Source Weekly January 7, 2021

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First came COVID. Then, a mental health crisis. Are we ready for what comes next?

VOLUM E 2 5 / I S S UE 0 1 / J A N UA RY 7 , 2 0 2 1

The Hurting












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Photo by Megan Baker. See more of her work at


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - Feature MENTAL HEALTH – From a look at the rollout of Oregon’s new psilocybin therapy program to a Q&A with a mental health therapist about the pros and cons of teletherapy, to some low-cost hacks to boost your mood when resources are scarce, this week’s Mental Health Issue offers some insight into the collateral damage we’re seeing from this pandemic, and some ways locals are working to combat it. 14- Source Picks 15 - Calendar

Courtesy Shemia Fagan

17 - Sound 18 - Culture

Cover design by Darris Hurst.

19 - Chow Intermittent Feasting – It’s the classic New-Year resolution: Losing weight. Ari Levaux unlocks some of the mysteries of one big current trend: Intermittent fasting. Or is it feasting?

Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:

EDITOR Nicole Vulcan -

20 - Screen

REPORTER Ashley Moreno -

21 - Outside Wolf Delisting – A species of wolf is now off the Endangered Species list. What will that mean for Northwest wolves?

REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Megan Burton - COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, K.M. Collins, Damian Fagan, Ari LeVaux, Jared Rasic SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker

On Jan. 4, Shemia Fagan, age 39, was sworn in as Oregon’s next—and youngest woman—Secretary of State. Fagan gave inaugural remarks inside her fourth-grade classroom at Dufur School in Dufur, Oregon, where, as a struggling student and the child of a single father, Fagan was introduced to the after-school chess club by her teacher. Fagan later entered the Oregon State Chess Tournament and won the state championship for her division, the first girl to ever do so. “For the first time, I knew that it didn’t matter that I didn’t have everything that other kids had, that I was going to be OK,” Fagan said.

22 - Astrology 23 - Puzzles 24 - Craft


25 - Advice


27 - Real Estate

INTERN Ella Gann ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Timm Collins, Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat



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On the Cover: Inspiration for this week's cover comes from the 1983 Tears For Fears "the hurting" album cover, seen above.

For the first issue of a new year, it’s easy to slip into the familiar track, covering things such as “how to stick to your resolutions” and “cleansing after all that excess.” While you’ll find a slight blush of that type of content in this week’s Chow story covering intermittent fasting, for the start of 2021, the Source team was more interested in delving into the meatier topic of mental health. If this past year has not resulted in you personally dealing with more mental health challenges than you did in years past, it’s likely someone you know or love, is. According to stats found in this week’s story on Oregon’s new psilocybin therapy program, more than 300 million people worldwide are affected by major depressive disorder—and that’s only counting one type of mental health disorder. The toll of sustained unemployment, economic uncertainty, isolation, health concerns (not least of all, the concerns around getting COVID) and more is staggering, and we are only beginning to see the effects. While we know these topics can be tough to read about, and even tougher to experience, it’s our hope that by shedding some light on a few corners of these problems, we’ll all be better equipped to talk about them—and to find more funding and support for ending them. Happy 2021, readers. Onward!



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This year’s theme: “Reckoning”




DEADLINE: JANUARY 14 See details at A collaboration between the Source Weekly, Deschutes Public Library and OSU-Cascades MFA in Creative Writing program

OPINION After Oregon’s Devastating Fires, Protect Public Lands


etween the rampant smoke and the screaming headlines, it was hard to miss the fact that this past September, Oregon’s forests burned like they’ve never burned before. Estimates are that this past fire season burned twice as many acres as we’d normally see in 10 fire seasons. The impacts have been devastating to the thousands of people who lost their homes—and also, on the local economies that depend on forests for their livelihoods. Now there’s a massive effort underway to not only rebuild homes and sometimes entire towns, but also to clean up the mess the fires made. On private timber lands, logging companies are already moving to log the many burned and downed trees there, in hopes of recouping some of the losses the fires wrought. It’s estimated that fire-burned trees begin to degrade and will be “worthless,” for timber purposes, within two years. But that assertion depends on how you look at overall worth. Private landowners have more flexibility to decide how and when to harvest their lands following a devastating event such as this; but on our public lands, we need to be thoughtful, and consider not just the economy, but also the environment. Of the roughly 1.3 million acres burned in this year’s fires, about 750,000 of them are public lands—which means that we, as stakeholders, have a right to weigh in on what to do next. During a normal year, environmental regulations dictate how many acres of public forest can be clear-cut at one time, about 120 acres per project. After fires, however, loopholes exist. “On National Forests, exemptions from the normal assessment and public process allow for up to 250 acres of postfire logging per project—meaning damaging logging can occur with very little review and scrutiny by public or agency specialists,” Oregon Wild stated in recent correspondence to supporters. “But far worse, on lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, a new rule pushed through by the Trump

administration this month expanded the use of a Categorical Exclusion (CX) from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that allows the agency to log up to 3,000 acres of public forests (and build roads to access the timber) without doing a thorough environmental analysis that can inform the decision-maker and the public.” Logging of this extent can threaten water, spread invasive species, destroy wildlife habitat and suppress the natural regeneration of the forest, Oregon Wild detailed. While the economic impacts of these fires have been devastating, we should look to the long game. These protocols were put in place to allow the various stakeholders on a project—most importantly taxpayers, who own the lands—to weigh in on a project before it moves forward. This last effort of an outgoing administration to supersede public process and to mete short-term benefit from the forest whose benefits exceed what we will see in our own lifetimes is the wrong direction. It may well be that the federal agencies involved move forward in the same way that the private landowners do, and will log vast swaths of burned forest in the wake of these fires. But at the very least, we have a right to have our say. As Oregon Wild put it, “To expand the use of categorical exclusions on public lands post-fire is a violation of the public trust and the spirit with which these lands are managed by the agency.” The BLM is currently taking comment on a proposal that would see thousands of acres of forest burned in the Archie Creek Fire near Roseburg logged. People can weigh in through the Federal Register (or through the Oregon Wild site) through Jan. 8—and we encourage readers to do so. Moving forward, we expect more proposals of this type to crop up regarding the other federal lands that burned this year. In the long game of environmental protection, it is important for Oregonians to continue to share their thoughts with federal agencies about how those burned lands should be managed.


HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to



Here locally the Forest Service is pushing to make it easier to log big old trees on public lands. The trees that store the most carbon and have thick, fire resistant, bark. Let’s hope 2021 ditches the bad ideas of 2020 and aims for a better future. —Erik Fernandez Excellent article, Damian. Thank you for writing it. We really need to do what we can on a local level and protect our wildlife and their habitats. There is way too much development going on in Bend and I think our city needs to reevaluate this and adopt some preservation goals, especially the cutting and mowing down of trees for development. With more growth comes more destruction. We need to slow the growth of population down here in Bend. —Nicole Perullo

WHERE HAS MT. BACHELOR’S CUSTOMER SERVICE GONE? So, where is Mt. Bachelor’s management team hiding? They don’t answer emails, don’t give the morning report early enough for people to plan with the crazy reservation system, and they have removed web cams showing how crowded the lift lines are. Don’t you think there’s a COVID safety concern that we should be able to see those cams?? And, they are not addressing the fact that by most early afternoons, the lots are mostly cleared out, but there’s no way to make a reservation for that. Terrible customer service. Thank you. — Larry Anuzzi

Pete Kartsounes travels the world and lives local in Bend! His talents and sounds are amazing! Wide ranges of CD’s from soulful acoustic, bluegrass, Hawaiian ukulele tunes, to yoga meditation with wood flutes & drums! He plays online concerts weekly and offers wonderful songwriter symposiums! Most recently in collaboration with Dreamweave Productions to provide personal/professional/spiritual growth for total body, mind, and soul plus many other courses as well. —Tracy Keene

THE NATURE OF CURRENCY Since it replaced barter, money has been both a way to store “value” in a convenient transportable form, and as a medium of exchange. Money’s other name is “currency.” Picture current flowing in a river and the connection to making things move in our society— food, clothing, shelter and medicine— becomes obvious. We need a government that moves with ALACRITY, BREVITY AND CLARITY to accomplish the flow of goods and services. Clearly, no one can work and “earn” money under circumstances we are in. In fact “value” and “worth” are quite arbitrary and subject to whim. To illustrate, ask yourself how a pile of building materials, costing perhaps $50,000, in a few months’ work by skilled craftsmen, becomes a dwelling “worth” $500,000 on the real estate market. Also, stocks fluctuate wildly in value every second the market is open, so where is “value?” It may sound extreme but we are in extreme times. President Biden needs

to enact the Wartime Powers and use currency to move things where they need to go with alacrity. In this emergency our nation needs to act with alacrity, brevity and clarity to move food, clothing, shelter and medicine to use currency to cause the flow of essentials to everyone who needs it. —Tom Fosdick

RE: THE CHRISTMAS TREE THAT ALMOST KILLED US, NEWS, 12/24 I found The Christmas Tree That Almost Killed Us a great read—glad it worked out OK. It reminded me of an earlier time in my life. I lived in Norway for several years as a young man in the early 1970s. This was long before allwheel-drive vehicles were common— and cell phones and GPS didn’t exist. Whenever we’d venture out of town during the long Nordic snow season, we’d always have a set of cross-country skis (along with poles and boots) with us. People just left the skis on their roof racks all winter long—no one would ever think of trying to steal them in Norway. If you were unlucky enough to get your vehicle stuck in the snow, you’d just put on the skis (everyone in Norway knew how to X-C ski!) and head to the nearest town (behind or ahead of you) and the first house you’d encounter would gladly put you up until help could arrive to rescue your car. They’d likely provide some

schnapps (akvavit) to warm you up while you waited. As a result, winter casualties were almost unheard of back then and the rescue efforts were distributed throughout the country. Cheers for 2021—may it be much improved! —Ken McLean

Letter of the Week:

Ken, Thanks for that fun story! As a Swede (who only started Nordic skiing at 40) I keep Nordic skis on my vehicle, too. They’re too old and ratty for anyone to want to steal them… so I guess I’ll be good to go if I have to ski out of some lonely forest road! Come on in for your gift card to Palate. —Nicole Vulcan


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Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!


The Hurting



First came COVID. Then, a mental health crisis. Are we ready for what comes next? Inside the following pages, we’ve compiled a look at some of the ways mental health professionals and advocates are working to improve outcomes and better the lives of people in Central Oregon and beyond.

Oregon Voters Said Yes to Using Psilocybin as a Mental Health Therapy. What’s Next?

Megan Baker

Oregon starts the two-year process of developing guidelines for psilocybin services By Ashley Moreno


uring the November election, Oregon voters approved a measure allowing licensed centers to provide psilocybin, the substance found in “magic mushrooms,” to help treat people experiencing a range of mental health issues. Oregon is the first state to approve such a program—and with that, eyes will now be on the state to see how it fares moving a substance that remains federally illegal into the sphere of reputable treatment. According to a study published in November 2020 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, major depressive disorder affects more than 300 million people worldwide. In the U.S., about 10% of the adult population has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder in the past 12 months. Gov. Kate Brown’s 2021-2023 budget includes $5.6 million to start implementing Ballot Measure 109, which directs the Oregon Health Authority to create a state-licensed, psilocybin therapy program for the treatment of mental illnesses including depression, end-oflife psychological distress and post-traumatic stress disorder. Starting Jan. 1, the state entered a “two-year program development period,” during which the OHA will work with the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board on implementing the new program. Applications for the Advisory Board closed last week, and the selection process for its 14 to 16 members is underway. Measure 109 Campaign Manager Sam Chapman says he’s spoken to a variety of candidates. “There’s obviously doctors, psychiatrists, veterans, representatives of tribal nations and communities, harm reduction specialists, local health officers—I’ve talked with three or four people for every slot on the board.” Chapman told the Source. “It’s incredibly encouraging that

so many people are ready to dig in and be part of this really important process over the next two years.” A veteran’s experience with psilocybin Oregonian Chad Kuske—a Navy SEAL who participated in psilocybin therapy for PTSD—says he applied for the Advisory Board. He received psilocybin services with the help of the nonprofit Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions, or VETS.

300 million

People worldwide affected by major depressive disorder Kuske served as a Navy SEAL for 18 years. “I did about 12 combat deployments, and then I was medically retired in 2017,” Kuske told the Source. “Basically, due to a variety of things that all fall under the purview of PTSD.” Kuske said he was struggling to live after his military service and learned about psilocybin therapy from a friend. “It immediately stood out to me as one of the only things I hadn’t tried,” he said. “I was fortunate that the way I learned about it was through reputable sources that stressed the importance of [mindset] and setting and being prepared and undertaking it with skilled and trained people.” Kuske says there were three pillars to the services he received: mindset, setting and integration. After a medical

screening by a doctor for contraindications, Kuske said he set to work on his mindset with an integration coach who got to know his background and what he hoped to gain from the experience. “They also start coaching you on formulating intentions and thinking about things you want to let go of that no longer serve you,” he said. He says the psilocybin experience typically lasts four to six hours, but up to about eight. He described it as an “inward” experience, and for the most part, the coaches try to help the participant feel safe but try not to interfere. After the psilocybin ceremony, he says the work continues. “These experiences are powerful healing opportunities,” Kuske said. “Amazing insights and lessons can be learned, but they’re only as effective as we allow them to be. You have to integrate everything that you receive from the medicine into your life after the experience. In the absence of that, this amazing gift can dwindle.” Veterans of War, another veterans’ nonprofit, follows a similar format—providing a six-month fellowship for “guided psychedelic therapies that offer hope and a proven path towards recovery” for veterans at risk of suicide, as founding director and U.S. Marine Wyly Gray told the Source. The program treats veterans in groups of four. “It’s built on four pillars,” Gray said. “The pillars are education, preparation, integration and support.” For the first month and a half, the veterans attend biweekly, guided group therapy. For the actual ceremony, participants travel to Peru. “Because it’s not only legal there,” Gray said, “but it’s also a revered part of their culture outright.” The veterans then have a two-week window for up to four ceremonies, usually with ayahuasca made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine.

Afterward, the participants spend four months on integration and support. Measure 109 defines psilocybin services as those services provided before, during and after a client’s consumption of psilocybin, which can include “a preparation session, an administration session and an integration session.” Centers in Oregon could look to services like those Kuske found through VETS and that are offered through Veterans of War for guidance. Chapman, the measure’s campaign manager, expects variation between centers—for example, palliative care and hospice patients may prefer a hospital, he said. “There are going to be people who would only access psilocybin therapy though that type of context,” Chapman said. “They want to be in a hospital. That is an environment in which they feel safe,


US adult population diagnosed with MDD in the past 12 months that they trust and therefore creates an easier access point for them. So, there may well be medical environments in which psilocybin therapy is administered.” People on the other end of the spectrum might favor “more of a retreat model,” he said. “Where you could go to a psilocybin services center that provides multiple services from acupuncture to talk therapy to massage and yoga and meditation.” He thinks somewhere in between may look like a therapist’s office. “There’re no crazy bells and whistles or anything of that nature,” he said. “It’s just a safe place for psilocybin services to

FEATURE Courtesy of Wyly Gray

be administered that’s comfortable and provides what the clients need.”

$210 billion

Estimated yearly economic burden of MDD “And the second,” Chapman said, “is working with the community and working with providers and psilocybin facilitators and manufacturers and the service centers to have sliding scales and to work with nonprofits to build equitable coalitions with community partners.” The veteran community has shown that the strategy can work. For example, Heroic Hearts is a nonprofit that helps veterans already interested in psychedelic therapies. The organization researches providers and offers veterans financial assistance based on donations. Founder and President Jesse Gould started the organization after being diagnosed with PTSD after three deployments in Afghanistan as an Army Ranger. The program has been growing every year, Gould said. “I think the first year we probably helped around 10 [veterans], and then I

How can officials promote safety? Dr. Nicole Cirino is president of the Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association. Both the OPPA and the American Psychiatric Association opposed Measure 109. One reason: as written, the measure allows the use of psilocybin to treat conditions “including but not limited to” addiction, depression, anxiety disorders and end of-life psychological distress. It seems to neither require a specific condition nor a diagnosable mental illness at all, which Cirino suggested is misleading given the therapy focus of the campaign. In a press release during the general election, the OPPA expressed concern that “neither the safety nor effectiveness has been established according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines or clinical trials,” which is required for all medications, including those that treat mental illnesses like those listed above. The statement said “the OPPA agrees with the FDA that early limited trials have shown promise” but that safety and efficacy just haven’t been proven yet. “There are actually a lot of ongoing studies, but they need to be complete,” Cirino told the Source. “We need to analyze the data, and then we need to pull the data together to say what is the effective treatment, where the effective dose is and how we monitor it. It could very Courtesy of Chad Kuske

Chad Kuske served as a Navy SEAL for 18 years before retiring in 2017. He sought psilocybin therapy for PTSD with the help of the nonprofit Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions.


Veterans of War Founding Director and U.S. Marine Wyly Gray.

well be that in three to four years the FDA has approved psilocybin for a single or maybe two psychiatric conditions.” Now that the measure has passed, Cirino says OPPA members hope they can help promote safety. “We have had several of our members with expertise in this area apply to be part of the Psilocybin Advisory Board so that they could set some parameters around everything about the administration of psilocybin, including what sort of psychiatric evaluation and medical evaluation would be necessary prior to accepting a patient into a psilocybin clinic,” Cirino said. She says she’d like to see rules around training for psilocybin administrators as well. “We’re hoping that they have a mental health degree so that they can actually assess the mental health symptoms that are present,” she said. “And we’re also hoping that there’s going to be some monitoring of both medical and psychological sequelae after the psilocybin is administered to make sure that the adverse effects can be addressed adequately so this is a safe and effective treatment.” Sequelae is a medical term for conditions caused by disease or injury. Cirino says medications usually come with FDA guidelines that say specifically what psychiatric conditions they treat, the appropriate dose and potential side effects. “We’re not going be able to do that,” she said. “But we might be able to become closer to make it safe and effective for patients.” As psilocybin services become available in the next few years, Cirino recommends people interested in the option discuss it with their current mental health provider or medical doctor. Excitement around psilocybin therapy Unlike Oregon’s Measure 110, which decriminalized possession of small amounts of illegal substances, Measure 109 did not decriminalize psilocybin. Instead, it calls for a regulatory framework for adults 21 and older to receive psilocybin services at licensed centers for issues including mental illnesses like depression—but participants can take it for other reasons, too. Dr. Peter Sparks, program coordinator and senior psychology instructor at Oregon State University-Cascades, says one

reason there’s excitement about psilocybin therapy is that traditional antidepressants must be taken every day for long periods of time. “And psilocybin therapy, at least in the research, often the way it works, is that you experience one or two episodes of psilocybin, and then the effects of the relief of depressive feelings and the relief of anxiety can last for months,” Sparks told the Source. He said the therapeutic effect seems to correlate with “the experience of being small” in a large awe-inspiring world. “There’s something about that feeling of awe and the feeling of interconnectedness that causes, or is at least related to, diminishing the symptoms of depression,” he said. “And that seems to make sense because depression is an isolating condition where you feel like you’re alone.”

#1 Depression as a cause of disability. The FDA granted breakthrough therapy designation to COMPASS Pathways’ research of psilocybin as a therapy for treatment-resistant major depressive disorder in October 2018, as discussed in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews in 2019. And in November 2020, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a randomized clinical trial of 24 adults diagnosed with major depressive disorder. The study found that after four weeks with two psilocybin sessions 71% of participants showed a “clinically significant response” and 54% met the definition for remission of depression. Measure 109 passed with the support of 1.27 million Oregonians, or about 56% of voters statewide. Most people in Deschutes County supported the measure (53%), but only about 35% of Crook County voters and 41% of Jefferson County voters did. The measure stipulates that cities and counties can “impose reasonable regulations” on the operation of licensed psilocybin facilities and manufacturers—like the location of centers, hours of operation and public access to centers. As of press time, spokespeople for both Deschutes County and the City of Bend said there are no local agenda items related to Measure 109.


How can access remain equitable? Chapman echoed sentiments from veterans Kuske and Wyly regarding an important first step for implementing the psilocybin services program: supporting equitable access. “The most important part of the rulemaking process is ensuring that we can strike a very important balance between client safety and responsibility, while also ensuring that as many people that stand to benefit as possible have access,” Chapman said. “So, we’re talking about equitable access, especially for populations that traditionally don’t have access to regular health care.” He currently sees two opportunities: one in educating health care providers and insurance companies on how people may benefit from psilocybin therapy.

think in the next couple of years we were able to do 20 to 25,” Gould told the Source. “This year we were set to do more than 100 or 150, but obviously COVID put a little bit of a wrench in that.” The organization was still able to assist 20 veterans last year and hopes to help a couple hundred this year. Along with keeping costs down, Kuske, the Navy SEAL who sought psilocybin treatment, says he hopes to see indigenous wisdom regarding the use of plants and traditional treatments like psilocybin mushrooms considered as guidelines are finalized. “Every time a new article comes out, they explain everything, like it’s the first time that we discovered any of this,” Kuske said. “When in reality these safer medicines have been used going back millennia. And I think it’s important that we adapt it to our own society, but at the same time that we incorporate it, acknowledge, respect and give honor to the ancestral ways of using these medicines.”



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In Solidarity

Courtesy Jessica Amascual

Healing Justice Collective forms, raises seed funds for BIPOC community restoration By K.M. Collins

An adaptation, by the Central Oregon Healing Justice Collective, of the popular Buddhist Metta loving-kindness prayer —


iming to close the long-fraught health and wellness gap in Central Oregon and beyond, a group of locals recently formed the Healing Justice Collective, intended to support Black, Indigenous and people of color, and those who have been historically oppressed in their healing around emotional, physical, spiritual and mental well-being. “Healing Justice is a grassroots movement that emerged in the South in the early 2000s, led by queer Black and Brown organizers,” explains Central Oregon HJC Co-Founder and Director of Development Jessica Amascual. “The healing justice movement arose amidst folks noticing that their humanity and restorative healing in liberation work was chronically overlooked.”

As Amascual sees it, “This is the surest way to build a community where everyone can thrive—healing not only the symptoms, but more importantly, the root causes of systemic oppression on our bodies, hearts and minds.” The HJC is a nonprofit organization run by women and queer people of color who come from healing and organizing backgrounds. “The work we do is different. It’s authentic and more strategic,” notes Amascual. “Over the last year, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 election season, and the uprisings for Black liberation, we have seen queer Black and Brown women at the forefront of the fight for liberation— shining a light on the change we want to see in the world.” To underpin, sustain and spearhead these changes, HJC offers an array of healing services, workshops and classes to meet people where they are in their path to healing. All teachers and practitioners are themselves people of color—and that is most essential in healing the community, said Amascual. “Most offerings are meant for people of color only. Healing around race requires affinity spaces. But healing also demands community

solidarity. For this reason, some of our offerings will be open to allies.” Co-founder Fatima Castro is clear on how the healing community at large can and cannot provide for this contemporary collective. “We got a lot of feedback, we had white folks, white healers specifically, asking us how they can heal the BIPOC community—and that is really triggering in the sense that white people cannot heal BIPOC community members,” Castro said. “This really inspired the co-op piece where we gathered a list of BIPOC practitioners in town.” Offerings are all accessibility priced and are curated from lived experiences. Offerings include Yoga for Race-Based Stress and Trauma, Meditation for Sacred Solidarity and The Power of Dreaming. HJC also offers workshops that include Ancient Practices for Self Care (in Spanish), Parenting Your Child of Color in Central Oregon and Decolonization and Ancestral Healing. HJC also offers stipends for one-on-one healing sessions with practitioners within the Healing Justice Co-Op, including wilderness therapy, massage, reiki and energy medicine, spirit release ritual, chiropractic care, holistic nutrition and doula care.

Mental Health Tips from the Pros

Low-cost hacks for improving mood and well-being—no matter your therapy budget By K.M. Collins


inding a coven of wellness practitioners is key to making it through trying times (need I say the word… COVID). But if signing up for therapy (or finding a therapist) is beyond your scope, these are some health tips that are helping myself and my she-wolf pack make it through the wilderness of winter seasonal affective disorder, political upheaval and beyond. Chill out with a cold plunge Locally based, nationally renowned chef, nutritionist and founder of Pure Joy Planet, Elaina Love swears by the cold plunge as a daily practice. Dipping for a few minutes reduces swelling, increases blood flow and releases endorphins, she says. Her signature DIY set up is a backyard metal bath (a would-be trough) that you can find at Wilco or any feed supplier. At first look, this practice might seem counter intuitive, but as motivational speaker Tony Robbins assures, it delivers. In a Business Insider article, he touted the cold plunge’s praises saying it, “Wakes your ass up,” and “trains the mind to not hesitate but to act.” In a review published in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences, researchers found that “hydrotherapy was widely used to improve immunity

and for the management of pain,” along with a host of other ailments. Cultivate and care for plants Cultural anthropologist and world traveler Amy Williams loves her harem of tropical plants. With over 20 distinct root systems, there is no length she won’t go to for their comfort, including turning up the heat, humidifiers, grow lights and more. Williams carefully assesses each plant daily and looks for ways to increase their comfort. If you aren’t in a position to get a pet (lease regulations, etc.) and you’re wanting to pour your K.M. Collins

Growing tropical plants can do wonders for humans.

love and affection into living beings, try building out a flora zoo of kept plants. For small-space or indoor, edible ideas, check out Abbie Cadabby on Facebook. For something simple, look into cultivating sprouts in a cupboard in a spare mason jar! Total magic. Daily doubles: Fit in exercise Like many, mother of two, community leader, Bend-based mental health therapist and The Hive venue owner Shanti O’Connor needs body movement every day—multiple times a day. Making it to the gym is great, but if that can’t happen, she gets inventive about carving out time multiple times a day to get exercise, with her 10- and 6-year-olds in tow. Night hikes with other families, mountain bike rides, sledding, dog walks, roller skating at the park, cross-country ski excursions with gal pals—you name it and she’s doing it. “When exercising, the bilateral movement (engaging left and right sides of the brain) helps me process emotions, clears my thoughts, promotes a positive mood, brings more coherence to my nervous system and inspires new insights into my life,” explains O’Connor.


Judith Sadora and Jessica Amascual, two founding members of the Healing Justice Collective.

To execute these offerings at an accessible cost, HJC has already seen crucial community support. After solidifying a $10,000 pledge from The World Muse and raising over $6,000 via GoFundMe, HJC is still looking for $14K in further support. “We aren’t free until we all are and so we must each heed the call to action by nationwide uprisings for Black Liberation and believe in the power of grassroots collective efforts,” Amascual said. “The path to liberation for all people will be ushered in by those who bring lived experience to their work, disrupting the inequitable systems that have oppressed our communities for far too long.” More information, along with a newsletter signup and an informational video, is available at the Healing Justice Collective’s website: Warm up with some bone broth If you haven’t made bone broth from scratch in the comfort of your own kitchen with your favorite cauldron, you’re missing out! Can you think of anything more nurturing on a cold winter night than stirring a pot of savory smelling goodness while a fire blazes in the wood stove? For Sara Beth Feley, local mental health therapist, she prefers stock rendered from beef. Feley chooses to source her bones and cuts from Oregon farms. “Field’s Grass Fed Beef is wonderful,” she said. “They come to town monthly and you can order specific cuts for a very reasonable price. And if you need immediate local meat, Locavore is awesome.” Recipes are endless with a basic scaffolding of salt, pepper and bay leaves. Make music, learn to play Longtime local Ashtanga yoga mastress, nordic ski instructor, massage therapist and concert violinist Julie Southwell said this winter has been all about making music. As a music teacher, she encourages Bendites to take up a new instrument this winter. As your brain ages it will be in better shape if you’ve taken music lessons, according to an article in National Geographic. Not only does it grow your brain, it improves your ability to discern sounds. It’s sort of like exercise, but it improves your mental endurance from the comfort of your own home. For a music lesson or body work, find her at Southwell also encourages learning Ashtanga yoga, delving into the eight limbs of yoga.


“May I be loved. May all Black, Indigenous and people of color be loved. May all gay, lesbian and trans folks be loved. May all disabled people be loved. May we all be loved.”


Teletherapy: Will It Survive the Pandemic? WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / JANUARY 7, 2021 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE


Mental health therapists pivoted to serving clients online in 2020. In this Q&A, a Bend therapist shares the pros and cons By Nicole Vulcan


ith the declaration of a Public Health Emergency in the U.S. in 2020, mental health therapists, psychologists and other clinicians were able to make a quick pivot to teletherapy—therapy administered by either telephone or video conferencing. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association published in June, 75% of clinicians reported treating patients remotely. Only 1% of clinicians reported doing so prior to the pandemic. Now, with COVID-19 vaccines being distributed and hope for a return to some semblance of normalcy on the horizon for 2021, will patients and clinicians return to the in-person model? For some patients, that might come down to whether their insurance company—or Medicare—decides to allow teletherapy following the Public Health Emergency. In light of this Mental Health Issue, we checked in with a local therapist about the pros and cons. Our email conversation has been condensed for space. Alicia Viani is a mental health therapist and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who works in private practice after many years as a therapist in community mental health clinics. She sees individual youth and adults, and couples and families.

Source Weekly: Did you do any teletherapy before the pandemic? Alicia Viani: I had never before had any experience with teletherapy. On occasion a client would need to have a phone session, but this required either a special insurance pre-authorization or for the client to self-pay and not utilize insurance, which can be burdensome because therapy is expensive. SW: What did a session look like before the pandemic? AV: Typical pre-pandemic sessions were 55-minute in-person meetings in my office. In session, my clients and I used our strong relationships to process emotion and somatic experience related to trauma, which involved a warm emotional closeness, eye contact, doing EMDR, somatic processing and moving around the office, sitting on the floor together, occasional art therapy, and we’d practice mindfulness and regulation together. SW: Describe what it looked like, transitioning to teletherapy. AV: My practice transitioned exclusively to teletherapy in the spring of 2020. Despite us being “essential workers,” we were advised by the state and our licensing boards to provide phone or online sessions whenever possible. This was a good thing, because

American Psychological Association

As this chart shows, most therapists have made the adjustment to remote teletherapy.

it helped with curving the pandemic. It was and is also very challenging, because we have a national and international mental health crisis on our hands and it’s apparent in how many people I know and have worked with for a long time are struggling more acutely. The uncertainty, anxiety, loneliness, and grief with this pandemic are challenging enough on their own, but they also exacerbate other issues. Disordered eating and substance abuse issues have skyrocketed. As many, not all, clients’ struggles increased, I noticed I felt my ability to connect with and support them at the level I wanted decreased. I’m grateful our relationships persisted at all thanks to mental health lobbyists and insurance companies who immediately ensured coverage of telehealth services. Clients regularly verbalize their appreciation of that: even though everything else has changed, our relationship and the line of support could remain intact. But it feels different. It’s impossible to make eye contact via Zoom. When there’s a glitch in the internet connection we end up talking over each other or miss words or expressions, and even though our logical executive functioning brain knows it’s just an internet glitch due to a pandemic because everyone in our neighborhoods (is) online, our lower social/emotional processing brains can interpret that as a threat in a relationship or the therapist

being mis-attuned and not fully present, which are critical qualities for the healing relationship. And most importantly, the pandemic launched many people into further crises where basic needs were threatened or unmet. I had clients become homeless during the pandemic and due to job loss, poverty increased for many. Inability to access social services like

and work are lifelines for many and where they could access safe relationships and have a break from homes that aren’t nurturing. SW: I’ve read some accounts of clients who benefited from teletherapy in that the therapist was able to address their challenges directly in the space where the person was facing them. Have you had experiences like that?

While people around the country talked about embracing "home time" and "getting closer with families," that's extraordinarily difficult for people whose families aren't safe. School and work are lifelines for many and where they could access safe relationships and have a break from homes that aren't nurturing. - Alicia Viani unemployment or disability services in schools or in the community put enormous strain on clients. People with vulnerable gender or racial identities feel the pandemic more acutely because institutional racism on top of limited jobs, access to services and people on the street with short tempers equals more trauma. While people around the country talked about embracing “home time” and “getting closer with families,” that’s extraordinarily difficult for people whose families aren’t safe. School

AV: Some clients identify this time as helping make therapy way more accessible to them practically and emotionally. Closeness and intimacy with another person can bring up painful emotions that are dysregulating for a lot of people. The screens and distance help them have less relational stimulation so they can access their feelings. I have clients with new babies who can access therapy more practically while they’re at home. There have actually been many times where clients have identified

NEWS Adobe Stock

and physical nature of relationship such as facial mirroring and eye contact are easier. I also know my own strengths and how I can best benefit my clients, and I operate best in-person, so I will be making that transition whenever it's safe to do so. In the meantime however, I'm grateful to have a job, to keep continuity via a stable, caring relationship with folks who need it, and to provide support. SW: It’s clear that 2020 has wrought a mental health crisis for many, many people. What is your hope for addressing this crisis in 2021? AV: We are certainly in a mental health crisis. My hope is that since mental health vulnerability is on our minds and more part of the national conversation, this will decrease the stigma and shame in receiving services. I hope we all have increased compassion for how isolation, anxiety, and loss impact day-to-day functioning and to embrace the notion that everyone needs some help from time to time and this isn’t a shameful thing. I also hope that access continues to increase for people both in coverage as well as unique ways to receive services such as expanded telehealth. And, I hope that we talk more about the invisible issues we love to avoid that are worsening due to the pandemic. Where is the talk on the national stage about undocumented people who not only lost jobs but are afraid to access services including


Remote therapy may not be ideal, but it is helping some weather the pandemic.

health care? Or increased homelessness and poverty in a culture who still think these are issues of laziness? Telehealth has expanded mental health services for many and some people in isolation with vulnerable identities like being trans in rural communities can access help better, but we still have a long way to go in

acknowledging mental health, taking accountability as a society for how we increase certain people’s pain more than others due to our dominant white privilege culture, and ensuring everyone has equal and safe access to care since our system of mental health still benefits privileged groups over more vulnerable ones.

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teletherapy as working well for them and they are flourishing. The majority say they miss in-person connection and the type of work we can do. SW: Describe any privacy issues you might have encountered due to people doing therapy in their homes or other more public places, rather than at your office. AV: Therapy is completely dependent on having confidentiality so clients can say whatever they need to without worrying who might hear and what might come of that. Usually I'm in control of confidentiality by having sessions in my office with sound machines running. Since clients are now in control of their own privacy, this is challenging for some. I've done many many sessions with people in their cars. Someone was huddled in a closet. Others were in laundry rooms or other random places in their homes. Many go for walks. With the weather changing, this is harder. Unfortunately, a couple of people who don't have safety in their homes felt too vulnerable and therefore stopped therapy or missed sessions due to not feeling safe speaking freely. I worry about these folks. SW: What’s your read on your clients’ desire to continue teletherapy? AV: The majority want to return to in-person because therapy is based on relationship and the emotional, somatic,

*while supplies last




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Feeling the Effects of Isolation? You Are Not Alone Oregon Health Authority launches mental health campaign By Ashley Moreno

called in the past. Not only can this leave people vulnerable to abuse, but isolation can exacerbate such issues. “Let’s take domestic violence for an example,” she said. “We knew that it would be difficult for [victims] to have an outside opportunity—a connection potentially—to ask for help or to express a need for some kind of assistance, especially if they weren’t able to come into the office,” she said. Changes in their home lives can put them in increased danger, too. “People aren’t working, lost their jobs or are working from home,” Biteng said. “That adds another difficult layer for people experiencing domestic violence.” People who are not experiencing abuse are at risk, too, she says, because across the board groups are losing access to important emotional support structures. “With our aging population, we are very, very, very concerned about isolation and perhaps them not getting out to their communities, like for example to senior centers, or having interaction with their families,” she said. “And we always have a concern about our LGBTQ youth.” She says like all kids, “they may have had the support of somebody at school, a counselor, teacher, whoever, and now they’ve lost that direct human connection.” With the campaign launched, OHA, ODHS and community partners are working to get the word out. They’ve aggregated the information on the web and via social channels and are working with partner agencies.

Oregon Department of Human Services

Physical distancing can contribute to mental health concerns, but there is help.

“But we know that the aging population doesn’t always utilize social media,” Biteng said, “So, we know it might be more helpful if they had a flyer.” The website has printable materials that she’d like to see “in places like grocery stores and pharmacies and retail stores,” but a lot rides on community involvement.

“We know that a lot of this information isn’t going to make its way directly to the individual,” she said. “If you have a neighbor or if you have a friend or relative or there’s somebody you know that some of these resources might help, we try to encourage you to share the resource.”

Noticias en Español

Escrito por K.M. Collins Traducido por Jéssica Sánchez-Millar

Se crea Healing Justice Collective, recauda fondos de capital para la restauración de la comunidad BIPOC (Negros, Indígenas, Personas de Color)


on el objetivo de cerrar la gran brecha de salud y bienestar en la zona Centro de Oregon y mas allá de, un grupo de habitantes locales crearon recientemente Healing Justice Collective, con la intención de apoyar a las personas negras, indígenas y de color, y a aquellos que históricamente han sido oprimidos en su recuperación del bienestar emocional, físico, espiritual y mental. La cofundadora y Directora de Desarrollo en la zona Centro de Oregon, Jessica Amascual, explico que “Healing Justice es un movimiento comunitario que emerge en el sur a principios del año 2000, encabezado por organizadores queer negros y de color. El movimiento de justicia reparadora surgió entre personas que notaron que su humanidad y reparación restaurativa en el trabajo de liberación se estaban pasando por alto” Como Amascal lo ve, “Esta es la manera más segura de establecer una

comunidad en donde todos puedan prosperar, reparando no solo los síntomas, sino más importante aún, la raíz de las causas de la opresión sistémica en nuestros cuerpos, corazones y mentes.” Healing Justice Collective (HJC) es una organización sin fines de lucro dirigida por mujeres y personas queer de color con procedencia reparadora y organizativa. Amascual comento que “el trabajo que hacemos es diferente. Es autentico y más estratégico.” HJC ofrece una variedad de servicios de sanación, talleres y clases para conocer a personas en el camino hacia la sanación. Todos los instructores y afiliados son personas de color y esta es la parte más esencial para sanar a la comunidad. Amascual dijo que “la mayoría de las donaciones están destinadas únicamente para las personas de color. La sanación en torno a la raza requiere de espacios afines pero la sanación también



f you’re struggling with isolation or experiencing other challenges related to social distancing and closures during the pandemic, you’re not alone. That’s the message from the Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, which launched the “You Are Not Alone” campaign last month, hoping to address mental health issues facing Oregonians during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a comprehensive list of resources that address a wide range of health issues, including domestic and sexual violence, suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, challenges facing kids and seniors and financial exploitation. Shannon Biteng is the trauma informed organization manager for the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority. She says the campaign is a proactive effort to address how the pandemic has affected some of the state’s most vulnerable, like children and seniors. “We have a community safety net— teachers, doctors, counselors—all of those different types of people in the community that have eyes on not just children, but on our aging population as well,” Biteng told the Source. But with schools largely closed to in-person instruction and senior centers and visiting hours limited or unavailable, it’s easier for issues to go unreported. For example, she said OHA and ODHS saw a drop in calls to the child abuse hotline, but they do not suspect it’s due to decreased instances of child abuse. Rather, children just aren’t around members of the community who might have

exige la solidaridad comunal. Por esta razón, algunas de nuestras propuestas estarán abiertas para los aliados.” La cofundadora Fatima Castro tiene claro como la reparación comunal en general puede y no puede aportar para este colectivo moderno. “Recibimos muchas opiniones, tuvimos personas de raza blanca que nos preguntaban específicamente como pueden sanar a la comunidad BIPOC y eso esta de verdad detonando el sentido que los blancos no pueden curar a los miembros de la comunidad BIPOC. Que la gente blanca no puede sanar a los miembros de la comunidad BIPOC,” comento Castro. Esto de verdad inspiro la cooperativa en donde recopilamos una lista de profesionales BIPOC en la ciudad.” Las propuestas tienen un precio accesible y son dirigidas a partir de las experiencias de vividas. Las propuestas incluyen Yoga para el estrés y el trauma basado en la raza, meditación para la

solidaridad sagrada y el poder de soñar. HJC también ofrece talleres que incluyen prácticas ancestrales para el autocuidado (en español), Criando a su hijo de color en la zona Centro de Oregon y Decolonización y Sanación Ancestral. HJC también ofrece estipendios para las sesiones de sanación individuales con afiliados de la cooperativa HJC, incluyendo terapia en espacios naturales, masaje, reiki y medicina energética, ritual de la liberación del espíritu, servicio quiropráctico, nutrición holística y cuidado de dula. Después de haber consolidar un compromiso de donación de $10,000 por parte de The World Muse y de recaudar $6,000 vía GoFundMe, HJC sigue en la búsqueda de $14 mil como respaldo adicional. Más información se encuentra disponible junto con el boletín de subscripción y además un video informativo esta disponible en la página web:




1/6 – 1/12






COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS: BRINGING COMMUNITY TOGETHER EXPANDING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Community Conversations are offered to community members of all backgrounds so that we can discuss and break down any barriers that exist between us. In these difficult times, it’s important to remember to find common ground with those around us. Sun., Jan. 10, 4-6pm. Free.




If you made a movement-based resolution this event is for you! Get the skills you need to stay motivated and moving throughout 2021. A physical therapist and a health coach will ensure you can keep moving without injury. Wed., Jan. 6, 7-8pm. b9d1a06e3fae/rp-v1. Free.



A harmonious home starts with balancing your furniture with the other elements in your home. This is a great presentation to learn the basics of feng shui and make your home more inviting and peaceful. Sat., Jan. 9, 4-5pm. event/61030. Free.






Teafly Peterson

Get an inside look at the “Love Your Neighbor” Project with the co-founder Erika McCalpine. What work is being done in Deschutes County to assure that we are a welcoming community for all of our diverse neighbors? How can we all participate? Thu., Jan. 7, Noon1pm. Free.



A new weekly tradition with Dogwood! Cocktail selections and pizza from Portland’s Renata offered to go or stay and enjoy on the patio. Come every week for surprise DJ sets and more! Sat., Jan. 9, 2-8pm. Dogwood Cocktail Cabin, 147 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.



All level skiers are welcome to get some tips and practice during this free event. Mini clinics will start every 30 min., giving plenty of chances to join in. The entire event is free but donations to Meissner Nordic Ski Club are encouraged. Sun., Jan. 10, 1-2:30pm. Virginia Meisner SnoPark, Century Dr., Bend. Free.






Pick your route and distance in this virtual running event benefiting St. Thomas Academy in Redmond. Snap a selfie and share for the chance to join in the community spirit! Anyone can participate from anywhere and all participants get a long-sleeved race tee, too. Sat., Jan. 9 through Sat., Jan. 16. $30.


This livestreamed event features dancers 5 – 18 years old, as they present a holiday tradition in dance. Following the magical story of the nutcracker coming to life on Christmas Eve, this event is sure to be a delightful way to end the holiday season. Sun., Jan. 10, 6-8pm. Call 541-382-4055 for tickets. $34.





Live music outdoors in the decked-out Bunk + Brew space. Darin Gentry shares original songs with banjo and fiddle rhythms steeped in the Appalachian Mountain music tradition. Enjoy the tunes in heated and covered igloos or around a toasty bonfire. Sat., Jan. 9, 5-10pm. Bunk + Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave., Bend. No cover.





Retired USFS Geologist Carrie Gordon shares her wisdom and passion for the rocks and mountains of Central Oregon. Join in as she tells the stories of how floods, mountains and more have shaped this familiar landscape. Tue., Jan. 12, 6-7pm. deschuteslibrary. org/calendar/event/60878. Free.

depends on you! Text “Tower” to 44321 to give a gift today.

Ashton Eaton

Ignite Potential:

Become a Big Brother or Big Sister


MENTORING MONTH Ashton Eaton is a hero, two time Olympic champion, and world record holder, who grew up in Central Oregon. In his younger years, key adults played a large role in his life, giving him a first-hand understanding of the power mentors have to ignite potential. Asking nothing in return, Ashton agreed to become a spokesman for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon. His goal is to encourage others to become mentors: to defend, ignite, and empower potential.


January 2021

BBBSCO Responds to Covid-19 For 26 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon has matched local youth with caring adult mentors. But when our country shut down, we were unable to make matches, and we quickly realized we needed to pivot our focus from providing mentors to providing basic needs to our families who face barriers to getting needs met. • 80% of our Littles come from low-income households, • 60% from single parent families • 30% of our Littles are People of Color who have been disproportionately a ected the economic, health and social impact of this pandemic.

With the support of our community, BBBSCO jumped into action. We distributed Visa, Safeway and Grocery Outlet gift cards to families of Littles, and delivered food boxes. Our reach went beyond basic needs, as we distributed laptops (donated by G5) to Littles, enabling them to do school work online, and for our graduating seniors to apply to secondary education and scholarship opportunities. We provided civil masks (donated by Blackstrap Industries), Lego sets (donated by Avion Water Company) and so much more to families who needed assistance, positively impacting hundreds of people.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon is committed to providing the resources After surveying our families, we discovered that our families desperately need during that over this crisis and any crisis that may follow. • 50% of the parents/guardians of our This pandemic has posed one of the greatittles either lost their o , were laid o est threats to the potential of our youth or had a reduction in hours. and we are committed to taking up the • 40% of our families experienced food charge to defend it now more than ever! insecurity and • 45% needed help paying utilities.

Congratulations to Latinx Mentoring Program Little Sister, Andrea, who after receiving her laptop donated by G5, was able to apply for three scholarships. She now has $1,700 towards college tuition!

lCongratulations Becky Breeze,

Big of the Year

“I think every person, male or female, over the age of 18 should be mentoring somebody on some level… The more we help each other the better society is, and you understand people better. You’ll enjoy it, you’ll get into it and think why didn’t I do this before?” ~ Becky Breeze

Schools are closed; kids are struggling. Our Mission is More Important Than Ever! Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon is committed to supporting youth in the midst of COVID-related restrictions.

More than ever, kids need strong relationships, someone to inspire hope and to nurture the strength of the individual as well as an entire community

A mentor has the ability to turn 2021 into a year of hope! When a child has a meaningful mentoring relationship, their life is changed forever.


Learn More!

During the month of January, Big Brothers Big Sisters will be holding informational Zoom meetings on how you can IGNITE POTENTIAL:

Mugs & Mentors: January 12th @ 8:30AM Lunch & Learn: January 20th @ 12:00PM Bigs & Brews: January 28th @ 5:30PM: Links to meetings are on our home page: 541-312-6047 | Instagram: @bbbsco Facebook: @BigBrothersBigSistersOfCentralOregon

After being matched for

How Is Mentoring Possible during COVID Restrictions? • Regular phone calls, text messages, Facebook Messenger, and FaceTime chats • Snail Mail • Outside winter activities—what better place than in Central Oregon • “Zoom” a talent or passion, such as, playing guitar, drawing, cooking, or working out together • Play board games virtually • Have a virtual movie night • Watch virtual concerts together • Have a virtual book club • Help a Little with virtual homework assignments

1 year,

youth involved in BBBSCO report

IMPROVEMENT in the following areas:

Improved Parental Trust

Decrease in Risky Behaviors

Increased Attendence in School

Increased Social Competencies

Academic Improvement


We Welcome These Recent Matches!

Theresa and Nevaeh’s match meeting was conducted via Zoom. COVID will not stop us from changing lives!

Ryan and Jaxon like to get outside, especially in leaves and snow. They’ve also shared time online doing coloring and art on the Caribu app.

These two look forward to cooking and baking. Sophia is excited to have a Big Sister because her cerebral palsy makes it difficult for her to make friends.

Cindy and Tuesday are matched through our Bigs in Blue Program. Cindy is a Bend Police Officer, and these two hope to do some martial arts and a 5K race together.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Big Brothers Big Sisters relies on the support of donors and sponsors who are


We Are




Tickets Available on


7 Thu. Jan 7

Call to Artists The award winning Red Chair

The Ultimate Oldies Show A locally-pro-

at Bridge 99 Bundle up and join us for trivia outdoors at Bridge 99. Fire pits, heaters, food trucks and brews are on the ready. Subject to cancellation with poor weather. 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon Trivia on the Moon is back once again at Silver Moon Brewing! We are excited to welcome back our hosts and guests for exciting categories, great prizes, and good times. Trivia will be held on our socially distanced patio. Prizes for teams that come in first and second place, as well as random knowledge questions for additional prizes. 7-9pm.

9 Sat. Jan 9 Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House Bunk+Brew Presents: Saturdays in the

Yard with Darin Gentry Live music originals by Darin Gentry! Darin, steeped in the Appalachian Mountain music tradition for over two decades, plugs in the banjo and fiddle to explore different rhythms and grooves Heated and covered igloos, bonfires, and heaters available for you to enjoy the night in comfort! See you soon! 5-10pm.

10 Sun. Jan 10 River’s Place Trivia Brunch Edition! Yummy

new brunch options from the food trucks and of course Mimosas from the tap house. Free to play and prizes to win! Due to state mandate, seating is strictly outside. Come early and grab a seat at one of our many heated and fire pit tables. 12-1:30pm.

12 Tue. Jan 12 Initiative Brewing Tuesday Night Trivia in

Redmond UKB, Central Oregon’s finest live trivia show returns to Redmond on Tuesdays, 6:30 pm at Initiative Brewing. It’s free and fun to play, with Taco Tuesday specials too. Don’t miss out! 6:30-8:30pm. Free.

duced, syndicated, weekly, thematic two-hour radio show highlighting the music, artists, producers, musicians and cultural touchstones of the late 1940s through the late 1960s. Stories, anecdotes, chart information, interview clips and trivia complement the recognized, the long forgotten and the seldom heard rock’n’soul records of that memorable period. Fridays, 6-8pm. KPOV, 501 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: Free.

DANCE The Nutcracker: A Child’s Tale Performed By Academie De Ballet Classique Académie de Ballet Classique has

rescheduled their holiday performance and are proud to present a livestream of The Nutcracker: A Child’s Tale, filmed at The Tower Theatre. The Theatre will be closed to all outside audiences, with only those directing, performing, and supervising permitted to be on location. Jan. 10, 6-8pm. Contact: 541-382-4055. dance@abcbend,com. $34.


PRESENTATIONS & EXHIBITS Know Place - Feng Shui: Placement and Balance Create your perfect place by using feng shui. Presented by Vibrant Spaces, Feng Shui Consulting & Design. Jan. 9, 4-5pm. Contact: 541-312-1032. Free.

Know Place - Geology of Central Oregon: The Crooked River Caldera Rocks tell stories of time passing,

climate change and cataclysms. Floods cascaded across the Pacific Northwest. Mountains have roared. Explore the rich geologic history of our local landscape with retired USFS Geologist, Carrie Gordon. register/WN_2sq5-n51Q62gzXncT-Oi9g Jan. 12, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@ Free.

Thursday Night Vintage Ski Film Join us outside in the alley for a fun evening of vintage ski films! Button up your favorite ski suit and come on out! Serving up beer, wine, hot cider, cocoa, tea, fresh hot theater popcorn and, of course, the best old ski films you need to see! Thursdays, 6:30pm. Through Jan. 28. Tin Pan Alley, Off Minnesota, between Thump and the Wine Shop, Bend. $15-$30.

Know Place - Preserving Central Oregon’s Dark Skies Join us for an in-depth


Know Place: First-Time Homebuyers Webinar Is buying a house a part of your 2021

Bunk+Brew Presents: The Yuletide Winter Market Come join us Saturdays in De-

cember for arts, crafts, beer, wine, food, music and cheer this winter season! We will be hosting local vendors selling their wares and showcasing live music by the fire at night in our European inspired Winter Market. Saturdays, 2-10pm. Through Jan. 16. Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave, Bend. Contact: 458-202-1090. No cover. Courtesy Unsplash

look at preserving the dark skies in Central Oregon with Bob Grossfield, Observatory Manager of the Sunriver Nature and Observatory Center. This is a live presentation. register/WN_7FoscTULSbihiG4R6ZVWYw Jan. 6, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@ Free.

New Year Resolution or just something you’ve been hoping to do for a while now? We hope you’ll join us for this home buying class to help set you up for a successful purchase. This is a live webinar. Jan. 6, 6:30-8pm. Contact: 541-312-1063. Free.

Scalehouse Gallery Presents Shabazz Larkin: Fragile Black Man Shabazz Larkin

is an African American Artist and Author. His practice of vandalizing photographs, overwhelming use of color and bold typography, at times feel like visual concepts better suited for the editorial section of Rolling Stone. This technique only veils Larkin’s true intention to explore societal issues of race, justice and religion. We will follow updated State guidelines and allow six people in the gallery at a time for the health and safety of our community, volunteers and gallerists. Dec. 4-Jan. 30. Scalehouse Gallery, 550 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.

A Year in Oregon’s High Desert Feeling stressed? A dose of natural beauty could help. If you could use some healthy distraction, plan to check out this virtual exhibition featurings 24 stunning images from public lands in Eastern Oregon, including both grand landscapes and close-ups of the plants and wildlife that give Oregon’s sagebrush steppe its pulse. The exhibition also captures some beautiful, ephemeral moments from the high desert, such as an encounter with the threatened Greater Sage-Grouse during its elaborate mating ritual for which it is best known. Nov. 16-Jan. 8, 5:30pm. Free.

WORDS Made a resolution to read more this year? Join in on one of Roundabout Books' online book clubs to keep you reading and engaged!

visit for Zoom info. Jan. 6, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@ Free.

New Year’s Book Launch & Tarot Salon with Dr. Emily Carr and Guests

Dr. Emily Carr, author of Name Your Bird Without a Gun: A Tarot Romance (Spork 2020); Dr. Nick Clarkson, an amateur astrologer and Gender Studies professor; and Dr. Avni Vyas, a poet and Professor of Rhetoric present a conversation about poetry and the Tarot. Jan. 10, 1-3pm. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@ Free.

Nonfiction Book Club We will discuss Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Please visit for Zoom info. Jan. 8, 1-2pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@ Free. Not Your Average Book Club We will discuss The Silence of Bones by June Hur. Please visit for Zoom info. Jan. 11, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@ Free. Out of This World Book Club We will

discuss Dread Nation by Justine Ireland. Please visit for Zoom info. Jan. 13, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@ Free.

ETC. Preventative Walk-In Pet Wellness Clinic The Bend Spay and Neuter Project offers

vaccinations, deworming and microchips at our walk-in wellness clinic. No appointments necessary, first come first served. Saturdays, 9am-2pm. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. $10-$30.

Women’s Share Healing Circle We all

experience challenges on our journey of life. Together We uplift and encourage as we connect and share. Saturdays, 9am. Through Jan. 9. Free.

VOLUNTEER Big Brothers Big Sisters of C.O.: Mugs & Mentors January is National Mentoring

Month, so grab a mug of coffee and join us on this interactive Zoom chat to learn how you can ignite, empower and defend the potential of a local youth through the power of mentoring! Feel free to jump on anytime during the hour! Jan. 12, 8:30-9:30am. Contact: 541-312-6047. balbert@

Call for Volunteers - Play with Parrots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird

Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and practice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

CASA Training to Be A Voice for Kids in Foster Care Court Appointed Special

Advocates (or CASA volunteers) are trained and committed volunteers who provide a voice for and ensure that each child’s individual needs remain a priority in foster care. Become a CASA at our free online training in 2021. Tuesdays, Noon-3pm. Through Feb. 23. Contact: 541-389-1618. $0.

Current Fiction Book Club We will discuss City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert. Please

Submitting an event is free and easy.

Add your event to our calendar at


Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia Night

Gallery is looking for an artist who makes wearable art or accessories in fiber or leather. We are a membership gallery. If interested, pick up an application at the gallery, located at the corner of Bond St. and Oregon Ave. in downtown Bend. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-410-6813.

CALENDAR Volunteer Opportunity Are you a Jack/Jill of



all trades? There’s everything from small engine, fencing, troubleshooting in a barn/rescue facility that require TLC repairs. Seize this opportunity; volunteer at Mustangs To The Rescue. Please call and leave a message. Mondays-Sundays, 9am-6pm. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-8943.

Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers and we make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

GROUPS & MEETUPS “Love Your Neighbor” 1st Thursday Presentation hosted by League of Women Voters of Deschutes County

Erika McCalpine, Co-Founder of the “Love Your Neighbor” Project and Director of the OSU-Cascades Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Laboratory Learn more about the work being done in Deschutes County to assure that we are a welcoming community for all of our diverse neighbors. zoom. us/j/2141001920 Jan. 7, Noon-1pm. Contact: 206-390-8507. Free.

Community Conversations: Bringing Community Together How and

where can we find common ground? Pastor Eric Burtness, of Zion Lutheran Church in Redmond, will lead off our conversation. Registration is required. Jan. 10, 4-6pm. Contact: 541-312-1032. Free.

FAMILY & KIDS Baby Ninja + Me Cuties (10 months-24 months) plus adult will bond and have a blast during this unique yoga and ninja warrior class! Each of these classes will include soft obstacle ninja warrior courses, yoga and fun. Adults will enjoy, meeting other parents, yoga stretching and learning ways to interact with their babies! Wednesdays, 11-11:45am. Through June 2. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $99 per Child. Birds & Bees Talks: What, When & How (PK-5) with Amy Lang, MA The

birds and the bees can be tough to talk about but with a little information, some careful thought and planning it’s possible to have comfortable and effective conversations that help your kids make good decisions. Jan. 12, 12-1:15pm. Free.

Equipo de Robótica Bilingüe ¡Únete al

Equipo de Robótica LEGO y aprende a construir y programar con robots LEGO! Nuestros clubs extraescolares de robótica para jóvenes en 4º y 5º grado están enfocados a la resolución de problemas, la creatividad, la exploración de nuevas ideas, ¡y la diversión! *Bilingüe English/ Spanish programa Mondays-Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Through Feb. 10. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@ $80/month.

Kids Ninja Warrior Half-Day Camp

Drop-off the kids (age 6 - 12) on Wednesday afternoon’s after school for Half-Day Ninja Warrior




Courtesy Camp Fire

Camps, they’ll get their energy out and their exercise in! Wednesdays, 1:30-4:30pm. Through May 26. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541241-3919. $99 per child.

LEGO Robotics Join Camp Fire’s First LEGO

League Robotics club for 4th-5th graders. We will be exploring FLL’s new competition “Gamechangers” using LEGO EV3 Mindstorms robots. This club is all about problem solving, getting creative, exploring new ideas, and having fun! Mondays-Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30pm. Through Feb. 10. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. $80/month.

Online Art Activities for Kids Join Camp Fire for virtual art activities designed for K-5th graders but open to all! No registration required. Tuesdays, 4-4:30pm. Contact: 541-382-4682. Free.


Join the future of LEGOs with this robotics club perfect for 4th/5th graders looking to build, get creative and have fun! Mondays & Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm.

Apres Ski Special at Zpizza Tap Room

Apres Ski Special at Zpizza is happening Thur-Sun on our outside heated patio! Slice of premium pizza & beer- only $5! Happy Hour with 18 taps and big -screen TVs. Show your Mt. B lift ticket, finish your epic day on your way down from the mountain with us from 4:00-6:00pm. Thursdays through Sundays, 4-6pm. Zpizza Tap Room, 1082 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-382-2007. $5.

Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day!

Tuesdays are Local’s Day. Every Tuesday enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang out by the fire. See you soon, Bend! Tuesdays. Cross Cut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend. growler fills every Wednesday at Bevel! Wednesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: 831-245-1922. holla@ Free.

Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. Outdoor dining is open now! The are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tuesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: Free.

Take, Shake, & Bake Join us for

our weekly “Take, Shake, & Bake” featuring a few cocktail selections (bottled to-go or enjoy on the Minnesota ave board-walk) + Pizza from Portland’s Renata (take & bake or hot & ready). Every Saturday 2pm-8pm + Surprise pop-up DJ sets and more Jan. 9, 2-8pm. Dogwood Cocktail Cabin, 147 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend.


CORK Thursday Run Join us for a run from

Moon Brewing! Come on down and join the local family all day every Monday! We offer $3 Pints of our core line up beers and $4 pours of our barrel aged beers all day. Come down and sample whats new while also enjoying our brand new food menu! It’s a steal of a deal that we won’t be chasing you out the door for! Come down and join the Silver Moon family every Monday! We will see you there! Mondays. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.

Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft

10-17th, 2021 on a cruise of the Rhone River. Embark on a seven-night river cruise from Avignon to Lyon. We hope you decide to Sip and Sail with us. Please call us at 541-410-1470 or email for inquires and bookings.

Bend Area Running Fraternity The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. AVID Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: Free.

Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off

Locals’ Night Monday is the day to be at Silver

Travel to France with The Good Drop Wine Shoppe Join The Good Drop June

3-5 miles. Stay afterward for a drink and food. All ability levels welcome along with friendly on leash dogs. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Zpizza Tap Room, 1082 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Free.

Planet Fitness Home Work-Ins Planet Fitness is offering free daily workouts via livestream! The best part? No equipment needed. Get your sweat on at least four times a day. Valid even for those without memberships! Visit the Planet Fitness Facebook page for more details. Ongoing. Free. Redmond Running Group Run All levels

welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thursdays, 6:15pm. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact:

OUTDOOR EVENTS 12th Annual Polar Bear Virtual

Run This year’s event will be virtual! So what does that mean for you? As a participant, you get to pick your route and run either 5k or 10k anytime the week of January 9th-16th. We are also asking that you snap a selfie during your run and post it to either the STA Facebook or Instagram

page. You can also post on your profile/story and tag us. And for participating you get a sweet long sleeved race shirt! Though things are a bit different this year we look forward to “seeing” you all. The plus with it being virtual, is that anyone from anywhere can participate so we are hoping for a great turnout! Jan. 9-16. $30.

New Year’s Resolution Preparation Party! Learn how to rock your

movement-based 2021 Resolution! A physical therapist and a health coach will guide you to creating a strong body and a clearly defined plan for resolution success during a free Zoom party! Don’t let nagging injuries or past failures quench your desire for positive change! Jan. 6, 7-8pm. Contact: 503-481-0595. Free.

Ski and Stay Package Book any full-service accommodation and receive two Hoodoo Ski Lift tickets per day of your stay for free! Every two Hoodoo Ski Lift tickets can be traded for four Autobahn Tubing tickets. Dec. 5-Jan. 23. Black Butte Ranch, 13899 Bishops Cap, Sisters. Contact: 855-257-8435. XC Oregon Learn To Ski Day A great opportunity for any level skier to get some tips to further their ability. Mini-clinics start every 30 minutes. Classic Cross Country Skiers of any level are welcome. It is preferred that Skate Skiers have had a least one day on their skis prior to this event, however. The entire event is free but donations to Meissner Nordic Ski Club are encouraged. Jan. 10, 1-2:30pm. Virginia Meissner SnoPark, Century Drive, Bend. Free.

HEALTH + WELLNESS Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a full schedule of classes through Zoom! Sign up for your class on and download Zoom. Prior to start you will receive an email invitation to join class. Be ready with mat, weights, roller, and/or band and login five minutes prior to class time. For more information visit Ongoing. $20.

S AT U R D AY JUNE 26, 2021

F R I D AY- S U N D AY J U LY 2 3 - 2 4 2 0 2 1



2021 BEND BEER RUN at The Commons



A list of items that can make this year much better for music fans By Isaac Biehl

Jeshua Marshall

CALENDAR Capoeira: A Perfect Adventure Become your own hero. The Brazilian art form of Capoeira presents opportunities to develop personal insights, strength, balance, flexibility, musicality, voice, rhythm, and language by tapping the energy of this rich cultural expression and global community. Text 541-678-3460 for location and times. Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays, 6pm. Contact: 541-678-3460. $30 intro month. Family Yoga with Deven Sisler OM at

home with your whole family: Join us for family yoga with Deven Sisler. Cultivate connection, positive communication and loving touch within your family pod while having fun! We will stretch, strengthen and relax together with calming breathing techniques, partner yoga sequences and mindful, fun games. Jan. 10, 1011am. Contact: 541-550-8550. namaspayoga@ $20.

Getting Started With Essential Oils - Bend Heard about essential oils but do

Will Jeshua Marshall drop a solo album in 2021? We hope so. Until then, you can find his latest single, “Dragonfly,” out now on streaming services.


t’s probably fair to say we’re all prettttty stoked that 2020 is over. The beginning of the new year gives the music industry and local scenes some hope that things might improve in 2021. Fingers crossed that ends up being just the case. To celebrate in that newfound hope, here’s a list of items that I pray can come true for all of us music fans in Central Oregon. A New Roof Rabbits album? In 2018, The Roof Rabbits burst onto the scene with the debut album, “Creature Comforts,” an album definitely still worth listening to almost three years later. In 2020, the band released “Arizona,” a four-track EP of songs that was just featured on our Best of the Year list. Both projects are so good that I’m not sure how long I can wait for a new album. But as it currently sounds, we might be getting one in 2021. According to an email from the band, the trio of Johnny Bourbon, Sam Fisher and Sean Garvin mentioned that they were taking this winter to work on some new material, stating that, “there are two songs ready to go onto an album as we speak.” So things are looking up on this front. Buying more vinyl— LOCALLY This one is more of a goal than an event, but it still contributes to the local scene. In 2020 we sadly saw the closure of Recycle Music’s Bond Street location in Bend. However, the beloved shop still has a ton of offerings on its eBay store, where you can find gems both new and old that I highly recommend checking out. They even still have record players for sale! Over on Oregon Avenue at Smith Rock Records (formerly Ranch Records), new owner Patrick Smith is working on expanding the shop’s collection of vinyl and installing new shelves to better sort inventory around the store and make room for all the new additions. In 2021 I’ll be making it a goal to buy more records, CDs and

tapes from these establishments, as it’s a great way to support local business and find music from local artists and bands. But warning for those new to the vinyl game: this is one hobby that may get addicting. Will Jeshua Marshall drop a solo album? Fresh off a busy 2020, where Marshall spent plenty of time playing shows at breweries and other outdoor spots, working with the High Desert Music Collective and releasing a handful of solo-singles, it would only seem right that Marshall goes all out with an album this year. His most recent single, “Dragonfly,” was a gift to us as we entered into the new year and it’s absolutely beautiful. The inspiration for the song came from the passing of one of Marshall’s late friends and is filled with emotion. It’s moving, graceful and the vocals sound brilliant. Now this is only speculation, but after years of witnessing his talents in Larry and His Flask and Guardian of the Underdog, I hope we get a full-length solo effort from Marshall. He put out some of the best music in C.O. last year and I would expect nothing less coming into the new year. Will Concerts Be Back? This seems obvious, but it’s something deeply missed from the normal Central Oregon routine. If the spread of COVID sees a significant decrease and our beloved venues can open their doors in some capacity again, I’d gladly pay double to get my concert fix. It doesn’t matter if I have to sit farther back from the stage, stay in my own pod outside or stay seated in a car. Any type of concert at this point would feel so good. Maybe ( just maybe) we’ll get to enjoy a show at Les Schwab following the amphitheater’s stage updates this summer. Maybe we’ll get to have a touring act take over the Volcanic stage for an epic performance. Who knows? But if things clear up, and it’s safe to do so, attending a concert would be a big thing to accomplish this year. Even if it’s just one show, I’ll take it.

not know where to start? Join us for this free workshop to learn how to get started safely. Fridays, 7pm and Sundays, 10am. Through May 30. Riverhouse on the Deschutes, 3075 N. Highway 97, Bend. Free.

Healing Flow Workshop Give yourself

time and grace to feel, breathe, open and flow in this two hour healing journey of movement and stillness. Leave relaxed, open, connected, whole, flexible, joyful, supported and grounded. Led by Petit Davina. Live via Zoom + Bend Studio (if studio open). Jan. 9, 1:30-3:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-550-8550. $25.

Intuitive Life Coaching Discover exactly

what is blocking you from feeling peace, happiness, and satisfaction in your life and relationships. Wed, Jan. 6, 3pm, Wed, Jan. 13, 3pm, Wed, Jan. 20, 3pm, Wed, Jan. 27, 3pm and Wed, Feb. 3, 3pm. Bend, RSVP for address. Free.

Livestream Pre + Postnatal Yoga Classes This class is designed to help

pregnant ladies and recently postpartum moms (6 weeks - 1 year) safely strengthen and stretch their bodies, relax the mind, reduce discomfort, and improve postpartum recovery. Use props from home for classes. Babies are welcome too ;) Sundays, 10:30am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-797-3404. $9.

Livestream Yoga Flow Classes This all

levels livestream yoga flow class is built around sun salutations and creative sequencing to build heat, endurance, flexibility and strength. Our highly knowledgable yoga teachers will guide you safely through smooth pose-to-pose transitions as you move with your breath. Tuesdays-Thursdays-Saturdays, 9:15-10:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-797-3404. $9.

Livestreamed Meditation Class Free online meditation classes led by Cathleen Hylton of Blissful Heart Wellness Center. Take a break from the current climate and get your zen on in this free meditation class. Join class via zoom. us/j/596079985. Thursdays, 6-7pm. Free. Mind/Body Exercise Taster Series A five week series in five different types of mind body exercise . Please plan to attend all five - January 6, 13, 20, 27 and February 3. Jan. 6, 2pm. SHARC, 57250 Overlook Rd., Sunriver. Free.

The Numa Breath Experience

Breathwork therapy is a transformational practice that strategically weaves together the power of conscious breathwork, deep bodily unwindings and mindful somatic psycho-therapeutic investigations. It means shifting those emotional patterns and stressors from the inside out. Led by Tziporah Kingsbury Jan. 6, 5:45-7:45pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-550-8550. $50.

The Vance Stance/Structural Reprogramming Tired of being in pain? Get

to the root of why you are tight & suffering. In this series of two-hour classes in posture and flexibility. Mondays-Thursdays, Noon-2pm and Mondays-Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Through Feb. 11. EastSide Home Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct., Bend. Contact: 541-330-9070. vancebonner@ 12 classes/$180.

Women’s Circle Start 2021 off right! A

committed four week series open to all who identify as women. Move, dance and connect more soul-fully with yourself and others. Pause to tune into your heart and body in a supportive and sacred space. No experience necessary. Learn more at Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. Through Jan. 28. Contact: 541-948-7015. $100/series. Unsplash

Stay bendy and relaxed in the New Year with a Healing Flow Workshop that will leave you feeling supported and whole. Join in virtually or in person if studios are open on Sat., Jan. 9, 1:30-3:30pm.



What To (Maybe) Look Forward to in 2021




In a Tough Year, Some Cold Hard Cash for Area Nonprofits


Central Oregon Gives helps raise over $675K for good causes By Nicole Vulcan



SAVE 20%-50%

on your favorite loca l businesses Purchase discount gift certificates online at

t was a little idea that grew into a big win for area nonprofits: Rather than having each nonprofit go it alone and raise their end-of-year funds through their own channels, why not offer a one-stop-shop for those nonprofits to gain more visibility? The idea for Central Oregon Gives, conceived in 2019, was the brainchild of What If We Could Founder Rys Fairbrother and Source Weekly Publisher Aaron Switzer. Little did they know that the idea they had to hopefully raise upward of $50,000 for local nonprofits would result in raising over 10 times that amount in the first year. At the end of 2019, in its first year, the Central Oregon Gives program raised over $575,000 for local nonprofits, blowing the initial goal out of the water. At the end of 2020, Fairbrother and Switzer announced an even bigger collection, out-raising the 2019 total by a big amount, and exceeding the program’s 2020 goal to raise $500,00 in this challenging pandemic year. As Fairbrother said in an email announcing the earnings, “With the uncertainty of 2020, we are more than pleased that this year’s total amount donated was more than 2019’s campaign, by over $100,000!” “With all of the challenges that nonprofits are facing this year, it feels really good to see the Central Oregon community step up and give more than last year,” said Switzer. “When we started Central Oregon Gives this year during the pandemic, there was a real need for a digital giving opportunity and people really responded.” The organizers say they believe the program saw so much success because of the unique “Perks” people can earn when they give to any one of the dozens of nonprofits listed on the Central Oregon Gives site. When someone donated to the program, which ended Dec. 31, they got a “Perk” such as a drink at Worthy Brewing, a kombucha from Humm, or a snack from Rockin’ Dave’s Bistro & Backstage Lounge— driving even more people to donate in order to see what “Perk” they would get that particular week. Through a $25,000 anonymous donation to the program, nonprofits also had the chance to earn additional money. The top-earning nonprofit in the program got a $15,000 bonus, while those earning the top amount

Central Oregon Gives

Above is the roster of local nonprofits that brought in the most donations.

in their individual category also had the opportunity to win an additional $2,000. Also, the nonprofit earning the most donations of $25 and under also earned a $2,000 prize. This year, Saving Grace was the top earner, winning the additional $15,000. “I’m really in awe of the work Saving Grace put out this year and the amount of energy they have inside that organization,” Switzer said. “It was impressive.” The nonprofits winning an additional $2,000 included Friends of the Children, which raised the most in the “Education, Family & Children” category; World Muse in the Arts &

Culture category; Central Oregon Veterans Ranch in the Health & Wellbeing category and Deschutes River Conservancy in the Animal Welfare & Environment category. Earning the most donations of $25 and under was Desert Sky Montessori. While the Central Oregon Gives site, where people could browse nonprofit profiles and donate to various ones, is now “parked” until the program resumes again mid-November, people interested in learning more about the nonprofits involved can visit the Source Weekly’s site, where we maintain a portal of profiles on each nonprofit in our “Give Guide” section.


CHOW Intermittent Feasting

The budding field of fasted training might be the answer to your New Year’s blues


By Ari Levaux

Ari LeVaux

Before you tear into this feast, consider fasting for a few hours on any given day.

Not to be confused with starvation, fasting is the deliberate refraining from eating. It’s an ancient practice tied to many religions and cultures, from Native American vision quests to Ramadan. Mark Mattson, a professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, ushered in the modern era of fasting, now known scientifically as caloric restriction, with his 2003 research on

Not to be confused with starvation, fasting is the deliberate refraining from eating. It’s an ancient practice tied to many religions and cultures, from Native American vision quests to Ramadan. In the context of weight loss, those hunger pangs are the feelings that come from actual work, like the ache in your thighs after leg day at the gym. And new research appears to suggest, meanwhile, that fasting can improve your workout—including muscle building—while exercise can increase the caloric burn of a fast. Like some magic pill that burns fat and builds muscle, the budding field of fasted training might be the answer to your New Year’s blues.

mice. The study suggested that longterm calorie-restriction increased the little mammals’ lifespans. Subsequent work by Mattson and others documented cognitive improvements in mice on calorie-restricted diets, again confirming age-old wisdom. This work helped spawn the popular diet called Intermittent Fasting, or “IFing,” for short. IFing focuses on the timing of meals, rather than their content. Most adherents shoot for 16 hours of no

eating, including the time spent sleeping. If you sleep for 8 hours, then you’d be fasting for about half of your waking time on any given day. One could just as accurately call the diet intermittent feasting, which is part of why it’s so popular. Martin Berkhan, the weightlifter, irreverent blogger and owner of the Leangains brand, isn’t shy about eating an entire cheesecake in a sitting, or poking fun at people who do situps. Berkhan schedules his workout for the end of his fasting window and follows the workout with a no-holdsbarred feast. Love him or hate him, and regardless of whether you want Grand Canyon abs, Berkhan did a lot to organize the impact of caloric restriction on body building. Intermittent fasting is particularly effective, he says, because human growth hormone is naturally released in the early stages of a fast. Berkhan believes this fasting window is a powerful opportunity for the body to make the most of exercise—he does consume protein just before his regimen of squats, benches and pull-ups, all with hundreds of pounds of added weights, but his belly is not full. The reason he can get away with all the cheesecake is that those big muscles

require a lot of energy to work that hard, and they will get that energy from his fat cells after depleting the sugar in his blood. Exercising with an empty belly is not for everyone. But if you’re willing to push against your comfort zone, it does get easier. Mattson told the health blog Inverse that it takes about a month before the hunger pains from a skipped meal go away, which coincides with the period when you can measure and feel the diet’s benefits, including insulin sensitivity in those with diabetes, lower blood pressure and even a lower resting heart rate. Fasting increases blood levels of ghrelin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, thereby making you less hungry—a counterintuitive idea that’s confirmed by virtually anyone who gives fasting a serious try. Like any diet or health regime, intermittent fasting or “fasted training” only work if you stick to them. Americans act with a sense of entitlement about food, that it’s all ours for the taking and don’t you tread on that right. But don’t you want to see your own abs once, or once more, before it’s too late? You don’t need to run up Mt. Everest every morning to get there. Just be cool with being a little hungry. It’s the price of progress.



he New Year is often a time to contemplate one’s relationship with calories. After months of culturally sanctioned gluttony, we find ourselves suddenly facing a cold empty chasm with a familiar question: will we fill this void with purpose, or leftover eggnog? The pandemic holidays of 2020 were unique, of course. The usual peer-reviewed parade of excesses moved to Zoom, which didn’t stop the snacking, lounging and binge drinking that in many homes has, in fact, been in full swing since March. In the beforetimes, January was the busiest month of the year for gym signups, with the first being the busiest day. In the duringtimes of 2021 it will be more complicated, but losing weight will remain a top resolution. Weight loss is a problem that stumps so many people, even while the answer could not be more obvious. What other problem can be solved by doing less? Less eating, that is. Exercise is important for many, many reasons other than calorie burning. But trying to lose weight with exercise alone is like trying to wipe water off the floor without bothering to turn off the faucet that’s overflowing the sink. We need to consume fewer calories, which means confronting hunger. Most people who can afford the choice will avoid that feeling, when they should probably make friends with it. Consider the expression to “stay hungry.” It means, basically, to stay motivated; to keep after your goals and shape your dreams, rather than to lazily graze upon an all-you-can-eat pasture of your past achievements.


Still Release Movies, Don’t They? SCREEN They Pop culture excitement In 2021 By Jared Rasic




Photo courtesy of Legendary

n the first column I write for the Source Weekly every year, I always look ahead to the upcoming months and write about the movies I’m really looking forward to seeing. The problem with this concept right now is two-fold: One, half the movies I wrote about in this space last year still haven’t been released, and two, there’s no real guarantee that film releases in 2021 will be any less insane or unpredictable as they were last year. So, instead of just looking ahead at movies, let’s look at a few cool things that are peeking their heads over the pop-culture horizon. Why limit ourselves to just movies when we can be excited for everything? I’m going full optimist here, so have patience with me. “WandaVision” Listen, it’s been since the summer of 2019 since we’ve had a new Marvel movie (with “Black Widow” and THREE other new MCU films due to drop in 2021), and I need a fix something fierce. “WandaVision” will be the first of around 10 new Marvel series to be released on Disney+ and other streaming services, and it’s the one that has me the most excited. Wanda Maximoff has the power to warp reality, and with all of her losses from “Endgame” still fresh, imagine “WandaVision” to be a cross between “Doctor Strange,” “Bewitched” and “Ozzie and Harriet.” It’s gonna be a weird one. Premieres Jan. 15 on Disney+ “No Time to Die” Cary Fukunaga directed every single episode of the masterfully intense

Just imagine how awesome “Dune” will look on the big screen. Do you think we’ll see it there?

first season of “True Detective,” so it’s pretty exciting to imagine what he’s going to do with the final film in Daniel Craig’s James Bond series. The film looks dark and intense with some genuinely jaw-dropping moments. No matter what, it can’t be worse than “SPECTRE.” Premieres April 2 in theaters. “Dune” I want to see this on the biggest screen possible, but I’m still so hyped for it that I’ll watch it on my laptop if I have

“The Orbiting Human Circus (of the Air)” It’s been over a year since the

second season of the OHC podcast was released and I am so very ready for its beauty back in my life. I have no new information about what season three will be or when it will air, but this is my optimism showing. Featuring John Cameron Mitchell (“Hedwig and the Angry Inch”) and Julian Koster (from the band Neutral Milk Hotel), this podcast focuses on a mysterious radio show being broadcast from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Just a beautiful work of art all around.



to. From the visionary behind “Arrival” comes the third attempt at making “Dune” a mega-franchise hit, which it so very deserves to be. With a cast featuring Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, Oscar Isaac and Zendaya, this new version has a solid pedigree backed by some of the most jaw-dropping visuals I’ve ever seen. Sandworms forever. Premieres Oct. 1 in theaters and on HBOMax

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Conservationists Howling Mad GO HERE Day activities After Gray Wolf ESA Delisting Valentine’s outdoors are going to go fast By Nicole Vulcan

By Damian Fagan


he return of gray wolves to their ancestral haunts is one of the great American conservation success stories. These ancestors of the domestic dog were extirpated over much of their range in the last 100 years. Only isolated populations existed in the Western Great Lakes region, Canada, and Alaska as these apex predators were hunted, trapped and poisoned. Oregon’s last wolf standing was killed in 1947. But now, Americans want wolves and wild lands for them to roam. The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park in 1995 was a turning point for a predator long absent. Protected under the Endangered Species Act, wolf populations have increased and expanded into parts of their historic range. However, in the Nov. 3 Federal Register, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared the gray wolf recovered and ruled that the species should be delisted. However, not all agree. The issue to delist wolves has been going back and forth in the courts over the past two decades. Even the Obama Administration wanted to delist wolves and turn management over to the states and tribes. In Oregon, the gray wolf was delisted off the state’s endangered species list in 2016, and delisted off of the federal list for the eastern one-third of the state. “This most recent proposal by the Trump Administration for delisting has been the one that is the most egregious, and lacks scientific integrity,” said Zo Hanley, Northwest representative for Defenders of Wildlife. “The administration believes that since wolves have reached recovery levels in the Western Great Lakes population, they are saying that this accomplishes their goal of recovering wolves nationwide.” Though the Western Great Lakes population was once considered a separate species from the Northern Rockies population, that was changed and now both are considered one species: Canis lupus. A notable twist in the wolf’s saga is that Congress for the first time was involved, in 2011, in an attempt to delist the Northern Rocky Mountains population. “Where wolves currently are in the Western Great Lakes and Northern Rockies the numbers are pretty decent, but they’ve only recovered over 15-20% of their historic range,” added Hanley. The Endangered Species Act states that a species is deemed “recovered” when it has done so over a significant portion of its range. It’s not just individual numbers, but having the ability to

Courtesy ODFW

As efforts are underway to erodes their protection, gray wolves had best watch their backs.

exchange genetic material and expand across its range. Another issue with wolf recovery is that the management plans vary dramatically between Western states, tribes and the Federal government. Utah, for example, has zero tolerance for wolves while Colorado voters recently passed Proposition 114, a ballot initiative supporting the reintroduction of wolves into the state. Misconceptions about wolf predation also abound. “The livestock industry moved toward a model where they relied upon a predator-free environment,” said Hanley. That outdated model coincides with annual reporting by Wildlife Services, the predator control program in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, where health, weather, birthing, domestic dogs and theft (yes, livestock rustling is alive and well) contribute to far more livestock losses than wolf predation. Livestock operators can seek restitution through state funding, but more importantly, have access to funds, equipment, and technical expertise to help minimize losses to predation. In a statement following the ruling, the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association wrote, “Producers have endured unacceptable personal stress, ongoing chronic confirmed and unconfirmed predation as well as loss of production in the cattle they work so hard to protect. This will remove an unnecessary layer of management that has prevented responsible management for many years.” But wildlife advocates see it differently. “An independent scientific peer-review commissioned by USFWS reported that the agency came to a predetermined

conclusion with inadequate scientific support,” said Danielle Moser, wildlife program coordinator for Oregon Wild. “Historically, Oregon’s wolf plan used to be a model of a strong conservation management plan back in its first inception.” Bill Gawlowski, a wolf advocate and educator, served on the initial ODFW Wolf Advisory Committee that developed Oregon’s first wolf management plan, adopted in 2005. “When our plan got approved in 2005, we’d spent 13 months working on it,” said Gawlowski. “Then and for subsequent years, Oregon’s plan was hailed as the most complete and fair of any state’s management plans.” Renewed every five years, Oregon’s plan has become a little less protective with each renewal. Gawlowski and many others also fear that delisting will be interpreted as a green light for open season. “In Oregon, the wolf is a special status mammal, therefore, even if it’s not on the state’s or federal’s endangered species list, they are still protected under a form of Oregon law,” added Gawlowski. But depending upon surrounding state management plans, wolf dispersal into Oregon, northern California or southeast Washington may be impacted. Though the federal decision is set to take place on Jan. 4, 2021, Oregon Wild, Defenders of Wildlife and other conservation groups have filed intents to sue the U.S. Department of the Interior over the delisting ruling, citing the unfulfilled recovery of a species whose howl has been quiet for decades across its range, just as the story of their recovery was getting good.

Look out, lovers—if you’re trying to plan something special with your sweetie and it involves something other than staying in and getting cozy by your own fire, then you probably already know that anything good this year is going to get booked fast. Will we have a return to indoor dining by then? Who knows—but with this tour from Wanderlust Tours, you’ll have everything you need to keep things cozy. Wanderlust’s “Romance on the Snow Bonfire Snowshoe” involves slapping on some snowshoes and heading out to hang out in a snowbuilt amphitheater around a crackling bonfire. The night includes desserts and a hazelnut espresso hot cocoa to enjoy while a local naturalist points out planets, stars and constellations. Oh, and there will also be champagne. If you’re new to snowshoeing, this is one way to get help and advice from the experts—and have a romantical night at the same time. For those who can’t make it out on a Sunday, Wanderlust offers its bonfire tours other nights, too. Romance on the Snow Bonfire Snowshoe

Sun., Feb. 14. 7-11pm Deschutes National Forest (meet at Wanderlust office) $110/person Wanderlust Tours


Controversial action by the USFWS has conservation groups going to court




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ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “I only want


people around me who can do the impossible,” said Capricorn businesswoman Elizabeth Arden. In that spirit, and in accordance with your astrological potentials, I hereby authorize you to pursue two “impossible” goals in 2021. The first comes to you courtesy of fashion writer Diana Vreeland, who wrote, “There’s only one thing in life, and that’s the continual renewal of inspiration.” Your second “impossible” goal is from actor Juliette Binoche, who said, “My only ambition is to be true every moment I am living.”

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Your past is be-

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coming increasingly irrelevant, while your future is still a bit amorphous. To help clarify the possibilities that you could harvest in 2021, I suggest you suspend your theories bout what your life is about. Empty yourself out as much as you can. Pledge to re-evaluate everything you think you know about your purpose. Once you’ve accomplished that, meditate on the following questions: 1. What experiences do you truly need and passionately long for—not the experiences you needed and longed for in the past, but rather those that are most vivid and moving right now. 2. What are the differences between your fearful fantasies and your accurate intuitions? How can you cultivate the latter and downplay the former? 3. What are your nightly dreams and semi-conscious fantasies telling you about how to create the most interesting version of the future?

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Author Gunter Grass wrote, “Writers know that sometimes things are there in the drawer for decades before they finally come out and we are capable of writing about them.” I would universalize his thought in this way: Most of us know that possibly useful ideas and dreams are in the drawer for years before they finally come out and we know how to use them. I believe this will be an ongoing experience for you in 2021, Pisces.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The pandemic has made it challenging to nurture our communities. In order to make new connections and keep our existing connections vibrant, we’ve had to be extra resourceful. I hope you will make this work one of your holy quests in 2021, Aries. In my astrological opinion, you should be ingenious and tireless as you nurture your web of allies. Your assignment during our ongoing crisis is to lead the way as you show us all how to ply the art of high-minded networking. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus actor George Clooney is worth $500 million. Yet his dazzling opulence is puny compared to that of Taurus entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg, whose fortune exceeds $100 billion. It’s my duty to inform you that you will probably never achieve either man’s levels of wealth. Yet I do hold out hope that in the next 12 months you will launch plans that ultimately enable you to have all the money you need. 2021 will be a favorable time to formulate and set in motion a dynamic master plan for financial stability.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): One of your main themes for the next 12 months comes from Leonardo da Vinci. He wrote, “To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” If you use da Vinci’s instructions as a seed for your meditations, you’ll stir up further inspirations about how to make 2021 a history-making epoch in the evolution of your education. I hope you will treasure the value of “learning how to see” and “realizing how everything connects to everything else.” They should be at the root of your intention to learn as much as you can. CANCER (June 21-July 22): An extensive study by psychiatric researchers suggests that well more than half of us experienced a potentially disabling trauma in childhood. You’re in the minority if you didn’t! That’s the bad news. The good news is that 2021 will be a time when you Cancerians will

have more power than ever before to heal at least some of the wounds from your old traumas. You will also attract extra luck and help to accomplish these subtle miracles. To get the process started, make a list of three practical actions you can take to instigate your vigorous healing.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo author Isabel Allende says, “We are in the world to search for love, find it and lose it, again and again. With each love, we are born anew, and with each love that ends we collect a new wound. I am covered with proud scars.” I appreciate Allende’s point of view, and understand that it’s useful, even inspirational, for many people. But my path has been different. As a young man, I enjoyed my endless quest for sex and romance. It was thrilling to keep leaping from affair to affair. But as I eventually discovered, that habit made me stupid and superficial about love. It prevented me from having to do the hard psychological work necessary to continually reinvent intimacy—and become eligible for deeper, more interesting versions of love. I bring this to your attention, Leo, because I think 2021 could be your time for a personal rebirth that will be made possible by deep, interesting versions of love.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Occultist Israel Regardie (1907–1985) was an accomplished author and influencer. To what did he attribute his success? I’ll let him speak for himself: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” I hope you will write out this quote and tape it to your bathroom mirror for the duration of 2021, Virgo. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a mystical symbol of the hidden structure of creation. At its heart, in the most pivotal position, is the principle of beauty. This suggests that the wise teachers who gave us the Tree did not regard beauty as merely a luxury to be sought only when all practical business is taken care of. Nor is it a peripheral concern for those who pursue a spiritual path. Rather, beauty is essential for our health and intelligence. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to take a cue from the Tree of Life. During the next 12 months, give special attention to people and things and experiences and thoughts and feelings that are beautiful to you. Meditate on how to nurture them and learn from them and draw inspiration from them. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): According to motivational speaker Les Brown, the problem for many people is not that “they aim too high and miss,” but that “they aim too low and hit.” I’m conveying this to you just in time for the Reach Higher Phase of your long-term astrological cycle. According to my analysis, you’ll generate good fortune for yourself if you refine and expand your personal goals. Here’s a key detail: Don’t borrow anyone else’s standards of success. Home in on your own unique soul’s code, and give it fuller, deeper, wilder expression.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): One of my primary pleasures in reading books is to discover thoughts and feelings I have never before encountered. That’s exciting! But it’s hard to force myself to keep plowing through an author’s prose if it’s full of stuff that I already know about from my own life or from books, movies, and other art. Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novels fi t the latter description. I realize that many people love his fiction, but for me it is monumentally obvious and boring. What about you, Sagittarius? Where do you go to be exposed to thrilling new ways of looking at the world? Judging from the astrological omens, I conclude that this quest will be especially fun and crucial for you in the coming months.

Homework: What’s the biggest and best lucky break you’d love to attract in 2021?


Crossword “SPLOTCHED”

By Brendan Emmett Quigley

Pearl’s Puzzle

Difficulty Level

We’re Local!

© Pearl Stark

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.



The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:

“I believed in _______ a long time ago… all through the sixties I ______ everything.” —Bill Lee


ACROSS 1. Apply the anesthesia 7. Statement no. 11. Government employee who blends into the background 14. In the last month 15. He ran a ship of foals 16. Miguel’s aunt 17. Big Apple attraction that makes you go, “Where’d the day go?” 20. Actress Dennings 21. Cross promotional thing 22. Strong urge 23. Shop holder 24. Wine holder 25. Two things to do with some “hair of the dog?” 30. “You got that ___, pal” 31. X in geometry 32. “Not when you can!” 34. Dry with a tea towel 35. “I agree and endorse” 37. 8-Down with Rumi’s face on it 38. “Killing ___” 39. Pavlova costume 40. See 62-Across 41. Small things that get jammed while making igloos? 45. Day worker 46. Speaker’s point 47. More artful 49. Peter ___ and John 51. Cote murmur 54. Evidence that somebody’s on hold? 57. Story line? 58. Jesus worked miracles here 59. Become unsteady 60. “Seen better” 61. Still life container 62. With 40-Across, they come covered in diamonds

DOWN 1. Coup for the Greek Freak 2. Philosopher Zeno’s town 3. F’s is almost 19: Abbr. 4. Home improvement letters 5. Putting on a broad face? 6. Easy-peasy 7. Against 8. See 37-Across 9. iPhone feature, for short 10. Jacksonville squad, for short 11. Be exceptionally rotten 12. Auto freshener smell 13. Talks, and talks, and will you shut up already, and talks... 18. Rich strain of weed 19. Not great, but not bad 23. Tomato’s spot 24. Campaign award 25. Take the wheel 26. Crocheting technique 27. Love to death 28. Three nos. after ten, say 29. Brainiacs, to haters 30. Belt org. 33. “That ___ unexpected!” 35. Shit load? 36. Juice judge 37. “Family Guy” mom 39. Co-writer of “The Lion King” musical 40. Psychologist with a famous box 42. Mayflower backbone 43. One on a pedestal 44. Tokyo hub 47. Counterfeit 48. Urban legends 49. “Va ___!” (“Okay” in Italian) 50. Vail lift, once 51. Kind of mileage for a car 52. Torts and Contracts student 53. Gruesome beastie 55. “Gonna pass, bro” 56. Frat party rental

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’...” —Alfred Tennyson


©2020 Brendan Emmett Quigley (

Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at





Get Your Drinks and Run A sampling of offerings from local bars, now offering drinks to go By Nicole Vulcan


Courtesy Hola!

Kick off 2021 with cocktails to go, alongside your favorite food items, of course.


Tokyo Pro Shred Nora Beck

Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use by adults 21 years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

t’s official, and available for only a limited time: Oregon now allows restaurants and bars to sell mixed drinks to customers buying takeout or delivery—so long as those drinks come with a “substantial food item.” On Dec. 23, Gov. Kate Brown signed into law SB 1801, also known as the Restaurant Relief Act of 2020, which allowed establishments to sell and deliver cocktails that come in a sealed container. According to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, there’s no limit on the size of those containers. However, the original language of the bill states, “not more than two mixed drinks or single servings of wine may be ordered,” so if you were hoping for a jug-sized single margarita that would set you up for crazy-town in one fell swoop, you’re going to have to reassess. With the new bill—which sunsets 60 days after Oregon’s current State of Emergency ends—plenty of local establishments are already mixing up some creative offerings. Here are a few to check out. Dogwood Cocktail Cabin is offering a weekly “Take, Shake & Bake” that includes a few of its signature cocktails, along with take-and-bake pizza from Portland’s Renata Italian restaurant. Enjoy the fare on Dogwood’s

“board-walk” and listen to surprise popup DJ sets, or take it home to go. Dogwood’s event happens Saturdays from 2 to 8pm for the foreseeable future. Voted Best Bar and Best Specialty Cocktail in our 2020 Best of Central Oregon readers’ poll, this is a no-brainer. Hola! Restaurants are offering their delicious margaritas and signature Red Cactus at its open locations. Hola! has already added its drink offerings to its DoorDash profile. Washington Dining & Cocktails is now offering its Sunday Supper for two, with a new dish each week. Last week it was an 18-ounce ribeye, twice-baked potato gratin, broccoli and a Caesar salad. Order ahead, and get it with a bottle of wine. La Rosa Mexican Kitchen is offering sealed jars of its signature margaritas and more, ready to go for your drinking pleasure. El Rancho Grande is also offering margaritas that you can order via DoorDash, with two options available. …Lots more locations are sure to have drinks to go—but in the continuing saga that is running a bar or restaurant in the age of coronavirus, the next step is going to be doing the unenviable task of figuring out how to add all those drinks to online menus, so that we can all order with abandon.


Cujo’s Diner

I live in California, where there’s outdoor dining. My husband and I disagree about bringing our dog to restaurants. Our pooch has to sit under the table, and I think it’s really dirty and unkind to put him there. My husband thinks we should bring him. What do you think? —Concerned Dogs long to please us, which is why they always give us such wonderful little presents: “Wow, Toto, headless dead bird? Oh, good, because a diamond tennis bracelet would be super boring.” By human cleanliAmy Alkon ness standards, dogs are seriously disgusting. The “Merry Corpsemas!” gifts on the duvet and the love some breeds have for rolling around in the mud (immediately after you spend $75 at the groomer) aren’t the half of it. Dogs live to sniff poo; they’ll snub their water bowl to drink out of the toilet; and they have the lovely habit of using your Persian rug for toilet paper -- especially when you’ve got company over for a chi-chi cocktail party. In other words, any minor foot dirt under a restaurant table is unlikely to be a problem for your dog. All that’s likely to be “really dirty” are the looks you might get from patrons with allergies or dog-in-dinery issues. From your dog’s perspective, it’ll be simply awesome to be at your feet. Anthrozoologist John W.S. Bradshaw explains that dogs co-evolved with humans, starting between 15,000 to 25,000 years ago, per archeological estimates. Over all those doggie-human generations ever since, dogs have been bred to find human contact extremely rewarding. Bradshaw and his colleagues discovered that some dogs -- Labs and border collies, for example -- suffer intense “separation distress” when they’re apart from their human. “They find it difficult to cope without us,” writes Bradshaw. “Since we humans have programmed this vulnerability, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our dogs do not suffer as a result.” As I see it, we’re cruel to exclude dogs from so many areas of our lives. Take airline travel. Airlines require dogs over 20 pounds -- no matter how well-behaved -- to be put in a cage and stowed with the luggage in the hold of the plane. The airlines could easily adopt a more compassionate policy: Instead, give the cage space to that baby who’s sure to scream all the way from Dallas to St. Louis, trashing the mental health of everybody from 1A to 32E.

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (

© 2020, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.





I’m a woman in my late 20s in a happy, committed relationship. I had the idea of going to a therapist with my boyfriend so we can learn to communicate better, etc. Friends I’ve told about this see it as a sign of “trouble in paradise.” Is it possible I’m in denial and there’s something wrong between my boyfriend and me? —Unsettled Be glad your friends are not in charge of airplane maintenance. It’s annoying when a nonstop flight makes an unscheduled stop -- especially when it involves going down in flames in a cornfield. We’re given training in how to read, write, and drive, and if you go on YouTube, somebody will teach you how to do magic tricks with your blender. Only in our romantic relationships are we expected to be untrained geniuses. Unfortunately, this expectation pairs poorly with therapist Albert Ellis’ realism on what it means to be a person (in language he suggested to a client): “I’m a human, fallible being who screwed up and may screw up in the future because (of) my fallibility.” So, though there’s a tendency to see therapy (for individuals or couples) as something you do only when you’re broken, it shouldn’t be that way. It can be a tuneup to help a good relationship be even better. For example, when I do relationship mediations for couples, I help them see each other’s sometimes conflicting wants -- he wants this/she wants that -- not as threats but as mere facts to manage (with love and respect). You can find your partner’s request unreasonable or even crazy, but if it’s not a big deal for you to come through, maybe you do it simply because you love them and want them to feel good. (If it is a big deal, you can at least tell them lovingly why you wish you could but you can’t.) A relationships researcher I respect, psychologist John Gottman, gives weekend workshops for couples that can be attended online ( Couples on a budget could just get Gottman’s book, “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work,” out of the library and read and discuss a section a week. Gottman’s workshop or book would also be a great wedding present. We find wedding vows romantic, but we tend not to consider that “till death do us part!” would have been a great T-shirt slogan for enemy soldiers trying to off each other in the Hundred Years’ War.


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VERSATILE COMMERCIAL BUILDING 1929 NE Neff Road Single story building located in the

Thinking about buying a new home or refinancing? If so, let’s chat. Tracia Larimer

Opportunity Zone & Medical District Overlay. Great exposure, excellent parking, close



to St. Charles. Triplex & commercial/office

Azara Mortgage, LLC


(541) 241-8344

remodel drawings included.

OFFERED AT $1,250,000

Otis Craig Broker, CRS

Terry Skjersaa

Principal Broker, CRS

Jason Boone

Principal Broker, CRIS

Mollie Hogan

Principal Broker, CRS

Cole Billings Broker

Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty 1033 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97703




One of a kind property within 5 minutes of everything that Bend has to offer. Costco, Safeway, Hospital, great restaurants and pubs and so much more. 5 acres with a1800 sqft shop with a full bathroom and options of building your new home on the property. Mountain views are amazing and the property is prepped and ready for asphalt as well. Don’t miss your opportunity on the only 5 acre parcel this close to town.

& 541.771.4824 )

56950 PEPPERMILL CIRCLE, SUNRIVER • $68,500 20% Deeded Co-Ownership Fully furnished 3 bedroom 3-1/2 bath townhome. Enjoy all the amenities StoneRidge has to offer, including swimming pool, hot tub, steam room, sauna, workout room, clubhouse, 2 tennis courts, basketball court, play structure & bikes. Weeks can be traded with RCI exchange program. Townhome is a rental option home. Townhome updated in March 2016 with Granite counter tops and all new furnishings. Professional management team onsite to assist with owner’s needs.


1033 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97703 Office: 541-382-8262 Mobile: 541-306-0479



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Do Permits and City Ordinances Really Matter? Things to consider when building that chicken coop or bumping out the master bedroom a couple feet

some dollars in their pocket. I've had my fair share of experience with unpermitted structures or additions. That unpermitted 3-foot bumpout in the kitchen and dining room can and more than likely will result in issues, headaches and financial expense. Same goes for the unpermitted, fully plumbed and powered treehouse-style guest house. (Yes, that structure actually existed.) While it was super cool, it ultimately created financial pain for the seller. Most lenders won’t lend on properties with unpermitted structures. That small unpermitted addition which added 200 more square feet of living space and cost $30,000 cannot be considered in the square footage assessment, nor in value. Furthermore, let’s say that the addition was not only unpermitted, but did not meet code at the time of construction and the roof line is 10 degrees off of what is considered structurally safe. Now, pandora’s box has been opened, because the remedy to get the structure in compliance and permitted could be as much as replacing the entire addition in order to meet building safety code requirements. Thus, it cost the seller the original expense of the addition AND the expense of the remedy, which is likely to be far more than the original build. This is assuming there isn’t a failed sale in the process or the devaluation of the market price as a result of the unpermitted structure. The lesson here is, it becomes very costly in terms of time, energy and finances when skirting permits and ordinances. Attempting to save money on permits will ultimately cost far more than the cost of permitting at the onset. In addition, checking to ensure that the yard structure so beautifully built, as well as the creatures the structure houses, are allowed within city limits and in compliance will certainly save the stress and dollars down the road.


Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service

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244 SE Miller Avenue, Bend, OR 97702 2 beds, 1 baths, 1,002 square feet, 0.16 acres lot Built in 1925 $400,000 Listed by Cascade Sotheby’s International Realty

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“Your Oregon Coast Broker”

Geoff Groener, Licensed Broker 541.390.4488 | Geoff has been licensed as a broker in the State of Oregon for 16 years. For the past 18 years he has enjoyed the best that Oregon has to offer, owning property and working in both Bend and Lincoln City. In March of this past year, he moved to the coast on a more regular basis while still going back and forth. With two offices, Salishan at the coast and Old Mill District in Bend, Geoff makes it easy to work with you. If you have ever desired owning a place along the coast, he would be pleased to share his experience and knowledge with you! Each office is independently owned and operated.


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60943 Snowberry Place, Bend, OR 97702 5 beds, 3 baths, 3,419 square feet, 0.22 acres lot Built in 2006 $695,000 Listed by Obsidian Real Estate Group


62600 Dodds Road, Bend, OR 97701 2 beds, 2 baths, 1,792 square feet, 40.41 acres lot Built in 1929 $1,075,000 Listed by Fay Ranches

PROPERTY M A N AG E M E N T Andy Stearns Principal Broker

Licensed in the State of Oregon


R E A L E STATE Sales & Consulting 1293 NE 3rd St, Bend 541-815-8200


Furnished & Unfurnished

Shari Ballard Principal Broker

Licensed in the State of Oregon




etting a permit or checking city ordinances before making changes or additions to one’s property may feel like unnecessary trouble—but when selling, being in compliance and having permits will prevent major headaches, potential issues and quite possibly the transaction. Cities, counties and municipalities all have ordinances and permit requirements for a reason. And no—that reason is not to create headaches for the property owner, to generate income or to be a general pain. Permitting requirements and ordinances exist to ensure that all properties meet minimum safety and structural requirements, and with certain ordinances, health and sanitation standards. Recently, I had a transaction that involved a city property with a backyard to be envied: huge greenhouse, enormous garden beds and a beautiful custom-made chicken coop. Those hens had it made with an epic coop and amazing chicken run that would leave most urban farmers green with envy. Potential buyers flocked to the property. The problem was the seller hadn’t checked out the city ordinances prior to creating this urban farming oasis. Turns out, this retreat was in violation of the city ordinance. Luckily for the seller, while the buyer was bummed out about not being able to have the urban farmer reality, they didn't back out. On the other hand, the seller did have to make some financial concessions. In Redmond, one is allowed one chicken for every 500 square feet of lot size, and coops must be 50 feet away from any residence. In Bend, chickens are allowed at a maximum of four hens (no roosters) if the lot is 5,000 square feet or larger. This could have resulted in a transaction gone sideways and even a failed sale. A quick bit of research to make sure that everything was in compliance would have saved the seller the headache of rehoming the chickens and the coop, as well as


By Christin J Hunter


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