3 minute read
In the Secret Place
The Value of Being Alone With GOD
IIt’s been three decades of my experience in seeking God’s help to run Praise Academy of Dance Jamaica and to be an effective minister of the Dance etc. If you asked me, what is the cornerstone of my ministry? I would say time ALONE away with God.
What are the benefits of time away from all distractions in God’s presence?
As I reflect on my journey as a minister in the dance I can truly say that the pages of one’s life, once totally sold out to Christ comes with a price.
Based on Ezekiel 47:1-9, which speaks of a river, whereas you step in there are different levels of the water that you experience as you go deeper- ankle, knee, waist and chest. This is where you experience the anointing of God and you find yourself in total abandonment in God.
God established Praise Academy of Dance, The first and only Christian dance ministry in Jamaica and the Caribbean and He used me as the vessel to help to steer this ministry.

Romans 12:1-2, speaks about a renewed mind, a living sacrifice which should be holy unto God. Not conforming to world systems but total dependency on God.
It’s on these two scriptures that God shared His heart with me about the importance of going away with Him for a season, In order for that intimacy to be developed. Intimacy with Him leads to a committed soldout life, that wants to be away from all distractions.
What are these benefits that I have learnt and have passed on?
1. That reading and applying His word to all areas of my life enables me to exercise the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23
It’s important to know that being in God’s presence, I discovered that the reading and application of His word gives me the knowledge and the how of developing and maintaining relationships because it’s dependent on the fruit of the spirit.

Love being the first peg, sets the foundation for peace, joy, kindness etc and the essence of the fruit in ministry paves the way for visibility and the anointing.
1 Corinthians 13 is the love passage for long-lasting effectiveness of horizontal relationships.
When you’re in ministry the only way the fruit can be evident is if the impact is lasting, it will carry a rippling effect, which is transferable. So here is where the signs will follow and you will see the salvation, healing and deliverance of souls taking place.
2. Reading of the word and applying it brings you into maturity and transforms you into adopting the attributes of God to be holy, compassionate, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy.
Having the attitude of Christ where there’s an incense that pleases the nostrils of a great God.
3 Learning how to pray, and PRAY His word develops the spiritual gifts so that I am able to know when and where to minister. In His presence, He fine-tunes you so your spiritual eyes and ears are open to hear His voice and have a sharp spirit of discernment.
4. Living in His presence is living a life of sacrifice, without thinking of my immediate situation and needs; in His presence, there is fullness of joy. Here is where I learnt like Paul to be content in everything and depend on God for sustenance.
5. This is where I learnt that the Ministry is not about the ‘glamour and glitter’ but it’s effective, hard work and leaving a spiritual legacy for the generations to come.
6. It helps you to rely on the Holy Spirit to remove the SELF by destroying all the mindsets of how you value yourself, fear, insecurity and intimidation. 2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. He will not leave you without guidance and encouragement. So make time to receive daily instructions and transformation from Him so that you can demonstrate His power and glory and draw men unto Him. p
By Dr Cynthia Patricia Noble Founder of Praise Academy of Dance, Jamaica & Barbados