Source Weekly January 13, 2022

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VOLUM E 2 6 / I S S UE 0 2 / J A N UA RY 1 3 , 2 0 2 1












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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088


LIGHTMETER: PRESENTED BY HARVEST MOON WOODWORKS On the Cover: Cover design by Sean Caldarella.

Courtesy @digguidebend/Instagram

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 10 - Feature 14 - Source Picks 15 - Sound 16 - Calendar 25 - Culture

29 - Chow 31 - Screen 33 - Outside 34 - Smoke Signals 35 - Puzzles 36 - Astrology 37 - Advice 39 - Real Estate


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EDITOR Nicole Vulcan -

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REPORTER Jack Harvel- REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Trevor Bradford - COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Burt Gershater, Josh Jardine, Ari Levaux, Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Brian Yaeger SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Sean Caldarella - GRAPHIC DESIGNER Erica Durtschi - ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Renee LeBlanc, Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer - PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770

Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.

The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2022 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2022 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.




It’s the second week of January—have you ditched your resolutions yet? Yeah, yeah—we know that resolutions can come and go, but for many people, the start of a new year is still a time when they’re trying to form new habits and get inspired—and that’s where our Health and Fitness issue comes in. This week, I had the pleasure of chatting with two unconventional pole-dance competitors, who do it as much for the athleticism as anything else. One is a woman over 50; the other is a man who sported a beard to his most recent competition—not exactly the images that first come to mind when you think of pole dancers, but these two are inspiring nonetheless! This week’s issue also takes a look at gym participation, gives you newbie cross-country skiers some info on where to go, profiles a dance fitness class in Bend and lots more. As we move into the third week of January, here’s to good health and lots of good times out there in the beauty of Central Oregon!


Bend’s Cost of Living: 4th-Fastest Increase in the Nation








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y this stage, Bend is used to being on top-10 lists, top-five lists and much more when it comes to analyses of the fastest-growing cities in the nation. Less frequently, however, do we get to quantify how that growth is impacting quality of life. Most in Central Oregon have heard the tales of little ol’ Bend from back in the day, where everyone knew everyone, traffic was chill and everyone who wanted a place to live could find one. Longtime residents often lament about what’s been lost over the years of explosive growth in Central Oregon—and while this once-small town has grown into a full-fledged small city, complete with luxury car dealers and high-end outdoor brands galore, the growing pains can involve more than just the loss of small-town charm. If you’re tracking the rise of inflation across the nation in the midst of the ongoing pandemic, then you might know as well that here in Bend, inflation is hitting us more than most. A recent study of data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis’ Regional Price Parities Dataset, released by the company Filterbuy this month, revealed that among small cities in the U.S., Bend saw the fourth-fastest increase in cost of living over the past 10 years. According to the analysis, Bend’s cost of living went up 22.5% from the years 2010 to 2020, only slightly behind the other top-three small cities on the list, which included Albany-Lebanon, Ore. (+23.2%), Kennewick-Richland, Wash. (22.8%) and Wenatchee, Wash. (22.5%). When combining all the cities in the analysis—small, midsize and large, Bend ranked sixth overall in increased costs of living. Put in context, however, the rise is not quite as stark. Compared to the average rise in cost of living across the nation, Bend’s cost of living is only 2.2% above the average. Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro—which

ranked #8 on the overall list of cities, saw its overall cost of living increase by 5.7% over average, or a 22% overall increase from 2010 to 2020. Compared to average, Bend’s cost of goods went up 3.8%, while its cost of housing, compared to average, went up 5%. For all West Coast cities on the lists, the cost of utilities went down— in Bend, it was a 9.5% decrease compared to average. Somewhat ironically, Bend’s rise to a population of roughly 100,000 made it eligible to be on this list; according to the authors of the analysis, a city had to have over 100,000 people to be included. While the data is far from surprising to those who live here, that data can be helpful to understand what policies need to change or which ones may be working. Oregon ushered in new rent control guardrails in 2019—which, while being ushered in only at the end of the 2010-2020 study period, may help tamp down prices in what is an increasingly high-priced market. When we look at the fact that even while costs of living increased, our utility costs were stable and even going down, it can help us understand the effects of our state’s commitment to renewable power—representing roughly 62% of the power generated in Oregon as of 2019—are having on the amount we pay. (By comparison, the U.S. overall generated just 17.7% of its power from renewable sources. According to the World Economic Forum, renewables were the world’s cheapest source of power in 2020.) Every time Bend gets placed on a top10 list, eyes will roll. Heads will shake with how overwhelming the force of the growth and yet, if we can connect these numbers with tangible policy initiatives that are working, we can make changes to retain the values that have made this region attractive.



HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to

Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!


Remember that skier responsibility that you agreed to when you bought your ticket—I patrolled for 10 years and searched and provided outdoor emergency care to many. One must ski with someone else when skiing off piste. —Scott Stuemke via

against illegal purchase and possession of firearms. It would make sure those who purchase and own firearms illegally are punished for doing so. Any gun owned by someone illegally is another school shooting, deadly protest, or body in the street. —Juniper Rook

to vaccine patents. Patents are primarily to protect commercial corporate interests. Rescind TRIPS so research, development and distribution of vaccines are available to all people and countries. Time for significant change in vision and tactics to combat the Pandemic War of Survival for the Common Good? —Sue Bastian

A PANDEMIC PLAN Declare a National Emergency in the Pandemic War of Survival. On January 19 there will be a walkNationalize Big Pharma and the corout held at Redmond Proficiency porate chain of greed and control of vacAcademy (657 SW Glacier Ave) at 11 cines and pharmaceuticals. am. We will meet outside our school Implement Universal Health Care to and march to Centennial Park. This replace the unhealthy system of privatwalkout is taking place to combat ized insurance. the recent acts of gun violence in our Nationalize all hospital and health community and in our country. We care facilities and reopen facilities are in a sensitive place; now more which have been closed. than ever, it is time to take action. Implement requirements including Since 2018 there have been 74 school “No Mask, No Entry” at all public indoor shootings, since Columbine in 1999, spaces with monetary consequences for 278,000 children have been exposed businesses and exclusionary actions for to gun violence at school. Kids aren’t people. Relegate unvaccinated individuals to safe at school, the kids in our community are scared. the end of the line in health care faciliAt our walkout we will be hold- ties. ing a letter writing campaign. We Create safe environments for all are asking Representative Susanne workers in the health care system. Utilize the enormous income and Bonamici to help pass bill H.R.4271 Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act of wealth of displaced corporate execu2021, and H.R.1642 Prosecuting Gun tives to increase wages for workers. Focus on the Global Pandemic War Crimes Saves Lives Act. Bill H.R.4271 will implements stricter restrictions of Survival. Share research and develon gun dealing and bigger punish- opment, interact cooperatively not ments to those who break gun deal- competitively and end discrimination ing laws. This bill could help keep against countries of color in the distriguns out of irresponsible hands and in bution of vaccines. the hands of those deserving of them. Rescind TRIPS (Trade-RelatBill H.R.1642 raises requirements for ed Aspects of Intellectual Properaction of the Department of Justice ty Rights) specifically as it relates


RE: SO FAR, 2022 IS TESTING US OPINION, 1/6 This has not been an issue for us to find commercial (have not sought out retail) tests. Certainly at home would be more convenient but when we’ve needed to get tested we’ve been able to do so within a couple of hours each time. But regardless this begs the question of so what. We have 30% of our population unwilling to commit to public health requirements and what good is going to come from having regular testing available to them? —Jim Roberts via

who is sick to find out immediately if they are needing to quarantine or not, and tell their close contacts to be extra careful. So many people assume “oh it’s just the sniffles” and go about their business, unknowingly spreading it further. Not saying improved access to testing would completely stop that behavior, but it would mitigate it for many. —Maddie McRojas via

Letter of the Week:

Jim and Maddie – Thanks for the dialogue! Letters of the week for both of you. Come on by to pick up your gift card to Palate! —Nicole Vulcan

Having regular testing available for the 70% of us that do follow guidelines would be great. We will never get 100% of people on board with anything. I spent hours yesterday looking for tests for my symptomatic nephew. (He was negative, thankfully) It should not be that hard for someone


What are Central Oregonians doing for winter sports?

That’s the survey question on our site this week. Take part, and then check out Saturday’s Cascades Reader for the results! Start your day with Central Oregon's best source for news & local events.



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New Year, New Villages

In 2021 Central Oregon Vet Villages became the first-of-a-kind shelter in the region; in 2022 even more will open



By Jack Harvel Courtesy Central Oregon Villages


entral Oregon Villages submitted two proposed models for a managed campsite to the City of Bend, and is the only organization to do so by the end of the City’s request for proposal period ending Dec. 9. The region saw its first village-style shelter open on Nov. 11, 2021, when Central Oregon Veteran’s Village welcomed five veterans to their shelters with plans to expand to as many as 15 residents. The City’s proposed camps are planned for one of three locations the City identified in 2021. The first is a property off Ninth Street near Bend High School, the second on Juniper Ridge and the third is an Oregon Department of Transportation Property off Murphy Road and Third Street. One proposed camp would specifically seek older women to shelter in one of their 10 units, with ambitions to expand to 20 units that could house women and children escaping abuse. The other is a more general six-unit micro-village. People living in the villages will be expected to help maintain the entire facility and, if applicable, address issues that may keep them from finding permanent housing like addiction treatment, mental health issues and professional development. The villages will accept people who use drugs, but they’re expected to stop while living there. “The model we’re using is low-barrier entry, high barrier to remain,” said Jim Porter, former Bend Police Chief and president

Central Oregon Villages created site plans for the three proposed sites from the City during its request for proposal period.

of Central Oregon Villages. “We need to house these people first, before you expect them to get clean. You just can’t get clean and sober living underneath the bridge.” All three sites received some level of pushback during city council meetings, with neighbors concerned over potential increases in crime, accumulation of trash and proximity to schools. Porter said he’s understanding of these complaints, Credit to St. Vincent de Paul of Bend

St. Vincent de Paul of Bend offers a food pantry to those in need that runs concurrently with a sack lunch program.

but that people are already camping across Bend and that a managed camps would look different than the makeshift ones on Hunnel Road and Second Street. “I would not want Hunnel Road near my house either, and I would be fighting and protesting against it, also. But that’s not what we’re proposing,” Porter said. “I know this for a fact from working with the houseless and from being on the police side; there are people camping in every neighborhood in Bend, and they are uncontrolled camps.” Some community members have also complained about the length of time it takes to get a camp running. Central Oregon Villages got a shipment of shelters in October and Porter said they can be set up in as little as two days once site-prep is completed. The organization could be offering shelters as soon as February, pending conversations with the Bend City Council on Jan. 19, but Porter said what’s most important is making sure the process works and is sustainable. “People are saying, why isn’t this moving quicker? Well, for good governance and good lasting policy that will be there year after year, it takes time. If you rush into it, you’re going to make mistakes, and you’re going to waste tax dollars,” Porter said. St. Vincent de Paul’s village St Vincent de Paul of Bend is working on a similar mission establishing a 10-person village financed mostly

through donations from locals, as well as a Housing and Urban Development grant. The 501(c)3 has provided services for those in need since setting up in 1981, but hope to welcome people into their village by May. Its program is like Central Oregon Villages, with individually tailored plans for residents. “Everyone’s going to have a different pathway from homelessness into permanent housing. But we’re hoping to help people move through that process,” said Gary Hewitt, director of St. Vincent de Paul of Bend. People can stay up to two years, paying nothing the first six months, $100 a month the next six months and $200 a month during their second year. The money won’t be pocketed, though, and St. Vincent will hold it, match the funds, and return it to residents once they leave. “At the end of two years, they’ll have $6,000 towards a new place. So they might not stay two years, maybe within a year we can find them some other housing,” Hewitt said. Hewitt said the village can help people, but that collaboration with other service providers is necessary to effectively tackle houselessness. “It’s not about any one place like us, but it’s about us and Bethlehem Inn and Shepherd’s House and Central Oregon Villages. It’s about everybody,” Hewitt said. “I think the most important part, it’s about the community. Otherwise, we’re just a bunch of people that live by each other. But it takes all of us to solve this problem.”



Oregon reported its highest COVID case numbers of the pandemic, though hospitalizations and deaths lag behind the Delta surge



he Oregon Health Authority reported the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Oregon over the past week as the more contagious but less severe Omicron variant spreads across the U.S. On Jan. 10, OHA said over 18,000 people either tested or were presumed positive over the previous three days. About 700 Oregonians were in a hospital with the illness at the time this article went to print, which is still lower than the nearly 1,200 in early September at the peak of the Delta variant. Omicron is outcompeting the Delta variant in the state and now makes up at least 64% of cases statewide. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown deployed the Oregon National Guard on Monday to assist hospitals and avoid an overloaded health care system. In August of last year Brown deployed 1,500 National Guard members to assist hospitals. They began pulling troops out of hospitals in October amid waning caseloads, and by mid-November only a small number of guardsmen and women remained. “With more than 500 current hospitalizations and daily record-breaking numbers of COVID-19 cases, we are at another critical point in this pandemic—and the Oregon National Guard is stepping up again to assist,” said Brown. “While Guard members work to support our frontline health care workers, I am asking all Oregonians to continue to do your part to help. Get vaccinated, get boosted, wear your masks, and stay home when you are sick.” Seven percent of Oregon’s 647 ICU beds were available at of press time, as are 7% of its 295 non-ICU beds, according to

an OHA press release on Monday. Oregon’s region 7, which includes Deschutes, Crook, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake and Wheeler counties, was among the second most staffed region of the state with 14% of ICU beds and 20% of non-ICU beds available. Several school districts in Oregon, mostly in the Portland metro area, opted to remote learning as more and more staff and students called in absent due to an infection, with some districts reporting over 20% of students and staff called out. In a letter to families on Jan. 7, Bend-La Pine Schools announced new policies in the district, though it reaffirmed its commitment to in-person learning. “To be clear, our goal is to keep our students learning in-person, every day, as we know that this is the best place for them academically, socially, mentally and emotionally,” BLPS Superintendent Steven Cook said in a statement to parents. “We believe we have proven that, with mitigation strategies in place like masking, and distancing, our schools are among the safest places for our students. However, we cannot continue to provide on-site instruction in a safe environment if we do not have sufficient staffing.” The superintendent urged parents to have a contingency plan in case remote learning becomes necessary. The school district will move classrooms or entire schools into remote learning if it isn’t able to adequately staff them. Any transition to remote learning would last at least five days, but all Bend schools were open for in-person learning when this story went to print.

The Oregon Health Authority is reporting record-high cases in the state as Omicron surges.

The district is also modifying its spectator policy by lowering capacity at extracurricular events to four attendees per participant. Each athlete, cheerleader, coach or member of the dance team participating at the event will be able to invite four spectators, with the exception of novice wrestling, middle school wrestling and swimming, which will only allow one spectator per participant. No spectators will be allowed at larger events with more than two teams. OHA and the Oregon Department of Education recommended schools pause all extracurricular activities in a memo

received at least one dose and 36% have gotten a booster shot by Jan.10. President Joe Biden announced a plan that insurers are required to cover the cost of at-home tests earlier thisweek. “This is all part of our overall strategy to ramp-up access to easy-to-use, at-home tests at no cost,” said Housing and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra in a press release. “Since we took office, we have more than tripled the number of sites where people can get COVID-19 tests for free, and we’re also purchasing half a billion at-home, rapid tests to send for free to Americans who need them.”

“We believe we have proven that, with mitigation strategies in place like masking, and distancing, our schools are among the safest places for our students. However, we cannot continue to provide on-site instruction in a safe environment if we do not have sufficient staffing.” —Steven Cook released on Jan. 3, or ensure there are safety protocols to minimize any viral spread. Redmond School District reported a total of 77 student cases and 34 staff cases when this article went to print, but also haven’t had to switch any classes or schools to remote learning. About 75% of Oregonians have completed their vaccination series, 81% have

In Deschutes County testing sites are available Monday through Friday from 7am-5pm at Bend’s Central Oregon Community College Campus, Thursdays through Monday from Noon to 7pm at COCC’s Redmond campus and daily from 8am-5pm at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. Courtesy OHA


By Jack Harvel



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Noticias en Español

Dando en Grande al Centro de Oregon Por Nicole Vulcan Traducido por/Translated by Jéssica Sánchez-Millar Staley, directora ejecutiva. “Estamos en realidad en el umbral de algo especial y estos $15,000 y todas las donaciones hacen una gran diferencia.” Giving Plate proporciona alimentos a unas 2,700 personas al mes. La campaña Central Oregon Gives, un esfuerzo anual para reforzar los recursos y ofrecer a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro un vehículo en línea para las campañas de donación a fin de año—así como brindarle a los donadores grandes beneficios—ayudó a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro recaudar más de $660,000 fondos totales. Junto con el ganador que recibe el mayor número de recaudaciones, el cual ganó ese premio de $15,000, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro también pueden competir por otros premios, incluso un premio de $2,000 para la organización sin fines de lucro con el mayor número de donaciones de $20 o menos. Este año, el premio fue para Desert Sky Montesory, que planea usar los fondos para apoyar con los esfuerzos de

mudar la escuela REALMS a las instalaciones anteriores sobre la calle O.B. Riley. “Central Oregon Gives nos cambió la jugada por completo,” dijo Julia Sutter, directora ejecutiva de Desert Sky Montessory. “No es solo la parte promocional producida por la campana, pero también reduce mucho la parte administrativa de nuestra parte. Estoy muy agradecida por ello.” Los primeros ganadores de Central Oregon Gives en cada una de las categorías de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro—las cuales incluyen el Bienestar Animal, Arte y Cultura, Educación, Familia y Niños y Salud y Ambiente— también ganaron $2,000 más. Esos ganadores incluyeron a Street Dog Hero (Animal Welfare), World Muse (Arts & Culture), Education, Family & Environment (Saving Grace) y Kôr Community Land Trust (Health & Environment). En total 1,689 personas donaron a la campaña Central Oregon Gives, con un total de 2,075 donaciones. De esos, 718 donaron menos de $25. Cualquier

persona que donó $25 o más, fue elegible para recibir un regalo de agradecimiento semanal de comercios locales incluidos Avid Cider, Backporch Coffee Roasters, Barre3, Boneyard Beer, Fjällräven, High Desert Museum, Humm Kombucha, Old Mill District, Roam, SCP Redmond Hotel y The Suttle Lodge. Aaron Switzer, editor de el Source, quien también fundó Central Oregon Gives como una extensión del trabajo comunitario de del Source, está emocionado por ver que el programa continuá teniendo mucho éxito y más que nada por ver que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales puede llevar a cabo de mejor manera su misión gracias al apoyo de la comunidad. “Cada año ponemos nuestra energía detrás de este proyecto ya que hemos visto el valor tangible del enlace digital entre la comunidad con un corazón abierto y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, llevando a cabo así un trabajo esencial para nuestras comunidades,” dijo Switzwer. “De verdad que ya estamos haciendo planes para el 2022”

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l dispensario de alimentos Giving Plate tiene un sueño de crear una tienda comunitaria de alimentos gratuitos en el distrito productor de Bend—y después de una exitosa carrera como la como la organización sin fines de lucro con mayores recaudaciones en la campaña Central Oregon Gives, dicha organización está más cerca de cumplir ese objetivo. Giving Plate salió como el mayor acreedor entre las 80 organizaciones sin fines de lucro durante la campaña de siete semanas de duración de Central Oregon Gives, organizada aquí en Source Weekly. Giving Plate obtuvo $15,000 extra, ofrecidos por un donante anónimo, para ganar el primer lugar. Giving Plate está en medio de una campaña capital de $3.5 millones para recaudar fondos para su nueva locación. En conjunto, obtuvo $259,708 en donaciones por medio de Central Oregon Gives. “Estamos enfocados en crear un espacio que genere comunidad y dignidad para nuestros visitantes,” dijo Renae





Two Central Oregonians just competed in the World Pole Art Competition. These athletes tell us what that was like. By Nicole Vulcan


f you thought pole dancing was just about pretending you’d chosen a career as an exotic dancer, think again. Two Central Oregonians brought their athleticism and expertise to Bologna, Italy, in December for the Pole Sport & Arts World Federation’s World Pole Art Competition. Shannon Daily, who placed third in two categories in Worlds, is a former IT nerd and flying trapeze enthusiast who discovered pole dancing late in life and has since been busy performing both locally and internationally. Andrew Krueger, who placed 7th in a men’s pole art category, is a pole dancer and instructor who also has an eclectic set of hobbies and jobs including music composition, lotion crafting and knitting. I chatted with them about the competition and the misconceptions around their sport. Source Weekly: Tell me a little bit about the world competition. Andrew Krueger: This was my first worlds and the very first thing I noticed—this scope with it—way bigger than I really thought. It’s built very much like any other large-scale competition. There’s codes of conduct. There’s compulsory moves. There’s all of these different tiny little weird rules to follow. It’s very much like an Olympic sport, which is what they’re kind of aiming for. My category that I did this year is called pole art, which is a little more— it’s a little bit looser as far as specific rules go. So, I don’t have to worry about compulsory tricks. I don’t have to worry about specific things within it. It’s more

about the story you tell; grace, athleticism, all of that portion. Shannon Daily: I competed in both 50+— they’re both 50+ women—sport and art… I did both. So I stayed for two weekends, in Bologna, Italy. It was kind of a stressful trip, actually, to try to get going overseas, and then it wasn’t as social as I usually like because, you know, because of COVID we didn’t really mingle with other teams as much. Usually I like to see my friends in my age group and run around and stuff— because it’s kind of strange to be 50-plus and, you know, be out there in your scoobys jumping around. I’ve been to two others, and I told Andrew about these competitions, and he’s sort of got interested. I was surprised he signed up! AK: This is my first year of doing anything of this scope. I haven’t competed at all since 2018. I was talking to Shannon—I was like, I’ll do an amateur category and she was just like, no, you should do it professionally. So I ended up signing up for this really high level category, very last minute. Basically, killing myself to get a routine together. SW: Tell me how you both got into this sport. AK: I started about six years ago. I had done gymnastics. I injured my ACL. I didn’t even really want to be coaching at that point because I wanted to be doing it still, so I just kind of decided that was the end of my athletic career. And then one morning. I just randomly signed up for a class because I had some

extra energy to kill and I wanted to try it, and literally, it was like instant obsession with it. SD: I was really into flying trapeze, actually for about 10 years—like obsessive compulsive about it, and I love it. I went to a pole class, but it was more that jiggly kind of class. So it didn’t really interest me or my friends that much. So I eventually found a girl in San Francisco who taught more pole sport. I kind of accidentally stumbled upon her because I was trying to go to a Zumba class! It was more the type of moves that I was interested in and I’ve been doing it for about 10 years now. Now I teach workshops sometimes and sub classes. I do this and I did also do aerial—like lyra circus performance type stuff. SW: When you say there’s the “sport” type versus the “jiggly” type, can you explain that a little more? SD: The first typically has more like the strip club kind of look. It’s kind of nice to know but you know, I felt really kind of silly and inauthentic—all those muscles and no boobs. It wasn’t until some years later that I found somebody who really did more tricks; a lot of stretchy flexibility tricks and flippy tricks and things like that. SW: How do you explain the sport to newbies? AK: I have people that are really athletic and really interested in trying to do the circusy, pole- type stuff immediately or not at all interested in dance or movement. And then I have people that come in and like maybe they don’t feel

strong enough or maybe they haven’t been working out a ton and they just want something to like, get themselves moving and have some fun. Then I tell them, try exotic or a flow class or dance class. But I’m a pretty vocal supporter of all of it. I have multiple pairs of heels. They go from 6 inches to 10 inches. So anytime, I can throw on a pair of heels and have some fun or teach a class like that, I love it. It’s a great space to be for all beginners. SW: Andrew, what’s it like being a male figure in this realm? AK: Most people expect me to just be really tricky and to not be a great dancer, hilariously enough. When I was at Nationals, I actually had somebody come up and tell me they were so disappointed when I walked on stage because I had a full beard and they assumed that if I have this full beard—and I was wearing like a really basic costume because I put together a Nationals routine fast— that I was like up there to show off and do tricks and they were really shocked that I could dance. Those interested in seeing Krueger in motion can attend the Sekse studio’s “Bad & Boujee” event Feb. 25.   Bad & Booujee: A Sekse production of pole and dance performances Fri., Feb 25. 7pm Stoller Wine Bar 555 NW Arizona Ave., Bend GA $40; Preferred seating $65

Photos courtesy Andrew Krueger/Shannon Daily?

Above are images of Andrew Krueger and Shannon Daily from their recent World Pole Arts Competition in Bologna, Italy.


Dance fitness offers a dose of joy, in person or otherwise By Nicole Vulcan

Courtesy Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Dance fitness classes let you get your groove on and dance to great tunes, without having to stay up late at night at the club. Plus, no dress code.


t’s 9:30 on a Saturday, and rather than my usual routine—snuggling up with a French press and a fresh fantasy novel—I’m doing a few stretches in anticipation of my first in-person fitness class since, well, what we all lovingly refer to as the “before-times.” “If you’re worried that everyone is looking at you, they’re not,” the instructor of this Bliss Dance workout at Sekse Fit explains—seemingly entering the brains of the dozen or so women assembled in fairly neat, staggered rows inside the studio in the Box Factory on this sunny Saturday. Over the past couple years, billions of people have watched and even performed dance routines on TikTok—part of the mindless chatter of “content” many of us are consuming during these times of increased isolation. But that’s far from the only way that dance, and dance fitness, have entered the lives of so many. Dance fitness classes have long been a thing. Remember Jazzercise? It’s still around, and still drawing those looking for a fun method of fitness. In the ‘80s, Jane Fonda was blasted into many Americans’ living rooms with her aerobic workout videos. Many people discovered Zumba in the 2000s—an opportunity for moms, former dancers and cheerleaders and so many more,

largely women, who wanted an outlet for dance beyond the late-night club. While Zumba is still popular, other dance fitness classes are also part of the overall trend. According to one analysis of fitness trends in the United Kingdom during the pandemic, dance fitness was the top trend, based on the bookings at GymCatch. At Sekse Fit in Bend—perhaps best known for its pole dancing classes (see the companion article to this one, featuring two instructors who recently competed in the pole art Worlds), opportunities for a good dance-induced sweat abound. Chris Easly, co-founder of Sekse Fit, made a number of recommendations for classes to check out at the studio, including, of course, the recommendation to try beginner pole. Easly founded the studio with fellow moms Kimberly Yannariello and Kimberly Thurman, with a mission “to affect change in peoples’ lives by redefining what it means to be ‘sexy’ and refining the dance and pole fitness industry.” Being more of a former Zumba-head, I opted for Bliss Dance instead of pole. “Don’t let the name fool you,” the class description reads. “This class is a phenomenal fun, serious sweat, cardio dance party!... No dance experience required.” Many athletic pursuits require a dose of surrender for best results. With cycling—something I do regularly,

on the trails, streets and gravel roads around Central Oregon—the surrender, or, rather, the “flow state” I get into lets me experience a dose of euphoria, but also helps block out the occasional suffering of climbing long hills. Escaping the “monkey mind” is a pursuit in yoga, too—an endeavor in quieting the constant chatter of an overwhelmed mind. In dance fitness, in my experience, the surrender or “zone” is also necessary so that you can keep up with the steps and “flow.” Think too hard about the fact that you’re supposed to step to the right once, then left once, then right twice before twirling around and you’re bound to mess it up. Better to simply let your body and mind connect without excessive intellectualizing. Seeking this flow and getting a break from heavy thought is ideal for a “knowledge worker,” such as myself. Still—this can be better said than done, and the key is in the instructor’s edict to avoid worrying about what others think of you, or whether they’re watching. But avoiding the old cliché to, “dance like nobody’s watching” can be harder to achieve than the simple phrase makes it seem. Being in a supportive environment is a big piece of the puzzle—and from my experience at Sekse, it’s got that locked down.

“The company culture is really special here,” Easly told me via email. “It’s much more than just a place to have fun and get fit.” Great music and enthusiastic instructors are part of that experience. Feeling like you’re part of bigger whole was also helpful. At the end of the Saturday morning Bliss Dance class, the instructor had us gather in a circle, dancing together and passing an imaginary “ball” from one person to the next before embarking on a free-form dance in which everyone did whatever the heck they wanted. A little choreographed flow state, followed by freedom to just be you—even if everyone else was watching for a moment or two. Those who have spent the pandemic dancing in front of their own mirrors and sharing the videos on TikTok are gaining a type of freedom and fitness that they may not have known before. For me, however, dancing alone at home was only going to go so far. Turns out, what I really needed was to show up, with a bunch of other people, and be reminded that no matter what I did in that room, it was just for me.   Sekse Fit

Classes offered 7 days a week 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 154, Bend


Saturday Morning Dance Party, Sans TikTok




A locally produced book highlights the experience of those who have had a stroke, and what they’ve learned By Nicole Vulcan


troke Awareness Oregon is a Bendbased nonprofit, co-founded by local real estate professional Lawnae Hunter following her own stroke, along with co-founder Dr. Steve Goins. The nonprofit has a mission to educate community members and to eliminate the disability and death that can result from strokes. Recently, SAO created a book, “Just Say ‘Yes’ to Life!” featuring stories of people who are thriving after experiencing a stroke. In honor of this week’s Health and Fitness issue, Hunter shared some of the background details about the book—which is already an Amazon bestseller. Source Weekly: Briefly describe the book and who might benefit from reading it. Lawnae Hunter: The book was written to give hope and encouragement to stroke survivors, caregivers and family members… also directed to therapists that treat stroke patients to help them get into the head of a stroke survivor. SW: Why was it important to you to get the book out into the world? LH: Having a stroke or debilitating medical event can lead to depression and hopelessness. After I had my stroke I just wanted to talk to someone that had been on this journey, had rebuilt a life and wanted to live life to the fullest again. This is the first book like this SAO could find, so collectively we wanted to reach out to the stroke community nationally. SW: The book has already seen some success out there. Tell us about that. LH: So far "Life" has gotten an Amazon bestseller designation, with little marketing outside of Oregon. It is available on Kindle and printed on Amazon or from the local

SAO office. Copies have been sold internationally in the U.K. and Australia. We have a sequel, a caregiver book, because many times the caregivers need as much or more support. We say caregiving is the hardest job you never applied for! ! SW: This period we are in has a lot of people thinking about their health and ways they can stay healthier. How do you see this book helping people in their health journeys? LH: Each story shows that there truly is no excuse to ways you can better yourself. Each individual had different effects of stroke, yet many of us still go to therapy four times a week just to get a little bit more movement in a single finger. For people looking into diets and new lifestyles, this'll be strong examples of just what commitment looks like. Everyone needs to understand the signs of stroke and "time is brain"-- get to the ER immediately with possible stroke symptoms. SW: There are quite a few stories of inspiring local people in the book. Can you share one that stands out for you? LH: Kim OKelly-Leigh had an upbringing many dream of in terms of shining in Hollywood, being on Broadway, singing with The Byrds... her stroke is just a prime example of that it can happen to absolutely anyone, despite the fact that they walk among the spotlight. SW: Anything else you’d like to add? LH: We searched across the U.S. to find a wide range of ages, and incredible stories. There are five or six people under 40 that had strokes. A myth is stroke is an elderly disease—that is false... 34% of strokes affect people under 60. The editor [of the book,

Stroke Awareness Oregon

The book is available through the Stroke Awareness Oregon web store.

Ellen Santasiero] assembled a team of nine volunteer writers to interview and write the stories—Ellen did an amazing job. . The “Just Say ‘Yes’ to Life book is

available at store.strokeawarenessoregon. org/. More information on Stroke Awareness Oregon is available by visiting

If You’re New Here: Cross Country Skiing in Central Oregon A low-key, low-stress winter sport that packs a physical punch By Nicole Vulcan


aybe you came to Bend knowing that it was an outdoor-sports gathering point, thinking you’d someday be part of the legion of snowboarders and skiers who make weekly pilgrimages to Mt. Bachelor or Hoodoo for that coveted powder. And while that’s still a worthy endeavor, the cost, skill and general crowd-surfing necessary to take regular part in those activities can be a turn-off for those who spend their weeks in traffic, overwhelmed by work and other stuff. What’s an average Bendite got to do to get a little peace and tranquility in the woods anymore? Enter cross-country skiing—aka Nordic— aka classic or skate skiing—a cheaper, chiller alternative to the downhill variety. If you’re new here and you’re thinking of dipping your toes into Nordic skiing, then

let this brief guide give you a little insider’s knowledge into what to expect at some of the local spots. Virginia Meissner Sno-Park The first sno-park along Century Drive, coming from Bend Pros: Lots of wide paths and regularly groomed classic-ski tracks, and a lot of beginners to commune with. Cool huts to ski to, even if you’re only ready to ski a couple miles. A lively warming hut filled with plenty of future friends. Cons: Busy—especially on the weekends. If you’re the type who enjoys a dawn session or likes to be in the forest, bathed in moonlight—or if you can head up mid-week— then you’ll have more room to roam with your new-skier self. While Nordic skiing can

be more approachable than downhill, it does require a little training. Going downhill on skis without much of an edge is pretty intense the first few times, so learning to “pizza” or "snowplow" those skis is key. Wanoga Snow Play Area Sno-Park The second sno-park along Century Drive, coming from Bend Pros: Something for every type of snow enthusiast. Bring the kids and let them sled while you ski; or bring the snowmobiles and join the party. Dogs are allowed on trails on the south side of Century, so this is one loop where you can bring the pup. Warm up by the fires at the huts. Cons: Lots of people. Lots of kids. Fewer miles to ski groomers. Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center

Got family or friends skiing Bachy? Join them and do your own thing. Pros: Free parking at Mt. Bachelor. Great trail maps. Some cool views. Lots of trails of every ability level. Cons: Some free trails, but mostly a ticketed park. Start here and cross over into Dutchman Flat (free and with great views) if you’re starting your day at Bachelor and don’t want to pay. If you’re skiing at Bachelor Nordic, look out—come at the wrong time and your dreams of being a future Nordic racer may be dashed by the numerous high-school-age athletes tearing it up on these trails. Inspiration or intimidation… your pick. Want more insider info? The Central Oregon Nordic Club is a great group to get you going. Find the club at


Exercise in the Age of COVID COVID completely shut down gyms at the start of the pandemic, but are any of the changes to gym culture permanent?



Fitness gyms across the country have had to evolve and adapt in the age of COVID.


uring COVID-19’s initial spread in spring of 2020 gyms were one of the first things to close as the country sought to understand the novel virus. Gym owners at the time were anxious to open back up and worried about running afoul of government mandates. “I just basically sat at the front desk all day long. We tried to come up with what we thought the scenario might be when we were allowed to reopen,” said Kip Heilman, general manager of the Athletic Club of Bend. In the early days of the pandemic, guidance revolved around enhanced sanitation practices and social distancing. The initial shock and continued mandates haven’t been easy on the fitness industry. “That’s actually been a little bit of a detriment to the business because we have lost some numbers to other businesses that were not enforcing mandates,” Heilman said. “I have members here who worked for the governor, work in Oregon Health Authority, and I was not going to veer away from guidance

and put them in an awkward position.” Membership at the Bend Athletic Club dipped from about 2,300 to 1,400 at the onset of the pandemic. Since then memberships has climbed back up, but there are still about 500 fewer members than what they had when the pandemic began. A study in November 2020 revealed that nearly 54% of fitness consumers either canceled or froze their gym memberships during the pandemic. “I’m going to say if the mask mandate went away tomorrow I’d add 200 with that, too,” Heilman said. “So those other 300 that aren’t coming back, are probably those people who’ve developed new routines in their life. The folks that were scared the most, a lot of them are back. I think that for the most part, the people who aren’t coming back just really feel like they can’t work out in a mask.” A lot of gym policies adjusted for COVID will probably fall by the wayside once the pandemic is over, but Heilman said there are a couple things they’re keeping once the gym returns to more normal operations.

“We had one weight room, now we have two, which unfortunately, required that we eliminate pickleball. We’re still using one of our basketball courts as a group exercise studio. We’re still wandering the building. And, you know, making sure people have masks on and operating the right way,” Heilman said. “For the most part, spreading the equipment out I think has been welcomed, not just because of the fear factor. People don’t like to be on top of each other.” Another way the gym is considering limiting density is lowering its membership cap. Heilman said that fewer people made the gym feel less hectic, and an overall more welcoming environment. “What I don’t want to do again is go after the 2,500 membership. It’s just too crazy. And because our usage is down, we’re averaging about 500 to 600 visits a day where we were at 800 to 1,200,” Heilman said. “It feels so comfortable in this building, and so much less frenetic. I think I want to cap the membership when I get to the point where it’s viable and I can actually put a little money in the bank.”

Other policy changes are expected to stay in the medium term as the gym approaches more normal procedures, like staffing. Bend Athletic Club currently employs about 40% of what it did at capacity, and it’s likely to inch forward than have a single hiring push. Employees now have a handful of new duties, and spend more time monitoring clients, cleaning and any minor tasks that may come up. “I’m not going to try to increase our class schedule rapidly because it’s too expensive,” Heilman said. “These days, everybody’s wearing a lot of different hats. And those things have been refreshing, and we’ve enjoyed the variety, but at some point we’re going to have to get back to our real jobs.” The pandemic has had plenty of ups and downs, but for Heilman it solidified the value of the work he does. “People are really realized that this isn’t just a gym. It’s a part of the life. And I don’t know that it was shocking for us, but it really was kind of reaffirming for us when people started coming back,” he said.


By Jack Harvel







Hailing from upstate New York, this musician blends the sounds of East and West Coast genres into a contemporary mix of originals and cover songs. Thu., Jan. 13, 5:30-8pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20., Sisters. $15.


Hip-hop, dance music, covers and plenty of bass are going to be bumping all night long as the DJ spins, produces and engineers an awesome vinyl setlist. Fri., Jan. 14, 8pm-2am. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Free.






Enjoy this rich, jazzy and funky group full of wellknown stars of Central Oregon musicians: Pete Kartsounes on vocals and guitar, Scott Oliphant on drums and Mark Karwan on vocals and bass. Fri., Jan. 14, 7-10pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $10.


by this alternative country trio that puts a spin on songs you thought you knew! Sat., Aug. 28, 1-2 pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Free.

Hear some classic rock covers from three local musicians who banded together to bring those old nostalgic vibes to Bend’s music scene. Sat., Jan. 15, 8-11pm. Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend. Free.



1/13 – 1/16

Courtesy Unsplash

Celebrate MLK Jr. Day with local artists, a short performance, film and a Q&A led by the Father’s Group. Food and drinks will also be available. Sat., Jan. 15, 5pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $10.



Courtesy Miller Twins

Based in Oregon with Appalachian roots, this set of twins performs both original songs and familiar covers for those who enjoy that pure acoustic sound. Sun., Jan. 16, 5-7pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Free.




Courtesy Unsplash

Parents and children are welcome at this handson class where guests aged 7-17 can learn how to correctly and deliciously create an amazing cheesecake. Fri., Jan. 14, 5:30-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Dr.., Bend. $50.

With a Masters in Fine Arts in Comedy Theory, this well-rounded, bi-racial comedian is ready to bring the laughs to all of Central Oregon. Escobar has been featured in several programs such as, “Last Comic Standing” and has opened for other comedians like Jerry Seinfeld. Sat., Jan. 215, 8-10pm. Craft Kitchen and Brewery, 62988 NE Layton Ave, #103., Bend. $15.



Blankets and lawn chairs are strongly encouraged for the show of one of Central Oregon’s longest-gigging bands, Sweet Whisky Lips. Enjoy an hour of music


January 20


January 22

Courtesy Unsplash

Every third Sunday, gather with other moms and share advice or information while also getting in a workout. This group is open to moms of all running levels. Visit for more information. Sun., Jan. 16, 9-10am. LOGE Bend, 19221 SW Century Dr., Bend. Free.


January 28


February 16

Do More of What You Love And let us take care of the rest! 15

sometimes band) releases its first album since 2014 By Isaac Biehl


ill Powers and Shelley Gray moved to Central Oregon from Colorado in late summer of 2014. Earlier that year also marked the release of the pair’s second album as Honey Don’t, “Heart Like a Wheel.” And that was also the last Honey Don’t album to be released—until now. On Friday, Jan. 14, the third Honey Don’t album will be available on Bandcamp for all. Running 13 songs deep and titled “Threadbare,” the album also features a handful of other Central Oregon musicians inlcuding CJ Neary, Don Hawkins and Benji Nagel—a group that has become closer and closer in its musical relationship over the years. “It’s kind of been like the five-year plan for our releases [laughs]. When we made our second record I had some of the songs ready that are on this record. We pushed on through and decided we’re releasing the record on Bandcamp,” says Bill Powers. This is actually the first time Powers and Gray are utilizing Bandcamp and pre-sales for a release with a record, a decision that Powers feels good about because it places more of the power with the artist and the fans who really want to go above and beyond to support their favorite musicians. All of the songs (except for “Five Foot Four From Fort Worth”) on this new record are from the days of Honey Don’t in Colorado, but they are also songs that have been big in Honey Don’t sets here in Central Oregon. “A lot of it is material we’ve played here ever since we’ve gotten here. We were just trying to get a foothold here in Bend with work besides music, and we were trying to get involved in the scene. We showed up without jobs in 2014, and back then that may have been a particularly hard time to land. Our family thought we were nuts,” says Powers. “The tunes, in a lot of ways, took on a new life and became staples of our sets that I had yet to record.” Leaning more into their bluegrass side on this album, Powers tells the Source he is pleased with the tracklisting and flow of all 13 songs. The two singles for the record share the same jubilant energy, with many highlights of fiddle, mandolin and dobro, along with those classic Honey Don’t harmonies. These songs just feel good to listen to and they put a string-fueled pep into your step. Powers notes that the album itself kind of took on a role as an ode to their time spent in Colorado, with songs inspired by the water, community, people and memories made.

Album Artwork by Kayla Hottew

Fans of bluegrass and Americana will fall in love with “Threadbare.”

“What pulled the whole thing together is the song ‘Threadbare.’ I remember playing that tune when we made our first record back in 2009. And the song came more into its own here in Oregon than in Colorado. A lot of it is a culmination, and sort of a farewell to Colorado. I wasn’t doing that intentionally but there’s so much reference to Colorado on there.” Powers’ writing style isn’t to make throwaway tracks—which is why getting many of these songs recorded is such a full-circle moment for Honey Don’t, as those inspirations from years ago still linger. New inspiration is still found aplenty, as Powers shares with me that he has gained so much inspiration from their time in Central Oregon, but he hasn’t yet written those “Oregon” songs just yet. Now with “Threadbare” about to release, Powers is already looking forward to that next project where he can use that new inspiration. But before that time comes Honey Don’t will host a CD release party at McMenamins on Jan. 26 as they continue to push the release of “Threadbare” into the summer. “I can’t wait. We had a couple of concerts we were going to do at the house and it was a letdown to not be able to go forward with those and I hate canceling things. I just have my fingers crossed that we don’t get word that we can’t have the shows due to COVID. I am mentally prepared for it not to happen, but right now it is happening. So hopefully that will happen and it will be great. We have some guests that will be joining us as well,” says Powers. “It’s definitely very exciting.”  Honey Don’t CD Release

Tue., Jan. 26, 6-9pm McMenamin’s Old St. Francis School 700 NW Bond St., Bend No cover, all ages

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1125 NE Watt Way


Honey Don’t Reemerges with SOUND “Threadbare” The sweet Americana duo (and S





Tickets Available on

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your

and pop. Featuring the incredible vocal stylings of Kristy Kinsey! 6-10pm. $10.

River’s Place One Mad Man One Mad Man creates moody, driven backdrops accompanied by smooth vocals. 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing One Mad Man 28-yearold Snyder loops together multiple instruments to create moody, driven backdrops accompanied by smooth vocals. 6-8pm. Free.

go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

12 Wednesday Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays at Cabin 22 We’re back and better than ever. All the fun you remember has returned and we hope you will too. More TV coverage, locals specials and prizes to win! 25 SW Century Dr. Bend. Free. Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Always a good time. Come down and watch comics work out new material or get up and try stand-up for yourself! 8-10pm. Free. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

Initiative Brewing Trivia Wednesdays Trivia Wednesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. 6:30 pm at Initiative Brewing, 424 NW 5th St. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Arrive early for best seating. Free. M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living

room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. (21 and over) 6:30pm. Free.

Tower Theatre M-Pact Called “one of the

best pop/jazz vocal groups in the world” by the San Francisco Chronicle, these six trailblazers unite the soul of Stevie Wonder and the funk of Earth, Wind & Fire with the a cappella harmonies of Take 6. 7:30pm. $25-$45.

Seven Nightclub & Restaurant Comedy

Open Mic At Seven Night Club Comedy is back in downtown Bend! 7:30-10pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon!

Come play trivia with us at Silver Moon Brewing every Thu 7-9pm. Free.

The Suttle Lodge & Boat-

house Miguel Hernandez Fireside Show At The

Suttle Lodge From Upstate New York, Miguel Hernandez blends the sounds of east coast groove music with west coast soul & jazz. 5:30-8pm. $15.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Comedy & A

Cause Presents: Mike Young Detroit native Mike Young is an original voice in comedy. 8-10pm. $25.

14 Friday The Commons Cafe & Taproom Mt. Bachelor’s Après Ski Bash Concert Series Local musical talent meets brews and eats at the return of the Après Ski Bash Concert Series. 6:30pm. Free. Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 Après Music

Series w/ Micah Luebben Stop by the Warming Hut après mountain every Fri, through February for our indoor Après Music Series! 5-7pm.

High Desert Music Hall Briantology

13 Thursday Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia Night at

Bridge 99 Join us each Thursday at 6pm, for live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! Free.

The Capitol Latin Night This is the fourth

round of latin night and sure to be the best so far. 9pm. $5.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Trivia Night We are bringing a nostaligic spin to trivia with large, hand-crafted, replicas of Trivial Pursuit wheels. 6:30-8pm. Free.

Walt Reilly’s Heller Highwater Band Come

enjoy listening and dancing with Heller Highwater Band at this incredible fun venue. 7:30-10pm. Free.

15 Saturday Bend Brewing Company Live music at

BBC! Live music at BBC, in our heated tent next to the fire pit! 6-8pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery

Comedy at Craft: Erik Escobar Erik Escobar is a Mexipino comedian who has performed and headlined all over the United States at clubs, colleges and theatres independently, with the Almost Asian Comedy Tour and opening for acts such as Rex Navarrete and Jerry Seinfeld. 8-10pm. $15.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj

dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.

Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes Local trio performing classic rock covers. 8-11pm. Open Space Event Studios The Father’s Group Film Series Presents: A Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Join us for a night of celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. with The Father’s Group. 5-11pm. $10. River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions The

An evening of bass, covers, hip-hop & dance music! 818 SW Forest Ave. 8pm-2am. Free.

Cutmen deliver to your ears some soul, jazz, funk and boogaloo 6pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj

Silver Moon Brewing So Much. House So Much House(SMH) is central Oregon’s monthly house & techno music night. 8pm-Midnight. $5.

dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.

Midtown Ballroom/Domino Room/Annex Kody West & Austin Meade Just one year

after his first EP “Higher Ground” Kody and the band released their debut album “Green” in April of 2017 and found themselves quickly gaining a large following of loyal fans. 8pm. $18.

Redmond VFW Hall Redmond Social Club

community dance Kristy Kinsey & The Whiskey Bandits play this popular monthly community dance event with high energy country, rock, blues

Silver Moon Brewing Mike Wayock Mike

Wayock is a professional musician and singer with over 30 years of experience. 4-6pm. Free.

The Horseshoe Tavern JuJu Eyeball at The Horseshoe Tavern JuJu Eyeball is back for some Fab Beatle music! And it’s inside! Party on, Jojo! 7-10pm. Free.

Courtesy Kristy Kinsey & The Whiskey Bandits

16 Sunday Hub City Bar & Grill Big Band Open Jam All

welcome to sing or play an instrument, just come on in and get on the sign-up sheet. 5-8pm. Free.

River’s Place Trivia Grab your team and join us for this fun competition of the mind. Free to play and prizes to win! Mimosas are plentiful as well as brunch options from the trucks. A perfect Sunday Funday! Noon-2pm. Free. River’s Place The Miller Twins Based in Oregon with Appalachian roots, the twins perform homegrown originals and familiar covers. They are pure acoustic and purely entertaining! 5-7pm. Free. Silver Moon Brewing Not Cho’ Grandma’s Bin-

go Not Cho’ Grandma’s Bingo is back at Silver Moon Brewing! We host our famous bingo event every Sunday from 10am–1pm for good times and a chance to win some cold hard cash! 10am-1pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon

Have you been honing in your musical skills over the pandemic and need a stage to test them out on? Silver Moon’s open mic is back now on Sunday night’s inside the taproom. Sign-up starts at 5pm. Hosted by professional musicians. 5-8pm. Free.

17 Monday The Astro Lounge Open Mic Mondays This is Bend’s finest open mic! Free.

Bevel Craft Brewing Bingo with Bren Sup-

porting Bend Humane Join us for a fun night to win cash and support our local Humane Society and all the amazing work they do here in Central Oregon! 6-8pm. $3.

Bridge 99 Brewery Monday Night Trivia Now playing Mondays (Thursdays too!) at 6pm it’s live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! 6-8pm. Free. Midtown Ballroom The Fractal Tour 8pm. $25.

18 Tuesday Initiative Brewing Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. 6:30pm at Initiative Brewing, 424 NW 5th St. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Great new food menu. Arrive early for best seating. Free. Silver Moon Brewing Garrett Miller &

Friends Banjo maestro Garret Miller brings his bluegrass flavor to Silver Moon’s weekly Tue, night residency. 6-8pm. Free.

The Cellar - A Porter Brewing Company Open Mic Night Head down to The Cellar

and join us for open mic night every first & 3rd Tuesday, hosted by James Matt. For musicians, poets, and more! *Mics will be sanitized between use (or you can bring your own). Third Tuesday of every month, 6pm.

19 Wednesday

Check out Kristy Kinsey & The Whiskey Bandits live at the Redmond Social Club Friday Jan. 14 at 6pm.

Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays at Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays at Cabin 22 with Useless Knowledge Bowl Live Trivia Game Show @ 6:30pm. We’re back and better than ever. All the fun you remember has returned and we hope you will

Submitting an event is free and easy.  Add your event to our calendar at



CALENDAR Courtesy Unsplash

too! More TV coverage, locals specials and prizes to win! 25 SW Century Dr. Bend. Free.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Always a good time. Come down and watch comics work out new material or get up and try stand-up for yourself! 8-10pm. Free.


Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

Initiative Brewing Trivia Wednesdays Trivia Wednesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. 6:30 pm at Initiative Brewing, 424 NW 5th St. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Arrive early for best seating. Free. M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living

room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. (21 and over) 6:30pm. Free.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Metalachi at Volcanic From bleak and humble begins grew the seed that would eventually be the band we know today. Often referred to as the greatest heavy metal band to ever live. 9-11pm. $15.


Alicia Viani Band & special guests Alicia Viani Band is made up of local

all-stars Pete Kartsounes (vocals, guitar), Scott Oliphant (drums) and Mark Karwan (vocals, bass). Jan. 14, 7-10pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-3888331. $10.

The Ultimate Oldies Show Stories,

anecdotes, chart information, interview clips and trivia complement the recognized, the long forgotten and the seldom heard rock’n’soul records of that memorable period. Fridays, 10amNoon. KPOV, 501 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Ukulele Meetups Do you play ukulele ?

Want to learn? Bunk+Brew is hosting weekly ukulele meetups for all skill levels with songbooks and light instruction from skilled players. All skill levels welcome and extra ukulele’s available for rent from the beer garden. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. Bunk+Brew, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave, Bend. Contact: 458-202-1090. Free.


Born to Dance: Three-Year-Olds This class

uses the Leap’NLearn ® program to follow natural childhood development. Mon, 5:05-5:35pm. Through June 20. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. $48.

Discover Ballet A great introduction to the

world of dance for children 8 to 11 years looking to get a start in ballet! Fri, 5:30-6:30pm. Through June. 24. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. $71.

Fantasy Ballet: An Imaginative Ballet Class for 5-Year-Olds! This fanta-

sy-themed ballet class is designed to cultivate


Learn to craft ceramics with Syd every Monday at 6pm at Synergy Ceramics.

your child’s creativity, individuality and artistry while discovering ballet terminology and culture of discipline. Sat, 11-11:45am. Through June 18. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. dance@ $61.

Silver Swans Ballet Silver Swans is an open-level class for all adults 35+. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. dance@abcbend. com. $71. Twinkle Toes Tap: 5-7 year olds This beginning tap class will have your child tapping their toes and learning the basic steps of tap. Tue, 3:35-4:20pm. Through June 21. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. dance@abcbend. com. $61.


The Father’s Group Film Series Presents: A Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Come enjoy local artists, a

short performance and a film (to be announced shortly) followed by a Q&A led by The Father’s Group. Jan. 15, 5pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. Contact: $10.


Ceramics with Syd- Adult- Monday Evenings - Five-week series This class begins

Jan. 10 and meets weekly until Feb. 7. This adult ceramics class is tailored for all skill levels, ages 18+. We will be delving into the world of wheel throwing for four weeks, and glazing on the fifth. I like to introduce hand building activities as well. Mondays, 6-9pm. Through Feb. 7. Synergy Ceramics, 1900 NE Division St, Bend. Contact: 541-2416047. $250.

Contemporary Realist Fine Artist David Kreitzer In the tradition of Turner

and Cezanne, master oil & watercolorist, David Kreitzer, exhibits exquisite & stunning landscapes, figure, fantasy, California Oak Hills and Nishigoi koi oils through summer 2021 at the Wooden Jewel Gallery downtown Bend & the Betty Gray Gallery at the Sunriver Lodge. Mon-Sun, 11am-5pm. Betty Gray Gallery, Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver. Contact: 805-234-2048. Free.

Visual Joy and Perfection: The Artistry of Master Fine Artist David Kreitzer Visual Joy and Perfection: The Artistry of Master Fine Artist David Kreitzer. Join David in the Kreitzer Gallery and Studio, and experience sublime and healing Central Oregon splendor. Landscapes, the human figure, koi, California vineyards, floral and fantasy oil and watercolor images. Thu-Sun, Noon-5pm. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Road, Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. Free.


collectives. Each week will showcase the work of an individual artist in response to a single poem by Dr. Jenna Goldsmith. This series of rapid exhibitions will highlight the similarities and differences of written word and visual art. Wed-Sat, 1-6pm. Through Feb. 26. Scalehouse Gallery, 550 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-640-2186. Free.

Know Origins - Kingfisher Stories

Settle in for virtual winter storytelling, starting with a Greek myth of lovers transformed into kingfishers and the origin of “halcyon days” - golden times of happiness. Jan. 12, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. Free.

Know Origins - Origin & Evolution Know Origins - Psilocybin Therapy in Oregon Learn about Oregon’s pioneering

law; the promise psilocybin appears to offer to mitigate a variety of debilitating mental health challenges; and how Oregon is preparing to implement this law starting in 2023. You can attend this program online or in-person. Jan. 19, 6-7pm. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1029. Free - Register for Online Access.

Bend Ghost Tours Join us for our Ghosts

Know Origins: Human Evolution and the Origins of Inequality This presentation

and Legends of Downtown Bend Tour and hear all about our permanent residents! Your spirit guide will lead you through the haunted streets and alleyways of Historic Downtown Bend where you’ll learn about the city’s many macabre tales, long-buried secrets and famous ghosts. Wed-Sun, 7:30-9pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-350-0732. $25.

will look at the social behavior of animals with a specific focus on non-human primates, what they can tell us about our own status-seeking behaviors and our evolutionary history as it pertains to inequity. Dr. Michel Waller is an associate professor at COCC. Jan. 18, 6:30-7:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free.

Excuse Me: A Structural Device for Visual Communication A collaborative

Know Origins: The Historical Origins of Slavery & Racism in America What

exhibition from Danger Punch and FO(u)RT art



MARTIN LUTHER KING JR CELEBRATION The Father’s Group Film Series at Open Space Event Studios


Comedy at Craft at Craft Kitchen and Brewery

we think of as racism was not invented, it was



at Volcanic Theatre Pub




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CALENDAR Courtesy Unsplash

built. COCC history professor Murray Godfrey will discuss how slavery and racism took hold in early America and the implications it had for America’s future. Jan. 18, 6-7pm. Contact: 541312-1032. Free.



Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express Ken Ludwig’s clever adap-

tation of the Agatha Christie classic boasts all the glamour, intrigue and suspense of Dame Agatha’s celebrated novel, with a healthy dose of humor to quicken the pace. Directed by Robert Flanagan. Fri, Jan. 14, 7:30pm, Sat, Jan. 15, 7:30pm, Sun, Jan. 16, 2pm, Thu, Jan. 20, 7:30pm, Fri, Jan. 21, 7:30pm, Sat, Jan. 22, 7:30pm, Sun, Jan. 23, 2pm, Thu, Jan. 27, 7:30pm, Fri, Jan. 28, 7:30pm, Sat, Jan. 29, 7:30pm and Sun, Jan. 30, 2pm. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood, Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. $25 seniors/ students, $27 adults.


Author Event: Generation Occupy by Michael The fight for a $15 minimum

wage. Nationwide teacher strikes. Bernie Sanders’s political revolution and the rise of AOC. Black Lives Matter. #MeToo. Read how the Occupy movement helped reshape American politics, culture and the groundbreaking movements to follow. Jan. 13, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564.

Author Event: What’s Up with White Women by Ilsa Govan and Tilman Smith A guide for white women to strengthen

their anti-racism practices. A powerful model using self-reflection and real-life stories of white women’s experiences with sexism and white privilege gives them the tools to cultivate genuine partnerships with Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Jan. 18, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564.

Hello, Storytime! Primarily the activities and

books will be geared to the 0-5 years-old age group with young child orientation. Movement, song and always some special books to share. Led by Kathleen who loves hedgehogs and all creatures great and small. Wed, Jan. 12, 10:30am and 6pm and Wed, Jan. 26, 10:30am. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend.

Mystery Book Club Please join us for Mys-

tery Book Club. We will discuss “The Man Who Died Twice” by Richard Osman. Zoom link available on our website. Jan. 19, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564.

Nonfiction Book Club Please join us for

Nonfiction Book Club. We will discuss “Bicycling with Butterflies: My 10,201-Mile Journey Following the Monarch Migration” by Sara Dykman. Zoom link on website. Jan. 14, 1-2pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564.

Online Only: Writers Writing - Picture Poem Collection Learn a new way to write a

poem about memories. This is a live, interactive meeting via Zoom. Registration required. Create a poem from one of your existing favorite photos. Register in advance for a program kit. Jan. 15, 1-2:30pm. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@ Free.

RAB Middles Book Club Please join us for

RAB Middles Book Club. We will discuss "Julie of the Wolves" by Jean Craighead George. Zoom link on our website. Jan. 17, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564.

Learn how to build a Lego robot and program it, too, at the Samara Learning Center Jan. 13 at 5pm.


Fashions of Silver City, Idaho, 1885 Can

you imagine putting on six layers of clothing each day? In 1885, your local dressmaker would help ensure that you look comfortable and stylish. Thanks to the telegraph, the boomtown of Silver City, Idaho, boasted that its fashions were only a week behind those of Paris! Jan. 15, 11am1pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend.

Winter Nights It’s spacious, warm and wondrous inside the High Desert Museum! Join us after hours to see the latest exhibitions and enjoy a safe night out. Rimrock Café will be open for folks to grab a brew or bite. The Museum store, Silver Sage Trading, will also be open. Thu, Jan. 13, 4-8pm, Thu, Jan. 20, 4-8pm, Thu, Jan. 27, 4-8pm, Thu, Feb. 3, 4-8pm, Thu, Feb. 10, 4-8pm, Thu, Feb. 17, 4-8pm and Thu, Feb. 24, 4-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. Adults $10, children ages 3-12 $6 Members always free.


Call for Volunteers - Play with Parrots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird

Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and practice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

Humane Society Thrift Store - Volunteers Needed Humane Society Thrift Store

– Volunteers needed: Do you love animals and discovering “new” treasures? Then volunteering at the HSCO Thrift Store Donation Door is the perfect place to combine your passions while helping HSCO raise funds to provide animal welfare services for the local community. For information contact: Ongoing. Humane Society Thrift Shop, 61220 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3761. rebecca@hsco. org.

Seeking Energetic Board Members The Peaceful Presence Project in Bend is proud to be a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is reimagining the way communities talk about, plan for and experience serious illness and the end of life. If this inspires you, follow this link and consider applying for our board: Volunteer Opportunity Are you a Jack/Jill of

all trades? There’s everything from small engine, fencing, troubleshooting in a barn/rescue facility that require TLC repairs. Seize this opportunity; volunteer at Mustangs To The Rescue (MTTR). MTTR is a 501 C3 organization located in Bend. Ongoing, 9am-6pm. Mustangs To The Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road SE, Bend. Contact: 541330-8943.

Volunteer with Salvation Army The

Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers and we make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

GROUPS & MEETUPS A Course in Miracles This is a course in

mind training. The training is to see from the eyes of love instead of fear. You will need the complete and annotated addition, but the cost is free for the class. Saturday 9:30am. The class is online. Contact: 760-208-9097. lmhauge4@gmail. com. Free.

Become a Better Public Speaker! Do you struggle with public speaking? You’re not alone! Come visit Bend Toastmasters Club and learn how to overcome your public speaking fears. Wed, Noon-1pm. Contact: 503-501-6031. Free. Bend Chess and Go Club A casual group meeting weekly on Wed, nights to play chess and go! We have a warm as well as cold-months location, so join the Meetup for info. Bring your own boards/clocks if you have them, no worries if you don’t. Join the Meetup page! https://www. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. The Grove, 921 NW Mt. Washington Drive, Bend. Free. Bend Parkinson’s Support Group Monthly Meeting Parkinson’s Support Group

meetings third Wednesday of every month at the Best Western Premier Bend. Patients and caregivers are welcome to join us. These meetings serve as a resource for educational and emotional support. Focusing on providing local services, bridging the gap between medical care and wellness. Fun and engaging! Third Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30pm. Best Western Premier, 1082 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-6686599. Free.

Board Games Hosted by The Base The Base at Franklin is a new space in the Old Bend neighborhood for neurodivergent humans and allies to access community through the shared goal for connection and wellness. The Base at

Franklin, 5 NW Franklin Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-610-8826. Free.

Game Night Let’s Play Left Center Right Let’s play Left Center Right! 5-7pm. Zero

Latency Bend, 1900 NE 3rd St STE 104, Bend. Contact: 541-617-0688.

Marijuana Anonymous MA is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve our common problem of marijuana addiction. Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Northwest Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-633-6025. bendbeginningsma@gmail. com. Non specific grief support group Small

Support Group (4-5 people) for those who need a safe space to share a grief difficult to share with one’s friend and family, long-term grief for a death, loss of relationship, loss from suicide, loss of health, loss of function, etc. Sundays, 5-6pm. Free.

Shakespeare in Hollywood Auditions

We are looking to recast two male characters only for the roles of Daryl and Will Hays. Jan. 16, 6:30pm and Jan. 17, 9pm. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood, Bend. Free.

Tai Chi with Grandmaster Franklin I

teach the original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. Mon-Wed, 10:15-11am. Contact: 541-797-9620. $50.


Alternative Break Challenge Join Camp

Fire over Spring Break 2022 for a week-long service trip that will bring us all over Oregon to work with organizations around the state! Mon, 5-6:30pm. Through March 14. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. Sliding scale pricing $135$540.

Amelia’s World Puppet Show Join

Amelia Airheart Monkey & Miss Hannah for a fun & uplifting interactive zoom puppet show! Fri, 4-4:15pm. Contact: acornartandnature/. Free.

Baby Ninja Classes Cuties plus adults will

bond and have a blast exploring soft obstacle ninja warrior courses, singing songs with hand gestures and movements, parachute play and bubbles! Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $105.

Birthday Parties $285 reservation fee for

Kids Birthday Parties this includes: 12 free Kids





Open Play passes (you may invite up to 18 kids, if more than 12 kids come, then it’s $10 per child) and 2 hour access to the gym during Kids Open Play and private party room Saturdays-Sundays, 12:30-2:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $285.

Bit(e) of Robotics Workshop Give robotics a try! Wed, Jan. 19, 5pm, Thu, Feb. 3, 5pm and Tue, March 1, 5pm. Samara Learning Center, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@ $30. Friday Night Lights @ Hoodoo Ski Area Come watch professional riders, listen to

live music, and enjoy a warm bonfire with us @ Hoodoo Ski Area, Oregon’s night ride destination. Fri, 9am-9pm. Through March 25. Hoodoo Ski Area, 27400 Big Lake Road, Sisters. Contact: 541-822-3799. Lift Tickets Vary.

Hoodoo Ski Area - Blow Off Work Wednesdays Who needs work when you could

be flying down a winter wonderland at Hoodoo Ski Area? Wed, 9am-9pm. Through March 30. Hoodoo Ski Area, 27400 Big Lake Road, Sisters. Contact: 541-822-3799. jenniferbreakingfree@ Lift tickets vary.

Intro to LEGO Robotics Build a LEGO robot

and program it to perform exciting missions. Thu, Jan. 13, 5pm. Samara Learning Center, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@ $100.

Kids Ninja Warrior After-School Camp Drop off the kids after school on Wed, afternoons to get their energy out and get their exercise in! Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-2413919. $165.

Kids Ninja Warrior Classes Kids will gain

amazing Ninja Warrior abilities through our Ninja Warrior obstacle course training, rock climbing and fitness conditioning classes. Thu, 4:155:15pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $125.

Kids Open Play Our Kids Ninja Warrior gym

is a wonderful space for kids to stay active and have fun! Sat-Sun, Noon-3pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ Kids Open Play 1-Pass $15 Kids Open Play 10-Pass $130.

Kids Yoga Classes Kids will enhance flexi-

bility, gain strength, and greatly improve balance

and coordination through our kids yoga classes. Thu, 4:15-5:15pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $125.

Little Leapers! Using Leap N’ Learn cur-

riculum, Little Leapers captures the magic of first-times through dance for our littles dancers and their big people. Sat, 8:50-9:20am. Through March 19. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. $132.

Mini-Ninja Classes Kids plus adults, come enjoy these upbeat movement classes! Tue, 10-10:45am. Through Feb. 8. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $105. Mini-Yogi Classes Moms / Dads / Grandparents and children will have a blast during these fun, upbeat yoga classes specifically designed based around a theme and includes fun yoga sequences and games, partner poses, songs with movements, active story time and bubbles to help with kids’ development. Wed, 4-4:45pm. Through Feb. 9. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $105. Nano-Ninja Classes Kids will love making

new Ninja Warrior buddies as they develop fundamental coordination skills through obstacle-based gymnastics and climbing challenges in these action-packed classes. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $120.

Ninja Elite Classes Kids, increase your athletic performance through the exciting sport of Ninja Warrior! Thu, 5:30-6:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ $125. Private Birthday Parties $335 reservation

fee for Private Birthday Parties this includes: 12 free Kids Open Play passes (you may invite up to 25 kids, if more than 12 kids come, then it’s $10 per child) and two-hour private access to the gym and private party room (it’s all yours!) Saturdays-Sundays, 3-5pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $335 2 Hour Private Access to Entire Facility Free Open Play Passes.

Thrifty Thursdays @ Hoodoo Ski Area

Deep, cheap, and steep. Thu, 9am-9pm. Through


March 17. Hoodoo Ski Area, 27400 Big Lake Road, Sisters. Contact: 541-822-3799. $25.

Toddler Open Play Our Kids Ninja Warrior

gym is a wonderful space for kids to stay active and have fun! Mon-Thu-Sun, 9am-Noon. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. Toddler Open Play 1-Pass $12 Toddler Open Play 10-Pass $105.

Twinkle Toes Tap Learn the basics of tap! This beginner class for ages 5-7 will be tapping their toes and learning the basic steps of tap. Class is designed for beginner tap dancer with little or no experience. Tue, 3:35-4:20pm. Through June 14. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541382-4055. $61. Youth Cooking Class-Cheesecakes Cheesecakes are amazing when they

are made correctly. They are actually quite easy once you know how to make them. Parents have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands on class where they will learn to make a variety of cheesecakes. Jan. 14, 5:30-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-640-0350.kindredcreativekitchen@ $50.

GROUPS & MEETUPS Cook Like a Pro Cooking is easy when you

know the techniques. Adults, join me in this class where you can learn from a pro how to cook like a pro. Cook like a pro courses are a series of classes taught in building block style. They can be taken individually or consecutively. Mon, Jan. 17, 6-9pm, Mon, Jan. 24, 6-9pm and Mon, Jan. 31, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-640-0350. $250.

Elixir Wine Group Restaurant Join us for an elevated dining experience. Featuring Chef Josh Podwils creating French-inspired food using the best ingredients sourced from Central Oregon. Dishes are paired with Elixirs portfolio of globally and locally produced wines. Book at Elixir Wine Company Reservations. Fri-Sat, 6-9pm. Elixir Wine Group, 11 NW Lava Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-388-5330. $12-$40.


Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day!

Every Tuesday enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang Courtesy Unsplash

out by the fire. See you soon! Crosscut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend.

Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off growler fills every Wednesday at Bevel! Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: 831-245-1922. Free. Locals’ Night Come on down and join the

local family all day every Monday! We offer $3 pints of our core line up beers and $4 pours of our barrel aged beers all day. Come down and sample what's new while also enjoying our brand new food menu! It’s a steal of a deal that we won’t be chasing you out the door for! Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.

Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. There are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tuesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: Free. Monkless to the Mountain The mountains are open - you know what that means?! Monkless to the mountains is back! Flash your pass for $1 off your first drink. You just found the best aprés ski spot in town! 11:30am-9pm. Monkless Belgian Ales Brasserie, 803 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-797-6760. alyssa@monkless. com. Wine Wednesdays Happy hour all day on

Wine Wednesday. Come in for discounts on glasses, beers and apps! Noon-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail. com.


Bend Area Running Fraternity The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. Avid Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: Free. Cork Mom Squad This group is open to moms of all running levels! The focus of the group will be to connect with other moms, share advice/information on running while pregnant or with a family and to have fun! Meet back at the LOGE by 9:50am for coffee and chatting! Third Sunday of every month, 9-10am. LOGE Bend, 19221 SW Century Dr, Bend. Contact: Free. Cork Saturday Morning Coffee Run

Meet at Thump Coffee on York Drive at 9am for our Saturday Coffee Run. We will head out for a long run then meet back at Thump for a coffee. All paces are welcome! Check our website for more information on all our events! 9-10am. Through Jan. 29.

Cork Thursday Night Run A fun run

for a Thursday evening. Meet at Spoken Moto at 6pm for a 3-5 mile run through the paved trails in the Old Mill. Stay after for food and drinks! Locations may vary, check our website for the most current information! Through Jan. 27.

Planet Fitness Home Work-Ins

Planet Fitness is offering free daily workouts via livestream! The best part? No equipment needed. Get your sweat on at least four times a day. Valid even for those without memberships! Visit the Planet Fitness Facebook page for more details. Ongoing, 4-5pm. Free.

Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thu, 6:15pm. City of Redmond. Contact:

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Gain confidence and make new friends at this Grit Clinic every Wednesday from 5:30-8:30pm.

Grit Clinics: Beginner/Intermediate Skills We’ll begin by dialing in our bike set



CALENDAR Courtesy Unsplash

up and body position, then work on skills throughout the afternoon. Examples of some of the skills we will work on include braking, shifting, cornering, switchbacks, wheel lifts, line choice, technical descending, & getting up and over logs and rocks. Sat, 1:303:30pm. Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-728-7878. $75.


Grit Clinics: Cornering & Switchbacks OR Jumping* Cornering/Switch-

backs (odd dates): We’ll practice bermed corners, flat loose corners and switchbacks until we’re all dizzy with progression! Jumping (even dates): We’ll start by practicing fundamental skills in grass that lead to jumping, (like body position, wheel lifts, level lifts and bunny hops) then take it to small jumps. Sat, 11am-1pm. Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-7287878. $75.

Grit Clinics: Happy Hour Trail Ride ‘N Skills Join Grit Clinics at a new trail

each week to work on specific skills needed for the features you will encounter. We’ll tackle jumps and corners on Whoops, technical climbing and descending on Funner, swooping descents on Tiddlywinks and more! Our weekly trail choice will be determined ahead of time. Fri, 4-6pm. Phil’s Trailhead, Skyliner Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-728-7878. $75.

Grit Clinics: Skills & Ride We’ll start

with dialing in our bikes and body position and progress through several more skills before hopping on the nearby trails to test our new skills on a fun ride. Join us for three hours of skill-building fun while you take your riding to the next level! Sun, 10am-1pm. Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-728-7878. info@ $99.

Grit Clinics: Women’s Foundational Mountain Bike Skills Calling all

ladies new to mountain biking! In just two hours, you’ll feel more confident setting up your bike, shifting, braking, and navigating small trail obstacles after instruction from the skilled coaches at Grit Clinics. This is the perfect environment to gain confidence and meet new friends! Wed, 5:30-7:30pm. Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-728-7878. info@ $75.

Moonlight Ski & Bite Enjoy this unique

winter experience at Elk Lake Resort. Classic Skiers and Skate Skiers depart from Dutchman Flat Sno Park and ski to Elk Lake Resort for a fantastic dinner in the warm and cozy lodge. (Sno Cat transport takes you back at 9:30) Reservations required. Check out the menu on Elk Lake’s website. Mon, Jan. 17, 4-9:30pm, Wed, Feb. 16, 4-9:30pm and Fri, March 18, 4-9:30pm. Elk Lake Resort, 60000 SW Century Dr., Bend. $90.

HEALTH & WELLNESS 2022 Intuition Training! Having your in-

tuitive gifts tuned up is so helpful in navigating life’s challenges. You’ll practice reading people’s energy fields, do chakra cleansing, meet your healing guides, and learn new ways of managing your life with strength and clarity. This is a 12-week class, every Wed, 7-9 pm. Ongoing, Contact: 510-220-2241. $599.

Seven Gates to Healing Seven Gates

is a deep dive into your internal landscape by exploring different gates of healing (grief, shadow aspects, and trauma). Each week we’ll explore a different gate through writing, sharing, meditation, ceremony, and ritual. Email: to register Mondays, 7-9pm. Through Jan. 17. Location TBA, Location TBA, Location TBA. Contact:

Access Consciousness Body Process Class What’s one thing we all have

Learn to manage your diabetes with certified educators at Synergy Health and Wellness from 9am-Noon, Saturdays.

in common? We have a body. In our journeys, our bodies are often overlooked or vilified. What if our bodies are a great contribution to our lives? Body processes invite you to more of what’s possible! Join the ongoing Access Body Process Series! Sun, Jan. 16, 10am1pm and Sun, Feb. 6, 10am-1pm. The Blissful Heart Hidden Garden, 105 NW Greeley Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-848-7608. $75.

Back Massage for Couples Class

Learn how to relax your favorite person’s back through the art of massage. This fourhour class is limited to one couple per session, and tailored to your needs. Taught by a massage therapist with 18 year experience. Additional dates are available. Sun, Jan. 16, Mon, Jan. 17 and Sun, Jan. 23. Taproot Bodywork studio, Tumalo, Bend. Contact: 503-481-0595. $350

Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering

a full schedule of classes through Zoom! Sign up for your class on and download Zoom. Prior to start you will receive an email invitation to join class. Be ready with mat, weights, roller, and/or band and login five minutes prior to class time. For more information visit Ongoing, Noon-1pm. $20.

Capoeira: A Perfect Adventure

Become your own hero. The Brazilian art form of Capoeira presents opportunities to develop personal insights, strength, balance, flexibility, musicality, voice, rhythm, and language by tapping the energy of this rich cultural expression and global community. Text 541-678-3460 for location and times. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7:10pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 2535 NE Studio Rd., Bend. $30 intro month.

Coaching Group Build your dream life

while connecting to a supportive, motivating community. Clarify your goals - internal or external, immediate or long-term, self or other focused. Learn new skills, techniques, and insights to make it happen! Led by Diana Lee, Meadowlark Coaching. Mondays, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 914-980-2644. $15-25.

Death Café Virtually gather together in a relaxed and safe setting to discuss death. Free of agenda or ideology, the aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. Registra-

tion required. Ages 16+. Facilitated by Cheryl Adcox RN, an end of life Doula. Jan. 16, 3pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. Free.

Diabetes Prevention Workshop Join us as we get active, lose weight and feel great together! This free, online diabetes prevention program is sponsored by your Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson County health departments. Learn how to manage stress, improve your heart health, eat well and stay motivated! Tuesdays, 9-11am. Through July 12. Contact: 541-876-1848. Free. Dream Interpretation Group Your

inner consciousness is trying to communicate with your conscious mind all the time. It speaks to us in dreams and waking life in the language of symbolism. Facilitator Michael Hoffman has been interpreting dreams for the past 35 years. This approach draws on Jungian dream interpretation and spiritual traditions. Every other Tuesday, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 541-639-6246. Free.

Drop In Monday Meditation - open to all Come join us in the beautiful gardens

for meditation and healing! Mondays, 6:307:30pm. Blissful Heart Wellness Center, 45 NW Greeley Ave, Bend. Contact: 510-2202441. Donation Based.

Global Access Bars Day Free Event

Let’s celebrate Access Bars®, a gentle touch point treatment that has created change for millions of people. Join to discover how to reduce stress and anxiety, find easy ways to create a life you love, and hear stories from people about the change that’s possible. Any time between 11am-3pm. Jan. 15. The Blissful Heart Hidden Garden, 105 NW Greeley Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-848-7608. Free.

Healing Flow Class Series Healing

Flow is a nourishing offering that invites you to slow down and feel. When we take the time to feel, we actually give the body the opportunity to heal. Join us at John Day at Canyon Mountain Center or from wherever you are through Zoom. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Through Feb. 22. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-5508550. $15 drop-in | $80 for all eight classes.

Impact Concussion Baseline Testing The Center Foundation is offering three

different ImPACT concussion baseline testing dates for children ages 12 to 18 years who have not already received a baseline test in the past two years. Mon, Jan. 17, 9am and Mon, Feb. 21, 9am. The Center, 2200 NE Neff Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-322-2323. The cost of the baseline test is $15.

In-Person Yoga at Loft Wellness & Day Spa In-person yoga classes at Bend’s

newest yoga studio! Tuesdays: Vinyasa with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Thursdays: Foundation Flow with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Schedule online or give us a call to reserve your spot! Tuesdays-Thursdays, 5-6pm. Loft Wellness & Day Spa, 339 SW Century Drive Ste 203, Bend. Contact: 541-690-5100. $20.

Introduction to In-Class Hands On Assisting Series Are you a yoga teacher

who’s a little rusty around hands-on assists because we haven’t been touching other people for the last year and a half? Or maybe you want to learn how to give yourself assists? We’ve got something for you at Namaspa + Zoom. Sat, Sun, Jan. 16, 1:30-3:30pm and Sun, Feb. 13, 1:30-3:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-550-8550. namaspayoga@gmail. com. Four-part series: $140/$120 if paid by Nov 1. • $45 for one session.

Kirtan, Dance, and Sacred Song

Join us Thursdays at Tula Movement Arts and Yoga for an evening of Kirtan Dance and Sacred Song with the Bendavan Bhakti Band, around the back outside on the grass. No experience needed An uplifting evening of Bhakti Yoga Thursdays, 6-8pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100, Bend. Suggested donation $10-$20.

Love Thy Camp Yoga Studio Classes in Tumalo Love Thy Camp has opened

a small (4 yogis max) yoga studio in Tumalo! One of the ways we raise money is through yoga classes. So, come support your health and a great cause! Check the schedule below for dates/times. Private one-on-one available too! First class $5 Off with code: GetSomeYoga. Mondays-Fridays, 9:30-10:30 and 11:30am-12:30pm. Love Thy Camp, 20039 Beaver Lane, Bend. Contact: 541-948-5035. $20 Drop-in.

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Mom + Baby Yoga Classes Join other

moms and babies (6 weeks - early crawlers) for this special yoga series. During classes you will flow from pose to pose to help tone, stretch and strengthen your body while releasing tension, especially in your neck and shoulders. Thursdays, 10:45am-Noon Through Feb. 10. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $110.

Moving from Center, a New Year’s Workshop A circle of women gathering

together to honor all that has brought us here and inviting all that wants to be brought forth into the New Year to be fully embodied, sensed, and witnessed by ourselves and each other. Using meditation, dance, movement, writing, and connection with each other. Jan. 15, 9am-Noon and Jan. 16, 9am-Noon. Contact: 541-948-7015. soulinmotionbend@gmail. com. $100.

Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Meeting Zoom meeting Password: 301247

For more information: For assistance, call Terri at 541-390-1097 Sundays, 3-4pm. Contact: 541-390-1097.

Resonance in Relationships Communication practices to create conscious connection, clarity and calm. Navigating interpersonal relationship dynamics is key to our wellbeing and creating a sense of aliveness with others. In this class learn to deepen into awareness and use resonant language to foster understanding. Six weeks, Jan. 18 - March 1. Contact Beth. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Through March 1. Contact: 503-680-5810. bethwm519@gmail. com. `$150. Tai Chi class Welcome to a new Tai

Chi offering in Bend. Each class of “mov-

ing meditation” features a clear focus on breath awareness, deep relaxation, balance, strength and intentional posture. As yin and yang balance our entire existence, Tai Chi embodies two distinct aspects in practice: rooted strength and flowing emptiness. Wednesdays, 8-9pm. Through March 30. 3 Pillars Aikido, 150 NE Hawthorne Ave. #100, Bend. Contact: $10/ every 5th class free. The focus of my teaching is on the individual, not on the group. I teach the original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:4510:45am. Central Oregon Tai Chi, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. $70.

Tai Chi for Health™ created by Dr. Paul Lam This two-day per week class is

appropriate for anyone who wants a slower Tai Chi class or those dealing with chronic health conditions. The gradual, gentle and simple movements help facilitate healing and improve motion, flexibility and balance. The entire class can be performed in a wheelchair or a chair. Any student may sit for all or part of the class. Half of our time is gentle warm-ups. “Tai Chi for Health” classes are traditional moves, modified and adjusted by Dr. Paul Lam and his team of medical experts. We also explore using our knowledge of Tai Chi to help us stay safe and balanced, as seniors. Mondays-Wednesdays, 9-10am. Oregon Tai Chi, 1350 SE Reed Mkt Rd Ste 102, Bend. Contact: 541-389-5015. $55-$65.

Tai Chi with Grandmaster Franklin

The focus is on the individual. I teach the original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Each movement is fully explained. Neogong, Baoding & Sword are taught. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am. Grandmaster Franklin, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. $80.

The Vance Stance / Structural Reprogramming Is Pain Preventing Ac-

tivities you Love? Can you no Longer “Power Through” Pain from Accidents - Injuries Historic bad posture? Been told there is no remedy for: Scoliosis - Sciatica - Bunions - “Bad” Shoulders, Back, Hips, Knees. TMJ.

CALENDAR Migraines? Correct your posture and flexibility to become pain free. Mondays-Thursdays, Noon-2pm and Mondays-Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Through Feb. 10. EastSide Home Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct.,, Bend. Contact: 541-330-9070. 12 Classes, $180.

Thriving with Diabetes Education Classes Synergy Health and Wellness is

accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) to help adults with diabetes lower HbA1c, decrease complications, and have a better quality of life. Each class is taught by registered dietitian nutritionists and certified diabetes educators. Saturdays, 9am-Noon Through Feb. 5. Synergy Health & Wellness, 361 NE Franklin Ave. Building C, Bend. Contact: 541-323-3488. info@synergyhealthbend. com. Covered by most insurance plans.

Wake Up & Show Up: Learn practices

to enhance body-mind awareness for clarity, self-care and personal power. Learn to connect with your essential self, waking up to new information and then more easily shift in your life challenges. Six weeks, Jan. 17 - Feb. 28. For more info contact Beth. Mondays, 6-8pm. Through Feb. 28. Contact: 503-6805810. $150.

Yoga Mama Classes Being a mom is

one the most challenging and rewarding things you will ever do! We will work to reduce common “mom” tensions especially in the low back, neck, and shoulders, while increasing core strength and rebalancing your hips and pelvis. Saturdays, 10:30-11:45am. Through Feb. 12. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $110.

Yoga Wall The Yoga Wall is an incredible

yoga tool that improves alignment, takes you deeper into poses, elongates the spine, re-aligns the pelvis and releases the hips. Flowing yoga sequence on your mat and time on the Yoga Wall will increase strength and flexibility while connecting your mind, body, and spirit. Wednesdays, 5:30-6:45pm. Through Feb. 9. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $110.


Stretch out those “mom” related tensions spots at Free Spirit Yoga every Saturday at 10:30am.


Mindfulness in Motion Engage your whole self in this exercise of returning to each moment through the body. These classes are a moving, breathing, living meditation practice. Connecting the rich life of your inner world to your body and movement. Music will accompany you on this embodied journey, facilitated support and guidance. All welcome. Thursdays, 6-7:15pm. Through Feb. 1. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central OR, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-9487015. $15.





Giving Big with Central Oregon Gives Giving Plate earns top fundraising honor in annual nonprofit giving campaign By Nicole Vulcan

25 Source Weekly



he food pantry The Giving Plate has a dream of creating a free community food store in Bend’s Makers District—and after a successful run as the top-earning nonprofit in the Central Oregon Gives campaign, the nonprofit is one step closer to achieving that goal. The Giving Plate emerged as the top earner among 80 nonprofits in the seven-week-long Central Oregon Gives campaign, organized right here at the Source Weekly. The Giving Plate earned an extra $15,000, offered by an anonymous donor, for earning the top spot. The Giving Plate is in the midst of a $3.5 million capital campaign to raise funds for its new space. Overall, it earned $259,708 in donations through Central Oregon Gives. “We are focused on creating a space for our guests that creates community and dignity,” said Renae Staley, executive director. “We are really on the brink of something special and this $15,000 and all the donations make a very significant difference.” The Giving Plate provides meals to some 2,700 people each month. The Central Oregon Gives campaign, an annual effort to consolidate resources and offer nonprofits an online vehicle for end-of-year donation campaigns— as well as giving donors great perks— helped local nonprofits raise more than $660,000 in total funds. Along with the top earner in the program, which wins that $15,000 prize, nonprofits also get to vie for other prizes, including a $2,000 prize for the nonprofit earning the most donations of $25 or less.

Last year's winner of the overall top prize was Saving Grace, which took home the top prize in the Education, Family & Environment category this year.

This year, that award went to Desert Sky Montessori, which plans to use the funds in support of its effort to move into the former REALMS school building on O.B. Riley Road. “Central Oregon Gives completely changed the game for us,” said Julia Sutter, executive director of Desert Sky Montessori. “It’s not only the promotional pieces produced by the campaign, but it cuts out so much of the admin piece on our end, as well. I’m so thankful for it.” Top earners in each of the Central Oregon Gives nonprofit categories—which include the Animal Welfare, Arts & Culture, Education, Family and Children and Health

& Environment categories—also earn an additional $2,000. Those winners included Street Dog Hero (Animal Welfare), World Muse (Arts & Culture), Education, Family & Environment (Saving Grace) and Kôr Community Land Trust (Health & Environment). In total, 1,689 people donated to the Central Oregon Gives campaign, with a total of 2,075 donations. Of those, 718 were less than $25. Anyone who donated $25 or more was eligible for a weekly thank-you gift from local businesses that included Avid Cider, Backporch Coffee Roasters, Barre3, Boneyard Beer, Fjällräven, High Desert Museum, Humm Kombucha, Old Mill District, Roam, SCP

Redmond Hotel and The Suttle Lodge. Source Publisher Aaron Switzer, who also founded Central Oregon Gives as an extension of the Source’s work in the community, is excited to see the program continue to see so much success— and more importantly, to see local nonprofits better able to carry out their missions thanks to community support. “We put our energy behind this project every year because we’ve seen the tangible value of this digital link between open-hearted community members and nonprofits doing essential work for our communities,” Switzer said. “We’re already making plans for 2022.”


AWAKENING YOUR INNER HERO A column to help locals live a kinder and more courageous life By Burt Gershater


just finished my morning prayers and dance-exercise routine. A soft smile has found its way onto my face, which, for whatever reasons, wasn’t there when I first opened my eyes. Smiles are often not there as we make the transition into the daylight. My daily mind-body-spirit practice predictably exposes a few gems of light that coax out my smiles. That’s why we do them. These age-old practices of movement and prayer have magical ways to massage away many of our nighttime shadows. Fresh snow is sparkling outside our living room window as I sit down to write this message. More snow is predicted later today, and then lots of rain for the latter part of the week. We need the moisture badly! When it rains down here in town in winter, it’s almost certain to be snowing up toward the mountains. Snow is something many of us Bendites smile about. Snow has its magical way of inducing smiles with skiing of all kinds, snowshoeing quietly through the trees, snowmobiling, sledding, snowball fights, building snow men...what a list! Wendy and I are smiling a lot these days after arriving in Bend one year ago, December. We can now officially call ourselves Bendites and Nordic ski just a few miles up the hill. I chose this topic, Increase Our Daily Smiles, for an important reason. As some of you already know, I have been a counselor for 45 years. Why do any of us initially seek counseling? It is for ONE reason and ONE reason only. Our smile-to-frown ratio is out of whack. And it’s out of whack enough to deliver a message that says, “Enough already!” We all have different levels of tolerance for an out-of-balance ratio and different solutions for returning to a healthier level. Let’s talk about the smile side of this critical but rarely discussed psycho-emotional metric. We’ll save the frown side for another day. The question today is: How do I increase my smiles from the time I arise in the morning to the time I turn off the lights at night? That is the question—and there are, thankfully, an infinite number of excellent answers. Let’s start with right now. Are you ready? Why start with right now? Because smiles happen in the now. Now is always

the time for smiling. Not back then, not later today—but now. Always remember this simple, underutilized wisdom: Now is the only time to smile. Let’s do some warmup smiles. Nothing fancy. Gentle. Like warming up before a game. Nobody has to even know we’re doing it. We’ll hold each smile for five seconds, then release. Feel the smile throughout your body. We’ll do three gentle warmup smiles. Now take a breath. A breath or two or five, into your belly, is always a good way to return to the now. It’s magic. We’re in this together, everybody, big time. You, me and everyone who sees your warm, joyful smile. Smiles can go on and on and on—for generations. We can never accurately measure a smile’s immeasurable duration. Also, remember: your smile impacts you and my smile impacts me. We feel our own smiles. When we smile, our brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides that help fight off stress. Other neurotransmitters come into play. Some trigger mild pain relievers while others function as antidepressants. Wow! A simple smile activates all this stuff in our brains. That is cool—and our smiles even activate others to smile. That is some big power, and big power is always a big responsibility. Think about it. Could you bring more smiles into the world? Probably. Frowns are important. They are often telling us we need to communicate something that has been rattling around in our brain. There is something important but difficult that needs to be shared. Most of us could use help in this sensitive area. Communicating our hurts effectively is one of the most beneficial life skills we can learn. Smile when we wake up in the morning. Smile when we go to sleep at night. Smile at the sky. Smile at the trees. Smile at the rain, the moon, the stars, your dinner…smile at everyone. There is a time and a place for our non-smiling emotions—but let’s keep the ratio leaning toward the smile side. Most of us have some work to do. Let’s do it! And blessings on all of our journeys!  —Burt Gershater is a counselor, leadership trainer, speaker and writer. He can be reached at info@

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Increase Our Daily Smiles: One smile is worth more than we can imagine. More are even better.




as Medicine CHOW Food This is what hospital food should look like By Ari Levaux Ari Levaux



f you’ve ever spent time in a hospital, you’ve probably noticed the tepid platters of irony known as hospital food. In these facilities, where patients receive the best care that modern medicine can offer, the importance of food is often overlooked. Only mom can make mom’s chicken soup. But more nutrients and fewer empty calories shouldn’t be too much to ask. While debates rage over fats, carbs, animal proteins, gluten and any number of dietary trigger points, when it comes to vegetables there is nothing to discuss. The evidence is unanimous. Veggies are good, so eat more. You can add veggies to any diet without falling off the wagon. But this consensus seems to be news to most hospital kitchens. Hospital food took a giant leap forward in 2010, when three employees at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan, proposed an on-site farm. Hospital leadership approved and set aside 25 gently rolling acres on the edge of hospital property. Piece by piece, the lawn was carved into the nation’s first farm on hospital grounds. A dedicated team put up greenhouses and barns, while plowing the sod into community garden beds and rows of fresh vegetables. Eventually there would be a wheelchair-accessible greenhouse, built through a partnership with the nearby Eisenhower Center, where patients with traumatic brain injuries tend raised garden beds. Inside the hospital walls, meanwhile, the dietary visionaries tore out the deep fryers and repurposed the kitchen to handle more fresh produce. Today, produce from the Farm at St. Joe’s feeds patients, while more is distributed to the community at a farmers market in the hospital lobby, and a Community Supported Agriculture program that distributes weekly boxes to paying members. “Our initial intent was to make the produce that we grow at the farm available to our patients, as well as the community and employees,” says Lisa McDowell, director of clinical nutrition and wellness at St. Joe’s. McDowell was one of the original founders of the farm, and has been at the forefront of maximizing its impact on and off hospital grounds. When she isn’t


A prescription diet can and should look more like this.

finding new ways to get fresh produce on patient trays, McDowell focuses on keeping people out of the hospital. One of her programs, “Produce to Patients,” provides fresh vegetables and cooking tips to patients as they are discharged home. The goal is to improve their diets and keep patients from being readmitted. McDowell also oversees nutrition for the Detroit Red Wings and USA Olympic hockey teams, where she applies the same vegetable-forward diet that she advocates at the hospital. One of the Red Wings’ favorite recipes is beet hummus, and she was kind enough to share it with us. It’s a dish you might eat at one of several concert venues and sports stadiums that serves her recipes, printed versions of which are available next to the hot food. At Little Caesars Arena, home of the Detroit Pistons and Red Wings, the St. Joe’s recipes are promoted on the concourse. “It’s the exact same message that we have in the hospital. We are just giving it to people who aren’t sick yet,” McDowell said.

Meanwhile, the farm is shaping a new generation of cooks and eaters, in hopes they stay as far away from the hospital as possible – except when they visit the farm. The farm’s education coordinator Laura Meisler hosts groups from every first, third and fifth grade class in the Ypsilanti public school system. Most of the students rely on school to provide breakfast and lunch for them, and come from families experiencing food insecurity, she says. Many live in areas where fresh produce is not easily accessible, but cheap, processed food is. “That sensory engagement and freshpicked flavor can transform even the most reluctant vegetable eaters,” Meisler says. “I’ve heard several kids tell me proudly at the beginning of a visit that they don’t eat vegetables. After they pick and taste fresh lettuce, peas and tomatoes we hear them say, ‘Now, I like veggies!’” Beet Hummus This is one of the most popular dishes on the Detroit Red Wings menu. I can

see why. It’s filling and satisfying, and makes things taste better. Like mayo, but with more veggies. For a less shocking color, yellow beets leave you with a hummus that actually looks the part. Serve with fresh vegetables, like cucumber slices or tomatoes. Makes 4 servings

1 lb beets 1/3 cup tahini 1 teaspoon salt 2 cloves garlic 5 tablespoons lemon juice 1/3 cup olive oil 16-ounce can garbanzo beans, drained

Trim the beets, cut them into quarters and steam them until soft: about 30 minutes. Allow to cool and slip off the skins. Eat the skins as you pull them off and taste the sweet salt of the earth. In a blender, liquefy the garlic and salt in olive oil and lemon juice. Add the tahini, followed by the garbanzos, and finally the beets. Blend until smooth.

FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic  Your friendly local film reviewer’s takes on what’s out there in the world of movies. Courtesy Sony Pictures/A Journal For Jordan






A JOURNAL FOR JORDAN: Denzel Washington is extremely underrated as a filmmaker and this romantic drama continues his career behind the camera focusing on the intimacy of relationships and the different relationships men have with their fathers. Regal Old Mill

what I really want to know is whether it can reclaim red pill/blue pill from the right wing while also making leather trench coats and ‘90s techno music cool again. All signs point to maybe. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub

AMERICAN UNDERDOG: I’m torn about this

ing Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, Toni Collette, Willem Dafoe and a dozen other fantastic actors all being directed by the visionary Guillermo del Toro, “Nightmare Alley” is the kind of film we rarely see anymore. Film noir framing, femme fatales and old school storytelling make this one for the grown-ups. Regal Old Mill

one because I really don’t want to see a Christian football movie about Kurt Warner, but I really like star Zachary Levi, so maybe it’s worth a shot. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House

ENCANTO: This new Disney flick looks ab-

solutely magical, literally, in this story about the only normal woman in a family filled with magic. Animation so rich and vibrant that I can’t wait to see this one. Regal Old Mill

GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE: This could have felt like an actual third “Ghostbusters” film instead of just another reboot or re-imagining, but oh well. There’s room for depth in these movies but I guess I’m also happy just watching Slimer tear it up, too. Regal Old Mill HOUSE OF GUCCI: Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to see Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Al Pacino and more as the legendary Gucci family, but can we admit that this movie could either be a serious family crime drama or a goofy, operatic camp machine? It could go either way and I, for one, am there for it. Jared Leto is a crime to acting, though. Regal Old Mill


THE KING’S MAN: The long-delayed prequel to the “Kingsman” franchise brings in the astoundingly good Ralph Fiennes to act as the classiness missing from the absent Colin Firth. It looks like a blast, but does anyone care enough about the franchise to need a prequel at this point? Regal Old Mill LICORICE PIZZA: The new film from one of

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the greatest living directors, P.T. Anderson, “Licorice Pizza” is another one of his L.A. movies set in the ’70’s after “Boogie Nights” and “Inherent Vice.” This is right up there with “Punch Drunk Love” in the realm of oddball romantic comedies. Regal Old Mill

MATRIX: RESURRECTIONS: Don’t get me wrong, I’m really excited for this movie, but

NIGHTMARE ALLEY: With a cast featur-

THE NOVICE: Picture “Black Swan” but fo-

cused on competitive female college rowing and you’ll have somewhat of an idea where this movie goes. Isabelle Fuhrman gives what is easily one of the finest performances of the year as a young woman going through a harrowing psychological journey and trying not to break. Unmissable. Tin Pan Theater

SING 2: Is…is that a porcupine singing U2? Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME: I know, I know: another Marvel movie, but I’m genuinely excited for this one to dive into the multiverse while also bridging together the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield franchises into the MCU. Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is such a joy to watch as Peter Parker that I’m along for the ride no matter where this series chooses to go. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub, McMenamins TORN: A powerful look at a complicated

familial relationship built from the loss of one of the world’s most famous mountain climbers. One hell of a documentary and a perfect companion piece to “The Alpinist.” Tin Pan Theater

WEST SIDE STORY: Steven Spielberg doing a big, epic Broadway musical sounds like heaven to this theater kid and the film itself looks like an absolutely gorgeous and faithful reproduction. Also, Rita Moreno is a national treasure and we must protect her at all costs. Regal Old Mill


Everywhere You Go, There You Are SCREEN "The Lost Daughter" haunts By Jared Rasic 31

choices of her youth who moves through the days of her vacation with an uncanny blend of single-minded selfishness and fragile vulnerability. Many critics and audience members have accused her character of being unlikable, but there’s enough of her humanity on display to keep her at the very least relatable in the moments where she could be marginally less cruel. As Leda spends most of her days on the beach translating for her job, she begins paying attention to a loud and brash family of off-season residents that one of the locals informs her are considered “bad people.” Of particular interest to Leda are Nina (played by the ever-improving Dakota Johnson) and her young daughter, who remind Leda of her younger days. We see those days in flashbacks (the younger version of Leda is played by Jessie Buckley, who is fast becoming one of her generation’s finest actresses), and grow to understand the middle-aged Leda as we see what kind of mother she was in the past. There’s not much plot to the film other than a little bit of a mystery surrounding Nina and her family; instead, Gyllenhaal is much more interested in human behavior and generational trauma while also crafting one of the most profoundly unsentimental looks at motherhood ever put down on film. Leda

Photo courtesy of Netflix

Prepare to have Olivia Colman take your breath away in "The Lost Daughter."

herself mentions that she’s a deeply selfish woman without many of the typical touchstones of motherhood and watching Nina become frustrated with her own daughter gives Leda permission to start forgiving herself for her failings. “The Lost Daughter” is a genuinely powerful experience and an absolute showstopper for Olivia Colman, who manages to give Leda so much internal life and subtext that when this two-hour movie ends, it feels like turning the last page on a novel you’ve been reading for weeks. Even at its darkest, there’s still enough hope and levity to the film to keep

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it from feeling like a misery parade. Instead, it’s a deeply fascinating character study that uses subtlety to tell its story and ever so gently break your heart. The ambiguity of the ending is like the open-mindedness of life: that even as we search for all the answers in order to attach a period to a part of our history, sometimes the best we can hope for is an ellipsis.  The Lost Daughter

Dir. Maggie Gyllenhaal Grade: ANow Streaming on Netflix

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eda Caruso lives near Boston as a professor of comparative literature, we assume living a life of deep regret and unhappiness. We don’t really know, though, because we are getting to meet Leda on the first day of her vacation at a seaside rental in Greece. She’s alone on this vacation and not terribly friendly or enjoyable to be around to most of the people she meets. Her first morning in Greece, she grabs an orange out of the complimentary bowl of fruit on the table, only to find the bottom half is rotting. In fact, the back side of all the fruit has started to turn; the front side looks ripe and delicious, even as the reverse blackens and begins to rot. This is the metaphor for absolutely every moment of import in Maggie Gyllenhaal’s directorial debut, “The Lost Daughter.” The beauty of Greece, the facile friendliness of the locals and other tourists and the peace she feels while on vacation are all just surface-level shading, covering up the blemishes and ugliness hidden underneath. For every serene beach, there is a screaming child; for every smiling face, there is a hidden sneer of dislike, and for every colorful bowl of fruit there is the large possibility of a rotten apple. “The Lost Daughter” stars the always astounding Olivia Colman as Leda, a woman haunted by the




A Slam Dunk Interview GO HERE

An Interview with the Harlem Globetrotters’ go-to dunker

By Trevor Bradford


By Trevor Bradford

Great Nordeen Ski Race 2022 Ski and bike races start at Mt. Bachelor Come see the high flying, half-court shooting spectacles known as the Harlem Globetrotters live at the First Interstate Bank Center in Redmond at 7pm, Jan. 21.

was a kid. SW: That’s awesome, man. So, what’s your niche, or thing for the show? HP: I am definitely a dunker. It’s something that I’ve been obsessed with since I was probably 11. I didn’t expect it to be such a large part of my life as it is now and I’m happy that it’s that way. But if you ever see a Harlem Globetrotter game with me in it, then I’m probably dunking the best. SW: Can I ask how tall you are? HP: I’m 6 feet tall. SW: 6 foot and dunking? That’s crazy. And another weird question. Your arm length? HP: Oh, I honestly don’t know what my arm length is. It’s been a while since I’ve been measured for a suit or anything. So, I’m not entirely sure. SW: You don’t remember your last wingspan measurement. HP: That had to have been in high school and I don’t. I don’t even remember what the number was per se. SW: I gotcha. So, how do you guys come up with the nicknames? Is it like an organization thing? Or do agents do it? The players? What’s the schtick? HP: I think the players kind of earn their names through their identity via basketball. So, for my case, my nickname is “Hops,” because I have a pretty high vertical. So, it really kind of depends on what your identity as a basketball player is, or as a person. Like, I have a teammate named “Cheese,” and he loves to smile.

SW: That makes a lot of sense. So, could you tell me what’s next for the Harlem Globetrotters? HP: So, this year is the spread game tour and it’s going to be extremely different. We are incorporating a dunk contest element into our games. We’ve got a different feel to what it’s like to meet a Globetrotter before the game and we’ve got backstage access. We’re focusing a lot more on the player-to-fan interaction and what that means. And I think it’s also important to note that all while we’re doing that, you know it’s very difficult to navigate these times right now with COVID and everything, but we’re definitely taking the necessary precautions to make sure that everything and everybody is safe. SW: Last question. Is there anything you think Central Oregon should know about the upcoming show in Redmond? HP: So, to start off, I know we’re going to be there Jan. 21, at 7pm. The game is at First Interstate Bank Center. And anybody can get their tickets at If anyone comes across the Globetrotters via social media, there’s definitely a route for them to purchase a ticket. I think from a game experience perspective, it’s just going to be an overall extremely enjoyable outing. Harlem Globetrotters

Fri., Jan. 21, 7pm First Interstate Bank Center 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond $17-$221


he 2022 ski season in Central Oregon is in full swing. As the snow continues to fall, winter-style events are on the docket, including the 19th Annual Great Nordeen Ski Race happening on Jan. 23. The event will feature both a Nordic ski and fat tire bike race leaving from Mt. Bachelor. The Nordic ski race features an 18k freestyle race that starts at 7:30am at West Village, while the fat tire bike race is 15k and starts at 8:45am at The Sunrise Lodge. (Both the Nordic ski and bike races end at Wanoga Sno-Park.) After competing, participants are invited to an awards party (a shuttle from Wanoga back to Mt. Bachelor will be provided). Food, drinks and beer from Everybody’s Brewing will be available. Registration for either race starts at $50 per racer. The registration fee includes a Black Strap custom buff and access to the after party’s supplied food and drinks. Registration officially closes Jan. 21, but during packet pickup at the new Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation on Jan. 22, racers can still apply, though the entrance fee will go up to $60. Day-of registration will not be accepted. Visit to find more information, and to register for the races.  2022 Great Nordeen Ski Race Sun., Jan. 23 Starts at Mt. Bachelor 13000 SW Century Dr., Bend $50-$60


Max “Hops” Pearce


or decades, the Harlem Globetrotters have been touring the world and showing off their grade-A basketball skills. Just in time for their game at the Deschutes County Expo Center in Redmond, the Source Weekly managed to land an exclusive interview with one of the Globetrotters world renowned basketball stars, Max “Hops” Pearce, who joined the Globetrotters in 2018 after being discovered at the Purchase College dunk contest in New York. Source Weekly: Where are you from? Max “Hops” Pearce: I was born and raised in Tuckahoe, New York. SW: Did you watch the Harlem Globetrotters growing up? Were they an inspiration to you? MHP: Yes, to both of those questions. I think the capacity in which I saw the Globetrotters is a little bit different than the way that a lot of kids now are seeing them. I saw a Globetrotter game when I was really young, before I saw them on social media, and then I started seeing them on social media right before I joined the team. I think the kids now are seeing them in reverse. So, they’ll see them on YouTube or Tik Tok first, and then very shortly after they’ll get to the game. But I definitely drew inspiration from the Globetrotters since I was a kid, after hearing about Wilt Chamberlain, and his career path and how he was a globetrotter for a year and then seeing some Scooby-Doo reruns. SW: Yeah, those are the ones with, like, Wilt Chamberlain and all of them, right? HP: Yeah, there were several years where the Globetrotters were featured in different films like Gilligan’s Island and Scooby Doo. Some of my teammates were featured on The Amazing Race. So, throughout the course of their history they’ve been featured on so many different media platforms. So, it’s very hard to miss them. SW: Yeah, I’ve watched The Amazing Race an uncountable number of times, with Flight Time and Big Easy. What’s your favorite part about being on the Harlem Globetrotters? HP: I think, primarily, the reaction that we get no matter where we travel to in the world and our ability to produce such a reaction. I think it’s always interesting to me that we can put a smile on somebody’s face, even if we don’t speak the same language. And we can just do it strictly through basketball… And then secondly, I would say, it’s just the ability to travel the world and continue to play the game that I fell in love with when I





Changes to the rules around hemp and cannabis in Oregon mean more bud per visit and delivery to opt-out cities… maybe By Josh Jardine

Courtesy GRAS GRÜN/Unsplash


n lieu of a stupid gift, such as socks, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, (formerly the Oregon Liquor Control Commission), is gifting Oregonians, and visitors to Oregon, with changes to the rules involving cannabis and hemp products. Those rules—the majority going into effect between Jan. 1 and July 1— involve what goes into products, their potency and other modifications that seem to be positive for both producers and consumers. (If you feel differently, please share in the comments.) Do You Want More ?!!!??! - On Jan. 1, 2022, Adult Use (aka Recreational) consumers saw their daily purchase limit double, from 1 ounce per day to 2 ounces. Because Oregonians are not down with lightweight, scant packed bowls or pinner joints. An informal poll amongst my canna-friendly friends revealed that, although illegal, none had issues when previously purchasing an ounce at one dispensary, then visiting another for a second ounce within the same day. Yet for those without easy access to a dispensary, due to distance or mobility issues, a reduced number of trips to buy flower is a major win. Can’t You Hear Me Knocking - A second win for those “dispensary access” groups, as well as those seriously reassessing their interest in leaving the damn house, are the changes in dispensary delivery rules. I can attest to the awesomeness of having cannabis and cannabis products delivered to my front door, and these rule changes seek to make that an option for more Oregonians. Previously, dispensaries could only provide home delivery to consumers within the city or county where the dispensary was based. The new rule allows delivery across city and county lines, and potentially into the 90+ Oregon cities and counties that have “opted out” of allowing dispensaries within their borders. So now your favorite dispensary in a nearby, more enlightened, cannabis tax revenue and job generating area can deliver to your home, right? Maybe. Per an OLCC bulletin on Dec. 29, 2021, “...A Retailer may deliver…within the city limit of an adjacent city or… county that has adopted an ordinance allowing for interjurisdictional deliveries from adjacent cities or counties. At the time this bulletin was published, no cities or counties have an ordinance allowing for interjurisdictional delivery.” It’s doubtful these “dry counties” will pass ordinances to allow it, but we’ll see.

Some see the changes as for the better.

Something So Strong - Potency levels have been increased in a number of product categories. Make sure you read the labels, or risk being waaaaay higher than you planned. Beginning April 1, edibles sold in Oregon may contain 100 mg of THC per package/10 mg per serving, up from 50 mg/5 mg per serving. Transdermal patches and capsules will now be permitted to have 10 mg of THC per serving and 100 mg of THC per package. Cannabis concentrates and extracts will increase from 1000 mg of THC to a whopping 2000 mg THC per package. That next dab might do you right in, so again, read labels. Ostensibly, stronger products should result in better prices for consumers, with savings from reduced packaging and related costs to the producer passed along. Papa’s Got a Brand New (Exit) Bag – As of Jan. 1, you won’t need one, as the bulletin explains: “Usable marijuana and hemp (including “plain pre-rolls”) are no longer required to be in child-resistant packaging before leaving a retailer; this would include an exit package.” Those who gravitate to hemp products will be seeing some changes too. Beginning July 1, hemp edibles available outside dispensaries will be allowed “2 mg THC per serving, and 20 mg of THC per container.” Unless the sale is to a minor, in which case the product may only have less than .5 mg THC total, because no one wants high lil’ children. Those minor-friendly products can’t have artificially derived cannabinoids either. Hemp topicals were limited to 10 mg of THC per product, that’s now amended to .3% THC by weight. Finally, for licensed cannabis businesses, the OLCC has “approved a large-scale re-categorization of violations, including reducing the types of violations” which could result in license cancellations.

THE REC ROOM Crossword “2 X 22”

By Brendan Emmett Quigley

Pearl’s Puzzle

Difficulty Level


We’re Local!

© Pearl Stark

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.



The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and __________.” —Robin Sharma


ACROSS 1. Let secrets slip 5. Compete in a demolition derby 9. Black, in poems 13. Capital on the Daugava river 14. Duo-chromatic cookie 15. Director Gerwig 16. Con Law student 17. Rodents with soft fur and large ears 19. Small lump 21. Representative Cheney 22. With 30-Down, greatly 23. First Puerto Rican to be inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame 26. Remote power sources 27. With 7-Down, like restaurants where you get fajitas and margaritas 28. For a specific purpose 33. The EU’s predecessor 35. Mayor pro ___ 36. Hospital center 37. Deep-fried burritos with pollo 41. Crushes, as a mid-term 42. Down vote 43. Timeline stretch 44. Short piece of choral music 45. Small drink 46. “Room with a ___” (“Shaun The Sheep” episode) 48. Sluggers train with one 53. With 56-Across, floe makeup 56. See 53-Across 57. Shine 58. 1964 Best Original Song 62. She plots to kill Ares in “The Iliad” 63. Pained smile 64. Ready to eat 65. Wraps things up 66. From Botswana to Namibia, say 67. Time in the bath 68. Optical inflammation

DOWN 1. Where hip-hop started 2. OS represented by a penguin 3. Grouping for some kids sporting events 4. Panamanian coin 5. Speed bag user 6. Decaf container 7. See 27-Across 8. Castor’s twin 9. Flub up 10. Drummer’s part 11. Porter on the Warriors 12. Launch party grp.? 15. Actor Ben of “The Big Lebowski” 18. Serving of baloney 20. Joseph Smith’s rel. 24. Bit of news 25. 1966 12-Down mission 29. Comic Bakkedahl 30. See 22-Across 31. Quatrain poet 32. Hermano’s house 33. You might wear a gown during one 34. Danish shoe brand 35. File made in Notepad 36. Biblical pronoun 38. Suffix with crossword and Brooklyn 39. Find small things to complain about 40. Skipper, informally 45. Grabs the wheel 46. Bird on Australia’s coat of arms 47. Some color splashes 49. Olaf Scholz’s “I” 50. New Directions superfan 51. Tending to wear taped glasses 52. Kill off a few characters? 53. Festival where many a musician gets their break 54. Big name in birth control 55. Line in calculus 59. Bodyguard-turned-wrestler-turned-TV personality 60. Christ The Redeemer looks over it, for short 61. Clean drinking water grp.

“If you’re going to America, bring your own food.” —Fran Lebowitz


©2021 Brendan Emmett Quigley (

Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at


36 (541) 383-1402 • @losjalapenos.bend



CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn biologist Robin Wall Kimmerer wrote a meditative book about moss. It was her response to questions she had been wondering about: Why has this inconspicuous plant persevered for 350 million years? While so many other species have gone extinct, why has moss had staying power through all the Earth’s climate changes and upheavals? And what lessons does its success have for us? Here are Kimmerer’s conclusions: Moss teaches us the value “of being small, of giving more than you take, of working with natural law, sticking together.” In accordance with astrological omens in 2022, Capricorn, I believe moss should be your role model. (Kimmerer’s book is Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses.)

Because they practice prudent equanimity, which he regarded as empty and sterile. In Cioran’s view, these deep thinkers avoid strong feelings so they can live in cool safety, free from life’s nerve-wracking paradoxes. I agree with him that such a state is undesirable. However, Cioran contrasted it with the lives of the normal people he admired, who are “full of irreconcilable contradictions” and who “suffer from limitless anxiety.” My question for Cioran: Are there no other options between those two extremes? And my answer: Of course there are! And you can be proof of that in 2022, Cancerian. I expect you’ll be full of deep feelings, eager for new experiences, and infused with a lust for life—with less anxiety and fewer irreconcilable contradictions than ever before.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Author Joyce

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In 1838, 29-year-old nat-

Carol Oates has been very successful and has won several major awards. But she describes her job as arduous and time-consuming. “I work very slowly,” she testifies. “It’s like building a ladder, where you’re building your own ladder rung by rung, and you’re climbing the ladder. It’s not the best way to build a ladder, but I don’t know any other way.” I wouldn’t always recommend her approach for you, Aquarius, but I will in 2022. As long as you’re willing to accept gradual, incremental progress, you’ll get a lot of fine work done.

uralist Charles Darwin was early in his career. He had not developed his theory of evolution, and was not yet a superstar of science. He began ruminating about the possibility of proposing marriage to his cousin Emma Wedgwood. If married, he wrote: “constant companion and a friend in old age; the charms of music and female chit-chat—good things for one’s health.” If not married: “no children; no one to care for one in old age; less money for books, loss of time, and a duty to work for money.” I bring this to your attention, Leo, because I suspect that in 2022, you may be tempted and inspired to deeply interweave your fate with the fates of interesting characters. A spouse or partner or collaborator? Could be. Maybe a beloved animal or spirit guide? Have fun making your list of pros and cons!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I’ve selected a quote for you to use as one of your guiding principles in 2022. I urge you to undertake a specific action in the next 24 hours that will prove you mean to take it seriously. Here’s the wisdom articulated by Piscean rabbi and philosopher MarcAlain Ouaknin: “People must break with the illusion that their lives have already been written and their paths already determined.” It’s reinvention time, dear Pisces.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The coming

Bend Nest is celebrating

months will be an excellent time for you to explore the art of Soulful Bragging. Do you deserve any of the titles below? If so, feel free to use them liberally throughout 2022. 1. Practical Idealist with Flexible Strategies. 2. Genius of Interesting Intimacy. 3. Jaunty Healer with Boisterous Knowledge of the Soul’s Ways. 4. Free-Wheeling Joker Who Makes People Laugh for Righteous and Healing Reasons. 5. Skillful Struggler. 6. Empathy Master with a Specialty in Creative Compassion. 7. Playful Reservoir of Smart Eros. 8. Purveyor of Feisty Wisdom and Cute Boldness. 9. Crafty Joy-Summoner.

the new year and our 7th birthday with an exciting Spring Issue you won’t want to miss!

This issue will feature the Best of the Nest Ballot where readers vote for their favorite family friendly businesses.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Most people who use tobacco products are at risk of having shorter life spans than they might have otherwise had. Smoking is detrimental to health. Those who smoke in their twenties and thirties may cut ten years off their longevity. But here’s some good news: If you kick your tobacco habit before age 40, you will regain most of those ten years. I bring this to your attention because I’d like it to serve as a motivational tale for you in 2022. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you will have more power than ever before to escape any harmful addictions and compulsions you have—and begin reclaiming your full vitality.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of Central Oregon’s only family and parenting magazine.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In May 1974, the Grateful Dead introduced a new wrinkle to their live musical performances. Playing at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, they amplified their music through a “Wall of Sound”: 604 speakers piled high, together channeling 26,000 watts of energy. Had any band ever treated their fans to a louder volume and crisper tones? I’d like to make this breakthrough event one of your top metaphors for 2022. According to my analysis, it will be a great year for you to boost your signal. I invite you to distribute your message with maximum confidence and clarity. Show the world who you are with all the buoyant flair you can rouse.

Get in touch today to learn more and schedule your ad.

Ad Deadline : Feb 9 On Stands : Feb 24


CANCER (June 21-July 22): Philosopher Emil Cioran said he despised wise philosophers. Why?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What were your favorite toys when you were a child? Now would be a good time to retrieve fond memories of them, and even acquire modern versions so you can revive the joy they gave you. In my astrological analysis, you’ll be wise to invite your inner child to play a bigger role in your life as you engage in a wide range of playtime activities. So yes, consider the possibility of buying yourself crayons, Legos, dolls and puppets, video games, squirt guns, roller skates, yo-yos, jump ropes, and board games. And don’t neglect the pleasures of blanket forts, cardboard boxes, mud pies, and plain old sticks.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In his novel The Story of a Marriage, Andrew Sean Greer asks, “Does love always form, like a pearl, around the hardened bits of life?” My answer would be, “No, not always, but when it does, it’s often extra sweet and enduring.” One of my wishes and predictions for you in 2022, Libra, is that love will form around your hardened bits. For best results, be open to the possibility that difficulty can blossom into grace. Look for opportunities that are seeded by strenuous work. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “It is worth living long enough to outlast whatever sense of grievance you may acquire.” Author Marilynne Robinson wrote that, and I recommend her thought as one of your uplifting meditations in 2022. According to my reading of the astrological omens, the coming months will be a favorable time to dismantle and dissolve as many old grievances as you can. This could and should be the year you liberate yourself from psychic grunge—for the sake of your own mental, physical, and spiritual health as much as for the sake of others’. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Some critics view author Diana Wynne Jones as a genius in her chosen field: fantasy novels for children and young adults. She had a generous spirit, asserting, “I have this very strong feeling that everybody is probably a genius at something; it’s just a question of finding this.” If you are still unsure what your unique genius consists of, Sagittarius, I believe 2022 will show you in detailed glory. And if you do already know, the coming months will be a time when you dramatically deepen your ability to access and express your genius.

Homework: What’s the most important thing for you to get rid of in 2022?

SCIENCE ADVICE GODDESS Needy Gonzales I’ve saved some of your columns





Though some women go through a bad boy phase — sometimes for decades — women, in general, aren’t seeking a “jerk” but a man whose assertiveness role model isn’t a plastic container of hummus. Bad boys, in the extreme, are feral, rule-breaking, narcissistic rebels with the air of someone who’s been in prison — or probably should be. Women of course don’t make “My Perfect Man” checklists like: “Lying, womanizing, bar-fighting jailbird who’ll put $2K in booze and strippers on my debit card.” However, the fictional women you bring up are a special category and choose bad boys for good reason. Consider the novelist’s challenge: keeping the reader’s attention. This takes conflict — constant obstacles to a character getting what they want. If a fictional woman does get a “happily ever after” -- the bad boy realizes he can’t live without her and vows to go good — it can’t come in Chapter Two. Over here in real life, there’s this idea that only “damaged” women choose bad boys. Nuh-uh. In fact, many strong, emotionally together women are drawn, at least initially, to the bad boy — though not because he’s bad. “Bad boys tend to have lots of positive traits that come along for the ride” with the badness, cognitive scientist Scott Barry Kaufman explains. “When women say they like ‘bad boys,’ they seem to mean ... men who are exciting”: extroverted, fearlessly assertive, unpredictable thrill-providers. In short: Women don’t want jerks; they want guys who aren’t boring. Bad boys are also fiercely masculine, and there’s nothing that makes a woman feel uber-feminine like her polar opposite. Women don’t lust after these renegade misfits because they’re into being mistreated. In fact, evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller notes that “Around the world, women list ‘kindness’ as one of the most desired traits in a boyfriend” (in a massive



about how women evolved to seek successful men who seem commitment-minded (more likely to stick around and provide). I’ve noticed that women in pop culture (movies and books I’ve read) constantly choose the bad boy (the “jerk”) over the guy next door (the “nice guy”). This doesn’t seem to make sense, given a woman’s evolutionary desire to find a mate who a) won’t leave her and b) will provide for her offspring. Do the “jerks” get the girl, or does it just seem that way? —Curious

global study by evolutionary psychologist David Buss). Miller drills down on the sort of kindness that’s the biggest draw: “Displays of real altruism — empathy, thoughtfulness, generosity and self-sacrifice.” That said, the motivation behind this matters. The lady-pleasing guy gives to make things better for others who are struggling. The needy beta boy gives to get, hoping he can bribe a woman into wanting him by becoming her never-say-no choreslave. In other words, though “nice guys” lament that they’re just too considerate, generous, and decent to get the girl, they’re wrong. It isn’t nice guys women reject, but overly nice guys: weaselly suckups who need the companion app to “Find My iPhone,” “Find Me Testicles!” Bad boys have special appeal for two groups of women: women who just want some hot hookuppy fun and women with high levels of “sensation seeking.” The term, coined by social psychologist Marvin Zuckerman, describes a personality trait marked by a longing for novel, varied, intense experiences and a willingness to take risks to have them. Certain contexts — like war, famine, or constant gang violence — can shift bad boys into consideration as possible romantic partners. Evolutionary anthropologist Jeffrey Snyder and his colleagues find that “the greater a woman’s self-perceived vulnerability to violent crime,” the stronger her preference for a mate who can protect her: a big scary-dude human hammer other men know better than to tussle with. However, that preference “can be a double-edged sword,” because “the use of aggression for personal gain outside of the home is one predictor of partner abuse.” Ultimately, the answer to your question, “Do the jerks get the girls?” is: Often, yes — often temporarily. Bad boy qualities like narcissism — playing out in selfishness, attention-seeking, and an overblown view of one’s own greatness — are obviously undesirable in a long-term relationship. However, narcissists rule at first impressions, exuding confidence and charisma and drawing on what psychologist Gregory Louis Carter describes as a “‘used-car dealer’ ability to charm and manipulate.” The dark side isn’t without a bright side. Bad boys often become teaching tools for the women who’ve been burned by them — though the takeaway is not “Just gotta find me a wimpy suckup” but to hold out for a strong, confident man with signs of good character. (The meek, sadly, will inherit the trowel — and the privilege of drywalling a woman’s house while she’s off having sex with the guy who tried to cheat on her with her sister.)

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (

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LIGHT & BRIGHT EASTSIDE SINGLE LEVEL 21375 Starling Drive Soak in the front porch mountain views from this 3 bed, 2 bath, 1365 SF home located in a beautiful neighborhood with wide streets and mature trees. Vaulted living area, spacious deck, fenced yard and 2 car attached garage. This one is too good to pass up!

OFFERED AT $519,000

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2536 SW 43RD PLACE, REDMOND OR 97756 • $650,000


Beautiful 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home on oversized city lot in Sw Redmond. Light and bright with open floor plan, spacious great room perfect for entertaining. Quartz countertops throughout, luxury vinyl plank flooring on main level. Primary suite that has an oversize walk-in closet, tile shower, soaker tub, and vaulted ceilings. Plenty of storage in this Talent floorplan with 3-car garage. Fully fenced and landscaped. Home boasts spectacular Cascade Mountain Views & conveniently located close to shopping and entertainment. 5 minute drive to Downtown Redmond and 15 minutes to Downtown Bend. This home is a MUST SEE!!

20714 NE TANGO CREEK, BEND 97701 • $619,900


Beautiful single-level home on larger city lot in NE Bend. This 4 bedroom 2 bath home sits in an amazing neighborhood close to schools and only 4 blocks to Bends new Rockridge park. The home offers an open floor plan with vaulted ceilings, new luxury vinyl plank flooring, new stainless-steel appliances in the kitchen, Custom barn doors throughout the home, New interior and exterior paint, as well as a new addition media room/ second living area. Fenced back yard features large paver patio great for entertaining with outdoor bar area, fire pit, and hot tub. Front and back sprinkler system and RV parking with hookups.

52260 NATIONAL ROAD, LA PINE • $599,000


This charming fully fenced horse property features a large horse corral, a 30x40 shop with drive-through access, 2 carport areas and RV hook up. The 3 bed 3 bath single level home offers open floor plan, with many kitchen upgrades including granite countertops, bamboo flooring, and crown molds throughout. The home is situated on a larger corner lot with parklike settings and fully equipped with solar power.

20079 BEAVER LANE, BEND OR 97703 • $650,000


Adorable well maintained single-level home features close proximity to the Deschutes River with private access. In beautiful Tumalo, situated on a large lot with park-like setting and plenty of mature trees. Minutes from downtown and Westside Bend. A short distance to Redmond. Home has open floor concept. Dual vanity in master bathroom with jetted soaker tub and standup shower. Newer roof as of 2019. Fully fenced and landscaped front and back yard, detached garage and sheds. Close to restaurants and shopping.



By James Keane Realtor, Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate

Strategies for the First-Time Homebuyer in Central Oregon


Control what you can control



t’s no secret that first-time homebuyers in Central Oregon are going up against numerous challenges in seeking their first homes. Historically low levels of inventory, along with people seemingly “lined up” to move here, have caused home prices to jump drastically in the last two years. These soaring prices, low inventory and huge demand have created a living nightmare for people trying to get into their first homes. Those who have been looking for a few months have likely experienced the highs of finding an amazing home, writing up an offer (usually at or above asking price), hoping it gets accepted. They have also felt the crushing lows of finding out someone offered more and their offer was accepted. Rinse and repeat. If you or someone you know is struggling, please let me offer a few pieces of advice. These are not magic bullets, but rather strategies our team uses to help our buyers get into homes! Patience is key. With homes going under contract at a feverish pace, those looking for homes need to be patient. One needs to act deliberately, but not necessarily quickly. Sometimes it is best to take a step back and reassess things. For example, search for properties that have been on the market a few weeks and may have lost some of that “early momentum.” Sometimes going a few weeks and not getting any offers will make a seller nervous. This is where you can come in with an offer

at asking price and get the property under contract. Make your offer appeal to the seller. Every offer should be a highest and best for that particular property. Have your agent find out about closing date preferences, desired earnest money amounts and inspection periods. You do not want to make the seller have to submit a counter offer to smooth out things that could have already been in place. You want your offer to stand out and appeal to the seller, so make it as easy for them to select your offer. Getting these details in place show your willingness and commitment to go through with the purchase and can help put the seller at ease. Be flexible. Are you willing and able to move during the winter months? Now is a great time to be out looking for your first home! There is a lot of “seasonality” in real estate. Most people like to move during the spring/ summer, so simply by actively looking in the winter you are avoiding most of your competition. Yes, there are fewer homes on the market in the winter, but those that are putting their homes up on the market in the winter are doing so out of necessity. What about considering a different neighborhood, quadrant or even city. Don’t be afraid to look at things a little outside your comfort zone if it might work. Remember, this is your first home, not likely a forever home, so if it isn’t perfect, that is OK.


Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service

<< LOW

20134 Carson Creek Ct Bend OR 97702 2 beds 1 bath, 667 square feet, 0.12 acres lot, Built in 2021 $399,990 Listed by Carey McQuate of Cascade Sothebys

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MID >>

1240 NE Paula Drive Bend OR 97701 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 2,098 square feet, 0.33 acres lot, Built in 1996 $659,900 Listed by Gail Rogers of Windermere Central Oregon


1596 NW Fresno Avenue Bend OR 97703 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 2,340 square feet, 0.11 acres lot Built in 2005 $1,100,000 Listed by Laura Hilton of John L. Scott

AD DEADLINE: 1/20 ON STANDS: 1/27 | 541.383.0800

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