ten C_ommandments"; but " Command.s',,,, Lant)s,' ina,, ait the foiih,, and Yahweh gives us these warnings to steer us back io- rri. -gooa Commands and Laws...
"...and warned them, to bring thetn back to Your Torah. But they acted proudly, and did not obey Your Cotnntantd-s, and sinned against Your Right-Rulings, 'which if a man does, he shall liue by them.' "
(Nehemiah 9:29)
"And they made their hearts likeflint o'gainst hearing the Torah, o:nd. the Words, u.;hich A,\AO' of hosts had sent by His Rual.t through theformer ne$i'im. Therefore great urath cannefromAaAl' of hosts."
lleflecting on the prophetic words of Yahushua comparing the last days to the times of Noah, you might be getting a I'cw clues to what these 'natural' clisasters are pointing to...
History is about to repeat itself, but at irn intensity never before seen:
"For then there shall be great disfress, such as ho.s not been since the beginning of the uorld until this time, no, nor euer shall be."
(Matthew z4:zt)
These words of Yahushua the Messiah are speaking of this prophecy of Isaiah from the Original Covenant:
"See, Affi is making the earth emptA and making it tuaste, and shall ouerturn its surfoce, and shall scatter abroad its inhabitants...
...the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for*\At has spoken this uord. The earth shallmourn and uither, the ruorld shall languish and toither, the haughty people of the earth shall languish. For the earthhas been defiled. under its inhabitants, because they haue transgressed. the Torot, changed" the Lano, broken the euerls.sting Couenantt. Thereforaa curse sho.ll consrutne the earth, and those uho dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned., andfeu men shall be Ieft."
(Isaiah z4:r-S)
So... the peoples of the earth are being punished because they havc broken His Covenant - His Laws! The Renewed Covenant also warns of this current age that those who reject this Truth will not be savecl from this punishment and will bt: deluded into believing a lie:
"The coming is against tlte uorking of Satan, uith o'll his pou)er and signs anduond.ers offalsehood, anduith all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receiue the loue of the llr.tth, in order for them to be saued. Andfor this reason Elohim sends tlrcm auorking of delusion,for them to belieue thefalsehood, in order that all shotLld be judged uho did not betieue the truth, but haue delighted in the unrighteousrtess."
(z Thessalonians z:9-re)
Don't expect all your wealth and possessions to save you... During the Holocaust, hundreds of thousands of Jews and others who were herded into concentration camps had swallowed their gold and diamonds and did it get them anl"where?
Here's a prophecy of the end days from Scripture:
"They throw their siluer info the streets, and their gold becornes asfilth. Their siluer andtheir gold"is unible to d.eliuer thern in the day of the urath of 6a,y. They do not satisfiy their appetite, norJill thbir stomachsibecause it ias been their tumbling -blo ck of uickedne s s. "
(Ezekiel 7: r9)
Reading through the numerous accounts of Jewish victims anrl surwiyors of the Nazi death camps, you will find 'that manv acknowledged the fact that they were undergoing the holocaust because they had forsaken the Torah: The Covenant ofYahweh.
The Scriptures again give us the answer on how to get through thc wrath of Yahweh:
"Gather together, gather together, O-nation tLtithout shame' trnfor:'n the"decrei iiiir" -ihn doy shall pass on like "l".ff ba.jbre the burning urath of ffi\1y gsmes Ltpo,n you, before the dly of urath of hat" comesuponyou! SeekAW, ollgou " i.-ii orrn" i7 tnn earth, tt'ho haue done llis Right-Ruling '
Seekrightiou"nn*", seekrneekness, iJ so be tltat yotr aie hidden in the dag of wrath qf *\A4''" (ZePhaniah z:t-3)
t tlrctlience to Yahweh's commands is a prerequisite for being part of rli,' chosen people, and anyone couldloin Israel by following His t 'r,rrttllands:
',Alsothesonsoftheforeignerwhojointhemseluesto"ffi{4r, ttt sarue Him, and-to loie the Nsrne ofM, to be His-seru-a:Lts' ,,ti ,r,tii giord the ShoLbboLth, and. noi profane i-t, and holdfast to Mg Couenantt - them l shatlbring to My qodesh mountain"'" (Isaiah 56:6'7)
\;rlrweh has shown enduring love and l,;rtir'nce for zooo years since His Son .rrrrl llis Covenant was rejected by Israel .rrrrl ,Iudah. Yahweh has continued to rlrtlrltold pouring out His cup of wrath ,,rr llris world and all those who reject ,rrrl refuse to guard His Commands.
I lris .oming #ibulation is His last resort to warn those who have ears t,r hear... Vahweh's Word, His prophets, His Son and apostles tlrroughout time have consistently ca11ed for the same thing:
" llut youL, you shitl guord My !.o*? and Mg Right-Rulings' ,rid,n'it d.o ang-of these sbotnino:rtons, the natiue nor stranger uho sojourns among you"'" (Leviticus r8:26)
"/ 7r rs soid the M aster XtW', " Repent, and turn b o]ckfr om y our ,, t,, t.r, iri turn b oLck y our face s fr om o'll g out ab ornitto.tiorts'" (Ezekiel 14:6)
.:;tr.ri:r: ", I iii;:.r.- r' '
"From that time OW( 4/ began to proclaim iia to i,oA, R-epent,.for the reign of the shamaiim has draun n"oi'., "
(Matthew 4:r7)
-i: r_ ,l:tr.i:.t.. _r. irr.i:,:, r':: '' .,;. ....,,r,..,r1,tir i.r'r .-i,. -.,.: .r,....,,.r
"Ripent, oii tnt nr"h on, of you be immersed in the Nanne of OrifWt ha'M ashio,\" fo r th e for g iu ene s s o.7fl sins. And you shall receiue the gift of the Ruah ha,eodesh.', (Acts z::B)
Aside from preparing
.j,ir,:::i-, ,2,,r,, :........r:,::i,..,i .,:r yourself spiriiually yo, wootd have to be very shortsighted not to prepare physically for some of these prophetic disasters coming to this world. In case you forgot already, Yahushua warned of: "scarcities of food., and. d"eadly diseases, and ec:rthquo:kes" (Matt 24tZ) as some of the end-time signs, not to mention some of the seals and trumpets
prophesied in the book of Revelation!
Just ask yourself what you would do in the case of a natural disaster like New orleans or more recently Indonesia and Japan. surely y,u would want to have a pack of some basic survival equfoment on hind that you could grab within the few minutes before you flee?
siti*l1es ll9ak about b911s t:ud{1o escal: the corning nrath:
"...thenlet those uho are-inyahuQahJlLee to ttr. i,o*i'iri-rr".
Let him who is on^tJte house-top nit .orn doton to take tahateuer out of his house. And let him uho is in thefield. not tur.n to get his garments. And utoe to those who are pregnant and to those_taho are nursing children in those days! And pray that yourflight does not take place in uinter oion the Shabbath. For then there shallbe great distress, such as has not been since the beginning of the world
, ""n"oo
"A cleuer manforesees calantity, hides himself: The simpli shall go on, they are punished'" {r1v9rbs ,27:rz) i, I]aving examined a1l the coming events, let's tttrn our attention to the afterliie and what some refer to as 'Heaven"''
e is another fascinating mi, of paganism" and m1'thology. Heaven, a1 a 1acrgd place or a $3te oii", "upp"u., in the mlthi and iegends of cultures around the ;;1d|;ft;'Jlhe dwelling piace of the gods, the p-lace where people who have lived virtuomt! iirra their reward after death as a paradise of ,o*" kind, located above or beyond the limits of the ordinary worId. Over the centuries, traditional ideas have changed, and.many ffi;i; "r* ifri"fi of heaven more in terms of a state of spiritual Lrislence or salvation, than as a precise though othervrorldly-place.
BUDDHISM: One sect of euddhism believes in an eternal afterlife in a realm called the 'Pure Land'or the 'western Paradise'where
"-"v""" """rd enter by saving others from suffering. other sects teach oi'a state of 'Niruana' wh-ere the soul is absorbed into 'absolute blessedness'.
HINDU: Hinduism describes 'Nirvana', in where the cYcle of absorbed into Brahma.
CHINBSE: Chinese tradition speaks of many types of '{e1v91'' fhe the soul's ideal state as achieving reincarnation ends and the soul is
i"ritt tradition of Chinese m1'thology speaks of 'Penglai Shan" .no.rttuin with eight peaks. Penglai was described in terms a of precious things.
PAGAN: In Norse mythology, the gods live in 'Asgard',-thetopmost realm of existence. th" rooir of heroes who die in battle go to V;ih;Ur', where they spent their afterlife in joyous fighting and feasting.
nlytfr. if tfre Slavic peoples have I paradise called 'BLtyQn-' , described ;;';ith.r a silent and peaceful underwater city or an island washed by a river of heaiing.
ih; ahi" p"opi", have ml,rhs of an island p_-aradise called Aualon'. ihe Creeki imagined their deities as dwelling in a- palatial heaven t igh uto,r" the riortal world on 'Mount Olympuy The b-lessed dead, trllu"r"t, went to 'Elysium', a green gardenlike afterworld' ISI-AM; Islamic mlthology Jso envisions a multilayered'Paradise', "r""ffv mf, ,"rr".,i"',r"lrlthe phrase 'seuenth heauen'comes from
this image. The Muslim heavens are garden paradises of shade trees, flowing streams, and abundant pleasure. The various levels are associated with precious substances such as gold, silver, and pearls, but the highest level is made of pure, divine light and is devoted to the ceaseless, joyous praise ofAllah.
CHRISTIAN: Again, Christianity ignores the straightforward
Christianity developed three visions of heaven. The first. the realm beyond the skies, was the source of images of heaven as a place ofclouds and winged angels. The second, the garden ofparadise, was the natural world raised to the level of divine perfectionan image associated with the Garden of Eden. The third vision was that of the heavenly city, a syrnbol of perfect organization and harmony.
For a start, when a person dies, they do not'go to heaven' or any 'paradise' or 'purgatory'... They simply wait in a state of 'sleep' till the Great Day of Judgement. The Original Covenant uses the phrase, "...slept uith his fathers..." thirty-six times as a description for death and in the Renewed covenant we find similar word usage:
"For if ue belieue that OWX4/ died and rose again, so also . Elohim sholl bring uith Him those uho sleep in OWffi(." , (t Thessalonians 4:14. See also John rr:rr, rCor r5:5r, etc.)
Even the whole concept of life after death in some ethereal place at the end of all the world is a foreign concept to revealed Scripture.
"And I sau' o renetoed shanncLybn rtnd a renewed e:arth, for the former shamayim and.ihe former earth had passed. anuay, and the sea is no more." . (Revelation zr:r. Sele'also Isa 65:17, Isa66:zz,zPe 3:13, etc.) :
Again, the simple truth of Scripture clashes with concepts taught by mainstream Christianity, by eternal life enjoyed by all those who live an Yahushua, is on this earth in its renewed form...
n cr,osn LooKAT FOODMost Christians believe that Yahweh's Laws have been "buried at the cross" , and consider them a "burden" , yet fail to realise that He created us and knows what is good and what isn't' He is our Creator! Why is it so hard for us to accept that He gave us Laws- to #r'ffi .i 9 prot""i-o. :y:t lt,* lo;nns Father , '' ffiW l.\
Does it not make sense that if foods were unclean for His people ;;;; ;;; ugo, tt ut thev are still unclean? Have our digestive r-;t;"-" b;en" miraculously- transformed to process the .toxins contained in scum *"t l"g bottom dwellers and swine flesh' just because Yahushua died and rose again?
Let,s examine some of the Scriptuie surro.rrding the consumption of *Lrt S".ipt"re calls 'unclean^ meats'' In the beginning' all living things (including *utti it Yahweh's creation ate plants' Some don't """ri t"utit" thal lions, hyena, vultures and tyT annosaurus rex ate nothing but plants! Speaking to Adam:
"Elohim saiid, 'See, I haue giuen you euery ploLnt that yields ,nia ini"n is on the face ofall thi earth, and euery tree uhose iiit uintd, seed, to aiuii isfotfood" And to eueta beast of " i"'noiin, ord to iu"rg bird of tne shamag,im' q"q.P euera creeping'creature oithe earih, inuhichthere is life' euery -gieen ploLnt isforfood" And it came to be so'" (Genesis 1:29-30)
This of course makes Perfect sense because this was Yahweh's "uery good" Creation. Death is "only a consequenceof disobedience to Him, therefore there could be no death and disease, (or evolution for that matter) because no one had Yet sinned. It was onlY after the curse of sin unto deqth'that man and animalsstartedkillingeachother,anditwasn'ttillNoahandhis ;;;^ dir;tarked frJm the ark ihat mankind was permitted by yahweh to eat meat and man's relationship to animals was altered. the pagan based stating that the obedient life in
"And- Lhefear ofyou and the dread ofyou is on euery beast of the earth, on euerA bird of the shamayim, on all that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish of the sea - into your hand they haue been giuen. Euery rnouing creotut e that liues is food,for you. I haue giuen you all, as I gaue the green plants.
do not *'Ifflxi1,ilir'f'its btood'"
Yahweh limited edible plants to those that are green and propagate by seeds. Those plants that lack either chlorophyll or seeds, or both, are called into question - including fungi such as mushrooms (which are not actually plants) as well as various parasitic plants. Because of the effects of the curse, disease and pollution took their toll on the creation and Yahweh gave Laws to His people to mark them as qodesh. These were the Commandments given to Moses in Leviticus chapter rr. As with all Yahweh's Laws, what Yahushua has accomplished in His death and resurrection has fulfilled the priestly laws; all else will not pass away till ALL is done (Matt 5;r7zo) and remember:
"I shall not profane Mg couenant, Neither 1,, :^:."-*' *nnn"-r!'!{rl"J3;,:{;;*fr" *:'*''",,,,,i
Yahweh's Laws of clean and unclean animals, fish, birds, insects, and even dead creatures, are found in His Word. Just as with the Ten Commandments, we can see these Laws operating long before they were reiterated to Israel and handed dor,rm to Moses on stone tablets at Sinai. We also see them still in force in the New Covenant.
Another example in.which we see clean food Laws in operation long before Sinai is in Yahweh's instructions to Noah. Yahweh told Noah that clean animals were to go aboard the ark by sevens, but he was to limit the unclean to only two (Gen 7:z). Noah obviously had to know the difference because of the clean food Laws. Peter knew the difference as well, as we see in his reaction to his own vision in Acts ro (please read on).
.fhelawsofcleananduncleanfoodarelikethemorallaws-they nu""-i""" in effect since the beginning of creation. Therefore, we ;ilil.h them off wiit it " u,[.r-enl that they were merely "old 'iestament" and given only to ancient Israel'
In Leviticus chapter t, Vut *"t' details the laws regulating clean and unclean foods.
)Ard.ffi'y ,otoke to Mosheh and to Aharon, them' 'Speak -iiini
"tnain of Yisra'El, saying, "These are the liuing creafitres '" ini"t you do'eat omong iUti.tnbeasts that are onthe earth: Whateuet hors i *itit t" o7 cornpletelg diuided' cheuins the cud, 1tr;{r::::,?lli1,'t1.",' vou do eat' ,: '-' :. -' .," 't, A solit hoof of two toes and chewing the cud (the Process of casting up and re-chewing, of food) ire the two criteria that oualifv animals that can be ,s*d ior food. Leviticus rr lists
tJN('I,[,,\N FOOT} tslaD9 pnEY l
several animals that do not fit these qualifications. These animals include the camel, *bbtt, ,"d ptg. ffr" ptg it ""; of the-most gluttonous animals,on the earth and carries ,-'ro*b"' of d'eadly parasites' Yahweh also
ns, &lr iRr€PJd{lll!;5 ltsAT annk! !lY !t 5*1M.
ilr il prohibited us from touching their carcasses' Aquatic life is discussed in Lev t1:9-t2i
't' "Thi*" y,ou do eot of o.ll t.hcfi an'e in the wo.tets: ana one that hasfin" olni- *iotes in the u)aters, in the seas or in the' ,i;';;;, th"iiii a, iit- aut all that haue notfins ond the inis ,na ii the riuers, all that moue in the tuaters or any liuing "iiiiru *nich is in the uaters, they ar,e an abomination to you' Theg are an "ar^i"ii"iii ii'" - 'T4"irJleshvou do not eat' anitheir carcasses you abofiinate' All thst hooe notfins ot ' *"* "i'iitii ii in" inaters is tn o,botnina'tion to gott'" (Leviticus tr:9-rz)
For aquatic creatures {o be tit to 9ai, they must have both fins and r*#l ffi il;;I^;i trr""gr,i *plains that marine afmfls '11311 fi* ,rrA."rles tend to lr" U|tto-?eeders, consuming the effluent that .i"f.t t" the mud' Having this in mind, we can perceive the reason
Yahweh prohibited these marine species. Aquatic life unfit for human consumption includes shrimp, lobster, oysters, clams, crabs, catfish, eel, shark, dolphin and whale but to name a few. Modern science is now finding dangerous levels of harmful, healy metals like mercury and lead in the flesh of many of these creatures. Yahweh certainly knows best!
Verses r3-rg discuss unclean birds: .:
"And these you do o.bornino,te anlr.o,r.g the biids, they are not eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the uulture, and the black uultrre, and the hautk, and thefalcon after its kind., euery rolen after its kind, and the ostrich, and the nighthanak, and the seagull, end the hcnak after its kind, and the little otal, and thefisher owl, and the great oul, and the uhiye otol, and the pelican, and the coLrrionuulture, and the .stork' the heron *if""*i[{,;:.1:::ro"*:",and the bat'"
Forbidden birds are also listed in Deuteronomy 14:11-18, but yahweh does not specifii why these particular birds are forbidden. Other kinds of birds are permitted, such as chicken and turkey etc.
There are a handful of Scriptures that, taken out of context, have been used to claim that New Testament believers are not obliged to keep the 'Old' Testament dietary Laws. The first is often the woids of Yahushua Himself:
:1...:;. ,..i.1r.1 rii) ...i .r.r :r: i., irj. r::ri.,:.r.11;r. -r.r.r-_.ii;. :iii..i:i:, rr]
'And He said to them, "Are you also without understanding?
Aou not perceiue that uiateuer entet s a manfrom outs{de l. it "ob'l'to'dnfib hi^"'" :
The Erroneous interpretation is that Yahushua was condemning the Scribes and Pharisees for their strict law-keeping, decreeing that virtually any 'food' is harmless and therefore edible. When taken in proper context, this passage is not difficult to understand. At the beginning we find Yahushua's disciples eating with unwashed hands in plain sight of the Scribes and Pharisees. These Jews had many Rabbinical traditions that had been handed down through the ages, and accused Yahushua's disciples of breaking their traditions (Nlark 7:g-4). Yahushua does not iondemn them for compliance with Yahweh's kosher food Laws, but instead condemns them for their doctrines of men.
ThroughouttheNewCovenantitbecomesclearthattheseJewish leaderi who were responsible for teaching Yahweh's Torah' became ;;;i;";"i with the more important matters. Yahushua makes this statement:
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Bac.ause gou tithi the mint and the anise and the cumin' and haue , neg {e cted tn" roiigii"r o{ tle^\1 ah : tlu Right - Rulins .andthecompasiiii""d.the"belief,Theseneedtohauebeen doie, uithout neglecrtng the others'"
(Matthew zg:zg)
;.r&,.r,:: r:{trri".'i.',t,r:r::irr,::11:i:'rLiir'l6rr,''ir" 1., ;lii.:,.,;ir ..,itr!,,,.,,i:11;i,tt:11 li 'j,.i r:rrir 1.,. ::.i.,:r rqii ' 1r' i!r.r:ii., _.i i.. --'|_rri-rir. Notice Yahushua commanded t'ot to ignore the Torah and nowhere i" i;r* 7 do we find yahweh,s clean food Laws mentioned. we ;ilply see the same message Yahushua taught aqti']1!-1:^T:litt'v ner" 6n earth. We are to &t"*" Yahweh's physical Laws without neglecting His weightier Laws. ;;-;h;; Eo**o., -misunderstanding is the vision of the sheet given to Peter (KEpha) in Acts chapter ro .,
On the surface one may assume Yahweh has cleansed al1 foods, if you ignore the context of the entire chapter and the fact that it was a vision. Due to the Jewish customs of the day, again being in conflict with the Word of Yahweh' Peter actually understood the vision and explained the meaning of his vision of the sheet' In the very same chaPter we read:
| "Yru k ro* that a YahuQite man is not alloued to t (Acts ro:28,35) ,lr'.,1;!:-ntti1; - J:rt'"('::i:
' U;A "uoi,cn'iame to him,'Rise up, KEpha, slay and eat'' nit kApn" said,'Not at all, Master! Because I haue neuer iin *t rtnuer is common or unclean'' And auoice came i iii "g"in the second time,'What Elohimhas cleansed Aou do not consider common'' " (Acts ro:r5) -;;g;";;r;i of another race. But Elohim has shown me that I ,ioilanot cail {rn!fln{ln corntnort or uncleant"' Truly I seethat Elohim shoJi no poLttio,tity, butin euery nq$o!:.he iio r"rn n, Him and- *oikt rightedusness is accepted by Him"' to associate with,
'l.lrnrr,,,. 4r;tt:i',,:.'?,,,;i!ti.:l
The importance of this vision re-opened the door for non-Israelites to be considered 'children of Elohim', as written in Scripture:
"Also the sons of theforeigner uho join thernselues to ru, to serue Him, and to loue the Ncnne of*64/, to be His seruants, all uho guard the Sho.bbath, and not profane it, andhold,fast to My Couensnt * them I shollbring to My qodesh mountain, and let them rejoice in Mu House of prayer..."
(Isaiah S6:6-Z)
Clearly, the vision seen by Peter was to show him in a very graphic and profound way that Gentiles - who were once considered unclean - were permitted into Yahweh's Covenant. NOWHERE in this passage are Yahweh's clean food Laws discussed or revoked. Peter himself denies that he should ever eat anything that conflicts with the clean food Laws.
Another common Scripture selectively quoted out of context is r Timothy 4i4 by those who choose to ignore Yahweh's good Law, conveniently disregarding the end of the sentence in verse 5:
' "...foods tuhich Elohim created. to be receiuediith ' thanksgiuing by those uho belieue o:nd knouu the truth.
Beiause euery creature ofElohimis good, andnone rs to be rejected if it is receiued usith thanksgiuing, for it is qsdosh by the Word of AnAaf' and prayer."
(r Timothy 4:4-il
A "creature of Elohim" that meets clean lood qualifications is defined as "created to be received," for "those who know the truth" as written in "the Word of ry." It is the Word that sanctifies or defines those animals (listed in Leviticus rr and Deuteronomy 14) as qodesh, that Yahweh says we may eat. It should be clear as crystal that Paul is not promoting the eating of unclean animals which Yahweh has called abominable for mankind.
Yahweh's dietary Laws have not been annulled, but remain for all of Yahweh's New Covenant believers. As modern science becomes more knowledgeable about food and its effects on health, it is verifying what Scripture has been teaching for millennia - that certain meats are harmful and are not meant to be eaten. Therefore, we can see why Yahweh prohibited specific foods as unfit. Even then, however, true worshippers do not need a scientific explanation. The simple fact that the Maker of our bodies tells us what to avoid, is reason enough to obey.
V"fr*"ftt-W".a prohibits consumption of both fat and blood:
"An euetlasting Lano throughout yortr generations in all, jiur dueltingt' aii ao r.ot"eat oig fat or anlt blood '" (Leviticus 3:17)
"Speak to the children of i'isra'El, sayin[' 'Do not eat any fat' of bull or sheep or goJ GJthe fat oi a dead bodv' and t$it{ *hr. ir;;;, is ,sef, r- ;;v p;;pose, but vou do not eat it at all"' (Leviti clus 7i23'24)
Yahweh gave us His Laws for our own good! Is it any wonder there is so much obesity i, tf,i. iuv and a[e with people.-lgl,gr,,1-*",1],:
Command to not eaL any fat?
. "m$m- . '. ' 'Ihe fat of the animal was offered to l ffi*tr: : ;;;;rfi"" (Lev 3:16). It belongs to Him' The Iite -, ";ffi.i: ;"','ffi of the animal is found in its blood (Lev r7:to, r;-- ;* '; #'' 14) and the recent ,ir;i, p;;iu'itvtr'"'-pi; W$'''r:':i:1:''1 \d films is definitely u tig" oi t[" heights of wickedne:t thut t::]:Y^]::. reached. Both fat ""d fr"""Jli irr-" ru".rice were treated separately fromthemeatoftfr".u",n""andneitherwereeaten'Thus'itis necessary to remove -rU ffr"J from the flesh of Scripturally clean ""i-"ft 6efo.e eating and to avoid eating residual blood' ;ilh;.t_;-of slaus"hie., rapid drainin[ of most of the blood must *"", *J f" porrrJa on the ground and covered' This important
"A,;;; rny i,n1,omthe children ofYisra'dl' orfromthestlattoers who sQiourrr ctrnorrg gou' who hunts and catches "' Lir"uZLoZ, it iii iii,.n s e at e rl' ih o tt p o."' o Y t it: broo d """ ;;;';uL, {r iith dust,fo'r it is rhe life o[ allflesh' Its blood'isfot its life'"
(Leuticus t7:!,1.1D
satan has cleverly compiled this worldly system so that you buy your fil i;;; the stlre, instead of cultivaiing it.yourself' That way vou ;;;;;;; u"v ia"u *i;;i;;; are being tea' oia vou know that.a Iot of ;;;;; Inud" *iih pork rennet? so*" brands of gelatine are derived from pig. Most fishburgers are made from shark' cunningly "u*"J'r,"*o, frrh' or 'qatch of the day'' A fairly new thing seen on *iir.Li,r", lateIy is 'added vitamin D'. we leave it to you to guess i."* *frrt dead animal skins they scrape to derive it' More recent tf"irg*rl ,o*ioot".v involves the use of aborted fetal matter to ;;;j;U;h;r, "rrtt'u.,""'s"' Satan is out to deceive and destrov!
Isn't it ironic that when a chid is born, one of the first things we give a child is a doll or a stuffed object made in the likeness of a creature? Practically all of us have been raised in homes where statues, ornaments and trinkets (all graven images) are featured prominently in every room, and have not given a second thought to following the tradition in our own homes...
Even many of us who have been raised with a Christian upbringing are very quick to point the finger at Catholics with their many statues of 'saints', yet see no harm in giving our children a "soft-toy" to comfort them.
Admittedly, none of us would dream of bowing down to our shaped ornaments or doll collection, and it is a fact that Catholics do bow and give reverence to their 'saints', so is there a difference, or is it just nit-picking to suggest that household statues and action toys art' idols?
As always, we need to examine Scripture to find if our actions (anrl possessions) please Yahweh or are vain traditions of man, or evcn worse: an abomination!
"You do not makefor yourself a carued irnage, or anA likrr.r.r* of that uthich is in the shorno:gitn aboue, or tuhich is in thc earthbeneath, or uhich is in the wsters under the earth, you do not bou doun to them nor serue them. For I, ffiA{ your Elohirn am a jealous El, uisiting the uickedness of the fathers ort the children to the third and fourth generations of those u.;ho hatc t Me,but shouing kindness to thoisands, to thoie uho loue Mt, andguardMy Commands."
(Exodus zo,+ 6)
.,1 r1.,. iirri :':i: ii,,..rii.: ', ',,,1: :i..rl'ii':
"Therefore, diligently guard yourselues,.for you sau no form uhen #in|' spoke to you at Hordl out of the midst qf the fire, lest you shou[d do corruptly and shall rnakefor yourselues a ctlr'lued itnoLge in thefonn of any figur e - the likeness of tno,le orfernale, the likeness of ang beg-{ that is .onthi earth or tie likeness of ang winged- bird thot.flies in the shamayim, the likeness of any a'eature thrlt creeps on the qroind or the likeness of any fish thctt is ht the water under lhe earth."
(DeuteronomY 4:15-18)
t )lr dear... No mention of bowing or serving our images here' Just a r-rlr.irightfor-ward warning NoT to make any carved likeness. The licri llture continues...
"Glrrrd yourselues.lest youforget Lhe Couenant of A'tAt' your lilohim *hi"h He made ulth aou, and shall make for yourselues a t'trrued irnage in thefortn of whateuer AM( your Elohim hos forhidden t1ou. For Xeq' your Elohim is o consutn ing Jire' a i,,i,ilous Et. wir"n uou bring forth children and grandchildren, and .s/rol/ grou oldin the laid, and shall do corruptly c,ndrrl.o,ke Q ,'rrru"ldbnage intheforrn of uho;teuer, and shall do ttthatis euil in tie eyes of 'mea' yiur Elohim to prouoke Him"'"
,. ::,,,:;, (neutl1"oT',1;'3 ") ,, ..., ::,.;,:,.-
a: \r,,;rirr, no mention of bowing; just a 1, pt'a[ to NOT make a carved image. llris Scripture even reminds us that this r, llis Covenant - His Commandment. I J, rl jrrst a gentle warning. llrr' (lommandment given in Exodus is r, ;,,'rrtcd nearly word for word in Deuteronomy:
A common excuse we give ourselves is thrrl we do not bow to, nor serve our garrlr,rr gnomes so it's o.k. to fill the lawn witlr them, but it seems that in reading this llrt, Second Commandment, that 'making' irrrrl 'bowing/serving' are separate Commanrls ;rrrrl we are to do neither.
Let's look further to see if this is the casc.
"Yott do not rnakefor yourself s carued bnage, ang Iilccrress of which is in the shannoiyirn oboue, or which is in t lrc ecnih beneath, or uhich is in the wo,ters under the ,'trrlh, you do not bou doun to them nor serue them. For I, KW 1,,r,,: Elohim, am a jealous El, uisiting the usickedness of the IrttlrLt's upon the childfun to the third andfourth generations of t lt,,:;c utho hate Me, but shouing kindness to thousands, to those uho loue Me and guard MY Commands-"
(D guleronofJ,!.1 a -]o)
..: .si: s -di .*,.,,.. r-:" s. s..q!\ * .,...,,;"$ .,.#++",\c"- *pa\a*-.;*...,:,.rd "Each one of you should reuere his mother and hisfather, ' and guard My Shabbathoth.I amffi1ry your Elohim. Do not turztto idols, and do nottno.kefor gourselues ; i ^, ,,:'u'oedmightv :;:r:;:.ffff {our"Etohim"' i ,"f r""'"."t:-#
The whole illogicai reasoning that you can possess an idol as long as you don't bow dorrrn to it, holds absolutely no water whatsoever...
"Do not make any cuttings in gourfleshfor the dead, 1i.,,,,u,,",*,::'
"' :':""itmi;-#si'"- 1111,-*,,,-,*,*" J
So does this mean one can make tattoo marks on oneself as long as it's not for the dead? Of course not! What a stupid excuse to make! There are many examples from Scripture that can be used to make the same point.
In case we're still in any doubt about howYahweh feels about images, a curse is attached to the warning for those tempted to make one.
"Cursed. is the man tuho makes a carued or rnoulded.bnage, an c.borning,tion to mtr/, the u'ork of the hands of the craftsman, and puts it up in secret.' And all the people shall ansu)er and say,'Amdn!'
t vEulgr vrrvrlty 1/ .La t (Deuteronomy z7:t5) eS
Curses and abomination! Abomination (Stron6* 8441, to#ebah) is one of the strongest words t& Scripture for something detestable to Yahweh. The following verse sums up concisely Yahweh thinks about adorning our homes pacifying our children with abominations nullifies any argument as to whether you the image or someone else.
Read this prophecy from Isaiah: * ..r,.'"p, 'p\'*.-' !*k.Fr .* , i. "". . A" ** i -.' 4qd...f ."J*"For in that day,let each man reject his fdols of siluer and his idots "r add;,y#i!.tr::,'#xw: haue rnodefor It ][ . 4,.:#., ,(l:uiah;12)., ,, i; .'"" ": *i: .6 t,tr $ .,.- ,s" ";:&,tr4.h. 's+ .'"Sl. r * -s Some use the reasoning that someone else made the image thereby iustifying their pleasure in collecting graven images. This of course is a supremely foolish excuse, and one could argue that they are free of guilt if they paid someone else to murder someone! Read the account of Dawid who had Uriah the husband of Bathsheba put to death in hattle (z Sam ra)... Yahweh held David fully accountable for the murder.
When you use the money that you are required to be a good steward for, to purchase a graven image; you become partakers in the sin.
The Hebrew word for 'carued image' is 'pesel' (Strong's o6459), and literally means : graven or carved image. The Scriptures also use the word 'moulded/molten' (Strong's otlget, massekah) meaning a cast image. The Commands given use Inrrl4uage and repetition to the effect that Yahweh made it abundantly lltrily 1[n1 EVERY image in the likeness of creation is included in His rrlrlrorrence. The Command reads "or likeness" (Exo 2o:4) which just nlxrrrt covers every dimensional image that we could imagine; large ul small that is carved, moulded or constructed to replicate His llrirlion amongst any object in our homes. This would include: r,hiklrcn's toys, action figures, dolls, lamp-stands, china images, t't'yxtirl images, garden ornaments... etc.
-dr*l&trli *6,6 *, ..,4ffi1:e:. s:*Sr;S. ...,-... -.,#k a :- l._...,,:ffiS.1", # rs.f:1i:%i:i,*6l]ielq6.i!:l:e#ffi:S${q.,},,i$tdl,:;%$*i,iee$iitii$.g$Fi..*S&diilir,ii "llttt this is tahat you do to them: Bi'iak':down $$trrlrlilf&*&,.!$$#ll'6g6"plrl|','.44*p,@ie,i,fa: 'lad&riai.lraq' i*rr:13,$$i;l *'qei6$ft;.;il,*:..t:s"'" tf 'l "And do not bring ant ri,borninof;ioninto gour house,
t (DeuteronomyT:26)
(Deuteronomy T$-6), .qtl .;:;,, ,-. +;:_.;,."; hf,{Jrfik,%:,, ", '::, lest Aou be accursed tike it. utterly loathe it and utterly :. hate it,for it is accursed."
It seems to have become the accepted norm to place a ornament or two on nearly every available shelf in most homes.,, r44
tlu,ir oltars, and srnashtheir pillars, and cut tlrlurt their Ashdrim, and burn their csrued intages uithfire. For gou are qodesh people toffitr Aour Elohim.AnAt Aour Itlohim has chosen you to be a people for I limself, a treqsut'edpossession aboue dl the peoples ont(teface of the earth."
|'he rtuson Yahweh gives for this Command is not to spoil our fun! *le tclls us we are to be His qodesh people; His treasured possession.
WlSlTrt#"?lo-r.,r,ra"a His peopte to build an altar to Him, it I
is placed on possessions and one's
'*i"r:,]!:" *::r:_!y your Eto_him there. ;,#;* #;i*, ;;Jil dii; of the analtarof stones-d.onotuseg,nirontoolontitetn.,' ,, tLd,L,,5,r DUUTELJ .tru,r o*,rLv vr L,v /'narr+^-^-^* o^^ ^,-- r r ^ ] large number of Scriptures in ,, ,rur,eronomy,27:5. See also Josh B:3r) i *i"rlal""- il- *u"y por."r.iorrr, th"
91.""T1,:T fl9.1?f.:f:11,1,1';,T::ld s.o (see r Kings 9r,^pi"'%1. s" lli"""r)'Tn',iitfJ,"!,i,iili;fi;Jffi; :t"I".1y:1"3::,:11f.:ll'l.l-\_,-" have images in yoir r,o-" tr,"" "o i :li:'I#il;''';i"**; one will a,rgue, but if you ask any child or even an unbeliever to ,"ua I ot- d DrE, ur urs-D,r6o through the second commandment, then ask them whether ";;;; I varrwsHvs. MAMMON they_thinkyour collection of china figurines is in violation... I thi;k I , :.;,,. ,:., j, Vou \1p11in your conscience what answe. you will receive.
"So, then, euerAone of youtaho does not giue up i-:rai!#m allthsthehas,isunabletobeMy talmid."
(Luke 14:33)
This statement by Yahushua Himself is ignored by most, and thostr that acknowledge it, explain it away with, "He was ta]king to His disciples," "I would if He asked me to..." or genuinely, "how much is all?"
Firstly, Yahushua was NoT speaking to the disciples. The Scriptures state He was in the 'house of one of the rulers" (t4:r) and was speaking to "those ruho uere inuited" (t+:il. A whole range of peoplt: obrriooti'y, including Pharisees and those learned in the Torah (r4:3) The second excuse is answered by the first, in that Yahushua WAS
*;i;;X ;.1,','':r:i-'::'. talking to ALL who are listening both THEN"lna )IOJV, and -i1 B:****dae'*Esdfi;d bv the closine statement ofthe chapter: "He uho has ears to Some who honesdy research this subject and ,a*ltlt rt yrt *"i ,rr-L___L__- ^^:j.
rinds ALL ilu;;;-'of Hi;;;;;;";il;;il,,#i i,llaJi,-i'j
abominable,.find thernsetve" questionin! pairifi, p6"i.sriil"rd 't":+d'*'$*!E1"*:*''' ri?"\ i.*: *' #,n''*at'*T :sri {*!'rr many other rorms of 2-dimensional artwork. '^He who possesses My co7l.mands,o'nd gt'nds '\?!:.'j-lj !"
scripture makes a disti;ct point tlat l-aimensionir-"fmouiai,U; k,:.{*&,{* ji!qr,,.i**- r! :ri*!jg.ffiffi.;,**. * qtlse:.ti!#:i.,, carved engraved, embossed etc ) imaqes are abominable, yet doesn;i
IfHe reveals Himselrto only those who guardi a[ ttis_6mmands;is mertion 2-dimensional art or pictographs at all, despite tf,e faa ihJ "^ {.-, 1,."r +^m lrim? qitvl Pr(Lu6rdl'xs ar dr' uesprte ttremfl lnat
il anv wonder io lhis day and age why so few hear from Him? Lrns lorm ol art was prolific throughout Eget where ttre Tsraeliles -:r^ r--, -., i^-" ,^ uic.ric^inraa.
\r uvrur c.<4., : (Matthew ro:9)
; u:ho loui* ue,lnd heiho loues Me shall be loued bg Ma Father, Itr all honesty, ANYTIIING that comes before yalweh car1 be a t. a- 1 n1 t and I shall loue him and ,m.,rifest Mvse|f to hil,r " l.;:*1"*_,"*I 'lr:g::g*-11!_:f :,y h:blh" una*", r"t ; (rohn u:21). il;;r;il;;##;il"',::S:,"i;'lY* wrere ure rsraerres , v,t,i"t'1ia;3-q"*T:-{"i'i:1d-li*","T#S-:3*";* ;'ii"ttle "hildinn, ke,ep yourseluesfrotn faoi*. d*ar.,,' ' 't I "Do ttot o,cquite gold- ot siluet or copper (r John 5:zr) : fort aout ntonegbelts"' r46
And again:
r-;i,,,ilar.1:t.'ri.r,' ll.rlrr'l:!:r'lr:. '.'.. ".,. ". " : ,!
"Mind, and beruare of qreed, br"arrc oni,t life does not consist in the excess of his possessions. ',. (Luke rz:r5)
The genuine response ought to be, "How much when He said forsake ALL?" It is quite clear Yahushua Himself and His disciples possessed and items of general living, but little else:
"And OWMT said to him, "Thefoxes haue holes and the birds of the shamayim nests, but the BEn ofAf,am has nouhere to lag IIis head."
l (Mat B:zo)
It is possible that some of the disciples who had wives had homes. Most people in this world (including believers) that the world's system, have many possessions and positions world that they take pride in...
"Do not loue the usorld nor that uhich is in the u.sorld. Because c,lltha,t is in the u:orld. - the lust of theJlesh, the lust of the eyes, and the prid"e of life - is nof of thi ttather but is of thi worti.',
(r John z:r5)
"Adulterers and adulteressesl Do you not knota that {riend.ship toith the uorld is entnitg u:ith Elohirn? Whoeubr therefori intends to be afriend. of the uorld. makes himself an .n6rng of Elohbn."
(James 4:4)
wealth to purchase bigger and better things and cleaning and polishing them.
the Messiah warned of this:
"And d.o not be conforrned. to this taorld, but be transformed by the renettling of,aour mind, so that you proue ushat is thai good ani , uell-pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim." " I
(Romans rz:z)
;!i)rriitl,:.drrt:,r- i .,,,.,"i61!iiildt'i:r't,.i
of greed, because one's lif,e r' ";,,lil!,'.:!i;4, rl!ii!:'r';;li'',-!r,i':3 did Yahushua mean from Scripture that clothing and staffs ,,r.,r:1.:.., {! humble work in in this !4",rii"ritt.j.4:ii:. "-riglti:_:i..-ii. r,.rr;:,{r!l
Many who initially recognise the worldliness in their lives when Yahweh Ieads them will be zealous for His Word
and obedience, yet seem to reach a point where they lose that ardour and slowly slide back into the world's system and
, .,: | .i L:a:l))t iir.r.i ,r i.rt:ial3.
"And that sou)n among the thorns is he uho hears the Word, and the utorry of this age and the d'eceit of riches choke the Word, and it becomesfruifless'" (Matthew rg:zz)
"For if, after they haue elscapedthe defiletnertts of theuotld thiough the knotuledge of the Master and Sauiour OWgtr ha'Ifrashiafu, they ire again entorngledinthetn cmd ouet'corne, ihn litt", end is worse for them than the first"' (e Peter,2:zo).
The most unmistakable possessions is:
iiit,:,*ltii{i{iii;1-r;r;ii1,r;:,r*}i " .':r"r' observation of the
when a Torah observing person asked Yahushta, "what shall I do to inherit eu er la s ting fi ai? " Ya h ush u a respon ded, 14::J "o3;;'";;;'"d;;;;;;;" D ;' ii{ -i,ii:,it adutterv, " D o net iiia"i,; 'Do not steal,' 'Do not bear false -l,itne's,' 'Do not rob,' ;i;tw"i yoir fatner and your mother'' And he answering,.said to iiiri,lrni"ner", all these I liaue-watch3d ouer ftom mg youth'' " It seems as this was not enough in this case and possibly many of our own day and age...
4 gttryg|/, looking at him, loued him, and.said to him,' One *iiti, you lack: Go, iell all youpossess.and giue to the poor, and uou siall haue treasure in the shamayim' And come,follow Me, 'iii"g up the stake.' But he, being sad st this uord, went auaA grieuid.,for he hoLd tnoLrry possessions' And pff/'r , looking ' iorni, said to His talmid{m, 'HILD hard it is for those uho haue tiches to enter into the reign of Elohim!' "
,,ri:i*raa!;:: ',t66ii'ir. i;i. !;;i',:!$ take in, and indeed response, could not astonished, saying among saued?' " (Mark ro:26) The capitalistic theology, compromising the r,'' Commands by hoarding possessions
(mostly graven images) and spend hours serving them by increasing
This is quite a staggering statement f-or some to *ury *iro were liitining to His words, by their handle this truth:
'liia theg u)ere irfimeasurablY themseluei, 'Who theh is able to be question must be asked:
The Scriptures ref'er to true believers many times as ,,sojourners,, or "pilgrims". Spiritually and physically we are no different than Yahweh's. people sojourning in a worldly "wilderness,', waiting for our Messiah to take us into His "promised land".
"The world passes awaA, and Lhe lust o.f it. but the one doing the desire of Elohim rernains J'oreuer."
(r John z:ry)
We are raisecl learning flrom those before us, that to be considered successful in this life, we ought to have a good education from a credible college, a moderate to high paying job, a car for the husband and one for the wife, a nice home in the suburbs, blah, blah, blah, etc...
"I'!9_one seruing as a soldier gets inuolued" in the affairs of this life, in order to please only Hirn who enlisted him as a soliier.,'
(z Timothy z:4)
There is no excuse to involve ourselves in all this nonsense. All these 'things' involve'serving' them. The education systems in this world are NOT for Yahweh! They teach as fact (evolution etc.); things spoken against in Scripture and promote worldly success.
Sctipture instructs us to '?rnin up ;; a rhild in the way he should go" (Prov zz:6), not give Lhem into the ; hands of Satan's syslem. We serue the loans on our fancy cars and mcrtgages on our homes... We are inrolve ourselves in materialism.
'fhgr:'"7or", ,irlr'"" Mashiaft suffered in theJlesh, ortn AotffselLues also uith the same mind, because he utho has suffered in the flesh has ceasedfrom sin, so that he no longer tiues the rest of his tbne in thefleshfor the lusts of rnen, but according to the desb.e of Elohiln."
(r Peter 4:rz)
According to Scripture which one is the desire of Elohim?
"Do not lotg up for yourselues treosures on earth ' rulrcr"e moth andiusi destr6y and.uhere tltieues breuk irt tuul steol, bitog upfotgouiselues treasures in the shl:.moLyim' uh6'eiiitt-,ni moth nor rust destroys and wlrcre tlieue's do not break in and steul'" (Matthew 6:19)
Why do the majoritY of so-called believers pursue their own selfish pleasures and gains while this world is lost in sin and millions of people die daily who maY benefit i.o- YOUR testimonY! PeoPle who live in bondage to their evil governrnents, who are forced to work for cents Per daY, children who are sold into slavery or prostitution. Some of these peo-ple iong to hear of a HeavenlY Father who loves them and sent His Son to redeem them from the bondage of this sinful world.
'l'Clno,n and und,efiled- religion before the Elohim and Father is rhis: to uisii orphais and widotus in their afJlictlo1,. an d t o ke ep onis elf unst oLined' ft orn the w orld' "
(James r:27)
Another warning lrom the book of James applies to those in these last days:
"Come now, r'ich ones. weep, crying aloud ouer the hardships coming upon yotL! Youi riches htue rotted' and your ,iiirrit i"unLn"q n moth-eaten' \our gold' o,nd siluer haue becorne rustg, and their ,:.tst shall be a tuitness against --i; ind. shall eat"your flesh likefire' You hooe laid up treasure in the last d'aYs'"
(James 5:r-3)
\ ,*4* ,-%:,:;iqb#€-.:"r i.-"., ,\*, ,' "1-s b ,.%,;e. .':'. d.', ' r" !:' "And if anyone does not prouidefor his oun, and especiallg for those of his household, he has denied the belief and is uorse than an unbelieuer."
(r Timothy 5;B) , ,,i
At the heart of this excuse is usually a selfjustification for the accumulation of temporal possessions. Then again this is a legitimate concern for those of us with families, but does "provide" constitute all the things listed above: worldly education, houses, cars, boats, toys, bikes, ornaments (idols), excess clothes & shoes, furniture, trinkets, etc, etc...
To provide actually means to provide and teach the Truth of His Word! Not even the necessities of life, for Yahushua even stated that we need not worry about these:
r.d.,qr'-. ,6'i.e ..q.a,. * .',:,' ! ..,-,d..3 ..n.{.i. ..,*. ,,..,..r,:;:ii.',.,,e..,*_?.-,.* .--..r. "And do not seekuhat you shall eat or what you shall drink, and :':: tro n , keep worrying. For the gentiles of the uotld seek ,, a,ll these, and your Father knows that you need these. But seek ":,, ,r,.'o""'nn of Erohbn' "Tflf:'ry;;:riiatt be ad'ded' to aou' ii *!, -e q; "r q.. ,!.{-,"-"d!tu4 } s:.. :,.;Jk€qg6{5. %1s:.ej(& , .r ...{ .kt. : .,,"s What simple advice from the Master - the one who we ought to follow. Some may say that work is part of the curse when Adam sinned, but again, he was to work for necessities of life; to provide for his family, not all the trappings this age sells us. Ask yourself who you work for... Is your company or organisation working for the betterment of Yahweh's people or is it just another worldly "fat-cat" organisation serving their onryr bellies? If the latter is the case, then you are sewing the world! Listen to the advice given to Timothy:
i,,' "When ue hauefood. and couerirtg, tae shall be satisfied. ',; uith these. But those uishing to be richfall into trial and a snare, and into many foolish and injurious lusts which plunge men in ruin and destraction. For the loue of tnoneg is a root of all kinds of euil,for which some, by longing for it, haue straged from the belief, and pier ced themselu es through uith many pains., li, Brt you, O man of Elohim,tleeft'otn o,ll this...' 1,,, , " ,. ..;t: (rTimothy.6;F:4) ,-d ' ."-;r-e-{.,, - -"--': ,.'d.';i.{}"-, - c-dr:r #Bs B .:{,. ," .\.e6s,.,c,.*J *4# ''.' ".{,;.;.' -dfln - ..%i;
It is also ironic that we feel the need to purchase washing machines ,"a Jry"rt and dishwashers, etc. that will supposgdly F*.u us more fr"" ti*", yet we work many extra h-ours to pay for them! Then we are trapped into paying extra dollars for insluiances and regular serwicing, and more often than not the device breaks dornm just after the warranty expires'-The simple truth is that to acqlire-all the posiessions of this world that brinf conformitY nearlY alwaYs involve some sort of DEBT!
1: i*tls," :&1,s-&s;*.,*{$rs;htuMj**i4r !:r*Fr3r1 :;rr '' kfrL ^ -: ^L,l it i ri"h rules ouer the Poor, And the
m'- ** - 1f,'1,. ,borrower is seruornt to the lender'"
(Proverbs ze:7) r,iitd*..;,,l ,;i;;:,,',1,;.,i&.rir';"$$$l;sdi"6',;*@,,$c;,,,,*$;'''i!'';t*is$6'''i1l!*:se;dlq *4ei:
one and d.espise the other. You ate not able to serue ' Blohbnorndwealth."
(Luke 16:13)
you CeNiOT serve yahweh AND your loan. How much clearer does it need to be? Debt always brings pressure to the debtor to pay on ii*" urra whether or not ihey can ifford the necessities after having fhur" it u g*liuf sense of warning about getting loans,as you read ,h;;;gil s"C;;" ,;d when vou boirow monev from the banks of the world, you become their SERVANTS'
1. "No serusttt is able to serue tu)o masters,for either he sh'all , 'nii-inl one and loue the other, or else he shall cling to the i l I ,{i
i{ ,11* -'il,1*,W"irl'i"ii*$}! ir' 'up;;.l$r$1#&$;1;'d;lii't[Ii;e&s$:rc'!+ '.' ',*Ceib ' s{s",i repaid. Loans cause WORRIF'S. pi;" .d., l8-s 'j':" s 3,-3j'q-'s - E"dqq i' <'t -- s --i-^ t^ ^^s +^ ",^,,--nL,o" L ,eii iiLn n"ii"to yourselues,lest your hearts be rleighed dotun ';;;i;i;"a, i"d"dr""t "nn"ur, aid uotries oJrthis life' and that dag come angou suddenlY"' (Luke zr:34) : a, !,,
Mr"h *ot" "r"fa be said with many examples from Scripture but let's just end with a few more wolds of wisdom' :enq..,": .- ."'r"' ' "',.,*' t #.' ' .r "d" 'f' '*r "e -. t:..+.-S-'"1" j 'Y: :." *
*IIe who Ioues ni$ Iife sh,,l lose it, and he uho hates his life -'in this uorld siallpreserue it for euerlasting l.tai"'
,.:;ird:$'ii.,,rt#'*ri.r&q!;r,,.r ,,;iqi,:,,,ii,,i$:H!11,ffi,'r,;,"*, ., * ,:.ri#$' kr.-. ;,J
;fr r$ris1s,$:{s}!&;1ir..*&4ier-,f, .rrri'id1':rs!J$ifi4 ,*}ft}B*{$,,*ij{ \1 .,}&:?,.l&rH :{ft"r .,**r*..' r' ,mrrn "If anyone comes to Me and does nothate hisjaiier and itothei,l and uife, and children, and. brothers, and. siiters, and" his o*n' t life too, he is unable to be My talmidi." li (Luke 14:26)
|'If, then, Aou uere raised taith Mashiafu, seek the tnatters uhictil i sre abou_e, where Mashiah is, seateil at the right hand" af ffiy. ,fi i, Mind"thernatters abouernotthose onthe earih.,, I
traditions of the- Christian institutional church have been revealed to be nothing more than man-made customs, would it be surprising to find tithing is just tradition also? Did Yahweh actually command that they be
Firstly, the Scriptures DO teach to GIVE... This is an examination into the'tithe'. The purpose here is to gain an understanding of what Yahweh's Word says regarding this subject, as opposed to what is practiced today. The Hebrew word for tithe, ,ma,asdr', simply means, 'a tenth part.' The first appearance of this is:
.s--*... e ,.trd#* .,',r,:-l',pt++-".,.,*' ,,--.. ,??. .-. d.''r s" 1s.!; 4 ..Err.#r. r, ,s' *-3e r * 'A'n"dilorrUil?n" rurst High El who has deliuered your "nn*iu"r\ i into your hand.'And he gaue hitn a tenth of all.,' t ; (Genesis t4:zo) fl &*.,, o '.e$ ,.q.s *. *.,.'1"*F.'.:*,-.,-@'*':.:- -,q- ,...r.{,j,--..*gn". '' *,. C This is taken from the account when Abram gave Melchizedek a tithe ('a tenth part') from the spoils of war he had just taken. Abram then gave the balance of the spoils of war to the king of Sodom (minus that which his men had eaten and that which belonged to the men who went with him [v.r4:22-24]). Note that none of these goods were
,l.hat's all there was to it. Nothing else. As far as the tithe is """."tr*1, that's all that happened. There is nothing- prior to this 0ncounter'that gives us any-information as to Yahweh ever having t:,mmand.ed Abiam to give Him (or anybody else) a tithe of his lxrssessions.
lfft* ."ceiUng the promise from Yahweh, Jacob also promised to ;|f,' titil ,i his 'own free will to Yahweh, as there is no clear iirclication that it was a command from Yahweh, nor was it to be given to the 'Iocal church'.
,,AndYa,aqobiadea1)o1D'saying,,,SeeingElohimisuithme, ii n"t kipl ^e in th:.s u ay thatl am g oing, and has-giu en me bread-to eat and a gaiment to put on"' and of all that You giue mn, t iirli iettainly giue a tenth to You'" i (Genesis z}:zo-zz) i
* * , ,,S-. 'slLi ;. ...r.. ;-.*,*+'t*,,.'.#'..'+ft "' "*'- ,' ..'c'..', 'i'/r' ". " "*?
nit"r frru"t was delivered from Egypt and brought to the wilderness, y;.+;h ;"*manded them to give-Him a tithe of their crops. This is lirst mentioned: ' "" ,;.**[ *!1, *irr,t";se;1r5,,,,.*Ii1.i1r11'..:tF.iii{&;03;15.,l4-1r.f3tri4! :i{'1-!gi'r-*egti.q'.1ii1tir4 }l
*)ii'ii,t thL'ttthe if ih. land - of the seed of the land or of i the fruit of the tree --belongs to ffiAt' ' It is qodesh to AM{ '" i (Leviticus 271,,?,:P) ,r ,,,,.,.,,.,, .,, ,a,,*,,,,,,,. #, .; 1;*61i4r';65;;,i!, ,;,1;,",'!,e;r1ii'''g6*;$i*'6;ge*ml:iii*:;';:tllri'' 'q' &$$$ir'"i[1&[d11':l- "!i'; s Note that tfue"tithe is from the land, from the seed of the land, or i,:o- tfr" fruit of the tree. Yahweh did not say to bring m-o_ney and is r:lear from the context it was to be for the priesthood which is confirmed in the Book of Numbers: *',r .'1 .*-', , lp." .'. "'.'* .' .'e 5 {' ' * '.15 ,..,'.* " uq;..*$qq-'S %.'. !*.4!. ,{ ' .'t"And see, t hiie giuen the childtei of t'dnni ,1l the tithes . in yisra,dl as ai inheritance in return for the seruice rthich they are seruing, the seruice of the Tent of Aptpointment"' ; " (Numbers 18:21' See also rB:24-28) i , ,;' " .'-'*.'s"'d6;'tt-.E "'*-'ry,' rla .*';*." .t**'"': "''cS l,lven the Renewed covenant confirms this purpose for the tither ---r-, -*-.*, .q*'.' ' "* *.- .1" *' ! '\r ' 6 '' 'x" 't *"""$" j" ""'* ":'*". tr"And trulu, those whdare of the sons of f,itoi,.who r.999i1te the kehlnnah, haud.a command to recetue ntnes from the people acc. ording to the'l'ot'an"'' - (Hebrews 7:5)
..#"a:s1;.,,..*,..*o.*""*{,sf..Fj.,so the p"rpo." of the tithe was to provide for the priests for their
services as Yahweh had determined that they would have no inheritance in the Land of Israel; Yahweh Himself was to be their inheritance (Numbers rB:r9-zo).
The priests were of the tribe of Levi, as chosen by Yahweh, who ministered in the Tabernacle (later, the Temple) as He commanded. An additional tithe was also to be used in celebration of Scriptural Feasts (Deuteronorny t4:zz-27) and another tithe every three years was designated for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow (Deuteronomy t4:z9-zg; z6 :tz).
Yahweh had Commanded) so Yahweh- -took care of them in this manner. Since they *l;itt;t; o" U"t'ff of all of Israel' it was only iffi;;;ilttu"r trr""m help to care for^them' However' there is no iliili;;-6;i"sthoodi- men'tioned in scripture within the local congregation.
The first mention "i-p,Vi"g .for tle fu-ll-time support of certain ;;;il;; of local congregatrons r9 9r clrrian (zoo-z58 cE)' 6l"gr"s"f".t t"ua"tt *E ""git'"t' salaries when Constantine came i";%ifi";, although did not"become a commonly accepted practice until the eighth century - -4oo years after the beginnings of Cnrirair"iay.'ny the eleventh century it had become a legal r"q"i."-"it in Lrder to fund the State-mn church'
minister in the Temple since there is no serving priesthood and Yahushua is our High Priest. In fact, according to the Renewed Covenant, all those in Yahushua are part of the royal priesthood: f jj*-'l'"."::"':" i".itr ....',- "".-.***.*'*+.1,i4,-...r .,,'*,
acceptable to ffq'y thr ough O't{Mtr ha'M ashiaft
But y ou are a chosen race, (t rog al kehunnah, a qodesh nation, a peoplefor a possession..."
So is the tithe no longer applicable? (Remember, we're talking about the tithe here, not giving in general.) How would the tithe apply today? What would it be used for? For one thing, it can't be given to the priests who ',i" 'You also, as liuing stones, are being built up, a spiritualhbiuse, I ;, a qodeshkehunno,h, to offer up spiritual slaughter offerings ; : !ti
The tithes may be used in the remembrance celebrations of yahweh's feasts as He commanded to be celebrated three times a year (Exodus 23:L4-LZ) and the third yearly tithe for the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow.
The tithe was never meant to support pastors, elders, boards of directors and their lifestyles, new carpet, a sound system for the band, rent and rates for a building, or any other things ofthe sort!
support. They not to own
The sole reason for giving the tithe to the priests was because they did not have any other means of land on which to grow crops (as
Ap.pJ"t Scripture tfrat it "s" conclemn people intotithing is: u::rui"4ryS,,fral.^,;.*{lp1.,g!r,,;tB11,,Plr$*,,@ffrl, @ t{f@,o$@*,*ffi@li$ "'+ ,"'would a man r o b Elohim? Yet y oi ar e robi ;i'g-"I!;! B1:! i ?a s y! i'i il';;;t;; ;; ;rb;"i iou?' ri the rtthe a!!q th7 -otr?:i*g !,!1\ "i*i iiiia ruu ,riin a curse,for aou are robbing Me' this nation' " ii ifttl-ciig "tithi iti;"s i;tto the store-hottse, andlet the,e befood r.';;;;;;;' iia prco'i prou.l M",i",:!!::' ::id -;,A; ;ii;is, ,,uhetfrer I do not openfor you the uindo,ts of the ' t*':h;*';;i;',;;e';ulffij#W*",0,^*:o:,.":.n:":.:'.",..,,,,; * "..,;. ;.,:..- a*qi * ..,u"t).'-*i**;--'#*'6''':"" " -t'.1'.qB':"''*{"bl-'-a .:;'f, WhenYahwehspot.e"thisthroughMalachi,Israe].hadrebuiltthe Temple in 516 BCE.;o;v;;ih"y were back to their old ways' Thev were ignoring Yahweh and His Commandments' The problem with using this Scripture tol"ttity titttl"q il the local assembly is that' ;;;;;i", vahweh i."ti'"'rtii'e "t brTnging the lithe.of FooD to the ,i"r"fr3"r"l"r the priesihood. You can't spiritualise these passages to mean somethirrg otfrlt i[u" *t'ut they actually do mean' They must be taken in context. brJi-vr" n"a it odd that considering christianity does not want to come into Yahwehf "^C""""^"t by i<eeping llt g:.T*:"ds' that churches shoutd ;;- p;6;" " keeping- this 'Old Testament' Command?
In Scripture, giving ib aryays encouraged' Those who have much should help those i"t'o aon t !ave. ptih' and the Torah actually Corn-u.rat to support the poor (Lwiticus 25:35-37)'ih;;robil i" ^gi"ilg ."iutes io the condition of the heart. Manv
people give money to get something in return, and many other people ask others to give so that they themselves will get the money!
By now it should be clear that tithing, as dictated by Christianity, is not Scriptural. One is not to be in bondage to give money for unscriptural things, such as pa),lng for full-time staff, or even one person, let alone church rates, chandeliers and a new car for the pastor and their lifestyle.
Jewish roots assuming they are keeping the Original Covenant to the letter. The religious practices of the Jews today, are sadly far removed from the IsraeLites at the time of Moses when Yahweh's people were given the Torah. A lot of Rabbinical practices have been inherited from the Babylonians during the time of exile and much was added to the Laws, some with good intent to try to ensure it was impossible to break the Torah. This however is in direct opposition to not add to the Torah:
"Do not o.dd to the Word. uhich I command you, and do not take auayfi"omit, so os ro guardthe Commands of *tnt your Elohim uhich I am commanding you."
(Deuteronomy 4:2)
What we find is that the Israelites of today have their own traditions which, according to Talmud, are above Scripture. A number of the traditions within Judaism are simply inherited from the Pagan nations that they were assimilated into during the exile in Babylon and Assyria. Some of these traditions include: naming months after false elohim (Tammuz, Nisan, Siwan), replacing the Name of Yahweh with'Adonai','Ha'Shem', etc.
Should men of Yahweh today wear the customary 'kippah' when they pray, attend religious services, or go about their daily business? Obviously, Orthodox Jews do this very thing. Many feel this custom identifies them as being 'Jewish.' Some Messianic believers have also adopted this is derived from the fact that Aaron and the
nriests of ancient Israel wore a 'turban' or hat when per{orming their ;;;;;a duties. What about the wearing of the kippah?
ifr" ""tto* of men in general wearing a kippah or head covering f9r ;;iii;; p;rposes is n[where mentioied in Scripture' From Genesis io f"r"tuiior,, th"r" is no such Commandment or evcn any ind-ication il;;"; of iahweh wore head coverings for religio,s iclenrification or worship purposes' Josephus 1gwhe-re mentions sttch a t:tlstom' ,ro. ao any anciint Jewish authorities. During the tirnc of Yilhushtta, *"", 1., ["""ral did not wear any separate hat' heacl coveriug' ol' the like. Their robes, on th" other hand, often included a 'hood" whirfi could be worn over the head, for protection from the sun' or the wind, or dust storms. gut hats as t'"h *"t" not a customary part of a man's attire.
WhV tfr"" do Jews wear the kippah.t-oda{? A"q '"hy 1o }g1,T "rrr L.r' rnq the poriland Muslims also wear a similar Catirolic priests, bishops, the Pope and Mu head covering?
ih" orrly eiblical mention of the wearing of hats or t".Lu"t'fo. religious purposes is foundin the heads;* Yulr*"h piescribedTor the sons of Aaron' The oriesllv attire included : :'iii tbng shirt of fine linen, the. work o[ a -uor"r...", turboLn oifine linen, and the tutbo:n i,lrrrrments of Jine linen, nnd shott-trousets of fine ruouen linen, and a girdle of fine u)ouen linen."
(Exodus 39i27-29)
Is that how all righteous men are to dress today? Not at all. That was special, for the priests, and was part of their priestly duties' We. today are not iaronic priests serwing in the'Temple! ifr"v ul.o had to weaiwhite linen trousers, and go tut"foot. when they served in the Temple' Should we be required to do that all day long? Of course not' ;;;;';&;;-in"t u"ii""* u," 'prIests,' and therefore we shoulcl f",i;; tt E Ltu-pr" of the priests oi Israel, when they performed thci' duties in the Qodesh Place!
ihil;tg"r""rit, ho*",,"r, does noj wo$, either' Yes' as Yahweh's p""pf"^i," "." ""t" d a "qodesh priesthood" spiritually speaking (r Peter z:5). But so was all-of ancient Israel! Yahweh declared at U""ttt Si"ii to all tstaei, men and women, that the wlrole natitrn ol ir^r*t *u, called to be a ':reign of priests" (Exodus 19:6)' Rut this rli<l not mean all the *"n *o." "f.ipput t - only the priests of the tri5tr 'l' i""i,-ifr" to"s of Aaron, *e.e commanded to wear turbans' iiis'certain that in the first century' Yahushua, an Israelite 'It'w'
residing in the land of Israel, did not wear a kippah or skullcap. This custom arose in Babylonia between the third and fifth centuries among the non-Jewish residents. It arose among them, among the scholars first, and then spread throughout the Jewish world, paising first to the European Jewish communities.
According to the Babylonian Talmud, Nedarim 3ob, Jewish children were always bareheaded, men sometimes covered their heads, sometimes not. Remember, however, this was a late source, reflecting the custom at the end of the fifth century CE.
According to the Shulhan Arukh, the r6th century code of Jewish law compiled by Rabbi Joseph Karo, one should not walk bareheaded even four cubits (six feet or two meters) (see Orah Hayyim z:6). This ruling is based on the Babylonian Talmud, Kiddushim 3ra. There is no doubt this is a human, Jewish tradition of men, and was developed long after the fall of Judah to the Romans.
Many Messianic believers in Messiah have adopted pagan and unscriptural practices and customs, such as the wearing of the skullcap or kippah.
Should Yahweh's men wear this syrnbol? It was in ancient times a symbol of submission to authority, and Romans compelled slaves to wear it. It was the sign of being a 'slave.' On the other hand, the apostle Paul says that true believers are, "let free from sin.,' (Romans 6:zz)
He says, "In the freed"orn tuith uhich Mashiah has made us {-ree, st and firm." (Galatians 5 r)
As Yahweh's free men, why should we wear a sgnbol of slavery?
It is sadly pitiful that earnest believers don't do a simple bit of research to discover that there is No archeological or historical record of Israelites wearing one of these an).urhere near the time of the Messiah and only came into widespread use during the rTth .,,,,.,,ui,.,.,,,,ffi,,,..,.,.,,, c€trtury! The skullcap is a tradition seen in many 3,,: - ffiil * religions including:
Many Muslims wear a kippah equivalent called a kufi or topi (*left). The origin of this practice, and any other practice of men covering their heads with various head-gear, is the general sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad to cover one's head. The modern taqiyahs worn by Muslims are analogous
to the kippahs worn by observant Jews, whether in the Middle East or elsewhere.
-- r^-.. Til b1*k *tt" head-gear called or known as .t'bnta or. topi is a ;tild;fthd"J tr."ll*fr, wotn-bv-zarathushtris Zoroastrians' Like ii-aippoi,it is possible that the fenta/topi mav havl lad influence on the use of the kippah. In earlier times' a very sattcer-shaped' red ,ra *frii- st.ipea '[Oin-;;; ih" Sallmark ti lhc Zararhushtri.
G ,"*rutto (right-) Italian for 'small sourd' of the Roman Catholic Church is 6ared on a very old kippah design' The cap ir iruaitiorulty worn byilergy members and its color denotes the rank of the wearer'
iliffi.t-tpriests in china wear the bao-tzu, the classic_ skullcap that is the closest to the Jewish tradition. In Japan, the cap is more in the
form of a pillbox and is called the boshi' SECULAR Switzerland is home to the Cup-and-Ring (or kupp,a-unt-hinge) skullcap, a straw "rp *iit, embroidered flowers' a small pompom in in" ""ritlt, and velvet strips sewn ro,un$ it in rings' This cap was i;i.;;;;ily *o.r, uv-J"pn"rat for luck and bv married men for fertility.
e"otft". sl,nbol of 'Jewishness' that needs to be or.or"."d is the so-called 'Star of f)avid' lrigfrt-). The qrmbol is that 'hexagram' that appears on the Israeli flag.
The hexagram (*left) is not only considered a
lccult magic, but is also powerful sYmbol in < io""a on ancient South Indian Hindu temples L"iii tt o"tunds of years ago s1'rnbolizing the i"J""t meditative state of balance' achieved 6"a*""" Man and Creator, and if maintained' ;;Jit in 'nirvana' (release from the bounds of the earthly world and its material trappings)'
e ifr"".V ifout the orffi oi tt " lqtardi Ou.rid' is that it is simply z of iir;-;-i;.i;rs in the n?me oa"id: in its Hebrew spelling,.D_avid is irarrJtte.ated as 'D_w-D'. In paleo Hebrew, the letter 'D' (A) was written in a form much tike a triangle and the symbol is formed by inverting one and juxtaposing the two D's'
Some researchers have theorized that the hexagram represents tht. astrological chart at the time of Dav-id's birth or anointrnent as king. The hexagram is also known as the "King's Star" in astrologiclrl circles.
In antique papyri, pentagrams, together with stars and other signs, are frequently tbund on amulets bearing the Jewish names ol' Yahweh. Curiously the hexagram is not found among these signs.
The Star of David is a generally recognized slrnbol of Judaism anrl Jewish identity. Its usage as a sign of Jewish identity began in thr, Middle Ages, though its religious usage began earlier, with tht' current earliest archeological evidence being a stone bearing tht' shield frorn the arch of a 3-4th century synagogue in the Galilee.
The hexagrarn is however found amongst many other religions including many that pre-date Jewish usage.
The hexagram may be found in some churches and stained-glass windows. It had not been used previously till Christianity began to accept the notion that the Star of David is an old Jewish sign.
Scripture makes no direct mention of the Star of David, however, the Catechism of the CatholiChurch of the year 5zB refers to the star which led the wise men to Messiah as "the Star of David".
The Star of David is also used by The Cl-rurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, chiefly in architecture.
A Star of David badge is worn by rnembers of the Zion Christian Church.
The square and compass (right-) of Freemasonry fbrm the hexagram.
The symbol is known in Arabic as Najrnat Datufid (Star of David) or Khatern Sulayntan (Seal of Solomon). The Medieval pre-Ottomarr Anatolian Turkish Beyliks of the Karamanoflu and Candaroflu usctl the star on their flag. Even today, the star can be found in mosqucs and on other Arabic and Islamic artifacts.
The first appearance of the symbol in Jewish writings w'as irr oriental Kabbalistic writings. It is possible that it was an alteration ofthe pentagram under Arab influence.
,. sii pointed stars have also beeu tound tn ,,,rrliologi"a diagrams in Hinduisrn' 'i,',fafritir, *a .l*ainism' The clownward i'l,,,rgi" tyrUoiir"t Shakti, the sacrtrtl ,l,,,irt'ai*ti of femininity, and the ,pward tr iangle symbolizes Shiucu, or Agni 'I'crttucr' ,,,,r,111*ti"* the focused aspectsof "'1,r.'rii"ity] This synbol has. decp ,,i*rff*""L in Hindu iitual worship and
lrr Lluddhism, some old versions of the Tibetan Book of the Dsa6' , ontain a hexagram with a Swastika inside'
i,,ify,-*"y take these books and rabbi's ,,,.rr.t *"U knor,vn Messianic 'teachers' words 'i,,." tfr" Word of Yahweh's makils .,i,,i""r"",t such as, "Don't throw the babV ,,,'i *itf, the bath water", and' "There is ,,,,rt" nooa in the Tahnrrd and yorr can still riri.r: J"itrr" bad to keep the good'" This is ;rgirinst Scripture, so who will you listen to; 'n'iro will yo., tuk" your teaching from?
"l)trcs thc founlain send.forth the srue1t. trntl the bitter from the samt' opentng r (James 3: rr)
Itirbbi Ismael, Rabbi ihT*f* "t' ul'"Th" teachings of the Talmud 'r"rd ;;;-;u-;ihrr"i;;' rn'a are more important than the laws ,tl'Moses."
ltabbiMenachemCommentaryonFifthBook...Thed.ecisionsofthe i'-,i',ffi;;;A;;;,;;;i;i;liuiisntohimYahtuehHimserf a'sks rlrc opinionof tt , noiiia''it'iii i'n'n there are dfficult qffoirs in Irt'ttuen."
:i'r'r"iiri*f.iff a. "Adonai Himself sntdies the Taltnud stan ing ' he /ros suc/r resPectfor thatbook" Michna sanhedr5m ,t';"{;;;; ore wicked to question the wards of ri,r, ,riaait than ihat of {he Torah"' ; f"r#;; ;'i oi "ti t'l""e"'n"i' "t o{the r o r ah' wheth e r he ; ; ;;;;t"d ;; no t. the i "i i1i'."ryu.ryI "i br inss a ro ne ment'" Yclrtut Chadasz, yr,1.l tiii forbidden to disclose the secrets of the ;,;;;;. i"iii'*'rr,fi ai-;ikontdbe as suittv asthoushhe
destroyed the uthola world."
Sanlredryn, 59a, Aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga. " Euery qentile who sludies lhe Talmud ond euery Jew who helps him in it, ousht to die."
Rosh Hashanah r7a. -Centilibelieuers and oLhers who rejiecr t:he Talmud will go to hell and be punished lhere for all qe nerations."
Erubin ztb. Whosoeuer disobeys the rabbis deserues death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excremenl in hell.
Hagigah z7a . States that no rabbi con euer go lo hell.
Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates Adonai and defeats IIim. Adonai admits lhe rabbi won the debale. Libbre David 37."To conunurticate
; Y'shua s mother uQS a uhore: "Slrc uho was ffl}:ffi?,|? ;f#";es and soue,Tors pi*-"i yn" n,,,iot *i,n ;;'';;;;;;"Ail i" footnote *-z to shahbith ro+b' it i's 'stnted thatin tlrn'"un"unrorecl" text of the TulmtLcl it i^s written thut Y'slnrt's mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," hatl 'sex,ruilh ttttttl.) tnelt'. 6r"fr"atm +gu . Suyt Y'shuaLnas executed ber:ottst hc ytructic:ed sorceru.
6iitl" iza . Says Y'shuais being boiledin "hot extt'enrant'" s-;;h#; goi.*Thorn .,ho read tlrc Netu T,estcnnent u:ill lture rxt portion in the uorld to cotne""
ftt q*t" "l"ar that man's teachings are co.rrupt and the traditions o1' kipp;ht ancl stars of David, are-Pagan--in origin and-believers in Uesriah yahushua orght to'add the; all to the rubbish piles of all teachings of man ancl "other pagan s1'mbols that are used to 'honour' it " Cr"itor antl the Son, inclircling 'crosses' and 'ichthus fish'. a-nylhlng to a gerttile about our rcligious relatiorts would be equal to the killing of all Jews,for ifthey kncw whaL wc leach about them Lhey would kill us openly... lf a Jew be called upon Lo explain anlt port of the rabbhic books. he ought to qiue onig a false'explana{ion. Who euer ruill uiolate this order shall bc pul to death.''
Shabbath 4ra. The lau rcqulating the rule how to urinate in o holg wag is giuen.
Yebamoth 63a. Sfotes that Aclam had sextrul intercourse ruith all the enimals in the Garden oJ'Eden.
Sanhedrjn 5Bb. IJ'a heuihen hits u Jew, lhe Centile ntusl bt, killed.. Hittirtg a Jew is the same us hitting Adonai.
Sanhedrin B4b A Jew moy haue sex with a child os long as thc chittt rs less than nine years old.
"Rabbi Joseph said, ''Come and hear. A maiclen aged 3 qcars and a day may be acquired in murciaqe by coition."
Gemara: Our rabbis taught: "A qirl oJ'lhe age of 3 years may be betrothed by senr.:.l intercoursi.' "
Baba Mecia r14, 6 li.e.: t4bl. "The Jews are humart heinqs, but the nations oJ-the world are not human bcings btil beasts."
Midrasch Talpioth, pzz5-L. "Adonai creited the non-Jcw in human form so lhul the Jeru ruould not haue to be seruetl by beasts. The non-Jeu rs c'r;nscqucn tly an animul in humon formi:, and comrnandetl lo serue the Jew day ond niqht."
Schene luchoth haberith. p. 25o b.-etthitqh the non-Jew has tha same body structur'e as the Juu. thc11 cotnpare uith the Jeu like o monkeg lo a ltuman.
Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b. " lf you eat uith a Centile. it is lha so,?re os eatiig with a thog."
in the traditions of Christianity, upon hearing about the Name of Yahweh and the Messiah Yahushua, give the response, "It's onlY semantics and Names don't matter, because He knows our hearts."
Not only does an answer known as 'God' and',Jesus'. il;;-;"y;il;, (before reading the evidence) that the 'God' *"rr'rripp"h i,, tniisiiarrity is the .i''" ut Yahweh, as they are hoth the One True Creator... The same argument could be put forward by u tUorli- in that they worship the One Tme 'God'; they just call him altufrt It is clear thatihe 'Allair' of Islam, the 'God' of Christianity and ;V-ufr*J' of the Scriptrrres stand for completelydifferent beliets' It is ""fV U""""te most of ,, "o*" from Chi'istian backgrounds that we seemtomakeexcusesforthepaganrootsoftheChristianreligiorr' ifruf t u"" Iittle to do with the belief and obedience to the Covenzrnts given by Yahweh in the ScriPtures'
Iike this fly in the face of all "scripttrre, (Acts 4:l,z in partictrlar) btrt as this book has shown, the Almighty Yahweh and His Son Yahushua u." "o*pt"tely opposed to Chriitiin doctrines, and of the creations
What Christianity has done is selectively taken snippets from the Scriptures and added them to a collection of pagan practices and beliefs that are unfounded in Scripture. A religious smorgasbord if you please. Remember what Paul warned:
fl,{-, ..;.*;*dff.:.#,1 *d\sf-.;#.:p'".,,,. T#. .o, t:"+','c. '; qq' '.'e#,..'-. !.' .'*S%{' .ti
"Howeuer, euen if ue, or a messenger out of the shamagim, ';',, brins a'sood news' rf"yfli:f:f"Xi::f: announced to aou, i il (Galatians r:B) j
;&l!ir;,.. e rlli*#l:,, i;sd;gi:ij ',i{!r, . /, " " S# Jh+, -**;iru#*. ,.1?lr:+:!1r d,.,rr4,*S!$,i,r':ii4$}.:.,,r1:e"'r!115:.,,,,,d
Practically every Christian denomination claims they are the only ones being saved. Catholics claim all Protestants are doomed and a number of Protestant denominations say the same about Catholics. Jehovah's Witnesses allege their doctrines are the only true belief, as do Mormons, Zth Day Adventist, Brethren, Church of God, blah, blah, blah, etc. and the list goes on...
Followers of these religions all claim to be 'Christians', so are Christians saved? The truth is, they all have one thing in common... They are ALL based on the pagan Roman Catholic System. The foundatio! is the key:
jr .-.,.se.s",h.;...., d6,!.:. ,,& # ,.r ..rse ,pq.-...,h ***q. l:..*,r{. ..lfd#,.tu ...,,{" "For tto one is able to lag any otherfoundo;tion except that i istaid, -t$#rfiLf*lfi ha,Mashiar.t.,' ,i '*.. ,,..u *:.-*g*,' "4*i!. * .,,'" -". *ry;;;-;.-.#'.;, d: u;6-.. ..-e&--.r .:j As stated, Christianity believes the Names are irrelevant... but is it only Names that are the difference?
The followins is a table of what each stand for... Yahush lne rolrounng rs a or eacn tor.,. yanusnua vs. Jesus: "l'' '
Name is Hebrew meaning
'Yah is salvation' Has an Anglo-Greek-Latin name linked to'Zeus'
Has a Father with a Name 'Yahweh'
Obedience to the Torah and Commands
Has a nameless co-ruler 'God'
The Law was nailed to the cross and is obsolete
One Father, one Son Pagan B-in-r triune god
Your body is the temple of Yahweh
Build opulent, monumental churches
Keep the weekly 7th daY Sabbath
Guard the Festivals of Yahweh (High Sabbaths)
Observe a Scriptural Hebrew calendar
Salvation through favour unto obedience
Honourthe weekly rst day ofthe sun
Celebrate pagan holydays (X-mass and Easter etc.)
Observe a pagan Roman calendar
Instant eternal salvatron 'once saved always saved'
Believers grafted into'Istael' Followers are 'gentile believers' Saved at the last trumPet 'Rapture' before tribulation
Make no graven image
Has given His Spirit as our Teacher
Gifts and offerings to the poor & needY
Give your child an i-doll
Set up a Roman-style hierarchY in the church
Give a tithe for church overheads and a new sound system
Forsake all You are cursed if you're not rich
Do not eat unclean foods Pig-out on bottom dwellers
It is clear from what this book has outlined in accord with Scripture, that the religion labeled 'Christianity' is far removed from what iuto.t ru th[ Messiah of Israel taught and 'the Way' the early believers followed, and one would not want to label oneself as a christiant The problem it seems, is that we all compare each other's i"iigio" with our own traditions, and conclude that the other is lost eternally. This of course is a great error!
'..:#S.6t#,r- ,*e{; .', 'r';.6t.q--,*os-c., 'dS,".SS,-***.'It, eUe'$fd"-rq-. ' ".,..iihi"h * " also sp eak, not in ib ai'di" which man's wisdom teaches but tahich the Rual.t ha' Qo desh teache s, cotntrtoLring spiritual utith spirituol"' (r Corinthians z:r3)
"For u)e do notpresume to count ourselues or compare ourselues uith {hose uho commend themselues. But they, " measuring themselues by-themselues, and cornpo:ring i; ilr:rr.*ilu.* aryong ihemselves, or,.ertottoise'' . . t*(zCorinthi4!r,s"ro-112)
.'+ ,1,.4 '.. .*.,f,n,-rs@ , **].* ,i,fu,4t* '.'s&tr.!&d'q:-:..* ;,''' 1jf&h, 1*lS+. '{ .,rn';d What we must do is compare ourselves with the Truth, and there is only One Truth... The Word:
"Qadosh thern in Your truth * Your Word is tr.uth. "
(.Iohn 17:17)
Get out your Scriptures, put aside all your vain traditions and preconceptions and study the Scriptures to see if thest. thing are so.
the Word, and practices and beliefs borrowed from the pagiul nations, which the Scriptures define as 'MIXED WORSHIP'.
The Israelites did the sarne when they strayed from the Cornmantls and Torah given by Yahweh, and it continues to this dayl
"BtLt they did not obey, and did according to their -fonner rulhry. So these nnfions u)ere reuering ffif, ancl serued. their can ued irnoges, both their children ancl their children's children.
As their.fathers did, theg are doing to this dcrA."
(z Kings r7:gg,4r)
As we have seen throughout Scripture and even to this day, believcls are making all manner of excuses to copy the customs and traclitions and even lifestyles of this wicked world.
From religion and 'holy days', to governments, schools, birthdays, entertainment, marriage and even in death - the funeral ceremony... Er.ery institution and custom of society has been influenced by Strtarr and the worship of false gods!
It is appalling that one can witness other people's idols on tlrt. popular social networks and the Messiah, the Son of the ALMIGH'I'Y, is listed alongside rock/pop stars and actors, as simply anothcr favourite! This ought not to be!
"Do not loue theuorldnor thcrtuhichis in the uorld' i;";;;; l*es the wZrli, the loue ctf.the F'utlrcr is rrol in hirtt'" (t John z:r5)
"And do not be confottnecl to thi's tttorliT' lnd be trirrtfiir"na bp1 the reircwittg o-f tytt rrtirttl ' stt tltul tltt -rt ' ;;;:;. rit oi'i* that good' ditluett'ptectsi,s tuil
Pe$bct tlesire of' Elohint "' (Romans tz:z)
"AcltLlterers and' adilten:ssesl IJo qou ttol knotu thol ni""a"frip with the ruorld is ennrity tt:ilh Elohin:'? "winnut thcrefori inLt'nrls Io ltc aftiend of<trld tnrrkei hbnself cn enetnA of Elohbn"' (.Iames 4:4)
"Clean trnd undpJiled 'eiigion befole tlrc.F)lolim and Father is this: to uisrt orpluti ond tuidows in their afJlictlory,. and to ke"p onis'lf unstoinqdfiorn the usorld'" (Janres t:27)
:'.:',al'? ;*; .,W ,*ffi st,ttarate." (z Cor o,rzl. w" are called -to be a qodesh people ttr il,i;;;;: A ;;.ili urii" to. His son. clolled in righteousn€,55. pfom the original ru*, tt.oi,gil i"-ti'" ii""f.chapter';t o"""1^66n' the if,r"r-u1rJ,o u" qo,1".h,iholy, set-apart) is one of the most freqtrent t:,,"i*u"a. from -scripture, echoed over and over: \,vc are commanded to";co;;-Tfl?-m'ii -o^o'g :hT an(^b:
" Be qodesh,for IAnAt'yotr Elohim atn qoclesh'" - (Leviticus r9:z)
"And you shall be qodesh to Me, for I ffiAt' am qodesh."
(Leviticus zo:26. See also Lev tt:44, Lev tt:45, Lev zo:7)
"As the One uho called you is qodesh, so Aou also should becorne qodesh in o,llbehoLuiour, because it has beenuritten,'Be qodesh,for I am qodesh.' "
(r Peter r:15-16)
"he u-tho is righteous, let him be more righteous; he uho is qodesh, let hiln be rnore qod.esh"
(Revelationr.r:,rr.Also Eph r:4, Edr SlzZ, Heb rz:r4, zPlt::rr)
It has been exposed in this book that so many of the celebrations and traditions practiced by Christianity are borrowed from pagan unbelievers and Scripture warns ofyoking ourselves to those sorts:
"Do not become uneuenly yoked" with unbelieuers.
For what partnership haue righteousness and lalalessness?
, -n""''(y;!y*{i^yJT,i^f^ da*ness?'
Scholars tlpically believe that the New Testament was originally written in koine' or 'common' Greek because the majority of oldest known New Testament manuscripts are all written in Greek. Yet, there are many scholars who are now refuting this idea (see 'Documents of the Primitiue Church', Dr. Charles Torrey; 'The Quest of the Historical "Iesus', Dr. Albert Schweitzer;'Complete Jeu.sish Bible', David Stern; 'Journal of Biblical Literature', vol. 96, Dr. George Howard). One reason scholars question a Greek New Covenant original, is because of the New Covenant's grammar. Linguistic authorities admit that the New Testament has poor Greek grammar, but excellent Hebrew grammar. This is even more the case for the four Evangels and the Book of Revelation.
There are also other indications that most, if not all, .of the New Co"""u"t was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic' Consider r."or"" f."y facts: ihe twelve apostles whom Yahushua appointed *"r" "o--on men. Some were fishermen, others tax collectors, but ,ro.r" *"." considered scholars' Of Yahushua, the Jew-s, cluestioned' "Horu does this Man knou letters, not hauirtg learned?" ('Iohn 7:r5) and described the disciples as, "uttlearned antl igttortutt men" (Acts 4:r3). it is 'documented from the well-known Hebrew historian Josephus, that the Greek language was largely foreign to lhe Hebrew p"o-pt"- it and around Galilee, where yuh,rthru spent His life and ministered' This first-century priest said of himself:
"I hctu,e:also taken a great deat of pains to iUtoio the learning* of the ,Greeks, Qnd uLnd..erst{t0td: the e[ements ' of '.the Greek iii"iiii"a' *yrnif fo speok attr own tangag' *!t I: "\n"y iiiiiii* crrixitn r"ffieiint exaetness" (Antiguif,ies' Book XX' language,. atthough I'haue sa ,Iang Chapter XI).
;;;;;;;;as one of the most educated Hebrews of his time' vet he *r.'"r".afy unfamiliar with the Greek language, so if a learned man iif." l"t"lifrus hardly knew the Greek lang'age, how could the """a"""iJa apostles "koo* the Greek tongue, and even know it well """"gf, t" write fluently on many difficllt subjects?-These were not C.""f,r, but Hebrew, frorn rurai Israel, therefore they spoke their "uti* io"S"e, Hebrew or Aramaic. If they spoke Heb-rew or Aramaic' iir"" ifr"V ?,bviously wrote their New Testament books and letters in iiir-ir""ri""te as #eil. Not only was Greek scarcely used, but it was i;;d ;tfl i;; considered pagan blasphemy to write Scripture in any other language than Hebrew'
ih" H"br"* language is well known for its idioms' An idiom is an ;;;;;;i; ,p""iii" io a lansuage -an-d common Hebrew idioms that #;;;*.;"dinto the Englisf, vJcabulary include: "stiff neck" (psalm 75:5)br "apple ofyour eye" (Prov 7i2)' -.
TIr;R"""*"d Covenant coniains many idioms specific to the Hebrew language including the following as,examples: (ttlitt Czg) "...butif yourpyeis euil"'" . ituart< ,otSg) "...drink the cup that I drink'" inuorr zrTl "Hu uho has an ear, let him he-ar""' inpt t l.tSi "...the eyes of your understanding"'" (luke z+:zS) "...slota of heart..."
We also have a scroll of the Book of Matthew written in Hebrew that predates all the manuscripts in koine Greek, and the Peshita Aramaic scrolls (right-), all adding to the proof that Hebrew or Aramaic was the chosen form of writing on sacred matters.
"Matthew also. hauing fir'st proclaimed the Gospel in Hebrew. when on the point of gaing abo to the other nations, committed iL to writinq in his natiut' ton!)ue, and. thus supptieh the uant of his presence to tlrcm by h?s uritings."
(Eusebius - c. 315 C.E.; Eccl. Hist. 3:24)
Also affirmed by Oligen, ,Ierome and Josephus and others
If you have read thus far and are thinking that YOU do it honour Him and all this name stuff is simply semantics and excusing yourself with the age-old reasoning that, "He knows heart", then read the following testimony and Scriptures below...
to are my
I was taught, however subtly, that it does not matter to Yahweh what day you worship, how you worship or what name you call Him, etc. as long as your heart was sincere for it is your heart he sees and juclges.
But I saw how he dealt with Cain when he brought the improper offering. Some speculate that his offering was not accepted because his heart was not right and that is plainly obvious, when we are disobedient our hearts are NOT right.
Yahweh answers to Cain:
"I;f you do well, is there not acceptance?"
(Genesis 4:7)
I saw how Moses was cleprived ol entering the Promised land just because he struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it as instructed. Yahweh's answer to Moses:
"Because tlotL did not belieue Me, to qadosh Me in the eyes o.f the children of Yisra'dl"
(Numbers 20;12)
I saw Uzzah who reached out to steady the Ark of The Covenant was struck clown by Yahweh and died for his best ancl sincere intentions.
(r Chronicles 13) Then David realises:
"Because yotr did not do it the.first tine , A'\At' ttur liktltirtr broke out against us, because rue clid rtt.rt rr'sk IIirtt ubout the Right-Rulint1."
(r Chronicles 15:13)
"No one is to lift tl"re urk of Elohint but tlrc Lituites,.frtr AaAt'hus chosen them io IiJt tlrc ark rf Elohint and to serue Hint.foreuer'"
(r Chronicles 15:2)
Saul's intentions were well when he disobeyed Yahweh and took Agag, King of Amalekites, alive along with the best sheep and cattle foi i" offering but was dethroned because of it. Yahweh's answer through Samuel the proPhet was:
"D oe s fr\A{ detight in burnt offerin.o s and slcrug htering s, ns bt obeying the uoice of *g'y7 Look, to obey is better-th-Q.rt an olfering , to heecl is better thon the .fat nJ rurrts. For rebellion is ai the iin of diuination, ond stubbornness is cs tuickedness and idolatry . BecanLse you haue rejected the uord of AnAt'' He Qlso rejects Aou 0s souereign'" (i Samuel t5)
Now all these, and more displays of Yahrveh's UNCHANGiNG charac.ter (Malachi 3:6) lead me to ponder that Yahweh is wHAl'?... Mean? Tough? Strict? Harsh? Just? Meticulous? Detailed? Orderly? you can corne to your own conclusion but remember in the parable of the talents:
"And his mester ortxoering, said to him,'YotL wicked and lazy seruetlt, yott kneu that I reap u;lrcre I haue not solDn, and gather where I haue not scattered seed'
'T'l'ten ttotL should haue ptLt my siluer with tlrc bankers, and ttt ,ry "oiirgl I w ould hd'ue r eceiu e d b ack tnlJ ow n with. inte-r est' 'f'herefori take ttturty the talent frorn h:ut r, oncl giue it to hirn u/ro Po.sses.s es ten talents.' "
(Matthew 25it4-28)
Again not knowing all. If I err, I prefer to err in favour of Yahweh. If those who believe you can do whatever your heart sees fit are correct, then I am safe, for my heart does see fit to obey His Word according to the Scriptures and cast off all man-made traditions that do not coincide with His Word. But if those who believe that you must worship according to Scripture are correct, then a lot of PeoPle are in trouble with Sun-day worship, pagan rituals and celebrations, and pagan names for The Most High.
A final thought for those who defend their practises with, "He knows my heart"...
"The lrcart is wicked crboue all, and desperately sick - uho shallknou it?"
(Jeremiah r7:9)
contentious issue as we are all little children in His eyes and trying to pronounce His qodesh Name could be likened to a child saying 'dada' ior the first time, but there are some simple r-Lrles of Hebrew linguistics that make it simple. Remember, the Name of the Almighty in modern Hebrew looks like this:
Remember, Hebrew is read from right to left, so the letters are as follows:
t - Yod, il - Hay, 1 - Waw, il - Hay.
Like certain letters in the English language, a number of Hebrew letters have a uousel and a consonant sound and the majority of scholars and historians conclude that in the Name of Yahweh, all the letters are sounded as vowels. I ee
Put it all together and you get:
Or phonetically:
It is generally undisputed that the first two letters - yod' and 'hay' .orni out: YAH as in halleluyAH, or some of the prophets: IsaiYAH, JeremiYAH, etc.
As for the last two letters, searching through the Hebrew Scriptures, one example of a name that ends with 'waw', 'hay'- the same last two letters asln the Name of YAH is the place known as Nineveh. It is common knowledge that the 'v' sound has changed over the last thousand y"utt urid originally was a 'w' (double 'u') or 'oo' sound giving the pronunciation of: NineWEH.
5o3oi'ningihe 'YAH'with the 'WEH'we get the familiar'YAIIWEH''
Some get sidetracked and take issue with the spelling claiming such points"that there is no 'W' in Hebrew... The point is moot- because ih"r" ur" NO English letters in Hebrew! We are using one language to transliterate to another offoreign characters. On one hand it does not matter so much how we spell the Name using English letters as we are attempting to transliterate the Name of the Almighty to be pronounced "or.""tly.
Various spelling attempts are acceptable ie.
There are several more modern pronunciations used by believers yet
the weight of historical evidence lays entirely with YAHWEH-"' For example, Flavius Josephus the rst cgntury cE Jewish historian iaised in the'priesthood wiites:I'Idis head usas couered by a tiara of .fine linen, wriathedtuithblue, encircling whichuas another crou)n' "of gald,'whereoi ruere emblazoned the sacred.letters, ta wit,fi*tr"iata;els kprnvltqra riooapa; phonhenta tessdra)'"
The noted ist century Greek historian Diodorus (-left) says:
4Among ihe Jews,,Mdses referredhis laws ta the deity who is inuoked as Ia@''
'Iu6 is pronounced Ya'oo. There is no appearance of a consonantal 'h' pronounced; all are Greek vowels approximating the Hebrew vowels 'li'l' (ee, &h, oo). The same pronunciation appears in the znd century CE 'PraYer of Jacob' and also the ancient writers Origen, Irenaeus and Theodoret. clement of Alexandria (-right) who also lived during the first century writes that the Sacred Name is 'Icrou6 and 'Iuoucri both forms approximating the pronunciation Yahweh. In
various Jewish-Egyptian papyri it is most frequently written 'Iuroouqe but also appears 'Io,rrrour1r, 'Iuoroueq,'Iuooue and'Ioooueu (all approximating Yah-ou-ay). It should not go unnoticed that these Greek rvriters all use vowels to represent the Name of the Almighty.
Further evidence of the 'h' not being pronouced is found in the Septuagint (-Ieft)where i't'9|Di Yesha-yah (Isaiah) is also found as );'1.9Ur (Yesha-yahu). The IXX renders Yasha-yahu'Hooio (Yesa-eeah), showing the interchangeability between li'Ir and i1'; 'Ieooiou (Yess-eeou); and 'Houiou (Yesa-eeou).
It is also known that many African tribes have carried the pronunciation of YAH\MEH through song and culture and even the native American Indians use the Name of YAH\ fEH the Almighty in song, chants and lore.
One of the more modern pronunciations gives a consonant sound to the'h' sounding: Ya-hoo-ah. Aside from the fact that this pronunciation is void of any historical usage, the other major problem with the pronunciation of Yahuah is that the accent is emphasised on the'hu' - Ya-HOO-ah whereas the accent on Hebrew words is nearly ALWAYS on the I/,ST SYLIABLE therefore Yah\MEH is in accordance with the rules of Hebrew.
Many times the 'Hay' (ir) in Hebrew is not sounded as a consonant, but as a vowel for example the brother of Mosheh - Aharon (Hebrew.|'r''rir*) which is transiiterated to English as Aaron, and the Hebrew word for priest - kohen (]n)). In both these instances, the 'H' becomes a vowel, or a breathing.
Probably the most convincing evidence that the Name of the Almighty is pronounced YAHWEH is the support of ancient documentation, whereas there is not one source that supports the pronunciation: Yahuah.
Many people jump to assumptions on how the Name should sound based on the sound of individual letters, but as with English, the
pronunciation of a word or name can change depending on the iiacement and order of the letters contained in that name or word.
Take for example the word:
Hear. (phonetically - heer)
Just adding a'd'tothe end changes the sound of the word to:
Heard. (phonetically - herd)
If we add a 't' instead of a'd' it changes yet again to:
Heart. (phoneticallY - hart)
The Ya-HOO-aH pronunciation is also based on the pr-emise-that the name given to on6 of the sons of Jacob of the twelve tribes of Israel is yahud-ah (Judah) and has similar spelling to Yahweh; in Hebrew: Yod, Hay, Waw, Daleth, Hay. (i'111i'Tr)
The'assumption is, that by removing the Daleth, the pronunciation would be YaHUaH. Th; problem is that when people make assumptions about pronouncing Hebrew names, without krrowing the ruIes of grammaf and morphologr, great mistakes are made' As well as tf,e grammar issuei mentioned above, the'h' sound'hay' (i1) is often silent in Hebrew which is why our Anglocized version is pronorrr"ed 'Judah' and not 'Jahudah.' Even modern Hebrews pronounce this name Yudah.'
There is another erroneous claim being presented that the last vowel was changed from Yahwah to Yahwch-iy the Greeks due to the masculine form being Yahweh using Noah - Noe as an example. The masculine form of a name actually requires an 'S'(s) NOT an 'e'(e). For examPle: Joshua (Yahoshua) - Iesous, Matthew Matthias, Eliyah - Elias, Jonah - Jonas, Jeremiah - Jeremias, etc'.. The name of Noah does not end with the Hebrew letter 'hay'(iI) as does the Name of Yahweh, but 'chet'(t1) ie. Noach and cannot be compared to anY of the names ending with a 'hay'(iI) let alone the Qodesh Nime of Yahweh when transliterated into Greek' The ipposite must be pdinted out for the pronunciation of Yahuah for in'Hebrew, the langtiage of Yahweh and His qodesh people, the 'ah' ending actually dJnotls it as feminine. This is another point against tlit pto.rrnciation as Hebrew depicts Yahweh in the
Another example of misinformation is that Hebrew words ending in 'hay'(iI) by default end with an 'ah' sound. This is not at all the case and besides Nineweh, many famous names in Scripture (not to mention words) ending in 'hay'(iI) end with'eh', for example: Mosheh (Moses) i1UD, Manashsheh (Manasseh) ilf)D, Yephunneh (Jephunneh) i'l)En etc.
Another example can be provided when Yahweh reveals Himself fully to Mosheh in the phrase:
The Hebrew word AYEH (;''tt;'ll{) is derived from the word HAYAH (i'f i'I) originally HAWAH (;''l'l;1), yet in this grammatical form, it is of course pronounced AYEII. Therefore a 'Hay' at the end of a word does not automatically make an'AH' sound.
Another fallacy being presented, is that the Masorites vowel pointed the Name i''l'li'Ir to read Yahweh, to disguise it from being spoken... The opposite is the case! The Masorites were a group of Jewish scribes who, up to looo years after the Messiah, indeed DID add vowel points to the Hebrew writings and DID disguise the pronunciation of the Name YaffWeII, to be read as YeHoWaH,
lT3rru ;: n t,fi 51
Adonai (Adonai) or YeHoWiH, (Elohim) and in the first instance, (which is by far the more common) actually resembles YaHuWaH, which we can conclude is the incorrect
SUMMARY ffil*{ri,rx
To summarise all the above, we find through history that all the ancients knew the pronunciation of the Name of the Almighty and approximated in their various languages the form: YaffWeH. It wasn't till nearly looo years later that the Jewish scribes vowel pointed it to YeHoWaH. Are we really to believe the claims of some, (often Christians defending their traditions) that the Almighty Yahweh hid His Name from the entire world for nearly 2ooo years, only to reveal it to us in the last days... Or did He indeed preserve His Name through the earliest writings, to reveal it to those who love Him and guard His Commands and diligently seek Him? The truth is, He promised He would reveal Himself to those who obey:
"He whto po.ssesses My Commands and guords them' it is he who loues Me.'And he who"loues Me shallbe loued by My Father, and I shallloue him andrnoLndest Myself to hiln'" ,
(John r4:zr)
yahushua made known His Father's Name to all those who would love Him:
"ana I have made Your Name known to them, and shall make it knowrr, so that the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them'"
(John r7:26)
as a number of varying pronunciations among believers; some onietstardably diverse and some not so logical
or factual.
The Name of the Messiah in modern Hebrew looks like this:
Reading from right to left, the letters are as follows:
'-Yod, i] -Hay, )-Waw, U-Shin, 9-APn'
The first three letters form part of the i"trug-iu*-aton from the Father'i Name YaHU. The Shin is vowel p"i"iEa *itf, a eibbuts CMry us a 'Shu'.soun{. .1}g final letter being 'an Ayin is vowel pointed witlia Patach giving the 'Ah' sound' r iil 'l U I
putting it al1 together gives: ee-ah-oo-shu-ah phonetically, YAHUSHUA
irotn, As with the Name of Yahweh, there is no emphasis in the 'H' i;E[ Name, as this appears in Hebrew as a vowel and is no more i[r" u breathing .ofird, almost rendering the ^p-rort-unciation: venwsrrue u.rf,,o*" even use the simpler form of: YAIISHUA. one of the more common errors of the pronunciation has been ;;;;"d down from Jewish tradition, of not being allowed to spe-ak thtr fu;" of yahweh, thereby abbreviating Yahushua's Name to Y'shtrrt,
which in English has been rendered Yeshua. Yshua in Hebrew simply means 'salvation' and the error here is obvious. By obliterating Yah from the Name of the Son, this could be considered blasphemous.
Some believers who are new to the concept that the Messiah has a Hebrew Name and some who look to the Jewish believers for truth, wind up calling the Messiah - 'Yeshua'.
This is not written to attack those who do so, as most of us have come from one denomination of christianity or another, and have inherited many wrong doctrines... This article is written to clear up confusion for those who don't understand why there is a difference, or indeed that there is a difference.
As it turns out there is indeed a very big difference, and a lrery important difference at that!
The root of the difference lies in the problem with Jewish tradition... According to the pharisees and Talmudic teachers of law, the Name of the Almighty Creator - Yahweh is too 'qodesh' to pronounce. This 'tradition' goes against all Scripture commanding us to: Praise His Name (Psa rg:rJ... Call on His Name (Psa ro5:r)... Sing praises to His Name (Psa 6r:8)... Bless in His Name (Deu zr:5)... N-ot to bring His Name to naught (Exo zo:7)... His Name is a remembrance (Exo 3:r5) etc.
The Jewish tradition of not pronouncing the Name of Yahweh, extends to the Name of the Messiah...
It will be quite obvious to you by now, that by using the abbreviated form of the Name of the Messiah, is in effect taking the Name of Yahweh out of the Name of the Son. Why would the prophets of Yahweh have His name in theirs, and not the One and only Son?
The Name of Yahushua means - 'Yahweh' CYahu) 'is salvation' (shua)
l' "And she shall giue birth to a Bdn, andyou shall call His it, Name OW( for IIe shall Eaue His people from their sins." ; il (Matthew r:er) f 'q. ..,.'4''.'.,.&,h%:j'q$q;! d ,d,h*.i8.;-tfu4g'&d'*6ry u",* . .s.' t'g41*;- Se'" r ..,,.# Yahweh proclaimed that He would have His Name: .p'*' ,. p ,46S*. .*.-"*.'p*]* *r- r- 't-s *,. .&"' ;f,! &!tu+tdt' ';. ii'* ' q "**u& """%' s$ '.rF 4!" w il "B,e ofl giaid before Him and obea lris aoice. Do not i. rebel igainst nim,foy He is not going to pardon your ; ;, ""nsgression,for W Nanne is in lfirn." .; ., i k*,, ,. %idd*. :**e*... .i,,.dc*'o' W**,i*#*t'.?,.*u!;: '" '.r&."'.*H{ '.-'*u' -ti' Yahushua also proclaimed that He came in His Father's Name: p '.:-Wer..' ''5'*r.,. -.We;,, q- .'.:.F ', ),td"b ,E,.-qaj ., + oa 'r.,-'*,;.gq*c;p $F.%1- .,@-4-'q '.. if ii' "Ihaue comeinMa Fq.ther's N .andgou do notreceiue.. I ',,; Me, if another comei in his oun name, him you would receiue -"
modern Hebrew is spelled:
The Name of Yahweh is known as the 'tetragrammaton' (i1li'Tt), meaning 'four' (tetra) 'letters' (gramma) amongst scholars and in riJ'ti]
yod, hay, waw, hay
The Name of the Messiah in Hebrewis spelled: (read left to right for simplicity) r iJ 'l
v ,, (John 5:43)
yod, hay, waw, shin, ayin
You will notice that the Messiah's Name (like many in Scripture, i.e. Eliyahu (My El is Yahweh), Yeshayahu (Salvation of Yahweh) Nethanyahu (given of Yahweh), Obadyahu (servant of Yahweh), Mattithyahu (Gift of Yahweh), etc... there are nearly roo) contains the first three letters of the Name of the Almighty: r ;J l yod, hay, waw
This is known as the Trigrammaton' (YHW)
Because this Trigrammaton is contained in ifr" Name of the Messiah and the pharisaical tradition is to not pronounce the Name of Yahweh, it is abbreviated to - Yshua (pronounced Yeshua).
', "When I uas uith them in the world, I was guarding t theminYour NannetehlcLY-sllhope giuenMe-."' "L.-*****.;op6p'' wr. ;" -+h,- -c;'ffi*64g -M.W "'.'**:- .'*-'-. *,k**' re4g. ; In it's basic Hebrew sense, 'Yeshua' simply means - 'salvation', but if our Messiah said He came in His Father's Name; who are we to remove it bY tradition, or any other well meaning reason?
There are nearly 1oo names in Scripture that contain the 'Trigrammaton' - YAHU ('liI') and a further 85 containing the Name YAH (;'1'). Here are some of the names of others with YAHU in them...
A{oniyahu (Adonijah)fl - "my Master is Yahweh"
Azaryahu (Azariah) r - "heh of Yahweh"
Berelyahu (Berekiah) - "blessed of Yahweh"
Ge{alyahu (Gedaliah) - "great is Yahweh"
Kenanyahu (Chenaniah) - "planted of Yahweh"
Hananyahu (Hananiah)
Mattanyahu (Mattaniah)
Pelatyahu (Petaliah)
Sema\yahu (Semakiah)
"fhvoured of Yahweh"
"gift of Yahu,eh"
"delivered of Yahweh"
"sustained of Yahweh"
".judged of Yahweh"
With all these men of so fhvoured to have the Father insert His Name in theirs, He definitely placecl FIis Name in His own Son's Name, Yahushua (Yahweh is salvation).
We will not be seeing HIM
i* ?\n'." t: ]-i],1;j];1. .:;
i ir. rt r.. ili, ! i fi..rirt r-,.r, t, ilirl r,,r,1\ rltl ;r ril ir.ll .l r *l;* ,i r,;
I'r,l-. -lr;.ir :i i.r-. 1!:,\it ! r.iilri,l,'r
"Iior I scrlJ to yrsu,.fi'ortt now on you shall by no means see Me, until AoLt soA,'Bo,ruftis IIe rolro is cotrrring in the Nanne of1Mtr!" (Mattithayahu 23:39)
Some favour the pronunciation: Yahusha, assuming that becaust' there is no waw between the shin and the ayin, it cannot l)(. Yahushua. Those who follorv this premise are obviously not aware ol' 'defective w,riting' in the Hebrew language. This plienomenon occurs with measured frequency in the Hebrew texts, wher-t. sometimes a vowel letter is rvritten without the constonant yod (r) ol waw ('l). For example the name of Dawid ('T.'l''l) occurs a majority ol times in Scripture without the yocl ('rl'r). For example, below is rrrr exerpt from 'Basics of Biblical Heblew,o' (G.D. Pratico & M. van Pelt)
Shephatyahu (Shephatiah):1 Lr'i iltl.
'-rllillllrlii ll 'l'hr: word 'sha' does not exist as a stand alone word, whereas 'shua' (shin, waw, ayin or shin, ayin) exists in a nurnber of fbrms and has lrrrious meanings ranging from 'cry for help'to 'wealth', with the root nl()aning of the w'ord being 'freedom'. !'urlhermore, ther"e are a r rr nrber of nantes in Scripture that end with 'shua' spelled either fuliy { sh in, waw, ayin) or defectively (shin, ayin), eg: l,.lishua (9]U'!X - the full form of Elisha), Malkisl]La (9'lili'))D), \lrishua (IrlU'fX), Bathshua (I)lU-n:) and of course Joshuap,r'o1;erly Yahoshua (defective: IJU'liI or full: U)lD)i1'). The full spelling ,,1 Yrrhoshua is fbund in both Deut 3:zt and Judg z:7. llrt'r'e ar€ no other names in Scripture other than Elisha (the rl rlrrcr.iated form of Elishua) that end in 'sha', that have the meaning l.l1tr,lt.;t:r,t,.1('ir'iitl r.;,qi1,i.111,.1,.1 rrr;t!-;,,:,iitr lll tlr,,',.rr.. lf tShUat. |l r(.;ullng c },l::]i,l]]|]]l!1lil.:iji:l,..l..]i1',.,.,...'..'..1;.1l.'...,
l; 11r.: i' l i, riirr,itj ii:r.i,,.iqrrli:r'i " rt l l fltr i;l:t l',1r, rr ,.. ,tr,;,1,'lir:r','-1;1,11.1 trri|1" t..lilt ilr.t.t..t.t:l.t:l llt',1t:r.!tf,.,. il .,]:,.t;i.t ,t tt,,t,.'i ll:.;; r.-i1.rt lir,.:'.r",q,;',,.1;,111,...fi11r'ti irllit lllL, r,ri1r,ir.ri
l'. .ri l, rr '''.;,,'i:irr11 rri .t ;r,r'rl f:;.rf.r.- rr i, :ir, i,rlllrtrtl.: tit.rfi .!r
I lrl Name of the Messiah contains the Father's Name as Scripture .,t\:.1_ l,
"When I was with thern in the world, I lvas guarding them in Your Name which You have given Me..." (John 17:rz)
The Name of the Messiah means Yahweh is salvation' - Yahu-shua and is spelled in Hebrew exactly the same as Joshua (Yahoshua), the successor to Moses and Yahoshua (9Uti1!) the son of the high priest in the Book of Zechariah, who was given this prophecy: s ..-"-#rs !6-s',a-r...-cfry * ,'.:.""r f.'qr{.'d .*.s* ..*-d,,1-;.*.*663.F.-1,.*,*#*4..;*..ld.s '"
"Thus said a,<a'f *n, *"a" :t,ffi fullme d it to establish it'
(Jeremiah 33:z)
"Our Redeemer,ffi pfhosts ds IIis N&rne' the Qad.osh One of Yisra'dl"'
(Isaiah 4Z:+)
.But I arn ffi{ Your Elohim, stirring up the sea, dnditswaues roar' mq sf t&sts is -Elis .lVome"'
Andfrom His ptace He'l;]iff:;*;f:'and He shattbuitd n
"Andyou shall take the siluer and gold, make a crown, and put 1 :,i if on the head of Yo,hoshus the son of YahotsaQaq, the kohen:.ha,gadol,and."shallspeaktohim,,o{ing,,Thus-saTdffi4/ ' of hosts, saying, "See, the Man tohose nanne is the Bra;nch! I ii.
r,6r , .r,, ,, , , , ,ri; ,, (Zg:.qbariah.6.;,rir,1"a) ,,, n,,,,,, ,,,,, ,Ii 'f .,:uSe '* ,,1,..,-'"1p*'#s *- -r:*,..:*:r-&i+;e***,- .W*t56'-+''.'* .r3',r."'&te"':,'*S# evie YAHUSHUA rs the Branch prophesied from times of old.
There are over tzo Scriptures pertaining to the Name of Yahweh and His Command to use it, that are being ignored!..... How shocking!
"And let them know that You,Whose Nanrre is AW, You alone are the uost fiigh ouer all the earth."
(Psalm 8g:r8)
"Sing to Elohim, sing praises to His Nime. Raise up a highway for Him Wn ,iaes thrash t\erff*s.,* IIis Na;me Yah,
(Psalm 68:+)
"Therefare see,I am catxtng themta know, th:s time I cause themto knout My -ha"!"ry4My ryigh!.Andthey shall knou that MA rNanne ii W!"
(Isaiah 5r:r5)
"For gour Maket is gour hasband, W "f ^ hostJis EIis Name, and the Qadosh One of Yisra'dl is your Redeemer. He is called the ' ilohim of allthe earth."
(Isaiah 5+:$
"HH##H,X1", watk, each onein the name of his mishtv one' ,, uii * r"i iit -in ihe Name of Artw our Elahimfor eu ef antd ea er ." (Micah+:S)
'And Elahim saidfurther ia Woshii,'T?rus you are to {a.t9 the^ iiitarri it vitra'\:, AMtr Elahim afy2ur fitl,t?", *: Elohim of iiiin"*, rie Elahi; ivitshiq, oidtt'n ntohim of Ya'aqoS' has sent me to uou. fnii X W Nameforaoer, and this is My remembt anci ta all g en er ll;tian$' "' (Exodus 3:rs)
"O Affitr , Yoan' NaLrne is fareaer, O m4/, Your remembrance to all generorioTt$"'" (Psalm r35:r3)
"And he placed a cqrued iiagi of Ainilah that he had made in the House of uhich a,<ar-iii iiia io Dauid and to shelomoh his sgL 'In thk House and in yiiitnot"Uim, which I haue chosen out af all the *ibes of Yisra'dl,I PutMY N;;;f"";;;"" " *
"And now' I haue ehosen rtnd qadosh this House for NIg N@me ti be thereforeier' And My.. eyes and' - Ma heart shal[ alwagsbethere'" (z Chronicles 7:16)
"And he placed a caruid im?g 9 9d t\9 idol u:hich he had' mode' - i it n it out{- of niofu, oY inicn Elohim had said to Dawi$ and t o shelomoh i;$;, "'T;ft it nilr," r,na in Yerushalay irn' uhichI haue "rtr"rn out of all the tribes of Yisra'61' IPutMg Notneforeuer" " ' -'' (rdhroniclei gg:z)
%Wfr4;f "-\ t,a 'fl
"O1\^Y', our Master, hou excellent is Your No:rne in all the earth, You uho made Your splendour aboue the shamayim!"
(Psalm B:r)
"O*M't', otLr Master, holuo excellent is Your Nanne in ctll the earth!"
(Psalm B:g)
" 'And I shall qadosh My great Name, uthich has been profaned amon(J the gentiles, uhich you haue profaned in their midst. And the gentiles shsll knora tho:t I annffi,' declares the Mastet" q'1Al', 'tuhen I am qadosh in you before their eyes.' "
(Ezekiel g6:4)
" 'For from the rising of the sun, euen to its going dotun, Mg Nanne is greot o:trt.ort.g no,tiotrs. And in euery place incense is presented to My Name, and a clean offering. For My Nanne is great o;nong rto:tiotr's,' said*tq4r of hosts."
(Malachi r:rr)
" 'And I shall make them mighty in*l{y, so that they ualkup and doun in IIis No:rtte,' declaresAaltr."
(Zechariah ro:rz)
"And it shall be that euerAotTe uho calls on the Name of X1qa7 shall be d.eliuered. For on Mount Tsiyon and inYerushalayim there shall be an escape as ffiAt'has said, and among the remnent uhomA<a'lz calls."
(Joel z:32)
"And it shall be that eueraone who calls on tlrc Name of ffiAt'shallbe ssued."
(Acts z:zr)
"For 'eueryone uho calls on the Name of ffiA*'shallbe saued.'"
(Romans ro:13)
"Ourhelp is inthe Nanne ofAMtr, Maker of the shamayim and earth."
(Psalm rz4:B)
"...uho try to make My peoplefotget Mg Natng by their dreams uhich euerAone relates to his neighbour, as theirfathersforgot My NanneJbr Bu'ol'"
(Jeremiah z3:27)
"Who hos gone up to the shamayim ancl corne tloun? Who has gathered {ne wiia in Hisfists? Who hes bouul tlrc waters in cr girment? Who established ott the ends of the ettrth'? Whst is IIis Nanne, And. uhot is the Name of His Bdn, If you know? "
(Proverbs 3o:4)
'If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to giue esteii to My Name,' said XAq' of hosts, 'I shall send s curse upon you,"and I shall curse your bireftoth. And indeed, I hcruecursed. thern, because you do not take it to heart'' "
(Malachi z:z)
"And there is no deliuerance in anaone else, for there is no other Nsrneundet" the shamayimgiuen ctmong men by uhich we need to be saued."
(Acts 4:rz)
"" aboue all rule and authority and pouer and mastery , und euerg nolfite that is named, not only in this age but also in that tuhich is to come'"
(Ephesians r:zl)
'KW', therefor e, has highly exalted Him and giuen Hbn the Nanne *hi"his aboie euery nome, that at the Nanne of
O\W euery knee shouldbotu, of ::i:::!,&i'::. .,r those in the shamaYim, i**ir;Jli:. and of those on earth, and of those ijig:.:'' l tnd of those oJ },:iil*i,':t _.,,,.. under the earth, and euery tongue .'..;.. should confess thatOWMtr ;1-*1: ,- ":''::',:,1?. ha'Msshial.tis Master, to tlrc esteem of XalY the Father'" (Philippians z:q-tt)
"And- she shall giue birth to a Bdn, and you shall call IIis Nanne ottffit ior He shall saue His people from their sins'" (Matthew r:zr)
"And see, gou shall conceiue inyour womb, and shall giue birth to a Bdn, and co,ll His ]Vcme O\tW."
(Luke r:gr)
"I haue corne in Mg Father's Nanne andyou do not receiue Me, if another comes in his own name, him you tuould receiue."
(John 5:43)
"When I was uith them in the uorld, I utas guarding them in Your Nanne uhich You haue giuen Me.."
(John 17:rz)
"See, I am sending a Messenger before Aou to guard you in the tuay and to bring you into the place ushich I haue prepared. Be on guard before Him and obey His uoice. Do not rebel against Him,for He is not going to pardonAour transgression, for My No:rne is inllbn."
(Exodus zg:zo-zt)
"But these haue been uritten so that you belieue that OWnAt' is ha'Mashiall, the Bdn of q1X'tV, and that, belieuing, you might possess l.tai in IIis Nanne."
(John zo:3r)
"To this One all the nebi'imbear ruitness, that through IIis Nanne, euerllone belieuing in Him receiues forgiueness of sins."
(Acts ro:43)
"I haue uritten this to you who belieue in the Nanne of the Bdn of Xq4t , so that you knotu that you possess euerlctsting l.tai, and so that you belieue in the Nanne of the Bdn of ffiAL' ."
(r John S:13)
"But as manA as receiued Him, to them He gaue the authority to become children of Elohim, to those belieuing in .EIis Nttnte..."
(John r:rz)
"He tuho belieues in Him is notjudged, bnt he uho does not belieue --is judged already, because he has not belieued in the No:rne of tli only brought-forth Bdn offfiA4z'"
(John g:rB)
"And this is His command, that ute should belieue hr the Nrl:me of His Bdn O\fri\( ha'Mashial.t (ntd loue one another' as He gaue us corntnancl'"
(r John 3:23)
"I know your uorks, and where you duell, uthere the tlu'one ol Soto, is. And you holdfa!! to MA Nolne' and did not deng the belief in Me"'"
(Revelation z:13)
-- ;e"a t haue rnoLde Yout No/tne knotutt to them, and shcill tncike it knotan, so that the loue with uhich You loued Me might be in them, and I in them'"
(John 17:26)
"And these signs shall occompanA the ones uho belieue: In My Norme they shall cctst out dentons, they shall sp e ak tuith r eneuL e d t ong ue s "'"
(Mark 16:17)
"And the s eu enty r eturne d with j oy, s ay ing,' M a st er'.. euenthe demonZ are subject to us in Your Nanrte'' "
(Luke ro:17)
"AnduhateuerAoudoinuordordeed,doallintheNanneofthe Master AWa^i, giuing thcmks to ffiAt'the Father through Him."
(Matthew rB:zo)
"For tuhere tuo or three are gathered together inMy Nanne, there I amintheir midst'"
(Colossians 3:r7)
"giuing thanks alwaysfor all tu AnA4/ the Father, in the Nanne of our Master OWM*. ha'Mashial.t...', (Ephesians 5:zo)
"And uhateuer Aou o,sk bt My Nanne, that I shall do, in order that the Father might be esteemed in the Bdn. If you ask rr.ho:teuer in Mg Nanne, I shall do it.',
(John 14:13-
'You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whateuer you ask the Father in My Nanne He might giue yott."
(John rS:16)
"And in that day you shall ask Me none at all. Truly, truly, I say to Aou, whateuer you o,skthe Father inMy Nsrne He shallgiueyou."
(John r6:23)
"And you shall be hsted by allfor Mg Nanrte,s sake. But he ruho shall haue endured to the end shall be saued..,,
(Matthew rc:22)
"And eueryone uho has left houses or brothers or srsfers orfather or mother or wife or children or lands, for Mg -Atrame's sake, shallreceiue ahundredfold, and shall.inherit eu erlasting l.tai. "
(Matthew 19:29)
*Then theA shall deliuer Aou up to affliction andkillgou, and y ou shall b e htted. by all nationsfor Mg NoLrne,slolke.,'
(Matthew z4:9)
"And you shall be hsted"by all because of My Nanne. But he uho shqll haue endured to the end, he shail be saued.,' (Mark $:13)
"But before all this, they shall lag their hnnds on Aou and persecute Aou, deliuering Aou up to the congregations and prisons, and be brought before souereiqns andrulersfor My Nanne,s sake."
(Luke zr:rz)
"And gou shall be hated" by all becoLuse of My Nanne."
(Luke zr:17)
"But all this they shall do to Aou becantse of Ma Na:nte'
because they do not krtotu Him u;ho sent Me"' (John tS:zt)
"For I shall shot-u himhotts muchhe has to sufferfor Mg No:rne." (Acts 9:16)
After reading through all these scriptures, ask yourself if you will have a good reason for using any other 'name' or 'title' when you stand before the throne of judgement and He asks you why you didn't call upon His Name...
Who do we think we are, that we, the creation, would say to the Creator, "It doesn't matter."
Many other articles in this book are interesting topics to study, but when it comes to the Name above all names, the Scriptures are clear that "there is no other Name by which ue must be saued"!
As or3te{.9Tlie1an$ urtnessed thr:e f,]mes rn.the *:11, ,.,...,.,. . .:.::,.,
"And it shall be that eueryone usho calls on the NoLrne offfitr st allbe deliuered-. For on Mount Tsiyon and in ?erushalayim there shall be an escape as f\A4/ has said,
(Joel z:32)
This is a prophecy of the end times and will be your only means of help during 'the great tribulation'. You need to KNOW whom you are calling on for deliverance.
YAHWEH is the Name above all names'.. The only Name by which we must be saved, and the Name that will be uryitten on the foreheads ofthe chosen!
"And I looked and saw Q Lamb standing on Mount Tsiyon, anduith Him one hundred andforfu-four thousand, hauing IIis Father's -ltrame lruritten upon their foreheads -" (Revelation 14:r)
If you aknowledge Acts 4:tz that there is only ONE NAME by which we must be saved, then consider this:
It is undeniable that the Hebrew Name for the Messiah is Yahushua.
That's ONE Name...
If you still insist that 'Jesus' is the Name above all names. That's TWO names...
Then there's those, 5oo years ago who called on the name of 'Iesous'?
That's THREE names!
The simple Truth is that ANY names, other than the Name given by Yahweh through the heavenly messenger, is more than one name and is a LIE!
If a person told you his name, would you argue with him about it? Would you tell him, "No, I don't think so. I'll call you something else instead"? Of course not, that would be absurd! You have no right to do such a thing and you would certainly offend him if you did. ..,s
Yet when it comes to the personal Name of the Father in the heavens, many believe that they have the prerogative to decide what they will call the One they worship. They will go to great lengths to avoid using the revealed Name of the Heavenly Father - YAHWEH. The most creative mental gymnastics are performed in an effort to justify the continued use of common titles over the personal Name Yahweh, which Scripture says is a Name above every name.
In an effort to quiet their consciences, some will argue, "He has many names." Many will rationalize, "He knows who I mean no matter what I call Him," while others will postulate, "His 'name' just means His authority." Anyone looking into this important matter from the Scriptures, however, soon discovers that Yahweh Himself rejects all of these arguments, as well as other common assumptions about His Name.
Examining the Scriptures above, shows that the issue of Yahweh's Name is of paramount importance to Him - just as your name is important to you. He thunders:
"I am*tAt, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not giue to another, nor My praise to idols." (Isaiah +z:B)
yahweh is resolute about His Name. He is adamant that His people call on Him by the only Name that ensures salvation. The New Covenant Book of Acts tells us:
"And there is no deliuerance in anuone else,-for thete is no other Nanne under the shamaybrt cliucrt otttotlq nTen bv which ?;l:"i ::r'c s aved .''
He even wrote the Third Commaudment specifically to address the neglect of His Name:
"You clo noL bring lhe Name of A<af your Elohim to nauqht,for ffiA4r does not leaue him unpunished uho brings His Name to naught'" (DeuteronomY 5:rr)
1'he Hebrew behind that Contmandment says "bring to desolation and ruin,,, which is exactly what will happen if you substitute other names and titles for the one true Name. notto*irrg are the most familiar arguments given to justify the of substitutE titles like 'GoD' and 'LoRD' in place of the true Name Yahweh. We will examine each in light of Scripture to see whether they have any validity.
This is one of the most PoPular justifications given to avoid using the Name Yahweh. If He has many names then it is implied that no single name stands out as His one, sPecial, personal Name. Or in other words, He has many names, but no name. The problem with this argument is the failure to recognize that generic titles are not names. Tike 'Mr. Sam Jones,' for instance. 'Mister' is not the name of 'Sam Jones.' Mister is only a title for him. Sam Jones cannot sign a document with only the word 'Mister' and expect anyone to accept it as his authentic endorSement. One is a generic term that applies to any man, the other is his real name.
ThL same goes for the various descriptive titles for Yahweh that some ".rorr"orriy think are names, like Eloah (Mighty One), El Shaddai (the Almiglty) and Adon/Adonai (Master). Others are confused by
attributions that are sometimes used in connection with His Name, Iike Yahweh-Yireh (Yahweh provides), Yahweh-Tsidqenu (Yahweh our righteousness) and Yahrveh-Rapha (Yahweh is healer). Regardless of certain titles and attributions, He still has only one Name; Yahu,'eh. The Psalms confirms that He has but one Name:
"And let them knou that You, Whose Nanne is ffi\{, YotL alone are the Most High ouer oll the earth."
(Psalm 83:rB)
Nowhere in the pages of Scripture can we find a statement saying He has rlany names. IJut we can find rnany passages attesting to His one true Name.
You cannot find such a statement expressed or implied anywhere in Scripture! I{owhere are we given the right to rename our Heavenly Father. To bestow a name is the sole prerogative of a superior, as when a parent names his child and as when Adarn named the animals under his dominion. Since when does the one created have the right to address his Creator by any name he pleases?
To use this argument for the One who made us is the height of insolence and is utterly offensive to Yahweh. Notice His warning about such obstinacy:
"'I"f you da not hear, a nd if y ou do not take it to heart, to giue esteent to My Nctnte,' scidA\1{ oJ'hosts,'I shall send cr c:urse rrpola you, and I shall curse yorLr birekoth. And htdeed, I lutue cursed. thern, because AILL do not take it to heart.' "
(Malaciri z:z)
Yahweh's Narne is bound up in proper worship and in Psalm 68:4 He commancls His people to praise Him by His Name. The account of John reminds us:
"Elolint rs Runl3, qnd tlruse wlw worship Hirtr neecl to worship rn spirif crnd. truth."
(John +:z+)
To deliberately ignore the Truth of His Nan]e in fhvour of what pleases us, as His worshippers, is nothing less thun vain arrogance' A;;;;i"g of rebuke. We cannot reverse t5e fl.w of a,thorityyahweh our creator tells us how to worship L[in'r, not the otlrer way "r"""a. Even beyond this, His knowing "who ytttt urcan," urakes no diit"r.r"" to Him if you refuse to hou't' ancl c.stet:nr tlim as He clemands, which includes using the right Naurc. IIis Narne fepl'€rsents LIim ancl His'Iruths, somethiug no other nittntr tl<lcrs'
THEPRONUNCIATIONOFTHENAMI1HASttlih'NI'OST AND WE DON'T I(NOW HOW HIS NAMI] WAS SPOKEN e"uid". being false, this argument amotttrts [rl lr0 tnot'e tlrirn atr excuse. Should we, becartse of sr-rpposed uncertaintY, we should not everl try to pronounce i-Iis Name. The fact is, the Name is given to us in the llebrew, in the form of the Tetragrammaton (i'T'llln). Every ancient writer concludes the same phonetic Pronunciation in their respective language, vvhether Greek or Latin. it is not true that the pro,unciation of the Hebrew Name was lost- If it were, then the pronunciation of the entire Hebrew First covetrant was lost as well. it would also mean that in the process of the Hebrew to.rgr," passing from one generation to another, that at some point all J"#"t"aJ"nlf woke .,p uird forgot how to speak lhelr own language! if *" "un r"ud th" Original Covenant out loud in the Hebrew' then we can also reatl the Name i''llil. accurately in the same tlebrew. Today ;r"y;"; read Hebrew every sabbaih in their synagogues' They have no problem Pronouncing it.
Here is what the noted llncyclopedia ,Iudaica says about this issue: i;i; ;;,';;;;;;"";;;io" o7 ine. igme wi-wH *oi '.n"'" tost" seuerat enrly Griek writer.s of tie Christian Church tes_tifu that the n,me io{piorrunced'yahiaeh.' This is confirmed, at least for the uo.w-els ifrf" frrx uyllable of the name, by the shorter form Yah' uhich is iorriti*ut isetl in poetry (n-g-, i*' t5:z) and the *gahtL o' :U!4 ;;'";;;r;;t "i lniin"t t{ttnai* i,, uera mana Hebrew nann'es"'Yot' 7, p. 68o.
The Encycloprdia Britannica comments: ;Eiii i,rr':iir:ian rariters, such os Clement o! Alexandria in the znd *"t;a-, i;i is"a the fo'rm yahweh, _tltus this pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton wai neuer really lost. Greek transcriptittns clso
An interesting warning sign is that the Catholic Church has recently banned the use of the Name of Yahweh within it's institution.
Vowels do exist in Hebrew, as in all languages, or else it would be impossible to speak Hebrew. Vowels are spoken via the open mouth, while consonants are spoken by closure of the lips or by tongue contact on teeth or palate. Old Testament Hebrew is composed of words written in consonants with the vowels understood. Just as with our letter 'Y' there are some Hebrew letters that serve as both consonants and vowels. Amazingly, all four letters of Yahweh's Name are such consonant-vowels. This fact can be verified in most Hebrew grammars, including A Beginner's Handbook to Biblical Hebrew (Horowitz), p* 7 under "Vowel Letters"; The Berlitz Self.Teacher, p. 73 under "The Vanishing Dots"; Hebrew Primer and Grammar (Fagnani and Davidson) p. to, under "The Quiescents and Mappiq," and How the Hebrew Language Grew (Horowitz), p. zB.
First-century priest and historian Flavius Josephus writes about the sacred Name that was engraved on the headpiece of the high
It is true that to do or say something in someone's name, can mean by the authority of that person. But that is only a small part of the meaning of Yahweh's Name in His Word. Through the Hebrew verb of existence, 'hay{th', the Name Yahweh defines the very nature, character, and essence of Yahweh. His Name means to'cause to be'.
To claim that references to His name refer only to His authority is incongruous in many important passages. To drive home the point, we hive changed the word 'name' to 'authority' in the following verses. See whether each still makes proper sense:
qm S :3f*q$*rfffi gone ttp to the s ffieffiffiffiryrs r{s* Who has boundthe
Who has gathered the wind in Hk J "-'--' waters in i garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is Hk [authority], And what is the [authority] of His Bdn, If you know it?"
(Proverbs 3o:4)
'And let them know that You, Whose [authority] k AMtr, You alone are the Most High ouer all the earth."
(Psalm BS:r8)
"Sing to Elohim, sing praises to His fauthoritA]. Raise up a iiohway for Him Who rides through the deserts, ByHis [authorita] Yah,Andexultbefore Him-"
(Psalm 68:4)
"Hewho made Kimah and Kesil, andtuho turns the shadont of d.eath into morning and darkened dag into night, uho-is ialling for the waters of the sea andpours them out onthe face of the earth - ffi'l/ is His [authority]"
(Amos S:B)
Once we realise that Yahweh has a personal, life-giving, healing, Covenant Name through which we can find salvation alone, then to continue calling on a pagan, generic title in the hope to provide the same blessingithat His Name gives, is an affront to Him and His character.
One problem here is that these are not names, but common titles that can apply to any number of mighty ones or even less than mighty ones. Another problem with this statement is that 'God. is not English at all, but Germanic, from tfie word 'gotf'. A'lord' is someone subordinate to a king. 'Lord' derives from Old English 'hlafiteard' meaning 'Ioaf keeper,' a person who headed a feudal estate under a king. Yahweh is
Sovereign of the universe, and so to address Him with a diminutive title like 'Lord', is a dishonor.
'Lord' is also related etymologically to 'Bel', a pagan deity. As one soulce notes, ':li,,'tate',8abgtanicn,,r,rmes.|ths17i71s,,.9*1t; 'llordr''becttma,'s,gnongmous *i,iit1,tx,1rn*[, o .triie,rsftraiassfnrilated,to|hirnse{f ociiousaspects of other godsi'Babylon, try Joan Oates, p. r72.
The Companion Bible note on Isaiah 46:r says, i'Bel:','Ab,fusui;iation 1'af"Ba'al;Lard."rtsrenZeus'' at'"Jupite,r'of :the' Gr.eek and Rfrmafi.W thoLogg.,'|
Neither is the term 'god' free of heathen trappings. Paul urote that there are "gods many andlords many'- ,(t Cor 8:5 -KJV). One root of 'god' meai.s, '!to,',pqiur nt '1o 6r' prnlten',',:imaE6!,r($xford lEnglish Dictionary). No wonder idols are known as gods.
How can we justify using such terms when calling on the gnly true Father in Heaven, and His Son, Yahushua the Messiah? The language you speak has nothing to do with the Name of the one you worship, b""uo*" His Name doesn't change from language to language, (consider that there is no English form for the French name Napoleon, and neither is there a German or Russian version for the nnglish name Churchill. Specific names transcend language. They are transliterated, not translated).
Yahushua said that even an evil person won't give his son a stone ;:*:i when he cries out for bread (Matt. 7:9). Each one who seeks the truth of Yahweh, first does so with a certain lack of understanding (everyone has to start somewhere). If Yahweh let our ignorance get in the waY of rgnorance rn W{ oI fo r': our heart's desire to seek Him, ffi ,r: then we would soon become discouraged and give up our quest. After more truth is revealed to us, however, then we become accountable to make the proper changes in our lives toward True Worship.
*Truly, then, hauing ouerlooked these tbnes of ignotctnce, Elohimnou) commands allmen euerAulrcre to r'epent."
our true walk must start somewhere, and if caliing on Him through "o*tro, titles is all we know, then Yahweh will show compassion and tolerance.
But as He gives us more knowledge and Truth, He expects us to walk
::,:.'r:,.:rii ..r,:tri,t:l;, ':j:l'lr.i lall;,;.;i:, ':1'r rra !.,:r':' r':':rr- I
iithe Master-Wslk ss children of light'"
(Ephesians 5:B) r,i,!i,i,1i,ri,ii:,,r .,.,i.,.,:ir1r,..:1.
:.'.:,:,:.. t. ,r:rq:. ,,lqiiji Yahushua said:
"Not eueryone who soys to Me,'Master, Master"-shall enter intothe"reignoftheihamayim,buthetuhoisd,oingthe (Matthew 7:zr) ,
The truth of His Name has been revealed to you and it is now your responsibility to use that knowledge to begin to honour -!im bV ;;lfiG ; Hi, ,"r,"rI"d, personal Nape (See Psaim 34:3, 68:4 and i finis B:35). He remindi us repeatedly that His people are called by H;" 6 chronicles 7 :t4, Diniel 9 : 19 and Ephesians 3 14-15)' Hi; N;*" is central to True Worship. We cannot say we truly know Him and have a personal relationship, if we don't know and call on His Name!
Name and the Commands tb cal on His Name Yahweh, and continue i" "r" ift" pagan titles of Lord and God, then you are practising falsehood!
(Acts r7:3o) "t
"But outside are tlrc dogs and those rt;ho enchant uith drugs' ind those who uhore, and the murderers, and the idolaters' and alluho loue and dofalsehood"'
(Revelation zz:t1)
Some Messianic believers have a problem with the title 'El' or 'Elohim' used throughout the Scriptures.
This is based on the fact that 'El' was the given name of the chief deity of the ancient Canaanites. The Canaanites were the peoples who were settled in the area which was promised to Abraham and his descendants, which we now recognize as the area of Palestine and Israel.
It is historically evident and cannot be argued that this early civilization did in fact worship a deity called 'E1' (right-) and their pantheon of gods collectively known as 'elohim' (the plural form of El).
Before you go off on a tangent, it must be pointed out that the Canaanite civilization came AFTER the original Semite civilization - from the son of Noah - Shem (Shemites). Canaan was the son of his brother Ham who's genealory is recorded in Genesis ro.
Here's a quote from Wikipedia:
"The Canaanite languages or Hebraic languages are a subfamily of the Semitic languages, which were spoken by the ancient peoples of the Canaan region, including Canaanites, Israelites and Phoenicians."
It isn't too hard to figure out that Shem, the son of Noah, knew Yahweh Elohim, and as the generations forsook Yahweh and began to worship the creation, rather than the Creator, they used language that they were familiar with, to name their 'gods'.
This is testified by the fact that the Canaanites worshipped !,hg-lgg* gI the sea'by the name 'Yam' (the Hebrew word for 'sea' - $ffiffiffin:H{
ffffi) ,"a also the 'god of death' by the name 'Mot' (similar to the Hebrew word for'death' -
This practice of worshipping other 'gods' by Hebrew names can also be seen amongst other ancient civilizations, but we must remember which came FIRST. If a nation today decided to worship the 'god of apples' and called it's name'Apple'; does that make the word'apple' a pagan word?
A perfect example is that the Eg4ptians suddenly began worshipping the 'moon god Yah' around the rzth dynasty... Some quick historical checking uncovers that Joseph son of Jacob wasoraised to the position znd to Pharaoh at that time (Gen 4r:4o-46).It is evident that because Joseph worshipped Yahweh, the Egyptians simply
assimilated Yah' (below) into their pantheon of 'gods' and because Pharaoh was considered the 'sun god' manifested on earth; Joseph's 'Yah' must be second to the sun i.e. the moon.
'El ' is not a name, but a title in Hebrew (H+rS )X 0t) meaning 'Mighty one' and 'Elohim' is the plural form meaning both'Mighty one' and'Mighty ones''
Elohimis primarily used throughout Scripture as a title for both Yahweh and His Son, but is also used for other 'mighty ones' of other nations and even individuals (Exo z:r)
The proof that 'El' came BEFOBE the Canaanites is found in the Scriptures themselves, in the names of hundreds-of people and prophets bearing the prefix or suffix of 'El' e.g.
Elijah (Eliyihu - my El is Yahweh), EzekiEL Ge[ezq'61 - strength oi Et), DaniEL, (al my judge)
JoEL (Yo'61 - Yah is El) SamuEI- (Shemu'El - heard of EI) and on and on... Are all these the names of prophets
and priests ofpagan deities? Ofcourse not!
Looking right in ihe beginning we find that the fourth from Adam had the name 'Mel.ruya'El' (smitten of EI) and he in turn (Gen 4:rB) beeat 'Methusa'61' (man of nt). It is obvious that Yahweh was known u.;El' and 'Elohim' long before the Canaanite civilization came into being.
It's liard to imagine that Yahweh would allow His chosen people to name so many p"eople and places in His honour if indeed 'El' were a ;;g;" deity let alone call tliem a people after His title - Yisra'Er- (to overcome with El - Gen 3z:z8).
The same conclusion above, can be applied to the connection between Jove andYahweh. The Roman deity Jupiter (right*), worshipped by the Greeks as Zeus, was later known as'Joue'. Jove is ancient Latin, meaning 'Father God', and spelled IOVE (pronounced Yowe). It actually adds to the proof that the Name above all names is pronounced Yahweh. One can conclude that it was a Latin attempt at transliterating the Namq-of Yahweh. Do not be distracted by these 'revelations' as they come and go. Yahweh has recorded His Name in the Hebrew Scriptures for aII those who "study themselves approved..."
Your best option is to go back to the original. Learn Hebrew - the 'qodesh lashon'(holy tongue) and allow Yahweh to teach you through His Ruah ha'Qodesh.
of disobedience (sin) death became the consequence. The Scriptures state the obvious, that:
"AIl hsue sinned ancl[atl short of lhe esteem of Elohim."
(Romans 3:23)
'' '' ' il i:l ir' - :ii Sin is defined as 'Lawlessness' (r John 3:4 - breaking yahweh's Law) and even liars are listed amongst those who will not enter the renewed,heav;ns 1nd earth. The Scriptures allo inform us thatl
"The wages of sin is death, but the fauottrable oift of ntohim is euerlasting hai in Mashiah OW<A4r our Master.
This is where Yahushua steps in. Because we have all broken Yahweh's Laws and rejected Him through our disobedience and sin, Yahweh sent His Son, Yahushua the Messiah, to die in our place!
"But Elohim proues His own loue.for us, in lhaL uthile ue uereitill sinners, MoLshiifu diedfor us."
(Romans S:B)
Not only this, but He proved who He said He was by rising from death! This means that all we have to do for the first step is accept Yahweh's free offer of salvation through Yahushua Messiah.
" lf y o u coryfess uith y our rnouth I h e M a st e r OWnAq' and belieue in gour heqrt thatAMt'has raised Him , from the dead, you shall be seued."
(Romans ro:9)
Talk to Yahweh as you would any other person and confess everl,thing you know you have done that is wrong. There is nothing too evil that Yahweh cannot fbrgive.
"If u.te confess our sitts, He is trusttuorthu and riglteous to .fo r g iu e us the sins a nd cle o,nse us fr orn all urtriq hteous ness. " t John t:9)
Accept that Yahushua is the Son of Yahweh and believe that He died in yo,.r place and rose from the dead so you can be free from the punishment that you deserve.
"but thei'e hane been written so that you belieue that Ottlt1l.4/ isha'Moishio.l!, the Bdnofffi, andthat. belieuing, you might possess fuoi in IIis No:rne."
(John zo:3r)
Turn away from everything you know is bad. This is as though you are restarting your life - 'spiritually reborn':
-OWnAtr ansuered and said to him,'Truly, truly,I say to Aou, unless one is bot'n.frorn aboue, he is unable to see the reign of Elohim.' "
(John 3:3)
Yahweh promises to forget all the evils you have ever done, you are a 'new you' and He will write His Law on your heart! One of the outward signs of this inward change, is the act of immersion (baptism) in water in the Name of Yahweh and Yahushua, as commanded in Scripture and exemplified by Yahushua. It is perfectly acceptable to immerse yourself in His Name if you have no one available to assist.
"And Kdpha said to them, 'Repent, and let each one of you be bnrnersed" in the Name of OWMI' ha'Mashiah for the forgiueness of sins. And you shall receiue the gift of the Rual.t ha'Qodesh.' "
(Acts z:gB)
An important step in living a life obedient to Yahweh, is to tell others that you are a follower of Yahushua. This solidifies your commitment to Yahweh and also gives others the chance to hear this good news.
"And He said to them,'Go into all the tuorld and proclabn the Good Neurs ro euery creattlre.' "
(Mark 16:15)
The Scriptures are our only source of Truth. By reading them, you will find out how to please Yahweh.
"All Scripture is breathed by Elohim and profitable,for teaching,ior reproof for stttightening for instruction in rigitiorsr"ss, that the man qf Ekthitn ntiglht be fitted, equiPPedfot' euerA g ood roork'"
(z TlmothY 3it6-17)
; I
You will find out how yott got here' what you arc [o do here, and what is going to happen in the end.
Many people may say that once you're saved you can live likc you want. This is NOT what the.Scriptures say.
"The one uho says, "I know Him." and drtes nol guard His Commands, is a liar, Qnd the truth is not in hitn'" (r John z:4)
Our love for Yahweh is expressed through our obedience and others should recognise your beliefby your actions' The signs of having His Law written on our heart, is our obedience to, and love ior His Torah'
"Do yott not know that those who run in a race indeed all run, but oni receiues the prize? Ruttitr such autaA ss to obtainit"' (r Corinthians 9:24)
Try to find others who believe the Scriptures, call on the Creator by His Name YAHWEH, and practice what theY Preach! Don't go looking for a big fancY Church. Meeting in a home with one or two others is PerfectlY acceptable to Yahweh. Yahushua said:
"For tuhere ttop or three are gathered together in Mg Nollr e, there I am in their midst."
(Matthew rB:zo)
The Scripture quotes hout this book have been
TIALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES. The Name of the Father and Son have been restored in paleo Hebrew and other names and places have been transliterated to give an accurate pronunciation in the Hebrew language. The following table gives the vocal sounds necessary for correct pronunciation.
a - iihasinflrm b- Gh)vasinvet
e - eh as in elm d - (dh) th as in them
i - eeasinEel E - ey as in eight
o - oh as in on E - (Sh) The'g'is pronounced as u - oo as in iino a soft aspirated g sound.
h - (ch) k - Gh) The'fr'and'k'are pronounced as the'ch'in the German composer Bach, or the Scottish Loch, like a guttural, aspirated h sound.
The Torah commands not to speak the names of false mighty ones (Exo 2SitS, Jos z3:7, Psa 16:4), and in an effort to reduce the number of English words derived from pagan deities or pagan titles, especially when pertaining to Yahweh, His Son and His people, the Halleluyah Scriptures contains a number of Hebrew words, also reflecting the Hebrew origin of Scripture. As these terms will be foreign to many, a GLOSSARY is included to familiarise the user with these new words.
HALLELTIYAH SCRIPTURES is a restored Name translation that is given FREE to those in need and is ? available from:
www.halleluyahscriptures. com
HalleluYah scriptures is the closest literal translation to the original Hebrew and is the only restored Name version that has been done in accordance with Scripture, having no added footnotes or doctrines, the Name of AnA( and His Son restored in paleo Hebrew, and supported by those who can afford to give freely to those who cannot afford, in obedience to Scripture which Commands to give to the poor among you and not to sell the Word for profit:
"If he has lent oninterest or to'keninareo'se - shallhe liue? ,,: He shallnotliue!If hehas done ong of these o,bornino:tiotts, he shall certainly die, his blood is upon him."
(Ezekiel lS:$)
.*d3,1 -PP''S" ,'.,' :{ i
The word to take note of in this Scripture is 'take increqse". The definition underlying the Hebrew word 'forbirh' is: perCon'ta,ge ,or':bortis in gddition to principal.
So those who add an additional cost on top of the outlay for printing Yahweh's Word for His people, are in conflict with His Word! The verse above is echoed from the Torah, which commands:
" "- '. " " '' j '+ "j :":"" .q'-. ' ' !"
"And ushen your brother becomes poor, and his hand hosfaited . withyou, then you shall sustofn him, andhe shall liue usithyou, like a stranger or a sojourner. Take no interestftom him, or profit, bltyoushail revere your Elohim, ondAour brother i , shall liue with you. Do not lend him your siluer on interest, '" and do not lend him your foodfor profit."
(Leviticus "b:35:$7)
. j,...' ,i*s.:;. ,. ,"."';:r:;."". .J5:I;Y.y-i : """" - j-,i,j, ** ' ,.,..i'
On top of all the Scriptures that speak of Yahweh gMng freely, (freely you have received, freely give - Matt ro:B) this word from Paul, when translated correctly, also admonishes against peddling the Word: s;,.-...'1q ..'*%...r "rs..q\ss ""'q ,d;*: " *,:i*. "For u)e are not, as so man1, tnerchandising the Word , of AMf - but as of sincerity,but asfrom Elohim, i' in the sight of Elohim,_we speak in Mashiaf;"." i; (z Corinthians 2:L7) i
. ;-,..' %.x -, "'i$tt'-'; "d; "-:.' x' s .E{-. '.*."' " To support a ministry that gives the Word of Yahweh freely, then please go to the website and watch the videos, read the details and consider donating. There truly is nothing more important!
After reading through this book and closely examining the Word in regard to the Name above all names, the Sabbaths and Torah, and still feel that all this lawkeeping is a burden, that YOUR way of worship is more appealing, and that Yahweh would not want us to work so hard to guard His Commands and strive for righteousness, then there are no words that can be added to His Word to convince you of Truth... Just consider the analogies given in Scripture of an athlete running a race and a t' soldier in an army. Oll,rnpic athletes and elite soldiers in this world commit to rigourous training regimes, strict diets and extreme discipline to achieve a mere trinket to pin on their chest! How much more important is it to serve Yahweh, to be called a child of Elohim and receive an eternal reward? Do you not see that emersing yourself in this world and all it's temporal pleasures, while giving Him a few hours a week of dutiful acknowledgment when He gave His all, is a slap in the face? Please examine the Word in light of the information supplied in this book and "Thus so:id.ffi( of hosts, 'Consid"er gour w<rys!' "
(Haggai t:7)
"Take up the complete armour of Elohim, so that you haue power to t-uithstand in the uicked day, and hauing done all, to stand. Stand, then, hauing girded your uaist tuith tntth, and hauing put on the breastplate of righteousness, and hauing fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good" lVerus of peace; aboue all, hauing taken up the shield of belief uith uhich uou shall haue pouer to quench all the burning art"otDs of the uicked one. Take also the helmet of d.eliuerantce, and the rusord of the Rual.t, uhich is the Word of AnA,4/.'
(Ephesians 4:tg-r7)
This book has attempted to examine a wide range of vain traditions that have polluted the Truth of Scripture, but by no means covers every issue and to reach a wider audience have only gone to a certain level. All of the information contained within this book is easily verifiable primarily from Scripture and historically through many sources. It is therefore advised that you do your own study on these matters and if anything in your traditional belief contradicts
All praise and esteem goes to Yahweh and His Son Yahushua, for leading each of us out of Babylon and into Hb Light. This book is a compilation of information collected from a variety of sources and all those who contributed give thanks to Him! . ",lt .* e'egU' , I;
To order fufther copies or donate, please write to:
P.O. BOX Sa2B, HatoArriba Station San Sebastifn, PR oo685
To support this book and donate, please visit:
\!,r,!,\ /. 2besaved. com
wrvw. shemayisrael. net
Aleph g6t
$amef, Ayin
Iau N J 1 n 1 tl t q 4 q \ q 6 q ) J \ * O I Y I q x
JJsed with permission from Halleluyah Scriptu-es. Halleluyah Scriptures has no affiliation with Vain Traditions NAME
Ah,Eh,Ee,Oh,Ooh (Variable)
B as in Eay or g as in Yase
G as in Grey or Q (Soft G)
D as in pay or p as in They
H as in Hay
Ooh as in TaO or 0h as in Obey
Z as in Zap
tl as in Log[ ar Bag!
T as in Tame
Y as in fay
K as in Kay or I as in Bacll
T a* in lame or Th a$ m h l,l lty / , n
L as in Lay
M as in flay
N as in Nay
S as in Say
Ah,Eh,Ee,Oh,Ooh (\lariable)
P as in Pay or PH as in phase
TS as in ltS
Q as in Quay
R as in Ray
SH as in Shame or S as in Same
AMU'- Yahweh
oWMf -Yahushua
AmEn * Amen*
Assembly - Church"
Ba'al* - Lord* barak - bless"/blesses/blessed baruk - blessed berakah * blessing birekoth - blessings belief * faith"
BEn * Son
ftTntonim - Almighqz (God*) esteem - glory*
favour - grace* Hai - Life"
Hallel-Yah - praise Yah Hdykal - Temple"
Ilri/Ilrim - Hebrew/Hebrews
KEpha - Peter kohen/kohenim - priest*-/priests
kohen ha'gadol - high priest
Mashial.r - Messiah (Christ") ha'Mashiah - the Messiah Master - Lord"
Matstsoth - Unleavened Bread messenger - angel" Mishkan - Tabernacle
Mitsrayim - Egypt
nabi - prophet" neli'im - prophets"
nala - prophesy"/prophesying nalu - prophesied" i nebuah - prophecy"
neluoth - plophecies*-
Pesah - Pnssover
qodesh - holr*'
qodeshah - holiness'*
qodeshim - sainls' qadosh * sanctify"/sar rctilied
Qadosh One - Holy''' Onc
Ruah ha'Qoclesh - Holy' Spirit Rua[r - Spirit
Shabbath - Sabbath
Shabbathoth - Sabbaths
Shabuoth - Pentecost
shamayim - heaven/s"
Sha'ul * Paul
Scriptures - Bibleu
Sukkoth - Tabernacles
talmid/talmidim - disciple/s
tehillah - psalm
Torah/Torot - Teaching/s, Laws
Ya'aqo! - Jacob
Yahudah - Judah
Yahu{i/Yahudim - Jew/Jews
Yawanite - Greek
Yom ha'Kippurim - Day of Atonements
Yom Teruah - Day of Trumpets
*of pagan origin. Used with permission from Halleluyah Scriptures