Do you want to shape the future of the Salings? The Government is giving more power to the local community to have a say in what is built where, and to ensure that any development meets the needs of current and future generations. For the first time, local people can create a plan that allows the community to develop planning policies that reflect the priorities of their area and real legal weight within the BDC planning framework. You have the local knowledge about what kind of facilities are needed in our area and are best placed to decide this. ü Do you want to be somebody who has a say over where new homes, shops and offices are built? ü And how they look? ü Or protect your favourite local spaces? ü Or ensure there are enough new homes for young families? Neighbourhood planning is a vital part of the process to help local communities play a much stronger role in the shaping of their area. Please do not lose your chance to take part in making the plan for the Salings. The survey is just the beginning of the process, to gather your views. There will be many other opportunities in the months to come to voice your opinions. But in the first instance we ask you to complete and return the survey we have delivered to you. To really help us in this process it would be helpful if you could visit The Salings Neighbourhood Plan Website:- and follow the instructions to easily complete the appropriate survey on-line. Business or Resident But, if you wish to fill in the paper copy then please return it by posting it through the provided post receiver at The Salings Millennium Hall, Piccotts Lane, Gt Saling. Either way, make sure you fill in the survey – You are involved and you will be asked to vote – so join in!
Very importantly the deadline for completing the survey is :Monday the 1st of May 2017. Visit our stall at The Salings Fun Day Event at The Millennium Hall for more information and to chat.
Salings Neighbourhood Plan Residents Survey “YOUNG OR OLD - IT’S YOUR PARISH, HAVE YOUR SAY!”
Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you think The Neighbourhood Plan is all about the community and ensuring that you have a say in the shaping of the future of The Salings. Responses from individual households/businesses (whether online or on paper) will be treated on a confidential basis, and will be used to help draw up the draft Neighbourhood Plan, which will then be submitted to a referendum. A map showing the area covered by the Neighbourhood Plan is included and is also available on our website – http://www.thesalings- which also provides further information about the Salings Neighbourhood Planning Process. Filling in the Survey and returning:You can fill in the hard copy and return either by scanning and emailing and returning to the address below Or you can fill in the survey by going to this link and choosing Either the Business or Resident Survey or both Scan and email your responses back to Or post back through the post box at : The Salings Millennium Hall,Piccotts Lane,Gt Saling,CM7 5DW. Fill in the survey on line at
The Designated Boundary Map of The Salings(Gt Saling, Bardfield Saling, Blake End inclusive)
Š Crown copyright and database right. O/S Licence No. LA 100018490. 2016. Braintree District Council
1: Who is in your household? We want to understand who is in your household and your household's views on living in the Salings 1. Please tell us about the ages of the people in your household How many children under the age of 5?
How many children between 5 and 11?
How many teenagers between 11 and 18?
How many adults (over 18 but under 65)
How many adults (over 65)
2: What are the households views on the Salings? 2. Please tell us what you most value about living in the Salings
3. Please let us what you most dislike about living in the Salings 1)
4. Thinking of the future of the Salings - how would you like to see it evolve over the next 15 years?
No change - the Salings should stay much as they are
Limited expansion - change the village envelope to provide more housing and employment
Major change - the Salings should be fully integrated with the proposed West of Braintree New Garden Settlement
Please comment further if you wish
5. Which words or phrases would you like to be able to use to describe the Salings in 15 years' time? Please choose and underline up to 5 •
Attractive, well presented
Village feel Safe and Friendly
Community focused, sociable
Thriving, prosperous
Providing easy access to open countryside
Conserving natural habitats
Clean & tidy
With good transport links
Please add other words or phrases that you think are important and are not included in this list
3. Housing needs This part of the survey asks for your views on housing needs. 6. Do you think there is enough housing currently available in the Salings to meet our needs? Please underline •
Need a lot more to meet the Salings' needs
Need a few more to meet the Salings' needs
Current housing provision is about right for our needs
Too much housing already
Please comment further if you wish
7. If it is decided that additional housing should be provided in the Salings - either to meet our needs or the needs of the wider area please rate the importance of the difference types of housing provision listed below: Not at all important
Social/'Affordable' housing (for eligible households whose needs are not met by the market, provided through housing associations etc)
Private housing
Specialised housing for the elderly
Other (please specify) :-
Fairly important
Very important
8. Where do you think such provision should be made? Please underline •
Within the current village envelope?
To the north of the current village envelope?
To the south of the current village envelope ?
Wherever suitable land is available ?
Other (please specify)
9. Thinking now about the proposed West of Braintree New Garden Settlement, part of which may lie within our Neighbourhood Plan area, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly agree There should be substantial 'buffer strips' between this proposed development and the Salings to preserve our heritage and wildlife
The Salings should be protected from the additional traffic the proposed development would generate
Strongly disagree
10. Bearing in mind that the Neighbourhood Plan has to be in conformity with the strategic policies in Braintree District Council's Local Plan, are there any comments you wish to make about the proposed West of Braintree New Garden Settlement?
4. Land for business development 11. Do you think the Neighbourhood Plan should designate more land for business development within the Salings?
12. If you answered 'yes', what kind of business would you like to see develop?
13. Where do you think these businesses should be located?
5. The Salings Environment and Heritage This section of the survey asks for your views on our environment and heritage 14. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly agree The historic environment of the Salings (its churches, listed buildings and conservation areas) is very important The historic environment of the Salings should be as protected as possible
The natural environment of the Salings (open views, footpaths and bridleways) is very important
The natural environment of the Salings should be as protected as possible
The wildlife of the Salings is very important
The wildlife of the Salings should be as protected as possible
The woodlands of the Salings (Boxted Wood, etc) are very important The woodlands of the Salings should be as protected as possible
Strongly disagree
15. Please tell us how important it is to protect specific views within the Salings (from footpaths or roads - not from private property) We have listed some below, but you may wish to add others: Very Important
Not important
View west from The Chase (by side of St James Church) towards Andrewsfield Views of open fields driving south from Salings towards Palm Trees/B1256 View from the Stebbing Road across the fields towards Boxted Wood and the Airfield View to the south west across open fields from church in Bardfield Saling
Other (please specify)
16. Are there any other comments you wish to make about the protection and enhancement of our environment and heritage?
6. Transport issues - Part 1 We would like to know what issues residents face in taking children/young adults to school or going to work. 17. Please tell us how many cars there are in your household:
18. If people are working full or part time, is this mainly: (underline all that apply) •
At home?
In the Salings or the local area (within 5 miles)?
In a local town or airport (Chelmsford, Colchester, Stansted Airport)?
Further away (London, Cambridge)?
Other (please specify)
19. For travelling to work, or taking children and young adults to school or college, do you normally: • • • • •
Walk? Cycle? Use public transport? Use your own car? Other (please specify)
20. Are there issues of safety on the roads and footpaths that prevent you making more use of walking or cycling?
7. Transport issues - Part 2 Please tell us more about your transport issues, and about your views on footpaths and Quiet Lanes 21. If you answered 'yes' to the last question, what are the issues that concern you?(pick all that apply) Too much heavy traffic (lorries etc) on local roads Traffic goes too fast Lack of lighting Footpaths inadequate - blocked, too dirty, etc Other (please specify)
22. Please expand your answer to the last question by telling us where the issues you have ticked occur
Issue 1 occurs
Issue 2 occurs
Issue 3 occurs
23. Do you think that any of the roads and lanes in the Salings should be designated as 'Quiet Lanes' If so, which ones?(Quiet Lanes are minor rural roads,which have been designated by local highway authorities to pay special attention to the needs of walkers, cyclists, horse riders and other vulnerable road users, and to offer protection from speeding traffic. Woolpits Road is already a Quiet Lane.) YES
If you answered 'yes', which road or lane do you want to become a 'Quiet Lane'?
24. Do you think more footpaths should be created in the Salings? If so, where YES
25. If you think there should be more footpaths, where should these be? 1)
8. Facilities in the Salings Bearing in mind our small size, we are fortunate to have so many facilities available. This section asks how often we use them and which other facilities might be encouraged. Very Highly
Don’t Value At All
The Millennium Hall
The playing field The play area (with swings etc) Our local churches Mobile library Blake End Craft Centre Timbers Restaurant Gallery in the Garden Oak Service Station Palm Trees Restaurant Andrewsfield
27. Are there other facilities, suitable for a community of our size, that you believe are currently missing? - If so, please specify
9. Other issues The Neighbourhood Plan is designed primarily to help the Parish Council and Braintree District Council assess planning applications. But there may be other issues about life in the Salings you wish to comment on. Please do so here.
28. Are there other issues about life in the Salings that you would like to draw to our attention - for example, broadband provision, strength of mobile phone signal, vandalism? Please list up to three
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
10. And finally.............
29. Please tell us where you are in the Salings: •
Great Saling
Little (Bardfield) Saling
Blake End
30. Completed questionnaires will be entered in our prize draw! The winner will receive a £25 Marks & Spencers Voucher. To participate, please enter either your email address or a telephone number.
Email Address:-
Phone Number:-
We would like to thank you for participating in this survey