VOLU ME 21 / IS SUE 3 9 / S EP TEM BER 2 8 , 2017
The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave. Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com
ASSISTANT EDITOR Magdalena Bokowa magdalena@bendsource.com CALENDAR EDITOR Keely Damara keely@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts BEER REVIEWER Kevin Gifford micro@bendsource.com FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Nick Nayne, Teafly Peterson, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic, Anne Pick SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler
News – Tower Tussle redux, stricter distracted driving laws & more p.7 In this week’s Side Notes, get an update on the cell tower originally proposed for Trinity Episcopal Church, a rundown of the changes to Oregon’s distracted driving laws, and more news.
Feature – Housing Crisis: A House Divided
Some say short term rental services hurt locals who need a place to live. Others say they’re a godsend for locals struggling to make ends meet. Magdalena Bokowa reports on the pros and cons.
Sound – Bend Roots Festival
Micro – Fresh Hop Love!
This weekend, a longtime tribute to all things local music hits the Deschutes Brewery lawn once again. Music writer Anne Pick tells you the shows not to miss, and gives you a look at the history behind the beloved local fest. Yes, friends, it’s that time again—and Kevin Gifford is showing you where to go get that fresh, fresh hop brew.
Take Me Home – Equifax Breach
On the Cover: Many thanks to Gary Beaudoin for loaning us the use of his home for our cover. It's truly a very special place. Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: wyatt@bendsource.com.
If you haven’t yet heard about the breach at one of the biggest credit monitoring agencies around, you should. Nick Nayne has tips on what to do to protect your credit following the massive security infiltration.
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Astrology 51 Smoke Signals The ladies of Turkuaz getting funky on Sunday night at the Domino Room. Photo by Magdalena Bokowa.
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Wednesday October 18th 6:30pm The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2017 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2017 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Subscriptions are available: $125 for a full year. For back issues, send a $2.00 self-addressed, stamped envelope (9” x 12”). Writers’ Guidelines: Call first or send an email outlining your intention. We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics.
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VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
EDITOR Nicole Vulcan editor@bendsource.com
OPINION Some people have transportation options. Others don’t have “options” at all.
mong the things that can be said about the foibles of humanity, one thing seems to be true: We don’t always choose the things that are good for us. When given a choice, most kids would choose the cookie over the vegetable— even in spite of a parent’s passionate arguments about the many benefits of the veg. People sometimes have to be told, sometimes by a parent, sometimes by a body tasked with working toward the greater good of a community, how to act. So it goes with the debate over the city’s integrated land use and transportation plan, which, among its many tenets, seeks to increase people’s transportation choices and cut down on the reliance on cars. According to the Bend Metropolitan Transportation Plan, the “Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) requires that the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) and the local jurisdictions in the urban area develop measures and benchmarks that will demonstrate that the Bend area is increasing its reliance on non-automobile modes.” Drivers aren’t left out of the equation. The Plan also outlines a number of “aspirational” projects, yet unfunded, to address roadway system needs, including congestion in the central city, the Bend Parkway and portions of Hwy. 20 and Greenwood Avenue. Is a focus on alternative forms of transportation a “war on cars?” If it is a war, and Open Streets its battle, it’s a paltry skirmish. The other 364 days a year, you can call what happens on the streets nothing short of a “war on everything besides cars.” During the Open Streets event Sept. 17, streets in midtown Bend and the Maker’s District were closed to cars for four hours, allowing families with young children, the elderly, people with limited mobility and everyone else a chance to populate those streets (many that don’t offer sidewalks that would otherwise allow people to roam freely) without the fear that can come from riding close to auto traffic. Families were out on the streets, for once, because they felt safe enough to do so. The other 364 days a year, the “war” of watching out for auto traffic is back on for those folks. Part of a larger nationwide movement that’s been going long before Bend got in on it, Open Streets is aimed at highlighting “equitable transportation designs” and, reducing
dependence on motor vehicles by encouraging active transportation. It’s the baby-step that can get kids and adults to consider riding, walking or skating as transportation. It may also be a vegetable, when those kids and adults would prefer a cookie. But let’s not forget a few other important items in the description of the “war on cars.” First, some people are not at war with cars. They simply can’t afford them, and want options in their community that allow them to get to work and the grocery store safely. And then there’s the environmental impact of choosing driving over alternative forms of transport. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. in 2015 were created by the transportation sector; not a small amount. If you’re tired of people trying to compel you with the vegetable-like argument that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the right thing to do for the planet, perhaps a more economic argument will suit your fancy. For one, drier, hotter summers and longer fire seasons have a direct effect on the local economy. According to a 2008 report from the National Resources Defense Council, “decreases in snowpack, less snowfall, earlier snow melt, more winter rain events, increased peak winter flows, and reduced summer flows have been documented. Scientists have recently attributed more than half of these changes in the West between 1950 and 1999 to the effects of heat-trapping pollutants.” That includes the pollutants your car makes. If you can’t draw the line to how hotter, drier summers affects business, simply take a look at how the town of Sisters has suffered economically during this latest spate of wildfires. Still, in places such as Europe, Asia and even Portland, Ore., many people choose alternative forms of transportation not because they prefer the vegetables over the cookie— but also because the traffic got bad enough, and concurrently, the infrastructure existed to allow them to choose not to drive. In short, they do it because they have to, and because they can. We support our local and state government’s efforts to cut down on driving. We aim to be on the side of history that favors getting out of our cars, if and whenever it’s possible to do so. SW
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com. Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
IN RESPONSE TO, “SEN. MERKLEY SPEAKS ABOUT HEALTHCARE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL: TRUMPCARE IS BACK.” (9/18) Let them pass it. They will look like idiots and will be voted out 2018. Then YOU and the rest of the Dems can quit being neo-libs and put universal healthcare in. — Lance Collier That is screwing a lot of Americans for political gain. — Gary Hilliard
IN RESPONSE TO, “SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL OFFERS PARTIAL REFUND.” (9/20) When a thunderstorm prevented Rodrigo y Gabriela from performing at nonprofit venue Britt Festivals last month, a full refund was an option. While I understand SFF incurred costs, the consumers purchased a product and didn’t receive it so I think a full refund is in order. — S. Everenz How about the ability to attend for free next year, with a confirmed purchase of the 2017 event ticket. — Chuck Malley
IN RESPONSE TO, “BELOVED BARTENDER: LOCAL BARTENDER ROSE FROM RUNNER-UP TO WINNER AT BITE OF BEND’S BARTENDER BRAWL.” (8/7) Aw, C’mon... I have a name beyond “the bartender from J Dub.” ;) — Love, Todd Steinbach
As much as I am sorry to hear Dr. O’s story, I don’t see much concern for patients like my son. He has received 2 years of poor care (broken brackets, “pokey wires,” etc.) and now needs to have his braces removed and start all over with a new orthodontist. Dr. O did not even put brackets on several of his teeth. The new orthodontist will need another year to correct some issues that Dr. O did not address. Dr. O’s health problem will end up costing me several thousand of dollars more than the several thousands I have already paid. Dr. O sent out a heartfelt letter to his patients but I think he should have also returned the money we paid him. In the end, we spent a lot of time, money and discomfort over the last 2 years. All we have to show for it is another year of braces and expenses. Another year in braces for a 13 year old is a big deal. It also bothers me that my time and hard earned money feed another’s drug addiction. I also think the Board of Dentistry deserves some heat for placing Dr. O’s confidentiality a higher priority than the health of the pediatric patients in his practice. And the above article mentioned he was clean and sober at work for several months. B.S — We saw him tired and haggard. He was late. He cancelled appointments. He no-showed us. We all felt bad for him because his kids were not good sleepers and keeping him up all night. In hindsight, there is no way he was sober. I hate to say it but Dr. O’s problem went way beyond just him and his poor family... We all got screwed too. — P. Atticus
IN RESPONSE TO, “HOMELESSNESS IS NOT A CRIME. BUT GOOD LUCK TICKETING THEM FOR IT!” (9/20) It’s absolutely ASTOUNDING that the Bend City Council all of a sudden cares about the ADA (American Disability Act). After decades of abdicating their authority and mandate to comply with the ADA they now use it as a weapon against the poor, homeless and disabled living on the streets. WHAT A VILE DISGUSTING group of people!!!! — S. Armmuch Good piece. Just want to point out, however, that sit-lie ordinances were not in fact eventually ended in Honolulu. They have continued, with a series of bills incrementally expanding the sit-lie prohibition zones and street segments. — David Atcheson
5 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
What Bend really needs most at this time, considering how destructive the popularity, it is increasingly not enjoying is becoming, is a good eruption from one of the little sleeping volcanoes to the west, accompanied by a good easterly blowing wind. Once a few feet of ash come down, followed by more and more from subsequent eruptions, you can bet your biffy “for sale” signs will be going up all over town (westside too) and most of the recently arrived immigrants will be morphing into soon to be departing emigrants. This is just what the doctor ordered and just what the patient needs, as the patient is being loved to death, obviously. Rumor has it that a group supposedly “on very good terms with Mother Earth” is working very hard to make sure this fantasy becomes reality. Hopefully they will succeed. — Marco Munez
Reese Shepard skiing the Pinnacles at Mt. Bachelor on Saturday Sept. 23. Photography by Rex Shepard, @ rexshepard on instagram.
Perfectly said. Instead of following the model of other cities that—at the very least—set up sanctioned areas for overnight parking and locations for longer term residency for the houseless, Bend—shamefully—choses to crack down. Despite the much heralded new economy, with its record breaking Dow Jones, I am noticing am alarming increase in homelessness in the areas I most frequent: the I-5 and Highway 97 and 101 corridors. Greg Walden’s Congressional District continues to have high levels of poverty and food insecurity. The unequal society is upon us. City governments have often been called the laboratories of democracy, but how sad to see Bend follow the example of governance by heartlessness now championed in Washington, DC. — Foster Fell
Foster: Thanks for continuing to be a voice continuing to point out and work against inequality. Come on in for your gift card to Palate!
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American Carnival: Costume and Class in Trump’s America
he political heat of 2017 has finally boiled all the political chants down to their essence: “Fuck that shit!” More than a thousand juggalos—fans of the horror-art rap group the Insane Clown Posse—chanted this perfect refrain for our insane era in front of the Lincoln Memorial Sept. 16. Many of them were wearing clown paint on their faces or sporting tattoos or other signs that they are down with the clown. Farris Haddad, who was introduced as “the motherfucking juggalawyer,” was speaking when the chant broke out for probably the fifth or sixth time. “We’re talking about freaking music here. If this is allowed to stand, and so far it has been, then we definitely don’t live in a free society anymore,” he says. He was talking about the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has designated the juggalos as a “loosely organized hybrid gang”—a 2011 designation, which, juggalos say, has real consequences. One speaker at the rally, Jessica Bonometti, told how she was fired from her job as a probation officer in Virginia because she liked ICP-related photos on her personal Facebook page. Another, Crystal Guerrero, said she lost custody of her children for going to an ICP show. So Haddad, as juggalawyer, is trying to sue the FBI. “The Federal Court in Detroit actually tried to dismiss our case twice now saying basically that the FBI did nothing legally wrong by gang-listing thousands of normal everyday Americans.” “Fuck that shit,” the crowd roared. As Haddad told the crowd there’s is a new trial date, on Oct. 11 in Cincinnati, Chris Lopez, a man with a Van Dyke beard, long hair, and a D.A.R.E. baseball hat walks up and hands a sweatshirt and a sandwich to Michael Troy, who wears a suit and a red toboggan hat and sports a handlebar mustache. “I give sandwiches to everybody,” Lopez says, opening up a cooler and showing me a couple dozen sandwiches. “He gave me a jacket, too, because it’s gonna get cold later,” Troy says. Troy came from California on an overnight flight on Friday night and is planning to leave Sunday morning. I asked him why he felt it was worth so much
trouble and money. “It’s my family,” he says. “Family has family’s back no matter what. They are there for each other in times of need.” Maybe it is the California contingent that wears suits, because a guy from Oakland who calls himself Ape also sported a suit beneath his clown makeup. He’s part of a group called Struggalo Circus, which describes itself as “a ragtag and messy coalition between radicals and juggalos.” One of Ape’s comrades, a black man, carried a sign that read “Black Juggalos Matter.” There weren’t that many black juggalos. But, many juggalos and their supporters feel that class is at the center of the campaign against them. “If juggalos are a gang then why aren’t individual fraternities gangs?” says writer Camille Dodero at the rally. “What’s the difference between those groups and juggalos? To me...the difference with those kids is that those kids’ parents have money.” Another rally was going on at the same time, on the other side of the Mall. Organizers dubbed it the Mother of All Rallies—even though they were significantly outnumbered by juggalos. But with the exception of the Proud Boys, they don’t look like the fraternazis with rich parents. Bikers for Trump, Three Percenter militia-guys, 4chan Kekistan shitposters, and Captain America cosplayers, each of which, like juggalos, is distinguished by its uniform. The militia guys, for instance, wear Under Armour camos and backpacks (and had guns in Charlottesville) and the “Western chauvinist fraternity” Proud Boys wear black polos with yellow stripes on the collar and the sleeves. And Captain America, well... Pretty much all of the groups somehow saw themselves as “security.” They were there to protect the free speech of Trumpists from the media and dreaded antifa. As Drew Ambrogi, who works with No Justice No Pride, tried to get close to the counter protesters, one of the militia members told him to step back. “You’re not a law enforcement officer,” Ambrogi said on video. “They work for me,” a U.S. Park Police officer said of the militia man.
Baynard Woods
But when Proud Boys came up looking like they wanted to fight, it seemed like the militia managed to calm them down and keep them away (they wouldn’t talk to me). That’s when something kind of amazing happened. Inside the circle, one of the antifa activists named Iggy stood and talked for nearly an hour with one of the leaders of the militia. “I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand you guys, to understand the socialist mentality, to understand the communist mentality,” the militia leader says. “To me you guys are my brothers and sisters... Why is there that difference? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” “It’s a divide and conquer,” Iggy says. “There’s not that much difference.” Some antifa groups, like Redneck Revolt, have been actively reaching out to the militia groups. “A diversity of tactics,” Iggy says later, at the juggalo march, where the presence of a black bloc made some people nervous. “These people, they’re not fascists. They’re definitely trying to distance themselves from the fascist movement.” He says that the further alienated these militia-types are, the more likely they are to side with the fascists. At one point, as the Juggalos marched they chanted “One of us! One of us!”—a reference to the 1932 film, “Freaks.” The juggalos, antifa, and the militia are all freaks. All three groups are hated and feared by the average Americans, the normies. But there are still very real differences. A couple hours later, as the juggalos marched and a black bloc of antifa activists, with their faces covered, carried a sign that read “Whoop Whoop Fuck Nazis,” I am overwhelmed by the sense that all of these competing rallies and their attendant fashions are the essence of our spectacle-oriented politics. If you dress in black you may be called a terrorist, and if you wear clown paint or the hatchet man, you may be classified a gangster. If you dress in a militia uniform, the cops will likely claim you as their own. And, we are reminded again, as protests continued in St. Louis, if you are wearing a police uniform, you can still shoot black people and walk free. SW
By Nicole Vulcan
Verizon Decides Against Cell Tower at Trinity Episcopal
Stricter Distracted Driving Law Begins Oct. 1 Starting Oct. 1, Oregon’s distracted driving laws get tougher. As of Sunday, it is illegal in Oregon to hold or use an electronic device while driving, under the newly-enacted Oregon House Bill 2597. The only exception, according to the bill’s fact sheet: “the use of a single touch or swipe to activate or deactivate the device or a function.” If drivers need to perform other functions with an electronic device, they’ll need to safely stop on the side of the road or in a parking spot. According to the fact sheet, “It is NOT legal to use the device when stopped at a stop light, stop sign, in traffic, etc.” Drivers 17 and under cannot use electronic devices at all while driving. By contrast, the 2009 distracted driving law required drivers to use a handsfree device and disallowed texting and driving—but that law wasn’t clear enough about banning the use of other apps, such as navigation apps. Holding and using an electronic device is a primary offense, meaning officers can stop a driver should they see the driver engaged with their mobile devices, reminds Lt. Clint Burleigh of Bend Police. With secondary offenses, such as smoking in a vehicle while a child is present—officers can’t stop drivers unless the driver is also committing a primary offense, Burleigh says. Under the new law, fines are higher, too. The presumptive fine for the first offense is $260 or $435 if the offense contributes to a crash. Fines for the
7 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Cell phone provider Verizon has decided against placing a cell tower atop Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Bend. As reported by the Source in June, a group of parents at Amity Creek Magnet School, as well as neighbors adjacent to Trinity Episcopal, had opposed the placement of the tower, due to concerns about potential exposure to electromagnetic radiation. At that time, Heidi Flato, a spokesperson for Verizon, told the Source that the move was intended to address “service related concerns ranging from slow data performance to dropped calls.” Flato told the Source Weekly Tuesday that Verizon is no longer pursuing the Trinity Episcopal Church project, instead placing a temporary installation at Bend's City Hall. “This summer, we installed a temporary cell site at City Hall to improve coverage and capacity in the downtown area,” Flato said. City of Bend Communications Director Anne Aurand confirmed the presence of a temporary tower at City Hall Tuesday, saying the city currently receives no compensation for the tower—though cell service has markedly improved.
second offense are typically $435, and for the third offense within 10 years, it’s considered a Class B misdemeanor with a minimum fine of $2,000 and as much as six months in jail. Rep. Knute Buehler, (R-Bend) and Sen. Tim Knopp (R-Bend) voted against the bill. Legislative records show Rep. Gene Whisnant (R-Sunriver) was excused on House business during the House vote.
Funds for DACA Renewals Announced Central Oregon’s Latino Community Association has announced a funding opportunity for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, commonly known as DACA. The program allows children of undocumented migrants who entered the U.S. before age 16 to obtain a work permit and other legal status. People who already have DACA and a work permit and who are in need of help paying to renew their status can apply for funds through LCA, which announced the opportunity Tuesday. The funds come courtesy of the MRG Foundation, a member of the Oregon Immigrant & Refugee Funders Collaborative, a release from LCA stated Tuesday. Funds are limited and there is an income eligibility requirement. LCA will offer up to $495 per applicant for the first eight eligible applicants who apply.
City Councilor Announces Run for House Bend City Councilor, Dr. Nathan Boddie, has announced his bid for the House District 54 seat in the Oregon State Legislature. The House seat representing Bend, currently held by another physician, Dr. Knute Buehler (R-Bend), will be vacant during the 2018 election, due to Buehler’s run for governor of Oregon. Boddie is a primary care physician who was first elected to the Bend City Council in 2014. City Council races are non-partisan, but in the House race, Boddie will run as a Democrat. He has not yet filed for the spot with the Oregon Secretary of State’s OreStar system. SW
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ight now, a Dutch guy is bathing in Carol’s bathroom. It’s attached to her master bedroom in the mid-century bungalow she shares with her elderly mother. “He seems to take two showers a day,” she laughs. “Maybe it’s a European thing.” In her 50s, Carol—who asked to be known only by her first name—was born and raised in Central Oregon, and was one of the casualties of the economic downturn in 2009, when she lost her job. “It was a complete shock,” she says, “I was a single mother of two growing boys, my mother fell ill, I had a mortgage to pay for, and I felt completely helpless.” Four years later, she struggled to make ends meet, at one point holding three part-time positions. That all changed in 2013, when she sent her eldest son to college in Portland and had trouble finding a place to stay. “Everything was $200 or more a night,” she reflects. “I thought, here I am sending my son off to start his life, and his mother can’t afford to properly send him off.” Someone mentioned Airbnb. “I stayed in someone’s home, just like mine, for $55 a night. That’s when the lightbulb went off.” Carol came home energized and hopeful. She added a separate entrance to her master bedroom four weeks later, moved into the smaller guest room and has been welcoming guests ever since. “It’s been a godsend,” she says as she pulls up to my driveway, checking her Uber app to make sure she has the right address, “and now I’m thriving, where I would have been struggling.” Did I mention she also supplements her Airbnb income by driving for Uber? She’s given nearly 900 rides since the ride sharing app began service in Central Oregon in May — a prime example of a local capitalizing on the “sharing economy.”
HOUSING CRISIS ONCE TABOO, NOW THE NORM Across the high desert, stories such as Carol’s are increasingly common. The City of Bend reports there are 744 active short term rentals within the Bend city limits—more than a
200 percent increase in as little as three years, when there were only 344 listed permits. This is partly due to a 2015 rule change which required those leasing their homes, or up to two bedrooms to a tenant for fewer than 30 days, to apply for a short term rental permit. The rentals may have already been active, but now, homeowners are required to be licensed. “You can see that prior to the rule changes on April 5, 2015, there was a spike in the amount of permits being applied for at the City of Bend,” says Lorelei Williams, the City’s program manager. “After rule changes were made, there was a dropoff in the amount of permits being filed for, and this is mainly due to the 250-foot density buffer requirement for whole-house STR permits. Many homes became ineligible for a whole-house rental permit after those rule changes.” The 250-foot requirement is an effort by the City to regulate rentals, so that entire communities aren’t made into vacation sanctuaries. Though there is much speculation about Federal Street. being one of those vacation rental-heavy communities, the City says of the 105 tax lots on the street, only 18 of those are short term rentals—a rate of 17 percent. “The permit still proves to be popular as we are still receiving applications... and infrequent rental permits are not subject to a density buffer so those may still occur in saturated areas,” says Williams. Hence, why Federal Street may have more than the 17 percent reported rental rate. People attribute rental platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO and FlipKey to the spike, as it becomes easier and safer to rent. For people such as Carol, the taboo of letting strangers into your home seems to dissipate in the face of benefits such as self-employment and subsidized income.
VACATION RENTALS: HAPPENING FOR 20 YEARS “People used to ask me, how can you let strangers sleep in your bed?” exclaims Michele Halderman, who’s been renting homes across Oregon as vacation rentals for 30 years. “And I’d laugh and say, "Honey, for $500 a night they can do whatever they want in my bed. It’s their vacation.” Halderman began Bend Vacation Rentals in 1999 after a 10-year stint in Hood River, when the idea of renting out your own home was, as she puts it, a looney prospect. “I would walk around and ask people if they wanted to rent out their homes,” she reflects, “half thought I was crazy and the other half would pause, run the numbers and say yes...but they probably still thought I was crazy.” She started with one house, then four, then approximately 45 when she sold the business last year. “Bend’s always been
Think the City isn’t doing anything about all those Airbnb’s? Not quite. A recent citation regarding the operation of an illegal dwelling resulted in a whopping $28,500 fine… partially because the homeowner was a no-show and the court imposed the maximum penalty.
a tourist town, and I know some locals don’t want vacation rentals, but this is the way of the world. What some people might not realize is that it’s been happening for more than 20 years.” Halderman estimates there are 600 vacation rentals in the Bend area run by property management
“…a lot of people want to live in Bend and the reality is, not everyone can afford it, so if renting out a room in your house means you can live here, then why not?” — MICHELE HALDERMAN
EMBRACING CHANGING TRENDS As the ease of technology increases, the traditional rental market and consumer travel trends have changed. Long gone are weekly vacation rentals. “In the summer, yes, you’ll definitely get a week rental, but in the winter or shoulder seasons, you’ll be lucky to get two days at a time,” says Halderman. She says that in her 20 years in the vacation rental industry, the term “shoulder seasons” wasn’t applicable to Bend until Visit Bend began pulling in events in the fall or spring seasons four or five years ago. “Cyclo Nationals (in 2010) was when we started seeing an influx of people here in the fall, but it’s still relatively quiet here in those months.” A quick look at the vacancy rate on Airbnb for this upcoming Sept. 28-29 weekend confirms her observations; 241 rentals are still available for a two-day period. Though Airbnb spokesperson Laura Rillos was unable to confirm the total number of Bend area rentals, she does say, “The typical listing is booked just 46 nights a year—fewer than four nights a month.” The average Bend host earns $9,700 a year. Could those same availabilities be open for long term tenants instead? Carol, the Airbnb-turned-Uber driver, says her room wouldn’t be open to long term roommates anyway. “I wouldn’t have given up the comforts of my master bedroom and invested in a separate entrance for a long term roommate. My mother is ill and I don’t want to burden her with someone here full time. Airbnb allows me to rent just 10 days a month for the same price of a monthly roommate.” After this past winter’s heavy snowfall, Halderman says short term rentals were a saving grace for locals who became victims of ice dams, roof collapses and floods, using vacation rentals as temporary shelter while their permanent dwellings were fixed. “I think this winter was an anomaly; we had folks renting for two months while they waited for their homes to be fixed.” Added to the influx of those looking for a lifestyle change,
9 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
The 250-foot requirement is an effort by the City to regulate rentals, so that entire communities aren’t made into vacation sanctuaries.
companies such as hers. That was once the norm, but the market has been overtaken by enterprising locals —and yes, even Bay-area transplants—using Airbnb-type platforms. Halderman was part of the 2014 task force organized by the City to tackle the burgeoning short term rental industry and its impacts on the housing market. With a less than 1 percent vacancy rate reported by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, Central Oregon is deep in the throes of a housing crisis. In 2015, the City Council, on recommendations from the task force, implemented a short term rental permitting process. Since 2016, the City has garnered a 10.4 percent transient room tax on every reservation, part of which goes into the City’s general fund. The City expects to garner approximately $13.1 million of the projected $19.6 million from these taxes in the next two years. This money is spent on projects ranging from public safety to yes, fixing those darn potholes. Still, another large portion, about 31 percent goes to promoting tourism, with entities such as Visit Bend garnering a significant portion of this leftover tax. Some say that with a housing crisis afoot, more of the pie should go toward supporting local housing solutions and less toward tourism promotion. To that end, the City successfully appealed to the State of Oregon to allow them to put more of the TRT toward the general fund, as of 2015. State rules prohibit an even bigger share of the pie.
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"It’s about us actively trying to create housing for residents on the one hand, but then taking three units of residential housing and converting it away from residential housing into a hotel. You know, that’s where it comes down to...this is my dilemma. That we’re actually giving away land, in order to try and get affordable units, and then we do this.” Councilor Barb Campbell in response to Mayor Casey Roats asking her to vote in favor of the emergency text amendment to the Bend Development Code for Short Term Rentals in Deschutes Landing. Campbell initially abstained from the vote, citing affordable housing reasons, but later conceded to voting in agreement with the rest of the council to pass the first reading, 7-0.
retirees and traveling nurses, it’s all added to the housing pressure. “Of course, there’s also the relocation aspect that has greatly increased, I’d say in the last three years or so. Everyone wants their kids to be within biking distance of Summit (High School) or Pacific Crest,” Halderman says, laughing, “I mean, one day I had two Tanyas call me, and their story was exactly the same. I thought I was losing it, but it turns out they were two different people. “For those thinking renting out your home is just quick and easy cash, you’re dead wrong, it is a job,” says Halderman. “First, you’re taking a huge risk. Yes, it may pay off greater than having a long term renter, but it’s still a huge gamble. I mean, if the economy tanks, the weather turns or a disaster occurs, you’re left without an income.” She notes that the entire town came to a standstill when the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks occurred. and again during the recession. “People lost a lot of money and that’s something you can’t predict.” Still, it’s a gamble, which if it pays out, can pay out huge. “A small 1-bedroom mill house used to go for $60-100 a night, now it’s up to $300 a night,” she says. “An upscale property can go for $500,” she says. “But if you look at Tetherow, they’re renting their properties up to $800 a night, so I mean, the squeeze is already there. And they’re exempt from short term permits.”
A RECENT CITY COUNCIL DEBATE, AND AN “EMERGENCY” During the Sept. 20 City Council meeting, a first reading on an emergency text amendment to the Bend Development Code for Short Term Rentals in Deschutes Landing passed unanimously, allowing several properties in the subdivision to be exempt from the short term rental permitting process — similar to the Mt. Bachelor Village and Broken Top subdivisions. Of the 36 houses, 33 are already exempt and eight are rentals. A pending real estate transaction, according to Councilor Justin Livingston, drove the need for an “emergency” statute, meaning once passed on its second motion, the amendment would come into effect immediately, instead of within the regular 30-day window. Councilor Barb Campbell raised concerns regarding the motion and initially abstained from the vote, citing the dilemma this posed in light of the current housing crisis. “It’s about us actively trying to create housing for residents on the one hand, but then taking three units of residential housing and converting it away from residential housing into
REGULATION AND ENFORCEMENT From 2014 to early 2016, the City of Bend cited exactly zero homeowners operating illegal short term rentals. According to Julie Craig, the City’s code enforcement officer, there have since been just two citations for operating illegal dwellings this year. In 2016, there were five listed formal complaints. That figure has skyrocketed in 2017. Craig says she has received 48 complaints of illegal operating units this year. “I don’t receive too many complaints on legal STRs,” she says, but “when I do, they are related to noise, a non-responsive 24 hour contact person and occupancy.” Still, of the two citations, one homeowner who did not show up to court proceedings was fined a whopping $28,500. “That’s for two violations,” says Craig, “operating an illegal STR without the proper land use permit, ($750 a day for 19
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30 NOON–8 PM Village Green City Park Sisters, Oregon
Short Term Rental Permits in 2014: 344
Short Term Rental Permits in 2016: 744 days) and operating without a STR operating license ($750 a day for 19 days).” Williams of the City of Bend says there hasn’t been much talk about regulating short term rentals any further, noting the drop-off in applied permits. Rillos of Airbnb also notes that “with 42 percent of Airbnb guest spending done in the neighborhood in which the guest stay[s], this brings economic benefits to businesses that have not traditionally benefited from tourism.” So the housing crisis won’t improve from the uptick in vacation rentals, but the community as a whole might. Brian Blaesser, a real estate attorney notes, “Fundamental property rights state that you should be able to buy, rent or sell a property,” he said. “Limiting renting is taking away one of those three rights, and further regulations beyond registration and inspection can be dangerous.” Halderman adds it’s the American way to not interfere with people’s choices. “How do you tell people you can’t make a living the way you want to make a living?” She says, “There’s so much more positive out of this than negative, and sometimes those in Bend can feel entitled… but a lot of people want to live in Bend and the reality is, not everyone can afford it, so if renting out a room in your house means you can live here, then why not? You’ve got to change how you feel about your community and allow for new, progressive ways to make a living flourish… just remember to be neighborly when you do it.” SW
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VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
a hotel. You know, that’s where it comes down to.” Livingston, who’s also a real estate agent, countered, “I appreciate you trying to protect the affordable housing, but these are $1-million-plus units, these aren’t affordable housing units.” Councilor and Mayor Pro-tem Sally Russell agreed, citing her participation on the 2014 task force during which they “identified certain areas throughout the city that would allow for type-1 short term permits. We knew we might be missing certain areas. ...For me, this change makes tons of sense.” Mayor Casey Roats agreed, noting that Deschutes Landing probably should have been designated this way in the first place, “If they (the landowners) would have approached us before (the April 15, 2015, change) it would probably been cleaned up then, and these poor folks have been hanging around in limbo for years now, months and months since they approached us.” “Hold on, Mr. Mayor,” Campbell interrupted. “You just pointed out they were “poor folks,” when Justin just said they are $1 million apartments. (laughs) I’m sorry. This is my dilemma, that we’re actually giving away land, in order to try and get affordable units, and then we do this.” With increased pressure from the mayor, Campbell agreed to vote, sighing, “An emergency it is then.”
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Saturday 30- Sunday 1
PUNK — Not only did SoCal’s Agent Orange define the “surf punk” genre, they’ve been going hard since 1979. Sure to deliver a raucous night of nostalgia and kinetic hysteria. Chicago’s Flat Foot 56 brings the bagpipes and Terrebonne’s-own Kronk Men open. // 8pm, Domino Room, 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $20/adv.
CAMP — Celebrate National Public Lands Day with a sleep-over campout at Paulina Lake! Enjoy impeccable cuisine and craft beers by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. and outdoor activities from REI. Stargaze while listening to live music before hitting the hay and start your Sunday with yoga and a hot breakfast. Proceeds benefit Discover Your Forest. // Sat. 9am until Sun. 11am, Newberry Group Camp at Paulina Lake, County Road 21, Bend. $95+fees.
Friday 29
Saturday 30
FESTIVAL — Drink great beer while supporting a good cause! Celebrate fresh hop season with over 26 breweries from all over Oregon. Each brewery features 1-2 fresh hop beers. Live music by folk-duo The Brothers Reed. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Support Sisters after a smoky summer! // Noon-8pm, Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St., Sisters. $15/pint glass+5 tokens.
FILM — Do you like film and spaghetti westerns? Get a sneak peek at the 2017 Official BendFilm Guide, preview exclusive film clips and enter the prize raffle. Chow down on some BBQ and enjoy drinks complimentary Bend Distillery, Deschutes Brewery and Elixir. Costumes are encouraged, so channel your inner Clint Eastwood or Claudia Cardinale. // 6pm, G5, 550 NW Franklin Ave. Suite 200, Bend. $25.
Friday 29
Saturday 30
HOME TOUR —Whether you’re about to design and build a new home or are looking to update an existing home, get great ideas to draw from. You’ll get a chance to talk to experts from designers and builders to solar contractors. See the green tour guide inside last week’s Source—if you missed it, come get one here at our office! // 10am-5pm, Locations in Bend, Sunriver, Terrebonne and Sisters. Free.
OUTDOORS — Enjoy a nice 1-mile jaunt (or sprint) up Pilot Butte! The scenic course winds its way along the Nature Trail to the volcanic top nearly 500 feet. above. Go for a personal record or walk for the cause. Proceeds from fees, fundraisers and donations are used to improve the park. // 5:45pm, Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. $20/adult, $15/kids and seniors.
Friday 29
Tuesday 3
FILM — Where epic adventure and environmental advocacy meet! Proceeds benefit the Oregon Natural Desert Association. Catch one of two screenings for stunning films, gear giveaways and a celebration of the wild places we love. // 4:30-6:30pm & 8-10pm, Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Matinee: $15/GA, $11/students. Evening: $17/GA, $11/students.
AMERICANA — Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Shawn Colvin’s album, “A Few Small Repairs,” with the release of a newly expanded edition and a fall tour. Though best known for her ’97 single “Sunny Came Home,” Colvin also has 10 Grammy nominations and three wins. Did we mention her forthcoming album is included with your ticket? All ages. // 7pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $54 - $72/reserved seating, $160/ VIP Meet & Greet.
Friday 29-Sunday 1
Wednesday 4
Dave Holz
FESTIVAL — Celebrate summer’s last hurrah with a grand celebration of Bend’s unique creativity! This three-day festival features over 100 musical acts from blue- grass to rock ‘n’ roll from Central Oregon and beyond. Bring the kids, there will be music workshops! Proceeds support art and music education through local nonprofit Rise Up Presents. // Fri. 5:45-9:30pm, Sat. 10:30am-9pm, Sun. 11:30am-9pm, SW Shevlin-Hixon Dr., Bend. Free.
September 30
October 22
GUITAR SHREDDER — You may recognize him as the guy who wears a creepy Halloween mask and a KFC bucket on his head, but Buckethead is also a virtuoso guitarist and multi-instrumentalist. It’s hard to pinpoint his style, which spans progressive metal, funk, blues, jazz, bluegrass and the avant-garde. Definitely a must-see. // 8-11pm, Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $20-$25, $5 increase day of show. SW
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Thursday 28
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S SOUND Honoring the Local Music Scene
Bend Roots Revival adds a stage and a spiritual element to this year’s free local music festival
he festival, started after organizers Mark Ransom and Brent Alan, both musicians and longtime fixtures in the local music scene, recognized that Bend has become a destination for internationally successful acts. The two wanted to create a gathering to celebrate the talent of local musicians, who may have become overshadowed by the national radar. “We wanted to create something that honored local musicians, their personality and artistic character,” Ransom recalls. Bend Roots Revival started in the Parilla parking lot, spreading to the Victorian Cafe and closing down the flaming chicken roundabout at Galveston
and 14th Street. The homegrown music festival outgrew that space and moved to the Century Center for two years, before having to relocate again in 2012. Next, the festival moved to Pakit Liquidators before the business closed. It’s found its more permanent home on the Deschutes Brewery lawn across from the Les Schwab Amphitheater. “I think the biggest new thing is that we added a stage,” Ransom says of this year’s festival. “It’s in the area that we're calling the ‘community art and chill zone.’ It offers a respite from the barrage of loud music and will have Zara Bird tasty, organic, non-alcoholic drinks and Bucha Buena kombucha will be at that location.”
Mai from Moon Mountain Ramblers plays Friday 8pm on BIGS stage.
For Central Oregon music lovers, the end of September signals one of the biggest community music festivals in the area. Bumped one week later than usual due to the Modest Mouse show at the Les Schwab Amphitheater last week, Bend Roots Revival has become a local tradition since 2006.
check out during this weekend’s Bend Roots Revival By Anne Pick
Ransom envisions the new stage, aptly titled the Music Makers Stage, to be the spiritual center of the festival. He’s recruited Breyn Hibbs, owner of Sol Alchemy Temple, to lead rituals on Saturday and Sunday. Music on this stage will lean on the more acoustic, folk side and getting heavier hitting later in the evening. “It underscores our mission in the community in regard to performing arts and the effect it has on our souls,” Ransom says. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do for a long time. We’ve always had yoga and other kinds of activities that are rooted in meditation.” Aside from the new spirituality element, attendees have a lot to look forward to this year. With 121 confirmed bands playing at this year’s festival, there’s really something for everyone. Ransom hopes the space will grow into a visual arts community within the festival, so there’s also the chance to participate in the community mural painting project with Rise Up on Saturday afternoon. There's also a plethora of music workshops with some of the area’s finest musicians. “The festival is a ritual. It comes from the idea that we’re, the best I can tell, the reason we’re here to celebrate and help each other,” Ransom says. “We’ve experienced dark times lately and the world needs hope. It’s a strong belief of our organization, to form a connection from where hope can spring. The ritual event we’re bringing in with Sol Alchemy, allows us to recognize this darkness and I imagine a Phoenix rising from the ashes. The rebirth. That creative energy is what can sustain that and take it to a collective community level. That’s the most important part of the festival. That’s what a lot of people feel about Bend Roots and that’s why it’s important to keep going.” SW Bend Roots Revival
Friday, Sept. 29 - Sunday, Oct. 1 Bend Roots Revival Festival Grounds SW Shevlin-Hixon Dr, Bend. No cover.
Odds are, you’ve seen Billy Mickelson’s band Third Seven perform at some point over the course of the last decade or so—be it when he’s accompanying a yoga class or rocking out at one of Bend’s favorite music venues. Third Seven will sway your opinions on the way the cello is used in music. Don’t miss Third Seven on Friday on the Music Maker’s Stage from 8:30-9:30pm.
Furtado had made a name for himself in the Americana and folk genres over the years and listening to his live album, “Cider House Sessions,” recorded at Reverend Nat’s Cider in Portland gives you a preview into his genius. A talented singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, you won’t want to miss Furtado perform on the Black Butte Porter Stage on Friday from 7-8pm.
After spending the evening catching live music outdoors at Bend Roots, head down to The Capitol for the Friday night after party. The Kulululu, And And And and King Who perform. Check out And And And for finely crafted rock and roll from Portland. The sound ranges from aggressive to melodic in a way that will have your body rockin’. 10:30pm-1:30am at The Capitol.
This week, we interviewed AM Clouds for our Bend Roots New Band Spotlight. The four Bend transplants came together within the last year and a half and have been preparing for this night — their first live performance as AM Clouds. They’ll be performing on Saturday from 4:15-5pm on the Redbird Stage.
Sometimes, you just want to hear a song you know, which is why we suggest you check out local Weezer cover band Weez-It (like Cheez-It, get it?). From “Buddy Holly” to more of your lesser commercialized favorite from the Blue Album, you’ll love singing along to some of your favorite Weezer songs. Catch them on the El Sancho Stage on Saturday from 7:15-8pm.
I have a soft spot for female lead singers, especially those who are also badass musicians. Lande brings together some of Bend’s best musicians with lead singer and band namesake Jen Lande to form a melodic rock band with soaring vocals. Don’t miss their performance which closes out Saturday evening on the Music Maker’s Stage from 8-9pm.
Formed in 2006, Portland’s Mexican Gunfight combines rock and roll with gritty blues, pop and country lyricism to form an eclectic sound that will have you on your feet dancing. They’ll be performing Saturday on the BIGS Stage from 8-9:15pm.
One of my favorite local bands, you won’t want to miss seeing Riot on a Sunday performing at Bend Roots Revival. The local rockers mix folk and punk with rock to create songs you can both sway to and headbang to, a delightful combination if you ask me. Don’t miss Riot on a Sunday, appropriately playing on Sunday, on the Bucha Buena Stage from 1:302:15pm.
Larry and His Flask’s standup bassist Jeshua Marshall keeps busy while not touring with The Flask. In addition to being a part of Hot Club of Bend, he’s also involved in Guardians of the Underdog (performing at Roots on Friday night!). Hot Club of Bend performs gypsy jazz and swing as a quartet. Check out Hot Club of Bend on the Black Butte Porter Stage on Sunday from 6:45-7:30pm. SW
15 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
By Anne Pick
PICK’S BEND ROOTS PICKS Our recommendations for who to
New Band Spotlight
Bend-based indie rockers AM Clouds play their first show on Saturday at Bend Roots Revival
By Anne Pick
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY From left, Pete Ficht, Dan Paggi, Bruce Moon and Graham Boostrom play their first gig as AM Clouds this Saturday at Bend Roots Revival.
Choosing which of the 120+ bands playing at this weekend’s Bend Roots Revival to spotlight was difficult.
ith a wide array of talented musicians in Central Oregon and many new bands popping up all the time, there was no shortage of options. After listening to their debut EP, “War of Love,” I knew I wanted to talk to the dudes that make up new Bend-based band AM Clouds. I met with Pete Ficht, bassist, and Bruce Moon, lead singer, songwriter and guitarist, on the patio outside the Source’s building. “It started when Bruce and I were introduced last year at a party,” Ficht says of the band’s beginnings. “We had both moved here from Portland and were both musicians. It turns out we had both played with one of the same people. It was just a really weird coincidence. Bruce mentioned he was sort of thinking about starting a band.” Both seasoned musicians, Moon and Ficht started playing together. When they started looking for a drummer, they turned to Craigslist and connected with Dan Paggi. Ficht met Graham Boostrom through their kids at school. Also a musician, the two hit it off, so when AM Clouds decided to add another guitarist, Boostrom came onboard. “He was just in the band, it had been really great chemistry. Just a good mix of people,” Ficht says. “We’ve all been frontmen of our bands, all multi-instrumentalists, all family men.”
AM Clouds
Saturday, Sept. 30. 4:15pm Red Bird Stage, Bend Roots Revival SW Shevlin-Hixon Dr, Bend. No cover.
The band has been woodshedding for the last year and over the spring and summer recorded its first EP. The band members say they learned a lot during the writing and recording process for “War of Love” and are ready to hit the ground running with the next group of songs. “I’ve done most of the songwriting. We have a pretty collaborative process when it comes to hashing it out as a group,” Moon says. “Pete and all the guys in the band contribute to arrangements and harmonies. It’s great to have a fresh set of ears on songs. When you share them with other people, they have a fresh take and unattached view. It’s a collaborative spirit.” Ficht, Moon and the rest of the guys can’t wait to start playing live with the songs they have prepared over the last year. Their performance Saturday afternoon at the Bend Roots festival will be their first public performance as AM Clouds. They look forward to performing live and meeting other bands in the community. If all goes well, they’ll get some good local shows lined up in the near future. Want to know more about the ‘90s-esque, indie rock performed by AM Clouds? Check out our review of their EP, “War of Love” from last week’s issue. SW
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Modest Mouse Delivers
Indie rockers close out the Les Schwab Amphitheater concert season with high energy despite late start By Anne Pick
Indie rockers Modest Mouse tears it up at the Les Schwab Amphitheater on Friday, Sept. 22. Photos by Johnny Archer.
he last time I saw Portland-based indie rock powerhouse Modest Mouse, “Float On” had cracked the mainstream Top 40 and been nominated for a Grammy award. It was 2005 and the height of success for their album, “Good News For People Who Love Bad News.” That show happened during my freshman year at the University of Oregon. My best friend and I took the bus from campus to the McDonald Theater in Eugene where Modest Mouse brought the roof down. This past Friday night, Sept. 22, Modest Mouse and Built to Spill converged on the same stage for an indie rock throwdown during the last concert of the summer season at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. Nearly 13 years later, Modest Mouse brought the metaphorical roof down at the Amphitheater. Despite starting more than 30 minutes late, Modest Mouse hit the stage to chanting and a roar of applause. Lead singer Isaac Brock immediately took to the microphone and thanked the crowd for their patience and started in on the title track from their latest album, “Strangers to Ourselves.” They followed it up with “3rd Planet” and then hit an amped up stride with the next three songs. “Tiny Cities Made of Ashes,” one of my favorite Modest Mouse songs from 2000’s “The Moon & Antarctica” album, pumped up the energy with the vibrating bass line, shout singing and the talk of “drinkin’, drinkin’, drinkin’, drinkin’ Coca Coca Cola.” “Bury Me With It” spoke to the weight
on all of your shoulders and led perfectly into another one of the band’s biggest hits — “Dashboard.” As soon as the intro started, the crowd burst out in cheers, singing along and dancing to the jam. Brock still has the bravado to command the stage and entertain alongside his extremely talented bandmates. Watching from the front row, you could see the smile on guitarist Jim Fairchild’s face as he totally shred. Lisa Molinaro impressed me and everyone else I’ve spoken to since the show. The multi-instrumentalist showed her chops on the viola and had a glowing, positive energy on stage. After returning to the stage for the encore, Modest Mouse closed the show with their biggest hit, “Float On.” My friends and I had already started walking out by the time the song, “Float On” started, but stopped in our tracks and danced it out under a streetlamp outside of the Amphitheater with a stranger as her young son shook his head in embarrassment. Modest Mouse put on a great show, often meeting and, during some songs, exceeding expectations. Nearly 13 years after the first time I caught the band live, they continue to prove why Brock’s signature voice, catchy lyrics and raw energy have made Modest Mouse one of the biggest and most successful bands in indie rock. I wish they would have played “The World At Large,” but I guess I’ll just have to cross my fingers for next time. SW
CALENDAR 27 Wednesday Checker’s Pub Talent/Open Mic Bring your
talent to this weekly open mic night. 6-8 pm.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9 pm.
Domino Room ¡Mayday! - Search Party
Tour 2017 Hip hop from Miami, Fla. 7 & 8 pm. $12/GA, $79/VIP.
Hardtails Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your favorite songs every week. 9 pm. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Have you
narrowed it down to what songs you’ll sing this week? Embrace your inner rock star. 9 pm.
Level 2 Allan Byer Americana. Fourth Wednes-
day of every month, 5:30 pm. No cover. 21+.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Bring your talent or
Tickets Available on BendTicket.com
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9 pm. .
Domino Room Agent Orange, Flat Foot 56, Get Dead and The Kronkmen The original Southern California punk/surf power trio, Agent Orange, is one of only a handful of bands who have been continually active since the earliest days of the West Coast punk scene. 8 pm. $20. Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Jim Roy and Steve Beaudry Acoustic finger style blues guitar, mandolin and vocals by Jim Roy, accompanied by Steve Beaudry on acoustic and amplified harmonica. Songs from the Delta to Chicago. 7-9 pm. No cover. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Have you
narrowed it down to what songs you’ll sing this week? Embrace your inner rock star. 9 pm.
M&J Tavern Dr Green Dreams & GoldWolf Dr Green Dreams brings a taste of Texas—country, rock and punk with some of that Green flavor! Local band GoldWolf opens—pre funk and post
party. Donations appreciated. 9 pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Free
Country Swing Dance Lessons Every Thursday night, learn how to country swing. No partner needed. 8 pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill Richard Taeloar Blues Band Rich Taelour, guitar master and vocalist, Jeff Ingraham on Drums and David Finch on Keys will play blues, rock and more favorites. 7:30-9:30 pm. No cover.
McCalla plays cello, tenor banjo and guitar. Deeply influenced by traditional Creole, Cajun and Haitian music, as well as by American jazz and folk. 8 pm. $12/adv, $15/door.
29 Friday Astro Lounge RRLTIME with DJ Scipher 8-midnight. No cover.
The Summit Saloon & Stage 97 Comedy Presents Some of the best comics from around the US to the Summit Saloon and Stage. Comics as seen on Comedy Central, TBS, NBC and more. Last Thursday of every month, 8-11 pm. $12.
Bend Roots Revival Bend Roots Revival Join us for a grand celebration of our community’s unique creativity and the endof-Summer party for locals in Bend! Over 100 musical acts from blue grass to rock ‘n’ roll! Proceeds from sales, sponsorship and donations at this event support art and music education through our local non-profit Rise Up Presents. Family friendly. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Leyla McCalla with Third Seven A Haitian-American who sings in French, Haitian Creole and English, Leyla
Checker’s Pub The Bad Cats Dance to live rock ‘n’ roll, blues and soul. 8-11:30 pm. No cover.
Strictly Organic Coffee Company Open Mic Fresh talent and fresh coffee every week. 6 pm.
an encouraging ear to this weekly open mic for musicians. All musicians welcome! 6:30 pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Blake? Shania? Get in touch with your inner country star. 7 pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
John Fullbright Americana. All ages. 7-10 pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Local artists perform. Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6 pm. The Lot Open Mic Showcase your talent or watch as locals brave the stage for open mic. 6 pm. The Old Stone Christina La Rocca Native Brooklynite Christina LaRocca has been heard across the states and overseas and now she’s coming to The Old Stone. Her innovation as a singer-songwriter echoes rich vocals with a haunting infusion of folk and R&B. 8-10 pm. $8/ adv, $15/door. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe Pickin’
& Paddlin’ Festival Come enjoy boat demos and live music by Pitchfork Revolution, Eric Leadbetter of Jive Coulis, Benji Nagel of Watkins and Crystal Pizzola of Tone Red on the back lawn at Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe. All proceeds benefit the Bend Paddle Trail Alliance. No dogs please. Purchase pre-sale tickets online. Limited tickets avail. at door. 3-9 pm. $5. 12+under are free.
28 Thursday submitted
The Brown Owl Blackstrap Enjoy the last of summer on the front porch for some picking and grinning! 7-9 pm. Free. Chops Bistro Melanie Rose Dyer and Daniel Cooper All original acoustic folk-rock, Americana and blues. 6-8 pm. No cover.
Enjoy a night of indie acoustic roots and soul with Benyaro with The Same Coin at Volcanic Theater Pub on 10/1.
The Drum and Guitar Shop
541.382.2884 63830 NE Clausen, Ste.100 www.thedrumandguitarshop.com
19 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Cabin 22 Useless Knowledge Bowl! Great prizes! 7-9 pm.
CLUBS Domino Room Patrick Sweany Best known
for his work collaborating with Dan Auerbach. He’s a blues rock innovator and has toured with The Black Keys, Tedeschi Trucks, Hot Tuna, The Revivalists and others. 8 pm-midnight.
Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Karaoke & Open Mic with A Fine Note Karaoke Too! Bring your voice, bring your guitar and bring your friends. All musicians welcome. Great stage. Great venue. 8 pm. No cover. Hub City Bar & Grill Emerald City Band
Dance the night away to your favorite classics. 9 pm-1 am. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Free Friday Dance Lessons 21+. 8 pm. No cover. Northside Bar & Grill Derek Michael Marc and Double AA Classic rock, R&B and blues. 8:30 pm. $3. The Summit Saloon & Stage DJ Biggz 9
pm. No cover. 21+.
The Capitol Bend Roots Revival After Party
w/KING WHO, And And And, Kulululu Rock. 101:30 am. No cover.
The Pickled Pig RExDOn RExDOn plays classics. Folk, country, rock, and blues tunes that will inspire you to sing along. Their music inspires and appeals to all. 5-9 pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Tony Smiley Roots
After Dance Party The Loop Ninja Tony Smiley returns to Volcanic for an epic dance party after Bend Roots Fest. Tons of dancing, antics and new music for your hip bones. 10 pm. $8/adv, $10/ door.
30 Saturday The Belfry Sisters Folk Festival presents OneBeat Concert Join us for the first OneBeat performance of 2017! A celebration of connection with the community, some of the musical material will be inspired by youth music workshops in Sisters and Bend and the improvisations will include local Oregon musicians. From the sublime to the sublimely funky, come expand your eyes and shake your feet. 7-9 pm. $10/adults, $5/students. Bend Roots Revival The HardChords Live instrument ensemble and electronic beats performing on El Sancho Stage. 9:15-10 pm. No cover. Allan Byer Project Americana on the El Sancho Stage. 1:15-2 pm. No cover. Checker’s Pub The Bad Cats Dance to live rock ‘n’ roll, blues and soul and enjoy the great food, drinks and atmosphere at this fun Redmond pub. 8-11:30 pm. No cover. Crooked River Brewing Company
Allan Byer Project Allan shares his all original Americana music with his all-star band. 7-9:30 pm. No cover.
Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards and Events Lindy Gravelle Singer-songwriter-pianist performs originals and country and pop covers. 6-9 pm.
Hub City Bar & Grill Emerald City Band
Dance the night away to your favorite classics. 9 pm-1 am. No cover.
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Karaoke Get
in touch with your inner crooner at this weekly karaoke night. 8 pm.
M&J Tavern Shovel Belt Rock. Last show
before heading to the studio, don’t miss! 9 pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Free Dance Lessons Come learn the popular line dances to your favorite country songs every Saturday! 9 pm. No cover. Northside Bar & Grill Derek Michael Marc
and Double AA Classic rock, R&B and blues. 8:30 pm. $3.
Private Residence in Bend Songwriter Series: Jen Cass with Eric Janetsky A non-profit concert series, held in a private concert venue. Join us for a potluck dinner, followed by folk music. All proceeds go directly to the artist. Must RSVP. 4-7 pm. The Summit Saloon & Stage DJ Biggz
21+. 9 pm. No cover.
The Drum and Guitar Shop Saturday Blues Jam This weekly jam meets every Saturday. If planning to play, please bring your Instrument, two blues songs and some friends. See ya Saturday! Call Kevin at 541-382-2884 with any questions. Noon-4 pm. No cover. The Old Stone Jordani & The Sun Kings A soul pop band based in Seattle. Their nostalgic grooves, catchy pop melodies, and experienced musicianship combine to create songs simultaneously drenched in feel-good vibes and honest, vulnerable lyricism. 8 pm. $12/adv. Volcanic Theatre Pub Valley Queen with Ezra Bell Front woman Natalie Carol leads a band reminiscent of Fleetwood Mac and My Morning Jacket with vocals evocative of Florence Welch. 9 pm. $8/adv, $10/door. volcanictheatrepub.com.
1 Sunday Bend Roots Revival Canaan Canaan with Matt Humiston Japanese singer/songwriter performs on the Music Maker stage. 8:15-9 pm. No cover. Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9 pm.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin Locals Night— DJDMP & Friends A night of soul, hip-hop and electronica with DJDMP and friends, plus 25% off everything on the menu all night long (with local id). 9 pm. No cover. House Concerts in the Glen An Evening
with Martyn Joseph A Sisters Folk Festival and Central Oregon fave. Martyn’s passionate singing enchants. To be held downtown at St Helens Hall across from Trinity Church at 231 NW Idaho. Community potluck 6-7pm, show at 7pm. Kindly RSVP. 6-9:15 pm. $20 suggested donation.
Juniper Golf Course and The View Tap and Grill First Sunday Band Jam/Open Mic
Bringing seasoned and novice musicians together to share the stage. Family friendly event, so bring the kids. They can even join in. Food and beverages available. Hosted by Dave and Melody Hill. First Sunday of every month, 4-7 pm. No cover.
Strictly Organic Coffee - Old Mill Paul Eddy Grab an afternoon cup with Northwest troubadour Paul Eddy. Originals and forgotten gems, every other Sunday. Every other Sunday, 3-5 pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Benyaro w/ The Same Coin Indie-acoustic roots and soul. 8 pm. $8/adv, $10/door.
2 Monday Astro Lounge Open Mic Night Hop on stage
and show off your talent at this weekly open mic night. 8 pm. astroloungebend.com.; Bring your talent to the Astro every Monday night. 8-11 pm..
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9 pm..
3 Tuesday Astro Lounge Trivia Tuesdays Bring your
team or join one! Usually six categories of various themes. 8 pm. No cover.
Crow’s Feet Commons Story Tellers Open Mic Night Come one, come all! Each Tuesday
CLUBS night, Crow’s Feet Commons hosts an open mic night. Bring your courage or your encouraging ear. Signup begins at 6. Performances from 7-10. Happy hour all night. 7-10 pm.
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Ukulele Jam All
TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Have you
narrowed it down to what songs you’ll sing this week? Embrace your inner rock star. 9 pm.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Bring your talent or
an encouraging ear to this weekly open mic for musicians. All musicians welcome! 6:30 pm.
M&J Tavern Ben Perkens Enjoy an acoustic
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke
evening of melodies and amazing vocals. 9 pm. No cover.
Blake? Shania? Get in touch with your inner country star. 7 pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Michelle Van Handel
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Quartet Jazz. 6 pm. Free.
The Capitol Beats & Rhymes Local Showcase
Local MCs doing mini sets displaying their poetic talents with live on-the-fly production and freestyle sessions at the end of the evening. Producers/Musicians/MCs/Vocalists/Poets welcome. Hosted by Theclectik. 9 pm-1 am. No cover.
The Lot Trivia at The Lot Bring your team or
join one. Enjoy the heated seats, brews, and tasty eats while rubbing elbows with Bend’s smartest smartipants who love trivia. A rotating host comes up with six questions in six different categories. 6-8 pm. Free.
Tower Theatre Shawn Colvin Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Shawn Colvin’s album,” A Few Small Repairs,” with the release of a newly expanded edition and a fall tour. 7 pm. Reserved seating $54, $72, $160 VIP M&G.
4 Wednesday Cabin 22 Useless Knowledge Bowl! Great
prizes! 7-9 pm.
Checker’s Pub Talent/Open Mic Bring your talent to this weekly open mic night. 6-8 pm. Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9 pm.
Hardtails Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your favorite songs every week. 9 pm.
Matthew Szlachetka Americana, rock. All ages. 7-10 pm. No cover.
Niblick and Greenes at Eagle Crest
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber Originals, tasteful covers, soulful ballads, jazzy tunes and sweet folk. Ticket includes buffet dinner. 5:30 pm. $20.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Local artists perform. 6-9 pm. northsidebarfun. com.; Local artists perform. Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6 pm. The Lot Open Mic Showcase your talent or
watch as locals brave the stage for open mic. 6 pm.
Tower Theatre Buckethead with Brain & Brewer A virtuoso guitarist and multi instrumentalist who performs within many genres of music. His music spans such diverse areas as progressive metal, funk, blues, jazz, bluegrass and avant-garde music. 8-11 pm. $20 & 25, $5 increase day of show.
5 Thursday Chops Bistro Melanie Rose Dyer and Daniel Cooper All original acoustic folk-rock, Americana and blues. 6-8 pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9 pm.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Have you
narrowed it down to what songs you’ll sing this week? Embrace your inner rock star. 9 pm..
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Free Country Swing Dance Lessons Every Thursday night, learn how to country swing. No partner needed. 8 pm. No cover.
Does your piano need to be tuned? Call a professional.
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
ages. 6:30 pm. No cover.
Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Jim Roy and Steve Beaudry Acoustic finger style blues guitar, mandolin and vocals by Jim Roy, accompanied by Steve Beaudry on acoustic and amplified harmonica. Songs from the Delta to Chicago. 7-9 pm. No cover.
Keeping Central Oregon in tune for over 20 years.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
The Mostest Local. Bouncy, danceable and big; marked with Allmanesque rhythm grooves and soaring melody lines. 7-10 pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill The Same Coin Local four-piece band that promises to deliver funky grooves. 7:30 pm. Free. Spoken Moto Facial This LA band’s rock is
Providing private, compassionate euthanasia services for your cats & dogs in the privacy of your pet’s home.
akin to Gang of Four mixed with Sex Pistols-style vocals, and this combination welcomes experimentation and psychedelia, too. 7-9 pm. No cover.
Strictly Organic Coffee Company Open Mic Fresh talent and fresh coffee every week. 6 pm.
The Lot The Coteries Touring folk-rock band. 6-8 pm. No cover. Tower Theatre The Fabulous Thunderbirds
featuring Kim Wilson Quintessential Americana. Bring your cell phones and participate via mobile bidding in the silent auction. All proceeds fund scholarships for graduates from Central Oregon high schools who demonstrate a serious commitment to a career in healthcare. 6:30 pm. $59, $49, $39.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Coral Creek + CC
Libby Hays, DVM DrLibby@MobileCatandDogVet.com
541.647.6810 www.MobileCatandDogVet.com
Dead Set 7-11 pm. $8/adv, $10/door.
Free Consultations!
541.636.1565 fadeoutbend.com 1050 SE 3rd St. Located Inside Monolith Tattoo Studio Folk and jazz musician Leyla McCalla plays with Third Seven at Volcanic Theater Pub on 9/28.
October 6-8
Friday 5pm – 11pm / Saturday 11am – 11pm / Sunday 11am – 5pm
CALENDAR MUSIC Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus
Billy Mickelson - A Conversation with a Soundtrack Using cello music as
a soundtrack local musician Billy Mickelson, who performs as Third Seven, leads a “spoken concert,” a discussion about the intersection of work, community and creativity. Come be inspired. Space limited, registration required. Sept. 27, 6-7:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St. 541-312-1032. Free.
Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice A traditional bagpipe and drum band
with members from the Central Oregon area. Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome to attend, along with those who are interested in taking up piping or drumming and would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St. 541-633-3225. Free.
Central Oregon Youth Orchestra Join the only group of its kind in Central Oregon! Students of all skill levels are welcome to join one of our
First time FREE. Mondays, 5:45-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln. 541-728-3798. $0-$16.
Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St. 360-870-6093. $10-$20.
Sing with the Sweet Adelines! The Cen-
and safe way to exercise the body and mind. A nurturing environment where women gather in the spirit of sisterhood to move and express through dance. Increased wellness of the hips, spine, mind and mood. Mon, Oct. 2, 6-7:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd. 480709-9583. $20/drop-in, $65/4 sessions.
musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Mondays, 6:30-9pm. Mt. View High School, 2755 NE 27th St. 541-306-6768. Annual negotiable fee.
tral Oregon Showcase Singers (Sweet Adelines) are looking for singers! Learn barbershop-style holiday tunes, old and new. Rehearses weekly in preparation for our Holiday Show on Nov. 18. For more information contact Peggy. Mondays, 6:30pm. Through Oct. 31. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave. (541) 639-8944. Free.
The Deschutes Caledonian Pipe Band Practice Looking for experienced players
Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all
to join and perform with the group. We are a volunteer not-for-profit society dedicated to the preservation, performance, and enjoyment of Scottish style bagpipes and drums in Central Oregon. If you are interested in joining please contact us. Mondays-Sundays, 6-8pm. Through Nov. 1. Abilitree, 2680 Twin Knolls Dr. Free.
Navaratri Night 8: A Special Wednesday Night Kirtan at Wren and Wild The
traditional Indian festival of Navaratri celebrates the Divine Feminine in all her aspects. Bring your heart & voice and join our growing community for a night of Bhakti and Sacred Song! No singing or musical experience necessary! Sept. 27, 7-9pm. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St Suite 100. 310-883-4384. By donation.
Public (Rock) Choir Sing in a fun, non-threatening environment for people of all skill levels. Rock and pop favorites—no hymns.
Adult Intermediate Level Dance Class
Drop-in class. Styles include contemporary, modern, jazz and ballet. Teachers rotate monthly. Friendly, supportive atmosphere! Performing opportunities available. Fridays. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave. 541410-8451. $5/class.
Argentine Tango Class & Práctica No partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:307:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson and práctica. Wednesdays. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd. $5/class. Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own dance in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Come explore free form movement, connection and self-expression, guided by rich, diverse soundscapes. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend
Hip Love: 4 weeks of Belly Dance A fun
The Notables Swing Dance Join us for the Sunday Afternoon Dance with The Notables Swing Band. Dance from 2-4pm. Light refreshments served. First Sunday of every month, 2pm. Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Rd. 541-388-1133. $5 per person. Salsa Footwork & Partnerwork Patterns Learn a series of fun footwork
combinations followed by partner work patterns. No experience required, but the class is still challenging for experienced dancers. Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. (541) 325 - 6676. $10.
Scottish Country Dance Weekly Class No experience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly classes include beginner & advanced dances. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd. First class is free, future classes are $5.
Celebrate National Public Lands Day with a grown-up campout with beer, live music and fun at Paulina Lake 9/30-10/1.
The Volcanic Theatre Pub Presents
G5 & BendFilm Presents
The Old Stone Presents
The Volcanic Theatre Pub Presents
23 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Medal-winning Bella Acappella seeks women and girls who love to sing and harmonize. Bella teaches and performs four-part acappella harmony and welcomes singers with high and low voices, all levels and ages 15 and above. Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. LDS Church, 450 SW Rimrock. 541-460-3474. $30 month.
three ensembles. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings, beginning Sept. 18. Register online now! Mondays, 5-7pm. Through Dec. 4. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. 541-543-5383. $200/term.
Square Dance Lessons Square dancing is friendship set to music. The Bachelor Beauts host square dance lessons twice a week for sixweeks for new dancers and previous dancers wanting refresher lessons. RSVP appreciated. Casual dress and comfy shoes! Thursdays-Sundays, 6:30-8pm. Through Oct. 29. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd. 541-6178589 or 503-510-8054. $7, or $60 prepaid for 12 lessons. Youth Acro Fusion Program A dynamic, performance-based youth program combining hoop dance, partner acrobatics and circus yoga. Program culminates in final performance at Terpsichorean Dance Studio Annual Recital. Fridays, 4-5pm. Through June 22. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100. 541-322-6887. $50/month. Discounts available for TDS students.
FILM EVENTS Bend Premiere of Rogue Elements
Teton Gravity Research hosts its winter kick-off party of the year. One-night only premiere of new feature length ski and snowboard film, Rogue Elements, presented by REI. Sept. 28, 6 and 9pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St. $15/ adv, $18/door, $10/16 and under (early show).
BendFilm Kick-Off Party Get a sneak peek at the 2017 Official Film Guide and preview clips from the upcoming festival. Enjoy drinks provided by Bend Distillery, Deschutes Brewery and Elixir with savory BBQ treats. Sept. 29, 6pm. G5, 550 NW Franklin Ave. Suite 200. 541-306-3403. $25. Wild & Scenic Film Festival Come
see where epic adventure and environmental advocacy meet at the 10th annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival, benefiting the Oregon Natural Desert Association. Catch one of two screen-
ings for stunning films, gear giveaways and a celebration of the wild places we love. Sept. 29, 4:30-6:30 and 8-10pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St. Matinee: $14; Evening: $16; Students / Children under 18: $10 at either screening.
LOCAL ARTS “Lunar” Exhibit Identically sized moon prints and drawings—each made by a different local or regional artist—wrap around the gallery, creating an ethereal environment. Each work creatively mines a different aspect of the moon, from its abstract surfaces to world myth and symbolism. Also includes handmade artist books. Saturdays, 10am-6pm, Sundays, noon5pm and Mondays-Fridays, 10am-7pm. Through Oct. 1. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 180. 541-330-8759. Free. Abstract Paint Night A date night with your honey or a creative date with yourself. Have some fun with your creative side. This workshop is a great way to blow off stress and create something meaningful. Sept. 28, 6-9pm. Willow Lane Artist’s Creative Space, 400 SE Second St. Suite 2. 541-728-3563. $40/individuals, $75/ couples (or bring a friend).
Artist Reception Local artist featured for a full month in the Humm brewery. Artist receptions the first Thursday of each month are held with local music and snacks from Agricultural Connections and Locavore. Guests receive a complimentary glass of kombucha! First Thursday of every month, 4-6pm. Humm Kombucha, 1125 NE 2nd St. 541-306-6329. Free. Artventure with Judy Artist-led painting
event! No experience necessary! Fee includes supplies. Pre-register and see upcoming images at artventurewithjudy.com. Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln. 541-410-3267. $25 pre-paid.
Join musician MC YOGI, his wife and 10 thousand Buddhas for yoga and a book talk at Wren and Wild 10/1.
EVENTS Bend Comedy at the Double J Saloon Bend Comedy returns to Redmond to present another great standup comedy show! Sept. 28, 9-11pm. Double J Saloon, 528 SW Sixth St., Redmond. 541-801-3000. Free.
Bend Comedy Presents: Erik Escobar & Matt Dargen Erik Escobar is a comic that
Figure Drawing Sessions We hold
figure drawing sessions with a live model every Tuesday evening from 7-9 pm at the Workhouse, there is no registration required so drop in. Bring your own drawing materials, some easels are provided but are first come, first serve. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. Through May 29. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St. Suite 6. 541 241 2754. $15.
Katie Culbertson Exhibit Aspiring illus-
trator Katie Culberston has been a Bendite for over a decade. Working with ink and watercolor, Culbertson grasps the vibrancy and versatility of both media and expresses mood and style in her artwork focused on fantasy and particularly fantasy involving outer space. Every 29 days, 9am-9pm. Townshend’s Bend Teahouse, 835 NW Bond St. Carissa Glenn, 541-312-2001.
Last Saturday at the Workhouse Art, live music and complementary beverages. Last Saturday of every month, 6-10pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St. Suite 6. Free. Lori LaBissoniere Art Walk Lori carves
lines on wood surfaces much in the way she surfs and shreds, working with and passionately respecting the mountain and coastal landscapes she plays in. Through Oct. 6, 5pm-2am. Velvet, 805 NW Wall St. 541-728-0303. No cover.
Art & Wine, Oh My! Local artists will guide you through replicating the night’s featured image. Food and beverage available for purchase. Register online. Tuesdays, 6pm. Level 2, 360 SW Powerhouse Dr. Suite 210. 541-213-8083. $35-$45. Randy Cohen Visits Central Oregon
Oregon Arts Commission presents Randy Cohen—Americans for the Arts Vice President of Research and Policy—to speak about the importance and use of the Arts and Economic Prosperity 5 Survey data. Coffee will be provided Oct. 3, 9-10am. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St. Free.
PRESENTATIONS ADU Happy Hour Meet with up with other
Bend homeowners, residents, designers, and builders who are starting to think about building ADUs. Grab a pint and listen to ADU expert, Kol Peterson, who will provide a brief introduction before questions. Sept. 28, 6-7:30pm. Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 224 NE Thurston Ave. 541385-6908 X11. Free.
Author Scott Kloos Presentation Herb-
alist Scott Kloos shares his book “Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest and use 120 Wild Herbs for health and Wellness.” Sept. 29, 6:30-8pm. Paulina Springs Books-Sisters, 252 W Hood Ave. 541-549-0866.
“The Chinese Must Go!” Immigrants, Exclusion and the Vision of America Discussion about the passage of the 1882
Chinese Exclusion Act that launched a punitive American policy of banning all immigrants of certain racial or national origins. Oct. 2, 6-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-3824754. $3/members, $7/non-members.
Complete Relaxation Empowers Everyday Life Learn about a simple practice
which guarantees complete relaxation, mental and emotional stability, harmony in your relationships and much more. Register at meetup. com/Balanced-View-Bend. Oct. 5, 6:45-8pm.
DIY Heat Pump Water Heaters Heat pump water heaters use 2-3 times less energy than electric water heaters. Come learn if your house is a good fit, how incentives can cover 80%, and get the know-how on to install one. Sept. 28, 5:30-6:30pm. Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 224 NE Thurston Ave. 541-385-6908 X12. Free.
Central Oregon’s One Stop Cannabis Super Store
Hatfield Sustainable Resource Lecture Doc and Connie Hatfield have been committed to developing partnership and building consensus to engender sustainability in the High Desert. They demonstrated how a holistic approach to ranching can be compatible with healthier rangelands, riparian zones and watersheds. Sept. 28, 7-9pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-382-4754. Free, RSVP required.
Know Death - The History and Constitutionality of Executions James Foster,
OSU Professor Emeritus, leads a conversation about the varying opinions surrounding capital punishment. Registration required. Oct. 4, 6-7pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St. 541-312-1032. Free.
Know Death: The History and Constitutionality of Executions James Foster,
OSU Professor Emeritus, leads a conversation about the varying opinions surrounding capital punishment. Registration required. Oct. 3, noon-1pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. 541-312-1032. Free.
Know Industry - Industrialization and its Discontents COCC history professor
Murray Godfrey discusses how the industrialization process occurred in the United States and Pacific Northwest, and how it affected economic relationships across classes. Sept. 28, 6-7pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. 541-312-1032. Free. COCC history professor Murray Godfrey discusses how the industrialization process occurred in the United States and Pacific Northwest, and how it affected economic relationships across classes. Sept. 30, 3-4pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. 541-312-1032. Free.
Lives of Museum Junkies: with Marilynne Eichinger Former OMSI President
Marilynne Eichinger reveals the surprising history of the hands-on education movement. Peer into the political and educational climate of the 60’s to discover factors that propelled it into prominence. Oct. 4, 6-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-382-4754. Free.
MC YOGI Spiritual Grafitti Yoga and Book Tour Join author and musician MC Yogi
+ his wife 10,000 BUDDHAS for an inspiring 75-minute yoga class, talk and Q-n-A about MC Yogi’s new book - “Spiritual Graffiti, Finding My True Path.” One hard copy of MC YOGI’s book included in ticket price. Oct. 1, 6-8:30pm. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St Suite 100. 541233-6252. $45.
Nature Night: Coming Home to Central Oregon Join the Deschutes Land Trust and John Elder for a talk on place and affiliation where we explore a unified vision of nature and culture, citizenship and stewardship. Sept. 28, 7-8:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd. 541330-0017. Free.
Remodeling for Efficiency This community demonstration project showcases the products and techniques to make your home healthy and and efficient. Sept. 27, 2-3:30pm. Earth Advantage Remodel Home, 107 SE Cessna Dr. 541-385-6908 X11. Free.
RECREATIONAL AND MEDICAL DISPENSARY Hours M-S 8:30am-10pm Sunday 8:30am-9pm 2205 NE Division St. Bend, Oregon 97703 Ph 541-550-7325
25 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
performs all throughout the US at clubs, and colleges. Matt Dargen is an improvisor and standup comic living in Spokane, WA. 21+ Sept. 29, 8-10pm. Seven Nightclub, 1033 NW Bond St. 541-801-3000. $8 adv/ $10 door.
East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Suggested contribution $10-$20 and all are welcome.
TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Capoeira Experience this exciting martial art
form of Afro Brazilian origins which incorporates music and acrobatic movements. For adults and teens. 541-678-3460. Mondays, 7-8:20pm and Thursdays, 7-8:20pm. City of Bend, Bend, OR. $30, two week intro.
Computer Programming Essentials
This hands-on coding and programming class gets you started in basic coding and programming logic. Using the visual program language Blockly and App Inventor, gain a foundation of program language. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 6-8pm. Through Oct. 12. E::Space Labs, 48 SE Bridgeford Blvd. Suite 180. 541-241-8801. $99.
Cultivating a Writing Practice Do you
have a yearning to write but don’t know where to start? Gain the necessary tools to cultivate a consistent writing practice. All levels welcome. Content inspired by Natalie Goldberg’s “Writing Down the Bones.” Oct. 1, 10am-3:30pm. COCC Bend Campus, 2600 NW College Way. 541-4807732. $89.
DIY Learn to Weld Workshop Learn more about this class and sign up online at DIYcave. com. Wed, Sept. 27, 5:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150. 541-388-2283. $50.
DIY Robotics A fun, hands-on introduction
to robotics for thinkers, inventors and creators. Gain insight into how robots “think” and process different input signals to achieve a desired goal. Build a robot and learn about coding, engineering concepts, mechanical robotics concepts and more. Mondays, 6-8pm. Through Oct. 30. E::Space Labs, 48 SE Bridgeford Blvd. Suite 180. 541-241-8801. $99.
Learn skills to write your own memoir at Hawthorn Healing Arts Center in Bend on 9/28.
THEATER Auditions for The Secret Garden
OperaBend’s 2017-2018 season will begin with a production of “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Oct. 3, 6-9pm and Oct. 4, 6-9pm. Pinckney Center, COCC, 2600 NW College Way. 541-350-9805. Free.
Spirit Matters: A Special Night Light Show at Sol Alchemy Sol Alchemy Temple
presents “SPIRIT MATTERS,” a special spirituality-themed Night Light Show with Shanan Kelley. The Night Light Show is a community-based comedy variety show in Bend. We create a unique and carefully curated extravaganza that is sure to overwhelm, entertain, and leave you crawling back for more. Sept. 28, 7-9:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd. 541-285-4972. $12-17.
WORDS Get Published—Self and Traditional with Dave Edlund Learn the basics of the
publishing process; the importance of editing, copyright benefits and obligations and the many steps involved in taking a manuscript to published book for self or traditional publishing. This workshop will explain the necessary steps get you started. Sept. 30, 10am-2pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd. $35/ non-members.
VOLUNTEERS 350Deschutes Climate Advocacy & Education Use your special talents to encourage
awareness of the need for meaningful climate action. Speak or organize educational events, attend rallies, write or do art about the climate. Mondays. Bend, RSVP for address. 206-498-5887.
Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond It doesn’t take much to make a big
difference in the life of a child! Looking for caring adult mentors who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Mondays-Sundays. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW Eighth St., Redmond. 541-617-4788.
Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains! We are seeking volunteers to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers or Bend Canine Friends Meet Up group. More information can be found at fencesforfido.org. Mondays. Bend, RSVP for address.
Go Big, Bend Big Brothers Big Sisters works
with kids who need a positive role model and extra support. By being a mentor you have the opportunity to help shape a child’s future for the better by empowering them to achieve. We need caring volunteers to help children reach their full potential! Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon, 2125 NE Daggett Ln. 541-3126047.
Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join an
incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals, or helping with our community cat population. Ongoing. Bend Spay+Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave. Suite B1. 541-617-1010.
Mentor Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit
that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs, and stewardship. For more information or to become a mentor, contact Amanda at 541-526-1380. Mondays-Fridays. Heart of Oregon YouthBuild, 68797 George Cyrus Rd.
The Rebecca Foundation The Rebecca
Foundation is seeking volunteers to help us with an upcoming event and ongoing for the Bend area diaper bank. Volunteers of all ages welcome. Ongoing. Bend, RSVP for address.
Volunteer The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. If interested, please contact us. First Monday-Friday of every month. Bend, RSVP for address. 541-389-8888. Volunteer—BCC Bend’s Community Center
has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals over age 6. If interested in volunteering go to bendscommunitycenter.org or call 541312-2069 for more information. Wednesdays. Bend’s Community Center, 1036 NE Fifth St.
Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer drivers needed to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Call Paul at 541-6472363 for more details. Mondays-Fridays.
Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond
Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Volunteers are critical to the operations of our high-save shelter and contribute directly to the care of our animals by ensuring our donations are processed. Mondays-Sundays. Brightside Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW 5th St. 541-504-0101.
CLASSES AcroYoga Join Deven Sisler and Alexis Burton
to experience how the power of acrobatics, wisdom of yoga and sensitivity of Thai yoga intertwine in the most joyful way in the most beginner friendly class. No partner or experience necessary. Month passes and discounts available. Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave. 541-550-8550. $10-$15.
Aerial Silks Training Learn how to fly on aerial silks. Build confidence, courage and strength through play. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Silks Rising, 1560 NE 1st Street #10. Basketry Workshop with Pat Courtney Gold Students weave a small Wasco Sally Bag
Wallet. Learn: Wefts, Warps, Tension, “’Z” twining and full-turn twining to create the designs. Unique start of basket, traditional “braid” rim. Sept. 30, 10am-4pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-382-4754. $55 for members, $60 for non-members.
Buddhist Mantras Chanting Explore
the spiritual insights and learn how to correctly chant mantras in Japanese. Reservations required. Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays-Fridays, 10:30am-4pm. Custom Built Computers Of Redmond, 439 SW 6th St. 541-848-1255. $10.
Business Start-Up Do you have a great idea
you think could be a successful business but just don’t know how to get started? Cover the basics in this two-hour class and decide if running a business is for you. Oct. 4, 11am-1pm. COCC Chandler Lab (off-campus), 1027 NW Trenton Ave. 541-383-7290. $29.
Don’t Fear the Pregnant Lady If you are
just out of yoga teacher training or have been teaching for 20 years, gain confidence in your ability to safely address the needs of pregnant students. Learn about the anatomy of pregnant women and effective language, sequencing and modifications to keep her safe. Sept. 30, 1-5pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave. 541-550-8550. $55/adv, $65/day of.
Electronics for Beginners Get a compre-
hensive overview of the essentials of electronics. Starting with the basics, move through advanced applications such as solving current-voltage-resistance-impedance problems, making power calculations and more. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. Through Nov. 29. E::Space Labs, 48 SE Bridgeford Blvd. Suite 180. 541-241-8801. $99.
Essential Tibetan Buddhism Michael Stevens, director of the Natural Mind Dharma Center, offers an introduction to Buddha’s teachings and how they are expressed through the Vajrayana tradition. The event includes lecture, discussion, chanting and meditation. naturalminddharma.org. First Monday of every month, 7-8:30pm. Natural Mind Dharma Center, 345 SW Century Dr. Suite 2. 541-388-3352. $10 donation. Explore Computer Programming Start
programming immediately as you learn the fundamentals of computer programming languages. Using visual block programming, get hands-on experience on how computer coding is built. Sept. 28, 6-8pm. E::Space Labs, 48 SE Bridgeford Blvd. Suite 180. 541-241-8801. $29.
German Conversation Group With a tutor to learn conversational German. Mondays, 7-8pm. In Sisters, various locations. 541-5950318. Cost is variable depending upon number of students. Hemp Oil CBD Health Benefits In an
hour-and-half, get up to speed on the enormous health benefits of CBD oil. This is a casual home environment where you hear testimonials. Free samples available to try. Every other Wednesday, 7-8:30pm. Through Dec. 19. Aingeal Rose & Ahonu, https://www.meetup.com/Aingeal-Rose-Ahonu. 925-366-3091. Free.
EVENTS Online Chair Tai Chi Classes Designed for people who have limited mobility and cannot stand for long periods of time. From a seated position soft movements are used to help increase energy, improve blood circulation. Fridays, 2-3pm. Grandmaster Franklin, 51875 Hollinshead Pl. 623-203-4883. $40. Intro to Capoeira with Mestre Acordeon This 4-week Introductory series will open
Intro to Jewelry Making Create two pairs
of hoop or dangle earrings. Explore basic wire wrapping and hammered jewelry techniques. Learn how to make simple wire-wrapped loops, add dangles, accents and texture metal. Sign up online to reserve your space. Sept. 28, 6:308:30pm. Junque in Bloom, 50 SE Scott St. Suite 19. 541-728-3036. $50.
Introduction to Arduino Arduino is an exceptional microcontroller platform where you can learn the basics of programming and electronics and see immediate results. Great for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Through Oct. 18. E::Space Labs, 48 SE Bridgeford Blvd. Suite 180. 541-241-8801. $125. Jack Skellington Paint Night Get in the
spirit and decorate for Halloween with a painting of Jack Skellington! Enjoy food and drink from Broken Top Bottle Shop while you paint with Artventure with Judy! Oct. 3, 6-9pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln. $25/per canvas.
Japanese Group Lesson We offer group
lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St. 541-6337205. $10 plus material fees.
Little Stone Project: Spoken Word Workshop Oregon-based artist and performer MOsley WOtta leads a two-hour workshop and discussion on how to find the profound in the absolutely ordinary. Inspired by the documentary film “Little Stones” and the framework of Detroit’s “InsideOut” Literary Arts Program, MoWo will take participants through experiential discussion. Oct. 5, 5pm. Liberty Theatre, 849 NW Wall St. <CharacterSytle:Ticket>Tick<CharacterStyle:>
Memoir Writing Class 8-week class devoted to the practice of writing memoir. Prompts fuel timed writing sessions both in and outside class time. Memories surface and the writing process - based on Natalie Goldberg’s “Writing Down the Bones” - instigates reflection on their deeper meaning. All writing levels welcome. Thursdays, 10-11:30am. Through Nov. 9. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave. 541-480-7732. $185. Mom’s Night Out: Buti Yoga Glow! Buti Yoga uses a mix of primal movement, tribal dance and ancient yoga techniques to awaken the Shakti energy and free the mind. The night begins with body glow painting and ends with refreshments! Sept. 29, 7-9pm. Tribe Women's Fitness, 20795 NE High Desert Ln, Bend. 541728-3493. $20.
Oriental Palm Reading Discover how the brain, nerves, and lines connect in palmistry. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St. 541-848-1255. $10. Pottery Class Learn the basics of clay or further your experience with instructor guidance. Six-week class includes first bag of clay. Glaze and tools will be provided. Open to all levels from beginner to advanced. Thursdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Through Oct. 26. Learn the basics of clay or further your experience with instructor guidance. Six-week class includes first bag of clay. Glaze
and tools will be provided. Open to all levels from beginner to advanced. Saturdays, 9am-noon Through Oct. 28. Cinder Cone Pottery Studio, 50 SE Scott St. 480-203-6442. $180.
QuickBooks Pro 2015 Beginning Class
Manage the financial aspects of your small to mid-sized business quickly and efficiently with this powerful, easy to use accounting program. Learn to set up new customer and vendor accounts, create invoices, record sales, and enter payments. Two-evening class on October 3 & 5. Oct. 3, 6-9pm. COCC Chandler Lab (off-campus), 1027 NW Trenton Ave. 541-383-7290. $99.
31 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
the door to the world of capoeira. You will begin to learn the kicks, spins and highly mobile techniques as well as the music and instruments signature to capoeira. Mondays, 7:30-9pm. Through Oct. 23. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100. 541-678-3460. $60/ full series, $20/Drop-in.
Small Plateau-style Wallet Weaving Workshop Students will weave a small Wasco
Sally Bag wallet and learn about wefts, warps, tension, “’Z” twining and full-turn twining to create designs. Sept. 30, 10am-4pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-382-4754. $55/ members, $60/non-members. <CharacterSytle:Ticket>Tick<CharacterStyle:>
Start Bellydancing! Learn to belly dance or take your dancing to the next level in this fun, multi-level class! Focus on dance technique as well as developing, refining, layering and traveling with a variety belly dance movements. Preregistration required. Sundays, 5-6pm. Through Oct. 29. Gotta Dance Studio, 917 NE Eighth St. 541-610-8622. $50. Tai Chi A free Tai Chi for health class open to
the Bend community. Focusing on gentle movement, balance and coordination. This ongoing class teaches alignment, standing relaxation and mental awareness progressing into the greater depth of internal energy and movement. For more info, call 541-548-1086. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:30-11am. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St. 541-548-1086. Free.
Unique Indoor Planting Party Bring the green indoors for the winter! Class includes instruction and care for two unique indoor plants. Bring your own 8” pots to take them home! Wine and beer complimentary. Sept. 27, 4:30-6pm. Moonfire & Sun Garden Center, 61944 SE 27th St. 541-508-9953. $15/members, $30/non-members. WAVES: A 5Rhythms Workshop The
Take a night off and get a workout at Mom's Night Out: Buti Yoga Glow at Tribe Women's Fitness on 9/29.
Bingo Winners of each round get half of the pot and the other half goes to the Bend Spay and Neuter Project! Every other Wednesday, 6-8pm. Through Dec. 21. Astro Lounge, 939 NW Bond St. $1/bingo card.
5Rhythms practice is a moving meditation that gets you out of your head and moving free in your body. In the 5Rhythms practice we do this through dance, not a dance where there are steps to follow, but using a map called the wave. All levels welcome! Sept. 30, noon-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100. 541-322-6887. $75.
Campout for Public Lands! Celebrate National Public Lands Day with a grown-up campout like no other. Enjoy impeccable cuisine and craft beers by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. and outdoor activities from REI. Sat., 9am to Sun., 11am. Sept. 30, 9am. Newberry Group Camp at Paulina Lake, County Road 21. 541-383-5572. $95+processing fee.
West African Drumming Level 1
Community Healing Night Intuitive
Learn traditional rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. A beginner class open to all. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Home Studio, 63198 NE de Havilland St. 541-760-3204. $15.
readings, energetic healing, and bodywork in exchange for canned and dry foods in support of Neighbor Impact food bank. First Thursday of every month, 5-7pm. The Old Stone, 157 NW Franklin Ave. 541-389-1159.
West African Drumming Level 3 Build
Descend on Bend An annual gathering of like-minded, life-loving folk. We gather outside of Bend, Or. to celebrate all things vanlife. All are welcome. Thurs, Oct. 5. City of Bend, Bend, OR. Free.
on your knowledge, technique, and performance skills. Teacher/troupe director David Visiko and members of Fe Fanyi study, practice and play joyfully. Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Home Studio, 63198 NE de Havilland St. 541-760-3204. $15.
EVENTS 17th Annual Green Tour Come tour 9 green home sites new and old throughout Central Oregon. Sept. 30, 10am-5pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave. 541-385-6908 X11. Free. Bend House BBQ For 20 years, the Bend
Ronald McDonald House has served families with seriously ill children from Central Oregon and around the world. Join us for a late-summer backyard BBQ with great food, fun for the whole family and more. Sept. 27, 5-7pm. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon - Bend, 1700 NE Purcell Blvd. 541-318-4950. Free.
Downtown Walking Tour Learn a bit of the past as well as the ins-and-outs and hotspots of present-day Bend and Central Oregon on this walking tour of historic downtown. Advance reservations required. Fridays-Saturdays, 10am. Bend Visitor Center, 750 NW Lava Rd. 541-3828048. Free. Drawing Under the Influence Bring pa-
per, pen, creativity and draw under the influence! This DUI club is for anyone looking for some fun on a Sunday. Sundays, 6-9pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave.
Drink for a Cause! Oregon Wildfire Relief Fundraiser Join us now through end
of October and Drink For A Cause! Despite the rain, fire season is still in effect and firefighters are still battling flames. For every pint sold of Fly Rock Session Ale from North Rim Brewing, 100% of proceeds will go toward the Oregon Wildfire
Relief. Through Oct. 31. The Row at Tetherow, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. 541-388-2582.
EDCO’s PubTalk Early Stage companies
deliver quick three-minute pitches, competing against each other for a spot on the Bend Venture Conference (BVC) stage! Your vote will help determine the five companies that advance to the BVC October 19-20. Sept. 28, 5-9pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St. 541-388-3236. $25/EDCO & OEN members, $35/ non-members.
The Energy Challenge Week Join The
Energy Challenge for a week of education and inspiration for homeowners, business owners, designers, builders, Realtors and anyone in between. Check out the schedule on our website to see how you can get tools to help you and your clients start saving energy. Wed, Sept. 27, Thurs, Sept. 28 and Fri, Sept. 29. City of Bend, Bend, OR.
Golf Tournament Coat Drive & Fundraiser Giving Heart...Bring the Heat and
Shepherd’s House Ministries are partnering to raise awareness, money and warm coats to help hurting and desperate people in Central Oregon. Shot gun is at 10am. Arrive from 8:30-9:45 for coat drop, check-in and warm-up. May also dropoff coats at Shepherds’ House Ministries. Sept. 30, 8:30am-noon. Widgi Creek Golf Club, 18707 SW Century Dr. $65/with coat donation. $120/ without coat donation.
Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers welcome. For info contact Sue at 541-610-3717. Mondays, 6-9pm. Bend Elks Lodge, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd. $1 to $13. Heartsongs Song Circle Heartsongs is a celebration of sacred sound and song that encourages self discovery. All are welcome to share songs! Bring any acoustic instrument. First Sunday of every month, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd. 541-285-4972. $5-15.
EVENTS It Takes a Village: A Community Baby Shower Planning for the impending arrival of a
little one can add enormous stress to a financially struggling family. Our mission is to reduce that stress by hosting a fun and joyful baby shower for expecting families in need in Central Oregon. Sept. 29, 2-4pm. Central Oregon Collective, 62070 27th St. 541-640-9442. Free.
Mama Circle It’s tough being a mom. It’s eas-
ier with community. Join us for free, non-judgmental support. Share your concerns, questions, joys, challenges, experiences and practical tips. Connect, rejuvenate and care for you. Open to pregnant women and moms with babies up to one years old. Held at the playground at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center. Wednesdays, 11am12:30pm. Juniper Park, 800 NE Sixth St. 541306-8466. Free.
Peaceful Movement and Meditation Class Peaceful movement to help relax. Take
a journey through visualization and meditation. Learn tools to silence chattered thoughts, calm emotions and deepen relaxation. Mon, Oct. 2, 10-10:30am and noon-12:30am. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr. 971-2176576. $9 minimum.
Pizza Fundraiser Join us for a Base Camp
Pizza Fundraiser supporting Mustangs to the Rescue. Visit our website: MustangsToTheRescue.org to download and print the required flyer, give it to Base Camp Pizza when you order, and 50% of your food order purchase will benefit Mustangs to the Rescue! Important—Be sure to download and print the flyer so that the money is donated to Mustangs to the Rescue. First Sunday of every month. Base Camp Pizza, 8060 11th St. 541-330-8943.
Pool Tournament Cash Cup Anyone can
join in, regardless of experience! APA rules, winnings based on number of participants. Tuesdays, 8pm. Seven Nightclub, 1033 NW Bond St. 541-760-9412. $5.
Preventative Walk-in Pet Wellness Clinic First come, first served. Vaccines, micro-
chips, toenail trims, and de-worming available. Service fees can be found at bendsnip.org. Saturdays, 10am. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave. A-1.
SAGE Business Awards Gala 2017
Recognized as one of the most prestigious business award programs, the Bend Chamber SAGE Business Awards celebrates our region’s most innovative businesses, nonprofit organizations and citizens. Oct. 5, 6-9pm. The Riverhouse Convention Center, 3075 Hwy 97. 541-382-3221. General Admission $85 | Bend Chamber members $75.
Unpacking Charlottesville: The History and Perpetuation of Hate Join COCC scholars Tom Barry, Jessica Hammerman and Murray Godfrey as they help us understand the context for the recent events in Charlottesville, Va. Oct. 4, 3:30-5pm. Wille Hall, COCC Coats Campus Center, Bend, 2600 NW College Way. 541-383-7412. Free.
Yom Kippur Services at Temple Beth Tikvah Join Rabbi Johanna Hershenson for a
time of contemplation and reflection. A multigeneraltional service will be held on Saturday at 3pm. Reservations required. Donation requested of non-members. Sept. 29, 7pm and Sept. 30, 10am and 3pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St. 541-388-8826.
Young Professional Network at Whole Foods Market A conduit for young emerging professionals, ages 21-40, to access unique and valuable experiences. Sept. 27, 5-7pm. Whole Foods Market, 2610 Highway 20. 541-382-3221. $5 Bend Chamber members; $15 General admission.
SENIOR EVENTS Senior Social Program Monday, Tuesday and Friday social hour. Wednesday soup/salad $2 from 11-12pm. Closed Thursday. Mondays-Tuesdays-Fridays, 10am-1pm. Bend’s Community Center, 1036 NE Fifth St. Tai Chi for Diabetes This ongoing, very
gentle class is starting over! Can be done seated, come join! Tuesdays-Thursdays, 8:30-9:30am. OREGON TAI CHI - TaiChi for Health, 1350 SE Reed Mkt Rd Ste 102. 541-639-9963.
Tai Chi for Parkinson’s & MS Walker,
cane and wheelchair ok. Certified and endorsed by the Council on Aging of Central Oregon. Thursdays, 1-2pm. Grandmaster Franklin, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd. 623-203-4883. $50/month.
MEETINGS Adelines’ Showcase Chorus Practice
For more information call Diane at 541-447-4756 or showcasechorus.org. Mondays, 6:30-9pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave.
Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for
friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations. Ongoing.
Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to
drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Ongoing. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St. 541-548-0440.
Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop and grow your public speaking and leadership skills, whether you’re an executive, stay-at-home parent, college student or retiree. Wednesdays, noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave. Free. Bendharma - Consciousness Discussion Exploring pathways to peace by study of
human consciousness. Relaxed group discussion facilitated by an experienced western yogi, and all those who like bear-hugs. First Wednesday of every month, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave. 541-383-3531. Free.
City Club of Central Oregon’s September Forum This month’s forum is
titled “Hooked! Understanding Our Addiction to Opiates.” Plated lunch is included. Sept. 28, 11:30am-1pm. The Riverhouse Convention Center, 3075 Hwy 97. 541-633-7163. $25/members, $40/non-members.
Emotions Anonymous EA provides a warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Through weekly support meetings, members discover they are not alone in their struggles. Wednesdays, 9:30am and Thursdays, 10:30am. Bend Church United Methodist, 680 NW Bond St. Evolutionary SELF-Healing Through guided imagery, you’ll learn how to tap into your internal power. Thursdays, 6:30-8pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd. 541-3908534. Free. French Conversation Table Every first and third Monday of the month. All are welcome! First Monday of every month, 10:30am-12:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Hwy 20. 541-3898656. Free. Italian Conversation Group Conversational Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Mondays, 1-2pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave. Free. Italian Language Group Italian conversation group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave. Free.
League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon Different speaker each
Locally Owned
By Working
& Operated
AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR Taylor Guitars Eastman Guitars & Mandolins Roland Amplifiers, Boss Pedals Yamaha Portable Digital Pianos Gold Tone Banjos Amahi & Kanaloa Ukuleles Accessories & Print Music
33 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Open Mon-Fri 10-6; Sat 10-5
Ask about our layaway plan. 200 NE Greenwood Ave
Where Every Hour is Happy Hour
Join Deven and Alexis to experience acrobatics and yoga intertwined at Namaspa Yoga Studio 9/27.
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Know
you need to quit, but can’t? Help is here. Share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane, 601 NW Harmon Blvd. 503-567-9892. Free.
NAMI Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Group Mondays, 7-9pm. First United
Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St. 541-4808269. Free.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting
Mondays-noon-Saturdays, 9:30am and Thursdays-noon. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St. 541-306-6844. Free. Wednesdays, 4pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave. 541-306-6844. Free.
Refuge Recovery Meeting A mindful-
ness-based addiction recovery community that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy and meditation as the foundation of the recovery process. Drawing inspiration from the core teachings of the Four Noble Truths, emphasis is placed on both knowledge and empathy as a means for overcoming addiction. Mondays, 4:305:30pm. Through Aug. 27. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St Suite 100. 541-233-6252. Free.
Spanish Club Spanish language study and
conversation group. All levels welcome. Thursdays, 3:30-5pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave. 541-749-2010. Free.
Weekly Watercolor with Ahonu & Aingeal Whether just beginning or a seasoned
expert, you’ll find enthusiasm and support in our little group. First meeting will be an overview. For the second meeting please bring your own supplies. Thursdays, 10am-noon Through Dec. 7. Gayle Zeigler, Pilot Butte Area. 224-588-8026. Free.
Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. For information call: Judy, 541-728-0767. Candy, 907-209-8181. Call Musso on the call box upon arrival. Thursdays, 1-3pm. 990 SW Yates, 990 SW Yates Dr. Free.
FREE ADMISSION When Presenting this Ad Before 10PM (Not Valid for Special Events)
Patio Now Open 197 NE 3rd Street, Bend (541) 388-4081
Zen Discussion & Meditation A weekly lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Discussion 6pm, sitting/walking meditation 7-8:30pm. Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho St. 541-390-1220. Free.
Resist! Rally Weekly resistance protes t,
theme of the week changes. Contact Vocal Seniority or Indivisible Bend for more info. Bring your signs, bring your attitude—and we’ll bring the bullhorn! Tuesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm. Peace Corner, Corner of NW Greenwood and NW Wall.
Socrates Cafe Group People from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the Socratic Method. Open to all comers. Fourth Thursday of every month, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave. 541-7492010. Free.
TWO SHOWS . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 . 4:30 & 8 PM tickets
Tom Killion Isosceles Peak ©2012
month on issues important to our community. First Thursday of every month, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE Third St. 541-382-2660.
Let your kids loose with a gagillion LEGOs at East Bend Public Library on 9/27.
Backpack Explorers – Chicken Chatter
Don backpacks filled with exciting artifacts while journeying through the museum’s nature trails and exhibits. Parents and children investigate science, art, music, stories and culture. Ages 3-5. Pre-registration required. Oct. 4, 10-11am and Oct. 5, 10-11am. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-382-4754. $10/members, $15/non-members.
Backpack Explorers – Innovation Lab
Don backpacks filled with exciting artifacts while journeying through the museum’s nature trails and exhibits. Parents and children investigate science, art, music, stories and culture. Ages 3-5. Pre-registration required. Sept. 27, 10-11am and Sept. 28, 10-11am. High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97. 541-382-4754. $10/members, $15/non-members.
Big Kids Yoga This class is for older kids who want to learn more of the fundamentals of yoga through mindful games, breathing techniques, handstands and restorative poses with Deven Sisler. Learn how to self-regulate, focus and build stamina. Wednesdays, 4-5:15pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave. 541-5508550. $5-$6. Book Drive The Bend Chapter of Daugh-
mixed in for fun —by two mamas with ukuleles! Find us at the Bend Roots Revival festival on the Bucha Buena Stage. Oct. 1, 10-10:45am. Bend Roots Revival, 313 Shevlin Hixon Dr. Free.
Mother Goose Storytime Participatory
music with books, rhymes and bounces. Ages 0-3. Thursdays, 10:15am. Through Dec. 21. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. 541-312-1088. Free.
Moving Joyfully: Creative Movement (Ages 3-6) Children explore movement, im-
prove motor skills, learn body awareness, basic dance and tumbling through imagination and play. Classes limited to 8 students, pre-registration is encouraged. Drop-in (first time only): $15. Session prices vary. Mondays-Thursdays, 9:30-10:30am. Through Dec. 14. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100. 541322-6887.
Parenting Circle Our Parenting Circle is a caring environment to support parents in their parenting journey. It is a place where babes in arms and toddlers can play together in a nurturing space while their parents find a moment for networking, friendship and support. Tuesdays, 8:45-10:45am. Through Dec. 5. Waldorf School of Bend, 2150 NE Studio Rd. Suite 2. 541-330-8841. $225/8-week session.
ters of the American Revolution is collecting pre-school books for the Head Start Program at Warm Springs Reservation. Books should be in good condition, please. Contact Jill Gentry for book pick-up. Sept. 28-Oct. 12. Bend, RSVP for address. 541-280-0503.
Saturday Storytime A fun early literacy storytime for the whole family. Ages 0-5. Saturdays, 9:30am. Through Dec. 16. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. 541-330-3764. Free.
Children’s Yoga: Movement & Music
Storytime - Preschool Parade Stories,
Designed for children aged 4-8, this class is a playful way of introducing children to the miracles of movement, yoga and music. Mondays, 4-5pm. Bend Community Healing, 155 SW Century Dr. Suite 113. 541-322-9642. $10.
Kids ROCK(!) Choir Sing Bend is excited
to introduce KIDS ROCK(!) CHOIR to Central Oregon. This is a place where kids ages 12 and under can come and sing their faces off with only one goal: to have a great time! No training, experience, or long-term commitment required to join. Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln. 541-728-3798. $10.
LEGO Block Party Kids + 1 gazillion LEGOs = fun. All Ages. Sept. 27, 2:30-4pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. 541-3303760. Free.
MoMuLa: Movement Music and Laughter Songs for kids 0-7 with interactive movement
songs, rhymes, crafts to develop early literacy skills. Ages 3-5. Thurs, Sept. 28, 9:30am. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Free.
Teen Advisory Plan library programs, meet
new people, eat snacks. Sept. 27, 1:30-2:30pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. 541-312-1050. Free.
Tiny Explorers Meetup The Children’s
Forest is seeking committed volunteers to host Tiny Explorers Meetups in the outdoors. Serve as the point person and distribute free baby carriers. 2nd Tuesday at Pilot Butte Neighborhood Park from 11am-12pm. 3rd Tuesday in Redmond at Sam Johnson Park from 11am-12pm. 4th Tuesday at Larkspur Park from 1-2pm. Tuesdays, 11am-noon. Deschutes National Forest, BendFort Rock Ranger District, 63095 Deschutes Market Rd. 541-383-5592.
Sally Pfeifer
A Beacon of Light for the Homeless, the Addicted and the Distressed
hen I first walked into Pfeifer and Associates, I thought I had mistakenly gone into the tattoo shop next door. Funky, brightly colored walls, industrial counters and smiley, pierced and tattooed folk greeted my confused self. Sandwiched behind the Domino Room, this unassuming office space is home to bubbly, no-nonsense Sally Pfeifer, owner and executive director of Central Oregon’s largest drug and alcohol outpatient treatment provider — serving the underserved adults with alcohol and drug addiction. As a career certified drug and alcohol counselor from Washington state, Pfeifer has seen the gamut of issues throughout her 30 years in the industry, realizing homelessness was a crucial component to many of her clients struggling with their addictions. “Housing is key,” begins Pfeifer as she sits back in her office. “How can you work on yourself when you’re cold, in the bushes and hungry? I don’t have the magic answer, but I do know that the best recipe for success is the Housing First Model — it’s used in Canada, in Europe, it basically been proven to wipe out homelessness.” Pfeifer is referring to what the National Alliance to End Homelessness calls an assistance program providing permanent housing, which provides a platform for individuals to pursue personal goals and improve their quality of life. Realizing there were lengthy waiting lists, no permanent homeless shelters and no affordable housing solutions in sight, Pfeifer, with the help of a few
other generous individuals, opened their first transitional house in 2015. She now has eight, serving 153 individuals, 49 of whom are children. “These homes are about 4,500 square foot, gender specific, clean and sober spaces with a live-in staff member and we don’t do any treatment there,” she says, “... on average, residents spend about nine months there.” Mothers live with other mothers, and men live with other men and there’s no drug or alcohol consumption allowed, safeguarded with routine drug tests. Tenants are responsible for their $500 a month rent, but Pfeifer secures the lease, the first and last month’s rent, security deposits and utilities. “It costs about $5,000 to set one of these up, provided I can even find a house to do it in.” Landlords, and for the most part, neighbors, are fully aware and supportive of the transitional space, with Pfeifer noting she’s actually receiving calls from landowners wanting to participate in the program. “There’s a stigma surrounding transitional housing, but in the three years we’ve had them, we’ve had only one emergency room visit… and no police visits. That’s virtually unheard of in this community. So landlords, realizing this, are starting to come around and offering up homes, though in this market, it’s nearly impossible to find
something to rent.” Pfeifer says she’s housing more homeless than the Bethlehem Inn. The mother of three says she’s the visionary, but needs help with the execution. “I’m horrible at one step at a time. I can see what should happen, but if I’m at step A, I need help with B and C to get to D… thankfully I have amazing people and staff surrounding me that get me there.” In fact, many of Pfeifer’s staff members are ex-treatment members—a testament to her success. Her vision for the future? Permanent housing camps such as those found in Portland. Pulling out a copy of “Tent City Urbanism, From Self Organized Camps to Tiny House Villages,” by Andrew Heben, she says a hybrid model is what Central Oregon needs. “Our dream is a three-tier approach,” she says, her passion evident. “So you’d have permanent campers who would manage the camp from day to day, then a second section of campers coming in and out and staying a bit longer, and
then sleeping pods for those needing immediate shelter.” Pfeifer wants the sleeping pods to offer 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep for campers. “Think about if you don’t get enough sleep… it leads to mental health issues, attitude shifts, relapses because you’re not feeling good... And most of these people never get any interrupted sleep when they’re on the street.” The going will no doubt be tough. But with her nonprofit, Sagewood Sanctuary, moving through the process of becoming registered, she hopes a permanent homeless camp, complete with mental health services is feasible in the future. “Portland runs one for as little as $1,800 a month… solving the homeless issue in Bend is not inconceivable.” Pfeifer declares, “We need to take this community from outside of the fringes and include them in the solution. They’re in our backyard… and everyone deserves a right to survive.” Check out Pfeifer’s efforts at OregonTreatment.net. SW
By Teafly Peterson
Helen Lessick’s Trees at COCC’s Pence Pinckney Gallery in October Art is often at its best when it allows us to look at something we’ve seen endless times before in a whole new way—allowing us to feel like we are understanding it from within ourselves instead of outside ourselves. Helen Lessick, a Los Angeles-based sculptor and installation artist, captures this elegantly for us within the subject of trees in her upcoming
show, “Canopy." This past summer marked the 30th Anniversary of Lessick’s permanent installation in Portland’s Hoyt Arboretum. Called “House For Summer,” it’s a living sculpture comprised of 15 Himalayan birch trees. Her upcoming exhibition at The Pence Pickney Gallery builds off this work, and will include an outdoor display entitled “The Arbor Ballet” allowing trees to become the dancers, accompanied by a live cello performance. The show calls attention to the more than 80 species of trees living on the COCC campus. Lessick will participate in a moderated artist talk with COCC Forest Resources professor Rebecca Franklin and retired City of Portland forest manager Fred Nilsen. “This is required viewing for audiences interested in art
and ecology,” said Bill Hoppe, COCC art professor. As the seasons begin to change and the trees dance in their autumn glory, now is the perfect time to allow Lessick’s view of living sculpture fill you up and open your eyes to the wonders of the natural world. SW
by Helen Lessick Oct. 5-30 The Pence Pinckney Gallery 2600 NE College Way, Bend
Opening Event Thursday, Oct. 5 4:30pm-6:30pm
35 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Pfeifer says she’s housing more homeless than the Bethlehem Inn.
By Magdalena Bokowa
Come Create with us WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / September 28, 2017 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE
At Your Community Art Studio
Fall Art Programs Open Studio Art Classes for all ages
Painting Marathon Oct. 6 FREE Kids Event from 4pm-7pm
Visit iartbend.com
CHOW Views, Wine & Pizza
Central Oregon vineyard proves region can make great wine by Lisa Sipe
and 2016 that FHC could harvest some of their grapes. While they were waiting for their vines to mature, they purchased grapes from other Oregon growers. This will be the first year they have a really successful crop, the Grossmanns tell me. Waiting for its own crop hasn’t kept FHC from producing award-winning wines. Among the awards: a Gold Medal for the 2013 Vignoles from The Sunset International Wine Competition, where the wine was up against 6,000 competitors. FHC also won a platinum award for the LaCrescent from the Northwest Wine and Food Competition in Portland. To get a taste of the wines, head to the vineyard, a gorgeous property offering incredible views of the Sisters mountain range. The tasting room has rounded German architecture, and the interior’s wooden garage doors open to the outdoors on beautiful days. There’s also an elegant garden with a pond, waterfalls and a patio made for long table wine dinners. In addition to flights and wines by the glass, order lunch from the simple, flavorful menu created by Chef Luke Huntzinger. Driven by local ingredients, the offerings include seasonal salads, polenta, wood-fired pizzas and desserts. I tried the heirloom tomato salad with housemate ricotta, arugula, crispy croutons and a bacon vinaigrette. The sweet, in-season tomatoes were bright and tangy and the croutons added the right amount of crunch to the salad. It reminded me of a deconstructed bruschetta.
Patience has paid off as grapes are ready for harvest at Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards.
Next I sampled the wood-fired pizza, ordering half seasonal and and half veggie. The pizza’s bubbly crust was super crispy and full-flavored. As I took bites from each type of pizza it was really hard to pick a favorite. The veggie had tangy tomato sauce, mozzarella, roasted bell pepper, local squash, creamy herbed cheese and a Frontenac peach reduction. The seasonal pizza, with different ingredients, had the same effect on my palate. It was topped with pumpkin puree, asiago cheese, sage forward house made sausage, fresh blueberries and mustard greens. My tastebuds were pushed back and forth between the sweet and savory flavors. I also tried the pumpkin tart for dessert. With our cold shift in weather it seemed like the perfect time to eat pumpkin. I expected the dessert to be a hand-made version of a pumpkin spice
latte, but I was wrong. It was much more interesting. The tart was topped with ricotta and filled with whole, roasted pieces of pumpkin. The flavor in the spices bloomed after I tasted the squash. It was a lovely way to end my meal. This is a great time of year to visit the vineyard, the vines are heavy with ripe fruit. Keep an eye on their event calendar, they are expected to be harvesting any day now—an opportunity to join in the harvest while also getting some delightful lunch and wine. SW Faith Hope and Charity Vineyards 70450 NW Lower Valley Rd, Terrebonne 541-526-5075 Mon-Thurs Noon-5pm, Sat Noon-9pm, Sun 11am-5pm faithhopeandcharityevents.com
By Lisa Sipe
Inaugural High Desert Oregon Distillers Festival
Ashfab Juice Pop-Up at Megaphone Coffee Co.
McMenamin’s Old St. Francis School is hosting its first distillers festival Saturday., Oct.7. Visitors can sample more than 120 craft spirits from over 20 Oregon Distillers. The evening includes a silent auction where visitors can bid on exclusive prizes such as private distillery tours and tastings, limited edition bottles and overnight stays. Tickets are $35 for 10 tokens or samples. If you are a McMenamins Whiskey fan (we know there are a ton of you in town), the new Billy Rye Whiskey will be available for purchase before its Oct. 20 launch. That means you know you’ll get a bottle—they’ve been known to sell out! Tickets available at mcmenamins.com
Ashfab Juice Co., a juicing company, will pop up for an evening at Megaphone Coffee Co. on Saturday., Oct. 7 from 6pm to 8pm. They will be serving fresh juice, energy bars and free smoothie samples with a side of good vibes. Ashfab Juice Co. is run by Alex and Ashley Uptain, a young married couple who want to share juice, dreams and love with the Bend community. facebook.com/Ashfabjuice
High Proof PDX Spirited Guide Launches, Includes Central Oregon Oregon has a vibrant craft distilling scene. In Bend alone we have four, and Portland has more urban distilleries than any other city. Karen Locke has made navigating that scene, specifically in Portland, easier with her new book, “High-Proof PDX: A Spirited Guide to Portland’s Craft Distilling Scene.” The book includes behind-the-scenes information, history and even a few hangover cures. Even though the book has a focus on Portland, it includes distilleries in Central Oregon and around the state. The book was released this month. Find it online and in Oregon Whole Foods stores. highproofpdx.com
Local Food Challenge Kicks Off The High Desert Food and Farm Alliance’s third annual Local Food Challenge starts Sunday., Oct. 1 and goes through Oct. 7. Compete in the challenge by doing daily mini-challenges that test your knowledge of food, and then cook and share photos of your food as you go along. The more you share your photos of local food experiences on social media, the more chances you have to win prizes. Sign up at: hdffa.org/portfolio-posts/local-food-challenge/
Check out HDFFA at:
Share your challenges with the hashtags, #HDFFA and #LocalFoodChallenge.
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
hen they took their daughter to look at colleges, Cindy and Roger Grossmann got a very short introduction to Central Oregon. But like many transplants’ first visits, it made enough of an impact on them that years later, after selling their Chicago home, it was here they sought acreage on which to retire on. The idea was to find a 20-acre property—but the Grossmanns ended up falling in love with a piece of land 312 acres in size, in Terrebonne—now known as Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards. So much for retirement! From her resort and property development background, Cindy Grossman knew it had good farm land and water rights. She dreamed about growing grapes—a romantic crop known for its agrotourism, or ability to bring visitors to a farm or ranch. The Grossmanns had no previous wine making or vineyard experience so their first task was to educate themselves, working with Oregon State University and the Southern Oregon Wine Institute. The growing season in Central Oregon is really short, with the beginning and end seeing freezing temperatures overnight, so the Grossmans found a cold-hardy French-American hybrid grape that thrives in the region. A major benefit to growing grapes in Central Oregon: you don’t have to worry about mold and insects, so FHC doesn’t have to spray its vines. Five years after buying the property, the couple planted their first grapes. Wine making takes patience. After the 2010 planting it wasn’t until 2015
Sophia Connell
Grab a beer and your mat for Bend Beer Yoga at 10 Barrel Brewing Company on 10/3.
FOOD Bend Farmers Market The Market occurs once a week downtown in the Brooks Street Alley behind the Tower Theater. Wednesdays, 3-7pm. Through Oct. 11. Downtown Bend, Corner of Wall Street and Newport Avenue. Prime Rib Dinner Night Sundays, 5-9pm.
Best Venue for live music, dancing, food and libations
Live Music 5 Days a Week Thu 9/28
Richard Taeloar Blues Band 7:30 to 10:30 Fri 9/29
Derek Michael Marc & “Double AA” 8:30 to 12 Sat 9/30
Derek Michael Marc & “Double AA” Sun 10/1
Michelle van Handel Quartet Mon 10/2
Monday Night Football Redskins @ Chiefs
Pronghorn Resort, 65600 Pronghorn Club Dr. 541-693-5300. $35.
3rd Annual Local Food Challege Sunday, Oct. 1 through Tuesday, Oct. 7. Each day High Desert Food and Farm Alliance is giving away local food prizes for participants who complete daily mini-challenges that include testing knowledge of food, product seasonality and local agriculture. Participants will be asked to cook, share, visit and snap photos along the way. Sign up at hdffa.org or our Facebook page.
BEER AND DRINK Wine Tastings Join us every Friday and
Saturday for tasty wine tastings. Fridays, 3:305:30pm and Saturdays, 3:30-5:30pm. Through Dec. 31. Newport Avenue Market, 1121 NW Newport Ave. 541-382-3940. Free.
Beer Tastings Don’t miss out! Join us every Friday afternoon for delicious beer tastings. Fridays, 3:30-5:30pm. Through Dec. 29. Newport Avenue Market, 1121 NW Newport Ave. 541-3823940. Free. Bend Beer Yoga Enjoy a cold beer while
doing yoga at 10 Barrel Brewing Co.’s eastside location! Arrive 15 minutes early. Bring a mat. 21+. Oct. 3, 5:30-6:30pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St. 541668-2391. $15.
Acoustic Open Mic
Cribbage for a Cause Come play cribbage and $1 of every beverage you purchase is donated to Oregon Adaptive Sports! Last Wednesday of every month, 6-10pm. The White Water Taphouse, 1043 NW Bond St. Free.
6 to 9
Firkin Friday A different firkin each week. $3
Wed 10/4
w/ Derek Michael Marc
Saturday and Sunday Breakfast 62860 Boyd Acres Rd in Bend
(541) 383-0889
Facebook.com/NorthsideBarAndGrill northsidebarfun.com
firkin pints until it’s gone. Fridays, 4pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr. 541-639-4776.
Food Truck Fridays & Saturdays Expe-
rience a little taste of Belgium in Bend! Tasting flights take center stage when paired with the fine bratwurst, Belgian frites & European cuisine provided by We’re the Wurst, European Food Truck. A unique Bend experience not to be
missed at this funky industrial brewery setting in the northeast brewers district. Fill a growler while there for your weekend adventures. Fridays, noon-8pm and Saturdays, 1-7pm. Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 High Desert Ln. Suite 107. 541-610-5098.
Harvest Moon Happy Hour Join Rogue
Farm Corps for live music by the Silvertone Devils, pop-up dinner by 123 Ramen and beer by 10 Barrel Brewing Company and Boneyard Beer. Raffle prizes! All proceeds to benefit Rogue Farm Corps. Oct. 4, 6-9:30pm. Palate a Coffee Bar, 643 NW Colorado Ave. 541-951-5105. Free.
Industry Night We, the service industry, work
too hard! Come celebrate your weekend every Monday night with half off pool and $1 off all your favorite drinks! Mondays, 5pm-midnight. Duda’s Billiard’s Bar, 1020 NW Wall St. Suite B.
Meet the Brewer 21+. Last Saturday of every month, 6pm. Currents at the Riverhouse, 3075 N Hwy 97. Free.
Monkless Anniversary Party Help us celebrate our one year anniversary with bratwurst pairings, live music from the Cutmen, can blowout deals and merch giveaways! Sept. 29, 4-8pm. Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 High Desert Ln. Suite 107. 541-610-5098. The Official Bend Beer Yoga Do you enjoy yoga and beer? How about both at the same time? Join yoga instructor Christina Davenport for Bend Beer Yoga at 10 Barrel Brewing’s eastside location! Sept. 28, 5:30-6:30pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St. 541-668-2391. $15.
Sisters Fresh Hop Festival Celebrating fresh hop season with over 26 breweries from all over Oregon. Each brewery features 1-2 fresh hop beers. Live music by The Brothers Reed. Sept. 30, noon-8pm. Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St. 541-549-1963. $15. Trivia Tuesday and Dollar Wells Trivia
Tuesday and Dollar Wells every Tuesday at Astro Lounge! Tuesdays, 8-11pm. Astro Lounge, 939 NW Bond St.
Whiskey Wednesday Featuring drink specials, whiskey samples, delicious food, and a raffle with prizes! Wednesdays, 4-9pm. The Barrel Thief Lounge at Oregon Spirit Distillers, 740 NE First St. 541-550-4747. No charge.
Hop Mania MICRO Fresh Breweries local and region-wide offer the goods by Kevin Gifford
It could be SIBO. Call for Better Relief.
39 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Crux offers their fresh hops in three handy packages.
n a way, it’s a blessing that the Hood River Hops Fest wound up being delayed. Not a blessing for Gorge residents, given that the delay’s caused by the lingering Eagle Creek fire and the continued dicey situation along I-84 between Portland and points east. But certainly a blessing for fans of freshhop beer, since it lets them savor this uniquely Pacific Northwest beer season for that little bit longer. Hood River’s festival will feature wet-hop beers from 41 breweries in the Northwest, including a few Bend joints including Cascade Lakes, RiverBend and Worthy. Other local joints, such as 10 Barrel, Silver Moon and Sunriver Brewing, are showing off their own freshies right now, both at their taprooms and at Fresh Shops on the Pond, an all-day fest held on Bend Brewing Co’s outdoor space Oct. 14. The early fall, indeed, is the best time of the beer for people who want their hops to be as floral, bitter, dank and fresh-off-the-farm as possible. These can range from the altogether pleasant and approachable, such as Green Haze from Ninkasi in Eugene, to the more avant-garde, such as the OktoberFresh beer from Portland’s Zoiglhaus that combines the German style with Centennial hops from the Willamette Valley. Ancestry also has Wheezin’ the Juice out now, a 7.3 percent IPA made exclusively with Ekuanot hops (formerly called Equinox)—but given that hop varietal’s harsh, sort-of-medicinal taste when riding solo, that might be too much (too fresh?) of a good thing.
With the rise in fresh-hop popularity, a couple of regional breweries are going all-in on their offerings. Crux, in particular, is worth a peek—it’s not only planning three releases for the season, it’s also canning them for distribution across the state. Dr. Jack is named after the creator of the Cascade hop, and as expected, it’s an IPA packed with them, added to the brew kettle right after picking for maximum floralness. Crystal Zwickle features the Crystal hop, which is more of an aromatic type, and it’s framed the hop around a spicy pale ale clocking in at 6 percent. Finally, Way Two Fresh is a near-10 percent imperial IPA made with Mosaic hops from the Willamette Valley and Simcoe hops from Yakima, both harvested on the same morning and put into the brew that afternoon. That’s a lot of truckin’. Deschutes is bound to have a half-dozen or so of their own through the season at their Bond Street pub, but also be on the lookout for Fremont Brewing, whose fresh-hop releases have grown in scope year over year. In 2017, the Seattle-based outfit is planning a series of three beers for sequential release—the first with Centennial hops, the second Amarillo, and the third Citra. This culminates in the on-site release of Cowiche Canyon Fresh Hop Ale, made with organically-grown hops from outside Yakima, to which Fremont has exclusive rights. Whether in Bend or elsewhere, beer fans are spoiled for fresh hop choice. Hard to believe that stout season is coming up so soon... SW
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic
40 AMERICAN ASSASSIN: Based on the series of bestselling novels by Vince Flynn, “American Assassin” is the origin story of terrorist killer Mitch Rapp. The movie has a few good action scenes, but ultimately takes itself much too seriously to be any fun. Still, Michael Keaton is always worth watching even when the movies he stars in are kinda boring. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
LEAP!: It's 1879 in Paris and a young orphan
BRAD'S STATUS: Starring the quite underrat-
THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE: I'd like to assume there's more to this than just ninjas and legos, but the trailers don't make much of a case for that. Featuring a voice cast including Jackie Chan, Abbi Jacobson, Kumail Nanjiani and Fred Armisen, it should at least be a pleasure to listen to, even if none of it makes any sense. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
ed Ben Stiller, “Brad's Status” follows a middleaged man reconnecting with his college friends who all initially appear to be more successful than he is. From the normally acidic director/writer Mike White, “Brad's Status” should be an incisive look into the things that truly matter in life. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
COLUMBUS: Starring John Cho and Haley Lu Richardson, “Columbus” is focused on an unlikely romance between a man stranded in Columbus, Indiana and a lovely local librarian. One of the most critically acclaimed movies of the year. Sisters Movie House. DUNKIRK: Christopher Nolan sets his sights on making one of the most fiercely original war movies of all time. Told in a jumbled chronology and filled with some of the most powerful imagery of the year, “Dunkirk” is an unforgettable evening at the movies. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX FRIEND REQUEST: When a case of cyber-bullying goes too far, a young woman gets stalked by the ghost of a creepy goth teen whose death she helped bring about. Facebook on any given day looks scarier than this one. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
girl dreams of being a ballerina while never letting her plucky, can-do spirit die. Following your dreams is a nice message, and with vocal performances by Elle Fanning, Mel Brooks, Carly Rae Jepsen and Kate McKinnon, this probably deserved more press than it actually received. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
MAUDIE: A biopic about the folk artist Maud
Lewis that focuses on her falling in love with a fishmonger while she worked as his housekeeper. Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawke star in this quirky and delightful little movie. Sisters Movie House
MOTHER!: With word of people furiously storming out of this film all across the country, “Mother!” is controversial to say the least. Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem, the film is actually a deeply disturbing masterpiece about femininity, the price of creation, parenthood and adoration. You might hate it, but it will certainly give you something to think about.Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX NEITHER WOLF NOR DOG: A road
ing Samuel L. Jackson and Ryan Reynolds as badasses trading quips as they shoot at bad guys should make for an entertaining diversion, even as the reviews come in as pretty terrible. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
movie through Lakota territory, this dramedy gives an incisive look into the modern Native American lifestyle while telling a simple story quite beautifully. Anyone with even a passing interest in Native American culture should definitely catch this lovely little film. Sisters Movie House
HOME AGAIN: The world didn't realize it was
missing a Reese Witherspoon romantic comedy until we had a new one on our doorstep. She plays a single mom who gets into a relationship with a man in his 20s, which upsets her natural order of things. The film looks like a charming Nancy Meyers throwback, so there's no real downside unless you're averse to chick flicks. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House
INGRID GOES WEST: This is a brutal black
comedy about Instagram celebrities, obsession and the darkest flavors of love. Aubrey Plaza is on a roll with her choices lately as she's adding many different shades to her typically caustic and bitter wheelhouse. You'll laugh just as hard as you cringe. Tin Pan Theater
IT: Do
you like things that float and clowns with giant gaping maws? Then you'll love the latest and greatest adaptation of Stephen King's epic horror extravaganza, “IT.” The film focuses on a group of middle school outcasts who have to fight against an ageless demonic presence that manifests itself as a horrifying clown named Pennywise. A genuinely fun horror flick that will please fans of all ages. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinemas
There's nothing like a sequel to a surprisingly good movie to remove all goodwill for the original. At 141 minutes long, “The Golden Circle” has plenty of opportunities to prove that it's as good as the first one, but is ultimately so overstuffed that it feels like a tonally schizophrenic mess. Better luck next time. See full review on p41. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
what you're thinking: “Another rebooted Spider-Man??” Yes, they just tried this and failed, but the difference is now Marvel Studios gets to play with him. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
STRONGER: From David Gordon Green, the fantastically talented director of “George Washington” and “Pineapple Express,” comes the true story of Jeff Bauman, a man who lost his legs during the Boston Marathon bombing and has to accept the new circumstances. Bring tissues. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX THE TRIP TO SPAIN: The next film in
the hilarious series of foodie comedies from Michael Winterbottom and stars Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. Make sure to eat a great meal beforehand or else you'll be sitting there with your mouth watering the entire time you're violently laughing at the screen. Tin Pan Theater
WHOSE STREETS: This documentary
about the uprising in Ferguson will have audiences gripping their seats from the sheer intensity of the footage on display. When the politics are drained out of the issue, “Whose Streets” shows the viewer that we're really just fighting each other. Tin Pan Theater
WIND RIVER: The directorial debut of Taylor Sheridan, the writer behind “Sicario” and “Hell or High Water,” sees Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen as law enforcement agents who team up to hunt a serial killer across a frozen Indian reservation in Wyoming. “Wind River” will stick to your bones like whiskey. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
King and Country SCREEN For The Golden Circle Goes Big and Goes Home By Jared Rasic 41
Giles Ketye
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Why is he sitting on the car like that?? Bad form.
he first “Kingsman” movie looked terrible. I would have chopping someone in half with a lasso. If that sounds stupid to guaranteed that it was going to be a brain dead and facile you, then it will be, but if it sounds like it’s worth your cash then recreation of the tropes that made the James Bond fran- embrace the absolute ridiculousness of the entire thing. There chise a success. In truth, it was an action packed and hilarious are no half measures here. spy thriller that actually ended up being better than Bond’s Sadly, the movie also seems to be misogynistic, which could newest adventure, “Spectre.” The film even managed to make either be the ignorance of the filmmakers or a statement about Colin Firth an action hero, which I didn’t think was possible. the sexism inherent in spy movies. If it’s a statement, they The movie was a huge hit, and here we are, two years later, should have made a legitimate one instead of making all the with a sequel that attempts to expand the universe while also female characters one-dimensional constructs that only exist throwing every single idea at the wall... praying that something as plot devices. Roxy, who almost stole the first film by being a sticks. “Kingsman: The Golden Circle” is still pretty fun, but more capable and badass Kingsman than Eggsy, is killed off in it’s plagued by the problems the original so deftly side-stepped. the first 15 minutes of the sequel with no fanfare or purpose. It’s We pick up a year after “The Secret Service,” when Eggsy very disappointing. (Taron Egerton) is officially a Kingsman working with Merlin “The Golden Circle” also clocks in around 141 minutes— (Mark Strong) and Roxy (Sophie Cookson) to save the world. punishingly long for an action/comedy. This isn’t “Schindler’s Their villain is Poppy Adams (Julianne Moore), a drug kingpin List.” I understand the excitement of developing the universe of who lives on her own secret South American island designed to your movie, but it undercuts character, pacing, tone and rhythm look like a small town in the 1950s. Her plan is to give a virus when the film is constantly stopping to expand on something to everyone who consumes her weed, cocaine and other stuff— that ultimately doesn’t matter in the slightest. killing millions—unless the U.S. President cancels the war on The film is still entertaining and carries a few jaw-dropping drugs and gives her immunity. action sequences, but it lacks the same charm and originality This is a movie featuring deadly robotic dogs, Julianne Moore of the last one. If you hated “The Secret Service,” this won’t doing her best Sarah Palin impression, Channing Tatum danc- win you over (unless you’re a die-hard Colin Firth or Channing ing like a goober and Elton Tatum completist). It’s the John kicking someone in the “Transformers” of spy movface with platform shoes. ies; not because of the robots, Kingman: The Golden Circle Dir. Matthew Vaughn There’s also kung-fu, assasbut because, underneath all Grade: C sins with cyborg arms and the sound and fury, there’s Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema Pedro Pascal, (Oberyn Maronly a hollow space where the tell from “Game of Thrones,”) heart should have been. SW
The Leaflet! It's the The Source Weekly's bi-annual supplement about all things cannabis. It includes a comprehensive directory of your favorite cannabis dispensaries and businesses around the Central Oregon. BUT THERE'S MORE. Now in a new glossy format, we've whipped up a magazine's worth of stories for your entertainment and edification. The guide will be included in October 19th issue of The Source Weekly and at other select locations around town (check your favorite dispensary!). Take a hit off this hot content and be a part of the only local cannabis publication in Central Oregon.
PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! 541.383.0800 advertise@bendsource.com
O U R T A K E O N T V , N E T F L I X A N D O T H E R F U N S T U F F
Bingeworthy: I Hear Dead Things
An addiction to true crime, movies so bad they’re great, and Netflix spray paints its way to our heart. By Jared Rasic
about this week, so let’s dive right into it.
Vanity Fair
In the run-up to BendFilm, a word from a local film lover Jodie Barram, director of fundraising for The Tower Theatre “Film has the ability to impact my mood, reflect my interests, challenge me, expand my horizons and experience ideas and places I might not otherwise get to. It’s as diverse as I am! I love that with film I can learn through documentaries, be absorbed into science fiction, feel the ups and downs of a romance, cheer for the underdog in a drama, laugh out loud with a comedy, get an adrenaline rush in an action-adventure, travel to times and places both real and imagined, and find inspiration in ALL genres. That’s awesome! One of my favorite BendFilm inspirations was the movie, "Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines. It was at BendFilm when I was still in public office. Celebrating various ways people, and particularly women, show up in the world is incredibly important to me. We are multi-faceted individuals. To quote Diane von Furstenberg, I believe ‘We all have a Wonder Woman inside us.’” *This is one feature in a series of stories from filmmakers and film lovers about how storytelling enhances our lives. #ItsAllAboutTheStory #IndieFilm #BendFilm
14th Annual BendFilm Festival Thurs. Oct. 12- Sun. Oct. 15 Various Bend locations Bendfilm.org
It’s gonna be...hard...to get all that spray paint off.
In Pod We Trust: If you’re like me then you love hearing witty people talk about dead things. When your heart of darkness is searching for the perfect show about serial killers, unsolved mysteries and things too gruesome to understand, then “My Favorite Murder” is the podcast you haven’t been searching for. Hosted by comedian Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, “My Favorite Murder” focuses on different murders and true crime stories each week, delving into facts and speculation without succumbing to ghoulishness. They take the stories seriously, but add just enough levity to keep the episodes fast paced and always fascinating. There are other great true crime podcasts including “Hollywood Crime Scene,” “Pretty Scary” and “Sword and Scale,” but “My Favorite Murder” strikes the best tone for my ear holes. But seriously, you should listen to all of these.
DVD and BLU: This week we are #blessed with an embarrassment of riches including the underrated shark movie, “47 Meters Down” and a delightfully metal demon
possession movie, “The Devil’s Candy,” but next week is even better. On Oct. 3, we get the hilariously terrible (but better than the last one) “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.” Since it turned in a net profit of almost $300 million, I guess we’re not sick of Johnny Depp wearing hats yet. We also get “The Book of Henry,” a movie so terrible it got the director fired from making the “Star Wars: Episode IX.” Seriously, this movie about a precocious young genius has to be seen to be believed. If you don’t want to just laugh at terrible things, the gorgeously made “A Ghost Story” is also set for release. This is a film that walks such a fine line between profound and pretentious that it’s hard to judge it without multiple viewings. Truly unforgettable.
Bingeworthy: I know deep down you really want to watch the new Jeff Dunham comedy special, but instead I would like to recommend “American Vandal,” the greatest mockumentary series about spray painted dicks you will ever see. It’s hilarious, ridiculous and extremely binge-able.
There’s also the new season of some show I’ve never heard of called “Got Ham,” which sounds like a twist on... wait for it… There’s also the new season of the show “Gotham,” which tells the story of a young Batman and a sexy and badass Commissioner Gordon. It’s just as campy as the 1960s “Batman,” so take that for what it’s worth.
Homegrown: In case you feel like actually getting outside and interacting with other human people, but are still in the mood for a movie, may I suggest AMZ Productions “Reservoir Dogs Live!” It’s a gender-reversed reading of the classic film with some of the finest talent in Central Oregon. Only grownups allowed because of all the blood, swearing and awesomeness. Reservoir Dogs Live
Fri., Oct. 6. 6:30pm 2nd Street Theater 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend $10
Have ideas for what to cover in May The Source Be With You? Shoot me a note at jared@bendsource.com.
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
There are almost too many good things to talk
to Talk P aw
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Wading, in style
New fly fishing apparel brand offers a fresh take on fishing gear, claiming“just say no” to all beige, all the time. By Michelle Scott
Jesse Crowell
like, ‘You’re going to get into fly fishing,’” he said. “I found one of my grandfather’s old rods, and that’s what I learned on. “I immediately really liked the sport,” Trautman said with a smile. “It took me about four years to become decent—and I don’t even know if ‘decent’ is the right word—to be somewhat proficient in it.” What followed Trautman’s newly kindled love for fly fishing was the need for gear. What he saw in various fly fishing shops didn’t wow him; so much beige, so much of the time. Seeing a gap in the market for cool fly fishing paraphernalia, Trautman began to develop his own take on what fly fishing gear should look like. “The whole concept started with the logo. It’s the first thing I came up with.” Trautman said. “There’s enough of a demand for a different fly fishing brand, and the first thing I’ve gotta do is create a logo that embodies a younger generation, people crossing over from snowboarding and skiing and other more action sports.” Once the logo was locked down—a bold bone fish-esque line drawing, it was another two years of on-again offagain product development. The hurdle was finding the right factory to bring Trautman’s first product to life: colorful flat-brimmed hats. “I’m pretty happy with what I came up with. I think that it’s been a good platform to build off of,” he said.
Nathan Trautman tosses one of his Traut Co. hats in the air, showcasing its cork patch and Traut Co. logo.
Traut Co.’s first milestone passed this July with the official launch of flatbrimmed hats in Bend and Redmond fly fishing stores. Embracing the Traut Co. motto, “Just say no to beige,” Trautman designed the flat-brimmed hats in four colorways, all embellished with an embroidered cork logo-slash-patch. “Part of fly fishing is sticking your hooks into lots of different things, and chewing up whatever you stick those hooks into,” explained Trautman. “Some of that is actually an appeal, it’s kind of a prestige thing to have a chewed up hat on the river. I knew that
if I figured out a way to design a hat that functioned with a pincushion on it, that people would use it and then it would be useful on the river.” For Traut Co.’s next product, Trautman hopes to develop a hybrid long-sleeved sun hoodie to keep fly fishers cool and out of the sun when on the river. SW Traut Co.
Products available at Fly and Field Outfitters, Confluence Fly Shop, and The Patient Angler Fly Shop in Bend, and at Fin & Fire in Redmond. traut.com
By K.M. Collins
San Juan Islands: Beat the Crowds With an Autumn Kayak Adventure As is the case with most scenic destinations in the Northwest, lifelong kayaker Geoff Frank says, “Post Labor Day, the tourist crowds in the San Juans dissipate and the Islands are much more enjoyable.” Frank has guided personal and professional trips in Puget Sound for decades, noting the access and views of Washington’s rocky archipelago can’t be beat for a multi-day excursion within a day’s driving distance of Bend. Ferries transport mainland passengers to four of the 172 named islands and reefs in the chain. During most excursions, Frank opts to depart from Washington Park to Orcas and
from there, island hop. Sucia and Patos islands are some of his favorite spots. Frank cautions water enthusiasts to consider the skills needed before embarking on a multi-day kayaking journey. Necessary knowledge includes
nautical navigation including reading maps and charts (currents, tides and wind), following a bearing, keeping close track of weather fluctuations, comfort paddling on the open sea, being able to self rescue in a worst-case scenario and fitness level. If you haven’t the time to plan a
paddle trip in the San Juans this fall, start planning now for next year. Check out the Tumalocreek.com website for itinerary details and packing lists, or, sign up for one of Tumalo Creek’s four and five-day guided tours, where gourmet meals are provided and trusted veterans handle logistics and safety. SW
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
hen people leave Bend to stake their flags elsewhere, some take a twinkle in their eye, one that reflects time spent outside enjoying the high desert. For others, the Bend way of life rubs off on them, never letting them forget the Central Oregon way of life. For Nathan Trautman, living in Bend for four years brought him to the rivers, where he waded into a love for fly fishing. Bend also inspired an idea that would lead to the development of a new kind of fly fishing apparel brand: Traut Co. (pronounced like trout). Fly fishing runs in the Trautman family. “When I grew up, my grandfather was a fly fisher, and he made his own rods,” said Trautman. “There were pictures of him with fish all over the house. That’s kind of how I learned about it.” Now a Portland area resident, Trautman credits his time in Bend as the driver for creating Traut Co. “It took me a while to figure out the name. My last name is Trautman, and I just couldn’t get away from it,” he said with a laugh. “When you have the last name Trautman, and you’re trying to start a fly fishing apparel company, it makes sense to incorporate it somehow.” Trautman fondly recalls the waters outside of Bend, where he first learned how to fly fish using one of his grandfather’s rods. “One of my friends, who I skied with, took me out to the river and was
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Explore the Upper Deschutes River on Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe's Fall Foliage Deschutes River Tour.
ATHLETIC Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm Sunday 10am-5pm
19th Annual Pilot Butte Challenge
An exhilarating 1-mile walk or sprint up the Butte! The scenic course winds its way along the Nature Trail to the volcanic top nearly 500 ft. above. Proceeds from fees, fundraisers and donations are used to improve the park. Sept. 29, 5:45pm. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte State Park. $20/adult, $15/youth and seniors.
Breast Cancer Awareness Golf Day A
special golf event for women who are fighting cancer, are survivors or wish to honor someone they know. This fun 9-hole golf event begins with a shotgun start and finishes with lunch in the Event Pavilion. Portion of proceeds to St.Charles Breast Cancer Support Program. Ticket includes golf, cart and lunch. Oct. 3, 10am-2pm. Tetherow, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. 541-388-2582. $60.
CORK Monthly Run Bring your friends to our
605 N.W. Newport Ave. Bend
monthly run starting and ending at Crow’s Feet Commons. We will run a 3-5 mile out and back route (you can choose your distance). All running abilities, strollers and friendly dogs are welcome! First Monday of every month, 5:30pm. Crow’s Feet Commons, 875 NW Brooks St. Free.
Meet FootZone’s Training Group Coaches Meet the coaches and mentors
from our 10k and 5k training groups! Have your questions answered and take your first step toward your fall running goal! Sept. 27, 6-7pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St. 541-317-3568. Free.
Thrilla Cyclocross Series A weekly cyclocross event that is for the beginner and the expert. Two races each evening. 5:15pm is a 30-minute race and 6pm is a 45 minute race. Same location every week, different course. Beer and food avail. Thurs, Sept. 28, 5:15pm, Tues, Oct. 3, 5:15pm and Wed, Oct. 4, 5:15pm. Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr. $20-$25.
OUTDOORS “Love It and Leave It Clean” Day Hikes
Join us on National Public Land Day to help us clean up some of our wilderness trails. We will have a choice of trails to suit your hiking ability. Meet in Dog Park Parking Lot. Friends of the Central Cascades Wilderness event. Afterparty at Crux. Sept. 30, 8:30am-5:30pm. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St.
Basic Skills Kayaking Class Learn
comprehensive safety and basic paddle stroke techniques from expert Tumalo Creek guides. Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Through Sept. 30. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. 541.317.9407. $75.
BMC Walk With a Doc Take a STEP to Better Health. Walking for as little as 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of certain diseases. Join a BMC provider and other people in the community looking to improve their health. Tuesdays, 7-7:30am. Through Oct. 31. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St. Free.
Brace & Roll at Tumalo Creek Whether it is your first time in a whitewater kayak or you need a thorough refresher after years out of your boat, Tumalo Creek can get you sorted. When you call to book, ask about the 3-pack 10% discount. Every other Thursday, 4-7pm. Through Sept. 29. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. 541-317-9407. $25-35. Fall Foliage Deschutes River Kayaking Tour Enjoy this pristine and tranquil
section of the river during the peaceful autumn season. Every 4 days, 10am-2pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. 541.317.9407. $75.
FootZone Noon Run Lunch hour 3 to 5 mile run. Wednesdays-noon. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St. 541-317-3568. Free.
Free New Rider Clinic Come learn the Olympic sport of BMX with USA BMX certified Head Coach, Matt Nelson. Provides an introduction to BMX, an orientation to the track and some skills work. All ages. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Through Oct. 23. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd. 541-390-1608. Free. Moms Running Group All moms welcome with or without strollers. 3-4.5 mile run at 8-12 minute mile paces. This is a fun and encouraging group for moms of all running levels. Runs occur rain or shine. Thursdays, 9:30am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St. 541-317-3568. Free. Move it Mondays We occasionally carpool for a trail run, light-permitting. Runs are between 3-5 miles, paces between 7 and 12-minute miles can be accommodated. Mondays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St. 541-317-3568. Free. Perspectives On Lower Deschutes Water Quality Research scientist Dr. Max
Bothwell discusses algal growth in the Lower Deschutes with Q&A. Donations welcome. Sept. 27, 6-8pm. Hollinshead Barn, 1237 NE Jones Rd. Free.
Upper Deschutes River Kayak Tour
Explore vast stretches of the Deschutes National Forest by boat on a pristine and mostly undeveloped section of the Deschutes River. Saturdays, 9am-4pm and Wednesdays, 9am-4pm. Through Oct. 11. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. 541-317-9407. $105.
Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit for this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. After, learn how to use pull-up bar station at trail head for strength training/stretching. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte State Park. 503-446-0803. Free. Wedesnesday Night Racing High Desert
BMX welcomes riders of all ages to race on our USA BMX sanctioned track. Bring your bike, helmet, long sleeve shirt, long pants and closed toe shoes. Loaner bikes and helmets avail. Bring a friend. Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30pm. Through Oct. 25. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd. 541-3901608. .$8.
Natural World Saving Sage-Grouse
Have a question about the natural world of Central Oregon? Send your questions to jimnaturalist@gmail.com.
By Jim Anderson 47
Sue Anderson
Retired Bend MD, Stu Garrett and his wife, Hilary, attach wire markers to barbed wire fences around guzzlers to keep sage-grouse from colliding with the fences.
conduct lek counts. A “lek,” is the geographic place on the ground where males of specific areas gather to show their stuff. Perhaps the most significant impact on the Greater sage-grouse populations in the Great Sandy Desert region was the destruction of thousands upon thousands acres of sagebrush (of all species) for conversion into cow pastures. The worst part of that disaster to our sagebrush country and prime sage-grouse habitat is the agency that carried it out used chemical herbicides to kill the sage brush, and then planted non-native grasses to create cow pasture. Today, the BLM would like us to believe western juniper crowding the habitat of the sagebrush that’s the villain. While juniper isn’t the best place for grouse, it is an excellent shelter for deer and elk when the temperature drops to 30-below, and the berries are what the robins from Canada need for food. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) makes an interesting statement in their information regarding hunting upland game birds. To wit: “For upland game birds that live in areas with adequate habitat, population size and mortality rate are affected little by regulated hunting. Protection of game birds from hunting will not allow the population to increase. Because of the normally high mortality rate, even without hunting, and because hunting typically is compensatory, upland game birds cannot be “stockpiled” from one year to another. Thus, area or season closures for populations in good habitat are not needed and do little or no good.” It is the opinion of most sage-grouse biologists and
managers that the habitat for grouse is not “adequate” and never will be until much of the pasture land on the wild lands is once again sagebrush. Yes, of course there is that segment of the population that suffers death and destruction from weather and predators, but charging a fee for hunters to kill additional grouse seems like “overkill.” Last year, Oregon sportsman killed over 800 grouse legally in answer to ODFW’s drawing for tags. ODFW needs the money from the tags, but doing so added more dead grouse to the other numbers who perished from the usual harshness of winter and predators. According to the final report of the Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Population Monitoring: 2017 Annual Report, field surveys indicate the sage-grouse spring breeding population in Oregon declined by -7.7 percent between 2016 and 2017, dropping to 20,510 estimated individuals (±1,560 individuals). Magnitude of population trend varied by BLM district analyzed, ranging from a -17.1 percent decline in the Burns District, to a 1.1 percent increase in the Vale District. Like it or not, wildlife biologists (not employed by ODFW) suggest it’s past time to stop killing sage grouse for sport and to balance the budget. That said, please give serious thought to volunteering to help in lek counts and joining ECAS volunteers in helping to make what habitat sage-grouse have left to be more friendly and safe. Our greater sage-grouse can’t say thank you, but a great many volunteer citizen scientists and accredited wildlife biologists will tip their hats to you. If anyone is attracted to the idea of going out with the ECAS volunteers for the next fence-marking project, mark it down on your calendar for Oct. 14, and give Stu a call: 541-389-6981. SW
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
ne of the most rewarding wildlife projects I’m involved with, from about the middle of June to February, is the East Cascade Audubon Society’s Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Project. From February to the middle of June, my life is dedicated to helping the Oregon Eagle Foundation know more about what’s going on with Oregon’s Golden Eagles. OEF is under the leadership of raptor biologist Frank Isaacs, who saved the bald eagle from extinction in Oregon, while ECAS Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Project is under the leadership of retired Bend MD, Stu Garret. Between Frank and Stu my life is continually rewarding and never boring. About a month ago Stu got several ECAS members involved with a project carried out by a joint effort of the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife, trapping mosquitoes in the Brothers/Millican area to see if West Nile Virus was present. Thankfully, that project turned out negative for WNV. Just recently, 10 ECAS members were again involved with sage-grouse conservation, this time installing about 2,500 markers on barbed wire fences that protect wildlife water guzzlers from livestock encroachment. BLM wildlife biologists thought the top two strands of the fences posed a serious threat to sage grouse as they flew in for water. The markers were the brainchild of Tom Lawler, who kept the old Central Oregon Audubon Society alive and helped give the organization the new name of ECAS. Tom found some narrow plastic siding, cut it into 3-inch lengths, glued reflecting tape to the flat surface and then clipped the piece over the barbed wire. It took the ECAS team about a half day to travel from Bend to the guzzler sites, place the short reflectors to the top two wires and get home before the next rainstorm. While working on the tagging project, the volunteers were rewarded with the sight of 17 pronghorns coming from the guzzler, one sage grouse on its way for a drink, seven cows who would have loved to get to the guzzlers for a drink—but would have destroyed it doing so—and a magnificent “school ma’arm” Ponderosa pine nearby the guzzler site. (A thought occurs to me… There are certain of us living in Central Oregon, who—when traveling our outback roads—have the insatiable desire to shoot signs so full of holes they’re unreadable. Please, if you know any of those sharpshooters, ask them to fight the desire to blast away at the newly installed markers. Those small plastic plates make the difference between lifeand-death for the Sage-Grouse.) The Greater sage-grouse inhabiting the sage brush seas of Central Oregon’s Great Sandy Desert are in trouble. In similar habitat in Canada there are fewer than 100 of the same species left in the provinces where they once lived. I have yet to hear the reasons for the terrible declines in habitat. The sage-grouse of Canada went into decline and never stopped vanishing; the sage grouse in this part of the country started out that way, but conservationists and hunters alike stepped in and made efforts to stop the decline, and are working hard, hoping for victory. More and more is getting to be known about the needs of sage-grouse, thanks to volunteers helping to
Otis Craig Broker, CRS
19717 Mt. Bachelor Dr. #211 Updated condo is the perfect vacation rental or full-time residence! Open kitchen & great room w/vaulted ceilings & opens onto a spacious deck.
2579 NW Shields Dr. Unit 1 of the Bungalows at NWX is a corner unit offering a great room floor plan with a main level master suite. 2 beds, 2.5 baths & attached 2-car garage.
3795 NW Summerfield Timeless single level home on Awbrey Butte close to the river trail. Open & bright floor plan extends to a private patio. Spacious master suite + 2 bedrooms.
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61482 Linton Loop This welcoming home features a spacious great room, large dining area and wellappointed kitchen. 3 beds + Bonus/Flex room. Oversized master suite.
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2052 SW Helmholtz Way,Redmond, OR 97756
For Sale $2,500,000
Development parcel with preliminary plans for 36 lot subdivision in SW Redmond. Possible potential density increase with or with out PUD to R5 or MU. In an area of nice single and
Invest for yourself or as a Vacation Rental! Possible Additional Dwelling Unit.
Vintage Northwest Bend Charm on larger lot. 2025 NW Harriman $339,900
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multi-family homes. Close to schools, parks and shopping. Zoned R4. Potential buyers should consult the City of Redmond Community Development Department about development. Property includes updated fully renovated home. Acres: 7.5200
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Mary Shrauger Principal Broker
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By Nick Nayne Principal Broker, The Broker Network, LLC
How the Equifax Breach Could Mess Up a Home Purchase
are a few other recommended actions: 1. Activate two-factor authentication on financial and email accounts. Two-factor authentication is an important extra layer of safety. It requires not just a password but a second element, such as a code texted to your phone to which a crook does not have access. They recommend implementing this on all of your existing banking, savings, credit card, home equity line of credit, and other financial accounts that offer it. You can also download an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator, which generates the codes without the use of texting, which can be intercepted. 2. Place a fraud alert on your account. A fraud alert is different from a credit freeze in that it places a notice on your credit report that warns both current and prospective lenders that they must take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting credit, opening a new account, etc. 3. Use multiple passwords and save them in a password app such as LastPass which prevents using the same password for multiple accounts that can provide a master key for hackers. 4. Visit the FCC website to try the tools for your specific phone’s operating system. The FCC Smartphone Security Checker is a great tool.
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
311 S.E. 5th St., Bend, OR 97702 2 beds, 1 bath, 756 square feet, .1320 acre lot Built in 1935 $238,800 Listed by Bend Premier Real Estate LLC
21266 S.E. Capella Pl., Bend, OR 97702 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1,955 square feet, .14 acre lot Built in 2005 $379,900 Listed by The Associates Realty Group
3225 N.W. Horizon Dr, Bend, OR 97703 3 beds, 3.5 baths, 3,494 square feet .90 acre lot Built in 2001 $985,000 Listed by Cascade Sotheby’s International Realty
Bungalows at NWX $199,000 - $499,000 24 unit condominium development comprised of 4 individual phases. Condos range from 400-1401 sq. ft. Call for more information. 541.383.1426 Listed by The Skjersaa Group
Lot Listing $64,500 2648 NE 6th Dr, Redmond, OR Residential building lot located in a quiet Northeast Redmond neighborhood. Diamond Bar Ranch. Tony Levison, Broker 541.977.1852 Listed by Windermere Real Estate
Great Westside Gem 902 NW Ogden Reduced Price! $388,000 Great west side town home steps from restaurants, grocery, coffee, OSU/COCC and downtown Bend. Don’t miss this opportunity to own in the heart of it all. Maria Halsey, Broker 541.788.0876 Listed by My Lucky House
Roundtree PUD
$57,000 4.31 ACRE LOT
This lot will amaze you with breathtaking panoramic mountain and valley views. Don't miss out on owning in this highly desired subdivision just minutes from the Prineville reservoir.
Maria Halsey, Broker 541.788.0876 Listed by My Lucky House
49 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
ou may have heard about the Equifax breach, which compromised the information of about 143 million Americans. For consumers trying to obtain a mortgage, this could have serious implications such as delays in loan verification due to additional safeguards that might be implemented. The biggest impact is if scammers use stolen information to obtain debt, credit cards, etc. that affect your credit score. Another area to be watchful of is your 401(k) account, which many use toward their down payments. According to a recent article in Consumer Reports, 401(k) accounts are not insured in the same way as bank and savings accounts for protection from fraud. They encourage you to call your 401(k) plan provider and other investment managers to learn their fraud protection policies, as they can vary from company to company. Fidelity and Vanguard have voluntary online fraud policies that promise to reimburse assets stolen in unauthorized online transactions. If you haven’t already, the fastest way to protect yourself from the Equifax data breach is to place a security freeze on your credit files at the big three credit reporting bureaus. Consumers should apply the freeze to Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You can also apply a freeze to a lesser-known consumer reporting agency, Innovis. In addition to the credit freeze, here
I’ve been dating this girl for just over a month, and she never offers to pay for anything. I was okay with this in the beginning, as I saw it as a courtship thing. I guess I wonder whether this points to problems down the road with her not being a real partner, pulling her weight, etc. How do I politely broach this without blowing up the blooming relationship? —Feeling Used
550 NW Franklin Ave. Suite #328 (in the Franklin Crossing building)
benddac.com 541-323-2322
This woman lives paycheck to paycheck. Unfortunately, it’s your paycheck. At this point, you’re probably musing on the perfect birthday gift for her — a sparkly little Hello Kitty crowbar she can use to pry open her wallet. However, mystifying as it is that she has never squeaked out the words “This one’s on me!” consider that if there’s one thing heterosexual men and women have in common these days, it’s confusion over who exactly is supposed to pay on dates. The problem driving the confusion is a sort of Godzilla vs. Mothra clash between age-old evolved emotions (still driving us today) and modern-day beliefs about male and female equality. As I explain with some frequency (per big cross-cultural studies by evolutionary psychologist David Buss, among others), women evolved to seek male partners who show they are willing and able to invest in any children they might have. Whether the particular woman actually wants children is immaterial — as in, of zero interest to her emotions. Anthropologist John Marshall Townsend observes from his research and others’ that women’s emotions evolved to act as a sort of police force for a man’s level of commitment — making women feel bad when the investment isn’t there. This leads women to either push a man to invest or ditch him and find a man who will. Men coevolved to expect this, meaning that men evolved to try to appeal to the ladies by showing (or successfully faking) generosity, high status, and earning power. Many people mistakenly assume evolved adaptations like this will change with the times, as in, “Ye Olde Evolved Emotions, I’d like to introduce you to Gloria Steinem and the women’s movement.” Unfortunately, evolution is not a lickety-split process — especially when it comes to our psychological engine panel. In fact, anthropologist Donald Symons explains that “natural selection takes hundreds or thousands of generations” (generations being
20- to 30-year periods) “to fashion any complex cognitive adaptation.” So women, even now — even highly successful women who can comfortably pay for their own meals (and everyone else’s in the restaurant) — have their emotions pushing them to look for a man who shows generosity, as well as the ability to “provide.” This is reflected in the findings by sociologist Janet Lever and her colleagues from a survey of heterosexual men and women — 17,067 “unmarried and non-cohabitating” heterosexuals, ages 18 to 65 — on the extent to which they embrace or reject the traditional “man pays” dating behavior. (Surprisingly, millennials’ responses were generally pretty close percentage-wise to those of older adults — mostly within a few percentage points.) A snapshot of the responses from women: Overall, 57 percent of women said yes to “I always offer to help pay even on the first date.” But check out the mixed feelings: Many women (39 percent) wished men would reject their offer to pay. But many (40 percent of women) said they are bothered when men don’t accept their money. Hello, confusing financial stew! Men’s responses were similarly contradictory. Overall, more than half the men — 64 percent — said that after the first few dates, the woman should help pay expenses, and nearly half (44 percent) said they would stop dating a woman who never offers to pay. Yet, men overwhelmingly — that is, 76 percent of men — feel guilty if they don’t pay the bill on dates. So, the reality is, like all of these conflicted men, some Amy Alkon women just aren’t sure where the lines are on whether to chip in and when. (Of course, some women are conveniently unsure.) As for this woman you’re seeing, it is possible that she’s waiting until you two are “exclusive” to start picking up the tab. Instead of assuming the worst, do two things: First, observe and reflect on her behavior and attitudes — so far and as you get to know her — and see whether they suggest an interest in partnership or princess-ship. Second, simply ask: “Hey, we’ve been dating for a while, and it seems like we should start sharing the costs. Where do you stand on that?” See what she says and take it from there — tempting as it is to opt for a passive-aggressive approach, like panhandling outside the restaurant where you’re meeting her: “Hey, Amber. You’re early!… Meet ya inside. Just trying to beg enough for the tip.”
(c) 2017, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (advicegoddess.com).
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In accordance with the astrological omens, I invite you to take extra good care of yourself during the next three weeks. Do whatever it takes to feel safe and protected and resilient. Ask for the support you need, and if the people whose help you solicit can’t or won’t give it to you, seek elsewhere. Provide your body with more than the usual amount of healthy food, deep sleep, tender touch, and enlivening movement. Go see a psychotherapist or counselor or good listener every single day if you want. And don’t you dare apologize or feel guilty for being such a connoisseur of self-respect and self-healing. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A queen bee may keep mating until she gathers 70 million sperm from many different drones. When composing my horoscopes, I aim to cultivate a metaphorically comparable receptivity. Long ago I realized that all of creation is speaking to me all the time; I recognized that everyone I encounter is potentially a muse or teacher. If I hope to rustle up the oracles that are precisely suitable for your needs, I have to be alert to the possibility that they may arrive from unexpected directions and surprising sources. Can you handle being that open to influence, Sagittarius? Now is a favorable time to expand your capacity to be fertilized.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’re approaching a rendezvous with prime time. Any minute now you could receive an invitation to live up to your hype or fulfill your promises to yourself -- or both. This test is likely to involve an edgy challenge that is both fun and daunting, both liberating and exacting. It will have the potential to either steal a bit of your soul or else heal an ache in your soul. To ensure the healing occurs rather than the stealing, do your best to understand why the difficulty and the pleasure are both essential.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In 1901, physician Duncan MacDougall carried out experiments that led him to conclude that the average human soul weighs 21 grams. Does his claim have any merit? That question is beyond my level of expertise. But if he was right, then I’m pretty sure your soul has bulked up to at least 42 grams in the past few weeks. The work you’ve been doing to refine and cultivate your inner state has been heroic. It’s like you’ve been ingesting a healthy version of soul-building steroids. Congrats!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): There are enough authorities, experts, and know-it-alls out there trying to tell you what to think and do. In accordance with current astrological factors, I urge you to utterly ignore them during the next two weeks. And do it gleefully, not angrily. Exult in the power that this declaration of independence gives you to trust your own assessments and heed your own intuitions. Furthermore, regard your rebellion as good practice for dealing with the little voices in your head that speak for those authorities, experts, and know-it-alls. Rise up and reject their shaming and criticism, too. Shield yourself from their fearful fantasies. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Conceptual artist Jonathon Keats likes to play along with the music of nature. On one occasion he collaborated with Mandeville Creek in Montana. He listened and studied the melodies that emanated from its flowing cur-
rent. Then he moved around some of the underwater rocks, subtly changing the creek’s song. Your assignment, Aries, is to experiment with equally imaginative and exotic collaborations. The coming weeks will be a time when you can make beautiful music together with anyone or anything that tickles your imagination.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some newspapers publish regular rectifications of the mistakes they’ve made in past editions. For example, the editors of the UK publication *The Guardian* once apologized to readers for a mistaken statement about Richard Wagner. They said that when the 19th-century German composer had trysts with his chambermaid, he did not in fact ask her to wear purple underpants, as previously reported. They were *pink* underpants. I tell you this, Taurus, as encouragement to engage in corrective meditations yourself. Before bedtime on the next ten nights, scan the day’s events and identify any actions you might have done differently -- perhaps with more integrity or focus or creativity. This will have a deeply tonic effect. You are in a phase of your astrological cycle when you’ll flourish as you make amendments and revisions.
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Be realistic, Libra: Demand the impossible; expect inspiration; visualize yourself being able to express yourself more completely and vividly than you ever have before. Believe me when I tell you that you now have extra power to develop your sleeping potentials, and are capable of accomplishing feats that might seem like miracles. You are braver than you know, as sexy as you need to be, and wiser than you were two months ago. I am not exaggerating, nor am I flattering you. It’s time for you to start making your move to the next level.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): It’s high time to allow your yearnings to overflow . . . to surrender to the vitalizing pleasures of nonrational joy . . . to grant love the permission to bless you and confound you with its unruly truths. For inspiration, read this excerpt of a poem by Caitlyn Siehl. “My love is honey tongue. Thirsty love. My love is peach juice dripping down the neck. Too much sugar love. Sticky sweet, sticky sweat love. My love can’t ride a bike. My love walks everywhere. Wanders through the river. Feeds the fish, skips the stones. Barefoot love. My love stretches itself out on the grass, kisses a nectarine. My love is never waiting. My love is a traveler.”
CANCER (June 21-July 22): One of the oldest houses in Northern Europe is called the Knap of Howar. Built out of stone around 3,600 B.C., it faces the wild sea on Papa Westray, an island off the northern coast of Scotland. Although no one has lived there for 5,000 years, some of its stone furniture remains intact. Places like this will have a symbolic power for you in the coming weeks, Cancerian. They’ll tease your imagination and provoke worthwhile fantasies. Why? Because the past will be calling to you more than usual. The old days and old ways will have secrets to reveal and stories to teach. Listen with alert discernment. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The United States has a bizarre system for electing its president. There’s nothing like it in any other democratic nation on earth. Every four years, the winning candidate needs only to win the electoral college, not the popular vote. So theoretically, it’s possible to garner just 23 percent of all votes actually cast, and yet still ascend to the most powerful political position in the world. For example, in two of the last five elections, the new chief of state has received significantly fewer votes than his main competitor. I suspect that you may soon benefit from a comparable anomaly, Leo. You’ll be able to claim victory on a technicality. Your effort may be “ugly,” yet good enough to succeed.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I found this advertisement for a workshop: “You will learn to do the INCREDIBLE! Smash bricks with your bare hands! Walk on fiery coals unscathed! Leap safely off a roof! No broken bones! No cuts! No pain! Accomplish the impossible first! Then everything else will be a breeze!” I bring this to your attention, Virgo, not because I think you should sign up for this class or anything like it. I hope you don’t. In fact, a very different approach is preferable for you: I recommend that you start with safe, manageable tasks. Master the simple details and practical actions. Work on achieving easy, low-risk victories. In this way, you’ll prepare yourself for more epic efforts in the future.
Homework: Would I enjoy following you on Twitter or Tumblr? Send me links to your tweets or posts. Truthrooster@gmail.com © Copyright 2017 Rob Brezsny
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WELLNESS EVENTS ‘Tis the Shouldering Season Learn
techniques to improve shoulder function and stabilization, answers to common shoulder injuries. Call to reserve your spot. Oct. 4, 6-7pm. Peak Performance Physical Therapy - Redmond, 450 NW Greenwood Ave. 541-923-0410. Free.
5-week Yoga Course for Beginners The
Abundance Workshop Harvest Moon magic
to manifest your greatest abundance. Oct. 1. Kimimi Healing Arts, 2039 NE Cradle Mountain Way. 206-794-3118. $88.
Almond Flour Power by: Luna Sands,
Come and learn how to make easy 30-minute chicken fingers with almond flour. High in protein, fiber, iron, potassium and magnesium—a low glycemic alternative. Kid-friendly event! Oct. 5, 4-4:45pm. Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, 3188 N Hwy 97 Suite 115. Free.
Baptiste Yoga 101 Learn the basics of Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga and incorporate alignment principles into a flowing practice. Sept. 30, 1-3pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave. 541-550-8550. $25/pre-registration. $30/ door. Oct. 1, 1-3pm. Namaspa Yoga, Redmond, 974 SW Veterans Way Suite 5. 541-550-8550. $25/ pre-registration. $30/door. BMC Walk With a Doc Take a STEP to Better Health. Walking for as little as 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of certain diseases. Event departs from the Old Mill District Dog Park. First Thursday of every month, 5:30-6pm. Through Oct. 5. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St. Free. The Care & Feeding of You Toni Branner will be giving her presentation on the care and feeding of young athletes. Sept. 29, 7-8:15pm. Hilton Garden Inn Bend, 425 Bluff Dr. 541-3881524. Free. Community Gathering Grief comfort and
support in a group setting. All are welcome. Come and go as you please. Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave. 541647-7915. Free.
Community Healing Flow A gentle flow
class by donation with all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Fridays, 5-6:15pm. Bend Community Healing, 155 SW Century Dr. Suite 113. 541-322-9642.
EFT Deep Dive Course An intensive, fun,
three day, course covering methods for mastery in Emotional Freedom Techniques. Sun, Oct. 1, 9am-5pm, Mon, Oct. 2, 9am-5pm,Tues, Oct. 3, 9am-4:30pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave. 971-241-2376. $497.
EFT Group Session Energy work can imme-
diately improve the way you feel. Join Karen Aquinas, for a group EFT tapping session. Sept. 30, 12:30-1:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St. 971-241-2376. Free.
The Endocannabinoid System, Hemp Oil and Your Health Discover nanoemulsified
hemp oil. Sept. 28, 6:30-7:30pm. Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley St. 541-390-9095. Free.
Free Yoga Keep your body and mind healthy
and well. Tues-Thurs-Sat, 7:45-8:30am. Plantae, 2115 NE Hwy 20 Ste 107. 541-640-8295. Free.
Free Yoga with Cynthia LaRoche Stop in and center yourself and de-stress with a free yoga session. Thursdays, noon-1pm. Thru Sept. 28. Princess Athletic, 945 NW wall St, Ste 150. Grief Support Group: Understanding Your Grief This 8-week grief support group
creates a safe supportive environment to begin your journey toward healing. Contact St. Charles Hospice. Pre-registration required. Wednesdays, 2-3:30pm. Thru Nov. 15. Whispering Winds
Retirement Community, 2920 NE Conners Ave. 541-706-6700. Free.
Healing Vibrations Meditation Group
Learn tools to transform old, limiting beliefs into life-affirming patterns. Tune into your heart and tap into your highest good. No experience required. Sundays, 6:15-7:15pm. Yogalab - Justyn Livingston, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 170. 541731-3780. Sliding scale $8-20.
8 541.3
How to be Kind to Yourself In this four-
week class, we’ll use the tools of Compassionate Communication to find and practice our caring voice. Thursdays, 6-8pm. Through Sept. 28. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way Suite 200. 530-867-3198. $65. (Sliding scale available in case of financial hardship).
Laughter Yoga Proven to reduce stress and increase health, it’s a great team-building activity leaving your group energized and relaxed, allowing motivation and cooperation. Fourth Wednesday of every month, 8-9am. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave. 541-330-004. Free. Mama Nurture Circle Weekly circle for
mothers in any stage of parenting. Fosters a deep connection, vulnerability, truth and awareness. 8-week session. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. Through Nov. 28. Rooted&Open, 21212 Limestone Ave. $100/ session.
Men & Stress Learn the causes of stress and
reduce the negative effects of stress. Let go of anger, manage anxiety and improve relationships. Call Dan Anderson, M.A. to reserve your place 541.390.3133 or email: dan@anderson-counseling.com. Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Old Mill District, Upper Terrace Drive. 541-390-3133. $25/week.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Learning to be mindful of the present moment can help you to reduce stress, pain and suffering to lead a more healthy, enjoyable life. Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Thru Oct. 24. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave. 541-640-0597. $395.
Calm Your Pain Understand how their brain
and nervous system participate in and exacerbate ones pain. Be introduced to Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE), required prior to follow-up program. Oct. 3, 5:30-7pm. Healing Bridge Physical Therapy, 404 Northeast Penn Ave. 541-318-7041.
Enter the Source Weekly
Poetry Contest In partnership with OSU-Cascades Master of Fine Arts program
Win prizes! Read with famous poets! Get your very own one-on-one critique with McSweeney's poet Emily Carr! And have your poetry published in the Source’s Poetry Issue Nov. 2!
Rules for Entry: Choose between two categories for submission: The theme of “Growth,” or the “open” category covering any topic/theme (enter in one or both categories, so long as you follow the below guidelines). -Submit up to 5 poems max, 30 lines max each -Submit with your first and last name AND title of poem in the file name -Submit as a PDF document -Include your name, phone and email on every page you submit Submit your poems to editor@bendsource.com with the subject line “Poetry contest.” (Or drop off at the Source’s office, 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend)
Deadline: Mon., Oct. 9, 2017 by 4 pm Winners will be invited to take part in public readings in Bend and will have their work published in the Nov. 2 issue of the Source.
Go forth. Make good work, Central Oregon!
Practice Groups (Compassionate Communication/NVC) Through practice we
learn to become compassionate with ourselves and others. Some NVC experience necessary. Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm and Wednesdays, 4-5:30 and 6-7:30pm. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way Suite 200. 541-350-6517. Free.
Qigong/Relaxation Class Series Learn standing/moving Qigong forms for Detox and Gathering Qi and also Qigong + other methods of Relaxation to balance Qi, enhance sleep and decrease Pain. Begin at any point in 6-week series, but must preregister. Mondays, 5:45-6:45pm. Through Oct. 16. Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley St. 541-420-5875. $75/series, $14/class. Recovery Yoga Wherever you are on the road of recovery, this yoga class offers a safe and confidential place to explore how meditation, pranayama (breath work), journaling, and yoga can aid in your recovery and enhance your life. This gathering is not limited to drug and alcohol dependence, as we are all on the road to recovery from something! Thursdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave. 541-5508550. By donation. Restorative Yoga Restorative yoga formu-
las guide you to enhance well being using yoga props, including sandbags. Small class sizes enable individual support and guidance through a creative, healing blend of postures. Reservation required to attend. Mondays-Sundays, 10:30am-12:30pm. Nicole Williams, 1245 SE Division Street. 541-848-9156. First class $5,
S.O.S. - Success Over Stress Five proven strategies you can employ in less than three minutes, designed for busy people who want to move quickly out of stress. Sept. 30, 3-4:15pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts, 39 NW Louisiana Ave. 971-241-2376. $47.
Structural Reprograming / The Vance Stance Get to the root of why you are tight,
crooked, suffering. 2-hour classes in posture and flexibility. Begins Wed. Sept. 13: Mon-Thurs, noon-2pm and Mon-Wed, 6-8pm. EastSide Home Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct. 541-330-9070. $150/10 classes.
Tai Chi Grandmaster Franklin has 50+ years of
experience, practice and knowledge. The focus of his teaching is on the individual. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am. Grandmaster Franklin, 1601NW Newport Ave. 623-203-4883. $50. With Grandmaster Franklin, for people of all ages. Tuesdays, 1-2pm. La Pine Parks & Recreation, 16406 First St. 541-536-2223. $30.
Tuesday Performance Group Maximize
your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and ability levels welcome. Sessions led by Max
King, one of the most accomplished trail runners in the country. Email Max for weekly details and locations: max@footzonebend.com. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St. Free.
Vertebral Subluxation What is a vertebral subluxation? Does it effect your everyday living? Is it painful? Find out in this weeks class. Oct. 3, 6-6:30pm. Pangea Chiropractic, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste#110. 541-728-0954. Free. Wednesday Night Kirtan Bring your heart, voice, and musical instrument. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd. 541-285-4972. $15. Yoga for 50+ Learn to practice safely and still engage in poses vigorously. yogaofbend.com Mondays, 11am-12:15pm. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE Third St. Suite 5. 541-318-1186.
Young Breast Cancer Survivor Network Whether you have just been diagnosed,
are still undergoing treatment or are several years out, join us. First Sunday of every month, 10am-noon. Locavore, 1841 NE Third St. Free.
53 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 39 / September 28, 2017 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
stiffest of bodies can do Iyengar Yoga! Thurs, 6-7:15pm. Thru Oct. 26. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE Third St.. 541-318-1186. $57/5 weeks,
By Josh Jardine
Quick Hits: Cool Cannabis Products X marks the (s)pot Baked Smar+ has a great idea, and it would have saved friends of mine numerous hours, or at times, days, of unintended and undesired “Super Surprised Stoned Sessions.” Those sessions were brought on by people inadvertently consuming edibles made with cannabis, namely my extra strong cookies. Even though they were always placed in a container with dire, “End of Days” type warnings, containers get opened, and without a lid labeled that the contents are dosed, how is anyone going to distinguish a cannabis cookie from a civilian cookie? Answer: They won’t, and then the bad times begin. Baked Smar+ is addressing this very real problem with its Cannacals Home Kits, and is extending this solution to dispensary purchased products as well. If making cookies, brownies or other home-baked goods, you pull off green crosses from a sheet, and place them onto parchment paper beneath your dough, putting the dough on top of the crosses. The finished edible from the oven now has a green cross on the bottom. It’s made with FD&C-approved food colors, is gluten free, and orthodox Union Kosher certified, so maybe you bring your Bubbie some Canna-Hamantaschen? If you have dispensary purchased items but want to mark the edibles themselves, you can apply stickers directly to the baked goods or press a gummy, caramels or other sticky edibles onto a sheet of smaller crosses to affix it. Smar+, indeed. bakedsmart.org
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Put a lid on your Lid I still visibly wince when I see someone storing their flower in a plastic sandwich baggie. Glass jars are far better, but still let in light, which is not a friend to harvested buds. And with the sun-grown “Croptober” season nearly here, bud storage is at the forefront of many a grower’s mind as well. I tried out a new storage device recently from CVault, and in this case C is not for “Cookie,” or “Cuck.” These units are well designed and effective on all counts—made
from food grade stainless steel, they are solid yet lightweight, and come in a bowl shape, in various sizes. The stainless steel lid is attached by three latches, and has a thick silicone ring that provides an airtight seal. The interior of the lid has an ingenious feature that holds various sized packets of Boveda, the widely used humidity control product. Mine came with Boveda packs of 58 percent and 62 percent RH (relative humidity). I filled the small CVault that holds 7 to 12 grams with sticky buds recently acquired, and the Large CVault that holds 28 to 50 grams with an ounce and a half of 18-mont- old bud. The sticky bud stayed sticky, and the older bud softened in touch and taste. Various sizes and strong reviews make these a great choice for both consumer and producer. cvaultstorage.com Supercharged CBD vape pens Cura Cannabis Solutions has a new line of vape pens that are CBD only (containing no THC) but do have an added proprietary blend of essential oils in three flavors, with three distinct intended effects. The pens are .500 mg disposable units that are labeled as “Relax,” blended with lavender oil, “Focus,” blended with peppermint oil, and “Revive,” blended with grapefruit oil. The press packet explains in impressive detail the science behind the oils and the conditions which they are intended to address. I tried all three, and then passed them along to my OMMP patients with a need for the relief each pen is geared toward. I enjoyed the tasted the oils provided— no surprise as Select is known for a great tasting product line of THC cartridges. I didn’t feel much from the CBD, but I rarely do. The noticeable effects of CBD are more subtle than THC, as in they don’t get you stoned. The recipients of the pens gave me a thumbs up, especially those looking to avoid THC altogether. At onehalf gram, they’re small and discrete, and while I know there is a market for disposable pens, it would be great if there was an option for recycling these at area dispensaries. selectoil.com
THE REC ROOM Crossword â&#x20AC;&#x153;Party Lineâ&#x20AC;?
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Local!
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
Š Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
Ââ&#x20AC;&#x192;Ââ&#x20AC;&#x192; â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Rory Elder
70 Unit of perceived loudness
71 Windows predecessor
Parabolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s motion
C L U E S â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Marriage: sometimes ______, sometimes ______.â&#x20AC;?
4 Heels 8
Green lands
14 Dr. Seuss character Cindy ___ Who
Letter before 34-Down
15 Plenty
Rakish men
16 Reveal
Sugar servings
17 Excursion that begins at square 18 and snakes through the grid all the way to the seventh letter of 65-Across 19 Like poor work 20 Donkeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brays 21 White House worry 22 Type of tea 23 Cleanup org. 25 â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ we forgetâ&#x20AC;? 28 Michael Bloomberg got one in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;66: Abbr. 30 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Mambo Kingsâ&#x20AC;? director Glimcher 32 Army rank below col. 34 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Help me out hereâ&#x20AC;? 37 Famed hunchback 38 Legal grp. 39 Units of energy 40 Fairy tale brutes 42 Green hopper 43 Spray-on ___ 44 Camera attachment 45 One who might get the word out?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;ÂĄAy ___!â&#x20AC;?
There â&#x20AC;&#x153;ought to beâ&#x20AC;? one
Use a divining rod
Letters on Matt Carpenterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cap
Solder, say
Asthmaticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s device
10 Bring out 11 Was in front 12 Completed 13 Like a con artist 18 Big winners 21 Soda size 24 Gets a partner 26 Natty 27 Game in which you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say certain words 29 Succulent plants 31 Beaks 33 Hockeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jaromir 34 Letter after 1-Down 35 Clioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sister
47 Polished off
36 Gruâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youngest daughter in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Despicable Meâ&#x20AC;?
48 Biblical twin
41 Grind, as teeth
49 ___ Francisco 49ers
42 Over
50 Jewel-___ Drug
44 Ballerinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wear
52 Stratego piece
46 Tranq shooter
54 Wide receiver Andre
51 Furniture wood
58 Make a lasting impression
53 Juvenile
60 Blu-Ray extra
55 Up in the clouds?
62 Actor Martin
56 Vermont ski resort
65 How you might feel after consuming everything in the path starting from square 18 (shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have had a couple on that fourth stop)
57 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dagnabbitâ&#x20AC;?
66 Toward the center 67 Accusatory words 68 Ambulance VIP 69 Key exams
Difficulty Level
VOLUME 21â&#x20AC;&#x201A; ISSUE 39â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; September 28, 2017â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Š2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Puzzle
59 Cowsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; chews 61 Psalms preposition 62 One in a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nevertheless She Persistedâ&#x20AC;? shirt, briefly 63 52 semanas 64 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Appetite For Destructionâ&#x20AC;? rappers 65 On top of things
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why are there no during pictures.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Mitch Hedberg
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