The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave. Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com EDITOR Nicole Vulcan editor@bendsource.com
REPORTER/WEB EDITOR Chris Miller miller@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts BEER REVIEWER Kevin Gifford micro@bendsource.com FREELANCERS Nick Nayne, Teafly Peterson, Linda English, Jeremy Dickman, K.M. Collins, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic, Anne Pick
NEWS – McLeod-Skinner’s Feat in Deschutes County
NEWS – What’s Next for the Council
FEATURE – The 2018 Source Poetry Contest
In Deschutes County, no one has ever bested Greg Walden—until this election. A political expert weighs in on what that might mean. The Bend City Council will see two new faces this January—one elected in November, the other appointed by the City Council. We recap some of the highlights from the mayor’s race, the City Council races and the upcoming appointee process.
After receiving hundreds of submissions, we’re announcing the winners in our 2018 poetry contest! Check them out and then come see the winners read on Sunday., Nov. 18.
CULTURE — Famous Oregon Authors
In homage to our Poetry Contest, we’ve rounded up some of the other famous Oregon authors to put on your radar.
CHOW – Truffles Everywhere
Truffles are so big that Oprah’s repping them in a big way on her Favorite Things list. Lisa Sipe outlines how to find real versus fake truffle oil, and how to get plugged into the local truffle community.
SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler
On the Cover: Designed by Wyatt Gaines Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: wyatt@bendsource.com.
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The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2018 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2018 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.
Astrology 47 The “People’s Tree” rolled through Bend Monday, allowing locals to get a look at the tree before it heads to the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. The tree was harvested from the Willamette National Forest this month. It’s the second time a tree from Oregon will grace the U.S. Capitol.
Smoke Signals
Puzzles 51
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many actions to effectively squash a local industry—one that continues to gain support nationwide. Current commissioners say their decision to add further restrictions on legal growers last month was made in the interest of safety, and in response to neighbor concerns. They put the new rules in place through an emerhen Oregonians voted in favor of gency declaration, stating that the issue legalizing recreational marijua- had gone on long enough, and that they na, they did so, at least in part, to needed to have the rules in place by the legitimize an industry that had benefit- time the legislature convened. Commised only the black market for decades. sioners cite the high prevalence of mariVoters saw that by legalizing the mar- juana being sold out of state as evidence ket and allowing producers to grow that they’re moving in the right direcand sell marijuana out in the open, tion—even though legal recreational there would be a new stream of reve- grows are not believed to be the source nue that would—as promised by the of out-of-state trafficking. Commissionletter of Measure 91—see new tax rev- ers equate the odor of marijuana with a enues going toward schools and police serious public safety threat—though pig and fire departments, as well as toward farms are not met with the same ire. Nor substance abuse treatment programs. are hemp farms, which don’t fall under Voters also understood that legaliza- the same rules, but do exude at least tion would legitimize the jobs that went some of the same odors. along with the industry. Since then, The Oregon Farm Bureau has gone the jobs that have been added to the on record that Deschutes County legal economy have been significant. already had some of the most restrictive According to data from the Oregon rules around recreational marijuana in Employment Department, the marijua- the state. Others have posited that the na industry added 5,300 jobs from Jan- County could set itself up for lawsuits uary 2008 to June 2018, with an average challenging the rules. If that happens, annual wage of $29,600. Those numbers will the Commissioners spend precious were presented at the Bend Chamber of county funds on fighting those suits? Commerce’s Oct. 31 Count on it. Economic Forecast The commisThe commission’s Breakfast, attendsion’s actions fly in actions fly in the ed by local officials the face of a growand business leaders ing business sector face of a growing alike. nationwide. During business sector Marijuana and this past election, alcohol businesses one more state, nationwide. are “a big driver of Michigan, legalgrowth,” says Joshua Lehner, an econ- ized the recreational market. Two omist with the Oregon Office of Eco- other states, Utah and Missouri, addnomic Analysis, who presented at the ed medical marijuana programs. Conbreakfast Oct. 31. As Lehner says, the stellation Brands, which owns Corona 14,000 jobs added in the alcohol and beer, invested even more heavily in marijuana industry over the past decade marijuana following Canada’s nationrepresents about 8 percent of jobs added wide legalization this year. John Boehin the state—far more than the burgeon- ner, former Republican Speaker of the ing tech sector, which added 4.5 percent House, is on the advisory board for a of all jobs during the same time frame. marijuana company operating in 11 The current Deschutes County Com- states. Closer to home, a cannabis mission—and its incoming Commis- business owner sits on the board of the sioner-elect, the loudly anti-cannabis Bend Chamber of Commerce. Patti Adair, would do well to rememWhat would have happened, back in ber those job-adding stats. After initially the 1980s, if craft beer had been as heavopting out, Deschutes County Commis- ily restricted and as loudly objected to by sioners elected to “opt in” to allow rec- local officials as marijuana is today? Our reation marijuana to be grown in the beer industry has been embraced nationcounty in 2016. Since then, the Com- wide. Deschutes Brewery put Bend on mission has made it difficult for those the map, and, beyond the attendant caubusinesses. tions that can come with overconsumpRepublicans pride themselves on a tion, the community is better overall for pro-business stance, advocating in favor the influence and reputation Deschutes of allowing the free market to reflect County craft beer has created. the will of the people. Republicans usuWhen we look purely at the numally say that when people are gainfully ber of jobs and the tax revenues legal employed, they require fewer social ser- recreational marijuana has brought, we vices. With jobs, people can pull them- also consider the community better off selves up by their proverbial bootstraps for voting in favor of allowing the cultiand take care of themselves. All of that is vation and sale of it here. Let’s not let why it is so puzzling that the Deschutes an anti-business county commission County Commissioners would take so derail that.
Don’t let legal businesses get the short shrift
Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com. Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
ORDER ON THE BORDER? Americans don’t see firsthand the impact of misguided, failed foreign and economic US policies that result in the fears that Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans face daily. What Americans see, fed the unending lies by the Bozo Truth Fairy, are thousands of “invaders” heading for our southern border. The truth belies these effluents and places the majority of the blame squarely on this country. The US drug war launched in 1971 by President Nixon pushed cartels from Colombia into Central America. Latin American leaders implored the US to take a different approach to drug consumption in this country, but US administrations continued to fund the inane ineffective drug war and poured hundreds of millions of US tax dollars into training corrupt police and security forces in Honduras and Guatemala in the name of fighting drug trafficking. US support of brutal regimes in Guatemala and Honduras fueled the violence and instability that now makes life unbearable for ordinary citizens. In support of US government interests the CIA orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected president in Honduras in 1954, and the US government supported the 2009 military coup in Honduras and continues to support the despotic, illegal government that colludes with criminals while crime runs rampant and goes unpunished. Gang violence, especially in El Salvador, has its roots in the US. The international criminal organizations that terrorize Central American communities were exported back home from LA street gangs and metastasized in the wake of civil wars the US government orchestrated. This is more than a humanitarian crisis. The United States bears a great deal of responsibility for the dire poverty, violence and corruption in Central America. The US
@fotophreak tags us in this beautiful piece of the Veteran's Day Parade. Tag @sourceweekly and show up here!
government has a history of standing on the wrong side in conflicts in the region, consistently supporting dictators over democratically elected officials. Too frequently, America has intervened in favor of US business interests, to the detriment of Central American civil society. In spite of the all the lies and ignorance surrounding the caravan heading northward, it is indeed a small army of pitiful wretches, mostly women and children, who are merely trying to flee a life in a hell that has mostly been created for them by the failed policies of the US. —Marco Munez
IN RESPONSE TO, “SYDNEY THE CYGNET LIVES ON” ON 10/24 My comment has to do w the clipping of flight feathers so the swans cannot fly ... doesn’t that make them more likely to be a victim of predators? I know this has happened in another state, possibly Arizona, and the swans they had have dwindled due to predators killing them as they cannot fly. Patti Bogan, via Bendsource.com The flight feathers on Sydney’s wings were only trimmed temporarily. ODFW and the Trumpeter Swan Society decided Sydney would have a greater chance of survival if she stayed with her parents for
the winter. They wanted to temporarily prevent her from flying so she won’t be able to fly into power lines - a huge threat to trumpeters. As far as predators go, Sydney was much more vulnerable when she was a tiny cygnet. Pete and Eloise are excellent protective parents who do a great job of fighting off any potential threats to Sydney. Once the spring comes, Sydney will grow new flight feathers and be taken to Summer Lake to live her life as a free swan. Sydney is in NO WAY a prisoner or part of an ill advised petting zoo. —Robin Gold, via Bendsource.com
Mary — Ah, the well-meaning “thoughts and prayers...” Not much to add to what you’ve already said, except that many “third world,” AKA developing countries, don’t experience mass shootings on any level that compares to our country’s rate. Come on in for your gift card to Palate. —Nicole Vulcan E.J. Pettinger’s
WHEN IS IT GOING TO STOP? My heart is sad and my eyes are full of tears, one more massacre shooting. This one is so hurtful—young college age—their future just starting—out for a good time with friends (as painful as high school students dying). Survivors remarks the same as before— “never thought it would happen here,” “read about this all the time somewhere else.” Will our community be next? Heartfelt tears. I’m so sad to see these kinds of commentaries weekly on the news— when and how do we make this stop? I have never experience this level of fear growing up – in high school, college or presently. What we are experiencing is what happens in third world countries, not here in the USA.
copyrighted 2018
Mild Abandon
Message to all Squirrels: I don’t want your nut. So, you can stop acting like I do. Okay? It’s your nut. I don’t want it.
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What I’d love to see em fix is the parking. The food and drinks are always great but there is never anywhere to park. I just have to go park at Phagans and hope they don’t get mad because I live on the entire other side of town and cant beat the crowd there. —Will James, via Facebook.com
Something needs to happen with weapons reform (and this doesn’t mean killing the 2nd Amendment rights), along with more help with access to mental health services. Ironically several of the past incidents have been individuals dealing with PTSD – how is this being missed? No follow up? No assistance? Again my heart is heavy, I’m so sad for the families, the survivors and the law enforcement folks who have to respond to these situations. I’m a very positive, optimistic person but also have become aware that these situations (shootings) can happen anywhere- yep, even here in Bend, Oregon. Weapon reform needs to be dealt with now, not lip service— action. Blessings and prayers to all that have been impacted by these shootings. It’s time to put pressure on the current administration to step up, do something, quit just giving your condolences and then business as usual. —Mary Fleischmann
McLeod-Skinner’s Feat in Deschutes County
Chris Miller
Jamie McLeod-Skinner addresses her supporters during her concession speech at 10 Barrel East Election Night.
Greg Walden lost Deschutes County for the first time. A political science expert theorizes why By Chris Miller
lthough Jamie McLeod-Skinner didn’t win the election in Oregon’s 2nd Congressional District, she did accomplish something that no Democrat has ever done before—getting more votes than Greg Walden in Deschutes County. According to unofficial county elections results from the Deschutes County Elections, Democrat McLeod-Skinner garnered 45,020 votes in Deschutes County, to Republican Walden’s 44,392. To put that in perspective, the closest anyone’s gotten to beating Walden was in 2006, when Carol Voisin lost to Walden by nearly 17,000 votes. In 2016, Walden defeated James Crary 63,565 to 31,539, a difference of 32,026 votes.
I love my doc.
“Although Bend’s rapid growth—and the resort destination/retirement destination character of that growth—has diversified the city’s voting demographic, I’m inclined to attribute Jamie’s 628 [vote] margin in Deschutes largely to other factors,” Jim Foster, professor emeritus of political science at Oregon State University-Cascades wrote Nov. 8 in an email. “Three in particular: Walden fatigue, compounded by Walden’s apparent view that, after all his years in office, he owns the seat and need not interact with constituents (hubris); the ‘double whammy’ that Walden is a member of the Republican House Leadership when
that leadership is under the sway (has capitulated to) Trump (revolt), and McLeod-Skinner’s smart, professional, mostly positively upbeat campaign (competence),” Foster continued. “To these factors one might add deep concern to restore the congressional checking function so thoroughly abdicated by the Rs. Not to mention the 2018 wave of support, nationally, for bright, articulate, engaged women running for office,” Foster wrote. “People responded to our message of crossing the political divide and working together to achieve our common goals,” McLeod-Skinner said in an email to the Source Nov.8. “That resulted in thousands of volunteers — over 2,600 across the state and many in Deschutes County — working tirelessly for months as part of our team. This wasn’t about party affiliation or demographic group, as comparisons to the gubernatorial and
county races show. This was about people who responded to our message of working together to build stronger and healthier communities.” According to McLeod-Skinner’s campaign, she traveled more than 40,000 miles during her campaign, in an effort to unseat Walden. McLeod-Skinner went to nearly 35 town halls, hundreds of parades, rodeos, meet-ups and coffee mornings, house parties and rallies. “Decency, compassion and empathy are bipartisan,” McLeod-Skinner said on Election Night after conceding the race. “Our campaign has brought people together around these values to make our communities stronger, healthier and more inclusive.” Walden rose to the seat in 1998, easily winning the Republican nomination and the House seat. No Democrat has held the seat since Al Ullman’s run from 1957 to 1981.
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What’s Next for the Council?
By Nicole Vulcan
Russell celebrates her victory with supporters on Election Night.
end City Councilor Sally Russell won the election Tuesday to become Bend’s first directly elected mayor. It was a crowded race, with six candidates in the running. According to the latest unofficial results released by the Deschutes County Clerk, Russell took 50.18 percent of the vote—amounting to 21,666 votes as of Nov. 7. Next in line was fellow councilor Bill Moseley, who earned 40.88 percent of the votes, or 17,244 votes. Third was disabilities advocate Brian Douglass, earning 3.57 percent of votes, followed by attorney Michael R Hughes with 2.24 percent of votes, photographer Joshua Langlais with 1.96 percent and local activist Charles Webster Baer with .76 percent. Official election results have not yet been released. As the two sitting councilors, both Russell and Moseley were highly visible in the race. Russell talked often during her campaign of establishing consensus among stakeholders and listening to constituents; Moseley’s campaign discussions leaned toward discussions of fiscal accountability and better goal-setting and planning for the council. The race represented a shift in the way Bend chooses its mayor. In May,
voters in Bend voted in favor of changing the city charter to allow for a directly elected mayor, rather than allowing city councilors to choose a mayor from their own ranks. Some saw the move as a reflection of Bend’s continuing growth and expansion. Learning from the Election For Moseley, he says talking with residents during election season helped him get more ideas about Bend’s needs. “From the election, I gathered that a majority of residents want a rapidly urbanizing, progressive community following the policy lead of Portland and other west coast cities,” Moseley told the Source in an email Nov. 7. “I learned about regional challenges with homeless camps and public safety near Juniper Ridge by walking those neighborhoods. I learned about the personal impacts of the septic-to-sewer issues from folks in the SE.” Russell says this year’s campaign was at times “caustic,” but now that she’s been named mayor, she cites affordable housing and transportation as two of her priorities. “All through my campaign I talked about making sure we have transportation for everybody—according to your
watch and your wallet. Obviously, we need to focus then on the transportation advisory committee work, moving it forward, bringing it out into the community,” Russell said Nov. 7. She said conversations throughout the campaign helped her shape her approach moving forward, including learning more about the value of the Neighborhood Leadership Alliance, helping people engage with public process, finding new ways to work with the community on managing tourism while at the same time keeping community values, managing growth that’s compatible with community values and managing public safety budgets and service levels. A New Council Appointee With Russell moving into the mayor’s seat, a seat opens up on the general council—one that will be filled by appointment by the council in January. When a vacancy open on the City Council, Bend City Code requires the position to be filled within 30 days.It’s up to the Council to decide what type of process they’ll lay out for that new appointee— though Russell stressed that the process would need to be a transparent one.
“For me, there’s some questions: how do we do this and move through it effectively through a really short timeline, and not have it just an insider’s game,” Russell said.Of the process for selection, City Recorder Robyn Christie said in an email, “I anticipate they will request applications, similar to those we use for advisory boards, and a letter of interest.” While he didn’t win the mayor’s seat, Moseley will continue to serve as a city councilor until 2020. When asked what he’ll be looking for in a council appointee, he said: “I’ll want a councilor that reflects the majority – perhaps in the same vein as Gena or Sally. Maybe someone like Moey Newbold?” Moseley was referring to Gena Goodman-Campbell, who also won a seat on the council Tuesday night, defeating Victor Johnson and Andrew Davis. Councilor Barb Campbell was also re-elected, beating out Sarah McCormick and Ron Boozell. Moey Newbold works for Central Oregon LandWatch. The City Council was set to discuss the council appointment with City Manager Eric King at Wednesday’s council meeting.
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A new, directly-elected mayor, and a council appointee bring changes to Bend’s City Council
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a b afte hou the ster ulse m u s i c d d e e r by m b s b i r t h ow n - u p s i ke s u p a p sa m e o l d h a n d s r e e h t h d e a t w i l l wo c l o s e . g r ss i n g ta s in n i d mi and i pain ebuil wh a swe l l e d e r t i l l s e . m o m r wo rk s t h e d : my d a d h e c a l l e d h s s m s i o oo n b l o k n o w. m e l l e d c l o e l f ; s h e s to y whe childh d o n ’t t o b e r e s pg i f t t o h e r sd e d c l o s e . s t a r s . t o d a n o fi r e fl i ee u p t o e s l s e r i e a r th e a arm project pines ngth m o that up to , ther e a c h s w i t h s t re i n o c u l a rs . o ut h e re te a d , t a l l e r yo u f re e s f ro m i e b t t s s e t o g n i o s , n tin e till d c l e e y e s ; i h t e r, w e n still e Ju l i rd , l i f we l l e t h e y a m e m o r y a r d u s t - m a dl o s e . d a u g u s t t r a v e l oi o n , R e l e a s i n d o w e t w c s h s s t i m ompre in ed st kes of smell on ea C te a th lain— s u m mp e r v a n i l l a o w t o e x p e l d c l o s e . a c c u m u l a h e d b y s t r o r e a t h e b h h d s s l . e i g a o n wh life b i te, s l wo rl return and c nothi y o u ’d b u t t o w a r du d s , s n o w t e u p o n w h n c e s s o i l t e n e d , t h e w o u e r i , o e l l i o h fl m c s h w e s s d e th By Danielle Gosselin d sky d fore n d l ow s too e pag re col N a s l u e n d r i f t a nr e e n o r b a o n t h e w i n a n g r y t h - a t e s h r e d t a n w e a g r a s d w e s r t k s d I a e c si b w he n la h e s b s h o v e d f o r y o u t W h e i n t o i n c o nr y t h e c l o t t o b e c l e b r a n c mother grandma cannot pronounce t-h blends; keeps tongue w aheld rclose. eil p e d s aw a n g e y wa i t e d w i n d b l o v a p i s e i t i y d l wh i , th ws , en I h a s t iyelled a w o r h e ywalls, . W hclose. y f a c e t h e w i n d o i n . N o w i t fi in the name of god, she shapes words sharp—echoed b l u r s o k s . Toff ith m s acuum t n o f b o y f o r t h e v h e r. We t wi t l o o k e d i i d n o t l e t i c k s w i t9h i tI e s c l u m s i n t h e wa y s aw m e e d a n d I d t i n g t h e l oc e wa s a l l r d g e n r atch a when my grandfather’s mind left speech behind, he sang—made music u silen w r. M e l n so . W h e o u t s i d e . I s c r e e n d o oi n . A n d t h e a g a i n t a yclose. d e e e h a body bearing his eyes. in the melody he dwelled m t it s ough y I said co r ng thr c l aw i I fe l t a n g When
Ghazal of Proximity
a dead deer by the road has sagebrush bursting from its belly. what will wombs birth after their end—in response, these blooms swelled close. grown-up sister is someone i know and don’t know. miss her till missing takes up a pulse—ready these arms to be respelled close.
The winning poems from the 2018 Source poetry contest—and a word about why they won, from the judges
mom rebuilds the same old house, each project a gift to herself; she works the pain in her hands till it is with strength melded close.
The 2nd annual Source poetry contest was, like last year, a collaboration between this publication and the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program at Oregon State University-Cascades. We received hundreds of submissions from writers in Central Oregon—a testament to the breadth of creativity and passion our corner of the world possesses. From those submissions, the OSU-Cascades team of judges selected five winning poems, including first-place winner, a second-place tie, and two honorable mentions. Thank you to all who submitted, and to the winners—who you can see reading from their work Sun., Nov. 18 at 5pm at Roundabout Books, along with our judges. See you there! - Nicole Vulcan, Editor
out here, there are no fireflies to summon east stardust-made eyes; instead, taller pines rise up to whisper vanilla smelled close.
If I owned a wolf
By Ethan Barrons
childhood: my dad and i in the yard, lifting binoculars up to the stars. today when he called the memory welled close.
daughter, we set you free so that you’d return. how to explain— i must travel on still, not from them, but toward life beheld close.
On the poem: The charm of this poem is also what causes us to want to take cover in its wake. We immediately recognize this family-- at times close, at times closed-- as our own, the associations all too familiar. The poem has undoubtedly, irrevocably, done its job. —Jenna Goldsmith
Source-OSUCascades Poetry Reading
By Julie Naslund
If I owned a wolf, I’d fight crime.
Begin at the village wedged against the hill, riverside. Winners and judges Cup your palm and gather the rain, extend your tongue read from their works …until then, to taste, sweet and stony. G I’m tired of carrying your name Breathe in deeply. n o Sun., h a Nov 18. 5-7pm o unc zal in my Follow the scent upstream as you amble along the draw, e t of Roundabout Books w hf g o d mu en , s -h b P ro mouth. attentive to the narrowing slickrock walls. h l sic m e x iWashington Dr., 900 NW e Mount de a y g sha nds mity They are shaped by water. a d #110, b o r aBend D n p ;k b wh dee dy dfa es w eep ani Take off your footwear so you can feel r b b e a t h e o rd s m e l l e d o l o o ma t wroundaboutbookshop.com e On the poem: For all its brevity, “If I owned a wolf” introduces the reader to the sugary texture of sand against your soles. at th a r n ’ t k s s wi l l wy t h r i n g r ’ s m s s h o t h e G o m d Begin e r welcome hi in ar r t sse e l oallmages l u n d r p a l m a n y. t e a c s t n o w Free, s a a distinct voice of great scope, with fantastic imagery into the bargain. In Keep walking. N i l l h p o b . ml e d b s o a d s e y d l e p — e o n g l i n Ju l i e . Cu p yo u a n d s to n y t u g e b c B e i h s r o n it again e ti o ble r iss lo ir has s. ft s cho e these five lines the reader senses heroism, ferocity, conflict, and a salivary Gather mores train, w e e t yourmsenses. r s i d e to sharpen roc t itaste not p name n r u e h i l l , r i v e t o t a s t e , s a s y o u a l s . T hse y t y a r ds w i j e c t e s p e h e r s e . gt h a f s a g i n t hp e e e d h e I n . a k c c a a a m c k wa l u h , l t h a g l l e t i l r o w t e r e b r e mc h o ff t t h are tclimbing gesture both onerous and Cooper s a y b a that o n g u e uslightly i n t h e Irene pstre r a n d m e . gentle. – a i n syou o gimpossibly e l t h em e t o Notice ose. e d g t e n d y o u rt h e s c e n t i n g s l i c k r o u c a n f e a twhheir m o m e mi f t i n s t r e i f t t d c l ol m i n - u t h e u s h e l ob e h i gthe s s e l i n h e l d c l o sn, yGehl lae d c l a d e a r n e d w eas d o e l G n x y walls rise higher and higher above you. G w s e e m s e l z . e o o w , y pe ea ory g b ngt o he se. ssin p s ir e bu dy l w a l l o u n ga— ongu aniel a v i l l a g r t h e r a i n e p l y. Fo l l o o t h e n a r r o o t w e a r s p w a l k i n g t h at h t yoouu r v st i t y D m o tnh eGr hta zc h o e d o ff i n d , ohfegsnaceedt -c loofsPe r. o ’ w ino h m rs m g ist nd rst h f e t e e d m e e i r c h e d e i t K x The sky narrows. Keep walking. u e v t v a i . o e l g eol d a ba om , - r e t a n i l s t a r e l l e c u l e l d e l f ; o m t a k e e r i — i n i n g f P r d s ; k e e p s s h a ropu— t h e i na w, a t t e n t a k e o ff y o o u r s o l e s e n s e s . N o i g h e r N n csepaeleocfh b e hy h ewdhw ,t s hbhebl llye.n x i m i t a e r e d u o B l s b i n T s s u y y D nm first function is to telln g t h e When . e ss e d s of poetry re dr bp s l u u r n a d u d c a r s e d s h r e b s u s s m r od “The the stops t e rrain n s tsuddenly our and h h b l e p e s w o r d i nwd fl egfotd hte- hmbePl o n gi ufsriooc n m ey, tghr ea ha anpde s; k e e p a n i e l l b y w a s a n d a g a i s h a r p e n ys e h i g h e r e r a i n sbtroa leittwt lee n d t t o w . h o s m e s t - m l o s e u p c l o e w o u i l d p a o m e s a ,t s h bl eunr sxtiim o m s l h h d a n s ’s i e e a r e . t p e p h , f se s s n h a n i y o s d t t l t l h n o e d w e e o h r b p h t e m t w w h r o e w s s y . a d s s o r n l a o m e s e s g m e o n u s f D n l e i a r it will reveal itself, a box canyon on your right, G c s e k i l r e n f k u o e a d u r ; h n s u d r how tooado d truth, a o as e to learn t i the hi n , hper th ls n ga rd t r k eeeo ndea nd d e ou th . c s g r a n e a r i n g h i h a s ssi ac gae by gi rr ae nhda — p i m d w yo u r wphsa rieeeeal lrdeyy bt he ea ret,h e r ’ s d s s h at h e r t ssusgeal irny t e x, t a s t e i t a l y a s t h e ww a l k i n g . W e nrd fi s essow n o n a n d s lbi pl u teeevl tsh bel r i f t c l o u l i f eo e x c l o s e y e t h e e s t h i l d t h e e s a e — bo o t s o y m — n i b p h b m u i n t r little more than a slot. e G e n n o g o d y b t h e r o a d h da ef taedr dt h g a o a s d p — you r s eliol c ka-c a ootilhd that, hy otshs to w g h out i gour e r r a e s; re ar ho pa m d g s l i r o w s . K e , a b o x c s i d e w a y s d r o cokf. F b pl s i syt e a t ha orpluorlodm t y e cm lew i s n d what n edeslrionfind le e r ’es’ tsmasmssehsaw n tae rw tsihno- k - g n d s s , s n e h e a i n —. d a u i n s t , t h s . t o o d : i n i e lf h e h i m bnidnmyanmiss e e r b o m b s b i r gb rl owwhna-tu pe etrabk ebse aurpi ndet h rr hot oamn rhepel— l i t s e s s i t . Tu r n a m e c o l o ru n tsi lo ct lhuembio.oC k caaenv eit. g rha e y e s . f t s p e aoreed col ehl dDon’t y utihl d s agr hn in ad n r o oim a l o s n k k i i o i g b o nwgi l l b c v g ea er d e e i d m n n d n s u s l r l y i k s w i l l wl e d c l o s e .d o n d w i i n t you o si lel r n o n ’t m eycohu . Tff w w ansd m isate o wd e o es rteoh emp dt eaedreally cchalol l eebdfeel so l.eafm rw ihr tehl and what e o f fl l e a l o n g d afgo ruwr ea r ds yn as .s Tt hdei s e d f e n o w h a n c l o i m u h t e r d , t e a r a y w y d a i l lnm l t s m v t . s h t o e r i y a a ’ y r w o b a p u D i w e a t o m k a c e m Turn sideways and slip in, y m g s c l e n . d r e l e d i e h : bse. e n ihsseps e sde . o a fctl o r . n o eel lw t c e s d l i , o a s n a e k f c e a d m e d i o r e a s b s S s o h e g d . h h l a h s c o t s b a e . o t a s r g d t i , r o l h s w i o o i h k t l e t n t r s n a r e m m c s lf; w h y e lg a i nes n r c h e e n . ionp e n eors et h ri ne st i e sheetco r it e y s w a w a b a e u c o . C t r e l e r n o h e n unsoht l o d t hnadn, lidlblhiirtt dpaaryso jw a n p of e w ai tycolored rh tbti ogffr oww c n o w. r e s p e l l e de ah s l a d i p a h r steo b s .l oms ies.dcchtlio . h y u i e e h W fl u h fi a r e a t w s r t l s r o h a o s p h o m e o c e e e y b u i e o d e i p pressing your gut against the curve flame rock. really think.” t e o y r g c i h y d n c l h n h g d h n n v e i r mur or s- y o eu rd l-s l g , s t a hiel l . T s a n sct l o . eN o w tur eudepl lel hm t pin re e e w e vaa a s t o u o n c o o n fn a m t o fiteabs rgruiisslelm e d ec r etsh es shtea rsese.y. eagrra sr aew o b e t a g i f tt itlol imhepl dr o w Wi na w coladoty i ni sds, ihnu, py es li lset ehne dn— esne . l l n e e d t o n a r r o w se lal gnagi d nw ian gt i n ggFeel —o ead c u i l y t W t l d w h c c u p r e s l o n y o u e s r fl pgrains ehte f ths o nthe rtethri do,wlrnieptrh iyno uy ewd o i h t n j o n c p t t t h a i e e s , t t h r m j t s e t t h a p g t i sandy against your cheek. h b c i f m w o n e e e d s i , e u e h n r g o g l s h r r o u r n ad c Yaodue w el l m uhrm m s p rc nndey u i r i l leie i f-to d y e s I f I o u ynog u f rh , no e s pgsf rieierneegtn h s t r e e yual a r sw i tt ahge r esl euedm kJORDAN, o setrisneg. emd—JUNE owm st a n a dcm,l t am t hfdrm iat sn n elro. s e a n d t w i n e u n d e r s t a nn B a r rno nI s trhyr oi n gt s r y e r. m . Wi p p e h e n w i i l e n ct e , s u l a i o n , t i l l , r e e s eg — ilssoas eog.mwr easl lpsot m st y ui nu m i s w i t t i n g b i n ot hce crldo, slei f. tohues tsr; iinfstwtth n sm to b eeuntil Sidle along interlocking walls and a turn s i d s a We af re lopen. e. the I s nd es las te l alb, sinn oirsh, woesnese. eamsnoi nrsygt iw eorcei J— ot lieinledr l ff; rsohme lrle bducs umpaian e d R a s h u c v n i t n u s d e f a f o e y i h E l e t l h u t t o o l m e n d g e l o e f l i , n , t e w d l w t y a s i n peervrse l os o e m m m ea m e eeds p e w t w e n n t aw fo s o h e rd . yo u tm o s e uepeuil s ne w an h th . I anl l st h eu i t so i l d CARIBBEAN-AMERICAN eekllel eas duiunsldasroosw i you th leas t f a w o , I ’m t i r e d ry w -n d oosr en. gdbaiungghyt h a s o e R m h o c t r d o w s k , o r v g s t t d o m l e m u m l n u t e r a e t o i f n a e Now can proceed forward. r . n I o e b i w o o h d s ’ g i a h y u e ; i n — r w wp kesl lt h m uceu deplrdreee s sn islhl trhdbiun l y w i mtoh c l ao o f epo nt s e ., e in n sh l n b n ry e s at e it th s yh ace asna g o irnega.dTo wl kasn. I f I o … u n t i l t h e m o u t h . s t s t a i seplel re deca sl ta isn — e ct h eiPOET, tu m d t e aea swmo usstitlr-dom ol am k e sspeu. elos oeACTIVISTS, I s c r e c h e l o my aw a c o n g r y o r t o t h y s t r w i n Ju ti , rbs um di m manner. o n e a n i l l aysom y atin e ot e r w u ’dt o evxapn t acrldolsleN.daC lsdeh . eKpeaeipnm e. Continue this y erlklse sraet d n my utput lracnhl.oehsdo haet h ue t—hr hkensotw i e o b i d t u h c a s t r l s o e a n c e a d f n i c o h d h l v e e c r l n d k i l u w m i t a l o a w u a n r b o e k e s . a g dt hce o reslaydm d eeraed ESSAYIST h go h w i n hI ’d fi n lea ns pe aotsow at h ow an ed ce ry der e p ed g b es o c tn . h om ,l ibf e tbuerhne a nsd os etl d -m cb d o love . tdo dh: om u s e eto turn oi lgd , yt ht ras n u r nN rne whaeidet ede,. lsoluw r de tlsh ih , t poem d where eo lwopsaei.nte se; ionl d ag , th rea o r h aneed ldf , ewill sideways again On the poem:cIo m just u t tn o w. hao mberolalnetw i n this et h t h ends, d a y w yoYou ichl n o , x t o h ’d r e t t obw aa sr d e , d s e l v a h I p t d i n s e r u u r s s n a e e f i a d p o o t eh e to n ian l n , o whai t e w e i . M di th ey e c te d uwt o sd t c eedyr ei h olerortuee n er sb.efl elw c t s e etw :— du,s s ea r e w has l o u dds l n d dl se a rwalls weave and twine, , sat,hg e s thoedaditn hl di teexihlceln m d n eitwends: g a t l a g e w s a y b and I believe it because e ntheacanyon so sfbo n . of m , b u lborw l o s h fl e w o h e w "though oyi duhg ehrt eh&raoTEACHER el a.r ecdsfst; atihnesdtdp a cc a enednsdkoywwcblarrde lcibo her senh edg ack maud A ne l tthere r eor w a, nwdtea, l l e r n o fi r e h e c i ivni l l n e d t o ead lsadyo o t i n a i te t h e re d w o rl d ipvnled i a c e y a k t h e s e n roi fr o u d tfhleuebrw s l u n d wdhr i n w n r s s i d f i l B t u a s e g l . a n k n e o a e a p d h s r a hseen. tn fl d a youI ndo rea d this say se haaew asn — dgegrrhete-ea t dy , w l e water i t n o d s s s t ut e w opening. s t not understand... t how slilseaaetnndo t h g is ga s l l egda t gnow th e ra l d h osiviem w C tdr aiv ei nl s e t y o n enow s r i i enarrowing, t w e e n bblluaict ek -vgeriefbol raw aon a radnod so, fns b b alo h teah nIo sw ,otw tbere upc l ecfi e s h e l t i t i ws , to b at a o o dhuefsotcnlro rlnedfl hoe mc p s e ut o B r h e r t h e d g e d a c ka.r e n g t h e e i n d i n , e x t i n s t t r u c t i o r ebtao ookisanocrcodlnorisy d l s h c ko- gurt eWschkleyu iw a lrlee o n s u fKeep t w e t n o r p i n . us n s n c h e s iol fs hr so vaew a r w I s i t e d n i e h e n e going. walks." Rarely do human instructions n o e e a m e n w e r y . e r c g p o l s l d a gsau at s sds i a v e psep e a. o a i taavred ietn d til dn lto ra e n c k sget sh fe aT oneuod N o i n d b c l e ad y b ens i s cs utm bdo oi s aow p ce td r a w, ae p l y. Fn d y o e h i l l , B y J u ignasrsht ar u am ehyCww rnre dIb syiatw i t e v ecw ce n o t s o t haar eon g t h h e i n i n , em s , lw yopow yl d oarucpet h,cetoh oonnwc oi tludifssr wr h r k s . hrads tiisl ydr ifaogrhw iet eu, o u l a t o n , R el , Though wbrave l uom u w e t r y l i o t r l d x a r b o i e d t i o u a n you do not understand yet, you will. this deep inside the natural world; it's a t e t a i f l e o t v i i a i t r o o s W h e c t y e f y wa t h i t w n a .w i nah.r m y ne e erned he xht n s wBa n t i l o w t o n N htteisl lwfi r elee. nsco ps ltaos e a t l e a s r osmu s h a e n evww s tciul ytmi nts. sW d eh u r s s o ukrs . Ts h y ef o T um ryaoi n u i t dWohendt chioenl w at hcliuett i ruil iioh s a it is n e J um g a r p e d r a w, ae p l ya.rF i lrl e, yt eJ ru. v e t t h e g u e r s i d e . Na s l u n etshsa h e d h i n o e v a chue y dt ans io tnhe,niRIe e, vinneod to r e h acesta iyw k p w a e u e u s o y t , o o t u r t o o f baog ayi nf odr itnh et r sthheer. W s This is how water walks. move, and I applaud it. Emily Carr C c l l s fi l p t t o b , s w l T o t r n t o d m s b k t i eo r e ll iom ttaos i vf es a i ea k cen tex the y w eyno il n up y in ta B s . I v l taeiw ha li t l at yW r e I hdaeind lheene l o sc.l aW e da l l lseaa f or or N
s ws ea ems h r e w e d o aw tu w nt m dh e g rigyn t hrc. eW c l u mi t isnt tW an h eh w e w a wa cW s cese swhhaeesdn itnhtion iw u hyei ndrgi p r e r a i n t u r e a t e r. d i v. eT thoe b ti n h g eg ui te sni d ea a solffu ny n a r r o t u p s t s t e , s w y o u r p g i n a t e v e e . o oth tro nJ ds ol e n tp onue tlItsiisn aeyne aenngarny sa Is hwea tuhcm e n. W Teankl i l int bI ys as n ci nod uglriye t h r t e n e i n g b rk e s y win rea i nps do uBr eet tshkeye s cl iegnh atgoatian . gCa u alm th r d oof u c l i m b , t a s t e o f sm r ems to w o ucrlea d wW o ui n ofoherhe.rdM tahewe. Iasafiw r. e . d a I h d g n y e i d m w d e t o o t h e e n f d g s n n o t t r g e r . W t s i a W h e y o , o n r t n g . a l t o s i i y A d y g dt ho u t u t s e sscar e e t e i en ide h iyn oakneg w eatgh otff wy aarrrr uypass e , ssh o u o taw s l i c a s y n d s a n d e t h ed T h e n g s i t a pag the l tn. aI hot ihn nwgart oi tr tle m o ru r i n g a i nh e n r e s g o i i i h g w w a o f m w s y r r a o e k t n y t e a e e l o n c d to o w t o c a l 2ND PLACE WINNERS NEXT p n a w s a r t o y s r s w l i o c o r t n h s i a g b n i o e u u g a c h e h t ar y s in k g g h I .s aI i d m e ek t hre s g om l dr t ft r isn.g K e aemw epte na a o l t er ll i t s I tfherlot u u o y o c k w a a m b l n y. Ia ns cnrseiedne ehde p w i t h my w e t h y i t w y n a r r hst al yn day ytoousrhgsat sylooutr. efvoeoat w t heey h e c l o e s h r efl e w o r o a na de,dt ih e, at h s leiecp aasl lys nydo ume sa.nK ng g r yt l o e d e u s l s i i i o r u i d a s t a r l n u e t l D ho w k t g c l a w i n I f e l t aann g r y h e s c r a t c h e d l o o k e f a c e , agirdy ctoh rd-oaot re gdeIs dfline tw n e w h s r o l re n a s t os s oo p t g y ca as re lsf rw gs . w t hrea i n r p . es ait ui s t os e ed e rw l d . sh l kw e I sa een m t , ay o ca k a leles wsa la eang ayion slne’st. m o i nag aemhbilgnhyn. s e s . w a l k i n n f e e lT h e y Whe a le ii K er el tdi wn o tu tl di n d o we d t o s a t a ni noa n d y go u r g u s l o t . Dv e u K b i d c d o oa n d I i n t h eh e y w ec liont.h M i l g o u o e s . s e t p N t a l e sn g be et dg w r a i r a d t a oti g. G the A e s om r . h c a’ tntns etlhf ,i s uwranl ka riinsset hyr tsheen sc espi tw. aTu xc ac n a l sW n s a g a Ko n a e i n . M e l i d n o t w i n d oi t e d t osn ds atthat otoh e l i t i n . , w i n d c l eua n y oi n a m eu r e luk ri nn nfyeoenlT ehne yt h en d h i g c e t h a a t h e r io b a x inndg .oW setetp m ws , . An ting N o w b l o e i n tl l s t u r a g a i ni n let b e ensdi l o c k he t y p e guhre rc hs .vN gs. i tohn n r oo h s s wi o n
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ti ch o b . m d c s b d h es ft s cho e h and t h el l i t p r o j e r e i s s h l o s e i r t h a s s a . i n t p e e c e d o e l d c m a y a i s w e c t s p e e r . g r a f t e g e b h e m h b ff w l o s c a n s u t h e r d , l i i t h s a g i f l l e d t i l l mo w n - r t h e r u s h e l o e h i n a l l s , e . i n n o t p w hm m o m e m f t i n g t r e n t t o c l o s e i s s i u p s i r e n b u r sd y h d , h e y e l l t h e r o e n e n g h i n yo i s p e e a o r y b i n t h e rs . m o g t s te r d — t i n g dw sa n d c a m t h e u ’d r v a s t s t w e l l o c u lm e l d e l f ; m r a k e s i s s i n r e f r o e l l e d g — ml o s e . e Na m , re t u n i l l a a rd u e d c a r s e d c s h e e b u i u p a o m e s p o m i t c l o a d e b e s l u nb u t t r n . h s m e s t - m l o s e u p t l o s e wo r k l d s t p u l o n e n s e, s b e l s e . a o w o w l l e a d . o o t . c s t h e s e i k t h e l y. br tw d w ha n c h e e n dl o w c a r d t o d c l e e y u t h eh e s t h i l d h h e p s a m — r e a n o w s e e l o e i r t s b l u e v b l i f t l o u d i fe b x p l a s e . e s ; i n re, t a r s . o o d :a i n i e o l d dy t ha n d t d n a h a e o f r s a i l s h c k - g n d s s , s n e h e l i n — a u g hs t e a e r e o d a y m y h e r h o u e s e c l u b o o w o r o v e r e e k y wo w d c l i m u t e r d , t a a r e w h d a d h a n s e , lea n no en an so m ks d d d s , w ll h an os a g a u r e d s y f o . T h ei s a wf o r wo r b a i t e u d c o e . C ot t r a v e s e e r p i fi r e h e d i i s vi rned By Julie Naslund i n . i n r t h y h a y a r d r e p o n l d a m p e l t y o n e s fl i e c a l l n g a tl l a g e t o s c o s e c r he w ay c l a i t s t a W h e t h e we v a a s t i l o u t o n t o l d w h i c u m e s s i n s t u f r e r i s e t o d alo Brea r th edge bac W he sil te on ill w up n e u y a cu y e low clouds, snow and coldW accumulate k n t h h e i n g t e d o u a n g r s h e r u m . r i p p eh e n w i n e n c e , s l a l a t e , R e , n o t s o t h t o g ar e ra d a . I sh a .W W n le h d y s d I a t f s u e s h t h e d i n d i n , e g a i n sn s t r u a thin window between drift andI sky f e l r o u g s i d e s a w e t h e n i n t os a w f o r e s o i l e d b t h i n a s e r o m t g a x e m o a r y p e d raw e p te n t t h c t i o w a ta ht .I w J s y 11 l n g h e w a m e i i t h I s a w i n c o n g r y h o r tn o t h s t r i n d u l i e a r er e r a t e x t b y w, a t t e y. Fo d y o e h i l n s B m ry t c hOnt the e n i n g o ke ow n s t l poem: “COMPRESSION, y a u c u l y s h o i n l , I s ree ed ok fa ng ide e e l r yo c l i n , a r s t white upon white, slashed by strokes aid n c , ry u. e m ta e o te r ive ow to n r ive Ju l i r - p a g dis, t h b r e a t o f d o a n d d i n edelivers ate es e w he t h e t h e what c o RELEASE” d e T h e b i n g s t e i f s a n . Ta k t o t t h e s g u e r s i d e N a m o of branches black-green or bare I m e r. slu ce to e. o r n ly s k s l t a d a e o h e d t h e y w c l o s h r fl e w o r l s promised title d th i n . M e lini dthe w of athe poem: e i n g e t h a i t w y n a i g h t l g a i n g a i n ff y o n a r r n t u t a s t C u p n d B A n t i n gn o t l i n d o i t e d e s s d s t oo u t p e s o yo r y s u t i n eg s a , r y o l w t r et o w to tlanthe poet dapplies o at i n gn d y o u r a s l ol r e v o w s . a s t h s h a y o u f o o i n g t r e a ms w e e u r p i n a cold silences soil t h e t hpressure e l it in s, w be and g r g r e t s e t t w p r u a l K w . s s o c ic as an alm t th en o w t e ue . N ind le e D l c k dreamsguage to create i al e nspare a ai nothing breathes i n l l s t n s a a g a i o n ’ t i t s e l e p w a l l s y o ul e s . a r s o k r o c y o u d s t a n d e c e s w i o w b l o wa n c g n K f r u a t k K e n y h i s r n a i n s t m i s , a a l k i s e r s e e e y o u w a m o n y. cape in which “nothingwbreathes” as th it it is n i t o p a b b e s a l l s fi h o p g o n w a m a n a n d o t y o h e c s i t . o x c n g . Wh i g h n s e s w a l c a n l l s . l e but the language itself, “a word.” white veil shoved forward on the wind w ne u r u r v Tu a n er . N kin fe Th I e re. i l p n h l e s w r e g e y e v a o wo at . T w . Y n . c h e e o r n g s on n th nd tic . G l th y o N l f, e r f The inner music, the chattering e r e h e foreshortened, the world blurs I ’d w a o u g a v e a u w i o w k . S fl a mi d e w o n y e r a h i g h e t h a a t h e e fi g l k s . h y n d l l n y o u i d l e e c a y s o u r i n s e r a t y r c’s and hissing s’s give way to an o o ht o e t c r i I f I o u d o w i n e e d t c a n pa l o n l o r e a n d r i g h tt o p s b o v e u a word ending full of human possibility. me wn no , n o t roc g u d ro slip , li sud u . … e d t u ow r n e e n t i ck in ttl is a way out – Irene Cooper n a u n t i a w n d e n a r s i d e d f o l t h e . Fe , p r ee m e l t o l f rs t row w r w e s l i s i n h e n Et h a n d i n ays a rd n te r t h e my , I ’ ag . C lo y g, a m o m t i n B a e t , y n ow a i n o n t c k uth red rro ou op as in. of ns I will eninthe car f I . T g. r y i ow h i s ng ne i yo d a s ur
Alexithymia By Hannah Paige
When I saw angry the pages flew out of books. They hastily ripped into inconsider -ate shreds too clumsy for the vacuum. When I saw angry the clothes sat and soured in the washer. Wet with my face, they waited to be clean again. When angry saw me it looked in the windows, windblown it stayed outside. I watched and I did not let it in. Now it is clawing through the screen door. Melting the locks with its fire. When I felt angry I said come in. And the silence was all I ever learned to say back.
On the poem I started this poem and then had to start it over again. I kept starting and restarting the poem. I kept stalling. In a good way. And when I found myself at poem's end I sought to read it all over again. - Jenna Goldsmith
About the Judges: Emily Carr writes murder mysteries that turn into love poems that are sometimes (by her McSweeney’s editors, for example) called divorce poems. After she got an MFA in poetry from the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, she took a doctorate in ecopoetics at the University of Calgary. These days, she’s the program director of the low-residency MFA in Creative Writing at Oregon State University-Cascades. Her newest book, whosoever has let a minotaur enter them, or a sonnet—, is available from McSweeney’s. It inspired a beer of the same name, now available at the Ale Apothecary. Emily’s first collection of fiction, Name Your Bird Without A Gun: a Tarot romance, is forthcoming from Spork in 2019. Visit Emily online at www.ifshedrawsadoor.com or on Instagram @ifshedrawsadoor. Irene Cooper is a Bend-based poet, creative writing instructor with Blank Pages Workshops, and co-founder of The Stay Project (thestayproject.us) and the Writers Collective of Central Oregon (writerscollectiveofcentraloregon.com). She holds an MFA from OSU-Cascades. Jenna Goldsmith, Ph.D., is an instructor of writing in the American Studies Program, School of Writing, Literature and Film at OSU-Cascades.
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11/15 – 11/20
SUNDAY 11/18
Fruition’s newest full-length album, “Watching It All Fall Apart,” offers full-hearted, soulful odes to breakups and love lost. The five-piece folk band’s sound has evolved into a little more rock and roll — with a touch of soul and psychedelia. Yak Attack, high-energy electronica from Portland, opens. Ages 21+. 8:30pm. The Domino Room, 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $22/adv.
The Apres Ski Bash live music series kicks off Nov. 16. This bluegrass band draws passion from seven years together and three albums on the books. 7-10pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. No cover.
The popular Author! Author! literary series is back for its seventh season, bringing four established authors to Bend throughout the year. Sarah Vowell, a non-fiction author and contributing editor to the radio program and podcast “This American Life,” is also a New York Times bestselling author of seven books on American history and culture. 7pm. Bend High School Auditorium, 230 NE 6th St., Bend.
Is your facial hair stylin’? Enter the annual Mustache Bash competition! Don’t have facial hair? No problem! There will be categories for natural, fake and groomed mustaches. It’s all for a good cause, after all. Funds raised benefit Bend Fire’s Community Assistance Program. Live music from Party in the Back and Bony Chanterelle. 4pm. River Pig Saloon, 555 NW Arizona Ave., Suite 40, Bend. Entry to competition: $20.
SUNDAY 11/18
Broken Angel’s meat-free Thanksgiving feast is back for its third year. Chefs Richard Hull and Barbara Troyer create a multi-course, family-style vegan dinner the whole family will enjoy. Reception, 6pm. Dinner, 7pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd., Bend. $60/adults. $35/ ages 6-11. Ages 5 and under are free.
MONDAY 11/19
FRIDAY 11/16
Join Sunriver Resort for its annual tree lighting ceremony. The event is the closest to the North Pole as you’re likely to get, and includes a visit from Santa, live music, children’s craft projects, train rides, Oregon Observatory telescope viewing, a petting zoo, food vendors, fireworks and more! Noon-7:30pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr., Sunriver. Free.
Have old family photos that are a little worse for wear? Let professional photographer Robert Agli teach you how to restore your old photographs with image editing software at this month’s Bend Genealogical Society meeting. 10am. Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Free and open to the public.
Jesse Dayton’s collaborations over the years perhaps describe his sound best. Dayton recorded with zydeco legend Rockin’ Dopsie at the famed SugarHill Recording Studios and has opened for punk rockers Social Distortion, The Supersuckers and X. Not to be contained in any box, Dayton later played guitar on Waylon Jennings’ album, “Right for the Time,” which led to collaborations with Johnny Cash, Ray Price, Willie Nelson — the list goes on. 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $10/adv.
If you like your pop experimental and out of the box, Strawberry Mountain delivers. Truly DIY, the NYC band has bounced around from practice spaces ranging from basements to college dorms. 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $8. All ages.
November 26
November 27
December 5
Did you enter the Source’s poetry contest this year? The winners have been chosen (see this week’s Feature page)— and will read their works, along with OSU-Cascades Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program Director and published poet, Dr. Emily Carr, and other faculty and grads, at Roundabout Books. 5-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend.
American Hybrid
Jesse Dayton combines styles and experience with legends to create “smart” country music
By Anne Pick
“All the old guys thought Waylon was too rock and roll. I’m kinda like that, too. I’m combining a hybrid of styles and it’s all this different stuff — R&B, country, punk rock, all of this stuff into an American hybrid.” —JESSE DAYTON Shortly after that, Rolling Stone wrote about Dayton. Jennings told him that if he believed the good press, he’d have to believe the bad press, too. From that, Dayton gathered that Jennings didn’t pay attention to press—likely as a way of protecting himself. “They were really cool. Cash was like a spiritual being, he just had this aura around him. Waylon was like the Hells Angels and would steal your girlfriend,” Dayton recalls. Years later, Dayton joined forces with Rob Zombie, who taught him how to direct music videos. He would send Zombie rough cuts and Zombie would respond with notes like "darken the lighting here," or "this scene needs more blood" or "you can’t hear the screaming loud enough." Zombie would also give Dayton themes and tell him to go write a song. “People have no idea. That guy is operating on a different level,” Dayton says of Zombie. “I do a lot of stuff, but he’s unbelievable. Working with Rob was a huge education for me. We made three movies together and did two soundtracks together and then I ended up directing my own film with a bunch of people I’d worked with in Rob’s movies.” Before teaming up with Zombie, Dayton recalls his career being at a low point. When he first debuted, he’d had number-one Americana records and played for the President of the United States. “Six or seven years later, it was meh,” Dayton says. “I was still respected and was playing shows, but the movie stuff kind of reinvented my career because those records got huge cult followings.” After finding that success in film and soundtracks, Dayton recorded a new album, “The Revealer.” Since its release, Dayton hasn’t stopped touring—though he did find time to record and release his most recent album, “The Outsider.” “This is the first time I’d ever done that before,”
Jesse Dayton has played alongside legends like Waylon Jennings and now creates his own brand of what he calls “smart” country music.
Dayton says. “We’d always gone into the studio, taking time off. For ‘The Outsider,’ we recorded three songs in Denver, two in L.A., four tracks in Nashville and a few tracks in Austin. It was kinda cool. Those different places definitely added to the vibe of those songs. I really liked it because I didn’t want to stop touring because we were on a roll. We had such good momentum.” Dayton has big plans on the horizon, including a new film and an album of cover songs. He also just wrapped up playing guitar on the album put out by Duff McKagan of Guns N’ Roses fame. While his work spans genres and he can boast working with many well-known people, his music stands on its own. Dayton proves to be anything but your typical country artist, and he prefers it that way. “Those of us who like NPR, who like The New York Times, we want smart country music,” Dayton says.
“That’s why we all like the guys like Steve Earle. I did a benefit with him and it feels good to be on this side. “I have had the great fortune of playing with some legends,” he adds. “They were bringing what they do in a new way. All the old guys thought Waylon was too rock and roll. I’m kinda like that, too. I’m combining a hybrid of styles and it’s all this different stuff — R&B, country, punk rock, all of this stuff into an American hybrid.” Jesse Dayton
Fri., Nov. 16. 9pm Volcanic Theatre Pub 70 SW Century Dr., Bend $10/adv at Bendticket.com
ountry singer Jesse Dayton has worked with a lot of incredible musicians and filmmakers. He recorded with Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings. He co-wrote songs with Rob Zombie and acted in several of his films. He played guitar on tour for punk legends, X. Now, he’s got a full plate — touring, recording, acting and supporting political candidates including Beto O’Rourke. “I’d never met Waylon before and he’d seen me on a TV show,” Dayton says. “He’d cut his hand cooking that night and he called me the next morning and said, ‘Hey hoss, want to come play guitar for me?’ I’m kind of freaking out. I knock on the door and Johnny Cash opens it. ‘Are you going to stand there with your mouth open?’ he said to me. It was great. I learned all kinds of lessons from them.”
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Trumpet player Charlie Porter releases his self-titled debut album By Anne Pick Submitted.
Purpose Fulfilled
Charlie Porter studied at Juilliard and has traveled the world playing trumpet. He performs at Cascades Theatre on 11/17—part of the routinely sold-out Jazz at Joe’s series.
harlie Porter has had a busy career, “New Beginnings,” Porter wrote a couwith no signs of slowing down. ple months before recording the album. Passionate and talented, the Port“I had some older tunes and some land-based trumpet player found his newer tunes and I wanted to have some groove on the New York jazz scene while bookends to lock them into place, so studying classical trumpet at The Juil- that’s where the ‘Prologue’ and the liard School. Over ‘Epilogue’ come in. the course of his “I couldn’t decide If you listen to the career, Porter has ‘Prologue’ after lisspent time playing who to use, so I used tening to the whole in jazz and classical everyone — it turned album, it comprises musical projects, all of the themes from incorporating Ara- into a really Portland the middle nine piecbic, Indian, Austra- thing. It’s kind of a es.” Put together, the lian Aboriginal and over-arching theme time capsule of the Korean influences. sounds both cinematWe caught up current scene.” ic and innovative. with Porter while he On the album, nearwas in an Uber on —CHARLIE PORTER ly 20 Portland jazz the way to the Portmusicians joined Porland International Airport, headed for ter to create a snapshot of the current solo performances with the Baltic Sea scene. You won’t hear the same band or Philharmonic in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the same exact lineup of musicians on the two largest cities in the United Arab more than one song on the album. Emirates. Porter recently released his “All of the pianists on this album, debut album, bringing together a variety the same piano sounds different in of Portland jazz musicians to round out their hands, which is really cool to the sound of his original compositions. me,” Porter says. “It’s nice to have one “I kind of had a failed attempt at mak- band that you develop and hone, and ing a recording when I was 26,” Porter I’m going to be doing that for the next recalls. “I say failed because it only had album. I couldn’t decide who to use, a $500 budget; it was a glorified demo. I so I used everyone — it turned into a decided to wait until I had enough mon- really Portland thing. It’s kind of a time ey to do it right. Having moved to the capsule of the current scene.” Porter financed most of the album West Coast and restarting my life from the East Coast took a good seven years through Kickstarter, offering personal of readjusting. I figured that for the first trumpet lessons and master classes for album, I wanted to do some variety that those willing to donate. “I know that it’s going to serve its features myself and my own compositions in a variety of styles and using a purpose, which is to be listened to,” variety of instrumentation and, as it Porter says. “Kickstarter incentivizes people to listen to turns out, a varithe music because ety of players.” Jazz at Joe’s Presents they’ve supportSome of the Charlie Porter Sat., Nov. 17. 7pm. ed the creation of songs are as old Cascades Theatre it, they know they as seven or eight 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend were a part of it.” years, while othSOLD OUT ers, such as
CALENDAR 14 Wednesday Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.
Cabin 22 Wednesday Locals Night w/ UKB Trivia Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! Team up with friends join in this week, arrive early for best seating. 7pm. Corey’s Bar & Grill Kareoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Immersion Brewing Trivia! Assemble a
team to show Bend who’s the smartest in the land and see if you walk away with a gift card for your victory! 6pm. No cover.
Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub
Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
The Resolectrics A classic rhythmand blues band. 7pm.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Every Wednesday,
musicians are welcome to join us for our weekly open mic. Extends to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. Bring an instrument or just come support the local music scene. 6:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6-9pm. No cover. The Capitol Flow Latino w/ DJ Solo Kick off
Tickets Available on BendTicket.com
Corey’s Bar & Grill Kareoke Come on down
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic
Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series Riverhouse music series is a free opportunity for people to come and listen to local artists every Thursday evening in Currents Lounge. Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover.
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin OhYess a
monthly night OUT Are you queers thirsty? Are you parched? Let’s giggle and greet, support and cavort, it’s time to see each other, come together and get a little silly. Ages 21+. 7-11:30pm.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin Ladies Night Out Join us for a great night of food, drinks, and shopping! Downtown Bend shops and restaurants offering deep discounts, lots of freebies, raffles, contests and giveaways! Free snacks and cocktails at all participating stores & a guaranteed fun, festive night in downtown Bend. 5-8pm. Hola! Downtown A Night with the Nomads
The Nomads are your local Klezmer/Flamenco/ Balkan/Turkish band who are always ready for a party! Bring your dancing shoes and join the Nomads and friends for their monthly jam session. Third Thursday of every month. 6-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
J&J Bar and Grill Roast Battle Come down for a verbal battle with some of Comedian’s top performers. These comedians will be going head to head in a bracket style tournament. Ages 21+. 8pm. $10/dooor, $15/adv. Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover. Northside Bar & Grill Walter Shane and Friends Classic rock. 7:30pm.
Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! 5 minutes spoken or 2 songs stage time. Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. 7pm. No cover.
Checkers Pub HWY 97 Hot classic rock! 8-11:30pm.
Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Sknny Mrcls Two nights of soul, hip-hop, R&B and beyond. 9pm-midnight.
Spoken Moto The Roof Rabbits & Party in the
Hub City Bar & Grill DJ Chuck Boogie DJ
th ourThe Backyard Brick Oven Pizza & Pub Thursday Night Live Trivia! With our usual
J&J Bar and Grill DJ Chris Come down to
Back Rock/punk. 7-9pm.
great subject variety and game features plus some added football game related questions through Dec. 13th , Win gift cards and other great prizes too! Pint specials! midnight.
The Capitol Keep It On The Low Tour Bend
Demon Assassin, KL & CW will perform. Lingerie Competition for any ladies that want to enter. We will be giving away cash prizes and a Vegas Vacation (airfare not included) at a 5 star Resort and the winning lady will also be invited to Compete in the finale show in Las Vegas. We will also be giving away Free Vacations that night. Live performances by Rez 4 Life and JG of Illumni, Los and more! 7pm. $10/adv., $15/door.
The Domino Room Fruition + Yak Attack This is a grassy electronic night where 2 heavy hitters come together to bring the heat, and you won’t want to miss it. Ages 21+. 8:30pm. $22/adv., $25/door. The Lot Zipline If you love jam bands, the 80s, ray guns, and mashups, you’ll love Zipline. 6-8pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Cloverdayle Nash-
ville based husband and wife duo, Cloverdayle originally hail from the Pacific Northwest. Since the birth of Cloverdayle in 2008, Chad & Rachel Hamar have had a relentless determination to bring their brand of country music to the masses in a grassroots way. 7-10pm. $17.
the night with a lesson in Latin styles of dance and then grab a partner and work on your styles. All Latin music ranging from bachata/salsa/ reggaeton. A great way to find your love for Latin dance. 8pm. No cover.
The Lot Open Mic Come be part of this support-
ive Open Mic! Share your music, poetry or juggling moves! Hosted by musicians in the community like MOsley WOtta, Jeshua Marshall, and others. The mic is open to everyone from brave amateurs to seasoned professionals. Share your heart, practice your lyrics and feel the love and support from this great community. 6-8pm. No cover.
The Vault Taphouse Taphouse Trivia Come
to The Vault for Taphouse Trivia with Shelby! Get here early to grab a bite from Westside Taco or The Wild Bark and fill your glass, then settle in for a fun night! Bring your friends and show them what you know! 6:30-8pm.
15 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:308:30pm.
Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Come
and sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! $5 Jameson all night long. 8pm1am. No cover.
Brasada Ranch House Corey & Whitney Parnell Join us at Ranch House for an evening of farm-fresh dining, drinks, views and live music courtesy of Coyote Willow. Space is limited, please call 541.526.6870 to make your dinner reservation today! 6-8pm. No cover.
16 Friday
Catch comedian Jeremiah Coughlan at Seven Nightclub in downtown Bend on Friday 11/16.
dance music. 9pm.
J&J for a night of hits with talented local, DJ Chris! Get ready to hear your favorites from the 80’s to today! 10pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Dusty Bones Grab your glass and wash that fall dust from your throat while these boys deliver some grand ol’ tunes to rest your bones to. Dancing is an option, its all about what you like. 9pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Victory Swig Classic rock, reggae, funk and jam band. 8:30pm. $3. Seven Nightclub DJ Metal Comedy early Fri-
days for Bend Comedy, doors at 7pm, followed by our resident and guest DJs back for the weekend parties! Spicy Latin, EDM, retro and a hip hop flair. 9pm-2am.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Presents
Jeremiah Coughlan & Sam Whitely Comedians Jeremiah Coughlan and Sam Whitely perform at Seven Nightclub in downtown Bend! Ages 21+. 8pm. $8/adv., $10/door.
The Capitol Codi Carrol, N8ture, Theclectik An eclectic mix of bass house, electro, tech, remixes and future. 9:30pm.
Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter
The Domino Room D.O.A. & MDC Fight Back The World 40th Anniversary Tour Punk. 7pm6am. $15/adv., $18/door.
The Commons Apres Ski Series: Horseshoes & Hand Grenades After seven years, three albums, innumerable sold out shows, and countless beers, bluegrass mavericks Horseshoes & Hand Grenades appropriately consider themselves a “family” on a wild, wonderful, and often whacky roller coaster. 7-10pm. No cover.
The Oxford Hotel Jazz at the Oxford: Guitar Legends 2018 - SOLD OUT Three legends, Dan Balmer, Dan Faehnle and John Stowell, join forces for an unforgettable evening of music. 7-9pm. $50. The Pickled Pig Coyote Willow Cello-fired
roots duo. 6-8pm.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Jesse Dayton w/ Sleepless Truckers Jesse Daytons story reads like a who’s who of American music. Want to talk about being “born into it”? Imagine a 15-year-old kid born and raised on the Texas/ Louisiana border, playing his Telecaster guitar in all-black zydeco bands in Lake Charles, Louisiana; honky-tonk country bands with members left over from the Starday Records’ George Jones days around his hometown of Beaumont, Texas. 9pm-midnight. $10.
Like Zepplin? Don't miss Zepparella, the all-female Zeppelin powerhouse, at Volcanic Theatre Pub on Saturday 11/17.
Chops Bistro Lino Alessio & Andrew Cooper Jazz, classical, flamenco and folk music. 6pm. No cover.
17 Saturday AVID Cider Co. Prep 4 Snow Party As your lo-
cal apres-ski bar we would like to offer you a free ski and/or snowboard wax in prep for the coming season. In addition, wax or not, come hungry, cause we will have a catered chili bar, only $5 a bowl. With every cider or beer pint purchased we will donate $1 to our local Oregon Adaptive Sports. Along with the top action snow sports videos on the big screen, it will be a party that no snow slider will want to miss. 3-8pm. $5.
Bend Brewing Company Popcorn Trio
Instrumental bluegrass covers of the radio hits you do and don’t want to hear. 6pm.
Cascades Theatrical Company Jazz at
Joes Vol. 71 - Charlie Porter Charlie has toured the world as a side-man and band-leader in jazz and also as a classical soloist and chamber musician, performing and recording with many notable musicians and groups over the last twenty years. 7pm.
Checkers Pub HWY 97 Hot classic rock! 8-11:30pm.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Night at Craft We are taking over Craft Kitchen and Brewery again for another night of amazing local comedy! Hosted by Katy Ipock. Doors, 7pm. Show, 8pm. Ages 18+ 8pm. $10/adv., $15/door. CTC Cascade Theatre Jazz at Joe’s Vol.71
- Charlie Porter Quintet Jazz at Joe’s presents the Charlie Porter quintet performing Charlie’s debut album. Advance tickets required - JazzatJoes.com 7pm. $44.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Sknny Mrcls
Two nights of soul, hip-hop, R&B and beyond. 9pm-midnight.
Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards Live
at the Vineyard: Cheyenne West and Kurt Silva Cheyenne West and Kurt Silva will be here for a night of country music! Join us for live music, we have a great menu and different drinks to choose from including our awesome wine! Kids are free. 6pm. $10.
Hub City Bar & Grill DJ Chris Dance music.
LOGE Entrada Saturday Concert Series: Norman Baker Join us every Saturday at LOGE Entrada as we feature live performances from local and national music acts! Norman Baker and his band play homage to this fact by introducing new and old songs to as many communities as possible. 6pm. No cover.
Blending Nature with Medicine Insurance Accepted
Canaan Canaan w/ Matt Humiston Japanese singer-songwriter Canaan Canaan will sing in both Japanese and English and plays guitar accompanied by a drummer, Matt Humiston. 3-5pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Frozen Roots Party w/ Rub-
The Belfry Brent Alan & His Funky Friends Dance party alert! It’s time for the funky mega-jam! Join Brent Alan and his massive 8-piece party band. Let the good times roll. 7:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Victory Swig Classic rock, reggae, funk and jam band. 8:30pm. $3.
The Capitol DJ Prajekt, Theclectik Dj Prajekt/
bah Tree Bringing the warm vibes in the chilly weather. 9pm.
Producer will be mixing hip hop, bass, remixes and throwbacks along with resident Dj Theclectik. 9:30pm-2am.
River Pig Saloon Bend Fire Mustache Bash! Join us for the Annual Mustache Bash Competition to raise money for Bend Fire’s Community Assistance Program! Show up with your best mustache, glued on, grown on or pinned on. It doesn’t matter. Raffles and live music by Party in the Back and Bony Chanterelle. 4pm. Seven Nightclub DJ Metal Comedy early Fri-
days for Bend Comedy, doors at 7pm, followed by our resident and guest DJs back for the weekend parties! Spicy Latin, EDM, retro and a hip hop flair. 9pm-2am.
J&J Bar and Grill DH It’s Fine A bangin mix of modern hip hop and electronic music 10pm.
Starting at $2 per gram, best prices in Oregon. Hush shatter $13.00 per gram
, N.D.
Strictly Organic Coffee Company
The Domino Room Polyrhythmics w/ Kelly Finnigan & The Atonements Rich with bold brass and hypnotic percussion, Polyrhythmics’ latest album, Caldera, showcases the instrumental eight-piece’s impossibly tight grooves and virtuosic musicianship as they tear through a singular blend of funk, soul, psychedelic rock, R&B, progressive jazz, and Afrobeat. 8:30pm. $15/adv. The Oxford Hotel Jazz at the Oxford: Guitar Legends 2018 - SOLD OUT Three legends, Dan Balmer, Dan Faehnle and John Stowell, join forces for an unforgettable evening of music. 8-10pm. $50.
815 NE GREENWOOD AVE, BEND MON-SAT 9AM-10PM, SUN 9AM-8PM 541.389.1043 TopShelfMedicine.com
LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE The Oxford Hotel Jazz at the Oxford: Guitar Legends 2018 - SOLD OUT Three legends ,Dan Balmer, Dan Faehnle and John Stowell, join forces for an unforgettable evening of music. 5-7pm. $50.
18 Sunday Corey’s Bar & Grill Kareoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Hub City Bar & Grill Open Mic Come and play—or listen and have fun! Every Sunday. 4-7pm.
Silver Moon Brewing Not Cho’ Grand-
ma’s Bingo Every Sunday morning, Silver Moon Brewing hosts their weekly BINGO event! Get together with your friends and play for a chance to win money... coin... denaro... cold hard CA$H! A large portion of all bingo sales will go to one of our favorite non-profits; the Deschutes County Search and Rescue Foundation. 10:30am.
Velvet Fox & Bones Band Catch heartwarming
folk-pop duo Fox and Bones as they chase the sun down the West Coast to promote their brand new album “Better Land.” 8pm.
19 Monday Astro Lounge Open Mic Night Bring your
talent to the Astro every Monday night. 8-11pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Kareoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Immersion Brewing Local’s Monday Jared Smith Live music featuring Jared Smith. A former band member of Hello Stranger and Wilderness he has toured with the Foo Fighters and Kings of Leon, appeared on Bends TedX and now focuses on a distinctive guitar style all his own. 6-8pm. No cover. The Capitol Karaoke Come sing some hits or reinvent your own. 9pm. No cover.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Straw-
berry Mountain w/ Tang We are Strawberry Mountain, a DIY future pop collective of outsider musicians and artists and friends formed by Prince siblings Mikey and Carter and based in New York City. 9pm. $8.
20 Tuesday Astro Lounge Trivia Tuesdays Bend’s longest running trivia game—nine years strong! Bring your team of any size. Gift giveaways and different weekly sponsors. 8pm. No cover.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open
Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Come down to Maverick’s for Comedy Open Mic Tuesdays! This is a great chance to watch amazing comics for free! Hosted by local favorites! 7:30-9:30pm. No cover.
Juniper Golf Course and The View Tap & Grill Jazz at Juniper Golf Course Join Jazz-
esque (Rick Homer-horns, Jack Krouscup-keys, Bob Akers-bass and featuring Lisa Dae-vocals) at Juniper Golf Course every third Tuesday of the month! Reservations suggested. Call 541-5483121. 5-8pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Groove Merchants
Jazz. 6pm.
Silver Moon Brewing Moon Landings:
Board Game Night Every Tuesday night, we’ll have lots of games for people to play and also encourage people to bring their own! Everything from UNO to tabletop! Don’t know how to play a game? We would be happy to show you or even play with you! 6-10pm.
The Capitol Meagnoke, GldnGlk, Bonnie Blue, DJ Nykon Hip-hop, trip-hop and bass music. 9pm.
The Commons Storytellers Open Mic Our
weekly open mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other—mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. 5-8pm.
The Lot Trivia Tuesday at The Lot Bring your
brains to this fun trivia hot spot. Grab some grub, choose your favorite local pint and sit with your smartest friends on the heated benches. A rotating host quizzes you in 6 categories. 6pm. No cover.
The Platypus Pub Tuesday Trivia at the Platypus! Bring your friends! Bring your brains! Bring your friends’ brains!* *do not remove friends’ brains. Friends’ bodies must also be present to play. 8-10pm. No cover.
21 Wednesday Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.
Cabin 22 Wednesday Locals Night w/ UKB Trivia Great trivia and Central Oregon brewed pints specials! All day. All night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! 7pm. Corey’s Bar & Grill Kareoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Immersion Brewing Trivia! Assemble a team to show Bend who’s the smartest in the land and see if you walk away with a gift card for your victory! Come down to Immersion for a different type of trivia where the host comes to you to give you time to discuss questions and catch up with friends. Quizhead Games Event 6pm. No cover. Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub
Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover. M&J Tavern Open Mic Every Wednesday,
musicians are welcome to join us for our weekly open mic. Extends to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. Bring an instrument or just come support the local music scene. 6:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic
Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.
The Capitol DJ N8ture Mixing bass, trap, hiphop and throwbacks. 10pm.
star in the independent music scene most notably known for his blue collar, hard working style hip hop. 8pm. $12.
— because feeling our pain allows us to honor what we have lost within ourselves. This opens us to loving ourselves. This opens us to the love of others. This opens us to knowing we are each other. ONGOING GRIEF GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS AVAILABLE
ive Open Mic! Share your music, poetry or juggling moves! Hosted by musicians in the community like MOsley WOtta, Jeshua Marshall, and others. The mic is open to everyone from brave amateurs to seasoned professionals. Share your heart, practice your lyrics and feel the love and support from this great community. 6-8pm. No cover.
The Vault Taphouse Bingo with Ninkasi
Brewing Ninkasi Brewing will be at The Vault Taphouse calling out bingo and giving away prizes. We’ll have a few of their beers on tap, lots of other great choices and both food trucks will be serving up great choices for dinner! Bring the family for a fun Wednesday night! 6:30-8pm.
22 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:308:30pm.
Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Come
and sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! $5 Jameson all night long. 8pm1am. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Kareoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse
Music Series Riverhouse music series is a free opportunity for people to come and listen to local artists every Thursday evening in Currents Lounge. Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover. Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.
The Backyard Brick Oven Pizza & Pub
Thursday Night Live Trivia With our usual great subject variety and game features plus some added football game related questions through Dec. 13th , Win gift cards and other great prizes too! Pint specials!! midnight.
The Domino Room OverTime A fast rising
We Give Thanks for Grief
The Lot Open Mic Come be part of this support-
Good Grief Guidance, Inc. 33 NW LOUISIANA AVENUE, BEND
311 SW Century DR - 541-389-6234 - Open Daily 10-6
Volcanic Theatre Pub Zepparella Zepparella is the All-Female Zeppelin Powerhouse. Vocalist Anna Kristina, Guitarist Gretchen Menn, Bassist Holly West, and Drummer Clementine have brought their passion for the sacred music of the greatest band in the world all over the US and Canada. 9pm-midnight. $23.
Vincent Employment means self-confidence, a role in the community and the means for making a living. Stable employment is the key to independence and inclusion, whether you experience disability or not. Take Vincent, who says “this job means a lot to me because it helps me support my family”. Randy Buresh, R.N., the co-owner and operator of Oregon’s Wild Harvest says “[Vincent] takes all the hard projects and turns them into easy ones.” To learn about becoming a more inclusive workplace, visit www.employmentfirstcentraloregon.org.
10%– 50% off in stock bikes 20%–50% Helmets, Clothing and Shoes 6 months deferred financing Layaway Now, Pick-up Christmas Week
This holiday season help support the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Purchase tickets Nov 23rd–Dec 20th. Drawing on Dec 21st. Purchase a $5.00 raffle ticket at any Hutch’s location or Rack N Roll and be entered to win a $500.00 gift card.
Banjo Jam Ragtime, swing, country, folk and
Adult Intermediate Level Jazz Dance
bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:30-7:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus
Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice Experienced pipers and drummers are
welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Contact: 541-633-3225 or pipersej@yahoo.com. Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
Celtic Jam Bring your guitar, fiddle, or what-
ever you have an join in for and open jam of Celtic music. All musicians welcome. And if you’re not a musician, come down, tap your feet and enjoy what’s always a fun evening. Every third Friday. Friday, Nov. 16, 6:30-8:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Central Oregon Accordion Club Concert Come enjoy the Central Oregon Accordion
Argentine Tango Class & Practica No partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of fundamentals). Contact: admin@centraloregontango. com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class. Argentine Tango Milonga Learn to tango!
All levels. No partner needed. CentralOregonTango.com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Every fourth Saturday of the month, 7:30-10:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
Bachata Patterns - Level 2 Taken Bachata Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/class, $40/4-class package, $65/monthly unlimited.
Learn to dance Cuban style salsa! Moves are taught in a “rueda” (wheel), called Rueda de Casino. Learn fun steps that can be danced solo, with one partner, or within a circle. No partner necessary. Thursdays, 5:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend.
Lindy Hop Class Come join us for Lindy Hop
Lessons every Sunday night with Agan Swing Dance and Sara Lee Conners. Beginner lesson from 7-8pm and Intermediate lesson from 6-7pm. Partner not required. Sunday, Nov. 18, 6-8pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $10/drop-in.
Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own dance in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Come explore free form movement, connection, and self-expression, guided by rich, diverse soundscapes. Visit: BendEcstaticDance.com or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. $10-$12 sliding scale. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St, Bend.
Salsa Patterns - Level 2 Taken Salsa Level
Free Square Dance Party The Bachelor
Scottish Country Dance Class No experience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly classes include beginner & advanced dances. First class is free. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
Beauts Square Dance Club is hosting a free beginning square/round dance party. No partner is required. Families are welcome. Dress is casual and comfortable. No dance experience needed. Questions? Email us at dance@bachelorbeauts. org. Saturday, Nov. 17, 6-7:30pm. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend. Free.
Level 2 West Coast Swing This class goes over concepts of west coast swing as well as a few more patterns. Really dive into what west coast swing is and how to dance it, while learning the core concepts. Contact Jenny Cooper for questions, 541-401-1635. Thursdays, 7:308:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $30/month.
1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/ class, $40/4-class package, $65/unlimited monthly.
West African Drumming Learn traditional rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. A beginner class open to all. Contact: 541-7603204, DjembeDave@yahoo.com for more info. Lvl 1: Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Lvl 2: Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Lvl 3: Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.
Club in concert! Please visit the accordion club website for more info at fisarmonicats.wordpress.com. Sunday, Nov. 18, 2:30-3:30pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Free. ≠≠≠
Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all
musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Contact: 541-306-6768, methowtraveller@yahoo. com Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend.
Open Hub Singing Club Modern “paper-
less” singing in the aural tradition. Group singing is the most ancient and primal technology of belonging. All voices welcome! $5-15 suggested donation. Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. Heritage Hall, 230 NE 9th Street Bend.
Public (ROCK) Choir Sing Your Face Off in a fun, non-threatening environment with people of all skill levels. Rock and pop favorites—no hymns. First time free! Mondays, 6-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $10, $16. Vienna Boys Choir The Vienna Boys’ Choir
(German: Wiener Sangerknaben) or Vienna Choir Boys is a choir of boy sopranos and altos based in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the best known boys’ choirs in the world. The choir is a private, not-for-profit organization. There are approximately 100 choristers between the ages of ten and fourteen. Friday, Nov. 16, 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $27, $57.
POLYRHYTHMICS at The Domino Room
at The Domino Room
NOV 16
NOV 19
NOV 15
Learn the art of Argentine Tango every Wednesday at Sons of Norway Hall.
NOV 17
Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional group singing. It is yoga for the heart that connects us with our divine, inner nature and the one Spirit that unites us all. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend. $10.
at Volcanic Theatre Pub
at Volcanic Theatre Pub
Bella teaches and performs four-part acappella harmony and welcomes singers with high and low voices, all levels, ages 15 and above. Contact bellaacappellasai@gmail.com or 541-728-9392. Meet upstairs in the Great Room. Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. $35/membership.
Adult Intermediate Jazz Dance Class sponsored by the Jazz Dance Collective. Styles include Broadway, Latin, lyrical. Supportive atmosphere, opportunities to perform. $12 donation, first class free. Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Rd #202, Bend.
Beginning Cuban Style Salsa Class
For use by adults 21 years of age and over. Please keep out of reach of children. It is illegal to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana.
Nov. 15-24, Thurs-Sat, 7:30pm & Sun, 3pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $19/ adult, $16/senior/student.
COTA Movie Night: “Deathgrip” COTA
Comedy Improv at CTC Triage and the Reality Benders make it up from audience suggestions. 100% improv. May contain adult content. Friday, Nov. 16, 8-9:30pm. CTC Cascade Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend, OR. $5.
WORDS Author! Author! Literary Series: Sarah Vowell The New York Times’ bestsell-
Free Friday Night Film - “The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe” (1972 French) Free Films shown at the Jefferson
ing author of seven nonfiction books on American history and culture, Vowell’s books include “Unfamiliar Fishes,” “Assassination Vacation,” “The Wordy Shipmates” and “Lafayette in the Somewhat United States.” She is a contributing editor for public radio’s “This American Life.” She is also the voice of teenage superhero Violet Parr in Pixar Animation Studios’ “The Incredibles.” Thursday, Nov. 15, 7pm. Bend High School, 230 NE 6th St, Bend. $30.
County Library Rodriguez Annex in Madras 3 Friday’s a month. All are welcome. Show time is 7:30pm, doors are open at 7pm. Friday, Nov. 16, 7:30pm. Jefferson County Library Rodriguez Annex, 134 SE E Street. Madras, OR.
Screening of Sundance-selected documentary, “Most Likely to Succeed” The High Desert Education Service District will host a free community screening of the acclaimed film Most Likely to Succeed. The film is part of a worldwide campaign to re-imagine education. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5-8pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St, Bend. Free.
Late Night Retro Movie: The Matrix (1999) A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers. Friday, Nov. 16 & Saturday, Nov. 17, 10:45pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis Theater, 700 NW Bond St., Bend. $4/person. Ages 21+.
Trail Running Film Fest From world-class filmmakers to the best works made by weekend warriors The Trail Running Film Festival takes the audience on a virtual run through forests, up mountains, beyond emotional obstacles, and across the finish line. All ages. Sunday, Nov. 18, 6pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr, Bend. $20.
LOCAL ARTS Art Exhibition & Grand Opening of Dry Fields Cider Dry Fields Cider is pleased to
announced our grand opening celebration! Visit us in Redmond to celebrate our opening and taste one of our 21 rotating beer and ciders. Look for works by well-known local photographers Joan Ouchida, Gary Wing, Jill Tucker and Linda Ziegenhagen. Also on view are works by painters Gillian Burton, Linda Shelton and Shandel Gamer. On display: Oct. 13-Nov. 25. Dry Fields Cider, 611 NE Jackpine Ct Suite #3, Redmond.
Drawing Under the Influence Bring pa-
per, pen, creativity and draw under the influence! This DUI club is for anyone looking for some fun. Sundays, 6-9pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Free.
Figure Drawing Sessions Sessions with live model. BYO drawing materials, easels provided first come, first serve. No registration required. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $15/session. “Fragile Legacy: Rare Views of Early Central Oregon” Exhibit The exhibit fea-
tures 60 photographic images hand printed from their original glass plate negatives and taken between 1908 and 1930 around Central Oregon. On display through March 2019. Deschutes Historical Museum, 129 NW Idaho Ave. Bend.
November Show: Marty Stewart Marty Stewart’s show of new works, “Ebb & Flow/ High & Low,” describes the movement of waters — oceans, estuaries and rivers — while high and low tells of the land — mountains that rise, lowlands and deserts spreading out, and down below, the hidden world of seeds and roots. On Exhibit: 10/5-12/04. Tumalo Art Co, 450 SW Powerhouse Dr., Ste. 407. Bend. Photographs at the Vault The Vault Taphouse/Kobold Brewing is pleased to announce our inaugural exhibition of photography. The
Attend a screening of the cult favorite "The Matrix" at McMenamins Old St. Francis Theater on 11/16 - 11/17.
exhibition which features works by well-known local photographers, Gary Wing and Linda Ziegenhage. Mon-Wed: Noon - 9pm and Thurs - Sat: Noon - 10pm, Sun - Noon – 6pm. Nov. 1-Jan. 7. The Vault Taphouse, 245 SW Sixth St., Redmond.
nator Health at Oregon State University will be talking about the native bees of Central Oregon. To register, visit cobeekeeping.org. Friday, Nov. 16, 6-8pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Free.
“Water Tables” Exhibit Six local artists join
Prepare Out Loud: An Earthquake Preparedness Forum The American Red
in this exploration of water in the high desert. Featuring Patricia Clark, Barbara Hudin, Carol Sternkopf, Abney Wallace, Ron Schultz, Bill Cravis and Christian Brown. On Display: Oct. 5-Nov. 27. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend. Free.
PRESENTATIONS Climate Change: A Geologic Perspective, + Book Sale Geologist Daniele McKay
will dig into how ancient Oregon was shaped by changes in climate, some slow, others catastrophic. What can we learn from past climate changes; how do Earth systems recover? Thursday, Nov. 15, 6:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Common Ground: People and Predators Discuss what an ideal coexistence between
people and predators might look like. Curator of Natural History Louise Shirley will give a short, introductory presentation before leading a conversation among participants. Members receive 20% discount Tuesday, Nov. 20, 6pm. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend. $7.
Deschutes County League of Women Voters Redistricting Forum Redistricting
and gerrymandering are terms that we hear a lot but don’t understand very well. Hear from the League of Women Voters about potential reforms that will redefine our political districts and elect our government officials. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 6-7:30pm. Downtown Bend Library (Brooks Room), 601 NW Wall St, Bend.
From Guangdong to Oregon Chelsea
Rose, an archaeologist at Southern Oregon University Laboratory of Anthropology, will highlight her work at sites associated with railroad workers on the Oregon and California Line and miners working along the John Day River, Jacksonville’s Chinese Quarter and Chinese villages where individuals emigrated from. Members receive 20% discount. Thursday, Nov. 15, 6pm. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend. $7.
Know Water: Mirror Pond and Bend Water Pageant, 1933-66 Lost to the past,
for thirty three years the residents of Bend staged the Mirror Pond Water Pageant, an impressive nighttime water parade of floats along the Deschutes River and Drake Park every 4th of July. Thursday, Nov. 15, noon-1pm. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver. Free.
Native Bees of Central Oregon Andony Melathopoulos, Assistant Professor in Polli-
Cross Cascades Region is helping our community be prepared for disasters such as a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake by holding the Prepare Out Loud earthquake preparedness forum. Attendees will experience a unique and interactive presentation. Doors open at 5pm. Thursday, Nov. 15, 6pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Propaganda, Fake News, Mis-Information, and Critical Thinking OLLI-UO
Blank Pages Writing Salon Salons are informal gatherings where we share work, do freewriting based on prompts and discuss craft. Everyone is welcome! Saturday, Nov. 17, 6-8pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $5. Source Weekly Poetry Reading Did you enter the Source’s poetry contest this year? The winners have been chosen — and will read their works, along with OSU-Cascades Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program Director and published poet, Dr. Emily Carr at Roundabout Books. 5-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Free. Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open
mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other— mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 5-8pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend.
Writers Writing - NaNoWriMo Third Week November is National Novel Writing
in Central Oregon invites adults 50 or more to a free, timely presentation by Dr. Anne McGee, Col USAF (ret), titled Propaganda, Fake News, Mis-Information, and Critical Thinking. No registration required. Doors open at 1:30pm. Friday, Nov. 16, 2-4pm. Bend Parks & Recreation District Office, 799 SW Columbia St. Bend, OR. Free.
Month--learn how to write a novel in a month with the guidance of instructors Irene Cooper, Mike Cooper, and Ellen Santasiero. November 15 lecture: Turbocharge Your Text! The art of writing into your information--detail and micro-writing. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:30-7:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. Free.
Strength Training for Endurance Athletes: performance development and injury prevention Join the Bend Endurance
Writers Writing - NaNoWriMo Fourth Week November is National Novel Writing
Academy for a special presentation by Dave Cieslowski DPT, CSCS entitled “Strength Training for Endurance Athletes: performance development and injury prevention.” Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7:30-8:30pm. Bend Endurance Academy, 442 NE 3rd Street. Bend, OR.
Why People Won’t Invest in Their Health - And How to Change It! In this
free talk, you’ll learn why most people don’t invest in their health until it’s too late - and what you can do to change their minds! Monday, Nov. 19, 2-3pm. Deschutes Public Library, 507 NW Wall St. Bend, OR. Free.
Wind Energy and Eagles Dr. Roberto Albertani illustrates new engineering methods which provide automatic eagle detection and deterrent without affecting wind turbine operations, thus rendering wind energy safer for raptors. Thursday, Nov. 15, 6:30-8:30pm. Central Oregon Enrivronmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
THEATER A Night of Fluff Stage RIght Productions
presents “A Night of Fluff,” a staged reading of short plays by Bend playwright, Laura Lee Coffman, directed by Michael Coffman. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 7:30pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $8/adv., $10/door.
A PC Thanksgiving Four short plays written by local playwrights Clinton K. Clark and Cayla Clark about the calamity that is Thanksgiving!
Month--learn how to write a novel in a month with the guidance of instructors Irene Cooper, Mike Cooper, and Ellen Santasiero. November 19 Lecture: Pass the Gravy. How to keep holiday week distractions from derailing your NaNoWriMo goal. Monday, Nov. 19, 5:30-7:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. Free.
VOLUNTEERS 350Deschutes Volunteer Meeting Join
350Deschutes for our monthly volunteer meeting. We will be discussing the outcomes of the mid-term election, the Clean Energy Jobs Bill and other actions to take. Free and open to the public. Monday, Nov. 19, 5:30-7pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend.
Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond It doesn’t take much to make a big
difference in the life of a child! Looking for caring adult mentors who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Contact: 541-617-4788, balbert@bbbsco. org. Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW 8th St, Redmond.
Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond
Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Volunteers are critical to the operations of our high-save shelter and contribute directly to the care of our animals by ensuring our donations are processed. Contact: 541-5040101 or thrift@brightsideanimals.org. Mon-Sun, 10am-5pm. Brightside Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW 5th St, Redmond.
Movie Night at McMenamins raises funds and awareness for Central Oregon Trail Alliance. “Deathgrip” puts the defining style of Brendan Fairclough with the progressive filmmaking of (Bend resident) Clay Porter, slamming them together into an in-your-face, non-stop onslaught of race. Thursday, Nov. 15, 7:30pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $6/cash only.
Enjoy the Winter with Your Pets Come Visit Us for a Health Check
Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and practice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call 916956-2153 for hours and location. Call for hours and location. Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains!
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We are seeking volunteers on Mondays to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers or Bend Canine Friends Meet Up group. More information can be found at fencesforfido. org. Mondays. Contact for address. Bend.
Herd U Needed a Home Dog Rescue A local foster based dog rescue group who specializes in rescuing herding breed dogs from overcrowded shelters and situations of abuse and neglect. We are in need of foster families who are willing to open their homes to help us rescue more dogs in need. We also need volunteers to assist with monthly adoption events and fundraising efforts. Please contact us at volunteer@ herduneedeahome.com or visit herduneededahome.com for more info and to sign up! Ongoing. Central Oregon, Countywide. Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join
an incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals or helping with our community cat population. Contact: 541-617-1010, volunteer@bendsnip.org. Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs and stewardship. For more info or to become a mentor, contact John at 541-526-1380. Ongoing. Heart of Oregon Corps, 1291 NE 5th St, Bend. November 2018 PubTalk EDCO’s Central
Oregon PubTalk is a happy hour aimed at bringing together different facets of the business community in one place to network, share ideas and further local businesses. Visit edcoinfo.com to register. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend.
Teen Service Club Camp Fire’s 7-9th grade service and leadership program, Teens Ignited, meets on Wednesdays. Join us to participate in multi-week themed service projects, as well as leadership and team-building activities. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Camp Fire Central Oregon, 1001 SW Emkay Dr. Bend.
Silks Rising, 1560 NE 1st St #10, Bend. $20/ drop-in.
A Higher Perspective to Family Relationships Join Diana Aimone for a free mini
workshop that will focus on a Spiritual look at how we interact with family members and the lessons presented. Wednesday, Nov. 21, 6:15pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. Free.
Beginning Aerial Silks Class Come fly
with us! Get stronger, gain confidence and learn how to fly. Ages 8 and up welcome! Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm. Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm. Saturdays, 2:30-4pm. Sundays, 1:30-3pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/drop-in, $160/10 classes.
Breathe - Contemplative Prayer
“Breathe” is every Tuesday! We share Bible verses and readings before we enter into contemplative prayer. Praying together in silence is powerful. Carve out some quiet time for your soul. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 11:30am. Bend Church United Methodist, 680 NW Bond St, Bend. Free.
Buddhist Mantras Chanting Explore the
spiritual insights and learn how to correctly chant mantras in Japanese. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 10:30am-4:00pm. Reservations required. Contact: 541-848-1255 or wildlifemusicweb@yahoo.com for more info. Every Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Custom Built Computers of Redmond, 439 SW 6th St, Redmond. $10/class.
Calligraphy & Cocoa at Pronghorn Resort Add a homemade touch to your Thanks-
giving table or holiday gifts! My Fair Letter’s Workshop will teach you the basics of modern calligraphy, including her personal alphabet! All supplies for the class included and intended to be taken home for practice. Purchase tickets on Eventbrite. Thursday, Nov. 15, 4-6pm. Pronghorn Resort, 65600 Pronghorn Club Drive, Bend. $70.
Capoeira for Beginners Discover the joy
of capoeira in a judgement-free class that will explore the multiple dimensions of this unique Afro-Brazilian martial art form of freedom. Condition your body and mind with the Capoeira Bend community every Thursday. New students are welcomed the first Thursday of each month. Contact: ucabend.com, 541-678-3460. $50/month or Thursdays, 6:15-7:15pm. Capoeira Bend, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr, Bend. $15/drop-in.
Chef Led Cooking Class Intimate cooking
class taught by a local chef and featuring locally sourced ingredients! Benefit to High Desert Food and Farm Alliance’s educational programs. Sunday, Nov. 18, 6-8pm. Bend Oregon, 97701. $100.
Volunteer The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. Contact us at 541-389-8888. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Deep Breathe Join Katie Curtis for a powerful 60 minute breath work! Be prepared to experience the removal of any lingering mental and physical blocks while revitalizing the nervous system. Please bring a mat and pillow. $11/ suggested donation. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.
Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer
Dementia Conversations When someone is showing signs of dementia, it’s time to talk. This program provides tips for breaking the ice with your family so you can address some of the most common issues. To register, please call (800) 272-3900. Thursday, Nov. 15, 2-3:30pm. La Pine Library, 16425 1st St, La Pine. Free.
Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Duties include; corral cleaning, grooming, walking horses. Flexible days and hours. No experience required. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment 541-350-2406. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Rd, Bend.
DIY Metal Forge Learn more and sign up at
drivers needed Mondays-Fridays to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Call Paul at 541-647-2363 for more details. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
CLASSES Adult Aerial Silks Classes Adult only
aerial silks classes - all skill levels, including beginners. Come fly with us! Thursdays, 5:30-7pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/class, $160/10 classes.
Aerial Silks Training Learn how to fly on aerial silks. Build confidence, courage and strength through play. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm.
DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 and save 10% off. Wednesday, Nov. 21, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $65.
DIY Open Forge Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 and save 10% off. Sunday, Nov. 18, noon. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $20.
DIY Sheet Metal Art Use a torch to cut creative forms from sheet metal. Hammer your artwork into shape and braze on a hook for displaying it. Ages 18 and up. Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 to save 10% off on this class. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $60.
EVENTS dients. Call 541-728-2368 to register. Ages 8 and up. Sunday, Nov. 18, 4pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. $25.
DIY Welding Workshop This hands-on
through early walkers are invited to stretch, strengthen, relax and have fun in a child friendly environment. Moms will focus on shoulder opening, easy yoga sequences and postnatal core-building while spending time bonding with their babies and connecting with fellow new moms. No yoga experience necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Class cards are valid for all Tula Movement Arts classes and can be shared among family members. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in. tulamovementarts.com.
class is perfect for beginners or anyone needing a refresher class. You’ll cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. No Welding Experience Needed! Ages 13 and up. Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, Nov. 14 & 21, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $55/per class.
Dream Interpretation Class Your inner self speaks to us in dreams in the language of symbolism. This weekly class creates insight to align your life with what matters. Come find out what you have been trying to say to yourself. Thursdays, 6:30-8pm.. Riverside Wellness, 2955 NW HWY 97 #200. Bend. $12/class ; $90/10 classes. Dry Land/Ski Conditioning Training
Prevent injury and build strength with our 4-week dry land training class. Starts Oct. 24th. Be ready when the mountain opens! Call 541647-0876 to sign up. Limited spaces available. Visit bendpilates.net for more info. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 9am. Bend Pilates, 155 SW Century Dr. Bend, OR. $175/8 sessions.
Endurance Blast Intense circuit training
using many of the same modalities as our staple group functional strength training. Reasonable monthly packages! For more classes and times, please visit campvictorypersonaltraining.com. Mon-Fri 7am, Tue 11am, Thur 5:30pm, Fri 10am. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10/drop-in.
Fine Art Classes Learn the flexibility of acrylics. All ages and skill levels welcome. Join us for two hours of instruction and take home a finished painting you will be proud to share! Contact: 360-880-5088, ninepick9@yahoo.com. Fridays, 10am-Noon. Hobby Lobby, 3188 N Hwy 97 Suite 119, Bend. $20/week. Friday Night Craft Social: Wood Serving Board Gather at the Studio to create
a beautiful wooden serving board, perfect for serving cheese and appetizers at your holiday gatherings or giving as a gift. Friday, Nov. 16, 6:30-8:30pm. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. $30.
Heart Healthy Heroes Club in Bend Join us for this incredibly informative free three-class series offered to anyone with heart disease or a chronic condition that affects the heart. Nov. 8, 15 and 29 (no class on Thanksgiving). Thursday, Nov. 15, 11am-noon. St. Charles Medical Center, 2500 NE Neff Rd, Bend. Free. How to Restore Old Photographs
Genealogists love pictures, but many have flaws that need to be fixed. At our free monthly meeting, Robert Agli is teaching about Photoshop tools that can improve virtually anything in a photograph. Email bgs@bendbroadband. com for more info. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 10am-noon. Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 NE Hwy 20. Bend.
Intro to Essential Oils Jumping into the world of essential oils can be intimidating. Join us to learn the basics, and get started on the right foot! Wednesday, Nov. 14, 5:30pm. Essential Oil HQ, 2392 S Hwy 97, Redmond. Intro to Improv Improv is a skill that can be learned through practice and coaching. Learn the basics of being part of an improvisational comedy ensemble through fun exercises and games. Wednesdays, Nov. 14-Dec. 19. Wednesdays, Nov. 14-Dec. 19. 7-8:30pm. CTC Cascade Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend, OR. $85/six weeks. Japanese Group Lesson We offer group lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10. Make your own Bath Bombs DIY Bath Bomb workshop. You will learn how to create beautiful bath bombs using organic essential oils, organic dried herbs and other natural ingre-
Mom & Baby Yoga Mothers with babies
SAVE $5 ON $25
MultiLevel AcroYoga An all levels AcroYoga
class. Blends partner acrobatics and yoga in a fun, safe and accessible way. The class will follow the same basic theme with various tracks for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. No partner necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in. tulamovementarts.com.
Natural Meditation Class If you are like me, learning to meditate can at first be quite elusive. As a former frustrated meditator myself, I designed these natural meditation classes to make meditation enjoyable and effective. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $12. Oriental Palm Reading Discover how the brain, nerves, and lines connect in palmistry. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10. Practicing Yoga Beyond the Mat We’ll move through breathwork and a gentle yoga practice on our mats for 50 minutes during which time I will introduce teachings on a particular yogic limb. At the end of class we will have 25 minutes. Mondays, 5:30-6:45pm. Blissful Heart-Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave. Bend. The Dailey Method and Deschutes Brewery Donation Class Come take a
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Dailey Method class at the beautiful Deschutes Brewery Mountain Room. All proceeds will be going to Chrons Colitis Foundation. Bring cash and your yoga mat. Stay afterward for a glass of Deschutes beer or wine. Sunday, Nov. 18, 4-5pm. Deschutes Brewery Mountain Room, 901 SW Simpson Ave, Bend. $10.
Therapeutic Gentle Yoga Appropriate for
beginners or those with experience who value building strong foundational principles. Focus is on Therapeutic Yoga with my PT “lens” on to maximize injury prevention, alignment principles, and core stability to build a strong foundation. Register at 650-787-0337 or donna@physicalyogatherapy.com. Thursday, Nov. 22, 4pm. The Blissful Heart-Yoga Barn, 29 NW Greeley Ave. , Bend. $15/class, $60/4 class package.
Total Core Core, core and more core! Come try one of our great Total Core workout classes! Reasonable monthly rates! Visit campvictorypersonaltraining.com for more info. Mon/Wed 12pm, Thur 11pm. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10/drop-in. Victory Rally A 55-minute class combining free weights, body weight training, plyometrics and more! This is a high-energy, customized class that can benefit every fitness level! Reasonable monthly rates. Visit campvictorypersonaltraining.com for full schedule. Mon/Wed/Fri 5:30pm, Tue/Thur 6:30am, Fri 12pm & 5:30pm. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10/drop-in. Youth/Adult Slackline This class will be a
combination of basic poses, transitions, floor exercises, stamina drills and games. All ages and levels welcome. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $18/ youth drop-in, $20/adult drop-in.
DIY Welding 102 Techniques Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 and save 10% off. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $245.
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EVENTS Angelina Skincare Rebrand Launch Party Come celebrate the AOS (and soon-to-
open wellness spa!) with Angelina and the team. Seasonal drinks, snacks and samples of our newest products will be served. Raffle, gifts with purchase and first dibs on clearance section. RSVP to angelina@angelinaskincare.com. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5-8pm. Angelina’s Organic Skincare, 838 NW Bond St. Suite 1. Bend.
BeautyCounter Come and learn about the Beauty Counter products, a safer and effective skin care for the whole family. Thursday, Nov. 15, 6-8pm. Eclectic Soul, 2754 NW Crossing Drive Suite 102. Bend. City Club of Central Oregon: Politics, Sex & Religion In November, City Club will
lead a lively and engaging panel of community members who deal with these topics every day to learn just how we can have difficult conversations without turning into difficult people. Thursday, Nov. 15, 11:30am-1pm. The Riverhouse Convention Center, 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend.
Environmental Trivia at Pints and Politics Test your knowledge of Oregon’s
environment, politics, and OLCV history, or just come to learn a thing or two at the last Pints and Politics of 2018. We’ll provide snacks and prizes! Thursday, Nov. 15, 7-9pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend.
Fall Scavenger Hunt-aPalooza Before
the craziness of the holidays hits, join us and other rad west side companies for our Fall Scavenger Hunt-aPalooza. Pick up your map at The Bend Tour Company — the after-party is located at Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe and also hosted by Deschutes Brewery, from 5-7pm. Saturday, Nov. 17, noon-5pm. The Bend Tour Company, 550 SW Industrial Way. Bend, OR.
Healing From the Heart Community Healing/Food Drive Our practitioners will
rotate through The Blissful Heart Yoga Barn each week, allowing you to experience a variety of modalities. Among them are: Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tarot readings, chakra cleansing, energy field balancing, intuitive readings, essential oils, sound healing and flower essences. If you are a practitioner and wish to join us, please contact Rle7angels@gmail.com or Nancy at (458) 2561292. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. The Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley Ave, Bend.
Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale Items for sale include handmade jewelry, wood crafts and quilted and hand knit items as well as an assortment of candy and baked goods. All proceeds will be going to Trinity Outreach to support worthy causes in Bend and around the world. Saturday, Nov. 17, 9am-1pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho Ave, Bend. Free. Holiday Food & Gift Festival With over
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120 exhibitors the festival will provide shoppers with one-of-a-kind gifts that cannot be found anywhere else, featuring: Christmas decor, art, crafts, jewelry, clothing, wood art, music and more. Enjoy a gourmet food area where you can sample and purchase a wide range of food items. Located in Middle & South Sister Conference Halls. Children 12 and under are free. Nov. 16 & 17, 10am-6pm & Nov. 18, 10am-4pm. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SE Airport Way, Redmond. $6/adults/seniors/youth.
INCO’s Building Bridges to Unity “Building Bridges to Unity” is the theme for INCO’s 2018 interfaith Thanksgiving service. Casual gathering includes 5 minute presentations from 5 different religious faiths - Jewish, Islam, Buddhist, Christian and Bahai. Followed by the very popular pie fest - at least fifty pies to feast on! All are warmly invited. Thursday, Nov. 15, 7pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St. Bend, OR. Judaica & Holiday Gift Shop Candles for every need, jewelry, menorahs, mezzuzahs, tallis’, candlesticks and more! Many of our products are designed and made by Israeli artists. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4am-8pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
November 2018 PubTalk EDCO’s Central
Oregon PubTalk is a happy hour aimed at bringing together different facets of the business community in one place to network, share ideas and further local businesses. Visit edcoinfo.com to register. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend.
Preventative Walk-in Pet Wellness Clinic First come, first served. Vaccines, micro-
chips, toenail trims and de-worming available. Service fees can be found at bendsnip.org. Saturdays, 10am. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
SHINE Holiday Marketplace Support local
small businesses and support local children! Get all of your holiday shopping done in one convenient location. Holiday marketplace featuring a wide variety of vendors, a holiday showcase put on by the kiddos at Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend and a chance to snag some yummy holiday treats from BGC’s Keystone Club! Saturday, Nov. 17, 10am-2pm. Boys and Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Support Group - Women Survivors of Sexual Abuse Confidential support group for
women survivors of sexual abuse. The primary focus of the group will be to develop a support system to share and work through issues related to sexual abuse. Call or text Veronica at 503-8564874. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm. Private Residence in Bend, Address given upon RSVP. Bend.
Sustainability Awards The Environmental Center hosts the bi-annual Sustainability Awards to highlight the determined and persistent change makers who are essential to achieving a sustainable future. Event includes hor d’oeuvres, drinks, and an awards presentation. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5-7pm. Unitarian Universalist of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyliners Rd. Bend. $20. Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! Contact: 541-549-7427 for more info. Wednesdays, 7pm. Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill, 190 E Cascade Ave., Sisters. $20/buy-in.
The Christmas Goose Boutique Christmas
Goose Boutique. Handmade items by local artisans and crofters. All proceeds to Cancer Patients in Central Oregon, St. Charles Foundation. Nov. 16, 9am-6pm & Nov. 17, 9am-4pm. St. Charles Bend Conference Center, 2500 NE Neff Rd. Bend. Free.
MEETINGS Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for
friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to
drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit coigaa.org. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop and grow your public speaking and leadership skills, whether you’re an executive, stay-at-home parent, college student or retiree. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Bend “Go” Club Expand your mind playing this ancient (yet modern) board game! Beginners welcome. Contact: 541-385-9198 for more info. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St, Bend. Free. Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery is
a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. This is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life. Mondays, 6:30pm. Faith Christian Center, 1049 NE 11th St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 7pm. Redmond Assembly of God, 1865 W. Antler Ave., Redmond. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. High Lakes Christian Church, 52620 Day Road, La Pine. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend. | Fridays, 7pm. Redmond Christian Church, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond. Visit celebraterecovery.com for more info. Various meeting times. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Exclusive offers only available during
Thursday, Nov 15th 5-8pm Wall Street Leapin’ Lizards Toy Company 953 NW WALL STREET 5pm-7pm get free gingerbread cookies, free ganz ornament and 10% off the entire store.
Downtown Bend Bond Street
Happy hour menu all day and a bonus $2 off all glasses of wine
Astro Lounge 939 NW BOND STREET
Happy Hour until 7; buy one get one appetizer for free
Lotus Moon Boutique
Angelina Organic Skin Care
Cascade Cottons
10% off store wide, wine and chocolate
Rebranding Party
North Soles Footwear
John Paul Designs
10% off all regular priced apparel
Oregon Body and Bath 1019 NW WALL STREET 10% off the whole store plus treats
Draw your discount! 10-25% off entire purchase, libations and popcorn
Navidi’s Olive Oil and Vinegars 120 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE Spend $25, receive a free mini chai tea with a dash of Baileys, mini cupcakes, and truffle popcorn
Lulu’s Boutique 150 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE Snacks, and 10% off the entire store
Forge Humanity 126 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE 15% off storewide & complementary drinks.
Raffle piece of $350, Castano Photo works zipper pouch
Lark Mountain Modern
The Wine Shop and Beer Tasting Bar
Snacks, 15% off entire store
10% off storewide, wine and a chance to win earrings
Fashion show, prizes and wine slushees
$2 off any glass of wine
Local Joe 929 NW WALL STREET
Lone Crow Bungalow 937 NW WALL STREET Wine, 10% off storewide, 15% off purchases above $75
Revolvr Menswear 945 NW WALL STREET Get your holiday shopping checked off for the men in your life while enjoying 15% off store wide, a photo booth, great giveaways and a signature whiskey cocktail or a local craft beer
Princess Athletic 945 NW WALL STREET 15% off everything in the store and will be serving wine
Outside In 845 NW WALL STREET Free drinks and snacks while shopping
Velvet Lounge 805 NW WALL STREET Happy hour prices on food and drink all night
Clementine Urban Mercantile 855 NW WALL STREET Prosecco and homemade almond rica, free gift with $20 purchase
10% off regularly priced items
$10 off store and hand relief lotion give away
Pave Fine Jewelry 101 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE
15% to 35% off all earrings and fashion jewelry plus tasty drinks
Ju Bee Lee
Deschutes Brewery
The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin
903 NW WALL STREET 10% off and champagne
Lava Road
Discounted Beer
Crater Lake Distillery Tasting Room 1024 NW BOND STREET
Village Interiors
Free flights for ladies
15% off all instore items
Oregon Avenue
Bonta 920 NW BOND STREET Buy one 4 or 5oz. and get another free
147 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE Cabin Fever 5-7, 20% off select specialty cocktails and small plates
Urban Beauty Bar 5 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE Soothe your hands to a free paraffin treatment with any pre-paid facial with Rickie Harmon, and 2 raffle tickets per booked services are 10% off with pre-paid reservation, hot cocoa, candy
Minnesota Avenue
Drink Specials
Red Pinecone
Complimentary wine tasting
Franklin Avenue
The Capitol 190 NW OREGON AVENUE
Faveur Eclectic Unique Boutique 714 NW FRANKLIN AVE 10% off, and chocolate and champagne served!
Wine, chocolate hazelnut cookies and 10% off all Christmas ornaments
Tres Chic Lingerie 124 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE 20% off entire store excluding locally made items
10 Below
Tangerine 10 NW MINNESOTA AVENUE #130 Discounts for hair products, candles and vitamins give-away — and offering cellulite and skin treatment services, Elite Spa discounts, champagne and appetizers from Monarch Medical
A great gift idea, stocking stuffer or end of the year employee bonus. These can be spent at any participating Downtown Bend store, restaurant or cafe.
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541.312.2121 841 NW BOND ST BEND, OREGON 97703
Letters to Santa startS on SUNDAY, Nov 18th
All letters will be delivered to Santa at the Holiday Tree Lighting in Drake Park on
Thank you for supporting your local coffee house!
Friday, NOV 30th
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$50 up to $200
one per family
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Join your fellow Bendites for a family-friendly Holiday Celebration & Community Tree Lighting. The gathering starts at 4pm at Crow’s Feet Commons, with games, fire pits, Holiday music - and (of course) goodies available from Crow’s Feet Commons and Beach Hut Deli. Santa will be available to talk with the kids, The Christmas Story will be on the TVs at Beach Hut — and fun will be had by all who attend! Make sure you’re there at 5:28pm for the LIVE countdown to the lighting of the Community Tree!
Friday November 30, 4-8pm
December 15
Pre-party begins at 4pm at Bend Brewing Company with a fire pit and a DJ. From there, you can go to all participating Downtown Bend breweries and bars. The costume contest begins at 8pm at Silver Moon Brewing.
Buy your tickets now at benduglysweaterpubcrawl.com And be entered into the
Ugliest Sweater Contest A fundraiser for Downtown Bend.
Tickets include two free drink tokens, goodies and contest entry
The annual Bend Christmas Parade is this Saturday beginning at noon. Bring the entire family and enjoy this Bend tradition. The parade begins on Newport Avenue then down Wall Street, turns on Franklin Avenue, then continues to Riverside Boulevard. The parade should finish around 1:00 or 1:30pm. Santa will help lead the parade of kiddos from the CommunityTree Lighting to Santa's Village (located next to Beach Hut Deli near Wall and Minnesota) where he will greet families until 8. After the Parade, Santa takes a quick break and arrives at Santa's Village just after 2.
LADIES NIGHT IN DOWNTOWN BEND Join us for a great night of food, drinks, and Shopping! Local Downtown Bend shops and restaurants offering deep discounts, lots of freebies, raffles, contests, and giveaways! FREE snacks and cocktails at all participating stores & a guaranteed fun, festive night in Downtown Bend!
SHOP SMALL SATURDAY PASSPORT EVENT Join our FREE passport event and be entered to win! We have over $2000 in prizes to give away!! To play, come to our booth on the corner of Minnesota and Bond (by Hola) in Downtown Bend and pick up a passport, fill that passport with stamps from participating stores (no purchase required), and then come back to the booth to be entered to win! Also, take advantage of the exclusive Shop Small Saturday sales in Downtown Bend!
BEND COMMUNITY TREE LIGHTING Join your fellow Bendites for a family-friendly Holiday Celebration & Community Tree Lighting. The gathering starts at 4pm at Crow's Feet Commons, with games, fire pits, Holiday music - and (of course) goodies available from Crow's Feet Commons and Beach Hut Deli. Santa will be available to talk with the kids, The Christmas Story will be on the TVs at Beach Hut Deli - and fun will be had by all who attend! Make sure you're there at 5:28pm for the LIVE countdown to the lighting of the Community Tree!
Downtown is the
of Bend
SANTA’S VILLAGE IN DOWNTOWN BEND Santa is in Downtown Bend every Saturday in December until Christmas. He arrives in Downtown Bend on Friday, November 30th during the Community Tree Lighting. Saturday, December 1st he will be in the Annual Downtown Bend Christmas Parade. After the Parade, he will be available until 4pm for free visits and photos with kids. Every Saturday after this (8th, 15th & 22nd) he will be available from 12pm to 4pm for free visits and photos with kids. Please note, there is no professional photographer at this event, so bring your phone or camera to get as many photos with Santa as you desire. 100% FREE and open to our Bend Community. Donations are accepted and go to Santa's favorite charity. You can find him at Beach Hut Deli's patio, next to the fire pit on Brooks Alley in Downtown Bend.
FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK Come Celebrate Art and the Holidays in Downtown Bend! Downtown will be decked out in lights and holiday cheer, stores will be providing free drinks and treats, and the artists of our community will be showing off their work.
THE UGLY SWEATER PUB CRAWL The Pub Crawl is a fundraiser for Downtown Bend. The Crawl will move throughout Downtown Bend. Buy your tickets now on benduglysweaterpubcrawl.com to be entered into the Ugliest Sweater Contest, two free drink tokens, goodies and first 200 people get a free ugly beer koozie The pre-party begins at 4pm at Bend Brewing Company with a fire pit and a DJ. From there, you can go to all participating Downtown Bend breweries and bars. The costume contest begins at 8pm at Silver Moon Brewing.
EVENTS Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization A fun group of people, dedicated to
November 2018 PubTalk EDCO’s Central
Citizens Climate Lobby Monthly Meeting The Citizens Climate Lobby works to
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting A
improving our craft. Educational sessions, group brewing, competitions, and other beer-related events. Third Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, Nov. 21, 6:30-9pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend.
Compassionate Communication/NVC Practice Groups Through practicing with
others, we can learn and grow using real life experiences to become more compassionate with ourselves and others. Some NVC experience necessary. Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way #200, Bend. Free.
Death Cafe Bend You may be asking, “What
is a Death Cafe?” It’s a group discussion about any and all issues related to death and dying and it is completely participant led. There is no agenda, theme or objective. We talk about whatever you want to talk about. All ideas, beliefs, opinions are welcomed and honored. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7-8:30pm. Eastside Library Meeting Room, 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend. Free.
Emotions Anonymous EA provides a warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Through weekly support meetings, members discover they are not alone in their struggles. Meets Wednesdays at 9:30am & Thursdays at 10:30am. Wednesdays & Thursdays. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting A fellowship of individuals who,
through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. Based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Contact: 831-435-0680 for more info. Saturdays, 9-10:30am. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
French Conversation Table Every first and third Monday of the month. All are welcome! Monday, Nov. 19, 10:30am-12:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Hwy 20. Bend. Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers welcome. For info contact Sue at 541-610-3717. Mondays, 6-9pm. Round Table Clubhouse, 2940 N Hwy 97, Bend. Infant & Pregnancy Loss Support Group MISS Foundation peer-mediated support
group for mothers and fathers enduring the death of a child from any cause. Including, but not limited to: Infant/young child death, SIDS, stillbirth. Second Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7-8:30pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend.
Italian Conversation Group Conversa-
tional Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free.
League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon Different speaker each
month on issues important to our community. First Thursday, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE 3rd St, Bend.
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Know
you need to quit, but can’t? Help is here. Share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane Outpatient Treatment, 601 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend.
Moon Country Snowbusters General Meeting Please Join us for our General Club
Meeting. This is your chance to learn what your local snowmobile club is doing for the community, how to get involved and how become a member. All Club meetings are designed to family friendly. Monday, Nov. 19, 6pm. ZPizza, Peppermill Inn, 1082 SW Yates Drive 97702.
Fall into Quality Care, Open 7 days a week / Urgent Care
fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. Contact: 541306-6844 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Various times and locations . Central Oregon, Countywide.
Pet Loss Bereavement Group Process
your loss, give and receive support to others also grieving and mourning the death of a pet and learn about the journey through grief. Call 541.706.0740 for location and details. Every third Tuesday of the month. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 5:307pm. Love & Leash Therapy, LLC, 64682 Cook Ave, Bend. Free.
Resist! Rally Weekly resistance protest,
theme of the week changes. Contact Vocal Seniority or Indivisible Bend for more info. Bring your signs, bring your attitude—and we’ll bring the bullhorn! Contact info@thevocalseniority. org for more info. Tuesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm. Peace Corner, Corner of NW Greenwood and NW Wall, Bend.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Group
Anyone with RA or similar auto-immune syndrome welcome. For more information contact Alyce Jantzen (alyce1002@gmail.com) or Kristen Jones (kristenjones1227@gmail.com). Third Tuesday of every month Tuesday, Nov. 20, 4-5pm. Bend Memorial Clinic - Redmond, 865 SW Veterans Way. Redmond, OR.
S.O.S., Saving Our Selves "S.O.S., Saving
Our Selves," is a weekly support group for depressed teens (puberty through 19) with thoughts of suicide or self harm, and their parents/caregivers (adults and teens meet separately). For more info, please email savingourselves4me@ gmail.com. Mondays, 3:30pm. Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd., Bend.
Shine: A women’s group Shine is a 4-week process group (11/6-11/27) that is open to women in any stage of life. This will be a heart centered, heart opening group that encourages vulnerability, truth and openness. It is our intention that you will go away with a deeper connection to yourself, your feelings, and your truth. Tuesday, Nov. 6, 6:30pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $140. Socrates Cafe Group People from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the Socratic Method. Open to all. Thursdays, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Spanish Club Spanish language study and conversation group. All levels welcome. Contact 541-749-2010 for more info. Thursdays, 3:305pm.. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free. Transitions: Mama Circle It’s tough being a mom. It’s easier with community. Join us for free, non-judgmental support. Share your concerns, questions, joys, challenges, experiences, and practical tips. Open to pregnant women and moms with littles. Call 541-306-8466 for more info. Wednesdays, 11am-12:30pm. babyPHASES, 759 NE Greenwood Ave #1, Bend. Free. Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. For information call: Judy, 541-728-0767. Candy, 907-209-8181. Call Musso on the call box upon arrival. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Mountain Laurel Lodge, 990 SW Yates Dr, Bend. Free.
Get your Thanksgiving Bread Order in today! Order at the restaurants or online at jacksonscornerbend.com
Westside 541.647.2198 | 845 NW DELAWARE AVE.
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empower citizens to connect with and influence members of Congress to implement climate solutions. Second Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Oregon PubTalk is a happy hour aimed at bringing together different facets of the business community in one place to network, share ideas and further local businesses. Visit edcoinfo.com to register. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend.
KIDS’ EVENTS After School Club: Let’s Get Crafty Join
Camp Fire for this six-week after school club all about crafting and creativity! Our after school clubs offer K-3rd graders a fun, nurturing and engaging place to grow and learn. Payment plans and financial assistance available. Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2-4pm. Amity Creek Magnet School, 437 NW Wall Street. Bend.
After School Club: Trail to Creativity
Join Camp Fire for this six-week after school club as we explore the “Trail to Creativity!” Located at Amity Creek Magnet School and open to all Bend La Pine kids, our after school clubs offer K-3rd graders a fun, nurturing and engaging place to grow and learn. Monday, Nov. 19, 3:30-5pm. Amity Creek Magnet School, 437 NW Wall Street. Bend.
Animal Adventures Live animals, stories,
crafts with High Desert Museum. Ages 3+ years. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 9:30am. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. | Monday, Nov. 19, 10:15am. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. | Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St. | Tuesday, Nov. 20, 11:30am. Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St. Sisters, OR. Free.
Backpack Explorers: Less Is More
High Desert animals are master recyclers; they must conserve energy and water while living in a demanding environment! Meet some of the master-recyclers and explore how using less is a way of sharing resources. Come prepared to create amazing recycled art. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 10am. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend.
Big Kids Yoga This class is for older kids who want to learn more of the fundamentals of yoga through mindful games, breathing techniques, handstands and restorative poses with Deven Sisler. Wednesdays, 4-5:15pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $6/dropin, $20/4-class series. DIY Kids Skill Building Series Learn
more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 and save 10% off. Thursday, Nov. 15, 2pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $40.
DIY Kids Welding Kids 13+ are welcome in our “Welding Workshop”. In this “hands-on” class, kids will cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 to save 10% off on this class. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $50. DIY Kids Woodshop Learn more and sign
up at DIYcave.com. Use code TS10 and save 10% off. Sunday, Nov. 18, 1pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $50.
Kids create little masterpieces (or just fun projects) at Creative Wellness Studio's Open Studio on Wednesdays & Saturdays.
Great Hall Thanksgiving Dinner If you favor a bountiful buffet, come join us for an amazing dining experience at the Historic Great Hall! Complimentary for children 5 & under. Please call 541-593-1000 for reservations. Thursday, Nov. 22, 2-6pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver, OR. $64/adults, $32/children. Kids Camp: Technology Learn coding
through Ozobots, Scratch, and more. Ages 6-9 years. Online registration is required. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2:30-3:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Kids Cooking Class: Chocolate Mousse Pie This dessert is chock-full of
nourishing ingredients, completely void of refined sugar, and *almost* too beautiful to eat. Ages+. Register online at obsidianeducation.org/register. Thursday, Nov. 15, 4-5pm. Pure Joy Kitchen, 519 NW Colorado Ave. Bend. $20.
Kids Taekwondo (Ages 4-6) Is your child interested in martial arts? Taekwondo is the perfect intro into this fascinating world. Classes at High Desert Martial Arts are a great way to practice discipline and focus at a young age. More information online. $50/1 class per week, $77/2 classes per week. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:30-2:15pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 2535 NE Studio Rd. Bend.
Early Release Cooking - Fruit Desserts From Cobbler to poached pears, fruit
Kindermusik Play Date Bring a guest, and share the joy of Kindermusik with music inspired crafts, Kindermusik coupons, and healthy goodies! This event is for ages 1-5. Pre-registration required. Email info@cascadescholofmusic.org. Saturday, Nov. 17, 10-11:30am. Cascade School of Music, 200 NW Pacific Park Ln, Bend. $10.
Gingerbread Junction Sunriver Resort
Let’s have a “Heart to Heart” Do you ever have questions about parenting? Questions like: how do I help my child sleep, how do I solve a tantrum, what can I do to stop picky eating? All of these questions (and so many more) are now a quick call, text, or email away from an answer. Call 541-322-2019 or email hearttoheart@hdesd. org for parenting tips. Nov. 7 - Dec. 7. Healthy Beginnings, 1029 NW 14th St., Suite 102. Bend. Free.
desserts are simply amazing. Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands on class where they will learn to make a variety of fruit desserts. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child. presents the 23rd Annual Gingerbread Junction! Visit Gingerbread Junction and marvel at the candy and cookie creations! Gingerbread houses will be on display in the Abbot Room of the Sunriver Resort Lodge. Sales benefit the Habitat for Humanity of LaPine Sunriver. On display: Nov. 1-Jan. 1. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver.
Grand Illumination Join us behind the Lodge for holiday fun for the entire family at our Grand Illumination tree lighting ceremony! This year’s event will include a visit from Santa, live music, children’s craft projects, train rides, Oregon Observatory telescope viewing, face painting, sleigh rides, works from select local artisan, huggable characters, fireworks and more. Saturday, Nov. 17, noon-7:30pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver.
Little Artists Nurture your little’s developing
brain through rich sensory experiences and messy play during our drop-in class for ages 1.5-5 years old. We’ll have art stations set up throughout the studio for you and your child to explore together at your own pace. Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30am & Thursdays, 1-2pm. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. $15.
Mama Nurture Circle Mama Nurture Circle is a bi weekly circle that meets 4 times over the course of two months from 10-12 pm in The Tree
house at The Hive. This circle is open to moms with babies 1 and under. Babies are welcome to join mama in circle. Nov. 16-Dec. 21. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $100.
Monsterific Beasts Make your own poseable
mummy and glove monster. Ages 12-17 years. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 3pm. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st Street, La Pine. Free.
Music, Movement & Stories Movement
and stories to develop skills. Ages 3-5 years. Thursday, Nov. 15, 10:30am. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st St. | Thursday, Nov. 15, 11:15am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St. | Tuesday, Nov. 20, 10:30am. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver, OR. Free.
No-Bake Holiday Treats Learn recipes for holiday treats that don’t need the oven. Ages 12-17 years. Online registration is required. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 3pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave. Redmond. Free. No School Day Camp: Make a Movie No
welcome to join. The circle is aimed at providing you with a community of women who can support each other and develop lasting bonds in this journey of motherhood. Wednesdays & Fridays, noon. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.
Pumpkin Spice Party Make delicious no-
bake treats. Ages 10-17 years. Online registration is required. Friday, Nov. 16, 4pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Santa & Mrs. Claus Visit Sunriver Santa and Mrs. Claus are making a special appearance at Winter Wonderland November 22 and 23! Located in “Winter Wonderland” in the lower level of the main lodge. 2-4pm & 5-7pm. Nov. 22 & 23, 2-4pm & 5-7pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver.
Science Storytime Stories and science with hands-on experiments. Ages 3+ years. Friday, Nov. 16, 10:15am. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Redmond, OR. Free.
school? No problem! Join Camp Fire for a “Make a Movie” No School Day Camp. Our trained and professional staff strive to foster an encouraging, respectful environment. Open to all K-6th graders. Morning and afternoon extended care available. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 9am-3:30pm. Samara Learning Center, 230 NE 9th St, Bend. $55.
The Grille at Crosswater Thanksgiving Dinner Enjoy Thanksgiving at the exclusive
No School Day Camp: Movie Day The premier of Camp Fire’s Make a Movie Day film. Campers will watch the movie made in the previous day’s camp. We will follow our camper-made movie up with some popcorn, crafts, and the showing of another kid-friendly movie for this chill out day before Thanksgiving. Wednesday, Nov. 21, 9am-3:30pm. Samara Learning Center, 230 NE 9th St, Bend. $55.
Wildheart’s 8-Month Sacred Arts School of Wizardry (ages 6-10) Welcome
No School Day Camp: Welcome to Hollywood No school? No problem! Join Camp Fire for a “Welcome to Hollywood” No School Day Camp. Our trained and professional staff strive to foster an encouraging, respectful environment. Monday, Nov. 19, 9am-3:30pm. Samara Learning Center, 230 NE 9th St, Bend. $55.
Open Studio Open Studio is a space for joyful
creating for ages 3 and up. Drop your child off (5+) or stay and make alongside your child (for no extra charge). Wednesdays, 4:30-6:30pm & Saturdays, 11am-1pm. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Ste 130, Bend. $15.
Paws to Read Reluctant readers read with
a dog. Ages 6-11 years. Online registration required. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 4pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend, OR. Free.
Post Natal Yoga/Mama Circle Yoga for post natal moms followed by a circle. Babies
Grille at Crosswater with a special holiday menu! Please call 541-593-3400 for reservations. Thursday, Nov. 22, 2-6pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver, OR. $59/adults, $28/ children 6-12.
to the Wildheart 8-Month Sacred Arts School of Wizardry! Children will experience the therapeutic, magical, and educational aspects of nature while they become more present and joyful. Children will connect deeply with the natural world, learn earth skills such as staff making, plant potion making, and natural dying and find their inner truth. Visit wildheartnatureschool.com for more info and to register. Sunday, Oct. 21, 10am. Skyliners Lodge, 16125 Skyliners Rd. Bend, OR. $397/$377 Early Bird though September 1st.
Youth Acro Fusion Program A dynamic, performance-based youth program combining hoop dance, partner acrobatics and circus yoga. Program culminates in final performance at Terpsichorean Dance Studio Annual Recital. Fridays, 4-5pm. Fridays, 4-5pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $50/month. Youth Cooking Camp - Holiday Desserts Let’s Bake! Have your child (age 7-17) join
me in this extensive 3-day class where we will bake up some holiday treats. Items will include treats for giving as gifts and desserts for holiday dinners. Nov. 19-21, 11am-3pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $150/child for 3 days.
Famous Oregon Writers
As we roll out the Poetry Issue, a tribute to other Oregonians with a way with words By Danielle Meyers
Frederic Homer Balch (1861-1891) A native of Lebanon, Ore., Frederic Balch was fascinated with Native American culture. As a pastor and amateur anthropologist in Hood River, Balch wrote “The Bridge of the Gods” in 1890, providing descriptions of Native life and lore. Balch explained the differences and similarities among the coastal tribes, including those living along the Columbia River, such as the Nez Perce, Cayuse and Klickitat people. “His views of Natives, although progressive for his times, may strike some as ethnocentric,” Richard W. Etulain wrote in The Oregonian in 2016. Etulain added that Balch impressively, “pioneered in providing keen insights into the experiences of Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest.” commons.wikimedia.org
Louise Bryant (1885-1936) Louise Bryant was an American journalist and writer who adhered to Marxist, anarchist and feminist ideology. She was a University of Oregon graduate and what The Oregonian called, “one of Oregon’s most radical and free spirits.” Diane Keaton played Bryant’s character in the Oscar-winning 1981 movie, “Reds.” Bryant went from being the frustrated wife of a Portland dentist to a foreign correspondent after returning home from revolutionary Russia. After that, she set off on a lecture tour reviewing her 1918 book, “Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer’s Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship.” Scott McHale, eleven.pdx
Walt Curtis (1941-present) A writer and painter who was named “unofficial poet laureate” by Willamette Week, Walt Curtis describes himself as “a scholar of forgotten and
Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters boarded this bus for an adventure across the United States.
neglected Oregon writers.” Curtis is best known for his autobiographical novel, “Mala Noche.” First published in 1977 as a chapbook of poetry, it captures Portland through the eyes of himself and a group of Latino teenagers in his neighborhood. Gus Van Sant kicked off his esteemed filmmaking career with an adaptation of “Mala Noche” in 1984.
Pranksters, who traveled across the United States in a school bus, organizing parties and giving out LSD. The bus was the basis of Tom Wolfe’s book, “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.” Kesey settled on a farm outside of Eugene, where he also taught writing at the University of Oregon.
Kim Stafford (1949-present) Stewart Holbrook (1893-1964) Oregon’s ninth—and the current—Poet Laureate Stewart Holbrook became a leading American followed the footsteps of his father, William Stafford, journalist and historian and a self-proclaimed “low- a prolific poet who held the Oregon Poet Laureate brow” and “non-stuffed shirt history.” Holbrook, who position from 1975 to 1990 as Oregon’s fourth Poet hailed from Portland, was considered a popular his- Laureate. torian, with books covering Kim Stafford is the odd facts and peculiar subfounding director of Lewjects, including forest fires, is & Clark College’s North Oregon’s ninth—and the the lumber industry and the Writing Institute, and the Columbia River. In 1963, a author of a dozen books current—Poet Laureate year before his death, he was poetry and prose. Kim followed the footsteps of his on awarded a distinguished serStafford’s most recent vice award of American Forbook, “100 Tricks Every Boy father, William Stafford, a est Products Industries, Inc. Can Do,” is an account of his prolific poet who held the The award cited him for his brother’s death by suicide, contribution to better pub- Oregon Poet Laureate position and the struggle of the famlic understanding of forests, ily to understand and to live from 1975 to 1990. conservation and the role of beyond that event. forest industries. As the current Oregon Poet Laureate, he’s highly Ken Kesey (1935-2001) interested in the work of poets from within the state. One of the most notorious authors to emerge from “There’s no shortage of international poetry on Oregon, Ken Kesey wrote two acclaimed novels and universal themes, but I’m especially interested in several non-fiction works, including 1962’s “One Flew Oregon poetry on local themes and so this is what I Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” inspired by his time as a want to share, and this is what I want to invite peotest subject, taking mind-altering drugs at a Veterans ple to write,” he told The Oregonian. He said he hopes Administration hospital in California. He also wrote Oregonians will join him in talking about “their riv1964’s “Sometimes a Great Notion,” set on the Oregon ers, their forests, their neighborhoods, their heroes, coast. He wrote both books when he was still in his 20s. their questions. I think of poetry as a very practical He was also a founding member of The Merry tool for understanding local life.”
hy do we write, and what makes a great writer? Writing is an art form with a distinct goal: understanding. In today’s world, we share information in many ways, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram… but we wanted to take a moment to recognize the great writers from Oregon, who worked mostly in print. These are six writers, listed alphabetically, who every Oregonian should know—or at least try to know.
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Michael Boonstra
Michael Boonstra’s At Liberty Show By Teafly Peterson
Art succeeds best when it can show you something you’ve seen before, but in a whole new way that allows you to rethink your own connection to the subject. Michael Boonstra’s show, “n o w h e r e,” now up through December at the At Liberty artists’ collective, does just that. Boonstra steps outside what one may think of as “landscape” art and shows us new and interesting ways to think about our connection and disconnection to the land. Upon first viewing Boonstra’s work, there’s a sense of the familiar. While you can see the landscape with which he is working, it’s not what you might typically expect Boonstra brings from landscape drawings. There’s no sense of the almighty, or the something else: an exquisiteness of nature that peoexamination of nature ple are so familiar with. Instead, Boonstra brings something else: from a perspective we an examination of nature from a don’t often step into. perspective we don’t often step into. Close up, the mixed-media pieces feel like looking at particles under a microscope. At the same time, the artist has been able to capture the soul of the land itself. The show’s title even plays on the idea of place, possibly reading as “nowhere” or “now here.” Suddenly, you feel a commentary of how we treat or mistreat our land, how over time land can change, due to us or in spite of our presence. Boonstra works with a variety of mediums, including photography, drawing and painting. “Burn” is a series of pieces he started creating after the Clark Fire in 2005. He’s revisited the piece many times, some as drawings, some as ink on translucent Dura-Lar, some as drawings on a wall, then painted over. In 2017 he created works in the wake of the Milli Fire and the Eagle Creek Fire in the Columbia River Gorge. If Boonstra’s work does anything, it gives the viewer a moment to see the world in which we live with new eyes—one that will leave you with more questions than answers—a good thing sometimes.
“N o w h e r e” by Michael Boonstra
Now through Sat., Dec. 29 Artist Talk – Fri., Nov. 30. 2pm-6pm First Friday Reception with Boonstra – Fri., Dec. 7 At Liberty Arts Collective 849 NW Wall St., Bend atlibertyarts.com michaelboonstra.com
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Cozy up around the fire pit outside or come INSIDE take your jacket off and stay a while.
Truffles Play Big Among Oprah’s Favorite Things
By Lisa Sipe
We ask the question, Is that truffle flavor you’re tasting the real thing?
prah recently released her favorite things of 2018. Of the food items, 25 percent of them included truffles. Is this just a continuation of her own truffle obsession, or an indication that truffles are about to trend harder? A friend recently told me she licks her truffle salt. In an article in Bon Appetit, Oprah said she carries truffle zest in her purse. When I told my friend about that, she responded, “OMG, it’s a sign of powerful women!” Maybe—or maybe a lot of us are more obsessed with the earthy, musky, deliciously quirky truffle than we realize.
In our desire to consume this precious fungus, some people fake it. The truffle products that made Oprah’s favorite things of 2018: –– Truff Hot Sauce, $14.99 –– Urbani Truffle Burger Kit, $62 –– Truffle Snack Tin, $79 –– Sabatino Truffle Pasta Night, $49.95 –– Lobster Truffle Mac and Cheese, $62.45 Costing an average of $3,000 per pound, truffles are one of most expensive foods in the world—difficult to find and finicky to cultivate. Because they grow underground, they’re tough to find without the help of pigs or dogs. Thousands of species of truffles exist, but most of them you don’t want to eat. One of my dogs finds and digs up mushrooms in the forest when we hike. She started doing it after I took her morel hunting with me when she was a puppy. I get excited when she finds an underground fungus that looks like a truffle. But I’m usually disappointed, as well as nasally assaulted. The scent is usually a weird combination of earth, poop, rot and umami qualities like parmesan. The edible truffle species desired by chefs are white, black and burgundy, with white found in Oregon—growing symbiotically in the root systems of Douglas firs. If you want to learn more about truffles and where to find them, check out the Central Oregon Mushroom Club, typically offering a meeting about truffles in the fall. In our desire to consume this precious fungus, some people fake it. In an episode of “Master Chef,” Joe Bastianich said that most truffle oils are made by perfumists, using no white truffles at all, adding his opinion that seeing white
Lisa Sipe
truffle oil on the menu at a restaurant is a good reason to run away. Bastianich is mostly right. A majority of the truffle oils on the market are made with manufactured aromatic compounds, including 2,4-dithiapentane—a molecule that simulates the taste and smell of truffles, according to the American Chemical Society. Even though these aromatic compounds contain no truffles, companies can legally put truffle aroma, truffle flavor or truffle concentrate on a label. There are some truffle oils on the market containing real truffles. Among producers, Oregon White Truffle Oil from Dundee, Ore., and Joel Palmer House Oregon White Truffle Oil in Dayton, Ore., produce oil made with real Oregon white truffles. The truffle oil in the Sabatino truffle pasta night kit on Oprah’s list contains real truffles, as well. Truffle oil isn’t the only product prone to fake flavoring, so always check the label. Truffle salt can be flavored with 2,4-dithiapentane, too. I bought a jar of white truffle sea salt at Nividi’s Olive Oils and Vinegars downtown and was happy to find the product contains only Italian white truffles and sea salt. I like to sprinkle it on popcorn, potatoes, eggs and avocado toast. If you buy truffle oil or truffle salt, both products are typically used when finishing a dish. Fresh truffles are a little different. You can cook with them, but you’ll want to limit their time on the heat because their aroma disappears quickly. This is important because most of what we taste is derived from smell. The majority of the truffle products on Oprah’s list contain real truffles. The items that contain essence, along with real truffles, are the mustard and ketchup in the Urbani truffle kit, the Torres black truffle potato chips, the truffle zest in the Sabatino truffle pasta night kit and the Truff hot sauce. If you don’t need to buy a gift but you want to enjoy truffles like Oprah, consider buying the truffle zest. You already know she’s carries it in her bag—but why? Because she says you never know when you’re going to run into a dish that needs a little zesting. If all this fungi talk has given you truffle fever, put the Oregon Truffle Festival on your to-do list. The festival starts in early January and hosts a truffle dog championship, dog training classes, opportunities to eat and buy truffle products and learn about the truffle cultivation industry.
Sweet Solution to Food Waste W
e throw out a lot of food in the U.S. every year—67 million tons, according to statistics released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2014. Food industry producers all the way to end consumers are looking for ways to cut waste for economic, social and environmental reasons. Two High Desert Food & Farm Alliance partners have teamed up to offer a sweet solution to getting food waste down to zero. Bontà Natural Artisan Gelato and Holm Made Toffee Co. have released a new gelato flavor series made with scrumptious toffee crumbs leftover in the toffee making process. The inaugural flavor in the series is called Sweet Repeat, a combination of espresso toffee crumbs with Thump Espresso gelato. A naming contest on Facebook generated the name Sweet Repeat, submitted by Allison Amiton Cogen. Throwing away food wastes money—that’s why, “as a small family business, ‘waste’ is treated as a bad word around here,” joked Randi Holm of Holm Made Toffee Co. “We try and reuse and recycle as much as we can in all aspects of our business. And this specific initiative has been a lot of fun to create. We hope everyone loves the flavor, but more importantly the message behind it.” Coffee and toffee lovers can get a scoop of Sweet Repeat at the Bontà Natural Artisan Gelato Scoop shop in downtown Bend. More flavor combinations are to follow. Learn more about reducing food waste through the Environmental Center’s ReThink Food Waste Campaign.
Oregon Truffle Festival
Fri. Jan. 25-Sun. Jan 27 Eugene, Ore. Four separate weekend experiences; check website for details oregontrufflefestival.org
Oprah’s Favorite Things 2018
Bontà Natural Artisan Gelato 920 NW Bond St., Bend 541-306-6606 bontagelato.com
Holm Made Toffee holmmadetoffee.com
ReThink Food Waste Campaign
By Lisa Sipe
100% Vegan Friendly
Enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner at The Grille at Crosswater on 11/22.
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FOOD Adult Cooking Class - Sweet and Savory Gallettes Galettes are rustic free-form
tarts that can be sweet, savory, or both. Join me in this hands-on class where we will make a variety of Galettes. Each course will be paired with beer or wine. Friday, Nov. 16, 5-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $75/person.
Brunch w/ Pancake Wagon Saturdays and
Sundays, join Pancake Wagon for brunch at JC’s! Sundays, bottomless mimosas until 3pm and NFL Sunday Ticket! Saturdays & Sundays, 9am-3pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.
Chef Led Cooking Class Intimate cooking
class taught by a local chef and featuring locally sourced ingredients! Benefit to High Desert Food and Farm Alliance’s educational programs. Sunday, Nov. 18, 6-8pm. Bend Oregon, 97701. $100.
Compassionate Thanksgiving Feast 3rd annual Compassionate Thanks-
giving Feast with Chef Richard Hull. Celebrate friends and family, the animals and mother earth with a multi-course family-style vegan dinner experience! Sunday, Nov. 18, 6-9pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd. Bend. $60/adults, $35/children 6-11, Free.
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Cook Like a Pro 2 This is the second of our
Cook Like a Pro series where you can learn to cook like a pro. This 4-week class builds on the skills learned in Cook like a pro 1 but can be taken separately. We will cover in depth techniques in cooking including Saute with Pan sauce, Poaching, Rice and grains, Pasta, and will continue the coverage of sauces. Monday, Nov. 19, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $200/4-class series.
Early Release Cooking - Fruit Desserts From Cobbler to poached pears, fruit
desserts are simply amazing. Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands on class where they will learn to make a variety of fruit desserts. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Great Hall Thanksgiving Dinner If you favor a bountiful buffet, come join us for an amazing dining experience at the Historic Great Hall! Complimentary for children 5 & under. Please call 541-593-1000 for reservations. Thursday, Nov. 22, 2-6pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver, OR. $64/adults, $32/children. Holiday Brunch Enjoy a delicious brunch to
kick off the holiday season at Sunriver Resort! Reservations required, 36 hour cancellation policy applies. Nov. 17 & 18, 7am-1pm. Carson’s American Kitchen, 17600 Center Dr., Sunriver.
Come experience our newly renovated store and production facility at The Wagner Mall 1900 NE 3rd Street, Bend 541-330-2104 oregoncraftchocolatiers.com
Plated Thanksgiving Dinner at Sunriver Resort Join us for an elaborate plated
traditional Thanksgiving Dinner! Children 5 and under are complimentary. Reservations required/36-hour cancellation policy/credit card hold. View the menu online at destinationhotels. com. Thursday, Nov. 22, 2-6pm. Sunriver Resort,
17600 Center Dr. Sunriver, OR. $62/adult, $30/ ages 6-12.
Poke Soul Night Take a yoga class 6-7pm in
the shop and then go for small bowl of Poke with a glass of sparkling wine and truffle chocolate @ PokeRow Saturday, Nov. 17, 6-8pm. Eclectic Soul, 2754 NW Crossing Drive - Suite 102 Bend. $25.
Thanksgiving Buffet Our buffet includes the
classics, from roast turkey to pumpkin pies, plus some sumptuous sides you won’t find anywhere else. Of course the bar will be open so you can order the perfect ale, wine or spirit to accompany your feast. Tickets include buffet dinner only. Reserve early by calling (541) 382-5174. Kids 4 and under are free. Thursday, Nov. 22, noon-6pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $35/adults, $33/kids 5-12.
The Grille at Crosswater Thanksgiving Dinner Enjoy Thanksgiving at the exclusive
Grille at Crosswater with a special holiday menu! Please call 541-593-3400 for reservations. Thursday, Nov. 22, 2-6pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver, OR. $59/adults, $28/ children 6-12.
VegNet Potluck Join central Oregon’s veg community at our monthly vegan potlucks! Socialize and learn about upcoming events. Please join our Facebook group “VegNet Bend Group” and Meetup group “VegNet Bend.” Third Saturday of every month. Saturday, Nov. 17, 6-8pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
BEER & DRINK Boneyard Local’s Day Join us every
Wednesday for our Local’s Day at the new Boneyard Pub. $1 off all draft beer, $3 off all pitchers and $10 growler fills of our tier one beers! Wednesdays, 11am-10pm. Boneyard Pub, 1955 NE Division St., Bend.
Food Truck Fridays & Saturdays Flights, pints and food truck cuisine provided by rotating food trucks in our industrial brewery setting. Grab a bite, have a flight and even grab beer to go! Fridays & Saturdays. Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 NE High Desert Ln #107, Bend.
Grower Champagne Tasting Open house! Saturday, Nov. 17, 5-7pm. The Good Drop Wine Shoppe, 141 NW Minnesota Ave. Bend. $10/ tasting fee. Limited Edition Beer Tasting w/ Vance Wirtz Vance Wirtz is our Bend Brewer and he’s
happy to show you around. So, bring your curiosities & get ready to sample something amazing. Enjoy these limited offerings because when they’re gone, they’ll be no more. Note: Beers poured at this tasting event qualify for happy hour pricing! Ages 21+ to drink, but all ages welcome. Friday, Nov. 16, 5pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend.
Rock and Rye Release Party! We will be serving up full-sized cocktails for this event and will have a giveaway where you could win skis, a snowboard, or a corn-hole set! Ages 21+. Friday, Nov. 16, 5-9pm. Crater Lake Spirits Downtown Tasting Room, 1024 Northwest Bond Street.
MICRO Craft Beer’s Not-So-Micro Future
Looking back at four years of writing about beer at the Source By Kevin Gifford 35
Photo by Kevin Gifford
Good craft beer will never go out of style.
his week marks my final beer column for the Source. After just over four years, I move out of Central Oregon and move on in my career. (I could keep on writing this section, but it would start talking a lot more about Japan and Vermont than Bend, and my editor would likely complain.)
Since I took the column over in 2014, the number of breweries in the United States has doubled from around 3,500 to over 7,000. Since I took the column over in 2014, the number of breweries in the United States has doubled from around 3,500 to over 7,000, according to Brewers Association figures. Overall beer sales in America have slipped slightly, but craft keeps on growing, with nearly 25 million barrels sold in 2017—forming 12.7 percent of the market by volume, up from 5 percent in 2010. Some 83 percent of drinking-age Americans now live within 10 miles of a brewery. If craft beer is supposed to be a “revolution,” it’s clear the war is long over. So since I won’t be around to write
this column any longer, it’s time to guess what beer will be like when I’m gone. How’s the future of craft going to unfold? Here are some predictions about what your scene will look like over the next four years: –– The decline of regional brands. As more and more breweries open in Oregon and elsewhere, consumers now have so many great local options to pick from that loyalty to a particular large-scale brand will become rarer. As shown by Deschutes Brewery’s retooling of their long-planned Virginia expansion earlier this year, the larger craft outfits will need to compensate in order to deal with this overload of choices. –– A return to simplicity. With all these options comes a certain level of fatigue—beer drinkers can only take so many barrel-aged, high-ABV monsters before their heads begin to spin. Man cannot live on imperial IPA alone, and a good lager or session beer along the lines of Bachelor Bitter will become essential to any brewery that wants to solidify growth for itself. –– More intimacy between beer and drinker. If craft beer’s succeeded at all in the U.S., it’s because the industry’s educated consumers about
what they drink, showing that beer is so much more diverse than Bud Light would suggest. As craft grows ever more local and street-level, more places like De Garde or The Ale Apothecary will rise up, boasting local ingredients that truly tie the beer to the area it’s made. Editor’s Note: An ode to Kevin Gifford! Gifford’s been writing this column longer than I’ve been sitting in this esteemed editor’s chair—and there’s no doubt our team is sad to see him go. I like to tell the story of the time he freelanced for Willamette Week’s Beer Guide earlier this year, when the culture editor over there told me, in reference to his writing and expertise, that, “Kevin Gifford is a god.” I responded by telling him in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t allowed to steal Gifford from us—but I guess Japan gets to steal him instead. Best of luck and cheers to you, Kevin! In the coming weeks, stay tuned for a retooling and reimagining of what imbibers want in a local drinks column—which very much aligns with Gifford’s predictions, outlined above. —Nicole Vulcan, Editor
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the Dragon SCREEN Enter This spider’s web fails to grip By Jared Rasic
Lisbeth Salander is still a hacker and still is considered to be “the woman who hurts men who hurt women,” but “The Girl in the Spider’s Web” sees her rebooted into a modern female action star. Salander is still a hacker and still is considered to be “the woman who hurts men who hurt women,” but “The Girl in the Spider’s Web” sees her rebooted into a modern female action star. This is a brain-dead “Bourne Identity” rip-off that has Salander getting into
Courtesy of Sony
She will hack your computer and then nail you with a cattle prod.
gun fights and shocking multiple testicles with a cattle prod more than using her brilliant and photographic memory. I’m sure director Fede Alvarez (a much better filmmaker than this) thought he was giving Salander her version of James Bond’s “Skyfall,” a back-to-the-beginning origin story that fills in a lot of blanks, but instead he’s made her “Spectre,” an absolute misunderstanding of the character and the nadir of the franchise. The idea of making Salander a more proactive and physical heroine is a good one, but “Spider’s Web” has no tension, no twists and a villain who makes less sense the more she’s on screen. This, combined with the fact that the previews show the entire three acts of the film, means boredom is constantly warring with familiarity through the entire runtime. It’s a waste of talent, time and a great character who still hasn’t been treated with the importance she deserves.
D+ The Girl in the Spider’s Web Dir. Fede Alvarez Grade: D+ Old Mill Stadium 16
Central Oregon’s One Stop Cannabis Super Store
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f there’s an idea or currently popular intellectual property that the American public might have heard about, Hollywood will try to find a way to spin it into gold. Whether it’s “The Emoji Movie” or Nicolas Cage trying to save people from the collapsing towers in “World Trade Center,” if there’s an idea to exploit, at least three writers in L.A. will be trying to find a way to turn old ideas into new dollars. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” franchise was more popular as a Swedish book series by the late Stieg Larsson than it was as a film series. The Swedish film adaptations of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “The Girl Who Played with Fire” and “The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” were decent, if somewhat laborious movies. David Fincher’s American remake of “Dragon Tattoo” was gorgeously directed, but it didn’t set the box office on fire. It’s been a few years—so, according to unwritten Hollywood code, it only makes sense to relaunch the franchise by adapting the fourth book in the series; the first by David Lagercrantz, the author who took over the franchise after Larsson’s death. Claire Foy is astounding in the film and is proving to be a chameleon with her work here as well as in “The Crown” and in this year’s “Unsane” and “First Man.” She’s a phenomenal Lisbeth Salander, but the movie she’s starring in is absolutely ludicrous.
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NOV 16th–25th
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BEAUTIFUL BOY: Based on the true story of family and addiction, “Beautiful Boy” has a career-best performance from Steve Carell and a plot that will make you cry like it’s going out of style. SIsters Movie House BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY: The biopic following
the rise of Queen and the life of Freddie Mercury. At times wild entertaining and ridiculously simplistic, the film still has a magnetic central performance from Rami Malek to carry it through the rough patches. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH: Introducing The Grinch to an entirely new generation, this version features the voices of Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones and Angela freaking Lansbury! It can’t be worse than the Jim Carrey one, can it? No one is that cruel. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema FREE SOLO: A documentary following Alex Honnold, the mountain climber who became the first person to free solo climb Yosemite’s 3,000-foot-high El Capitan Wall. This jaw-dropping film has some of the most dizzying mountain climbing footage ever captured. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER’S WEB: Another
relaunch of the film series that won’t quite catch on. Starring the phenomenal Claire Foy as Lisbeth Salander, “Spider’s Web” tries to turn her into an action hero instead of a feminist icon. See full review on p 37. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
THIS HOLIDAY SEASON HELP SUPPORT THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF CENTRAL OREGON. Purchase tickets Nov 23rd–Dec 20th. Drawing on Dec 21st. Purchase a $5.00 raffle ticket at Rack N Roll or any Hutch’s location and be entered to win a $500.00 gift card.
THE GUILTY: From Director Gustav Moller comes
a Danish thriller about an emergency operator that will leave audiences breathless. One heck of a thriller. Tin Pan Theater
HALLOWEEN: The 11th film in the franchise
wisely retcons (aka: retroactive continuity) the entire series, pretending that all of them except for the original never happened. Sadly, this means we all have to forget 2002’s “Halloween: Resurrection” which saw Busta Rhymes get into a kung fu fight with Michael Myers before yelling,“Trick or treat, MotherF*%$er!” Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
HUNTER KILLER: Gerard Butler as a nuclear submarine captain seems like the perfect amount of stupid to make this an entertaining and ridiculous diversion. With a supporting cast featuring Gary Oldman and Common, go into this one at your own risk. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX NOBODY’S FOOL: Tiffany Haddish is in every fourth movie that comes out this year and this new outpouring by Tyler Perry is no different. This looks better than his usual work and has one hell of a supporting cast. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX THE NUN: A part of the “Conjuring” Cinematic Universe,” this tells the story of a haunted Romanian nunnery and the heroes that try to re-consecrate the grounds. Surprisingly creepy, “The Nun” is another solid entry in the remarkably entertaining franchise. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS: Disney loves a live action remake,
and this is no different other than featuring Helen Mirren, Keira Knightly and Morgan Freeman. A good one for the kids. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
OVERLORD: A WWII horror thriller about Nazi monsters and American GIs facing off underneath a creepy church in war-torn France. Such a delicious concept for a movie; too bad its execution is so by-the-numbers. See full review on p 39. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX PROSPECT: For everyone still missing “Firefly,” here’s a delightfully strange-looking Space Western featuring some of the most memorable imagery of the year. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX SMALLFOOT: With a voice cast featuring
Channing Tatum, James Corden, Common, Danny DeVito and…LeBron James, “Smallfoot” is a surprisingly touching animated adventure about acceptance and xenophobia. Surprisingly deep themes for animation. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
A STAR IS BORN: Lady Gaga and Bradley
Cooper team up to tell one of Hollywood’s oldest stories and somehow manage to keep it feeling fresh and heartrending. Gaga and Cooper are both so powerful that even when the story threatens predictability, the film never becomes anything less than mesmerizing. This will win all kinds of awards. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
VENOM: Tom Hardy is one of the best actors the studios have ever talked into starring in a comic book movie—if only the film was truly worthy of his talent. There are moments of pure entertainment scattered throughout what is ultimately one of the dumbest superhero movies ever made. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinemas
BATES MOTEL: Every single episode of this series is available on Netflix and it’s surprisingly one hell of a show. Even if you have zero interest in “Psycho” or Norman Bates, it’s still worth it to see Rihanna show up as a hapless motel guest. So very worth watching. Now streaming on Netflix.
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic
Saving Private Dyin’ Overlord forgets to scare By Jared Rasic
Courtesy of FOX
hen film nerds talk about the movies that changed their lives, it’s usually something classic that did it to them, like “Citizen Kane,” “Jaws” or “Stalker.” These are movies that change the way you not only view cinema, but also reshape your brain into something more interesting and adaptable. For me, it wasn’t some piece of classically immortal cinema. Instead, it was 1996’s action/comedy/ horror hybrid, “From Dusk Till Dawn.” SPOILERS FOR A TWO DECADE OLD MOVIE: What starts out as a Tarantino-esque, non-supernatural crime thriller evolves into a blood-soaked vampire movie about 45 minutes into the film. My face melted and my mind exploded. I didn’t know movies could change genres midway through. It was the first time I knew there was such freedom of imagination in motion pictures.
So when trailers for “Overlord” came out, I became unreasonably hyped for the WWII horror thriller. There have been several horror movies that took place in theaters of war, but none with such a massive budget and heavy marketing push. This should have been the war/horror mashup to reset the high-water mark for the genre. The setup is perfect: A group of American GIs parachute into Nazi-occupied France a few hours before D-Day. Their mission is to destroy a radio transmitter atop a mysterious church, so the Allied forces can land on the beaches of Normandy. Unlucky for them, the Nazis have been experimenting on the local
“Overlord” is horror for people who hate to be scared. The idea is just novel enough to seem original, but really it’s a cut and paste job from dozens of better genre films.
The Thin DEAD Line.
townsfolk, turning them into demonic and unstoppable killing machines. All of this should have worked so beautifully, but the script never takes the ideas or the story deeper than what I just described. The Nazi experiments are never explained, nor is the mysterious serum the townsfolk are being injected with. Ambiguity in horror is important because the monster we imagine is always scarier than the one we see, but “Overlord” seems afraid to get too weird with its toys. “Overlord” is horror for people who hate to be scared. The idea is just novel enough to seem original, but really, it’s a cut-and-paste job from dozens of better genre films. Maybe I was overhyped for another bonkers genre mashup, but the scariest thing here is how many missed opportunities are just left there on the screen.
C+ Overlord
Dir. Julius Avery Grade: C+ Old Mill Stadium 16, Redmond Cinema
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Take off your apron. We will cook for you. Get all your thanksgiving sides. Order form at Bethlyn’s Global Fusion. Also upcoming Spanish meets Southwest. Nov 30th. Two seatings.
the pavilion
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Top 10 Gravel Rides in Central Oregon Stellar fall weather is holding throughout the region. Check out these gravel rides, for as long as the season lasts
By Linda English
3. Big Red - near La Pine Big Red is the name of Oregon’s largest ponderosa pine tree. He’s an old guy, at more than 500 years old—which means he was alive when the first Europeans started coming to this continent. Also on this ride: the lovely Fall River Falls (yes, that’s really the name), and gently rolling singletrack trails along the Deschutes and Fall Rivers. If you want to turn this into a much longer ride from Bend, at 59 miles of fun, check out BIG, Big Red. Loop: 17 miles/500 ft elevation gain (or 59 miles of Big, Big Red) Mixed route: About 65 percent gravel road/double-track/single-track sector Difficulty: Easier+ Rideable: Spring through fall. Rides great all three seasons
8. Path of Totality Kevin English
This ride takes you to see the Three Pyramids Mountains on logging roads that are bordered by wildflowers, with big views. The 1-mile singletrack is a hiking trail that slices deep into a lush forest. Loop: 22 miles/2,200 feet elevation gain Gravel route: About 90 percent gravel with 1 mile of single track Difficulty: Advanced Rideable: Early summer through fall
Kevin English
2. The Pyramids - 35 min west of Sisters
Linda English
1. Water and Lava – Bend The best entry-level gravel ride in the area is absolutely beautiful and includes riding along the Deschutes River, a visit to Benham Falls, a trip through lava fields and a climb to the top of Lava Butte. Loop: 30 miles/1,400 feet elevation gain Mixed route: About 65 percent gravel, single track and bike path Difficulty: Easier Rideable: Early spring to late fall. This route rides good almost all the time
4. Bonanza
7. Sherman's March
4. Bonanza - near Brothers Tumbleweeds, cattle ranches, rolling hills and bold vistas, this ride is 100 percent gravel with very little traffic. Expect big, wide roads that have excellent gravel. Loop: 51 miles/3,200 feet elevation gain Gravel route: 100 percent gravel Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Late spring through fall—can be hot and dry in the summer 5. Ghost of Ashwood – near Madras Ever been to a ghost town on your bike? Time to head out to Ashwood. Besides visiting the historic Ashwood post office, you’ll have 44 miles of amazing views and an incredible canyon, tossed in with very little traffic. I’ve done the entire 44 miles, only seeing two to four cars. Loop: 44 miles/4,300 feet elevation gain Mixed route: About 55 percent gravel Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Late spring (after mud season) through late fall 6. Priest Hole – near Mitchell Heading out to see the famous Painted Hills is always just an amazing experience. On this ride you can toss in 42 miles for a loop on a mixture of gravel and road to make the day even more spectacular. The contrast between the harsh landscape against the river is stunning. Loop: 42 miles/3,500 feet elevation gain Mixed route: About 50 percent gravel Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Spring through late fall—summer is hot!
2. The Pyramids
7. Sherman’s March Camp Sherman Camp Sherman area is one of the most diverse and scenic areas to ride in Central Oregon. This ride includes mountain views, the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery, Metolius River, the Head of the Metolius and Round Lake. Loop: 52 miles/4,000 feet elevation gain (Several shorter options available, too.) Mixed route: About 60 percent gravel, with two single-track sectors of 5 miles total Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Spring through fall—spring and late fall are best 8. Path of Totality - near Madras You might drive through and never think much about Madras—yet this ride has some of the best views of Central Oregon. The road along Lake Simtustus and climb up through Willow Creek canyon and the rim along Lake Billy Chinook are all unbelieveable. There’s also the challenging 20 percent climb up M hill in Madras on a bike path and the scenic climb over Round Butte. Loop: 41 miles/3,000 feet elevation gain Mixed route: About 25 percent gravel/ double track Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Early spring to late fall— sometimes winter
9. Big Summit Prairie Loop (short) – about 30 min. east of Prineville A classic wild west ride, the route circumnavigates the Big Summit Prairie, a beautiful prairie deep within the Ochoco National Forest. Loop: 48 miles/3,800 feet of elevation gain Mixed route: About 45 percent gravel Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Late spring through fall. Spring is spectacular! 10. Billy’s Playground - Sisters Imagine quiet roads, a mixture of road and gravel and a mixture of terrain, from woods to grasslands. The route even includes a stop at the ghost town cemetery of Grandview. It’s a big ride; an allday adventure. Loop: 67 miles/3,800 feet elevation gain Mixed route: About 55 percent gravel Difficulty: Intermediate Rideable: Spring through fall—summer can be scorching! Linda English is known as “Gravel Girl” on the local gravel bike routes website, DirtyFreehub.com, which English started with her husband, Kevin. To see full route information, head over to the Dirty Freehub, where each route description includes photos, GPS files, detailed maps, logistics and more.
Trevor Lyden
here’s lots of buzz in the cycling community about gravel riding. With new bikes that are a mashup between mountain bikes and road bikes, this is a new type of cycling for a lot of riders, with routes that are both challenging and scenic. And with the forecast offering plenty of sunny days and highs in the 50s, there’s still time in the season to check these out—or to save them for your bucket list in the spring. Don’t have a gravel bike? At least two local shops, Sunnyside Sports, and Webcyclery, rent them. Or, hop on your mountain bike and just give it a go!
Help celebrate High Desert Fencing Club's move to their new digs on Thursday 11/15.
ATHLETIC EVENTS 834 NW Colorado Ave Bend, Oregon 97703 541-388-0688 www.mountainsupplybend.com
Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 9am-5pm
Dreams Come True at
FootZone Noon Run Lunch hour 3 to 5 mile run. Order lunch from a local taco shop when you leave and we’ll have it when you return. Wednesdays, Noon. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Functional Strength Class Join FootZone and Athlete Wise Performance Coaching for a strength class designed by endurance athletes for endurance athletes. All levels and abilities welcome. Email kraig@footzonebend.com for more info. Wednesdays, 7:15pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. $5/drop-in. High Desert Fencing Club Grand Opening We are celebrating our new location
Find your new best friend!
HSCO Thrift Store
61220 S Hwy 97, Bend 541.388.3448 (across from Walmart)
HSCO Shelter
61170 SE 27th St, Bend 541.382.3537
and the next chapter of our fencing club in Central Oregon. Hear our story-past and future. Showing of the short film “Amateur Gladiator,” featured in the Bend Film Festival. Fencing demonstration. Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:30-7:30pm. High Desert Fencing Club, 61445 S Hwy 97 suite D bend or 97701. Free.
Hump Day Run Celebrate getting over the
mid-week hump with runners of all paces. During the winter, we’ll typically run 3-5 miles down to the Old Mill and back. Be ready to run at 6pm from FootZone, and bring a few bucks if you want to get a beer after. Email michelle@ footzonebend.com for more info. Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
I Like Pie Run Don’t miss a marvelous Turkey Day tradition, Bend’s famous I Like Pie fun run on Thanksgiving morning. Choose from a flat and fast 5K around the Deschutes River or a family-friendly 1.5-mile loop, both of which start and finish in the Old Mill District’s Center Plaza. Thursday, Nov. 22, 9am. Old Mill District, Powerhouse Drive. Bend. Mom’s Running Group All moms welcome
with or without strollers for a 3-4.5 mile run at 8-12 minute mile paces. This is a fun and encouraging group for moms of all running levels. Rain or shine! Email lisa.nasr@me.com for more info. Wednesdays, 9:30am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
Redmond Turkey Trot 5K & 10K Hoodoo presents The Redmond Turkey Trot 5K and 10K! Prizes for age group winners and costume winners. Run hard, win a prize, stay for a slice of pie and support the great cause of eye care for kids! New this year—a free kids run: chase the turkey and pluck a feather to win a prize. Visit RedmondTurkeyTrot.com for more info. Thursday, Nov. 22, 9-11am. Deschutes County Fairgrounds & Expo Rv Park, Redmond. Saturday Coffee Run Wish you had a
running posse to make your weekend run fly by? Marla Hacker will facilitate this group, which welcomes all paces for a 3-5 mile run on Saturdays. Bring a few bucks for coffee at a local shop afterwards with your new running buddies! Email michelle@footzonebend.com for more information. Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Tuesday Rise and Run Rise and Run.
Early riser? This group is for you! FootZoner Colton Gale will lead this run. Meet Tuesdays at FootZone with lights and layers, and get your run done for the day! All paces are welcome; 3-5 mile routes will usually take advantage of snow-free and lit paths in the Old Mill District. Email colton@footzonebend.com with questions. Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
OUTDOORS BARC Bend Adventist Running Club Weekly Run Join us for weekly Sunday Runs!
We meet in front of the Dog Park at Pine Nursery. Distances vary. We offer community, running and walking support and fun! Runners of all levels, walkers, kids, strollers and friendly dogs are all welcome! Sundays, 8:30am. Pine Nursery Park, 3750 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Free.
Bend Area Running Fraternity (BARF)
Join us for 3.5-mile run (options avail. for longer or shorter distances) through the Old Mill District! Stay after the run for a discounted pint courtesy of AVID Cider. Rewards for attendance. All paces and faces welcome! Mondays, 5:30pm. AVID Cider Co, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 190. Bend. Free.
Know Water - The Reimagining and Rebirth of a Forgotten Creek Here the
story of how Whychus Creek was conserved and is slowly, but surely coming back to life. Brad Chalfant, Executive Director of Deschutes Land Trust, shares the story of how Whychus Creek was rehabilitated. Wednesday, Nov. 14, noon-1pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond.
Screw Your Shoes Screw your shoes so you can run or walk all winter long over snow and ice! Shop for 15% off regularly priced winter gear and sip on an adult beverage while you wait! Thursday, Nov. 15, 5-7pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit on Tuesdays for this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte Trail, Bend. Free. Worthy Brewing + CycleBar Ride for Habitat for Humanity Join us for a special
fundraising ride at CYCLEBAR to benefit Bend Area Habitat for Humanity and raise funds to build a home for one of Worthy Brewing’s own. Enjoy Worthy’s award-winning Strata IPA on tap and snacks after a 45-minute Rock Your Ride cycling workout. Ride starts at 4:15pm. Snacks and beer from 5-6pm. To donate/register for the event please visit bendhabitat.org. Friday, Nov. 16, 4:15am-6pm. Worthy Brewing Company, 495 Northeast Bellevue Drive, Bend. $25/suggested donation.
Cenozoic Park
Exploring the fauna of the John Day Fossil beds By K.M. Collins
National Parks Service and Roger Witter
"For a fossil to be created, you need to have some evidence of past life get buried rapidly, with no oxygen, and it needs to be undisturbed for a while." —NICHOLAS FAMOSO TCPC’s Chief of Paleontology and Museum Curator Nicholas Famoso defines fossils as, “Evidence of past life. For a fossil to be created, you need to have some evidence of past life get buried rapidly, with no oxygen, and it needs to be undisturbed for a while. Only about 1/10th of a percent of all life has been fossilized, so it is relatively rare.” Famoso says we can tell much about these extinct, potentially domestic-able, house pets. The toy sabertooth was about the size of a bobcat (around 19 pounds) whereas the John
National Parks Service, Norris Peterson and Sue Evans-Olson
assing through the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, near Picture Gorge, Ore., you’ll find the geologic equivalent of Noah’s Ark. Apparently, proto-cheetah, zebra, rhino and nearly every other conceivable terrestrial vertebrate wandered the Oregon countryside, according to a comprehensive fossil record starting 55 million years ago. Ever dreamt of what type of pet you might have had, if you’d lived that long ago? While the age of the earliest human found is a mere 200,000 years old, it never hurts to ponder. Among the creatures at the John Day Fossil Beds, three demonstrate choice pet qualities: the toy [false] sabertooth (Hoplophoneus), the mouse deer (Hypertragulids) and the John Day tiger (Pogonodon).
The John Day Tiger, closer to the size of a lion, recreated in a presumed ambush predatory posture.
Day tiger was closer to the size of a lion (about 280 to 420 pounds). The shape of each’s arms and legs indicate they were ambush predators. OK, so these guys as cuddly pets might be a little overzealous... Note: The toy sabertooth is deemed a false cat due to having cartilage shaping the auditory region (ear canal) instead of bone. The mouse deer, meanwhile, were relatively small, common animals about the size of a modern chevrotain (between 3 and 12 pounds). Three species were found in the John Day region, making up approximately 40 percent of the fauna in the John Day region at their population peak. Like deer, their teeth indicate browsing and they likely behaved in a similar way, hiding in the shelter of trees and brush. All of the species mentioned are believed to have resided in hardwood forests. Famoso chooses the John Day Fossil
Get to the root of why you are tight, crooked, suffering: standing and moving behind gravity, not in its flow. Finally, relieve the cause of pain: Back/Scoliosis. Knees. Hips. Neck. Shoulders. Bunions. Migraines. Learn to correct posture and enhance mobility in a new class series beginning Monday, November 19, 2018, through Thursday, February 7, 2019.
Vance Bonner Ph.D., creator and author of The Vance Stance, can be reached at 541/330-9070.
Beds’ Cynarctoides lemur (a micro dog) as his “pet pick,” because, as he says: “It was small and had giant ears. Very adorable.” Separating predator from prey in the region can be tricky, Famoso says. “We can use the isotopes in the teeth of herbivores to get a general sense of what kind of plants herbivores are eating,” he said. “Carnivores are even harder to figure out, but we can often use what we know about modern animals to help inform our hypotheses about the behavior of these extinct organisms.” Fossils of the mouse deer and toy sabertooth were also found in California—which means immediate genetic cloning and subsequent trademarking is of the utmost importance. Thus far, the John Day tiger has only been found in Oregon. As a pitch for the rarity and importance of the resources found in the
The charming Mouse Deer recreated in a landscape suitable for omnivorous browsing.
formations northeast of Bend, Famoso reveals, “John Day Fossil Beds preserves a very long record of evolution and climate change that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. About 45 million years of time is represented, minus a couple of million-year gaps. The [John Day] fossil record is also very rich and abundant and contains many volcanic ashes, which help to figure out timing of when these animals lived. All of these things help to make the fossil record at John Day Fossil Beds a world-renowned place.”
Thomas Condon Paleontology Center John Day Fossil Beds National Monument 32651 Highway 19, Kimberly nps.gov/joda
Otis Craig Broker, CRS
44 Situated on 3.41 private acres with spectacular mountain views. A magnificent great room, lavish entertainer’s kitchen and five luxury suites. 12-car dream garage plus a 3-car garage, horse stalls $3,599,000 and pond.
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Extensively remodeled w/ a designer’s touch! Quartz counters, new flooring, paint inside and out, all new fixtures, SS appliances, & new AC! Open concept w/ vaulted ceilings, 3 Bed/2 Ba, at the end of $349,900 a quiet cul-de-sac.
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Terry Skjersaa
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4.67 acres w/mountain views, over 1000SF of decking! Main level master. 2nd bed, bath & loft/3rd bed upstairs. Bonus room w/private entrance. Fenced for horses. Oversized 2-car garage & $569,000 18X21 steel building
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By Nick Nayne Principal Broker, The Broker Network, LLC
Bend October Sales Show Increased Median Price and Sales Volume Over Prior Month Price and sales volume encrease after summer cool-off
ollowing an unexpected cooling-off period this summer, our local real estate market took an unexpected swing in the opposite direction for October. According to October 2018 Central Oregon MLS statistics for Bend single family residences (excluding condos and manufactured homes) on one acre or less, the market heated up again, with the median price increasing by almost 2 percent over September 2018.
For October 2018, there were 222 home sales compared to 195 in September 2018 representing a sales volume increase of almost 14 percent. with 54 percent being in the $200,000 to $450,000 price range, 27 percent in the $450,000 to $650,000 price range, with the remaining 19 percent in the higher price range. The median sales price was $432,900, up 5 percent over the October 2017 median sales price of $411,000.
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
2751 NE Sycamore Court, Bend, OR 97701 3 beds, 1 bath, 1,088 square feet, .16 acres lot Built in 1980 $275,000 Listed by Duke Warner Realty
2545 N.E. Lynda Lane, Bend, OR 97701 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 2,277 square feet, .23 acres lot Built in 2001 $429,900 Listed by Keller Williams Realty Central Oregon
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2442 N.W. 1st Street, Bend, OR 97703 4 beds, 4.5 baths, 3,566 square feet, .56 acres lot Built in 2000 $947,000 Listed by Obsidian Real Estate Group
Fire Pit Competition ♦ King and Queen ♦ Ice Carving Area Children’s Area ♦ Royal Run ♦ Light The Night Lightshow ♦ Dog Show
SCIENCE ADVICE GODDESS Best Man For The Sob I’m a 28-year-old guy with an amazing girlfriend. She gets upset and sometimes cries, and I never know how to soothe her. I’m afraid to say the wrong thing, so I don’t say anything at all. Of course, she then gets more upset, thinking I don’t care. But I do care, and I want her to know.
When things get emotionally fraught in a relationship, it’s tempting to wish for a simpler existence -- like being a dog so all that’s expected of you is 1. Don’t pee on the rug. 2. Sit still while the girlfriend dresses you up as a bee. In fact, if you’re like a lot of men, a female partner’s tears are liquid kryptonite, causing you to pretty much lose consciousness while appearing to be totally awake and ambulatory. Women may not entirely get this—or the extent of it—because of some sex differences in emotion processing. Generally speaking, putting it in collegiate terms, the female mind majors in psychology; the male mind majors in physics—though individual male and female minds vary, of course. Research by psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen finds that women tend to be the “empathizers” of the species, driven (from childhood on) to identify others’ “emotions and thoughts, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion.” Men, on the other hand, tend to be “systematizers”—driven to understand the inner workings of the blender. The good news is, there’s a secret -- even for the most emotionally inarticulate man—for comforting an upset woman: You don’t have to be Shakespeare; just don’t go all shutupspeare. For example, last week, when I was bummed about something—to the point of tears—I was on the phone with my boyfriend, and he said the sweetest thing: “I’m bad at this” (meaning knowing what to say) “but I want to help you feel better.” This made me feel loved—and better. Also, it was kind of sexy. (Showing vulnerability, contrary to what many believe, is a sign not of weakness but of strength—suggesting you have enough social and emotional capital not to act all superhero all the time.) As an emergency measure—if even the words about not having the right words fail you—you can communicate your desire to comfort her with a hug, hair stroking, and other loving gestures. Again, just be sure to make some kind of effort to soothe her (lest she add feeling emotionally abandoned by her
boyfriend to her boohoo list). Ideally, when your girlfriend suddenly wants to try some new positions, they aren’t things like standing on the base of the fireplace as she’s screaming at you to say something already.
Denial of Cervix My husband’s parents asked to be in the delivery room while I’m giving birth, and he said yes -- without asking me. Now he doesn’t want to tell them otherwise, which is weird because he isn’t usually lacking in assertiveness. I get along fine with my in-laws, but I don’t want them in there with me. —Horrified Mom-To-Be
There are those men who understand what it’s like to give birth—those who’ve passed a kidney stone the size of a decorative lawn boulder out a slim fleshy tube normally meant for urine. You are not doing a one-woman show in the delivery room; you are the lead character in a medical procedure—one that can involve pooping while pushing, horror movie-esque blood spatter, and impressive strings of screamed profanity Amy Alkon (interspersed with tender maternal utterances like “GET THIS DEMONSPAWN OUT OF ME!”). Sociologist Erving Goffman pointed out that we all engage in constant “impression management,” editing our behavior to control how others see us. (Choosing how much of our selves to make public is a big part of this.) Goffman explains that losing control— not being able to present our desired image—is deeply disturbing to us, leading to feelings of shame and compensatory strategies to clean up the damage. (Never looking your father-in-law in the eye again sound good to you?) You say your husband generally isn’t lacking in assertiveness. Chances are, in the wake of his saying yes instead of “Gotta check with my wife,” he would feel bad about going back on it. (Maybe part of his impression management is coming off as a man of his word.) But back on his word he must go, because it’s your choice whether you make your private parts public parts. Not surprisingly, you feel you put your best foot forward with your feet in shoes under the dinner table— not in stirrups while the in-laws go sightseeing with the iPhone up the, um, Grand Canyon: “Look, Ralph... there’s a little fist coming out! Quick! Get a shot for our Instagram!”
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (advicegoddess.com).
© 2018, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The U.S. is the
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “The world is like a dropped pie most of the time,” writes author Elizabeth Gilbert. “Don’t kill yourself trying to put it back together. Just grab a fork and eat some of it off the floor. Then carry on.” From what I can tell about the state of your life, Sagittarius, the metaphorical pie has indeed fallen onto the metaphorical floor. But it hasn’t been there so long that it has spoiled. And the floor is fairly clean, so the pie won’t make you sick if you eat it. My advice is to sit down on the floor and eat as much as you want. Then carry on.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Novelist Anita Desai writes, “Isn’t it strange how life won’t flow, like a river, but moves in jumps, as if it were held back by locks that are opened now and then to let it jump forward in a kind of flood?” I bring this to your attention, Capricorn, because I suspect that the locks she refers to will soon open for you. Events may not exactly flow like a flood, but I’m guessing they will at least surge and billow and gush. That could turn out to be nerve-racking and strenuous, or else fun and interesting. Which way it goes will depend on your receptivity to transformation.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Miracles come to those who risk defeat in seeking them,” writes author Mark Helprin. “They come to those who have exhausted themselves completely in a struggle to accomplish the impossible.” Those descriptions could fit you well in the coming weeks, but with one caveat. You’ll have no need to take on the melodramatic, almost desperate mood Helprin seems to imply is essential. Just the opposite, in fact. Yes, risk defeat and be willing to exhaust yourself in the struggle to accomplish the impossible; but do so in a spirit of exuberance, motivated by the urge to play. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Never invoke the gods unless you really want them to appear,” warned author G. K. Chesterton. “It annoys them very much.” My teachers have offered me related advice. Don’t ask the gods to intervene, they say, until you have done all you can through your own efforts. Furthermore, don’t ask the gods for help unless you are prepared to accept their help if it’s different from what you thought it should be. I bring these considerations to your attention, Pisces, because you currently meet all these requirements. So I say go right ahead and seek the gods’ input and assistance.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Interior designer Dorothy Draper said she wished there were a single word that meant “exciting, frightfully important, irreplaceable, deeply satisfying, basic, and thrilling, all at once.” I wonder if such a word exists in the Chamicuro language spoken by a few Peruvians or the Sarsi tongue spoken by the Tsuu T’ina tribe in Alberta, Canada. In any case, I’m pleased to report that for the next few weeks, many of you Aries people will embody and express that rich blend of qualities. I have coined a new word to capture it: *tremblissimo*. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): According to my astrological intuition, you’re entering a phase when you will derive special benefit from these five ob-
servations by poet and filmmaker Jean Cocteau. 1. “There are truths that you can only say after having won the right to say them.” 2. “True realism consists in revealing the surprising things that habit keeps covered and prevents us from seeing.” 3. “What the public criticizes in you, cultivate. It is you.” 4. “You should always talk well about yourself! The word spreads around, and in the end, no one remembers where it started.” 5. “We shelter an angel within us. We must be the guardians of that angel.”
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Adolescence used to be defined as a phase that lasted from ages 13 to 19. But scientists writing in the journal *The Lancet* say that in modern culture, the current span is from ages 10 to 24. Puberty comes earlier now, in part because of shifts in eating habits and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. At the same time, people hold onto their youth longer because they wait a while before diving into events associated with the initiation into adulthood, like getting married, finishing education, and having children. Even if you’re well past 24, Gemini, I suggest you revisit and reignite your juvenile stage in the coming weeks. You need to reconnect with your wild innocence. You’ll benefit from immersing yourself in memories of coming of age. Be 17 or 18 again, but this time armed with all you have learned since.
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CANCER (June 21July 22): Cancerian baseball pitcher Satchel Paige had a colorful career characterized by creative showmanship. On some occasions, he commanded his infielders to sit down and loll on the grass behind him, whereupon he struck out three batters in a row—ensuring no balls were hit to the spots vacated by his teammates. Paige’s success came in part because of his wide variety of tricky pitches, described by author Buck O’Neil as “the bat-dodger, the two-hump blooper, the four-day creeper, the dipsy-do, the Little Tom, the Long Tom, the bee ball, the wobbly ball, the hurry-up ball and the nothin’ ball.” I bring this to your attention, Cancerian, because now is an excellent time for you to amp up your charisma and use all your tricky pitches.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head,” writes fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss. “Always. All the time. We build ourselves out of that story.” So what’s your story, Leo? The imminent future will be an excellent time to get clear about the dramatic narrative you weave. Be especially alert for demoralizing elements in your tale that may not in fact be true, and that therefore you should purge. I think you’ll be able to draw on extra willpower and creative flair if you make an effort to reframe the story you tell yourself so that it’s more accurate and uplifting. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In describing a man she fell in love with, author Elizabeth Gilbert wrote that he was both “catnip and kryptonite to me.” If you’ve spent time around cats, you understand that catnip can be irresistible to them. As for kryptonite: it’s the one substance that weakens the fictional superhero Superman. Is there anything in your life that resembles Gilbert’s paramour? A place or situation or activity or person that’s both catnip and kryptonite? I suspect you now have more ability than usual to neutralize its obsessive and debilitating effects on you. That could empower you to make a good decision about the relationship you’ll have with it in the future.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “I had to learn very early not to limit myself due to others’ limited imaginations,” testifies Libran astronaut Mae Jemison. She adds, “I have learned these days never to limit anyone else due to my own limited imagination.” Are those projects on your radar, Libra? I hope so. You now have extra power to resist being shrunk or hobbled by others’ images of you. You also have extra power to help your friends and loved ones grow and thrive as you expand your images of them.
Homework: What do you want to be when you grow up? Testify at Freewillastrology.com.
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world’s top exporter of food. In second place is the Netherlands, which has 0.4 percent as much land as the U.S. How do Dutch farmers accomplish this miraculous feat? In part because of their massive greenhouses, which occupy vast areas of non-urbanized space. Another key factor is their unprecedented productivity, which dovetails with a commitment to maximum sustainability. For instance, they produce 20 tons of potatoes per acre, compared with the global average of nine. And they do it using less water and pesticides. In my long-term outlook for you Scorpios, I see you as having a metaphorical similarity to Dutch farmers. During the next 12 months, you have the potential to make huge impacts with your focused and efficient efforts.
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WELLNESS EVENTS 5-Week Yoga Course for Beginners De-
signed for beginners to learn basic poses. Begins Tuesday, Nov. 13, 4pm. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend. $57.
Arthritis? Now What? 5-Week Series
Beginners Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Designed for those who have never
taken Tai Chi or for those who have learned and forgotten. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 541797-9620 for more info. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10-11am & Mondays, 11am-noon. Finley Butte Park, 51390 Walling Lane La Pine. $35/month.
Center for Wellbeing: Reiki Reiki therapy is hands on prayer focusing on the life force energy present in all creation. By donation. Mondays, 1-2pm & Wedesdays, 3-4pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St. Bend.
Community Gathering Grief comfort and
support in a group setting. All are welcome. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. Free.
Community Healing Flow A gentle flow
class by donation with all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Fridays, 4-5:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend.
Energy Yoga Marries energy medicine exercises and techniques with time-honored yoga poses and positions. Email soulroarbreathwork@ gmail.com to save your spot. Tuesdays, 9:3011:30am. Blissful Heart-Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave. Bend. $10. Free Yoga Keep your body and mind healthy
and well. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. 7:458:30am. Plantae, 2115 NE Hwy 20 #107, Bend.
Friday Night Yoga Nidra A conscious relaxation practice where you will experience a deep state of release while at the same time maintain complete awareness. Fridays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $15. Gyrokinesis A movement method that
addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system and increasing range of motion. Thursdays, 10:45amnoon.. Blissful Heart-Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave. Bend.
Men’s Yoga This class was born out of a
need for men to experience yoga with a practice designed specifically for the way men are built. Suitable for beginners and above. Wednesdays, 7pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $10.
Monthly Plant Spirit Meditation w/ Dr. Ashley Here, we will taste, smell and
explore an unidentified medicinal plant. After a guided meditation participants will share their experiences with the herb before learning about its medicinal properties. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 6:30-7:30pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. $10.
Morning Yoga Join Outside In every Monday morning for free all levels hatha or vinyasa yoga. First time students receive a $10 Outside In gift certificate. Contact: 541-317-3569, katie@outsideinbend.com Mondays, 8:45-9:45am. OutsideIN, 845 NW Wall St, Bend. Poke Soul Night Take a yoga class 6-7pm
in the shop and then enjoy a bowl of Poke with a glass of sparkling wine and truffle chocolate @PokeRow. Saturday, Nov. 17, 6-8pm. Eclectic Soul, 2754 NW Crossing Dr. Bend. $25.
Practicing with the Seasons: Restorative & Yin Yoga, Meditation & Energy Practices for Fall Join Bre Hibbs
and Sol Alchemy for a 10-week series (dropins also welcome!) designed to bring all of our
Practicing Yoga Beyond the Mat Move through breathwork and a gentle yoga practice on our mats for 50 minutes during which time I will introduce teachings on a particular yogic limb. Monday, 5:30-6:45pm. Blissful Heart-Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave. Bend. Recovery Yoga Wherever you are on the road of recovery, this yoga class offers a safe and confidential place to explore how meditation, breath work, journaling and yoga can aid in your recovery. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $8. Relaxation and Meditation Experience
relaxing the body, mind and emotions. Call 971-217-6576 to register. Drop-ins welcome. Mondays, 10am & Noon. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $10.
Sit. Breathe. Rest. (Meditation & Yoga)
Begins with 10 minutes of breath work, followed by a 10-15 minute meditation and finishes with Yin and/or Yoga Nidra. Wednesdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.
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Tai Chi Classes Learn Yang stye Tai Chi with
Dr. Neilson. Movements practiced are appropriate for people of all ages, and stages of physical fitness. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave - Bend. Free.
Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin This is the original form that is taught in the monastery. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 541-797-9620 for more info. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:4510:45am. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. $70/month. Therapeutic Gentle Yoga Focus is on
Therapeutic Yoga with my PT “lens” on to maximize injury prevention, alignment principles and core stability. Thursdays, 4-6pm. The Blissful Heart-Yoga Barn, 29 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. $15.
The Vance Stance/Structural Reprograming Get to the root of why you are tight,
crooked, suffering. In this series of 2-hour classes in posture and flexibility that begins Mon, Nov. 19. Choose from 4 class times, weekly. Mondays, noon & 6pm Wednesdays, 6pm & Thursdays, noon. Nov. 19 - Feb. 7. The Vance Stance Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct, Bend. $180/12 classes.
Tuesday Performance Group Maximize your time with focused, intense efforts. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Email max@footzonebend.com for details. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Vinyasa Yoga Vinyasa Flow class with a
focus on linking breath and movement, building strength and mental focus. Fridays, 11am & 12pm. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10.
The Source
Holiday Gift Guides ideas This year, the Source will bring you unique gift nostalgia, and, a lot of for all of the characters in your life, a touch of lovable dad or noisy humor. Whether it’s the crazy uncle, quirky kid, s that neighbor, we’ve got you covered with gift idea you won’t find anywhere else. for local Source Holiday Gift Guides will show our love e. Advertise in retailers and inspire our readers to do the sam t and an multiple holiday issues and receive big discoun even bigger impact in your sales! HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE #1 On Stands: Dec. 6 Ad Deadline: Nov. 30 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE #2 On Stands: Dec. 13 Ad Deadline: Dec. 7
Contact us to reserve your space today! 541.383.0800
Vin/Yin Yoga By donation. Contact: 541-420-
1587 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, 3pm. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Community Class Talented teachers practice teaching Yin
Yoga and/or Yoga Nidra. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.
Yoga For Beginners Ready to get started with yoga? Please call 541.788.0725 To reserve your spot! Begins Thursday, Nov. 15, 8:30-10am. Cascade Yoga, LLC, 1245 SE 3rd St., Suite 5, Bend. $17/drop-in , $33/3 classes (new student). Zen Discussion & Meditation Weekly layled Dharma discussion and meditation. Contact Tom at 541-382-6651. Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave, Bend. Free.
541.383.0800 | advertise@bendsource.com
Class, focusing on exercises, pain control, nutrition, is taught by an occupational therapist with years of experience working with arthritis. Register with Joyce at 541-420-5875. Beings Friday, Nov. 9, 1pm. Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greely Ave, Bend. $60/5-week series. $15/single class.
Selves, parts, systems and rhythms back into closer alignment and coherence with the season of Fall. Sept. 19-Nov. 21. Wednesdays, 4pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $12.95/drop-in.
Deschutes County’s marijuana blues turn a darker hue By Jeremy Dickman
he “Blue Wave” that swept dozens of Democrats into the U.S. House didn’t mean much to those of us residing in what is still decidedly Trump Country. Reefer Madness now dominates the Deschutes County Commission in the forms of incumbent Phil Henderson and Commissioner-elect Patti Adair, who defeated Democrat James Cook by a thin margin despite receiving scant support from the usual Republican backers. Incumbent Tony DeBone is also keeping his seat, meaning not a single, truly progressive voice on marijuana policy in the county will discourage the Board from waging what amounts to an outright fear campaign against marijuana entrepreneurs.
Can anyone remember another time when Republican voters were so anti-business and pro-tax in one election? Not only will the tightening of regulatory burdens on the cannabis industry affect cannabis entrepreneurs, but it may open up the county to lawsuits. The state’s Land Use Board of Appeals defines “reasonable regulations,” which may exclude what Deschutes County has proposed in its “emergency” rulemaking last month. Among other rules, growers, processors and retailers are now prohibited from the Multi-Use Agriculture (MUA-10) zones, property-line setbacks have been increased by 50 percent, and the off-site dwelling setbacks were bumped up by one-third. Stephanie Marshall, a Bendbased land use attorney, wrote Oct. 26 on the Clifton Cannabis Law blog: “The code revisions are punitive and unduly onerous, which will result in the very effect the County is hoping to avoid – proliferation of unlicensed operations. Licensees have been shown to be responsibly operating within the confines of state and local law. The mere disapproval by some constituents of marijuana in general, without more, is not a reasonable basis to increase the burdens and costs of compliance and minimize the available lands for production.” The commission shake-up means applicants who appear before the Board to obtain permit approval for everything from new marijuana farms to enhancements of existing processing facilities will likely face unreasonable interpretations of the already-unreasonable rules. Odor-control devices, for example, can’t ever seem to please the Board. Even when mechanical engineers testify that the skunk stank can’t reach the neighbors, an applicant can still count on at least one “no” vote from Henderson, who seems to fancy himself an
odor-control scientist. You can expect more pseudo-science from Adair, who claimed in a debate that the 1980 Mount St. Helens’ eruption resulted in years of “nicer” weather in Seattle (nevermind the ash plume blew east, not west) and that “Greenland used to be green,” therefore, presumably, the melting of the Greenland ice shelf shouldn’t be a huge deal. In 2016, Adair testified before the Board—at that time considering whether to opt back in to adult-use marijuana—that she “likes the smell of alfalfa, not pot.” If only she were simple entertainment. Meanwhile, in Sisters, voters overwhelmingly approved an additional tax on recreational marijuana sold in the city. The only problem? They voted down a measure that would’ve allowed any sale of cannabis within city limits. Can anyone remember another time when Republican voters were so anti-business and pro-tax in one election?
Democratic gains for ganja Still, more Democrats in Congress bodes well for the future of a nationwide end to prohibition, but there were some specific victories that were particularly encouraging. Michigan became the 10th state to legalize adult-use marijuana, and Missouri and Utah legalized medical cannabis. Twenty-five percent of Americans now live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, and 33 states have legalized medical marijuana. Meanwhile, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), a rabid prohibitionist and Chairman of the House Rules Committee who blocked House members from voting for bipartisan marijuana reform, lost his seat to a former Tennessee Titans linebacker. Thanks to Sessions, bipartisan bills, such as banking reform for cannabis companies, and facilitation of medical cannabis for veterans, never saw a vote.
Sessions out Pete wasn’t the only Sessions to lose a job. Jeff Sessions, virulently anti-pot, submitted his not-so-voluntary resignation as Attorney General and will be temporarily replaced by Matt Whitaker. But there’s not a lot here for anti-prohibitionists to applaud. The potential AG candidates publicly bandied about include Pam Bondi, the current Florida attorney general, and Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor. Bondi is most likely to bend to the tidal wave of public opinion in favor of legal cannabis. (Christie has referred to cannabis taxes as “blood money.”) But Sessions certainly wasn’t forced out over his marijuana views, so don’t be too excited about his replacement.
Way to go, Billy! Just before resigning, Sessions appointed Billy Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, the chair of the Attorney General’s marijuana working group. Williams is far from an apologist for Oregon’s marijuana laws, and has criticized the state over black market trafficking. What impact could this have? Look for the OLCC (a frequent target of Williams’ critiques) to hit violations harder, and don’t hold your breath on a quick resumption of new licenses, since they halted the processing of applications June 15.
THE REC ROOM Crossword â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shout Outsâ&#x20AC;?
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
Š Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Local!
Difficulty Level
VOLUME 22â&#x20AC;&#x201A; ISSUE 46â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; NOVEMBER 15, 2018â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Š2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Puzzle
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I used to do drugs. ______, but ______.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mitch Hedberg
ACROSSâ&#x20AC;&#x201A; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Like... Yesterday, if you can swing itâ&#x20AC;? 5 Stop to a Buccaneer 10 Ear cleaner 14 Handed over 15 Lady killer 16 Story that takes a long time to tell 17 Tell 18 Real lulu of an loser? 20 Abodes with zippers 22 Hill, in Israel 23 Forerunner to cable 24 Something that tips you off that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on a turnpike? 28 Prefix with Pen and center 29 Polished off 30 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do, ___ ...â&#x20AC;? 31 Little something extra 33 Build up 34 Adorbs 35 Unannounced record releases, and a hint to this puzzleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theme 40 Simply the best 41 Shredding company 42 Waze instructions 44 Prima donnasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; selections 45 Feathery neckpiece 48 Pick up the tab 49 Real enormous movement after drinking too much? 51 Stupefy 52 Genre for American Football and Modern Baseball 54 [Bor-ring] 55 Moth that discovered the New World? 60 Slay 61 Trench makers 62 Methuselahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father 63 Squeezed every last drop from 64 Work that includes the â&#x20AC;&#x153;SkĂĄldskaparmĂĄlâ&#x20AC;? 65 Eye problems 66 Rooms with foosball tables
DOWNâ&#x20AC;&#x201A; 1 Creator of the detectives Harley and Hercule 2 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s enough out of youâ&#x20AC;? 3 Seek retribution 4 City outside of Fremantle and Joondalup 5 â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ is either revolution or plagiarismâ&#x20AC;? (Gauguin) 6 Pledge 7 Trudeauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bro 8 Lab, e.g. 9 Gym freebie 10 It might be replaced after getting oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s identity stolen: Abbr. 11 Bunched, as TP 12 Dermatology topic 13 Musical staff edge 19 Stewpot 21 D.C. politics, in a phrase 25 Jewish month that Moses supposed was born and died in 26 â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ heard you the first timeâ&#x20AC;? 27 Piece of bathroom tile 32 Bug-killing brand 33 Big show spot 35 Tree with white bell-like leaves 36 Dropped the bass? 37 Square ___ (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Final Fantasyâ&#x20AC;? game company) 38 Colorless 39 15-Acrossâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offering 40 Case holder 43 Wineglass part 44 Check line 45 Shields on a screen 46 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Conan ___ Needs A Friendâ&#x20AC;? (podcast) 47 Makes some changes 50 Wrapped things up 53 U.K. honors 56 It has roughly 1/3rd of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wealth 57 Ingredient in natto 58 Cooling block 59 Started cries removed from this puzzleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theme
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fall backâ&#x20AC;? went so well Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve decided to keep doing it. Only difference, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll leave my clock where it is and just come into work an hour later every week. By the end of the year Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be getting in right around quitting time.
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