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Come in, it’s Open

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Think Film

We Have Access Into The Secret Place

IIf you’ve ever played hide and seek as a child, you know that finding the perfect hiding spot is priceless. You can always hide there and never be found. In the same way, it is important for God’s children to understand that we have a hiding place in our Lord and Bridegroom that is impenetrable by the enemy. As


I reflected on Psalm 91, it occurred to me that there are specific conditions under which we can claim the protection afforded there.

Let’s define our terms

To dwell means to remain for a time or to keep the attention directed at. A Secret place is one that is kept hidden from others. It is a location that is just for you and the Most High. Verse one states, we are to dwell or remain in the secret place of the Most High. This means that there is an action that needs to be taken by us in order to get to this specific place. Only those who make the choice to dwell or stay in this place get the privilege of ‘abiding under the shadow of the Almighty.’ We don’t come for a summer vacation, Christmas and Easter break, we stay/linger in this secret place everyday.


• Dwell • Abide • Rest • Trust • Believe • Do not fear terror of night, arrows of day or pestilence in darkness • Love the Lord • Acknowledge His name • Call on Him

We will:

• Observe the enemy’s defeat • Tread on lions & serpents

WHAT GOD DOES God is our :

• Life giver and sustainer • Refuge/fortress • Savior/rescuer/deliverer • Covering/ protector (no harm with overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent, commands his angels regarding you, they know who you are and are assigned to you) • Husband

He will:

(Honors you, satisfy your desires) • He answer your prayers • He be with you in trouble

What is this secret place and how do we get there?

I believe this secret place is in the presence of God. Psalm 31:20 NIV says, “In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues.” In order to dwell in His presence we need to know and meditate on God’s word; worship; pray and speak to our Father and be obedient to His commands. Once we are in right standing with God, we can then continue to dwell in His secret place. As we remain in the secret place, we have the awesome privilege of abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. Have you ever walked on a sunny day in sweltering heat? I imagine God being that majestic tree that shelters you from the heat of the sun once you step into the shadow of His branches. As long as we remain in His shadow we are safe.

Even more important is knowing what we mean when we talk about His presence. When we come into His presence is this a literal/physical place? Do we need to be in church in order to be in the presence of God? Is it even true worship if someone has to prompt us to do it? God longs for us to continuously reside in His presence, not engage one day per week when we gather together to worship as a community. Worship is the key that unlocks the door into His presence. Worship means to give reverent honor to; bowing to God. It means we place God’s worth/ value above anything we can think or imagine. It’s about what you do when no one else is looking.

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” John 4:24 NIV. This scripture points us to the truth that true worship is done in the spirit realm. This can be expressed in prayers, supplications and thanksgivings. God wants our spirit, influenced by His Holy spirit within us to worship, not just the superficial outer praise that comes from the body or our lips. This means that true worship is more of a one to one exchange between God and man rather than what we are used to in a worship service where a leader encourages us to worship as a community. More often than not this is praise as it is an expression of gratitude for what God has done. In order for us to truly worship, we need to spend time alone with God. Communicate with Him in the Spirit.

Once Jesus died and rose again, the Holy Spirit was then able to dwell within us instead of in the Holies of Holies in the temple. This means while we live a physical life daily, we should also live a spiritual life. We now have access to the presence of God, if we so desire, on a consistent basis. We can experience His nearness, love power, peace and joy “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11 NIV

Although the ultimate goal would be to consciously dwell in His presence all day and all night, we sometimes become distracted by the burdens of life and step away from/ignore His presence. God desires true intimacy with us, for us to know what true love is. Can you hear His voice softly, saying, “Come in, it’s Open?” p

Cheryl Williams Author, Educator and Church Administrator.

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