Preserve Magazine - 2011

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s a n t a

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preserve P re m ie r Is s u e 2011

summer issue 2011



Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

Welcome from Ton y Daws o n


elcome to our premier edition of The Preserve Lifestyle magazine. We would like to share with

you many of the unique qualities and wonderful aspects of this place we call home! I’m often asked what makes the Santa Lucia Preserve so special. There are the tangibles, of course; the extraordinary natural beauty of the land. The Conservancy, an independent conservation trust, established to manage and protect the lands in perpetuity. Our rich and diverse amenities, including over 100 miles of hiking, biking and horseback riding trails woven through the hills and valleys. And our wildlife; everything from bobcats and boar to wild turkeys and red tails hawks, even an occasional golden eagle.

Yet for me, it’s the intangibles that set The Preserve apart from all other

communities. It begins with the people in our community, the multi-generational families that love to spend time here. Spring and summer are an exciting time because it’s our most active season. From now through Labor Day, both The Ranch Club and The Preserve Golf Club transform into a playground. Water slides, archery, s’mores on the beach at Moore’s Lake, camping adventures under the stars; we have it all at this time of year. Members and their families are limited only by their imagination and how much time they can spend connecting with one another and having fun.

The friendships formed here are unique. Several members have told me that the

number of friends they’ve made in our community, over a short period of time, far exceed the number of acquaintances they have made over the course of their careers. Many of these friendships extend well beyond The Preserve. There are ski trips to the Rockies, overseas golf trips, and it all happens organically.

I’d also like to call special attention to our staff. It’s quite unusual for the members

of a community like ours to embrace and care for the staff like their own family, yet here they do. The members truly want to rub shoulders with the people who serve the owners and members of The Preserve, get to know them and truly care about their families and their future. It’s one more intangible that makes this 18th-century California ranch a very special place.

Tony R. Dawson

Chief Executive Officer

Santa Lucia Preserve Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

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t h e

s a n t a

l u c i a

preserve P ub l ish e r & C re at ive D ire c to r Zack Bates

C o n t r ibu t in g E d ito r Brian McCallen

Sta f f C o n t r ibu to r s Tony Dawson, CEO Ron Haas, Ranch Club General Manager John Pietro, Director of Golf Cory Isom, Golf Course Superintendant Valerie Hill, Communications Manager Kris McAulay, Preserve Land Company

Photo g r a ph y C o n t r ibu t io n s Joann Dost, David Wescott, Christine Bush

C usto m P u b l ish in g & D e sig n 180 Newport Center Drive, Suite 151 Newport Beach, California 92660

M ag a z in e M e d ia K it I n qu ir ie s 949.644.5616

Club M emb ers hi p In qu ir ie s

C o m m u n it y R e a l E stat e Sale s

Preserve Golf Club & Ranch Club

Preserve Land Company



Santa Lucia Preserve, its owners and partners are not liable for claims made by any advertisers or any inaccuracies or intentional copyright infringements. Š Private Club Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved.



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The world looks different from the vineyards. Monterey County’s “Best Restaurant,” featuring artisanal favorites for everyday gourmets. Chef Cal Stamenov has been inspiring Peninsula tastes for over 12 years. 415 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley • Complimentary Valet Parking Dinner 6-9pm, Wednesday–Sunday • 831-658-3595

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Featured Lucia Preserve 08 STheanta Living Legacy Ex perience 14 TAheTomGolf Fazio course honoring nature Golf Club Traditions 20 Traditions of the past mark

today’s milestones

A Modest Manifesto 22 Building environmentally

sensitive homes

Legacy 30 A family retreat for generations S ummer at the Ranch 34 A 1920’s ranch in the heart of

the community

Summer Camp 44 Camps run throughout

the summer

Club Activities 46 Upcoming club events

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Sa n ta Lucia P reserve: The Living Legacy The Santa Lucia Preserve™ is the largest private land holding in Monterey County. It

encompasses 20,000 acres, or approximately 31 square miles of land. The Preserve is about one-and-a-half times the size of the island of Manhattan, which is home to 1.5

million people, and is roughly equal to the size of the entire Carmel Valley, which has about 6,000 homes. The Preserve will be home to 300 families.

These numbers and comparisons are important as a way to show how rare

it is to be surrounded with large stretches of uninhabited land in its natural state. Emotional peace, physical security and natural beauty are, for many, the foundation of

an ideal quality of life. The very nature of this sanctuary is the timeless, irreplaceable

legacy that everyone associated with the Santa Lucia Preserve is dedicated to nurturing and protecting.



Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

The Hispanic Period The




Viscaino, sailed into Monterey Bay in

1602, thus becoming the first European to have contact with the Native

American community of the Rumsen. These indigenous people had lived in the

Carmel Valley region for thousands of years utilizing the varied plant and animal life for their substance. Archaeologists

have identified several sites associated with the Rumsen on the lands of Santa Lucia Preserve.

With the founding of Mission

San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo and

the Presidio of Monterey in 1770, a Spanish presence was finally established in the area. In addition to its program

of converting the Indians, the Mission

also controlled the adjoining lands.

Mexican independence in 1821 and

Ignacia conveyed her interest to her

1834 opened the former mission lands

time the land was patented in 1862 to

the secularization of the missions in

to settlement. Large tracts of land were

granted to Mexican citizens, as well as certain Indians, by the government as a reward for service.

The 20,000 acres that comprise

The Santa Lucia Preserve were originally part of two Mexican land grants. The

first, El Potrero de San Carlos (Pastures of Saint Charles), was given by Governor Juan Alvarado in 1837 to Fructuoso Del Real, a Mission Indian. He cultivated a

portion of the land, kept about seventy horses and five or six hundred head of cattle. Fructuoso built an adobe house

where he lived with his wife, Ignancia and three daughters.

Some years after her husband’s death,

son-in-law, Joaquin Gutierrez. By the Gutierrez, the 4,307 acres had already been sold to a group of Americans. This

was a common occurrence in the history

of California land ownership. Because of the long, protracted and expensive

process of establishing claim to the land, the original owners were often forced to

sell property before legal title had even been established at prices well below its worth (Robinson 1948).





Francisquito (little St. Francis), was

made to Dona Catalina Manzanellide

Munras, wife of Esteban Munras, in 1835. Munras arrived in Monterey in

1830 and served as alcalde in 1837 and occupied the land with his wife. Munras Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

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had about six hundred head of cattle,

application to study.” Young Bradley took up the practice of law and was elected

and barley. The land changed hands

The restorative powers of the ranch were also at work in the case of a famous

one hundred horses and raised wheat several times between 1842 and 1853

and, when finally patented in 1862 to Jose Abrego, the grant consisted of 8,814 acres (U.S. Land Commission 1852-

1892B). Although there are no standing

structures associated with this time, archaeologists have located remains of

adobes that appear to be from the period. The Sargents

James Sargent, one of four brothers who came to California from New England during the gold rush, purchased Rancho el Potrero de San Carlos in 1857 from

the Americans who had acquired it from Gutierrez. He eventually acquired the adjoining land, which included Rancho

San Francisquito. While the brothers had

originally tried their hands at mining, like many emigrants, they discovered that there was more money to be had in land speculations and cattle ranching than in panning for gold. The four settled

first in San Joaquin County, formed a

stock business and acquired over 30,000

acres. Soon they owned an additional 12,000 acres in Santa Clara County and

nearly 35,000 acres in Monterey County. Bradley Sargent, with his wife Julia Flynn of Boston, made their home at

the ranch and produced four children. Sargent showed an early interest in

Monterey County politics and served on the Board of Supervisors from 1862 to 1865. He was then elected to the State

Senate representing San Benito and Monterey Counties. According to one

historical account, his son, Bradley, Jr. returned to the ranch after receiving a law degree at Yale in order to recover his

health, which was lost through “severe



Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

District Attorney of Monterey County in 1890 (Guin 1903).

visitor to the area in 1879. Author Robert Louis Stevenson found himself on the

San Francisquito, having come on what his family considered a fool’s errand. He

had fallen in love with Frances Osborne, who was not only ten years his senior, but was married and the mother of two children. He borrowed money to journey from his home in Scotland to meet her in Monterey. Once there, Stevenson found that Frances was unwilling to discuss divorce from her husband in spite of previous correspondence to the contrary.

With the cold fog torturing his lungs, short on funds, and, with the

relationship suddenly in doubt, Stevenson started up Carmel Valley to escape the

coastal weather and perhaps seek some peace in the open country. As night fell, Stevenson found himself with no food or proper clothing and later remembered little except falling into a feverish stupor and hearing the sound of bells.

The bells, it turned out, belonged to goats owned by an old bear hunter

named Jonathan Wright who lived with his family on land along San Clemente Creek. The family made a living by keeping bees, maintaining a small vineyard

and peach orchard and by raising Angora goats. Wright brought the unconscious Stevenson to his cabin and for the next three weeks, nursed the ailing author back to health. Biographers have written that this incident and the author’s close brush with death convinced the wavering Mrs. Osborne to finally agree to a divorce from her husband and to marry Stevenson (Nickerson 1982, Osborne 1911).

George Gordon Moore

erecting enormous monuments to themselves including lavish

the heirs of Bradley Sargent, now the Santa Lucia Preserve.

most notably William Randolph Hearst (Starr 1973). In spite

In 1924, George Gordon Moore purchased the ranch from

The Ranch Club Hacienda on the San Francisquito flat is the

result of Moore’s effort. The origins and early life of Moore are something of a mystery and he apparently worked diligently

to keep it that way. He was rumored to be the bastard son

of English royalty, a story he would neither confirm nor deny. The source of his wealth was likewise mysterious, although according to his account, he was involved in the securities market in England before World War I (Moore 1963).

Moore was able to indulge his passion for hunting

and built himself a lodge with six bedrooms and bathrooms

having the first bath tubs, he contended, in that part of the

state. Through one of his acquaintances in Kent, England, he

learned about wild boar hunting and imported from Russia three boar and nine sows which he bred in profusion.

Like entrepreneurs all over the United States at the

turn of the century, Moore was able to indulge in any number of expensive fantasies in addition to boar hunting. He and

his friends attempted to outdo each other in extravagance by

productions commissioned by the Crockers, the Ralstons and of what many consider its excess, the result was a movement

to glorify and romanticize California’s Hispanic roots. The

recreation of a mythical land of swashbuckling “Spanish Don’s” was especially popular with some of the State’s most wealthy businessmen. And, the relatively inexpensive cost of California

land made it possible to purchase thousands of acres and to live the life of the gentleman rancher with all of the luxuries of

modern life and none of the disadvantages that real ranch life presented in the past (Starr 1990).

George Gordon Moore had his own version of

the California ranch “packed with luxury” (Cooper 1985). Immediately after purchasing the ranch in 1924, Moore

instituted a major building project including a home site, dam, artificial lake and polo field, (Cozzens and Moore 1924). The house, while more Spanish eclectic than pure Spanish Colonial Revival in style, nonetheless exemplifies the desire

of “gentleman ranchers” to create the ambiance of Hispanic

rancho with its centerpiece “Hacienda” or “Casa Grande.”

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Reflecting Moore’s other interests, however, this “Grand

The Santa Lucia Preserve

visiting polo teams from all over the world.

family sold Rancho San Carlos, intact, to Tom Gray and Peter

House” was equipped with a polo field, which played host to

The whack of polo balls was often the first sound

heard in the morning and visitors outfitted in Western riding

regales would spend their days roaming the hills and redwoods. Elaborate barbecues and parties entertained the movie stars, chorus girls and other assorted guests who were perpetually in attendance (Cooper 1985, Rice 1992). The Oppenheimers

Arthur C. Oppenheimer, a San Franciscan who owned the

Rosenberg Fruit Company among many other enterprises, bought the property in 1939. One of Oppenheimer’s interests

was sailing and at Alameda Yacht Club he met George King, steward at the Club where he impressed members with his

ability to repair piers, boats, and whatever else needed fixing. He once confided in Oppenheimer that he would really like

to be a rancher. According to King, one day Oppenheimer

In 1990, after a half-century of ownership, the Oppenheimer

Stocker and their partners. Tom Gray went on to found the Santa Lucia Preserve with his partners Don Wilcoxon, Dave

Howerton and Lisa Guthrie. They shared a desire to maintain

the integrity of the serene ranching experience this land has

offered since the early 19th century. From five years of scientific studies of the land came a resource-based plan to sustain its

character in perpetuity while providing an extraordinary quality

of life for those who choose to settle there and make the Santa Lucia Preserve a part of their own family legacy. A model was

developed that balanced human settlement with sustainable biological conservation. The undertaking was guided by sound

science and collaborating conservation organizations. The result was a community of 300 families who are committed to

supporting the conservation values upon which The Preserve was founded. The Santa Lucia Conservancy, an independent

non-profit land trust, uses its $25,000,000 endowment to

greeted him with the words, “George, I’ve bought you a ranch” guard and manage the 90 percent of the Preserve’s 20,000 (Nickerson 1990).

acres of California Central Coast landscape, which have been

again became a working cattle ranch as it had in the days

Preserve has become an established, dynamic, responsive, and

Under King’s management, Rancho San Carlos once

before George Gordon Moore. Brush was cleared to grow oats and hay and eventually the herd, primarily Herefords, grew to 1,000 head of cattle with about 100 bulls. For nearly forty-

five years, Rancho San Carlos became known for producing quality beef. Arthur Oppenheimer, although he did not live at

the Ranch, took an active interest in it and when he died in the

late 1940s, he requested that his ashes be buried there. Later, when Arthur Oppenheimer II took over the ranch, it became a weekend retreat for graduation parties and special occasions for the extended Oppenheimer family (Blount 1991).

During the time that George Gordon Moore owned Rancho San Carlos, starlets and chorus girls came to enjoy lavish parties and to play. In the Oppenheimer years, however, members of

the entertainment industry who came there did so to work. During the 1960’s, the ranch was the setting for a weekly TV series called Lancer. Commercials were made there and it was

a scene in a number of films including Woody Allen’s Sleeper. The appearance of celebrities delighted the resident staff, who enjoyed getting glimpses of their favorite stars (Blount 1991).



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set aside in perpetuity as wildlife habitat. The Santa Lucia

stable community, creating a legacy for future generations. As envisioned from the onset, the Clubs are now member owned

and governed. The families within the Preserve community

embrace and uphold the established Vision, Values and Mission as a guidepost for future generations.

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The Golf Experience Nestled into a vast 19th-century Rancho, The Preserve Golf Club may be the most low-key luxury golf course in America. The layout is settled lightly across the Carmel landscape. First into the meadows, then over the savannahs and into the hills. A field of lupines here, a stand of redwoods there. At The Preserve, the holes were dropped where they were meant to fall. Inseparable from nature, the golf course, covering 750 acres within the 20,000-acre envelope, appears to have grown out of the earth over the centuries. Designed by Tom Fazio, The Preserve Golf Course has no ‘signature’ holes or even a trademark style. Free of caprice and gingerbread, there is nothing on the course to clamor for attention or compete with the site’s natural grandeur. “The entire place is a signature piece of property,” Fazio says.



Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

At 7,067 yards from the back tees (par

third increments from tertiary treated

72), the course is not long by modern

water sources, non-potable wells and

standards, yet by only consulting the

from water recaptured off the course

scorecard visiting players often misjudge

itself. This water is directed to holding

The Preserve’s intrinsic challenge. The

ponds and later used on the fairways.

rolling terrain’s natural defenses were expertly harnessed by Fazio to defend

Superintendent Cory Isom strives to

par. As first-timers soon discover, the

maintain playing surfaces that rival

course plays tougher than it looks. This

those found on a seaside links. Frequent

is especially true on the greens, which

aerification results in firm, fast conditions

are intricately contoured or subtly tilted.

that accentuate ground contours and

Sometimes both. A few have false fronts

invite bump-and-run shots. “We have the

that repel timid approaches. All are very

best grass-growing conditions imaginable


here at The Preserve,” Isom says. “We have an ideal maritime climate at 1,500 ardent

feet, we reap all of the positive ocean

environmentalists have marveled at the

influences without any of the bad effects.”

club’s eco-friendly approach to course

maintenance, starting with the ingenious


irrigation system. Water is drawn in one-






the by

ineluctable The




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climbed to No. 68 on Golf Digest’s recent list of ‘America’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses,’ Director of Golf, John Pietro, believes the club’s enduring appeal is tied to its ambience. “When you drive through the front entrance, you’re on ‘Preserve’ time,” he says. “We have no fountain of youth here, but the atmosphere is so casual and relaxing, it adds years to your life.” With approximately 11,000 rounds played annually, a fraction of the number recorded at nearby Pebble Beach, Pietro and his staff are able to personalize their interactions with members and guests, ensuring a memorable experience. After the round, golfers retreat to a clubhouse set on an oak-studded knoll. Designed by the renowned firm of Hart | Howerton, it offers a living commentary on California architecture, as if several generations of historic structures were organically linked together. Blessed with a view both dramatic and serene, the Clubhouse offers unmatched space for casual lunches, more formal dinners and, of course, a round at the bar after a round of golf. Seasoned players have commented that the transition from fairway to terrace is as seamless at The Preserve as any club in the nation.



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Golf Club Traditions The Preserve Golf Club is defined by a number of traditions. Women members invite their friends to compete in their foursome for the Ladies’ Round Up. Men likewise pick a partner to join the competition of The Boar Hunt.

Winners are awarded silver “cowboy” trophy buckles.

The top team is selected by a horse-race in which teams from each flight compete with one eliminated on each hole until only one team remains. The names of these players are engraved on the base of a trophy supporting an 1890’s museum-quality Native American basket woven by a California tribe.

The historic bell that once summoned firefighters on the

Old Rancho now spreads word of a rare Hole in One and free drinks at the bar. Ceremonial tees carved from fallen redwoods mark each Members’ unforgettable first round, which are then incorporated into a sculpture, The Terribly Twisted Tee, created by artists Sam Hernandez, noted for his abstract work.

The Stocker Cup Invitational is held annually at The

Preserve Golf Club in honor of original developer Tom Gray’s late partner, Peter Stocker. The Stocker Cup is patterned after the famous AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. Rather than professional golfers, fifty nationally ranked amateurs from around the country are paired with invited guests for three rounds with the top 25 amateurs playing on for a fourth round. Trophies are awarded to an individual amateur champion and a team champion. The Stocker Cup is a qualifying tournament for selection on the Walker Cup. It attracts the top amateur players from across the country and has become one of the most sought after invitations in amateur golf.

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A Modest Manifesto of the

Santa Lucia Preserve


In the Santa Lucia Preserve, roads bend around the tawny haunches

Western architecture from the Greeks and Romans through the

of lion colored grasses and under stands of mature sycamore, oak

Enlightenment often reflects man’s efforts to establish order in

and pine. This is Northern California as it appeared to the first

an unpredictable environment. By the middle of the nineteenth

settlers. The rolling land with soft hills and valleys is undisturbed

century, however, nature had come to be perceived as a paradise

by signs or shops. Soft sunlight filters through mists rising from

about to be lost. Architects responded with buildings that

the Pacific Ocean. Expansive, unpopulated and unspoiled. Just

celebrated the environment. Inspired by Louis Sullivan, they

looking at it raises the question; ‘How do you build a house in

started conceiving organically oriented buildings that were

such a place?’

appropriate to their place and to their residents.

The struggle between nature and culture is the perennial

The notion of living in harmony with nature is interwoven

subject of architecture. The historian Vincent Scully proposed

with the very origins of the Santa Lucia Preserve as a sacred

that architecture is essentially the reflection of humanity’s

Indian territory. The Preserve’s Design Review Board is charged

response to the natural world. While Native Americans may

with maintaining this respect for the land, even as it is being

have seen man’s role as integrated with nature, the history of

settled. As Preserve patrons become custodians of the land, they


Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

Barry Sloane, Director of Historic and Architecturally

Significant Properties at Sotheby’s International Realty, says, “Architectural properties always sell at a premium. The minimum increase is ten percent in a flat market and in a good market, more. It means that you have a house with close to perfectly scaled and proportioned rooms, that are a pleasure to live in and easy to resell. Plus, for people who have not lived in an architecturally-designed house, the quality of life in a house custom-designed by a good architect means that one will spend decades living at a higher level. Every day, one will be surrounded by a shelter of great beauty, which is an experience like no other.

“Unique people should have unique solutions,”

he adds. “Not an off the rack home but bespoke, made to measure, like the best suits, and for the same reason; they are longer lasting, better looking, and a good value. It is a good financial investment, but also an investment in your quality of life.” are encouraged to hire architects to build their homes, specifically

architects who will be sensitive to the spectacular surroundings.

property. At The Preserve, the architect must begin with the

San Francisco’s revered early twentieth century architect,

site, not the floor plan. The site may be adjacent to the golf

Bernard Maybeck said, “This is something bigger and more

course, down by the equestrian center or up on a hilltop

The floor plan is just one aspect of an architectural

worthwhile than the things we see about us, the things we live by and strive for. There is an undiscovered beauty, a divine excellence, just beyond us. Let us stand on tiptoe, forgetting the nearer things and grasp what we may.”

Maybeck, like the Greene and Greene brothers of Pasadena,

embraced the philosophy and skill of the Arts and Crafts movement. Their homes established continuity between interior and exterior spaces and a refinement of proportion and detail. They are among California’s select but important roster of architects who built with awareness and integrity. In fact, the seeds of contemporary California style can be seen in the early twentieth century Spanish-style mansions of Wallace Neff or Julia Morgan; the rustic ranch houses of Cliff May; the tasteful modernity of Frank Lloyd Wright. These architects have passed into history but they worked in California when much of it still resembled the countryside of The Preserve. Their sensibilities fit seamlessly into the landscape of the present.

A landowner in The Preserve would want to seek out

an architect who respects the principles and aesthetics of such predecessors while developing a personal style. The architectural vocabulary need not be slavishly historic but to draw from the past for what works best today. The architect derives his ideas from tradition, adhering to the basic principles and respecting the larger community while constructing a unique and individual structure. Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m

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with views of the bay. One wants to find an architect who, regardless of style, respects the land and the context. Within a stylistic framework, a good architect will make decisions of distinction, such as choosing to nestle a house into a cranny instead of piling it up on a ridgeline, to arrange the mass of a large house in a way that adds pleasant and varied spaces.

Miraculously intact after two centuries, the legacy

of The Preserve can be maintained and enhanced by those who have studied the best solutions to the development of form in space – architects who are credited for their work, published, and lauded by their peers. Wright believed that if mankind were set into the fabric of nature, he would respond positively and grow spiritually.

Unparalleled in exclusivity and value; The Preserve

deserves the best architecture, just as a masterpiece painting deserves a well-appointed room or a gourmet meal deserves a great wine. Homes of architectural distinction can only enhance The Preserve’s legacy for future generations.

In short, the investment in an architectural

home pays off in terms of its value at resale, in terms of the enhanced value of the larger community and, most importantly, in terms of emotional and spiritual wellbeing, the vital investment in self.

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integrated with nature Two Rocks The residence of Two Rocks was designed to be integrated with nature, taking full advantage of sweeping views, rolling terrain, landmark oak locations, sun orientation, water flow, and coastal northwest breezes on this breathtaking property. The result allows for multiple areas of enjoyment throughout the day, including a front courtyard with a huge fireplace, a dining patio, and a west facing view deck, great for enjoying sunsets over the Preserve. The thoughtful design also results in efficient low maintenance living. One gets the feeling that the home has always been here - a feeling enhanced by the subtle combination of the California Ranch Style and the high quality European construction materials. Two Rocks is conveniently located just a few minutes from all Preserve amenities.



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$6,990,000 4 Bedrooms. 4 Full Baths and 2 Half Baths Al Sneeden | John Buttemiller | Kris McAulay 831.620.6762

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S e a ml e s s I n d oor Ou t d oor Co nt e m p or ary L i v i n g 16 San Clemente Trail Impeccable contemporary architecture masterfully sited

into one composition, framing views of the landscape

on 13 serene acres featuring landmark oaks with San

both near and far. The master suite is the only bedroom

Clemente Creek naturally bordering three sides of the

in the main residence, while two full guest suites and a

property . The home is designed in an H-shape, framing

sitting room are located in the detached guest quarters.

two central courtyards, which form part of a landscape

Two sets of massive sliding glass doors in the living and

path that moves from hilltop to stream. The design concept

dining rooms create true seamless indoor-outdoor living.

weaves building mass within the woodland environment

Designed by renowned architect Moore Ruble Yudell.

$4,200,000 3 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths Al Sneeden | John Buttemiller | Kris McAulay 831.620.6762

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Sa n ta L u c i a P re s e rve . co m


Every once in a rare while, history and geography conspire to

produce a phenomenon like the Santa Lucia Preserve. Where

a pristine, 19th century California landscape can be assured of remaining that way forever. Where a fast disappearing way of

life can be nurtured and reinterpreted for the 21st century. And where the families and values that define a community are able to

flourish unthreatened for generations to come. Today, a timeless

landscape and vibrant community are drawing families to the Santa Lucia Preserve. If you share a devotion to the land, and

a desire to live at a less accelerated pace, we invite you to slow down, reset your inner clock, and join us on Preserve Time.

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Summer at the Ranch


onald Haas, general manager at the Ranch Club, puts his finger on how The Preserve is able to serve the summer needs of its members so well. It comes

down to geographic serendipity.

“Robinson Canyon effectively divides the Ranch Club and the Golf Club

into separate realms,” Haas explains. “The Preserve functions as two clubs within one community. The Ranch Club is first and foremost a family club. The dress code is casual and any ranch, jeans are a staple. We’ve found that kids and grandkids really like coming to The Preserve.” The younger set can play soccer, golf or saddle up a horse as part of the summer-long ‘sneaks, cleats and boots’ camp.

As The Preserve’s social and activities hub, the Ranch Club offers a diverse

array of recreational amenities. There are, for example, five pools that appeal to every taste, from a water slide for kids to an adults-only pool at the Hacienda.



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Pointing to the functionality of the Club’s

facilities, Haas says, “A lot of thought was put into what was built here many years ago. We have stayed true to what the original infrastructure intended.”

A lot of thought was put into what was built here many years ago.

The Hacienda, built in 1924, has an undeniable

timeless charm. There are very few communities in America that have a landmark building with the character of the Hacienda. The Ranch Club offers nine guest suites in the

located in Portuguese Spring and Halls Ridge. Everything from

Hacienda and seven guest suites in the Ranch House. For

storytelling around a campfire to in-tent massages can be arranged.

many members, the decision to join the club is often made

on the Hacienda’s outdoor courtyard beneath the madrone

offered daily in the Hacienda, a full a la carte breakfast is available

trees. On a cool starlit night, there can’t be a finer place in

on weekends during the summer. Superb multi-course dinners are

the state to savor a taste of Old California.

served seven days a week.

The Ranch Club’s equestrian program adheres

In addition to a complimentary continental breakfast

Carlton Lepine, The Preserve’s long-time executive chef, is

to the time-honored vaquero style hospitality. “What’s

a proponent of innovative fresh and seasonal cuisine accented by

interesting here is the amount of cross-over between riding

local influences. He cultivates herbs and vegetables in a community

styles,” Haas observes. “The English-style riders join in

garden where members are invited to “grow their own” and attend

cattle sorting, while the Western-style riders do jumps or

the chef ’s monthly garden discussions throughout the summer.

participate in simulated ‘mock hunts.’ It’s very rare in the

equestrian world for these two styles to interact, but here

salad bowl of the nation,” Haas says. “We try to take advantage of

they do.”

local ingredients, from local sand dabs to fresh-picked lettuce.”

Once the warmth of summer arrives, members

With Salinas a mere 35 miles from Carmel, “We’re in the

The Club makes creative use of its facilities when the

are free to cruise the club’s 18-acre lake in a canoe, kayak,

occasion arises. The croquet lawn at the Sports Center, for example,

paddle boat or row boat. The lake is home to bass and trout;

converts to a grass tennis court for the Fourth of July weekend to

a catch-and-release program is in place. There’s camping

coincide with the renowned Wimbledon tennis championship.

on the lake’s sandy beach, with more secluded campsites

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In July, the Midsummer Night’s Dream, staged in the

Redwood Grove, featured the Next Generation Jazz Orchestra, a band comprised of 20 of the most talented high school jazz musicians from around the nation. It’s The Preserve’s way of paying tribute to the Monterey Jazz Festival, one of the world’s longest-running jazz events.

In August, the club presents The Preserve Concours,

a relaxed, low-key version of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Members bring their own vintage cars just for fun. Fun, and lots of it, defines a typical summer idyll at The Preserve.



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A Midsummer Night’s Dream Walk down a trail and across a creek to the enchanted Redwood Grove for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a fashionable evening of cocktails, live music and dinner. As was first hosted by George Gordon Moore in the 1940s, an amphitheatre is set up in a circle of 100-foot redwoods, where musicians play classical and jazz compositions. At twilight, candles are lit on elegantly dressed dinner tables, and in the soft light, a stylish wait staff serves a gourmet meal on silver trays. The otherwise quiet Redwood Grove fills with conversation and laughter. This enchanted summer evening under the redwood spires is one of the most memorable annual Ranch Club events. In 2011, The Preserve welcomed the talented Dance Kids of Monterey Peninsula and the Monterey Jazz Festival’s Next Generation Jazz Orchestra.

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Equestrian Traditions Old California’s horsemen and women were reported in

newcomers and the most accomplished riders alike. Top-

Competition among them was friendly, fierce and festive. The

all skill levels are available. The Equestrian Center offers three

1840 by Richard Henry Dana as the world’s finest riders. more elaborate the costume and more complex the riding

technique, the greater was the chance of renown within the small Monterey community. The Ranch Club carries on these Vaquero traditions at the Equestrian Center, but in a less

competitive, but no less friendly, environment that is open

to all riding disciplines. The Equestrian Center is a rustic, handsomely designed full-service facility that welcomes both



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flight instruction is offered and gentle trail horses suited to center aisle barns with 30 owner stalls, a 150 by 260 foot main

arena, a regulation dressage arena, a training round pen, an

exercise track and a dozen irrigated pastures for daily turnout. Full board is offered with daily care, exercise and 24-hour

attention. A trail system stretches over 100 miles reaching the Ranch’s most remote and scenic corners.

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spring festival

The 2011 Annual Family Spring Festival drew in quite a crowd. Members and their families were delighted to see

their children light up at the sight of so many activities. With nearly 100 in attendance, children enjoyed the petting

zoo, pony rides, carnival games and slides. The Easter Bunny

arrived just in time to lead the crowd to the event lawns for an Easter Hunt where over 1,000 stuffed eggs were hunted like prized treasures.



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Bienes Ver Grande Experience an unmatched combination of spectacular views of the Preserve golf course and Santa Lucia Mountains, the highest quality craftmanship and architecture, and a desirable location near all Preserve amenities. This Spanish style hacienda estate is perched high on a 60-acre hilltop with sweeping 360-degree views of the majestic Preserve landscape.

$8,750,000 8 Bedrooms, 9 Baths Al Sneeden | John Buttemiller | Kris McAulay 831.620.6762



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Summer Camps at

The Preserve

The children of the Preserve are very excited about all three summer camps, running

June through August. The Preserve Camp Counselors pride themselves on providing a fun, supportive environment and bring enthusiasm and excitement to the program.



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Sneaks, Cleats & Boots Camp This is a mixed-activities camp for children aged 5 - 11, consisting of equestrian, tennis, soccer, golf, boating, hiking, Zumba, creative arts and crafts and more! All the activities are fun, educational and discovery-oriented. A favorite

activity during the session is a hike to Moore’s Lake to picnic, fish and play games. Campers will have the opportunity to

learn about the natural history and ecology of The Preserve through bird-watching, track identification and the history of the Rumsen tribe.

Golf Summer Camp In this four-day camp, the golf professional staff works with

children aged 5 - 11 to develop skills and improve their overall understanding of the game. Activities for campers are

specially-selected based on age and skill level, focusing on:

teeing-off, putting, chipping, club selection, golf course care, and rules and etiquette.

“Taking the Reins” Equestrian Camp This exciting four-day Equestrian Summer Camp allows children aged 7 - 14 to learn about all aspects of horses, with

lots of hands-on experience. Daily activities include proper

care and grooming, anatomy, roping, games, crafts, and of course, plenty of time in the saddle!

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Preserve Golf Club Calendar August Golf Events

September Golf Events

Wine Dinner at the Golf Club

Summer Member/Member

Junior Golf Tournament

food and wine at the Golf Club. A

All Preserve Golf Club members join in

At this event, the golf staff provides a brief

gourmet five course meal is expertly paired

the competition and camaraderie of the

clinic to all the kids participating. The kids

with wines from a local wine maker. The

Summer Member/Member Tournament.

then participate in a 3 -5 hole tournament

wine maker shares insight into the wine

Teams are determined by a blind draw,

based on the number of kids and their

making process with each course.

allowing everyone to enjoy the atmosphere


of The Preserve on a beautiful summer


This is an intimate evening celebrating

October Golf Events

day without the stress of searching for a

Rumsen Cup


Two teams, one comprised of members

Men’s Boar Hunt

from the west half of The Preserve, and

This men’s invitational promises to be full

Preserve Golf Club Championship

one from the east half, compete to claim

of excitement as the teams battle it out to

The Club Championship is a three day

the title in the Golf Club’s newest event.

see who goes home with the coveted Boar

Match Play event where players are

The perpetual trophy will be displayed in

Hunt Belt Buckle.

flighted by handicap and play individual

the Clubhouse, lending the winning team

match play for three rounds.

bragging rights for the rest of the year.


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Ranch Club Calendar August Club Activities Tennis Round Robin Friends, family and neighbors enjoy a friendly doubles round robin format. Lawn Games An afternoon of Bocce Ball, Horse Shoes or Croquet. Tacos and Ice Cream at the Polo Pools A casual and fun filled evening for the whole family, pool side with an authentic Preserve Taco Bar. Preserve Concours & Cocktails The Hacienda front lawn transforms into a car lover’s paradise where collectors, racers and enthusiasts have the opportunity to show off and admire unique and rare historical automobiles.

September Club Activities Fandango Barn Dance Cowboy hats and boots come out for the most anticipated Member event of the year! Dancing and bountiful Western BBQ wil be enjoyed by family, friends and neighbors. Fandango Event

Wine Dinner

Reminiscent of the days of the Vaquero, the old rancho traditions

In the intimate setting at the Golf Clubhouse, Chef Carlton

come alive for competitors and spectators alike. Team penning,

Lepine works with the guest winemaker and Food and Beverage

barrel racing, cattle working and trail obstacle competitions

manager Ray LeMaire to pair creative cuisine and hand-selected

will be held throughout the day. Non-equestrians enjoy custom

wines with astounding results.

western boots, hats, vaquero tack, hand-crafted jewelry and blankets. There is also music of traditional Mariachis and Latin culinary celebration created by Chef Carlton and his team.

October Club Activities

Labor Day BBQ & Lawn Games

Cowboy BBQ & Chili Cook-off

Sunshine, sports, pool and BBQ. There is no better way to spend

An extravagant Old Style Rancher’s BBQ is hosted in the

Labor Day!

Redwood grove.

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