VOLUM E 24 / I S S UE 1 7 / J UN E 1 1 , 2 0 2 0
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com
Black Lives Matter. Thanks for reading,
4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News Cops and Bodycams – Among calls for police reform nationwide, body cams are a big area of concern in Bend. Will local cops get them?
—Nicole Vulcan, Editor
Darris Hurst
12 - Feature Graduation Adaptation – The last day of school for local K-12 students is this week. We checked in with some local grads about their plans, their parties and more.
On the Cover: A scene from Saturday's vigil for George Floyd at Troy Field.
15 - Source Picks 17 - Sound Live shows?! – Local music venues are starting to open back up… though even in Phase Two, they have a lot to consider.
Photo and cover design by Darris Hurst . Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: darris@bendsource.com.
19 - Culture 21 - Chow Tortas for Days – A giant portable sandwich is just the ticket for take-away dinner. We review a host of local options.
EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - editor@bendsource.com REPORTER / DIGITAL PRODUCER Isaac Biehl - isaac@bendsource.com REPORTER Laurel Brauns - laurel@bendsource.com REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Cayla Clark - cayla@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Jim Anderson, Jared Rasic SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow
Listening to Black Voices – Q&As with one of the speakers from this weekend’s Black Lives Matter protests in Bend, and the leader of the Love Your Neighbor project, co-organized by the Source in February.
23 - Screen 25 - Outside 27 - Real Estate 28 - Advice 29 - Astrology 30 - Craft 31 - Puzzles
A shot from the peaceful protests in Bend on Saturday, June 6.
PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Darris Hurst - darris@bendsource.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Shannon Corey - shannon@bendsource.com INTERN Miina McCown
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The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2020 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2020 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.
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Some Want You to Believe Protesters are “Outsiders.” Don’t Believe Them.
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ver the past several weeks, peaceful protesters have gathered not once, nor twice, but at least six times in various cities around Central Oregon, showing up to protest the death of George Floyd and other black individuals at the hands of police or private citizens. Demonstrations like this are happening not just in big cities, but in small ones, like Bend, Redmond and Prineville, all over the United States. Largely, these protests crop up quickly, organized by young people who just feel called to do something. Bend’s first Black Lives Matter protest was organized by a 21-yearold and her friends in less than 24 hours, she told the Source last week. Young people are using their social networks to spread the word quickly, and with big turnouts. Yet meanwhile, others have turned to social media and their own networks to spread a pernicious piece of misinformation that appears far more coordinated and detrimental to our communities. In cities including Bend, local groups, including the Deschutes Republicans, have been using their platforms to spread the rumor that “busloads of out-of-towners,” sometimes identified as “antifa,” (short for anti-fascist) are coming into small towns to wreak havoc. In some locales, this fear-stoking misinformation has brought out heavily armed counter-protesters. In Prineville, a confrontation with counter-protesters at the end of an otherwise peaceful event included shouts of “get out of our town!” and “this is OUR town!” directed at locals. In some places, agitated groups, anxious about the arrival of “busloads of antifa” protesters, have had to be stood down by law enforcement. An NBC News report Saturday boasted the headline, “In Klamath Falls, Oregon, victory declared over antifa, which never showed
up,” followed by the sub-headline, “Towns from Washington state to Indiana have seen armed groups begin patrolling the streets after rumors spread on social media about an antifa invasion.” This is a disturbing trend, but it’s become par for the course when attempting to discredit movements that seek change. Taking to social media and blaming outsiders can make it seem as if our community does not have the same problems and has no need to grapple with the issues that larger more metropolitan areas do. Much in the same way that some will say it’s the Californians moving into Oregon who are causing our housing affordability and homelessness problems, putting the blame on “the other” shifts the responsibility for reform. If we believe it’s only out-of-towners who would dare to show up and protest about the value of black lives in Bend or Redmond or Prineville or Klamath Falls, then we can continue to say, “We don’t have a problem with race here,” and sweep things under the rug when the heat of this protest moment simmers. Racism exists in Central Oregon, and it’s our very own teen children and sisters and brothers and aunts and uncles and cousins working to speak out against it by organizing these marches— not some scary perceived specter of a far-left activist group, which, according to an FBI report last week, has not had a hand in the violent elements of recent protests. The local youth organizing local Black Lives Matter protests have not shown up armed. But in some cases, those who believed in a threat of “out of towners” did. This is a recipe for disaster. There are those who want you to believe protesters are “outsiders” here to destroy “our” way of life. Don’t believe them. Instead, welcome this opportunity for community growth and change.
EXCLUSIVE THIS WEEK IN: Coming Thursday: A review of the Deschutes County DA's new plans around police reform. Coming Friday: As state parks lay off staff, trouble is brewing at Smith Rock. Coming Sunday: Part 3 of our "serial" featuring Ellen Waterston's new book, "Walking the High Desert." Start your day with Central Oregon’s best source for news and local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com.
GUEST OPINION The 2020 national reckoning with police brutality and systemic racism has laid bare the need of our governmental institutions to listen better and include more of us in the work of government. As a Country we have failed by not doing more to include all voices in government policy- and decision-making. Bend in particular has so much work ahead of us. We need to better listen to voices that have not been adequately included in City government, especially those of Bend’s BIPOC communities. We need to take concrete action to include more, diverse voices in government. One immediate change that will help more people publicly comment at or simply attend City Council meetings would be to provide childcare for parents during such meetings. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) Coronavirus Relief Fund (“CRF”) may allow us to do so using federal funding; we can also support local businesses who provide childcare during meetings. Bend City Council has taken measures to encourage involvement before, which we also support. But right now we can encourage people to participate in Bend City Government and quickly reduce barriers to doing so. Childcare is often cited as a reason why citizens do not participate in civic affairs. For example, research suggests that individuals who are older, male, longtime residents, voters in local elections, and homeowners are significantly more likely to participate in planning and zoning board meetings. This affects how decisions are made. In this moment, the City needs to be doing all it can to involve all citizens—especially those who have not previously been involved in civic processes. We must listen to the voices of color in our community. We must listen to the voices of primary caregivers of young children. We must reduce the barriers to participation in City government borne disproportionately by working class parents, single moms and dads, houseless families, and two-worker households. The federal CARES Act allows local governments to spend CRF dollars on unbudgeted necessary expenditures incurred due to COVID-19. We have ample evidence of the impact to childcare in our City from COVID-19. Any attempt to remedy the dearth of childcare options for working parents
created by COVID-19 may satisfy CRF restrictions. At the very least the City could make small-business grants with CRF dollars to small-business childcare facilities. Now is the time for the City to partner with businesses and families in Bend. This is a small piece of what we need as a community and it won’t fix everything. But this is one thing we can do now. The City Council makes decisions that deeply affect people’s lives. More of those people should be heard by City Council. Councilor Barb Campbell, Bend City Council, Position 6 Anthony Broadman, Candidate for Bend City Council, Position 2
Do you want to know why Oregon’s Covid-19 deaths are waning dramatically (May 26, 2020)? Why we are not following in a version of Italy’s or NY’s death rates? It is Governor Brown’s March 23 order to Stay Home! Responding to the evolving scientific consensus, she set out a plan to keep us safe. Thank you, Governor Brown. Speaking personally, I am happy not to have died. The science of COVID-19 infectivity also recognizes the importance of everyone wearing masks each time we leave our family bubble to interact with our communities. Your mask does not protect you; it protects all those you come in contact with. So, I need for you to wear your mask. Thank you! —Julie Chapman, Physician Assistant, retired
construction of this untested technology than it is to remove it once erected. Posters and flyers with information about 5G have been mailed to every one of the 14 neighborhood associations in Bend. Please join yours and be heard! —Sheilajean Whitefield
Dear Nicole, Thank you for featuring the opinions and experiences of people of color in our community. It’s vital and I look forward to more. I’m writing to comment on “Kudos to the Peaceful Protesters. Now, Let’s Get to Work” in the Opinion section. The piece rightfully calls out racism here in Deschutes County and lays out solid steps that need taking, but it missed a key part of the solution: self examination and personal accountability. Along with political action, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training for police, sheriff's department, and teachers, all white people need to take a hard look at their own thinking, behaviors, and actions (or lack of action) in order to be anti-racist. Police officers and teachers operate within a system and culture we all create. Pointing only to police reform and DEI training allows us to blame something outside ourselves, to exempt ourselves from complicity, when in fact we were all socialized into racism and contribute to the problem. Along with acknowledging our privilege, we, white people,
need to take a hard look at our biases--we all have them--and make corrections. If we don’t, we’ll continue to contribute to racism. A place to start: Read “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism,” “Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor,” and other books that educate and challenge us to examine our history, our reality, and ourselves. —Michelle Hamilton
Letter of the Week:
Michelle—Thanks for offering some constructive places to start. Good advice is only as good as the tools provided to help make the advice given possible. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! —Nicole Vulcan
Thank you for this platform, enabling our voices to be heard! Mayor Russell and the Bend City Council may not be aware of a directive from Homeland Security that specificly addresses the avalanche of new construction for 5G infrastructure while the Nation, or local area, are in crisis. In the matter of “Acclerating Wireline Broadband Deployment”, the FCC found the following: [See: FCC 18 111, 33, FCC Rcd 7705, 7784-7785, pp 157 (2018)] “We recognize that there may be limited situations in the case of a national disaster, or comparable emergency, where an express, or defacto, moratoria, that violates Section 253 (a), may nonetheless be necessary to protect the public safety and welfare, or to ensure the continued quality of telecommunication services." It is ~ 20 times easier to stop the permitting, placement, and/or
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Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
Moving Forward Together
A chat with our 2019 Woman of the Year and the founder of the Love Your Neighbor project By Nicole Vulcan
Keely Damara
rika McCalpine, a business professor at Oregon State University-Cascades, was our 2019 Woman of the Year. This February, McCalpine and the Source launched the Love Your Neighbor project, highlighting the experiences and voices of people of color in Central Oregon. This week, I sat down with McCalpine to talk about this moment in history.
Source Weekly: This is a history making moment; we all can see it unfolding. How do we move from this moment into action, in your view? Erika McCalpine: I think it depends on who you are, what you want to see happen. We all want to see change happen, but what does change mean? For me, I would like to see more people doing more. It’s great to say all of these wonderful things and show concern and empathy for people—but what are you going to do after this is over? And I think that it’s important for people to think about that. If you’re a Black person, what are you going to do going forward to make sure that you’re involved in your community, so that you’re aware of future policies or future decisions that are made that impact communities of color? Being involved in your community is so important; if you can vote, exercising that right to vote, making sure that you have a say in who is making decisions about the community that you live in. Also, there are a lot of well-intended Caucasian people right now; they feel sorry and sad, but again, what will you do? And I think it takes more than reading a few books about racism. It’s also being involved civically and how people
Woman of the Year Erika McCalpine says she is pleased to see local actions, but there's a lot more to be done.
it is? Or do we want change? If we want change, then it’s necessary for all of us to exercise our right to vote and not only vote—but hold people accountable for the decisions they make, for the actions they take or lack thereof. SW: So you and I and the Source Weekly—largely based on ideas you had—developed the Love Your Neighbor project and launched it earlier this year, to a lot of success. We had a lot of plans to continue that before COVID-19
If you can go about your work week or month or go through a strategic planning session and never hear from a person of color, then you’re really missing the mark, because there are people of color in this community; there are people of color who are qualified to sit at the table and have this dialogue. Invite them to the table. —Erika McCalpine that represent your local government, your state government and represent us nationally—what decisions will they make when there are tough choices on the line? I think that everyone plays a role in who represents us in our government. I think that we all are responsible for who is in those roles. We’re coming up on a big election and it’s very important for people to consider what’s happening right now in this moment in time. Do we want it to continue the way
hit. For those readers who haven’t had a chance to learn about the Love Your Neighbor project, can you describe it? EM: Just like the title says, love your neighbor. No matter who your neighbor is. For me, this was so important because I think people of color easily get lost in this community where they are a minority, more so than in any other place around the country, and it’s important for us to be seen. It’s important for people to know that we are parents, we are employees of
various organizations, we’re entrepreneurs of our own businesses. We are just living here and trying to exist peacefully the same way everyone else is. And I also felt it was important because many times, national speakers are brought to town to address issues that are happening right here, and people who live here aren’t being called on to address these issues that impact them the most. Sometimes those national speakers can cause confusion or create situations of frustration among the majority of our community. They leave and they go back to wherever they live and we, as the people of color that live here are left to deal with that anger or negative feelings. I think that I wanted to do Love Your Neighbor to show the number of people of color that live here—that there are people of color that live and work here that can have these roles to speak on issues that impact us in these communities. Being in higher education, I’m often called on to speak or to give a thought or an opinion. However, there is more than me and I am not the voice for all people of color in Bend—so I think that it’s important to showcase that there are other people that can serve on your board, there are other people that can speak to your organization or write a statement for you. They are of color and they have this experience that they have lived, and they can speak to it better than someone who doesn’t live in this community. SW: What was some of the feedback that you got from the first forum, which was held in February?
EM: It was great! I was so shocked by the number of people that showed up and were interested, and I was shocked by the love we felt in the room. As an organizer of the event, you and I, we didn’t know what to expect and I was concerned for the safety of the panel. We had a strong police presence there, simply because we didn’t know the types of questions we would get and who would show up, but we were met with nothing but positive questions. People were genuinely interested in us and our lives; people also wanted to share their experiences as people of color or spouses of people of color or raising children of color, so I think that that was amazing. It was awesome to know now that people have been looking Art by Teafly Peterson
The Source cover from February 13, 2020 featuring the Love Your Neighbor project.
NEWS Nicole Vulcan
beyond protest, which is happening a lot and is one arm of social change. What systems specifically in Central Oregon do you see as needing to have a re-tool or to have a look at the ways that those systems may not be serving people of color? EM: When we think about city government elected officials, local, like the police department, the sheriff’s department, other entities—listen. Listen to people of color, hear what we are saying. And if you can go about your work week or month or go through a strategic planning session and never hear from a person of color, then you’re really missing the mark, because there are people of color in this community; there are people of color who are qualified to sit at the table and have this dialogue. Invite them to the table. Hear the concerns of people who live in this community and how policies impact their lives and learn from them and make change based on what you hear, not based on what you think. SW: Just in terms of the police, obviously there is a lot of attention being put toward all the police departments and ideally, sheriff’s departments nationwide right now. Specifically, there have been a few things regarding Bend P.D. and extending to Deschutes County sheriffs that aren’t in place or aren’t fully in place. I'm just curious about your personal opinion on the Bend P.D. pursuing funding for body cameras.
McCalpine addresses a packed room at the first Love Your Neighbor event at At Liberty Arts in downtown Bend in February.
EM: I think that is imperative, especially right now. I know the fear that I have driving around town. Not that I'm doing anything wrong, that I should be afraid of the police, but just fear as a woman of color that if I am pulled over, I won’t have time to say; “Hey, wait, I'm a professor at OSU-Cascades.” They will just see me and see my brown skin and my hair in braids and an automatic judgement will be made, as automatic judgements have been made about other people around the country. So I know that I would feel safer if
police officers were wearing body cameras, especially when we see many different accounts on the news with other states where people are encouraged to turn off their own cameras when they’re encountering the police—so I think that it protects the officer and it protects the person if they are wearing body cameras. I think that is very, very important and it should be a top priority. There’s lots more to this interview! Hear the podcast version or read the extended Q&A on our website, bendsource.com.
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for us during this, not only while the pandemic has been going on, but in response to George Floyd’s murder, asking ‘what’s happening with Love Your Neighbor?’ and so I think that speaks a lot to the impact we had on the community and that we need to get going again. SW: Yeah, we were just getting started, and unfortunately, we had to cancel our May event. I know there was some feedback around some concern that it was a performance for white people by people of color in the community, so what’s your reaction to that? EM: It saddens me, honestly, that people of color just can’t support other people of color. I may not do what I do the same way someone else would, but it doesn’t make it wrong and it doesn’t make it a performance. I have never approached this work as an activist. I am an educator. I educate people on various topics and I think that it’s important for everyone that claims to be an activist or working in diversity, equity and inclusion; they need to understand that we are all needed. If only one person was needed to make change, change would have been made already, and we still wouldn’t be fighting this fight. However, it takes more than one person and it takes many different approaches to get the job done. SW: You just talked about how there’s so much work to do and it’s got me thinking about the specific actions that go
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Racism with a Smile
Q & A with Riccardo Waites, founder of the Central Oregon Black Leaders Assembly By Laurel Brauns
Laurel Brauns
and I’m a naval submarine veteran. I needed to get out of Las Vegas because it’s a great place to gamble, but a terrible place to raise children. My brother used to play for the Bend Elks here and he told me about this place. We took a trip out here so I could see it and I fell in love. I wanted to bring my kids to a place that was more community oriented. What really got me is when I drove through downtown and saw Drake Park and everyone riding their bicycles and on their paddleboards. SW: What is the Central Oregon Black Assembly and why did you start it? RW: I want to put a protection net around Black people in Central Ore-
When my kids go to school and they see people that look like them in their school books and they’re in chains, and they’re picking cotton and they’re beaten and they can’t vote and they have no rights… How’s that going to make them feel in school? —Riccardo Waites local community. Visit bendsource.com to watch clips of his speech in Drake Park as well as his responses from our extended interview.
Source Weekly: Tell our readers a little bit about yourself and why you moved to Bend? Riccardo Waites: I’m 52 years old; I moved here in 2000 from Las Vegas
gon; I want to put Black people on notice that we’re here for them. I want to produce Black leaders. If you’re not a Black leader when you get here, we will teach you to be a Black leader. I called it an assembly because we’re assembling people together on one common issue. (See COBLA’s platform at mycobla.com) I started it the day after I watched the video of George
Riccardo Waites in the Source Weekly’s downtown headquarters.
(Floyd) and I cried like most Black people did. My daughters saw it and looked at me like “Daddy, can’t you help him?” How can I be respectable to them if I’m sitting there upset but not doing anything? SW: What has been your experience of racism here in Bend? RW: When I first got here the thing that grabbed me... I could look at white people in the eye and they would smile. That sealed the deal for me; it’s that big of a deal. A lot of the people here are good. As I lived here longer I found out otherwise for some people. I found the police department here is just as corrupt and racist as any other police department. So I had to weigh my options. Do I want to go back to a Darris Hurst
Waites speaks at the Black Lives Matter vigil Saturday at Troy Field in downtown Bend.
big city and risk my children growing up that way, or do I stick it out and risk them getting called racial epithets and [experiencing] hard times in school. And I’m still processing that. SW: Was racism different here than in other cities you’ve lived in? RW: I heard a really good phrase for it today. Racism with a smile. It’s not heartfelt… Black people can feel when you're not being level with us… just to let you all know we have a sixth sense about that (laughing). SW: How do you feel like the response has been here in Bend over the last few weeks to your assembly, and what are your plans for the future? RW: I’ll speak for the assembly… as far as response it’s been incredible. My inbox is full of nothing but supporters, people offering us things. I’m going to make sure the assembly handles [racist incidents in Bend from now on]. We have good white people on our team. We will not have another suicide from racist bullying like what happened with Deshaun Adderley. This is not going to happen in Deschutes County. SW: You have strong opinions about public education and what children are learning in schools about Black people. RW: I don’t want to hear about Martin Luther King anymore. When my kids go to school and they see people that look like them in their school books in and they’re in chains, and they’re picking cotton and they’re beaten and they can’t vote and they have no rights… How’s that going to make them feel in school? We have a better history than that. They should be learning about the many Black people that invented things we use every day. Why aren’t we talking about Malcolm X in school, why aren’t we talking about Geronimo Pratt?
iccardo Waites is the head of the newly formed Central Oregon Black Leaders Assembly, which already has 220 members as of June 9. He formed the group in response to his experiences of racial discrimination while living in Bend for the last 20 years, as well as the desire to create a cohesive political movement in response to police brutality against Black people and structural racism. He’s spoken at length at a number of recent Black Lives Matter events in Bend including the protest Sunday in Drake Park. Waites sat down with the Source on Monday to discuss his plans for the assembly and what he’d like to see changed in the
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City Predicts Millions in Budget Shortfalls
With hotels empty for months and no one to ticket for speeding, the City gets creative on cuts and leaves most of its reserves in the bank By Laurel Brauns instructed all departments to propose 5-10% cuts to their budgets. This could mean the City simply doesn’t rehire when employees retire or quit, eliminating an estimated 37 positions overall. It also could mean a reduction in insurance plans and retirement accounts for those who work for the city. Some departments won’t buy new vehicles this year and will put these purchases off until after the current biennium budget ends. As more city employees work from home, less money is needed to rent office space downtown. Tourism—often a hot topic of debate on local social media channels—brings millions to the city government every year to pay for roads, cops and other expenses. Last fiscal year (July 2018 – June 2019), the 10.4% transient room tax collections topped $10 million of which about two-thirds went into the city’s general fund. This time around, Bend is looking at losing between $5 - $11 million from tourism taxes. Property tax collections will come up short as well. In times of economic hardship, some homeowners just stop paying
the money they owe. Wojda used average losses on property taxes during the Great Recession to estimate a shortfall of $1.3 million as a result of the coronavirus-induced recession. There’s a chance that the unemployment compensation ($600/week on top of normal benefits) from the CARES Act may be enough to help people who live here float their tax obligation when it comes due in the fall. Finally, less traffic on local roads and highways means fewer opportunities for the Bend Police Department to write tickets and collect fines from violations. The same goes for parking tickets around the city. A state report from the Oregon Department of Transportation showed that at the height of Gov. Kate Brown’s stay-home order, weekend traffic was down nearly 60% statewide and weekday traffic was down 42%. For the City of Bend, this means losses of a projected $1.2 million in fines. Fewer cars on the road also means fewer trips to the gas station: Wojda estimated a $650,000 shortfall from lost highway gas taxes. Wodja reiterated throughout her presentation to the city council that
The City aims to cut around $20 million from the current two-year budget of $128 million due to the economic recession.
these are just projections and the City may receive funds from the federal government. Already the CARES Act and other programs helped the City pay for more expenses related to COVID-19. City Manager King made a short presentation to the City Council about how the budget cuts will affect the Council’s overall goals. “A silver lining in some of this is we’re really seeing huge opportunities to advance efficiencies,” King said. “We’re going to start in-person City Council meetings most likely in July, but we’ll continue to offer hybrid approaches.”
Not A Crapload Of Data... But Some
Preliminary findings from Bend’s sewer samples show varying levels of SARS-CoV-2 By Isaac Biehl
t the Bend City Council meeting on June 3, Utilities Department Program Manager Jeff Buystedt shared some of the results from the City’s wastewater testing program partnership with Biobot Analytics. Tests ran on days spread from April 7 to May 18, with wastewater samples taken from six of the same neighborhoods as the OSU Tracers
program—which tested community members for COVID-19 in 30 Bend neighborhoods the last weekend of May. Out of the seven dates, only two yielded an estimate in cases from Biobot, which didn’t always align with the county health department’s findings. On April 7, the Biobot study caught 19,498 copies of SARSCoV-2 and estimated that there were
around 580 cases in the community. At this time, the health department was reporting four new cases and 44 cumulative cases. Then on April 21, Biobot caught 38,413 traces of the virus and estimated 1,200 cases in total. At this time the county was reporting zero new cases and 64 cumulative cases. Every other date it was shown that Biobot caught zero traces of the virus; but that doesn’t mean anything wasn’t there.
There is a certain threshold number needed to be met for traces to show up in the data, something the department mentioned it would be working on going forward. So even if the numbers don’t exactly paint a clear picture, the City knows that the testing works. Buystedt says that the City is trying to move the sampling into a smaller area of the county to improve on the numbers.
Bend Police to Get Body Cams
The City responds to local and national protests condemning police brutality with new program By Laurel Brauns
he Bend City Council discussed a proposal to spend $100,000 on police body cameras at the city budget committee work session on June 3. The cameras cost anywhere from $200 to $1,200, but camera maintenance and data storage is something the department must include in its budget for the new program. The proposal comes at a time when the city is slashing the budgets of nearly every department in
response to the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus. Hundreds of protesters have gathered on the streets of Bend, Redmond and Prineville to denounce the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The incident inspired demonstrations throughout the U.S. and in other large cities around the world. Oregon’s Open Records law mandates that the videos be available upon request. The police department will
need to hire additional staff to blur the faces of victims and other identifying information before releasing videos. The department has discussed starting a body cam program in the past, but shelved the idea due to the extra costs and labor, officials said. Most major metropolitan police departments in the U.S. now use body cameras. The Redmond Police Department has used them inside patrol vehicles and on officers since 2017.
“This was something in our technology strategic plan for our police department, but we decided to move it up front, given everything that has been happening, and I know there is a lot of strong community desire to move in this direction,” said City Manager Eric King at the June 3 meeting. “We are proposing to kickstart this project by taking money from the police department reserve fund, although we think that there may be opportunities for grant funding in the future.”
haron Wojda, the City of Bend chief financial officer, told the Bend City Council June 3 that the city might come up $14.5 million short at the end of its budget cycle in July 2021. She recommended city budget controllers aim to cut $20.5. Before the coronavirus hit, the City planned to spend approximately $128 million over two fiscal years ending next summer. All in all, Wojda said the City could use around $400,000 in its general fund reserves out of $9.7 million it has available. “Unlike some segments of the economy that were immediately impacted, the City has time to plan,” City Manager Eric King said in a statement. “We are working to avoid layoffs as long as possible to continue providing core public services with the resources we have.” In response to local and national police brutality protests, King announced the City will dip into its police department reserves to buy body cameras for Bend’s police officers. This was already part of a long-term plan but now it’s a priority. In an effort to avoid mass layoffs of City of Bend employees, the City
Darris Hurst
Senior Year, Baby! Sort of...
Central Oregon’s graduating class had to end their time in high school on strange terms, but they’re making the best of it By Isaac Biehl
his year has been weird for everyone. The way businesses operate has been, and probably will remain totally different. But there’s one group of people who in particular are facing strange times: the graduating class of 2020. Not only are many seniors leaving behind what they know, but they’re taking a step in life that has become more uncertain than it already was. They’ll be among the first students to be taking in-person classes and attending college postpandemic. Things might look different and there may be additional safety measures still in place come fall. These students will be entering into uncharted territory, leaving behind one of the most unprecedented years in recent memory. But even with a bump in the road, the class of 2020 kept that senior spirit alive and is looking ahead to the future. The Source spoke with five seniors from around Central Oregon to get their feelings on their last year of high school, what they remembered the most and where they’re going next.
Emmett Stevens Redmond Proficiency Academy Up next: University of Oregon, studying business and music Feelings on senior year: It was pretty disappointing. I played ultimate Frisbee all my years, and the biggest thing for me was that getting cut short when I thought we had a good chance of going pretty far. And also it’s a bummer to not go to prom and all that stuff. Some of my friends held some things, but I wasn’t around to go. But it looked fun! Graduation party: It was mainly family, a couple of friends and stuff. We just kind of had food and hung out. It was about 15 people. Favorite high school memory: My freshman year, for teacher appreciation week I dressed up as one of my teachers. He had one of those haircuts where there’s some hair in the back but not everywhere, like the cul de sac. But I shaved my head like my teacher and showed up to class. He was jacked, it was awesome! But I did have to have my haircut like that for a while.
Madisen Daub Mountain View High School Up next: Studying criminal justice and forensic science at Colorado-Mason University Feelings on senior year: It honestly feels really strange. Like going back for graduation and stuff. Seeing people but not really being able to talk to them. I feel like the seniors, we missed out on a lot of good stuff. Prom, senior pranks and stuff like that. I didn’t really think there was any other way we could have done this, though. Graduation party: We’re just having a few family members and a few friends over. I get to share it with my stepbrother because he’s graduating too! Favorite high school memory: I really liked playing soccer. You got to meet so many people and you always have that group to go back to. I really enjoyed that.
Kaylee Elsom Summit High School Up next: Swimming at Linfield College
Graduation party: I had a few family and friends over. We had a little barbecue. I might hold another one later in the year when we’re more progressed. I’d love to have my family from California come out so I’ll probably have a bigger party as things go on. Favorite high school memory: I’m so invested in swim team, and I was able to complete my last season which was awesome. Being a team captain and getting to know all the kids, even the younger ones, was really cool.
Izzy Larsen Bend Senior High School Up next: Studying civil engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Feelings on senior year: It was definitely weird and it was definitely unexpected. We haven’t been able to get into the pool, and for people who are planning to swim competitively in college, they aren’t able to stay in shape like they normally would. Graduation party: We went down to Pioneer Park and had some dinner and took some pictures. It was just close friends and family. I would have liked to invite more people but we had to keep it small just because of the guidelines. Favorite high school memory: My favorite memory was at high school state two years ago. We won the meet, and after we all sat on the end of the bullpen and sang the fight song and jumped into the pool together.
Feelings on senior year: It was weird. I mean, it’s something you look forward to. All your years of schooling you’re looking forward to your senior year. It’s the most fun! So it was a bummer. We’ve still had the opportunity to see people that are in our classes and stay in touch that way, so we still got to say our goodbyes to those people. It’s still kind of sad to not get to say goodbye to the whole class, though. It’s been so weird. I’ve never spent this long out of the pool. I’m usually up at 5:30 swimming every day. But now I just sleep in.
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6/10 – 6/17
Live concerts are back! Get your groove on (just stay 6 feet away from all of your fellow groovers)! This local duo plays fine guitar and close-knit harmonies, featuring original Americana, blues, country and rock and covers from Patsy Cline to Tom Petty! Sun., June 14, 6-8pm. No cover. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend.
Check out the latest virtual show from Worthy Brewing’s Livestream Concert Series! Pick up a six-pack at Worthy Taps & Tacos or the Worthy pub before or during the show and help support the Worthy Roots Relief Fund. Concert will be streamed on the Worthy Facebook page. Wed., June 10, 6-8pm. No cover. Donate directly to bendroots.net/donate-sponsor
Volcanic Theatre Pub is reopening at a limited capacity for socially distanced shows, and This Island Earth will be playing a live set! Guardian of the Underdog will open the night. Fri., June 12, 8pm. $10. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend.
Enjoy the community abundance with an open-air, socially distanced market! Pick up some local veggies, fruits, meats, eggs, kombucha, pickles, grains, breads, soaps and artisan goods! Online pre-order and curbside pick-up available. Sun., June 14, 11am-2pm. Free. Fir Street Park, 291 East Main Ave., Sisters.
THURSDAY 6/11 Pixabay
A combination of diverse original songs and covers, from classic rock to bluesy, heavy jam sessions! Rock out to a live show (finally) and grab a beer and some tasty food truck fare. Thu., June 10, 6-8pm. No cover. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend.
A spectacular Beatles cover band, featuring three former members of Juju Eyeball! These talented cover artists strive to create the most authentic Beatles performance possible, playing the big hits and deep cuts. Live music on the lawn – come early for some wine tasting! Sat., June 13, 6-9pm. $10. Hope, Faith and Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne.
Exercise your mind from the comfort of your own home with Roundabout Bookshop’s virtual book clubs! Participants will discuss Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger by Rebecca Traister. Fri., June 12, 1-2:30pm. Free. Visit roundaboutbookshop.com for Zoom info.
Bend-based indie rockers head a live show at the Volcanic! All proceeds will go towards helping the local venue recover from losses sustained during the ongoing pandemic. Sat., June 13, 8pm. $10. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend.
An in-depth, lively, vivid discussion of punk history, fashion, rituals, gender bending, music and art. A link to view this program online will be posted at 6pm! Tue., June 16, 6-6:45pm. Free. deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar/event/60187
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Bats have been getting a bad rap as of late, but they need love, too! Learn why one local bat species is so difficult to find and how the public can get involved in a citizen science research project. Presented by bat researcher and Project Volunteer Coordinator Sara Rose. Fri., June 12, 6-7pm. Free. deschuteslibrary. org/calendar/event/60237
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Phase 2unes
New reopening guidelines mean a shot of live music for Central Oregon—by Central Oregonians
By Isaac Biehl Derek Sitter
A look at Volcanic’s Phase Two set-up, which entails more space and fewer people.
and suggests that most of the artists performing this summer will be from Central Oregon. “Our first priority is the safety of everyone. However, we do understand the overwhelming significance to experience LIVE arts in these troubling times,” said Sitter. “We plan on sticking to ‘locals only’ this summer. We’ll likely be booking up Thursday through Saturday nights and possibly Sunday afternoons.” In Redmond, the Chamber of Commerce has made changes to its Music on the Green series, which will include a run of six free performances starting at the end of June and ending in September.
Each artist will perform in their own backyard while people watch the livestreamed shows from wherever they are. The Chamber is partnering with a few bars in Redmond to stream the concerts on big screen TVs, including Vine-N-Tap, Porter Brewing and Kobold Brewing’s The Vault Taphouse. Each show will be followed by a Q&A session with the artist. “Our Music on the Green concert series is one of Redmond’s staple events of the summer, so we really did not want to cancel altogether,” says Kara Roatch, events coordinator at the Redmond Chamber of Commerce. In other years, Sam Johnson Park, where the event has taken place, usually Courtesy Redmond Chamber of Commerce
draws thousands, including food and craft vendors and attendees, Roatch said. “Since ours is a free community event in a very open park space with multiple entry points, we found it would be too difficult to try to limit the amount of people allowed into the park while abiding by the state and county guidelines for social distancing.” Once again it’s creativity with planning that will allow most of these events to even happen, so music fans should be happy with hearing and seeing live concerts at all. Phase Two is also creating more opportunities for local musicians to be out and perform, and each of the artists partaking in Music on the Green is a Central Oregon-based performer. People will get performances from Bobby Lindstrom, Juju Eyeball, Redmond’s Hokulea Dancers and more. “It is our hope that our alternative will continue to bring the community together safely in their own homes and at their favorite tap houses here in Redmond,” added Roatch. “Currently we have four tap houses that have agreed to broadcast our concerts live, giving the community the option to get out and about and enjoy the summer at their own pace.” This Island Earth
Fri., June 12, 8pm Volcanic Theatre Pub 70 Sw Century Dr., Bend, 97703
Music on the Green: Todd Haaby & Sola Via
Todd Haaby & Sola Via will open up Music on the Green on June 24, just as they do every year—but it won't look quite like this.
Fri., June 24 Facebook Live Stream by Redmond Chamber of Commerce
ith a little more leeway following Deschutes County’s approval for Phase Two reopening, people are starting to see live music popping up once again. But some of the new guidelines might only work for certain venues, and they might only work for specific artists as well. On June 5, the Volcanic Theatre Pub opened for the first time since March 8, otherwise known as “an eternity.” Owner Derek Sitter had previously told the Source that there were multiple possibilities when it came to hosting events in the Volcanic, but he wasn’t 100% positive what it would like. Now things are a little clearer—and with shows happening there this weekend, Sitter is adapting as needed. “Each event will be addressed differently in order to keep safe distancing and follow reopening guidance provided by OHA (Oregon Health Authority),” said Sitter. “For instance, we can remove all seating inside and outside in order to accommodate attendees so each party can congregate with the 6-feet distancing in place. We have yet to determine what the occupancy is inside the room and in the outside patio. We have to take measurements and identify any potential issues with a standing-room-only event.” Phase Two guidelines state that indoor gatherings can serve up to 50 people and outdoor gatherings can have up to 100 people. Sitter says with seating, the Volcanic could easily accommodate 50 to 70 people, with properly distanced tables and chairs. The layout pictured here will be used for intimate music performances, theatre, burlesque and film screenings. Sitter is also weighing the option of hosting music outside in the courtyard
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on your favorite loca l businesses
Turning the Page, Playing the Game Two Bend retailers share how citywide closures have affected business – for better and for worse By Cayla Clark
“Since we reopened, online sales have dropped significantly. Of course, we’re also competing with companies like Amazon, and you really just can’t compete with a behemoth like that. ” —Brian Evans The initial adjustment was difficult for many retailers, and some, like Brian Evans, shut their doors entirely while figuring out a plan. Evans, the owner of Modern Games in Bend, explained that shutdowns prompted him to move toward developing an online presence. “We shut down at the end of March. Maybe we could have stayed open, but that didn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense,” Evans explained.
Courtesy Modern Games
“Within four days we had put a good chunk of our inventory online. It was a learning curve, but we had the website completely up and running by the end of April.” Evans noted that his sales decreased with closures by around 70%, while Beans revealed that his overall sales had increased around 90%. “In April, sales were 30% of what they should’ve been, but all of our sales were coming from online orders and curbside pickups,” Evans said. “We always wanted the option to offer curbside. You know, you think of a game at 11 at night while you’re
hanging out with your friends, then you can just swing by the next morning and pick it up. It’s a great service to offer, and we’ll definitely continue doing it. It just hasn’t been as lucrative as we’d hoped. Since we reopened, online sales have dropped significantly. We’re still limiting store access, but right when we switched over everyone started coming back in. Of course, we’re also competing with Courtesy Dudley's Bookshop Cafe
While Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe has no set reopening date (due to major success with curbside pickup), owner Tom Beans is leaning towards a soft reopening sometime in July.
Brian Evans, owner of Modern Games, is anticipating a low-key re-opening this weekend with restrictions in place.
companies like Amazon, and you really just can’t compete with a behemoth like that.” Beans explained that his patrons quickly adjusted to the idea of a browse-free bookstore. “There’s been absolutely no pushback from community members about staying closed,” he said. “No one is in the mood to browse; it seems like people know exactly what they want. People’s interests seem to be very targeted. One of the main reasons we haven’t opened is we just aren’t seeing the foot traffic we normally see around this time of year. We’re one of the few retailers downtown that hasn’t opened to full capacity.” Beans noted that staying closed was in everyone’s best interest—patrons and employees alike. “Some places don’t give a damn about guidelines; we do give a damn. A big chunk of our customers are in a higher-risk group, and even in Phase Two they don’t feel comfortable being out and shopping with others. If we did open, we’d be operating with 50% of the people in the space that we had beforehand. Many of my staff members are happy to stay home and collect unemployment, especially with the extra $600 a week.” While Evans is looking forward to a soft reopening this weekend, Beans is satisfied with continuing the curbside tradition—which could have been affected by proposed street closures, though the city ultimately offered a work-around.
In a May interview with the Source, Mindy Aisling, executive director of the Downtown Bend Business Association, confirmed the DBBA was checking in with all downtown businesses before making any major decisions about street closures. “We want to make sure that everyone is on board with street closures, including retailers and office buildings.” “They’re closing down Minnesota (Avenue, where Dudley’s is located), though it looks like they’re not shutting down the street entirely,” Beans concluded. “They’ll have some designated curbside pickup spots, 10- or 15-minute parking spots. Curbside has been great for us, and we aren’t going to change that up anytime soon.” “We're in the process of turning the feedback from Council and initial statements of interest from businesses into a program with some more clear guidelines that should be rolled out this week,” said Bend Hemson, Business Advocate for the City of Bend, in an email correspondence with the Source. “These closure requests need to be reviewed on a case by case basis as they're all somewhat unique in what businesses are seeking to do. The basic guidance from Council was to follow the process we use for the creation of the Economic Improvement District that funds the Downtown Bend Business Association and move forward with approving projects that have the support of at least two-thirds of businesses that are directly impacted by any changes to traffic patterns.”
om Beans, the owner of Dudley’s Bookshop and Cafe in downtown Bend, has been thriving as a result of recent retail restrictions. “Last I checked, 80% of my business was coming from curbside pick-up, and the other 20% was coming from online sales,” he shared. “Over the past few days we’ve seen huge surges in the order of books about race and racism. I’m seeing more special orders now than I have seen in the five years since I bought the store. A lot of retailers can’t say this, but people have a lot of time on their hands to read, so business has been reflecting that, too.”
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CHOW An Ode to the Unsung Torta
Tacos get a lot of attention. But tortas deserve love, too By Nicole Vulcan 21 Nicole Vulcan
Check out one (or all) of these torta options when you’re out and about in Central Oregon. Machaca Torta at Don Gabino’s Newly opened this year, Don Gabino’s occupies the former Esta Bien! location on Third Street. Not wanting to venture out, I headed over to BendTakeout.com and ordered the machaca torta, which included shredded beef, green peppers and onions, along with the usual complement of beans and guac and lettuce. I have come to decide that, like tacos, there are very few tortas I don’t agree with. While this one didn’t pass Nicole Vulcan
Where's the beef? With the bomb al pastor at Taqueria el Nava, who cares?!
salsa bar make this a real winner—though in the COVID-19 era, sadly, those salsa bars have yet to get set back up. La Posada Mexican Grill 84 SW 4th St, Madras 541-475-3034
Torta Al Pastor at Taqueria El Nava Rather than mayo, tortas are typically smeared with refried beans and guacamole, ideally on both sides. At Taqueria El Nava, located at Bend’s 9th Street Village, the guac is swapped for fresh slices of avocado. Being a sucker for carne asada, I decided to try something else for a change. Sweet with a hint of barbecue flavor, the al pastor torta is piled high with lettuce and toasted lightly to achieve a hint of crispiness.
Tasty, toasted bread highlights the torta at La Posada in Madras.
Reyes, author of the book, “¡Acá las tortas!” a book highlighting the venerable torta, told Vice. The torta is thought to have its roots in colonization, when the French occupation of Mexico brought French bread-making skills to the country. Napoleon’s occupation didn’t last, but the bread did. For this torta lover, getting the bread just right is the key to a magnificent torta. Toasting or grilling is key to avoiding sogginess in this giant sandwich. In this era of pandemic, I personally have one more reason to choose the torta over the taco. Sitting at a taqueria, I often find myself going back for “just one more” taco. When picking up takeout to eat later at home, there’s no “just one more.” Choose the giant torta and you’re likely to have more food than you can eat in one sitting.
Torta de Asada at Lucy’s Taco Shop I am still dreaming about the meat at Lucy’s. I was keen to try the torta milanesa—referring to the thin-cut, breaded steak or chicken cutlet that’s a popular torta option in Mexico—but they were out that day… so I crawled back to my go-to asada. My favorite carne asada is crispy at times, while also juicy, but the asada at Lucy’s was slightly different—almost brisket-like, and delicious. Biting into the bread, with its dark circle on the top, indicating it had been pressed onto the flat-top, elicited a loud crunchy sound. So good. The asada inside was exquisite. While Lucy’s already does a brisk business, being located right on Sixth Street in Redmond, it may be my new favorite reason to make the trip to Redmond.
Taqueria el Nava
Lucy’s Taco Shop
911 SE Armour Rd., Bend
542 SW 6th St., Redmond
541-504-7178 Nicole Vulcan
the “crispy toasted bread” test, I ate half of it in short order, and saved the rest for the next day. It held up well and served as a delicious breakfast. Don Gabino’s Mexican Grill 304 SE 3rd St., Bend 541-797-6786
Torta de Asada at La Posada Located along the main drag of Fourth Street in downtown Madras, it’s hard to miss La Posada’s brightly painted yellow and red building, a former drive-in burger joint that now serves up a variety of Mexican food. The highlight of La Posada’s torta is definitely the meat; perfectly cooked, with crispy edges, and fresh—no surprise, since Madras is surrounded by ranch country. La Posada also grills its bread on the flat-top, achieving that delicious toastiness. Grilled jalapeños from the taqueria’s
The meat at Lucy’s Taco Shop is just another reason to hit up Redmond.
here is no doubt that the taco— the glorious, portable, munchable taco—is one of the best culinary developments in history. But look further down the menu at many Mexican food spots—beyond the enchiladas (yum) and burritos (always an easy choice) and tamales (delicious) and you’ll often find the tortas, those combos of meat and beans and avocado and lettuce and other stuff, hiding in plain sight under a mound of bolillo or telera bread. “I think they are one of the most endearing Mexican staple foods for both locals and foreigners alike,” Pedro
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SCREEN May the Source Be With You June Edition By Jared Rasic
lie that Lee was anything other than a violent slave owner and well-rounded scumbag. I also learned that at one point, Pepsi had one of the largest navies in the world. Seriously, check out this podcast. Another fascinating look at the forgotten recesses of history comes from a new eight-part series from journalist Patrick Radden Keefe called “Wind of Change.” This is a full-blown deep dive into the culture war between the U.S. and the
“Lions Led by Donkeys” is a military history podcast that takes pride in dunking on sacred cows of the United States. One of the recent episodes, “Robert E. Lee Was a Monster,” dives into the propaganda perpetuating the lie that Lee was anything other than a violent slave owner and well-rounded scumbag. don’t hold the same power as of late, nor does a lot of pop culture in general, but there’s still a staggering amount of stuff to enjoy across the month of June.
U.S.S.R. and the evidence behind the CIA teaming with German hair rockers Scorpions to destroy the Soviet Union from within…with music? Yeah, I know.
In Pod We Trust: If you’re like me, you’ve been taking some solace in historical podcasts lately, which shine a light on aspects of America’s past that always seem a bit murky. “Lions Led by Donkeys” is a military history podcast that takes pride in dunking on sacred cows of the United States. One of the recent episodes, “Robert E. Lee Was a Monster,” dives into the propaganda perpetuating the
Now Streaming: I’ve been watching a lot of similar stuff lately so let me know if you see a developing theme. The “Snowpiercer” TV show on TNT is way better than it has any right to be, filling in the world of the movie (of which it’s a prequel) while creating layers to a dystopian world where all of humanity lives on a train speeding through the wasteland of Earth.
This looks just as familiar today as it did then.
For the next week or so, “Just Mercy” is free to rent on Amazon and it deserves to be seen by the widest audience possible. Michael B. Jordan plays the real-life lawyer Bryan Stevenson who fought with everything he had to get an innocent man off of death row. If you need to see a powerful indictment of the criminal justice system and how it fails the people who need it the most, then look no further. Jamie Foxx will break your heart in this one. “I Am Not Your Negro” (on Prime) ties the Civil Rights movement from its inception all the way to Black Lives Matter with the beautiful and eternal words of James Baldwin. The book (as well as this documentary) will be taught in schools everywhere one day as the work
of Baldwin only becomes more prophetic with each new year. “Salute” (also on Prime) takes a look at the black power salute and how it was used by black athletes in the 1968 Mexico Olympics. The history of the salute and the prices people paid for using it should not be forgotten. One of my favorite movies from last year, “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” is finally streaming and should be seen by as many sets of eyes as possible. It’s a quirky, heartbreaking and hilarious look at gentrification from the eyes of societal outsiders. Starring Jimmie Falls and Jonathan Majors, with flawlessly strange direction by Joe Talbot, this movie is a modern cult phenomenon.
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Courtesy Amazon Films
ello you magnificent Oregonians and welcome to another entry into the May the Source Be With You canon, where I share some of the pop cultural things that are keeping me going as of late. We seem to be stuck in the middle of an episode of “Black Mirror” where everyone on Earth is trapped playing “Jumanji,” and without some of our favorite podcasts, shows and movies, I think all of this would be even harder. Horror movies
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They’re Baaaack!
The Pandora moth makes its annual appearance By Jim Anderson Ted Schroeder
hen I rolled into Bend on my Harley in 1951, I didn’t know a Pandora moth from a monarch butterfly. It wasn’t until 1986 that they both entered my life, but the first to arrive was the moth; the monarchs came later when my wife, Sue, started monitoring the butterflies at Lava Beds National Monument south of Klamath Falls. That year the state highway department had to sand Highway 97 south of Bend because of motor vehicles smashing big, fat Pandora moth caterpillars trying to cross the highway, causing the pavement to get as slick as snot on a doorknob.
25 weave a silken nightshirt (cocoon) and change into another animal. What gets me is the caterpillar doesn’t die. The life that’s in it is transferred to the new animal that will emerge from the cocoon. But unlike its predecessor, the caterpillar, the new animal has three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen, plus sex organs to reproduce, wings to fly, a different breathing mechanism— but no chewing mouth. If things go as the moth planned, next summer (or the one after, depending on weather) there will be adult Pandora moths all over the place, flying around the night lights
Right this minute — based on the phone calls and emails I’ve received —there are a whole bunch of these moths wandering all over the forests. Right this minute — based on the phone calls and emails I’ve received — there are a whole bunch of these moths wandering all over the forests. They’ve reached their maximum size as caterpillars, quietly pigging out on pine tree needles the last year, and are now down from their forest cafe looking for a place to bury themselves in the earth, where they will undergo what I call the “Miracle of Nature,” aka metamorphosis. Just think, that fat and juicy sluglike animal will bury itself in the soil,
and roosting on the walls of our buildings during the day. The beneficiaries of this bounty are predators such as squirrels, martens and a number of birds. However, there’s just enough yellow on the caterpillar to warn birds they may not taste very good and might even make them sick. But then there are the parasites. If you don’t like the idea of caterpillars eating your pine tree needles, please don’t go out and buy a bunch of chemicals. There are a host of parasites that just love to lay their eggs in the Sue Anderson
Adult Pandora moth.
Pandora Moth larva, also called "piuga," are edible. Bon appétit!
caterpillars and they take a pretty good toll, and using chemicals will kill the predators and parasites as well. Also, the bats will think they have died and gone to heaven with all those delicious moths flying all over the place, and you’ll have something to entertain you if you have your supper out on the back deck. And speaking of supper, The Paiute People of California’s Owens Valley and Mono Lake areas are said to harvest, prepare, store and eat the larvae of the Pandora moth, which they call “piuga.” The cooked larvae are washed, sorted, dried, and stored in a cool and dry place where they keep for at least a year and perhaps as long as two. And then there’s the cicada Then there’s the other new summer resident that has appeared in the sagebrush and bitterbrush: our periodical cicadas. But not to worry! They’ll only be here for a little over a month, just long enough to reproduce and die. They’ve spent their entire life, up to 13 or 17 years, sucking the sap from the roots of trees and shrubs. There are 166 species of cicadas in all of North America, 34 of which are found in our area. They all go through five or six growth stages (instars) underground as
nymphs, taking all those years to develop everything they’ll need to reproduce as adults. They emerge in late spring and summer in huge numbers, cling to the stems of a bush and dry out. The males stiffen up their wings to fly about chasing females and they make a racket. Cicadas make sounds in a number of ways: with tymbal organs, wing flicks, wing clicks and stridulations. Each type of song has a different purpose: Alarm/ distress calls: “Don’t eat me! something is eating me!,” pre-calls or warming up, calls to attract mates and establish a territory, courting calls made once a mate is found, and choruses, when males synchronize their calls to establish chorusing centers and attract females. Oh, and they are not “locusts.” True locusts are in the grasshopper bunch, while you can legally call a cicada a “bug,” as they are in the taxonomic order, Hemiptera, with all the rest of the true bugs. If you would like to have a fun family contest, wait until you hear the cicadas singing, then give each of your kids a jar with a lid, send them out to capture one, and the first one to succeed gets a prize. It’s harder than you think to locate one; they quit their buzzing as soon as you approach.
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By Christin J Hunter Broker, Windermere Real Estate
Forward Progress and Upward Trends after May’s Real Estate Reports
Who is ready for some good news?
to slow week over week. While it has increased slightly, the overall trend is a dramatic slow state by state, as the states begin to reopen their economies. Again, all signs of the beginning of economic recovery from the COVID-19 shutdown. Locally in Central Oregon, we are seeing signs of the market heating up. While inventory remains low, at a two-month supply, we’ve seen an increase from the number of new listings in April. Each week the market is seeing more and more new listings. In April we experienced a 33% drop in new listings. May showed a 16% gain on that number. While new inventory is still 16% less than typical for this time of year, the listing inventory is trending upward. The median home price in Bend for the month of May 2020, holds at $445,000 and Redmond at $334,000. The number of closed sales decreased significantly in May; a 41% decrease from May 2019. This drop is a direct reflection in the “pause” and decreased amount of inventory in April 2020. As the inventory increases, I expect this number to increase dramatically as well. A statistic that is particularly notable is the extreme decrease in days on market. In March 2020, the average days on market was 74 days; May shows a drastic decrease to 16 days on market. This is a direct correlation with the lack of inventory. With less inventory to choose from, buyers are acting quickly to secure a home in an extremely competitive market. As an example, of the transactions I personally have worked on in the last 30 days, 85% of them involved full-price offers. All in all, things are trending upward with the real estate market and economy as a whole. As the summer season officially kicks off in Central Oregon, good news abounds for the real estate markets.
he past several months have been ones filled with uncertainty, fear, scarcity and a host of other emotions; all of which had a huge impact on the markets. The stock market tumbled, the real estate market experienced a massive downturn in new inventory and pended transactions, unemployment skyrocketed and the political divide over COVID-19 and civil rights raged—with the latter two of the aforementioned, ongoing. After months of writing about the uncertainty of the market, it’s a pleasure to share some good news. With the surprise news that contradicted the forecasts on job loss, and instead showing 2.5 million jobs gained in May, the Dow, S &P and Nasdaq all responded with upward gains at close of market on June 5. As of the morning of June 8, the market was continuing to trend upward. The good news not only reflects in the behavior of Wall Street, but the mortgage markets showing increased activity as well. Freddie Mac’s chief economist said “…all signs continue to point to a solid recovery in home sales activity heading into the summer as prospective buyers jump back into the market.” The Mortgage Bankers Association reported that purchase applications have increased for the seventh week in a row with an 18% spike over 2019; likening the increase to “pent up demand from home buyers returning to the market.” Windermere Real Estate’s chief economist, Matthew Gardner, released his forecast on mortgage interest rates, stating that rates should continue to remain low and hover around 3% through 2020 and possibly 2021. This too, fuels an active and robust real estate market. In addition, the rate of residential mortgage loans in forbearance is beginning
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SCIENCE ADVICE GODDESS Endless LOL My roommates have a text thread
that includes all three of us. They chat on it all day long, and it’s driving me absolutely insane. We all live together and work at home, so I don’t see the need to keep texting nonstop. I turned off notifications for the group text, but that doesn’t mean the convo has stopped, and I’m annoyed seeing it lit up every time I look at my phone. (What’s with this ridiculous need to communicate one’s every thought?) I want to tell them they need to reel it in and to leave me out of it, but I also don’t want to be rude. —Stop, Already! Shakespeare was Shakespeare in large part because there were no smartphones in Elizabethan England: “Now is the winter of our...triple poo emoji?” I confess that I personally see cellphones as tiny instruments of death for writerfocus and leave mine on Do Not Disturb, an underappreciated wonder of the technological world. I try not to go all Judge Judy on those who live differently, but let’s be honest: To be human is to get lots of exercise leaping to uncharitable conclusions about other humans. Take a woman who called in to a radio show when I was being interviewed about my advice on cellphone manners. She compared people staring into their cellphones to the pod people from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and called it “antisocial” to be texting in public. Like this woman, we often assume we know what’s best for other people, especially when whatever that is presents a lovely frame for our own moral and intellectual superiority. But as I wrote in “Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck,” unless you’re such an obliviously wandering phone zombie that it “causes me to swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid running you down, it really isn’t up to me to dictate whether you text your days away or spend them reading Good Books Approved by the Reviewing Staff of The New Yorker.” Also, texting in public isn’t “antisocial.” It’s socializing with somebody who isn’t in our immediate environment. And being social, whether in person or with someone miles away via a tiny wireless “window” in our palm, is something we crave. That’s probably because humans evolved to be a cooperative species, living in groups and working together. In this context, cooperation means sometimes putting aside our self-interest to act in the interest of others. Friendship
and the emotional bonds that result suggest that our friends’ interests have become in our self-interest, and this, in turn, suggests our friends can rely on us when the chips are down. Human cooperation is a psychological adaptation, an evolved solution to recurring problems that impinged on survival and reproduction. Cooperation is basically, “United we stand; divided we fall” (and maybe get eaten by something with sharp fangs). Psychiatrist and evolutionary researcher Randolph Nesse explains that our emotions act as our survival and mating support staff, pushing us to Amy Alkon behave in evolutionarily optimal ways. Feelgood emotions like joy, excitement, and love motivate us to keep doing what we’re doing so we can keep those feelings coming. Feelbad emotions like depression and fear, and loneliness when we feel isolated, drive us to change what we’re doing so we can stop feeling so crappy. Accordingly, psychologist John Cacioppo, who researched loneliness, explains, “People may think of feeling lonely as a sad condition,” but it’s “not just sad but also dangerous.” It’s associated with substantial mental and physical health costs, including impaired reasoning and self-control, fragmented sleep, diminished immunity to disease, and increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. In contrast, “Satisfying social relations with others is the one demonstrable factor that systematically differentiates very happy people from unhappy people,” Cacioppo explains. In other words, social connection feels good because it’s a sort of insurance policy for our emotional and physical well-being that we evolved to maintain. Chances are you haven’t felt comfortable about making the (totally reasonable!) request to not be included in the roommate textathons because of your less-than-charitable feelings about the existence of these conversations (like that the roomies are “ridiculous,” etc.). Maybe through your understanding the evolutionary benefits of social engagement and what they might get out of this emotionally, you can see your roommates in a kinder light and request accordingly: “I’d rather talk to you guys face-toface...” As poet John Donne wrote, ask not for whom the group text tolls; ask that it stop tolling for you -- unless it’s deeply urgent: “Your room is on fire. Where do we keep the fire extinguisher?” or if somebody just got photos of a mongoose dressed as Batman.
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (advicegoddess.com).
© 2020, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): According to novelist
also known as Lord Kelvin (1824â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1907), was a Cancerian physicist and mathematician who contributed to the understanding of thermodynamics and other areas of scientific and engineering knowledge. Despite his considerable intelligence, however, he was myopic about the possibility that humans might one day fly through the air while seated inside of machines. In a 1902 interviewâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a year before the Wright Brothersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; breakthrough experimentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;he declared, â&#x20AC;&#x153;No aeroplane will ever be successful.â&#x20AC;? I suspect you could be on the verge of passing through a Lord Kelvin phase, Cancerian. You may at times be highly insightful and at other times curiously mistaken. So I urge you to be humbly confident and confidently humble!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Actor Emma Thompson tells us, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wish I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to say this, but I really like human beings who have suffered. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re kinder.â&#x20AC;? Adding to what she observes, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll say that for many people, their suffering has also made them smarter and more soulful and more compassionate. Not always, but often, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the pain theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve suffered that has helped turn them into thoughtful companions who know how to nourish others. I urge you to make a special point to converse with people like this in the near future. In my estimation, you will benefit from intense doses of empathetic nurturing.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lake Elsinore
liamson tells us, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write a new one.â&#x20AC;? And what exactly does it mean to â&#x20AC;&#x153;give up the stories of your pastâ&#x20AC;?? Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I think: 1. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t assume that experiences youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had before will be repeated in the future. 2. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t assume that your ideas about the nature of your destiny will always be true. 3. Even good things that have happened before may be small and limited compared to the good things that could happen for you in the years to come. 4. Fully embrace the truth that the inherent nature of existence is endless transformationâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which is why itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right and natural for you to ceaselessly outgrow the old plot lines of your life story and embrace new ones.
is a city in southwestern California. Last spring, torrential rains there caused a â&#x20AC;&#x153;superbloomâ&#x20AC;? of poppies. Millions of the golden-orange wildflowers covered many acres of Walker Canyon. They attracted another outbreak of beauty: thousands of painted lady butterflies, which came to visit. The magnificent explosion was so vast, it was visible from a satellite high above the earth. I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be surprised if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re experiencing a metaphorical superbloom of your own right now, Aquarius. I hope you will find constructive ways to channel that gorgeous fertility.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Philosopher and astrologer Marsilio Ficino wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mortals ask God for good things every day, but they never pray that they may make good use of them.â&#x20AC;? I hope that in the coming weeks, you Virgos will disprove that cynical view of human beings. As I see it, you will be more likely than usual to actually receive the blessings you ask for. And I hopeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;in fact, I predictâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that when you receive the blessings, you will then aggressively seek the help of God or Life or your deepest wisdom to make good use of them.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I was hiking under a blue sky in a favorite natural location: the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, just north of San Francisco, where sublime vistas provide views of ocean and mountain. Although I was in a good mood, at one point I spied empty Budweiser cans amidst the wild jewelflowers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What kind of nature-hater was so careless as to despoil this wonderlandâ&#x20AC;?? I fumed. For a few moments I was consumed with rage and forgot where I was. By the time I recovered my bearings, the bobcat and red-tailed hawk Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d previously been observing had disappeared. That made me sad. My anger was justified but wasteful, irrelevant, and distracting. It caused me to lose touch with some glorious beauty. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be like me in the coming days, Libra. Keep your eyes on the prize. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old,â&#x20AC;? wrote poet Charles Baudelaire. Was he bragging or complaining? Did the weight of his past feel like a burden or did it exhilarate him and dynamize his creative powers? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m hoping that in the coming weeks your explorations of your past will feel far more like the latterâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a gift and blessing that helps you understand aspects of your history that have always been mysterious or murky.
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PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Lucumi is an Afro-American religion with Yoruban roots. Its practitioners worship their ancestors, and seek regular contact and communion with them. According to Lucumi priestess Luisah Teish, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes the ancestors deem certain information so important that they send it to the subconscious mind without being consciously asked.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s my belief that all of us, whether or not weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re members of the Lucumi religion, can be in touch with the spirits of our ancestors if we would like to beâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and receive useful guidance and insight from them. The coming weeks will be a time when you Pisceans are especially likely to enjoy this breakthrough. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more likely to happen if you have an intention to instigate it, but it may come to pass even if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seek it.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): During her 90 years on the planet, actor and singer Marlene Dietrich reinvented herself numerous times. She had superb insight into the nature of shifting rhythms, and a knack for gauging the right moment to adapt and transform. Good timing, she said, came naturally to people like her, as well as for â&#x20AC;&#x153;aerialists, jugglers, diplomats, publicists, generals, prize-fighters, revolutionists, financiers, and lovers.â&#x20AC;? I would add one further category to her list: the Aries tribe. Make maximum use of your talent in the coming weeks.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Author and theologian Frederick Buechner writes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is treasure buried in the field of every one of our days, even the bleakest or dullest, and it is our business to keep our eyes peeled for it.â&#x20AC;? In alignment with current astrological potentials, Taurus, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll name that as your key theme. More than usual, breakthroughs and revelations and catalysts are likely to be available to you in the midst of the daily slogâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;even when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re feeling bored. Make it your business to be on high alert for them.
Homework: This devastating moment in history has the redemptive effect of calling forth our deepest longings to care for each other. Do you agree? RealAstrology.com
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LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Author Marianne Wil-
VOLUME 24â&#x20AC;&#x201A; ISSUE 17â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; JUNE 11, 2020â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; THE SOURCE WEEKLY
CANCER (June 21-July 22): William Thomson,
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): According to my analysis of the astrological omens, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re primed to navigate your way through a sweetly gritty, tenderly transformative, epically meaningful turning point in the history of your relationship with your favorite collaborator or collaborators. If that sounds too intense, you could at least accomplish an interesting, stimulating, educational shift in the way you fit together with your best ally or allies. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up to you, Sagittarius. How much love and intimacy and synergy can you handle? I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t judge you harshly if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d prefer to seek the milder version of deepening right now. Besides, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll probably get a chance to go further later this year.
Octavia E. Butler, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Positive obsession is about not being able to stop just because youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re afraid and full of doubts.â&#x20AC;? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I wish for you in the coming weeks, Gemini: positive obsession. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also what I expect! My analysis of the astrological omens suggests that you will have the pluck and craftiness necessary to veer away from murky, disturbing versions of obsession. Instead, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll embrace the exhilarating kind of obsession that buoys your spirit in moments of uncertainty. I foresee you making progress on your most important labor of love.
ASTROLOGYâ&#x20AC;&#x201A; By Rob Brezsny
Backyards for Beer Geeks
Bummed about missing Bend Brewfest and other summer rituals, Silver Moon Brewing introduces the “Take-Home” Brewfest By Cayla Clark Unsplash
Cheers to a Central Oregon brewfest right in your backyard!
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use by adults 21 years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
hen tasting rooms, pubs and large outdoor events were shut down in response to COVID-19, Central Oregonians did not have to go without their beloved beer for long. Some breweries began offering curbside pickup; others began delivering. But what about the fate of the annual, highly-anticipated Bend Brewfest, Central Oregon’s premier beer festival and esteemed celebration of all things hopped and bubbly? Organizers of Bend Brewfest, usually set for mid-August, announced the cancellation of the 2020 festival on May 8. “This decision was not taken lightly as we know how much this festival means to fans of craft beer, Pacific Northwest breweries, local nonprofits, and the Bend community as a whole,” organizers wrote on the festival’s Facebook page. Now, beer lovers have access to the event they know and love, all from the comfort of their own backyards. Enter Central Oregon’s first Take-Home Brewfest experience, courtesy of the adaptable team over at Silver Moon Brewing. Finn Leahy, the event coordinator, explained the process of adapting to the new normal. “This is the 21st anniversary of the Brewfest,” Leahy explained. “News of canceled events left a hole in the craft beer community, so we started piecing together how to bring people that same atmosphere in the comfort of their own homes and backyards. We started brainstorming how to keep the tradition alive without risking anyone’s health or well-being. Events have always been a really big part of Silver Moon culture, and it’s been hard
for all of us not being able to host any.” Leahy and his team began reaching out to local breweries, and soon confirmed 18 participants. “We have a lot of awesome breweries, along with AVID and AVID’s sister company, Seven Peaks; creator of the best craft hard seltzer here in town. We have beer from Three Creeks, Monkless, Boneyard, Deschutes, Immersion, Worthy and more.” With past Brewfests, as many as 70 breweries and cideries from across the West Coast would gather in Bend, pouring from two taps apiece and providing thirsty fanatics with everything from chocolate stouts to fruited sours. “Each ticket will get you a mixed pack of 18 beers and ciders, one from each participating craft brewery or cidery. You’ll also get two pint glasses, some brewery stickers and the opportunity to participate in swag giveaways. So far, community feedback has been great. On the first day we posted the event we had 700 people interested.” Leahy explained that community support of the event has prompted plans for future take-home opportunities. “We’ve already decided that we’ll do this every year, despite the fact that COVID led us towards this idea initially,” he said. Tickets for the Silver Moon “TakeHome” Brewfest are on sale now through June 25. Tickets are $50 per case, and can be purchased at bendticket.com/ events/107469449/the-central-oregontake-home-brewfest. Ticket holders will pick up their mixed cases from Silver Moon on July 24 or 25, which will contain a combination of 12-ounce and 16-ounce craft beers.
THE REC ROOM Crossword
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearl’s Puzzle
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Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely ______ is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete _____.” — Douglas Adams
ACROSS 1. Former state whose motto was “Workers of the world, unite!” 5. Cool and distant 10. “Don’t go so fast!” 14. Tried and ___ 15. Baseball GM Billy featured in the book “Moneyball” 16. Actress Hathaway 17. Some red wines, informally 18. Drive-thru sign 19. Abounding 20. Skating legend who cameoed as a commentator in “Blades of Glory” 23. Be part of the cast of 25. Loud, as a crowd 26. Boba Fett, e.g. 31. Melville’s “Billy ___” 32. All-time home run leader among foreign-born MLB players 33. Eat up 37. “Exodus” character 38. Like some poor judgment 40. Gen ___ 41. Perch on which to watch a dart game 43. Hard rain? 44. Sunday song 45. Elvis standard that begins “Bright light city gonna set my soul / Gonna set my soul on fire” 48. It’s read at an audition 50. “Why ___ you married yet?” 51. Donnie Darko’s sister’s dance troupe 56. Well container 57. Robin Hood portrayer Russell 58. Some servers 61. Volcano on Sicily 62. Get ready to eat? 63. Two-time NBA MVP Steve 64. Turn on the waterworks 65. Upturned, as a box 66. “Cogito ___ sum”
DOWN 1. Mystic Potato Chips maker 2. ___ Lanka 3. Legendary Memphis site where Jerry Lee Lewis recorded “Great Balls of Fire” 4. Take back 5. Run interference during a robbery, say 6. Easter Triduum ends it 7. Mild swear 8. ___ Day Women’s Prenatal 9. Mathematician Pierre whose “last theorem” took 358 years to prove 10. Iron fist ruler 11. Writer Shreve or Diamont or Loos 12. Awaiting 13. Anybody featured in a high school yearbook, if you don’t count teachers 21. Can. province 22. “Some website posted this article ...” 23. PLO leader Mahmoud 24. Jazz gig setting? 27. Fashion designer’s monogram 28. Big to-do 29. “Round up the ___ suspects” 30. Gymnast Comaneci 34. Establishment where you can get a lungful 35. Add more to the staff 36. Artist Max 38. Toasting sound 39. 1997 U.S. Open champ Ernie 42. Middle bit of a Venn diagram 44. Scout of “To Kill A Mockingbird,” e.g. 46. Closing material 47. ‘80s guitar god Steve 48. Avalanche 49. Michael who had a cameo in “Inception” 51. Erupt 52. Ireland, poetically 53. Put on a long face 54. Wilson of Hollywood 55. Gravitate (toward) 59. Chinese restaurant additive 60. “The Borgias” channel, on schedules
“Gardening is like the rest of life--there’s a fine line between optimism and lunacy.” — Connie Cronley
©2020 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
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