2 minute read
is Here
Brothers and sisters -Lookup, the Kingdom of God is here. We are living in serious times where we must be rooted and grounded B in the Lord Jesus because His Kingdom is here. We just have to look around and see the rapidly changing society in which we live. Things are pointing to the last days where there is a need for us to have a right relationship with the Lord.
What we are experiencing now has been prophesied in the Bible. John the Baptist introduced Jesus and His kingdom to the people around him. In recognizing the spiritual state of the people, he told them to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Jesus’ disciples preached a similar message that Jesus has come to establish His Lordship on the earth with a new order where those who serve Him would govern His kingdom until He returns. This offer is for you as well.
The Kingdom of God is here, so look up and seek for the kingdom of God! We all have an equal opportunity to be a part of this kingdom. In order to be a part of this kingdom, you must have a revelation of Jesus and a personal relationship with Him.
It is important to know Jesus and to know who He is. Who Jesus is to you will be linked to your revelation of Him. Your relationship with the Lord must be based on love and a reverential fear for Him and not out of a fear of hell or damnation. Jesus Christ is Lord and He desires to bring us in relationship with His Father. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all things will be added to you,” Matt. 6:33.
This message is for all who have ears to hear. If you are not ‘Born again’, you must turn to Jesus and be born again of the water and the spirit and develop a relationship with Jesus. If you are a ‘backslider’[one who has given up on Jesus midway] you must return to the Father. If you are a Christian and are still weak or not growing in certain areas of your life then it is time to turn away from sin and unrighteousness and turn your heart to God the Father who loves you with an everlasting love and will strengthen you if you ask.
Now is the time to turn to the Lord, Seek Him with your whole heart. Make haste, don’t delay it may be too late. Turn from your disobedience. Now is the day of salvation. Do not harden your heart. Time is short and the coming of the Lord is at hand. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.
Look up! The Kingdom of God is here and it is for you if you so desire. The Lord wants you to rule and reign with Him but you must be a part of His Kingdom, “ so seek the Lord while He can be found, call upon while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6
This is the day of God’s favour, this is the day of your salvation. Turn to Him! p
Jennifer Williams A Christian for 44 years. Bible teacher, Writer, Administrator, Intercessor.