Source Weekly August 1, 2019

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Deschutes County Fair

1919 -2019


n w o l C o e d o R a f o e f i L The A F F & s d i Urban K WHO’S BUYING THE DAILY PAPER? THE LOCALS BEHIND THE SALE









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Offer expires 9/25/2019, cannot combine with other offers.

The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 EDITOR Nicole Vulcan


NEWS – The Locals Backing The Bulletin’s Purchase


NEWS – Road Construction Ahead!


A handful of local people are putting down money to help buy the beleaguered local daily newspaper. We found out who they are. Bend’s biggest pinch point is one step closer to being easier to navigate, after the announcement of more federal funds. Hilary Corrigan reports.

FEATURE – Deschutes County Fair Turns 100


SOUND – Source Material


CHOW – Day Trip: Madras


As the local Fair & Rodeo celebrates a century, we’re bringing you some of the personal stories behind the big event. Keely Damara introduces you to some of the urban teens keeping alive a farming tradition, and Damian Fagan highlights the story of a famous rodeo clown. Want to know which new local and national albums to have on your radar? Never fear – our music guru, Isaac Biehl, has you covered. Donna Britt heads on culinary adventure in Madras, looking for the top spots you foodies will love. Nicole Vulcan

FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Teafly Peterson, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Darris Hurst GRAPHIC DESIGNER Shannon Corey ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR Amanda Klingman ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ban Tat, Ashley Sarvis, Timm Collins Leslie Scheppegrell OFFICE MANAGER Bethany Jenkins DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770

Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.

The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2019 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2019 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.


Demonstrators greet passersby near Drake Park July 25, standing in opposition to the construction of a telescope facility on Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii—a place considered sacred to native Hawaiians. According to recent data, Hawaii is the state with the second-highest number of people moving into Oregon, after California.

Yay Us! Source Wins Big in Statewide Contest

Help us congratulate the entire team of the Source Weekly, winner of FIVE awards in the statewide Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association annual contest. Details of the wins are on our website,

EXCLUSIVE THIS WEEK IN: Bomb Scare Closes Downtown Bend Roads, Buildings Hilary Corrigan reports on the threat that had the District Attorney’s office evacuated Monday—and what cops found. Start your day with Central Oregon’s best source for news and local events.

On the Cover: Professional rodeo clown JJ Harrison. Cover design by Darris Hurst Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:







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Smoke Signals








REPORTER Keely Damara




Central Oregon needs its watchdogs. Here’s hoping for a new era at The Bulletin, Spokesman


here’s no doubt that here at the Source Weekly, we believe local news is important. It’s been our mission since we opened our doors in 1997, and it’s the ship we man every week in our print and digital publications. And because we understand journalism that watchdogs local governments, agencies and business is good for the people who live in a community, we welcome EO Media’s pending purchase of The Bulletin and the Redmond Spokesman, decided upon at auction this week. In a community that continues to experience explosive growth, the public deserves more watchdogs, not fewer.






AUG. 7 AUG. 21




R E D M O N D S U M M E R CO N C E RT S . CO M A Family Friendly Series on Alternating Wednesday Evenings 6p.m. -7:30p.m. Food & Craft Vendors On-Site Lawn Chairs Welcomed Hope Playground & More


While they’ve been a competitor during all of our 23 years in business, we have watched The Bulletin’s decline in readership and revenue— and its multiple bankruptcy proceedings—with anguish, knowing what it meant for readers and the overall news ecosystem. We may not agree with its editorial board’s positions on many issues, but we do believe that having multiple publications offering differing takes on local issues is a service to the community. Up until now, we have opted not to weigh in on the bankruptcies or the pending sale on this page—or on our news pages— because we felt that outlining the paper’s decline would only read like sour grapes, coming from a direct competitor. But in the interest of preserving and upholding the values of journalism and local coverage, we felt that now is the time to make a statement. We don’t envy EO Media for the financial and editorial adjustments it’s going to have to make to right the sinking ship that is Bend’s daily newspaper—but we don’t believe making a commitment to local news is among the biggest challenges the paper will face. A comment from chairwoman Betsy McCool in The Bulletin’s Tuesday print edition stated, “Investing in local news is one of the reasons Western Communications ended up in bankruptcy.”

Investing in local news is not a death sentence. Local news, as our own success has shown, can be the porch light in an otherwise dark night. It’s something the large corporate chains can’t offer, diving in from their desks far away, and it’s what locals are craving—that, and the ability to see that the people behind the paper they hold in their hands are members of the community, who clearly understand the community’s values and are ready to reflect those on the page. It was a mistake for The Bulletin’s Editor, Eric Lukens, to state in a Feb. 10 opinion piece that he had “absolutely no idea how well the views expressed by The Bulletin’s editorials match up with those of most Central Oregonians.” Editorials and opinion pages can be nay-saying, and can offer an alternative perspective to prevailing wisdom—but those opinions should at least be informed by the views of the community where the opinions are being published. Quality local journalism starts with understanding your community and being willing to engage with it as both citizen and journalist. EO Media should take this time, before the sale is final later in August, to reflect on how they can be both a watchdog and a voice that is reflective of this community. It was a crucial step for them to confirm with us, their colleagues and fellow watchdogs, that its group of local investors will be identified in any coverage that involves those financiers, and that those financiers would not have an editorial stake in the papers. If The Bend Foundation is covered in those papers, for example, The Bulletin and the Spokesman aim to disclose that the Foundation financially supports the papers. We hold ourselves to that standard, too. When covering events by our (locally, family-owned) parent company, Lay It Out Inc, we state that relationship. As journalists, we look forward to seeing the advent of a thriving daily newspaper that commits itself to serving the community with transparency, ethical business practices and quality reporting. As community members, we know that’s what all of us deserve.






In your Opinion column in the July 18 edition, you complain that “undocumented Americans” (AKA illegal aliens) have been targeted by the Trump administration since he came into office in 2017. That statement alone raises important questions: Is anyone who comes into the country illegally by definition an American, regardless of their country of national origin? Did enforcement of our immigration laws start under this President? Was the Obama administration not also “complicit” in removing “undocumented Americans?” Did you complain about Obama’s treatment of these “undocumented Americans?” Later in the column you state: “We can help others see that pluralism and diversity are assets.” What about the motto, e pluribus unum, from many one? Does that not mean anything to those who would admit anyone into the country? Is assimilation a dirty word? Perhaps the most ludicrous statement in the column is the following: “Asylum seekers land on our shores because this remains a country that respects human rights and honors the rule of law.” Are these “asylum seekers” (most of whom are escaping economic deprivation — not a valid reason for asylum) not breaking the law when


they sneak across the border? Is it the Source’s position that our immigration laws should not be enforced, and that anyone who crosses into the country illegally is entitled to the rights and benefits of American citizens? Is it the obligation of American citizens and taxpayers to provide free health care and other benefits to these “undocumented Americans?” Will we still have a country if we open the borders to all who would come here? is there any reason for those seeking to immigrate to the U..S legally to go through the lengthy process of becoming a citizen when they can sneak into the country and gain immediate status as an “American?” Please answer these questions, as I would like to know what the Source sees as the end result of uncontrolled immigration. — Paul deWitt


Charles Blumenthal


The 54th anniversary of Medicare affords an opportunity to evaluate the successes and shortcomings of the system of healthcare in America. I have worked in rural hospitals and clinics for 34 years and see Medicare as the shining example of an equitable and humane method of providing clinic visits, medications and hospital services. Once people enter their mid 60s they come to a clinic to address the neglected health problems that they couldn’t afford before they qualified for Medicare. In contrast I see younger adults and families struggle and sacrifice to make the rising payments for insurance bills, cut back on medications which they can’t afford or wait to address medical problems till they become emergencies. A Medicare for All system would provide a proven system to allow these families to have the good health to remain the backbone of our social security system. Medicare for All would be especially beneficial to rural and other underserved communities. Many rural hospitals have closed in recent years, significantly overburdened by administrative strains—eating up more than a quarter (25.3%) of hospital budgets. Medicare for All would cut hospital administrative costs by funding them through global budgets, similar to the way we fund fire and police departments. Instead of billing hundreds of insurers, hospitals would be guaranteed stable funding to meet community health needs. The solution to our health care crisis has been here all along! Medicare, now 54 years old, is popular, efficient, and proven to improve seniors’ health. — Joan A MacEachen MD, MPH

A helicopter picks up water to douse a fire on McKay Ridge in the Deschutes National Forest on Monday 7/29.


Both my 54-year-old daughter and my older son’s partner have been subjected to blowing coal recently in Bend and Redmond. That’s when a diesel pickup gets in front of you and belches out a huge cloud of black smoke. Rednecks like to do this to Priuses, and they were both driving Priuses. As well as being annoying, unhealthy, and totally unecological, this is extraordinarily dangerous. Currently Oregon has no law against this harassment. Colorado has a $35 fine, which is useless. If we wish to stop this activity, $3,500 might do it. I urge all concerned to contact their state legislators and get a law passed. We need to get along, not harass one another. As the wise old Native American said, both the right wing and the left wing belong to the same bird, and it can’t fly with only one wing. — Don Schuman

Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) analysis of the screenings conducted by U.S. asylum officers, over 80 percent of women from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico who were screened on arrival at the U.S. border ‘were found to have a significant possibility of establishing eligibility for asylum or protection under the Convention against Torture.’” Unfortunately, those screenings are taking far too long, without adequate legal counsel—forcing some to make the impossible decision to risk death by remaining, or crossing to possible, relative safety in the U.S. Which would you choose? — Nicole Vulcan E.J. Pettinger’s

copyrighted 2019

Mild Abandon

Letter of the Week:

Don: I’m giving you the letter of the week for the last line of your letter. The wing analogy is so salient in these times... Come on in for your gift card to Palate! To Paul: We’d like to see the data you’re relying on to state that people are coming here as a result of economic deprivation, not imminent threats of violence. According to the Washington Office on Latin America: “According to the United

“Oh my gosh, I’m so, I didn’t even know there were, that this was, that you were even dating!?”

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Last year around this time my wife and I were camping at Newberry Crater’s East Lake where I left my kayak on the beach and went on a mtn bike ride. When we came back my kayak was gone. Since I was in a national monument I reported it to the Rangers. The next morning, I stopped at the visitor center to see if it had been found. No luck, so we headed back to Bend. As soon as we had cell service the phone loaded up with messages. Someone found my boat on the rocks across the lake and someone at the resort reported it to the sheriff’s department. Because of my invasive species permit they knew my name. They talked to my neighbors and then found my daughter’s name and called her. That went terribly wrong as my daughter now thought the worst and soon my family was mobilizing to form a rescue party. All this time we were having coffee at East Lake without a care while my loved ones were having the worst day imaginable. The frustrating part is that this could have been resolved easily if the sheriff department had just asked the Rangers if they had a report of a missing boat. — Robert Meredith

Send your thoughts to Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!

475 SW Powerhouse Drive (541) 389-8998 Anthony’s at the Old Mill District


Here are the Entities Helping Buy The Bulletin WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / AUGUST 1, 2019 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE


Several Central Oregonians are offering loans or investment dollars to buoy sale By Nicole Vulcan


handful of Central Oregonians have committed funds to help an Oregon company purchase two local newspapers. EO Media—which owns numerous Oregon newspapers, including the East Oregonian, the Chinook Observer and others—won an auction to purchase both The Bulletin and the Redmond Spokesman for a purchase price of $3.65 million, beating out Adams Publishing Group, whose representatives also bid on the papers Monday. Another initial bidder, Rhode Island Suburban Newspapers, Inc., did not have representatives at Monday’s auction in Portland. Both The Bulletin and Spokesman were for sale as part of bankruptcy proceedings by their parent company, Western Communications, which filed for Chapter 11 protection in January. That was the second time Western Communications had sought

bankruptcy protection in the past decade, with another filing in 2012. EO Media Group’s Chief Operating Officer Heidi Wright told the Source Weekly Tuesday that six entities had added funds that helped them achieve the winning bid. Wright said two parties are “investors” in the newspapers, while the others have offered loans. The Source confirmed Tuesday that the Central Oregonians contributing financial support include William Smith, Amy Tykeson, the Tykeson Family Foundation, Louis Capozzi, Jay Bowerman and the Bend Foundation, run by chairmain of the board of Brooks Resources Corporation, Mike Hollern. At least one other local financial backer may still emerge. In an email Tuesday, Tykeson confirmed she and Tykeson Family Foundation each committed to “6 figure loans

for the purchase of The Bulletin.” Bowerman—a retired biological researcher and the son of Nike co-founder Bill Bowerman—told the Source that his loan toward the sale amounted to $250,000. EO Media’s Wright said none of the entities contributing funds would have influence over editorial coverage, and that newsroom staff at both papers would be instructed to disclose the financial backing of any of those financiers in any stories that mention them. “For me, that was a confidence builder in doing this,” Bowerman said of EO Media’s assertion that they’d disclose the supporters’ financial involvements. “The other investors—there’s at least one or two that have reputations in decision-making in the area.” Smith, for example, is also a co-owner of Mirror Pond Solutions, which owns the land under Bend’s Mirror Pond—a water feature that’s the subject of much controversy regarding whether to dredge it using public funds. Hollern’s company is also a major developer in Central Oregon. Wright said the terms of their agreement with financial backers stipulate that any entity contributing over $400,000 would qualify to sit on the leadership board overseeing

the papers—though Wright said no one has yet reached that $400,000 threshold. Wright said she will serve as Chief Operating Officer of the Central Oregon Media Group, an entity EO Media will form to manage the publications. Wright declined to state whether they’d make any changes in its editorial leadership at the newspapers at the outset of the company’s ownership. By and large, the financial backers said they took action to help purchase the newspapers in the interest of supporting local journalism. “Bend is good because Bend has good local news coverage,” said Smith—whose company, William Smith Properties, developed the Old Mill District and other properties. “We wouldn’t have had that with Adams or Rhode Island.” Tykeson stated via email, “While the newspaper business has undergone cataclysmic changes in recent years, the need for unbiased local journalism has never been greater.” According to EO Media's Chinook Observer, the sale of the two newspapers includes The Bulletin’s printing press, but not Western Communications’ current headquarters on Chandler Avenue in Bend. The sale of the papers to EO Media will be final in August, Wright said.


Highway 97 Changes Advance Traffic flow, safety, development benefits expected By Hilary Corrigan will now proceed. “It’s go time for the County and the City on parts of the project we committed to build.” Along with city officials and other area representatives, Doty helped advocate for the project in Washington, D.C. in May when the group visited Oregon’s congressional delegation and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Those involved with the project expect various benefits from it. “A much more freely flowing system,” Murphy said. “That’s the game plan.” Deschutes County Board of Commissioners Chair Phil Henderson

end has stymied development,” Doty said. And he pointed to the need for a less-congested US 97 for use as a lifeline in case a Cascadia earthquake and tsunami ever occurs. Deschutes County contributed $5 million toward the effort, part of the grant application that helped show local involvement and funding. The grant process factored in local funds and local work related to the project. For instance, the county plans to build Hunnell Road to connect Cooley and Tumalo roads, since parts of Hunnell are now dirt and gravel. Doty expects that project design to finish by fall 2020 and construction could start in late 2020 or early 2021. Of the federal grant funding for Central Oregon, Doty said, “I can’t think of one that’s much bigger than this.” US Department of Transportation

An image from the U.S. Department of Transportation shows the existing US 97, highlighted on the left, that will become a city street; and the planned US 97, highlighted on the right, just east of the existing one.

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ong-planned efforts to improve US 97 at Bend’s north end have moved a step closer to construction with a $60.4 million federal grant. The project to reroute US 97 on the north side of the city will complete the final segment of the Bend Parkway. The money from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Infrastructure for Rebuilding America discretionary grant program goes to the Oregon Department of Transportation. ODOT and local agencies are planning a series of changes as part of the total project, estimated at about $325 million, that include: • Realigning US 97 east of its current location, from Empire Avenue to about a half-mile north of Cooley Road and Lowe's, and making that existing stretch a city street • Improving and grade-separating Cooley Road from US 97 and the BNSF railway, so that the traffic flow can continue on the roads and railway without disrupting each other • Building a new roundabout intersection between US 20 and Cooley Road The federal grant money must be under contract by fall 2020. A process will soon begin deciding where the $60.4 million gets spent, and ODOT Spokesperson Peter Murphy expects those conversations to start soon. Construction likely wouldn’t start until 2021. State legislation in 2017 dedicated $50 million toward improvements at the US 97 and Cooley Road intersection. “It’s going to be very busy times,” said Deschutes County Road Department Director Chris Doty, who noted that city, county and state portions of the project

noted that those passing through, or commuting between Bend and Redmond, will have a straight route. The project will ease congestion that can get especially bad when tourists hit the region at certain times. “It’s a bottleneck now,” Henderson said. Bend City Councilor Justin Livingston noted that lands around that area could then be developed for residential and commercial uses—development that has been restricted due to the already-congested roads and the limits on further burdening intersections with traffic from new development. Livingston called the project “very transformative” for the area. Doty also noted the congested traffic flow’s impact on economic development in that north end of Bend. “The lack of capacity at the north

NEWS Housing Works



Public housing projects aim to combat flat wages, high housing costs By Hilary Corrigan


ore public housing will open over the next year or two, providing a much-needed supply of homes for a growing Central Oregon population that faces rising housing costs and incomes that fail to keep up. In an annual update to Deschutes County commissioners July 24, David Brandt, executive director of the local public housing authority, Housing Works, described the housing crisis in Central Oregon. Wages have remained flat while rents have doubled since the recession, he said. Based on calculations of a $10.75-perhour minimum wage, an affordable rent is around $560, according to Housing Works. But the fair market rent in

Deschutes County is $884 for a one-bedroom home and $1,071 for a two-bedroom home. Spending more than 30% of gross income on housing is not affordable, Brandt said, noting that exceeding the 30% mark increases the risk of becoming homeless. (The minimum wage in July increased to $11 in rural counties, $11.25 in other parts of Oregon and $12.50 in the Portland region.) Housing Works serves Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties, providing affordable housing and help with rent for Central Oregonians making low and moderate incomes. Rents and housing costs in general have gone up pretty steadily over the Housing Works

A draft rendering shows Housing Works’ planned building, Phoenix Crossing, at Northeast Forbes Road in Bend.

A draft rendering shows Housing Works' planned building, Carnelian Place, at Northeast Conners Avenue in Bend. It will include medical services from Mosaic Medical on the ground floor.

last seven or eight years, Brandt said after the meeting. But wages have not. “Jobs that used to cover the rent no longer do,” Brandt said. “We’re trying to keep pace.” Other parts of the U.S.—including the Midwest and South—haven’t seen the kind of increase in rents that Central Oregon has, Brandt said. “In the past, wages have done a better job of keeping pace with housing costs,” Brandt said. He likened local area rent run-ups to those seen in Portland, Oregon, and California, noting that housing costs here started to run up fast in the early 2000s. “The last seven or eight years have gotten really bad,” he said. Brandt noted that as the community’s population grows, so does the low-income population. Housing Works has long waiting lists for units; three to four people apply for every available unit. “We really need more,” he said of affordable housing. The agency looks for reasonably priced land, with the greatest need in Bend and Redmond. “We’re running out of land,” he said. The agency uses a lottery system for all units—taking applications from those

who qualify for two to three days and requiring people to apply in person at the housing site where they’re applying. To watch for application openings or join waiting lists, visit or the property management entity for the agency at Housing Works projects coming to the region over the next year or two include: • Liberty Lodge – Construction just started on an eight-unit facility in Redmond, set aside for tenants with disabilities, to open in December • Red Canyon – includes 67 units in three three-story buildings on two parcels in Redmond and 23 units in two three-story buildings in Madras. Construction will start in October and units will open in summer 2020 • Carnelian Place – a 47-unit building for senior citizens in Bend. Construction could start in early spring 2020 and units could open starting at the end of 2020 or early 2021 • Phoenix Crossing – a 24-unit building with half the units set aside for those with developmental disabilities and the other half set aside for survivors of domestic violence. Construction could start in early spring 2020 and units could open starting at the end of 2020 or early 2021


Regional Roundup Found this week in

Oregon State Marine Board warns of river dangers due to low water levels

– Destiny Alvarez, The Register-Guard

Oregon Hemp Commission proposal likely to return

SALEM — A proposal to raise much-needed research money for Oregon’s fast-growing hemp industry failed to pass muster during the legislative session that just ended, but supporters say it will likely return next year.The concept of an Oregon Hemp Commission again died in the budget-setting Joint Courtesy Capital Press/Mateusz Perkowski, File Ways and Means Committee at the end of the 2019 legislative session, which is the same fate that befell a similar proposal two years earlier.Establishing a formal industry-wide organization would have helped Oregon State University better understand the top difficulties faced by hemp growers, said Jay Noller, the university’s hemp leader. – Mateusz Perkowski, East Oregonian

Proposed Rule Change Threaten Food Stamp Benefits For Oregonians Officials at Oregon’s Department of Human Services are crunching numbers, trying to determine how many food stamp recipients might be impacted by a federal proposal to toughen eligibility requirements for SNAP benefits. The Trump administration announced this week Paul Sableman, Flickr that it plans on “closing a loophole” that had previously made recipients of “minimal” benefits through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, known as TANF, automatically eligible for SNAP. Oregon is one of 43 states that qualifies certain TANF recipients for SNAP benefits without requiring the applicant to again verify their income and report their expenses. “For too long, this loophole has been used to effectively bypass important eligibility guidelines,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue in a press release. “Too often, states have misused this flexibility without restraint.” – Rebecca Ellis, OPB





The Oregon State Marine Board issued a warning Thursday about the dangers of floating and boating Oregon rivers due to low water levels. According to the Marine Board website, it’s common for rivers to carry downed trees and debris flows the winter Courtesy Oregon Marine Board and spring months. Low water levels during the summer months expose logs or other debris, putting floaters and boaters at risk. In a news release, the Marine Board warned that low water levels create safety challenges especially for inexperienced watercraft operators. Ashley Massey, a spokesperson for the Marine Board said it’s extremely important for people on the river to pay attention to their surroundings.




From Potato Show to Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo Celebrating 100 years of supporting the next generation of farmers By Keely Damara

Courtesy Ross Rogers and the Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo

Tractors roll through downtown Redmond during the 1947 fair parade.


he Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, which is no small feat. The first annual Deschutes County Fair was actually held in October 1920, just a few years after Deschutes County was officially recognized in 1916, when it broke off from Crook County. Originally called the Potato Show & County Fair, the Fair wouldn’t don its moniker of Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo until the following year. Back then, potatoes were an abundant and lucrative crop in Central Oregon—so popular, in fact, that starting in 1906, Redmond regularly held potato shows. The events brought farmers from all over the county together to discuss crop yields, methods and the industry as a whole. County fairs have long been more than an “occasion of frolic,” as one 1919 editorial from the (now defunct) Oregon City Enterprise newspaper noted. They’re an opportunity to educate the

next generation of farmers, with the educational component not taking a back seat to the entertainment. As the editorial stated: “We should put [livestock] in the most conspicuous place in public exhibitions, give prominent honor to the men that raise them successfully, award liberal prizes for the best specimens, and do everything possible to make animal husbandry seem interesting and profitable.” Supporting agriculture in the modern age One hundred years later, making agricultural jobs appealing to younger generations is more challenging than ever. According to U.S. Census data, the average age of U.S. farm producers in 2017 was 57.5 years—up 1.2 years from 2012, continuing a long-documented upward trend. Popular youth leadership and agricultural organizations that are still around today didn’t fully form until a decade after the Fair began. 4-H animal

exhibits and auctions popped up at the Fair in 1927, according to archival records at the Deschutes Historical Museum, though the local chapters formed sometime in the early 1920s. The national Future Farmers of America organization was founded in 1928 by 33 farm boys from 18 states — including Oregon, according to Kallei Ouellette, Bend’s FFA reporter. The Bend FFA chapter was founded in March 1953. By the mid ‘90s, it had moved to Mountain View High School to pair with the school’s agricultural-focused science classes, says Bend FFA co-advisor Jeff Papke. The program includes classes in agroscience, natural resources, animal science, pre-vet medicine and more. This year, 34 Bend FFA students are participating in the Deschutes County Fair. Most are showing animals, but a few are presenting projects they’ve been working on over the summer, including gardening, floriculture, nature photography and educational displays.

“A good Ag Ed program should have a very rigorous curriculum—it should try to welcome all students,” says Papke. That’s something he feels they do exceptionally well—and the state FFA organization agrees. The Bend FFA chapter was named the best secondary middle school/high school program of the year in 2019. The program offers students a clear course pathway and offers a wide variety of agricultural and technical classes—such as welding and automotive classes. “I think that that’s what I’m most proud of,” says Papke. “Any student at Mountain View could come look at our program and we could figure out a place for them.” Event students without land can participate in raising livestock for the Fair—it just takes a little more work. Chelsea Buhmann, 17, will be a senior at Mountain View High School next year; transferring from Bend Senior High School. This is her second

jackets—and says she thought they were pretty cool. She’s bringing one pig strictly for market and another for the showmanship and breeding category. How well you market your pig ahead of the auction, your connections in the community, and whether your breeder or family is well-known are some of the factors affecting the outcomes, she says. There’s a lot at play beyond raising a healthy animal, and that’s where the leadership and speaking skills that FFA cultivates can come into play. Sonna Faulkner, 17, joined FFA at the behest of her mother, who participated in FFA when she was in high school. She plays competitive volleyball for Bend Senior High School and she didn’t know if she’d be able to balance the obligations of both extracurricular activities. “The FFA has been really lenient with me being gone from meetings, which has helped a lot,” says Faulkner. “I’m really glad that I did join, because it’s been an amazing experience.” Faulkner’s family owns 10 acres in Bend and 80 more in Powell Butte. She’s bringing six head of steer to the Fair this year. She plans on majoring in business and minoring in animal science at Eastern Oregon University, where she received a full-ride scholarship to play volleyball. She hopes to start her own business involving agriculture and livestock after graduation, but she’s not sure yet. A future in farming? After noticing that no one in the FFA advisor’s office said they wanted to own and operate a farm—even those who grew up on farms—I asked them why. “I think a lot of people our age get told not to,” says Janelle Neumann, an Submitted

Sonna Faulkner, middle, presents the 2018 second place award for beginning livestock judging.

Courtesy Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center


An FFA member proudly shows his pig during a past fair in this undated photo.

18-year-old who just graduated from Mountain View. The handful of students nod in agreement. When asked if they knew anyone their age who intends to be a farmer or rancher after graduation, they could think of a couple names of students they felt would carry on their family farms, but that was it. Buhmann says her family back in Iowa has steered her away from farming because it’s a really hard lifestyle. “You can’t take days off, it’s a fulltime commitment. Most people don’t get vacation or anything like that,” says Buhmann. “I think one of the biggest things, especially over there with being in tornado alley, is it’s really high risk and there’s not a lot of security in the income.” Other students chime in with educated and level-headed evaluations of the industry—from unstable market conditions caused by prohibitive rules and regulations, the high cost of high-tech farming equipment that buries farmers in debt—to the patenting of seeds by corporations, making it so farmers have to buy seeds year after year and the misinformation surrounding genetically modified organisms. These students are well informed, an all have a passion for agriculture— but the barriers to becoming a successful farmer or rancher are ever present in their minds. So the question remains—how to raise the next generation of farmers? “We have a family farm that we’re looking to the next generation on who’s going to go back to it, and we’re struggling with that,” says Jaimee Brentano, co-advisor of the Bend FFA. “As I started looking toward my future, I didn’t see myself wanting to drive the tractor every day. I really wanted to more tell people about what we do when we drive the tractor and why we do it.” Both FFA advisors believe education—not just for students interested in agriculture, but for every U.S. citizen—is an important step in creating change for farmers.

“What we do is something that feeds and clothes the world,” says Brentano. “So that’s our first step here in the classroom, is to get them to understand ‘what is agriculture, what does it actually look like, day in day out’—and then how can you, as a younger person, look to improve it?” Papke, the Bend co-advisor, says the lack of production farms in Central Oregon makes it difficult to showcase the agriculture industry to students. The challenge is finding ways to get students excited about agriculture and the different types of jobs available in the agriculture industry, he says. “We’re scratching and clawing for people to go into agriculture,” he says. “Whether it be in production at the farm level, business marketing, processing — companies are begging for people.” While both co-advisors in the Bend FFA program aim to educate the next generation of farmers and tradespeople, they know the skills learned in FFA are invaluable, no matter what life hands students after high school. “It’s unlocking potential of these students that they never knew they had,” says Papke. “Everything from the opportunity to where you can look somebody in the eye, give them a firm handshake and introduce yourself or where you can talk intelligently on a specific topic.” Presenting at the Deschutes County Fair Students will present their animals and projects at the Deschutes County Fair throughout the week, from July 31 to Aug. 4. The full schedule can be viewed online at or with the Fair’s app for iPhone and Android. Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo

Wed., July 31 – Sun., Aug. 4 Centennial Celebration Room: Located between Middle & South Sister Conference Halls 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond Daily Pass: $12/adults, $7/seniors (ages 62+) & kids (6-12) Season Pass: $22/adults, $13/ seniors (ages 62+) & kids (6-12) Passes required for concerts, see website for details.


year raising a pig for the Fair, but she doesn’t have rural land to raise it on, so she’s made arrangements with another student to house her pig on their land. “I get to keep my animal there, but I have to do all the work,” says Buhmann, who’s the district president of the Oregon FFA this year. “I have to do all the feeding, expenses are all mine—it’s been really nice, but really difficult as well.” Buhmann drives from her home on the south side of town out to farmland near Mountain View twice a day. Her pig was on the heavy side last year, but this year her pig is on the light side — in an effort to help the pig put on weight, she’s got a few tricks up her sleeve. “It’s been a challenge in and of itself trying to figure out how to push him. I’ve been asking around for tricks—I’ve been putting confetti cake mix in the feed now to try to get him to eat,” says Buhmann. An audible sigh is heard from her advisor, Papke, upon hearing this. “So, I’ve been adding supplements and the cake mix— and it’s working now!” Buhmann says the visual appeal and structure of the animal are mainly what judges are looking for at fair competitions. She’s not the only one who’s tried interesting food combos to help her pig pack on a few pounds. Joel Newman, a 15-year-old sophomore who is homeschooled, said he fed his pig eggs, among other things, last year. This year, he’s raising a pig and a steer to show at the Fair. Lauren Neumann, 16, joined FFA because she’s always had a passion for agriculture, she says, and has been involved with 4-H for the past seven years. As a middle schooler, she would see the FFA kids in their blue and gold


The Night Window

Royal Nebeker (1945-2014) was an internationally acclaimed artist and a central figure in the Oregon arts landscape. This is the first solo exhibition of his work in Central Oregon. Working closely with the Nebeker family, and from Nebeker’s extensive oeuvre, the exhibition will feature a selection of paintings, monotypes, watercolors, and prints.

Exhibition on view August 1—September 28th



Opening Reception Thursday, August 1 | 6 to 7:30 pm

August & September First Friday Art Walks Friday, August 2 | 5 to 9:00 pm Friday, September 6 | 5 to 9:00 pm

Blind Pilot Post-Concert Event Saturday, August 3 | after concert at Tower Theatre Nebeker’s son, Israel Nebeker, is the founder/lead singer of Blind Pilot.


“ A d u lt s h av in g s e r io u s f u n !”

BEER, Cider & Whiskey FRI-SAT Festival

AUG 30& 31

Panel Discussion with the Nebeker Family Saturday, August 24 | 10 am

Wed-Sat 11am - 6pm (and by appointment)

Located in the Historic Liberty Theater 849 NW Wall Street Bend, OR 97703


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61780 SE 27th Bend

Send in the Clown Rodeo Clown JJ Harrison brings a barrel of laughs to the Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo


By Damian Fagan


odeo fans need little introduction to JJ Harrison, one of the most sought-after rodeo clowns on the Northwest Pro Rodeo Association and Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association circuits. His quick humor and walk-and-talk antics have made him a fan favorite at rodeos from Central Oregon to Louisiana. Catch Harrison and his “act” each night during the 2019 Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo, where he’ll be helping celebrate the fair’s 100 th anniversary. “We are extremely excited to have JJ Harrison back for this year’s rodeo,” said Deschutes County Fair Marketing Coordinator Ross Rodgers. “He’s one of the hottest rodeo clowns on the circuit.” “I didn’t grow up in a big rodeo family, but I developed an interest in rodeo when I was in high school in Okanogan [Wash.],” said Harrison. “I wanted to be a cowboy for all the same reasons that every kid wants to become a cowboy—the lifestyle, the jeans, the hats, the girls and the certain gentleman courtesy that comes with being a cowboy.”

That interest took flight when Harrison joined Washington State University’s rodeo team. He competed as a bull and bronc rider, but tried every event there was. “I thought I was a

good bull rider, but the less-than-spectacular bulls I covered gave me a false sense of confidence when I got a bull of any rank.” Tired of being thrown, Harrison switched from riding bulls and broncs to team roping events, where he found success, but not a career. Harrison graduated from WSU in 1998 with a teaching degree and eventually earned a master’s degree in education from Arizona’s Grand Canyon University while teaching science and social studies to eighth graders in Walla Walla, Washington. In his off-time he continued roping and training horses, balancing rodeo and teaching for eight years. In addition to his horse skills, Harrison is a natural-born entertainer with a quick wit and high energy. Recognizing Harrison’s abilities as an entertainer, Pat Beard of the Beard Rodeo Company asked Harrison to be a rodeo clown at a local Vancouver event in 2003. “He said, ‘You should be my rodeo clown,’ and I thought that would be the dumbest thing ever,” said Harrison, who also wasn’t keen on the idea of wearing makeup or seeking refuge in a 150-pound aluminum barrel while a 2,000-pound bull was trying to destroy it. Nowadays, he wears that makeup about four days a week. “I don’t mind being called a rodeo clown, but my job is an entertainer,” said Harrison. “I don’t think anybody looks at my face and giggles because I’m wearing makeup. I want to be seen as the entertainer at this event, as the guy who makes you laugh and makes you part of the show.” His unscripted and off-the-cuff humor allows his comedy to develop

in front of the fans. “The best advice I can give to someone who wants to be a rodeo clown is to read the local paper before you get there,” said Harrison. He looks for topics which are relative to the crowd; local issues and people that he can have fun with. To Harrison, it doesn’t matter if he’s called the rodeo clown, barrelman or entertainer. He’s in the arena to entertain the audience between rodeo action and to be the first line of defense to protect riders in the arena, along with the bullfighters. “People ask me what’s the most dangerous part of my job and I tell them it’s the drive from rodeo to rodeo,” said Harrison. “You do my job, you’re going to get injured, putting your life on the line for the contestants.” His list of injuries would make an ER doc twitch. Rodeo is Harrison’s way of life. Nowadays, he’s able to share it with his wife, Bailey, and their combined kids, Trey, Huck, Ava and Trevor. On average, Harrison figures he works about 38 weekends a year at rodeos or other events—so having the whole family along is important to stay connected. When the Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo called, Harrison said an emphatic ‘Yes.’ “You don’t always get the Redmond 100th year anniversary rodeo,” said Harrison. “I’m proud to be chosen and to prove to people I’m the right guy to be there.” Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo July 31-Aug. 3 Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond

Courtesy JJ Harrison

Professional rodeo clown JJ Harrison says his job is to protect riders in the arena while entertaining fans in the stands.


Courtesy JJ Harrison

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7/31 – 8/7








Grab a group of fit friends for this fun and challenging overnight relay! The CLR36 takes about 32 hours to complete the 216.6-mile course. If you dig the idea of walking instead, the CLR24 is a 132-mile walk relay that begins on leg #13 of the CLR 36, which starts in the Cascade Mountains at Diamond Lake Resort, travels through the Oregon Outback to Silver Lake and winds back to the Cascade Lakes Highway around Mt. Bachelor to finish on the banks of the Deschutes River in Bend. 7am. Diamond Lake Resort, 350 Resort Dr., Diamond Lake. Visit for more info.


Bend’s favorite drag troupe is back for a special country-themed show! Expect lip-syncing, live music and some very fab wranglin’ queens. Ages 18+. Doors, 8pm. Show, 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $20.






Are you a guy who likes to knit or crochet? Perhaps you’ve taken a few intro classes and now you’re looking for a regular meetup—well, this night is for you! If you’re curious about learning to knit, Fancywork offers intro to knitting classes as well. 5-7pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Greenwood Ave., Suite 2, Bend. Free.

72-HOUR FILMMAKER SCRAMBLE PROBLEM STICK CD RELEASE FILM COMPETITION EXPERIMENTAL ROCK Join BendFilm’s director and filmmaker Todd Looby for a crash course on no-budget filmmaking before setting off to make a film in just three days! The fest, in its fifth year, will host an outdoor film screening for the submissions following the competition. All ages and experiences welcome! Kick-off meeting: 5:30-6:30pm. The Bend Tour Company, 550 SW Industrial Way #105, Bend. $25/per team to participate. Register online at




Local noise-rock band Problem Stick is dropping a new album, “Baby Cowboy Basement Tapes.” Local favs Scary Busey and XRAY VSNS open. 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $8/adv., $10/door.






Enjoy lawn games, tasty beers and live acoustic folk ballads by Dreamland, a trio of longtime local musicians. 6-8pm. GoodLife Brewing, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. No cover.


Ride for a cause! Enjoy a buffet breakfast at Mountain’s Edge at 8am, sign-in at 9am and Kick Stands Up at 10am. Party at Northside Bar and Grill following ride, featuring live music, raffle prizes, high roll dice hand, bike games, t-shirts and more! 100% of donations go to Grandma’s House. 8am-5pm. Meet at Mountain’s Edge, 61303 S Hwy 97, Bend. Ride ends at Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend.



Dirty Revival keeps coming back again and again to Central Oregon — and we welcome their funky soul vibrations with open arms every time. They put on one hell of a dance party! Don’t miss the next two concerts in the Parallel 44 Presents & Parrilla Grill’s 2019 Show Us Your Spokes Concert Series: Yak Attack 8/14 & Brothers Comatose 8/21. 5-10pm. Parrilla Grill, 635 NW 14th St, Bend. No cover.


The Sisters Folk Festival free summer concert series continues with stellar bluegrass from North Carolina—courtesy of Town Mountain. Get your Sisters Folk Fest fix before the main event in September! 6:3010pm. Fir Street Park, Sisters. No cover.






Aug 16-25

Aug 21-22

September 13-21

Oct 1


In addition to carnival rides, fair competitions and rodeo spectacles, concerts at the fair are always something to look forward to every year. Fair-goers (with fair admission and free concert passes) can look forward to seeing Collective Soul (Wednesday), Old Dominion (Thursday), Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (Friday) and Michael Ray (Saturday). Fair opens 10am daily. See for full schedule of events and info on where to find concert passes. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond. Daily Pass: $12/adults, $7/seniors (ages 62+) & kids (6-12). Season Pass: $22/adults, $13/ seniors (ages 62+) & kids (6-12).






Fairly Established

As the band approaches its 25th year, it kicks off the concert series for the Deschutes County Fair’s 100th year By Alan Sculley Joseph Guay


Roland, singer/guitarist of Collective Soul, feels the band’s new album, “Blood,” is the strongest album from start to finish his group has done. He became convinced of that after a band get-together that was intended to reach a consensus on what song should be the album’s first single. “When we decided to release a single, I was sitting down with the guys (in the band) and we all wrote which one it should be,” E Roland recalled during a recent phone interview. “Every one of us had a different song. So that shows you to me, it didn’t help the cause of picking a song (for a single), but it was like as a body of work, we all like it.” Collective Soul had no shortage of new songs available for the new album. “We recorded 10 songs (in 2017). Originally, we thought we would just do a record where the first side would be the rock and the second would be more orchestrated, like ‘World I Know’ and ‘December,’” E Roland explained, mentioning a pair of his band’s more textured hits. “We finished that, and then we went on tour…At the beginning of (2018), I wrote another batch of songs. I showed them to the guys, and they were like ‘Man, we’ve got to record these.’ We spent 10 days up at a place called the Barber Shop in (New) Jersey and in 10 days knocked it out.” In all, Collective Soul recorded 22 songs, and for a time the band pondered putting all of them out on a double album. E Roland, who as of this year has decided to go by the name E Roland (instead of Ed Roland), said that notion died a quick death. “It didn’t take long for our management to go, ‘you’re not releasing a double record.’ So that shut that down pretty quick,” E Roland said. “You know, these days with streaming, I

, N.D. Blending Nature with Medicine Insurance Accepted

Collective Soul is the first in a star-studded concert lineup at this year’s Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo— which includes Old Dominion Thursday, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Friday and Michael Ray Saturday.

can’t ask someone to sit there and stream 22 songs, an hour and 15 of music. That’s asking too much of the audience. So, we decided to just break it up into two. So, this one (“Blood”) comes out this year and the other (album) will come out next year.” The songs on “Blood” add to an already deep catalog Collective Soul began building in 1993 when Atlantic Records released what was essentially a demo of E Roland songs as “Hints Allegations and Things Left Unsaid.” Featuring the hit single “Shine,” the album went double platinum, as E Roland recruited the other members of the original Collective Soul – his brother, Dean Roland (guitar), Will Turpin (bass), Ross Childress (guitar) and Shane Evans (drums) – and the group began touring. That lineup scored an even bigger hit with the triple-platinum self-titled second album (featuring hits like “The World

I Know,” “December,” “Where The River Flows” and “Gel”), and continued to enjoy considerable success with three more albums before fortunes began to wane, the band lineup began shifting and the group parted ways with Atlantic Records. But E Roland feels Collective Soul was rejuvenated after drummer Johnny Rabb joined in 2012 and guitarist Jesse Triplett came on board in 2014. “I’ve got to be honest with you, with Jesse and Johnny involved in the band now, they’ve really kicked Will, Dean and I in the ass,” E Roland said. “They’re awesome. If I could have the band to start over, this is the band I would want, not only from the playing side of it, but from the personality side of it.” The “Blood” album should go over well with fans of Collective Soul’s other nine studio albums. The album opens with a bang,

with four hyper-catchy and punchy rockers – “Not The Time,” “Over Me,” “Crushed” and “Right As Rain” before shifting into the more expansive mid-tempo territory, as the group tips its hat musically to the late Tom Petty (as well as the Cars and Elton John) on “Good Place To Start,” builds from a simmer to an epic crescendo on “Observation of Thoughts” (a song about E Roland’s sister-in-law, who lost her battle to cancer about a year ago) and ends the album with a bit of a folky moment with “Porch Swing” (featuring Styx’s Tommy Shaw on dobro and backing vocals). Now out on a headlining tour—including being the kickoff concert at the Deschutes County Fair Wednesday night—E Roland and the band are understandably excited to play songs from “Blood.” But they won’t omit the hits – which considering Collective Soul has notched 17 top 20 singles (including seven No. 1 Mainstream Rock hits) in a career that hits the quarter-century mark this year, is a substantial body of work in and of itself. “In releasing our tenth studio record we have a lot of songs,” E Roland said. “Of course, we’re going to play the songs everybody is familiar with. At the same time, you do want to promote the new recording because you’re excited about it. That’s why we’re going out. We want to show we’re still kicking in what we do. I think we’ll add about six new songs and kind of strategically place them in there, so you don’t lose interest.”

Collective Soul

Wed., July 31. Doors 5:30pm; Show 7:30pm Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond Concerts free with paid gate pass & concert pass ($12 daily gate pass/Pick up free concert passes at C.O. McDonald’s & Point S locations)

The hot summer just got hotter– here’s the best in music from July


By Isaac



“Sounds of Oregon” —Elisha David


If you missed our interview with Elisha David at the beginning of July, this is a reminder to go take a listen to his new album, “Made in Oregon.” Each song highlights a different landmark or piece of history in Oregon. “Stars Over Sisters” is a dreamy instrumental, sounding almost like the perfect lullaby for looking at the sky from your sleeping bag. The title track is the ultimate backing to a road trip that could hit every corner of the state. These songs are sure to relax, inspire and deepen your connection to Oregon’s wonders.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.” —HUNNY The debut album from California’s HUNNY makes me feel like I’m in high school all over again. It sounds like ‘80s and ‘90s pop with a heavy layer of 2000s punk spread on top. The opening track, “Lula, I’m Not Mad,” is a perfect song for those melancholic summer days. Every synth hits just right and the way lead singer Jason Yarger sings out these pleas for love is a combo I can fully get behind. It’s a big yesyesyesyesyes to HUNNY’s debut from me.


“Smooth Big Cat” —DOPE LEMON The second album under his DOPE LEMON project shows Australia’s Angus Stone at his most mellow ever. “Smooth Big Cat” is laid-back rock for a laidback day spent with a laid-back person. The album sounds like how it feels to be sweating it out on a desert hike with no shade to escape the sun’s rays: slow, warm and somehow refreshing at the same time. Like an ice cube melting.

Five for The Rotation: “Dollar” – Electric Guest “Dance Through It” – Twin Peaks “Dark & Handsome” – Blood Orange feat. Toro Y Moi “I’ll die anyway” – girl in red “Sofia” - Clairo


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The summer time just begs for music to be played at all times. Whether you’re cruising the Cascade Lakes Highway or out for a day hike, everyone needs a good soundtrack to back their fun-in-the-sun activities. Get plugged in with the best music from the month of July that you might have missed with this new version of Source Material.

Sourc e Mat erial





Tickets Available on

Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover.

31 Wednesday The Astro Lounge Bingo with Janney to

benefit Oregon Wild Every Wednesday! Winners take home half the pot! 6-8pm. $1-5 per game.

Bevel Craft Brewing Open Mic Night Show up early to sign up! 6:30-8:30pm. Free.

Cabin 22 Local Day w/ UKB Trivia at Cabin 22 Free to play & prizes to win! 7pm.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.

Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center

First Interstate Bank Center: Collective Soul American rock band that made a splash in the '90s. Hits include: "She Said," "December, "Run" and more. Doors, 5:30pm. Show, 7pm. No cover (free concert pass needed).

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your

go-to karaoke tune? 9pm.

Immersion Brewing Geeks Who Drink Pub Trivia Test you knowledge at pub trivia night by Geeks Who Drink! 6-8pm. No cover. Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Rockin’ Robin

Karaoke Rockin’ Robin takes our stage, running Bend’s #1 karaoke show. 7-11pm. No cover.

Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub

Trivia Bend Comedy brings lively pub trivia to Level State Beerhouse every Wednesday! Free to play, prizes to win and all ages until 9pm! 7pm.

M&J Tavern Wed Night Open Mic All musi-

Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center

First Interstate Bank Center: Old Dominion Country music. Doors, 5:30pm. Show, 7pm. No cover (free concert pass needed). Food Court Stage: Long Tall Eddy Atomic-powered alt-western with an all-original set. Two shows: 5pm and 8pm! No cover.

The Domino Room SoDown A bass-filled,

sensory inducing, thrill ride from start to finish. 8:30pm. $15.

Drake Park Munch and Music - The Original Wailers Enjoy the arts, outstanding food, and free music in at this family-friendly event! 5:30-9pm. Free. Fir Street Park Town Mountain The

SFF free summer concert series continues with stellar bluegrass from North Carolina—courtesy of Town Mountain. 6:30-10pm. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your

go-to karaoke tune? 9pm.

Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Thursday Trivia

Inquisitive Simian presents In it to Win It Trivia Thursdays. 7-9:15pm. No cover.

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

Strange Hotels Danceable tunes feat. elements of wold beats, disco and soul. 7-11pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Just Us Classic rock. 7:30pm. No cover.

Oregon Spirit Distillers Tyler

cians welcome. 21+. 6pm. No cover.

Childers - SOLD OUT Country/folk. Doors, 6pm. Show, 7pm. All ages. 7pm. SOLD OUT.

Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke

Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic

Sing your heart out! 9pm. No cover.

All performance types are welcome! Signup by 7:20pm. Ages 21+ 7pm.

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

Rod DeGeorge Guitar God Review A tribute to the guitar greats such as Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page & more! 7-10pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.

Parrilla Grill - Westside High Step Society

w/ Andrew Carew Electro-swing troubadours High Step Society return to Bend to kick off Parallel 44 Presents & Parrilla Grill’s 2019 Show Us Your Spokes Concert Series! 5-10pm. No cover.

Seven Nightclub Hump Day Karaoke Every Wednesday night! 8pm. No cover.

Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! 7pm. $20 buy in.

Strictly Organic Coffee Company Songwriters’ open Mic w/ Victor Johnson Popular venue for experienced and brand new performers to play their original material. 6-8pm. Sunriver Resort Summer Concert Series

Bring the family, pull up a blanket and enjoy free live musict! 6:30-8:30pm. No cover.

The Capitol PRGRM Sequence 1- Eyere Eyes,

Deathrage, Prajekt A community-driven monthly event with the simple purpose of uniting and strengthening our local underground electronic music scene. 9:30pm-2am. Free.

The Lot Alex Winters Winters has been making music for almost 20 years in bands, orchestras, and as a solo artist. 6-8pm. Free.

and high alcohol kombucha tastings with Boochcraft’s master Brewer/Co-Founder. 5-9pm.

2 Friday

Seven Nightclub DJ Toasty Takeover EDM,

AVID Cider Co. Taproom AVID Cider & Immersion Brewing Block Party Live music: Alicia Viani & Mark Karwan. 7pm. No cover.

The Brown Owl Juju Eyeball Beatles covers. Kid-friendly. 7-10pm. No cover.

Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center

First Interstate Bank Center: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Often cited as a catalyst for an entire movement in country rock and Americana, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band continues to add to their legendary status. Doors, 5:30pm. Show, 7pm. No cover (free concert pass needed).

Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Wicked Old-

school hip-hop and R&B! 10pm-1am. No cover.

hip-hop, dance. 10pm-2am. No cover.

Silver Moon Brewing F*Cancer Comedy

Night Join Silver Moon, Broner Productions, and Beer Town Comedy for a night of Stand-Up Comedy and Delicious Beer all for a great cause. 8-10pm. $10-$13.

Sunriver Resort Sunriver Resort’s Summer Concert Series A different live band will be featured each concert day. Delicious food and local brews, wine and cocktails will be offered during each concert. 6:30-8:30pm. No cover. The Blacksmith Restaurant Heller Highwater trio R&B / pop. 7-9pm.

The Capitol DJ Theclectik Mixing all genres

Eurosports Sisters Food Cart Garden

from hip-hop, Reggaeton, R&B, remixes, throwbacks, currents and more. 10pm-2am. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Tim Cruise Tim plays

Thump Coffee - NW Crossing Coyote Willow Join us for great music, food, drinks and sunset! 7-9pm. No cover.

Long Tall Eddy Bringing “Texas Twang” to Central Oregon. 5-7pm. No cover.

every Friday night! 5-8pm. No cover.; DJ Dance Music Dance music from the 70’s to current. 9pm. No cover.

Juniper Golf Course & The View Tap & Grill Band on the Patio Summer Music Series

w/ She Said/He Said Lively contemporary jazz. All ages welcome. Reservations appreciated. 5-8pm. No cover.

Kobold Brewing / The Vault Taphouse

Richard Taelour Join us in welcoming local favorite, Richard Taelour to The Vault! 7-9pm.

Lava Lanes Karaoke Night What's your go-to karaoke song? 8pm-Midnight. No cover.

M&J Tavern Loose Platoon & Haise Delta blues rock n’ roll. 21+. 9pm. No cover.

Naji’s Midtown Yoga Friday Night Ecstatic Dance Ecstatic Dance is an experience like no other. 8-10pm. $5.

Northside Bar & Grill FunBobby Classic rock, pop and '80s dance music. 8:30pm. $3.

On Tap Dive Bar Theology Indie pop. 6-8pm.

No cover.

The Outfitter Bar at Seventh Mountain Resort Free Friday Music Free Friday music all summer on the patio. First Friday of every month, 5:30-8pm. No cover.

Riff - Craft Food & Beverage Taproom

First Friday: Booch ‘N Tunes Join us for live music by Derek Michael Marc, art by Sheila Dunn Submitted

Tower Theatre The Only Cash Tribute Band The only Johnny Cash tribute you'll ever need to see! 7:30pm. $28.25-$50.50 (plus historic preservation fee).

Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House Live Music

in the Saloon | Jae Jae Sings Local artist whose sound weaves steely blues into original and cover folk songs. 7pm. No cover.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Gene Evaro Jr. w/ Cosmonautical Soul, folk, electronic and funk. 9pm. $8/adv., $10/door.

3 Saturday The Brown Owl Austin Miller Austin Miller from Orlando, FL makes his Brown Owl debut! 7pm. Free.

Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center

First Interstate Bank Center: Michael Ray Country.Doors, 5:30pm. Show, 7pm. No cover (free concert pass needed).

The Domino Room Ryan Martin & Alex Cano Folk-inspired rock ‘n’ roll. 8pm. No cover.

Hardtails Bar & Grill “Appetite for Deception” — Guns ‘N’ Roses Tribute As seen on AXS TV. Ages 21+. 8pm. $10. Hub City Bar & Grill Dance Music Join our resident DJ, spinning dance tunes from today and yesteryear. 9pm. No cover.

The Lot Wednesday Open Mic Night Share your heart, practice your lyrics and feel the support from this great community. Covers, originals, instrumentalists or poets. 6-8pm. No cover.

Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Rockin’ Robin takes our stage, running Bend’s #1 karaoke show. 8pm-12:30am. No cover.

Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House Hardly

Lava Lanes Karaoke Night Come sing with us! 8pm-Midnight. No cover.

Heard Bluegrass/Americana. 6:30pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill FunBobby Classic rock, pop and 80s dance music. 8:30pm. $3.

1 Thursday

River’s Place Sucker Punch Americana, country and some rock favorites. 6-8pm. No cover.

7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo

Benefitting BrightSide Animal Center. 6:30pm.

Seven Nightclub DJ Toasty Takeover EDM,

The Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke

hip-hop, dance. 10pm-2am. No cover.

Sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! 9pm-1am. No cover.

Cabin 22 KC Flynn Flynn will be playing acoustic rock and country. Every other Thursday, 7-9pm. No cover. Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.

Catch the soul, folk & electric stylings of Gene Evaro Jr. at Volcanic on 8/2. Cosmonautical opens.

Submitting an event is free and easy.

Sunriver Resort Sunriver Resort’s Summer Concert Series A different live band will be featured each concert day. Delicious food and local brews, wine and cocktails will be offered during each concert. 6:30-8:30pm. No cover.

Add your event to our calendar at



Laura Schneider

The Capitol DJ N8ture Mixing all genres from trap, bass, hip-hop and remixes. 10:30pm-2am. No cover.

The Capitol Latin Nights A delightful mid-

week night of Latin music, dancing and cocktails. Ages 21+. 8:30pm-Midnight. No cover.

Tower Theatre Blind Pilot American indie

The Lot Wednesday Open Mic Night Share your

Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House Live Music

Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House Live Music

folk. 7:30pm. Reserved: $32.50 | $3 increase day of show.

heart, practice your lyrics and feel the support from this great community. 6-8pm. No cover.

in the Saloon | Olivia Harms Country. 6:30pm. No cover.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Five Alarm Funk The Vancouver-based band is eight-men strong and over a decade deep into a career that has seen it release five acclaimed albums and burn up stages across the country on six national tours. 10pm. $12/adv., $15/door.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Problem Stick CD Release Problem Stick is dropping a new album, “Baby Cowboy Basement Tapes” — and local favs Scary Busey and XRAY VSNS open! 9pm. $8/adv., $10/door.

4 Sunday Brasada’s Range Restaurant & Bar

Feast from the Fire The best local breweries and distilleries, fresh ingredients from surrounding farms, and live music from our favorite regional musicians. 3-8pm. $44/adult $18/child.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Sunday Funday - Comedy Fundraiser 100% of tickets sold at the door is going to the Bend-area Wishing Tree’s School Supply Drive! The money goes to the kids, but the jokes are definitely for the adults. 18+ 6-9pm. $7/adv., $10/door. First United Methodist Church Solo Pia-

no CD Release Concert by Julie Hanney Release show! 7pm. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Open Mic All welcome

to sing or play an instrument, show up early to sign up. 4-7pm. No cover.

Juniper Golf Course and The View Tap and Grill First Sunday Band Jam/Open Mic Joe Fadanzo hosts a Sunday open mic/jam the first Sunday of each month. 4-7pm. No cover.

River’s Place Sunday Funday Trivia + Happy

Hour UKB Trivia is hosting our Sunday Funday of Trivia. Free to play and prizes to win. 4-6pm.

Silver Moon Brewing Deschutes County

Search & Rescue Foundation Bingo Each week we average $1,000 in cash giveaways! Games start at $1 and work towards $5 as the day goes on. 10:30am-1pm. No cover.

Sisters Farmers Market at Fir Street Park Appaloosa Dottie & Eli Ashley lead

Appaloosa, an old-fashioned country band with a saucy, modern kick. 11am-2pm. No cover.

Sisters Saloon Sisters Saloon Open Mic

Night Open Mic at Sisters Saloon hosted by Bend musician, Victor Johnson. Covers and originals, all ages welcome. Free.

Strictly Organic Coffee - Old Mill Paul

Eddy Bedell Artist and local troubadour fills your cup with memories and forgotten gems. Every other Sunday, 3-5pm. No cover.

The Capitol Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Sing some hits for fun — happy hour all night! 8pm.

Volcanic Theatre Pub The Cult of Tuck Presents: Tuck Dynasty Your favorite drag troupe is bringing you their first all country drag show! Doors, 8pm. Show, 9pm. Ages 18+. $20. Worthy Brewing The 3 of We Local in-

strumental guitar, bass, and drum trio playing original music. 7-9pm. No cover.

5 Monday The Astro Lounge Astro Open Mic Chase Elliot, of Cadence, hosts open mic. Sign up at 7pm. 8pm-Midnight. No cover.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.

8 Thursday Alicia Viani & Mark Karwan perform at the Avid Cider & Immersion Brewing Block Party on 8/2.

Northside Bar & Grill Dark & Grey Acoustic duo. 6pm. No cover.

On Tap The Bluegrass Collective A weekly

gathering of local bluegrass musicians, sharing their passion for bluegrass and old time music with those in attendance. 6-8pm. No cover.

Pour House Grill Trivia Mondays With UKB Trivia! Bend South’s entertaining free to play trivia experience! 7-9pm.

The Lot Bingo for a Cause Feeling lucky?

Hungry? Thirsty? We got you covered. Cash winners, raffle prizes, and lots of fun supporting local non-profit organizations. 6-8pm. No cover.

6 Tuesday

7 Wednesday The Astro Lounge Bingo with Janney to benefit Oregon Wild 6-8pm. 6-8pm. $1-5 per game.

Bend Golf Club First Wednesday Jazz: Dan

Balmer Quartet Dan Balmer, possibly the best jazz guitarist in the Pacific Northwest, will take the stage for Bend Golf Club’s 1st Wednesday Jazz. Limited seating. Please make reservations at 541-322-5776. 6-8pm. $10.

Bevel Craft Brewing Live Music at The

Patio We’re happy to have Milo Matthews back again at 9th Street Village. Join us for some dinner, beers, and the funky jams. 6:30-8:30pm. No cover.

Cabin 22 Local Day w/ UKB Trivia at Cabin 22

The Astro Lounge Tuesday Trivia Prizes,

drink specials and trivia! 8-10pm. Free.

It’s fun and free to play! Enjoy Central Oregon pint specials, all day, all night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! 7pm.

The Brown Owl Pedestria and OMM Rock/

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down

Downtown Bend Public Library Latin American Harpist Nicolas Carter Carter creates unique performances blending his musicianship with his skills as a theatre artist/storyteller. 6-7pm. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 9pm.

funk/metal. 7-10pm. No cover.

GoodLife Brewing Dreamland Original acoustic folk ballads and song exchange from three long time local favorite musicians. 6pm. Free.

and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.

Immersion Brewing Geeks Who Drink Pub Trivia Test you knowledge at pub trivia night by Geeks Who Drink! 6-8pm. No cover. Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Rockin’ Robin takes our stage, running Bend’s #1 karaoke show. 7-11pm. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Tim Cruise Classic

Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub

Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Acoustic Jam Night with Scott Fox Scott Fox hosts our Tuesday Night Acoustic Jam night. Listen to some of our better musicians in town. 7:30-9:30pm. No cover.

M&J Tavern Wed Night Open Mic All mu-

rock. 6-9pm. No cover.

M&J Tavern James Dean & the Misfits

Rock ‘n’ Roll covers from the ‘60s through the ‘90s. Remember to tip the band! 9pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Hot Club of Bend

Come join us for some live jazz with Hot Club of Bend! 6pm. No cover.

The Platypus Pub Tuesday Night Trivia (and a board game?) Join Quizhead Games for one of the best trivia nights in town. Easily in the top 50. Probably. 8-10pm. Free.

The Commons Cafe Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open mic at the Commons — we do have some poets, and actual storytellers on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other, mostly singers and musicians! Sign up starts at 5pm. 6-8pm.

The Lot Trivia Tuesday Enjoy the heated seats, tasty eats and your favorite local pints at this fun trivia hot spot. 6-8pm. Free.

Velvet Bobby Lindstrom & Ed the Whistler Rock, blues & some whistling, too! 8-10pm. No cover.

Trivia Bend Comedy brings lively pub trivia to Level State Beerhouse every Wednesday! Free to play, prizes to win and all ages until 9pm! 7pm. sicians welcome to the downtown living room. Bring your instruments and your friends. 21 and over. 6pm. No cover.

Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke

Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

An Evening with the Parson Red Heads Over the course of the past 15 years as a band, The Parson Red Heads have released 4 full length records and countless EPs and mini-albums. 7-10pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.

Parrilla Grill - Westside Dirty Revival Dirty Revival brings their powerhouse vocals and relentless funk/soul dance party back to Bend to continue Parallel 44 Presents & Parrilla Grill’s 2019 Show Us Your Spokes Concert Series! 5-10pm. No cover. Seven Nightclub Hump Day Karaoke Every Wednesday night! 8pm. No cover.

Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! 7pm. $20 buy in.

7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo Benefiting the BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond. 6:30pm.

The Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! 9pm-1am. No cover.

Athletic Club of Bend Lord Huron Join us

live to hear Lord Huron play Vide Noir, their latest album that takes a brave new direction in their quest to provide a unique sound in music. 4:45 & 6pm.

C.E. Lovejoy’s Brookswood Market

‘Dancing in The Garden’ Live music, food, dancing, friendships & fun! Band listing and more information at 5-7pm. Free.

Cabin 22 KC Flynn & Friends KC Flynn will be playing acoustic rock and country. Every other Thursday, 7-9pm. No cover.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.

Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover. Drake Park Munch and Music - Supersucker Enjoying its 29th anniversary in 2019, the Munch & Music free concert Series in Drake Park continues to be a summertime favorite. Enjoy the arts, outstanding food, and free music in a family friendly environment! 5:30-9pm. Free. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 9pm. Humm Kombucha Mike Viles Mike Viles will be performing original songs and twisted covers on acoustic guitar. 5:30-6:30pm. Free. Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Thursday Trivia Inquisitive Simian presents In it to Win It Trivia Thursdays. 7-9:15pm. No cover. La Pine Parks and Recreation Music in the Pines Juju Eyeball plays 3 sets of high-energy Beatles covers at Music in the Pines in La Pine. 6-9pm. No cover.

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

Echo Still Rock/soul. All ages. 7-10pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Dain Norman and

the Chrysalis Effect Nostalgic music with a new heartbeat. 7:30pm. No cover.

Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic All

performance types are welcome! Each performer will have 5 minutes. Signup by 7:20pm. Ages 21+ 7pm.

Strictly Organic Coffee Company Songwriters’ open Mic w/ Victor Johnson Popular and welcoming venue for experienced and brand new performers to play original material. 6-8pm. Sunriver Resort Sunriver Resort’s Summer Concert Series Bring the family, pull up a blanket and enjoy free live music at The Backyard at Sunriver Resort! A different live band will be featured each concert day. 6:30-8:30pm. No cover. The Lot Jeshua Marshall Singer songwriter

Jeshua Marshall of Larry and his Flask delivers an intimate and stripped down version of his signature punk rock bluegrass. 6-8pm. Free.


in the Saloon | Dave and Melody Hill Dave & Melody Hill are playing fine guitar, close-knit harmonies, original Americana, Blues, Country, and Folk. With covers from Patsy Cline to Tom Petty, these two ignite good vibes and good times in our saloon. 6:30pm. No cover.




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er lf


rs o G & lfe r o Fo -g ike n l o A N


CALENDAR MUSIC Aaron English Music Concert Inspired songs as well as interpretations of prayers and sacred songs from around the globe. Aug. 4, 6:30-8pm. Unity Community of Central Oregon, 63645 Scenic Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-3881569. $15/adults, kids free.

Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St., Bend. Contact: 541-633-3225.

Pandit Deobrat Mishra - Kirtan Ragas Join us for a very special evening of Sitar, Tabla and Kirtan Ragas with Pandit Deobrat Mishra. July 31, 7:30-9:30pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. Contact: 541-977-1385. $23/adv., $28/door.

Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional group

singing. It is yoga for the heart that connects us with our divine, inner nature and the one Spirit that unites us all. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. $10.

West African Drumming Mondays, Level 1 students will learn traditional rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. On Thursdays,

Level 2 & 3 students will build on your knowledge, technique and performance skills. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm and Thursdays, 6-7:30 and 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 NE de Havilland St., Bend. Contact: 541-7603204. $15/class.

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 907-2994199. $5/class.

Bachata Turn Patterns Taken Bachata

DANCE Adult Intermediate Level Jazz Dance

Adult Intermediate Jazz Dance Class sponsored by the Jazz Dance Collective. Styles include Broadway, Latin, lyrical. Supportive atmosphere, opportunities to perform. Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Drive, Suite 202, Bend. $12 donation, first class free.

Argentine Tango Class & Practica No partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:307:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of fundamentals).

Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-325-6676. $12/class, $40/4-Class package, $65/monthly unlimited.

Beginning Cuban Salsa Learn to dance Cuban style salsa! On the Drake Park stage. Moves are taught in a “rueda” (wheel), called Rueda de Casino. Learn fun steps that can be danced solo, with one partner, or within a circle. No partner necessary. Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-325-6676. Free.

Juan Pablo Areans, Pexels

Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all

musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Annual negotiable fee. Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St., Bend. Contact: 541-306-6768.

Deschutes Caledonian Pipe Band Practice Looking for experienced players

to join and perform with the group. We are a volunteer not-for-profit society dedicated to the preservation, performance, and enjoyment of Scottish style bagpipes and drums in Central Oregon. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Abilitree, 2680 Twin Knolls Dr., Bend. Contact:

High Desert Harmoneers Local Chorus of 25 years looking to expand. Four part Acapella Barbershop Harmony for men and women. Reading music is not a requirement as we have learning CD’s available. Thursdays, 6:30-9pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE 9th., Bend. Contact: 541-241-4315. Free.

Julie Hanney’s Solo Piano CD Release Concert Painting in Sound, Julie’s new CD

release was inspired by nature and the music is a little “new agey” with with hints of jazz, bits of romanticism and a dash of 21st century sophistication. With special guests: cellist Amy Wheeler and pianist Kyle Pickard. Aug. 4, 7-8:30pm. Bend


Catch pianist Julie Hanney's solo piano release concert at Bend Church on 8/4.


The Cult of Tuck Presents

GENE ENVARO JR. TUCK DYNASTY at Volcanic Theatre Pub at Volcanic Theatre Pub



FIVE ALARM FUNK at Volcanic Theatre Pub


92/9 FM & The Herb Center Present




Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus

Award-winning Bella Acappella seeks women and girls who love to sing and harmonize. Ages 15+. Meet upstairs in the Great Room. Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-728-9392. $35/membership.

Church, 680 NW Bond Street, Bend. Contact: 541-390-2441. Free, donations accepted.

Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own

dance in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Visit: BendEcstaticDance. com or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE Eighth St., Bend. $10-12 sliding scale.

East Coast Swing Valerie will show you everything you need to know for this fun, ballroom style of swing. No partner required. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-401-1635. $10/class, $40/month.


Free Beginning Square Dance Party

Absolutely no previous experience is needed, and no partner is required. Arrive a few minutes early to enjoy an hour of easy-does-it square dancing hosted by the Bachelor Beauts club. Dress is casual attire. Sat, Aug. 3, 6-7pm. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-7014. Free.

Intro to Latin Dance - Level 1 In this beginner level class you will learn salsa & bachata basics and simple turns while also paying attention to partner connection through lead and follow technic. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 5:30-6:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: $12/drop-in. Intro to Temple Tribal Fusion® TTF®

seamlessly fuses modern Tribal Belly Dance with traditional Sacred Dances, resulting with alluring and mystical storytelling…a modern genre of Temple Dance with strong yoga & fitness foundation. dance-empower-bend Mondays. Through Nov. 15. Seksé Fit, 550 SW Industrial Way. Suit 154, Bend. see website for prices.

Lindy Hop Dance Group classes are held at The Space, every Sunday night from 7-9pm, followed by an hour-long social dance from 8-9pm. Class series are typically 4 weeks long. Dress comfortable and be ready to sweat! $10 Drop-in. Cash and card accepted. Sundays, 7-9pm. Through Aug. 25. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-846-5146. $10. Odissi Indian Classical Dance Synergize your Body-Mind-Energy & Develop your Strength-Agility-Grace. Odissi is highly sensual and fluid along with strong and detailed. We literally unite within our bodies Feminine and Masculine Principles. For details & prices: Fridays. Through Nov. 15. Seksé Fit, 550 SW Industrial Way. Suit 154, Bend. Salsa Turn Patterns Taken Salsa Level 1

or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-325-6676. info@ $12/class, $40/4-Class package, $65/monthly unlimited.

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Your One Stop Adult Fun Shop! ONLINE SHOPPING NOW AVAILABLE! visit 1341 NE 3rd Street, Bend 541-317-3566

Scottish Country Dance Class No expe-

rience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly classes include beginner & advanced dances. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. $5/class, first class is free.

Square Dance Lessons Learn to square

dance with the Bachelor Beauts Square Dance Club! Thursdays-Sundays, 6-8pm. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-7014. $5/first class, $75/15 additional lessons.

FILM EVENTS Summer Movie Series: “The Karate Kid” Join us on the West Side patio as we present cult classic movies throughout the summer! Featuring themed activities, snacks, and more! Aug. 6, 8:30-11:30pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co., 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.

72-Hour Filmmaker Scramble Kickoff Join BendFilm’s Director and

filmmaker Todd Looby for a crash course on no-budget filmmaking before setting off

to make a film in just 3 days. Participating films then screen publicly at an outdoor Mini Film Festival. Aug. 1, 5:30-6:30pm. The Bend Tour Company, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-388-3878. $25 per team.

ARTS / CRAFTS Acrylic Pour and Sip Come join us for guided instruction to create your own acrylic pour masterpiece that you can take home. Sip wine during your creation! Canvas, paint, aprons and guided instruction provided. Saturdays, 6-8pm. Scott Dyer Fine Art, 2974 NE Waller Drive, Bend. Contact: 714-869-6780. $30. Blind Pilot Post-Concert Event Royal

Nebeker’s son, Israel Nebeker, is the founder and lead singer of the renowned band Blind Pilot. The gallery will host an event for the band and concert attendees immediately following the concert. Aug. 3, 7:30-10pm. At Liberty Arts Collaborative, 849 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: No cover.

Call to Artists Red Chair Gallery is looking

for one 2D and one 3D artist. All 2D painters will be considered. Please pick up a membership packet at the gallery. Fridays. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend.

DIY Heart Shaped Trinket Box Learn

more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off this class. Wed, July 17, 5:30pm and Thu, Aug. 1, 5:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. $65.

Figure Drawing Salon This drop-in salon features a live nude model in a sequence of poses. All levels are welcome, no instruction provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own easel and materials. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St., #6, Bend. $15/door. First Friday Art Walk A celebration of Art in its many forms. Join us for live music, great art, friends, drinks, snacks and adventures in Downtown Bend! Park in the parking garage on the corner of Lava and Oregon to access all the fun. First Friday of every month, 5-9pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Free. First Friday Art & Live Music Every

month, we rotate out the art in the cafe and join in with the rest of downtown in celebrating the arts with free live music from local artists in the house or out in the plaza.First Friday of every month, 6-8pm. The Commons Cafe, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. Free.

Katherine Taylor Opens August Show at Tumalo Art Co. “Déjà Vu: Reinterpreting the Oregon Landscape Through an Altered Lens”, commemorates and reinvents Katherine Taylor’s first impressions of Central Oregon when she arrived over 20 years ago. Aug. 2, 4-8pm. Tumalo Art Co., 450 SW Powerhouse Dr., Ste. 407, Bend. Contact: 541-385-9144.

Knotty Boys Knit & Crochet Night Fellas, join us for stitch and bitch time

of your own. Bring a project or grab one at the shop. BYOB welcome! Mondays, 5-7pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 2, Bend. Contact: 541-323-8686. Free.

Know Pressure - Handmade Cards

Use stamping, embossing, and other types of pressure to create one of a kind cards. Registration required. Aug. 6, Noon-1pm. Sisters Public Library, 110 N Cedar St., Sisters. | Aug. 7, Noon1pm. Sunriver Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver. | Aug. 8, 6-7pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. Free.

Oregon Through the Artists Eye

SageBrushers Art Society is featuring paintings in various media celebrating Oregon places, people, and themes. Wednesdays-Fridays-Saturdays, 1-4pm. Through Aug. 31. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free.

Sip & Pour Anyone can pour paint, and make

beautiful, unexpected works of art. All supplies, aprons, provided; wear painting clothes. Com-

Cascade Relays Logos


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is Central Oregon’s largest sporting event with more than 3,500 participants and hundreds of spectators traveling from over 30 states and 2 countries. With a maximum of 12 runners/walkers per team, participants run throughout the day and night for 216 miles (CLR36) or 132 miles (CLR24). CLR starts at Diamond Lake and finishes 24-36 hours later at Riverbend Park. Each participant completes three legs of the relay for an average of 18 miles total. The course is challenging, with an elevation gain of over 8,100 feet and temperatures fluctuating from freezing at night to high 90s during the day. Relays turn running into a team sport, with participants consisting of elite athletes, families, colleagues, classmates, friends and first time runners. For additional information visit


4 / C A S C A DE RE LA Y S . C O M



Thanks to the 500 volunteers that make this event possible. CASCADE RELAYS HIRE-A-VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Cascade Relays is committed to supporting the communities we run through and providing grant funding to numerous non-profits, school groups and community groups. Through the Cascade Relays Hire-a-Volunteer program, over $375,000 has been raised since 2008. Cascade Relays partners with local charities and community groups that provide volunteers during the event and money raised by the Hire-a-Volunteer program goes directly to these organizations. If your organization is interested in raising money through our events, please email

CASCADE RELAYS FOUNDATION is based in Bend Oregon and distributes more than $70,000 annually in grants to local nonprofit and community groups in the cities and towns that host Cascade Relays events. Cascade Relays currently produces the Cascade Lakes Relay, Bend Beer Chase, San Diego Beer Chase and Boulder Beer Chase.

THE 2019 CASCADE RELAYS FOUNDATION WILL SUPPORT: • Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon and SW Washington • East Cascades Back Country Horsemen of Oregon • Education Frist Bend Senior High • La Pine Ya Ya Sisterhood • Girls on the Run of Central Oregon • La Pine Lions Club

• Gilchrist School Booster Club • La Pine High School NJROTC • La Pine Park and Recreation Foundation • Bend High Archery • North Lake School Athletics • The Stage Rats • Living Water of La Pine

• Pleasant Ridge Community Hall Association • North Lake Community Fireworks • Mt. View High School Water Polo • Redmond High School Volleyball Program • La Pine Area Veterans

C as c ade Lakes Relay 201 9 / 5



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6 / C A S C A DE RE LA Y S . C O M

Helping our community comes with the territory.

Around here, “business as usual� means giving back to the community. It means leading by example. Paying it forward. And doing good, where good is needed most. Our commitment to local philanthropy is as important as our commitment to our customers.

Wall Street Commercial Team 541-322-4437 Wall Street 541-322-4401 Redmond South 541-923-4400 Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


C as c ade Lakes Relay 201 9 / 7

Will Donate $70,000 to Local Organizations in 2019 GIRLS ON THE RUN


“Cascade Relays has been a generous supporter of Girls on the Run of Central Oregon for many years. Our partnership helps allow us to provide empowering, life shaping programming to more girls in our community each year. Thank you Cascade Relays! ”

“The generous Hire a Volunteer program through Cascade Lakes Relay Foundation truly impacts Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & Southwest Washington and the families who stay with us. This program helps fund the core of our mission of providing a “home away from home” for families having to travel for medical care for their sick or injured child. Each $150 donated by CLR Foundation, helps fund one night of lodging for a family staying at the Bend Ronald McDonald House. Equally as important, the support of CLR Foundation is just another example of our community wrapping their arms around families and showing them that true community support comes in many different shapes and sizes. Here at Ronald McDonald House in Bend, we are greatly appreciative of being a part of the Hire a Volunteer program”.

– Emily Love, Girls on the Run of Central Oregon Council Director

REDMOND HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL “Being a part of the Cascade Lakes Relay and The Bend Beer Chase has to be the most fun way to raise money for a good cause. This year our fundraising dollars are helping us get new uniforms and create more outreach to younger kids in the community that are interested in learning about our sport. Working with the CLR team has definitely been a positive experience!

– Aaron Mallory, Varsity Volleyball Coach Redmond HS

we are northwest to the core

visit our taproom! 550 Industrial Way, bend, oregon 97702

– Lauren Olander, Regional Directer

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Finish Line Celebration at Riverbend Park

Join us for the 12th Annual Cascade Lakes Relay Finish Line celebration at Riverbend Park on Saturday, August 3rd from 9am-9pm! The CLR Finish Line Beer garden will feature Central Oregon breweries and food from local food carts. Teams will cross the ďŹ nish line from 9am - 8pm.

Columbia Bank proudly supports the Cascade Lakes Relay. Come stop by the Comumbia Bank lounge at the ďŹ nish line for games, drinks, food and fun! All are welcome!


Devils Lake

C as c ade Lakes Relay 201 9 / 9

Bend Riverbend Park

Sparks Lake Mt Bachelor

Elk Lake Resort

Six Lakes Trailhead

Deschutes Bridge


Crane Prairie Twin Lakes Resort


Wickiup Boat Ramp

The following popular recreational destinations will host CLR exchange points on Saturday, August 3rd. Be advised of congestion and drive safely to your destination.

La Pine



Fort Rock State Park

EXCHANGE POINTS 7th Mountain Resort

Mt Bachelor West Village Devils Lake

Diamond Lake Resort



Elk Lake Resort

Six Lakes Trailhead

Silver Lake

Diamond Lake Junction

Deschutes Bridge

Crane Prairie Resort

Wickiup North Boat Ramp

Crater Lake National Park

Twin Lakes Resort


Devils Lake Elk Lake Resort

Deschutes Bridge

Sparks Lake Mt Bachelor Six Lakes Trailhead 97

Crane Prairie Twin Lakes Resort Wickiup Boat Ramp

La Pine

Bend Riverbend Park

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C as c ade Lakes Relay 201 9 / 11



In case you don’t catch enough



oN That vAn floOr.

all natural

ethically sourced

beNd, oRegOn





TICKETS AVAILABLE AT plimentary wine for 21+. Aug. 2, 5:30-7:30pm. Carleton Manor, 1776 NE 8th St., Bend. Contact: 907-230-1785. $50.

Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-633-6839. $25.

Sunriver Quilt Show and Sale Outdoor

"The Night Tiger" by Yangsze Choo. Aug. 7, 6pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free.

quilt show featuring over 200 quilts, some for sale. Aug. 3, 9am-4pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Contact: 503-7096198. Free.

ConnectW: Adam Brown Effective Storytelling for Social Media Marketing Join us for dinner and speaker Adam Brown,

Explore Marketing LLC of Bend, who will provide 3 Steps of Effective Storytelling for Social Media Marketing. Aug. 7, 5-8pm. COCC Wille Hall Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: $30.

Humor Book Club We will be discussing We Are Never Meeting in Real Life by Samantha Irby. Aug. 1, 6pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free. Know Pressure: How to Achieve Your Dreams Workshop Participants of the

free workshop will learn how to break through common roadblocks and draw from their inner strengths and personal history to shape their future. Registration required. Aug. 8, 6:30-8:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library - Brooks Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. Free.

Saturday Bird Walk Join expert local birder and nature photographer Tom Lawler to discover the rich bird habitats of Sunriver. Saturdays, 8:30-11:30am. Through Aug. 31. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Rd., Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4394. $5.

Quiet Writing with WCCO Join the



Starshine Kids Theater Performance

Enjoy a free performance on the open air Songbird Stage at the Fir Street Park in Sisters performed by kids ages 8-13. Aug. 2, 3-3:30pm. Fir Street Park, Sisters. Contact: 541-645-0688. Free.

The Guerrilla Shakespeare Co. Presents Twelfth Night (or what you will) The Guerrilla Shakespeare Co. presents

it’s fourth annual Shakespeare production, Twelfth Night (or what you will). This year the classic is set amongst the angst and ambiguity of the 1990’s. Aug. 8, 7:30-9:45pm and Aug. 9, 7:30-9:45pm. Deschutes Historical Museum, 129 NW Idaho Ave., Bend. $15.

WORDS Blank Pages Writing Workshops: The Narrator From the lofty perch of third person

omniscient, or deep in the trenches with first person singular, your narrator holds the key to what your reader can know (and what they can’t). Aug. 3, 6-8pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St.,

Writer’s Collective of Central Oregon and your fellow writers for quiet writing time. Mondays, 10am-1pm. Through Sept. 30. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. Free.

Preventative Walk-In Pet Wellness Clinic The Bend Spay and Neuter Project offers

vaccinations, deworming and microchips at our walk-in wellness clinic. No appointments necessary, first come first served. Visit for a list of services. Saturdays, 10am-1:30pm. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. $10/office visit.

VOLUNTEER American Red Cross Disaster Action Team Members Needed American Red

Cross Disaster Action Team Volunteers Needed to respond to local disasters such as house fires, forest fires and other natural disasters here in the Cascade Region and throughout the USA. Ongoing., 2804 SW Sixth Street, Redmond. Contact: 503-528-5624.

Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond Looking for caring adult mentors

who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Ongoing.

Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond

Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Ongoing. Brightside Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW Fifth St., Redmond. Contact: 541-504-0101.

Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at

Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Call for hours & location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

Fences For Fido We are seeking volunteers

on Mondays to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers. More info can be found at Ongoing.

Food drive for The Giving Plate We’re hosting a summer food drive for The Giving Plate (Kid’s Korner and Monthly Food Box Program). Any European vehicle owners who donate will receive a voucher for 20% off repair or maintenance labor at Matrix Integrated (Bend). July 8-Aug. 30, 8am-5pm. Matrix Integrated (Bend), 20460 Brandis Ct., Bend. Happy Hour in the Garden We’ll be working out in the garden and invite anyone to come volunteer alongside us. Tasks vary, depending on the season. No experience necessary, gloves and tools provided. Bring a cup and enjoy some beer or kombucha. Family friendly. Tuesdays. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Contact: Herd U Needed A Home Dog Rescue

A local foster-based dog rescue group who specializes in rescuing herding bred dogs from overcrowded shelters and situations of abuse and neglect. In need of foster families and volunteers to assist with monthly adoption events and fundraising efforts. Contact for details. Contact:

Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join an incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals or helping with our community cat population. Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. Contact: 541-617-1010.

ART WALK PICKS By Keely Damara

Headed to First Friday in downtown Bend? Here’s what to put on your radar.


W/ BOOCHCRAFT Join Riff and Boochcraft Kombucha for some First Friday Booch ‘n Tunes! Enjoy live music by Derek Michael Marc, art by Sheila Dunn and high-ABV kombucha tastings (ages 21+) with Boochcraft’s master brewer/ co-founder. 5-9pm. Riff – Craft Food & Beverage Taproom, 555 NW Arizona Ave., Suite 30, Bend. Free.


FEAT. DANCE CALLER CAROLINE OAKLEY Get ready to move your feet to fiddles and strings! Caroline Oakley, the West Coast’s premier country dance caller, hosts this callback to old-fashioned folk dances. 6-9pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend.


BY ROYAL NEBEKER (1945-2014) See the first solo exhibition of internationally-recognized Pacific Northwest artist Royal Nebeker at At Liberty this First Friday, featuring paintings, monotypes, watercolors and prints. 6-7:30pm. At Liberty, 849 NW Wall St., Bend. On display: August 2-September 28. Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon is a

nonprofit that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs and stewardship. Heart of Oregon Corps, 1291 NE Fifth St., Bend. Contact: 541-526-1380.

St. Vincent DePaul in Need of Donations & Volunteers We provide

over 20,000 meals each month as well as monetary assistance to the needy in our community. Donate your old car, RV or boat (possibly qualifying for a tax deduction). Proceeds from donations go directly to the assistance of our neighbords in need. We're always looking for volunteers! Contact us for details. St. Vincenet DePaul Thrift Store, 651 SW Veterans Way, Redmond. Contact: 541-504-9840.

Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer drivers needed Mondays-Fridays to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Contact: Paul: 541-647-2363. Volunteer with Salvation Army The

Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse

Talk about "The Night Tiger" by Yangsze Choo at the Current Fiction Book Club at Roundabout Books on 8/7.

care. Duties include; corral cleaning, grooming, walking horses. Flexible days and hours. No experience required. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-350-2406.



Current Fiction Book Club We will discuss

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon Redmond, 412 SW Eighth St., Redmond. Contact: 541-617-4788.




GROUPS & MEETUPS ACA and other Dysfunctional Families

A twelve step program where members share their experience, strength and hope about growing up in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional family. Wednesdays, 6-8pm and Fridays, 1011am. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Free.

Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to

drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit

Animal’s BBQ Run Benefit for Grandma’s House The day starts off with

a ride, beginning at Mountains Edge at 61303 S Hwy 97, Bend. Enjoy a buffet breakfast at 8am, sign in at 9am and Kick Stands Up at 10am. Party at Northside Bar and Grill following ride, featuring live music, raffle prizes, high roll dice hand, bike games, t-shirts and more! Aug. 4, 8am-5pm. Northside Bar, 62860 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend.

Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop

and grow your public speaking and leadership skills, whether you’re an executive, stay-at-home parent, college student or retiree. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend.

Bendharma - Consciousness Discussion Group Exploring pathways to

peace through the study of the energy that is consciousness. A relaxed group discussion facilitated by an experienced western mind-yogi (50+ yrs). First Wednesday of month, 5:30-7pm. Dudley’s Bookshop, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend.

Caregiver Support Group Support groups

create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. First Tuesday of every month, 12-1:30pm. Sisters City Hall, 520 E Cascade Ave., Sisters. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free.

Celebrate Recovery A Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Mondays, 6:30pm. Faith Christian Center, 1049 NE 11th St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 7pm. Redmond Assembly of God, 1865 W. Antler Ave., Redmond. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. High Lakes Christian Church, 52620 Day Road, La Pine. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend. | Fridays, 7pm. Redmond Christian Church, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond. Visit for more info. Ongoing.

Life After Birth Join a supportive community of pregnant and postpartum mothers in a space where it is safe to come as you are. This group is facilitated by Dr. Wendy Hatcher, Psy.D, a licensed clinical psychologist. Tuesdays, 2-3pm. St. Charles Center for Women’s Health, 340 NW 5th Street, Suite 101, Redmond. Contact: 541-526-6635. Free.

Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave, Redmond. Lunch is FREE for those aged 60 and above; there is a nominal fee for others.

warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Wednesdays, 9:30am and Thursdays, 10:30am. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend.

Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Know

Speed Networking, 3rd Quarter Join

Flashback Cruz Three days of retro car showings and auctions at various locations. Check the website for full schedule: Thu, Aug. 1, Fri, Aug. 2 and Sat, Aug. 3. In Bend. Visit

Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Support Group Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Support

makes midwifery services unique within Women’s Health and how low intervention births can be accomplished in a hospital setting. Second Thursday of every month, 12:15-12:45pm. Farewell Bend Park (picnic shelter), 1000 SW Reed Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-526-6635. Free.

Emotions Anonymous EA provides a

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Based on the Twelve Steps of

Alcoholics Anonymous. Contact: 831-435-0680 for more info. First Saturday of every month, 9-10:30am. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St., Bend.

French Conversation Table Third and

First Monday of every month, 10:30am-12:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Highway 20, Bend.

Garage Night The Pine Shed is the perfect

place to talk shop, and tell all of your buddies about your winter projects! Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend.

Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcom-

ers welcome. Mondays, 6-9pm. Round Table Clubhouse, 2940 N. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-610-3717.

Italian Conversation Group Conversa-

tional Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend.

Japanese Group Lesson We offer group

lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 143 SW Century Dr #120, Bend. Contact: 541-633-7205. $10.

League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon A different speaker each month on issues important to our community. First Thursday of every month, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE Third St., Bend.

you need to quit, but can’t? Help is here. Share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane, 601 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend.

Group Share experiences and learn about nutrient dense, organically raised, locally produced foods and products. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Through Dec. 19. Central Oregon Locavore, 1841 NE Third St., Bend. Contact: 541-633-7388. info@ Free.

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting

Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Ongoing. Contact: 541-306-6844.

PFLAG Annual Picnic PFLAG will be providing hamburgers, hot dogs and veggie burgers as we celebrate summer in Central Oregon - Please bring a side dish or a dessert and join us for a fun afternoon! Aug. 3, 11am-3pm. Sam Johnson Park, 15th & Evergreen, Redmond. Free. Pulmonary Hypertension Support Group A supportive group of individuals and

caregivers affected by Pulmonary Hypertension. Social, educational and includes lunch. First Saturday of every month, 1-3pm.

Redmond HS Class of 1969, 50th Reunion On Friday, tour Redmond High School

(AKA the new Redmond Court House). Then go to a no-host social at Wild Ride Brewing in the Barrel Room. Saturday is a full blown party! Aug. 2, 4-11pm and Aug. 3, 5-11pm. Redmond VFW Hall, 1836 SW Veterans Way, Redmond. Contact: $35.

Redmond Summer Luau The Council

on Aging is cooking up a series of barbecues! Each event features tasty food, fun games (with prizes!), raffle items and great companionship. Lunch will be served a Noon. Aug. 2, 11am-1pm.

conversation group. All levels welcome. Call for more info. Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-749-2010. us for our quarterly speed networking event. As always, there are great beers but don’t forget to bring plenty of business cards! July 31, 5:30pm. The Platypus Pub, 1203 NE Third St., Bend. Contact: 541-819-0443. beersandbusinesscards@ $15 if you are not an Ambassador; Free if you are.

Storage + Solar: Creating a Resilient Energy Supply Networking event with a panel

of experts to ignite new conversations around energy efficiency. Aug. 8, 5pm. E2 Solar, Inc., 20784 Northeast High Desert Lane, Bend. Free.

Oregon Communicators Toastmasters Meeting Step out of your comfort zone

- enhance your leadership and communications skills in a friendly, supportive environment. Meet and greet at 6:15pm. Thursdays, 6:307:30pm. La Pine Community Health Center Meeting Room, 51600 Huntington Road, La Pine. Contact: 541-408-7610. Free.

Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behavior Join us to

learn to decode behavioral messages, identify common behavior triggers, and learn strategies to help intervene with some of the most common behavioral challenges of Alzheimer’s disease. July 31, 1:15-2:15pm. La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way, La Pine. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free.

Walk with a Midwife Stroll with a Cer-

tified Nurse Midwife in Bend and learn what makes midwifery services unique to Women’s Health. Bring water, a snack and lots questions. Second Thursday of every month, 12:1512:45pm. Farewell Bend Park, 1000 SW Reed Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-526-6635. Free.

Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. Call for info. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Mountain Laurel Lodge, 990 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Contact: Judy: 541-728-0767. Jan Koetsier/Pexels

Citizens Climate Lobby Monthly Meeting Working to empower citizens to connect

with and influence members of Congress to implement climate solutions. First Tuesday of every month, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend.

Compassionate Communication / NVC Practice Groups Through practicing with

others, we can learn and grow using real-life experiences to become more compassionate with ourselves and others. Some NVC experience necessary. Tuesdays-Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm and Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way, #200, Bend.

ConnectW Munch and Mingle ConnectW has redefined the concept of the business lunch. We’re connecting all kinds of professional women over a monthly noon meal every second Thursday. Aug. 8, Noon-1pm. Wild Oregon Foods, 61334 S. Hwy 97, Bend. Contact: No cover, pay your order. A Course in Miracles This a course in

mind training. Purpose is to see the through the eyes of love & release us from judgment. With practice, the course brings a sense of peace and well being, as well as remove obstacles to loves presence. Contact Lisa for location at 760-208-9097, Saturdays, 10am. Free.

Spanish Club Spanish language study and

Vintage cars will take over Bend during the Flashback Cruz, happening 8/1-8/3.


Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations.

Curious about Midwifery? Learn what

FAMILY & KIDS’ EVENTS A Universe of Stories Travel the world

through storytelling, songs, a silly shoe game, and a craft. All ages. Aug. 1, 1:30pm. Sunriver Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541-312-1080. Free.

Afternoon Pokemon Cards Drop off the kids and enjoy our beautiful West Side shopping district! Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30pm. Wabi Sabi, 143 SW Century Dr #120, Bend. Contact: 541-633-7205. Free.



Join our Team! Drive a bus, tour the production kitchen and meet department representatives.

Bend-La Pine Schools is a great place to work. We are currently hiring a wide range of positions that offer: • Excellent benefits • A variety of working hours • Competitive wages • Full time, part time and substitute work

Bus Driver - $17.09 Bus Monitor - $14.90 Substitute Custodian - $15.00 Substitute Nutrition Server - $13.00 (Higher rates for regular positions) Special Programs Inclusion Educational Assistant – $17.09 For full list of job openings, visit:

Bend-La Pine Schools Job Fair August 7, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Bend Senior High School

Art Club Art Club is a unique after school program to develop one of the most valuable skills for life - creativity - for ages 5-11. Thursdays, 4-5:30pm. ARTdog Children’s Art Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend.

Builders Camp Each week we’ll explore the featured theme through a variety of media paint, pastels, clay, wood, printmaking, sewing and more. Aug. 5, 9am-3pm. ARTdog Children’s Art Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. Contact: 541-625-0253. sarah@ $150-250. Circus Ninja Camp (Ages 9-12) Slacklining, acroyoga, juggling, hooping and aerial yoga (aerial hammock)—this camp is for both total beginners and seasoned circus ninjas. (Mon-Thu only). Ages 5-8: July 29-Aug. 2, 1:304pm. | Ages 9-12: Aug. 5-9, 1:30-4pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr, #100, Bend. Contact: 541-322-6887. $140/week, $35/drop-in. Creative Story Time Bring your little for this unique story time in which we’ll read a different book each week, followed by an art-making experience inspired by the story. Perfect for ages 1.5Y-5. Wednesdays, 10-10:45am. ARTdog Children’s Art Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo

Visit our annual Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo, always the highlight of the Central Oregon summer! Experience all the jam-packed fun of the largest county fair in the state of Oregon, attracting over 250,000 folks each year. RODEO SCHEDLE: Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat: 6:30pm. FAIR SCHEDULE: Wed, July 31, 10am-10pm, Thu, Aug. 1, 10am-10pm, Fri, Aug. 2, 10am-11pm, Sat, Aug. 3, 10am-11pm and Sun, Aug. 4, 10am5pm. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond. Daily: $12/ adults, $7/children (6-12) and seniors (62+). Discounts avail for full weekend.

Get creative with Kid Made Join the

folks from Kid Made Camp for a kids’ activity at Sisters Farmers Market. Look for our booth, come on in & make something fun! Free; donations cheerfully accepted. Aug. 4, 11am-2pm. Sisters Farmers Market at Fir Street Park, 291 East Main Avenue, Sisters. Contact: 503-997-0301. Suggested donation $2-5.

Kids Adventure Paddle Sports Camp

Tumalo Creek offers a 4-day paddlesports adventure camp. Aug. 5-8, 9am-4pm, Aug. 12-15, 9am-4pm and Aug. 19-22, 9am-4pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-317-9407. topher@ $395.

Kinder Critter Camp Learn about a new animal each week through games, crafts, and stories during this wildlife adventure and dropoff program designed just for preschoolers. Fridays, 9-11am. Through Aug. 30. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Rd., Sunriver, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4394. $25. Little Artist Playgroup Nurture your

little’s developing brain through rich sensory experiences and messy play during our drop-in class for ages 1.5Y-5. Tuesdays, 10:30-11:15am. ARTdog Children’s Art Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend.

Mom + Baby Group First Fridays, moms and babies (2 wks-walking) come connect and

relate with other moms about the challenges and joys of motherhood and bring mindfulness to your parenting. Fri, Aug. 2, 1:15-2:15pm and Fri, Sept. 6, 1:15-2:15pm. Free Spirit Bend, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. Free!.

Music Together A fun family music educa-

tion program for parents and children. Ages 0-5 years. Online registration is required. Tue, July 16, 10:15am, Tue, July 23, 10:15am, Tue, July 30, 10:15am and Tue, Aug. 6, 10:15am. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-3760. Free.

Paws to Read Reluctant readers read with a dog. Ages 6-11 years. Online registration is required. Tue, June 18, 2pm, Wed, June 26, 11am, Wed, July 3, 11am, Wed, July 17, 11am and Thu, Aug. 1, 2pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-3760. Free.

Rocket Science Calling all rocketeers ages

8 through 108!. Each child will assemble, decorate and launch a rocket. Ages 8-15. Thursdays, 10:30am-12:30pm. Through Aug. 29. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Rd., Sunriver, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4394. $25/child.

Solar Robots Build a robot powered by the

Sun. Ages 10-17 years. Online registration is required. July 31, 3-4pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-617-7087. Free.

Space Rovers Test your skills on Earth

by navigating an obstacle course with a remote-controlled rock crawler and then build and personalize your own solar rover to take home. Ages 8-15 years old. Wednesdays. Through Aug. 28. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Rd., Sunriver, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4394. $25/child.

Starshine Theater Camp Kids will leap

into the fantastic world of imagination for a week of designing, creating, and performing their own show. We’ll play games, dance, act, and create our own show in The Belfry. On the last day, we’ll perform on the outdoor stage at the Fir Street Park in Sisters. Ages 8-13: July 29-Aug. 2, 10am-4pm. Ages 13-18: Aug. 5-9, 10am-4pm. The Belfry, 302 E. Main Street, Sisters. Contact: 541-645-0688. $250.

Stuffed Animal Sleepover Wear PJs, hear a story & have a dance party. Ages 0-11 years. Aug. 1, 10:30am. La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St., La Pine. Contact: 541-312-1090. Free.

Summer Reading Library Sleepover

Sleepover at the library, with your parent. Ages 6-11 years. Online registration is required. Aug. 3, 7pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-3760. Free.

Tween/Teen Flow + Chill Come unwind

as you build strength and increase your flexibility through fun yoga sequences and flowing poses. Designed for kids age 10-16yo. Bring a friend and have some fun! Aug. 2, 6-7:30pm. Free Spirit Bend, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $20.

Upstream Explorers Camp Join the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council for our first ever summer camp! This 4-day adventure filled camp will have participants exploring different locations throughout our watershed. Ages 8-12. Aug. 5-8, 9am-3pm and Aug. 26-29, 9am-3pm. Skyliners Lodge, 16125 Skyliners Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-6103 ext. 35. $200. Youth/Adult Slackline A combination of

basic poses, transitions, floor exercises, stamina drills and games. All ages & levels welcome. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr, # 100, Bend. $18/youth drop-in (17 and under), $20/adult drop-in.




Catch a Sneak Peek

Cascades Theater offers a preview of its entire coming season By Elizabeth Warnimont

“Edge of Awe: Experiences of the Malheur-Steens Country”

Edited by Alan L. Contreras

Forget for a moment that William Kittredge wrote the foreword or that Ursula LeGuin contributed several essays and illustrations. This anthology of essays, poems, and reflections about southeast Oregon is a must-read for anyone interested in this remote, beautiful part of the state. It's a collection of visitors' personal experiences in the region over the past 100 years, including the 2016 occupation at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Along with “Shadowlands” by Anthony McCann and “This Land” by Christopher Ketcham, we now have three (very different) books shedding light on a little explored but cherished, austere part of Oregon.

“Lady in the Lake”

The cast of “Bright Star” leads the way in this weekend's preview show.

of a group of women employed to apply radium paint onto glow-in-the-dark watch faces. The women become sickened with radium poisoning and work to win compensation from their employer. “Miss Bennett: Christmas at Pemberley” (Nov. 29-Dec. 15) is a sequel to Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” set two years later as Mary, who watched as her sisters found romance, finally sees her own chance to find love. Next comes Agatha Christie’s “The Spider’s Web” (Feb. 14-March 1), a parody of mystery plays in which the writer discovers a dead body in her own home and feels she must hide the corpse before her husband arrives with his VIP guest.

In Ken Ludwig’s “Shakespeare in Hollywood” (March 20-April 5), beloved fairy characters Oberon and Puck magically materialize during the filming of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” wreaking new layers of havoc on the movie set. Finally, “Bright Star” opens May 15. Tickets for the Sneak Peek preview will only be available at the door, opening one hour before each performance. Sneak Peek

Aug. 2-3, 7:30pm; Aug. 4, 2pm Cascades Theater 148 NW Greenwood Ave. $10 at the door


by Laura Lippman

Set in 1960s Baltimore, this standalone from Lippman tells the story of recently divorced Madeline Schwartz, trying to make her way in a man’s world of newspaper writers and editors. When the paper ignores the murder of a young African-American woman found dead in a city fountain, Schwartz fixates on the crime well beyond what it might mean for her ambitions at the paper. With the ghost of the dead girl watching over her shoulder, Lippman uses Schwartz to explore a perfectly captured time of racism and sexism wrapped up in one of the best literary mysteries of the year. A host of other one-off characters—store clerks, bartenders, waitresses, policemen, a baseball player—add greater context to Schwartz’s attempts to stand strong.

By Cari Brown Dustin Hamman

Work in a Beautiful Place

Deadline ahead for PLAYA artist residencies By Cari Brown


rtist residencies can be excellent opportunities for artists to spend focused time on their work in an environment away from the demands of daily life. In addition to studio facilities or basic work space, they can offer place-based inspiration: an environment in which artists working in divergent fields can exchange ideas and give artists a sense that their work is valued in both a physical and metaphysical context. Residencies, like exhibitions or grant awards, are cairns along the mountainous trail of artists’ careers. Not

Before you stroll the streets of First Friday, check out these book suggestions, courtesy of Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe. Then head down to the shop for a discount on the books!

The solitude of Summer Lake offers reflective residencies for artists.

only do they do the work of enhancing a CV—essentially a very detailed resume— but it can have a major impact on the artist’s own perception that their pursuits are, indeed, moving them forward. A quick online search can help you find a residency just about anywhere in the

world—including a few close by: PLAYA, Caldera, Suttle Lake and Pine Meadow Ranch. The one to focus on right now is PLAYA as the deadline to apply is just two weeks away. PLAYA’s gorgeous 75-acre campus is situated at the edge of Central Oregon’s Great Basin near Summer Lake, offering

residencies of varying lengths throughout the year that “are open to the global community of scientists, naturalists, biologists, designers, sustainability leaders, social practice artists, musicians, visual artists, writers, performing artists and collaborations and individuals engaged in interdisciplinary work or other forms of creative work.” Several Oregon-based artists are alums, including Abney Wallace and Ka’ila Farrel-Smith. A testimonial given by former PLAYA resident, writer Matt Runkle, states, “The setting is incredibly beautiful beyond description. I can’t believe how productive I was while working here.” Sounds perfect, don’t you think? Perhaps you should apply. PLAYA residency deadline

Thu., Aug. 15, 11:59pm PLAYA 541-943-3983 Apply online at apply-for-residency/ Application fee: $35


Elizabeth Warnimont


his weekend’s ‘Sneak Peek’ season preview at the Cascades Theater is geared up to be at least as much fun as any of the full season’s coming attractions. The “Bright Star” piece, for example, will feature choreographed scenes from the musical, conceived by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell. The Source had the opportunity to watch a rehearsal for the Bright Star segment this past Thursday, and it’s chock full of knee-slappin’ tunes and homespun charm. Music director and keyboardist Janelle “Janellybean” Musson says she hopes the band performing for the Sneak Peek will also be in the final production in May. The musical ensemble Thursday included Jon Miller on banjo and Steven Whitney on guitar, with actors Stephen Wagner (of Bend Camerata) and Nancy Scher singing the roles of love-lorn editor Alice Murphy and her long-ago beau Jimmy Ray Dobbs. “It’s a bluegrass musical,” says Craig Brauner, who makes his Central Oregon directorial debut with Bright Star. He says Bright Star was a natural fit for him, being a Bluegrass fan from Kentucky. “My family, my ancestors, are in the story,” he says. All of the main-stage plays in the Cascades 2019-2020 lineup will be featured in the Sneak Peek preview show. In “The Philadelphia Story,” opening Aug. 23, privileged divorcee Tracy Lord becomes engaged, but winds up falling for the reporter assigned to cover her upcoming nuptials. Opening Sept. 27 is “These Shining Lives,” based on the true story

By Tom Beans, Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe

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Libby Hays, DVM



float the river in

easy steps Start at Park & Float on Simpson Ave. with parking, tube rentals, life jackets and a shuttle service everything you need for a great day on the river.

Start at Park & Float.

Virtual tour, maps & shuttle information at

Gear up.

Go float.

Return or repeat via the shuttle.



Culinary Daytrip: Madras

Enjoying pastries, picnicking, whiskey sipping and fresh farm foods


Photos and words by Nancy Patterson @eatdrinkbend


By Donna Britt @donnabrittcooks


Breakfast in Madras Our daytrip to Madras begins at Eagle Bakery, at the corner of 3rd Street and the Old Culver Highway, owned and operated by the Birky family, quite famous for their cinnamon rolls. Get there at 7am when they open on Friday to enjoy the freshly made doughnuts and maple bars for only $1 each! “Country Home Baking” is the company’s tagline, and the taste of homemade goodness is in their breads, pies, cakes and cookies. Here’s the tricky part: They’re only open on Fridays and Saturdays and if you’re not there early you could miss out on some of their more popular items. My suggestion is to enjoy an early morning pastry then grab extra cinnamon rolls to take home and freeze for later. Save room, because lunch is next! Lunch in Madras Head north to SW “D” Street for some browsing at Great Earth Cafe and Market. Troy Boyd and her husband Gary opened Great Earth in 1996 with the mission of bringing good food to the Madras area. Over the years, they’ve also created a unique market with specialty food items, gifts, kitchen gadgets and a variety of grab-n-go meals. Do a little shopping in their market, grab a bottle of wine or kombucha, then head to the counter and order up one of their sandwich specials for your picnic. The Dakota, stacked high with sliced turkey breast, Havarti, tomato and green leaf lettuce on 5-seed harvest bread (baked

#TB: Cork & Barrel Sandwiches are fresh and made to order at Great Earth Cafe & Market.

in-house), is a popular choice. There’s also a lovely Whole Grain Veggie and a Black Bean Burger in a pita pocket. If a sit-down lunch is more your style, the Doro Wat Chicken with Ethiopian spices is wonderful. Madras side trips Lunch is in the bag, so it’s time for a tour. Drive a little farther north on Highway 97, then turn west onto NW Andrews Drive. You could drive on down to the hangar of the Erickson Aircraft Collection (which I highly recommend doing now or later). But if you look immediately to your right, you’ll see New Basin Distillery. Stop. Take a tour. Owner Rick Molitor will greet you with a smile and show you around their impressive grain-to-bottle distillery. This former school superintendent’s passion for handcrafted spirits is contagious, and before you leave, you’ll be well-schooled in the art of distilling. Of course, you can do a tasting and have a bit of their Tambi Lane Photography

Resignation Rye or Strong American Light Whiskey and realize it all started with grains from a nearby field. The day is young; the options aplenty. For an outside excursion, check out nearby hiking trials at The Cove Palisades and Smith Rock state parks. It’s all about doing whatever you need to do to work up a dinner appetite. Dinner on a farm Time it right and make a reservation in advance to dine outdoors in true summer style on the farm at Rainshadow Organics. This full-diet family farm on Holmes Road between Terrebonne and Sisters is an incredible place with acres of vegetables, greenhouses, momma cows, a herd of pigs, a hive of bees and multiple flocks of chickens and turkeys. The farm offers several opportunities between now and October to enjoy a Longtable Dinner; a threecourse meal created from the farm’s own bounty; a seasonal three-course wine dinner pairing farm-raised foods with local wines; a Sunday brunch, catered by their farm-to-table chef or even a simple cooking class. The Farm Store offers the option to take home some fresh eggs, plum jam or pickles. Eagle Bakery

218 SW 3rd St., Madras

Great Earth Cafe & Market 46 SW D St., Madras

New Basin Distilling Company 2063 NW Andrews Dr., Madras

Rainshadow Organics

The Rainshadow Organics Farm Store is open Wednesday through Saturday.

71290 Holmes Road, Sisters

Eat Drink Bend’s Nancy Patterson filed this report—and photos—from the KIDS Center Cork & Barrel fundraiser July 20. At the Grand Cru Gala, four winemakers featured a pairing for the four dinner courses provided by Chef Franco Console of the Neuman Hotel Group. Tables were presented with an array of cheeses and jams served family-style while we enjoyed the first two courses, including roasted beets over a candied lemon and charcoal chèvre. After a main course of exquisitely prepared duck confit over a brown butter carrot purée, Chef Console presented us with a honey-butter-soaked cake topped with saffron cream and grilled peaches—all for the cause of raising money for KIDS Center.


Tambi Lane Photography

oodies can delight in a host of Central Oregon culinary excursions— and the Madras area is no exception. Check out these recommendations for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the hours in between.

Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner! Happy Hour 2:30 - 6pm every day



A Truly Thai Experience is here in Bend.

FOOD & DRINK EVENTS FOOD EVENTS First Friday Dinner Bend’s favorite downtown brunch spot, The Lemon Tree, will be open for dinner one night only! Join us during the Downtown Artwalk on the first Friday of each month for a very special international Tapas menu. First Friday of every month, 5:30-8:30pm. Lemon Tree, 718 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-241-5306. General Duffy’s Saturday Markets

Along with food trucks & beer taps, Saturday Market will include 21 exciting vendors with a variety of interesting and cool items. CBD products, vintage clothing & accessories, baked goods from Coho Coffee, Paparazzi Jewelry, home decor, scents and candles, art work and much more! Saturdays, 10am. Through Aug. 31. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 NW Forest Ave., Redmond. No cover.

Red Plate Foods Anniversary Party

Celebrating 6 years of success, hard work, community support and special diet deliciousness. Join us at the Red Plate Foods bakery for games, beverages and of course, dessert! Aug. 1, 6pm. Red Plate Foods - commercial bakery facility, 747 SE Business Way, Bend.

Catering Available Delivery Available on 550 NW Franklin Ave Suite 148 (Entrance on Bond St.) | 541-647-6904

Sisters Farmers Market Now on Sunday! A charming small-town market with food, family & fun! Enjoy lunch, kids’ activities, demos, music, and micro-local produce grown right in Sisters Country. Kids: bring swimsuit & towel for our splash-pad fountains. Events listed at Sundays, 11am2pm. Through Oct. 1. Fir Street Park, Sisters, Sisters. Contact: 503-706-0387. Free. Youth Cooking Camp: The Art of desserts Explore the art of flavorful desserts!

Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this extensive hands-on class where they will learn techniques for building flavors in desserts as well as techniques for artful presentation. Mon, Aug. 5, 11am-2pm, Tue, Aug. 6, 11am-2pm, Wed, Aug. 7, 11am-2pm and Thu, Aug. 8, 11am-2pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-640-0350. $200.

BEER & DRINK EVENTS Cigar and Beer Pairing w/ The Cigar Chapel Tickets include one of three cigar

packages that contain: two cigars, a cigar lighter, and a cigar cutter. Includes 4 beer tokens to sample beers that specifically pair with your cigar preferences. Aug. 3, 5-8pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-306-9718. $40 (avail. at Silver Moon & Cigar Chapel).

Guest Wineries to The Suttle Lodge

The Suttle Lodge welcomes Oregon and Washington wine producers to the lake each Wednesday to share their wines. Guest wineries include Abacela, Hundred Suns, Soter, Barnard Griffin, Cooper Mountain, Grochau and more. See website for details. Thursdays, 5-7pm. Through Aug. 29. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541-638-7001. Complimentary to adults over 21. Glasses and bottles available for purchase..

Palate Trip If you’ve ever wondered, “Where

can I sample craft beer and amazing wine in Bend, Oregon?” we’ve got the answer. Come on down to Newport Avenue Market and take your palate on a trip every Friday! Check our Friday morning timeline post each week to learn what brews and wines we’ll be tasting. Cheers! Fridays, 3:30-5:30pm. Newport Avenue Market, 1121 NW Newport Ave., Bend.

Pints and Pistons Head down to Porter

Brewing for Pints & Pistons, a free cruise-in for cars and motorcycles. Kid-friendly with food and drinks! This is an ongoing event every Sunday over the summer. Sundays, 11am-4pm. Porter Brewing, 611 NE Jackpine Court, #2, Redmond. Contact: 541-504-7959. Free.

Pronghorn Beer Fest Pronghorn’s 2nd Annual Beer Fest – Enjoy music, small bites, beer tastings, raffles and more! Sip on tastings from Worthy Brewing, 503 Distilling, GoodLife, Deschutes, Wild Ride, Cascade Lakes and more! Aug. 3, 6-9pm. Pronghorn Resort, 65600 Pronghorn Club Drive, Bend. $5. ELEVATE/Pexels

Pronghorn's 2nd Annual Beer Fest is 8/3—featuring beer tasting, raffles and more!


A family of coffee connoisseurs takes over Bom Dia Coffee, now Kennedy’s Coffee House



For the Love of Coffee By Nancy Patterson

Nancy Patterson

The activated charcoal frozen mocha is a cool treat that kicks ash.


rent Kennedy didn’t always intend to be in the coffee business, but when an opportunity to purchase a small coffee house presented itself in 1998, he and his wife, Bonnie, decided to take over. At the time, Bonnie was working as a barista and it felt serendipitous. After leaving their respective jobs in the small ski town of Mammoth, California, the original Looney Bean was born. Soon after taking over, Brent developed a deep appreciation for roasting and making coffee. They moved their family to Bend in 2005 and opened Bend’s Looney Bean in 2010. While building and growing five Looney Bean locations had been Brent’s life’s work up to this point, he decided to pass the torch onto a couple who took over in 2013. With more time to hone his coffee craft, Brent decided that roasting his own beans was the next chapter of his pursuit to better coffee. Bend Roasting Company, which resides on Empire, continues to provide high-grade beans to local grocers and coffee shops— including, you guessed it, Looney Bean. But this isn’t where the Kennedy family’s story of creating hand-crafted coffee drinks ends. The next generation of Kennedys—Brent and Bonnie’s two daughters, Paris and London—have the opportunity to follow in their parents’ footsteps. They purchased Bom

Dia Coffee and took over in July. The girls have created an array of frozen coffee concoctions, including an activated charcoal frozen mocha and their famous “Velvet Elvis,” comprised of white chocolate, espresso, caramel and blended Oreo. Intrigued by the activated charcoal frozen mocha, I had to visit the coffee shop myself. I’m not sure that activated charcoal actually has much of a taste, but the frozen concoction is tasty as heck. I anticipated a tarry, chalky mixed drink, but was instead met with a smooth and velvety mocha with hints of toasted coconut and dark chocolate. And, no, there were no stained teeth in the reviewing of this drink. While the Kennedy daughters are still finding their place in the coffee world, they’re slowly putting their own touches on the space that has maintained most of its previous décor. They’ve dressed the space in flowing greenery provided by the indoor plant pop-up, Somewhere That’s Green (the plants are all available for purchase, as well). Too Sweet Cakes continues to deliver daily breakfast burritos and, my personal favorite, housemade Cronuts. Kennedy’s Coffee House

1444 NW College Way, Bend On Instagram @ kennedyscoffeehouse

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FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic

Starting at $2 per gram





OPEN MON - SUN 541.389.1043

ALADDIN: With Guy Ritchie in the director’s chair, here’s hoping he can add some of that “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” magic to a remake already lacking the brilliance of Robin Williams. Will Smith might be a good choice for the genie, but the special effects look downright ridiculous. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX CRAWL: A house fills with water and alligators while a young woman and her injured father are stuck inside. I’m really excited to see this one as the reviews are mostly positive and it looks like an intense thrill ride from top to bottom. From the director of the terrifying remake of “The Hills Have Eyes.” Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX



DARK PHOENIX: Hey, look, another adaptation of the “Dark Phoenix Saga,” a much beloved comic arc from the 1980s. I wonder if they’ll get it right this time? It can’t be worse than “X-Men: The Last Stand,” can it? Oh, sweet summer child. It can always get worse…especially in Hollywood. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Odem Theater Pub

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ECHO IN THE CANYON: Baby Boomers need movies, too! This documentary focuses on the Laurel Canyon folk music scene of the 1960s that gave birth to bands including The Beach Boys, The Mamas and the Papas and The Byrds. Los Angeles rock documentaries have been on a roll over the last few years with classics such as “Sound City” and “The Defiant Ones,” and this looks like another winner. Tin Pan Theater

• Staining/Painting

541-213-9185 • Deck Refinishing • Staining/Painting • Deck Sanding

GLORIA BELL: Julianne Moore gives one of her finest performances as a woman who finds love at a time where she was searching for anything but something serious. A surprising and heartfelt little movie. Odem Theater Pub

• Deck Repairs




HOTEL MUMBAI: An intense and nail-biting recreation of the terrorist attack against the Taj hotel in Mumbai. Odem Theater Pub

movie is super fun, and Jake G. Is a national treasure. Just sayin. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Odem Theater Pub

STUBER: A surprisingly funny and violent

time at the movies about the adventures of a cop who just had LASIK eye surgery getting driven around by a mild-mannered Uber driver named Stu who just wants to open an all-female spinning gym. It’s definitely as dumb as it sounds, but still entertaining. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX

TEEN SPIRIT: While the film tells a tale we’ve seen many times before, the central performance from Elle Fanning is astounding in this look at what makes a modern Cinderella story. Surprisingly delightful. Sisters Movie House


the mannered hilarity of a Wes Anderson movie combined with the darkness of “Taxi Driver” and you have something approaching the strangeness of this weirdly unforgettable film. It covers gun culture, toxic masculinity and the plight of the beta male with jaw-dropping ease. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House


mentary following a couple with 200 acres right outside of Los Angeles as they try to create a sustainable farm. It’s a lovely story and manages to have some truly breathtaking nature cinematography—even though the couple managed to annoy me pretty much all the way through. Tin Pan Theater

THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO: One of the best films of 2019 so far (and another winner for A24) follows a man who wants to reclaim the Victorian house his grandfather built. A very funny and moving film from astoundingly gifted filmmaker Joe Talbot. Sisters Movie House, Tin Pan Theater

THE LION KING: Look, I’m sure this movie

Mary Magdalene as an almost-revolutionary and fiercely dedicated apostle. For those not interested in the story, the film is worth watching just to see the always underrated Rooney Mara as Mary and a deeply committed Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus. Sisters Movie House

is really pretty to look at and everything, but it doesn’t have Jeremy Irons playing Scar, then I’m gonna make a hard pass. I’m sure I’ll see it at some point, but messing with perfection is never a good idea—even if it’s Disney messing with their own perfect ideas. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema

MIDSOMMAR: American tourists head to rural

TOY STORY 4: If “Toy Story 3” was about the

ONCE UPON A TIME IN…HOLLYWOOD: Either you like Tarantino or you

YESTERDAY: Director Danny Boyle (“Train-

MARY MAGDALENE: A film that portrays

Sweden to participate in a pagan midsummer festival that ends up bloody and terrifying. Aside from being a great horror movie, the film also has a lot to say about female agency, grief, trauma and the co-opting of other cultures. It’s also super gross. Fair warning. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX

don’t, and this big hearted and strange fantasy won’t change your mind. Simultaneously a love letter to 1969 Hollywood and a dirge for the loss of innocence those times stirred in us as a country, “Once Upon a Time” is a glorious cinematic treasure. See full review on p29. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema, Odem Theater Pub.

SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Marvel is

fairly unstoppable at this point, so this new entry in the “Spider-Man” franchise could have Peter Parker sitting on camera reading “Twilight” and it would still make a billion dollars. Plus, this

very human fear of obsolescence, then “Toy Story 4” focuses on the idea of taking chances in life long past the point where we feel like we have nothing left to offer the world. These movies are dark and sad and weird. I hope Disney and Pixar keep making them—forever. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX spotting” & “Sunshine”) taking on the concept of a world where no one remembers the Beatles sounds perfect. His films all use music beautifully and his sense of color, light and frame are densely theatrical, so combining his visual style with the Beatles seems like a match made in musical theater heaven. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema

WILD ROSE: An unforgettable musical drama about a Scottish woman attempting to become a country singer in Nashville. From Tom Harper, who directed excellent episodes of “Misfits,” “Peaky Blinders” and “Electric Dreams.” Tin Pan Theater, Sisters Movie House

STREAMING THIS WEEK THE BOYS This show is nuts. It basically takes the idea that all superheroes are sociopathic killers and creates a group of badasses called “The Boys” that keep them all in check. I’ve never seen anything quite like this before. Now Streaming on Amazon courtesy IMDb


Dreamin’ SCREEN California Tarantino weaves a wondrous fairy tale By Jared Rasic


“Once Upon a Time In…Hollywood” is no different as it lets audiences and critics decide whether they want to be entertained by the surface or be challenged by the subtext. On one level, the film is about an actor named Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio in the performance of his career), a washedup Western actor whose acting chops aren’t landing him many roles in the summer of ’69. His best friend, driver and stuntman is Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt, who is now a full Robert Redford), whose shady past strands him without much work as he spends most of his time driving around the city or getting drunk in his trailer behind a drive-in movie theater. Dalton lives next door to Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski, and is green with envy of his successful neighbors, several months before the Manson family murders Tate and a few of her friends. Knowing that this is coming adds tension to a movie that mostly plays as a comedy. Even as the film builds toward that horrible night, we know Tarantino is going to play with expectations and, no spoilers, he does so in the least predictable way possible. So yeah, on one level the film is a love letter to television and the Hollywood of the 1960s, but more importantly the film is (check the title) a fairy tale deconstructing a country that is more comfortable with violence than sex, and the way the greatest generation fought with the hippies to keep control of a culture neither group was ready for. The Manson family is quick to call everyone who doesn’t buy what they’re selling a “fascist” while Cliff and Rick are quick

Photo courtesy of Sony

There’s not enough of DiCaprio jumping out of pickup trucks in Hollywood.

to deride anyone avoiding their sense of stodgy and outdated conservatism as a “worthless hippie.” There’s some manufactured controversy about Margot Robbie (perfect as the angelic Sharon Tate) not having as many lines as DiCaprio or Pitt. Even if we forgot that Tarantino has written some of the greatest female characters of all time (The Bride, Jackie Brown and Shosanna Dreyfuss, to name a few), the point would still be missed. “Once Upon a Time In…Hollywood” has enough respect for Tate not to attempt a demystification; instead, she’s a glowing ball of possibility whose murder served as the death knell of a more innocent time and of a future we never got to see. If you want to count how many lines she has, be my guest, but there’s a big forest outside all those trees.

Tarantino is a fantasist. Yes, he’s a master technician when it comes to his screenplays and directorial work, but he’s more interested in giving people what they ask for and then making them question why they asked for it. When he makes a villain we hate, he makes their death ugly, uncomfortable and not fun to witness. He makes his audience complicit in his films, accessories to blood and hate that make us re-examine our own collective unconscious carried through our lizard brain from our deeply buried historical guilt. This is what movies are for.


Once Upon a Time In…Hollywood

Dir. Quentin Tarantino Grade: A Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema, Odem Theater Pub

ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE TESTING Central Oregon Community College Exercise Physiology Lab

Athletic Performance Testing benefits everyone from beginners to competitive athletes. If you are looking to improve your training or begin an aerobic program, this is the test for you. Includes VO2 max for specific sport, body composition, lactate analysis, heart rate zones and a 30-minute interpretation of results, conducted in person. Testing can be accomplished with:


Small neighborhood take-out spot serving vegan comfort food.


Individual $185.90 Group of 4 or more $163 per person Group of 10 or more $126.50 per person

*Bring a friend! Schedule two tests for one day and receive $10 off each test. *Save 25% when you purchase two tests for yourself (completed in a 12-month period). *Mention this ad in The Source and save 10%.

215 NW Hill Street Bend, Oregon 97703 The Lab will be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for July and August, and open again full-time starting September


COCC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.



think Quentin Tarantino is a misunderstood filmmaker. He’s an unembarrassed cinephile who regularly comes under attack for his movies containing sexism, racism, brutal violence, a deep-seated foot fetish and enough bad language to make a sailor blush. Yeah, most of his movies contain those things, but they exist to serve a purpose, not to propagate the ideals behind them. One thing that’s sometimes overlooked in this (happily) more politically correct age is that presenting sexism or racism isn’t endorsing those things if there’s a statement being made by the artist. Tarantino knows that the U.S. is a nation mostly built on violence, xenophobia and the exploitation of women and minorities. He uses our shared past to create alternate histories of this country we’d like to see birthed from his decades of consuming every film ever made. Tarantino isn’t after titillation; he’s after emotional catharsis on a grand and uncompromising scale. Because he’s such a film geek, all of his big ideas come filtered through the lenses of his inspirations. “Jackie Brown” normalizes a mixedrace love story disguised as Blaxploitation starring a middle-aged woman of color. “Kill Bill” is the story of an abused woman left for dead whose motherhood gives her the kung-fu power of divine retribution and justice. “Django Unchained” is a revisionist Western that takes our collective guilt connected to slavery and channels it into a heroic fantasy of eternal love and blood-soaked reparations. “Inglorious Basterds” scalps Nazis and gives WWII the ending it deserved.

Schedule your appointment today: 541.383.7768 Visit the lab website to see other services we offer Find us on Facebook



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Vajrayana Buddhism in the Nyingma Tradition


34 345 SW Century Dr. Suite 2 / 541-388-3352

OUTSIDE EVENTS ATHLETIC EVENTS Bend Area Running Community (BARF) Join us for a 3.5-mile loop through the

Old Mill and along the Deschutes River! All paces welcome. Mondays, 5:30pm. AVID Cider Co., 900 SE Wilson St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Bend Babes Brew & Running Crew

Women of Bend, if you like to run in the woods and celebrate with post-run beers and food, then join us! Each week we meet at a different trail, decide as a group how far to run (usually 40-50 minutes), and then meet at a brew pub for post-run drinks and dinner! All paces welcome! Thursdays, 5:30pm. Contact:

every year since we opened!

Cascade Lakes Relay Oregon’s most challenging and fun overnight relay, starts in the Cascade Mountains at Diamond Lake Resort, travels through the Oregon Outback to Silver Lake (start of CLR24 & Walk Relay) and winds back to the Cascade Lakes Highway around Mt Bachelor to finish on the banks of the Deschutes River in Bend. Aug. 2, 7am and Aug. 3, 7am. City of Bend, contact for more info, . Chicks in Bowls Ladies’ Night Seed of

Life Skateboard Company “Solsk8s” and Bearings Skateboard Academy have joined forces to provide a weekly ladies night! This park is ideal for every level of skater and open to all ladies whatever wheels you choose to shred (skateboard, blades, rollerskates, etc.)! Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Bearings Skateboard Academy, 615 SE Glenwood Drive, Bend. $10.

CORK Thursday Run Join us for a run from 3-5 miles. Stay afterward for a drink and food. All ability levels welcome along with friendly on leash dogs. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.

541.385.RIBS 2670 N Hwy 20 Near Safeway

Gravity Race Series Simply show up on the evening of the race or pre-register online to participate, competitors will need a valid day/ twilight lift ticket or season pass to compete. Fri, July 19, 3:30-8pm, Fri, Aug. 2, 3:30-8pm, Fri, Aug. 16, 3:30-8pm and Fri, Aug. 23, 3:308pm. Mt. Bachelor, 13000 Century Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-382-1709. $15 plus valid bike park ticket.


343 NW 6th Street


Hump Day Run Celebrate getting over the


mid-week hump with runners of all paces. During the winter, we’ll typically run 3-5 miles down to the Old Mill and back. Bring a few bucks if you want to get a beer after! Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Tuesday - Sunday, 11am - 9pm



Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Saturdays, 8am. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact: Rise and Run Early riser? This group is

Pets on Catwalk Friday, August 23

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 1980 Skyline Ranch Rd

5:30pm to 9:00pm

A benefit for HSCO Bend Spay+Neuter Program

Tickets: $45 individual $80 couple $100 Pet in Costume + One Ticket

Pets on the Catwalk ● Appetizers & Drinks ● Desserts ● Silent Auction ● Wheel of Fur-tune Best Pet Costume ● Best Owner & Pet Costume ● Best Trick ● Surprise Categories!

for you! FootZoner Colton Gale will leads this run. All paces are welcome; 3-5 mile routes will usually take advantage of snowfree and lit paths in the Old Mill. Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Saturday Coffee Run Wish you had a running posse to make your weekend run fly by? Marla Hacker will facilitate this group, which welcomes all paces for a 3-5 mile run on Saturdays. Bring a few bucks for coffee at a local shop afterwards with your new running buddies! Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free. Smith Rock Sunset Climbing Enjoy

the late afternoon light at Smith Rock, rock climbing, with Chockstone Climbing Guides, AMGA accredited. Appropriate for those with some climbing experience. Wed, July 24, 3:307:30pm, Wed, July 31, 3:30-7:30pm, Wed, Aug.

7, 3:30-7:30pm and Wed, Aug. 14, 3:30-7:30pm. Smith Rock State Park - Welcome Center, 10087 NE Crooked River Drive, Terrebonne. Contact: 541.318.7170. $85/per person, $75/2 sessions, $65/3 sessions.

Tuesday Performance Group Maximize

your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and abilities welcome. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit for

this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. Stick around after the walk to learn how to use the pull-up bar station at the trail head for strength training and stretching. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Contact: 503-446-0803.

OUTDOOR EVENTS Basic Skills Paddleboarding on the Deschutes River Launch a lifetime of pad-

dleboarding at Tumalo Creek with a Basic Skills Paddleboarding Class! We will prepare participants to confidently explore our region’s flat and moving waterways. Sundays, 9-11am and Sundays, 10am-Noon Through Sept. 29. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-317-9407. topher@ $55.

BMX Practice and Racing Weekly

Riders of all skill levels welcome! Great for kids to work on biking skills, feel excitement of racing on closed track. Loaner bikes and helmets available. Riders must wear long sleeve shirts, pants/knee protection, close toed shoes. Monday open practice 5:30-7:30pm $5. Weds. Practice 5:30-6:30pm Racing 6:45pm $8. Mondays-Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30pm. Through Oct. 30. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd., Bend. Contact: $5 for Practice, $8 for Racing.

Creating a Natural, Wildlife Friendly and Fire Safe Yard with Lee Stevenson Whether you are new to gardening in

Sunriver or have been at it for a while, you are bound to learn tips, techniques and treasures in this class. Aug. 7, 4pm. Sunriver Library, Venture Lane, Sunriver. Free.

Electric Bike Test Rides This free,

guided ride is for folks who are new to eBikes and their supportive friends. Use one of our bikes and enjoy this opportunity to ride, ask questions, and learn. Find out what everyone is talking about. Call ahead to reserve a bike 541-410-7408. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am. Through Sept. 30. Bend Electric Bikes, 223 NW Hill St., Bend. Contact: 541-410-7408. Free.

Full Immersion: Intro to Whitewater Kayaking A two and a half day introductory

progression series to whitewater kayaking. Alternating weekends until 10/11. Fri, Aug. 2, 5:30-8pm, Sat, Aug. 3, 9am-4pm and Sun, Aug. 4, 9am-6pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541317-9407. $245/includes equipment.

Intermediate Skills Flatwater Kayaking Class If you have the basics of flatwater

kayaking down — take your rescue, re-entry and paddling technique to the next level! Sun, July 7, 8:15am-4pm, Sun, July 21, 8:15am4pm, Sun, Aug. 4, 8:15am-4pm, Sun, Aug. 18, 8:15am-4pm and Sun, Sept. 8, 8:15am-4pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-317-9407. $105.

Raptors of the Desert Sky A Museum expert narrates the action and shares about the hunting strategies and natural behaviors of these spectacular birds of prey. May 25-Sept. 2, 11:30am. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. $3/members, $5/non-members.




The Hummingbird Wannabe The tale of the moth that looks like a beloved bird By Jim Anderson Janelle Orsillo

whys and wherefores of insect photography. Janelle was/is a very bright young lady and caught on quickly. We shot a couple of insects close by. I thought she was ready to go, and away she went. As we neared the end of the butterfly count route, near Big Summit Prairie, I was about 50 yards from Janelle and her group of young people when I heard one of them exclaim, “Oh, look at the beautiful hummingbird!” In my book, we were in the wrong place at the wrong time for hummingbirds, so I knew something was off base. I happened to have my binoculars around my neck, so I focused in on the group. I watched as Janelle stooped over to see what someone was calling a hummingbird. Then, suddenly I caught an image of a brilliant sparkle of wings. I didn’t know what they had going on, but it had to be something I had never seen in that spot before, so I hot-footed it over to them. The closer I got the more that sparkling image began to become something more recognizable. Then, at about 10 feet from her, I watched Janelle raise the camera and slowly move toward the subject. She got closer and closer and by the time I arrived at the scene I could see a brand new—freshly emerged—Clearwing hummingbird moth hovering in a flower blossom. My first instinct was to snatch the camera away from her and shoot that magnificent moth myself. After all, it was an insect I had never seen before—a “lifer,” if you will. But better judgement took over and I whispered, “Go get it dear heart! Shoot it!” And she did. Oh boy! Did she ever!

Above, at right, is the Clear-wing hummingbird moth, aka Hawk moth, aka Sphinx moth.

Every one of the images she put on the memory card of that old Canon was a winner. I can’t understand why it didn’t take and she’s a professional museum photographer today. But in any event, I’ll always be grateful to her every time I look at those images. So, let’s talk for a little about hummingbird… aka sphinx moths… The one most noticeable right now is the Lined hummingbird moth, found from Canada to Central America. They feed on a number of plants and are one of the more colorful pollinators of a wide variety of wildflowers and domestic plants. Like most hummingbird moths, they don’t stay in one place very long, but zip between flowers pretty rapidly. The caterpillar is very distinctive; it can be green or black and has a very


obvious spike sticking up from the rear of the animal that looks pretty deadly. But it’s not! It’s a device to scare off predators, and I’ve heard people exclaim about how deadly it looks, so that works to keep humans away as well. The most obvious hummingbird moth larva is the Tomato hornworm. It’s very destructive to tomato plants and not at all enjoyable to find in one’s greenhouse. Be that as it may, our wild sphinx moths are beautiful to observe as they zip around in our flower gardens, or just plain old sagebrush and rabbitbrush backyard. Oh, if you happen to come upon my favorite, the Clear-wing hummingbird moth, please send me a note and let me know when and where: jimnaturalist@ If you want to include your photo, please, by all means, do so.


Bend’s #1 Climbing Shop & Outdoor Retailer 834 NW Colorado Ave, Bend 541-388-0688

Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 10am-5pm



ell, good people, hummingbird moths are in season. Yes, they can fool you; some people think they’re actually hummingbirds, while others don’t know what they are, as evidenced by an email I received the other day with the question, “What, pray tell is this?” But before we go into the what, why, where and when of hummingbird moths, I gotta share one of the events that took place years back. All through my professional life I’ve had the good fortune to work with young people, introducing them to various components of the natural world around us. This really got started during the years I was staff naturalist for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, and when I started the Sunriver Nature Center—or as Bob Royston, the landscape architect, called it, The Ecologium. What all this amounted to is that I was standing in the right place at the right time when the young person was not only ready and willing to learn, but was seeking a greater understanding of the world of nature around them. Take the young lady who shot the hummingbird moth photo here. This came about while I was out on a North American Butterfly Association count with my wife, Sue, in the Ochocos. Janelle came up to me and asked, “Jim, I would like to learn to take photographs of insects. Can you help me?” That sounded like a wonderful idea to me, so I got my camera rigged up with the close-up lens and we sat down in the shade of an aspen tree and started on the


GORGEOUS NWX CRAFTSMAN HOME WITH CHARMING ADU 2541 NW Lemhi Pass Drive 3bd/3.5ba, 2677 sq ft OFFERED AT $849,000 Beth Melner 541-907-6035 Rick Melner 541-678-2169 SPACIOUS HOME NEAR RIVER TRAIL PREMIUM WESTSIDE LOCATION 3044 NW River Trail Pl. 915 NW Saginaw Ave



36 Spacious home located steps away from the Deschutes river trail. Great room floor plan w/ entertainer’s kitchen & main level office. Master suite, 2 addt’l beds & large bonus/4th bed upstairs. Low maint. yard w/ covered patio. Live the Central Oregon dream in this $619,000 immaculate home.

Sunny & bright located in a great location across from Hillside Park, close to Newport corridor & downtown Bend. 4bed/2.5ba + loft, 2 car garage & south facing deck overlooking landscaped yard.



Impeccable home near Northwest Crossing’s Compass Park. Open floorplan & ADU. Spacious kitchen & great room w/ deck off the dining area perfect for entertaining. Main level master & office. 2 bed + loft upstairs & an 600sf ADU. $899,000

A Larger Toolbox Gives Me More Ways To Say “YES!” Tracia Larimer

TUMALO SMALL ACREAGE 1840 Tumalo Reservoir Rd.

Stunning Cascade Mountain views on 7.4 acres w/4.5 acres of irrigation. Spacious 2728 SQFT split-level home with all 4 beds on the ground level. Several outbuildings, including large barn w/ 3 stalls & extra cover on both sides provides endless opportunities for animals, hobbies, RVs & storage. $689,999

Terry Skjersaa

Principal Broker, CRS

Jason Boone

Principal Broker, CRIS


Luxurious finishes & breathtaking views in Tetherow’s Heath neighborhood. Single level w/an entertainer’s great room, expansive patio, office, private master suite & 2 guest rooms. 3-car garage w/ $1,369,500 additional storage area.

Mollie Hogan

Principal Broker, CRS

REMARKABLE ESTATE 64264 Crosswinds Rd

Five private acres w/Cascade views from nearly every window. 3455sf, 4 bed, 3.5 bath home features nearly 2500sf of decking surrounded by park-like lawns. Attached 3-car garage, 36x48’ RV/toy barn & additional covered parking. $1,249,900

Cole Billings Broker

Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty 1033 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97703


21141 Reed Market Rd, Bend • $385,000 Recently updated 3 bed 2 bath home on oversized city lot. Brand new roof and recently hooked up to city sewer. Brand new appliances and hot water heater. Centrally located with new deck and fenced yard.

61378 Geary Drive, Bend • $329,995 PRICE REDUCTION

Energy Star and Earth Advantage Certified 3 bd 2 ba craftsman-style home located on landscaped lot in SE Bend. Quiet street minutes away from shopping. Spacious livingroom, kitchen with pantry and island. Over-sized master bedroom with vaulted ceilings. Extra room for office or bonus room. Forced air/AC upstairs. Mitsubishi ductless heat/AC downstairs. Covered front porch and back deck.

55311 Zagt Lane, Bend • $489,995 PRICE REDUCTION


Located on secluded 4.77 acres just south of Sunriver. 2302 sq ft home with 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bathrooms. W/newer updated addition that includes updated bathrooms kitchen and master bedroom. Several out buildings including: garage, green house, and RV carport. 20 mins to Bend, 5 minutes to the Big Deschutes River

60539 Seventh Mountain Dr, Bend • 519,995 Fully furnished and updated, turnkey Elkai Woods Townhome located at Widgi Creek on the 17th fairway. open floor plan, large windows, vaulted ceilings, updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances. 3 bedroom 3 bath home features 2 master suites with double vanities and Jacuzzi tubs. Surrounded by National Forest. 15 minutes from Mt. Bachelor and the Cascade Lakes. Short term nightly rentals allowed! Tennis courts, trails, & more! Attached large two car garage. This home make great vacation rental or permanent residence.

Tony Levison Broker 541.977.1852

Jamie Garza Broker 541.788.0860


695 SW Mill View Way Suite 100 • Bend •


NMLS# 1507306

Azara Mortgage, LLC


(541) 241-8344



By Abbie + Rick Sams Licensed brokers, Team Sams at Fred Real Estate Group

Smart Homes for Smart People


Benefits to automated living

Bonnie Varner, Principal Broker 541-788-3485

coming through the window, helping with both heating and cooling. Lights can be turned on and off remotely or as people enter and exit a room. Water heaters and other appliances can be set to vacation mode, saving energy. Increased Home Security: Incorporated security and surveillance features provide reassurance that a home is safe when people are away. Remotely controlled locks and viewing security cameras throughout the home will help with the “Did I remember to...?” moments and people can even receive notifications if an alert goes off. Control Appliances: This feature lets people automatically start coffee in the morning, preheat the oven on the way home, or set oven temperatures and timers to prevent overcooking or undercooking dinner. Habit Monitoring: The oven can report when someone’s eaten too many frozen pizzas. A TV can let users know when it’s time to turn off the boob tube and pick up a book or go outside. Easy Device Management: Smart home apps give people the flexibility to add appliances and devices as people make new additions to a home. Smart homes can bring big value. Beyond the obvious cool technology and modern conveniences, a smart home provides additional peace of mind through monitored security systems and makes home life more comfortable and energy efficient without even “thinking” about it.

Misty Rupe, Broker 503-991-3233

Coming Soon (BEND PARK) 354 SE LEE LANE $359,900 New Roofing installation;upgrades; 1038 sf with basement, NGFA SS appliances, RM zoned, det. studio. Mary Gemba 541.771.8947 Deschutes Realty 541.330.1700

65850 OLD BEND REDMOND HWY BARE LAND | 19 ACRES $355,000 Build your own dream home. 19 acre lot with electric, cable and phone conduits already installed. 3.1 acres are irrigated. Lined pond, white fencing. Great location. Bonnie Varner, Principal Broker 541-788-3485

Misty Rupe, Broker 503-991-3233

Get noticed in our Real Estate section




Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service

<< LOW

1077 SE 6th St, Bend, OR 97702 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,574 sq ft, .10 Acres Built in 2014 $349,000 Listed by Pahlisch Real Estate Inc

Otis Craig Broker, CRS


1147 NE 11th St, Bend, OR 97701 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 2,123 sq ft, .25 Acres Built in 1956 $499,500 Listed by RE/MAX Key Properties



Abbie Kephart Sams BROKER 503-812-2025



2738 NW Starview Dr, Bend, OR 97703 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 3,453 sq ft, 1.17 Acres Built in 1989 $825,000 Listed by Keller Williams Realty Central Oregon

Licensed in the State of Oregon



he smartphone is one of the most influential and widely used technology devices today. We’ve watched them grow in popularity since the early 2000s, and now everyone—and their kids—seem to have one. It’s predicted that within this coming decade we’ll see the rise of the smart home—a “connected home” that works together as one system. A smartphone can remotely control almost everything in the home, including thermostats, appliances, locks, lights, security cameras and systems, televisions, garage doors and even the blinds. These fancy tech features used to be for the few who could afford the extra high-priced luxuries, but that’s changing. Because of the increase in popularity, prices have dropped and a smart home is more affordable than ever. BusinessWire stated that in 2017, 433.1 million smart home devices shipped worldwide, up 27.6% from the previous year. An estimated 939.7 million devices will be shipped in 2022. By the end of 2019, at least 38% of American households will have entered the smart home market. That’s big business, and this is a major up-and-coming industry. These home devices aren’t just a novelty item; there are some legitimate benefits to automating home systems, including: Improved Energy Efficiency: Our personal favorite feature, a smart thermostat learns the household’s schedule and temperature preferences and can suggest the most efficient settings throughout the day. Motorized window coverings can adjust to the amount of direct sunlight

Riverfront property overlooking the Deschutes River on .45 acre lot. New septic and carpet. One owner, meticulously maintained. Convenient horseshoe driveway.



2 019


Best Of 2 019



Winners ISSUE The votes have been counted and the winners will be announced in our most iconic issue of the year!

This special issue will feature the stars of Central Oregon and shine the spotlight on the best businesses in town. Best of Central Oregon will be packed full of star-studded stories and the biggest news of the summer. Don't miss your opportunity to be seen in the most popular issue of the year!


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MORE INFO: 541.383.0800

A guy I don’t know well sent me a creepy Facebook message with pervy language. Next, he messaged me a bunch of tantra memes — sex as a celebration, blah, blah, blah. It grossed me out. Why would a guy think he can be so blatantly sexual out of nowhere? What should you say to a guy who does this? — Yuck When a guy messaging you starts sounding like Rumi or some other ancient elder, it’s usually for good reason — like that he’s short on hookup partners and the market’s way behind in building realistic washable sex robots. It would be instructive for men who do this to consider sex differences in the appeal of unsolicited genital selfies — sent, for example, by strangers on dating sites. The Kinsey Institute’s Justin Garcia reports that only 5% of women are aroused by unsolicited penis selfies; the vast majority are just grossed out by them. As for the reception vagina selfies get, a Los Angeles woman sent 37 men on a dating site an unsolicited vagina pic (not hers, one she found on the internet). Three men replied with shirtless pix; seven sent messages about what they’d like to do to the pictured vagina; eight asked for more pix; nine sent penis selfies; and one sent a video that the woman told Metro UK included “a, um, happy ending.” The difference in men’s and women’s responses to “down there” selfies from strangers makes sense in light of how female emotions seem to have evolved to protect women from becoming single mothers — getting knocked up and then ditched. Research by anthropologist John Marshall Townsend suggests that female emotions push women to look for signs of commitment from a man, even when they know they want nothing more than casual sex with him. This, in turn, probably leads many or most women to be put off by overt sex talk from a man — before there seems to be an emotional connection. Yet, perhaps due to what anthropologist Donald Symons calls the human tendency “to imagine that other minds are much like our own,” many men whip out the sex talk and the zipperwurst pix for women they barely know. If a guy who does this is some Tinder rando, you can just block him. But when it’s a male friend or other guy

you’d rather not cut off entirely, you need to be straight with him — like, “Dude, from now on, you gotta keep any messages totally platonic” — and be straight with him again if he tries again. (I mean, come on...if you wanted gross unsolicited sexual comments, you’d wear a halter top and booty shorts to 7-Eleven.)

Having A Bawl

My best friend just got dumped by her boyfriend, and she’s totally devastated. I always thought he was a jerk, but I know saying that won’t help her feel any better. I want to be there for her but don’t know how. What’s the best thing to say to somebody Amy Alkon who’s heartbroken? — Lost Assuming she isn’t all “I wanna be alone!” you really just need to show up. You might even bring a little something: “I’m here, and I’ve got dinner. Very low-carb, too — your ex’s head on a spike.” The thing is, for many of us, watching somebody sob is uncomfortable along the lines of walking in on them having sex. We are clueless about what to say to the weeping person, and we often use that as reason to bolt or to not show up at all. To be a better friend than that — to stick around when the going gets sobby — it helps to understand that sadness isn’t some pointless emotional ailment. Like a tire jack, sadness has a function. In evolutionary terms, it’s “adaptive,” meaning that over evolutionary history, it helped solve some of humans’ recurring survival and mating problems. Psychiatrist and evolutionary researcher Randolph Nesse points out in “Good Reasons for Bad Feelings: Insights from the Frontier of Evolutionary Psychiatry” that sadness slows us down and often leads us to ponder our choices, which can help us avoid putting our mistakes on endless repeat. One way you might help your friend is by encouraging her to find meaning in what she went through — that is, to learn from the experience so she can make better romantic choices in the future. However, it may be too early for that. So your immediate job could be pretty simple: You’re an ear that hands her Kleenex and occasionally dispenses cheery thoughts, like the wish that a giant wandering reptile bites off his penis or a hit man dissolves him in lye in a motel bathtub. “Peace ’n’ love, gurl!”

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (

© 2019, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.

ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Let’s check in with our

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): How many handcuffs are there in the world? Millions. Yet there are far fewer different keys than that to open all those handcuffs. In fact, in many countries, there’s a standard universal key that works to open most handcuffs. In this spirit, and in accordance with current astrological omens, I’m designating August as Free Yourself from Your Metaphorical Handcuffs Month. It’s never as complicated or difficult as you might imagine to unlock your metaphorical handcuffs; and for the foreseeable future it will be even less complicated and difficult than usual for you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo figure skater Scott Hamilton won an Olympic gold medal and four World Championships. He was a star who got inducted into the United States Olympic Hall of Fame and made a lot of money after he turned professional. “I calculated once how many times I fell during my skating career—41,600 times,” he testified in his autobiography. “But here’s the funny thing: I also got up 41,600 times. That’s the muscle you have to build in your psyche—the one that reminds you to just get up.” In accordance with current astrological omens, Virgo, I’ll be cheering you on as you strengthen that muscle in your psyche during the coming weeks.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): People who sneak a gaze into your laboratory might be unnerved by what they see. You know and I know that your daring experiments are in service to the ultimate good, but that may not be obvious to those who understand you incompletely. So perhaps you should post a sign outside your lab that reads, “Please don’t leap to premature conclusions! My in-progress projects may seem inexplicable to the uninitiated!” Or maybe you should just close all your curtains and lock the door until your future handiwork is more presentable. P.S. There may be allies who can provide useful feedback about your explorations. I call them the wounded healers.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): What’s the story of

ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Dear Diary: Last night my Aries friend dragged me to the Karaoke Bowling Alley and Sushi Bar. I was deeply skeptical. The place sounded tacky. But after being there for twenty minutes, I had to admit that I was having a fantastic time. And it just got better and more fun as the night wore on. I’m sure I made a fool of myself when I did my bowling ball imitation, but I can live with that. At one point I was juggling a bowling pin, a rather large piece of sweet potato tempura, and my own shoe while singing Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir”—and I don’t even know how to juggle. I have to admit that this sequence of events was typical of my adventures with Aries folks. I suppose I should learn to trust that they will lead me to where I don’t know I want to go.”

your life? Psychologist James Hillman said that in order to thrive, you need to develop a clear vision of that story. How do you do that? Hillman advised you to ask yourself this question: “How can I assemble the pieces of my life into a coherent plot?” And why is this effort to decode your biography so important? Because your soul’s health requires you to cultivate curiosity and excitement about the big picture of your destiny. If you hope to respond with intelligence to the questions and challenges that each new day brings, you must be steadily nourished with an expansive understanding of why you are here on earth. I bring these ideas to your attention, Libra, because the coming weeks will be an excellent time to illuminate and deepen and embellish your conception of your life story.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide,” wrote psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott. I think that description fits many people born under the sign of the Scorpio, not just Scorpio artists. Knowing how important and necessary this dilemma can be for you, I would never glibly advise you to always favor candid, straightforward communication over protective, strategic hiding. But I recommend you do that in the coming weeks. Being candid and straightforward will serve you well.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian poet Aracelis Girmay writes, “How ramshackle, how brilliant, how haphazardly & strangely rendered we are. Gloriously, fantastically mixed & monstered. We exist as phantom, monster, miracle, each a theme park all one’s own.” Of course that’s always true about every one of us. But it will be extraordinarily true about you in the coming weeks. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you will be at the peak of your ability to express what’s most idiosyncratic and essential about your unique array of talents and specialties.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sometime soon I suspect you will arrive at a crossroads in your relationship with love and sex—as well as your fantasies about love and sex. In front of you: a hearty cosmic joke that would mutate your expectations and expand your savvy. Behind you: an alluring but perhaps confusing call toward an unknown future. To your left: the prospect of a dreamy adventure that might be only half-imaginary. To your right: the possibility of living out a slightly bent fairy tale version of romantic catharsis. I’m not here to tell you what you should do, Capricorn. My task is simply to help you identify the options.







TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In his poem “Wild Oats,” poet W. S. Merwin provided a message that’s in perfect alignment with your current astrological needs: “I needed my mistakes in their own order to get me here.” He was not being ironic in saying that; he was not making a lame attempt to excuse his errors; he was not struggling to make himself feel better for the inconvenience caused by his wrong turns. No! He understood that the apparent flubs and miscues he had committed were essential in creating his successful life. I invite you to reinterpret your own past using his perspective.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Even if you’re an ambidextrous, multi-gendered, neurologically diverse, Phoenician-Romanian Gemini with a fetish for pink duct tape and an affinity for ideas that no one has ever thought of, you will eventually find your sweet spot, your power niche, and your dream sanctuary. I promise. Same for the rest of you Geminis, too. It might take a while. But I beg you to have faith that you will eventually tune in to the homing beacon of the mother lode that’s just right for you. P.S.: Important clues and signs should be arriving soon. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What would a normal, boring astrologer tell you at a time like now? Maybe something like this: “More of other people’s money and resources can be at your disposal if you emanate sincerity and avoid being manipulative. If you want to negotiate vibrant compromises, pay extra attention to good timing and the right setting. Devote special care and sensitivity to all matters affecting your close alliances and productive partnerships.” As you know, Cancerian, I’m not a normal, boring astrologer, so I wouldn’t typically say something like what I just said. But I felt it was my duty to do so because right now you need simple, basic, no-frills advice. I promise I’ll resume with my cryptic, lyrical oracles next time.

Homework: Fantasize about ways you could make money from doing what you love to do. Report results!






psychic journalist, LoveMancer, who’s standing by with a live report from inside your imagination. What’s happening, LoveMancer? “Well, Rob, the enchanting creature on whose thoughts I’ve been eavesdropping has slipped into an intriguing frontier. This place seems to be a hot zone where love and healing interact intensely. My guess is that being here will lead our hero to breakthrough surges of love that result in deep healing, or deep healing that leads to breakthrough surges of love—probably both.”



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HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENTS Barre Class Please bring a water bottle &

yoga mat. Barre Above® fuses Pilates, yoga & aerobics. Thursdays, 8:30-9:30am. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-410-2826. First class free, $14 drop-in.

Bhakti Church Using guided meditation,

Breathe - A weekly contemplative prayer gathering We read scripture, a poem

or a short essay to focus our hearts, then enter a time of silent prayer. Tuesdays, 11:30am-Noon Through Aug. 27. Bend Church United Methodist, 680 NW Bond St, Bend. Contact: 541-382-1672. Free.

CBD 101 Join Theresa Imel from The Wild Bee CBD for an open discussion on CBD, its medicinal benefits, and how it can help improve your health and vitality. Bring your questions! July 31, 6:157:30pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, #120, Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. Free. Central Oregon Walk for Recovery Workshop Join Oregon Recovers as we

hold am informal workshop on how to build a team and walk in the Central Oregon Walk for Recovery! Please bring your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Aug. 2, 4-5pm. 1130 NW Harriman St, 1130 Northwest Harriman Street, Bend. Free.

Community Healing Flow A gentle flow

class by donation, which go to a local charity each month. Fridays, 4-5:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. By donation.

Death Cafe Bend Death Cafe is a participant led group discussion about any and all issues related to death and dying. Tea and cookies will be served. Donations accepted to cover cost of event. July 31, 7-9pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: cheryl@ Donations accepted. No one turned away for lack of funds..

Essential Tibetan Buddhism An informal talk offering a general introduction to Tibetan or Vajrayana Buddhism, led by Natural Mind Dharma Center director Michael Stevens. First Monday of every month, 7-9pm. Natural Mind Dharma Center, 345 SW Century Dr. #2, Bend. Contact: Free. Fundamental Yoga Nidra Immersion with Brandy Berlin Yoga Nidra literally

means “the Yoga of Sleep”. This workshop will begin with a 45-minute Nidra practice followed by an overview of the history and science of Yoga Nidra and will culminate in practice teaching. Yoga Alliance CEUs available. Aug. 3, 5:30-8:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-420-9020. $40.

Gyrokinesis A movement method adress-

ing the entire body, benefiting all levels of fitness to help improve range of motion, coordination, flexibility and mobilization of the joints! BYO mat. Thursdays, 9:30-10:45am. The Blissful Heart ~ Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 760-2713272. $15/class, first class free.

Hemp 101 Learn the Secret to Enliven Your Wellness with Eden Paulazzo Eden will share the science, studies

and introduce you to the only premium grade liposomal broad spectrum hemp oil containing CBG, utilizing the latest sonicated nano-technology. Aug. 1, 6-7pm. Bend Pilates, 155 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-647-0876. Free.

Qigong Plus Qigong is a movement medi-

tation that enhances one’s own ability to heal, maintains health and opens new pathways to being, using breathing, sound, movements, concentration, massage, meditation. Signed for hearing impaired. Contact Dawn Song, text or email only. Sundays (by appointment only), 12:30-1:30pm and Wednesdays, 1:30-3pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend. Contact: 541-207-7266. Donations Accepted.


breathwork, mudra and chanting we will gather in circle to dive deep into the heart space of “Bhakti." First Sunday of every month, 7-8:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd., Bend. Contact: $10 suggested donation.


Restorative and Gentle Flow Yoga

Monday Evening Restorative in the tradition of Judith Lasiter Tuesday Morning Slow Flow in the tradition of Kripalu Yoga Compassionately taught by Suzanne E-RYT Kripalu School of Yoga and Health. Mondays, 5:30-6:45pm and Tuesdays, 9:30-10:45am. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. Contact: 240-498-1471. First class/free, 5-pack intro/$40.

Sunstone Recovery First Friday An

intensive outpatient program (IOP) that treats primary mental health and primary substance use challenges for adults 18+. Aug. 2, 5pm. Sunstone Recovery, 625 NW Colorado Ave., Bend.

Tai Chi Taiji classes with Dr. Rob Neilson at Hawthorn are in the Yang style of Taiji. The movements practiced are appropriate for people of all ages, and stages of physical fitness. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: Free. Tai Chi For Health Instructor Maureen Benet. Certified by Dr. Paul Lam. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 8-9am. OREGON TAI CHI, 1350 SE Reed Mkt Rd Ste 102, Bend. Contact: 541-389-5015. First class free. Transcendental Meditation Intro Talk

An Intro Talk on the Transcendental Meditation program will go into the history of the technique, scientific research, many benefits, and how it differs from other forms of meditation. Mon, July 22, 6:30-7:30pm and Thu, Aug. 1, Noon-1pm. Downtown Bend Public Library Hutchinson Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-633-7722. Free.

Vin/Yin Yoga Mondays-Thursdays, 3pm. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541-420-1587. By donation.

Wednesdays on the Green Join us each week as we host volunteers from our community specializing in esoteric and healing modalities providing their services free of charge when you bring cans of food for Neighbor Impact. Wednesdays, 10am-3pm. Through Sept. 2. The Cosmic Depot, 342 NE Clay Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-385-7478. Free. Yoga An hour of yoga with Shawn Anzaldo.

BYO yoga mat. Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Princess Athletic, 945 NW Wall St., Suite 150, Bend. Free.



Yoga in Schools Training This training

is for educators, yoga teachers and parents who want to share the tools of yoga, meditation and mindfulness in your homes and schools. Aug. 2, 9am-6:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-550-8550. $450 / $400 pre-paid in full.

Your Ideal Life Social Grab your gal pals and join us for a evening of “healthy” cocktails! Yummy food, dance party - E-SHOTS included. Aug. 2, 6pm. High Desert Dance Arts, 394 Northeast Belknap Street, Prineville. Free, RSVP online. Zen Discussion & Meditation A weekly

lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Does not meet 12/24 or or 1/31. For more info, contact Tom. Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-6651. Free.



CBD: Super legal and great …Except when it’s not WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / AUGUST 1, 2019 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE


By Josh Jardine Courtesy Vaping360, Flickr

As CBD products expand their popularity, lawmakers are slow to address their legality.


annabis, and the devil’s cannabinoid, THC, are all the rage, but hemp and CBD are rapidly gaining as just as much attention and investment. The passage of the Farm Bill in December, which made hemp farming legal, led many to assume that hemp and CBD would immediately be freed from the concerns and regulations imposed upon THC. That was not the case, and it’s been a baffling mix of seizures and arrests for those both producing and possessing CBD products, and outdated rules from the federal regulatory agencies. In March, the National Law Review posted a piece clarifying the Hemp/CBD related parts of the Farm Bill, starting with the point that, “Any cannabis plant or product that contains more than 0.3 percent THC will still be considered marijuana under federal law.” So, CBD products with more than .3% THC are drugs, subject to each state’s laws involving cannabis, and because they are classified as drugs, can’t leave the state in which they are produced. The Food and Drug Administration has the authority to “regulate products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and that it will treat those products as it does any other FDA-regulated product.” The FDA also explained that it's not down with the proliferation of CBD products claiming to have “therapeutic benefits,” and those marketed “in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of diseases (such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, psychiatric disorders and diabetes)” are considered “new drugs,” and need to go through the very lengthy and expensive FDA drug approval process. Then there are state laws. Recently officials in Reno, Nevada—the living embodiment of “SMH,” aka “shaking my head,” seized 3,000 pounds of

CBD-infused chocolate. LiveKaya chocolates had been distributed in 35 states until June, when officials explained they were seizing all 1.5 tons of the chocolates, as the FDA does not have CBD listed as a “safe food additive.” Since Reno hasn’t yet developed CBD rules, they’re going by federal rules. The goods sit in a refrigerated warehouse while court challenges continue. In North Carolina, the House is considering a measure that would ban the sale of smokable hemp, arguing that because hemp and cannabis flowers look and smell identical, law enforcement can’t tell the difference. (If that’s true for your weed, I’m sorry.) “As long as smokable hemp is legal for use and sale in North Carolina, marijuana laws are virtually unenforceable,” said one bill supporter from the Association of Police Chiefs. The N.C. hemp industry offered to pay new taxes to fund the purchase of equipment to help law enforcement to distinguish between the two—like a Kickstarter campaign for Barney Fife. The creation of new rules for CBD at the federal level is moving slowly, despite pressure from elected officials. Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden called out the FDA’s recent announcement that it would take three to five years for the complete rules to be written. Wyden said that time frame was “fully unacceptable” and that “...regulatory confusion and uncertainty surrounding CBD cannot continue for that length of time.” He urged an “enforcement discretion guidance” by Aug 1. (The USDA will release new rules for Hemp producers in August as well.) The FDA recently received over 4,400 comments regarding adding CBD in food and supplements during a public comment period. They now say their initial report will be out by the fall.

THE REC ROOM Crossword

“Softening Up”

By Brendan Emmett Quigley

Pearl’s Puzzle

Difficulty Level


We’re Local!

© Pearl Stark

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.



The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:

“Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to ______.” — Milan Kundera


ACROSS 1. Fiver 4. LEDTV maker 11. Hold up 14. 100 square meters 15. Gas mask? 16. Prefix with skeleton 17. Shark Ace? 19. Grp. based in Ramallah 20. Grammatically correct answer to “Who’s there?” 21. “Jersey Girl” actress, for short 22. Flies and such 23. Snitches (on) 25. Excursions taken to leave your betrothed at the altar? 27. The Yellowhammer St. 28. Important chip, briefly 30. Merry-go-round figure, to a child 31. Word for word: Abbr. 32. Blue-ribbon 34. 21-Across, to friends 35. Smoothie made of bananas, pineapples and honey? 39. Some corp. execs 40. Like gazpacho 41. Number on a face 44. Bicker 47. Departure announcement 48. “Reliable Sources” channel 49. What’s posted on a karaoke screen when someone is singing “Uptown Girl”? 53. One way to run 55. Inevitability 56. ER pronouncement 57. Sale words 58. Some E.R. cases 59. Unknown prank? 63. Up to this point 64. More lustrous 65. Rapper Kool ___ Dee 66. Very 67. Craft 68. Lapse

DOWN 1. Tex-Mex meals 2. In heat? 3. Song by The Shins that will “change your life” according to the movie “Garden State” 4. Coca-Cola Co. brand 5. ___ first-name basis 6. RR place 7. Meccan pilgrim 8. Poker phrase 9. Intolerant person 10. Suffix with grape 11. Fix 12. Primrose flowers 13. Collins of ‘70s funk 18. Part of R.S.V.P. 22. Bucker 24. Word said during an operation 25. 34-Down predecessor 26. “Some nerve!” 29. Sci-fi capsules 33. Direct mail abbr. 34. 25-Down successor 36. Reproductive cell 37. ZipRecruiter listings 38. “Can I chime in?” 42. Canine neighbor 43. Golfer Juli 44. He tied with Mario Andretti for A.P.’s Driver of the Century 45. Truckers competition 46. Bugs 50. Romantic interlude 51. Inquisitive 52. No longer on the plate 54. Gold oak leaf wearer: Abbr. 59. Much of an ed.’s in-box 60. Squeeze (out) 61. Tel. listing abbr. 62. Mos. and mos.

“Summer-induced stupidity. That was the diagnosis...” — Aimee Friedman, Sea Change


©2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (

Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at

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August 2

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August 3 Idle Poets

with Craig Marquardo




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