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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com
Kyle Switzer
Cover design by Darris Hurst . Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: darris@bendsource.com.
EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - editor@bendsource.com REPORTER Laurel Brauns - laurel@bendsource.com REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Cayla Clark - cayla@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Jim Anderson, Isaac Biehl, Jared Rasic SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow
Even as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Deschutes County, Riverbend Park was crowded with floaters and kayakers Monday afternoon.
PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Darris Hurst - darris@bendsource.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Shannon Corey - shannon@bendsource.com INTERN Miina McCown, Kyle Switzer ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Timm Collins, Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat advertise@bendsource.com
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News COVID and Sewage - COVID-19 is found in human feces a month after an infected person tests negative for the virus, Nicole Vulcan reports. Could the presence of the virus in the local sewer system pose a risk to people? Water Shortages - Jefferson County farmers will leave 25%-40% of their fields fallow this summer due to a severe drought in Central Oregon. Meanwhile, water rights holders near Bend have all the water they need. Learn how farmers, the irrigation districts and environmental groups are working together to put water back in the river and help local farmers meet their harvest goals for the future. 10 - Feature 15 - Source Picks 16 - Sound 17 - Calendar 21 - Culture The Garden that Goes Up - A local Bend entrepreneur created a vertical farming company that saves water while helping people who need fresh food the most. 25 - Chow 26 - Screen Checking in Halfway - The pandemic lockdowns have inspired a surge of interest in downloadable media of all forms. Jared Rasic rounds up the best movies, podcasts, shows and books of 2020 so far… 29 - Outside 31 - Real Estate 32 - Advice 33 - Astrology 34 - Craft 35 - Puzzles
OFFICE MANAGER Bethany Jenkins - bethany@bendsource.com DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer - angela@bendsource.com PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - aaron@bendsource.com
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The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2020 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2020 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.
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On the Cover: This week's featured cover art titled "Home in the Northwest" by Lori LaBissoniere O'Neil. Created while living in Bend in 2018 just after the solar eclipse. Reflecting on the forces of the sun and moon on humankind and nature, Lori was pulled to create a spirit wrapped in a liquid cocoon, at peace in the fluid northwest landscape. Joining in rythym with the changing tides, the spirit reflects upon her everchanging interior and exterior environments. To view more of O'Neil's work visit her website at driftawake.com.
This week’s issue brings together many local voices with diverse perspectives on the Deschutes River. We hear from farmers, environmentalists, heads of the local irrigation districts and two different women’s fly fishing organizations. We also learn about a new trend in farming and water conservation: going vertical! One thing we heard over and over was that everyone who values the river wants the same thing. While this may sound good in theory, in reality, these groups have spent years working out their differences. They continue to collaborate and compromise to come up with the best solutions to keep water in the river, crops in the ground and tourists in tubes. But it hasn’t always been easy. Deep controversies over water in the West go back to the 1800s. More recently, a lawsuit aimed at protecting the Oregon spotted frog made national headlines and exemplified the tensions between those who want to keep water in the river at all costs, and others who have come to depend on irrigation for their livelihood. While all these issues are still up for debate, most can agree, in the words of Jefferson County farmer Phil Fine, “None of us would be here without the river.” —Laurel Brauns
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Public School Leaders Are Doing Their Best. Demands for a Full Reopening Aren’t Helping.
et’s get one fact out there right away: Whatever happens with the global pandemic between now and September, schools will not look the same in the 2020-21 school year. As much as anyone might wish it not to be so, there’s simply no use in continuing to lament about how things won’t be the same. Things will. not. be. the. same. On the national stage, some, including the President of the United States, are demanding a “full reopening” of schools this fall. This is a bully tactic and a dose of absolutism that has no place in this complicated time in history. Black-and-white proposals are not helpful, and they ignore any number of concerns and considerations around health, safety and equity. Again, things will not be the same this school year. Much like every other school district in the nation, leaders at Bend-La Pine Schools are facing a tremendous challenge in balancing the needs of thousands of parents, teachers, staff and kids. In rolling out its “ABC” plan for the coming school year, we believe its leaders—including newly named Interim Superintendent Lora Nordquist—are striking a balance that appears to be the best-possible plan, given the circumstances. Families have options, and that’s the way it should be, now and going forward. This from Michelle Goldberg’s opinion column in The New York Times July 10: “At the end of June, the American Federation of Teachers surveyed its members and found a broad willingness to return to the classroom. Two-thirds of respondents said school buildings should reopen in some capacity, and 76 percent said they’d be comfortable being in school with the proper safeguards.” What the “proper safeguards” exactly are is a million-dollar question, and as that survey highlights, there is no possible scenario that is going to make everyone feel 100% safe. Still, here in Bend and La Pine, sending kids in grades K-5 back to school full time, while adopting a schedule of part-time in-person instruction for older kids (and also allowing every family to choose to do at-home instruction) seems to balance kids’ need to engage in a format beyond a computer screen, and parents’ need
to work and go about their lives with their children safely cared for. The plan for grades 6-12 has some similarities to the system Germany has adopted for decades: Kids spend part of their time in a classroom, and then a good portion of their day at home, carrying out the tasks given to them by teachers. But that notion of a part-time at-home schedule for some kids, of course, does bring up a pain point: Child care is dangerously lacking in our community, and nationwide. Parents across the U.S.—low-income and otherwise— have come to rely on public schooling as a form of child care, and when public schools are closed, a great many families suffer. Even as some workplaces shift workers’ schedules and working conditions to accommodate working parents, perhaps even permanently, others cannot. Some work simply cannot be done remotely, and the children of those working outside the home have as much right to quality education as those whose parents are more sufficiently able to juggle work and family. Plenty of people are taking to social media to weigh in about the plan for education systems locally and nationally right now. And, unfortunately, much like the mask debate, we find people attempting to find an ideological team to join, rather than giving administrators the benefit of the doubt as they navigate an impossible line between safety and full-time education. This is not helpful. Here in Bend-La Pine Schools, leaders have at least rolled out their plan after taking input from families and staff. Some districts have not done that. We don’t envy those whose job it is to create these school schedules, who must strive to best balance the varying needs of higher-risk students (and staff), and to do it all while keeping their primary mission—to educate our children— at the forefront. This is tough stuff. But what we can do, as community members and parents and educators and students, is to share our perspective, to know that not everyone is going to agree, and then to trust that our educational leaders are listening and doing their best to balance it all. Measured decision-making, not absolutism, is the best course.
EXCLUSIVE THIS WEEK IN: Coming Thursday: The Source Weekly’s Mural Giveaway – We’ll post a picture and you guess the mural’s location.
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Coming Monday: Check out our newest episode of the “Bend Don’t Break” podcast, hosted by our publisher Aaron Switzer. This week we talk with Todd Montgomery, the executive in residence at Oregon State University – Cascades, who shares his experience in international tourism. Start your day with Central Oregon’s best source for news and local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com.
Most of the irrigation districts in Central Oregon have recently completed system improvement plans and now advocate for large scale canal piping. Central Oregon Irrigation District (COID) is currently a major focus of this large canal piping agenda. Everyone agrees that conservation measures in COID are critical, but not at colossal taxpayer expense. COID has over 400 miles of canals and estimates to pipe these canals and those of the other districts around Bend are around $1 billion. The project COID is currently proposing pipes only eight miles of its canals at a taxpayer cost of $42 million. You do the math. We do not have the time nor money to fix the problem predominantly this way. It is time to look seriously at the reality of our current land use and water use and to devise approaches that are appropriate, affordable and can be expedited. Land use within COID has changed dramatically over the past 40 years. Today, around half of COID’s 3,800 patrons irrigate three acres or less. Does it really make sense to spend hundreds of millions of public dollars to pipe canals and pressurize water for small lifestyle farms? No, it doesn’t. We have a water distribution problem – too much water available to properties that engage little in farming and not enough water to our large agricultural producers and to the Deschutes River. The best way to solve this distribution problem voluntarily is through water marketing. So, what is water marketing? In simple terms, it is providing financial incentives to landowners to use less water. The water savings can then be used to restore stream flows or can firm up a farmer’s supply. These market tools could entail leasing a landowner’s water for a season or purchasing it permanently. They could mean providing money to incentivize the upgrade of an irrigation system or to simply use less water in a particular season. The proponents of large canal piping continue to stress that irrigation districts cannot force water users to change the way they use water. Water marketing is not compulsory; however, it is completely voluntary. It is a tried and true method backed by 30 years of studies and practice. The Deschutes Basin Study, completed last year with funding from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Oregon Water Resources Department, indicated that “the total opportunity for market-based incentives is estimated to be up to 160,000 acre-feet annually at an estimated average potential cost on the order of $400 per acre-foot.” These financial incentives have the potential to achieve redistribution of the region’s
water at less than one-tenth the cost of large canal piping. It doesn’t make economic sense to spend $1 billion to pipe the water to these lifestyle farms, but financial incentives can alter their water use. In so doing, they will help redistribute water in our basin voluntarily and cost-effectively to the benefit of the Deschutes River and efficient agricultural producers. —Tod Heisler Director, Rivers Conservation Program Central Oregon LandWatch
Our rivers function not only hydrologically but also in a cultural context. They have been dramatically altered since the first white people ventured here. With their arrival, forests were logged. Early newcomers tried to eradicate beavers. They introduced nonnative fish and other species. Rivers were dammed and water diverted. The people who already called this place home were displaced, often brutally. The colonization of people, and the monetization of land and water, go hand in hand. We must dismantle both if future generations are to inherit a just society and livable planet. I am Carina. I belong to this land and its rivers. My ancestors lived along the Columbia River and its tributaries, practicing subsistence fishing and hunting. My grandparents ranched on today’s Warm Springs Reservation. My family instilled in me the importance of using traditional knowledge to benefit all, and to think of the next seven generations. We have an obligation to the children of the future to leave enough resources for them, and to commit to continuously addressing the systemic inequity woven into our society. We must not wait to act. Low snowpack, fire, irrigation runoff, and water shortage issues have impacted the people of Warm Springs for years. At a time when we are being admonished to wash our hands to prevent contracting Covid-19, imagine not even having drinking water available in your home. It is disheartening that in 2020, we still have Indigenous people living without clean water on their own homelands. We owe it to our ancestors to be the best versions of ourselves we can be. That means collaborating with one and all, regardless of personal beliefs, history, or friction. It means acknowledging the deeply racist policies of our state and nation, and recognizing that clean water is only the surface of a long history of genocidal policies. We must commit to long term unpacking and know that these issues will be continuous, open ended, and difficult. I am Gail. Like all white people, I am a newcomer to this land. We in the dominant
society have the luxury of erasing the history of others. The backstories of much of what we love are rooted in injustice. John Muir, for example, was complicit in the removal of Native Americans from today’s Yosemite National Park. We are all linked to history. It defines and pervades every aspect of our present. We are called upon today to examine our role in the inequities that are interwoven into our lives. How do we, who have taken so much, and taken it for granted, engage in the hard work of addressing the systemic inequities we’ve all inherited? Do our actions inadvertently reinforce the status quo? Can we hear when we are told that water is sacred? Are we able to adopt an ethic of reciprocity, one in which we share the water with all peoples and all beings? Can we change our thinking and adjust our actions so that all can live? Carina Miller An enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and previously served on the Tribal Council. —Gail Snyder Gail Snyder is the founder/executive director of Coalition for the Deschutes.
COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on our families, our economy, and our elections. But Congress has the power to intervene right now. In response to safety concerns and pressure from constituents like me, Congress has already passed limited funds to expand absentee voting, online registration, and in-person early voting, but it’s simply not enough. Without $4 billion in total funding for election assistance, voters may not be able
to make their voices heard during one of the most important elections of our lifetime. We need our leaders to prevent a situation where any voter is forced to choose between protecting their health and casting their ballot. While these policies are critical as we recover from this national crisis, voting reforms like expanding no-excuse absentee voting and online voter registration are common-sense changes that will help voters participate in the political process. Multiple states have already adopted voteby-mail, and their models could be implemented across the country. I expect Congress to provide more economic relief, but the next bill also needs to include expanded funding for mail-in voting, more early voting at safe polling places, and other options to make voting as safe as possible this November. If voting by mail is good enough for Donald Trump, it should be good enough for all of us. Congress needs to make it possible for every eligible American to vote by mail if they choose to do so. —Janet Lee
Letter of the Week:
Thanks for your letter, Janet. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! —Nicole Vulcan
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Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
No Farms Without Water
Farmers in Jefferson County face a second summer of severe drought and less access to water from the Deschutes WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / JULY 16, 2020 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE
By Laurel Brauns
riving north on Highway 97 toward Madras, fields of carrot seed and other crops stretch out toward the horizon. The farmers that work this land rely on a century-old irrigation system that’s starting to dry up. This summer, like last, the majority of the region’s 400 farmers will be forced to leave some land fallow because of light snowpack and low precipitation this winter. One way to help the farmers get more water in the future is through piping irrigation canals in the region. This prevents water from seeping into the ground on the way out to farms and other properties. On July 9, an ambitious piping modernization project was approved by the federal government. This will convert 7.9 miles of large, open canals in Central Oregon into an underground, closed-pipe system, reducing seepage by an estimated 29.4 cubic feet per second, according to a recent press release from the Farmers Conservation Alliance. In a complex water swap, the farmers near Madras will get more water during farming season, but give an equal amount back to the river in the winter. The project will improve the habitat of fish and the Oregon spotted frog in the Upper Deschutes. The intricacies of this exchange provide a quintessential example of the cooperation that is needed between environmentalists, farmers and local irrigation districts to keep the Deschutes River healthy while also helping local farmers grow food. One farmer’s story Phil Fine rotates carrot seed, bluegrass seed, alfalfa, hay and small grains on his farm north of Madras. His property is part of the North Unit Irrigation District—the largest district in the state—covering 60,000 acres. These farms are fed with water from Wickiup Reservoir, the Deschutes River and the Crooked River. The NUID shares water with hundreds of property owners near Bend who mostly use it for watering lawns, raising a few animals or filling ponds. Without the water, this land would look like the rest of the high desert, dotted with sage brush and a few juniper trees. Instead, these properties look lush and inviting, boosting their real estate value. For the second year in a row, the managers of the eight irrigation districts of the Deschutes River basin declared a severe drought. While water rights holders near Bend (in the Central Oregon Irrigation District) will receive more than enough to keep their pastures green, the commercial farmers of Jefferson County will make due with just 1.25 acre feet—far less than their farms need.
Marisa Chappell Hossick
An acre foot is the amount of water it takes to cover an acre of land in a foot of water. “Two acre feet in this country isn’t enough to make it work, but we’ve had to,” Fine explains, detailing an elaborate system of water conservation methods he uses, such as pumping water run-off back onto his crops. “We’ve taken the most inefficient form of irrigation and maximized its full potential,” Fine said. Many farmers like Fine in the North Unit use highly-efficient sprinklers and drip irrigation to target the plant roots. On a normal year Fine will get 2 acre feet of water. Farmers getting water from NUID officially have rights to four, but it’s been decades since they’ve seen that much. This year, Fine will get 1.25—meaning he’ll have to leave 25% of his land fallow. Fine attributes this to a changing climate, though he doesn’t believe the warming is a result of human behavior. What are water rights? “The story starts with water rights in the state,” said Tod Heisler, river conservation program director for Central Oregon LandWatch. “Most of these were established around the turn of the century. It’s first in time, first in rights. The water rights of the districts right around the City of Bend are the oldest and hold senior water rights, so they get priority. Most water rights holders in Madras and Culver were established in 1913, yet they are still considered junior.” The water rights system was first established to help white settlers who claimed land on the Deschutes River to start subsistence farms and raise cattle, Heisler explained. As new settlers came in, they took land farther away from the river, and began building a complex system of canals to divert the flow out to their farms. But the farms near Madras needed more water at the right time than they were getting from the natural flow of the Deschutes River. In 1949, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation damned the Deschutes and created Wickiup Reservoir to store the river’s water for use throughout the summer. The bureau promised 70% of this “reclaimed” water to farmers in NUID. This year, like last, Wickiup only filled to two-thirds of its capacity, according to Craig Horrell, the managing director for COID. People with water rights in the Central Oregon Irrigation District are entitled to their full amount first, and what's left goes to NUID. The environmentalist’s critique Deschutes County is home to around a half dozen environmental groups— from Central Oregon LandWatch to the Deschutes River Conservancy—working
Phil Fine is a Jefferson county farmer who serves on the board of the North Unit Irrigation District as well as the Deschutes River Conservancy. This year, he's leaving 25% of his fields fallow due to water shortages.
to put water back in the Deschutes River. In the winter months, the dam at Wickiup Reservoir blocks flow in the upper part of the river and flow may sink down to 100 cubic feet per second. By the time it hits Bend, tributaries and natural springs add to the river and it rises to an average of 550 CFS through the city, through the Middle Deschutes and to the dam at Lake Billy Chinook. In summer, Wickiup Dam is released to provide Madras farmers and water-rights holders near Bend their water. But in order to meet the irrigation needs of water rights holders in COID and NUID, the Deschutes is diverted shortly after flowing over First Street Rapids, just north of downtown Bend. Both canals begin near a tiny overlook off NE Division Street. “There’s lots of water in the river at the Old Mill,” Heisler of Central Oregon LandWatch explained. “But if you see that and then go and have a drink on the deck at the Riverhouse, it’s hard to understand that it’s the same river. Ninety percent has been diverted. Now it looks more like a creek.” In the summer, the water in the Middle Deschutes—the section north of Bend and before Lake Billy Chinook— sinks to between 130-160 CFS, down from its historic flow of 1,000 CFS, Heisler said. This pattern of wildly fluctuating drought and flood flows and impassable dam systems have decimated fish and wildlife populations along the watershed. “The dam and reservoir system were designed by the federal government to use the Deschutes River as a conveyor belt for water,” said Fine, whose farm is one of the farthest away from the river’s origins. He sits on the board of the Deschutes River Conservancy, an environmental group that says the river is being managed more like an irrigation canal than
a natural flowing river. An avid fisherman, Fine keeps one foot firmly planted in water conservation and the other standing up for the interests of commercial farmers. He’s also a board member of NUID. Conservation efforts The U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife declared the Oregon spotted frog threatened (under the Endangered Species Act) in 2014, which triggered WaterWatch, and the Center for Biological Diversity to file lawsuits against the irrigation districts and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. As a result of the law suits, the NUID was forced to release more water from Wickiup during the winter. More recently, another major conservation effort has been underway with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, environmental groups and the irrigation districts. The Habitat Conservation Plan would guarantee minimum flows on the river to help maintain threatened species of steelhead and trout, while also helping the frog. “Central Oregon LandWatch got involved because we see this as what we describe as a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Ben Gordon, COLW’s new executive director, and a recent guest on the Source Weekly’s “Bend Don’t Break” podcast. “Once this plan goes into effect it is in place for 30 years and it actually provides some accountability for the irrigation districts. The initial proposal was not strong enough to sustain the in-stream needs of the river.” An elaborate canal piping plan for Central Oregon is also underway that will cost an estimated $1 billion in taxpayer money and take 30 years to build, according to Heisler. Piping the canal system prevents the water from seeping into the ground, he explained. Heisler,
Doug Watson
lawns (considered beneficial use in Oregon), Horrell said. Meanwhile, one-third of COID users have lifestyle farms. Another third runs for-profit farms, growing carrot seed and raising cattle, Horrell said. “I don’t like to call it hobby farming,” he said. “We have the largest 4-H participation in the state. This is a way of living where the land is used to teach kids how to raise animals. I’m not going to tell them that’s wrong.” Horrell said he’s well aware of how COID is characterized among environmentalists, who he talks with on a regular basis. “When I started, I thought, ‘we can do this in a couple of years,” he said of the elaborate water conservation projects proposed by years-long collaborations between environmentalists, government agencies and water-rights holders. “But these are changing times; it’s like trying to move a huge ship through rough waters.” Horrell said COID takes an aerial inventory of water use throughout the district on a regular basis and sends out hundreds of letters a year threatening water rights revocation for inefficient consumption. Unused water from successful conservation is offered to other rights holders in the district—so it doesn’t necessarily benefit the junior rights holders in Jefferson County, he said. Horrell is feeling hopeful about the future of water conservation with upcoming projects like the forthcoming
COID: Two-thirds of users water lawns, maintain hobby farms Craig Horrell, managing director of COID, disputes the assertation that his water users are all hobby farmers. COID delivers water to a high number of water rights holders on smaller plots of land, including providing water to keep the grasses at the Les Schwab Amphitheater and throughout the Old Mill District, for example. Only about about one-third of COID water users use the water to water
Most farmers in Jefferson County use elaborate systems of water conservation, but these require high upfront costs.
piping modernization project approved in early July. COID has also started an on-farm program with the Deschutes River Conservancy to help property owners in the district save water and then volunteer to put it back in the river. “There are a number of things on the table right now that are the low hanging fruit, while others are legally impossible,” Horrell said. “Right now we’re working on a farmer-to-farmer lease so if someone in COID has a friend in the North Unit and wants to give them their water they can, though we’ll have to have the state approve it as a pilot project. We just need to pick someone to do it this year.”
On July 9, another piping modernization project was approved by the federal government which will convert 7.9 miles of large, open canals into an underground, closed-pipe system. This will reduce water loss from seepage by an estimated 29.4 cubic feet per second, according to a recent press release from the Farmers Conservation Alliance. In a complex water swap, the North Unit farmers will get more water during farming season, but give an equal amount back to the river in the winter. The project will improve the habitat of fish and the Oregon spotted frog in the Upper Deschutes in the winter months.
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like some other environmentalists, are generally in favor of piping to save water and restore healthy flows to the river. But Heisler said piping is expensive but will take too long, and will largely benefit the senior rights holders in Deschutes County, who aren’t using the water for the public good. “This water is not being used to benefit the population of Oregon; the public owns it,” said Yancy Lind, and avid fly fisher and environmental activist who sits on the board of WaterWatch. “There are no economically viable farms in Deschutes County. They do it for fun. They get all the water they want because they are senior, with a big lawn, a horse, a pond. The farmers in Jefferson County have to let their land go fallow based on a what a bunch of people agreed to over 100 years ago.”
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The Virus and Bend’s Sewage
With COVID-19 able to live on in sewage, does Bend’s untreated wastewater pose a risk? By Nicole Vulcan Courtesy City of Bend
Working from home…
stations, wastewater treatment works and near waterways that are receiving wastewater,” the journal article states. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s current guidelines take a less conservative view. “Standard practices associated with wastewater treatment plant operations should be sufficient to protect wastewater workers from the virus that causes COVID-19. These standard practices can include engineering and administrative controls, hygiene precautions, specific safe work practices, and personal protective equipment (PPE) normally required when handling untreated wastewater,” the CDC’s COVID-19 page covering Sanitation & Wastewater Workers states, adding, “No additional COVID-19–specific protections are recommended for workers involved in wastewater management, including those at wastewater treatment facilities.” At the City of Bend’s Water Reclamation Facility, Water Reclamation Facility Manager Tim Truax said it’s been a topic of much conversation among the members of the water works association to which he belongs. “The research that has been published by the American Water Works Association would lead you to believe that transmission through the water route is insignificant,” he told the Source. “So from a health and safety point of view, we’re making sure people are protected with appropriate PPE. We’ve always been safety conscious from a biohazard point of view, so the only difference now is people are wearing safety masks.”
The City of Bend’s Water Reclamation Facility near Powell Butte. Water from Bend takes about seven to eight hours to flow to this facility, where it undergoes a multiple-step process to be treated.
Bend’s wastewater goes through a three-step treatment process to remove solid waste and disinfect it—including a new ultraviolet disinfection process that the facility implemented in 2019, Truax said. The UV system is now used to disinfect the water, in lieu of gaseous chlorine, which Truax said posed more hazards and was harder to work with. While his team is still working out some kinks, he said the goal is to produce Class A water, the highest-quality water, that can be re-used in a number of capacities. As Truax described, “Many places back east, the drinking water for one community might be the former wastewater in another community.” The City’s facility, located near Powell Butte, sells some Class A water to nearby Pronghorn Resort for its golf course—but
the vast majority of the City’s treated water goes into percolation and evaporation ponds, where it evaporates into the air or seeps into the ground. But in an age when farmers getting water from the North Unit Irrigation District near Madras continue to get less irrigation water than others with more senior water rights, there could be another use for that treated, Class A water, Truax suggested: Putting it into a canal for farmers up north. “Our facility is near North Unit,” he said. “We could get a credit to the City for canal water flows. Right now, the City is in good shape, but if there’s an effort to increase in-stream flows and reduce the amount of water that’s diverted from the Deschutes (River), there certainly can be conversations.”
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lenty has been said about the transmission of the novel coronavirus via the things that come out of our mouths and noses. Several months into this global pandemic, researchers also know that the virus can also be found in human feces—up to 33 days after a previously infected person has tested negative for the virus, according to researchers at the University of Stirling in the United Kingdom. In Oregon, Oregon State University teams have been testing sewer systems in Bend, Corvallis and other Oregon towns for the presence of COVID-19— and have found evidence of it. But could the presence of the virus in the local sewer system pose a risk to people? According to those U.K. researchers, it could. “It is not yet known whether the virus can be transmitted via the faecal-oral route, however, we know that viral shedding from the digestive system can last longer than shedding from the respiratory tract. Therefore, this could be an important—but as yet unquantified—pathway for increased exposure,” wrote Professor Richard Quilliam, an environmental biologist, in a May 6 paper published in the journal, Environment International. While Quilliam notes that this poses the most risk in places where people defecate in the open, he does see some potential risk at wastewater treatment facilities, too. “Atmospheric loading of coronaviruses in water droplets from wastewater is poorly understood but could provide a more direct respiratory route for human exposure, particularly at sewage pumping
Art by Megan Marie Myers
Restoring the River: A Talk With ShanRae Hawkins of the Raise the Deschutes Campaign
A look into the campaign that's promoting water conservation and flow restoration in the Deschutes basin By Miina McCown
hanRae Hawkins, a spokesperson for the Raise the Deschutes campaign, talks to the Source about the project’s efforts to inform the community about what it can do to participate in water conservation in the Deschutes basin. The goal is to restore flows and improve the health of the river. Wahoo Films is partnering with several local community collaborators to launch this project.
Source Weekly: Briefly describe what this project is about. ShanRae Hawkins: Ultimately, it’s a public awareness campaign. We’re trying to help increase knowledge about the opportunities to improve the health of the Deschutes River and help people understand how the river is managed. There is a group of partners trying to work together for conservation efforts that will result in long-term changes and
improvements of the river. To give you a little bit of context, in 2016, the Deschutes River Conservancy did a telephone survey of 600 residents throughout the basin: During that survey, 88% of the people who were surveyed were unaware that local rivers and streams were declining. That relates back to river management and how water is diverted off the Deschutes River. If you’re down in the Old Mill [District] and you’re floating a section of the river, you may not realize that there are issues on the Upper Deschutes that begin at Little Lava Lake and run through Bend as the streamflow fluctuates. SW: How will this campaign raise awareness for water conservation and restoration efforts? SH: There are a lot of organizations and agencies talking about water management and conservation in the basin: You’ve got partners like the Coalition for
the Deschutes, Deschutes River Conservancy, the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council, the Sierra Club, the irrigation districts and cities in Central Oregon. Everybody talks about water in different ways, and the end goal of the Raise the Deschutes campaign is to try and find a way to communicate the challenges and opportunities [for water conservation] in a cohesive message. A lot of times, the community will ask, “How can I help?” and “How can I be part of the solution?” So the goal was to build a campaign that not only raises awareness but also offers people resources to learn more and find out how they can help raise the water in the Deschutes River. That’s why we called it that. It’s kind of a play on words. Raisethedeschutes.org is our website, and our goal is for people to go online and look at different ways that they can help.
We’ve come up with six different ways for people to help raise [the water] in the Deschutes basin, the rivers and streams. Number one: support infrastructure upgrades, including canal piping and on-farm improvements. Right now, most of the irrigation districts have open canals, which we see all over Central Oregon. Many were hand-dug over a hundred years ago. Anywhere between 20% to 55% of the water that’s in these open-air canals is lost as water seeps into the ground. There’s a big movement to pipe those canals so that we’re conserving water. There’s a chance that up to 50% of the water that gets diverted off the Deschutes River gets lost before it ever gets to the end user. Infrastructure upgrades are one of the best tools for water management. As for on-farm improvements, within the irrigation districts, they’re looking for ways for farmers and other water
Courtesy Stingray Communications
users to upgrade their irrigation systems, improve their gaskets and sprinkler heads and get a drip system so less water is wasted. Another way to help is to donate resources and/or time to help support these organizations that help improve the health of the river. These are nonprofit organizations that are committed to doing work to improve streamflow. The Deschutes Watershed Council has events throughout the year that help people understand that by supporting those types of organizations, people can help improve the conditions here and that they can be a part of the solution in different ways. SW: What specifically does the campaign hope to accomplish? SH: An overarching goal is to help people understand that we all have a responsibility to help the river. We hope to have community members—whether they’re a recreational user, a fisherman/woman, a business, a nonprofit or a farmer—to understand we all have a role. The majority of the water from the Deschutes River is diverted for agriculture; we want to help people understand how and why the water is diverted and how important it is for growing crops. If you’re floating on the Deschutes, you may not know that the same water you’re floating on is water that helps raise tomatoes you can then buy at the farmers markets in downtown Bend or Redmond. All of that water is connected, and we all have a responsibility to make sure that we’re taking care of the Deschutes and that we have a healthy river. If you’re not a farmer and you don’t have the ability to upgrade your
irrigation system, that’s OK. You can be part of the river clean up that happens annually. You can help write letters of support so that we can get funding for infrastructure projects. These [canal piping] projects prevent the incredible amount of water loss to evaporation and seepage. SW: Why will this campaign be put into place? SH: Ultimately, we want people to have one source that they can go to to learn about the challenges and get educated about how we can all come together to do our part to manage our water wisely in our region. The partners who are involved in this are super diverse and all of them have different perspectives and management practices. At the end of the day, the reason that we were able to create this campaign was because we all believe that we need to balance the water needs of the community. And it’s exciting that we have the ability to educate the community around both challenges and opportunities. It’s pretty incredible that this really unique diverse group of partners was able to come together and get grant money to fund this campaign, and even though all of the groups have different approaches to how the water is managed, we all know that we can do our parts to make sure that we have a healthy river. SW: Do you only hope to reach locals with this campaign, or do you hope to spread the word to others in Oregon as well? SH: We’re focused on the Deschutes basin since we’re all based here and obviously, water is liquid gold in the West and it will continue to be. The governor issued a drought emergency in
of water per second on the river. A lot of those projects need to be funded and some of them already are. The irrigation districts are the biggest users and have the largest opportunity to be able to put the water back in the river. Piping is the most efficient way to do this. There are a lot of arguments that piping is too expensive, but funding for many of these large piping projects is secured through federal dollars. Then we can use those funds to conserve water quickly. In the past, farmers and ranchers would upgrade their infrastructure project-by-project; it takes a really long time and it doesn’t effectively scale up. So the idea of modernizing the irrigation systems, you have the ability to have gravity pressurize water through the pipes, which then allows irrigators or the farmers, to eliminate their pump and save energy. Then you have the opportunity to use hydropower, which provides electricity and can be a source of income for irrigation districts which can then lead to more conservation projects. There’s also the ability for people to transfer their water rights off-land to improve water supply for others, including other farmers and cities. There’s sharing, which involves water agreements between irrigation districts to facilitate water conservation; the eight irrigation districts are working on sharing their water with other irrigation districts. SW: When do you hope to get water rights protected instream? SH: The districts and DRC are always talking to users to try and figure out how we can conserve the water and get it back in the stream. We can do this through leases or identifying water that’s not being used. Courtesy Central Oregon Landsystems
Efficient watering methods are one way to conserve water.
Unpiped irrigation canals lose water through evaporation and seepage.
Central Oregon, so as we continue to be drought-prone, water will continue to be liquid gold here. Still, there’s still a need for conservation in every region. SW: Who first proposed the idea for this campaign and who has made efforts toward it? SH: All of these partners that I have mentioned, including the Coalition for the Deschutes and the Deschutes River Conservancy, as well as eight irrigation districts from north of Madras to south of Bend. The irrigation districts work closely with the Sierra Club and the Farmers Conservation Alliance on different water issues and in different formats. We’ve talked about it for many years; how can we be more efficient with our resources? But we’re all ultimately trying to do the same thing and it would be much more consistent and efficient if we had one method that everybody could agree on. It happened very organically. Our entire board, and every group that I mentioned, created a vision statement and our goals for the campaign, and then the board signed off on it. Once we got the vision down, then we said, “We will stay true to this.” We were able to get a matching grant from the Oregon Community Foundation. I think what they liked about this was that it was such a diverse group of partners that were coming together in a very collaborative manner. We all agree that we need to do a better job of conserving and so I think that’s been the key here. We all have different ways of how we approach water, but we all agree that we can do a better job. SW: Did you have a timeline for seeing changes in the Deschutes basin? SH: All of those eight irrigation districts have projects in the hopper. When these are put into action, they would conserve 191 cubic feet
Super Fly
Central Oregon fly fisher-women dominate the water while encouraging camaraderie and environmental awareness By Cayla Clark
ly fishing is the oldest method of recreational angling dating as far back as 200 CE in Macedonia, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. The first literary references to the sport date back to 15th and 16th century Europe. Since then, this outdoor pastime has continued to evolve, and what was once a male-dominated activity has been widely adopted by water-loving women across the globe. Jenny O’Brien, the co-founder of Bend’s own Central Oregon Lady Anglers, and Susan Coyle, president of Wild Women of the Water, have been fly fishing for the majority of their lives. Both women are dedicated to bringing the joys of fly fishing – and the importance of protecting local waterways – to like-minded women across the state. “I grew up in a family of anglers,” O’Brien explained. “My father and my grandfather are both total junkies for all things outdoors and for everything fly fishing-related. If I wanted to be included when I was growing up, I kind of just had to tag along, so I was thrown into the fire from a young age. I caught my first trout when I was 6, and I started fly fishing when I was 14.” O’Brien said that a lack of female-driven fishing groups in Oregon inspired the development of COLA. “One day I was thinking to myself, you know, there needs
to be an organization here that caters to creating a welcoming social environment for more women to meet and get into the water together. At that point I didn’t know that Wild Women of the Water existed, but now we work really closely with that awesome group of ladies. In 2019, we had a big collaborative event; we hosted an entire day of fly fishing instruction. There were over 20 women in attendance, and I still see a lot of them out on the water which is really rewarding.” Susan Coyle, president of WWW (a branch of Central Oregon Flyfishers), recalled that her long-standing love of fishing led to her involvement in the female-founded organization. “I always loved being on the water,” she said. “I got into fly fishing 15 or 20 years ago, specifically because of my son. He picked it up while he was away at university. He came home and said, ‘Mom, you’re really gonna like this.’ So, I joined the Long Beach Casting Club in Southern California. When I moved to Oregon, I joined the Central Oregon Flyfishers. About 10 or 15 years ago a small group of gals founded WWW. There were only three to four members at first; now we have over 100 members throughout Central Oregon.” Coyle addressed the importance of creating a safe space for women to gather together and fish their hearts out. Courtesy Wild Women of the Water
A member of Wild Women of the Water flex their fly fishing skills while enjoying the beautiful Central Oregon landscape.
Courtesy of COLA
Halina Kowalski-Thompson and Jenny O’Brien co-run Central Oregon Lady Anglers.
“Women are the fastest growing segment in the sport of fishing,” she explained. Woman make up 31% of the 6.5 million Americans that fly fish, according to a 2017 study by the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation. “It’s considered to be such a male-dominated sport, but there’s a long history of female fly fishers. The industry itself has really evolved as well. Historically, when women involved in the sport needed to shop for gear, they had limited options. The industry had gear designed by men for men, and they just slapped some pink on it for the ladies. We still have a ways to go, but progress has certainly been made. There are now women’s fly clubs across the nation. Being surrounded by women and being taught by women creates a completely different atmosphere.” “The goal is to get women together on the water in an environment that isn’t intimidating,” O’Brien added. “We want to make the sport as accessible as possible. There’s no formal membership, no dues; we welcome women of all ages and abilities who are interested in fishing and in doing things for local waterways from a conservation perspective. Our hope is for women to forge friendships, support local fly shops and fall in love with fly fishing. It’s more than a sport; it helps breed awareness of environmental issues that our local waterways are facing. We want to encourage people to start taking action to protect them.” Both women touched on the vital role that local fly shops play in the success of their individual organizations. “We strive to develop and maintain relationships with these shops,” O’Brien said. “We want to try and guide business towards local shops and away from big box stores. We’re so lucky to have so many local experts.”
Coyle added, “We have about six or seven local fly shops that have actively gone out of their way to support women fly fishers. We do a ‘Fly Shop Hop,’ where we go to a different fly shop every month and the owners teach us about a different subject. They stay open after hours so women can shop and mingle.” These events are open to members of WWW and COLA. The number of annual events has been greatly impacted by COVID-19 related restrictions – but both organizations have been adapting to the best of their ability. “We try to hold at least six events a year,” said O’Brien. “But all of the events are in-person, so we’ve had to table everything for the time being. We do have some virtual events in the works, and we’ve been sharing the virtual events being held by similar organizations on our social media pages.” Some of these virtual events include those hosted by WWW. “When not under COVID restrictions we do regular happy hours,” said Coyle. “We’re holding virtual happy hours and virtual educational groups.” Coyle concluded that although restrictions are in place, fly fishing is a safe sport for people to practice individually or with their loved ones. “It’s a family sport, a generational sport. It’s really an incredible way to connect with others and with yourself. For me, it’s a Zen-like experience, a time of deep contemplation and inward focus. I’m able to focus on and process deep interior things that are going on. Being out in nature and feeling that you are a part of nature is just wonderful. Not to mention, the kind of folks you meet fly fishing are really amazing. They come from all backgrounds, and it’s really astounding the variety of people you have that are all connecting over the sport of fishing.”
A Community Vision for Restored Rivers
By Marisa Chappell Hossick, Communications Director, Deschutes River Conservancy
Marisa Chappell Hossick
Now Showing
The Middle Deschutes below Steelhead Falls.
ater is never more top of mind than when we have too much or too little. Here in the arid high desert of Central Oregon, it is often the case that we have too little. It is difficult to stay hopeful as climate change reduces snowpack, as droughts become the new normal, as farmers watch significant portions of their livelihoods literally dry up, and as voices clash over endangered species. All the while, the health of local rivers are in decline. In the early 1990s, clashes around natural resources led to intense environmental battles and uncertainty about the path forward. To get ahead of potential conflict over water in the Deschutes Basin, representatives from the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, the Environmental Defense Fund, regional irrigation districts and local attorneys created the Deschutes River Conservancy to collaborate and create community around solutions for the river. In 1996, the DRC was created by an act of U. S. Congress, supported by Oregon U.S. Sens. Hatfield and Wyden. For 25 years, the DRC has brought people together to implement technical and collaborative solutions for complex water issues while supporting agricultural needs. Our mission is to restore streamflow and improve water quality in the Deschutes Basin. When the DRC first started its work, there was abundant opportunity for consensus-based projects that put water back instream quickly and efficiently. Without this legacy of relationship building and cooperation, our basin would not be in the place it is today. Imagine Whychus Creek turning into a dry creek bed in the summer. Imagine the Middle Deschutes (North of Bend) running at less than 5% of its natural flows during irrigation season and Tumalo Creek running dry. And
finally, imagine the magnificent Smith Rocks with only a warm rivulet of water flowing past. Through our partnerships, we have succeeded in restoring significant flows in each of these reaches. Whychus Creek, for example, has gone from simply drying up in late summer to becoming a revitalized year-round stream and a jewel of the community of Sisters. Today the creek provides habitat for migrating salmon and steelhead as well as opportunities for local students to interactively learn about stream ecology and art. To restore stream flows, we have used a combination of innovative restoration tools. These include piping canals, transferring and leasing water rights for instream flow, and creating opportunities for sharing water resources between districts. These programs are all voluntary and done in partnership with irrigation districts and water users. Restoring the Upper Deschutes and other impacted reaches is as complex as our previous endeavors, but our track record shows that long-term success is possible. We are drawing upon our history of collaboration with our partners to scale up and accelerate the restoration of the natural function of our rivers and streams. This will not be quick and easy, but we need to do the work as fast as we can. We must. While we are learning to stay close to home, we are deepening our gratitude for the natural beauty surrounding us. Our vision of the future is that we are all more efficient with this precious resource. We see communities having secure water for families and businesses. We look forward to seeing the Deschutes River and its tributaries restored to sustainable flows for generations to come. If we work together, we can make this vision a reality.
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Courtesy Crater Lake Spirits
Worthy Brewing hosts a live show on its socially distanced outdoor patio. This week, catch Bend local One Mad Man (aka Spencer Snyder), known for looping together multiple instruments to create moody backdrops accompanied by smooth vocals. Wed., July 15, 6-8pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. No cover.
Enjoy a craft cocktail (or two, or three) as you listen to a live performance by Bend’s own Derek Michael Mark! Sample all of the creative spirits that the local distillery has to offer. Mon, July 20, 5:30-7:30pm. Crater Lake Spirits Downtown Tasting Room, 1024 NW Bond St., Bend. No cover. Courtesy Sleepless Truckers
SLEEPLESS TRUCKERS WITH LANDE TRIVIA AT RIVER’S PLACE LIVE AT THE VOLCANIC! BRAINIACS UNITE! Local band Sleepless Truckers is known for a style branded “Outlaw Country.” The band will be joined by Lande, a pop-psychedelia musician from Bend. Social distancing guidelines will be in place, please mask up! Sat., July 18, 8pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $20.
Jam out to local Bend musician Shireen Amini from the comfort of your own home. Amini plays conscious acoustic soul combined with world grooves. A link to view this program online will be available at 6pm. Thu., July 16, 6-7pm. deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar/event/60243. No cover.
Frontman Ben Dufendach translates his version of the Delta Blues with infectious slide guitar and red-blooded vocal energy. Locked in step are Spencer Snyder on drums, Darin Gentry on stand-up bass and Humble Will on lead guitar. Thu., July 16, 6-8pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. No cover.
Live trivia is back in action. Kick off the week with a cold brew, tasty grub and a night of friendly competition. UKB trivia is free to play and prizes will be awarded to the most knowledgeable teams! Mon., July 20, 6-8pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Free.
This Portland-based band celebrates all things Springsteen. The band is composed of seven super-fans who work together to bring their audience all of the classics made famous by The Boss himself. Sat., July 18, 8-10pm. Hardtails Bar & Grill, 175 Larch St., Sisters. $15.
All through the month of June, the Source previewed excerpts from local author Ellen Waterston’s latest work, “Walking the High Desert.” Waterston profiles a wide range of people who call the high desert home and offers fresh perspectives on nationally reported regional conflicts, such as the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation. Sat., July 18, 1-2pm. roundaboutbookshop.com/event/zoom-author-event-walkinghigh-desert-ellen-waterston. Free.
Learn easy and sustainable budgeting tips from an experienced local financial advisor, Kara Smith. Smith helps her clients make sense of what can be a complicated financial world, ultimately helping them achieve their current and future goals. Tue., July 21, noon-1:30pm. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar/event/60331. Free.
We’re actively implementing the Governor’s reopening guidelines. TowerTheatre.org
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Before quarantine began, Bend Burlesque started a four-week crash course in burlesque dancing. The pupils have finally finished their courses and they’re ready to show off all they’ve learned. 21+ only – this show will be a spicy one. Fri., July 17, 9-11pm. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. $20.
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Calling all music fans: national and local independent venues need your help By Isaac Biehl Courtesy Tower Theater
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Black Violin performs at the Tower Theatre, which will open its doors for the first time in months on July 17 with a movie premiere.
he National Independent Venue Association has around 2,000 members across the U.S in all 50 states. This includes 76 venues/festivals/promoters in the state of Oregon, and eight in Central Oregon alone. Places like the Tower Theatre, Midtown Ballroom, The Belfry, Volcanic Theatre Pub and Father Luke’s Room at McMenamins are a few that make up our local list. Organizations that are part of NIVA are the backbone to live music and the arts in both their communities and the country as a whole. And right now they need our support. When COVID-19 first hit, venues and musicians couldn’t predict the impact it might have long-term. But four months into the pandemic, many local venues have hosted very few performances and some have had none at all. If these venues have had shows, it’s been on a limited basis. NIVA is currently looking to get its venues and promoters included on the next stimulus package. Introduced by U.S. Sens. Michael Bennett (D-Colorado) and Todd Young (R-Indiana), the Reviving the Economy Sustainably Towards a Recovery in Twenty-twenty Act (RESTART), will help support both venues and thousands of other small businesses across the country that can’t receive help through PPP and other programs. “The loss of music venues in Central Oregon, or anywhere for that matter, would be devastating culturally, economically and beyond,” says Amanda Bird, the communications manager at the Tower Theatre. To help out, go to NIVA’s website, fill out your information and press send on an already drafted letter to state legislators. It takes thirty seconds, but the impact could be much greater. Artists from all over the U.S. have written in letters with NIVA to show
support for the venues that offer them places to perform throughout the year, including Brandi Carlile, Vampire Weekend, and Michael Franti. All of these performers were scheduled to play at the Les Schwab Amphitheater this summer. The amphitheater is also a member of NIVA. Without support from congress, NIVA says that 90% of its venues, festivals and promoters may be forced to close and Pollstar reports that venues are forecast to lose $8.9 billion of revenue in 2020. Potentially losing these venues is a blow many artists are aware of, and something they don’t want to see happen. “The loss of independent venues due to these trying times would be devastating for the majority of touring artists and labels. Independent music venues provide an avenue for new artists as well as established artists outside of the mainstream to continue to earn a living and continue making art,” says David von Schlegell of the Bend-based indierock band Cosmonautical. “Without independent venues, I’m afraid that the industry would play an even larger role in dictating and controlling what sort of music they want you to hear.” von Schlegell also mentions how most artists operate outside of the top five major record labels in the industry, and mainly utilize these independent spaces to grow their careers. He says it’s these venues that play a giant role in directing the future of music. “Independent venues tend to be run by supporters of the arts and music and play an important role in shaping new generations of creators, both stylistically and financially, by providing a platform for voices and sounds that would otherwise remain unknown.” Go to saveourstages.com to fill out the form in support of the RESTART Act.
Tickets Available on Bendticket.com
lar in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. 6:30-9:30pm. No cover.
15 Wednesday
Northside Bar & Grill Mike Lee Solo acous-
Central Oregon’s finest, and Bend’s best Wednesday live trivia show. Locals Day specials all day! It’s free to play! Bring your crew. 7-9pm. Free.
Worthy Brewing Worthy Wednesday with One Mad Man Join us on the Worthy Brewing patio for live music with one man band One Mad Man on the patio stage or stream on Worthy’s Facebook page! 6-8pm. No cover.
16 Thursday Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia at Bridge
99 Thursday trivia in three rooms, all with game screens for lot’s of space! We’re complying with state health guidelines and hope you’ll play it smart too! Free to play, win prizes. 6-8:30pm. Free.
River’s Place Loose Platoon Frontman Ben Dufendach translates truth with his infectious slide guitar and vocal energy. Locked in step are Spencer Snyder on drums, Darin Gentry on stand-up bass and Humble Will on lead guitar. 6-8pm. No cover. The Lot Jesse Strickman & The Ateliers Strick-
man is known for potent lyrics and powerfully minimal acoustic music. His emotionally charged vocals sail over jaunty chords in songs about personal love and the power of social change. 6-8pm. No cover.
17 Friday The Capitol Bend Burlesque Academy Commencement Show Before quarantine Bend Burlesque started a 4 week crash course in burlesque! Pupils are ready to perform! Doors at 8:30pm. Show at 9pm. 21+ please! 9-11pm. $20.
tic performance! 8-10pm. No cover.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Fractal with Pitchfork Duo Social distancing guidelines in place - please wear a mask! 8:30pm.
18 Saturday Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy at Craft Hosted by Katy Ipock. Tables are limited, so get yours early. No tickets sold at the door and no standing room. Masks required to attend. We will be collecting contact information from all attendees, and adhering to guidelines. 18+. Strong content expected. 8-10pm. $20-$40. Hardtails Bar & Grill Lucky Town - Bruce Springsteen Tribute Lucky Town is Portland,’s Bruce Springsteen tribute band. Bruce Springsteen (The Boss) has sold more than 135 million records worldwide and more than 64 million records in the United States. 8-10pm. $15. Volcanic Theatre Pub Sleepless Truckers with Lande Local band Sleepless Truckers is known for a style branded “Outlaw Country.” The band will be joined by Lande, a pop-psychedelia musician from Bend, OR. Social distancing guidelines will be in place, please mask up! 8pm. Worthy Brewing Music On The Patio with The Jess Ryan Band Join us on our socially distanced patio for live music with The Jess Ryan Band from the Worthy Brewing stage or stream on the Worthy Facebook page! 6-8pm. No cover.
19 Sunday River’s Place Juju Eyeball Bend, Oregon’s
Initiative Brewing Lisa Dae Quartet Lisa Dae
Jazz Quartet specializes in classic jazz tunes popu-
favorite (and only) Beatles cover band. 6-8pm. No cover.
Crater Lake Spirits Downtown Tasting Room Flight Night! Enjoy a cocktail
at the Crater Lake Spirits Downtown Tasting Room while listening to live music performed by Derek Michael Mark! 5:30-7:30pm. Free.
River’s Place Trivia Mondays at River’s
Place Kick off the week with cold brew, good grub and Bend’s finest live trivia show, UKB Trivia. 6-8pm. Free.
21 Tuesday Initiative Brewing Tuesday Night Trivia in
Redmond UKB, Central Oregon’s finest live trivia show returns to Redmond on Tuesdays, 6:30 pm at Initiative Brewing. It’s free and fun to play, with Taco Tuesday specials too. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
22 Wednesday Cabin 22 Locals Wednesdays Trivia at Cabin 22 Central Oregon’s finest, and Bend’s best Wednesday live trivia show. Locals Day specials all day! Bring your crew. Don’t miss out! 7-9pm. Free.
ARTS & CRAFTS Call to Artists Red Chair Gallery has an
upcoming opening for a jeweler. We will consider any type of high quality handmade jewelry. Mondays-Sundays. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-410-6813. thewayweart229@gmail.com.
PRESENTATIONS & EXHIBITS All About Bats! Join the Deschutes Land Trust and Sara Rose for an virtual talk all about bats, the often misunderstood, yet fantastically furry fliers. Registration required to receive the virtual event link. July 15, 5-6pm. Online. Contact: 541-330-0017. event@ deschuteslandtrust.org. Free. Online Only: How to Hack a Budget Learn easy and sustainable budgeting
Worthy Brewing Worthy Wednesday with
tips from a financial advisor. Each session is the same. Please register for only one. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link. July 21, 12-1:30pm. Online. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Pivot…Don’t Panic! with Jon Acuff
Rubbah Tree Join us on the Worthy Brewing patio for live music with local reggae band Rubbah Tree on the patio stage or stream on the Worthy Facebook page! 6-8pm. No cover.
Online: Shireen Amini - World Soul Pop Musical Performance A link to view
this program online will be available at 6pm. More information at https://www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar/event/60243! July 16, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@ deschuteslibrary.org. Free. Submitted
Six-time New York Times Bestselling author Jon Acuff presents the exclusive virtual event! Acuff will explore the four change moments each of us experiences during a crisis and share practical steps to navigate this brave new world. July 21, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 855-249-4741. TMN. Northwest@Thrivent.com. Free.
WORDS A Conversation with Authors G. Elizabeth Kretchmer and Kake Huck G.
Elizabeth Kretchmer’s shares her compassionate advice with local poet Kake Huck who illustrates concepts with her poems from Sentenced to Venice. July 17, 6pm. Online. Contact: 541-3066564. https://www.roundaboutbookshop.com/ contact-us. Free.
Rediscovered Reads Book Club On July 22nd we will discuss The Day the World Came to Town by Jim DeFede. Please visit www. roundaboutbookshop.com for Zoom info. July 22, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free. Zoom Author Event: Walking the High Desert with Ellen Waterston Blend-
ing travel writing with memoir and history, Waterston profiles a wide range of people who call the high desert home and offers fresh perspectives on nationally reported regional conflicts. July 18, 1-2pm. Online. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@ roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
ETC. Preventative Walk-In Pet Wellness Clinic The Bend Spay and Neuter Project of-
Juju Eyeball: Bend’s only Beatles cover band comes to River’s Place on Sun., July 19 from 6-8pm! No cover.
Submitting an event is free and easy.
fers vaccinations, deworming and microchips at our wellness clinic. Visit bendsnip.org for a list of services. Saturdays, 10am-1:30pm. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. $10.
Add your event to our calendar at bendsource.com/submitevent
Cabin 22 Locals Wednesdays Trivia at Cabin 22
20 Monday
The Ultimate Oldies Show A locally-produced, syndicated, thematic two-hour radio show highlighting the music, artists, producers, musicians and cultural touchstones of the late 1940s through the late 1960s. Fridays, 6-8pm. KPOV, 501 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: mikeficher@gmail.com. Free.
We open for appointments only. We are following new regulations and rules, please sign the waivers when you book an appointment. Thank you to everyone for your patience and loyalty during this time. 550 S.W. Industrial Way Suite 152
Proud to be Central Oregon’s first and only carbon-offset radio station
the adult alternative
PASSES ADULT student youth family* +fam
$ 200 $ 180 $ 150 $ 450 $ 45
Schizoclectic radio for the high desert and beyond.
JULY 17-AUG 31
“The care of rivers is not a question of rivers but of the human heart.” — Shozo Tanaka
SONG OF THE RIVER by Gail Snyder, Founder, Executive Director
Just over four years ago, we created the Coalition for the Deschutes so the river would have a voice, so that it would be seen as more than an extension of urban and agricultural infrastructure, a utility to be tapped. We can’t talk about restoring rivers without talking about how we all use them, from farming to recreation to household use. And so, I was drawn into Central Oregon “Water World.” Discussions revolve around projects, policies, politics, often with conflicting narratives in a milieu of misinformation and mistrust. To enter into Water World is to be drawn away from the river, diverted just as the river is diverted. For me, it has meant willingly entering into a place of personal sorrow. But with that has come conversations and with conversations has come hope. Hope that we will get to know our neighbors and hear each others’ stories. Hope that we will share—farmer sharing water with farmer, all of us sharing water with the river. Hope that we will work together for the common good. I remind myself that in order to move forward, sometimes it is necessary to take a step back—to step back from the tensions, to step back from judgment—and to find a place of quietude. I step back so that once again I can hear the song of the river and the whisper of my heart, and I remind myself that we are all our river’s people. And so, I take the words of the poet Rumi to heart as he invites us to talk with each other: “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
STEWARDS OF THE RIVER Purge the Plastic & Lash your Trash! by Julia Alvarado and Ella Kerr, age 12
When I was younger, I remember seeing trash everywhere in my community. As I grew up, I learned that plastic never goes away and eventually ends up in our rivers and ocean. There is one way to stop it and that is working together as a community. If we all stopped using single-use plastic, they wouldn’t make it and then less plastic would end up in our rivers. Did you know one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute! When you’re out on our rivers and lakes, please lash your trash and keep it out of the water. I hope you will take part and save our rivers and oceans!
Beavers at Work by Pamela Adams, Beaverworks.org
Imagine you’re a beaver (sorry, ducks!) You'll need a river. And food. You’ll need a safe place to call home. While you’re at work, busy as beaver as one of nature’s river engineers, you’ll be creating homes for other critters, from fish to bugs to birds. The channels you dig will provide important refugia for tiny fish and for frogs and other amphibians. You might also get into trouble with your human neighbors who don’t want you cutting down trees or damming their culverts. If that happens, they can call the Beaver Response Team for help. Coz everybody needs a safe place to call home.
Musing on a Kingfisher by Nancy Boever, birder
I walk in search of a belted kingfisher and reflect upon how birding is changing my relationship with the natural world around me. Birding taught me to pause, listen, to look around me and to bear witness to wild places. As I search, I wonder, “How can we share space with and be welcoming to our feathered neighbors?” The kingfisher’s dependence upon riparian ecosystems begs us to support land management practices that protect, restore, and heal habitat that has been injured. We are in awe of the power of Benham Falls roaring through the canyon. But look a little closer into the smaller mysteries that surround us. Pause a moment…and nature will reveal its most sacred secrets.
Jodi Knows Bullfrogs “Every river deserves a smart, engaged, committed organization that's dedicated to working together with others for the health of the stream and everything it touches. All who care about this great Oregon waterway have that in the Coalition for the Deschutes.” — Tim Palmer, Author/Photographer, River Advocate 2
Jodi Wilmoth knows bullfrogs. She spends her summer nights catching and removing them from the river. Bullfrogs were brought to Oregon more than a century ago, and they like it here. Like many other introduced species, they outcompete the natives. Bullfrogs can ravage the habitat of Oregon spotted frog and other native amphibians.
by Dave Nissen, Owner, Wanderlust Tours
More and more of us are living in towns and cities, and more and more of us are heading outdoors to recreate and seek rejuvenation in the natural world. Through nature-based experiences, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the gifts that nature showers upon us. We can strive to protect them. The Deschutes River is a magnet for recreation. It’s a source of fun, but it’s also home for a multitude of species. As we renew ourselves, we might inadvertently be disturbing their habitat. We encourage everyone to tread lightly, TREAD REALLY LIGHTLY, as we recreate on our rivers and lakes.
Got Carrot Cake? If you like to eat, then thank a farmer. From the family unit to the global commons, we are connected by food and farmers. Jefferson County grows 55% of America’s hybrid carrot seed. That seed goes into packets for backyard gardens; it goes into the fields that supply farmers markets and supermarkets. Our urban and rural lives are intertwined. Who are Central Oregon farmers? They are parents and grandparents. They fish and recreate on rivers. They are stewards of the land. They are our neighbors. “We have partnered with Coalition for the Deschutes to host several tours on our farm. During these tours I have witnessed firsthand the transformative influence and progress that is possible from the outreach, education, advocacy and action the Coalition is leading.” —Kevin Richards, Central Oregon family farmer
A Fish’s World View by Jodi Wilmoth, Deschutes Redbands Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Have you ever snorkeled a river? It’s an amazing experience to see fish doing their normal fishy things: searching for large bugs to eat, ducking under a fallen log for shade and protection. To be submerged in a fish’s world gives you a view into another realm, quiet and loud at the same time. It gives you perspective of what the fish are experiencing, whether that be a muddy, cloudy river or a clear, cold environment. If we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes (or fins), we get a hint of what their life is like, and what we can do to understand and treasure it.
...we are all stewards of the river Photography by Chad Copeland: cover, pages 3-4
PLOTTING FOR POLLINATORS What’s the buzz? Pollinator species are vital to more than one-third of the world’s food sources. Despite their importance, many bee populations are in decline. Plotting for Pollinators, aka P4P, helps farmers help pollinators by growing native plants on their land to benefit the small but mighty native and domestic bees. With our partners, we have planted 11.5 acres of native wildflowers to help support these crucial populations.
P4P is a program of these Shared Vision partners: Coalition for the Deschutes North Unit Irrigation District Middle Deschutes Watershed Council To learn more and help a buzzillion bees, go to :
Coalition for the Deschutes Working to restore the Deschutes River so fish, farms, and families can thrive.
We are just getting started… Today’s Central Oregon communities are built on actions taken more than a century ago. Just as the early settlers profoundly changed the landscape, so too are people coming here today. Through our field trips, educational presentations, roundtable discussions, and Springs to Sprouts river-to-farm tours, we engage the entire community—including families, farmers and recreationalists—to overcome old obstacles and build bridges among divergent interests.
HELP US KEEP MOMENTUM SUPPORT coalitionforthedeschutes.org/donate/
VOLUNTEER coalitionforthedeschutes.org/get-involved/ By building a broad-based constituency that shares our commitment to restoring the river, we are changing the traditional narrative of water in the West. We believe we can and must do better—together, we will. COALITION FOR THE DESCHUTES
From fish to families, kayaks to carrot seed, ecology to economy, a lot is asked of our rivers.
With the river, our community, and collaboration at heart, together with Deschutes River Conservancy, Deschutes Redbands Chapter of Trout Unlimited, and irrigation districts of Central Oregon, we created the Shared Vision for the Deschutes.
SHARED VISION GOALS: A healthy, restored Deschutes River Thriving farms and sustainable agriculture Robust and vibrant communities
We are connected by our love of place…of the rivers and the land, of the mountains and high desert.
SHARED VISION PARTNER QUOTES “What I truly appreciate about the Coalition and what makes it different is the tireless effort to get people together who would normally not be allied.” —Phil Fine, Central Oregon family farmer
“We’re about conserving, protecting and restoring the cold water fisheries of the Deschutes Basin. We love native and wild fish, and the places they call home. We look forward to partnering with all who share this vision.” —Shaun Pigott, Deschutes Redbands Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Chair
“The irrigation districts are proud to be a Shared Vision partner. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with organizations, businesses, and individuals to work together and find ways to conserve water and restore the Deschutes River.” —Craig Horrell, Deschutes Basin Board of Control, Chair 4
WE BELIEVE: • The Deschutes River is integral to our Central Oregon communities, culture, and economy • We all benefit from a healthy river and sustainable agriculture • There’s enough water to meet all needs if it is managed wisely and shared equitably • We can restore the Deschutes River to a healthy condition • Working together as partners is the key to our success
Today we have 45 Shared Vision partner organizations and businesses.
BECOME A SHARED VISION PARTNER coalitionforthedeschutes.org/ shared-vision-for-the-deschutes/
VOLUNTEER Call for Volunteers - Play with Parrots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird
Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.
buyers successfully navigate the process from start to finish. Must pre-register! Mondays, 5:30-8:30pm. Through July 27. Contact: 541-323-6567. homesource@neighborimpact.org. $75.
Volunteer with Salvation Army The
Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.
Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-350-2406.
GROUPS & MEETUPS CET Regional Public Transit Advisory Committee and Transit Master Plan Project Steering Committee Virtual Meeting The July RPTAC meetings will incorporate members of CET’s 2040 Transit Master Plan Project Steering Committee (PSC) to recommend the adoption of the Transit Master Plan to the COIC Board of Directors. July 15, 1:30-3:30pm. Contact: 541-548-9534. dhofbauer@coic.org. Free.
Drum Ensemble - You’re Invited! Join a peaceful drum ensemble at Pine Nursery Park every Saturday! No political platforms. Saturdays-Noon. Pine Nursery Park, 3750 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Contact: 360-301-5579. wononorb@gmail.com. Free.. Resist! Rally Weekly resistance protest,
the theme of the week changes. Contact info@ thevocalseniority.org for more info. Tuesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm. Peace Corner, Corner of NW Greenwood Avenue and NW Wall Street, Bend.
FAMILY & KIDS Crime Solvers STEAM Camp If you want to
know what investigators, crime scene technicians and pathologists do, come and be part of the Crime Solvers Institute. Open to 1st-3rd graders. Mon, July 20, 1-4pm, Tue, July 21, 1-4pm, Wed, July 22, 1-4pm and Thu, July 23, 1-4pm. Camp Fire Central Oregon, P.O. Box 7031, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $120.
Kids Ninja Warrior Camp Kids(ages 6-12)
now is your chance to have the time of your life. July 20-24, 9am-3:30pm, July 27-31, 9am-3:30pm and Aug. 3-7, 9am-3:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. staff.freespiritbend@gmail.com. $65 single day, $250 for week.
Math Enrichment Camp All camps will be
outside on the lawn at The Hive. Registration is required, see summer camps 2020 on Flourish Bend website (www.bendtutor.com). Ages 8-11. Wednesdays, 10am-2pm. Through Sept. 2. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-848-2804. flourishbend@aol.com. $60-$75.
Online Art Activities for Kids Join Camp Fire for virtual art activities every Tuesday at 4pm. Designed for K-5th graders but open to all! Tuesdays, 4-4:30pm. Online. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. Free. Online STEM Activities for Kids Join Camp Fire for virtual STEM activities every Thursday at 4pm. Designed for K-5th graders but open to all! Thursdays, 4-4:30pm. Online. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. Free. Robots and Drones Camp Join us for this fun camp for 4th-6th graders. Mon, July 13, 1-4pm, Tue, July 14, 1-4pm, Wed, July 15, 1-4pm and Thu, July 16, 1-4pm. Camp Fire Central Ore-
The Sisters Farmers Market takes place at Fir Street Park every Sunday from 11am-2pm. As per new state guidelines, remember to bring your mask!
gon, P.O. Box 7031, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $120.
Teen Service Challenge Teens will partic-
ipate in a volunteer project with local non-profit organization each day. We will focus on helping Central Oregon through the current crisis. Mon, July 13, 9am-3pm, Tue, July 14, Wed, July 15 and Thu, July 16. Camp Fire Central Oregon, P.O. Box 7031, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@ campfireco.org. $65-$180.
FOOD EVENTS Prime Rib Night Earlier reservations are recommended as we serve our legendary prime rib until it is all gone. Don’t miss out! Saturdays-Sundays, 4:30pm. Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House, 64619 W. Highway 20, Bend. Contact: 541-382-2202. tfcsmanagement@gmail.com. $32.95-$37.50. Redmond Farmers Market Find local
Central Oregon farm-fresh produce, organic eggs and meat, bakers, makers and crafters, fresh flowers, starts, plants and much more. We’re social distancing and following our state and county guidelines. Tuesdays, 3-6pm. Centennial Park, Evergreen, Between 7th and 8th St., Redmond. Contact: 541-550-0066. redmondfarmersmarket1@hotmail.com. Free.
Sisters Farmers Market Enjoy the com-
munity abundance with our open-air socially distanced market! Enjoy local veggies, fruits, meats, eggs, kombucha, pickles, grains, breads, soaps and artisan goods! Sundays, 11am-2pm. Sisters Farmers Market at Fir Street Park, 291 East Main Avenue, Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0134. www. sistersfarmersmarket.com. Free.
BEER & DRINK EVENTS Local’s Night Come on down to Bevel Craft
Brewing for $4 beers and food specials from the food carts! Tuesdays, 3-9pm. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: holla@bevelbeer.com. Free.
Locals Night at Porter Brewing! We
offer a full menu of cask-conditioned ales, wine, cider and non-alcoholic beverages. Wednesdays, 4-7pm. Porter Brewing, 611 NE Jackpine Ct #2, Redmond. Free..
Taco Tuesdays Join us every Tuesday $2.50
tacos! Tuesdays, 4-10pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-388-8331. info@silvermoonbrewing.com.
Thursdays on the Deck with Local Wineries This summer at The Suttle Lodge
& Boathouse, we’re inviting folks to come sit, relax and learn from the wineries featured on our year-round wine list. Seatings require reservations. Thursdays, 1-4pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. $55.
Whiskey Wing Wednesdays Come down
and order our signature wings and choose from six different quality whiskeys for a pour for only $5! Wednesdays, 11:30am-10pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-388-8331. info@silvermoonbrewing.com.
ATHLETIC EVENTS Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a full schedule of classes through Zoom! Prior to start you will receive an email invitation to join class. Login 5 minutes prior to class time. Ongoing. For more information visit http://bendpilates.net/classes/. Ongoing, Noon-1pm. Online, 61220 S. Hwy 97, Bend. InMotion Weekly Workout InMotion Training Studio in Bend is offering free weekly workouts via their Facebook page. Those that register will receive daily education and the ability to check-in and stay accountable. www.landpage.co/inmotionfreeworkouts. Free. Ongoing, 4-5pm. Online. Free.
Outdoor Yoga Flow Enjoythe warmth of the sunshine and sounds of the river at the Old Mill! Uplift your mood while gaining flexibility and strength. Pre-registration required. Mondays-Wednesdays-Saturdays-Sundays, 9:1510:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $12.. Redmond Running Group Run All levels
welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Saturdays, 8am. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact: rundanorun1985@gmail.com.
OUTDOOR EVENTS Outdoor Yoga + Fit Outdoor Yoga + Fit
in the Old Mill starts with bodyweight fitness exercises and ends with yoga flow. Pre-registration required. Fridays, 9:15-10:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ freespiritbend.com. $12.
Virtual Tree Yoga Join the Deschutes Land
Trust and Maret Pajutee for a meditative evening of Tree Yoga from the comfort of your own home. Find your personal ponderosa pine and use it to help you stretch both body and mind. Registration required to receive virtual link. July 16, 5-6pm. Contact: 541-330-0017. event@ deschuteslandtrust.org. Free.
HEALTH + WELLNESS BiohackingCongress - Virtual Edition
Start your Biohacking Journey! Get acquainted with specific information on how to achieve a harmonious combination of technology and capabilities of human body for Health Optimization, Performance Optimization, and Longevity. July 17, 9am-2:30pm. Contact: office@unicornlab.us. $10-$20.
Confidential Women’s Sexual Abuse Support Group The primary focus of the
group will be to develop a support system to share and work through issues related to sexual abuse. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Veronica Ramos, Private, Bend. Contact: 503-856-4874. vleeramos@ gmail.com. Free.
Curbside Acupuncture Ear Acupuncture
will be provided along with other goodies. First and Third Wednesday of every month, 11am3pm. Deschutes Acupuncture, 339 SW Century Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-429-0900. info@ deschutsacupuncture.com. Donation.
EFT Tapping & Energy Wellness Find
out what Tapping is and experience how energy work can immediately improve the way you feel! July 21, 5:30pm. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall Street, Bend. Free.
Livestreamed Meditation Class Free on-
line meditation classes led by Cathleen Hylton of Blissful Heart Wellness Center. Take a break from the current climate and get your zen on in this free meditation class. Join class via https://zoom. us/j/596079985. Free. Thursdays, 6-7pm. Free.
Synergy Health & Wellness Virtual Open House Join us for a virtual open house.
Drop in to chat with our staff and clinicians about specific questions or any of the following topics: new safety protocols, Thriving with Diabetes program updates, Pantry Pop-Up Series, Clinical Massage Update: Polyvagal Theory, and more. July 16, 10am-Noon. Online, 61220 S. Hwy 97, Bend. Contact: https://lnkd.in/gXhpzCe. Free.
Thursday Weekly Walk Join walkers
of all speeds in this beginner-friendly group. Thursdays, Noon-1pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-3568. michelle@ footzonebend.com. Free.
Tula Movement Arts - Online Classes
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Grownology: The Garden that Grows Up By Kyle Switzer
umans have long had a fascination with the possible integration of human and machine. From James Cameron’s epic 1984 film, “Terminator,” to our more recent obsession with half machine, half hero “Tony Stark,” the world seems to be ominously awaiting the ever-increasing reality that robots are coming. Although we haven’t seen robots traveling in time quite yet, all it takes is a quick drive to The Giving Plate to observe Bend’s most recent robot: A fully automated hydroponic farm working within micro controls and automated climate controls to grow vegetables 24/7 for Bend’s most vulnerable community members. It seems James Cameron was a little off. The project, as Grownology founder and owner Ben Marsh described, started in 2015 with the vision, as he puts it, to “Create a farm that was sustainable and also took into consideration the need to preserve the planet.” Marsh’s introduction into vertical farming came in the form of an open source project, The Open Agriculture Initiative, headed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The project’s aim was to introduce “digital agriculture” to the mainstream, by providing plans that let others tap their hydroponic, digitally operated agriculture systems. After obtaining plans and researching further, Marsh contacted Oregon State University Cascades’ Energy Systems Engineering Professor Kyle Webb for help. “We ended up working with a student team, and after two quarters we
Courtesy Grownology
From left: Makena Whitaker (Co-founder of Grownology), Ranae Staley (Executive Director of the Giving Plate), and Chris Fasen (Marketing Manager of Grownology) with plans to build the first Grownology vertical garden at the giving tree.
had actually built a personal food computer that was fully operational,” Marsh said. “We were growing lettuce inside this little box, fully climate controlled!” This event, as Marsh described it to me, was the “OK, we can really do this moment.” Still, on the other side stood hundreds of crossroads: where to take digitally operated farming next? Fast forward nearly two years later, and Marsh, with his new company Grownology, is working directly with The Giving Plate, providing
them their own hydroponic farm on site. “We’re working on lowering the barriers of access on healthy, locally grown food,” Marsh said. The Giving Plate’s system is Grownology’s “maiden voyage,” as Marsh calls it. Right now, Grownology is not offering the systems to the general public, but Marsh hopes to do so soon. If vertical farming and traditional farming can be compared, one of its major appeals—the factor that holds Soleil Haskell
Project Assistant Lane Mehringer, left, and co-founder and Project Manager Makena Whitaker work together to assemble the Grownology vertical garden.
vertically farming the winner—is water consumption. One of Grownology’s biggest advantages is its need for less water than traditional farming. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, approximately 80% of the nation’s water use goes to farming. Vertical farming uses around 95% less water than traditional farming methods, Marsh says. In its last harvest, Grownology’s system yielded 160 plants from 10 gallons of water—around the same water the average American uses during a five-minute shower. Additionally, the nutrients plants need are dissolved into the water which runs in a recirculating system, Marsh said. As he explained, water and fertilizer, in a traditional system, need to be secured and monitored, while his system retains those resources. “We’re not discharging water through the environment. This is a self-contained system.” Among its benefits, a self-contained water system limits nitrates from getting into public water, Marsh said. With vertical farms now being built around the world, Grownology’s owner sees his company as part of a movement that is only getting its start. Right now, workers are creating a 90,000-square-foot indoor, vertical farm in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates—the largest farm of its kind. As Marsh puts it, “I would really like to see a lot more farmers that are growing vertically working together, trying to improve systems, improve the method, so there’s maxim benefit for potential growers in the future.”
The creator of a local vertical farming company talks about conserving water while growing fresh food for the needy
“A Master Class in the Essay” WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / JULY 16, 2020 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE
Beth Alvarado, author and writing instructor at OSU-Cascades chats about her recent win in the Oregon Book Awards By Nicole Vulcan Courtesy Beth Alvarado
BA: Landscape is really important to me as a writer. The Sonoran Desert is an extreme environment, where people die crossing without water every year. It is also, at least in Tucson, extremely beautiful. Bend may seem lush in comparison, but only because of irrigation. During that summer of wild fires, I began to realize that the high desert is also a precarSource Weekly: Briefly describe the ious environment. I looked around and book for those not familiar. saw issues of sustainability, especially as Beth Alvarado: These fourteen they’re related to drought and water-usessays are about those moments when age. I would say that my awareness of the we realize how precarious life is. In them, fragility of human life—and of the envimuch like in the current pandemic, the ronment—comes from living in the descrisis is personal but larger than any one ert, both in Arizona and here. person or family. For instance, in one SW: In a summary of the book, you essay, my husband’s death is the lens describe how “Most of these essays are through which I see the water pollution about the opposite poles of life--birth and that also contributed to the deaths of so death--about quitting heroin when I found many others. In another, during the wild- I was pregnant, about the struggle of carfires here in Bend a few years ago, I’m ing for premature infants and of tending helping my daughter with twins who will to the dying.” Can you share a bit more not sleep and so, in the haze of smoke and about that story of pregnancy you mensleep deprivation, taking care of infants tion, and also talk a bit about the notion is implicitly compared to taking care of of opposites as they relate to storytelling? nature. One of the main themes, I think, BA: I became the person I am when is the way that the personal is always in I quit doing drugs and married into tension with larger forces. my husband, Fernando’s, family. Had SW: The book largely takes place in I not gotten pregnant almost immethe American Southwest. How does that diately, who knows if we would have landscape factor into how you approached stayed clean? Probably, we would have the book? Are there parallels or differenc- relapsed, as many do, but instead we es in the landscape of Central Oregon that agreed we would stay clean for at least helped you as you crafted this work? the duration of the pregnancy and then, if we started using again, Courtesy Beth Alvarado we would give the baby to his mother. Of course, I don’t remember ever asking her! We just assumed she would be OK with it. As far as writing about it: a pregnant addict is the perfect metaphor for someone who is pulled between life and death. Addiction, to whatever substance, is the ultimate solipsism: no one else matters much; your body doesn’t matter; the future doesn’t exist. But pregnancy is the future living within the present. It requires that you put someone else first. You become hyper aware of your body because someone else is kicking around inside of it. The notion of opposites is useful, then, to writing, because it tends to throw things into high relief so that you can see the conMany of the book's 14 essays deal with opposites. flicts and the paradoxes.
n late June, Beth Alvarado, author and faculty author at OSU-Cascades, won an Oregon Book Award in the Creative Nonfiction category for her book, “Anxious Attachments.” In this interview with the Source Weekly, she talks about kicking heroin, coaching writers, taking care of the dying and more.
Beth Alvarado says her award-winning book is about ordinary life and what that entails.
SW: In addition to writing, you also teach writers in the low-residency MFA program at OSU-Cascades. What about writing can be taught, in your experience? What do you struggle with trying to teach writers, in the realm of what can’t be taught? BA: What you’re teaching, really, is a habit of mind, to look at writing analytically, as a writer; at how things are communicated, not just what. The craft. You can broaden students’ exposure, which is really important. And I think there are ways to help students tap into those subjects that mean the most to them; you can encourage them to take emotional and intellectual risks—and that’s where the exceptional work is going to come from. I know people say that the only thing you can teach is craft, but I think you can also teach people to dig deep. You can recognize what they already do well and teach them ways of nurturing it. You can teach that writing is a practice, you need to give them the tools so they can continue to teach themselves, and you need to encourage them to support one another as writers. SW: What does being awarded an Oregon Book Award mean to you? What are your thoughts on awards given to authors in general? BA: It was an honor for the book to be nominated because the other books were all of such high quality— and a surprise to win. Any one of the
nominees, in my opinion, was worthy of the award, which is why awards can seem arbitrary. If there had been different judges, maybe someone else’s book would have won. So even though I recognize that, I was so pleased. It was a real validation of my writing and of my subject matter: that a book about ordinary life, the life we all live, taking care of others, helping people when they’re ill and dying, thinking about our connections to politics and history—that that could win an award! And that they would say the book was a “master class in the essay!” Wow! And, also, I am so happy for Autumn House Press. They had several books nominated for awards, big awards like this one, and they deserve the recognition. In my case, they took a good book and helped me make it into an award winner. Alvarado read from her work in a Literary Arts presentation that announced the winners of the 2020 Oregon Book Awards. Due to COVID-19, the show was presented as a podcast rather than an in-person event, and is available at: literary-arts.org/ archive/2020-oregon-book-awards/. Her newest book, “Jillian in the Borderlands,” comes out in October. Alvarado said through Oct. 20, she’s donating her royalties and commission to the U.S.-Mexico border-area humanitarian aid organization No More Deaths. The book is available at: blacklawrencepress.com/books/ jillian-in-the-borderlands/.
Following the retirement of Paul Dewey, Gordon leads the organization’s efforts to enforce Oregon’s land use law and protect local rivers, farmlands and forests By Laurel Brauns
en Gordon, the new executive director of Central Oregon LandWatch, was our guest on this week’s “Bend Don’t Break” podcast hosted by Source Weekly Publisher Aaron Switzer. Gordon described how COLW has been working behind the scenes for decades to mitigate the effects of urban development and wasteful water use in the Deschutes River Basin.
Source Weekly: What inspired you to pursue a leadership role in environmental conservation so early in your career? Ben Gordon: I grew up in suburban Maryland and my dad was a land use attorney. Growing up, I was always drawn to these little pockets of nature that we had in the suburbs. Whenever I had the opportunity, I would play in the creeks and pick up frogs and snakes and was just always really interested in the natural world. But, it wasn’t until I was a student at the University of Colorado [Boulder] that I had the opportunity to attend a biodiversity conservation management seminar in New Zealand that my eyes really became open to natural resources as a career path. SW: Are the environmental benefits of the pandemic a real thing? BG: I think in the short term we see some indications that if we change our patterns and our habits profoundly they can have a lasting impact on staving off the dire effects of climate change and improving the outcome for imperiled wildlife species; even just improving the experience that wildlife have on a human-centric planet. But it really speaks more to whether as humans we’re willing to make long-term changes… Because if this goes on for a few months and then we go back to business as usual I don’t think it makes much of a difference. SW: Describe how Oregon’s land use laws are unique and how that intersects with the work that you do? BG: Oregon is unique in that since the early ‘70s it has had in place this land use system that was ultimately designed by the likes of former Gov. Tom McCall and visionaries like Henry Richmond. Back then Oregon’s economy hinged on agriculture and timber. They asked, ‘how do we preserve these resource
"At a certain point there are bottom line values that LandWatch exists to uphold for our community, our stakeholders and our supporters, and we have a finite amount of tools to do that work. I recognize how contentious lawsuits can be, but I also recognize how effective they are." Leslie Kehmeier
lands in perpetuity?’ They had the realization, by looking at California and other states, that sprawl was having this profound effect on farm and forest lands. So Oregon said, ‘we need to do something to preserve this economic engine into the future.’ They decided that also matters how people experience our state in terms of quality of life. They passed Senate Bill 100, which requires public participation for big developments and an institutional structure for statewide planning. They took into account how land use would affect wildlife habitat. LandWatch is the regional guardian of that land use system making sure that considerations for conservation are taken into account for development and upholding the tenants of that land use system. SW: Let’s use the example of the work that LandWatch is doing right now with the Thornburgh Resort at Cline Buttes development, planned in Redmond out by Eagle Crest. The developers want to build 1,000 homes, three golf courses and 475 overnight lodging units. What is LandWatch doing to mitigate the environmental impacts of this development? BG: Thornburgh has been around for 10-plus years and the developers continue to bring forward these proposals for development. LandWatch’s role now is holding the County accountable to a piece of its own code that says for these destination resorts there will be no net negative impact to fish and wildlife and their habitat. Our concern now is that the proposed development would require 6 million gallons of water per day. Six million gallons is significantly more than the City of Ashland uses each day. That water would be coming from a deep (cold water) well from an aquifer that feeds Whychus Creek, and there’s sensitive fish there. This is a very important water source for this community and so our question is, do we want to allow this development to take that much of our precious water resource for this kind of development? Can they prove that they can mitigate these impacts? Thus far they haven’t. SW: LandWatch has always been willing to go to court and hold of lot of these
developments to a legal standard. In the area of water management it seems like you need to both collaborate and act as a watchdog. Could you speak to LandWatch’s role in the past and how you see yourself as the new executive director moving forward? BG: It would be helpful to know that when I was interviewed for the job and when talking to the board, I started my interview by saying if LandWatch feels it needs an attorney to be its executive director than I’m not the person for the job; I’m not a trained attorney. However I recognize the importance of litigation as a tool when civil conversations are not enough. My background has been in conservation and community organizing. I’ve worked on wilderness campaigns in very conservative communities and as you can imagine, wilderness is not a welcomed topic at a lot of dinner tables in say Wheeler county. Over time, in forming my own philosophy about how an organization like LandWatch could be most effective, I feel very strongly it is important to have exploratory conversations with people who may not see eye to eye and to learn as much as possible about what is important because that might then shape our own thinking. But at a certain point there are bottom-line values that LandWatch exists to uphold for our community, our stakeholders and our supporters, and we have a finite amount of tools to do that work. I recognize how contentious lawsuits can be, but I also recognize how effective they are. SW: Tell us about the Habitat Conservation Plan you’re working on with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife and the irrigation districts to require minimum flows in the Deschutes River? BG: The current opportunity is called the Habitat Conservation Plan and essentially the irrigation districts are proposing some conservation measures to Oregon Fish and Wildlife Service. OFWS is evaluating the proposal to see if there is enough water for farmers and for other human uses, while also ensuring that the river gets what it needs to sustain healthy populations of fish. Obviously, the Oregon spotted frog is a big issue [OFWS declared endangered in 2014]. LandWatch got involved because we see this as a what we describe as a once in a lifetime opportunity: Once this
plan goes into effect it is in place for 30 years. It’s important that the standards the OFWS decides on and agrees to are rigorous enough so that enough water stays in stream year-round to sustain those fish and frog populations while also giving irrigators and the community the water we all need. SW: Some of the Deschutes County Commissioners are currently in the process of trying to make it easier to develop on farm land. The argument is that the soil is not adequate for growing crops so it should just be developed. Talk a little bit about LandWatch’s involvement and position in this debate. BG: Deschutes County is looking into this right now: They refer to this as nonprime lands and it’s not a definition that is part of the current state and local land use system. It would be a new definition based on the soil type and productivity potential for local farm land. When Oregon’s land use system was designed, productive lands by definition were those that should be kept for farming because they have the potential to actually allow people to derive a meaningful livelihood form agriculture. In exchange for keeping it farm land, the landowners would get tax breaks. Right now, Deschutes County is questioning whether some of these farms should have some leniency and be considered for other types of development that would run contrary to farming. LandWatch’s position is that the State clearly defines the requirement for what constitutes farmland: It is property that has soil types one through six [meaning it is possible to use it for agriculture]. LandWatch does really understand why there would be a need to create flexibility [for development] when the tax benefits have been in place for so long. There’s value in keeping those large farms intact for wildlife and for the general agricultural economy that is so important to Oregon. To catch the full interview check out the Bend Don't Break Podcast at bendsource.com Central Oregon LandWatch centraloregonlandwatch.org
Environmental Watchdog: Ben Gordon of Central Oregon LandWatch
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The Big Quench
By Cayla Clark
Courtesy of Inspired Leaf Teas
Homemade spicy grape juice makes a satisfying mid-summer drink
By Ari LeVaux By Ari LeVaux
Hand-blended teas made right here in Bend.
Her Special Tea Local tea mastermind blends up mind-blowing flavor combinations from whole, natural ingredients
Lemon, grapefruit juice, spearmint and rose petals combine with grape juice to make this thirst-quenching summer drink.
combinations of sweet, sour and pain. My current spicy grape juice recipe includes both lemon and grapefruit juices as well, which add extra shades of tartness to complement the grape juice and carbonic acid. Grapefruit is also bitter, a flavor that, like sour and like bubbles, softens with a little sweetness. I like to add spearmint, which has a sweet flavor. And I add rose petals, when available, preferably yellow, which go best with purple. The petals float there and smell beautiful while you drink, a reminder to smell those roses while you can, because summer won’t wait. And this is one of the best ways to enjoy it. Whether you take your spicy grape juice mixed, spiked or straight, the sweet bubbles and acids will help you squeeze every drop of summer onto the melting ice cubes of life. Bubbles and Roses Rose petals are not essential to the architecture of this drink, so don’t sweat it if you can’t find any. But if you know a rose bush that has not been sprayed, then by all means pick a few — with permission, if necessary. Rinse off any bugs
or dust that might be on the petals, and prepare to add them to the drink. Just make sure to use a straw so you don’t get petals in your mouth. If you can’t get spearmint, find the sweetest mint you can. If you wish to add booze, I suggest limoncello or something like it, such as the Licor de Limon I brought home from Spain. Serves 6 2 lemons, 1 juiced and one sliced 1 grapefruit, half juiced and the other half sliced 6 sprigs spearmint Petals of a rose, preferably yellow (optional) 1 quart grape juice 1 quart seltzer Divide the lemon juice and grapefruit juice among six glasses. Add a sprig of mint to each glass. Layer in the ice cubes with rose petals and thin slices of fruit in each glass, and then add the grape juice. Finally, add the bubbly to each glass, slowly, so it stays on top and doesn’t mix until you want it to. Serve during a hot summer afternoon.
Cindi Neiswonger has always had an affinity for tea. After working a corporate job for 22 years, she decided that a career change was necessary. “I had a 3-year-old daughter, and I wanted to spend more time with her,” she explained. “So I started holding children’s tea parties. I was able to play around with my own blends, and we had some co-packed to sell at the parties. When the recession hit, the tea party business literally stopped overnight.” Realizing that tea-making was her true passion, Neiswonger launched Inspired Leaf Teas. “We worked with a local marketing company on the name and the logo, and we got off the ground 10 years ago. Since then we’ve continuously evolved and adapted. It’s important to me that we exclusively offer whole leaf teas and use all natural ingredients, nothing artificial. If you look into the bag you’ll see whole ingredients, like cardamom pods and real chocolate.” Neiswonger detailed the art of blending fresh ingredients in a way that would produce robust, honest flavors. “We try to come up with unique flavor combinations while offering the classics, like Earl Grey and English Breakfast. One popular dessert tea is our Toffee Chocolate Hazelnut, made with local toffee [from Holm Made Toffee Co.], dark chocolate, cacao nibs and black tea. Our Cardamom Vanilla tea is made with hand-ground cardamom pods, giving it a super fresh flavor.” The tea is packaged in plant-based pyramid tea bags, making it safer for consumption. “People don’t realize this, but most of those cute little pyramid tea bags are made from polyester, and chemicals and toxins are released directly into the water. We ensure there’s nothing in the teacup that could be harmful to our customers.” Inspired Leaf Teas are locally available for purchase at Newport Market, Locavore, Ginger’s Kitchenware and Food 4 Less. Neiswonger’s hand-blended teas can also be found online at inspiredleaf.com.
very October I make Concord grape juice, and then seal it away in jars. I hoard these sweet vessels until the following summer, when I mix a chilled beverage called spicy grape juice. I don’t remember my first taste of chocolate, or of bacon, or even mayonnaise, but I’ll never forget my first sip of spicy grape juice. I was an 8-year-old city boy, visiting friends deep in the Massachusetts countryside. One hot day our pack of kids came into the house thirsty. Joan, their mom, emptied jars of grape juice and bubbly into a pitcher of ice, and poured the mixture into glasses on the big dark dining room table. It hit the spot like a jump in the lake. Carbonated water - aka seltzer or bubbly - contains carbonic acid, which triggers receptors on the taste buds that detect mustard and horseradish. This produces the distinct spicy taste of bubbly. For some reason, a little pain in the water makes it more drinkable, for some people, anyway. The action is similar to how a dash of spicy hot sauce can make a taco more delicious. LaCroix, the beverage company, has leveraged the resulting endorphin rush into drinks that feel like soda pop, even when completely unsweetened. It was unusual to consume something so completely satisfying out of Joan’s kitchen. Her style of cooking was my first exposure to the unprocessed, “natural,” far-left wing of food, of whole grains, carob, nuts and beans. Her arch-enemy was sugar. I wondered if this diet had something to do with the fact that Joan’s kids were as tough as superheroes. They would jump off the roof for fun, and cover long distances through the woods (sometimes popping out near a gas station that sold candy). Although I didn’t realize it at the time, Joan’s simple drink harnessed multiple forces into that unusually satisfying drink. It contained plenty of those elusive sugar molecules, thanks to that sweet grape juice. Thanks to the carbonic acid, bubbly has a sour taste, and that harmonizes with the sour component of the grape’s flavor. In that hot, dehydrated moment around the dark wooden table, the cold combination of spicy, sour and sweet flavors was like being plugged into an electrical socket of thirst-quenching power. Years later I found myself with a Concord grape plant of my own, and, as luck had it, a home seltzer maker. Suddenly, I had all the spicy grape juice I cared to drink, which is a uniquely satisfying feeling. Nowadays, I use Joan’s mix as a base for exploring more complex
SCREEN Checking in Halfway
Best movies, shows and books of 2020 (so far) By Jared Rasic
26 Photos courtesy of A24
s we pass the halfway point of any given year, it’s always nice to look back at all the pop-cultural shenanigans from the first few months just to see how the year is shaping up artistically. With movie theaters closing, new books going straight to digital and all television shows halting production months ago, 2020 has been a bit of an entertainment wasteland. Yes, there’s more streaming now than ever before, but quantity has definitely taken over for quality these last few months and (if we’re being honest) it’s not a trend going anywhere anytime soon. With all that said, let’s take a look at the best 2020 has offered so far in the realm of movies, television and everything in between.
Speculation”) follows a librarian who becomes a therapist of sorts in this beautifully humanist exploration of the similarities we carry between us overpowering our differences. If you need books that remind you of the goodness of humanity, then these two are a perfect place to start. Shows: Nothing has made me laugh harder than FX’s hysterical “What We Do in the Shadows,” which expanded the mythology so deeply in season two that it has even surpassed Taika Waititi’s film as far as wackiness goes. There’s nothing else like it on TV and, if you’re willing to surrender to its rhythms, it only gets funnier as it goes.
"First Cow" is a timely and heart-warming look at the American dream from the perspective of societal outsiders. Books: Emily St. John Mandel’s “The Glass Hotel” is the book of the year so far, with her taking the haunting and elegiac prose of her earlier masterpiece, “Station Eleven,” and applying it to a much larger canvas. I won’t say anything about the story, but those who loved Peter Heller’s “The Dog Stars” will find a lot to connect with in “The Glass Hotel.” “Weather” by Jenny Offill (the remarkable author of “Dept. of
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For those who love a bit of hard scifi, Amazon’s “Tales From the Loop” is part anthology show about a mysterious small town full of scientists and part profound study of reality and the interconnectivity of society. It’s like if “The Twilight Zone” episodes all took place in the same small town. Hulu’s “Devs” is the perfect balm for everyone missing the speculative excitement of early “Westworld” but looking to avoid the navel gazing of…well,
"First Cow" will gently wow you to your core.
current “Westworld.” From the creator of “Ex Machina” and “Annihilation,” “Devs” takes on some of the biggest science fiction ideas since Asimov. Movies: The second half of 2020 will hopefully see the releases of the dozens of movies that have been delayed so far this year, but luckily we’ve still been given a few bangers so far. “Da 5 Bloods” (Netflix) is a big, messy swing for the fences from Spike Lee that came out in the perfect moment, sandwiched between COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter so perfectly that it feels tailor-made to our national consciousness. It’s not a perfect film (Spike Lee sometimes wears his influences a little too broadly on his sleeves), but it’s a damned beautiful one. “Shirley” (Hulu) is a mesmerizing
psychological study of author Shirley Jackson, writer of “The Lottery” and “The Haunting of Hill House.” The film isn’t an average bio-pic; instead, it’s a deconstruction of an artist’s obsession with their own muse that is at turns perversely romantic and deeply disturbing. Elisabeth Moss deserves an Oscar for this. My favorite movie of the year so far, however, is much gentler than “Da 5 Bloods” and more humanist than “Shirley.” A24 and Oregon filmmaker Kelly Reichardt have teamed up for “First Cow,” which follows a white drifter and a Chinese immigrant in 1820s Oregon who are stealing milk from the area’s only cow to start a pastry business. Sweet, subtle and tender, “First Cow” is a timely and heart-warming look at the American dream from the perspective of societal outsiders. A masterpiece.
BendFilm Announces Pop Up Drive-In Movies
Eclectic lineup includes the highly anticipated documentary, “The Last Blockbuster” By Laurel Brauns 27
"An American Ascent," directed by George Potter and Andrew Adkins Thursday, July 23 and Friday, July 24 "An American Ascent" documents the first African-American expedition to tackle Denali aka Mt. McKinley, North America’s highest peak. By embarking on the grueling multi-week climb of 20,237 ft Denali, nine African-American climbers try to shed light on the complex relationship many African-Americans have with the outdoors by changing the face of America’s biggest and baddest mountain on the 100th anniversary of its first summit. "The Last Blockbuster," by Taylor Morden and Zeke Kamm Saturday, July 25 World Premiere! - Screening in Bend, Oregon, for the first time ever! "The Last Blockbuster" is a feature-length documentary film about the rise and fall of Blockbuster video and how one small town store managed to outlast a corporate giant. Note: This world premiere screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers Zeke Kamm and Taylor Morden as well as select members of the cast of the film. Plus, the screening is a chance to host a VHS/DVD Drive to benefit the world’s last Blockbuster! Bring your old DVDs and VHS tapes to the screening to donate to help keep the world’s last Blockbuster afloat. A Blockbuster drop box will be on site for the premiere. "Free Solo," directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin Friday, July 31 A stunning, intimate and unflinching portrait of the free soloist
Courtesy BendFilm
climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock ... the 3,000 ft El Capitan in Yosemite National Park ... without a rope. Celebrated as one of the greatest athletic feats of any kind, Honnold’s climb set the ultimate standard: perfection or death. Succeeding in this challenge, Honnold enters his story in the annals of human achievement. "Jurassic Park," directed by Steven Spielberg Saturday, Aug. 1 In Steven Spielberg’s massive blockbuster, paleontologists Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) and mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) are among a select group chosen to tour an island theme park populated by dinosaurs created from prehistoric DNA. "Rebuilding Paradise," directed by Ron Howard Friday, Aug. 7 On Nov. 8, 2018, a raging wildfire swept through Northern California, engulfing the historic town of Paradise, destroying homes and claiming the lives of more than 80 people. With its ecology, a warming climate, and blunders by its largest utility company, California is the site of unprecedented natural disasters, including the Camp Fire, the state’s deadliest blaze to date. Academy Award®-winning director Ron Howard follows several survivors who must decide whether to leave or remain in an area that has seen unimaginable devastation. Note: A post-film discussion will take place with Romy Mortensen from Brooks Resources, Kevin Larkin the District Ranger for Bend Fort Rock, and a Deschutes Collaborative Forest Steering Committee member. "Jaws," directed by: Steven Spielberg Saturday, Aug. 8 When a young woman is killed by a shark while skinny-dipping near the New England tourist town of Amity Island, police chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) wants to close the beaches, but mayor Larry Vaughn (Murray Hamilton) overrules him, fearing that the loss of tourist revenue will cripple the town. Sound familiar?. "Maiden" directed by Alex Holmes Friday, Aug. 14 Maiden is the story of how Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old cook in charter boats, became the skipper of the first ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World in 1989. Tracy’s inspirational dream was opposed on all
"The Last Blockbuster" director Taylor Morden.
sides: her male competitors thought an all-women crew would never make it, the chauvinistic yachting press took bets on her failure, and potential sponsors rejected her, fearing they would die at sea and generate bad publicity. But Tracy refused to give up: she remortgaged her home and bought a secondhand boat, putting everything on the line to ensure the team made it to the start line. With their help she went on to shock the sport world. "Back To The Future," directed by Robert Zemeckis Saturday, Aug. 15 In this 1980s sci-fi classic, smalltown California teen Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is thrown back into the ‘50s when an experiment by his eccentric scientist friend Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) goes awry. Traveling through time in a modified DeLorean car, Marty encounters young versions of his parents (Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson), and must make sure that they fall in love or he’ll cease to exist. "Blood Road," directed by Nicholas Schrunk Friday, Aug. 21 "Blood Road" follows the journey of ultra-endurance mountain bike athlete Rebecca Rusch and her Vietnamese riding partner, Huyen Nguyen, as they pedal 1,200 miles along the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail through the dense jungles of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Their goal: to reach the site where Rebecca’s father, a U.S. Air Force pilot, was shot down in Laos more than 40 years earlier. During this poignant voyage of self discovery, the women push their bodies to the limit, while learning more about the historic "Blood Road" and how the Vietnam War shaped their lives in different ways.
"Peanut Butter Falcon," directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz Saturday, Aug. 22 A modern Mark Twain style adventure story, "Peanut Butter Falcon" tells the story of Zak (Zack Gottsagen), a young man with Down syndrome, who runs away from a residential nursing home to follow his dream of attending the professional wrestling school of his idol, The Salt Water Redneck (Thomas Haden Church). A strange turn of events pairs him on the road with Tyler (Shia LaBeouf ), a small time outlaw on the run, who becomes Zak’s unlikely coach and ally. "The Art of Flight," directed by Curt Morgan Friday, Aug. 28 "The Art of Flight," follows Travis Rice, John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Scotty Lago, Jake Blauvelt, Nicolas Muller, Gigi Ruf, DCP and Pat Moore as they dream up new global adventures and progress the sport to unimaginable levels. Filmed on location in Jackson Hole, Alaska, Chile, Aspen, Patagonia, British Columbia and more, "Flight" brings the viewer along for the perfect blend of adventure/travel drama and high-energy snowboarding action. "Ski Bum: The Warren Miller Story," directed by Patrick Creadon Saturday, Aug. 29 "Ski Bum: The Warren Miller Story" chronicles the life and times of the legendary filmmaker who, through his annual ski films and national tours which began in the early 1950’s, was a driving force in the development and promotion of the ski industry in America and throughout the world. Miller, who died last year at 93, sat months before his passing for his final interview.
atch films this summer from the comfort of your car or from the open air of Tin Pan Alley. BendFilm announced the lineup July 14 which includes a wide range of classics, movie documentaries, adventures, blockbusters and more. Seeing these movies in-person has its advantages: Many screenings include appearances by the filmmakers, a chance to ask questions and post-film discussions. For those who prefer to stay on the couch, BendFilm will offer virtual rentals of these new releases through the Tin Pan Theater. “A global pandemic has changed our lives so we have found creative ways to connect around film experiences that lift our spirits, make us think, challenge convention and bring us closer,” said Todd Looby, BendFilm executive director. “We look forward to seeing our community from a safe distance at a screening this summer outside in Tin Pan Alley or under the stars at the drive-in.”
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GO HERE Beavers, Our Eager Aquifer Engineers By Laurel Brauns
Like it or not, everyone who uses water is unknowingly depending on the dam-building talents of our North American Beaver
Jay Bowerman
o matter how you look at the history of the Pacific Northwest, one native animal stands out in making Oregon what it is today: the North American Beaver. Yes, the same one we see on our state flag. As far as you can go back into the history of the Northwest you will find the beaver supplying the material early people required to stay alive financially and make a home for themselves. The cities of Astoria and Portland, for example, can thank the beaver for their growth and welfare. Beaver were slaughtered for their value in making hats, coats and money, lots of money. When the founders of this country wanted to keep beaver out of the hands of the British, they went out and slaughtered them so they couldn’t be used by any foreign nation to compete with our commerce. Well, today, the beaver has an equal degree of importance, but in the area of water conservation. They don’t need to be killed and their skins sold to be of great value to Man. Killing and skinning beaver for their pelts should be eliminated thanks to comparable fabricated items. But as a positive factor in water conservation, beaver have no equal, and the knowledge of how they function in this all-important role is just becoming known to us. Our native beaver is one colossal rodent, the largest in all of North America, and nearly matches its Eurasian cousin as being the largest rodent in the world. Just one of our species tips the scales at up to 78 pounds of muscle, teeth and tail. The beaver is an industrious critter with gigantic, ultra-sharp teeth that eats trees and has a tail that is humungous, flat, and when it wants to it can slap it on the surface of the water to be heard a great distance away. A best-selling and well-written treatise on beaver was written by Ben Goldfarb, entitled “Eager, The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter.” According to National Geographic, “Eager takes us inside the amazing world of nature’s premier construction engineer…and shows us why the restoration of an animal almost driven to extinction is producing wide-ranging, positive effects on our landscapes, ecology, and even our economy.” Go get it; a book well worth the read. Now, right up front it is necessary to point out the one negative influence beaver have on part of our society: they need and enjoy cutting down trees,
Travel to mind-blowing mountain biking destinations around the globe with some of the world’s best riders A new film from Teton Gravity Research Once nearly extinct, the beaver has been called "nature's premiere construction engineer."
especially those on the banks of rivers and streams in people’s backyards. There is nothing decorative about cottonwoods, alders and other landscaping to a beaver. In their way of looking at the habitat they live within, such plants are necessary food and building materials for adjusting the landscape to their needs. After collecting such vegetation the beavers haul it off to their home, or, use it to build their well known, remarkable dams. The water impounded by these dams is what a beaver is after. They build their stick and soil homes in the ponds to keep them safe from predators and provide a place to start a family. And it is that water that makes the beaver irreplaceable in creating one of the best resources for water conservation. The water keeps rising behind the dams and eventually will become part of our underground aquifers vital to so many parts of human civilization. For that reason, there are several conservation organizations restoring beavers to their native habitats. On the other hand, there are those who—because of the beaver’s tree-eating habits—have declared them a “predator,” thereby allowing them to be removed from the landscape with impunity. Being classified as a “predator,” beaver can be killed at any time in any way and no one has to even report it. That takes the beaver out of the hands of wildlife managers and contradicts
the work being carried out to reintroduce the beaver to our landscape as aquifer engineers. Like it or not, everyone who uses water is unknowingly depending on the dam-building talents of our North American Beaver. Without question, we have the industrious beaver to thank for helping keep the water available for us to drink, cook with, flush our toilets with, irrigate with, and use as we will in hundreds of other ways. A new pro-beaver organization has come to the fore in Central Oregon, “Beaver Oregon Works.” If you live on a stream or river and have landscape that may be at risk to being utilized by a beaver, go to their web site, beaverworks.org, or email them at: info@beaverworks.org. Their field technicians can mitigate any beaver issues you may be encountering. This organization states that beavers create wetlands and are the “Earth’s Kidney” and as such provide downstream drought and flood protection, water table and aquifer recharge and improved water quality. They even help bring back salmon to the Northwest. That is not what “predators” do. Removal of beaver from their ancestral habitats has wrought the alteration of many ecosystems, causing flooding, drying up of marshes, plus loss of salmon and other wildlife environments. As we now face drought conditions in our area, let’s cheer these tireless water savers on and help, not hurt them.
The newest film from Teton Gravity Research is directed by Jeremy Grant and captures the love-at-first-site experience of mountain biking. From the producers of “UnReal” and the director of “Where The Trail Ends” comes “Accomplice,” an homage to all the crazy adventures and crazier comrades that come from a life lived in pursuit of the next awesome ride. On the surface, “Accomplice” is pure scenery porn for those hungry for a glimpse of the world’s best mountain biking locations. But TGR takes the story a step further to tell the story of the bicycle: From this perspective a bike is not just a mode of transportation but a vehicle for the human spirit. The film has been on a drive-in, roadtrip tour since July 8 where the filmmakers say the old school vibe and the occasional car horn has only added to the experience. Here in Bend, it premieres Friday at the Tower Theatre with limited seating to spread out the crowd. Bend premiere of ACCOMPLICE
Fri., July 17, 5pm, doors, 6pm show. 8pm doors, 9pm show Tower Theatre 835 NW Wall St towertheatre.org $15 @peterjamisonmedia
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Remodel Priorities
Projects for the Highest Return painting or resurfacing them. Replacing countertops and backsplash tile can update a home and give it a whole new look at a very reasonable price. Installing new appliances, plumbing fixtures, sinks and hardware will be the icing on the cake. Feel free to catch potential buyers' attention with trendy touches, but keep the palette toned down to appeal to a broad demographic over many years. If the home will be enjoyed for 2-5 years, it’s worth exploring a more thorough and ambitious remodeling effort. This could be the time to replace flooring, move walls, strip the walls down to studs and rebuild fresh. Be thoughtful and intentional by choosing more timeless and durable finishes, while incorporating personal-style touches. The first course of action is to seek inspiration from open houses, design showrooms, remodel TV shows and remodel websites. When getting to the actual work, a great place to start is in the kitchen, creating a design theme that can be extended and incorporated in the remainder of the home. Consider using a mix of materials, such as wood, stone, tile, metal and painted surfaces. Balance organic, natural finishes with those that have a human-made feel. Last but not least, always take into account the functionality of the space: This is equally important to creating a well-designed kitchen or bathroom.
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
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2435-Lot 90 NW Jackpine Lane, Redmond, OR 97756 4 beds, 3 bath, 2,250 square feet, .11 acres lot Built in 2020 $342,930 Listed by New Home Star Oregon, LLC.
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1017 NW Harmon Boulevard, Bend, OR 97703 4 beds, 4 baths, 2,760 square feet, .11 acres lot Built in 1993 $950,000 Listed by Berkshire Hathaway Home Service
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hen sellers decide to put their home on the market, their first priority is examining the major elements of their home: the roof, heating system, exterior paint, etc. Once they determine those are in good shape, we recommend turning the focus to rooms inside the house. Start with the kitchen, move on to the bathroom and make sure the rest of the home can live up to the standards of those two rooms. Buyers are wowed with new, shiny and trendy materials, but a well-designed kitchen and bathroom will be much more attractive than a cool deck, builtin speakers or landscaping features. It’s true that everyone gathers in the kitchen. Think back to all of the wonderful times spent with family and friends eating, drinking and catching up while someone is cooking. It’s the heart of the home and this fact remains true in the buyer’s eyes as well. The kitchen needs to sparkle with delightful finishes while remaining functional for the user. The bathroom offers reprieve from the chaos of life. It is a sanctuary to prepare for the day or relax afterward in the comfort of a deep jetted tub, for example. Prior to jumping into any project, planning is extremely important. Consider length of ownership, budget and overall remodel goals. If the home is going to be sold soon, it may be best to do a solid once-over on surfaces. If cabinets are in good condition, consider
Marcia Hilber Principal Broker
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and I’ve been with my boyfriend for about eighteen months. He’s a loving guy but comes up a little short on romance (“butterfly moments,” I guess you’d call them, from being surprised with some big romantic gesture). While I want those, I wonder whether that’s just because society/ media/culture have led me to believe they’re the norm? How can I get these “butterfly moments” without asking unreasonable things of him? —In Need Heterosexual relationships would be less upsetting if straight men paired up with each other, starting with one guy hitting on another in a bar with, “Yo, I have somebody who’d like to meet you,” and then just pointing to his zipper. There are sentimental men out there, but men in general (and especially straight men) take a more utilitarian approach to relationships than women: “If it ain’t broke, no need to divert the car payment to the French florist.” There’s too little understanding and acceptance of this difference (ultimately in emotional mindset). Many people make a leap from the legitimate idea that women and men deserve equal rights to the illegitimate assumption that they are psychologically the same -- down to their having the exact same needs. This fantasy is taught as fact in women’s studies departments, and it’s made the way into the population as a whole. It’s driven by the unscientific denial of sex differences in male and female emotional makeup (some emerging as early as infancy) and the differences in behavior that come out of them. Granted, men and women are more similar than different. (We all want love, food, shelter, and good dentistry.) But men and women are emotionally different. For example, if a woman forgets her man’s birthday or lets Valentine’s Day slip her mind, it’s the rare man who will punish her with a sex strike and/or three months of resting pout face (“every day is a funeral for me”). Men’s and women’s differing and sometimes sharply conflicting emotional mindsets seem mysterious and even pointless until you look at them through the lens of evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary biologist Robert Trivers notes that having sex results in differing levels of obligatory “investment” for women and men: possible pregnancy plus
childrearing for the ladies versus “Here’s my sperm. That was fun. Bye!” In line with this, research by evolutionary psychologists Martie Haselton and David Buss suggests that women evolved to be “commitment skeptics,” to err on the side of believing a man won’t stick around. Our emotions are our support staff for seeing we meet our evolutionary needs, and female emotions press women to seek signs that a man they have sex with is committed to them. When the signs are scant or absent, women feel bad, which motivates them to press for more commitment or find the undercommitted man’s replacement. In other words, “abanAmy Alkon donment issues” seem to be baked into women’s emotional makeup. Ancestral women who vetted a man to see that he’d stick around post-sex to bring home the bison were more likely to have children who survived to pass on their genes. This should tell you that you aren’t wrong to want some romantic extravaganzas any more than you’re wrong to want a sandwich when your stomach starts growling like a wolverine. To get what you need, avoid the thinking too many women make themselves miserable with: “If he loved me, he’d just know what to do.” Reality: If he were a woman, with evolved female emotions, he probably would. When you two are having a sweet moment together, acknowledge that the male mindset on romance is different. Tell him what would make you happy, and ask that he do it. Because a guy can sincerely intend to follow through and then have it slip his mind, you might give him specific targets to hit -- your birthday, your anniversary, Valentine’s Day -- and suggest he get one of those reminder apps. When he comes through, tell him how much it means to you. That said, it’s also important to be mindful of human fallibility, as in, what it means if a man forgets your birthday. If he shows his love in little daily ways, maybe tell him you’re rescheduling your birthday for the next week to give him another chance. If money is an issue for him, let him know it’s the heartfelt effort that counts, not a reservation at Chez We’ll Need Your Pension Signed Over. Explain ways he can be romantic without going broke or more broke. When you love a man, you can have a magical time while toasting your anniversary over a romantic picnic dinner and then getting arrested together for the public consumption of alcohol: “We’ll always have Paris Bail Bonds!”
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (advicegoddess.com).
© 2020, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): As a Cancerian,
into a beauty mark,” said actor and screenwriter Nia Vardalos. That’s a rousingly poetic speculation—and more metaphorically true than literally. But I suspect that if it ever might have a useful and meaningful application to an actual human struggle, it will be yours in the coming months. In my view, you are in fact capable of harnessing the magic necessary to transform a wound into a lovely asset. Be bold and imaginative as you carry out this seemingly improbable feat—which is actually not improbable.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): It’s a favorable time to celebrate the fantastic privilege of being alive. Are you willing to believe that? Will you cooperate with my intention to nudge you in the direction of elation and exaltation? Are you open to the possibility that miracles and epiphanies may be at hand for you personally? To help get yourself in the proper mood, read this passage by Libran author Diane Ackerman: “The great affair, the love affair with life, is to live as variously as possible, to groom one’s curiosity like a high-spirited thoroughbred, climb aboard, and gallop over the thick, sunstruck hills every day.”
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ‘”Deciding to remember, and what to remember, is how we decide who we are,” writes poet Robert Pinsky. That’s useful counsel for you right now, Scorpio. You’re entering a phase when you can substantially reframe your life story so that it serves you better. And one of the smartest ways to do that is to take an inventory of the memories you want to emphasize versus the memories you’d like to minimize. Another good trick is to reinterpret challenging past events so that you can focus on how they strengthened you and mobilized your determination to be true to yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “A person must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur,” wrote Sagittarian author and activist Jean Genet. “And dreaming is nursed in darkness.” According to my analysis of your astrological omens, this is an apt description of what has been unfolding for you, Sagittarius—and will continue to play out for you in the next two weeks. If you’re aligned with cosmic rhythms, you have been nursing your dreams in darkness—exploring and cultivating and learning from the raw creative energy that is simmering and ripening in your inner depths. Keep doing this important work, even if there are not yet any productive results. Eventually, it will enable you to “act with grandeur,” as Genet said.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “It is better to err on the side of daring than the side of caution,” wrote author and futurist Alvin Toffl er. While I hesitate to declare that idea to be absolutely and always true, I do recommend it to you in the coming weeks. Given the fact that you have recently been expanding possibilities and cultivating breakthroughs, I’d love to see you keep on pushing forward until you climax your momentum. To boost your courage, try to think of a crazy cry of exhilaration you might exclaim as you make your leaps, like “YAHOO!” or ‘HELL YES!” or HERE I COME!”
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ARIES (March 21-April 19): “If the time is not ripe, we have to ripen the time,” wrote Aries educator and activist Dorothy Height. This approach worked well during her 98 years on the planet. Her pioneering advocacy for African American women generated a number of practical improvements in their employment opportunities and civil rights. In accordance with the current astrological omens, Aries, I highly recommend her guiding principle for your use. You now have the power to ripen the time, even if no one else believes the time is ripe.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous ‘I don’t know.’” A wise and talented woman said that: Nobel Prize-winning poet Wisława Szymborska. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, it’s excellent advice for you to embrace during the coming weeks. You’re close to finding and accessing a mother lode of inspiration, and one of the best ways to ensure that happens in an optimal way is to make “I don’t know” your mantra. In other words, be cheerfully devoted to shedding your certainties. Lose your attachment to the beliefs and theories you tend to overly rely on. Make yourself as empty and clear and spacious as you possibly can.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Gemini-born author Djuna Barnes (1892–1982) was a world traveler who wrote in several different genres, ranging from lesbian fiction to essays on boxing to plays that used poetic language. She was experimental and empirical and experiential. On one occasion, she voluntarily submitted to the force-feeding endured by hunger-striking suffragists so she could write about what it was like to be tortured. Another fun fact about Djuna: Every morning, she did up her hair and put her make-up on, then climbed into bed and wrote for many hours. In the coming weeks, Gemini, I recommend you draw inspiration from every aspect of her life—except the torture part, of course. The coming weeks will be a fine time to be versatile, exploratory, and committed to expressing yourself purely in whatever ways make you comfortably excited.
Homework: What’s the best change you’ve experienced since the beginning of the pandemic? FreeWillAstrology.com
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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Would you like to boost your mental and physical health in the coming weeks? Try this: Immerse yourself in the understanding that you’re interconnected with everything in the world. Tell yourself stories about how the atoms that compose your body have previously been part of many other things. This isn’t just a poetic metaphor; it’s scientific fact. Now study this passage by science writer Ella Frances Sanders: “The carbon inside you could have existed in any number of creatures or natural disasters before finding you. That particular atom residing somewhere above your left eyebrow? It could well have been a smooth riverbed pebble before deciding to call you home. You are rock and wave and the peeling bark of trees, you are ladybirds and the smell of a garden after the rain.”
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): "After you make a fool of yourself a few hundred times, you learn what works," testifies musician and singer Gwen Stefani. In my own life, I've had to make a fool of myself more than a few hundred times to learn what works. My number is closer to a thousand—and I'm still adding new examples on a regular basis. In the coming weeks, Aquarius, I highly recommend that you try what has served me and Gwen Stefani so well. You're entering a phase when your foolishness will generate especially useful lessons. Being innocent and wildly open-minded will also be very useful.
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LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Time can turn a scab
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Poet and fi lmmaker Jean Cocteau said, “There are truths that one can only say after having won the right to say them.” In my estimation, you have recently earned the right to express a fresh batch of scintillating and useful truths. Please do us all a favor and unveil them—preferably with both candor and tact. In behalf of everyone who will benefi t from your insights, I’m sending you congratulations for the work you’ve had to do on yourself so as to win them.
you have a natural propensity to study and understand what author Margaret Atwood describes as “echoes and emptiness and shadow.” I believe this aspect of your repertoire will be especially active and available to you in the coming weeks. For best results, regard your attunement to these echoes and emptiness and shadow as an asset, even a precious talent. Use it to discern what’s missing or lost but could be recovered. Invoke it to help you navigate your way through murky or confusing situations. Call on it to help you see important things that are invisible to others.
ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny
CH www.tokyostarfish.com
It’s in the Water Artesian Water By Heidi Howard
By theoriginalolympia.com
Photos & summer adventure by Jake Price
The original Capitol Brewery before the name changed to Olympia Brewing.
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use by adults 21 years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
f you’ve ever been on the Deschutes Brewery Tour, then you’ve most certainly heard about how important water quality is in the brewing process. I asked Larry Johnson from Shade Tree Brewing, “How does water factor into making good beer?” “As Olympia Brewing always said: ‘It’s the water,’” he said. I wanted to find out what was so important about Olympia Brewing’s water. Olympia Brewing was founded in 1896. Pre-Prohibition folks! The founder was a German immigrant, Leopold Schmidt, from Montana. The brewery resided on Tumwater Falls, at the end of the Deschutes River (in Washington state). I found some maps of the Deschutes River and it’s wild! It goes up down, and all over the place before finally spilling out into Olympia’s Capitol Lake. In 1902, the company secretary, Frank Kenney, came up with the slogan, “It’s in the water.” But what does this even mean? Olympia Brewing obtained its water from an artesian well (until later when it was purchased by a larger company). An artesian well is an aquifer that contains
ground water under positive pressure, according to Wikipedia. An artesian well can also be fossil water aquifers if adequate pressure is present. It’s a natural source of water trapped under the surface of the earth. Once drilled, the pressure allows the water to reach the surface. An organization called “It’s Still in the Water” began efforts to protect the artesian well, called the Jefferson Street Well, and fought to keep the well public. It is currently owned by the Public Utility Department, and the City of Olympia pays to test the water to ensure that its quality is adequate for drinking. The organization later changed its name to H2Olympia and became a nonprofit to continue the fight. So, what do I take away from this? The Deschutes River is awesome. It provides the water for some killer beer! I grew up in Washington and have fond memories of watching the falls at the brewery. I also remember eating at the fancy French restaurant at the base of the falls and refusing to eat snails. Gross. OK, now go grab a beer and be thankful that the Northwest has awesome water! Cheers!
THE REC ROOM Crossword
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearl’s Puzzle
Difficulty Level
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© Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
“You could do worse than to spend your days staring at _____.” —Julie Zickefoose
ACROSS 1. Puts into groups 8. County Clare land 12. Merkel’s “I” 15. Cameron Diaz’s first movie 16. The best 17. Enemy 18. Overly particular noise? 20. Little sprite 21. Mad as hell 22. Ring from a wahine 23. Took the bus 25. Former soldiers 26. Knight’s weapon that goes “poof” after use? 30. Geocacher’s dir. 31. Complicated story 32. Resolved at the polls, say 33. Case hearer: Abbr. 34. Case hearer, at times 36. Turns down 37. Commonwealth where they play “Baby Blue”? 41. It might be about Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 42. Veneer wood 43. 180° turn 44. Explorer Vespucci 46. Radio host Flatow 47. Beirut’s land: Abbr. 50. Cage with a nice foresty smell? 53. Singer Lovato 54. R&B singer neé Helen Adu 55. ___ Annie (“Oklahoma!” role) 56. Birthplace of Thales 57. Priest’s cover up 58. Stumbling upon phalluses? 62. Solidify 63. Comics dog with a comically big tongue 64. Blast furnace material 65. Adulatory poem 66. Simply the best 67. Bygone communication systems
DOWN 1. Time for the local news 2. English counties 3. Klobuchar’s body 4. Leaves off 5. Presidential ___ 6. “Have you no shame!” 7. 1973 NASA launch 8. Personal principle 9. “You’ll see this money again, eventually” 10. 10” letters 11. Sprightly wisdom 12. 2007 book that’s a so-called murder confession 13. Hugger’s request 14. With it 19. Count on your toes 24. “Eventually” 26. “Frozen” showstopper 27. “Never Have I ___” 28. “Definitely” 29. Light settings 31. “UR kidding, amirite?” 33. Loved to bits 34. FedEx Cup league 35. “That doesn’t look good” 37. Is conned 38. Willing to answer questions 39. Casino light 40. Starbucks has bags of it 41. Electoral College picture 45. Cold-weather mist 46. Part of a scheme 47. “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” singer 48. Settler from a foreign land 49. Skewed viewpoints 51. Like old jeans 52. First name in Ugandan despotism 53. Lorna ___ cookie 56. Superstar 57. Back in the past 59. “Me! Right here!” 60. Squat, in soccer 61. Pre-Masters hurdle
“Whenever I travel to the South, the first thing I do is visit the best barbecue place between the airport and my hotel. An hour or two later I visit the best barbecue place between my hotel and dinner.” —Jeffrey Steingarten
©2020 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
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