Upfront: neighbourhood planning news september:october 2017

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Sept/Oct 2017



Welcome to the latest edi4on of UpFront, designed to

My Community Champions Map

keep you informed about all ma>ers connected to neighbourhood planning.

September brought the very posi4ve news that over 400 neighbourhood plans have now been successful at referendum as well as confirma4on from Housing and Planning Minister Alok Sharma of a support package worth £22.8 million for communi4es wishing to develop a neighbourhood plan. With the neighbourhood planning movement con4nuing apace, this edi4on includes guidance for groups at the early stages of the plan process with top 4ps on on establishing a neighbourhood planning advisory commi>ee in a parished area, as well advice on how to monitor neighbourhood plan implementa4on for those groups who have already received a 'yes' at referendum. This issue also contains an update on the My Community Champions Network with news of the launch of a Champions map as well as a profile of Neighbourhood Planning Champion Faye LeBon. As usual, this edi4on also contains the latest neighbourhood planning news, legisla4on and resources.

Policy and legisla4on update The Government has published their latest consulta4on proposing changes to the planning system, planning for the right homes in the right places. As well as a new methodology for calcula4ng councils’ housing needs, which will direct more housing in areas where earnings are four 4mes higher than the na4onal average, the consulta4on also seeks views as to whether a council’s Local Plan should also set out bespoke housing need figures for designated neighbourhood plan areas. In circumstances where a council’s plan is out of date, it proposes that neighbourhood plans use a simple formulabased approach based on the new proposed na4onal methodology. Why is this being proposed? To save uncertainty and costs that can befall some neighbourhood groups in providing evidence as a basis for calcula4on. We think this will be welcomed by neighbourhood planning groups. It is important to note that the methodology will provide a base line for neighbourhood plans to work from. Once the baseline has been agreed, the next step will be to iden4fy what constraints and opportuni4es there are to meet, or even exceed that number. The consulta4on paper stresses that neighbourhood plans will not be required to meet

The new Champions map is now live of the My Community website. The map includes details of My Community Champions based across England, all of whom have a wealth of knowledge and experience in making their communi4es be>er, be this through neighbourhood planning, assets, service transforma4on, community economic development or community-led housing projects. Champions have iden4fied their key specialisms and these appear when a person clicks on a pin. For more informa4on about the My Community Champions Network, or if you a current Champion and would like to be added to the map, please email champions@locality.org.uk.

Neighbourhood Planning Champion profile: Faye Lebon Neighbourhood Plan or local authority area: Neighbourhood Plan area is the parish of Swanton Morley. Role in neighbourhood planning: I am Parish Clerk to Swanton Morley Parish Council. Swanton Morley is a village of approximately 2,500 people and has been designated by the Local Planning Authority as a Local Service Centre and therefore has an important balance to keep between providing a good level of services for local people but keeping a tradi4onal village feel. As Clerk to the Council I am responsible for ensuring that all Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group mee4ngs are correctly convened, minuted, are open and transparent to the public, and that members have the correct informa4on to help them make decisions. I also act as a liaison between the Parish Council and our neighbourhood plan consultant, to ensure our consultant understands exactly what our village wants to achieve from the neighbourhood plan and to help members of our community understand just how important neighbourhood planning is. What stage is your neighbourhood plan at? We are currently finalising our policies and hope to commence our pre-submission consulta4on in January. Why did you get involved as a Neighbourhood Planning Champion? I am currently studying for my founda4on degree in Community Governance, through the Society of Local Council Clerks, and have chosen to specialise in aspects such as sustainable communi4es and community engagement. These subjects are both essen4al to

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