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The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 EDITOR Nicole Vulcan
REPORTER/WEB EDITOR Chris Miller REPORTER/CALENDAR EDITOR Isaac Biehl COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Teafly Peterson, Heidi Howard Jim Anderson, David Sword, Jared Rasic
NEWS—Worst Air Quality Ever?
FEATURE—BendFilm + Tin Pan
CRAFT—Sunriver Eugene
OUTSIDE—Old Timey Flights
Bend got ranked among some of the cities with the worst air pollution last year. What’s up with our clear high desert city getting such a poor ranking? Chris Miller reports. 3
With the acquisition of Tin Pan Theater, Bend’s beloved film fest gets its very own space to show films. Jared Rasic pens a love letter to the merger.
If you’re not ready to pick up another gallon-size bag of sugar in order to make some more rhubarb pie, we have another option for that garden delight: Salad. Sunriver Brewing Co. has a new pub in Eugene. Our beer writer goes to check it out. Only a few of these old Ford Tri-Motor planes are still air-worthy—and one is ready to take you on a flight at the Bend airport. Isaac Biehl gives you a preview.
On the Cover: Design by Shannon Corey Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:
Chris Miller
SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler
Source Picks
Live Music & Nightlife
Homeless Count
Real Estate
Smoke Signals
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Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.
The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2019 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2019 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.
Early season shoppers descend on the first Bend Farmers Market in Brooks Alley on Wednesday, May 1.
The number of people experiencing homelessness in Central Oregon went way up during the latest count. Chris Miller shares the numbers. Start your day with Central Oregon’s best source for news and local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS
REPORTER Keely Damara
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Jim Clinton For Central Oregon Community College Director, Zone 5
nlike the two other races for the Central Oregon Community College board, Zone 5 has two candidates. One of them, John F. Short, says he decided to run, at least in part, so there would be more than one candidate. Short, who has experience teaching in agriculture at the community college level, says his priorities include increasing campus security, offering opportunities for child care for students and increasing opportunities for non-traditional students to gain access to COCC coursework and degrees—offering better transit options and increasing online degree opportunities. Short’s ideas are valuable, and COCC should do what it can to remove any barriers that keep some people from attending school. We also appreciate his desire to have more buy-in from student government on issues the board faces. Still, Clinton, the incumbent, is just getting started on the board, having been appointed in January. With his years of experience as city councilor and mayor of Bend, we know him to be a mild-mannered yet effective leader. On the COCC board, his goal is to “do what is best for students,” and believes the most effective online degree programs are hybrid models that require students
to occasionally be present on campus. On the topic of campus security, Clinton pointed out that all the security measures and changes suggested by the district attorney and police chief have been carried out. Clinton acknowledged that some board members have a tendency to only hear from faculty and administrators when making decisions, and acknowledged that student input is crucial. We also appreciate his notion that he’s not just obligated to COCC community members, but to the voters who expect him to be more than just a “cheerleader for the administration.” He also told us he rejects the “Carver model” adopted by other school boards, in which board members dictate policy, but don’t concern themselves with the nuts and bolts of those policies. On the topic of decreased enrollment at COCC, Clinton believes rebuilding morale following the negative press around the murder of Kaylee Sawyer is crucial. In addition, he’s interested in increasing Career and Technical Education offerings, and collaborating with local businesses to tailor programs local employers need. While Short brings up some valuable ideas, we believe Clinton should be given more time to serve. Vote Jim Clinton for COCC Director, Zone 5.
Vote Jeff Smith for Sisters School District Director, Pos. 3
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oters have two solid choices in the Position 3 race for the Sisters school board. While both candidates have already served on the board, Jeff Smith is the incumbent. Stephen King told us he decided to run in this seat when it looked like no one else would—but then, Smith also added his name to the race. Smith is a lifelong educator who professes to have a “public service gene.” He says his main goal is to create an environment where kids can be successful. King is the CEO of his own company, having worked in technology companies and startups. We appreciate King’s desire for the Sisters School District to not just rest on the laurels of its high graduation rate, but to aim for students to reach their
highest potential in whatever niche they’re most interested in, and for students to possess critical thinking and creativity. Still, it’s because of each candidates’ take on one main issue that we put our support toward Smith. Constituents in Sisters have indicated that keeping class sizes small is an important issue for them. King calls this a “fascination with class size”—indicating to us that he’s less interested in listening to voters about what they want. Smith, on the other hand, told us class size is a priority for him. Challenging the status quo is a quality we value—but at the same time, listening to the desires of voters is key. Vote Jeff Smith for Sisters School District Pos. 3.
Endorsement Recaps: A look at endorsements we’ve rolled out thus far: Redmond School District Director, Pos. 5: Liz Goodrich Bend-La Pine School District Director, Zone 1: Caroline Skidmore Bend-La Pine School District Director, Zone 6: Richard Asadoorian
Appreciation to all who have made changes to reduce their carbon footprint, addressing climate change. Problem isindividual actions are not enough. We need industry and businesses to participate. We need a national policy change from the government that garners widespread participation to effect the scale of change scientists tell us is needed by 2030. We need an incentive that inspires us to work together for a solution- a clean, low carbon economy. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act HR 763 is gaining traction in the House of Representatives with 34 bi-partisan cosponsors. It would drive down carbon pollution, bring climate change under control, and unleash the power of the American free-market innovation and ingenuity. The carbon dividend would put money directly into people’s pockets every month to spend as they see fit, helping low and middle income Americans to transition to lower carbon choices. —Jackie Ellis
IN RESPONSE TO, “PAY CHECKS” ON 5/2 I will. I volunteer. The next time Mark H. Winger loses one of his commodities to a wolf, he can send me the bill. Two conditions: 1) satisfactory evidence it was killed by a wolf, and 2) he has to spare said wolf.
For someone to say a wolf is “trespassing on private property” is laughable and terrifyingly ludicrous. The land was the native peoples’, and the wolves and their ancestors long before it was exploited by this modern society. Regardless of what the paperwork states, you don’t ‘own’ your land, you’re merely renting it. You may have to learn to forgive the wolf, who is rightfully here, for not honoring your posted signs, for slinking under your fence, or stepping over the invisible line in the dirt. He or she is just trying to put food on the table too, and in its mind, your table is no more important than theirs. I’m not all “touchy, feely”, and I don’t think they’re “cute”. But I do admire and respect them as a fellow creature on this planet for their survivalist efficiency and place in the ecosystem. And sometimes, for their lack of emotion. —Kathy Smith I found Mark H. Winger’s views regarding wolves “trespassing “ on private land truly astonishing. Considering that wolves have been in North America some 750,000 years, and European settlers arrived in Oregon less than 200 years ago, I am inclined to ask, just who are the actual trespassers? —Warren Tausch COST OF FREEDOM The first three letters to the editor in the last Source Weekly could have been written by the same person—pushing to murder wolves, defending the Trump crime family, and mocking climate change alarmists? Wow. Meet this type of person (the small minority with power, still) in a documentary called Cost of Freedom at See how their victims are faring while they hold power to murder, lie, deceive and thieve. This is your country. I came here from South Africa. In my first decade as a U.S. resident I was shocked and heartbroken over the bloodlust, hatred and persecution of wildlife. In my second decade I started to understand the politics of it. The vast majority of Americans want the violence to end. If you want peace, vote for it. Vote to protect wolves, vote to oust Trump and vote with every dollar you spend—or don’t spend—on climate change. —Vanessa Schulz
As I finish my third and final term on the school board, I am proud of the progress and relative health of our local schools. We have a
The anti-vax movement has hit a fever pitch. We are now reaping the results of allowing a segment of our population to resist the very serious public health benefits of vaccinations. Diseases that were close to eradication are now in resurgence and the resulting public health emergency is real. As most arguments without real scientific merit, this article traffics in the usual strategies; false equivalency, disingenuous concern for loopholes in the proposed law, repudiation of professional medical science and assertions of a Big Pharma/government conspiracy. Universal vaccination in the United States is responsible for the eradication or near eradication of deadly and disabling diseases i.e. polio, smallpox. Undermining the success we have had is short sighted and is having negative effects that will only increase. It should be mentioned that the law does not prohibit a medical reason for abstaining from vaccinations. If there is a real medical reason, have your doctor endorse it. —Jay Girard, RN
Send your thoughts to Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
Looks like our sustainability issue has multiple uses! Good shot from @kalie_doscope. Tag @sourceweekly on Instagram to get featured in Lightmeter.
talented Bend La Pine Schools team working to improve the lives of our amazing 18,500 students. But I believe we are at a breaking point. I joined the board just as we began the great recession, and we made many painful budget cuts in those early years. Surprisingly, in spite of a full economic recovery, we still have not returned to pre-recession class sizes or a full school year. The intervening years have been marked by a steady disinvestment in K-12 education. Meanwhile, we’ve adapted curriculum, increased our graduation rate, improved security at our school facilities, and responded to a dramatic increase in mental and behavioral health needs. And teachers are maxed out—the profession has become more stressful and demanding than ever before. It’s time to fully fund education. An investment in education now will combat future poverty, homelessness, crime and incarceration. When we reduce class sizes, teachers and staff can strengthen each child’s connection to school and learning. Investing now will mean we can better address the social and emotional needs of students. Investing now will help us bridge the gaps for our most vulnerable children and offer programs and electives to energize and broaden their school experiences. I invite you to contact our legislators and insist on better K-12 school funding. —Peggy Kinkade
Letter of the Week:
Peggy: Thanks for your letter. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! And readers: It never hurts to know where your legislators stand. On the Student Success Act, which came up for a vote in the Oregon House May 1, local Reps. Helt, McLane and Zika all voted against. The Oregon Senate votes next. —Nicole Vulcan
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Bend-Prineville air quality ranked No. 22 for the most polluted cities for short-term particle pollution By Chris Miller
ven though Central Oregon got hit by a late snowstorm this winter, information from the National Interagency Fire Center says normal significant wildfire potential is expected during this year’s fire season, which typically runs from May to August. According to the NIFC, outlooks through spring and summer continue to indicate warmer-than-average conditions for the region. Long-range outlooks suggest fire danger will rise to be above average during the summer. And where there’s fire, there’s smoke. The American Lung Association ranked Bend-Prineville this year as No.22 in its “People at Risk in 25 U.S. Cities Most Polluted by Short-Term Particle Pollution.” According to Laura Gleim, public affairs specialist for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s Eastern Region, although the ALA’s report mentions Bend, the report only uses data from an air monitor in Prineville. Gleim said because of Prineville’s location, sitting in a “bowl,” the city more
easily captures and retains woodstove smoke during the winter, naturally leading to worse air quality when people are burning their stoves. Bend and the rest of Deschutes County have more open geography, Gleim said, and don’t retain as much smoke in the winter. During wildfire season, however, it can be a different story. If the fires are burning in the Cascades, Bend can have worse air quality than Prineville. And, Gleim said, wildfires are by far the biggest source of air pollution in the Bend area. Gleim and the ALA said wildfires have been increasing across the Western United States in the last decade, and are expected to become even more frequent. According to the ALA, the Bend-Prineville area experienced nearly three times as many unhealthy particle days in 2018, in comparison to its 2017 report. The ALA said many of the spikes were directly linked to wildfires. “Bend had three weeks of air quality that was unhealthy for sensitive groups or worse in 2017 and one week in 2018,” Gleim wrote in an email to the Source. “Before
Smoke fills the air during the 2017 Milli Fire near Sisters.
2017, Bend did not have over three days of unhealthy for sensitive groups or worse in any year since we started monitoring.” According to a chart from the Oregon DEQ, the agency started monitoring in air quality in 1989. Before 2017, there were only 11 days total in Bend with unhealthy air quality caused by wildfire. Gleim said that outside of the smoke from wildfires and some from woodburning stoves, the air quality in Bend is typically pretty good. Some years in the spring, the forests around Bend are burned by managing agencies to keep the threat of wildfires down. Gleim said that the prescribed burns do contribute to some air pollution, but they’re relatively low in comparison to a full-fledged wildfire—and those burns help create healthier forests and
reduce the severity of wildfires. Particle pollution, according to the ALA, is a mix of tiny solid and liquid particles that are in the air people breathe. Particle pollution can increase the risk of heart disease, lung cancer and asthma attacks. According to the ALA, particle pollution is more dangerous for people over 65 and infants, children and teens. People at the greatest risk of harm from short-term particle pollution are those with lung cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bakersfield, Calif., was the most polluted city by short-term particle pollution, according to the ALA’s report. Medford-Grants Pass was the 10th most polluted city for year-round particle pollution and Los Angeles-Long Beach, Calif., was the N0.1 most ozone-polluted city in the country.
Transit Station Rankles Neighbors By Chris Miller
embers of the business community and people who live around Cascades East Transit’s Hawthorne Avenue Station voiced their displeasure to the Bend City Council on May 1 about problems they feel aren’t being addressed at Hawthorn Avenue bus station just east of Third Street in Bend. People spoke about crime, transients, buses blocking driveways and traffic issues in the area. In a letter dated April 24 from the Hawthorne Avenue Neighbors to the Central Oregon Intrergovernmental Council—which oversees CET—the group said that even though they were appreciative of the COIC reversing its decision to ban smoking at the station—and is currently working on a smoking area—the feedback they’ve received from members of the group is they’ve seen little progress on crime, safety and traffic flow issues generated by the station. DeeDee Burzynski, the co-owner of Denture In, told the Council that buses block the entrance to her business. She said transients sleep on the roof, threaten patients and lock themselves in the bathroom and shower in it. Stacey Sabin, who represented Bend Family Dentistry, said during the Council meeting that the
transient population is “horrible,” and employees are afraid to go out into the parking lot. Ken Fuller said Bend has a wonderful transit system and passing it on to COIC was a great vision, but the location has failed. In a letter dated Jan. 22 of this year to the COIC and Bend Police Department, the Hawthorne Avenue Neighbors wrote that after 12 years of the station being in its location, the change the community has felt has not been for the better. The group wrote that an underlying issue to many of the problems— trespass, drug use, property damage, assaults and theft—are because the station isn’t adequate to accommodate the activities that must naturally occur there. Tammy Baney, COIC’s executive director, wrote in an email to the Source that COIC shares the concerns raised by the community and that COIC is committed to working with the City and community to identify what the transit facility and transit needs are for the future. The group of business leaders wrote that they remember hearing in 2006 that a transit station would take over the old Cascade Natural Gas building where Hawthorne Station is currently located. They
independent life, while also helping us to strengthen our transit system to meet the education and work force needs of our community as a whole,” Baney wrote. But Erin Foote Morgan, a representative for the Hawthorne Neighbors, said COIC is out of sync with the long-term transportation planning for the City of Bend, which may cause some missed opportunities for an improved transit station in Bend. Foote Morgan alleges that COIC is more than a year behind in its planning. In a letter to the Citywide Transportation Advisory Committee, the HAN wrote the City will soon begin testing projects and revenue streams with the public in preparation for a transportation bond. The letter stated that if the City and COIC were tracking together, there may be a chance to address transit infrastructure with the bond—along with other funding opportunities, including urban renewal, state grants and earmarked Congressional funding. “Ultimately, the buck stops with the Bend City Council if we’re going to have transit,” Foote Morgan told the Source. Baney, who began her tenure as executive director in January, said she doesn’t disagree with the HAN that COIC is a bit behind with its 2040 Master Plan, but adds that the reason is because COIC had to wait for ODOT approval before it could move forward with the planning. That didn’t come until late fall or early winter last year, she said. “Red tape and bureaucracy is what we have to get through,” Baney said. “And we have to get through it together.”
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Neighborhood group says they’ve seen little progress on crime, safety and traffic flow generated by the Hawthorne Avenue Station
wrote they thought the transit station could mean positive change for business by bringing more customers to the area and by giving employees and neighbors more transportation choices. But as of the April letter, the group wrote it’s seen little change. According to a COIC letter to Hawthorne Avenue Neighbors on Feb. 28, COIC identified mitigations to help address short-term needs, including bus parking, bathroom hours, smoking areas and pedestrian safety. In the long-term, Baney wrote that COIC has applied for a Oregon Department of Transportation Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund grant for $124,850 to help fund a renovation of the interior of Hawthorne Station. If approved for the grant, COIC wrote it anticipates being able to make the improvements in late summer of this year. Baney said COIC hopes to have an answer within the coming weeks. The HAN wrote in April that businesses are still being blocked by buses, and that residents on Hawthorne Avenue continue to have buses driving down their street and alleyways, despite drivers being told that it isn’t permitted. Business owners also report that their bathrooms are still being used by intercity riders. Baney countered by saying the region, and primarily Bend, is growing quickly. She said COIC will address the long-range facility planning in the 2040 CET Master Transit Plan over the coming year, which not only addresses Hawthorne Station but also the City’s interest in mobility hubs throughout the community. “This will require our community to come together to support those who rely on transit to have a full and
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Regional Roundup
Editor’s Note: The Source Weekly is now a member of Oregon Public Broadcasting’s news content sharing service, which includes dozens of publications statewide. Look for stories from other members in the “Regional” section of our daily newsletter, Cascades Reader (sign up at Link to the full versions of the stories featured below on our News page at
Oregon headlines, found this week in
Report: More People Are Moving to Oregon Than Leaving A report from the Oregon Employment Department shows that from 2013 to 2017, more people have moved to Oregon than have left. Although Oregon saw migration flow between every state in the nation, it was mostly between nearby western states. Oregon also saw an influx of people from specific career industries. Oregon gains the most residents from California. On average, 39,320 Californians move to Oregon annually. But an average of 19,523 Oregonians also make the move south, leaving Oregon with a net gain of 19,797 new residents from California every year. The state with the second-highest net “in-migration” number (the difference between people moving from a state and Oregonians leaving for that same state) is Hawaii. – Meerah Powell, Jefferson Public Radio
U.S. House Passes Bill to Improve Tribal Fishing Sites On Monday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would provide $11 million to improve unsafe and unsanitary living conditions at tribal fishing sites on the Columbia River. Over time, the federal government created 31 in-lieu fishing sites for Native American tribes to make up for the land that was flooded when the Columbia River dams were built. The tribes were also promised new housing to replace what was lost. But that promise still hasn’t been fulfilled. In the meantime, many tribal fishermen have created makeshift residences at the in-lieu fishing sites. – Cassandra Profita, OPB
Large Grid Storage Project Near Klamath Falls Gets Federal Approval Federal energy regulators granted approval and a license to an energy storage project near Klamath Falls. It’s the first facility of its kind in decades to be licensed in the Pacific Northwest and, if built, will be the largest energy storage facility in the region. Developers of Swan Lake North pumped storage plan to build a new reservoir system to store electricity from the grid. When electricity is plentiful and inexpensive, pumps will push water to a 60-acre reservoir high on a hill. Then when demand rises, the facility will release that water over turbines to a lower reservoir. As with a hydroelectric dam, the spinning turbines generate electricity that can then be fed back to supplement the grid. The $800 million project has a 393-megawatt capacity — enough to meet the instantaneous demand of up to 390,000 homes. – Jes Burns and Courtney Flatt, OPB
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he first time I walked into Tin Pan Theater, I knew I wanted to make it my life. I was hosting trivia at Goodlife Brewing and was looking for prizes to give away. Tin Pan had been open for two weeks, and after Google Maps incorrectly led me to Gasoline Alley, I found my way to Tin Pan Alley and the boutique art house theater at its center. Walking in the door, I immediately smelled the fresh popcorn and the leather of the antique seats from the Hollywood Theater in Portland. I took in the glass jars of candy filled to the brim with Whoppers and Red Vines, the lush curtains surrounding the movie screen, the multiple taps featuring craft bees, cider and all kinds of homemade teas and sodas. Owners Micah and Esme LaVoy gave me a fistful of tickets to give away (which I did). When I came back a week later for more prizes, they offered me a job on the spot as a ticket seller and programmer/curator of films. I did an awkward happy dance and spent the next few years spending as much time as possible pouring beers, projecting movies and generally being as annoying as humanly possible. Never in my life have I been in a space that felt so acutely like home. Since I was a kid, I’d dreamed of helping
pick the movies that played at a movie theater, and Micah and Esme instantly made me feel like a member of the family. Adding to the family vibe was the fact that their newborn peed on me when he was two days old. “We just both were really into film and missed the cinema experiences we had visiting Portland and Seattle,” says Esme LaVoy. “We had thrown around the idea of having a little movie house
one day and when the space in the alley became available, we knew we had to try. Also, Micah was smitten with a tiny cinema in France while traveling which inspired his design of the Tin Pan.” Changes for the Theater A while back, the couple moved out of town and left the management of the theater to others. Around that time, I got busier at the Source and wasn’t able Keely Damara
From left: BendFilm Operations Manager Abby Caram, Director Todd Looby and Marketing & Development Manager Tracy Pfiffner.
to put any time in at the theater. Just like a family sometimes, you just don’t see each other as much as you want to. Then, in the most beautiful twist of fate, BendFilm announced on May 3 that it had purchased the theater. Esme LaVoy explains: “Honestly, we were starting to feel so disconnected from the theater, living so far away. We really love being a physical part of our business and the Tin Pan needed new local energy.” Executive Director of BendFilm, Todd Looby, had a similar experience when he walked into Tin Pan for the first time—although instead of walking into the theater and seeing Micah and Esme, he encountered Micah and myself. “I was blown away by the genius of that theater’s concept and design, especially each intentional and carefully placed detail,” says Looby. “From that meeting, talking with two funny, interesting dudes, IPA in hand on a Wednesday at noon, and a delicious tamale in the other that would rival any other I could have gotten in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, while sitting at a split log bar in the coolest theater I’d been in... I was hooked.” Looby understands the importance of places like Tin Pan in communities that don’t always have access to the same kind of films that L.A., Chicago and New York have.
Keely Damara
“We’ll add cinema education series, film retrospectives, the ‘Food for Thought’ film series, the ‘Early Release Wednesday Film Club,’ continue BendFilm Special Programmer Ellen Shelton’s ‘Month of Sundays’ cinema series and lectures. There’s so much we want to do. We’re fortunate to have [Festival Programmer] Erik Jambor at the helm, who is one of the most experienced and talented programmers in the industry, and he’s really excited to get going. We also want to continue some of the great, special programming Tin Pan has done over the years including things Keely Damara
Tin Pan Theater is nestled downtown at the intersection of Electric Avenue and Tin Pan Alley.
“The only way I can really describe the Tin Pan is that it is a community living room—and that doesn’t necessarily do it justice,” says Looby. “Its genius lies in the fact that it doesn’t really allow a totally anonymous experience—but you also don’t have to speak to anyone if you don’t want to. However, you are at least connected with everyone in that theater. You do see everyone in the theater upon entry, several of whom you may know, while ordering and waiting for your drinks and popcorn.” Over my years there, I saw sold-out houses get up and walk out of a movie they hated. A different audience for the same movie would stand up as one during the closing credits and applaud. There was something remarkable about standing behind the bar, and
looking at the faces of the audience as they laughed, cried or cheered. The immediacy of watching people associate with art in real time is exactly why I’ve dedicated most of my life to writing and talking about movies. A Film Fest With Its Own Space It’s not entirely unique for a film fest to acquire its own theaters, either. “Several festivals around the country have been building or acquiring arthouses in recent years,” Looby explains. “The current landscape in Bend doesn’t necessarily lend itself to a new, safe bet on a bigger, standalone independent arthouse theater—but we definitely wanted to do much more year-round stuff. The Tin Pan, though, is the perfect business model to ensure the best, current indies are
The BendFilm staff and board of directors outside of the Tin Pan Theater on May 7. BendFilm recently bought the indie theater and took over operations on May 1.
Benefactor Capital Campaign to help offset the costs of the sale and afford the improvements, so that we can start early in bringing the space and the programming to its fullest potential. I would have a hard time changing any other detail of the theater, as I think it’s perfect.” The quality of the movies won’t be changing, either. “Programming-wise, people will just see more of the great things they’ve experienced at the festival and previously at the Tin Pan,” says Looby.
like Spaghetti Western Wednesdays.” Looby doesn't anticipate a gap in movie showings, either. "We have no plans to close for an extended period of time for a re-brand," Looby said. "There may be rare and short closures as we finish the floor and make other improvements to seating and screening, pending funding." Micah and Esme made Bend a part of their family with Tin Pan. Now with BendFilm, the family will grow into something even larger: a community. Courtesy of Tin Pan Theater
The delightful and beautiful Tin Pan Theater.
hitting the screen, getting full crowds, and not at great risk of going broke.” So what kind of changes might the die-hard Tin Panatics have to look forward to? “We’d like to get a bigger screen in there, and I am currently looking at proposals,” says Looby. “Though our first infrastructure improvement will be re-upholstering the seats to make them much more puffy and comfortable, but retaining the intimacy they provide. We’re looking at ways to easily and slightly tier the seating as well. We hope to raise funds through a Tin Pan Theater
5/8 – 5/15
Get a chance to fly in one of the earliest forms of commercial flying! The Tri-Motor plane was originally built back in 1928, with only eight models still air-worthy today. Each day will feature various exhibits of the automotive and aviation industries, among other events. Find more info for the event online at and read our Outside story to learn more about the history of the “Tin Goose.” Thu., 2-5pm, Fri-Sun, 9am-5pm. Bend Municipal Airport, 63132 Powell Butte Rd., Bend. $72/adv., Adult; $52/adv., 17 and under; $77 walk-up for flights tickets.
Celebrate with the family and take all the moms you know out for a delicious brunch. Find more details in our Bunch Roundup online at
be four of their very own German style beers on tap and the Pub Truck will dish out some serious brats and kraut for your pleasure. Saturday will also feature live music on the patio. Fri., 4-9pm, Sat., noon-9pm. Kobold Brewing/The Vault Taphouse, 245 SW 6th St., Redmond. No cover.
Wild Ride Brewing in Redmond is turning five! Celebrate at the brewery with live music from Toast and Jam, Mark & Ron and the Boys Next Door, food trucks, patio games and even a new beer release! All ages welcome, so bring the whole family. 11am-11pm. Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW Fifth St., Redmond. No cover.
The Worldwide Ride of Silence happens at hundreds of locations across the globe. It’s a big group ride to remind people to really think about what “sharing the road” means and honor those cyclists who were either killed or injured on the road. This is a slowpaced ride at 10-12mph max. Helmets required and lights advised. 6:30pm. Pioneer Park, 1565 NW Wall St., Bend. Free.
The Upstate is a wonderful folk band from—you guessed it—upstate New York! With three powerful female singers leading the way, the band’s songs are filled with harmonies to die for. Check out Upstate’s latest album, “Healing,” and read more about them in our Sound section. 7-10pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend. No cover.
The Shady Bunch Improvisation Group will host another night of silly moments – this time for Mother’s Day. Taking suggestions from the audience, there are sure to be a number of wild scenarios up on stage. 7-9pm. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. $8.
FRUHLINGFEST WILD UTAH: AMERICA’S RED ROCK KOBOLD GERMAN BEER FEST Kobold Brewing is hosting a spring-inspired festival WILDERNESS featuring delicious German-style beers! There will AWARD WINNING DOCUMENTARY
McMenamins Old St. Francis School – 9am-2pm. $42/ adults, $24/children. 10 Below – 10am-1:30pm. $50/adults, $24/ages 6 to 12, free for 5 and under. Riverhouse on the Deschutes – 10am-2pm. $49/ adults, $42/seniors, $19/children 6 to 12, free for kids 5 and under. Faith, Hope and Charity Events – 11am-1pm. $45/ adults, $23/children.
Get a great inside look and special perspective of what makes the wilderness in Utah so great and why it should be protected from various corporate affairs. 6:30-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Lane, Bend. Free.
Kuinka utilizes ukuleles, harmonicas and a fun, edgy approach to arrive at the band’s folky pop sound. You can find the quartet’s newest EP releasing May 17. Read our Sound section to find out what we liked about the project and to learn more about the band. Doors 8pm., show 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $12.
June 9
June 28-29
Hosted by Mosley WOtta, Wordsmith’s Wednesday Open Mics are for poets, storytellers, musicians, theater people and more. Come check out the action the second Wednesday of every month! Meet and greet between 5 and 6pm. Sign up starts at 5pm, open mic starts at 6pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. No cover.
Upstate Comes Out West
Vocalist Melanie Glenn talks about the band’s beginnings and new album By Isaac Biehl
All the way from Upstate New York, this band visits Bend for the first time and hopes to find a brewery.
hen they first started out, Upstate (formerly the Upstate Rubdown) was just kind of kickin’ it and making music while in college. The band would play at dive bars, house parties and wherever else they could. While Upstate has seen member changes throughout the years, singer/guitarist Melanie Glenn looks at that as a positive. “We just wanted to keep going. We were enjoying writing together,” recalls Glenn. “We’ve changed personnel a lot over the beginning years—and still do. But I think that just adds to our writing ability; working with new people.” The newest member to the lineup is singer Allison Olender, who makes for a killer addition to the trio of voices— which also includes Glenn and Mary Kenney. Upstate uses layers on layers of beautiful harmonies throughout its music. The band’s latest album, “Healing,” is proof of that. “We loved her [Allison’s] songwriting
style and her voice. We were excited to work with her,” Glenn says about the addition of Olender. “We kind of hit the ground running. She moved to upstate New York with us and we practiced like full, long hour days for like four or five days before her first show. So, it was a lot. We’ve definitely grown a lot, as the three of us.” Running for 41 minutes and spanning 11 tracks, the band recorded the album, “Healing,” in a total of five days—which, believe it or not, is the longest the band has ever spent recording a project. Upstate’s debut album, “A Remedy,” only took three days. Through Kickstarter and the support of fans, friends and family, they raised enough cash to be able to rent studio time. Glenn tells me the band prefers to do live takes of its recordings—hopefully getting it down in one shot to really capture the “energy” and “connectivity” as a group. While Upstate’s sound is definitely folk or Americana based, they have a clear pull from a lot of other genres.
10% OFF for Veterans, Seniors, and anyone sporting Top Shelf Medicine swag Starting at $2 per gram, best prices in Oregon.
Glenn credits this to the variety of tastes each songwriter has in the band – like R&B, jazz or even her personal digs: Animal Collective and Hiatus Kaiyote. One of the big standouts off of “Healing” is the Latin-inspired track “Weekend” – which sounds just as fun as the feelings the title might invoke on its own. From there you even get some old school country, modern pop (almost like a toned-down Billie Eilish at times) and more. It’s a perfect hodgepodge of sweet tunes that stem from a deep theme. “‘Healing’ means a lot to us. We all have so many different ways that we can heal and healing is really hard – as we say in our title track,” Glenn says. “Throughout it we speak of different areas of where we’ve had to heal or where we had troubled times. As well as just referencing the whole gambit of life. It’s hard to heal. But we’re here and so we will. We have to at least try.” Currently on tour in support of the album’s release, Upstate is definitely taking advantage of the opportunity to travel and explore when they can. Recent stops include the Grand Canyon and Area 51, but Bend is something Glenn is stoked for. She even let out a “Yay” over the phone when I confirmed the location of Upstate’s show here at McMenamins. “We mostly do spur-of-the-moment. We always like to look up hot springs. That’s always a really good thing – not like the really nice ones, but like free, hole-in-the-ground ones, ya know?” Glenn says of Upstate’s touring adventures. “We’ve never been to Bend. I’m so excited to see that town! Go to a brewery or something, right? Aren’t there tons?”
No worries for Upstate there: Bend’s definitely got things covered in that department. Upstate
Thu., May 9, 7-10pm McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 NW Bond St., Bend No cover
Local Scene
Central Oregon’s musicians work hard, and they play hard. Here are some of the highlights of what’s happening among local musicians this week. THURSDAY
Eric Leadbetter is performing in part of Humm Kombucha’s new Thursday night music series. 5-6pm. Humm Kombucha, 1125 NE 2nd St., Bend. No cover. FRIDAY
ALOVITIMAN CD RELEASE Bend’s Alovitiman is back with its second album, “Alovitiman II” and holding a release party. 9pm-midnight. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $10. FRIDAY 5/10
They’re back! After a hiatus the band Hawgwash is again ready to gift Central Oregon with more rock tunes. 8-10pm. Tumalo Tavern, 64670 Strickler Ave., Tumalo. No cover.
From an Old House on Lopez Island
By Isaac Biehl
Kuinka’s new EP “Landlines” is out May 17.
uinka is a band formed out of happenstance—one of those “it’s a small world” moments. The four all grew up in Mount Vernon, Wash. While they ran in similar circles, they never really totally met. Miranda Zickler was reacquainted with brothers Nathan and Zach Hamer while they were all living in Brooklyn, randomly meeting at a diner in Union Square. As for Jillian Walker, she and Zickler had originally gone to elementary school together. After Walker attended an early Kuinka show in 2013, Zickler asked her along to help record and tour on the album. From there it just stuck. The Source spoke with Zickler over the phone about Kuinka’s upcoming EP “Landlines,” the band’s sound and their experience with NPR. Source Weekly: How long were you guys working on “Landlines?” Miranda Zickler: It’s been kind of a drawn-out sort of process. We went into a kind of writer’s retreat situation at the end of 2017. Then we’ve just kind of been doing it in little fits and starts. Like recording things ourselves for the last year and a half. SW: What did you guys do for the retreat? Did you travel somewhere remote? MZ: We went to Lopez Island, which is in the San Juans up here. We stayed in – Jillian, our cellist’s, like her distant relatives’ kind of summer home? But it was in the dead of winter. So nothing was going on on the island. The house itself is like stuck in the ‘90s, in like a real way. There’s no cell service and there’s no Wi-Fi. So we had to call our loved ones on the landline in the house which is kind of where we got the title. It was really fun and special to be kind of, like, removed from everything in that way. SW: What were some of the things you were all focused on with making “Landlines?” As far as your growth as a band or inspirations? MZ: We definitely took a lot of inspiration from ‘90s nostalgia. We’ve been playing a lot more with, like, synthesizers, different guitar tones and different styles of writing. We’ve been doing all of the recording ourselves, which is something really different than we’ve done in the past, so that’s been a learning process. It’s an interesting animal.
SW: How do you blend all your unique styles together to make one sound? MZ: You know, we never intended to make any specific type of music. It’s just kind of whatever all of us are feeling at that point. We all kind of have diverse tastes in music so it works out well for us to kind of all collaborate and bring different things to the table. It always ends up sounding like Kuinka even though we’re always changing and shifting. SW: You guys were able to do a Tiny Desk Concert. What was that experience like? MZ: Oh, it was amazing! We’re all huge NPR nerds. We got to go in and tour the offices and it was so special – really a bucket list thing. Like our biggest goal was to do a Tiny Desk. It was really fun. SW: Did you win that spot through your audition video? MZ: So, we did a video every year for the contest. But we never won. NPR went on this Tiny Desk tour where they picked their favorite videos from each region. They had us come and do this show and Bob Boilen, who runs Tiny Desk, hosted. We chatted after and he asked us to come sometime after that. It was a really roundabout way. So, it was the contest that got us in front of them but we never won. SW: Do you a have a favorite Tiny Desk performance? MZ: Oh my gosh. There are so many good ones. Off the top of my head – OK Go did one years ago when they [NPR] was moving offices. So they did it in like 20 takes. They did it in the old office and in the moving truck on the way to the new office. And then in the new office. It was the only time you see the full offices. Every other video it looks like this tiny little space but when you actually pan around its this huge room with cubicles and desks and windows. So, I showed this one to the band and was like ‘This is what we’re in for!’
Kuinka w/ Echo Still Sat., May 11, 9pm Volcanic Theatre Pub 70 SW Century Dr., Bend $12/adv., $15/door
Seattle’s Kuinka gears up for the band’s first release in two years
Tickets Available on
Real Estate or The Fire Theft. Enigk has a haunting voice that he stretches to many different lengths, creating this atmospheric sound that is easy to just let soak in. It’ll be one hell of a performance. 8pm. $16/adv.
8 Wednesday The Astro Lounge Bingo with Janney to
benefit Oregon Wild Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm. $1-5 per game.
Bend Brewing Company Bobby Lindstrom
Bobby on guitar, slide and harmonica and Ed the Whistler playing old school blues, rock ‘n roll and original tunes. 6-9pm. No cover.
Cabin 22 Locals Day w/ UKB Trivia It’s fun and free to play! Enjoy Central Oregon pint specials, all day, all night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! Team up with friends join in this week. 7-9pm. Free to play.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke World Famous
Girls Night Out Tours (official Chippendales tribute performance). 8-11pm. $22.; What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 9pm.
Immersion Brewing Geeks Who Drink Pub
Trivia Test you knowledge at pub trivia night by Geeks Who Drink! Win fun prizes and challenge your friends, or enemies, on obscure knowledge while enjoying craft beer and delicious food from our pub style kitchen. Come early for hoppy hour priced apps and drinks. 6-8pm. No cover.
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Rockin’ Robin takes our stage, running Bend’s #1 karaoke show. 7-11pm. No cover. Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub Trivia Bend Comedy brings lively pub trivia to Level State Beerhouse every Wednesday! Free to play, prizes to win and all ages until 9pm! Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. 7pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke
Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Casey Neill Casey Neill has earned himself a large multi-generational following and a reputation for sharp songwriting and emotive performances. He has created a unique sound fusing country, punk, folk, traditional Irish, and bluegrass, with an indie rock sensibility. 7-10pm. No cover.
9 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
McMenamins Old St. Francis School GNWMT Upstate It’s an identity
that’s undergone a radical evolution in the last few years, as Upstate’s sound, lineup, and even their name have all been through a metamorphosis. Those changes have culminated in the band’s dazzling new album, a collection that showcases both their remarkable growth and their adventurous blend. 7-10pm. No cover.
Benefitting the BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond. 6:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Michael John Band
The Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Rockin Robins karaoke every Thursday. $5 Jamesons all night. Come and sing your heart out. 9pm-1am. No cover.
Riverhouse on the Deschutes JazzBros!
The Backyard Brick Oven Pizza & Pub
Thursday Night Trivia at The ‘Yard Team up with friends and join in this week to win newly increased gift card amounts and appetizers! The Backyard will also feature pint specials. 6:30-8:30pm. Free to play.
Cabin 22 KC Flynn Flynn will be playing acoustic rock and country, solo this week. Every other Thursday, 7-9pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Currents at the Riverhouse River-
house Music Series Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 9pm. Humm Kombucha Eric Leadbetter All ages,
live music during happy hour. Enjoy the ping pong table! 5-6pm. Free.
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Thursday Trivia
Inquisitive Simian presents In it to Win It Trivia Thursdays. 7-9:15pm. No cover.
Maggie Jackson Severin Browne, Laurie McClain & Dan O’Sullivan House Concert Laurie McClain, Severin Browne & Dan Sullivan share their humorous, sorrowful, thoughtful, soulful tunes. Dinner provided. BYOB. Call/text 541-306-0797 for reservation. 5:30-8:30pm. $20 donation.
Rock music! 7:30pm. No cover.
at Riverhouse On The Deschutes JazzBros! return to the Riverhouse Thursday Jazz series with Steve Anderson on drums, Jason Jackson on bass, and Georges Bouhey on keys and vocals. Please call 866-519-9487 for reservations. 7-9pm. No cover.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Special
Event: Chris Fairbanks Chris Fairbanks was host of “Almost Genius” on TruTV. He’s been featured on @midnight with Chris Hardwick, FOX’s Punchline, and the film ‘Punching Henry’ starring JK Simmons. Chris has also appeared on HBO’s “Crashing” and Comedy Central’s “Corporate”. 8-10pm. $12/adv., $15/door.
Strictly Organic Coffee Company
The Brown Owl Guardians of the Underdog Come join us for an evening of live music by Guardians of the Underdog. 7-10pm. No cover.
Cabin 22 Hinderberger An evening with
singer/songwriter Hinderberger. A rhythmic original acoustic music experience with intriguing spoken word tales about the songs. 7-9pm. No cover.
Checkers Pub The Edge Band Classic rock and classic fun! 8-11:30pm. No cover.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Skinny Mrcls
Two nights of soul, hip hop, electronica and beyond with DJ Skinny Mrcls. 21+. 9pm-Midnight. No cover.
The Domino Room Beat Lab Radio, The
Vth LMNT, and NW Kind Present: EASTGHOST Coming off a massive nationwide tour with San Holo, EASTGHOST returns to Bend with Beat Lab Radio just weeks before his debut LP drops on bitbird, San Holo’s own label. Support from Beat Lab Radio residents. 8pm-2am. $10/limited presale, $15/door.
Hub City Bar & Grill The Bad Cats Classic rock. 9pm-1am. No cover.
Songwriters’ open Mic w/ Victor Johnson Popular and welcoming venue for experienced and brand new performers to play their original material. 6-8pm.
Lava Lanes Karaoke Night Come sing with
The Lot Zipline Based out of Bend, Oregon,
Said Fun jazz-inspired vocal/guitar duo. It’s a toe-tapping, finger-snapping good time! 7-9pm. No cover.
Zipline makes music meant to have fun to. Playing a mix of originals and quirky covers with an array of acoustic and homemade instrumentation, their influences include Phish, the Grateful Dead, tacos, and fancy pants. 6-8pm. No cover.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Laney Lou & The Bird Dogs w/ Austin Quattlebaum Laney Lou and the Bird Dogs are a relentlessly energetic folk-rock band based out of Bozeman , Montana. Combining a soaring four part harmony and rock ‘n’ roll drive, a Bird Dog show gets people dancing and singing along to original tunes and covers alike. 8-11pm. $16.
Hunter D'Antuono
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.
River’s Place Bingo! with Three Creeks
Brewery Free to play and prizes to win. Tap take over with Three Creeks, so great opportunity to taste some beers from this amazing brewery. 6-8pm. No cover.
us! 8pm-Midnight. No cover.
The Blacksmith Restaurant She Said, He
The Pickled Pig Toast and Jam Toast
and Jam is a “rootsy” Bend, OR based band featuring Ben Delery and Jeff Miller belting out dynamic vocal harmonies. We will be serving our slow cooked Prime Rib special and more! Check out our dinner menu at Reservations highly recommended. 6-8pm. No cover.
The Round Butte Inn The HWY 97 Band Classic rock. 8pm-Midnight. No cover.; Great classic rock! 8pm-Midnight. Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House The
Legendary Pat Thomas Pat is a one man band featuring easy listening country. -11, 7pm. No cover.
Tumalo Tavern HAWGWASH Rock Show This local band had been together since 2004 and after a hiatus, they are ready to bring their punk-infused, rock n’ roll back to Central Oregon! Get ready to dance it out to this tight-knit quartet of musicians that wanna rock with you! 8-10pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Alovitiman CD Re-
lease The second album is finally done! If you’ve not yet gotten a chance to experience Alovitiman I, you can listen to it all for free in Alovitiman’s Facebook videos or on their YouTube channel. 9pm-Midnight. $10.
Seven Nightclub Hump Day Karaoke Every Wednesday night! 8pm. No cover.
Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! 7pm. $20 buy in.
11 Saturday
The Lot Wednesday Open Mic Night Everyone
The Brown Owl Brown Owl Birthday Bash
from brave amateurs to seasoned professionals. Come share your heart, practice your lyrics and feel the support from this great community. Covers, originals, instrumentalists or poets. Hosted by local musicians like MOsley WOtta, Jeshua Marshall and others. 6-8pm. No cover.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Jeremy Enigk - Ghosts Tour Some of you might recognize the talents of Jeremy Enigk from bands Sunny Day
10 Friday
The Brown Owl is turning 3! To celebrate, we are throwing our annual Bday bash with our good friends from Gigantic Brewing (we share a bday) and featuring live music by Pete Kartsounes and TK & The Holy Know-Nothings! 11am. No cover.
Laney Lou & The Bird Dogs are joined by Austin Quattlebaum on Thursday, 5/9.
Submitting an event is free and easy.
Checkers Pub The Edge Band Classic rock and classic fun! 8-11:30pm. No cover.
Add your event to our calendar at
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Skinny Mrcls
Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Appaloosa Appaloosa is a band from Bend that specializes in “high desert Americana” music. They perform original music and country/folk covers. 7-10pm. No cover.
Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards and Events Cheyenne West and Steven Ossana
Cheyenne West and Steven Ossana will be here! West has made music in Nashville and now she is back for a night of country at Faith Hope and Charity Vineyards. 6-9pm. $10, kids 12 and under free.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.
Seven Nightclub Hump Day Karaoke Every
High Desert Museum Thorn Hollow String Band Hear some toe-tapping tunes from our pioneering house band! Dancing encouraged. 11am-2pm. Free with admission.
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Rockin’ Robin takes our stage, running Bend’s #1 karaoke show. 8pm-12:30am. No cover. Lava Lanes Karaoke Night Come sing with us! 8pm-Midnight. No cover.
Little Bend House Concerts Amber
Sweeney Amber Sweeney is a highly sought after performer and songwriter who is often been compared to the likes of India Arie, Bonnie Raitt and Sheryl Crow. Her distinctive voice and stage presence demand attention and make the darling of every bill. She draws her fans with her stories and lyrics. 7:30-10pm. $20 suggested donation.
LOGE Entrada Glass Heart String Choir
LOGE Bend’s Saturday concert series: Ian Williams’ and Katie Mosehauer’s meticulous songwriting and production make up the centrifuge around which Glass Heart String Choir’s music spins. Kid & dog friendly. 6-8pm. No cover.
Madras Brewing Bobby Lindstrom Bobby
Lindstrom on guitar, slide and harmonica and Ed the Whistler playing old school blues, rock ‘n roll and original tunes. 6pm. No Cover.
On Tap Andrew Kasab American finger-style/
harp guitarist. 6-8pm.
River’s Place The Hot Club of Bend Part of Treat Yo Mama at Rivers Place. An evening of Gypsy Jazz. 5-8pm. No cover.
Silver Moon Brewing JuJu Eyeball Bend’s
most famous Beatles cover band JuJu Eyeball is coming back to Silver Moon Brewing! Come relive all of your favorite hits and dance the night away! 9-11:30pm. $5.
Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House The
Legendary Pat Thomas Pat is a one man band featuring easy listening country. May 10-11, 7pm. No cover.
Vic’s Bar & Grill HWY 97 Classic rock. 8-11pm. No cover.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Kuinka w/ Echo Still An electronic jolt into modern folk and Americana, waltzing along the grooved edges of dream-pop, synth-pop, and Brooklyn’s mid-aughts guitar-rock revival. All ages. Doors, 8pm. Show, 9pm. 9pm. $12.
12 Sunday 10 Below Mother’s Day & Georges’ Jazz Piano
Wednesday night! 8pm. No cover.
Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! 7pm. $20 buy in. The Lot Wednesday Open Mic Night Everyone Portland's Mexican Gunfight performs at McMenamins Old St. Francis School on Thursday, 5/16.
Hub City Bar & Grill Open Mic All welcome
to sing or play an instrument, just come on in and get on Gordy’s signup sheet. 4-7pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Mother’s Day Brunch Make it a celebration with a buffet brunch date. 9am-2pm. $42/adults, $24/children.
River’s Place Sunday Funday Trivia and Hap-
Northside Bar & Grill Lisa Dae and Friends Jazz. 6pm.
The Platypus Pub Tuesday Night Trivia
py Hour UKB Trivia is hosting our Sunday Funday of Trivia. Free to play and prizes to win. Happy hour during trivia. Grab your team and join the fun! 4-6pm. No cover.
(and a board game?) Join Quizhead Games for one of the best trivia nights in town. Easily in the top 50. Probably. Make it a habit and join in the trivia board game: T20 and win even more sweet prizes. 8-10pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Not Cho Grand-
The Capitol Osatia, Anever, Cathedral Hills,
ma's Bingo Get together with your friends and play for a chance to win money! Each week we average $1,000 in cash giveaways! Games start at $1 and work towards $5 as the day goes on. Sundays, 10:30am. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.
Strictly Organic Coffee - Old Mill Paul
Eddy Bedell Artist and local troubadour fills your cup with memories and forgotten gems. Every other Sunday, 3-5pm. No cover.
The Capitol Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Sing some hits for fun — happy hour all night! 8pm.
13 Monday
16 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo Benefitting the BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond. 6:30pm.
The Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke
Somewhere In Between Progressive electronic. 6:30-11pm. $10.
Rockin Robins karaoke every Thursday. $5 Jamesons all night. Come and sing your heart out. 9pm1am. No cover.; Sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! 9pm-1am. No cover.
The Commons Cafe Storytellers Open Mic
Cabin 22 KC Flynn & Friends KC Flynn will be
Our weekly open mic at the Commons — we do have some poets, and actual storytellers on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other, mostly singers and musicians! Sign up starts at 5pm. 6-8pm.
The Lot Trivia Tuesday Bring your team or
join one. Enjoy the heated seats, tasty eats and your favorite local pints at this fun trivia hot spot. A rotating host quizzes you in six different categories. 6-8pm. Free.
15 Wednesday
playing acoustic rock and country, along with a rotating lineup of local musicians. Every other Thursday, 7-9pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse
Music Series Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 9pm.
The Astro Lounge Astro Open Mic Chase Elliot, of Cadence, hosts open mic. Come hang out with some of the best local artists in Bend. Sign up at 7pm. 8pm-Midnight. No cover.
The Astro Lounge Bingo with Janney to
Humm Kombucha Stacie Lynn Johnson of Broken Down Guitars All ages, live music during happy hour. Enjoy the ping pong table! 5-6pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down
Cabin 22 Locals Night w/ UKB Trivia Enjoy
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Thursday Trivia Inquisitive Simian presents In it to Win It Trivia Thursdays. 7-9:15pm. No cover.
and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Immersion Brewing OMM Enjoy a special meal prepared by Chef Morrie at Immersion Brewing. The night includes $2 off local beer and live music from a local musician! Plus, you don’t have to be from Bend to enjoy in on this fun! Everyone is invited. 6-8pm. No cover. Northside Bar & Grill Derek Michael
Marc Solo Show Classic rock and blues. 6pm. No cover.
14 Tuesday The Astro Lounge Tuesday Trivia Priz-
es, drink specials and a mental challenge. 8-10pm. Free.
Mom’s special day! Give Mom a break and join 10 Below for a wonderful dinner and jazz piano. Always a great, fun way to celebrate! This will be Georges’ 7th year doing Mother’s Day at the Oxford. Please call the Oxford hotel at 541-3821010 for reservations.10:30am-1:30pm. No cover.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open Mic Come watch local comics work on new material and people try stand up comedy for the first time. Sign up at 7:30. Starts at 8pm. 7:30-10pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down
Hub City Bar & Grill Tim Cruise Classic
and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Acoustic Jam Night with Scott Fox Scott Fox hosts our Tuesday Night Acoustic Jam night. Listen to some of our better musicians in town. 7:30-9:30pm. No cover.
from brave amateurs to seasoned professionals. Come share your heart, practice your lyrics and feel the support from this great community. Covers, originals, instrumentalists or poets. Hosted by local musicians like MOsley WOtta, Jeshua Marshall and others. 6-8pm. No cover.
rock. 6-9pm. No cover.
benefit Oregon Wild Bingo with Janney to support Oregon Wild. 6-8pm $1-5 per game. Central Oregon pint specials, all day, all night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! Team up with friends join in this week. 7pm.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Come on down and sing your favorite tune! 9pm-1am.
The Domino Room Carnifex, Oceano,
Enterprise Earth & Prison Death metal band from San Diego, Carnifex brings a unique sound that stands out from the throngs of other hard rock acts during their savage live performances. 7pm. $18.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your
go-to karaoke tune? 9pm.
Immersion Brewing Geeks Who Drink Pub Trivia Test you knowledge at pub trivia night by Geeks Who Drink! Win fun prizes and challenge your friends, or enemies, on obscure knowledge while enjoying craft beer and delicious food from our pub style kitchen. Come early for hoppy hour priced apps and drinks. 6-8pm. No cover. Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Rockin’ Robin takes our stage, running Bend’s #1 karaoke show. 7-11pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Mexican Gunfight Mexican Gunfight is a rock band with a big and easy notion of what “rock” can do. Stylistic influences abound: blues grit, country lyricism, the soulfulness of gospel with even tinges of Latin and jazz that dot their sonic landscape. 7-10pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill Downhill Ryder Live, local, original rock! 7pm.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic All
performance types are welcome! Each performer will have 5 minutes. Signup by 7:20pm. Ages 21+ 7pm.
Strictly Organic Coffee Company Songwriters’ open Mic w/ Victor Johnson Popular and welcoming venue for experienced and brand new performers to play their original material. 6-8pm. The Lot Appaloosa Quartet Appaloosa is a
local Americana band which plays new folk and old country music in a rootsy, raw and authentic configuration. They will be preforming as a duo and their unique blend of melody and easy harmonies gives this bands lyrics an interesting, fun and toe-tappin’ vibe. 6-8pm. No cover.
Two nights of soul, hip hop, electronica and beyond with DJ Skinny Mrcls. 21+. 9pm-Midnight. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill The Bad Cats Great food & drinks, big dance floor, live rock ‘n’ roll, blues, & soul and a fun CATmosphere! 9pm-1am. No cover.; Classic rock. 9pm-1am. No cover.; Classic rock. 9pm-1am. Free.
Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub
Trivia Bend Comedy brings lively pub trivia to Level State Beerhouse every Wednesday! Free to play, prizes to win and all ages until 9pm! Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. 7pm. No cover.
at Craft: Alex Elkin Alex Elkin is coming back to Bend! This entertainer has been on TV, Radio, and around the world! You won’t want to miss a night of hilarity! Featuring Katy Ipock. Special guest Chuck Bronson. Hosted by Jessica Taylor. 8-10pm. $10/online, $15/door.
The Nancy R. Chandler Visiting Scholar Program of the COCC Foundation presents
Serving Bend & Central Oregon since 1984
The American Dream in Crisis
Slate for the 2019 MAY Election LOCAL ELECTIONS MATTER! Election Day is May 21 Ballots Drop May 1
every year since we opened!
Professor Robert D. Putnam Malkin Research Professor of Public Policy Harvard University
Here is the slate suggested and approved by The Vocal Seniority Members Central
Monday, May 13
6:30 p.m. • Bend Senior High School • 230 NE 6th St.
Oregon Community College:
Over the last 25 years we have seen a disturbing “opportunity gap” emerge among kids in our country. Professor Putnam will discuss this growing gap, the unique causes that created it, and the many factors that are predicting life success.
Zone 5: Jim Clinton Zone 6: No endorsement Zone 7: Oliver Tatom
Bend Park & Recreation:
Position 1: Ariel Méndez Position 2: Jason Kropf
Bend LaPine School District: Zone 1: Caroline Skidmore Zone 3: Shimiko Montgomery Zone 5: Amy Tatom Zone 6: Melissa Barnes Dholakia
2670 N Hwy 20 Near Safeway
Presenting Sponsor
Sponsored By Associated Students of COCC Associated Students of OSU-Cascades Campus
343 NW 6th Street
To learn about The Vocal Seniority:
Tickets: $15
541.923.BBQ1 NEW HOURS
Tuesday - Sunday, 11am - 9pm
COCC Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund Mid Oregon Credit Union Mt. Bachelor Rotary TRACES Central Oregon Vic Russell Construction, Inc. Finley Butte Aggregate & Paving United Way of Deschutes County
Did you miss our happiness training event? We can still help. Are you planning for happiness but leaving it out of today?
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503-227-9800 or Investment advisory services offered through CWM, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Carson Partners, a division of CWM, LLC, is a nationwide partnership of advisors.
Banjo Jam Ragtime, swing, country, folk and
Bachata Turn Patterns Dance partner
Accordion Club of Central Oregon Meeting All playing levels welcomed. Visit
bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month, 5:307:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend. Contact: Leroy: 541-604-6564.
Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus Welcomes female singers with high and low voices, all levels, ages 15 and above. Meet upstairs in the Great Room. Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-728-9392. $35/membership. Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming. Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St., Bend. Contact: 541-633-3225.
Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals. A variety of music. No
auditions. Annual negotiable fee. Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St., Bend. Contact: 541-306-6768.
Karal Anthony Singer, songwriter, speaker
returns to share his latest music and super fun community experience. May 12, 6:30-8pm. Unity Community of Central Oregon, 63645 Scenic Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-388-1569. $20/adv., $25/door.
Open Hub Singing Club All voices wel-
come! Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. $5-15 suggested donation.
not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:308:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-325-6676. info@ $12/class, $40/4-Class package, $65/monthly unlimited.
Beginning Cuban Salsa No partner neces-
sary. Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-325-6676. $12/ class, $40/4-class series.
Beginning WCS lesson & Dance Lesson, followed by a dance. Fridays, 7pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-401-1635. Cooperdancecompany@ $10/lesson, $5/dance. Bend Dance Project Spring Show Bend
East Coast Swing No partner required.
Square Dance Lessons Thursdays-Sun-
Intro to Latin Dance - Level 1 Dance
Wednesdays, 6-7pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541401-1635. $10/class, $40/month.
partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 5:30-6:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: $12/drop-in.
Level 1 West Coast Swing For this class,
Level 2 West Coast Swing Contact Jenny
Second Sunday Movie Night Popcorn provided and time for conversation about the film afterward. Second Sunday of every month, 6pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho St., Bend. Free.
you should know the 4 basic patterns of west coast swing. Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-401-1635. $12/class, $40/month. Cooper for questions, 541-401-1635. Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-401-1635. $30/month.
Lindy Hop Class Beginner lesson from
7-8pm and Intermediate lesson from 6-7pm. Partner not required. Sundays, 6-8pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. $10/drop-in.
Odissi Indian Classical Dance Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Naji’s Midtown Yoga, 369 NE Revere Ave., Bend. Contact:
Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own
Salsa Turn Patterns Dance partner not re-
dance in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Visit: BendEcstaticDance. com or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE Eighth St., Bend. $10-12 sliding scale.
quired but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-325-6676. $12/class, $40/4-Class package, $65/monthly unlimited.
Capoeira for Beginners New students are
Scottish Country Dance Class No expe-
rience or Scottish heritage necessary. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. $5/class, first class is free. Pixabay
Public (ROCK) Choir The group is designed
Wild Utah: America’s Red Rock Wilderness Award winning documentary.
RSVP (not required) to May 9, 6:30-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Lane, Bend. Contact: 503-309-0973. Free.
ARTS / CRAFTS “Yappy” Hour Art Reception - “Going to the Dogs!” Enjoy appetizers and a glass of wine or beer while viewing the dog inspired creations from our artists. Bring your dog for a goody bag and a photo. May 11, 4-6pm. Artists’ Gallery Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr. Suite 19, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4382. Free.
Acrylic Pour Painting All supplies provided but wear painting clothes. Preregistration required. May 12, Noon-2pm. Carleton Manor, 1776 NE 8th St., Bend. Contact: 907-230-1785. $50.
Art in Dry Fields Exhibition with 34
regional artists and photographers. Tuesdays-Saturdays, Noon-9pm. Through June 10. Dry Fields Cider, 611 NE Jackpine Court, Suite 3, Redmond. Contact: 971-800-0215. artinfo@ Free.
to provide a fun, non-threatening environment, so people of all skill levels can participate. Mondays, 6-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Lane, Bend. First time is free, $10/ members, $16/non-members.
Art Stroll - My Own Two Hands Part
Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional
of Sisters Folk Festival’s My Own Two Hands celebration, Sisters Art Association galleries will be part of the event’s Art Stroll. Parade – 4pm; On Main Ave., starting at Spruce St. and ending at Oak St. Art Stroll – 4–7pm Music Celebration – 6:30–10pm. May 10, 4-10pm. Downtown Sisters, Hood Avenue., Sisters. Contact: 541-549-9552. Free.
group singing. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. $10.
West African Drumming Mondays, Level 1 students will learn traditional rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. On Thursdays, Level 2 & 3 students will build on your knowledge, technique and performance skills. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm and Thursdays, 6-7:30 and 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 NE de Havilland St., Bend. Contact: 541-7603204. $15/class.
Call to Artists Red Chair Gallery is looking
for one 2D and one 3D artist. Fridays. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend.
Ceramic Handbuilding: Pinch Pots Fridays, 6-9pm. Through May 10. Tumalo Art Farm, 66405 Cline Falls Road, Bend. Contact: 541-2416145. $180.
Ceramics Workshops See to see what we’re making next. Thursdays, 6-9pm. Through May 30. Tumalo Art Farm, 66405 Cline Falls Road, Bend. Contact: 541-241-6145. $50.
Adult Intermediate Level Jazz Dance
MAY 11
LANEY LOU & THE BIRD DOGS at Volcanic Theatre Pub
MAY 17
Pottery workshops are open to all skill levels.
MAY 17
Styles include Broadway, Latin, lyrical. Supportive atmosphere, opportunities to perform. Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Drive, Suite 202, Bend. $12 donation, first class free.
Free Movie: Oh God! Bring Mom to see
George Burns as God and pop star John Denver as his prophet in this popular 1977 flick. Free popcorn. Discussion follows. May 12, 6pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-5542. ministry@ Free.
Dance Project presents “Passages” an evening of dance and music through time. May 11, 7-9pm. Mt. View High School, 2755 NE 27th St., Bend. Contact: 541-728-1063. $15/GA, $10/youth & seniors.
welcomed the first Thursday of each month. Thursdays, 6:15-7:15pm. Capoeira Bend, 63056 Lower Meadow Drive, Bend. $15/drop-in or $50/month..
days, 6-8pm. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-7014. $5/first class, $75/15 additional lessons.
Ipockolyptic Productions presents
COMEDY NIGHT AT CRAFT: ALEX ELKIN at Craft Kitchen & Brewery
19 VOLUME 23 ISSUE 19 / MAY 9, 2019 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY for more info. Second Saturday of every month, 10am-Noon. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Free.
Argentine Tango Class & Practica No partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of fundamentals). Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 907-299-4199. $5/class.
TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DIY Intro to soldering silver stacked rings Learn more on our website about this class. Use code TS10 to save 10% on this class. Thu, April 11, 6pm, Thu, May 9, 6pm and Thu, June 6, 6pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. $65.
Know Machines - Intro to Denim Mending May 8, 3-4pm. La Pine Public
Library, 16425 First St., La Pine. Contact: 541312-1032. Free.
Megan Myers Exhibits at Townshend’s Bend Teahouse in April and May April 5-May 31, 10am-9pm. Townshend’s Bend Teahouse, 835 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541312-2001.
Metolius River Plein Air Landscape Drawing Field Trip May 11, 10am-1pm.
High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. $50, members receive discount.
Michelle I. Lane: Capturing Moments in Time Redmond artist, Michelle I. Lane is
pleased to present Capturing Moments in Time. Mondays-Sundays, 10am-5pm. Through May 31. Bedouin, 143 E. Hood Ave., Sisters. Contact: 541.549.3079. Free.
Party with the Artists for Mother’s Day Meet the artists of the gallery, bring Mom
along for a free art gift. Enjoy food and libations May 11, 4-6pm. Artists’ Gallery Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr. Suite 19, Sunriver. Contact: 541-5934382. Free.
Play with Clay! . Pick up your creations 2 weeks later, after they have been fired, or have them mailed to you. (shipping, if needed is extra). All materials included. Children 12 and up if accompanied by an adult. Thu, April 25, 5:30-7:30pm, Thu, May 16, 5:30-7:30pm, Tue, June 18, 5:30-7:30pm, Thu, July 25, 5:30-7:30pm and Thu, Aug. 29, 5:30-7:30pm. Artists’ Gallery Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr. Suite 19, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4382. $45. Sip and Paint with Bonnie Junell Subject:
Aspen Grove. Call gallery for tickets. May 9, 5:307:30pm. Artists’ Gallery Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr. Suite 19, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4382. $45.
PRESENTATIONS + EXHIBITS Birding on Safari African expedition leader
and guide, Dylan Brandt, shares the best places to bird in Africa, what makes African birding and safari so special and what birding means to him. May 16, 6:30-8:30pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Free.
Figuratively Speaking Featuring Paula
Bullwinkel, Anna Fidler, Jennifer Hirshfiield, Lauren Ida and MV Moran. March 13-May 25. At Liberty Arts Collaborative, 849 NW Wall St., Bend. Free.
Food Waste Stops With Me workshop for foodservice professionals Join na-
tional experts Dr. Steve Schein and Ned Barker to learn best practices for reducing food waste in your operations. May 8, 1-4pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Contact: 503229-6494. Free.
High Desert Museum Natural History Pub Nicole Strong, assistant professor
of forestry and natural resources with Oregon State University Extension Service, will describe the different ways our Central Oregon forest ecosystems have adapted to fire. May 14, 5:30-10pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541382-5174. Free.
fifth graders from Ensworth Elementary School in Bend in Kids Curate, a yearlong project incorporating science and art that culminates in an exhibit at the Museum. May 10, 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. Free with Admission.
Know Machines - Feeding the Human Machine Develop tools for total body health. May 16, 6-7pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. Free.
Know Machines - What Computers Know (and Don’t Know) Examine the his-
tory of AI and how machine learning works. May 11, 3-4pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-3121032. Free.
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis with Robert Putnam Study of
the opportunity gap in Bend. May 13, 6:308pm. Bend Senior High School, 630 NE 6th St, BEND. Contact: 541-383-7257. cgilbride@ $15.
People From Our Past: Klondike Kate Meet a famous character from Crook
County’s colorful history: Klondike Kate. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Through June 2. A.R. Bowman Museum - Community Room, 246 N. Main St., Prineville. Contact: 541-447-7978. Free.
Hours: M-S 8:30am-10pm Sunday 8:30am-9pm
2205 NE Division Street 541-550-7325
Smithsonian Affiliate
59800 South Highway 97 | Bend, Oregon 97702 | 541-382-4754 |
RESCHEDULED History Pub Encore - History & Climate Change Dr.
Sean Munger discusses the history of climate change in the Pacific Northwest. May 8, Noon1pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. Free.
Second Saturday at WAAAM Air and Auto Museum Watch airplane operations up
close and explore the museum’s antique airplane and car collection. Activities 10am-2pm, lunch 11am-1pm. Free parking. Second Saturday of every month, 9am-5pm. Through Jan. 11. Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum, 1600 Air Museum Rd., Hood River. Contact: 541-308-1600. $16/adults, $7/kids.
Senate Bill 608 For Rental Property Owners State law expert Craig Russillo will
explain Senate Bill 608 and how it impacts rental properties. Hosted by: Cobalt Property Management Group. Food and beverage is provided. May 8, 11am-1pm. First American Title Company, 395 SW Bluff Drive, Suite 100, Bend. Contact: 541-322-5966. Free.
Senior Day Free admission to all visitors
age 65 or older. May 15, 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. Free for 65+.
THEATER “Why Mama Hits Me” Improv Show Join The Shady Bunch Improvisation
New Exhibit April 27 through September 29
Group for foolishness, embarrassing moments and ridiculous scenarios based on audience suggestions. May 10, 7-9pm. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-678-5740. $8.
The Columnist At the height of the Cold
War, Joe Alsop is the nation’s most influential journalist, beloved, feared and courted by the Washington world. Sundays, 2pm and Thursdays-Saturdays, 7:30pm. Through May 12. CTC Cascades Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $20/adults, $16/seniors + students.
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown
TLHS Performing Arts Department presents: You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Revised). May 10, 7-9pm and May 11, 2-4 and 6-8pm. Trinity Lutheran Churh & School, 2550 NE Butler Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-1850. $5-$25.
Made possible by
Photo by Aaron Hawkins
Figure Drawing Salon All levels are welcome but no instruction is provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own easel and materials. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St., Suite 6, Bend. $15/door.
Central Oregon’s One Stop Cannabis Super Store
Kids Curate Celebrate the work of fourth and
PRESCRIBED BURNING IN PROGRESS Prescribed burning improves the health of our forest, reduces the risk of extreme wildfires, and, in the event of a future wildfire, increases community and firefighter safety. We are working together to do what is best for our fire-adapted forests and our forest-dependent communities. To learn more, visit
Come enjoy
Mother’s Day
Carving Station Honey Glazed Ham & Prime Rib of Beef
Seafood Newberg Pasta Primavera Spinach Souffle Risotto with Mushrooms & Asparagus
May 12th 11am-2pm
Breakfast Station Cheese Omlettes Bacon & Sausage Potatoes O’Brien
Cold Station
Smoked Salmon Fresh Fruit Shrimp Grilled Vegetables Pastries & Muffins
Dessert & Kids Station Pricing:
$51 Adults / Members $47 $16 Children 6-12 / Under age 6 FREE Price includes coffee, tea & soft drinks An additional 18% gratuity will be added
Wed-Fri: 11am - 8pm Sat & Sun: 8am - 8pm
For reservations call 541-383-8200
For Wedding/Event information contact:
Magadalyn at
“Like” us on Facebook
62000 Broken Top Drive |
Follow us on Instagram
10 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend, OR 97703
FACE YOUR FEARS. So our community’s most vulnerable don’t have to. It’s scary to wake up in the morning and not know where you’ll sleep tonight, if you’ll eat today, if you’ll be assaulted or abused today. Living in daily fear takes its toll. Now you can help alleviate some of that fear faced daily by so many in our community by facing your own fears and going OVER THE EDGE. Rappel off the roof of the Oxford Hotel in downtown Bend to raise donations for our community. Partner with us to fight for the health, education, financial stability, and resilience of EVERY person in our Central Oregon community…IN AN EXHILARATING WAY!
At 7 stories and 70 feet, the Oxford Hotel in downtown Bend, Oregon is Central Oregon’s tallest building.
Go to:
Easily set up your personal fundraising page.
Reach our $1,000 fundraising minimum.
Experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rappel down the Oxford Hotel!
Not ready to go OVER THE EDGE? We also have Sponsorship and Volunteer opportunities. Contact us today! Visit us online at or call us at 541-389-6507.
12.5 Years — No Matter What. We help families who are living in crisis in order to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Parents come to us voluntarily for help in keeping their little ones safe and healthy. We provide home visits, parenting support, therapeutic classes for babies and toddlers, and more.
Want to Help? Volunteer! Donate! There are so many ways to support vulnerable kiddos in your community. Bring wish-list items: diapers, food, clothes, toys, and more. Become a Fairy God-Parent to support the whole family and their most important needs.
Please call us for a tour! 541.322.6820
Friends of the Children Central Oregon is non-profit whose mission is to break the cycle of generational poverty for children who have experienced high levels of trauma. Each child receives intentional one-on-one support from a full-time, paid, professional mentor, for 12.5 years — no matter what. Invest in the future of our community and become a monthly donor today! Follow the stories at 20354 Empire Ave, Suite D2A. Bend, OR 97701 | (541) 668-6836
64% 10% 40%
31% of Central Oregonians served by a United
of adults faced at least 1 traumatic circumstance as a child of adults experienced 5 or more traumatic circumstances of Central Oregonians are already living below the federal poverty level or are one unexpected expense awa fro financial crisis
Way funded program
nited a grant funded non rofit programs
$309,000 in grants awarded to local non last year
80+ agency and individual partners convened through our TRACEs initiative
1,700 individuals trained in resilience and trauma-informed care
INVESTING IN FUTURE SOLUTIONS Funding the immediate is necessary, but not sufficient. We’re still focused on challenges that we’ve addressed for 67 years, like HEALTH, EDUCATION, and FINANCIAL STABILTIY. And, through our TRACEs (Trauma, Resilience, and Adverse Childhood Experiences) initiative, we are also moving upstream to address CHILDHOOD TRAUMA as the root cause of challenges currently faced by so many in our community—issues that are immediate today—so that they don’t exist tomorrow.
We improve lives and foster a healthier Central Oregon in 4 main ways: •
INCUBATION of new programs and services
GRANTMAKING to local direct-service non rofits
• •
NEEDS ASSESSMENT and data collection PHILANTHROPY to provide an opportunity for everyone to give back
Heart of Oregon Corps
Bethlehem Inn
J Bar J Runaway & Homeless Youth Programs
Big Brothers Big Sisters Central Oregon Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend CampFire of Central Oregon CASA Central Oregon CASH Oregon Tax-Aide
And, we have taken on RESILIENCE—the ability to manage hardship, cope with stress, and bounce back from trauma. Resilience is like an inoculation against the impacts of trauma.
Central Oregon 2-1-1 Info
We belong to you—OUR Central Oregon community.
Healthy Beginnings
Friends of the Children Central Oregon Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding Center
KIDS Center Latino Community Association Meals on Wheels – Council on Aging Central Oregon Mosaic Medical MountainStar Family Relief Nursery NeighborImpact Food Bank NeighborImpact Housing Stabilization Program Saving Grace
SAFETYNET SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices® teaches how technology can be used in a safe, positive, and ethical manner while providing the tools needed to safely manage online lives for both adults and children.
for an upcoming adult training in Bend, Madras, or Prineville. $10pp - scholarships are available This training is also available as a student presentation through school assemblies, classroom, or private group trainings. Questions? Contact Rachel Visser at 541.306.6062. Sponsored By:
SafetyNet was developed by the San Diego Police Foundation and the San Diego Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Change a child’s life Become a CASA volunteer You can make a difference in the life of an abused or neglected child. CASA of Central Oregon is looking for volunteers to become Court Appointed Special Advocates to help children in foster care. Training starts soon— call 541-389-1618 or visit for more information.
900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free.
A Fresh Look at Leonardo Bend author
Nonfiction Book Club We will discuss Bad
Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou. May 10, 1pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free.
Quiet Writing Time with Writer’s Collective of Central Oregon Are you a
creative soul who needs a space and some quiet time to create your art? Mondays, 10am-1pm. Through June 3. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. Free.
Wordsmith’s Wednesday Open Mic MOWO is our host for Wordsmith’s Wednes-
day open mic. Sign ups start at 5pm, open mic start at 6. Between 5 & 6 meet and greet other Wordsmiths for workshop time. Second Wednesday of every month, 6-8pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend.
Writers Writing: Quiet Writing Time with WCCO Tuesdays, 10am-1pm. Through
June 25. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@deschuteslibrary. | Mondays through June 24. org. Free. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@ Free
ETC. Fire Ready Bend Education on fire preparedness, safety and more. You get to select the topics you want to participate in. Sessions offered at 11am and 1pm. Free Event/Free Parking! May 11, 10:30am-2pm. Tykeson Hall, OSU-Cascades, 1500 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Free.
PFLAG Ice Cream Social Come and enjoy
an ice cream sundae, enter to win a cool Rainbow Basket and meet new friends in the community! May 14, 6:30pm. Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend. Free.
Preventative Walk-In Pet Wellness Clinic Visit for a list of services.
Saturdays, 10am-1:30pm. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. $10/ office visit.
Treat Yo’ Mama A (pre) Mother’s Day extravaganza. Shopping with Noonday Collections, Sudara, Seahorse Chocolates, and Go Hive yourself. Then a Rosé wine tasting followed by live music by The Hot Club of Bend (gypsy jazz). May 11, 3-8pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Contact: Free.
VOLUNTEER American Red Cross Disaster Action Team Members Needed Ongoing., 2804 SW Sixth Street, Redmond. Contact: 503-528-5624. Volunteer.
Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW Eighth St., Redmond. Contact: 541-617-4788. balbert@
Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond
Ongoing, 10am-5pm. Brightside Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW Fifth St., Redmond. Contact: 541504-0101.
Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at
Second Chance Bird Rescue! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.
COTA Trail Love Spring Edition Trail Work Event We’re kicking off the MTB season
by working together on log out and much-needed trail maintenance after the winter storms. The day’s itinerary & RSVP on the COTA Meetup page. Give back to the trails you love. Everyone welcome! May 11, 9am-2pm. LOGE Entrada, 19221 SW Century Drive, Bend. Contact: kelly.burke@ Free.
Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains!
Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers. More info can be found at Ongoing.
Herd U Needed A Home Dog Rescue Contact for details. Contact:
Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. Contact: 541-617-1010.
Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon Corps,
1291 NE Fifth St., Bend. Contact: John: 541-5261380.
Volunteer Drivers Needed Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Contact: Paul: 541-647-2363. Volunteer with Commute Options
Safe Routes to School provides pedestrian and bicycle education to students. Mondays-Fridays, 8am-4pm. Through June 14. Central Oregon, Countywide, . Contact: 541-330-2647. kersey@ Free.
Volunteer with Salvation Army Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.
Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-350-2406. WWOLF - Willing Workers on Local Farms Free beverages and lunch. May 10,
10am-3pm. Mahonia Gardens, Hawks Beard / Mahonia, Sisters. Contact: 541-633-7388. info@
Our Shepherds House Ministries Get Acquainted Lunch Tour Come learn a bit
aboute Shepherd’s House Ministries. Tour of our facility, an informative video, a Q&A and some lunch. Thu, May 9, 11:30am-1pm, Thu, May 16, 11:30am-1pm and Thu, May 23, 11:30am-1pm. Shepherd’s House Ministries, 1854 Division Street, Bend. Contact: 831-359-7253. davidn@ Free.
GROUPS & MEETUPS ACA and other Dysfunctional Families
Wednesdays, 6-8pm and Fridays, 10-11am. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Free.
Al-Anon Family Groups Check
or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations.
Alcoholics Anonymous Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit
Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop
and grow your public speaking and leadership skills. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend.
Bend “GO” Club Learn the ancient, abstract strategy game of “Go” in a group setting. Call Mike for more info. Sundays, 1-4pm. Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St., Bend. Contact: 541-385-9198. BendUbs Car Club Monthly Meet Visit or like us on Facebook for info on local events. Second Sunday of every month, 7-9pm. Cascade Lakes Lodge, 1441 SW Chandler Ave., Bend.
Caregiver Support Group. Second Tuesday of every month, 1-2:30pm. Alzheimer’s Association Central Oregon Chapter, 777 NW Wall St. Suite 104, Bend. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free. | Third Thursday of every month, 5-6:30pm. Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Road, Bend. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free. | Third Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30pm. Community Presbyterian Church, 529 NW 19th St., Redmond. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free. Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery is
a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Mondays, 6:30pm. Faith Christian Center, 1049 NE 11th St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 7pm. Redmond Assembly of God, 1865 W. Antler Ave., Redmond. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. High Lakes Christian Church, 52620 Day Road, La Pine. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend. | Fridays, 7pm. Redmond Christian Church, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond. Visit for more info. Ongoing.
Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization Third Wednesday of every month, 6:309pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend.
Central Oregon Mushroom Club Guest Speaker: Faye Girardi Pharmacist, Oregon Poison Center. Us. Come early for a seat. Doors close upon meeting start. May 9, 6:30-8:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St., Bend. Free. Compassionate Communication / NVC Practice Groups Some NVC experience
necessary. Tuesdays-Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm and Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way, #200, Bend. Free.
JUNE 1, 2019! 6TH ANNUAL
, N.D.
H AV E N bend
Blending Nature with Medicine
Insurance Accepted
Michael Lankford explores Leonardo Da Vinci & his new book. Books for sale, Q&A to follow. May 9, 6-7pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. Free. | May 10, Noon-1pm. Sunriver Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541-312-1063. Free.
in this rare antique airplane. Thu, May 9, 2-5pm and Every 3 days, 9am-5pm. Bend Airport, 63132 Powell Butte Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-848-3600. $72/adv. adult, $52/17 & under, $77/walk up.
Author Event: New Hikes in the Central Oregon Cascades by William L. Sullivan May 11, 2-3pm. Roundabout Books,
Fly the Ford Tri-Motor Airplane Tour A chance to relive history and take a ride
Your Community SEXUAL HEALTH RESOURCE Ask to talk to one of our CERTIFIED ASSOCIATES ♥ Lingerie ♥ Sex Toys ♥ Party Supplies ♥ Costumes & Wigs ♥ Vaporizers ♥ Local Hand Blow Glass Pipes
Your One Stop Adult Fun Shop! ONLINE SHOPPING NOW AVAILABLE! visit 1341 NE 3rd Street, Bend 541-317-3566
TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A Course in Miracles Saturdays, 10am. St.
Infant & Pregnancy Loss Support Group Second Wednesday of every month,
Charles Bend South Clinic, 61250 SE Coombs Place, Bend. Contact: Lisa: 760-208-9097. Free.
7-8:30pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend.
Curious about Midwifery? Meet at the
Italian Conversation Group Saturdays,
9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend.
Deschutes Rural Fire District #2 Board Meeting Second Tuesday of every
Know Machines: Repair Cafe Bring your broken machines, jeans, or jewelry to be fixed. May 11, 11:30am-1:30pm. La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St., La Pine. Contact: Free.
month, 11:30am-1:30pm. Through July 9. City of Bend Fire Department Administration, 1212 SW Simpson Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-322-6377. Free.
Emotions Anonymous Wednesdays,
9:30am and Thursdays, 10:30am. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend.
Fired Up & Freaked Out? Calming Your Leash-Reactive Dog Open to all.
No dogs, please. To reserve your spot, contact May 15, 6:308pm. Downtown Bend Public Library - Brooks Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact:
Forgotten Lakes and Rivers of Central Oregon May 9, 6:30-8pm. Trinity Episcopal
Church - St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho St., Bend. Contact: 503-961-4528. Free.
Garage Night Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Spoken
Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend.
Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers
welcome. For info, call Sue. Mondays, 6-9pm. Round Table Clubhouse, 2940 N. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-610-3717.
Japanese Group Lesson All ages.
Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-633-7205. $10.
Life after Birth Tuesdays, 2-3pm. St. Charles Center for Women’s Health, 340 NW 5th Street, Suite 101, Redmond. Contact: 541-526-6635. Free.
Map and Compass Class Taught by
women, for women. Basic details of how to understand a topo map and orient yourself using a compass. May 15, 6:30-8pm. OutsideIN, 845 NW Wall St, Bend. Contact: 541-317-3569. darragh@ $5-$10 donation.
March for Students - Bend Join hundreds of Bend-La Pine Schools staff members for March for Students. Music, ice cream and camaraderie in support of appropriate state funding for public education. Attendees are encouraged to wear red. May 8, 3:15-4:30pm. Education Center, 520 Nw Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-3551000. Free. Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Thurs-
The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-385-6908. Free.
NeighborImpact’s Homebuyer Workshop Mon, May 13, 5:30-8:30pm and Mon, May
Spanish Club Spanish language study and
20, 5:30-8:30pm. NeighborImpact Office, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend. Contact: 541323-6567. $44.99 per household.
Oregon Lyme Disease Network, Bend Chapter Support Group Please
call Oregon Lyme Disease Network to register for meeting or ask questions about upcoming meetings. Third Thursday of every month, 4:30-6pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-321-6536. Free.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting
Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Ongoing. Contact: 541-306-6844.
PFLAG Central Oregon Meeting Meet-
ings are confidential and include introductions and “PFLAG Moments." Second Tuesday of every month, 6:30pm. Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend.
Real-Time Solutions for the Housing Crisis May 14, 5-7pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co.
Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-3221. admin@bendchamber. org. $25-$35/adv., $40/door.
Socrates Cafe Group Second and
days, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane, 601 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend.
Fourth Thursday of every month, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend.
Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Support Group Thursdays, 1-3pm. Through Dec. 19.
Soil: Nature’s Solution to the Climate Crisis? How we grow food profoundly impacts soil health and well-being. May 15, 6:30-8pm.
conversation group. All levels welcome. Call for more info. Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-749-2010.
Suicide Bereavement Support Group
Second Sunday of every month, 7-8:30pm. Partners In Care/Suicide Bereavement, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend.
Oregon Communicators Toastmasters Meeting Step out of your comfort
zone - enhance your leadership and communications skills. Attend in person or online. Meet and greet at 6:15pm. Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm. La Pine Community Health Center - Meeting Room, 51600 Huntington Road, La Pine. Contact: 541-408-7610. Free.
Vocal Jam Singers of all levels welcome! Thu, May 9, 7-8:30pm, Sun, May 12, 11am-12:30pm and Thu, May 23, 7-8:30pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 310-467-0867. $5-$10. Women’s Cancer Support Group Call for info. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Mountain Laurel Lodge, 990 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Contact: Judy: 541-728-0767. Worldwide Ride of Silence An event to honor cyclists have been injured or killed while on the road. A short and slow paced ride (10-12 mph max). Helmets required, lights advised. Help raise awareness to the idea that we all “share the road.” Hundreds of locations worldwide will be participating. May 15, 6:30pm. Pioneer Park - Bend, 1565 NW Wall St, Bend. Contact: rideofsilence. Free.
large picnic shelter at Farewell Bend Park, bring water and lots of questions. Second Thursday of every month, 12:15-12:45pm. Farewell Bend Park, 1000 SW Reed Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-526-6635. Free.
Central Oregon Locavore, 1841 NE Third St., Bend. Contact: 541-633-7388. Free.
FAMILY & KIDS’ EVENTS Action Figure Terrariums Create a
contained landscape for your favorite hero (or villain). Ages 10-17. Online registration is required. May 15, 2pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1050. Free.
Animal Adventures Live animals, stories,
crafts with High Desert Museum. Ages 3+. Tue, May 28, 1:30pm. Sunriver Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541312-1080. Free. | Wed, May 15, 1-2pm and Wed, May 29, 1-2pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541617-7097. Free.
Art Club Ages 5-11. Thursdays, 4-5:30pm. ARTdog Children’s Art Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend.
Art Dog’s Birthday Party You’re invited to celebrate our art dog Sanders’ 1st Birthday! Bring the family for free art and games, cupcakes, make & take dog treats, prizes and more! May 11, 10am-2pm. ARTdog Children’s Art Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. Contact: 541-625-0253. sarah@ Free. Birds Beyond Borders: A Migratory Bird Day Event This is a family event
featuring kid-friendly bird walks, educational activities, cultural and art activities, and more. Activities offered in English and Spanish. May 11, 9am-1pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. Free, $5 state park fee per vehicle. | Tumalo State Park. May 11, 9am-1pm. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd, Bend.
Children’s Book Event Meet local author
Alice Eshoff and listen as she reads from her book “How Grace Got Her Name."May 15, 2:30-4pm. Deschutes Public Library Foundation, PO Box 963, Bend. Contact: info@ Free. | May 15, 2:304pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.
Creativity Lab for Preschoolers Ages
3-6 yrs w/caregiver. Tuesdays-Fridays, 11amNoon Through May 31. Base Camp Studio, 2531 NE Studio Rd, Bend. Contact: $10.
Kids Ninja Training Ages 6-12. Parents
can drop-off. Must sign up for all 8 weeks. Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm, Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30pm, Thursdays, 4:15-5:15 and 5:306:30pm and Saturdays, 9:15-10:15am. Through June 8. Free Spirit Bend, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $115.
Kids Yoga Party Drop off for ages 4-11. Second Saturday of every month, 6-8pm. Wild Thing Yoga, 1441 SW Chandler Ave., Suite 105, Bend. Contact: $20.
LEGO Block Party Kids + 1 gazillion LEGOs = fun. All ages. May 11, 10-11:30am. Sisters Public Library, 110 N Cedar St., Sisters. Contact: 541-312-1070. Free.
Meet the Author Book Read Meet local author Monica Graham and hear her read her book and get your own personal copy signed. All ages. May 11, 11am-1pm. Herringbone Books, 422 SW Sixth St., Redmond. Contact: info@ Free.
Registration is open at Now hiring summer staff!
Mom & Baby Yoga No experience necessary. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in. Mother’s Day at High Desert Museum The High Desert Museum welcomes mothers with free admission! May 12, 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. Free for Mothers.
Mother’s Day Jewelry Making Workshop Learn more and sign up at
Use code TS10 to save 10% off. May 12. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. $87.50.
Movement, Music & Stories Movement and stories to develop skills. Ages 3-5 years. Thu, April 18, 10:30am and Thu, May 9, 10:30am. La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St., La Pine. Contact: 541-312-1090. Free. Music, Movement & Stories Movement and stories to develop skills. Ages 3-5. Thu, April 18, 11:15am and Thu, May 16, 11:15am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-617-7097. Free. NASA Apollo STEM Club Learn robotics with drones and legos in Camp Fire’s NASA Apollo STEM Club for 5th-8th graders! Mondays, 3:30-5pm. Through June 24. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-3824682. $190. | Thursdays, 3:30-5pm. Through June 6. Amity Creek Magnet School, 437 NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. $175 | Through June 21. Cascades Academy, 19860 Tumalo Reservoir Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-3824682. $190. Pajama Storytime Evening storytime with songs, rhymes, crafts. PJs welcome! Ages 0-5 years. Tue, May 14, 6pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1061. Free.
Paracord Bracelets Make and take a cobra braid paracord bracelet. Free. Ages 10-17. Online registration is required. May 11, 2:303:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-3760. | May 15, 1:30pm. La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St., La Pine. Contact: 541-312-1090. Free. Paws to Read Reluctant readers read with
a dog. Ages 6-11 years. Online registration is required. Thu, April 4, 4pm, Thu, April 18, 4pm, Thu, May 16, 4pm and Thu, May 23, 4pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-3760. Free.
Storytime at Buckingham Elementary Get ready for school with stories and fun. Ages 0-6 years. Thu, April 25, 9:15am and Thu, May 9, 9:15am. Buckingham Elementary, 62560 Hamby Road, Bend. Contact: 541-617-7097. Free.
Storytime at Juniper Elementary Get
ready for school with stories and fun. Ages 0-6. Mon, May 6, 11:15am, Mon, May 13, 11:15am and Mon, May 20, 11:15am. Juniper Elementary School, 1300 NE Norton Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-7097. Free.
Taco Earbud Holder Get crafty with this
DIY organizer. Ages 10-17. May 15, 2-4pm. Sunriver Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541-312-1080. Free.
Touch a Truck - Redmond Area Park and Recreation District A parking lot full
of trucks and other big machines for kids to touch, learn about, and climb on. May 11, 11amNoon and Noon-3pm. Redmond High School, 675 SW Rimrock Way, Redmond. Contact: 541548-7275. Free.
Wildheart Nature School Mommy/ Daddy & Me For ages 2 – 4, accompanied
by a parent. May 13th: Weather! | May 20th: Pollinators! Mondays, 10:30am-Noon Through May 20. Skyliners Lodge, 16125 Skyliners Rd., Bend. Contact: 541 728 3409. Early Bird: $37/before March 30. After: $44 (includes 4 classes).
Wildheart’s Homeschool Spring Trackers Club 2019 Open to Non-Homeschoolers. Ages 6 – 12. “Wild Tea Making” 5/14. Tuesdays, 10am-3:30pm. Through May 14. Skyliners Lodge, 16125 Skyliners Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-7283409. Early Bird: 10 classes/$444/by Feb. 1, After: $467.
Legally Blonde, Youth Edition TMP brings a teen musical to the Tower By Elizabeth Warnimont Elizabeth Warnimont
From left, Tia Wisco, Sophia Guerrero, Arden Anderson, Ellie Skjersaa and Mackenzie Sentra rehearse for “Legally Blonde, Jr.”
show. The TMP production will have an all-teen cast, she notes. It’s also all-female, with the exception of Felciano as Emmett. “Gavin is the only boy in the production,” Gardner explains. “Emmett is the only character— the only actual person—as far as the men go. All the other male roles are stereotypes. So what we’ve done, what I’ve chosen to do as the director is, we have a bunch of girls pretending to be boys, to make fun of the stereotype.” “They’re really good at it, too,” Music Director Erik McGinnis interjects. Both directors say the kids have a lot of fun with the role reversals. “Sienna (Swetland) plays Callaghan, the stiff (male) professor,” Gardner says. “Omigosh. And Alex (Alexandra
Dennis), who is one of our smaller girls, she’ll have the big Tom Selleck moustache as the UPS guy.” At a rehearsal at Terpsichorean Dance Studio of Bend, choreographer and studio director Dakota Weeda coached the iconic scene in which Paulette (Aubrey Luse) practices a physical flirting technique with her crush, the salon’s UPS man— and winds up breaking his nose. Weeda choreographs all of the action scenes in the show, including, of course, numerous group dance numbers. “What I really love about the T3 program (TMP’s teen performance arm) that we do every spring,” says Gardner, “is that these teenagers don’t always get the opportunities to play the bigger roles. They’re kind of in that awkward
Legally Blonde, Jr. Sat., May 18, 8pm Sun., May 19, 2pm Tower Theatre 835 NW Wall St., Bend $22
By Teafly Peterson submitted
Desert Perspectives
Artists showcase their take on water at High Desert Museum By Teafly Peterson
Mosely Wotta (Jason Graham) in front of his piece titled W.O.E. 1.
t began a year ago, when The High Desert Museum invited four artists, including local creative laureate Mosley Wotta (Jason Graham), Ka’ila Farrell-Smith, Dana Reason and Harmonic Lab to take field trips into various places in Oregon alongside curators, geologists, archeologists, ecologists, dam technicians and natural resource managers to look at and explore our relationship to water. The result is a
fascinating exhibition titled “Desert Perspectives: Water Shapes the West,” now on display through Sept. 29. On the ceiling is an enormous and graceful sculpture created by Harmonic Lab that mimics water. It’s calming, beautiful and mesmerizing—the way tides can be, lapping at the shore. Each contemporary artist has taken their own medium to explore the world of water, which,
stage where they can’t really play the kid anymore, but can’t play an adult. These shows are perfect for them.” “In whatever program you’re doing,” says McGinnis, “there’s room for growth. “We are not only teaching the kids the show, but we’re slipping in the acting technique, the vocal, the directing technique and the business side of things. All of these kids have a future here in whatever area they want.” Felciano feels that being in musical theater has taught him a lot about singing. “I can do more with my voice now than if I just saw a vocal coach. Doing shows gives you—if there’s a certain emotion you need in a song, you can carry it over,” he says. “Are you mad in this song, are you sad, are you happy? Learning to distinguish that is harder than most people think.” He also finds that participating in theater is an easy way to make new friends. “I’ve done shows with probably all of them (in the Blonde cast) at least once before,” he says. “Tia (Elle) is one of my friends from school. I kind of made her do the show,” he grins. “It worked out great!” McGinnis couldn’t agree more. He says he’d had Tia in a class and knew she had potential, but then at the audition, he says, “she blew our socks off.”
at first, seems simple. There are videos and soundscapes, paintings and music. Alongside the art are displays with information on three basins in the local high desert, including the Klamath, Mid-Columbia and Great Salt Lake basins. “We are finding that art is an accessible way for our community to explore our mission,” says Dana Whitelaw, executive director of the High Desert
Museum. Whitelaw finds it exciting to see artists and scientists sharing ideas, then ultimately working on their own to decipher the excursions. The exhibition even spills out onto the grounds of the museum. Mosley Wotta created leather wraps with his writing and drawings around trees throughout the grounds. Reason, a composer, has installed a soundscape in one of the sitting areas. On a sunny Friday afternoon, I sat alongside the brook, in the trees listening to Reason’s composition. Not exactly melodic, but transfixing. The sounds fit perfectly within the shake of the trees, the babble of the brook and the songs of the birds, as if it was harmonizing with all of them. Desert Perspectives: Water Shapes the West April 27- Sept. 29 High Desert Museum 59800 US-97, Bend
ou might remember the movie version, starring Reese Witherspoon. Now, local kids are taking on “Legally Blonde” with a junior version. Watch Elle (played by Thoroughly Modern Productions newcomer Tia Wisco) overcome stereotypes and sour grapes to win herself a better beau—and a bright new career for herself to boot—overcoming obstacles and forging new friendships along the way. “This is my first show,” Wisco said in a recent interview. It will be the first time the eighth-grader has performed in a dramatic production. “All of it is surprising and challenging,” she says. “It’s a lot of fun.” Wisco and fellow eighth-grader Gavin Felciano, who plays Elle’s future romantic interest, Emmett, both enjoy taking part in a cheerful comedy. “I like happy endings, because I don’t like being sad,” Wisco smiles. “It’s pretty much my first comic role,” says Felciano. “There have been moments in shows where there’s some short comedy moments, but within a pretty blank-slate character. Before this, I came from 'West Side Story,' very dramatic. I feel like you can progress as an actor from a dramatic (part), but it’s also good to have something that leaves the audience with a smile on their face, rather than tears running down their eyes,” he laughs. “Gavin was one of the funniest kids we’ve ever had the chance to work with,” Director Savannah Gardner says. “It’s fun to see him share that with the audience now.” Gardner says some of the more adult content of the rom-com musical is removed for this junior version of the
200Hr Yoga Teacher Training
OPEN HOUSE June 1 3:30-4:30p BEND STUDIO
Join us to get all your questions answered and get a taste of the training & stay for a FREE CLASS from 4:30-5:45p & the Teacher Feedback Session after from 5:45-6p. Come for all or part of it.
7 Weekends September 27, 2019-March 1, 2020
May 11, 2019
Riverhouse on the Deschutes Red carpet theme Dinner 5-7:30 Cena // Dance 8 to midnight Baile
Margaritas, delicious food, tango performances 12 piece band Conjunto Alegre ~ dancing Emcee Shannan Kelley
Two events in One: Dinner and optional Dance OR just come to the Dance (incl. heavy hors d'oeuvres)
The Rhubarb Awakens
By Nicole Vulcan
It’s just starting to pop up in Central Oregon gardens. Here’s how to use it, beyond dessert
By Ari LeVaux, Flash in the Pan
Gala de Oro Celebrates Latino Culture
The Riverhouse on the Deschutes will be the site of a dance, silent auction and raffle this week, benefiting the Latino Community Association. The Gala de Oro starts at 5 pm Saturday with margaritas, beer and wine, followed by dinner that includes Lomo saltado (thin, marinated beef ), Veracruz-style fish and chile rellenos, and then a dance featuring the band Conjunto Alegre—a 12-piece band from Portland. “The LCA provides invaluable services to our friends and neighbors in the Latino community, and we are pleased to be able to support a program that makes such a significant impact on so many lives,” said David Lenke, general manager of Riverhouse on the Deschutes. Rhubarb doesn’t only have to go into pie. Here, use it as a delightful spring salad.
uring the heyday of the Silk Road, dried rhubarb root was at times more expensive than cinnamon or opium. Marco Polo went searching in northwest China for specimens that could thrive in Europe. A powerful laxative, rhubarb was a medicine long before it was a food. Half a century after Polo, the Spanish ambassador to present day Uzbekistan placed rhubarb in the most esteemed of company. His 1405 report to King Henry III notes, “The best of all merchandise coming to Samarkand was from China: especially silks, satins, musk, rubies, diamonds, pearls, and rhubarb.” Perhaps the ambassador’s appreciation for rhubarb was rooted in some digestive ailment. At the very least, we know he was probably not making pie. It wasn’t until the 1800s, when the price of sugar began to drop, that Europeans began eating rhubarb stems (the leaves are poisonous) as a food. Since then, the sour flavor of rhubarb has been countered with sugar, and perhaps other fruit. To this day, rhubarb sometimes goes by the name “pieplant,” and remains synonymous with dessert. If you can name a rhubarb dish that contains less than a cup of sugar, you are a statistical anomaly. But there is no reason why it can’t be used in all kinds of savory dishes, in place of other acidic ingredients like vinegar, tamarind or lime juice— whenever you need a touch of tang. I’ve made hummus by simmering the garbanzo beans with rhubarb, and skipping the lemon juice, and ended up with the best batch of hummus I’ve ever made. Nutty and creamy, it made the
control batch taste overly lemony in a side-by-side comparison. I’ve prepared yellow curry with coconut, spinach and choice of proteins, with floating chunks of freshly-sliced rhubarb giving a sour, exotic flavor to the curry. This time of year, when the rhubarb is still young, we have the opportunity to enjoy it raw and unsweetened, a serving suggestion that’s obvious yet rarely employed. Eating raw rhubarb is an intimidating proposition. It’s a strong flavor. And if it were any in other salad it might not work. The rhubarb plant awakens from the ground like a giant toadstool in early spring, its broad, poisonous leaves unfurling to shade the red, tender stems beneath. This early emergence, along with its laxative properties, made rhubarb a popular ingredient in many recipes for "spring tonic," a folksy cocktail of early season shoots and roots, either made as a tea or chomped down. People consumed spring tonic to recharge their bodies with vitamins and fiber after a winter's worth of starch and cabin fever. As the rhubarb awakens, the dandelions also emerge. These two unrelated plants are kindred spirits, both able to survive like outlaws in the shadows of human settlements, growing where they can. And each has its own outsized flavor. A dandelion is at the far edge of the bitter spectrum, while rhubarb is at the extreme end of sour. Eaten together in my salad, the bitter dandelion never tasted so mild-mannered. The mouth-twisting sour crunch of rhubarb,
meanwhile, suddenly tastes sweet, thanks to the bitter dandelion leaves. Raw rhubarb is a recipe rarity. Most rhubarb salad recipes call for sweetening and cooking the stalk, and understandably so. Left to its devices, rhubarb can overwhelm a dish. In rhubarb dandelion salad, little pieces of rhubarb behave brilliantly, acting like chunks of early-season tomato, sharing acids with the vinaigrette, getting tangled in the spring greens. Rhubarb Dandelion Salad Resist the urge to add sweet things to this little salad. Hold the strawberries. Skip the honey mustard. Leave the rhubarb alone with the dandelion and let flavor take its course. Serves four Four cups coarsely chopped dandelion greens ¼-1/2 cup thinly-sliced rhubarb 1 clove garlic, pressed, mashed or minced 1/4 cup thinly-sliced onion Dressing: ¼ cup olive oil 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar Mix the dressing. Toss the greens, garlic, onions and rhubarb in the dressing, fully coating each leaf and dragging each chunk of rhubarb through the dressing. Make sure each bite contains both bitter greens and rhubarb.
LCA provides resources and training, including employment, health, legal assistance, English and citizenship classes, and advocacy for Latino people in Central Oregon.
Latino Community Association Gala de Oro
Sat., May 11, 5pm drinks; dinner 6:30pm At Riverhouse on the Deschutes 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend Tickets at Dinner & dance $125/single. Dance only $55
Bend Farmers Market Poster Contest
The Downtown Bend Farmers Market opened May 1 with a wealth of fresh fruits, veggies and other goodies in the Brooks Alley behind the Tower Theater. The market continues through Oct. 9. This year, the Market is inviting locals to take part in a poster contest that includes a cash prize and an entry into the Farmers Market Coalition Farmers Market Poster contest. People interested in submitting should create a design that will, according to the Market press release, “exemplify Bend; the community, nature, agriculture, and anything that makes Bend special.” Contestants have until June 30 to submit a design. Check out the Bend Farmers Market Facebook page to get the details on the contest. The winner will get $200 cash and a basket filled with Farmers Market goodies.
Bend Farmers Market
Wed. May 1-Wed. Oct 9. 2-6pm Brooks Alley, downtown Bend
Flash in the Pan
Fifth Annual Gala de Oro The Latino
5 Year Anniversary Party Come celebrate with us at our 5th Anniversary Party! Enjoy live music, food trucks, patio games, and a new beer release for the occasion. This event is free to attend and family-friendly. May 11, 11am-11pm. Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW Fifth St., Redmond. Contact: 541-516-8544. Free.
Community Association’s 5th Annual Gala de Oro fundraiser is an elegant evening of dining, dancing and cultural discovery. Proceeds support essential programs to help Latino families thrive in Central Oregon. May 11, 5pm-Midnight. Riverhouse on the Deschutes, 3075 N. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-3824366. $125/person, $225/ two people, dinner & dance; $55/one person, $100/ two people, dance only.
General Duffy’s Saturday Markets
Rethink about it!
Along with food trucks & beer taps, Saturday Market will include 21 exciting vendors with a variety of interesting and cool items. CBD products, vintage clothing & accessories, baked goods from Coho Coffee, Paparazzi Jewelry, home decor, scents and candles, art work and much more! Saturdays, 10am. Through Aug. 31. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 NW Forest Ave., Redmond. No cover.
Are you getting enough browns (dry) and greens (moist) in your compost? Learn more about the best mix for optimum decomposition on our website, just in time for Fall!
Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet The rich buffet menu offers diners a wide selection of options including carving stations featuring spring lamb, chilled Northwest seafood, charcuterie with cheese, omelet station, hot buffet, and a lavish dessert table. May 12, 10am-2pm. Riverhouse on the Deschutes, 3075 N. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-6177150. $49/ adults, $42/seniors, $19/children 6 to 12; kids 5 and under eat free..
A fundraiser for Cascade Armory’s legal battle with Under Armour • Featuring Cascade Amory Discounted Gear Sale • Tasting by Riverbend Brewing • All proceeds from Riverbend’s Blunder Armour IPA sold at JC’s that night will be donated to Cascade Armory
642 NW Franklin , Downtown Bend @JCs_Bar_Bend
Green Drinks in Sunriver Come see
how Sunriver Brewing Co. is working to embed principles of sustainability within their operations and in their pubs. May 9, 5-7pm. Sunriver Brewing Company - Production Facility, 56840 Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541-385-6908. No cover.
Hazy IPA Release Party w/ Dive Bar Theology Delicious IPA and indie rock! May
10, 6:30-9pm. Ochoco Brewing Company, 380 N. Main St., Prineville. No cover.
Kobold Fruhlingsfest Join us for a Springtime German Beer Fest at Kobold Brewing! May 10, 4-9pm and May 11, Noon9pm. Kobold Brewing / The Vault Taphouse, 245 SW Sixth St., Redmond. Contact: 541504-9373. Free.
breakfast favorites, fresh salads, iced seafood, delicious desserts, and more. View the complete menu online. May 12, 10am-1:30pm. 10 Below, 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-1010. $50/adults, $24/ages 6 to 12, free for ages 5 and under..
Mother’s Day Brunch Moms make the world go round! Treat your mom to an allyou-can-eat Sunday morning brunch buffet with us. We’ll have your traditional breakfast items as well as a ham carving station, salmon, shrimp cocktail, & peach cobbler for dessert! We’ll also be serving up Gimme-Momosas all morning. May 12, 10am-2pm. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend. Contact: $30/adults, $20/child.
Mother’s Day Brunch In The Vineyard
Palate Trip If you’ve ever wondered,
Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet at 10 Below Our Mother’s Day menu includes
Reservations available now! We are offering two seating times at 11am and 1pm. Space is limited! Children ages 0-6 free. May 12, 11am-1pm. Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards and Events, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. Contact: 541-526-5075. marketing@fhcvineyards. com. $45/adults, $23/children.
Riverfeast Dinner & Auction Support-
ing the restoration work of The Deschutes River Conservancy. Join us the second Saturday in May for a delightful evening of irresistible food, spirits and music. Bid on exclusive adventures and experiences, custom art and other wonderful packages. May 11, 5:309pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4077 x25. marisa@ $100.
“Where can I sample craft beer and amazing wine in Bend, Oregon?” we’ve got the answer. Come on down to Newport Avenue Market and take your palate on a trip every Friday! Check our Friday morning timeline post each week to learn what brews and wines we’ll be tasting. Cheers! Fridays, 3:30-5:30pm. Newport Avenue Market, 1121 NW Newport Ave., Bend.
Pints and Pistons Head down to Porter Brewing for Pints & Pistons, a free cruise-in for cars and motorcycles. Kid-friendly with food and drinks! This is an ongoing event every Sunday over the summer. Sundays, 11am-4pm. Porter Brewing, 611 NE Jackpine Court, #2, Redmond. Contact: 541-504-7959. Free.
Day Lunch and Taj Palace Mothers Dinner Buffett Special Indian Cuisine
Authentic North and South Indian Cuisine 917 NW Wall St. Downtown Bend
Items include: Lamb, Shrimp, Chicken and Vegetables
CRAFT Sunriver in Eugene A taste of Central Oregon in the Valley
Caring for your pets 7 days a week / Urgent Care 31
Sasquatch Strong Ale; a complex, pretty beer.
unriver Brewing Company opened a pub in Eugene early this spring. The Oakway Pub is located in the Oakway Center, just north of Autzen Stadium. It’s a decent sized, modern pub, with seating upstairs and downstairs. The upstairs is set up so that you look down onto the first floor of the pub. A bar runs along its rail, so you can sit and watch the other patrons, see their faces as they drink their beer, and watch servers carrying food. The menu is similar to that of both the Sunriver and Bend locations. It’s a great addition to the Eugene area, but I believe that the pubs in Central Oregon are superior. While at the pub, I had their turkey dip (as usual). I love that sandwich. So good. I mean, it’s turkey, so I feel better about eating it, but it’s got bacon and cheese, so not really. Enough about food; let’s talk about the beer. Sunriver doesn’t brew onsite, so the beer selections are going to be the same things you can get in Central Oregon. I had the Sasquatch Strong Ale. This beer is NOT for the faint of heart, at 9 percent ABV. That being said, drinking this beer, you would never guess it had that high of an ABV because it’s just so bright. The aroma is sweet because of the malts and you can also pick up a beautiful and earthy grain. Visually it’s on the dark red side, a rich, ruby color. Very pretty.
As is common with a strong ale, the Sasquatch has a very malty backbone, but the hops bring on a citrus that really balances out that sweetness from the malts. Also, from the hops you get some pine notes. The mouthfeel is on the lighter side because of a higher carbonation. I really like this, because it cuts through the syrupiness that can occur in a malty strong ale. The combined flavors take your taste buds on a full tour of the beer experience. You can taste the sweetness of the malts, and then the hops come around and brighten up the palate with pine and fruity notes. Next, you get the taste of grains, bringing in a refreshing green flavor, and finally it finishes with the bready, biscuit flavor of the yeast. Each part of this beer gets a moment to shine. It’s quite a pleasure to sip on while eating a delicious meal and people watching. On my drinkability scale, I give this beer a 3. I will be drinking it again, for sure, but I’m not sure that those just getting into drinking beer can handle the high ABV or rich flavor of this beer. Me, however, I say bring it on! Sunriver Brewing Company Oakway Pub 329 Oakway Rd., Eugene 541-876-5048
Earn your MBA in business analytics, organizational leadership, supply chain and logistics management, or marketing – with classes online and at the OSU-Cascades campus.
Heidi Howard
By Heidi Howard
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic AVENGERS: ENDGAME: After 11 years and
22 movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we’ve come to know it reaches its end. With the amount of hype leveled toward this movie, it’s kind of astounding that the film not only sticks the landing but manages to be an emotional powerhouse for anyone invested in this story. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
BREAKTHROUGH: Starring the wonderful
Chrissy Metz and Mike Colter, “Breakthrough” is about a young boy who falls through an icy lake and lies near death as his mother refuses to give up. A much better faith-based film than movies like “God’s Not Dead” and “Unplanned,” this feels more like a real story instead of thinly disguised propaganda. Odem Theater Pub, Sisters Movie House
CAPTAIN MARVEL: The 21st installment
of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is another charming and action-packed ride. Since this is an origin story, the film can be a bit formulaic at times, but the chemistry of Sam Jackson and Brie Larson is delightful enough to keep things light. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
DIANE: Mary Kay Place has been a delightful
presence on stage and screen for decades and now she finally has a starring role in this powerful little film from master documentarian Kent Jones. This one will surprise you. Odem Theater Pub
DUMBO: Arguably, Tim Burton hasn’t made a
great movie since 1999’s “Sleepy Hollow,” so it’s easy not to expect much from his “Dumbo” adaptation. Disney’s live-action remakes have been pretty solid, though, so who knows? Either way, it will make a billion dollars and everyone will go home happy. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX,
FARGO: One of the best films of all time. A pregnant police chief vs a few genuine crooks with career best work from William H. Macy and, arguably, Frances McDormand. If you haven’t seen it…shame on you. Stop reading this and go now. Odem Theater Pub GLORIA BELL: Julianne Moore gives one of her finest performances as a woman who finds love at a time where she was searching for anything but something serious. A surprising and heartfelt little movie. Odem Theater Pub HAIL SATAN?: A hilarious and at times
profound look at the new, much-lesscreepy Satanic Church as they advocate for religious freedom and a few other pretty important things. The perfect antidote to Satanic Panic and a very smart look at a taboo subject. Tin Pan Theater
HER SMELL: Writer/Director Alex Ross Perry has spent most of his brilliant career dissecting the lives of unpleasant white people and, as wonderful as “Listen Up, Philip” and “Queen of Earth” are, “Her Smell” is his masterpiece. Elisabeth Ross is a genius. Tin Pan Theater
LONG SHOT: While on the surface this looks
like another “Seth Rogan Dates Someone Prettier Than Him” movie, director Jonathan Levine (“The Wackness”) is a filmmaker who usually avoids the genre’s cliches. Plus, Charlize Theron is an inter)national treasure. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House
MARY MAGDALENE: A film that portrays
Mary Magdalene as an almost-revolutionary and fiercely dedicated apostle. For those not interested in the story, the film is worth watching just to see the always underrated Rooney Mara as Mary and a deeply committed Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus. Sisters Movie House
MISSING LINK: From the geniuses at the
Portland-based animation studio Laika comes another delightful animated adventure that probably won’t make as much money as it should. Going to see this movie could literally help keep Laika alive after their last couple soft box office grosses. Odem Theater Pub
PENGUINS: This Disney Nature documentary
follows a penguin named Steve as he finds love, has babies and navigates a harsh and deadly landscape. A genuinely wonderful experience for nature lovers and anyone in the mood for a remarkable story of a brave little penguin. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
PET SEMETARY: We’re in the middle of another spate of film versions of Stephen King classics, and as long as they retain the quality of this and 2017’s “It,” then I think we’ll be OK. This remake changes the entire ending of the story, dare I say, for the better? It’s scarier, that’s for sure. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX SHAZAM!: Imagine the plot of “Big” but
Tom Hanks could fly and shoot electricity from himself and you basically have “Shazam!” DC films is on a roll after finally figuring out that superhero movies are better when they’re fun. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX,Odem Theater Pub
TEEN SPIRIT: While the film tells a tale we’ve seen many times before, the central performance from Elle Fanning is astounding in this look at what makes a modern Cinderella story. Surprisingly delightful. Sisters Movie House
THE MUSTANG: Matthias Schoenaerts and Connie Britton star in this powerful drama about a convict participating in a program to train wild mustangs. This one’s guaranteed to bring tears to even the most hardened of viewers. Odem Theater Pub THE INTRUDER: Dennis Quaid as a creepy
stalker is something I’ve always wanted to see and something I’m sure Meg Ryan is ready to forget. Ahhh, just kidding. I’m sure Dennis is nowhere near as insane as his brother Randy. Seriously though, this movie looks like a lot of fun. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
HOTEL MUMBAI: An intense and nail-biting recreation of the terrorist attack against the Taj hotel in Mumbai. Heart pounding and deeply unsettling, “Hotel Mumbai” is very tough to watch. Odem Theater Pub
UGLYDOLLS: Now, I’m not saying this movie looks like a soulless marketing tie-in to the Uglydolls stuffed toys, but it really kinda does. At the same time, if the film has a message for children that says they don’t have to feel bad about their third eye or vestigial tail, then more power to this cynical cross-promotion. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
LITTLE: A ruthless businesswoman wakes
US: Jordan Peele’s sophomore effort after 2017’s
up as her 13-year-old self in this throwback comedy to the body-swapping comedies of the ‘60s and ‘70s. What’s really exciting here is the cast featuring Marsai Martin from “Black-ish” and the incomparable Issa Rae, Regina Hall and Tracee Ellis Ross. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
instant classic, “Get Out,” manages to defy easy categorization. “Us” is at times a deeply disturbing horror flick, a biting piece of social commentary and a disgruntled satire on the United States’ current uncrossable political divide. No matter what you choose to take away from it, “Us” is one hell of a movie. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
STREAMING THIS WEEK ASH VS THE EVIL DEAD: Finally, Netflix has added the third season to this dearly departed series, canceled way before its time. Bruce Campbell and company destroy deadites brutally and with much hilarity in this sadly underseen epic. Now Streaming on Netflix courtesy IMDb
the Source Be with You SCREEN May May Edition By Jared Rasic
In Pod We Trust: Since we’re still celebrating the awesomeness that is the culmination of Marvel’s “Infinity Saga” with “Endgame,” now’s the perfect time to get down with “Women of Marvel.” Hosts
Sana Amanat and Judy Stephens not only both work for Marvel, but they dish on some serious inside baseball when it comes to female representation in comic book iconography. Hearing them break down the importance of Sue Storm, Janet Van Dyne and Jean Grey might change the way you view current iterations of the characters. If there are two things I love deeply, it’s drinking responsibly and solving crimes, so the podcast, “Drunk Women Solving Crime,” basically scratches all of my very specific itches. Hannah George, Taylor Glenn and Catie Wilkins spend each episode doing just that: getting drunk and trying to figure out unsolved murders and other less-serious crimes. The show only gets funnier and funnier, and now is a perfect time to check it out. If you’re feeling bored and possibly hungry, I have a podcast now because all courtesy of Netflix
courtesy of Netflix
Ready to become a Zac Efron fan?
the cool kids are doing it. Hosting with the great television writer Zeke Kamm, we sit around the World’s Last Blockbuster and talk about movies, music and what makes us such disturbed individuals. It’s called Unwinder and it might make you smile. Oh, and also in the world of self-promotion: the Source now has a podcast that reads our news stories for you, so you don’t have to use your reading skills to get our top stories. Find the Source Weekly Update Podcast on all the major feed services. Bingeworthy: In the last installment of May the Source Be with You, I talked about how great the Netflix original “Santa Clarita Diet” is and then it was immediately canceled. This understandably makes
The South Korean masterwork, “Burning.”
Now, Our Watch Begins
me reticent to talk about any of the other things I like, since God obviously hates me, but just like Daredevil, I’m the man without fear. “Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile” is a fun (yes fun!) look at the serial killer Ted Bundy, but the real find here is the absolutely skin-crawling performance from Zac Efron as the megacreepy Bundy. Efron uses every bit of his handsome-ass charisma to make Bundy a bogeyman for the ages. The South Korean slow-burn thriller, um, “Burning” is the best movie out of SK last year and a haunting and visceral film that will stick to your brain for weeks to come. You’ll feel every second of its 148-minute runtime, but it’s one of those movies that fundamentally changes how you view cinema forever. Not to overhype it or anything. Photo Courtesy of HBO
The Last of the Starks By Jared Rasic
SPOILERS! he icy fog has cleared. The dead will be burned and our characters have a moment to mourn before preparations for the next battle must begin. They have a chance to feast, to laugh and to finally be legitimized in the eyes of their peers. No more bastards anymore. Arya Stark is the Hero of Winterfell, Jon already flirts with being a legend and Dany looks on with barely disguised envy. Tyrion, Brienne, Pod and Jaime play “Never Have I Ever” until too much unsaid gets spilled across the table. Love is declared, long awaited sex is had. Dany is desperate for Jon to forget his parentage but it’s unsure whether it’s because of her desire for her nephew or the throne. None of this really
matters until Cersei Lannister’s head is removed and someone mildly less despotic sits on the pointy iron seat. This week’s episode is mostly focused on setting the table for the final few hours of the series, with all the important folks headed toward their final positions. Jon makes a few extraordinarily poor choices before everything goes to hell in a terribly inconvenient naval battle. Dany has her foot on the line and she’s about to step over it, ready to murder everyone in King’s Landing to get her hands on Cersei (who is now a sneering and completely evil cartoon villain with no shades of Grey( joy). I’m looking forward to the books again since I know so much of the rushed character choices will make more sense when
as it been a month already? Have you missed me as much as I missed you?? Awww, that’s sweet. Anyway, it’s been a rough 30 days since last we spoke, what with “Avengers: Endgame” stomping our hearts into Ant-Man sized pieces and “Game of Thrones” progressively feeling like the world’s deadliest game of musical chairs. It’s hard out here for a nerd. Since I like media that makes me feel terrible, I’m having a great time. With all that said, here are a few things that might make your heart feel good in the month of May.
Sansa ain’t playin' anymore.
we get POV chapters of Jaime, Bran, Jon, Dany and Cersei. This is the first time where it felt to me like Benioff and Weiss are ending the show here because they’re ready to move on, not because the story was reaching its proper conclusion.
It’s all very fun to watch and deliciously written—but imagine how much better this would be with more than just a couple episodes of build-up and only two episodes left. Still, it’s better than most other things.
Old Mill and along the Deschutes River! All paces welcome. Mondays, 5:30pm. AVID Cider Co., 900 SE Wilson St., Bend. Contact: Free.
834 NW Colorado Ave Bend, Oregon 97703 541-388-0688
2019 Oregon High School Equestrian Teams State Championship Meet There
Bend Area Running Community (BARF) Join us for a 3.5-mile loop through the
You Could Win a Marmot Tent, RAB Sleeping Bag, Metolius Crash Pad, Edelrid Rope and More!
ATHLETIC EVENTS are 26 horse events held in the 1st Interstate Bank Event Center, Sagebrush and Juniper Arenas. Open to the public to watch. There will be vendors on site and a Consignment Tack/ clothing Sale with Deschutes County Horse 4-H. Please, no dogs. Sunday starts at 9am. http:// May 9-12, 8am-8pm. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond, Redmond. Contact: 541-4198925. Free.
Bend Babes Brew & Running Crew
Women of Bend, if you like to run in the woods and celebrate with post-run beers and food, then join us! All paces welcome! Thursdays, 5:30pm. City of Bend, contact for more info, . Contact:
Best of Both Registration REI hosts. Come and drink a free beer from our sponsor 10 Barrel Brewing and take advantage of a 10% registration discount for one day only. May 9, 4-7:30pm. REI, 380 SW Powerhouse Dr, Bend. No cover.
Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 9am-5pm
Cascade Chainbreaker Part of the Oregon Off Road Series and Oregon Junior Mountain Bike Series, the Cascade Chainbreaker takes you through rolling terrain and spectacular views. More info online at May 11, 8am. Location TBA, Location TBA, Location TBA. $45. Chicks in Bowls Ladies’ Night Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Bearings Skateboard Academy, 615 SE Glenwood Drive, Bend. $10.
CORK Thursday Run Join us for a run from 3-5 miles. Stay afterward for a drink and food. All ability levels welcome along with friendly on leash dogs. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free. Dirt Divas Group mountain bike rides aimed
at women of all skill levels. Ride with a group that fits your level! Meet at Pine Mountain Sports. Demo bikes available; but come 60 minutes ahead to get one. More info online. Second and Fourth Monday of every month. Pine Mountain Sports, 255 SW Century Dr., Bend.
Half-Day Kayak Tour on the Deschutes River Chose a kayak, standup
paddleboard or canoe! for details! Tuesdays-Fridays, 10am-2pm, Tuesdays-Fridays, 9am-1pm and Tuesdays-Fridays, 10am-2pm. Through Sept. 6. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-317-9407. $75.
Hump Day Run Celebrate getting over the mid-week hump with runners of all paces. Bring a few bucks if you want to get a beer after! Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.
Redmond Running Group Run All
levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Saturdays, 8am. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact:
Rise and Run Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone,
842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: colton.gale@ Free.
Saturday Coffee Run Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.
Skyliners Series Events will be held
throughout Wednesdays in May, until 5/29. Wednesdays. Through May 29. Phil’s Trailhead, Skyliner Rd, Bend. Various prices..
Tuesday Performance Group Maximize
your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and abilities welcome. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: Free.
Ultrarunner Meet and Greet Join us for our Mountain View High School Track Team Book Fair. Get a head start on the season with local Ultrarunners Max King, Ian Sharman, Ryan Kaiser and Amy Clark Editor of Ultrarunning Magazine. May 16, 6-7:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Highway 20, Bend. Contact: 541-318-7242. Free. Walk Up Pilot Butte Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Contact: 503-446-0803. Women’s Mountain Bike Ride, Metolius Preserve Join the Deschutes Land
Trust and Jen Zalewski for a 6-8 mile mellow, beginning/intermediate Mother’s Day mountain bike ride at the Metolius Preserve. May 10, 10am-1pm. Metolius Preserve, near Camp Sherman, Sisters. Contact: 541-330-0017. Free.
OUTDOOR EVENTS Basic Skills Paddleboarding on the Deschutes River Sun, May 12, 10am-Noon-
Sun, May 19, 10am-Noon-Sun, May 26, 10amNoon-Sundays, 9-11am, Sundays, 9-11am and Sundays, 10am-Noon Through Sept. 29. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-317-9407. topher@ $55.
Birding for Breakfast Tour independently or join a wildlife curator or naturalist volunteer to help you identify the birds. Coffee, tea and pastries provided. May 8, 7-9am. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. $15, members receive discount. Electric Bike Test Rides This free,
guided ride is for folks who are new to eBikes and their supportive friends. Call ahead to reserve a bike 541-410-7408. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am. Through Sept. 30. Bend Electric Bikes, 223 NW Hill St., Bend. Contact: 541410-7408. Free.
Full Immersion: Intro to Whitewater Kayaking A two and a half day introductory
progression series to whitewater kayaking. Alternating weekends until 10/11. Fri, May 10, 5:30-8pm, Sat, May 11, 9am-4pm and Sun, May 12, 9am-6pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541-317-9407. $245/includes equipment.
Hindman History Wander, Camp Polk Meadow Preserve Join the Deschutes
Land Trust, Carol Wall, and Jan Hodgers for a history wander around Camp Polk Meadow Preserve. Explore the starring role that Camp Polk played in the history of Central Oregon as one of the original stopping places on the Santiam Wagon Road. May 9, 10am-Noon. Camp Polk Meadow Preserve, outside Sisters, Sisters. Contact: 541-330-0017. Free.
Nature Journaling May 9, 6-8pm. Willow Springs Preserve, Camp Polk Rd at Old Military Dr, Sisters. | May 10, 6-8pm. Whychus Canyon Preserve, outside Sisters, Sisters. Contact: 541330-0017. Pull Pedal Paddle Race Strategy Kayaking Clinic Wed, May 8, 6-8pm and Sat,
May 11, 6-8pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6, Bend. Contact: 541.317.9407. $45.
Spreading its Wings
Take a trip back in time with the Ford Tri-Motor airplane By Isaac Biehl EAA Media
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ver Mother’s Day weekend, from May 9 to 12, a little piece of history will be flying over the skies of Bend and Central Oregon: A Ford Tri-Motor Airplane. The Tri-Motor was built back in 1928 as one of the original faces of commercial airliners. “It was the first airplane built to hold people and not mail,” Dale Anderson, president of Bend’s Experimental Aircraft Association, the High Desert Flyers, stated in a release. “The original airlines, the first airlines, almost all of them started with this airplane.” Many people are aware of what Henry Ford did for the automobile industry, but his work in the 1920s with these planes was another innovative feat. The planes were 50 feet long and 74 feet wide—which prompted people to call them the “Tin Goose.” Ford only built 199 Tri-Motors in total. Eight of them remain air-worthy in 2019. Two fly fulltime as tour planes. The model coming to the Bend Municipal Airport is the Tri-Motor 5-AT-B, which is serial No. 8. Pilot Colin Soucy tells me they call this one “Big Ford,” since it’s bigger than the other Ford model that flies regularly and holds 10 people. The first flight for this particular model was on Dec. 1, 1928. Eventually it was sold to the Transcontinental Air Transport in January of 1929, which sparked the initial birth of westbound transcontinental commercial flights from New York to Los Angeles. While it definitely wasn’t the flight experience we’re accustomed to today, it paved the early airways for what commercial flying could be— and just how fast it could be done. “A transcontinental trip in the Tri-Motor took 48 hours, a vast improvement in time over other travel in that
Flight attendants originally passed out cotton balls for passengers’ ears because of the noise. The planes even had an indoor toilet.
era,” said Anderson. “The trip entailed several stops for fuel, and at night, the passengers were transferred to train sleeper cars. They would re-board the Tri-Motor each morning.” While a 48-hour flight with stops sounds rough today, Soucy recalls that at that time, if someone rode the train the whole way on a transcontinental trip, it would take 10 whole days compared to the two days by plane. Built with three engines—each with 450 horsepower—Ford wanted
to make sure that if there was a problem with an engine, the plane could still fly using the others. The decision to build the planes with all metal was a very important move, as well. Back then, most little flyers were built out of wood and would catch on fire—so the switch to aluminum is what made the Tri-Motors so sturdy and able to stand the test of time. Soucy has been flying planes for 51 years (he started when he was 13) and Tri-Motors for 27. He says the planes
travel at a cool 90 mph and at 1,000 feet in the air—which he says is perfect for sightseeing. “They have these big glass-framed windows on both sides,” says Soucy. “I tell people it’s like the sights and sounds of the 1920s.” Fly On The Ford
May 9-12, Thu., 2-5, Fri-Sun, 9am-5pm Bend Municipal Airport $72/adv. Adults, $52/adv/ child, $77/walk up.
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Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
<< LOW
21354 Starling Dr, Bend OR 97702 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,260 sq ft, .16 acres Built in 1995 $335,000 Listed by Re/Max Key Properties.
 Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;  Â&#x201C;Â&#x201D; Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2014; Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;
61594 Sunny Breeze Lane, Bend OR 97702 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 1,621 sq ft, .10 Acres Built in 2016 $585,000 Listed by Weichert, Realtors-Norwest
 Â? Â? Â? Â?   Â? Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201E; Â&#x2026; Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2021;Â&#x2C6; << HIGH
2766 NW Shields Dr, Bend OR 97703 3 Beds, 2.5 Bath, 2,759 sq ft, .16 acres Built in 2017 $1,150,000 Listed by Coldwell Banker Morris Real Estate.
Â&#x2030;Â? Â&#x160;Â&#x201A; Â&#x192;Â&#x160; Â?Â&#x201A; Â Â&#x192; Â&#x201A; Â&#x2039;
Â?Â? Â&#x152; Â Â&#x20AC; Â? Â Â Â&#x20AC; | Â&#x17D;Â&#x2C6; .Â&#x2018; Â&#x17D; Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;
ver the years of touring homes new and old, my focus has evolved from noticing the cosmetic appeal, a functional layout or dazzling finishes to now also paying attention to building practices, efficiency in design or working systems and environmentally responsible products. With my extensive background in construction, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m well versed in the standard building practices and codes. These traditional methods havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t changed very much in decades and they all add up to a lot of waste, unhealthy materials and extremely inefficient homes. In the Pacific Northwest, residential homesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;single and multi-familyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;use about 20 percent of all energy consumed. Simply reducing energy consumption is one of the easiest ways to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. By using current technology and adopting new practices, we could reduce home energy usage by 65 percent by the year 2030. It is due time to make the shift toward implementing a higher standard of practice into new homebuilding, and there are organizations out there making this easier to achieve and more understandable for builders and homeowners. Earth Advantage is a Portland-based nonprofit organization that supports and educates homeowners, architects and contractors during the building and certification process. They provide guidance, documentation, verification and communication with the United States Green Building Council, also referred to as USGBC, in order to ensure a project completes certification. Levels of certification vary from simply Earth Advantage, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and the ultimate goal: Net Zero. Since
My boyfriend dumped me and moved out of our place. I’m on the lease and can’t afford to break it, but it still feels like “our place,” and that’s making it hard to move on. My hippie friend said I should burn sage or light a candle and do a “letting go” meditation. Umm, okay. Can you please explain how rituals like this are bogus and unscientific so I can get her off my back? —Annoyed
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As I see it, lingering emotional distress like yours requires serious intervention—like sacrificing a goat on the coffee table. (Possibly two, if one doesn’t get ‘er done.) Just kidding about the goats—but only because you’d have to hire crime scene cleaners afterward, which could get seriously pricey. Research by Harvard Business School’s Michael I. Norton, among others, actually finds that rituals—symbolic activities we do with some goal in mind—seem to help us feel better: less negative, less anxious, and more in control. Amazingly, this is even true for ritual-doers who don’t believe in the rituals -- who think they’re idiotic, embarrassing, and pointless. Annoyingly, researchers aren’t quite sure why rituals have this effect on us. My guess is that we confuse the real with the symbolic. Research by cognitive neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga suggests our mind is a master spin doctor, creating stories about our behavior that make us look consistent, rational, and smart. And no sooner does it come up with those stories than it turns right around and believes them. In short, our mind is under the impression that we’re not stupid—that if we do something, we must have a good reason. In other words, your friend is on to something—and you might use this to get her onto another thing: a ladder in your living room. I suggest a painting ritual—painting over your old life (in stylin’ new hues, of course) to transform the house you shared with your ex into a colorful new home of your own. Per the research on ritual, ceremony would be an essential part of this -including explicitly calling what you’re doing a “ritual” and saying a few words, the way you would at a funeral. Incorporate a ceremonial tearing-up of a photo of the two of you together, and have your friends chant, “Out, out, Steve! You are no longer welcome here!” Then have everybody accompany you to toss the pieces into the dumpster.
Admittedly, this ritual will probably seem seriously silly while you’re doing it, but you can just choose to buy into it and have a good time. While you’re at it, give your friend some props. She was on the right track in helping you rid your home of the Ghost of Boyfriend Past—despite suggesting burning a small bunch of cooking herbs when it probably seemed nothing short of arson would do the job.
Tents Situation I read in Bon Appetit about this woman who takes all her dates to Olive Garden to see whether they judge her when she pockets all the leftover breadAmy Alkon sticks. Okay, whatever. But what I wanna see is whether somebody’s a good person. What kind of dates do you suggest for determining a potential boyfriend’s character and values? —Concerned Woman People often say you can discover a person’s true character from how they treat the waiter. And sure, rudeness to a waiter is a red flag, but it isn’t like we easily identify the sociopaths among us because they summon the server referee-style, by blowing a whistle. It helps to consider the roots of good behavior—moral behavior, that is: why people are good to other people. Evolutionary cognitive scientists Dan Sperber and Nicolas Baumard explain that “People may behave morally because they intrinsically value doing so—a genuine moral reason—or in order to gain the approval of others.” But there’s a complication: We all care about our reputation and doing things that put us in the best light, which is to say both the worst people and the best people behave better when they know they’re being watched. A person’s true character will come out over time. But there’s a way to speed up the dirtbag detection process: observe a person’s behavior under harsh conditions. In other words, consider getting kidnapped and held hostage together by the Albanian mob—or, if that’s a little impractical for you, go camping or even just hike some challenging trail. When the chips are down (like if you get injured), that’s when you see: Is he there for you, or is he the type to leave you to die in the wilderness? “I’d totally make a tourniquet for you, but this is a $400 Burberry shirt. Good luck!”
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (
© 2019, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Here’s a message from author Susan J. Elliott: “This is not your week to run the Universe. Next week is not looking so good either.” Now here’s a message from me: Elliott’s revelation is very good news! Since you won’t have to worry about trying to manage and fine-tune the Universe, you can focus all your efforts on your own self-care. And the coming weeks will be a favorable time to do just that. You’re due to dramatically upgrade your understanding of what you need to feel healthy and happy, and then take the appropriate measures to put your new insights into action. CANCER (June 21-July 22): The next three weeks will be an excellent time to serve as your own visionary prophet and dynamic fortune-teller. The predictions and conjectures you make about your future destiny will have an 85-percent likelihood of being accurate. They will also be relatively free of fear and worries. So I urge you to give your imagination permission to engage in fun fantasies about what’s ahead for you. Be daringly optimistic and exuberantly hopeful and brazenly self-celebratory.
statements are half-true. The other half of the truth is that desire can also be a profoundly healing and rejuvenating force, and for the same reasons: it rearranges what we think we want, alters plans, and unleashes unthought-of possibilities. How does all this relate to you? From what I can tell, you are now on the cusp of desire’s two overlapping powers. What happens next could be upsetting or healing, disorienting or rejuvenating. If you’d like to emphasize the healing and rejuvenating, I suggest you treat desire as a sacred gift and a blessing. 541-300-1067
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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “So much of what we learn about love is taught by people who never really loved us.” My Sagittarian friend Ellen made that sad observation. Is it true for you? Ellen added the following thoughts: so much of what we learn about love is taught by people who were too narcissistic or wounded to be able to love very well; and by people who didn’t have many listening skills and therefore didn’t know enough about us to love us for who we really are; and by people who love themselves poorly and so of course find it hard to love anyone else. Is any of this applicable to what you have experienced, Sagittarius? If so, here’s an antidote that I think you’ll find effective during the next seven weeks: identify the people who have loved you well and the people who might love you well in the future—and then vow to learn all you can from them.
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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo poet Stanley Kunitz told his students, “You must be very careful not to deprive the poem of its wild origin.” That’s useful advice for anyone who spawns anything, not just poets. There’s something unruly and unpredictable about every creative idea or fresh perspective that rises up in us. Do you remember when you first felt the urge to look for a new job or move to a new city or search for a new kind of relationship? Wildness was there at the inception. And you needed to stay in touch with the wildness so as to follow through with practical action. That’s what I encourage you to do now. Reconnect with the wild origins of the important changes you’re nurturing. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I have no complaints about the measures you’ve taken recently to push past unnecessary limits and to break outworn taboos. In fact, I celebrate them. Keep going! You’ll be better off without those decaying constraints. Soon you’ll begin using all the energy you have liberated and the spaciousness you have made available. But I do have one concern: I wonder if part of you is worried that you have been too bold and have gone too far. To that part of you I say: No! You haven’t been too bold. You haven’t gone too far.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Dreamt of a past that frees its prisoners.” So wrote Meena Alexander in her poem “Question Time.” I’d love for you to have that experience in the coming weeks. I’d love for you be released from the karma of your history so that you no longer have to repeat old patterns or feel weighed down by what happened to you once upon a time. I’d love for you to no longer have to answer to decayed traditions and outmoded commitments and lost causes. I’d love for you to escape the pull of memories that tend to drag you back toward things that can’t be changed and don’t matter any more. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Desire is a profoundly upsetting force,” writes author Elspeth Probyn. “It may totally rearrange what we think we want. Desire skews plans and sets forth unthought-of possibilities.” In my opinion, Probyn’s
fantasy novelist Laini Taylor creates imaginary worlds where heroines use magic and wiles to follow their bliss while wrangling with gods and rascals. In describing her writing process, she says, “Like a magpie, I am a scavenger of shiny things: fairy tales, dead languages, weird folk beliefs, and fascinating religions.” She adds, “I have plundered tidbits of history and lore to build something new, using only the parts that light my mind on fire.” I encourage you to adopt her strategies for your own use in the coming weeks. Be alert for gleaming goodies and tricky delicacies and alluring treats. Use them to create new experiences that thrill your imagination. I believe the coming weeks will be an excellent time to use your magic and wiles to follow your bliss while wrangling with gods and rascals.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “I was always asking for the specific thing that wasn’t mine,” wrote poet Joanne Kyger. “I wanted a haven that wasn’t my own.” If there is any part of you that resonates with that defeatist perspective, Aquarius, now is an excellent time to begin outgrowing or transforming it. I guarantee you that you’ll have the potency you need to retrain yourself: so that you will more and more ask for specific things that can potentially be yours; so that you will more and more want a haven that can be your own. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I’m not a fan of nagging. I don’t like to be nagged and I scrupulously avoid nagging others. And yet now I will break my own rules so as to provide you with your most accurate and helpful horoscope. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you aren’t likely to get what you truly need and deserve in the coming days unless you engage in some polite, diplomatic nagging. So see what you can do to employ nagging as a graceful, even charming art. For best results, infuse it with humor and playfulness. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Time to shake things up! In the next three weeks, I invite you to try at least three of the following experiments. 1. See unusual sights in familiar situations. 2. Seek out new music that both calms you and excites you. 3. Get an inspiring statue or image of a favorite deity or hero. 4. Ask for a message from the person you will be three years from now. 5. Use your hands and tongue in ways you don’t usually use them. 6. Go in quest of a cathartic release that purges frustration and rouses holy passion. 7. Locate the sweet spot where deep feeling and deep thinking overlap.
Homework: Nietzsche said, “One must have chaos within oneself if one is to be a dancing star.” Are you a dancing star?
Libby Hays, DVM
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): According to science writer Sarah Zielinski in Smithsonian magazine, fireflies produce the most efficient light on planet Earth. Nearly 100 percent of the energy produced by the chemical reaction inside the insect’s body is emitted as a brilliant glow. With that in mind, I propose that you regard the firefly as your spirit creature in the coming weeks. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you, too, will be a dynamic and proficient generator of luminosity. For best results, don’t tone down your brilliance, even if it illuminates shadows people are trying to hide.
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HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENTS Barre Class Please bring a yoga mat. Barre
is a combination of pilates, ballet, yoga and strength training. Mondays, 8:30-9:30am. Through May 20. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-4102826. First class free; $9/drop-in.
Choosing Short Season Veggies
The Central Oregon chapter of OSU Master Gardeners™ presents a gardening class: Choosing Short Season Veggies. Learn how to choose and propagate seeds that will be successful in our unique growing environment. Class will be held outdoors in the garden, so please dress for the weather. May 11, 1011am. Hollinshead Community Garden, 1235 NE Jones Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-548-6088. Free.
Community Healing Flow A gentle flow
class by donation, which go to a local charity each month. Fridays, 4-5:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. By donation.
Essential Oil Learn about nutritional ther-
apy and essential oils from Season Johnson and Terrie Atkin. May 14, 9:15-10am. Eclectic Soul Athletics, 2754 NW Crossing Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-797-0119. Free.
Free Yoga at Crux (Mother’s Day!) Start your Mother’s Day off with a fun & approachable 45 minute all-levels Vinyasa Flow led by Helen from Wild Thing Yoga. Class will be held on our lawn. Don’t forget to bring your yoga mat (or beach towel) and a bottle of water. All ages and levels welcome! May 12, 9:15-10am. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend. Contact: Free. Guided Meditation for Relaxation with Christine Frazer The focus will be on
relaxation now that we are past the busy holiday season. All classes in January are free, but we are accepting donations for the non-profit Saving Grace. Thursdays, 6:45-7:30pm. The Blissful Heart ~ Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-233-7815. Free, donations accepted.
Gyrokinesis The Gyrokinesis Method is a
movement method that addresses the entire body. This class will benefit all levels of fitness and is a great modality to help improve range of motion, coordination, flexibility and mobilization of the joints to make every day movements easier! BYO mat. Thursdays, 10:45-11:45am. The Blissful Heart ~ Crystal Sanctuary, 45 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 760-271-3272. $15/class, first class is free.
Intro to Iyengar Yoga class Iyengar
Yoga is the best method for adults interested in learning correct alignment and use of props to avoid injury and maximize the beneficial effects of yoga! Stretch, strengthen and de-
stress. Nadine Sims, CIYT. May 9, 6-7:15pm. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE Third St., Bend. Contact: 541-318-1186. Free.
the adult alternative
Qigong Plus Qigong is a movement medi-
tation that enhances one’s own ability to heal, maintains health and opens new pathways to being, using breathing, sound, movements, concentration, massage, meditation. Sunday class by appointment only until Spring. Signed for hearing impaired. Contact Dawn Song, text or email only. Sundays, 12:30-1:30pm and Wednesdays, 1:30-3pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend. Contact: 541-207-7266. Donations Accepted.
Restorative and Gentle/Slow flow YOGA Monday Evening Restorative in the
tradition of Judith Lasiter Tuesday Morning Slow Flow in the tradition of Kripalu Yoga Compassionately taught by Suzanne E-RYT Kripalu School of Yoga and Health. Mondays, 5:30-6:45pm and Tuesdays, 9:30-10:45am. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 133, Bend. Contact: 240-498-1471. First class/free, 5pack intro/$40.
Tai Chi Taiji classes with Dr. Rob Neilson at Hawthorn are in the Yang style of Taiji. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: Free. Transcendental Meditation Intro Talk Introductory talk on the history, ben-
efits, and uniqueness of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique/program. Wed, May 8, 6-7pm and Wed, May 15, Noon-1pm. Downtown Bend Public Library - Hutchinson Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541633-7722. Free.
U-Jam Fitness Class Experience music and choreography from around the world, including, Latin, K-Pop, Bollywood, African and Hip-Hop. First class is free. Tue, April 16, 5:40-6:40pm and Tuesdays-Thursdays, 5:406:40pm. Through June 4. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Drive, Suite 202, Bend. Contact: 408-375-9184. $8/class. Vin/Yin Yoga Mondays-Thursdays, 3pm. First
5K RUN, 10K RU Great post-race
AY 25TH —
festivities & fabu
lous goody bags
United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541-420-1587. By donation.
Yoga An hour of yoga with Shawn Anzaldo.
BYO yoga mat. Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Princess Athletic, 945 NW Wall St., Suite 150, Bend. Free.
Zen Discussion & Meditation A
weekly lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Does not meet 12/24 or or 1/31. For more info, contact Tom. Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-6651. Free.
A portion of proceeds benefit Boys and Girls Clubs of Bend
Is the county applying a morality test to land-use decisions? By Jeremy Dickman
hile analyzing Mckenzie Canyon Farms’ site plan for a proposed marijuana production and processing facility in northern Deschutes County on May 1, Commissioner Patti Adair’s face reflected great concern. The specific discussion was with regard to noise created by the (county-mandated) 16 odor control fans constructed at the site. “Which way is the wind blowing there?” asked Adair, seemingly unaware of the typically unpredictable nature of wind. “I’m not sure about this one,” Chair Phil Henderson said pensively, referring to an engineer’s report on the devices’ noise output. “Sixteen fans is a lot.” Pushed along mainly by the skepticisms of Henderson and Adair, the Board spent 10 to 20 minutes analyzing the map, and scrutinizing an expert’s analysis of the noise output of the specific machines. They were dangerously close to approving an application for yet another marijuana grow. Try as they might to pin down a potentially fatal flaw, they were close to coming up empty. Their renewed vigor with respect to stopping the evils of the devil’s lettuce was motivated in no small part by the discussions earlier in the meeting. Representatives from Deschutes County Health Services provided testimony regarding addiction, treatment and prevention with respect to marijuana use in the County. Dr. Will Berry and Karen Tomminga, representing Deschutes County’s Behavioral Health department, which deals with individual addiction and recovery issues, testified about their experience with the effects of marijuana on patients. Berry indicated concerns with increased anxiety among marijuana users, along with potential exacerbation of symptoms related to psychosis for those patients with pre-existing risk factors for schizophrenia and other similar mental illnesses. Tomminga indicated that, while alcohol is still the number one cause for treatment at Deschutes County Behavior Health, marijuana is number two, with roughly 25 percent of patients citing marijuana as the reason for admission to treatment. Adair was not satisfied with this lukewarm indictment of marijuana. “According to my research from the book ‘Tell your Children,’” Adair said, “they actually said there was a violence component to the numbers if you looked at the state where marijuana is legalized, that there is more violence in the users.” “I have not seen that,” replied Tomminga flatly. Adair kept pressing: “The [authors of the book) studied numbers for California, Alaska, Oregon… the facts from
‘Tell Your Children’ is that it is really harmful to the developing brain.” “I agree with that,” Tomminga replied. Adair was citing the book “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence,” written by Alex Berenson. The book has been widely maligned by Ivy League-educated medical doctors and other mental health experts as an exercise in cherry-picking data to reinforce a previously held view that marijuana causes psychosis, which causes violence. In fact, “Tell Your Children” was the original working title for the 1936 film “Reefer Madness,” legendary for its ridiculous depiction of weed-crazed murderers wreaking havoc. Berenson’s book is attempting to unearth this debunked trope. Adair, feeling encouraged by Tomminga’s assent about marijuana being problematic for minors, spiked the football. “What is it, we have 8 million people getting stoned on a daily basis in this country? Though they’re not addicted?” Berry attempted to politely push back. “In my opinion the current state of the research linking marijuana use with violence … is to be decided,” he said. “It’s multi-factorial.” Berry further specified that psychosis, including schizophrenia, rarely results in violent actions by the afflicted, and in fact a person suffering from psychosis is far more likely to be a victim of violence. Reefer Madness Board members, having failed to establish that potheads tend to chop up family members and stab puppies, then attempted to outflank the research by arguing the reverse. “It’s always been true since I was in high school,” Henderson said, “that the effects [of marijuana] were ... demotivating and deincentivizing [sic] kids.” Berry replied that it was ultimately up to parents to monitor their own children. As for the fate of Mckenzie Canyon Farms, it may come down to the sins of a father. One of the co-investors in the grow has a father who may face charges for an alleged illegal marijuana grow near La Pine. Henderson made it clear he felt any connection with people facing “investigation for a major crime” would compel him to vote “no” on the basis of “health, safety overall land-use issue.” Tony DeBone, the last reasonable commissioner with respect to marijuana grows, pushed back. “That is not the province of this board,” he said. Deliberations on this application were scheduled to continue until May 8.
THE REC ROOM Crossword “It's a lot”
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearl’s Puzzle
Difficulty Level
We’re Local!
© Pearl Stark
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
“I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want ________.” — Phyllis Diller
ACROSS 1. Battle between filling stations 7. Cuckoo bananas 13. Bind legally 14. Chrome, e.g. 15. Cuckoo bananas 16. Leaves in a cafetière 17. Lawns where animated characters hang out? 19. Common female Russian name 22. The Swamp machinery: Abbr. 23. Lie 24. Read Across America org. 25. Coral ___ 27. Acted as tour guide 28. NBA star Anthony’s a coward? 34. Laundromat array 35. Word said when the lights come on 38. Stuff El Chapo doesn’t want public? 42. Soothing sound 44. Mlle.: French :: ___ : Spanish 45. Wrestler Shamrock 46. First Nation people 48. Weapon in a silo 50. Capital with suburbs Bygdøy and Grünerløkka 51. “I Like It” rapper who also makes barrels? 55. Psychological paradigm of perfection 56. Demands, as respect or payment 60. Shakespearean verses 61. ‘80s throwback jeans 62. Likely guests at golfer Sam’s wedding 63. Heart inserts
DOWN 1. Grp. making the right choices? 2. Crunch target 3. Crafty 4. Samhain religion 5. Turkish officer 6. Co. makeover 7. Decreasing instrument? 8. Getting into others’ business 9. Symbol of hard work 10. Van Morrison album regularly included in all-time best lists 11. Bother 12. Took out of context? 14. Baby’s sock 16. Sweetums 18. Riding mower brand 19. Like music you might rip 20. Jet name 21. Van Halen singer after Sammy Hagar 26. Leave quickly 29. “___ culpa” 30. Fuck up 31. WWII crafts 32. LA Kings president Robitaille 33. “Catch-22” character that practices crashes 36. Old tape comp company 37. “It should come ___ surprise” 39. Shrubs that share their name with women 40. Rank above maj. 41. One-named conservative street artist 42. What a skeleton key provides 43. Whence Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine 47. Patsy’s “Ab Fab” pal 49. Some video files 50. Speak on the dais 52. Tagged 53. Vegas actions 54. Way out? 57. Recycling bin item 58. Rock blaster, for short 59. “We’re in trouble, here,” briefly
“Newspapers are unable, seemingly to discriminate between a bicycle accident and the collapse of civilization” — George Bernard Shaw
©2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at
Sunriver Resort will host Mother's Day Brunch on Sunday, May 12 from 8:00 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1:00 p.m at Carson's American Kitchen. Call 541-593-3740 for reservations. After brunch, treat Mom to the Ultimate Mother's Day Package, with a 95 minute facial and pedicure.
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