Terms of reference post full council

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Community Governance Review for the Braintree District Council administrative area Terms of Reference 1.




Braintree District Council is carrying out a Whole District Community Governance Review in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 3 of The Local Government and Public Involvement Act 2007. The Council is required to have regard for the Guidance on Community Governance Reviews issued by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. This guidance has been considered in drawing up these terms of reference.


Reason for Review


The structure of governance across the District was established in 1974 and comprehensively reviewed in 1983. Since then there have been some isolated reviews to address specific issues and new community developments. There has not been any community driven demand for a review and as such the Council has maintained an overview of District governance.


The Local plan when adopted will however signal a significant period of development across the District and a full review is now considered appropriate to facilitate a system of Governance which can provide a sustainable base for the future.




A review of Community Governance is a process used to consider whether the existing Town and Parish structure can be sustained or whether these should be amended. Following consultation, there are a number of options open to the Council and these include: i. No change to the existing arrangements ii. That the number of Parish Councillors be increased or decreased for a specific Parish iii. That the existing Town/Parish Council be abolished iv. That the Town/Parish boundaries be changed v. That warding arrangements be reviewed, abolished or introduced vi. To change the names of Parishes or Parish wards.




The Council are keen to create an environment of openness and transparency and to this end has established a cross party review group. The group will report to Council with all decisions taken being clearly documented, published and communicated so that stakeholders remain informed.

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