Source Weekly - Aug 11, 2022

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EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s that time again—time when we roll out one big, giant issue dedicated to the winners in Central Oregon’s longest-running and most popular readers’ poll: the Best of Central Oregon! From all of us at the Source Weekly, we’re thrilled to introduce readers to many old favor ites, along with the new and emerging winners out there. Every “Best Of” gives us the chance to connect with the many hardworking and dedicated people of the area, out there doing their thing. Cheers to you, and to the thousands of readers who voted for them! And because putting out an issue of this size—rivaling our largest issues in the Source Weekly’s 25-year history—doesn’t come without a giant slice of effort on our part, I’ll steal some ink here offering my gratitude for our team: to sales reps Ashley Sarvis and Ban Tat for their humor and excellent customer “Sarvis” skills, and new addition Trinity Bradle for the boundless enthusiasm she brings to clients; to reporters Jack Harvel and Chris Wil liams for their hard work, organizational skills and their ability to roll with my advice about “tight writing is good writing,” and grammar-nerd missives; to Bend-famous film writer Jared Rasic and the other freelance contributors who keep ideas fresh, to copy editor Rich ard Sitts for his steady, experienced hand at the end of this production process; to Spanish translator Jessica Sanchez-Millar for her speedy work helping serve the Spanish-speaking community, to designer Nathan Elston for rocking out the 1 million (OK, almost) ads in this paper; to production manager/art director and overall goddess Jessie Czopek for her patience and mad skills in keeping this ship running tight—and of course, to founders Aar on and Angela Switzer for having the foresight, back in 1997, to know that Bend was bound to be a “boomtown,” and definitely, without a doubt (yet against all odds around the state of newspapering), needed its own “alt weekly” to enliven the community. A community newspaper like ours doesn’t survive without a constant loop of support from the community, and so, during this “Best Of 2022,” we say that you, who continue to read, advertise, join our membership program, Source Insider, or who otherwise support this effort, are the Best of Central Oregon.


SUPPORT LOCAL The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 One of the advantages of getting up early is that you can see a sunrise all to yourself. @vitalityinfocus snagged this photo on a recent camping trip and we were lucky enough for her to share it with us! Where’s your favorite spot to watch the sunset? Don’t forget to share your photos with us and tag @sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as our Lightmeter. Winners receive a free print from @highdesertframeworks. LIGHTMETER: PRESENTED BY HARVEST MOON WOODWORKS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: @vitalityinfocus CUSTOM.HARVESTMOONWOODWORKS.COMCABINETS 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 11 - Feature 15 - Source Picks 17 - Sound 20 - Calendar 101 - Chow 105 - Screen 109 - Outside 114 - Craft 115 - Puzzles 116 - Astrology 117 - Column 119 - Real Estate BECOME investigativeYourSUPPORTER!Aone-timeorrecurringcontributionhelpssupportjournalismandfun,smartreportingonlocalfood,eventsandmore! EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - REPORTER Jack Harvel- REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Chris Williams - COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Jim Anderson, Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Ari Levaux,Dr. Jane Guyn, Brian Yaeger, Alan Sculley SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Jessie Czopek - GRAPHIC DESIGNER Nathan Elston - ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat, Trinity Bradle DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer - PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770 Purchase discount gift certificates online perks.bendsource.comat 25% OFF at Scoot Bend $150.00 value for $112.50

Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues. On the Cover: Cover design by Keith Carter Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:

3 The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2021 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2021 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.

*SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. Wilson’s of Redmond Still the Oldest & Largest Furniture Store in Central Oregon! 2071 S. Hwy 97, Redmond 541 548 2066 Next to Olive Garden Since 1962 FREE DELIVERY AND SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE* SIZZLINGONSAVINGSSUMMERACOOLNIGHT 'S SLEEP

As we put out this Best of Central Oregon issue this week, we like to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. It’s easy to get lost in the entrenched pessi mism that is the mood of the day, while all around us there are ideas and solu tions that simply need time to play out. This past week’s governor’s debate between the Republican, Democratic and unaffiliated candidates in the race was something of a window into the moment we find ourselves living in. With Gov. Kate Brown term-limited, there is no incumbent in this race, giv ing each candidate an opportunity to talk endlessly about how bad things are in Oregon. Housing shortages are put ting families on the streets. Inflation is stretching budgets. Forest fires repre sent an existential threat. Crime is out of control. (In fact, a recent analysis by OPB found that only in Portland were crime rates up.) And so on. It’s ironic to hear this from any of the three candidates, because in all of them—Republican Christine Drazan, Democrat Tina Kotek and former Dem ocrat-turned-independent candidate Betsy Johnson—we have leaders who have recently served in the very same legislature that has had the opportu nity to tackle some of these problems. Of course, Drazan will argue that her minority status has meant none of her ideas have seen the light of day. Johnson can waffle between her record in the legislature while also distancing herself from the foibles of either party. Kotek argues that she’s been incredibly effec tive in solving issues around housing. And on that last point we arrive at what is perhaps the most challenging part about politics and the effort to improve the lot of people’s lives in Ore gon: it takes time. Kotek’s leadership in converting motels into shelters and in altering the rules around single-family zoning may very well have the intended effect of getting more people housed, but that effect will not truly be felt until far after this election season— and heck, even after the two terms she could very well serve. We want our leaders to be effec tive, and we want it now. That’s just the nature of the busy, over-stimu lated society we live in. Still, good ideas are complex. Great ideas require good planning and public input and adequate funding and the ability to jump through the regulatory hoops put in place to protect people’s health and safety. Reading about the houselessness cri sis on NextDoor, for example, can lead one to believe that Bend is a hellscape from which there is no point of return. Meanwhile, local leaders—often vil ified and overgeneralized on social media—are plodding through the plans necessary to create long-term solu tions. The Bend City Council recently received criticism for rolling out a plan on how to clear unsanctioned camps. Before doing so, there was no plan at all. Which one would locals rather have: a plan intended to plod through the steps necessary to clear camps to get people off the streets all togeth er, or anarchy where, in a town where housing prices have nearly doubled in two years, the “free market” sets a more inhumane path? The same city councilors who are making this plan will undoubtedly catch hell from some for doing so—but they know that doing something, cre ating a plan and seeing it forward, may also see them lose the next election. And yet they do it anyway—because really, the most admirable politicians should be those who put their heads down and do the work that needs to be done, regardless of how it plays for their next campaign. We have lots of hope for how our region can be better and can better serve the many people who need help. Much of it, though, comes down to being able to spend the time it takes to understand complex issues. Good ideas are out there—but a surface-level understanding can lead to surface-level depression about the state of the world. Dig in and find the layers. Give things time to play out.

Effective Politicians Do It for the Results, Not the Re-Election.


Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate! Oregon's be the next one

Voters in Oregon’s Congressional District 2 have a choice. Voters can vote for Dr. Joe Yetter, who supports free dom – *Freedom to make your personal health-care choices, including obtain ing contraceptives, without govern ment interference. *Freedom to travel to exercise your right to get healthcare.


@sourceweekly   Keep in the know of what's going on in Central Oregon, follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

5 RE: MY TIME WITH TOM FEATURE, JULY 28 Dan Mooney’s piece was so enjoyable to read, that I’m keeping it for many re-reads.Please encourage him to write more of his recollections from his interesting life for publication!

Letter of the Week:

to win?

—Mary Chaffin

Chris Piper actually represented a lot of the same values, beliefs and ideas on current issues and I support him. One thing that struck me from our conversa tion is him stressing how important it is to leave your party hat and agenda at the door and represent for the greater good of the community; one must be a good listener and not have personal agendas when dealing with community issues. Vet candidates and not just vote party line. I will certainly leave my party hat at the mailbox when I cast my vote.

LEAVE YOUR PARTY HAT AGENDA AT THE DOOR! City of Bend website “As stewards of the city, we are accountable to the peo ple of Bend. We are committed to serv ing everyone equitably, creating a more connected community, and preserving Bend’s spirit as we grow.”

—Nicole Vulcan

—Donna C. McLean Editor’s note: Reader Steve Eberhard read “My Time with Tom” and then went back in time to read former pro skier Dan Mooney’s first feature story from Novem ber 2019, “Moondog Goes Pro.” Eberhard then wrote in to share his own memories from ski days gone by: Great read, this was back in my hey day downhill and XC skiing 80+ days/ year, would get up and go skiing, load milk trucks in the afternoon then to rugby practice in the evening two nights a week; riding my 10 speed from Red mond to Sisters on the weekends, play ing basketball there on the city court with friends and then ride back to Red mond... it was all good until I blew out my knee skiing the old school 6’ moguls on Thunderbird. Ah crap, I guess I need to go to college now! All the characters and places in this story were my idols and dreams partially came, mostly come true. I was sooo envious of Spider Sab ich, great skier and he was with uber hot Claudine Longet although that didn’t work out well in the end... Thanks! —Steve Eberhard via

best source for news & local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS THE SOURCE WEEKLY'S E-NEWSLETTER Get your summer tickets in the Reader Every Friday we give away a pair of tickets (and sometimes more than a pair) through our ticket giveaway in the Cascades Reader. Will you

HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions.


*Freedom from fear of gun violence. *Freedom to have your vote counted.

I am certainly not feeling like the Bend City Council is aligning with this statement. It seems as though they have an agenda and are not listening to their constituents and community. Prov en when they passed the “Shelter Code Amendments” despite a majority of Bend residents’ disapproval. I met with Chris Piper for the first time who announced his candidacy for Bend mayor position. Upon meeting him, I found him to be a great listener, surprisingly likeminded and I got the sense that he was proud to be a Bend resident. I was quite surprised as I vot ed for his opponent as he holds an (R). In retrospect, my votes were based on being traumatized by Trump and how the Republican party no longer resem bles the party I know. Perhaps inde pendents and Democrats like myself voted for a slate of Democrats not vet ting them although they ran on plat forms we resonated with.

O Letters


EXCLUSIVE THIS WEEK IN: Start your day with Central

Joanne: Thanks for submitting this important message. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! For those who’d like an introduction into the topic of Indigenous land stewardship and reciprocal rela tionships, I personally recommend reading the book “Braiding Sweet grass.”

This land has a history way before the irrigation district was created. During that time the people prioritized the riv er, the natural rhythm of local plants and animals with the goal of living as stewards and in harmonious ways. Then the 1800s came and the Indigenous peo ple to this land were displaced at gun point to give way for the “advanced civilization” of the Anglo colonizer that brought the marbles of their inventions like our current irrigation system.  As their faulty system crumbles we are asked to look at the 2022 Anglo col onizer with pity when drought is their creation. We must ask, how many Indig enous people have irrigation rights outside of Warm Springs? How many immigrants that work the land will have access to own the land with the same rights as the “first-class farmers” in the area? Indigenous communities of the Americas have dry planting methods, an understanding of local first foods and how to protect the land and water amongst their knowledge. The exploit ative Anglo-centered capitalistic eco nomic system the world lives under will never be able to do what Indigenous communities can. Let’s address drought at the source! And let’s focus the con versation on those with the answers rather than those looking for their piece of the “wild west.”

—Joanne Mina

*Freedom to live in a world not threat ened by climate chaos. Or they can vote for Cliff Bentz, who voted against every one of those freedoms.  Yetter is a retired military doctor who now has a farm in Douglas County. He will put the interests of his constitu ents first. He has already lived up to his oath to support and defend our Consti tution.Bentz had his chance to prove he was worthy of sitting in Congress. But his very first vote was to support the Jan uary 6 Insurrection. Bentz has failed us again and again. Vote for Dr. Joe Yetter because “Yet ter is Better.”

DeWittie did not respond to a request for comment. Her term expires on June 30, 2023.

n July 27 the Redmond School Board appointed Alice DeWittie to serve the remainder of Jill Cum ming’s terms after she resigned, citing person al reasons. DeWittie and four other finalists had been whittled down from a list of 24 applicants. DeWittie is a former principal of Summit High School, departing in 2017 after six years in the role. At the time, DeWittie was involved in developing small “strand” high schools and was a leading candidate to serve as a principal at what would become The Acade my, The Bulletin reported in 2017. She faced some con troversy over the Christian overtones in an email sent to the private Seven Peaks School from her personal email and in a blog post in Pneuma33, a faith-based creative agency that consults clients on web optimiza tion, brand strategy and marketing. “God is shifting from direct leadership to shared Presence at 7 Peaks. Being His light means walking in forgiveness and not revenge, moving in the direc tion of love, peace, and joy not fear, anger, and gossip,” she wrote in an email addressed to a Seven Peaks staff member.Thesince-removed blog post, recovered via web archiving tools, titled Engaging Our Nation’s Children, outlines a model of education that advocates for more individualized education—informed by DeWittie’s Christian faith. “Then one day God said, ‘Everything you have physical responsibility for you have spiritual respon sibility for as well.’ I had physical responsibility for this school, therefore I had spiritual responsibility,” DeWittie wrote in the blog post. Bend-La Pine Schools investigated DeWittie over a complaint made by Stewart Fritchman, who said DeWittie promoted creation theory to his child’s class room. The investigation concluded DeWittie hadn’t violated district policies, but regardless, four days after Fritchman sent his email, DeWittie announced her res ignation without going into detail as to why. Since leaving public education DeWittie’s start ed 511 Impacts, a Christian blog that says its mission, “is to equip the Body of Christ for leadership through encouragement and building one another up.” She also wrote a book called “The Exchange: The Parable of the Seed” that derives Christian lessons from short fic tional“Jesusstories.taught in parables, allegories that illustrate the truth of the Kingdom. Creating a world where these truths are explored in a different setting, The Exchange introduces us to the Heart of the Father,” a description of the book says on Amazon.

Charan Cline said he wasn’t aware of the controversy surrounding DeWittie until after she was selected as a finalist. He doesn’t foresee any issues stemming from DeWittie’s appointment.

The Redmond School Board appointed a former Summit High School principal who some parents accuse of pushing Christianity on students By Jack Harvel

“Those are completely irrelevant to me. I’m refer ring very specifically to supervisory managerial and leadership ability,” Brees said. He added that he believes the Redmond School District failed to adequately communicate the vacan cy and appointment. Cline, however, says the process worked both as outlined in the school’s board policies, and in attracting a wide range of candidates.

Only one person appeared to oppose DeWittie’s appointment on July 27. Scott Brees opposed the appointment based on a series of antagonistic epi sodes he experienced while setting up Summit High School’s robotics team. He says her religion doesn’t factor into his complaint.

Controversial Former Principal Joins School Board

“When people come to a board, I work with them and do the best I can to bring them together to create a single voice and understand that we all have to follow the laws and the rules of the state of Oregon.”

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During DeWittie’s interview with the Redmond School Board she listed her 20 years of experience in public education and experience working with boards as her biggest motivators seeking the seat. DeWit tie has more experience in public schools than her competition, serving as an assessment, curriculum and instruction specialist, building administrator and principal.Herapplication mirrors the individualized approach to teaching outlined in Engaging Our Nation’s Chil dren, without the overt Christian themes, stating, “Not all students thrive in a comprehensive model, Red mond is big enough to provide alternative options for students. These would include those developed by the district, charter school options and support for home schoolSuperintendentfamilies.”

“There’s 100 different reasons people run for boards, right,” Cline said. “When people come to a board, I work with them and do the best I can to bring them together to create a single voice and understand that we all have to follow the laws and the rules of the state of Oregon.”


“We advertised widely. The sessions for selecting people were held in public,” Cline said. “He may not have been aware of it because it is a Redmond issue not a Bend issue. So, I don’t know that I know what he would have wanted different in terms of transparency. We did have a huge slate of candidates, that’s the most candidates I’ve ever seen for something like that.”


A new survey sheds light on pandemic-era employment trends

A chart showing what COVID changed about Oregonians’ work life.

By Jack Harvel

Harsh terrain keeps firefighters away, and containment lines have yet to be set By Jack Harvel The Cedar Creek Fire ignited on Aug. 1 after a lightning storm touched down about 3 miles west of Waldo Lake on the Willamette National Forest, about 40 miles southwest of Bend. The fire quickly burned up the heavy timber and as of Aug. 8 it’s 3,234 acres. On Aug. 4 the Willamette National Forest closed the entire Waldo Lake Wilder ness area, dispatching patrols to corral campers and other recreationists out of the area. Since discovering the fire, firefighters have had difficulty combating it due to the“Crewsterrain.assigned to the fire were pulled back for a number of reasons: there was no reliable safe access to the fire, there were no escape routes for firefighters on the ground and so far, there are no apparent natural barriers available for firefighters to stop the fire, especially without available air support,” Willamette National Forest wrote in a press release. Some 236 people are working on stopping the fire as of Aug. 8, and crews are working on finding containment lines and developing a plan to control it. On August 8 the fire was 0% contained. Lower temperatures and higher relative humid ity aren't expected to significantly modify fire behavior until Aug. 9. “Relative humidity will fall low enough to slow most fire spread. Fire behavior will still consist of creeping, smoldering, and some surface fire with occasional sin gle tree torching. Minimal fire spread expected,” a report from Willamette Nation al Forest Thursday’ssays. expected lower humidity had the potential to allow the fire to spread where there’s more fuel, but some smoldering and slow-moving fire spread is likely.


“If employers were willing to raise wages to a living level, people would jump at the chance to get those jobs. Since they have a bit of a cushion now, people looking for work can afford to be slightly pickier rather than —DESCHUTESdesperate.”

Cedar Creek Fire Engulfs Over 3,000 Acres

Oregonians reported their preference for in-person, remote and hybrid work.

Courtesy of the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center

The fire has been a source for the smoke seeping into Bend, which at times tipped the region in “moderate” air quality, according to the Air Quality Index. Moderate is typically acceptable for most people, but could cause health concerns for people who are prone to respiratory symptoms. The smoke from the Cedar Creek Fire seeped into Bend over the past two weeks, which has seen two days of moderately unhealthy air quality.

An Oregon Values and Beliefs Center sur vey found that 62% of the state’s workforce had been influenced by COVID, includ ing moving to remote work (20%), receiving unemployment insurance (18%) and becoming self-employed (12%). The survey, collected between July 8-16, found the move toward remote work is most preva lent among high-earners, with 34% of six-figure workers changing to at-home work compared to 18% of those making less. Oregonians most pre fer a hybrid model, with 41% responding more favorably than the 26% who’d rather work from home and the 19% who want to work on-site. Over one in four Oregonians quit their job in the last two years in a time dubbed the Great Resignation. Oregon’s quit rate, the percent of people who leave a job in each month, has hov ered around 3% over the past four months, levels that were anomalous before the pandemic dis rupted the economy. The common reasons for quitting are disre spectful work environments and low pay, at 43% and 41% respectively. Oregonians are more like ly to cite the high cost of living rather than an influx of public benefits in causing the Great Resignation.“Ifemployers were willing to raise wag es to a living level, people would jump at the chance to get those jobs. Since they have a bit of a cushion now, people looking for work can afford to be slightly pickier rather than desper ate,” a Deschutes County woman responded in the survey.

The estimated containment date of the Cedar Creek Fire is Oct. 1.

Courtesy of the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center

Not-So-Great Resignation

Courtesy of Inciweb

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Por / By Jack Harvel Translated by / Traducido por Jéssica Sánchez-Millar El incendio de Cedar Creek comenzó el 1 de agos to después de que un relámpago tocará terreno a unas 3 millas hacia el oeste de Waldo Lake que se encuentra en el bosque nacional de Willamette, a unas 40 millas al suroeste de Bend. El fuego quemó rápida mente la madera pesada y al 8 de agosto ya está abar cando 3,234 hectáreas. El 4 de agosto, el bosque nacional de Willamette cerró por completo la zona silvestre de Waldo Lake y envió patrullas para sacar de ahí a los campistas y a las personas que hacían actividades de recreo. Desde que se supo del incendio, a los bomberos les ha costado trabajo combatirlo debido al terreno en que se encuen tra.“Las cuadrillas asignadas al incendio fueron retira das por varias razones: no había acceso seguro y con finable al incendio, no habían rutas de escape para los bomberos localizados en el terreno y hasta el momen to no hay barreras naturales disponibles para que los bomberos apaguen el incendio, sobre todo sin existir asistencia aérea disponible,” escribió en un comunica do de prensa el bosque nacional de Willamette.

A partir del 8 de agosto unas 236 personas están trabajando para detener el fuego y las cuadrillas están trabajando para encontrar líneas de contención y esta blecer un plan para controlar el incendio. Al 8 de agos to el incendio estaba contenido al 0%. No se espera que las temperaturas bajas y la humedad alteren el comportamiento del incendio hasta el 9 de agosto. “La humedad bajara lo suficiente para retardar la mayor parte de la propagación del fuego. El compor tamiento del fuego seguirá siendo arrastrante, ardi ente y algunas zonas se quemaran superficialmente con la quema ocasional de un solo árbol. Se espera un mínimo de propagación del fuego,” reportó el bosque nacional de Willamette. La baja humedad esperada para el día jueves tenía la posibilidad de permitir que el fuego se propague en donde hay más combustible, pero es probable que se propague algo de fuego ardiente y lento. La fecha esti mada de contención del incendio en Cedar Creek es el 1 deEloctubre.incendio ha sido el origen del humo creciente en Bend, el cual en momentos llevó a la región a tener una calidad de aire “moderada,” de acuerdo con el índice de la calidad del aire. Una calidad moderada es gen eralmente aceptable para la mayoría de las personas, pero podría causar problemas de salud a las personas que son propensas a sufrir de molestias respiratorias.

AHealthydventuresAwait! BVC Open

El terreno mantiene alejados a los bomberos y aún no se han marcado las líneas de contención

—Willamette National Forest

“Las cuadrillas asignadas al incendio fueron retiradas por varias razones: no había acceso seguro y confiable al incendio, no habían rutas de escape para los bomberos localizados en el terreno y hasta el momento no hay barreras naturales disponibles para que los bomberos apaguen el incendio, sobre todo sin existir asistencia aérea disponible.”


El incendio de Cedar Creek abarca más de 3,000 hectáreas

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“I thought that that would be a very natural way to get people who are in the camps into safer quarters, at YouthBuild students constructed the first unit of Oasis Village’s shelters.

YouthBuildcont.onp 13

Oasis Village Oasis Village started as the Redmond Village Team under Jericho Road, a nonprofit that brings food, emergency assistance and housing resources to unhoused people in Redmond. It envisioned a village like Rogue Retreat’s Hope Village in Jackson County to address Redmond’s rising houseless population. The booth at the fair featured a structure that will even tually become one of Oasis Village’s 10-12 single-bed room units upon opening, and possibly as many as 40 by completion.Redmond’s houseless population is less visible than Bend’s, but that’s changing. Last year tents start ed popping up along Highway 97 through town for the first time. Redmond’s more typical unhoused person is living in a recreation vehicle east of Redmond’s indus trial area on Deschutes County and Bureau of Land Management property. “There’s probably on the order of 150, plus or minus 50. But somewhere between 100-200 individuals that live in the junipers,” said Bob Bohac, chair of Oasis Vil lage. “But they of course come into Redmond for all their activities: shopping, going to St. Vincent’s food pantry, clothing, doctor’s appointments, they’re all coming into Redmond.”


By Jack Harvel At the recent Deschutes County Fair, one building was unlike the others. Tucked between a pool with a high dive and the livestock complex, a small “vil lage style” shelter was brought in along with informa tion on the various efforts to start what’s been called managed camps, village-style shelters and tiny home villages.Oasis Village, Central Oregon Villages, St. Vincent de Paul and others from the patchwork of houseless service providers manned the tent, fielding questions about the projects. Central Oregon’s first village-style shelter opened in November with Central Oregon Vet eran’s Village; now, at least three others are in the works.


Living in hard-to-reach places provides a challenge to houseless services. Outreach to smaller campsites scattered across public lands means it’s more difficult keeping track of people, more arduous trips to deliver essential supplies and a more entrenched population that is accustomed to an off-the-grid lifestyle. “A lot of those people have been out there lon ger, have become self-sufficient, and in many cases, through bad experiences trying to get help but not get ting help, have become more or less settled into that lifestyle,” said James Cook, vice-chair of Oasis Village. “The challenges we’re going to face is convincing those people that this is a realistic opportunity to improve their situation. because a number of them will have failed at other attempts before.”

Desert Oasis Redmond’s first village-style houseless shelter is getting by with a little help from its friends

Another huge barrier to getting people in pro grams in Redmond is the fear of theft. Every trip to town could end in the theft of their property. Bohac said shortly after moving to Central Oregon in 2013 he volunteered for a Shepherd’s House warming cen ter stationed in Redmond churches. Despite outreach informing houseless people there’d be a warm place to stay on cold nights, zero people took them up on it.

ROOMTASTING BEER GARDEN HOURS: THURS - SUN 12 PM - 7 PM 969 SW COLORADO AVE. • Park in Beer Garden or Tasting Room parking lot! • Visit Woody the Beer Trailer in his new home! • Prepare for your amphitheater event with us! • Stop in before/after you float the river! • Dogs welcome! $1 OFF PINT OF YOUR CHOICE BRING THIS COUPON FOR REDEMPTION REDEEMABLE @ BEER GARDEN LOCATION ONLY Coupon Expires 09/30/22 THANK CENTRALYOUOREGONFORVOTINGDESCHUTES“ BEST BREWERY”! Come enjoy your favorite beers at our new Beer Garden! @DeschutesBrewery @DeschutesBreweryBendTR PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY · © 2022, DESCHUTES BREWERY, BEND, OR

Central Oregon Villages, another shelter that’ll cater to women over 65 in its first round of applicants, faced several setbacks when acquiring land. A proposal to create a shelter on Ninth Street got thrown out after intense public scrutiny, leading them to seek other accommodations. Now, the village will lease land adja cent to Desert Streams Church on 27th Street in Bend. It’s in phase one of a contract with the City of Bend to conduct public outreach, and will be able to break ground once a report on public outreach is accepted by the City.


Jack Harvel

The village display at the Deschutes County Fair included a shelter that’ll be used for Oasis Village, and information from a patchwork of service providers in Central Oregon.

Jack Harvel

“Construction started off as our main focus,” Roehne said. “It’s an identified need of affordable housing. And one way to combat that is to be able to go out there and do it. Construction is one of the lead ing fields in Central Oregon. And this is a natural fun nel for young people to get these jobs skills and go into this overarching field.”

St. Vincent de Paul already built 10 bedroom structures like the ones being used by Oasis Village: it’s expecting to open in September.

13 FEATURE least in cold nights in the wintertime. Not a single one of them came,” Bohac said. Bohac shared the story of Medford-based Rogue Retreat staff doing interviews at Redmond’s winter shelter on a low-population night with only around 19 individuals, finding an interesting fact about who was there. “There was no one at the shelter that lived in the camps,” he said. “There were people who might live within trailers on the streets of Redmond, but there are really distinct subpopula tions.”People living in the camps are a population Oasis Village hopes will take a chance on services. Accom modations include a parking area where people can stash RVs and belongings while going through the pro gram and the ability for couples to apply. But with over a year until its anticipated opening in November 2023, Cook said they’re avoiding putting up too many barri ers to “Weentry.dowant to be a low-barrier shelter. Which, right now the amount of low-barrier shelters that’s available to someone on a stable basis, as opposed to just day-to-day or night tonight, is very limited in Red mond, and even in Central Oregon,” Cook said. The low barrier to enter is matched by a higher bar rier to remain. No drugs or alcohol will be allowed on the premises. Disrespectful behavior to staff or neigh bors won’t be tolerated, and any violence will get some one kicked from the program. People will also have to follow individually tailored plans set up by a casework er, meeting goals for things like employment, rehabili tation and applying for benefits. “From the experience of other groups that are run ning shelter villages, they generally find that people take three months to about two years to transition through the program into something that is more sta ble,” Cook said. That could include another transitional program or stable housing, something made difficult by the lack of affordable housing in Central Oregon. The full range of services will rely on other nonprofits tackling the same issues. A common notion heard from houseless ser vice providers is that they’re just one piece of a larger coalition seeking to end the houseless crisis—a notion Cook“We’ part of that work, but we’re working with other people to ensure that that whole continu um is available,” Cook said. The Whole Puzzle Zoom out and look at the whole puzzle and you’ll find that indeed, no houseless service provider works alone. Oasis Village lists Hayden Homes, Rogue Retreat, Jericho Road, Heart of Oregon Corps and more as partners, but truly there’s even more interac tion with a range of businesses and nonprofits. Bohac says Hayden Homes has been invaluable with site planning and providing designs for the shel ters. Jericho Road does outreach and helps spread the word at the camps. Rogue Retreat provides knowl edge of running a village shelter. And Heart of Oregon Corps and its offshoot YouthBuild will construct up to 15 units.“We’re able to provide job training and skills within Central Oregon, but really giving back to Redmond’s community,” said YouthBuild program director Tan ner Roehne. “A lot of our youth are coming from the Redmond area. So, this is just a natural platform with our training center located in Redmond.” YouthBuild trains about 45 students a year in con struction and child and youth development, leaving students with entry level certifications needed to enter those fields. The program also provides credit recov ery for students in high school or GED programs. Its focus on the construction and child care industry is a response to community needs.

Oasis Village is funded through three grants total ing just under $1 million. Bohac says it’s using that money to hire staff to oversee the camp, administra tive roles and grant writers. The free labor from Youth Build and Redmond High School and a free 2-acre parcel ceded by Deschutes County have been helpful getting the project off the ground, but the program will need more self-sustaining funding sources once the program begins, he said. There have been some hurdles to opening its doors, most recently with its need to bring infrastructure to the worksite. Its most recent timeline is less optimis tic than previous estimates of 9-12 months after secur ing a site, mirroring setbacks other village shelters are facing. Delays Meanwhile, another village is almost ready for its opening day. All 10 housing units at St. Vincent De Paul are already constructed, and the only needs for devel opment are the central community building and an upgrade to the power line that can fuel the electron ic gates and security system. The original opening day was set for March, but the electrical issues delayed the village months back. It’s now projected to open in Sep tember.“The program director can’t occupy his [on site] house until we get the inspection, which we can’t get until we have power,” said Gary Hewitt, executive director of St. Vincent de Paul.

YouthBuild students built the shelter displayed at the fair, expecting to finish up the interior in the next month. Oasis Village is hoping YouthBuild can make a shelter every month, and materials are already acquired to build the second shelter. Redmond High School’s Construction Technology classes are also chipping in, expecting to build a unit or two per semester during the 2022-2023 school year. “They’d really like to have something that has the plans, and students can go from the electronic plans to seeing it actually built,” Bohac said. “These partner ships along the way have been a blessing, we are doing as much as we can trying to involve the partners with community members, whether it’s Rotary, Kiwanis, VFW, doctors, churches—we try to do as much local fundraising as we can.”

St. Vincent’s Place was in the planning phase through summer of 2021 and has been able to break ground faster than other villages since St. Vincent de Paul owns the land the village sits on. The program is catering to non-chronic houseless people. “We can’t help the mentally ill; we aren’t set up to do that here. There is a place for that, I’m sure, but it’s not here. We need to help people who are just strug gling and almost there but can’t get there,” Hewitt said.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 14 The 2021 Subaru Ascent. The biggest Subaru SUV ever with room for up to 8 passengers. Choice of second-row captain’s chairs or bench seating. Standard EyeSight® Driver Assist Technology,15 and standard Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive + up to 27 mpg.* Oregon’s Oldest Subaru Dealer Family Owned Since 1937 Call 877-266-3821 Visit 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend Click Did you know Thank CentralYouOregon! We’re grateful for your patience during construction!Proudlyservingyouforover80 years. The Only Locally Owned Dealership in Central Oregon West Coast’s Oldest Subaru Dealer Three Rows. Seats 7 or 8. Oregon’s Oldest Subaru Dealer Family Owned Since 1937 Call 877-266-3821 Visit 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend Click ww Did you know Subaru has luxury? New service facility withcapacity!increased The 2022 Subaru Ascent. Our biggest SUV ever, with room for up to 8 passengers. Choice of second-row captain’s chairs or bench seating. Up to 5,000 pounds of towing capacity.* Plus Standard symmetrical All-Wheel-Drive + up to 27 MPG†. We Don’t Charge a Dime Over MSRP for New Subarus

SOUTHERN AVENUE & JONTAVIOUS WILLIS COME DOWN TO SOUTHERN AVENUE Southern Avenue is a blues band that knows how to crank up a song in a matter of seconds. The group plays explosive live shows, so expect the roof to be blown off of the Sisters Art Works stage this week. Thu., Aug. 11, 7pm. Sisters Art Works. 204 West Adams St., Sisters. $35.





THE RECORD COMPANY with Emily Wolfe at Oregon Spirit Distillers



SOUTHERN AVE Jimmy Holmes & Jontavious Willis at Sisters Art Works MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL Redmond’s 2nd Annual at High Desert Music Hall



THERE WILL BE BLUES, TOO We apologize for blowing up this gem of a concert series. Hailed as “the best kept secret in Central Oregon,” the Sisters Rhythm and Brews festival brings some of the best acts in blues to an outdoor stage at Village Green Park. Fri., Aug. 12-Sat.. Aug. 13, 4-11:45pm Fri. 11:30am-11pm Sat. Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St., Sisters. $65-$125.




THE RECORD COMPANY SOME OF BEND’S BEST The rambunctious blues-roots band plays a hard-driving traditional blues that beg listeners to crank up the volume. This is sure to be a rowdy and exciting show. Sun., Aug. 14, 6-11pm. Oregon Spirit Distillers, 740 NE First St., $30.


BALANCED BEND MENTAL HEALTH FESTIVAL WELLNESS INCLUDED The festival will give participants the opportunity to sample and inquire about different mental health services around Central Oregon. Sun., Aug. 14, 11am5pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. Free. Unsplash Patrick Niddrie Courtesy Ana Popovich Courtesy Concord Media Courtesy Southern Avenue

SUNRIVER ART FAIR THE VILLAGE GETS A MAKEOVER Over 70 artists will display their prices of work, which will be juried throughout the weekend. Soak in the creativity and find inspiration walking through The Village at Sunriver. Fri., Aug. 12-Sun., Aug.14, 9am-5pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Free.

FESTIVAL WEEKEND OF ENTERTAINMENT Back for its second year, the Redmond Music and Arts Festival features some of Central Oregon’s most talented musicians and artists. Central Oregon is stacked with talent ready to showcase their skills! Fri., Aug. 12-Sat., Aug. 14, Noon-10pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Free.

8/11 – 8/14

ULTIMATE SCAVENGER: REDMOND YOUR LOCAL IS SHOWING Ultimate Scavenger offers the opportunity to let participants prove they know Redmond best. Participants will explore Redmond through clues while competing for cash prizes! Sat., Aug. 13, 1-5pm. Cascade Lakes at 7th St., 855 SW Seventh St., Redmond. $25-$85.


DRUNK SHAKESPEARE TO HAVE A DRINK OR NOT, THAT IS THE QUESTION Ever had to stand up in high school and deliver a monologue to the entire class? If not, congrats, it’s the worst; but at least these comedians will have a couple drinks under their belts. Watch Bend’s best comedians amble through some of the most famous words known to history. Sat., Aug. 13, 8-10pm. Craft Kitchen and Brewery., 62988 NE Layton Ave., Bend. $15.




KNOW PNW: WILLIAM SULLIVAN NEW HIKES IN OREGON William Sullivan is the author of many renowned hiking guidebooks. In this talk he features some of the new trails he has discovered and updates to older ones he has written about in past books. Sat., Aug. 13, 2-3pm. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall St., Bend. Free.

REBELUTION W/STEEL PULSE & DENM TUNES TO FEEL SAFE AND SOUND Rebelution is one of the most popular touring reggae acts right now. The band’s shows are full of energy and pull from an extensive 18-year catalogue. Rebulution will be joined by reggae legends Steel Pulse and Southern California up and comer DENM. Thu., Aug. 11, 5:30pm. Hayden Homes Amphitheater. 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr., Bend. $33.



Something Dirty has a special sound not head much in these parts—check them out soon!

SW: In the band’s bio you list inspira tions like Pearl Jam, Dinosaur Jr. and the Pixies. What is it about those bands you think you gravitate toward? CC: It’s all music we grew up on. All of the other three guys have played in bands before, and Greg and Jesse played in bands that did original music and really at the time were playing right in line with those bands. It’s something we all identify with.

CC: We are certainly planning on recording over winter. I think we’ll stick to something around six songs. We don’t want there to be any filler. So that’s in the works. As somebody who is new to the band atmosphere itself, and just happened to find what I feel is the right band for me. It’s exciting to see that people are enjoying our music. For me it’s a long time-realization of a dream come true. SW: Are you excited to kick off Cra ter Lake Spirits’ summer series next weekend?

SW: With all these songs out do you have any plans for an album?

CC: Absolutely! We’ve got four gigs this month, one at Bevel next Wednes day. Then this one at Crater Lake Spirits and one at On Tap. We’re really looking forward to this one because it was one of the early ones we booked. It almost validated that we were onto something. For us we’re really thankful for this opportunity.

SW: You’ve put out 12 songs already in the last 11 months, which is really pro ductive. Do you have any favorites so far?

Courtesy of the band

Purchase discount gift certificates online at


Since starting a band around 18 months ago, Something Dirty has been on an awesome streak of song releases. With Gregg Swanson and Jesse Fish on guitar/vocals, Dan Scroggin on drums and Chad Crowell on bass, Some thing Dirty brings back a taste of ‘80s and ‘90s rock that walks a space some where between R.E.M and Pearl Jam. With a sound one doesn’t hear around Central Oregon too often, Something Dirty is bringing something new to the scene here—and they’re hav ing a blast doing it. “After the show last night we were talking and laughing, saying, ‘we were far from perfect tonight but we had fun.’ And that’s what it’s all about,” says bassist Chad Crowell. This weekend the band plays at the Crater Lake Spir its tasting room in Tumalo. We caught up with bassist Chad Crowell last week. Read more about Something Dirty below.

Get to Know Something Dirty

Spirit of Summer Concert Series Something Dirty Sat., Aug 13, 6-8:30pm Crater Lake Spirits Distillery Tasting Room 19330 Pinehurst Road, Tumalo $5-$10

SW: I really like “Folding Chairs At The Salt Palace.” It’s a pretty epic-sounding instrumental. How did that song come together? CC: The title of that one is great. I can’t remember the entire story but it reminded Greg somehow of being at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City. That kind of bright riff that starts it out was really the foundation of this song. That’s another early one. It didn’t come together real ly until Jesse joined the band. He comes in at a certain point with this driving distorted riff that brings it into a main stream rock-feel.



By Isaac Biehl

The Bend-based four-piece has hit the ground running and is having fun while doing it

CC: We all definitely circulate around a half-dozen songs. The original favorite for all of us is called “Superman,” which was maybe the first song we looked at like, ‘that’s pretty good!’ It’s a little monotonous, but in a good way. Hyp notic. It gets you in a groove. The thing about our songs is that they are all very personal to Greg and Jessie. They’ve both been through things in their life and the songs represent what they went through. When you listen and feel the music you can see that it’s an emotional release for them.

Source Weekly: When did you start the band and how did you come togeth er? Chad Crowell: We were really born out of COVID. We’ve probably been together for about 18 months. I actual ly went looking toward the end of lock down to get out and get creative out of the house. I’d personally been playing bass since I was in my 20s. So I thought it was time to find a band. There hap pened to be a perfect Craigslist ad at the time, put out by Greg and another gui tarist who isn’t in the band anymore, and they had been writing music for maybe six months at the time. So I went for a hangout and we had really good synergy personality-wise.

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202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 19 The Joy of Pandemic Songwriting Mt. Joy hits the Hayden Homes stage Aug. 13

By Alan Sculley

Mt. Joy with Special Guest Wilderado Sat., Aug. 13. Doors 5pm, Show 6pm Hayden Homes Amphitheater 344 Shevlin Hixon Dr., Bend $45+ Bendconcerts.comfees


ver since Mt. Joy made a big splash in the music world with “Silver Lining,” the single from the band’s 2018 self-titled debut album that became a No. 1 hit at adult alternative radio, the band has been widely labeled as a folk-rock act and frequently com pared to The Lumineers. Mt. Joy singer/guitarist Matt Quinn will even allow that “Silver Lining” sounded a little like The Lumi neers, with its strummy folk-ish verses and stacked harmonies in the chorus. And the fact that Mt. Joy opened for The Lumineers on that group’s early 2020 arena tour probably reinforced the connection. But Quinn is ready to see Mt. Joy’s music viewed through something much broader than a folk-rock/ Lumineers lens. “I love The Lumineers. I got to meet them. They’re lovely people. I think the music they make is fantastic,” Quinn noted during a late-July phone interview. “Not wanting to be compared to them has nothing to do with not liking their music. I think it’s just about com parison. I’ve always felt like it was about comparison. “I get where it came from and everything, but I think it’s a bit lazy. Our big hit song, sort of, I can see where the Lumineers thing comes in,” he said. “But it didn’t even really represent the (first) record, I think, that well. If you go back and listen to the first record, the other songs were pretty different. So I don’t know if our whole goal is to avoid comparisons, but it is nice to start to feel like we’re coming into our own and the music we’re making fits the music we want to be making.”Theband’s newly released third album, “Orange Blood,” could go a long way in changing perceptions about Mt. Joy’s music. There is still a folk element to songs such as “Roly Poly,” “Don’t It Feel Good” and the title track, but they come with some gauzy atmospherics, synthet ic beats and treated guitar tones that push the songs outside of the folk realm. Elsewhere Mt. Joy get even more adventurous with the sonics. “Johnson Song” has a distorted lead guitar that gives the tune a freaky edge. “Lemon Tree” takes on a Beatles-esque psyche delic pop experience when it kicks into a pair of instru mental segments full of fuzzed up tones. “Evergreen,” meanwhile, is a catchy, nervy rocker with shimmery guitars and a driving beat. The sonic creativity general ly enhances the songs, but what still stands out most is the ability of Quinn and his bandmates to craft striking and inviting melodies. Quinn got started writing for “Orange Blood” soon after the tour opening for The Lumineers wrapped in MarchThat2020. wasnot the original plan. Mt. Joy had its sec ond album, “Rearrange Us,” ready for release and was eyeing an extensive round of touring in 2020 to sup port the album. But then the pandemic hit, upending those big plans, although the band went ahead and released “Rearrange Us” rather than making their fans wait any longer for new music. Pivoting into songwriting mode was the only real option for Quinn once the world started shutting down. “Right when the pandemic started, I was in New York City. I was stuck in a studio apartment and actu ally my girlfriend had a kind of busted acoustic guitar, but I didn’t even have my guitar,” Quinn said. “But I had (her) guitar and it (songwriting) was all there was to do. We were literally quarantined and genuinely ter rified of interacting with people. So we were making music, and yeah, it was freeing in a way to have an out let like that. I feel really, really fortunate that that was my Quinnjob.” and his girlfriend didn’t stay in New York City for long. The city became an epicenter of the pan demic, and feeling it had become dangerous to be there, they decided to move to Quinn’s former hometown of Philadelphia. Afterthat, Quinn and his songwriting partner in Mt. Joy, guitarist Sam Cooper, rented a small barn near Philadelphia and started convening for near-daily writ ing and recording sessions. Most of “Orange Blood” was written there, and then it was time to hit the stu dio. So Quinn and Cooper joined the rest of the band— keyboardist Jackie Miclau, bassist Michael Byrnes and drummer Sotoris Eliopoulos—and producer Caleb Nelson in Los Angeles, where the album was complet ed.Quinn said the new songs—even with the stu dio-crafted sonics—translate well to the live stage. And the “Orange Blood” material is bringing Mt. Joy closer to achieving the kind of live experience the band has wanted to create all along. “One of the real amazing things about the new album is it’s really allowed our sets to be more diverse,” Quinn said. “Before this album we had, what, like I don’t know, 26 songs, which of course, you don’t play every single one. You get into a set list problem where you’re trying to change it up as much as possible, and we would really like to become a band that plays, that has unique shows. And our new album has real ly allowed that to happen. It’s set up some cool jams. It’s really made the live show more dynamic, I think.”

Courtesy Mt. Joy Armed with a new album and expanding catalog of songs, Mt. Joy is happy to perform more diverse and unique set lists.

20 10 Wednesday Darrell Scott | Cascades Radio Hour Series #10 High Desert Music Hall hopes audiences will join the venue in person for this live music performance. Or tune in to 96.5 FM for the live broadcast by Jive Radio! Featuring - Darrell Scott. Playing folk, bluegrass and backyard rock for The Cascades Radio Series #10. 7:30-9pm. $25. Bevel Craft Brewing Live Music from Something Dirty at Bevel Craft Brewing Bend’s own Something Dirty takes the stage for a twohour set of Its alt-rock originals. 6-8pm. Free. Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays at Cabin 22 Trivia Wed. at Cabin 22 with Useless Knowledge Bowl! More TV coverage, locals specials, prizes to win! 25 SW Century Dr. Bend. Free. Craft Kitchen & Brewery Comedy Open Mic Sign-up 7:30. Starts at 8. Free to watch. Free to perform. If you’ve ever wanted to try stand-up comedy, this is where you start! 8-10pm. Free.

Seven Nightclub & Restaurant The CO Show The CO Show is a free comedy showcase!! ($15 Donation Suggested) Doors open at 7pm show starts at 8pm! Central Oregon Comedy Scene and Karaokaine productions have teamed up to bring this show to you!! Its CO Hosted with Multpile Hosts, CO Produced for Central Oregon!! 8pm. Free. Silver Moon Brewing Song & Story with Pete Kartsounes Pete is an award-winning singer-songwriter, flat picker and cutting-edge musician’s musician. No stranger to life out on the road, Pete has spent over two decades bringing his voice and guitar to stages all over the world. Come experience one of Bend’s finest talents! 6-8pm. Free. Volcanic Theatre Pub Agent Orange w/ Decent Criminal at Volcanic The Original Southern California punk/surf power trio, Agent Orange, is one of only a handful of bands who have been continually active since the earliest days of the West Coast Punk Scene. 9-11:30pm.


Midtown Yacht Club Dustin Does TriviaSeason 2 Midtown Yacht Club has partnered with Dustin Riley Events to remix a trivia night into an extra playful event that no one thought possible! Dustin’s high energy & positive vibes will bring the community together; creating an experience not-done-before in the trivia scene! Prizes for 1st & 2nd place! Every other Wed., 7-9pm. Free. Monkless Belgian Ales Monkless Belgian Ales - Food Truck Wednesdays Join Monkless every Wed. from 4-9pm! The brewery is throwing it back to the old days with food trucks, live music & games! “OG Taproom” vibes but at The Brasserie! 4-9pm. Free. Northside Bar & Grill Accoustic Open Mic w/ Derek Michael Marc Head down to the Northside Bar and Grill Wed. to catch local artists perform live. 7-9pm. Free. Pour House Grill Ultimate Trivia Night with Clif Come to Pour House Grill for the best trivia night in town, guaranteed. With new questions every week written by the host Clif, and interHouse Trivia Night will have you on the edge of your seat! 6-8pm. Free.

11 Thursday All the Town’s a Stage SRB & SFF presents: Southern Ave & Jontavious Willis artists, Jontavious Willis and Southern Ave. Jontavious is described as a 70-year-old blues man in a 20-year-old’s body. He is self taught and very proficient on the slide, guitar and banjo. Southern Ave. began with roots in the church which will come across in beautiful harmonizing and gospel beats. These talented young artists are the next generation of blues, gospel and soul music. 6-10pm. $35. Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia Night at Bridge 99 Join each Thu. at six, for live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! The Yard at Bunk + Brew Amateur Karaoke Night Don’t worry, no one’s a professional here! Come out and enjoy a fun-filled night in the beer garden with Karaoke hosted by Bunk+Brews awesome neighbors. Bring friends, make friends and sing that song you always sign in the shower! 7-10pm. Free. Craft Kitchen and Brewery Trivia Night Craft is bringing a nostaligic spin to trivia with large, hand crafted, replicas of Trivial Pursuit wheels. There are enough pies for six teams. So, get early to claim your favorite color! Sign-up 6:30pm. Starts at 7pm. Free to play. 6:30-8pm. Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy at Craft: Erik Escobar Saturday nights are made for laughter at Craft. Craft Beer is on tap along with cider and great cocktails! Headliner Erik Escobar is a Mexipino comedian who has performed and headlined all over the United States at clubs, colleges and theatres independently, with the Almost Asian Comedy Tour, and opening for acts such as Rex Navarrete and Jerry Seinor machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 One Mad Man @ Crosscut - Warming Hut No. 5 Join Crosscut Warming Hut for music in the garden with One Mad Man! 6-8pm. Free. Cross-Eyed Cricket Gabrial Sweyn Live music every Wed. from 8pm-10pm. Free. Deschutes Historical Museum Source Weekly 25th Anniversary Party! Help the Source community celebrate a quarter of a century! The public is invited to celebrate with live music and Hayden Homes Amphitheater The Chicks Tour A great band live at Hayden Homes! 6:30pm. $65-$175. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight. M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. (21 and over) 6:30pm. Free.






$15. Worthy Brewing Live Music Wednesdays Enjoy free live music every Wed. at Worthy Brewing’s Eastside Pub! 6-8pm. Free.

Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children. BE COMBINED WITH ON 10/10/22. EXPIRES ON 10/10/22. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH EXPIRES

CALENDAR LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE > Tickets Available on $5 OFF $15 OFF $30 OFF Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not operate a vehicle

The guys from Social Creatures enter Bunk+Brew Backyard for the group’s first time - as Jonny, Ricky, Brett & Isaac bring a new style of classic rock and psych jazz. Expect originals and covers! Come out and rock to some live music and craft beers! 7-9pm. Free.

River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions Singer/ songwriter/bluesman Bobby Lindstrom joins River’s Place for some soul-inspiring blues and rock. His riveting original songs reflect the stories of his life, his loves and his quest of helping people through music. 6-8pm. Free.

Courtesy Southern Avenue TICKETS AVAILABLE AT

The Astro Lounge Local Artist Spotlight Sundays This is a chance to listen to Central Oregon’s newest and upcoming local artists. They have earned their spot to perform a two-hour show, changing weekly, every Sun. Support Local Top Notch talent! 7-9pm. Free.

13 Saturday Bend Cider Co. Aidan Moye Aidan grew up in Buffalo, Wyoming with music all over the house. With his mother and father both being musical it wasn’t long before he picked up his first guitar. Instrument in hand, he found a love for writing songs and sharing music with others. 5-7pm. Free. Craft Kitchen and Brewery Drunk Shakespeare “Do you think because you are virtuous, that there shall be no more cakes and ale?” -Twelfth Night: Act 2, Scene 3. In the next iteration of our Drunk History series, we are taking on the great William Shakespeare. Come watch as local comedians, actors, and performers retell some of the great stories written by the Bard of Avon, while being a bit tipsy. Hosted by Stephanie Von Ayden. Storytellers: Michael Coffman, Skye Stafford, Jeannie Whittle, Cody Michael, Mehama Kaupp and Katy Ipock Ipockolyptic Productions is dedicated to providing entertainment that is free of racism homophobia, and transphobia. Strong content expected. 21+. “Why, sir, for my part I say the gentleman had drunk himself out of his five senses.” - The Merry Wives Of Windsor: Act 1, Scene 1. 8-10pm. $15. Crater Lake Spirits Distillery Tasting Room Spirit of Summer Concert SeriesSomething Dirty Join Crater Lake Spirits for live music played by Something Dirty! Route 20 food truck will be serving some amazing food that compliments the distillery’s cocktails! El Yunque will be the featured pop-up shop! $1 per cocktail will be donated to Deschutes Land Trust. 6-8:30pm. $5-$10. Domino Room American Aquarium “Country music was the voice of the people. It wasn’t always the prettiest voice, but it was an honest voice,” says American Aquarium founder and frontman BJ Barham. “I think that’s where country music has lost its way.” He pauses, then adds, North Carolina accent thick and voice steady: “I operate in the dark shadows of what we don’t want to talk about in the South.” 8:30pm. $20. Elk Lake Resort The Jess Ryan Band at Music on the Water Summer Series Head to Elk Lake Resort for the 9th Annual Music on the Water Summer Series sponsored by Boneyard Beer and Crater Lake Spirits and enjoy free great music from extremely talented local and regional bands! Music starts at 5:00 PM in-between the lodge and the lake. 5-8pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free. M&J Tavern Shade 13 Here comes the BOOM in your sunny summer daze while M&J busts out with Shade 13 and the hottest spot to be Sat. night. 21 and over. Please tip the band. 9pm. Free. Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes Classic pop. 8-11pm. Free. Northside Bar & Grill DMM Band Classic rock and blues. 8-11pm. Free. The Outfitter Bar at Seventh Mountain Resort Live music with Heller Highwater Join outside on the rink at The Outfitter Bar for free live music from Heller Highwater! 5-7pm. Free.

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 21 CALENDAREVENTS Standing,” Buzzfeed, his TedTalk and alongside Jay Leno on “You Bet Your Life.” Erik has also been featured on the popular podcast: “The Viall Files” and recently as Musical Bars on “I Can See Your Voice” on FOX! He holds a Masters in Fine Arts in Comedy Theory and Studies from Goddard College, enjoys going to theme parks and watching independent professional wrestling, and currently resides in Los Angeles. Featuring: Carl Click. Special Guest: Billy Brant. Hosted by Katy Ipock. 8-10pm. $15.

Silver Moon Brewing 3rd Annual Cupid Shuffle Dance Party OMG! The Cupid Shuffle is back! It’s the official 3rd annual cupid shuffle dance party. Dropping all the group dance smash hits back to back to back!. Cupid Shuffle/Cha Cha Slide/Macarena/Electric Boogie/Wobble/Conga and more! 9pm. $5. Tower Theatre Island X: Bend Film Premier After losing his entire life’s work in a fire, photographer Mark McInnis assembles a team of surfers, including Pete Devries, Noah Wegrich, and Josh Mulcoy, and sets out on a grueling mission to track down undiscovered waves on the most unlikely of islands, located in the violent Bering Sea. 7pm. $12. Village Green Park Sisters Rhythm and Brews 2022! Central Oregon’s best kept secret! Two days of intimate award winning music, under the shaded pines of the Village Green City Park. 4-11:45pm. $35-$125. Worthy Beers & Burgers Live Music Fridays Enjoy live music at Worthy Beers and Burgers every Fri.! 5-7pm. Free. The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Bunk+Brew Backyard w/ Social Creatures

Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Tiger Lyn & Conga Beth Tiger Lyn and her daughter, Conga Beth, will be playing the great dance hits from the 7'0s till now. Country, soul, rock, pop and disco! Treat yourself to a rocking good time! These two dynamite entertainers will rock you out of your chairs and onto the dance floor! Advance ticket purchase required. 6-9pm. Adults $20 - Child 12 and Under Free. Hardtails Bar & Grill Love Drive, Tribute To The Scorpions Love Drive is an awesome tribute to the Scorpions. They will rock your face off. They look and sound just like the real deal so don’t miss this one! All the hits in one show! They have been honing their skills for many years together. Limited tickets available. 8-10pm. $20. Hayden Homes Amphitheater Mt. Joy Mt. Joy channels bright, bold, and brilliant energy in their music. The Philadelphia quintet—Matt Quinn [vocals, guitar], Sam Cooper [guitar], Sotiris Eliopoulos [drums], Jackie Miclau [keys, piano], and Michael Byrnes [bass]—have steadily evolved since forming back in 2016. Two years later, their self-titled debut, Mt. Joy, yielded “Silver Lining,” which eclipsed 104 million Spotify streams and counting. 6pm. $45.

Bend Cider Co. She’s With Me She’s With Me is an all-female indie/folk band featuring Linda Quon, Boo Rigney, Laurie Hamilton, and Shelley Gray. The group is recognized for plush vocal harmonies on a mix of covers and original songs. Come enjoy the Cider Co.’s garden, sip cider and enjoy these beautiful harmonies. 5-7pm. Free.

Drake Park Precious Byrd at Munch and Music Summit Health Munch & Music free concert series in Drake Park Presented by the Source Weekly and Hayden Homes will celebrate its 31 season! 5:30pm. Free. Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Reno & Cindy An amazing duo with great vocals! Reno comes from great music heritage and can play almost any song by ear. Raised in Louisiana with award-winning father/ songwriter/musician, Dick Holler, Reno was raised on songs like Abraham, Martin and John, Snoopy vs. the Red Barron and Double Shot of My Baby’s Love. Advanced ticket purchase required. 5-8pm. Adults $15 - Child 12 & Under Free. General Duffy’s Waterhole Austin Lindstrom Austin is an original country artist who grew up in Pendleton and is currently based out of Redmond. He has opened up for Craig Morgan, James Otto, Jason Michael Carol, and Sunny Ledford. In July, 2019 he opened the entire LRS Country Music festival, which had over 3,500 attendees. He is a talented songwriter and provides a special experience for his audience. 7pm. $10. Hayden Homes Amphitheater Rebelution Good Vibes Summer Tour 2022 Eighteen years into an effervescent career, California reggae band and touring juggernaut Rebelution remains abundantly creative. Its members are as focused and committed as the group is easygoing and laid-back. “Free Rein,” the band’s sixth studio album, while still rooted in the Jamaican inspiration that Rebelution’s songs and sounds have always paid homage to, takes experimental leaps and new adventures too, welcoming old fans and new audiences alike. Ever expanding, the Rebelution phenomenon continues to spread good vibes on tour, and in the studio. 5:30pm. $33. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight. Northside Bar & Grill Cheyenne West Country. 7-9pm. Free. Porter Brewing Co. Live Music with The Ballybogs! Grab a pint, sit back, relax, and enjoy live music by an amazing group of artists who bring the best Irish Trad Music in Central Oregon! Every Thursday from 6-8pm at Porter Brewing! 6-8pm. Free. River’s Place Ten Spiders A jam band between a rock and a newgrass place, will surprise you with an entertaining blend of original music. A healthy serving of sassy and thoughtful songs will be served in this five-course, very-muchawake, meal of rock, folk, funk, bluegrass and jazz with a cover or two for dessert. 6-8pm. Free. Sisters Saloon Sisters Saloon Summer Concert Series: Austin Jenckes Sisters Saloon Summer Concert Series presents Austin Jenckes Thursday, August 11 on the outdoor patio at Sisters Saloon! Doors open at 6pm, show starts at 7pm. This is an all ages show. Pacific Northwest native (and top 10 finisher on The voice) Austin Jenckes is coming to town and he’s bringing his band with him! 7pm. $15. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse Thursday House Band Sisters-based musician, Benji Nagel showcases his talented friends every Thu. all summer long! Pull up a chair on the big lawn, grab some dinner and soft-serve from The Boathouse, and enjoy some of Central Oregon’s favorite musicians. 6-8pm. Free. The Village at Sunriver Starry Nights Summer Concert Series The Village at Sunriver hosts local and touring musicians Thu. nights during the summer! 6:30-8:30pm. Free.

12 Friday Crux Fermentation Project JuJu Eyeball at Crux Fermentation Oh my, JuJu Eyeball is back for Beatle music. All we need is beer, party on Jojo! 6-9pm. Free. Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Heller Highwater Band Heller Highwater Band rocking out at the most beautiful venue in Central Oregon in the Vineyard. Lead Vocalist, Rhythm guitar, percussion, Heather Drakulich along with Tom Brouillette, Bob Akers and Lance Van Buren. Registration required. 6-9pm. Adults $20 - Child 12 and Under Free. General Duffy’s Waterhole Precious Byrd Enjoy the sound and energy of Precious Byrd | Central Oregon’s #1 Party Band LIVE at General Duffy’s Waterhole outdoor event stage! 7pm. $25. Hayden Homes Amphitheater My Morning Jacket My Morning Jacket live at the Amphitheater. 6:30pm. $45. Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free. Oregon Spirit Distillers Live Music with Mike Ryan Join Oregon Spirit Distillers every Friday for live music on the dog-friendly outdoor patio. Each week will feature a local or regional artist from 6-8pm. Free and all ages welcome when accompanied by a 21+ adult. Guest Food Truck: Primo 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Dub N’ Dope w/ The Traveler & The Kornel Dr. Edward Love is a 2-Time Billboard charting Producer/Engineer. 8-10pm. $10. Worthy Brewing Live Music Saturdays Every Saturday Worthy Brewing will put on a live show! Come enjoy beers and music. 6-8pm. Free. The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Battle of The Bands: Bend Vs. Seattle Three bands will battle it out in the beer garden. Hometown heroes and Bend rockers Profit Drama and the face melters themselves - Rum Peppers - take on General Mojos - a psychedelic rock band from Seattle. Rock, dance, thrash and find out which band will reign supreme!! 6-10pm. Free.

Southern Avenue delivers soul and blues music that is built for the 21st century. The group has a contemporary twist to blues rooted in a Memphis sound thanks to diverse backgrounds and strong chemistry. Watch them blow the roof off of Sisters Art Works Thu., Aug. 11.

14 Sunday 10 Barrel East Side Sunday Funday with BenDead (Grateful Dead) Join 10 Barrel outside on the biergarten lawn for Sunday Funday live music with BenDead...a Grateful Dead offshoot of The Hasbens! 2-4pm. Free.


Hub City Bar & Grill Big Band Open Jam All welcome to sing or play an instrument, just come on in and get on Gordy’s sign-up sheet. 5-8pm. Free. Obie Oasis Obie Oasis Concert Sundays Bring a chair, picnic and beverage to the Obie Oasis Amphitheater and enjoy talented regional musicians. This is a house concert with performer donations encouraged. All proceeds go to performers. Sound system provided by Spark Music Gear. For artist information go to CalvinMann. com/shows 2pm. Donation. Oregon Spirit Distillers


Line and Swing Dancing Lessons Line and Swing dance lessons every Thu. night at The Cross-Eyed Cricket! Thursdays, 7-9pm. CrossEyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free. Salsa Night! Sexy Salsa Night! Hot summer nights means steamy Salsa. Grab a date or friend and get your Sexy on. Beginning Class $10 at 8:30pm, Dancing at 9:30pm, no cover. Old and new Salsa, some Bachata, & late night Happy Hour, August 13. Salsa Victoria from Bend Dance brings the spice! Aug. 13, 8:30-11:30pm. Meadowlark Restaurant, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. #100, Bend. Contact: 541-410-0048. Free. ARTS + CRAFTS Art Viewing Visit Sagebrushers Art Society in beautiful Bend to see lovely work, paintings and greeting cards by local artists. New exhibit every 8 weeks. Visit for information on current shows. Wed., 1-4pm, Fri., 1-4pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free. Galveston Street Market The Galveston Street Market is a local vendor’s market with the goal of bringing community together while mentoring new and seasoned makers alike. Vendors change each week for a variety of locally made products so there’s something for everyone. Shop local! Shop small! Fridays, 5-9pm. Through Sept. 30. Big O Bagels - Westside, 1032 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: Free. Intro to Metalsmithing: Metal Jewelry Workshop In this fun and creative workshop participants will make a simple pendant and a pair of multi-layer or dangle earrings using copper and brass. Learn the basics of metalsmithing, including working with a range of our jewelry studio tools to cut, shape, file, texture, pattern and patina your metal. Aug. 15, 10am-Noon. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. $119. Intro to Soldering Jewelry: Silver Stacked Rings Come and learn how to make your own jewelry and design three gorgeous sterling silver stacker rings! This fun 2-hour American Aquarium is a band that draws from classic American roots music but injects a heavy dose of indie-inspired rock. The result is a group that is hard to pin down stylistically, but a fun ride to listen to. The group will bring its unique performance to the Domino Room Sat., Aug. 13. Shore Fire Media


Seeds of Song Join local musician and song-leader Ian Carrick for an unforgettable afternoon of singing and creating for children ages 4-12 and their caregivers! Participants will wiggle. Participants will make stuff up and practice appreciation for one another and this land we call home. Suggested contribution $11-33 // No one turned away for lack of funds. Tue, Aug. 2, 2-3pm, Tue, Aug. 9, 2-3pm and Tue, Aug. 16, 2-3pm. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-633-6025. iancarrick12@ $11-$33. Sunday Brunch and Karaoke Wake up right with brunch and karaoke! Sundays, 10am3pm. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Avenue, Redmond. Free. Sunriver Music Festival Classical Con cert I Sunriver Music Festival’s opening concert of this 45th season features many of our fine orchestra musicians and Beethoven’s monumental masterpiece, the “Eroica” Symphony. Aug. 10, 7:30-9:30pm. Caldera High School, 60925 15th Street, Bend. Contact: 541-593-9310. tickets@ $40-$74. Sunriver Music Festival Classical Con cert II Sunriver Music Festival’s Classical Concert II features Ukrainian pianist Dmytro Choni, a brand new medalist of the Cliburn International Piano Competition, joining the Festival Orchestra in a stunningly beautiful piano-centric evening. Aug. 15, 7:30-9:30pm. Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver. Contact: 541593-9310. $10-$72.


The Astro Lounge Open Mic Mondays Amazing top notch talent, jaw dropping! All musicians and comedians are welcome from first-timers to pros. Hosted by Nancy Blake and Danny Guitar Harris, two long time local musicians. Very supportive and can provide instruments if needed. Free. Bridge 99 Brewery Monday Night Trivia Now playing Mon. at 6 it’s live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! 6-8pm. Free.

The Record Company The Record Company is breaking old habits on “Play Loud”. The Los Angeles trio was ready for a change when it came time to make their third album, and they got it: “Play Loud” pushes the group into uncharted territory with a dozen new tracks that move beyond the homemade sound of The Record Company’s first two albums. Band members Alex Stiff, Chris Vos, and Marc Cazorla brought in grammy-winning producer Dave Sardy (Oasis, Wolfmother, Modest Mouse, LCD Soundsystem) to help broaden the band’s sound. 6-11pm. $30. River’s Place Trivia Sunday at River’s Place @ 12 Noon Live UKB Trivia @ Noon at River’s Place. Win gift card prizes for top teams! It’s free to play, Indoor and outdoor seating available. Mimosas, brews, ciders & more! Noon-2pm. Free. River’s Place Skillethead The band grounds themselves firmly in the bluegrass traditions of driving fiddle tunes, layered harmonies and single mics, all while weaving in inspiration and originality gleaned from genres far and wide. 6-8pm. Free. Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon Silver Moon Brewing’s open mic is back now on the big stage! Get a taste of the big time!! Sign up is at 4pm! Come checkout the biggest and baddest Open Mic Night in Bend! 5-8pm. Free.

ArgentineDANCETango Classes and Dance Join us every Wednesday for Tango classes and dancing! Your first class is free. 6:30-7PM Tango 101 Class, no partner needed! 7-8PM All Levels Class. 8-9:30PM Open Dancing. Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact:$5-$10.

23 Flights Wine Bar Trivia at Flights Wine Bar Join Flights Sun. from 4-6pm for trivia with King Trivia! Free to play! Get a group together and come get nerdy! Awesome prizes and as always, delicious food and drinks! Free. Flights Wine Bar Live Music at Flights Come grab a great glass of wine, have an incredible dinner and enjoy live music every Sun. from 6-8pm at Flights Wine Bar. 6-8pm. Free.

Ukulele Choir - open jam and sing Ukulele players and people who love to sing - all are invited to this outdoor jam and sing! Songbooks will be provided - bring your uke and/or voice and a chair. Making music together is a positive thing that we need more of in our world. (Guitars welcome too!) Second Fri. of every month, 7-8pm. Through Sept. 9. Hollinshead Park, 1235 NE Jones Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-390-2441. Free, donations accepted. Redmond’s 2nd Annual Music & Arts Festival This is the second annual Redmond’s Music & Arts Festival. The Event will showcase numerous local bands and artists from Central Oregon and beyond. Over 15 bands, multiple workshops and artist booths. Join the festival for 3 full days of smiles, fun events and things to do with the whole family! Fri, Aug. 12, Noon-Sat, Aug. 13, Noon and Sun, Aug. 14, Noon-10pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave, Redmond. Contact:

GoodLife Brewing Summer Tuesdays Music Series in the Biergarten Live Music with some of Central Oregons finest small bands. Enjoy a relaxed environment, food carts, lawn games, hand crafted cocktails & Goodlife’s award winning brews. All shows are free and all ages. 6-8pm. Free. Initiative Brewing Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Great new food menu. Arrive early for best seating. Free. McMenamins Old St. Francis School McTrivia in Father Luke’s Room You are cordially invited to Father Luke’s Room for McTrivia Night! Tue., during the summer! Doors @ 5:30pm, Trivia @ 6pm. Food, drinks & prizes available! 21 and over only. 5:30-8pm. Free. Open Space Event Studios Out of Thin Air Improv Theater - Improv Comedy Tuesdays! Out Of Thin Air – Improvisational Theater Company is back! If you think you’ve seen improv before, think again! This is real improv, real laughs and great theater. Come to the premier improv comedy event in town, because thanks to you, no show is ever the same! Come once; come often. Interactive, unscripted comedy like you’ve never seen before. Help create your own show with your own suggestions for the players to create scenes...Out Of Thin Air! 8-10pm. $10. Silver Moon Brewing Eric Leadbetter & Friends Local artist, Eric Leadbetter, hosts his fellow musicians for this weekly free show every Tue. Come sit out on the brewery’s patio and enjoy an evening of music, food and most important...stellar craft beers! 6-8pm. Free. Walt Reilly’s TRIVIA @ Walt Reilly’s Bi-monthly trivia! Join us on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of every month for trivia with Trivia on the Moon! *Make a reservation and mention “trivia” *No minors after 9:00pm, trivia usually ends around this time *No limits on team sizes *6 rounds + 2 bonus rounds Every other Tuesday, 7-9pm. Free.

15 Monday


Sunriver Music Festival Pops Concert Sunriver Music Festival’s Pops Concert celebrates music for the silver screen plus all that jazz, featuring Timothy Jones, bass-baritone. Aug. 12, 7:30-9:30pm. Caldera High School, 60925 15th Street, Bend. Contact: 541-593-9310. $40-$65. Sunriver Music Festival Solo Piano Concert The historic Great Hall sets the scene for a groundbreaking solo performance from Ukrainian Dmytro Choni, one of the best young pianists in the world. Aug. 16, 7:30-9:30pm. Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-1084. information@ $40-$71.

Crater Lake Spirits Downtown Tasting Room Flight Night with Breakfast Come to the downtown tasting room for live music and some great deals! 5:30-7:30pm. Free. Elixir Wine Group Locals Music Night Enjoy live musicians, great wine and small bites. 6-9pm. Free. On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free. Silver Moon Brewing Speakeasy on the Moon Come play your best hand with some of the best locals a pub could ask for! Silver Moon has pool, darts, poker and more available for the public, but in a private setting in the Green Room on Greenwood. A $10 cash cover & $3 pints! Don’t miss out! 6-9pm. $10. Silver Moon Brewery Comedy Open Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Sign-up 6:30. Starts at 7. Hosted by Jessica Taylor and Katy Ipock. 7-9pm. Free. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse Big Lawn Series The Suttle Lodge is a perfect stop for touring bend and musicians, allowing the venue to showcase incredible artists from near and far. catch a variety of tunes on the Lodge’s big lawn every Mon. from 6-8pm. 6-8pm. Free. The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Open Mic Nights Tom Hudson runs the show with amazing sound and lighting set ups, as Bunk+Brew does Open Mic like no other. Every Mon. from 6pm is your chance to hone your craft in our backyard beer garden. Enjoy food trucks, craft beer and amazing talent! Sign-up on site! 6-10pm. Free. 16 Tuesday Trivia Tuesday at High Desert Music Hall Gather your teams and come join High Desert Music Hall for trivia! Every 3rd Tue. each month! Prizes awarded to the top teams! 6:30-8:30pm. Free. The Commons Cafe & Taproom Storytellers Open-Mic StoryTellers open-mic nights are full of music, laughs, and community. In the old house Bill Powers of Honey Don’t and several other projects in town hosts one of the best open mics in town. Sign-ups start at 5pm sharp in the cafe and spots go quick. Poetry, comedy and spoken word welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick 10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. 6pm. Free.


25 class introduces you to the basics of soldering and how to size, shape, solder, and texture your rings! No experience is necessary. Materials and tools provided. Ages 14+ Aug. 11, 5:30-7:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. $125. Jewelry Class - Spinner Ring Work shop Learn to solder and design your own spinner ring! Size and make a ring band with three smaller bands that spin freely around the main ring. Learn how to use a jewelry saw, solder, stamp, texture and more. Aug. 13, 10:30am-2pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: (541) 388-2283. $125. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio Open Daily by Appointment 55-year professional artist David Kreitzer displays sublime and stunning water, landscape, city, figure, floral and fantasy oil and watercolor masterworks. Meditative, healing and soul-satisfying. Mon.-Sun., Noon7pm. Through Sept. 30. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Road, Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. Free. Layered Mosaic: Nature Break out of the single dimension and create depth with this class, building a 2-layer mosaic. Participants will learn the basics of mosaic while laying down a background. Once the background is set and grouted, they will arrange and affix a second layer pieces - leaves and flowers. Sun, Aug. 14, Noon-4pm and Sun, Aug. 21, Noon-2pm. Carleton Manor, 1776 NE 8th St., Bend. Contact: 907-230-1785. jesica@carletonmanormosaics. com. $75. Learn to Knit at Fancywork Yarn Shop Get started on the path to creating your own treasured handknits! Learn the fundamentals of knitting, basic stitches, how to read a pattern, fix your mistakes, and more. Create a small project to take home. Pattern provided. Take three classes and earn a 10% discount on yarn! Every other Thu., 5:30-7pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Greenwood Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-3238686. $10. Monday Makers’ Mercantile Makers of Bend will showcase their wares and goods for sale and trade. Come sip on craft coffees and teas, peruse the curated book selection and meet local artists. All creators and artists welcome! If you have something to sell, bring it and show us. Mon, Aug. 8, Noon-6pm-Mon, Aug. 29, Noon-6pm. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave, Bend. Contact:




PRESENTATIONS + 2022EXHIBITSVirtualCannabis Research Conference Hosted by Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center in partnership with the Institute of Cannabis Research at Colorado State University Pueblo, this fifth annual conference will bring together leading cannabis researchers, innovators, business owners, trainees and other attendees with expertise in cannabis science from across the country and overseas. Mon, Aug. 8, 8am-4pm, Tue, Aug. 9, 8am-4pm and Wed, Aug. 10, 8am-4pm. Contact: 310-469-7980. $100 - $350. Bend Ghost Tours Your Spirit Guide will lead you through the haunted streets and alleyways of Historic Downtown Bend where you’ll learn about the city’s many macabre tales, long-buried secrets and famous ghosts. Wednesdays-Sundays, 7:30-9pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-350-0732. Bendghosttours@ $25.00. Know PNW - William Sullivan: New Hikes in Oregon Author and hiking guru William L. Sullivan takes us on a slide show tour of new and changed trails he discovered while updating his “100 Hikes” guidebooks for Oregon. As always, Sullivan spices his talk with anecdotes about history, wildflowers and geology along the way. Aug. 13, 2-3pm. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@deschuteslibrary. org. Free. Know PNW: Attracting and Identifying Pacific Northwest Songbirds Learn about backyard birds in the Central Oregon area and how to attract them. This is an in-person program. Registration is required. Interested in knowing a bit more about your feathered friends? Record Company is a powerhouse trio playing grimy blues and hard punching rock. The group knows how to play hard-hitting shows, exciting audiences across the U.S. and Europe in its young career. Watch the trio rock the stage at Oregon Spirit Distillers Sun. Aug. 14. Concord Media Oregon’s

premier country bar Open every day • Family Friendly Whiskey Tuesdays • Live Music Wednesdays • Line and Swing Dancing Thursdays 541.382.4270.

Second Saturday at the Gallery Enjoy free food and libations at the Artists Gallery Sunriver Village the 2nd Saturday of each month. Work of 30 local artists is on display and here’s your chance to meet some of those artists. Second Saturday of every month, 4-6pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-8704. Free. Sunriver Art Fair The Sunriver Art Fair returns this summer on August 12, 13 & 14 in the Village at Sunriver. Voted America’s #1 Small Town Art Fair, this year’s fair will feature over 70 artists displaying their original juried art in a lovely outdoor setting. For more information go to Fri, Aug. 12, 9am-5pm, Sat, Aug. 13, 9am-5pm and Sun, Aug. 14, 9am3pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Contact: Free.


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 26 As OnPoint continues to grow throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington, we’re able to offer more people the tools and resources to achieve financial wellness. Drop by one of our locations today. We’d be happy to serve you. OnPoint has deep roots and many branches, including ones near you. Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity. Bend South Branch 61276 South HWY. 97 Suite 100 Bend, OR 97702 Bend Downtown Branch 950 NW Bond Street Bend, OR 97703 Redmond Branch 1380 SW Canal Blvd. Suite 105 Redmond, OR 97756

Learn how to better identify some PNW songbird species, as well as how to encourage them to visit your yard. Aug. 10, Noon-1pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free. Plant Medicines: New Technologies and Ancient Traditions This presentation will outline the changing landscape of three master plant teachers - psilocybin, cacao and ayahuasca - in research and practice. Attend online or in person. Michelle Ericksen, PhD is a bilingual medicine woman, teacher, researcher and coach. Michelle’s work draws from a variety of wisdom and shamanic practices. Aug. 16, 6:30-7:30pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-3121063. Free. AnnualWORDSSummer Sale It’s time to rotate inventory and make room for all the great new books that come out this fall. This is a great chance to score swell deals on fabulous books and gifts for everyone. Every 4 days, 10am-6pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. julie@ Free. Classics Book Club Join Roundabout Books for Classics Book Club. Participants will discuss “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy. Available via zoom as well! Aug. 10, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free. Creative Nonfiction Critique Group Join an intimate group of likeminded women ready to critique each other’s writing. Gain feedback, confidence, and encouragement as participants dive deep into what’s working and what’s not. This is an MFA-style course focused on creative nonfiction (memoir, essays, etc.). We’ll meet weekly via Zoom for seven weeks. Wed., 6:30pm. Through Sept. 14. Contact: jessica@jessicajhill. com. $295. Hello! Storytime Roundabout Books is looking forward to sharing stories, movement and a touch of music with 0-5 year olds, geared toward those younger ages. There will be a heavy emphasis on fun, so bring your listening ears and a smile for a fun half hour with Kathy! Aug. 10, 10:30-11am. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-3066564. Free. Mystery Book Club Please join us in-store or on zoom for Mystery Book Club. We will discuss The Ladies of the Secret Circus by Constance Sayers. Join zoom link here:,,10:30am.Books,900NWMountWashington#110,Bend.Contact:541-306-6564.julie@Free.

Intro to Warm Kiln Glass - 5-Week Course In this 5 week Intro to Warm Glass techniques participants will learn the various art forms of warm kiln glass. Colors, layers, slumping, full fusing and tack fusing techniques will all be explored. Class Price: $430 for 14+ hours of instruction + $275 material fee Thu., 6-9pm. Through Sept. 1. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@ $705. Learn to Turn Wine Bottles into Drinking Glasses Come make some seriously cool drinking glasses out of your empty wine bottles. We’ll show you how to cut them using a jig plus how to fire polish the rim of the glasses with our custom torch setup. Bring a friend plus your beer, soda bottles and jars too. Aug. 12, 5:45-7:45pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: (541) 388-2283. info@diycave. com. $99. Neuroqueer Meetup A safe place for neurodivergent, queer individuals to exchange with the goal of promoting exploration and sharing of experiences, as well as empowerment and connection to community. Every other Wed., 6-7:30pm. The Base at Franklin, 5 NW Franklin Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-610-8826. hello@ Free. Non-specific grief support group Small Support Group (4-5 people) for those who need a safe space to share a grief difficult to share with one’s friend and family, long term grief for a death, loss of relationship, loss from suicide, loss of health, loss of function, etc Sun., 5-6pm. Free.

Volunteer Here! Gratifying opportunity available! all aspects of daily horse care and barn maintenance for Mustangs to the Rescue. Mondays-Sundays. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact:


Register Today at!


Humane Society Thrift Store - Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed: Do you love animals and discovering “new” treasures? Then volunteering at the HSCO Thrift Store Donation Door is the perfect place to combine your passions while helping HSCO raise funds to provide animal welfare services for the local community. For information contact: rebecca@ Ongoing. Humane Society Thrift Shop, 61220 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-2413761.

GROUPS + MEETUPS Badminton Night! Whether you’re a new player or an experienced one, come try out Badminton! Cost is $10, which helps pay for the facility. Players must sign up beforehand through MeetUp. Bring a racquet if you have one, but we try to provide extras. See you on the courts! Mon., 7-9pm. Through Aug. 22. Bend Hoops, 1307 NE 1st St, Bend. $10. Become a Better Public Speaker! Do you struggle with public speaking? You’re not alone! Come visit Bend Toastmasters Club and learn how to overcome your public speaking fears. Wed., Noon-1pm. Contact:

Writers Writing: Quiet Writing Time Enjoy the focus of a quiet space with the benefit of others’ company. This is an in-person program. Masks are recommended at all in-person library events. Bring personal work, read a book or answer emails. Come when you can, leave when you want. Free, open network WiFi available. Tue., 1:30-4:30pm. Deschutes Public Library-Downtown, 601 NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free. NorthwestETC.

CallVOLUNTEERforVolunteers-Play with Parrots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

Celebrate With the Bend Bhakti Collective Kirtan, sacred song, dance and community. Celebrate with the Bend Bhakti Collective. Thu., 7pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-3824401. Free-$20. ConnectW Munch and Mingle ConnectW has redefined the concept of the business lunch. The organization is connecting all kinds of professional women over a monthly noon meal every second Thu. of the month. The result? Business sharing, social networking and, yes, friendship. Aug. 11, 11:45am-1pm. The Phoenix Restaurant, 594 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Free. Game Night Let’s Play LeftCenterRight Let’s play LeftCenterRight! Bring friends and make new friends. More people the bigger the pot. Simple game, one dollar table and 5 dollar tables. The winner of each game takes the pot. You're not going to get rich but you will have fun. Happy Hour $4 Beer & Wine Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Zero Latency Bend, 1900 NE 3rd St STE 104, Bend. Contact: 541-617-0688. Intro to Fused Glass - 3-Week Course Glass fusing is the melting together of different colors of glass that are compatible with each other. Students will create their own project while learning about the various tools, types of glass and techniques involved in glass fusing and glass kiln operation. Fri., 6-9pm. Through Aug. 26. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@diycave,com. $209.

Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers and we make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

Ultimate Scavenger Redmond Think you know Redmond well? Prove it in Redmond’s first Ultimate Scavenger Hunt! Participants will get clues to locations all around the city. The first individual or group to complete this task will be the Ultimate Scavenger champion and win a cash prize! Aug. 13, 1-5pm. Cascade Lakes at 7th Street, 855 SW Seventh St., Redmond. Contact: 901-210-5104. $25-$80.


Nonfiction Book Club Join Roundabout Books for Nonfiction Book Club. Participants will discuss “The Only Kayak” by Kim Heacox. Zoom option available. Aug. 12, 1-2pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free.

Crossing Farmers Market Saturday Farmers Market in Bend’s NorthWest Crossing neighborhood. Find fresh produce and support local growers and businesses! Sat., 10am-2pm. Through Oct. 1. NorthWest Crossing, NW Crossing Dr., Bend. Contact: Free. Not Cho Grandma’s Bingo Not Cho’ Grandma’s Bingo is back at Silver Moon Brewing! Silvr Moon Brewing host our famous bingo event for good times and a chance to win some cold hard cash! Sundays, 10am-1pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Free.

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 27 CALENDAREVENTSTICKETS AVAILABLE AT POWERED BY State of the COUNTY Join us to hear how Deschutes County is tackling many issues, including growth, planning, housing, homelessness, transportation, infrastructure, solid waste, wildfire resilience, health & safety & more.

Virginia Watson, co-founder of Hayden Homes, taught us the importance of loving what we do, and valuing our customers, co-workers and community. It keeps us grateful, and always looking for ways to make our company better and our community stronger. We call it Give As You Go™, and it’s our way of staying true to what she taught us. Receiving these awards—for building in the Central Oregon communities we love and valuing our team members —is an honor, and proof that she was right. Thank you, Virginia. Building hope and homes throughout Central Oregon


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Last year, our Best of Central Oregon theme was “Rising from the Ashes.” This year, it’s a new era, and it seems the phoenix has risen, indeed. This year’s theme is “Boomtown,” described in the Britannica Dictionary as “a town that experiences a sudden growth in business and population: a booming town.” If you’ve been feeling that “boomtown” vibe this summer, you wouldn’t be Youalone.might feel it by the numbers of people you have to wade through to visit a shop downtown. You might feel it in the lines outside your favorite food cart. You might also feel it in the housing prices or Buttraffic.those are just part of the story.

Daniel Robbins Daniel RobbinsJessie Czopek



“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” - Charles Dickens, “A Tale of Two Cities.”

As we put out this next edition of the Best of Cen tral Oregon, we’re aiming to focus on the “best of times” that come from being a Boomtown. There are more people, yes—but that also means a proliferation of new ideas, fresh perspectives… more artists, more makers, more change-makers, more diversity… and we could go on. Thanks to Bend’s “Zoomtown” status, more people than ever can make Bend their home, all while staying connected to towns and businesses all over the world. Most of the year, we splash plenty of ink in these pages talking about the things that need improv ing and the ways Central Oregon can grow into the best version of itself. We’ll do that again, over and over—but for now, let’s have a little fun reveling in the wins for the many businesses that make our Boomtown so great. Cheers to all the winners! Who votes? Thousands of people vote in a whopping 200+ categories in our poll. New categories! This year, like most years, we’re adding new categories while retiring a few others. Among the new ones: Best Breakfast Sandwich, Best Eggs Benedict, Best Mac n’ Cheese, and more specialty categories for Redmond, Sisters and Sunriver. Let’s party! The Source Weekly is turning 25 this summer, and to celebrate that AND the Best Of winners, we’re throwing a party! Join us for a free event Wed., Aug. 10 from 6:30 to 9pm (winners are invited earlier for a special fete for their accomplishments). Join us at the Deschutes Historical Museum for free music and live entertainment!


CONTENTS BEST EATS IN BEND Best New Restaurant p.33 Best New Food Cart p.35 Best Bagel p.39 Best Breakfast Sandwich p.41 Best Burrito p.43 Best Eggs Benedtict p.45 Best Patio Dining p.49 Best Vegan/Vegetarian p.51 Best Food Cart Lot p.53 BEST DRINKS IN BEND Best Milkshake p.55 Best Happy Hour p.57 Best Hazy Beer p.59 BEST OF HEALTH & FITNESS Best Yoga Studio p.61 BEST OF GOODS & SERVICES Best Pet Resort p.63 Best Pet Store p.64 Best Beauty Studio p.65 Best Massage/Day Spa p.67 Best Barbershop p.69 BEST OF SHOPPING Best Outdoor Clothing p.71 BEST OF PEOPLE & PLACES Best Open Mic Night p.75 BEST OF REDMOND Best Pizza p.79 Best New Restaurant p.81 BEST OF SISTERS Best Place for Live Music p.83 Best New Restaurant p.83 BEST OF SUNRIVER Best Pub/Best Lunch p.85 Editor: Nicole Vulcan • Production Manager/Art Director: Jessie Czopek • Contributors: Donna Britt, Jack Harvel, Chris Williams, Brian Yaeger • Graphic Designer: Nathan Elston • Photography: Daniel Robbins, Jessie Czopek Copy Editor: Richard Sitts • Sales Executives: Ban Tat, Ashley Sarvis, Trinty Bradle BEST EATS P. 33 BEST SHOPPING P. 70 BEST DRINKS P. 55 BEST GOODS AND SERVICES P. 70 Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins

Thank You Central Oregon! "Praxis is honored to serve the healthcare community in Central Oregon. Being voted the Best Healthcare organization for a fifth straight year highlights our outstanding care teams, focus on quality and delivering a patient centric experience." Find a location near you. Visit Us Online BEST 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 CENTRAL OREGON 5 YEARS IN A ROW! MEDICAL CLINIC Scan QR Code and schedule today! - Daniel Weber, Regional Administrator

BOSA FOOD & DRINK Best New Restaurant


By Donna Britt

SECOND PLACE: Nome Italiano

Daniel RobbinsDaniel Robbins

Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins

About this time last year we were telling you about a new neighborhood place on Galveston in Bend created in the image of a traditional Italian osteria. BOSA Food & Drink was on a mission to be an inviting place where family and friends gather to eat often. Mission accomplished! BOSA has been voted Best New Restaurant 2022 by Source Weekly readers. Fresh pastas along with other French and Mediterra nean dishes, seasonally driven using the best ingredients available, along with an extensive wine list and creative cocktail selections, have made BOSA a go-to spot on Bend’s west House-madeside.focaccia bread, mouthwatering Bigoli “Cacio e Pepe,” a monstrous 40-ounce bone-in ribeye, and daily specials are just a few of the menu favorites. Chefs Nate King and Bill Dockter, co-owners/operators of BOSA, met in a Col orado resort town years ago and started dreaming up their own version of a neigh borhood eatery. King and Dockter had this to say upon learning the news of being voted Best New Restaurant: “After pursuing and finally securing our dream loca tion in Bend back in February 2020, our excitement was halted by the COVID pan demic. We were able to work with our landlord and weather the storm and emerged as a new restaurant on August 1, 2021. We are overwhelmed by the love and support that we have received from the community and our neighborhood. We are hum bled by the awards that we have received and feel that this is a reflection upon our staff’s hard work and dedication to our concept. Thank you, Bend!!”

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 34 “From the many hands it takes to produce, we thank you for voting us Bend's Best Coffee another year in a row.” C O F F E E ROA S T ERS BAC KPOR CH 2022FarmMenendezSalvador,El ofBest OregonCentral - Dave Beach, Founder & Lead Roaster



35 Biting into the Crazy Tuna Roll at Maki Maki Sushi is like a little round piece of heaven. I’m a fan of spicy stuff, so I’m not shy when cart owner and sushi chef Adam Pan suggests this spicy roll as the one to try at his food cart at The Lot on Bend’s west side. With spicy tuna inside and more seared pepper tuna on top of the roll— plus spicy ponzu sauce and jalapeno, it’s got it going on in the spice department, but it’s nothing unmanageable, and the whole roll is gone before I know what happened. Maybe this experience of seeing your food disappear before your consciousness can catch up is why readers of the Source Weekly have voted this cart the Best New Food Cart in Bend in 2022. Pan and his family opened the cart in January 2022, settling on Bend to raise their sons after spending a couple decades running kitchens in New York. While Pan is a native of Fujian, China, his many years of training at Japanese restaurants have given him a chance to hone the craft, and to bring a mix of “old favorites” as well as new surprises. While Central Oregonians have a lot of options when it comes to sushi these days, this one is definitely worth a visit. Con grats to this new arrival for its win in Best of Central Oregon!

By Nicole Vulcan SECOND PLACE: Americana Robbins

Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins

Daniel Robbins

MAKI MAKI Best New Food Cart


202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 37 BEST ASIAN 1st CHI Chinese and Sushi Bar 2nd Chan’s of Bend BEST BAKERY 1st The Sparrow Bakery 2nd Nancy P's Cafe & Bakery BEST BBQ 1st Baldy’s Barbecue 2nd CURBBQ BEST BOWL 1st Café Yumm! 2nd Active Culture Café BEST BREAKFAST 1st McKay Cottage Restaurant 2nd The Victorian Café BEST BREAKFAST BURRITO 1st Bend Breakfast Burrito 2nd Burrito Sunrise BEST BURGER 1st Bend Burger Co. 2nd Dandy’s Drive-In BEST CASUAL DINING 1st Spork 2nd Jackson’s Corner BEST CATERER 1st Bleu Bite Catering 2nd Bowtie Catering Co. BEST DESSERT 1st Bontà 2nd 900 Wall EATSEATS Best OfBest Of eastsidegardensinc.com541-383-3722 61780 SE 27th Bend SUMMER SPECIALS!!




SECOND PLACE: Rockin’ Dave’s Bistro & Backstage Lounge

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 39 A staple bagel spot is an essential element for any town. There’s a hole missing from a town without one (sorry, had to). Bend has given rise to quite a few spots that folks swear by, but one has reigned supreme for almost 30 years.  Since starting out at its Galveston Avenue location in 1994, Big-O-Bagels has been on a mission to provide the best bagels to Bend. Bendites have responded and as a result Big-O has found enough success to open up three locations across town, dishing out countless bagels and rising to notoriety—and consistently being voted the best bagel of Bend since the Source started its poll in 1997.  “Our success is in serving delicious, real food that is simple and unassuming… Our focus is on the belief that everyone should be able to afford a delicious break fast or lunch made with quality ingredients and still have money left in their wal let.” Noël Reiner, owner of Big-O-Bagels, explained to me regarding aspects of how the company has found success. There are not many places still in town where one can go to get a filling meal for under $10. Here, breakfast is still less than 7 bucks.  Big-O has stayed true to a simple formula that hasn’t had the need to change— straight forward with no gimmicks or unnecessary frills. Kudos to them for knowing who they are since day 1. Congrats on a well-deserved win!


Daniel Robbins

Best Of EATS

By Chris Williams



VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 40 BEST DINNER 1st Zydeco Kitchen & Cocktails 2nd Ariana Restaurant BEST DOUGHNUT 1st Richard's Donuts & Pastries 2nd The Dough Nut BEST FALAFEL 1st Bo’s Falafel 2nd Kefi Fast Fresh Mediterranean BEST FAMILY DINING 1st Jackson’s Corner 2nd Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews BEST FINE DINING 1st Ariana Restaurant 2nd Zydeco Kitchen & Cocktails BEST FOOD CART 1st Aina Kauai Style Grill 2nd Toasty BEST FRIED CHICKEN 1st The Tin Pig 2nd Cascade West Grub & Alehouse BEST INTERNATIONAL FUSION CUISINE 1st Spork 2nd 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar BEST LUNCH 1st El Sancho 2nd Wild Rose Northern Thai Eats BEST MAC 'N' CHEESE 1st Brother Jon’s Ale House 2nd Lively Up Yourself EATSEATS Best OfBest Of CentralThanksOregon 335 NE Dekalb Ave Open 11am-10pm, 7 days a week (458) 206-5973 Dekalb Ave 11am-10pm,week206-5973 1254 NW Galveston Open 11am-10pm 7 days a week (541) 797-7999 50 SW Division St Open12pm-8pm,Sun-ThursFri&Sat12pm-9pm Eastside Taco Shop westside Taco Shop taco shack at crux !

Vegetarians don’t have to miss out either; the non-bacon breakfast uses havarti cheese instead of bacon. “A lot of people like that even if they also like bacon, the melted cheese with the egg is really nice,” Keating said.

Best Of EATS Courtesy of Sparrow Bakery Annelie Kahn

By Jack Harvel PLACE: Rockin’ Dave’s Bistro & Backstage Lounge


Sparrow is a longtime favorite for Best Bakery in Central Oregon, winning the category every time since 2013. It won that title this year, too, but it’s also taking home new bragging rights in a new category — Best Breakfast Sandwich in Central SparrowOregon.opened its original location on Scott Street in 2006 with a mission of creating high-quality baked goods at prices people can afford. The humble bakery’s popularity skyrocketed over the years, and it now has a location in Northwest Crossing and in the St. Johns neighborhood in Portland—but closed its original space this year. “It’s very humbling that we have so many people enjoying our product that are here in Bend and outside of Bend. We went from having a staff of, like, four to over 100,” said Jessica Keating, co-owner of The Sparrow Bakery. Popular menu items like the Ocean Roll, almond croissant sandwich and cro que monsieur are all to die for, but for a morning meal that gets your day started right you can’t go wrong with the Bacon-Breakfast sandwich. “For us we feel like the base of the sandwich is really important. And so, we do it on a croissant and then we poach an egg, we use real avocado, we make aru gula aioli for the sauce, and then the bacon... we cure and then we add a little bit of sweet and savory to it,” Keating said. “I think that each item is really good on its own but then when you put it together it eats really well.”



VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 42 Bend Oregon 97703 We would like to say THANK YOU to everyone in our community that has supported us all here at Lemon Drop Salon! We are honored and grateful to be part of a community that encourages and allows us to be our creative selves. It means the world to us. Thank you for voting Lemon Drop ‘Best Salon’! XO, The Lemon Drop Team

“The Super Supreme is the most popular. The name says it all,” explains Juan Moreno, the owner of Super Burrito’s west side location, of the massive burrito stuffed with meat, chile relleno, pico and special sauces. In an age where it feels like some restaurants are trying too hard and have drifted away from authenticity, spots like this remind us that everything will be OK. Simple, straightforward and classic tastes still reign (super) supreme.  Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins


The non-pretentious environment welcomes a whole host of people from all walks of life. At any given lunch hour there will be families three kids deep, business people in primed and pressed suits and construction workers/contractors wearing the sawdust of half a day’s hard work on their clothes.

SECOND PLACE: Los Jalapenos

For those who fear that the spot is going to be blown out, you can relax; Super Burrito is a family-run restaurant committed to being loyal to its customers. It won’t stray far from what they have been doing for the last 27 years.

Seeing Super Burrito win Best Burrito is going to bring a smile to a lot of Ben dites’ faces. The hole-in-the-wall burrito joint has been serving up tasty and afford able burritos since 1995 and has been one of locals’ best kept secrets. Nowhere else in Bend can you snag a burrito for under 10 bucks and have it at your table in under 10 minutes. The cooks are committed to using fresh ingredients and authentic reci pes, from the burritos down to the salsa.

By Chris Williams


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 44 Thanks for the love and support C.O.! We’re here because of you. 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend Avidcider.com541-706-9240

Jessie Czopek Jessie Czopek Jessie Czopek

Best Bloody Mary and Eggs Benedict



By Chris Williams When people think of breakfast in Bend one place sticks out: The Victorian Cafe. The staple breakfast spot has won multiple awards for best breakfast, has even been mentioned by The New York Times and keeps the ball rolling with two more awards granted by Source readers this year. Source readers have voted The Victorian Cafe’s egg benedicts and Bloody Mary as the best in town.  Diners have the option to select from 10 different “bennies” on the breakfast menu. Although a classic benedict is an option, it’s hard not to explore an adven turous side and dive headfirst into the experimental options. The Dungeness Crab Benedict boasts fresh crab and asparagus topped with avocado. Other options offer pesto hollandaise or a Cajun variety for those looking to spice things up. Whatever your taste, The Victorian Cafe has you covered.  If you haven’t experienced the Victorian Cafe’s Bloody Mary, be ready for a monstrosity ready to crush any hangover. If a shrimp, sausage and cheese tower poking out of a thick and spicy tomato juice drink sounds up your alley then look no further. Lined across the rim are pickled veggies and olives—yes an actual pick le, and salt to balance out the zest and pepper inside. Two shots of house infused vodka rest inside the monster. Add all this up and a satisfactory nap looks like a pretty pleasing way to end brunch.

SECOND FOR BLOODY MARY: Washington Dining & Cocktails SECOND FOR EGGS BENEDICT: McKay Cottage Restaurant

Sunriver Resort is a 3,300-acre all-seasons wilderness retreat set in the forested foothills of the Cascade Range, overlooking a great meadow framed by the Deschutes River and the iconic peak of Mt. Bachelor. Here, spirited guests of all ages enjoy unrivaled access to heartfelt experiences deeply rooted in the land and traditions of this uncommon setting.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 46 SUNRIVERRESORT.COM Thank you, Central Oregon, for voting us Best Staycation & Best Wedding Venue!

BEST MEDITERRANEAN 1st Kefi Fast Fresh Mediterranean 2nd Joolz BEST MEXICAN 1st Hola! Nouveau Mexican-Peruvian Cuisine 2nd El Sancho Taco Shop BEST MILKSHAKE 1st Dandy’s Drive-In 2nd Bend Burger Company BEST NEW FOOD CART 1st Maki Maki Sushi 2nd The Americana Truck BEST NEW RESTAURANT 1st BOSA Food & Drink 2nd Nome Italiano BEST PASTA 1st BOSA Food & Drink 2nd Pastini BEST PATIO DINING 1st Pine Tavern Restaurant 2nd Monkless Belgian Ales BEST PIZZA 1st Pizza Mondo 2nd Cibelli’s Pizza BEST SANDWICH DELI 1st Valentine's Deli 2nd Planker Sandwiches BEST SEAFOOD 1st Anthony's at the Old Mill District 2nd Sebastian’s Seafood EATSEATS Best OfBest Of 721 Desperado Ct. Sisters, OR |541.549.1963 | BEER & FOOD, YEAR AFTER YEAR. CHEERS! FOR SUPPORTING LOCAL INDEPENDENT THANK YOU

202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM BEST SMOOTHIE JUICE BAR 1st Mother’s Juice Café 2nd Emerald City Smoothie BEST STEAK 1st Bos Taurus 2nd Brickhouse Steakhouse BEST SUSHI 1st CHI Chinese and Sushi Bar 2nd 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar BEST TACO 1st El Sancho 2nd Hablo Tacos BEST TAKEOUT 1st Wild Rose Northern Thai Eats 2nd Spork BEST THAI 1st Wild Rose Northern Thai Eats 2nd Noi Thai Cuisine EATSEATS Best OfBest Of 11am-2pm – Mon- Sat, Closed Sundays (541) 322-2154 555 NW Arizona Avenue, Suite 25 Valentinesdeli.comThankyou!toourloyalcustomersformakingusBestSandwich/DeliShopforthethirdconsecutiveyear! Thank You Central Oregon! 1st Place: Best Happy Hour in Sisters 2nd Place: Best Restaurant in Sisters Come join us for Happy Hour Monday - Friday 2pm-5pm $1 off Beer, Wine, and Appetizers Sunday - Thursday 11am-10pm Friday - Saturday 11am-11pm

SECOND PLACE: Monkless Belgian Ales Best Patio DinningPINE RESTAURANTTAVERN&BARByDonnaBritt Best Of EATS Donna Britt Online ordering available Kefifresh.comat Open Daily 11-8 20520 Robal Ln Suite 120 Voted Bend’s Best Mediterranean Restaurant! Come in or order online at and see what made us a winner! We also deliver ... order through our website!!

The Original Pine Tavern Restaurant & Bar on NW Brooks Street downtown at the foot of Oregon Avenue is a piece of Bend history. Founded in 1936 by the enterprising Maren Gribskov and Eleanor Bechen, it started as a restaurant serving the growing population of timber industry workers and their families. As Central Oregon’s economy and demographics have evolved, the iconic downtown establishment has been a constant. Eighty-six years after its founding The Pine Tavern tradition continues as Source Weekly readers have voted the restaurant Best Patio Dining this year, along with 2nd Best Happy Hour. Tucked under huge shade trees, the popular patio at Pine Tavern overlooks Mirror Pond. It’s a chill atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the busy downtown streets and an ideal spot to enjoy some Pine Tavern favorites like the soft scones with honey butter. Even on a summer day, the scones, which have been on the menu since the 1980s, are a must-have. Classic French onion soup, steamer clams, hazelnut encrusted mahi mahi, and a huge burger made with local grass-fed beef are other menu faves. The front of the restaurant bar area has been renovated and updated in recent years but retains its old-school vibe and is a happy hour tradition. House-made sangria and daily food specials attract both locals and tourists.


Owner Bill McCormick is grateful to everyone who voted for Pine Tavern. “I’m humbled because there is so much great competition,” he says, and goes on to wish everyone in the food and beverage business the best.



Best Vegan/Vegetarian TOASTYByNicoleVulcan Best Of EATS SECOND PLACE: Active Culture


Jessie Czopek

Czopek Jessie Czopek

Just because someone is vegan doesn’t mean they don’t, once in a while, crave the tasty flavors of a “crunchwrap” from one ubiquitous yet here-unnamed Mexican-style fast food restaurant. With the addition of the Toasty “plant-based magic” food cart to the Bend scene, vegans can get what they’re craving and not wonder what mysteries lie inside that grilled tortilla. While the 100% plant-based Nacho Crunchwrap is what keeps this omnivorous writer coming back for more, the business was initially conceived as a place to serve up avocado toasts. It quickly morphed into a space for all things plant based—including salads, tacos, and that craveable crunchwrap that now comes in nacho, buffalo chick’n or (plant-based) cheeseburger.“Itcanbereally hard to find vegan food that is fresh and flavorful and tastes so similar to the non-vegan food that most people are used to, and we’ve filled that void here in this community,” said owner Brooke Priem, who's assisted by manager Zach Tobias. “A lot of people come to Toasty not even knowing that it’s vegan, which I think is really cool, and when we tell them that it is, they’re always really impressed.”Toasty,located inside a vintage trailer at The Podski, has only been on the scene since 2021, and so far is making quite a splash. For the vegans who have lamented about seeing a non-vegan place win in this category in the past, you’re finally vindicated. Make great vegan food and even the omnivores will flock there—and who knows, it might even result in a few converts. Since Toasty also made it to the podium in the Best Food Cart category, getting 2nd to the popular Hawaiian cart, Aina, that argument seems only more true.


Best Food Cart Lot

With all its momentum, it’s smooth sailing for these first-time Best Of winners.

Midtown is always trying to find a way to distinguish itself and get new people in the door, whether it’s live music, a game of bingo hosted by fellow Best Of winner Street Dog Hero or it’s the Wednesday night "Dustin Does Trivia" that Goodman described as “unlike any trivia you’ve ever seen.”

Jessie Czopek

The owners envisioned a Midtown-centered, unassuming local bar offering affordable food and beer, cutting against the image one might imagine for a “yacht club.” “Theowners wanted a place where everyone is welcome to come have a cold beer, good food and relaxed place to watch sports on TV and bring their dogs along,” said General Manager Alesha Goodman. “For the most part, we’ve had all the same food carts since the beginning, and they all have good food and a great following.”Localfavorites like Barrio, TOTS! and Shimshon set up shop at Midtown Yacht Club. It also offers an impressive selection of beers from across the Pacific Northwest. Goodman says, “Every cart lot has its niche, and there's a relaxed atmosphere and a lineup of products that aren’t easy to find in the area.”

Jessie Czopek

Jessie Czopek

Midtown Yacht Club opened in July 2020, just months after a global pandemic forced businesses to shut their doors. Despite the inopportune timing, Midtown Yacht Club quickly rose through the ranks of Bend’s food cart lots, earning its first Best Of win and dethroning longtime favorites On Tap and Podski.



Some 20 rotating taps and a lineup of beverage coolers have also been a big draw for“Whenthe Yacht Club. Iusedto be the buyer, my goal was to bring in products that were local, as well as products that you couldn’t find everywhere else in town,” Goodman said. “I wanted to be a place where people could go and find something they’d been looking for, and something they were excited about, maybe something from another state that they hadn’t been able to find anywhere or hadn’t had in years.”

Best Of EATS

Jessie Czopek

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SECOND PLACE: Bend Burger Company

Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Best Of DRINKS

Dandy’s Drive-In is a Bend staple, slinging burgers, fries and milkshakes via roller-skated carhops since 1968. Bend has changed a lot in that time, but Dandy’s hasn’t; the classic ‘60s feel is a big draw for the business. “We haven’t changed things since 1968. We have the same old-fashioned aspect to it. Between the roller skating carhops, the same menu, smiling faces, I would say that’s what makes Dandy’s, Dandy’s,” said Noelle Ensz, general manager. “It’s really cool to hear so many customers who will come back in and when they’re eating, they say, ‘Hey, I used to work here 30 years ago, and you guys kept it the same!’”Dandy’s doesn’t just offer up nostalgia, though. In June, “Readers Digest” rated it the best burger in Oregon, and of course there are the 24 flavors of milkshake, each of which can be combined with another. A May 2021 Source Weekly article rated the multitude of choices, finding nearly each of them to be delicious. And this year, we’ve rolled out the new category of Best Milkshake—a category that Dandy’s was born to win. “I’d say our most popular, of course classics, right now our most popular during the summer is always fresh strawberry. That one’s going to be hard to beat, that one’s a classic. Of course, chocolate and vanilla, Oreos all are some of our best sellers, fresh banana. I’d say a personal favorite that’s underrated is peanut butter Oreo,” Ensz said.

Best Milkshake DANDY'S DRIVE-IN

By Jack Harvel

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 56 BEST BAR 1st San Simón The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin BEST CBD BEVERAGE Boneyard Elixr Ablis CBD BEST SPORTS BAR Sidelines Sports Bar & Grill The Hideaway Tavern BEST HAPPY HOUR 900 Wall Pine Tavern Restaurant BEST CIDER 1st AVID Cider Co. 2nd Bend Cider Co. BEST BREWERY 1st Deschutes Brewery 2nd 10 Barrel Brewing BEST COFFEE SHOP 1st Thump Coffee 2nd Looney Bean of Bend BEST COLD BREW COFFEE 1st Backporch Coffee Roasters 2nd Riff Cold Brewed BEST DARK BEER 1st Black Butte Porter - Deschutes Brewery 2nd S1NIST0R -10 Barrel Brewing BEST DRIVE-THRU COFFEE 1st Dutch Bros Coffee 2nd Backporch Coffee Roasters DRINKSDRINKS Best OfBest Of Thanks Central Oregon for voting us #1 home décor three years in a row!

By Nicole Vulcan SECOND PLACE: Pine Tavern Restaurant & Bar Walk down Wall Street in downtown Bend nearly any afternoon and you’ll find out what many Bendites already know: 900 Wall is a popular spot, with outdoor tables hugging the block, happy patrons busily gobbling up the oysters on the half shell, fried green beans, house-made fries, and of course, happy hour cocktails. Served from 3 to 5:30pm, the happy hour at 900 Wall is a go-to for wise locals who like great drinks, a superb wine list and yummy small plates for reasonable prices—ideal as a meal all in itself, or as the pre-game for the remarkable dinners served up after happy hour is over.



VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 58 BEST IPA 1st RPM - Boneyard Brewing 2nd First Run - Bevel Brewing BEST KOMBUCHA 1st Humm Kombucha 2nd Compassion Kombucha BEST LIGHT BEER 1st King Crispy - Deschutes Brewery 2nd Sweet As - GoodLIfe Brewing BEST LOCAL COFFEE 1st Backporch Coffee Roasters 2nd Thump Coffee BEST SEASONAL BEER 1st Red Chair - Deschutes Brewery 2nd Jubelale - Deschutes Brewery BEST SOUR BEER 1st Ching Ching Sour Ale - Bend Brewing Company 2nd Sahalie - Ale Apothecary BEST SPECIALTY COCKTAIL 1st Poco Loco – Dogwood 2nd Hola! Margarita BEST WINE BAR 1st Portello Wine Café 2nd Stoller Wine Bar DRINKSDRINKS Best OfBest Of OLD MILL DISTRICT 661 SW POWERHOUSE DR. STE 1302 | 541.617.6113 So much love for you Central Oregon! Thank you for your years of support and for making us one of your favorites. Thank you Central Oregon for 22 years of growing and the giggles along the way!

Best Hazy Beer



SECOND PLACE: GoodLife Brewing - Sippy Cup Deschutes Brewery’s Fresh Haze IPA once again tops the podium for Best Hazy. Since the category is in its second year, the beer is undefeated. A hazy, in beer par lance, is specifically an India Pale Ale that is neither clear nor bitter—the hallmarks of the once-popular West Coast IPA. In 2014 you could not find an example of what was originally dubbed a New England IPA in Oregon. By 2017 it was standard for brewery taprooms to offer three different NEIPAs built with haze-producing pro teins from grains like flaked oats and unmalted wheat. In 2018, building on Fresh Squeezed IPA’s wild success, Deschutes introduced Fresh Haze. Fresh Squeezed had pivoted from high-IBU (International Bitterness Units) IPAs that see a ton of hops used early in the boiling process that create bitterness, to late-addition hops added at the end the boil (then generously dryhopped), which leads to characteristic juicy flavors and a softer body. Fresh Haze is Deschutes’s second-best-selling beer after Fresh Squeezed. The “haze craze” shows no sign of letting up, as Fresh Haze has tough competition in Bend. But what distin guishes it is that instead of chasing tropical or berry juice notes that tend to rely on hops grown in the Southern Hemisphere, Fresh Haze employs PNW all-star Ama rillo plus Mandarina Bavaria (actually from Bavaria) hops that throw citrus flavors. It’s also far less hazy (cloudy) than most beers in the same vein, so it’s got the style’s distinctive pillowy mouthfeel and sweetness, is less opaque, and is embedded in West Coasters’ affinity for citrus-forward flavors. Fresh Haze is a tangerine bomb! “We wanted to avoid ‘yellow milk,’” says Deschutes’ Brewmaster Scott Bird well. “It’s not visually appealing to us to be so thick. Our take was it needs to be hazy but have an attractive orange color and orange-like flavor.”


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 60 BEST ADULT DENTAL GROUP 1st Bend Family Dentistry 2nd Drew Family Dentistry BEST ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CLINIC 1st Hawthorn Healing Arts Center 2nd Inspired Health BEST EXERCISE STUDIO 1st Barre3 2nd Orangetheory Fitness BEST GOLF COURSE 1st Tetherow 2nd Pronghorn Resort BEST HEALTH & RECREATION FACILITY 1st Juniper Swim and Fitness 2nd Larkspur Community Center BEST MASSAGE DAY SPA 1st Anjou Spa 2nd Spa W BEST MEDICAL COSMETIC 1st Esthetix MD 2nd Elite Medi Spa BEST MEDICAL GROUP 1st High Lakes Health Care 2nd Summit Medical Group BEST PEDIATRIC DENTAL GROUP 1st Deschutes Pediatric Dentistry 2nd Pediatric Dental Associates BEST SKI SNOWBOARD SHOP 1st Powder House Ski & Patio 2nd Skjersaa’s HEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESSBest OfBest Of Thank you! Best Dog Beauty Boutique 112 NW Minnesota Ave 70+ Clean Beauty Brands!We’retrulygratefulforthecommunitysupport!Best Pizza 25 Years Running!&

Namaspa winning the best yoga studio in Central Oregon shouldn’t be surprising for people who’ve been keeping track — it’s the fourth year in a row it’s won the award. Suzie Newcome started the business in 2007 with a goal to bring the tools of yoga and mindfulness to Cen tralTheOregon.classes at Namaspa range from the physically demanding power vinyasa in a 90-degree room to yin yoga, a form of yoga that takes place entirely on the floor. “It’s like if you think of the yin and the yang symbol. So the vinyasa power flow would be more like a yang class, it’s heated, it’s like the sun, and then the yin, and like the moon, just totally not doing any activity. And it’s generally helping not just the muscles, but also the connective tissue in the body,” Newcome said. Namaspa teaches everyday yoga students but has also graduated more than 250 teachers in its yoga teacher training program. Its non profit arm, the Namaspa Foundation, takes yoga classes to recovery centers, jails and prisons. “We take yoga out of the studio to people who also need those tools for mindfulness, but may not know about it or be able to have access,” Newcome said. Bend’s not necessarily lacking in opportunities for yoga, and when asked what sets Namaspa apart, Newcome said it’s the community.


“I do think that there’s just fabulous studios in Bend, and I’m proud to be part of this community. I think what sets us apart is the breadth of our community. That may be a virtue of the fact that we’ve been around a long time, that we just really emphasize community and connection and making it accessible to everyone,” Newcome said. Namaspa

Best OfHEALTHFITNESS& Courtesy Namaspa Courtesy


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 62 LOCATED AT BEVEL BREWING FOOD CART LOT 911 SE Armour Rd. Bend, OR 541-808-5868 2020 Rookie Food Cart of the Year 2021 Food Cart of the Year 2022 Food Cart of the Year#givealohagetaloha@ainahawaiianbend THANK YOU! From our family to yours a big Mahalo for all the love and support you show us.

Bend is known for a number of things—craft beer, glorious mountain views, an abundance of puffy jackets… and of course, a dog or two in (nearly) every house hold. And when it comes time for those households to go on vacation, someone has to take care of the furry members of the family. That’s where places like Bend Pet Resort come in—havens of fun and safety for dogs, and cats, too. Bend Pet Resort, named by the readers of the Source Weekly as the Best Pet Resort in Central Oregon, is tucked away on the east side of Bend, on 27th Avenue. The business offers dog and cat boarding and grooming as well as doggy day care for those pups who need a little entertainment while their human family is at work. “We are a team of animal enthusiasts who make it our goal to ensure every ani mal has a wonderful experience while in our care,” said co-owner Haley Fannin, who bought the business from its previous owners, along with two other partners, in 2021. “Our staff go above and beyond to make sure that every animal feels safe and loved during their stay.”


Best OfGOODS SERVICES& Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Best Real Estate Company Runner-Up Thank you Central Oregon! 431 NW Franklin Avenue, Bend 541.728.0033 Residential | Luxury | Commercial | Ranch & Land At your service.


Pets have plenty of room to play indoors and out at Bend Pet Resort, and can also get a grooming while they’re there. “Our groomers are amazing and take the time that the dogs need to get the grooming done to ensure that it is as stress free for each fur baby as possible,” Fannin said.

By Nicole Vulcan SECOND PLACE:

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 64 BEST BANK BRANCH 1st OnPoint Community Credit Union 2nd Selco Community Credit Union BEST AUTO REPAIR 1st Import Performance Auto Repair 2nd Happy Danes Auto Repair BEST DAYCARE PRESCHOOL 1st Toddles Preschool 2nd Cottage Day Care BEST HAIR SALON 1st Lemon Drop Hair Salon 2nd Tangerine Salon BEST HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE 1st Cleaner Living NW 2nd Berry Clean BEST INSURANCE AGENCY 1st State Farm - James Chrisman 2nd Century Insurance Group BEST LANDSCAPE SERVICE 1st HD Landscaping 2nd Giggling Gardener BEST LAW FIRM 1st High Desert Law 2nd Bryant Lovlien & Jarvis BEST LOCAL FUNDRAISER 1st Cork & Barrel 2nd Tuxes & Tails BEST LOCAL HOME BUILDER 1st Hayden Homes 2nd Pacwest Builders Best OfBest Of GOODS & SERVICESGOODS & SERVICESBest Pet Store BEND PET EXPRESS By Nicole Vulcan SECOND PLACE: Mud Bay When the calendar turns to the time that Oregonians reluctantly call “smoke season,” (followed, in recent years, by “heat dome” season), our pets start getting the short end of the stick. Pavement too hot to walk on. Cars too hot to sit in for more than a minute. Parks and streets and backyards too smoky to breathe in. You get the That’spicture.why, on a recent day, I walked into Bend Pet Express to chat it up with the staff about my options for keeping my bored pups—fortunate enough to live in a house with A/C, but unfortunate enough to be cooped up during smoke season— busy during this time. The staff spent plenty of time with me, explaining which toys would help to stave off the boredom that my pandemic puppy is so obviously dis playing, with her frantic zooming from one room of the house to another. I walked out with a new puzzle toy and advice on offering a cold bone to my puppy, right from the stash in the freezer. Both, they told me, will keep them busy for quite some time—along with offering some cooling benefits. Personalized customer service is just one of the reasons that people frequent Bend Pet Express—and why it routinely wins a Best of Central Oregon award. Qual ity foods, a wide selection of treats and supplements, curbside pickup and grooming services may be some of the other reasons. For me, though, keeping my pups happy during the long and sometimes boring “smoke season” is high on the list. Best OfGOODS SERVICES&

Today, Penny Lash-trained artists are found region-wide. “I’ve been educating and certifying other beauty pros in the art of lashing for a decade,” Penny told the Source. “I have trained and certified countless lash artists and now have trained other Penny Lash trainers who offer classes in their regions in Oregon and California.”

Best OfGOODS SERVICES& Submitted by Penny Lash THANK YOU CENTRAL OREGON! 1288 SW Simpson Ave (541)382-0559

Best Beauty Studio PENNY LASH


By Nicole Vulcan SECOND PLACE: Elite Medispa

If you want to see an example of grit, look no further than Penny Lash, a busi ness born at the tail end of the Great Recession and expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic. Owner Rebecca Penny moved to Bend from Minneapolis, Minnesota 26 years ago, several years into her career in the beauty business. In 2015, Penny opened her first Penny Lash studio, a budding business offering eyelash extensions in what would grow to over a billion-dollar-a-year industry. Within a year, Penny Lash had outgrown its space and moved to a location on Galveston Avenue, employing sev en lash artists. In 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, Penny Lash expanded again, opening in midtown Bend inside a 3,000-square-foot space with eight “lash beds.” Penny didn’t stop at just offering services, however; as the business now also includes a “lash academy” teaching new artists the craft, as well as a professional line of lash products. Penny also plans to expand to a shop in Redmond soon.

Now servicing hundreds of clients each week, it’s no surprise that Penny Lash is also looking for new people to join the team. “The team of independent contractors are always extremely busy!” Penny said. She’s also quick to underline how much she appreciates her incredible team. “Some of the hardest working women and we are very tight knit. No catty—only cat eye.” With the addition of services including body waxing, lash lifts, brow henna and brow lamination, Source readers are feeling the vibe, too—voting Penny Lash Best Beauty Studio—and this year, also second place in Best Beauty Boutique, too.


By Nicole Vulcan SECOND PLACE: Spa W Stepping into Anjou Spa, the team there wants visitors to experience more than just the pleasure of the massage or other service they signed up for. In addition to its full complement of facials, skin care, foot soaks, waxing, deep-tissue and other massages, Anjou also invites guests to sit and stay a while, enjoying the steam room and infrared sauna, or even its “sanctuary suite,” where couples or groups can come and relax in their own private space and enjoy sparkling wine, cupcakes or a char cuterie board. “For us it’s the whole experience—all the little touches we do,” said Jenna Walden, owner of Anjou Spa. “We try to add value to our experiences—they’re there to relax both mentally and physically.”

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 67 BEST MANI PEDI 1st Crescent Nails & Spa 2nd Freshly Filed Nail Lounge BEST OIL CHANGE 1st Red Carpet Car Wash 2nd Import Performance Auto Repair BEST PAINTING SERVICE 1st Webfoot Painting 2nd Sunshine Painting BEST PEST CONTROL 1st Pointe Pest Control 2nd Barnes Quality Pest Control BEST PLUMBER 1st Severson Plumbing 2nd McDermott Plumbing BEST REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1st West + Main Homes 2nd ReMax BEST TATTOO STUDIO 1st Monolith Tattoo Studio 2nd Black Opal Tattoo Best OfBest Of GOODS & SERVICESGOODS & SERVICES Best Massage/Spa ANJOU SPA

Anjou’s team prides itself on catering to the type of people who work hard and play hard in Central Oregon—a lot of times, that includes athletic people who spend a lot of time in the wind and sun, and whose skin can be impacted by all that activ ity. Recently, Anjou added a new line of skin care products called Ultraceuticals, an Australian brand designed to help repair skin in a dry climate like Central Oregon’s. “It’s about building up your skin barrier and getting that strengthened,” Walden said.Between its lush skin care products and its comfortable spa services—and the option to get a monthly membership to support your regular wellness and therapeu tic goals—it’s no wonder that the readers of the Source Weekly have voted Anjou Spa their “Best” once again.


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 68 541-382-8555 233 SE 2nd St. Bend, www.happydanesautorepair.comOR VOTED BEST 14 YEARS IN A ROW! AUTO REPAIR We are so grateful to the Lord for blessing us and our amazing community for your trust and keeping the tradition strong! Family owned and operated; Happy Danes Auto Repair is thankful for your continued support as we strive to better serve our community for generations to come. At Happy Danes, we know cars and people. Our friendly technicians and office staff are ready to serve you! Give us a call today! For 14 years and counting, the Central Oregon community has voted us BEST OF CENTRAL OREGON.

Best Barbershop








“Being one of the only people in town that knows how to braid or do dreadlocks, word spread,” Johnson told the Source. These days, you’re as likely to find Johnson doing braids in a woman’s hair as you are finding him giving a man a beard trim. “It went from being a place for mainly men to being a place for everybody, really,” Johnson said. With a current total of five barbers, this “spot” offering hair for everybody is finding itself booked out quickly, and Johnson hopes to soon expand The Spot to offer even more chairs. And with the win as Best Barbershop in the 2022 Best of Central Oregon readers’ poll, we’d say that’s probably a wise choice.

Before Ivan Johnson opened The Spot Barbershop, he dreamed of running a place that had that classic “barbershop vibe,” filled with music, people chatting about sports and the news of the day, and maybe enjoying a drink—a place like the shops he knew in Portland, where he’d grown up. After working at several shops around town, Johnson realized that dream in 2018 when he opened The Spot along SE Third Street in Bend. “I wanted to make it tight knit, with a community connection,” Johnson said. Initially opened as a classic men’s barbershop doing fades and other cuts, word quickly got out that Johnson had skills women might be looking for, too.

Best OfGOODS SERVICES& Daniel Robbins

SECOND PLACE: Westside Barber


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 70 BEST ANTIQUE STORE 1st Iron Horse Second Hand Store 2nd Gathered Wares BEST BEAUTY BOUTIQUE 1st Wren and Wild 2nd Penny Lash BEST BIKE SHOP 1st Hutch’s Bicycles 2nd Pine Mountain Sports BEST CAR DEALERSHIP 1st Subaru of Bend 2nd Kendall Toyota of Bend BEST CBD COMPANY 1st Ablis CBD 2nd High Desert Pure BEST CHILDREN’S CLOTHING 1st Hopscotch Kids 2nd Wild Child BEST CLOTHING CONSIGNMENT 1st The Gear Fix 2nd Cosa Cura BEST DISPENSARY 1st Tokyo Starfish 2nd Oregrown BEST GIFT STORE 1st Ju-bee-lee 2nd Clementine Urban Mercantile BEST GROCERY STORE 1st Newport Avenue Market 2nd Market of Choice SHOPPINGSHOPPING Best OfBest Of Located at On Tap 1424 Cushing Rd @curbbq ThankBend!you

By Jack Harvel SECOND PLACE: Gear Fix

Daniel Robbins Daniel Robbins Best Of SHOPPING


Best Outdoor ClothingMOUNTAIN SUPPLY

Since 1980 Mountain Supply has been outfitting mountaineers, backcountry ski ers, backpackers and climbers with the gear and expertise they need for their out door adventures. The independent retailer’s won the best outdoor clothing store category for the past two years. The store’s support from the community stems from the customer service and expertise of its staff. “Our knowledgeable staff is really what sets us apart,” said Kevin Ganey, the gen eral manager of Mountain Supply. “Not only do we have a little bit more of a special ized gear and a curated assortment within some of the best brands in the industry, but a wide selection of those brands as well. And really, our people and our staff really round out that in terms of being able to provide that amazing customer ser vice, and maybe a little level of detail that you’re not going to get from the bigger boxThosestores.”bigger box stores are surprisingly welcome competition to Ganey, who said the larger retail stores are usually the first step people take to the outdoors. As they continue and seek higher quality gear, they’ll eventually find their way to spe cialty retail stores like Mountain Supply. “I think that we still maybe wouldn’t exist without some of those bigger stores that help bring a larger population into the outdoor space,” Ganey said. “We’re nev er going to say no to someone wanting to get into the outdoors; we think that’s probably one of the most healthy and best choices people can make. Especially as we’ve seen the last couple years with the global pandemic.”

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 72 BEST HOME DECOR 1st Lark Mountain Modern 2nd City Home BEST INDOOR PLANT STORE 1st Somewhere That’s Green 2nd Lounge BEST JEWELRY STORE 1st Silverado 2nd Saxon's Fine Jewelers BEST LIQUOR STORE 1st 3rd Street Beverage 2nd Trailhead Liquor BEST MENSWEAR 1st REVOLVR Menswear 2nd Vanilla Urban Threads BEST NURSERY GARDEN CENTER 1st Moonfire and Sun Garden Center 2nd Eastside Garden BEST OUTDOOR GEAR SHOP 1st The Gear Fix 2nd Mountain Supply BEST PET STORE 1st Bend Pet Express 2nd Mud Bay BEST PLACE TO BUY ART 1st Red Chair Gallery 2nd The Workhouse BEST PLACE TO BUY PRODUCE 1st Paradise Produce Stand 2nd Market of Choice SHOPPINGSHOPPING Best OfBest Of OPEN DAILY 11AM-10PM 1424 NE CUSHING DR. BEND THANK YOU, CENTRAL OREGON FOR VOTING US BEST LOCAL’S HANGOUT & RUNNER UP BEST FOOD TRUCK LOT! We are thrilled to be your favorite midtown hangout and our crew appreciates all your support these past couple of years. We want to give a special thank you to our amazing and dedicated food carts for all their hard work in making MTYC great! Thank you for voting us Best Food Cart Lot of 2022! Open Mon-Sat 11am-10pm Sunday 11am-9pm 1661 NE 4th St, Midtownyachtclub.comBend

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 73 BEST SMOKING ACCESSORIES 1st Hempies 2nd High Mountain Mist BEST THRIFT STORE 1st Humane Society of Central Oregon Thrift Store 2nd REgroup Thrift Store BEST TOY STORE 1st Leapin’ Lizards Toy Co. 2nd Learning Express Toys & Gifts BEST VINTAGE CLOTHING 1st Revival Vintage 2nd Luck of the Draw Trade Co. BEST WOMEN’S CLOTHING 1st Vanilla Urban Threads 2nd Hempies

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 74 BEST BREWER 1st Nate Doss 2nd Tony Lawrence BEST BARBERSHOP 1st The Spot Barbershop 2nd Westside Barber Shop BEST BARTENDER 1st Buck Bales at the D&D 2nd Jon Dude at the D&D BEST BUDTENDER 1st Carsen Robbins - Dr. Jolly's 2nd Joe Koehler - Oregrown BEST CHEF 1st Ariana Fernandez - Ariana Resturant 2nd George Morris - Bos Taurus BEST FLORIST 1st Donner Flower Shop 2nd Wild Flowers of Oregon BEST GREEN BUSINESS 1st Somewhere That’s Green Indoor Plant Shoppe 2nd The Gear Fix BEST INDOOR MUSIC VENUE 1st Volcanic Theatre Pub 2nd Tower Theatre BEST INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT 1st Memes of Bend 2nd Babe City BEST LOCALS’ HANGOUT 1st On Tap Bend 2nd D&D Bar & Grill PEOPLE & PLACESPEOPLE & PLACESBest OfBest Of 103 NW Oregon Avenue Bend, OR 97703 541.306.3176 Open Every www.redchairgallerybend.comDay artfullyShop and support our local artists. Thank you Central Oregon for voting us BEST PLACE TO BUY ART visit 1341 NE 3rd Street, Bend 541-317-3566 Say it Loud, Say it Proud! PartySexLingerieToysSupplies Costumes & Wigs Pole Shoes Gifts Galore ONLINE SHOPPING NOW AVAILABLE! Your One Stop Adult Fun Shop! Join us thisatSaturday, June 25that Drake Park River Floaties Summertime means Funner Times! Your One Stop Adult Fun Shop! Funky Floaties & NowSwimwearinStock! Get em while its HOT! ONLINE SHOPPING NOW AVAILABLE! 1341 NE 3RD ST • 541-317-3566 • PRETTYPUSSYCAT.COM PARTYSEXLINGERIETOYSSUPPLIES COSTUMES & WIGS POLE SHOES GIFTS GALORE

The music open mic is also known for its communal environ ment which invites a variety of artists to perform. Jeshua Marshall, local musician and host of the music open mic on Sundays, has let comedians get a little time in during the music sets in the past. This non-competitive approach fosters creative connection that allows artists a space to collaborate. Something is in the water (or more likely the beer) at Silver Moon that any arts enthusiast is sure to not want to miss.


The highest level of care for every client, every day. Call us today, 541.797.6306, for a free consultation to discuss how to elevate your natural beauty.

Silver Moon Brewing has risen to become one of the prominent music and comedy venues in town, putting on multiple shows each week and attracting huge crowds. Although the venue gets national touring acts on a weekly basis, one thing Bendites agree that Silver Moon does best is give space to local creatives to hone their crafts and perform in front of a live audience at its comedy and music open mic nights.  “Silver Moon was really the first venue in Bend to embrace both art forms. Usually, venues either stick to comedy or music. They built a bridge between the two worlds,” explains Katy Ipock, local comedy powerhouse and one of two hosts (the other being Jessica Taylor) of Silver Moon’s comedy open mic on Monday nights.  “The room was really full last night,” Ipock explains. Silver Moon consistently packs in audiences there to check out local artists, Ipock said, which is a testament to the talent that lives in Bend.

As Bend’s boutique medi spa, our small and highly-trained team gives you the individual, careful attention you deserve. From advanced injectable services to cutting-edge anti aging treatments, we’re committed to delivering results you will notice.

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Best Open Mic Night

We’re honored to be among the winning lineup of the Best of Central Oregon. We truly value the trust our clients place in us to help elevate their own natural beauty.

BEST LOCALS’ NIGHT (DISCOUNTS) 1st Silver Moon Brewing 2nd Bevel Craft Brewing BEST LODGING 1st The Oxford Hotel 2nd Campfire Hotel BEST NONPROFIT 1st Street Dog Hero 2nd Humane Society BEST PLACE TO PICK UP A COPY OF THE SOURCE 1st Deschutes Public Library Downtown 2nd Newport Avenue Market BEST PLACE TO WORK (OVER 50 EMPLOYEES) 1st Hayden Homes 2nd Deschutes Brewery BEST PLACE TO WORK (UNDER 50) 1st Elite Medi Spa 2nd Bend Veterinary Clinic BEST RADIO PERSONALITY 1st Megan Sinclair - 107.7 The Beat 2nd Dave Clemens - 105.7 KQAK BEST RADIO STATION 1st 92/9 FM Backyard Bend 2nd KPOV High Desert Community Radio BEST REALTOR 1st Stormy Clark - West + Main Homes 2nd Tiffany Clark - Bend Premier Real Estate PEOPLE & PLACESPEOPLE & PLACESBest OfBest Of Thank you so much Central Oregon, we are proud to serve you! 63110 Nels Anderson Rd, Bend 541-382-3720

BEST SENIOR LIVING FACILITY 1st Touchmark Senior Living 2nd Mt. Bachelor Assisted Living and Memory Care BEST SPOT FOR A NIGHT OUT WITH THE CREW 1st River Pig Saloon 2nd San Simón BEST STAYCATION DESTINATION 1st Sunriver Resort 2nd Pronghorn BEST TV PERSONALITY 1st Bob Shaw - KTVZ 2nd Emily Kirk - KOHD BEST VETERINARIAN 1st Bend Veterinary Clinic 2nd Riverside Animal Hospital BEST WEDDING VENUE 1st Sunriver Resort 2nd Aspen Hall CJ Juan Chi Chinese and Sushi Bar, Best Sushi

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 78 BEST BAR - REDMOND 1st The Rooftop at SCP Redmond Hotel 2nd Initiative Brewing BEST BOUTIQUE - REDMOND 1st Willow Wild 2nd Forever Sunshine BEST BREAKFAST - REDMOND 1st One Street Down Cafe 2nd Mo’s Egg House BEST BREWERY BREWPUB - REDMOND 1st Wild Ride Brewing 2nd Initiative Brewing BEST BURGER - REDMOND 1st Redmond Burger Company 2nd Bogey’s Burgers BEST COFFEE - REDMOND 1st Honey and Pine Coffee Company 2nd Tite Knot Craft Coffee BEST FITNESS STUDIO - REDMOND 1st Love Bird Yoga 2nd HIIT Logic BEST FOOD CART - REDMOND 1st West Side Taco Co. 2nd Feast Food Co. BEST GIFT SHOP - REDMOND 1st Welcome Home 2nd Maple Moon Home & Gift BEST HAPPY HOUR - REDMOND 1st Initiative Brewing 2nd E BarGrill REDMONDREDMOND Best OfBest Of

In 2020 we here at the Source Weekly introduced you to the “Altar of Pizza,” the then-new church-turned-pizzeria opened by a team of pizza-makers from Austin, Texas. Doing its first full summer in business during a pandemic wasn’t exactly the thing they—or any restauranteur, for that matter—would have been dreaming of, but in spite of that unexpected global event, Grace and Hammer has steadily been establishing its reputation as the go-to place for excellent wood-fired pies, great cocktails and an ooze of ambiance that is undeniable. Where once stood the chan cel of the former Presbyterian church now stands the wood-fired oven, ready for daily worship. Watching it produce lovely, crispy pizzas or fresh bread is the definition of “Wedivine.areconstantly busy—we’ve worked hard doing our best to keep up with the demand,” said co-owner and General Manager Adam Valentine. “We can’t be thank ful enough for the community around us that have made this pizzeria dream come to life.”Combined with a great patio for outdoor dining, craveable desserts and small plates that include a charcuterie board, caprese salad, wings, salad and fried mozza rella, Grace and Hammer checks all the boxes for a fun night on the town. by Grace and Hammer



Best Of REDMOND Thankyouvotingfor for us Central Oregon. 1st place Best Lunch and Best Happy Hour in Redmond 2nd place Best Bar and Best Brewery/Brewpub in Redmond 424 NW 5th st Redmond, Oregon 541-527-438097756

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 80 BEST LODGING - REDMOND 1st SCP Redmond Hotel BEST LUNCH - REDMOND 1st Initiative Brewing 2nd West Side Tacos BEST MEXICAN RESTAURANT 1st Carnaval Mexican Grill 2nd Hola! BEST PLACE TO WATCH LIVE MUSIC 1st General Duffy’s Waterhole 2nd High Desert Music Hall BEST RESTAURANT - REDMOND 1st Diego’s Spirited Kitchen 2nd Carnaval Mexican Grill REDMONDREDMOND Best OfBest Of 2228605 © Touchmark, LLC, all rights reserved TOUCHMARK AT MOUNT BACHELOR VILLAGE FULL-SERVICE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Touchmark is Best of Oregon!Central Touchmark at Mount Bachelor Village has been voted Best Senior Living Community in Central Oregon by the readers of The Source Weekly. Thank you to everyone who cast a vote for Touchmark! We’re proud to offer a variety of amenities that make up The {FULL} Life, from the Choice Dining program, which offers flexible dining options, to award-winning Life Enrichment/Wellness events, and a full continuum of care to meet the unique needs of residents. Call 541-647-2956 for more information and to schedule a tour.THE {FULL} LIFE AWAITS GREAT STUFF . GREAT STAFF. Oregon! (Because 2nd is better than 3rd) Here’s to 2nd place!Here’s to 2nd place! 20516 Robal Rd. trailheadliquor.com541-306-3747#130Find us on Instagram and Facebook Sun 11am - 6pm Mon - Saturday 10am - 8pm Oregon!

Redmond’s restaurant scene is getting stronger every year, and this year’s favor

“People have really responded to the authenticity of the flavors. And not just that, but they can really feel the sort of love that’s put into every dish,” Llamas said.

SECOND PLACE: Otto's Landing (food cart lot)


The restaurant is a family endeavor. Lupe Medina moved to Central Oregon to open a restaurant with her brother Evaristo Medina and sister Angeles Medina. It’s not the family’s first foray into the Redmond food scene, as the family also owns Carnaval Mexican Grill. Llamas said the Redmond community has been supportive of the restaurant since opening just over a year ago.

Best New Restaurant XALISCO LATIN CUISINE By Jack Harvel

ite newcomer is an authentic Mexican restaurant that opened last summer, special izing in dishes from the western state of Mexico that the restaurant is named after.

Xalisco specialties include the torta ahogada, a pork sandwich coated with salsa, as well as fish tacos and alambres —a dish similar to fajitas but with the added flavors of pineapple and bell peppers.


“I think a lot of people think that American Mexican food is just like, tacos, bur ritos, and sort of like Tex-Mex-style flavors. I think at Xalisco, we really go a step further and really provide people with an experience, it’s not just the food—they’re really getting a piece of the culture because everything is very, very authentic,” said Daniella Llamas, a spokesperson for Xalisco Latin Cuisine.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 82 SISTERSSISTERS Best OfBest Of BEST BAR BREWPUB - SISTERS 1st Three Creeks Brewing Company 2nd The Barn in Sisters BEST BOUTIQUE - SISTERS 1st Bedouin BEST BREAKFAST - SISTERS 1st Angeline’s Bakery 2nd Sisters Bakery BEST COFFEE SHOP - SISTERS 1st Sisters Coffee Co. 2nd Fika Sisters Coffeehouse BEST FOOD CART - SISTERS 1st Boone Dog Pizza 2nd Chulitas BEST GIFT SHOP - SISTERS 1st Bedouin 2nd Paulina Springs Books BEST HAPPY HOUR - SISTERS 1st Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill BEST LODGING - SISTERS 1st FivePine Lodge 2nd Ski Inn Taphouse & Hotel BEST LUNCH - SISTERS 1st Sisters Meat & Smokehouse 2nd Sno Cap Drive In BEST RESTAURANT - SISTERS 1st The Open Door 2nd Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR WONDERFUL CUSTOMERS! 2010 – 2022 VOTED BEST BREAKFAST 13 YEARS IN A ROW! KIDSFORFUNPEOPLEGREAT FOODGREAT GREAT SETTING WWW. THEM CKA Y CO TT A GE .CO M SERVICEGREATBREAKFAST SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH EVERYDAY 7AM TO 2PM 62910 O.B. RILEY ROAD 541.383.2697


Best New Restaurant Best Live Music Venue THE BARN By Chris Williams Ski Inn Taphouse & Hotel LIVE MUSIC VENUE: The Belfry



The Barn in Sisters came out hot in its first year. Winning the Best New Restau rant is no easy feat in an establishment’s first year, but to win the Best Live Music Venue at the same time is impressive. Not only does The Barn host a handful of food carts, but it also makes its own pizza, now being the home of Boone Dog Pizza. Sisters is a town stacked with live music, from hosting its own folk festival to bringing in some of the best acoustic acts from around the country year-round. For those who haven’t checked out The Barn yet for music, it’s an ideal small outdoor venue. The stage is tucked comfortably into the corner of the lot and looks out to a man-made grassy hill with sitting stones and a walking path that creates a natural looking amphitheater. The venue hosts two nights of music every week on Thurs days and Saturdays, with Central Oregon’s finest musicians taking the stage.  “We aim to support local farms and musicians, and the community recogniz es and appreciates that,” owner Daniel St. Lawrence said about The Barn’s success in its inaugural year. On top of showcasing some of the best music in Central Ore gon the Barn aims to source super-local ingredients from local farms. Although the restaurant’s brunch pop-ups and seasonal menu are on hold for the summer season, The Barn stays busy baking delicious breads and its signature pizzas. It’s well worth the drive from surrounding parts of Central Oregon to soak in the atmosphere and get some tasty snacks.


VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 84 BEST BAR BREWPUB - SUNRIVER 1st Sunriver Brewing Co 2nd The Mountain Jug BEST BOUTIQUE - SUNRIVER 1st Lazy Daisy 2nd West of the Moon BEST BREAKFAST - SUNRIVER Café Sintra Sunriver BEST COFFEE SHOP - SUNRIVER Brewed Awakenings Coffee Roasters Starbucks BEST FOOD CART - SUNRIVER Nosh Street Food The Peak Food Truck BEST HAPPY HOUR - SUNRIVER 1st Hola! Nouveau Mexican Peruvian Cuisine 2nd The Mountain Jug BEST LODGING - SUNRIVER 1st Sunriver Resort BEST LUNCH - SUNRIVER 1st Sunriver Brewing Co 2nd Café Sintra Sunriver BEST PLACE FOR LIVE MUSIC 1st The Backyard Cafe & Bar 2nd John Gray Amphitheater BEST RESTAURANT - SUNRIVER 1st Sunriver Brewing Co. 2nd Marcello’s Cucina Italiana SUNRIVERSUNRIVER Best OfBest Of Doing More with Less Water in Central Oregon 11:30am at The Riverhouse 12:00pm cityclubco.orgRegisterLivestreamNow!August 18th Wine CheeseClassesLiveTastingsMusic|Vendors|Chocolate SEPTEMBER 16 & 17 Benham Hall at SHARC Tickets & Information: & Sunriver Owners Association

Best Pub, Best LunchBest Restaurant

SECOND FOR BEST RESTAURANT: Marcello’s Cucina Italiana SubmittedSubmittedSubmittedBest Of SUNRIVER Submitted


By Chris Williams Sunriver Brewing Co. has won a “Best Of” category in the Source every year since the brewery’s inception in 2012. Along with being one of the most award-winning breweries from the area nationally, there is also a delicious menu that has developed alongside the quality of the beer.  The brewery has opened two pubs in Bend and one in Eugene, along with its flagship pub in Sunriver. Being able to grow during a pan demic speaks to the quality of the brewery and shows that it doesn’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.   In its 10th year, Sunriver Brewing Company has won three categories in the Sun river area: Best Lunch, Best Restaurant AND Best Bar/Brewpub. “We try our best all the time to put out the best quality to locals and tourists. Our employees are passionate about their work and it shows in what we produce,” says Ryan Duley, marketing director for Sunriver Brewing. The welcoming attitude and attention to detail are universal qualities that have made the brewing company a go-to tourist destination as well as a local Bend favorite.  While some breweries treat food as an afterthought, Sunriver Brewing finds bal ance between award-winning beers and high-quality food. This commitment has paid off, helping them stand out in an area saturated in beer.  Mountain Jug Cafe Sintra Sunriver





Best Asian CHI Chinese and Sushi Bar Chan’s of Bend Best Bagel Big O Bagels Rockin' Dave's Bistro & Backstage TBestLoungeBakeryheSparrow Bakery Nancy P's Cafe & Bakery Best RTBestBurritBendBestTMcKBestACaBesCURBBQBaldy’sBBQBarbecuetBowlféYumm!ctiveCultureCaféBreakfastayCottageRestaurantheVictorianCaféBreakfastBurritoBreakfastBurritooSunriseBreakfastSandwichheSparrowBakeryockin'Dave'sBistro&Backstage Lounge Best Burger Bend Burger Co. Dandy’s Drive-In Best RJackBestKBo’sBestMcKTBestTRicharBestArianaZBest900BontàBestBowBleuBestJackSporkBestLSuperBurritoBurritoosJalapenosCasualDiningson’sCornerCatererBiteCateringtieCateringCo.DessertWallDinnerydecoKitchen&CocktailsRestaurantDoughnutd'sDonuts&PastriesheDoughNutEggsBenedictheVictorianCaféayCottageRestaurantFalafelFalafelefiFastFreshMediterraneanFamilyDiningson’sCorneredRobinGourmetBurgersand Brews Best Fine Dining Ariana Restaurant Zydeco Kitchen & Cocktails Best Food Cart Aina Kauai Style Grill BestToastyFood Cart Lot Midtown Yacht Club On BestTapFried Chicken The Tin Pig Cascade West Grub & Alehouse Best International/Fusion Cuisine 5SporkFusion & Sushi Bar Best Lunch El Sancho Wild Rose Northern Thai Eats Best Mac 'n' Cheese Brother Jon’s Ale House Lively Up Yourself Best Mediterranean Kefi Fast Fresh Mediterranean BesJoolzt Mexican Hola! Nouveau Mexican-Peruvian Cuisine El Sancho Taco Shop Best BestBendDandy’sMilkshakeDrive-InBurgerCompanyNewFoodCartMakiMakiSushiTheAmericanaTruckBestNewRestaurantBOSAFood&DrinkNomeItalianoBestPastaBOSAFood&DrinkPastiniBestPatioDiningPineTavernRestaurantMonklessBelgianAlesBestPizzaPizzaMondoCibelli’sPizza Best Sandwich/Deli Valentine's Deli Planker Sandwiches Best Anthony'sSeafoodat the Old Mill District Sebastian’s Seafood Best Smoothie/Juice Bar Mother’s Juice Café Emerald City Smoothie Best Steak Bos BrickhouseTaurus Steakhouse Best Sushi CHI Chinese and Sushi Bar 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar Best Taco El BestHabloSanchoTacosTakeoutWildRoseNorthern Thai Eats WBesSporktThaiildRose Northern Thai Eats Noi Thai Cuisine Best Vegetarian/Vegan AToastyctive Culture Best Bar San Simón The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin Best CBD Beverage Boneyard Beer Ablis CBD Best Sports Bar Sidelines Sports Bar & Grill The Hideaway Tavern Best Happy Hour 900 Wall Pine Tavern Restaurant Best Cider AVID Cider Co. Bend Cider Co. Best Bloody Mary The Victorian Café Washington Dining & Cocktails Best BestBest10DeschutBreweryesBreweryBarrelBrewingCoffeeShopThumpCoffeeLooneyBeanofBendColdBrewCoffeeBackporchCoffeeRoastersRiffColdBrewedBestDarkBeerBlackButtePorter-Deschutes Brewery S1NIST0R - 10 Barrel Brewing Best Drive-Thru Coffee Dutch Bros Coffee Rif f Cold Brewed Best Hazy Beer Deschutes Brewery - Fresh Haze Goodlife Brewing - Sippy Cup Best IPA RPM - Boneyard Brewing First Run - Bevel Brewing Best KingBestCompassionHummKombuchaKombuchaKombuchaLightBeerCrispy-Deschutes Brewery Sweet As - GoodLIfe Brewing Best Local Coffee Backporch Cof fee Roasters Thump Coffee Best Seasonal Beer Red Chair - Deschutes Brewery Jubelale - Deschutes Brewery Best Sour Beer Ching Ching Sour Ale - Bend Brewing Co. Sahalie - Ale Apothecary Best Specialty Cocktail Poco Loco – Dogwood Hola! Margarita Best Wine Bar Portello Wine Café Stoller Wine Bar Best Bank Branch OnPoint Community Credit Union Selco Community Credit Union Best Beauty Studio Penny Lash Elite MediSpa EATSEATS Best OfBest Of DRINKS Best Of DRINKS Best Of GOODS SERVICES& Best Of GOODS SERVICES& Best Of WINNERSWINNERSCENTRALOREGONCENTRALOREGON Best Of 2022

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 88 541-516-0577 655 SW 7th St Redmond, OR 97756“Reputation is more valuable than wealth” “Thank you for voting us best house cleaning service in Central Oregon!” VISIT US ONLINE AT HUTCHSBICYCLES.COM THANKS TO ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS FOR VOTING US BEST BIKE SHOP IN CENTRAL OREGON FOR THE 22ND TIME!

Best Auto Repair Import Performance Auto Repair Happy Danes Auto Repair Best Daycare/Preschool Toddles Preschool Cottage Day Care Best Hair Salon Lemon Drop Hair Salon Tangerine Salon Best House Cleaner/Cleaning Service Cleaner Living NW Berry Clean Best Insurance Agency State Farm - James Chrisman Century Insurance Group Best Landscape Service HD Landscaping Gig gling Gardener Best Law Firm High Desert Law Bryant Lovlien & Jarvis Best Local Fundraiser Cork & Barrel - KIDS Center Tuxes & Tails - Humane Society of C.O. Best Local HomeBuilder Hayden Homes Pacwest Builders Best Mani/Pedi Crescent Nails & Spa Freshly Filed Nail Lounge Best Oil Change Red Carpet Car Wash Import Performance Auto Repair Best Painting Service Webfoot Painting Sunshine Painting Best Pest Control Pointe Pest Control Barnes Quality Pest Control Best Pet Resort Bend Pet Resort Deschutes Pet Lodge Best Plumber Severson TNatBesBlackMonolithBestRWBestMcDermotPlumbingtPlumbingRealEstateCompanyest+MainHomeseMaxTattooStudioTattooStudioOpalTattootBrewereDoss-BevelBrewingonyLawrence-Boneyard Beer Best Barbershop The Spot Barbershop Westside Barber Shop Best Bartender Buck Bales at the D&D Jon Dude at the D&D Best Open Mic Silver Moon Brewing M&J Tavern Best CarsenBudtenderRobbins - Dr. Jolly's Joe Koehler - Oregrown Best ArianaChefFernandez - Ariana Resturant George Morris - Bos Taurus Best DonnerFloristFlower Shop Wild Flowers of Oregon Best Green Business Somewhere That’s Green The Gear Fix Best Indoor Music Venue Volcanic Theatre Pub Tower Theatre Best Instagram Account Memes of Bend Babe City Best Locals’ Hangout On Tap Bend D&D Bar & Grill Best Locals’ Night (Discounts) Silver Moon Brewing Bevel Craft Brewing Best Lodging The Oxford Hotel Campfire Hotel Best Nonprofit Street Dog Hero Humane Society of Central Oregon Best Place to Pick Up a Copy of the Source Deschutes Public Library Downtown Newport Avenue Market Best Place to Work (over 50 employees) Hayden Homes Deschutes Brewery Best Place to Work (under 50) Elite Medi Spa Bend Veterinary Clinic Best Radio Personality Megan Sinclair - 107.7 The Beat Dave Clemens - 105.7 KQAK Best Radio Station 92/9 FM Backyard Bend KPOV High Desert Community Radio Best Realtor Stormy Clark - West + Main Homes Tiffany Clark - Bend Premier Real Estate Best Senior Living Facility Touchmark Senior Living Mt. Bachelor Assisted Living and Memory Care Best Spot for a Night Out with the Crew River Pig Saloon San Simón Best Staycation Destination Sunriver SaSilvBestDesertSomewherBesCityLarkBestMarkNewportBesClementineju-bee-leeBestOregrownTBestCosaTBestWHopscotBestHighAblisBestKSubaruBesPineHutBestPWBestGatherIronBestASunrivBestRivBendBestEmilyBobBestPronghornResortResortTVPersonalityShaw-KTVZKirk-KOHDVeterinarianVeterinaryClinicersideAnimalHospitalWeddingVenueerResortspenHallAntiqueStoreHorseSecondHandStoreedWaresBeautyBoutiqueren&WildennyLashBikeShopch’sBicyclesMountainSportstCarDealershipofBendendallToyotaofBendCBDCompanyCBDDesertPureChildren’sClothingchKidsildChildClothingConsignmentheGearFixCuraDispensaryokyoStarfishGiftStoreUrbanMercantiletGroceryStoreAvenueMarketetofChoiceHomeDécorMountainModernHometIndoorPlantStoreeThat’sGreenRoseCactusLoungeJewelryStoreeradoxon'sFineJewelers Best Liquor Store 3rd Street Beverage Trailhead Liquor Best Menswear REVOLVR Menswear Vanilla Urban Threads Best Nursery/Garden Center Moonfire and Sun Garden Center Eastside Gardens Best Outdoor Clothing Mountain Supply The Gear Fix Best Outdoor Gear Shop The Gear Fix Mountain Supply Best Pet Store Bend Pet Express Mud Bay Best Place to Buy Art Red Chair Gallery The BestWorkhousePlacetoBuy Produce Paradise Produce Stand Market of Choice Best Smoking Accessories HighHempiesMountain Mist Best Thrift Store Humane Society of Central Oregon Thrift REgroupStoreThrift Store Best Toy Store Leapin’ Lizards Toy Co. Learning Express Toys & Gifts Best Vintage Clothing Revival Vintage Luck of the Draw Trade Co. Best Women’s Clothing Vanilla Urban Threads BesHempiestAdult Dental Group Bend Family Dentistry Drew Family Dentistry Best Alternative Health Clinic Hawthorn Healing Arts Center Inspired Health Best Exercise Studio OrBarre3angetheory Fitness Best Golf Course PronghornTetherow Resort PEOPLE & PLACES Best Of PEOPLE & PLACES Best Of SHOPPING Best Of SHOPPING Best Of HEALTH & FITNESS Best Of HEALTH & FITNESS Best Of 2022


SUNRIVERSUNRIVER Best OfBest OfSISTERSSISTERS Best OfBest OfBest Health and Recreation Facility Juniper Swim and Fitness Larkspur Community Center Best Massage / Day Spa Anjou Spa Spa W Best Medical / Cosmetic Esthetix MD Elite Medi Spa Best Medical Group High Lakes Health Care Summit Medical Group Best Pediatric Dental Group Deschutes Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dental Associates Best Ski/Snowboard Shop Powder House Ski & Patio BesSkjersaa’stYoga Studio TBestGrooNamaspaveYogaBar-RedmondheRooftopatSCP Redmond Hotel Initiative Brewing Best Boutique - Redmond Willow Wild Forever Sunshine Best Breakfast - Redmond One Street Down Cafe Mo’s Eg g House Best Brewery/Brewpub - Redmond Wild Ride Brewing Initiative Brewing Best Burger - Redmond Redmond Burger Company Bogey’s Burgers Best Coffee - Redmond Honey and Pine Cof fee Company Tite Knot Craft Coffee Best Fitness Studio - Redmond Love Bird Yoga HIIT Logic Best Food Cart - Redmond West Side Taco Co. Feast Food Co. Best Gift Shop - Redmond Welcome Home Maple Moon Home & Gif t Best Happy Hour - Redmond Initiative Brewing E Bar Grill Best Lodging - Redmond SCP Redmond Hotel Best Lunch - Redmond Initiative Brewing West Side Tacos Best Mexican Restaurant - Redmond Carnaval Mexican Grill BesHola!t New Restaurant - Redmond Xalisco Latin Cuisine Otto’s Landing (Food Cart Lot) Best Pizza - Redmond Grace and Hammer Pizzeria Jersey Boys Pizzeria Best Place to Watch Live Music - Redmond General Duffy’s Waterhole High Desert Music Hall Best Restaurant - Redmond Diego’s Spirited Kitchen Carnaval Mexican Grill Best Bar/Brewpub - Sisters Three Creeks Brewing Company The Barn in Sisters Best Boutique - Sisters BesBedouintBreakfast - Sisters Angeline’s Bakery Sisters Bakery Best Coffee Shop - Sisters Sisters Coffee Co. Fika Sisters Coffeehouse Best Food Cart - Sisters Boone Dog Pizza BesChulitastGift Shop - Sisters PBedouinaulina Springs Books Best Happy Hour - Sisters Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Best Lodging - Sisters FivePine Lodge Ski Inn Taphouse & Hotel Best Lunch - Sisters Sisters Meat & Smokehouse Sno Cap Drive In Best New Restaurant - Sisters The Barn in Sisters Ski Inn Taphouse & Hotel Best Place for Live Music - Sisters The Barn in Sisters The BestBelfryRestaurant - Sisters The Open Door Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Best Bar/Brewpub - Sunriver Sunriver Brewing Co. The Mountain Jug Best Boutique - Sunriver Lazy Daisy West of the Moon Best Breakfast - Sunriver Café Sintra Sunriver Best Coffee Shop - Sunriver Brewed Awakenings Coffee Roasters BestStarbucksFood Cart - Sunriver Nosh Street Food The Peak Food Truck Best Happy Hour - Sunriver Hola! Nouveau Mexican Peruvian Cuisine The Mountain Jug Best Lodging - Sunriver Sunriver Resort Best Lunch - Sunriver Sunriver Brewing Co. Café Sintra Sunriver Best Place for Live Music - Sunriver The Backyard Cafe & Bar John Gray Amphitheater Best Restaurant - Sunriver Sunriver Brewing Co. Marcello’s Cucina Italiana REDMONDREDMOND Best OfBest Of 2022 FREEEVENTOREGONCENTRALYOURPROMOTEFORGOTO:CALENDAR.BENDSOURCE.COM

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 92 OR 223388 • ID RCE - 53749541-449-9806 Cannot be combined with other offers. Valid for new projects only. Offer expires 09/30/2022. Eliminate Visual Clutter with Webfoot Cabinets Learn more at Bend Park & Recreation District is proud to own and operate your two favorite places to get fit, swim and have fun! Thank you for voting Juniper Swim & Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center as the “Best Health & Rec Facilities” in Bend. HEALTHBEST&RECfor16YEARSwhat’s better than first place? first & second place Juniper Swim & Fitness Center 800 NE 6th St. Larkspur Community Center 1600 SE Reed Mkt. Rd. ph. (541) 388-1133 THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT CENTRAL OREGON! Come Check Out The Family Friendly Vibe Monday-Friday 11am-9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am-10pm Otto’s Landing 652 NW 7th St Redmond OR 97756 • Full Bar with 20 Beers on Tap! • Indoor Kid’s playroom w/ Arcade • Pool tables & Darts upstairs, 21+ • 4 Food Trucks: Fresco & Fryed, Hapa Hawaiian, Órale! & Supreme Street Greek Gyros



Mt. Joy rose fast to stardom after the release of its self-titled debut album in 2018. After being swept into the limelight the group has been able to slow down and reflect on the experience. The new-age folk group’s latest release “Orange Blood” reflects the experiences of the band through the last couple years with a mature sound and continued progression. The group will take the stage at Hayden Homes Amphitheater Sat., Aug. 13. Andrew Kaiser

In this four-week course, rising seniors with the intention of applying to college will begin to reflect on their hopes, fears, anxieties and goals for the upcoming school year. Through journaling, discussion, and writing exercises the group will explore the structure of the personal essay and the question: Who Am I? Wednesdays, 11am12:30pm. Through Aug. 31. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend.$450.

Gathered Wares invites you to its Second Sunday Vintage Market at the Old Ironworks Arts District. 10+ vendors selling the best vintage Central Oregon has to offer. Instagram- @gatheredwaresshop Second Sun. of every month, 10am-2pm. Through Sept. 11. Gathered Wares, 50 SE Scott St., Bend. Contact: 541-389-2566. Free. Sunset Paddle Chasing those endless summer days? Sunset Paddle invites guests to savor the dreamy skies, setting sun and clear water of the Deschutes River. All SUP equipment and instruction provided. A memorable adventure for the entire family, including many instagramable moments of a fun trip to Central Oregon. Thu., 6:30-8:30pm. Through Aug. 18. Farewell Bend Park, 1000 SW Reed Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 503-888-5624. $60. Tarot Card Tuesday ~ Deck Reveal & Readings Join for an after hours tarot/oracle card event. This is a fun opportunity to chat about types of decks, you will get first pick of a new deck and accessories selections. Oracle & Tarot readings also available. Tue., June 21, 6-8pm. Black Bird Magical Tea & Tales, 191 S 5th street, Madras. Contact: 907-841-0367. Free. Wood Lathe Hollow Forms (Intermediate Level Class) The 3-part course is offered for the purpose of expanding your lathe skill set. In addition to a skill review, additional mounting and finishing options will be demonstrated and taught. The focus of the course will be on hollow forms, such as a cup, or a bowl. Sun., 4-6pm. Through Aug. 21. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@ $339.

This six-day program for high school students introduces you to life on a college campus, and you’ll earn a college scholarship doing it. Meet new friends while exploring your academic and career interests with university professors and experts. Every other Monday-Friday-Sunday, 8am-10pm. Through Aug. 27. OSU-Cascades Campus, 1500 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-322-2022. events@ $675 - $945. Tinkergarten: Seven Senses Summer Season

FOOD & DRINK Fried Chicken

Movie Nights Under the Stars - Faith Hope & Charity Vineyard Come enjoy big movies under the big sky of Central Oregon. The Vineyard’s big outdoor screen will have three spectacular blockbusters! Vineyard opens at 7pm and the movie starts at dusk. Bring a blanket or a low backed beach chair for a movie night only the lawn. Sun, Aug. 7, 7-9pm, Sun, Aug. 14, 7-9pm and Sun, Sept. 4, 7-9pm. Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Valley Drive, Terrebonne. Contact: 541-526-5075. events@ Adults/$20 Children 3-13/$15 Children Under 3/Free. Preparing Your College Essay

Sisters Farmers Market Sisters Farmers Market runs every weekend from the first Sun. in June through the first Sun. in Oct. Explore the market this season to shop for fresh, micro-local produce, pantry staples and artisanal goods throughout Fir Street Park in the heart of Sisters, Oregon. SNAP and EBT accepted! More information at Sundays, 11am-2pm. Through Oct. 3. Fir Street Park, Sisters, Sisters. Contact:

Free. Second Sunday Vintage Market

Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon Support Group

Everything children learn is filtered through their senses, and each child has a unique sensory system. This Summer, our Seven Senses curriculum is designed to help each child strengthen and balance their senses in the most stimulating and soothing classroom of all—the great outdoors. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9-10 and 11am-Noon Through Aug. 23. Pilot Butte Neighborhood Park, 1310 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Contact: 458-231-3395. sherry.cardot@mail.tinkergarten. com. $219. Under the Sea Dance Camp Swim with the fishes and play with the mermaids and mermen this summer! Dancers will take a fantasy journey through the magical underwater kingdom with ABC’s Under the Sea Camp. Dancers will explore a variety of dance genres, make crafts, and learn a dance to perform on the last day. Aug. 15-19, 9:30am-Noon. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. $237.50.

BEER & DRINK Beach Parties at Walt Reilly’s Walt Reilly’s is throwing a beach party every Sun., this summer! Join the patio for tropical cocktails, delicious beachy bites and music guaranteed to make you forget the Sunday Scaries. Hawaiian shirts encouraged! Sundays, 4-10pm. Through Sept. 4. Walt Reilly’s, 225 SW Century Dr, Bend, OR 97702, Bend. Contact: 541-546-0511. karley@ Free. Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day! Tue. are Locals’ Day. Every Tue. enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang out by the fire. See you soon, Bend! Crosscut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend. Environmental Center Pint Night The Environmental Center is the designated nonprofit beneficiary for Deschutes Brewery’s Community Pint Nights in August. Join the nonprofit on Tue. in August at the downtown Public House or Tasting Room and Deschutes Brewery will donate $1 from every pint sold to The Environmental Center. Mark your calendars! Tue., 11:30am9pm. Through Aug. 30. Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-9242. Free. Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off growler fills every Wednesday at Bevel! Wednesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: 831-245-1922. holla@bevelbeer. com. Free. Juju Eyeball JuJu Eyeball is a high-energy Beatles cover band in Bend. Aug. 12, 6-8pm. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend. Free. Locals’ Night Come on down and join the local family all day every Mon.! There will be $3 Pints of core lineup beers and $4 pours of barrel-aged beers all day. Mon. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. There are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tuesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: Free. Sunday Mimosas and Brunch Join Eqwine Wine Bar every Sun., for brunch! Mimosa flights and specialty wine cocktails available. Grab some friends and check out the patio, or inside the quaint restaurant. Sundays, 10am-2pm. Through Aug. 28. Eqwine Wine Bar, 218 SW 4th St, Redmond. Contact: 541-527-4419. eqwine. Free. Wednesday Cookout with Wild Ride Brewing Find the cook out in the rustic village BBQing on a Traeger every Wed. alongside a special guest brewery with some live local tunes too. All ages, first come first serve. Aug. 10, 5-7pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541-638-7001. info@ $20. Whiskey Tuesdays The Cross-eyed Cricket Watering Hole is offering exclusive access to a library of top shelf whiskeys every Tue. One ounce pours for reasonable prices. Come by and try something new, or sip on your favorites! Tuesdays, 11am-11pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free. Wine on the Deck with RR Wines Join the lodge on Tue from 2-6pm for Wine on the Deck! Sit, sip and learn from the different local wineries The Lodge loves while enjoying a unique array of small-plate pairings from the chef. 90 min tastings. Almost every week, starting June 14th through the end of August. 21+ Aug. 16, 2-6pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541-638-7001. $60. Wine Wednesdays Happy hour all day on Wine Wednesday. Come in for discounts on glasses, beers and apps! Wednesdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@ Free. TRAINING GROUPS & 2022EVENTSATHLETICHaulinAspen


This support group offers a safe space for all people involved in caring for or managing Parkinson’s Disease. Please contact Kay Terzian if you wish to join or have further questions 541-388-1706. Fri., 9:45-11:45am. Through Jan. 1. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-388-1706.

FAMILY & KIDS 2 Day “Lunchbox and Snacks” Kids Camp Chef Suzanne will be teaching your kids (ages 11+) to make their own lunchboxes and snacks. This is a two day class from 10am to 1pm on Mon. (August 15) and Tue. (August 16). Class is for ages 11 and up. Call the store to register. Aug. 15, 10am-1pm and Aug. 16, 10am-1pm. Kara’s Kitchenware, 375 SW Powerhouse Dr #120, Bend. Contact: 541-617-0312. kkwbend@ $150. Kids Ninja Warrior Summer Camp Drop off the kids (age 6-10) for an exciting Kids Ninja Warrior Summer Camp! Kids will greatly improve their coordination, strength, agility and climbing skills as coaches guide participants through daily Ninja Warrior challenges, fitness routines and point-scoring Ninja Warrior skill-building sessions. A great camp for siblings and Friends! Aug. 15-18, 9am-Noon. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ $185. Let’s Talk About It Training with KIDS Center Examine child development through a social, physical, and developmental lens. You can attend this program online or in person. Registration is required. Register by using the “Register Here” link above. Masks are required at all in-person library events. Tue., 10am. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@ Free. Moms + Groms Meetup Moms + Groms is officially back @ Boss Rambler 3-6pm every Wed.! Moms, it’s simple: show up with your grom(s) to socialize and drink beer (or whatever you want) with other moms while the kiddos make new friends! All moms get $1 off drinks! Wednesdays, 3-6pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.

Redmond Farmers Market Featuring locally grown produce, artisan foods, prepared foods and crafts. Redmond Farmers Market shares a dedication for supporting local farms and eating delicious and healthy foods. Thursdays, 3-7pm. Through Sept. 15. Centennial Park, Evergreen, Between 7th and 8th St., Redmond. Free. Summer Academy

Coffee & Books for a special food menu, alongside live music and local artists’ works! Ample parking is available, and bikers/foot commuters get 30% off! Enter in to a free drawing for a local goodies basket. All ages welcome! Sat, Aug. 13, 10am-2pm, Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave, Bend. Contact:

Mountain Trail Running has never been better no pavement here. Featuring a full all-trail marathon, a half marathon and a 6.5-mile course (dubbed the “Half As”), the Haulin’ Aspen features beautiful trails that wind through the Deschutes National Forest, showcasing some epic views. With varying terrain and elevation, the cool wooded pine setting provides a challenging and exciting experience. Make it a destination this summer – Bend and the Cascades welcome you! Aug. 13, 7am. Wanoga Sno Park, Cascade Lakes Highway, Bend. $50-$95.

Thursdays Fried Chicken Thursdays at Flights Wine Bar! Dine in with a 2-piece plate with sides and a biscuit for $18 or take an 8-piece bucket and a bottle to-go! Upgrade to the ‘Balla Bucket’ to get a Somm selected bottle of Champagne. Thursdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@ $38. Schilling’s Farmers Market The Schilling’s Farmers Market gives local farmers and makers a place to come together and celebrate good, hard, honest work – the work done by the hands of our neighbors. Come out and help us grow! Sun, Aug. 14, 10am-3pm-Sun, Sept. 11, 10am-3pm and Sun, Oct. 9, 10am-3pm. Schilling’s Garden Market, 64640 Old Bend-Redmond HWY, Bend. Contact: 541-323-0160. info@ Free. Second Street Second Saturday Join the Second Street Bend shop community at Bend


Bend Area Running Fraternity

Introductory Aikido Class Join Oregon Ki Society for this 4-week introductory class to discover the basic principles, movements and arts of Aikido. You’ll learn to calm your mind, develop situational awareness, maintain composure and respond to conflict peacefully. 16 and older. Contact Colton Poe Sensei for more information: (505) 412-1379 or colmack@gmail. com. Saturdays, 8:30-10am. Through Aug. 27. Oregon Ki Society, 20685 Carmen Loop, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 505-412-1379. colmack@

This fun and motivating outdoor fitness class will get your blood flowing and leave you feeling empowered! Class will contain circuit, interval training and breath work. Adaptable to all levels. Parking pass, mats and equipment included. Reservation required, please visit website. Wed., 5:30-6:30pm. Through Sept. 28. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Contact: 503-888-3674. $20. Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thu., 6:15pm. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact:

Watch some of the most elite climbers compete in a one day competition at 10 Barrel Eastside! Aug. 13, 4pm. 10 Barrel East Side, 62950 NE 18th St, Bend. Contact: 541-241-7733.


Thursday Night Run Run through the Old Mill for around 3-5 miles, stay for food and drinks! Thursdays, 6-7pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.

The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mon., 5pm. AVID Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: bendarearunningfraternity@ Free.

HEALTH & WELLNESS 2022 Virtual Cannabis Research Conference Attend the 2022 Virtual Cannabis Research Conference (CRC), hosted by Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center in partnership with the Institute of Cannabis Research at Colorado State University Pueblo. Mon, Aug. 8, 8am-4pm, Tue, Aug. 9, 8am-4pm and Wed, Aug. 10, 8am-4pm. Contact: 310-469-7980. $100 - $350.


All Levels Community Vinyasa Class Come join r’oming yoga for an outdoor All Levels Vinyasa class in a peaceful park setting! Classes our limited to 15 students. We have mat rentals available on site. Sat., 9:30-10:30am. Through Aug. 27. Compass Park, 2500 NW Crossing Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. $15. All Levels Vinyasa Class Join r’oming yoga for this all levels vinyasa class right on Deschutes River. Mat rentals will be available. Mon., 5:30-6:30pm. Through Aug. 29. Pioneer Park - Bend, 1565 NW Wall St, Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. $15. Balanced Bend Mental Health Festival Balanced Bend - Mental Health Festival is the first event in Bend to give the community an opportunity to explore and sample services from a variety of local wellness providers. Services include massage therapy, yoga, reiki, healthy meal demonstrations, mental health therapy & wilderness therapy. Aug. 14, 11am5pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-363-7116. savanna@wildhearttc. org. Free. Bend Zen Meditation Group Bend Zen sits every Mon., evening at 7pm. Arrive at 6:45pm to orient yourself and meet others. We have two 25-minute sits followed by a member-led Dharma discussion from 8:05-8:30pm. All are welcome! Learn more and sign up for emails at Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St., Bend. Contact: Donations accepted. Capoeira: A Martial & Cultural Art Form of Freedom Free yourself from everyday movement and thought streams, push your boundaries and find joy in community. This Afro-Brazilian art combines music and acrobatics in a constant flow of movement, attacks and creative defense. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr. Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 541-6783460. $30 intro month. Coaching Group Build your dream life while connecting to a supportive, motivating community. Clarify your goals - internal or external, immediate or long-term, self or other focused. Learn new skills, techniques, and insights to make it happen! Led by Diana Lee, Meadowlark Coaching. Mon., 6-7:30pm. Contact: 914-9802644. $15-25. Community Acupuncture Reduce stress, increase vitality and energy, treat acute and chronic pain and strengthen your immune system through acupuncture in an affordable, community style setting. Both new and returning patients are welcome! Join David Watts, LAc at Hawthorn every Wed. and Fri. Call to schedule today! Wed., 10:30am-1pm and Fri., 10:30am1pm. Join Hawthorn Healing Arts Center every Wed. and Fri. 10:30am-1pm Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: Reservations: 541-330-0334. INFO@ HAWTHORNCENTER.COM. $60/session. Couples Massage Classes! Learn to give your partner a great back, neck, hand and foot massage! Nurture your relationship, your partner and yourself. Single-session, one couple, 2 or 4-hour massage classes in Tumalo. Summer classes now scheduling. Book today to reserve your perfect day/time! www.taprootbodywork. com Fridays-Sundays. Through Sept. 4. Taproot Bodywork studio, Tumalo, Tumalo. Contact: 503481-0595. Varies. Dance Meditation Transformation Dance Meditation Transformation is held every Thu. at 6pm at the Hanai Center. The experience of meditation going through the 5 stages of preparing your body and mind to flow freely is a unique experience. The session ends with a free flow dance set of world music. Suggested Do-

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 95 CALENDAREVENTSTICKETS AVAILABLE AT Adult Dodgeball (Open Gym) Make Friends. Get Fit. Have Fun! Come check out Bend’s favorite social adult sports league every Wed. this summer at The Pavilion. Drop in for a single game and the group will find you a great team to play with. Open to all genders, skills, abilities and levels of competitiveness. Wed., 6:30-8:30pm. Through Aug. 24. The Pavilion, 1001 SW Bradbury Way, Bend. Contact: no phone. $8.

$50. Outdoor Fitness Class

Saturday Morning Coffee Run Come join CORK for a Sat. long run at 9am. We will meet outside Thump Coffee on York Dr. for a long run. Feel free to run or walk, whatever “long” means to you! Whatever your pace and distance, Thump hopes you’ll join us for the run and stay afterward for food and drinks! Sat., 9-10am. Thump Coffee - NW Crossing, 549 NW York Dr., Bend. Free.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 96 Two Locations to Serve249RedmondYouNW6th Street (541) 316-5262 1939Bend NE 3rd Street (541) 382-1914 All of us at Bend Burger are HONORED that the community chose us for Best Burger. WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN!!!!!

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 97 nations $15-$25 Thu., 6-7:30pm. Through Sept. 22. Hanai Foundation, 62430 Eagle Road, Bend. Contact: 310-420-5873. seedofnothingness@ $15-$25. Dream Interpretation Group Your inner consciousness is trying to communicate with your conscious mind all the time. It speaks to us in dreams and waking life in the language of symbolism. Facilitator Michael Hoffman has been interpreting dreams for the past 35 years. This approach draws on Jungian dream interpretation and spiritual traditions. Every other Tue., 6-7:30pm. Contact: 541-639-6246. michael@ Free. Drop In Monday Meditation - open to all Come join the beautiful gardens for meditation and healing! Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm. Blissful Heart Wellness Center, 45 NW Greeley Ave, Bend. Contact: 510-220-2441. cathleen@ Donation Based. Group Meditation These group meditations are for connection, breathing and being. Join Spark Wellness Mon. evenings to foster connection to others, connection to self and connection to the world. Ease your anxiety and depression while learning breathing techniques to calm the mind. Aug. 15, 6:30-8pm. Spark Wellness, 210 Southwest 5th Street, Suite 4, Redmond. Contact: 541-604-2440. hello@sparkwellness. love. Donation. Impact Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Program Impact PD! is a highly energy exercise class designed for people with Parkinson’s. Whole body activation, voice work, facial expression, counteract your symptoms, dual tasking, fine motor skills and increase your daily activity. Led my Nancy Nelson a Exercise Specialist for Parkinson’s. Call with questions and to sign up 503-799-5311. Tue.-Thu., 9:15-10:30am. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr. Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 503-799-5311. nancyn. $119 a month. In-Person Yoga at LOFT Wellness & Day Spa In-person yoga classes at Bend’s newest yoga studio! Tue.: Vinyasa with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Thursdays: Foundation Flow with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Schedule online or give us a call to reserve your spot! Tue.-Thu., 5-6pm. Loft Wellness & Day Spa, 339 SW Century Drive Ste 203, Bend. Contact: 541-690-5100. info@loftbend. com. $20. Live Music Yoga & Gong Bath Meditation This experiential yoga class explores vibration through movement, music and meditation. Through the use of gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls, chimes, flutes and drums participants explore the healing journey of experiencing sound on a deep profound level. Please bring a yoga mat, cushion and blanket for max comfort. All levels Tue., 7-8:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central OR, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 8087830374. $15-20. Love Thy Camp Yoga Studio Classes in Tumalo Love Thy Camp has opened a small(4 yogis max) yoga studio in Tumalo! One of the ways we raise money is through yoga classes. So, come support your health and a great cause! Check the schedule below for dates/times. Private one-on-one available too! First class $5 Off with code: GetSomeYoga. Mon.-Fri., 9:30-10:30 and 11:30am-12:30pm. Love Thy Camp, 20039 Beaver Lane, Bend. Contact: 541-948-5035. info@ $20 Drop-in. Mom + Baby Yoga Join other moms and babies (6 weeks to pre-crawlers) for this special yoga series. During classes you will flow from pose to pose to help tone, stretch and strengthen your body while releasing tension. Spend quality time bonding with your baby while also hanging out with other moms with littles. Thursdays, 10:45am-Noon Through Aug. 11. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $110. Moon Ceremony Gather under the Moon with The People’s Apothecary for an evening of community, creating sacred space, setting intentions and letting go of things that do not serve us and learning new ways to release dis-coordinate energy. Thu., Aug. 11, 5:30-7pm, Sat., The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. $20. Morning Yoga Flow! Increase energy, flexibility, strength and stamina. Use fluid movements linked with the breath to create greater balance and awareness in the body ~ All in the fresh Central Oregon air! Bring a yoga mat! Included with Juniper & Larkspur monthly and annual memberships or pay a drop-in fee. Sat., 8:30-9:30am. Through Aug. 27. The Pavilion, 1001 SW Bradbury Way, Bend. Contact: 541-389-7275. Included with membership or drop-in fee. Outdoor Yoga Class All-levels Vinyasa flow class. Our community yoga classes take place outside, with the sun shining, the birds chirping and the river flowing by. For visitors, new to Bend and locals - build strength and flexibility in community, in nature! Parking pass, mat and props included. Reservation required, please visit website. Fri., 8:30-9:30am and Wed., 8:30-9:30am. Through Sept. 28. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd, Bend. Contact: 503-888-3674. $20. Outdoor Yoga Flow Classes Join Free Spirit Yoga outside in the fresh air for this all levels adult Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class built around sun salutations and creative sequencing to build heat, endurance, flexibility and strength. Prenatal students are welcome as well as teens 13 and older with parents. Mon.-Tue.-Thu.-Sat.Sun., 9:15-10:15am. Through Sept. 11. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ $18. Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Meeting Zoom meeting Password: 301247 For more information: For assistance, call Terri at 541-390-1097 Sundays, 3-4pm. Contact: 541-390-1097.

Rebelution is one of the most popular reggae touring acts of the past 20 years. The group has amassed a huge following of dedicated fans and has mastered the art of performance through tireless work in the studio and years spent on the road. Catch the red hot act at Hayden Homes Amphitheater Thu., Aug. 11.


Parkinson’s In Person Exercise Class PWR! Moves Group Exercise Class. Please join Nancy Nelson- Parkinson’s exercise specialist for this whole body in person, function-focused exercise that will push you to do more than you think. You will be challenged physically and cognitively while working through fitness goals: strength, balance and agility. Call Nancy 503-799-5311 Tue.-Thu., 1-2pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 503-799-5311. $160 for 8 weeks. Prenatal Yoga Rejuvenate, relax and recharge as participants move, breath and build community with other expectant moms! This in-studio prenatal yoga series will reduce your common pregnancy discomforts and tensions, prepare your body for birth and improve your postpartum recovery. All levels and stages of pregnancy are welcome. Mon., 10:45am-Noon Through Aug. 15. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-2413919. $110. Riverside All Levels Vinyasa Class Join r’oming yoga for this All Levels Vinyasa Class right on the Deschutes River. Mat rentals will be available. Sat., Noon-1pm. Through Aug. 27. Pioneer Park - Bend, 1565 NW Wall St, Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. $15. Scottish Country Dance Scottish Country Dance class is on Mon. from 7-9pm at the Sons of Norway Building, 549 NW Harmon. A chance to socialize and get a bit of exercise too. Beginners are welcome. All footwork, figures and social graces will be taught and reviewed. Contact 541508-9110. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-5089110. $5. Sunday Yoga Wind down your summer weekends with playful grounding outdoor yoga classes steps away from the lodge. Yoga classes are taught by Ulla Lundgren owner of the Yoga Lab in Bend. Yoga classes are accessible and fun for all ages and abilities. Sundays, 4:30-5:30pm. Through Sept. 4. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541-638-7001. $20.

TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Courtesy Rebelution

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 98 Saturday, September 10th HooDoo Ski Area Doors Open at Food2:00pm&Drink Tickets: & Smith Rock Records More Info: BendBalanced Wild Heart Therapy + Consulting presents Sunday, 8/14 • 11am - 5pm Drake Park, Bend OR FREE ADMISSION | FAMILY FRIENDLY | COMMUNITY RESOURCES Balanced Bend is a community experience that promotes mental health and wellness through a day of collective well-being. Join us to learn about and sample services from a variety of local providers. • Mental Health Resources and Education • Healing Arts and Movement Classes (Yoga, TRE, Forest Bathing, Ecstatic Dance, Qi Gong) • Live Music • Interactive Family Zone • Free Massage • Shaved Ice • Silent Auction Cheryl Chlebowski Design • Specializing in Behavioral Health & Wellness • chlebowskicheryl@gmail.comFree parking at Highland Magnet Elementary School! For more information, please use the QR code or

Grandmaster Franklin, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. arawak327@gmal. com. $80.

Austin Jenckes is a Pacific Northwest native who, like many great songwriters before him, migrated to Nashville to perfect his musicianship. The move paid off as Jenckes crafts songs written with profound thoughtfulness and layered harmonies. He will be at Sisters Saloon Thu., Aug. 11.

Tai Chi with Grandmaster Franklin The focus is on the individual. I teach the original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Each movement is fully explained. Neogong, Baoding & Sword are taught. Tue.-Thu., 9:45-10:45am.

Sundays on the Green Help Cosmic Depot raise mountains of food for NeighborImpact each Sunday. Community members will be on hand to provide services from tarot to reiki free of charge to support in the collection of canned food for those in need. Join in! Sundays, 10am-3pm. Through Aug. 29. The Cosmic Depot, 342 NE Clay Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-385-7478. Free. Tai Chi for Health™ created by Dr. Paul Lam This two-day per week class is appropriate for anyone who wants a slower Tai Chi class or those dealing with chronic health conditions. The gradual, gentle and simple movements help facilitate healing and improve motion, flexibility and balance. The entire class can be performed in a wheelchair or a chair. Any student may sit for all or part of the class. Half of our time is gentle warm-ups. “Tai Chi for Health” classes are traditional moves, modified and adjusted by Dr. Paul Lam and his team of medical experts. We also explore using our knowledge of Tai Chi to help us stay safe and balanced, as seniors. Mon.-Wed., 8:45-9:45am. OREGON TAI CHI, 1350 SE Reed Mkt Rd Ste 102, Bend. Contact: 541-389-5015. $55-$65.


The Vance Stance / Structural Reprogramming Is pain preventing you from activities you love? Can you no longer “power through?” Mondays-Wednesdays-Thursdays, 6pm. EastSide Home Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct.,, Bend. Contact: 541-330-9070. 12 classes/$180. Yoga Hike/Mini Retreat Yoga Hike/Mini Retreat experience offers the perfect getaway minutes from Bend. This experience blends meditation practices, hiking, yoga and forest bathing into a 3 hour package. Price does not include $5 entrance fee to Tumalo State Park. Sessions are limited to 6. No yoga experience required. Fri., 9:30am-12:30pm. Through Aug. 26. Sun., 9:30am-12:30pm. Through Aug. 28. Shevlin Park, 18920 Shevlin Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-3169213. $59. Yoga Mama Yoga series designed specifically for moms with younger kids, ages 5 and under (no kids allowed during classes). Participants will work to reduce common “mom” tensions especially in the low back, neck and shoulders, while increasing core strength and rebalancing the hips and pelvis. Come meet other mamas. All levels welcome! Wed., 5:30-6:45pm. Through Aug. 17. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $110.

Alyse Gafken / Bly the Thomas 61170 SE 27th St / Bend OR 97701 / 541.382.3537 / Thank You for your support throughout the years! Fun Facts for HSCO Best Thrift Store: 1st Place Best Non-Profit: 1st or 2nd Best Fundriaser: 1st or 2nd from beginning of Best Of categories


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VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 100 Sisters Art Works The intimate stage has become the venue of the ByGUNGsummerHOChrisWilliams Turning Your Fantasies into Reality 24/7! DVD SALES • RENTALS • VIEWING • •541-312-8100 197 NE THIRD ST, BEND NEXT TO STARS ACROSS THE STREET FROM LES SCHWAB ATM ANDNOVELTIESPARTYADULTLINGERIETOYSSUPPLIESSOMUCHMORE! Now Hiring! THISEverySUMMERThursday • • Discover a gathering place full of local produce & meats, flowers & treats, artisan foods, arts & crafts, and live entertainment. Join us 3-7 downtown at Centennial Park! A HUB HEALTHYHEALTHYFORLIVING

For those who haven’t heard yet, there’s been something brewing in Sisters this summer. Throughout the season, Sisters Art Works has acted as a communal backyard for those lucky enough to see a show there, put on by the folks at Sis ters Folk Festival. The small stage behind the SFF headquarters looks out onto a small lawn lined with chairs, people on apartment balconies dancing up above and some of the prettiest sunsets. Audiences are treated to an up-close-and-personal lis tening experience and mountain views. I don’t want to trigger anyone’s FOMO for those who haven’t made it, but the lineup has been fantastic.  MarchFourth marched on early in July with a huge ensemble of horns and drums. Rising Appalachia took the stage July 21 and had the audience grooving. Watchhouse (formerly known as Mandolin Orange) appeared July 30 with the audience in awe of the exceptional musicianship. Folk legend Tim O’Brian was there last week, and now to top off the summer the venue will host Southern Avenue and Jontavious Willis for a night of gritty blues.  With the addition of much great summer music, the Sisters Art Works shows only add to the strong reputation Sisters has built as a music town. Presents: Southern Avenue and Jontavious Willis Thu., Aug 11. 7pm Sisters Artworks 204 West Adams, Sisters $35 on Sisters Art Works is the venue of the summer! Williams



202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 101 C Caprese Frittata, a la Cafe Lena Garlic and cheese in scrambled eggs is a concept as old as breakfast, but it’s instructive and inspirational how a pedestrian batch of eggs can be so easily transformed and elevated to greatness




fungal flavor to the dish that interacts with the basil to create a musky, exot ic kind of savory flavor that brought me all the way back to where we started, at Cafe Lena, and washed me with feelings of nostalgia for pre-hipster Portland. After 20 odd years the recipe had come full circle, while going somewhere else entirely. 647-2198 #2 #2

This recipe folds recipes and ingredients of European origin into a West Coast context that’s about as far away from Europe as you can get without a boat.Serves 2 • 1 large potato, preferably a waxy type like Yukon gold, grated • 1 large onion, sliced thinly • 4 tablespoons olive oil • 6 cloves of garlic: 5 whole cloves, with the 6th grated • 2 small (<4-inch) zucchinis, sliced thinly • 3 eggs • ¼ teaspoon salt • 1 tomato-sized tomato, sliced into quarters, each of which is sliced into •thirds½cup cubed mozzarella • ½ cup cubed brie, skin-on • 1 cup basil leaves Heat half of the oil on medium in a non-stick pan—either an omelet pan or a cast iron skillet. Add the potatoes and onions to the hot oil and thoroughly mix. Cover with a tight-fitting lid, which retains the moisture from the onions and steams them, along with the potatoes, into a soft mush. After about 10 minutes, add the whole garlic cloves. After another 5 minutes add the zucchini. (If you are incorporating other vegetables, you will have to figure out when and in which order to add them so they all finish cooking at the same time as the potatoes, or if they should be added in the next step, along with the toma toes, cheese and basil, which we want to cook as little as possible.)


When the potatoes, onions, garlic and zucchini—and perhaps other vegeta bles—are done to perfection, turn off the heat and let them cool. Meanwhile, beat the eggs along with the salt, and let them sit until the cooked stuff has cooled. Then, give the eggs a final beating and add the cooked items, stirring them stiffly into the eggs. Add the tomatoes, basil, grated garlic and cubes of cheese, and gently fold them in.

By Ari Levaux CHOW

When I lived in Portland in the late 1990s, there was a breakfast spot on Hawthorne Boulevard called Cafe Lena, where I used to go for a dish called “BBG Scrambled Eggs.” BBG stands for Basil, Brie and Garlic. In today’s world of hybrid recipes and fusion cuisine, most menu readers are too jaded to bat an eye at such an unex pected combination. But at the time, my belly-brain was blown. Decades later, the magic has only grown. I now view the dish as an example of how to incorporate seasonal ingre dients into my standard recipes. Gar lic and cheese in a batch of scrambled eggs is a concept as old as breakfast, but it’s instructive and inspirational how a pedestrian batch of eggs can be so easily transformed and elevated to greatness. Since I began messing around with it, BBG Scrambled Eggs has become a template for how to accom modate the revolving feast of produce that the seasons pro vide. I have been using variations on BBG to use my farmers market loot the way my parents once used stir-fry to clean out the fridge.After sever al evolutions of the original BBG Scram bled Eggs, the recipe has evolved into a frittata, heavy on potatoes and onions. The next step was to shoehorn the components of caprese, the iconic salad of tomato, basil and mozzarella. This shift started organi cally, when I was out of brie so I used mozzarella. Since the basil was already there, it only took tomatoes to complete theThiscaprese.time of year, when the garlic is new, I use it as both vegetable and spice.

As such, I add it twice. The first wave helps to create a baseline savory flavor for the dish. The second wave of gar lic, added near the end, stays closer to raw, adding pizzazz. I began adding oth er vegetables, when available, including spinach, zucchini and broccoli, as the dish had become decidedly quiche-like. The resulting BBG Caprese Frittata is a juggernaut at the table. Each bite is an adventure, with tart tomatoes, chewy cheese, aromatic basil and other flavors combining into fireworks. The texture is as captivating as the flavor, thanks to the mozzarella, potato and onions browning into a delightfully chewy skin. Enjoying this dish for the first time was such a captivating experience that I temporarily withdrew from the rest of the world. I dimly remember my son calling out to me with a question, but I didn’t want to stop chew ing—even long enough to blurt out a quick reply—so I pre tended not to hear remove,rind,brie,mozzarella.droppingbackaddedmakAfterhim.ingafewbatchesIrememberedthebrie,anditwithouttheTheespeciallythewhichIdidnotaddedadistinct

Clean the pan and add the remaining two tablespoons of oil. Turn the heat to medium, and when the pan heats up, splash some water in the oil to see if it sput ters. When the water sputters, add the egg mixture and gently spread it evenly about the pan. Put the lid back on to trap as much heat as possible, and cook until you smell the bottom start to brown. Don’t wait until you smell burning. When you smell the browning, the top will probably have begun to set up but still appear a bit pale. With a spatula, gently separate the frittata from wher ever it is sticking to the pan. Ideally, at this point you should be able to move the frittata around the pan in one piece just by shaking it. Place a plate over the frittata and gently flip it. Do so over a container posi tioned to catch any excess oil that might tip out while you’re flipping it onto the plate. Then add the oil back to the pan, and slide the inverted frittata off the plate and back into the pan, for just a minute or so to finish cooking the top surface. Turn it off before it totally finishes, to prevent over cooking, and let it cool on the stove with the lid on. When cool enough to work with, slide the frittata onto a plate, and serve.


BBG Caprese Frittata

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 102 “This adorable, clean little dispensary is located inside of a 103 year old home tucked in right off of Hill St... and I’m in love.” - J.R. ST.HILL.NWST.HARRIMAN.NW NW.FRANKLINAVE. NW.WALLST. NW.BONDST. NW GREENWOOD AVE. DOWNTOWNBEND DRAKEPARK NW COLORADO AVE. NW ARIZONA AVE. NW FLORIDA AVE. NW DEL AWARE AVE. BOX FACTORY ST.HILL.NWST.SISEMORE.NWST.VANWLAST.STAATS.NWST.BOND.NWST.WALL.NW ST.HARRIMANNW COLORADO AVE. EXIT 138 NWRIVERSIDEBLVD.NWKANSASAVE. NW GEORGIA AVE. NW HUNTER PL. NWLAVARD. Online Ordering | Cards Accepted Daily Sales | Gift Boxes | Dog Friendly All Are Welcome Here, Bring Your Mom! SMOKELORE.COM | IG: @SMOKELORE.SHOP 324 NW HILL ST. | open every day Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out reach of children.

Screening Aug. 12, 8pm Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St. $15 Tix available at

Mark McInnisMark McInnis

Director/cinematographer Ben Weiland and co-cin ematographer Mike Nulty have crafted some breath taking setups in “Island X,” giving the film such a rich and stunning palate across magnificent frozen vistas and icy textures that even someone as unfamiliar with surfing as I am couldn’t help but, pardon me, be swept away by the film. There’s such an audacious bravura to the shot compositions that I had to remind myself I was watching a documentary and not a hundred-mil lion-dollar adventure movie. A surf movie in a snowy and freezing environment is also something I’ve never seen before, but no one ever looks miserable; They’re thriving and having the time of their lives on Island X. “I’ve always been drawn to more hostile, cold, remote environments,” says McInnis. “I think it’s sim ply a byproduct of where I’m from. Growing up in the PNW, it’s just part of your daily life. I lived on the Ore gon Coast for eight years or so and loved it so much. It was truly the place where I felt the most at home. So, chasing surf in environments like that was only natural.” This interest has led him all over the world. “I’ve been to Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, New Zea land, Canada, Alaska and Chile looking for remote surf spots,” McInnis told the Source. “But this is the Bering Sea. This is a different beast entirely. So that part of the process was new and exciting. The Bering gets its lore from chaos, violence and death. It’s known as the deadliest sea on the planet. So going somewhere with such a reputation was exciting and fresh.”

Mark McInnis

This Island Earth After losing a lifetime’s worth of photographic work in the Holiday Farm Fire, a Bendite goes on to create an epic cold-water surfing film By Jared Rasic


The premise is simple: a few friends hear about an island in a remote and snowy area with some amaz ing cold-water surfing, they go to the mysterious island and make “Island X,” a beautiful documenta ry about their experience along the way. Where is this island, you may ask? Nobody ever speaks the name or exact location (other than it’s on the Bering Sea) in the film and it requires a bit of sleuthing to find out, but I’m certainly not spoiling it here. One of the subjects of the doc is Mark McInnis, a born and raised Bendite and brilliant photographer who loves depicting hostile environments. Recently before the making of the documentary, he lost most of his body of work in the Holiday Farm Fire of 2020. “Island X” doesn’t just follow a group of filmmakers, surfers and a photographer on a surfing trip, it also tells McInnis’ story of loss and his joy in creation.

For McInnis, getting to screen the film at the Tower Theatre this week is a perfect capper to the “Island X” experience. “My father was on the board for the “Save the Tower” movement back in 1997 and was actually the person responsible for procuring the largest dona tion to the cause,” says McInnis. “My grandparents, Marvin and Eda Anderson, also have a front row seat in the balcony dedicated in their honor. So, it’s a great honor to show such a personal film here, at home, in this very historic theatre.” “Island X” shows surfing in a way I’ve never seen it done across an environment that should be inhospita ble for humans to do such things, but the team makes it look fun and sort of effortless. Adventure docu mentaries aren’t normally as gorgeously composed as this one is, either, so they not only managed to have a badass surfing trip, but captured some astounding footage along the way. Catch this on the biggest screen possible. “Island X”

The waves on Island X are out of this world. No one is saying where this island is, but a bit of research might turn up an answer.


I couldn’t help but relate to McInnis and the loss of his work. I think about the thousands of reviews and stories I’ve written over the years and the thought of losing them all is overwhelming, but McInnis didn’t let it slow him down. “I don’t think it was hard to start creating content again,” says McInnis. “It was just hard losing so much previous work. That body of work sort of defines an artist in a way. So when I lost it all, it felt like I had lost myself in a sense. But I’m a photogra pher. It’s really all I know how to do for a profession, so I didn’t have to talk myself into it. I knew I’d keep going and pursuing my passions, but it felt like a clean slate, a new beginning.”

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON: Did you fall in love with the hilarious and touching YouTube videos of Marcel (voiced by the luminous Jenny Slate) when they came out a few years ago? You haven’t seen them? Go ahead and watch them…I’ll wait. You wanna go see the movie now??? Perfect, I’ll meet you there! Regal Old Mill, Tin Pan Theater

THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER: Writer/direc tor Taika Waititi is one of our most innovative filmmakers and “Love and Thunder” is packed with mind-blowing visuals and some of his most irreverent humor yet. Don’t believe the negativity, this is an absolute blast. I hope we get Thor movies forever. Regal Old Mill TOP GUN: MAVERICK: There’s a reason why Tom Cruise is the last true movie star and it’s mostly because he’s that perfect blend of creepy, weird and desperate to entertain us—and boy does he. This feels like a true Hollywood crowd-pleaser in a way we haven’t seen in years. Talk about a highway to the danger zone. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub

MRS. HARRIS GOES TO PARIS: The story of a Brit ish housekeeper and her dream to own a Christian Dior gown. The trailer for this is charming and it’s been a while since we’ve had a good fish-out-ofwater story, so here’s hoping this is as good as it looks. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House

VENGEANCE: A darkly funny crime thriller written/ directed and starring Ryan from “The Office” follows an NYC podcaster who heads out to the sticks to try and solve the crime of who murdered a girl he hooked up with once. He’s trying to make something like “Serial” or “S**tTown, but ends up in the middle of something that looks a lot more like “Winter’s Bone.” Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING: I really liked this book and actress Daisy Edgar-Jones is a fantastic new talent, so hopefully this Rural Noir murder mystery catches the imaginations of people unfa miliar with the story. If the advanced reviews are accurate, the film doesn’t quite capture the same magic as the book does, but not many movies adapt novels very well in the first place. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House SHORTS

Courtesy IMdbchoicecurator’sawardwinner J. Dylan Cavin

THE RACE TO ALASKA: Do you want to be pinned to your theater seat for a couple hours while watching a documentary about one of the most dangerous races in the world? Good, because that’s absolutely going to happen here. Have fun with that. Tin Pan Theater


BODIES BODIES BODIES: A meta horror comedy that tries to reframe the high-concept hilarity of “Scream” for post-Millennials and the Zoom generation. Pete Davidson is in it, so I guess this movie will be our news cycle for the next few weeks, although it does look entertaining and fun.


Regal Old Mill BULLET TRAIN: Why yes, I would like to see Brad Pitt fight a train full of assassins as it speeds across Japan. When you’ve got one of the co-cre ators of the “John Wick” franchise behind the camera, that means there’s a good chance this will have some brains and some heart behind all the carnage. Count me in. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: This animated adventure sees The Rock and Kevin Hart as the voice of Superman and Batman’s respective dogs that must team up to save their respective Super Partners. The trailers for this aren’t great, but I’ve been a fan of the Super-Pets since I was a kid, so don’t be surprised if you see me at the theater.

NOPE: One of my most anticipated movies of 2022 is finally here: Jordan Peele’s third feature as a director, “Nope.” Instead of doing another deep dive into the fractured psyche of humanity, this is an alien invasion story unlike any we’ve ever seen. This managed to exceed every single expectation I had for it. Regal Old Mill


Your friendly local film reviewer’s takes on what’s out there in the world of movies.

Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House EASTER SUNDAY: Comedian Jo Koy gets his first starring role as a man returning home to his wacky family for Easter shenanigans. It’s directed by Jay Chandrasekhar (who did “Super Troopers), so hopefully this has some big laughs and bigger heart. Regal Old Mill ELVIS: I would have zero interest in this one if it wasn’t from the same filmmaker who did “Moulin Rouge,” so I know it will at least be visually inter esting. Sorry, I just don’t care about Elvis. I like the musicians he ripped off quite a bit more. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE: Martial arts, sci-fi and mind-f*ck combine for this jaw-dropping showcase of the brilliant Michelle Yeoh and the unsung comedic chops of Jamie Lee Curtis. From the Daniels, this is a breath taking work of imagination that uses cinematic techniques we haven’t seen since the heyday of Spike Jonze and Michele Gondry. Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill FALL: Look, a movie made about my worst nightmare: being trapped at the top of a mile-high antenna tower. This looks terrifying and also kind of fun, I guess, if you like full blown panic attacks with your motion picture experience. Regal Old Mill FIRE OF LOVE: This documentary is an astounding look at Katia and Maurice Krafft, two French vol canologists whose love was as fiery as the magma they encountered. Or something equally cheesy. Seriously, you’ve never seen a documentary like this, I promise. It’s beautiful and a strong reminder of the art that lives in all humans. Regal Old Mill, Tin Pan Theater JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION: I’m in the minority in thinking the last couple “Jurassic World” movies had a few pretty exciting moments but weren’t actually great movies. This new one brings back Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum from the original, but still manages to be dull, uninspired and pointless. Regal Old Mill MACK & RITA: A frustrated 30-year-old influ encer goes on a bachelorette trip and magically transforms into Diane Keaton. I don’t know what requires more suspension of disbelief: the age-swapping premise or that the filmmakers think there are still 30-year-old influencers. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House

By Jared Rasic

MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU: I definitely wish this looked more like a sequel to the surprisingly great “Minions” and less like a prequel to “Despicable Me,” but who am I kidding, I’ll see this either way. I love me some Twinkie-shaped, gibberish-speak ing weirdos. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub, McMenamins


Runner-up: “Adaptation” Nic Cage as twins is still iconic 20 years later. Worst movie: “Halloween: Resurrection” Ironic title since it almost killed the franchise.

2000 Best movie: “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drag on” This just ages so beautifully.

2008 Best movie “Synecdoche, New York” Char lie Kaufman and Phillip Seymour Hoffman melt your brain.Runner up: “Waltz with Bashir” Animation can change the world.

2011 Best movie: “Martha Marcy May Marlene” A haunting look at cult programming that introduced the world to Elizabeth Olsen.

Brendan Gleeson in “Calvary.”

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Source Weekly, I have decided to take on the incredibly los ing proposition of looking at each year the paper has been open and choosing what the best movie of that specific year was. Not my favorite one, mind you, but the one I think is the actual best movie of the year.

2013 Best movie: “The Great Beauty” Sorrenti no creates an Italian take on “Wild Strawberries” and makes one of the best movies ever made.

2001 Best movie: “The Fellowship of the Ring” This gave the fantasy genre some overdue respect.

Courtesy of Neon

By Jared Rasic SCREEN

1997 Best movie: “Boogie Nights” Best movie about ‘70s porn Runner-up:ever. “Lost Highway” David Lynch directs “Batman & Robin” Cheeeel outttt!

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 105 SC 25 And Counting Jared Looks at the best films for each year the Source has existed

Worst movie “Epic Movie:” Not a movie.

2010 Best movie: “Four Lions” The finest laughout-loud comedy about fundamental terrorism ever made.Runner-up: “Dogtooth” The best Greek movie you’ve never seen.

2012 Best movie: “Holy Motors” A French fever dream that explodes all cinematic conventions. Runner-up: “The Cabin in the Woods” A truly groundbreaking horror classic. Worst movie: “The Devil Inside” Actually ends with an ad for the film’s website.

2009 Best movie: “Inglorious Basterds” Tarantino’s best by a wide margin. Runner-up: “A Prophet” A French crime-thriller that owns real estate in my head.

Worst movie: “X-Men: Origins-Wolverine” Should have killed everyone’s career it’s so bad.

1998 Best movie: “The Thin Red Line” The most underrated anti-war movie in history. Runner-up: “The Impostors” The last great screw ball comedy ever made. Worst movie: “Blues Brothers 2000” One of the worst sequels I’ve ever seen. Offensive.

Runner-up: “Melancholia” The closest anyone has come to capturing the ephemera of depression onscreen.Worstmovie: “Atlas Shrugged: Part One” I shrugged and avoided Part Two.

Runner-up: “her” That feeling when the one you love evolves past you. But as a movie.

Worst movie: “In the Name of the King” From the director of 2003, 2005 and 2006’s worst films!

Runner-up: “Bamboozled” A sadly ignored Spike “Battlefield Earth” We can all agree on this, right?

Runner-up: “Before Sunset” The middle part of the finest romantic trilogy ever made. Worst movie: “Catwoman” It really is as bad as they say. I tried to watch it.

Worst movie: “Texas Chainsaw 3D” I don’t need severed body parts flying at my face anymore.

2014 Best movie: “Calvary” The best movie on this list that you haven’t heard of before.

Runner-up: “The Grand Budapest Hotel” You’re either on Wes Anderson’s wavelength or you’re not.

2005 Best movie: “Good Night, and Good Luck” Black and white has never felt more immediate and timely.Runner-up: “A History of Violence” Cronenberg breaks down the family unit unforgettably. Worst movie: “Alone in the Dark:” From the direc tor of 2003’s worst film!

Worst movie: “Cop Out” Bruce Willis at his laziest.

2007 Best movie: “There Will Be Blood” This movie drank my Runner-up:milkshake.“NoCountry for Old Men” The Coens continue to be geniuses.

2004 Best movie: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” My favorite movie of all time.

AND, just to make things really difficult for myself, I’m also going to pick what I think is objectively the worst movie of the year, too. I’m sure that won’t make any one upset with me. If it makes you feel any better, this list was almost impossible to make. There are just too many good movies. Let’s do this.

A new side of Columbia in “Monos.”

Courtesy of Fox

Runner-up: “The Station Agent” Peter Dinklage will steal your heart. Worst movie: “House of the Dead” Watch the pre view and be amazed at the incompetence.

1999 Best movie: “Being John Malkovich” Changed the language of cinema forever. Runner-up: “The Iron Giant” A perfect film from top to “The Mod Squad” Tried so hard to be cool that it became super dorky.

Runner-up: “The Royal Tenenbaums” I’ve had a rough year, Dad.” Worst movie: “Pearl Harbor” Just…just such bad everything.2002Best movie: “Spirited Away” A work of pure and uncompromising imagination.

2006 Best movie: ‘Children of Men” Truly ground breaking filmmaking that still stands up. Runner-up: “The Fountain” Visionary and breath taking. Ages like a visual poem. Worst movie: “BloodRayne” From the director of 2003 and 2005’s worst films!

2003 Best movie: “City of God” A Brazilian crime epic you’ll never forget.


Runner-up…so far: “Nope” Jordan Peele directs the hell out of this creepy UFO flick.

2015 Best movie: “Mad Max-Fury Road” There’s really no arguing with this. Runner-up: ‘Anomalisa” Such a perfect distillation of heartache and loneliness…but, you know, a cartoon. Worst movie: “The Entourage Movie” I offer no fur ther2016explanation.Bestmovie: “Silence” Scorsese’s unsung mas terpiece.Runner-up: “Green Room” A exercise in unrelent ing tension and fear. Worst movie: “The Disappointments Room” Just try not to laugh inappropriately.

2021 Best movie: “Pig” Nicolas Cage will blow your mind and remind you why he’s so damn good at being great.Runner-up: “Faya Dayi” Just another staggeringly gorgeous Ethiopian drug movie.

Worst movie: “Tom & Jerry” Unbearable and impos sible to sit through.

2022 Best movie…so far: “Memoria” Tilda Swinton wandering around Colombia is a mood.

2017 Best movie: “A Ghost Story” The biggest ideas made with the smallest budget. Runner-up: “Raw” A French horror coming-of-can nibal story. It’s beautiful. Worst movie: “The Space Between Us” Young Adult space romances need to stop.

2018 Best movie: “First Reformed” Ethan Hawke has never been better. Runner-up: “Thunder Road” Awkwardness as empa thy and comedy. Such an undersung gem. Worst movie: “Super Troopers 2” The opposite of laughter.2019Best movie: “Under the Silver Lake” Speaks to my very specific sensibility. Most people will hate this. Runner-up: “Monos” Child soldiers watch over a cow and a hostage. Unforgettable. Worst movie: “Beach Bum” I don’t ever want to spend another minute with these characters.

107 Worst movie: “Taken 3” Looks like it’s directed by someone who has never seen a movie.

Worst movie: “Jurassic World: Dominion:” Just so inept and free of all entertainment value. There are so many movies over those years to talk about, but I had to make it difficult for myself. Here’s to 25 more years of the Source…that should be enough time for me to really get into them.

2020 Best movie: “I’m Thinking of Ending Things” Breaks your brain and then refuses to help you pick up theRunner-up:pieces. “First Cow” A lovely and peaceful West ern about two men and a cow. Worst movie: “Jesus Rolls” The worst sequel to “The Big Lebowski” imaginable.

Sorrentino’s “The Great Beauty.”


Courtesy of Janus Film


2022 Haulin’ Aspen Running on the blacktop got you down? Then switch it up and get to Haulin’ Aspen—a full-on trail race that follows Central Oregon’s epic single track and dirt roads, with no pavement around.  Featured by Trail Running Mag, the race exemplifies the reason so many move to Central Oregon: brushing your elbows with elite endurance athletes who live in the area, taking part in the fun and competitive atmosphere.   Haulin’ Aspen allows runners to choose between three distances: marathon, half marathon and 6.5 mile “Half As.” Races start and end at Wanoga Sno-park, follow ing unique loops through pristine Deschutes National Forest trails, with mountain views setting the stage for an intense and fun alpine race. The elevation changes in the race present a challenge, with a lot of hill climbs and descents across tricky ter rain. Marathon runners should be ready to have something left in the tank at the end, because my sources tell me there’s a 700-foot vertical gain for the last 2.5 miles of the race!  Haulin’ Aspen is put on by Lay It Out Events, sister company to the Source.


2022 Haulin’ Aspen Aug. 12 7am Wanoga Sno-Park Cascade Lakes Highway, Bend $80-$100 registration, free to observe Time to get dirty, Haulin’ Aspen is back! Lay It Out Events.



So my approach has been—it’s my hero. Understand my hero. Feel the friendship with my hero. We are still friends. She’s lovely. And then you know, start building a natural cinematic style around her natural rhythm of life. Cinematically, it is more of like, around my characters’ emotions and building the color around that, the movements that using the natural ele ments. What does she feel when she actually touches a hawk, when she is healing that—what’s that feeling? Those kind of like studying a more poetic way than a technological way. You know, when you have another cinematographer on set as a director, you can actually focus on that more, but I was focusing on the emotion momen tarily and then making the moves and really getting her real emotion out with out being too high-production like. It’s a play; it’s like a child-like play.

Filmmaker Elif Koyuturk, a recent transplant from Istanbul, Turkey who now works as the social & communi ty impact manager at Bend-based Puf fin Drinkwear, saw something special in Think Wild’s mission and endeavored to make a film about the work it does. The film, titled “Bridging the Gap,” is described by Koyuturk as a film aiming to “bridge the gap” between the human understanding and the natural world. It’s theme in her work, said Koyuturk, whose other film and photography proj ects have involved everything from embedding herself among nomadic goat herders in her home country to photo graphing remote desert dwellers in the U.S.The short film featuring Think Wild (and financed by Puffin) will appear in the “Local Focus” category at this year’s BendFilm, along with being an Official Selection in the LA Independent Wom en Film Awards. I chatted with Koyuturk recently about the making of “Bridging theTheGap.”Q&A has been lightly edited for clarity and length. Source Weekly: Tell us about the film. Elif Koyuturk: So Think Wild is our wildlife rehabilitation hospital in Bend and it’s run by this amazing wom an. They’re mostly volunteers and non profit and they restore and preserve our wildlife.Youneed a lot of passion when you’re doing a thing like that, working at a non profit, and I feel like that’s your life as a doctor. So the film follows Pauline [Hice], the director of Wildlife Rehabil itation. She was the first person I met, and I got fascinated by her humbleness and her really motherly connection to the topic was really moving. I started filming her and then I got into the whole story—fascinating because these amazing people are sav ing lives, right? It was so interesting because when I first started doing this film, I didn’t know about wildlife rehab centers, so I looked at Google—nothing. Like, no films. There was one film about cats in Astoria. That was it. There was a gap there, like hey, now you have this film where people actually can under stand by what rehab and conservation look like.

Bridging the Gap A film focused on Think Wild documents the wonders of Bend’s wildlife rehab hospital

“What does she feel when she actually touches a hawk, when she is healing that—what’s that feeling?”

Filmmaker Elif Koyuturk spent roughly 40 hours following Think Wild's Pauline Hice and others to make "Bridging the Gap."

SW: Do you find yourself like taking parts and becoming more than the film maker? EK: Yeah, I am like a behind the cam era, like crying with them. There was a couple in tears and Pauline was sharing her story and I was too… and the camera shakes, a little here and there. Yeah, you be in their shoes.

Courtesy Elif Koyuturk

By Nicole Vulcan O

SW: What do you think this film has meant for Think Wild? EK: I don’t want to put words in their mouth, but it was really inspiring for them that the film could material ize, their values. You know, I was super careful when I was editing when I was filming to really like represent what they meant and instead of labeling things for trend-setting things, you know, that’s popular.SoIthink from their eyes they really understood what it takes to make a real film. It’s not a promotional piece.



SW: The film really has a “filmic” quality rather than feeling like a promo video. What was your approach in mak ing it? EK: I’m the one-person team and I have my camera—I shot with FS7 Sony—and was really spending time with them and really understanding Pauline, first before anything, because she really didn’t like the camera. She’s like, ‘I just want to do what I want to do and because that’s my passion.’

OUTSIDE Not long ago, Central Oregonians were introduced to Think Wild, a new wildlife hospital and conser vation center located along Erickson Road in Bend. On any given day, the cen ter may be occupied by orphaned baby birds, mammals hit by cars or any num ber of wild creatures reported to Think Wild’s wildlife hotline.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 110 SEPTEMBER 3 RD 2022 Gnome Pain,Gnome Gain. BENDTICKET.COMAvailableTickets Questions? Call (541) 389-7275 Equal Opportunity Employer If you enjoy working with children, we invite you to join the Bend Park & Recreation District team as a Youth Recreation Leader. GREAT BENEFITS AVAILABLE INCLUDING PAID LEAVE AND INSURANCE MORNINGS, EVENINGS, WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS FREE SCHOLARSHIPSANNUAL$5250FORCOCC&OSU-CASCADESSTUDENTS

The Endangered Monarch

“Journey’s Flight” a book about the travels of a tagged Monarch that came from that wayside, was written by the students of Mrs. Susie Werts’ class and is well worth the read. The photos at the top of this story will give you a look at the life of a Monarch Butterfly, from egg to adult. In Monarchs, an egg is laid on the underside of a milkweed’s large leaf. In the female’s brief time during the first egg-laying process she will deposit 300 to 500 of them — all on milkweed. Oh yes, she may mate again and again, and before her job is done, she will have deposited up to 1,800 eggs. From three to eight days nothing appears to be hap pening as the eggs stay quietly glued to the bottom of the leaf. Then a slight trembling begins to shake the egg and it slowly splits open, releasing a tiny grayish/green caterpillar which immediately begins to eat its egg case and the area around its feet. There are five stages, known as instars, to the caterpillar’s life. At hatching, the tiny larva is almost translucent, but has a large black head, and is about 1/8 of an inch long. The second instar develops a pattern of white, yellow and black bands on the outside of the growing body. It is now about 1/2 inch in length, and very busy gobbling up as much milkweed as it can hold. That coloration of its growing body is a very visible warning to birds — like bushtits — that it is not a good thing to eat. The third instar caterpillar continues chomping away while on the upper surface of the leaf, safe from predators because of that vivid black, white and yellow striping, and is nearly an inch long. Fourth and fifth instars have a more complex band ing pattern with white dots appearing on the prolegs near its back, and if another caterpillar begins to com pete with it, a very exciting battle will develop. At full size, the larva will be nearly 2 inches in length. Now comes the time for the miracle of metamor phosis. The caterpillar’s tiny brain has a goal in life: to find what it “thinks” is a safe place on a plant nearby and spin a silk pad on a downward-facing surface. At this point it turns head down and with its hind legs grasps the silken pad. All movement stops.

Editor’s note: The Facebook group, “Pollinator Path way Bend” is another helpful resource for information and inspiration on pollinator gardens in the local area.

Life history of the Monarch Butterfly

(1) Monarch egg; (2) Monarch Caterpillar [larva]; (3) Monarch Chrysalis; (4) adult Monarch emerging; (5) Blow, adult Monarch on the wing.

Photos by Jim Anderson

It hangs in this “J” form for some time then the out er skin of the caterpillar splits open, revealing a lime green chrysalis embellished with golden spots around the exterior. And it is, within that chrysalis, that the miracle of metamorphosis will take place. Oh, how I wish I could be a witness to this biologi cal masterpiece. That fat living caterpillar now begins to dissolve into a genetic “soup,” while Life contin ues to go on. As the living cells begin to change we see three distinct body parts beginning to form: head, thorax and abdomen. Within those body parts are dif ferent eyes, different mouth-parts, a reproductive sys tem, breathing system, brain, and muscles to drive the growing wings and six legs. This will take all of eight to 15 days to complete, and then, the chrysalis will become transparent and within 12 hours its skin will split open and the adult Monarch will emerge. The new adult will begin to pump up its wings with fluid and prepare for flight. The same message of protection is displayed with those big orange and black wings.You, Dear Readers, can play a big part in helping this species work to be successful. If you have a spot on your place that’s damp most of the year, please start a colony of Showy milkweed, or lacking the water, Narrow-leaf milkweed. Then, to make a 100% success of that activity, plant a big pollinator garden, maybe where there was once a lawn or rock-pile. Not only will you hit a home run with milkweed, you’ll have the bases loaded with the pollinator garden. Locally, you can go to Winter Creek Nursery for native milkweed plants ( and Deschutes Land Trust for seeds (deschuteslandtrust. org). In addition, both the Xerces Society ( and Monarch Joint Venture (monarchjointventure. org) have excellent information and ideas on how to save Monarchs.

By Jim Anderson O Headlines in conservation magazines, and even in newspapers have been crying: “Monarch butter flies on the verge of extinction!” And they are, all the way from Maine to California. Their populations have dropped over 90% in the West and up to 84% in theAccordingEast. to the International Union for Conser vation of Nature, which recently added the Monarch to its Red List and designated it as “Endangered,” three threats have caused the Monarch populations to decline: habitat loss, widespread use of agricultural chemicals and climate change. Milkweed is the key to survival of Monarch butter flies, and the move to list the Monarch as an Endan gered Species will hopefully place protection on milkweeds. It is the only plant the caterpillars can eat. Unfortunately, the agricultural community has been systematically destroying milkweed ever since the cattle industry discovered the plant sickens cows if they eat it. Now that same farming industry is killing even more milkweed with herbicides and by not allowing irrigation water to reach them, which guarantees the annihilation of the Monarch, everywhere. Our Monarchs, found from the western side of the Rockies, spend winter congregating on the coast of California, several locations in Arizona and some join their eastern cousins in Mexico. When the sun tells them spring has arrived they head north to the first milkweed patch, lay eggs and eventually die. When that new bunch becomes adults they continue north to the next milkweed patch, lay eggs and eventually die. This process finally gets the Monarchs all the way to Cana da, and they spend summer reproducing in local milk weed patches until the sun tells them winter is coming. At that point there is no more egg-laying in the Monarch society. They put on fat instead, preparing themselves to fly south thousands of miles to where they will spend winter with their friends. Throughout their lives Monarchs need nectar from flowers to fuel their flight and milkweed to lay their eggs on. No other plant will do. Climate change is altering the seasonal availability of these Monarch necessities as well as accelerating habitat loss through wildfires.Oneof the finest Monarch conservation projects to take place in Central Oregon was the development of a wayside at the Sisters Middle School.


The iconic butterfly is endangered because its habitat is imperiled. Here’s how to help.



Is “Cannabis Sober” Truly Sober?

Utilizing plant medicines to navi gate a healthier path and better choic es involves something this country isn’t great at: bodily autonomy. Using canna bis and/or CBD may not be for everyone, but it is a legitimate choice for others.


By Josh Jardine Recently, while running a backstage budtending cold brew coffee and iced tea bar at a concert, one of the artists playing asked if I could infuse the cold brew coffee with some CBD-on ly tincture. I was happy to oblige, even more so when she explained she had recently completed a stint in rehab, and this was her first foray since then using CBD.The term “sober” is a surprising ly divisive term, with myriad defini tions that can put individuals at serious odds over the idea of what qual ifies. Defined as “the oppo site of drunk from alcohol,” it’s often used as half the term, “clean and sober,” which expands that sobriety to include abstaining from all manner of drug use, including pharma ceuticals, street drugs and plant medicines. Except when it doesn’t.  As access to regulated med ical and adult cannabis has expanded across the U.S., along with the legal ization of CBD, both the number of consumers and their reasons for using cannabis have grown. That includes those who forgo consumption of drugs but do continue to use cannabis. That approach is informally known as “Cali fornia Sober” or “Cannabis Sober.” “Cannabis Sober” is embraced by those who see cannabis use less as a vio lation of being sober, but rather more a tool to help maintain their sobriety. Their cannabis use may be replacing a harmful intoxicant, temper their inter est in using it, or provide benefits such as better sleep that offers fewer side effects than prescribed legal pharma ceuticals. (Forsome people, the term includes mushrooms and psychedelics, and oth ers include alcohol. For our purposes, we are limiting the term to cannabis use.) Opponents believe that sobriety means eschewing all intoxicants, and cannabis use is a crutch that keeps the user from fully embracing and benefit ing from a sober lifestyle. They feel that an intoxicant of any sort, used for any reason, means the user can no longer claim the title of “sober.” It’s an all-ornothing proposition. The vast difference in these belief systems is due in no small part to the complex emotional issues that surround addictions and over-indulgent behav iors. Someone who has lost a loved one to a fatal overdose can have strong and justified beliefs surrounding the level of strictness for the term “sober.” Others who have gone through the difficult and ongoing work to give up all intoxicants may also have strong opinions on the value/legitimacy of using any intoxicant. While that take is understandable, it discounts the value of the concept of “harm reduction.” It’s an idea most often applied to IV drug abuse, where users are provided clean nee dles, safe injection sites, and ongoing opportuni ties to pursue counsel ing and treatment. That treatment may include med ications such as Suboxin and Meth adone, which help dampen and sati ate an addict’s physi cal cravings for heroin. Harm reduction takes the approach that not all addic tions can be “cured,” and as such, it’s far better to help reduce the damage than hold out for a complete cessation of the intoxicant.Cannabis has demonstrated prop erties of helping to ease, among other things, stress, depression and anxiety. An argument can be made that if using cannabis helps treat those issues, which may lead some users to take up with harder and more dangerous drugs, shouldn’t it be considered? Others have advocated for canna bis as an “exit drug,” serving as a way for those struggling with addictions to wean themselves off drugs that can be fatal or pose greater long-term risks. If someone finds cannabis use keeps them from using opioids, isn’t that a better choice? Factor in that the U.S. continues to grapple with a Fentanyl epidemic, pri marily in counterfeit pills, powders and injections, killing a record number of people. It’s the leading cause of death for those aged 21-45, accounting for nearly 70,000 deaths in a one year peri od ending in October 2021.

Using cannabis and/or CBD may not be for everyone, but it is a legitimate choice for others

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 113 Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202211,AUGUST/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 114 CRAFT Over a Pint: Spider City’s Bend’sSchanerBradynewestbeerjudge is also potentially Bend’s newest cicerone

By Brian Yaeger

Duchesse is a piquant, sour Flanders Red ale, a style that originated in the Middle Ages and is nicknamed the Bur gundy of Belgium for its vinous prop erties, but we were decidedly drinking and talking beer. He ended up first enjoying a style that’s only deemed ancient or his toric in terms of contemporary craft beer—an amber ale—from Backwoods Brewing in Carson, Washington. I got Double Mountain Brewing’s pilsner, spiced up a tad with a kick of rye in the grain bill. Had we drunk at his employ er’s taproom, we’d have had no prob lem finding great beers from among the 20 taps, but it’s good to get out of famil iar Thatenvirons.said, Schaner and his fiancee are relatively new to Bend. The Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, native took an awfully circuitous route here, from earning his chemical engineering degree in Pitts burgh to working in his original field in Bavaria, which moved him to South America, where he met the future Mrs. Schaner while backpacking in Patago nia. But it was after attending the Mas ter Brewing Program at the University of California-Davis, one of the world’s most preeminent brewing programs— take that, Germany—that he applied for the brewing opening at Spider City and the couple moved here sight unseen. His one-year anniversary at the brew ery is Sept. 7. He’s already chomping at the bit to brew a doppelbock (the strong German lager is his favorite style, especially Tröegenator from Tröegs Independent Brewery in Hershey, Pennsylvania, near Harrisburg) on Spider City’s pilot brewing system for the wedding. Not apropos of this heat wave, Scha ner can’t wait to get back on his skis, both on Bachelor and a couple states over in Jackson, Wyoming. He also happens to be in the local dodgeball league, which, considering The Pavilion is open-walled, is sort of outdoors. After a couple pints at Brother Jon’s, we ambled all the way around the cor ner to Kobold Brewing’s new Lair tap room, which I wrote about for the Source last week, on Bond Street. As if to transport him back to his days living in Munich, Schaner ordered the Heffen ‘n’ Peffen Hefeweizen. I enjoyed the Lair-exclusive Dry Hopped Lager. It just so happened that one of his dodgeball teammates was celebrating his birth day at the taproom. See? He’s ingrained himself in Bend society already.

CH Have a burrowing rodent problem? Who you gonna call? TRAPPING • GASSING • RESULTS Office 541-205-5764 cell 541-331-2404 Moles, Voles, Gophers and Squirrels Residental • Commercial • Farm & Public Lands Ananda Das “Altar of Love” Weekend August 19-21 Unity Community of Central Oregon

awaken and grow.

as a package. For more info, full schedule and to register, scan

your life! You can attend

It seems we are all in spiritual warrior training to heal the heart, The Altar of Love Weekend is a transformational offering designed to support you with mantra chanting, yoga, cacao ceremony, sound healing, and so much more. It’s led by Ananda Das, a world renowned musician, teacher and healer. This weekend will be an empowerment for you to thrive in each event or the QR code. Spider City brewer Brady Schaner is settling into Bend and his new role as certified beer judge. Brian Yaeger


Brady Schaner is one of the new est Certified Beer Judge certifi cation program’s beer judges and is on track to become Bend’s new est certified cicerone. When he passes the arduous exam, he’ll be our town’s ninth. Most of them work at 10 Barrel Brewing, but Schaner, for the past year, has brewed at Spider City Brewing. So what is a BJCP judge and/or a cicero ne? Like sommeliers are to wine, these folks have demonstrated a wealth of knowledge about beer styles and how to properly identify them (and, for the latter certification, to serve them). In short, Schaner is proven to be a big ol’ beer nerd. But that didn’t help us get our Burgundy of Belgium. I met up with Schaner at Broth er Jon’s Alehouse to celebrate becom ing BJCP certified, which is the first place I’ve ever seen Duchesse de Bour gogne on draft. Our server informed us the keg kicked immediately before we ordered, hence, going Duchesse-less.

Author unknown Answer for the week of August 1, 2022 “I love working from home! I get along with everyone in the office, pajamas, and I’m always employee of the month!”

Author unknown © Pearl

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the O U C H T I M E S exactly once. The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will "I liked your opera. I think I will ."

Author unknown Answer for the week of August 1, 2022 “I love working from home! I get along with everyone in the office, I can show up in my pajamas, and I’m always employee of the month!”

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters

Author unknown © Pearl

Puzzle for the week of Aug 8, 2022 Difficulty Level: ●●○○

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 115 THE REC ROOM CHEESYCrosswordFILMS By Brendan Emmett Quigley Pearl’s Puzzle Difficulty Level Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once. OUCH TIMES The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: I liked your opera. I think I will ________.” - Author unknown We’re Local! Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark pearl@bendsource.comat © Pearl ★ ★ (©2021 1.ACROSSDecayed, like metal 7. Catty comment 11. Bar obligation 14. Actor Peter 15. European volcano 16. “Open, sesame” speaker 17. Cheesy film starring Marlon Brando? (with “The”) 19. Huge amount 20. Downs or salts 21. Lane of Metropolis 22. Something to plant 23. Formal wear 24. Group of nations 25. Don’t go straight 26. Bummed, say 27. Animation or spirit 28. Athlete 30. Ascends to a height 32. Paces 33. Cheesy film starring Michael J. Fox? 36. Knock off the track 37. Certain locks 38. “Let’s Stay Together” singer 40. Vicious fellow? 41. Typing test stat. 44. One using Elmer’s 45. Silly Sandler 47. Storage structure on a farm 48. Tiffany merchandise 49. Feeling superior 50. Old fishing tool 51. “WALL-E” love interest 52. Cheesy film starring Humphrey Bogart? 54. Series, in cards 55. Cast forth 56. Some navels 57. Spot for a scene 58. Round specks 59. Canine categories 1.DOWNPopular thesaurus 2. More perfect world? 3. Drunk as a skunk 4. Minor errands 5. Jack of old westerns 6. OED offering 7. Tagalong’s cry 8. Morals 9. Dollar bills 10. Kind of chest 11. Deep-fried mouthful 12. Medicinal juice 13. Some school supplies 18. Among the best in the league 22. Billows 24. “Revolver” musician 25. Styled in the salon 27. More dawdling 29. Undercard match, for short 30. Gives the willies to 31. Pig abode 33. City near Seattle 34. Debater’s activity 35. Gives it a shot 36. Cloaks’ partners 39. “Your wish is my command” 41. Frank 42. Arranged 43. Quagmire 46. Does a housecleaning task 47. Flurry 49. Wrestling with the big guys 50. Speak thickly 52. Abbr. in a math textbook 53. Try for an apple ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLES “I love working from home! I get along with everyone in the office, I can show up in my pajamas, and I’m always employee of the month!” - Author unknown Puzzle for the week of Aug 8, 2022 Difficulty Level: ●●○○

O U C H T I M E S exactly once. The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: "I liked your opera. I think I will ."


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In her poem “Valentine,” Capricorn poet Carol Ann Duffy tells a lover she won’t give her a “red rose or a satin heart.” Instead, her token of affection is an onion, a symbol of multi-layered complexity. “Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,” Duffy writes, “posses sive and faithful as we are, for as long as we are.” She adds that the onion will “blind you with tears like a lover.” OK. I understand the tough attitude expressed by Duffy. Romance isn’t a relentlessly sweet, sentimental romp through paradise. But I don’t recommend that you imitate her approach to your love life in the coming weeks and months. Appreciate the sometimes shadowy and labyrinthine convolutions, yes, but don’t make them more important than beauty and joy and love. How about invoking the symbol of a pomegranate? It represents fertility and rebirth out of the darkness.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In his poem “The Pupil,” Virgo-born Donald Justice speaks of how he spent “a whole week practicing for that moment on the threshold.” I advise you to do the same, Virgo. The goal is to be as prepared as you can be for the upcoming rite of transition—without, of course, being neurotically over-prepared. It’s fine and natural to honor the tension of anticipation, using it as motivation to do your best. One other thing: As you get ready, please have as much fun as possible. Visualize the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you’ve reached the other side of the test.

Come experience relaxation and stress reduction like nothing you’ve seen before. Visit our website for our other Quantum Healing offerings. Featuring the Harmonic Egg 541.604.2440 210 SW 5th St. Suite 4 Redmond, OR @sparkwellnessredmond97756 BOOST WITHOUTFINDJUMPSTARTBALANCEENERGYHORMONESYOURMETABOLISMYOURHAPPYWEIGHTEVERDIETINGAGAIN READY HEALTH?YOURTRANSFORMTO

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Of all the signs in the zodiac, you Scorpios are most likely to regard that old pop tune by the Animals as your theme song. “I’m just a soul whose intentions are good,” croons lead singer Eric Burdon, “Oh, Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.” But you may have less motivation to express that sentiment in the coming weeks, dear Scorpio. I suspect you will ex perience record-breaking levels of being seen and appreciated for who you are. For best results, do this: 1. Inform your deep psyche that you have no attachment to being misunderstood. 2. Tell your deep psyche that you would very much like to be well understood.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be extra expres sive with the people and animals you care about. Be even more amusing and generous than usual. Dare to be abundantly entertaining and engaging and empathetic. Make it your goal to draw out your allies’ dormant potentials and inspire them to love themselves even more than they already do. I’ll tell you about the endearing terms that author Vladimir Nabokov called his wife. Consider using them with your dear ones: “My sun, my soul, my song, my bird, my pink sky, my sunny rainbow, my little music, my inexpressible delight, my tenderness, my lightness, my dear life, my dear eyes, kittykin, poochums, goosikins, sparrowling, bird of paradise.”

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky wrote, “All my life, I’ve been going around waiting for something—as if I were waiting in a railway station. And I’ve always felt as if the living I’ve done so far hasn’t actually been real life but a long wait for it—a long wait for something real.” If I could speak with Tarkovsky right now, I would cheerfully tell him that his wait will soon be over. I’d say that in the coming months, Aries people who have been postponing and postponing, who have been standing by and holding on and biding time, will have an excellent chance to begin inhabiting their full, rich destiny. I invite you to imagine what that will feel like.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be fluid and flexible while still being rooted and sturdy. Be soft and sensitive even as you are also firm and resolute. Be mostly modest and adaptable, but become assertive and outspoken as necessary. Be cautious about inviting and seeking out challenges, but be bold and brash when a golden challenge arrives. Be your naturally generous self most of the time, but avoid giving too much. Got all that, Cancerian? Carrying out the multifaceted assignments I just described might be nearly impossible for most of the other signs of the zodiac, but they are in your wheelhouse. You are a specialist in fertile complexity.

Newsletter. A Quantum Healing

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Tips on how to get the most out of the coming weeks: 1. Create a big spacious realization by weaving together several small hunches. 2. Keep a little angel on your right shoulder and a little devil on your left shoulder. Enjoy listening to them argue, and don’t get attached to anything they say. 3. Do the unexpected until it becomes expected. Then abandon it and try a new, unexpected experiment. 4. Meditate expan sively on the question, “How many careers can I have in one lifetime?” 5. Enhance your home so it feels even more comfortable.

By Rob Brezsny Homework: What injustice are you most motivated to correct? Center

116 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “I’ve swung from ancient vines in the caves of Jamaica,” exults Hoodoo priestess Luisah Teish. “I’ve danced with delight around totem poles and pressed foreheads with Maori warriors. I’ve joked with the pale fox in the crossroads, then wrestled with the jaguar and won. I have embraced great trees between my thighs and spoken words of love to thunder while riding lightning bolts.” I offer Teish’s celebratory brag to inspire you as you formulate plans for the coming weeks and months. What exhilarating adventures will you give yourself? What expansive encounters will you learn from? What travels outside of your comfort zone will you dare? The time is right for upsurges and upturns and upgrades.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Unless we are creators, we are not fully alive,” wrote Sagittarian author Madeleine L’Engle. She was referring to everyone, not just people in the arts. She believed that to be soulful humans, we must always make new things, generate fresh possibili ties, and explore novel approaches. The restless urge to transform what already exists can be expressed in how we do our jobs, our parenting, our intimate relationships, and every other activity. You are now entering a phase, Sagittarius, when this initiatory energy will be especially available, needed, and valuable.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Sometimes, you may feel you’re under the influence of a debilitating spell or hindered by a murky curse. Pisceans are prone to such worries. But here’s a secret. More than any other zodiac sign, you have the pow er to escape from spells. Even if you have never studied the occult or read a witch’s grimoire, you possess a natural facility for the natural magic that disperses curses. From the depths of your psyche, you can summon the spiritual force necessary to cleanse the gunk and free yourself. Now is a perfect time to prove to yourself that what I’ve said here is true.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus poet Sherko Bekas wrote, “Each joy I wear, its sleeves are either too short or too long, too loose or too tight on me. And each sorrow I wear fits as if it were made for me wherever I am.” With this as our starting point, Taurus, I’m pleased to report some good news. In the next three weeks, you will have zero sorrows to try on and wear like a garment. And there will be at least three joys that fit just right. The sleeves will be the correct length, and the form will be neither too loose nor too tight.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “One is always at home in one’s past,” wrote author Vladimir Nabokov. But I encourage you to rebel against that theory, Libra. For now, find a way to NOT feel at home in your past. Question it, be curious about it, re-evaluate it. My hope is that you will then be moti vated to change how your history lives in you. Now is an excellent time to reconfigure your life story, to develop a revised relationship with its plot twists and evolution. Revisit and update some of your memories. Re-evaluate the meanings of key events. Enchanting healings will materialize if you do.




117 Frustrated in Redmond We’ve been married for over 10 years and we’re best friends. But these days, I can’t get my partner to give me any touch at all. By Dr. Jane Guyn Dear Dr. Jane, My relationship has been hanging by a thread for quite a while now, but these days I’m almost ready to call it quits. We’ve been married for over 10 years and we’re best friends. In the past, we were loving and affectionate. But these days, I can’t get my partner to give me any touch at all. This is hard for me because physical touch is my love lan guage. I see people all over town who look like they’re in love. In our mar riage, there’s no hand holding or any other kind of personal touch anymore— not when we’re out for a walk, not even when we’re home alone. I know we’ve been under a lot of stress since COVID and that a real vacation would help, but that’s just not in the budget right now. What do you suggest? FrustratedFrom, in Redmond Dear Frustrated, I hear you. Covid has been incredi bly difficult for many, many couples. It sounds like in the past, your relation ship was very loving and affectionate and now without physical touch it feels very lonely. This is really hard for you since touch is your love language. Central Oregon looks like Honey moon Heaven during the summer. Of course, lots of the people who are hav ing The Time of Their Lives in Drake Park are on vacation. It looks like they’re getting more than enough phys ical affection and love.   Remember that even though life in Central Oregon is wonderful, you’re still home when you’re here—with all the stressors of daily life: the bills, the upkeep, the family issues. Hopefully, you’re able to enjoy everything the area has to offer, but unless you both make a specific effort to relax, it’ll be tough for your partner to let go of stress enough to connect intimately. This is very com mon. It’s hard for many of us to get out of our heads enough to get turned on or to feel affectionate at all.   Try  1. Pretendthis: you’re on vacation for a couple of days. Set up a fun weekend or midweek staycation—you don’t have to spend a lot of money to make this work. Clear your calendar. Silence your devices. If you’ve got kids, have them stay with friends for a couple of days—and later return the favor. Or see if Nana and Grampa might be able to help you. Even without an overnight this can be great.  2. Prepare for your time alone. Talk about what might be fun to do (or not to do) together. Would you rather spend time just hanging out or get up early for a hike to Tumalo Falls? Get things settled at home so you don’t have to worry about upkeep while you’re “gone.” Tidy up. Find a dog sitter or enjoy your fur babies if that sounds  3. for your thinlycuterieansomethingadventure. Includestaycationsexylikeassortmentofcharitems:salami,slicedapplesandstraw berries, fancy cheeses. Select some thing to drink that’s refreshing and special. When the time comes, it might feel sexy to feed each other, or to just savor what you’ve prepared. You don’t have to spend a fortune to have beauti ful food that tastes amazing and at the same time, nourishes your bodies and your connection.

—Dr. Jane Guyn (she/her) is a wellknown relationship coach who received her Ph.D. in Human Sexuality and is trained as a Professional Sex Coach and Core Energy Coach. She works to help women and their partners release shame and increase con fidence in themselves. Her work is in the area of intimacy and sex, as well as fears and/or abuse issues related to sex, plus a variety of other issues that may arise from any relationship. She’s the author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller, “Too Busy to Get Busy” and has been passionately married to her best friend for over 30 years. You can find her at her your questions Dr. Jane Guyn

4. Put expectations aside.  Let the staycation be what it is. I hate to tell you this, but if you bring big expecta tions for wild and crazy Staycation Sex, you’re likely to be disappointed. Pres sure is the last thing either of you need if you’re going to rekindle something sweet between you. That said, as you’re getting ready for this time together, agree on a purpose; maybe something like “to let go of stress so that we can both explore how we’ve been feeling,” or “to talk a little,” or “to share time that’s loving and relaxed.” See what you come up with as a couple, and then see where your staycation takes you… withOfease.course, Hotel Sex is a great way to get things going, but Staycation Sex (or just Staycation Connection) can be just as much fun—and a lot less spendy. You got this.

at thesource@

Dr. JaneXoxo

This is the family dream home! 4 bedrooms 3.5 bath with a huge open living concept on the main level with the kitchen, family and dining room all flowing together perfectly. Master suite is just off of the family room with access to the large deck with amazing views of the Three Sisters and Mt. Bachelor. Go upstairs for 3 bedrooms and a large loft which is perfect for entertaining. Go downstairs for even more space. Potential for an office or bonus room. Then there is another garage downstairs that has been converted into more of a bonus room, could be used as a garage as well to make it 5 garage spaces. This is a rare find in a perfect location. Nestled among the pines in Deschutes River Woods, this property is just under an acre. Take in the views from the front porch or enjoy the private backyard among the mature trees. This single level, stick built home has vaulted ceilings, new carpets, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. The backyard is fully fenced and features a large ~200 sq ft shed. Come see this great home in a serene part of DRW with east access to the National Forest. Modern ranch style home on oversized fully fenced/ landscaped corner lot with mature trees. Featuring open floor plan with many windows, allowing for plenty of natural light. The luxurious kitchen includes high-end stainless-steel appliances, quartz counter tops throughout, including waterfall island, soft close drawers, tile back splash. The oversized primary suite boasts dual walk-in closets, dual vanities, giant tile to ceiling shower with soaking tub, dual shower head with body sprayers. This home is great for entertaining with a large covered paver patio that included a gas and wood fireplace that is fully vented. The home includes a full surround sound system both inside and outside. Secluded and private, this small acreage property has a park like setting with plenty of mature trees, conveniently located close to Bend and Redmond. This single level 3 bedroom 2 bath, 1622 sqft ranch style home, features open floor plan with vaulted ceilings. A large primary suite featuring numerous windows and vaulted ceilings. The primary bathroom includes dual vanities. An oversized deck looks outs over the property and a detached garage/shop features an insulated 12 ft garage door, with an additional 400 sqft art studio located on the second floor. The property includes 3.72 acres of COID irrigation irrigated by an underground system, a 20,000 gallon cistern, tool shed, chicken coup, and 400 amp service to the property.

695 SW MILL VIEW WAY SUITE 100 • BEND, OR WWW.ALEVISON.WITHWRE.COM | Levisongroupinfo@gmail.com541.915.5977 PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCEDJUSTLISTED 5600 El Mar Ave, Lincoln City, OR 97367 3 BD | 3 BA | 2,184 SF | Coronado Shores Iconic Property Geoff Groener Licensed geoff.groener@cascadesir.com541.390.4488Broker cascadesothebysrealty.comYourCoastalConnection MLS# 22-1116 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. 1033541.383.1426www.SkjersaaGroup.comNWNewportAve.Bend,OR 97703 Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty CUSTOM HOME ON TOP OF GOLDEN BUTTE 1829 SW Turnberry Place Stunning views of the Cascade Mountains & city of Bend. 2 bed, 2.5 baths, flex space, indoor & outdoor dining areas, water features, hot tub & custom quality finishes throughout. OFFERED AT $1,495,000 STUNNING DISCOVERY WEST HOME 3095 NW Tharp Avenue 3 bed, 3 bath, flex space, and a 2 car garage. Built by award winning collaboration of Mike Wilkins Construction & Jason Todd Designs. OFFERED AT PHENOMENAL$1,500,000NEW CONSTRUCTION 3043 NW Tharp Avenue Award winning collaboration between Greg Welch Construction & Muddy Rivers Design. 2,496 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom and oversized 2 car garage with 1 bay offering a 10 ft door. OFFERED AT $1,700,000 Terry Skjersaa Principal Broker, CRS Jason Boone Principal Broker, CRS Mollie Hogan Principal Broker, CRS GregBrokerMillikan FRESHLY UPGRADED WESTSIDE LOT 908 NW 15th Street 847 sq ft, 2 bedroom, 1 recently upgraded bathroom, great room floor plan, bamboo floors, & updated kitchen with butcher block cabinets & stainless steel appliances. Attached carport & mature landscaping. OFFERED AT $699,000


Q: Which neighborhood is the best in Bend? – Renee U. A: It depends. Honestly, everyone is going to have a different answer, much like asking about favorite a brewery in town. It’s hard to narrow the list and of course, opinions will vary. Some peo ple want large lots out of town; other people want to walk to their favorite restaurants and coffee shops. Still oth ers just simply want a place to call their own. I suggest taking a few walks or bike rides through neighborhoods at various times to get a feel for how they really are. Hope you find what you are looking for!

Q: What are ibuyers in Real Estate? How does it work? – Sarah H. A: Appreciate you reaching out with the question, Sarah! Basically, ibuyers use technology to evaluate and ana lyze real estate markets and with large amounts of capital they can make offers on homes and can close quickly. Often, they then do light rehab work on the home and relist the property for sale in hopes of making a profit. The bene fit for the seller is a “simple,” “smooth” transaction with less stress as their buying process is streamlined. That is a simplistic summary of a complex busi ness plan. Results have varied, to say the least. Earlier this week the Feder al Trade Commission fined Opendoor $62 million for deceptive practices. The FTC found that Opendoor told cus tomers that they would make more money selling to them versus the traditional way of listing and selling a home with an agent, when in fact the FTC found most of the time sellers made less money than those who used a real estate agent. Opendoor bought just shy of 37,000 homes last year, while one of their largest competitors, Zillow, shut tered their ibuyer program last year after losing close to half a billion dol lars in quarter 3 of 2021. This is my opportunity as a real estate profession al and “competitor” of these groups to point out that these ibuyers aren’t in the business of paying top dollar, in the same way someone looking to “flip” a home is also not paying top dollar. The reality is they need to have their own profit built into the deal, and this is accomplished by purchasing your home for below market value.

FIND YOUR PLACE IN BEND & 541.771.4824 ) Otis Craig Broker, CRS RIMROCKGALLERY Tues Sat: 10 5:30 405A NW 3RD ST PRINEVILLE Celebratingrimrockgallery.comOR54190355653YearsInBusiness! Wine, Music & Art! Sat Aug 13 2 - 6 pm Buchanan www.colleensellsbend.comcolleendillingham@gmail.com541-788-9991 550 NW FRANKLIN AVENUE, SUITE 108, BEND C olleen D illingham , B roker n ow S howing By C olleen D illingham 16173 PINE DROP LN. • Manufactured home on 1.03 Acres • 1809 sq ft includes 3 BR, 2 Bath • Open floor plan • Covered front and back porch • Detached double garage and shop • Large barn • Fully fenced • Tons of updates have been done! SPACIOUS HOME IN LA PINE Offered at $389,000MLS#220148881 Real Estate Sold By Real Experts TAKING REAL ESTATE SERVICE TO A HIGHER LEVEL THE KOHLMOOS TEAM Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. SANDY: 541.408.4309 · JOHN: 541.480.8131 SANDY KOHLMOOS, LICENSED BROKER IN OR JOHN KOHLMOOS, LICENSED BROKER IN OR WWW.KOHLMOOSREALTORSBEND.COM

202211,AUGUST/32ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY/BESTOFISSUE 119 TAKE ME HOME By James Keane, Licensed broker Real Estate Mailbag Answering questions from our readers

Q: I am curious as to what percent age of residential real estate sales in Deschutes County are cash buyers (no financing/mortgage needed)? Also, has this percentage changed over the last few years? -Jim G A: Thanks for reaching out, Jim, thanks to our friends over at Central Oregon Association of Realtors® we were able to get that information for you! To simply answer your question, in the first quarter of this year 25% of single family residences were pur chased in cash. In quarter two we saw this number grow slightly to 27% of buyers of SFR were cash. The one thing I would like to point out is that in quar ter 1 of this year, rates were quite low, and they really started creeping up as quarter two was closing out. So, I may need to update this once we have more data from quarter three and four of this year (update coming).

Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service HOME PRICE ROUNDUP << LOW 20097 Mt. Faith Place, Bend $480,000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1,031 sq ft, 0.1 acres (4,356 sq ft) lot Built in 2006 Listed by Tenley Houghton of RE/Max Key Properties MID >> 21161 Sunburst Ct, Bend $749,000 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2,160 sq ft, 0.46 acres (20,038 sq ft) lot Built in 1996 Listed by Kris Warner of Duke Warner Realty << HIGH 210 NW Vicksburg Ave., Bend $1,199,900 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2,376 sq ft, 0.29 acres (12,632 sq ft) lot Built in 1967 Listed by Teresa Catania of West and Main Homes Oregon LLC Ithought we would switch up the style a little bit this week and answer some questions that have been submitted to us over the last few weeks.

Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. 541.383.7600 | BEND | 20940 ROYAL OAK CIR $1,750,000 | 4 BD | 4.5 BA | 4,974 SF • 6.45 acre lot w. 2.5 acres of irrigation • Over 2500 sq ft of garage space • 1099 sq ft 1 bedroom apartment attached • Light and bright with 360 degree views • Gourmet Kitchen and Spa Like Master Bath MLS# 220148993 Sonja Porter | Broker 541.678.3951 | CAR COLLECTORS DREAM! BEND | 2275 NW LAKESIDE PL $3,500,000 | 3 BD | 4 BA | 3,441 SF | 1.14 ACRES • Passive-solar design & towering windows • Luxurious suite awaits in the North wing • Expansive deck w/ multiple settings • Meticulously maintained • Perched above the river close to Downtown MLS# 220144243 Ryan McGlone | Principal Broker 541.647.2918 | RIVERFRONT LIVING BEND | 61583 AARON WY $624,900 | 4 BD | 2.5 BA | 1,883 SF • Open & bright great room floorplan • Spacious primary suite with soaking tub • 4th bedroom or perfect home office space • Super low maintenance backyard oasis • Convenient central Bend location MLS# 220147296 Cole Billings & Sam DeLay | Brokers 541.241.4868 | TURN KEY FARMINGTON RESERVE BEND | 62316 WALLACE RD $1,179,000 | 4 BD | 2 BA | 2,188 SF • Fully renovated classic rancher • Open & bright great room • Large bonus room plus separate office • Private back patio overlooking pastures • Peaceful & quiet 2.73 acres MLS# 220149459 Sam DeLay & Cole Billings | Brokers 541.678.3290 | PERFECT SLICE OF COUNTRY BEND | 2477 NW SKYLINE RANCH $1,100,000 | 3 BD | 2.5 BA | 2,650 SF • Now offering $10,000 credit to buyer • Spacious kitchen with center island • Primary suite with full tile shower • Large bonus room • Beautiful and mature landscaping MLS# 220143633 Sam DeLay & Cole Billings | Brokers 541.678.3290 | DESIRABLE SHEVLIN RIDGE! REDMOND OFFICE GRAND OPENING EVENT FRIDAY, AUGUST 12TH @ 4-7PM 535 SW 6th Street, Redmond OR 97756 LA PINE | 2543 PATKEN CIR $729,900 | 5 BD | 3 BA | 3,174 SF • 2-acre lot backing to the Deschutes River • Vaulted ceilings, natural light & spacious • Casita, covered hot tub & 2-stall barn • Huge 4,200 SF RV garage/shop • End of a cul-de-sac in Little River Ranch MLS# 220148746 Ryan McGlone | Principal Broker 541.647.2918 | CHARMING LOG HOME REDMOND | 1376 SW 27TH ST $499,900 | 3 BD | 2 BA | 1,706 SF | 0.27 ACRES • 3 bedrooms + office w/ exceptional floor plan • Expansive great room & large kitchen • Covered patio overlooking yard • Raised garden beds, chicken coop & fire pit • 2-car garage & RV/trailer parking MLS# 220150577 Ryan McGlone | Principal Broker 541.647.2918 | WELL-MAINTAINED SINGLE LEVEL SISTERS | 69785 GOODRICH RD $1,400,000 | 3 BD | 3 BA | 2,992 SF | 40+ AC • 40+ Acres • Amazing View of the Cascades • 3 bay shop • Covered Full RV hookup • 3 bedrooms plus possible 4th upstairs MLS# 220150916 Cary Kiefer | Broker 541.306.8391 | SISTERS HOME W/ VIEWS REDMOND | 2296 NW 12TH ST $785,000 | 7 BD | 5 BA | 3,742 SF • .28 Acre Lot Fully Fenced W/ RV Parking • Main House Upper Level 1826 SF 3/2 • Main House Lower Level 1132 SF 2/2 • Both levels have own kitchen & laundry • ADU built in 2020 2/1 w/ Separate Garage MLS# 220150812 Jodi & Brandon Kearney | Brokers 541.693.4019 | 3 LIVING QUARTERS BEND | 60400 WOODSIDE RD $1,250,000 | 3 BD | 3 BA | 4,052 SF • The original homestead of Woodside Ranch • Multiple levels, soaring ceilings & windows • Irrigated w/ new underground sprinklers • 24’ x 36’ insulated 2 stall barn • Lined by irrigation canal & much more! MLS# 220142693 Jodi & Brandon Kearney | Brokers 541.693.4019 | SERENE OASIS BEND | 1546 NW AWBREY RD $849,000 | 2 BD | 1 BA | 990 SF • 244 Sq Ft. Bonus Room • Hardwood Flooring & Brand New Carpet • Built-in Cabinets • Short walk to Downtown • 1 Car Garage off Alley MLS# 220148314 Kira Camarata & Lisa Lamberto | Brokers 541.633.6221 | HEART OF DOWNTOWN BEND BEND | 63163 BOYD ACRES RD $560,000 | 3 BD | 2.5 BA | 1,810 SF • Solar Panels • Large Outdoor Patio • Hardwood Flooring on Main Level • Separate Office/Den • New Interior & Exterior Paint MLS# 220149039 Kira Camarata & Lisa Lamberto | Brokers 541.633.6221 | ENERGY EFFICENT HOME

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