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“ I support a free, local, WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / OCTOBER 22, 2020 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE
and independent press. ” — Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum
In these challenging times, Oregon needs, more than ever, a strong press — and a strong Attorney General Ellen led a Public Records Reform Task Force, resulting in much-needed and long-awaited reforms. Ellen received the First Freedom Award from the Oregon Society of Professional Journalists for her commitment to government transparency. Ellen has stood up for Oregonians’ affordable health care and insurance, working to cut drug prices and fight the opioid epidemic. Ellen has been a strong advocate for consumers, taking on powerful corporations and protecting seniors from scams and frauds. VOTE to Re-Elect Ellen Rosenblum as Oregon’s Attorney General. So she can keep fighting for US!
Ellen Rosenblum has dedicated her career to fighting for and protecting the people of Oregon — as a prosecutor, as a judge, and now as our Attorney General. She’s the People’s Attorney. Authorized and paid for by Elect Ellen Rosenblum for Attorney General
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com
Richard Sitts
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - Feature ENDORSEMENTS – Get our take on all the measures and all the candidates in city, county, state and national races that you’ll see on your ballot this year. Use our Vote 2020 guide as one tool in your toolbox for being an informed voter this election season. 15 - Source Picks 16 - Sound #45’s Election Rejection – A host of musicians has protested the President’s use of their songs on the campaign trail. Some are even winning that fight. 17 - Calendar 21 - Chow 23 - Screen 25 - Outside Glacier Funeral – A newly created organization held a unique memorial this weekend—for South Sister’s Clark Glacier.
Cover design by Shannon Corey. Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: darris@bendsource.com.
27 - Real Estate 28 - Advice
EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - editor@bendsource.com
29 - Astrology
REPORTER Laurel Brauns - laurel@bendsource.com
30 - Craft
REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Megan Burton - calendar@bendsource.com
31 - Puzzles
COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Bill Forman, Ari LeVaux, Jared Rasic
Floy Sitts places her ballot into the official box at Pine Nursery Park in Bend over the Oct. 17 weekend. All registered voters should have received their ballots by now. If yours hasn’t arrived, contact the Deschutes County Clerk.
SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Darris Hurst - darris@bendsource.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Shannon Corey - shannon@bendsource.com
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On the Cover: We can do this, USA! Cheers to the creative team who put this "Rosie the Riveter" shoot together: Photo by Lindsay Russell. Model: Romilly Donnell. Hair and makeup by Regan Donnell. Check out more of Russell's work at @Lindsayrussellphoto on Instagram or at lindsayrussellphotography.com
Over the past several months, my staff and I have been hard at work interviewing the many candidates running for Bend City Council, Deschutes County Commission, state legislative seats and more. In the midst of this pandemic, we took extra precautions and met each candidate outdoors, giving them a minimum of 30 minutes of time to share with us—and our readers—where they land on important issues. It’s been a punishing schedule, but it’s the type of commitment we believe a newspaper owes to its community when, subsequently, we endorse candidates in those races. Not every candidate we interviewed received our support inside the elections endorsement issue you hold in your hands, and some of our endorsements may surprise you—but we believe we’ve done our best to offer each candidate a fair shake. That’s us holding up our end of this election bargain. Yours, dear readers, is to inform yourselves about the candidates and the issues, using this newspaper, and every other credible resource you can before you cast your ballot. (Hint: Most credible options are not found on social media.) It’s uttered every election season, but it truly does feel like democracy hangs in the balance this year. Thanks for reading, and to you eligible voters out there, thanks for doing your part to uphold the values and promise that a free and fair election presents. For those who have yet to see our “My View” candidate election video series, find it in the Elections section of the home page of bendsource.com.
Chill Out, Oregon Voters. We Got This.
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y now, a great deal of fretting has been done over the state of voting amid a coronavirus pandemic. Many conspiracy theories have been thrown out about the potential for fraud in voting during a time when everyone is supposed to be social distancing. Even in Oregon—a bastion of mail-in voting and the first state to take up the practice—locals have shared their concerns. Some have worried whether the signature on file for them would match the signature they will submit on this year’s ballot. Others worried when their spouse’s ballot arrived on one day, but theirs didn’t. Others have fretted that maybe their mail carrier—the person who brought their ballots to their door in the first place— would see a campaign sign in the yard, decide they didn’t like that candidate or issue, and go rogue and discard their ballots. Oregon, you sound like the worriers from another time, or another state. Amid all of the paranoia and fear-mongering and outright lies you may be seeing on social media and out of the mouth of the person serving in the highest office in the land, you’re voting in a state that has had this in the bag longer than some of the voters on the rolls have been alive. Oregon’s voteby-mail system has been in place since 1998, and in 2020, it’s become the object of attention from other state leaders, who are wishing they had their voter-access game on point this year like we do. Point of fact: Republicans were the first to champion the system in Oregon, and right now, Oregon’s Republican Secretary of State, Central Oregonian Bev Clarno, is leading the charge for our vote-by-mail election this season. The few yahoo local Republicans who have tried to retweet the President’s fear-mongering about mail-in voter fraud deserve to be voted out the same way they were voted in —by mail. In short, we got this—and here in Oregon, it’s not a partisan maneuver, as you might be led to believe. It is completely normal for about 1% of ballots to be challenged in a typical election, Deschutes County Clerk Nancy Blankenship told the Source. It typically happens to first-timers or voters who haven’t voted in a while. Be sure to sign your ballot envelope; that’s one reason for rejection. If your ballot does get rejected,
you’ll get a notice in the mail. Follow the instructions on the card to remedy the situation. Same goes for a signature that doesn’t match: You’ll get a notice— and isn’t it nice that a real-live human is checking up to make sure someone didn’t sign your ballot on your behalf? If you’re worried about your ballot arriving, it should have done so by now. Call the Deschutes County Clerk’s office (541-388-6547) to get a new one if you don’t have yours. Same goes for a recent address change; call the clerk to get a new ballot if you don’t have yours, as you’re too late this election cycle to change your address. If you want to know if your ballot was received, visit oregonvotes.gov to find out. And if you haven’t already signed up for Informed Delivery through the U.S. Post Office, it’s worth doing so now. You’ll get a notification about mail that’s arriving on any given day, including any future ballots. Other issues? Call the clerk’s office. Helping you is what they get paid to do. And as for voter fraud, it happens— close to never. Oregon has seen voter fraud happen among 0.00001% of all votes cast since 2000. Nationwide, about 25% of voters cast their ballots by mail in 2018, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Instead of placing your fear and worry and overall energy into kvetching about your signature on your ballot, the next two weeks offer plenty of other places to put that energy. Phone banks in swing states or for one of the many candidates or measures on this year’s ballot will gladly accept you as a volunteer. Elections observers are needed. And the site, protectthevote.net, is still accepting volunteers. Peruse our endorsements found later in this issue and use them—along with the videos we’ve recorded, and the many Zoom and other online interviews other groups have conducted to be an informed voter this election season. But chill out, Oregon voters. We got this. Get a lot more information on local elections by listening to our Bend Don’t Break podcast, featuring an interview with Deschutes County Clerk Nancy Blankenship. Find it in the Video & Podcasts section at bendsource.com.
If you follow the news closely you’ve probably read/heard that climate scientists are predicting that “unprecedented” and “once in a generation” events like the devastating wildfires and severe drought this year could become alarmingly more frequent in the future. It turns out that we don’t have 20-30 years to prepare for the effects of climate change;
Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
climate change is already here. This November we need to elect leaders who believe in science including individuals with deep expertise in natural resource management. In Deschutes County, we are fortunate to have Phil Chang running for County Commissioner. Chang has more than two decades of experience in natural resource management, with the majority of that experience in Central Oregon. In addition to being one of the founders of the Deschutes Collaborative Forest Project (DCFP), Chang has extensive experience with water conservation projects including working with Senator Merkley on irrigation modernization projects. What I like most about Phil Chang is his collaborative approach to solving big problems. With the DCFP he brought together timber industry representatives, environmentalists and firefighters to implement forest restoration and fuels reduction projects across 120,000 acres. The Board of County Commissioners currently lacks expertise in natural resource management and instead of taking meaningful actions to reduce the risk of wildfires they seem more interested in wasting County staff time (>200 hours) and thousands of taxpayer dollars fighting with the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Please join me in voting for Phil Chang on November 3rd! —Adrian Jones
someone is charged for heroin, they can get a costly (to the taxpayers) ticket to jail in minutes. Why not get these people a ticket to rehab, or treatment instead? Jailing addicts has never worked, but treatment can. Measure 110 would save millions in tax dollars by no longer treating addiction with a jail sentence, and at the same time offer treatment to those afflicted. I am sure that everyone knows someone who is suffering from addiction, a kid, a parent, a friend. These people deserve to have a chance. I am calling on central Oregon, to help pass measure 110, and offer these people compassion. —Ian Light
The Bend-La Pine School Board will soon be making the most important decision during their tenure in office. The selection of someone to lead our district is a critical one. The times are changing, and the School District has different challenges. With an increasing minority population (Latinos now comprise close to 10%), teacher training must include inclusion. The graduation rates need much improvement and homeless and special needs children have a deep need. The superintendent, as the supervisor of all students and staff, should have a command of the multi-million dollar budget and how it is spent.
Teachers and staff deserve a professional salary and proper educational tools should be available to ensure a first-class educational experience. I sat on two school boards in my educational career and have been involved in superintendent searches. Seeking community, teaching, student and parental input is essential in this process. I believe that our current school board is up to the task. —Richard Asadoorian
Letter of the Week:
Ah, something to think about besides the current elections— yet a position just as important as any elected one. Thanks, Richard. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! —Nicole Vulcan
Two years ago I was addicted to opiates. I was fortunate enough to have insurance through my parents. I was able to get help with little to no cost to me. Most Oregonians are not so lucky. There are people suffering in our state daily. When these people are charged for their drug use, this limits options for work tremendously. Too long have we treated addiction with jails. It’s time for Oregon to take a progressive step and offer addicts the help they need. If
Deciding on who to vote for is perhaps your most important—and impactful task in the coming weeks. We'll help you get there by continuing to share our videos with candidates, along with ongoing analysis of the current election. Start your day with Central Oregon’s best source for news and local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS
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Control is the power to make the decisions that determine human purpose. It can be about the freedom of an individual to decide their own purpose or the power of the government to mandate what everyone can do or say. The United States of America’s Constitution is about the elevation of specific individual rights to decide, such as free speech and bearing arms, so that these rights are beyond the government’s ability to totally take them away. Thus, we have God-given rights instead of government mandated rights. To further protect the right of all individuals to decide, we also have a complex system that is so convoluted it is very difficult for anyone to overcome these barriers to gain total control of government. This system includes the checks and balances of the executive, the judiciary and the legislative branches of government, the electoral college and state’s rights. This system was designed to limit the power of government as well as the power of any group, be it a minority or a majority. Who is most likely to protect your right to decide? Is it the career politician who has served over 40 years during a massive expansion of Federal and executive power, or is it the non-career politician who has much less long-term vested interest in the centralized power of Washington, D.C., politics? Exercise your power by voting! —Dave Kyle
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com.
We’ve spent months interviewing candidates to arrive at these endorsements. To see the interviews that helped us make our decisions, visit the Elections section on our home page, bendsource.com.
Vote Melanie Kebler, Bend City Council Pos. 1
Vote Chris Piper for Bend City Council Pos. 3
Bend’s City Council position 1 race has two qualified and competent candidates running—and while the position is nonpartisan, the two bring differing backgrounds and philosophies. While it’s true that a city council’s role lies in handling the mundane business of roads and sewers and city codes, increasingly it’s clear that Bend also is sorely in need of cultural and moral leadership. As an example of how the rubber meets the road in this regard, when offered the recent opportunity to support the formation of a Human Rights and Equity Commission, current Councilor Justin Livingston voted against. Melanie Kebler was in support. Kebler is an attorney and an engaged resident who’s gained a deep understanding of City Council business by regularly live-tweeting from Council meetings, helping us all stay better informed. While Livingston has served as a relatively even-handed councilor, too many votes that appear strictly oppositional—such as a recent vote, along with Councilor Bill Moseley—against referring the critical city transportation bond to the ballot, have us concerned. Kebler is a proponent of supporting affordable housing by taking a deep look at city codes that could be changed to get more housing built, such as altering parking codes for multi-family projects, or finding other ways to incentivize builders to construct more “missing middle” housing like townhomes and microhomes. As the mother of a young child, she’s also a proponent of getting the city more involved in solving the child care crisis. And Kebler believes that timely communication with the public is key to the role—one thing we especially hope she, and the rest of the Council, takes up. Vote Melanie Kebler for Bend City Council Position 1.
With two veteran councilors walking away this year—including one moderate and one decidedly conservative councilor—the next iteration of the Bend City Council is undoubtedly going to look very different. We’d be pleased to see a progressive council that's also not afraid to stand up to powerful private interests—and at the same time, we recognize that having keen moderates on the Council will also help to bridge some of the partisan divides that invade even our small city. Chris Piper has demonstrated an ability to be that moderate voice who actually listens to constituents—a role he takes seriously enough to suggest that the Bend City Council be afforded administrative support to help the Council stay on top of the voluminous correspondence and requests from Bend residents. Listening to constituents and finding common ground is more important than ever, and Piper has been strong in both respects. Piper cannot be faulted for the controversy around his initial appointment to the Council; that was a decision made by the mayor and the rest of the existing Council. He can, however, be accountable for what he did after, which, by our accounting, included obtaining a local job when he was criticized for being a telecommuter, and working hard to be a moderate, measured voice on the Council. Piper’s work to cut costs to building and speed up affordable housing projects is admirable and needed—but we’ll be watching closely to see whether his acceptance of funds from the Central Oregon Association of Realtors elicits any votes that favor the powerful over the less fortunate. We sincerely admire the work opponent Megan Perkins is doing in founding Embrace Bend and advocating for a more inclusive culture in the City, but we believe she can continue to build on that important work in the community. Vote Chris Piper for Bend City Council Pos. 3.
Vote Anthony Broadman, Bend City Council Pos. 2 Vote Rita Schenkelberg Bend City Council Pos. 4 As City Councilor Bill Moseley’s dramatic tenure comes to an end, we welcome the progressive idealism Anthony Broadman will bring to this seat. Where Moseley’s attitude was often cavalier and self-absorbed, Broadman will represent Bend’s blue voters with measured pragmatism. As an indigenous rights lawyer, Broadman’s life’s work is centered on advocating for the underserved in federal court. At 41, he has a realistic perspective on how much Bend will grow and change in his lifetime and supports the transportation bond as the first step. Broadman has already shown city leadership by spearheading the effort to expand restaurant seating downtown in order to help some beloved local businesses survive the pandemic fallout. Unlike current city councilors, Broadman is ready to address the housing crisis with bold solutions, such as a city-supported effort to build a permanent winter warming shelter for people without homes in the Bend community. Broadman did accept $10,000 this summer from the Central Oregon Association of Realtors, an organization that is against affordable housing mandates in new developments: We’ll be keeping an eye on Broadman’s votes related to inclusionary zoning in the coming years. Broadman can be trusted as an authentic champion of equity, diversity and inclusivity: He’s already introduced proposals to the current City Council to provide child care for those who want to engage in the civic process, and he supports providing stipends for city councilors and those serving on committees in order to include new voices in City affairs. Broadman’s opponent, August Johnson, has different views on how Bend will accommodate growth: He wants to expand the urban growth boundary and “protect” single-family neighborhoods. Given that Portland State University’s population forecast predicts Bend will grow by another 50,000 residents over the next 20 years, Broadman’s proclivity for density and urban infill projects like the Bend Core Area presents a more realistic solution for Bend’s future. Vote Anthony Broadman Bend City Council Position 2.
Bend City Councilor Bruce Abernethy, who is not running for re-election, has served as both a Bend City Councilor and Mayor on and off for the last 20 years. During that time he’s gone from a die-hard champion of Bend’s “slow growth” movement to a more moderate voice in City politics. He was raised in an era where neo-liberal politics were gospel, and his retirement from City Council opens the door for a new generation of progressive thinkers to enter the debate. Rita Schenkelberg, 29, is part of a rising movement of socially minded liberals willing to stand up for inclusivity and equity and challenge the status quo. She wants to prioritize the City’s response to global warming, something that she says feels urgent as a millennial facing the stress of an uncertain future. Schenkelberg is a renter with direct experience in the city’s affordable housing crisis. We hope this translates into a City Councilor willing to challenge the city’s building and real estate lobbies that have dominated city politics through the backdoor for far too long. She’s also a mental health professional. Local calls to 911 involving mental health crises have gone up by more than 200% over the last 10 years. Schenkelberg has already suggested building out the City’s current crisis response team with even more trained mental health professionals, similar to the CAHOOTS program in Eugene. Michael Hughes, a local cannabis attorney, also threw his hat in the ring for this seat. He offered some innovative ideas about supporting BIPOCowned businesses with the City’s marijuana taxes, and decriminalizing minor drug possession. But Hughes was not as fluent on the City Council’s most pressing issues as candidates like Schenkelberg, Melanie Kebler and Anthony Broadman. Hughes ran for Mayor in 2018, which means he had plenty of time to do his homework. Vote Rita Schenkelberg for Bend City Council Pos. 4
Vote Phil Chang for Deschutes County Commissioner
Vote Scott Schaier for Deschutes County Sheriff More attention has been placed on law enforcement agencies in recent months, and with that comes a more informed conversation around the impact that its leaders can have on an organization. As Central Oregon grows and changes, we believe it’s time for new leadership at the Deschutes County Sheriff’s office. While L. Shane Nelson has been a strong leader for the office, too many instances of poor officer behavior and insider ball have happened on his watch. Nelson’s admission during our endorsement interview that he offers a daily, voluntary report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement about foreign nationals inside the jail did not sit well either. What’s more, his earlier support for repealing sanctuary law in Oregon was not the direction we wanted to see for a sheriff in a rapidly growing and diversifying county. Scott Schaier, on the other hand, would end the practice of sharing ICE information at the jail. Schaier, a candidate with fresher ideas overall, hails from the Bend Police department and plans to rapidly implement an officer wellness program for DCSO, similar to the nationally recognized one at BPD. Nelson said he’s doing that too—but it wasn’t until this campaign season that we saw it start to happen in earnest. We also like Schaier’s idea to name an undersheriff for DSCO—as strong leadership gets stronger with more supports like that. Both candidates have faced unfortunate events in their careers that we’d rather not see happening; Schaier was involved in the shooting death of Tyler Jacques in downtown Bend; Nelson was recently involved in a deadly highspeed chase, and bears the ultimate responsibility for the undesirable behavior of the officers who work under him. Ultimately though, we believe it’s time for new blood at DCSO. Vote Scott Schaier for Deschutes County Sheriff. Continued on p. 8
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For most voters in Deschutes County, the County Commissioner position is not something to spend a lot of time worrying about. However, it’s one of the most powerful elected positions in the region. Commissioners play an oversight role for public health—which has never been more meaningful than during the pandemic. They also oversee the sheriff’s department, community justice, solid waste, fairgrounds and roads. We consider this vote the most important one in Deschutes County. We hope you’ll vote for change. It’s become exhausting to watch the incumbent, Phil Henderson, continue to lob costly and misguided appeals at the state because he has a “vision” for Central Oregon that spreads out, rather than up. In his attempt to turn nonprime farmlands into developable land he has made our county a laughingstock at the state level. His vision is simply another word for sprawl, and for anyone with the misfortune to sit in the ever-slowing tide of traffic moving up and down Hwy. 97, Henderson’s vision is a nightmare. Henderson’s inability to focus his energies on the possible has resulted in a laundry list of missed opportunities. He continues to spend countless county hours fighting marijuana businesses, regardless of the sea change in public opinion on the matter. He voted against the Bend Area Core special taxing district which gives a much-needed boost to redevelopment and had the temerity to reject a proposal from Bend-LaPine Schools to put a trained public health professional specialist in the high schools to prevent suicide and addiction. Phil Chang is a strong contrast, with a vision for the County grounded in current realities. His background in natural resources and as a renewable energy specialist will be a strong addition to the makeup of the commission. Foremost, he is a proponent of infill, which could drastically reduce the cost of growth and should allow the County to get back to the possible rather than tilting at development windmills. Chang has proposed donating parcels of land in the county to build affordable housing—a refreshing sign, because that’s possible under existing land use law. Perhaps more importantly, Chang speaks to the mental health crisis the County faces. When the County lost Tammy Baney as a commissioner, it lost its greatest champion of mental health services. As we look to recover from
the pandemic and the enormous fallout from sequestration for our community’s weakest members, we’ll need someone like Chang who recognizes that funding will need to shift to those struggling to recover. Vote Phil Chang for Deschutes County Commissioner.
Vote Eileen Kiely Oregon Senate District 27
Tim Knopp has been serving in District 27 (Redmond, Tumalo, Sunriver and Bend) since 2013 and during his tenure, the votes he has cast are stacking up against him. He voted against the Student Success Act, which will bring in an estimated $18 million to Bend-La Pine Schools. He was among the Republican senators to walk out of the 2019 session to block the cap and trade bill. While Knopp claims to support affordable housing, and sits on the board of First Story (a nonprofit providing assistance to firsttime homebuyers), he voted against Oregon’s landmark bill in 2019 to protect tenants from skyrocketing rents. And he’s the executive vice president of the Central Oregon Builders Association, a group that opposed Bend’s Affordable Housing Fee, which has provided millions for housing Bend’s working families since 2006. Eileen Kiely—who’s both served in the military and worked in corporate America—appears to be able to bring an assertive voice to Salem. Kiely has stated she will enthusiastically support the state’s effort to introduce “cap and trade” policies for carbon emissions, and help sell the idea to conservative skeptics. During her tenure as finance controller for Daimler Trucks, she gained experience adjusting to new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards, which eventually led to higher profits through reducing fuel costs. Despite the fact that Knopp penned an argument in favor of Measure 107 for campaign finance reform, he’s received thousands from out-of-state anti-abortion groups, Big Pharma (Gilead Sciences, PhARM, Johnson & Johnson), and corporations like Nike, Amazon, Comcast and Chevron. We don’t see this trend continuing with Kiely. Vote Eileen Kiely for Oregon Senate District 27.
Vote Jack Zika for Oregon House District 53 Throughout this campaign, Jack Zika has riffed about being “the housing guy.” While said lightheartedly, Zika has indeed had some big wins for housing for both Bend and Redmond in the two years he’s served as representative. He was behind the bill establishing a state pilot program that carved out land outside both Bend and Redmond’s urban growth boundaries for hundreds of new affordable housing units. Zika, a Republican, partnered with House Speaker Tina Kotek, a Democrat, on HB 2001, which allows for more housing types, such as duplexes, in residential zones, and he serves on Oregon’s Task Force on Addressing Racial Disparities in Home Ownership. As a real estate agent and the president of the Central Oregon Realtors Association, “the housing guy” may sometimes favor policies supporting types of real estate that don’t alleviate the housing crisis. COAR, for example, advocated for allowing vacation rental permits to follow with the sale of a property. What’s more, Zika’s belief in pushing for “regional solutions” around Oregon land use law is overambitious and unrealistic. But by and large, Zika’s bipartisan work around addressing the housing issue makes it difficult for us to advocate for firing him this time around. His participation, as a freshman legislator, in the Republican walkouts was a big strike, but when we asked him about it, Zika assured us he is no climate-change denier. Zika’s opponent, Emerson Levy, shows some promise as a future Central Oregon leader, but we believe she needs some more time spent in the region, diving into the issues before representing us. Vote Jack Zika for Oregon House District 53.
Vote Jason Kropf for Oregon House District 54
We would love to be framing this endorsement solely around the various positive attributes these two candidates bring in representing Bend in the Oregon State Legislative Assembly. We’d love to focus on voting records and backgrounds, as we do with most campaigns. Unfortunately, this race has been positively stained by a voracious string of attack ads and accusations that lead us to only one conclusion: We cannot stand by and let the vicious imaginations of state and local Republicans and their digital marketing gurus begin to infect Central Oregon politics in the way we are seeing now. At their face, both Cheri Helt and Jason Kropf are established politicians with records we can look to in order to glean their readiness and efficacy as leaders representing us in Salem. Helt is a successful businessperson; Kropf a longtime deputy district attorney. We philosophically agree more with Kropf’s policy proposals, but Helt, too, has proven to be able to reach across the aisle and to think independently even amid the pull of party politics. But during this campaign, Helt has put out numerous attack ads that have gotten even more nasty and twisted as time wears on. The most recent string of attacks—which Helt defended during the recent debate we co-hosted with other local media partners—alleges that Kropf, a deputy district attorney with no managerial responsibilities, was somehow culpable for the atmosphere of “harassment and intimidation” in the office where he works. Earlier this year, Kropf’s former co-worker, Jasmyn Troncoso, filed a claim against the Deschutes County District Attorney’s office, alleging she’d left the office due to the toxic work environment. Let’s be very clear: All people who allege things of this nature should be listened to and afforded due process to determine whether any alleged wrongdoing warrants further action. No woman—or man—deserves to face sexual or racial harassment in the workplace. At the same time, we do not believe that Kropf—a co-worker who served in no managerial role, and who was essentially in a lateral position as Troncoso, and who also was not named in Troncoso’s complaint—should bear any blame or responsibility for the allegations Troncoso is levying. Even the recent allegation by Helt that Kropf’s campaign had a hand in the efforts by the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association to get Troncoso to remain silent during the campaign appears to be a stretch aimed at lobbing any and all negative attention Kropf’s way. What’s more, Kropf has denied knowing anything about that attempt to silence Troncoso, and gave back the campaign cash he got from the Trial Lawyers once he heard about the effort. Amid the mudslinging, Kropf appears to be ascribing to the philosophy of, “when they go low, we go high,” attempting to focus his messaging around his fitness for office, and also Helt’s recent voting record. While some might see this as timid, it’s the type of campaigning we want to see in local politics: Focused on the issues, not loose associations that sound sexy in a TV ad. We also agree with the reasoning offered by a host of nonprofit groups that publicly announced continued support of Kropf this week: To drag an alleged harassment victim’s story into campaign ads could very well create a “chilling effect” for other victims, who may be reluctant to come forward in the future for fear that their experiences will be used for political gain. The fact that Helt—who has spoken of doing away with the ideological partisanship that has dragged our country so low in recent years—has approved and defended the decision to drag an alleged sexual harassment victim into her ads shows us she may not be as committed to decency as she professes. Jason Kropf is an experienced attorney, a longtime advocate for kids through the Court Appointed Special Advocates program, and a Bend Park and Recreation District board member whose votes on the board have shown a commitment to public process and standing up to powerful interests in Bend. He will be a solid, measured and prepared legislator for Bend in Salem. Vote Jason Kropf for Oregon House District 54.
Vote Shemia Fagan for Oregon Secretary of State
In the race for Oregon’s Attorney General—the position responsible for enforcing state laws and advocating on behalf of the state in federal (and other) courts—only one of the candidates on the ballot is an attorney, making the choice in this race relatively simple. Ellen Rosenblum served as a federal prosecutor and judge before first becoming attorney general in 2012. She’s a progressive candidate who’s worked to strengthen hate crime laws in the state, as well as developing a statewide bias-crime hotline to track issues of discrimination. She’s strong on environmental policy, taking dozens of legal actions against the Trump administration on deregulation and other environmental issues. She’s also an advocate for affordable health care and is currently defending the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court. Rosenblum’s opponents include Republican Michael Cross, best known for his attempt to recall Gov. Kate Brown, and Libertarian Lars Hedbor. Neither has the experience to succeed in this role, so the race should go to Rosenblum. Vote Ellen Rosenblum for Oregon’s Attorney General.
Deciding who to support in the Secretary of State race has come with much discussion and challenges, but Democratic nominee, Shemia Fagan, is the candidate we find most ready for the job. Amid a field of candidates in the primary, we opted to endorse Jamie McLeod-Skinner, while also lamenting that McLeod-Skinner did not choose to run for Rep. Greg Walden’s seat once again. The Secretary of State serves many pivotal roles, not the least of which is conducting audits of state agencies and maintaining a check on the levers of power elsewhere in the state. Amid a Democratic supermajority (a situation that can demonstrate the tyrannical failings of a two-party system) having someone willing and ready to stand up to power—even power in one’s own party—when handling audits or election-season issues is key. Both recent Republican Secretaries of State, the late Dennis Richardson and his appointed successor, Bev Clarno, have demonstrated the value in strong leadership without partisan leanings, and we hope their successor takes cues from them. With Oregon not having a lieutenant governor, however, the Secretary of State serves as the successor to the Governor—a prospect that should not be taken lightly. While both Fagan and her opponent Kim Thatcher have plenty of experience serving as state legislators and understanding the architecture of state government, we believe Fagan’s values and voting record better reflect those of wider Oregon. We expect whoever wins this seat to take off their partisan hat and to serve all Oregonians with fairness and an eye for efficient, effective state government, but our support goes to Fagan. Continued on p. 10
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Christina Fitzmaurice, MD, MPH Hematologist/Oncologist St. Charles Cancer Center
CANCER RISK FACTORS, PREVENTION AND THE “BAD LUCK THEORY” Nov. 16 | 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. Confronted with a cancer diagnosis, every patient faces the “why me?” question. In this talk, Dr. Christina Fitzmaurice, a St. Charles Cancer Center hematologist and oncologist, will explore the great knowns and unknowns of cancer risk and prevention strategies. She’ll explain well-known common risk factors, but also explore exciting new insights into less-known determinants of cancer risks like the human microbiome.
Vote Ellen Rosenblum for Attorney General
Vote Yes on Measure 107 – Campaign Finance Reform
Vote Yes on Measure 107 to amend the Oregon constitution and allow state and local governments to put campaign contribution limits in place. If this passes, it gives Oregon lawmakers the green light to draw up regulations around limiting contributions. The influence of multinational corporations and wealthy donors has disproportionally tipped the scales away from the average voter in American politics— and Oregon’s state politics. Oregon is one of seven states that allows corporations to donate money. In 2019, corporate interests donated half of what lawmakers raised. You may be surprised to learn that Oregon leads the nation in per-capita corporate donations. This is not a healthy accolade for our body politic. “The most common effect isn’t what you do. It’s the bills that you never submit, much less fight for,” former Oregon Secretary of State Phil Keisling told The Oregonian. The cost of campaigning has also become prohibitively expensive. In 2016, the cost of running for a seat in the Oregon House was nearly $250,000, twice what it costs in neighboring Washington. The 2018 race for governor broke state records, with both candidates raising $40 million. But the key to this amendment lies in the message it sends to state lawmakers, some of whom have used campaign funds to pay for lavish dinners, hotels and vacations. They’ll be challenged next year to place limits on themselves.
Vote Yes on Measure 108 - Vape Tax Measure 108 would create a tax on nicotine vaping and heated tobacco products. Under the ballot measure, the monies would first go to the administration and enforcement of the tax. The remaining revenue would then be allocated to the Oregon Health Authority for medical and health care-assistance programs, including mental health services and other programs concerning tobacco and nicotine health issues. “Sin taxes” by their nature are unfair. They often hit our most vulnerable population, and this measure is no exception. While this measure appears to be a slam dunk yes vote, opponents of the measure have rightly pointed out that people attempting to stop smoking do use vaping as a successful means to quit. That said, vaping is not a healthy alternative. As more research continues to pour out on this relatively new addition to the pantheon of sinful products, it would be good if there was a higher bar for use. In addition, these products are currently not taxed at all—and there is no denying that their use does have an impact on the health system. Deriving some additional revenue from vaping is a necessary part of the commerce of these products, or at least it should be. Vote yes on Measure 108.
Vote Yes on Measure 109 – Clinical Use of Psilocybin Measure 109 legalizes
the use of the plant medicine psilocybin in a clinical setting. It was spearheaded by two Portland therapists, Sheri and Thomas Eckert, who have been working to make psilocybin legal and accessible for years. Psilocybin may induce an altered state of consciousness with feelings of euphoria, visual and mental hallucinations, changes in perception, a distorted sense of time as well as spiritual experiences. The Eckerts say the medicine works to shift reoccurring neurological loops, breaking the cycle of intrusive flashbacks that debilitate people suffering from ongoing trauma and depression. A trained therapist can help clients integrate their psilocybin experience and improve their outlook on life and sense of well-being, proponents say. The passage of Measure 109 doesn’t mean new psilocybin stores on every street corner. Instead, the medicine will only be available through licensed psilocybin therapists (within licensed clinics) who will control dosage and screen out people who may be prone to negative side effects. The Oregon
Health Authority will be charged with licensing, training and ongoing educational requirements. Critics of the measure argue that it will create a medical model around a form of therapy that indigenous cultures have been using for centuries. In reality, the Oregon Supreme Court has officially honored the religious use of hallucinogens as a First Amendment right since the 1980s. This measure cracks open a door that has been bolted shut since the Controlled Substances Act made psilocybin a Schedule I drug in 1970. Promising research began in the 1960s that demonstrated psilocybin could help with alcoholism, depression and anxiety. That research has seen a renaissance in recent years at institutions like Johns Hopkins University and Harvard University, and in 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration designated psilocybin as a “breakthrough therapy” for treating major depressive disorder. Oregon ranks dead last in the country for high rates of mental illness combined with low access to care. Add that to the isolation and economic fallout caused by the pandemic and we have a crisis that calls out for innovative solutions. Measure 109 presents the opportunity to not only help Oregonians, but make history in the process.
Vote Yes on Measure 110 – Drug Decriminalization We are all veterans of the
War on Drugs. And at this point, we have little to show for it. Unfortunately, the history of this conflict is one where community members suffering from addiction have been thrown in jail and branded as criminals for life. But the tide is turning. This election, voters have the opportunity to extend folks some needed medical and mental health treatment. Measure 110 decriminalizes the possession of drugs for personal use. (Yes, that means people with small amounts of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc. won’t be charged.) It funnels some of the state’s growing cannabis tax revenue into addiction treatment services. The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission declared last year that Oregon has one of the worst substance-abuse problems in the country and also ranks the worst for access to treatment services. In many places in Oregon, people have no access to treatment at all. For those on the Oregon Health Plan, the only rehabs that accept it have month-long waiting lists. Meanwhile, the state spends $1 billion a year keeping small time drug offenders behind bars and wastes tax dollars on arresting and prosecuting people for minor drug possession—not to mention the decades of documented drug policies that have kept Oregon’s BIPOC community jailed at rates much higher than the general population. Portugal decriminalized drugs in 2001; today it has one of the lowest overdose rates in Europe along with the least drug-related HIV infections. The New York-based Drug Policy Alliance, along with Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder), has raised millions to support Measure 110. If passed, Oregon would be the first state to decriminalize personal possession. Oregon Recovers, a lobbying group for the rehab industry, is against the measure, essentially because they didn’t write it and weren’t consulted. While you might see the recovery community campaigning against the measure, a large part of that opposition come from the fact that Oregon Recovers has its own plan to raise revenue for state-funded treatment through a tax on alcohol. That tax has already failed five times in Oregon, and our community cannot wait. Vote Yes on Measure 110.
Vote No on Deschutes County Prohibition on New Pot Businesses Is there anyone else out there that yearns for the return of a pro-business Republican party? Where have the champions of the invisible hand of the free market gone? They’re certainly not sitting in the halls of the Deschutes County Board of Commissioners, where voters are being treated to another Phil Henderson and Patti Adairconcocted measure to cater to a micro-set of voters impacted by an agricultural product that they deem sinful. This measure is the result of the very real and costly failures the county has suffered at the state level around marijuana and the very real prospect that continued efforts in this area will be deemed unconstitutional through litigation. To stop this, the commissioners need a local measure to stem their anti-business loss. The most amusing part of the measure is the idea that the commissioners are responding to rural voters who support the measure and say that these lawful agricultural operations are disturbing their way of life. This is a constituency of folks who live on rural land and
as they piddle around with hobby farms, cost the county negative $25 million, by some estimates. While there may be some legitimate commercial interests here, for the most part these are lifestyle folks who wouldn’t know the right end of a plow if it pushed them under. What’s more, we suspect that a great many of those opposed to marijuana growing do not understand that much of the “pot” they are seeing in their communities is actually hemp—which is legal even by federal law these days. The ultimate irony here is while Henderson is out campaigning this election on his expensive attempts to change land-use law around “non-prime farm lands” to development, he’s backhanding the very industry that found a way to turn these non-prime lands to profit. A “no” vote on this means that new marijuana businesses can at least try to get new, legal, and law-abiding licenses approved, even while an anti-marijuana regime reigns in the halls of county government. Oh my…Vote no on this senseless measure.
Vote YES on 9-135 – City of Bend Transportation Bond Why now?
Vote YES on 9-139 – Deschutes Public Library Bond
As Deschutes County’s population has more than doubled, library use has significantly increased—and our libraries have not expanded since the 1990s.
13.12% of voters in As of press time Oct. 20, about turned in their ballots. Deschutes County had already on the same day of the Compare that to 2016, when County was 4.95%, tes election, voter turnout in Deschu nty Clerk. according to the Deschutes Cou
The library has not asked for a new bond initiative for 23 years and has paid off all tax debt. Now is the time to upgrade all libraries across the county! Our libraries were built before technology needs were considered, and library customers now need modern resources and spaces.
¡Es hora de votar!
What will a YES vote support?
Los candidatos en la zona centro de Oregon y de otras zonas más lejanas que respalda The Weekly Source
We love our neighborhood libraries, and they all need upgrades! Modern technology, resources and more spaces will be added to our East Bend, Downtown Bend, Sisters, La Pine and Sunriver locations.
Por el consejo editorial de The Source / Traducido por Jéssica Sánchez-Millar Consejo municipal de la ciudad de Bend Posición Posición Posición Posición
1 2 3 4
– – – –
Melanie Kebler Anthony Broadman Chris Piper Rita Schenkelberg
A centrally-located hub for processing and distribution so books and resources will be available faster for the entire county!
Condado Deschutes Comisionado del condado Deschutes – Phil Chang Alguacil del condado Deschutes – Scott Schaier
Elecciones en el estado de Oregon Senado de Oregon Distrito 27 – Eileen Kiely Cámara del estado de Oregon por el distrito 53 – Jack Zika Cámara del estado de Oregon por el distrito 54 – Jason Kropf Procurador del estado Oregon – Ellen Rosenblum Secretaría de Gobierno Oregon – Shemia Fagan
Representación de Oregon en Washington, D.C. Cámara de representantes por los Estados Unidos por el distrito 2 – Alex Spenser Senado por los Estados Unidos – Jeff Merkley Presidente por los Estados Unidos – Joe Biden
Medidas y bonos Bono de transporte de la ciudad de Bend – Sí Bono de la biblioteca del condado Deschutes – Sí Fin de los nuevos negocios de marihuana en el condado Deschutes County – No Medida 107 – Sí Medida 108 – Sí Medida 109 – Sí Medida 110 – Sí Continued on p. 13
A new Central Library with a dynamic, interactive Children’s Discovery Center for all families in Deschutes County to enjoy.
Learn more at deschuteslibrary.org/about/visionprocess
Libraries transform lives. Paid for by the Yes for Libraries Political Action Committee 2074 NW Cabot Lake Court, Bend, OR 97703
Recaps from from last week's paper:
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Vote Alex Spenser for Oregon's Congressional District 2
Vote Jeff Merkley for Oregon U.S. Senator A September poll from Civiqs had Jeff Merkley leading this race by 20 points. While this could be a sign of good governance on Merkley’s part, it doesn’t hurt that his Republican competitor, Jo Rae Perkins, is a QAnon conspiracist who falsely claimed Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler plotted to start Oregon’s wildfires. It turns out that running to the right in the Oregon primary for Senate may not be a winning strategy. Merkley introduced the third-most bills last year of any Senator. If a blue wave sweeps the Senate, we can expect the junior Senator from Oregon will see many of his bills pass and his hard work will most likely result in important committee appointments. Before heading to D.C., Merkley spent 10 years in the Oregon legislature, including two as speaker of the House. Then, as now, he pushed for health care expansion, climate change legislation and LGBTQ rights. Merkley has brought millions into the state for irrigation projects, infrastructure, wildfire relief, public health and the Oregon tribes. Merkley recently commissioned a study of how Big Oil and other powerful corporations have captured the court system to block climate action. He also helped mobilize public opinion against the President’s policy of separating immigrating children from their parents at the U.S./Mexico border. It’s reassuring to have a candidate who is so authentic and hardworking as U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley representing Oregon. He has earned another term.
Vote Joe Biden for U.S. President; Kamala Harris for Vice President When we look back upon this endorsement, we’d like to recall some of the reasons we saw promise in the eventual President Biden, rather than the near-endless reasons to cast a protest vote that sees #45 exit his self-made swamp. At most basic, Americans need a president who will deliver both honesty and decency and the feeling that he (or she) has their best interests at heart. Among the more detailed reasons to support him: his commitment to addressing the economic impact of the coronavirus through loans for small businesses and direct payments to families, and raising the federal minimum wage and boosting green manufacturing jobs. His “Buy American” initiative will also please the voters who supported Trump for a similar plan. Biden’s plans to expand public health insurance and to develop a national test-and-trace program also offer the leadership we should have seen throughout this ordeal. Also absent this year is a clear message from the top that systemic racism won’t be tolerated. Biden puts his money where his mouth is by proposing $30 billion in minority business support and advocating for racial-justice reform in courts and prisons. Rather than “defunding the police,” Biden advocates for more mental health supports and community policing. What’s more, Biden is determined to restore the U.S.’ reputation and diplomacy internationally. Biden is perhaps a strawberry flavor of balm when what you wanted was pineapple, but nonetheless, he’s the balm the United States has, and badly needs. Vote Joe Biden for President, and make history by voting Kamala Harris the first Black woman V.P.
This year, vote like your life depends on it. Because it does! These are the progressive candidates endorsed by TheVocal Seniority.
Oregon Senate: District 27: District 30:
Eileen Kiely Carina Miller
Oregon House of Representatives:
Emerson Levy Jason Kropf HD 59: Arlene Burns HD 53: HD 54:
Deschutes County Commission:
Phil Chang
Deschutes County Sheriff:
Scott Schaier
Bend City Council: Position 1: Position 2: Position 3: Position 4:
Melanie Kebler Anthony Broadman Megan Perkins Rita Schenkelberg
Oregon Federal Positions: US Senate:
Jeff Merkley
US Congressional District 2:
Alex Spenser
For US President and Vice President:
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris
Ballot Measures:
YES on Measures: 107, 108, 110, and the Bend Transportation Bond
www.thevocalseniority.org info@thevocalseniority.org
¿Qué te importa? ¿Tu familia, tus hijos? Para protegerlos ¡VOTA! ¿Tu salud, tu trabajo? ¿Tu seguridad, tu futuro? Para mejorarlos ¡VOTA! ¿Tu comunidad? ¿Tus vecinos y amigos? Para fortalecerlos Para ayudarlos ¡VOTA!
Oregon’s Congressional District 2 is famous for its impossible construction. It’s so large it could be a state—stretching from Ashland to Hood River and the border with Idaho. We were severely disappointed to see, after the stellar campaign that Jamie McLeod-Skinner ran in this district in 2018, winning Deschutes County, that the Democrats had little planned for this race when Rep. Greg Walden retired. Many of the candidates in the Democratic primary were famously underqualified, and sadly, McLeod-Skinner was not among them. Running strong candidates for the House of Representatives makes the winning candidate for the race accountable so you don’t end up with a repeat of Walden’s term, defined by his lack of presence in the district. Republican Cliff Bentz has the kind of experience that makes him a natural to run as the conservative for this position. His experience living and ranching in the district gives him the real-life background to represent his constituency. His years serving in Oregon’s House and Senate give him the necessary chops to be effective for the district. It’s the kind of background you would hope to see from his challenger. However, Bentz falls short on a plethora of issues. Embarrassingly, Bentz champions his leadership in the Republican walkouts of the 2019 legislative session. It makes you wonder what other types of undemocratic partisan gamesmanship he is capable of as he moves to a larger stage. He supports Trump’s efforts to take away public lands through the revision of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). If you haven’t watched “Public Trust: The Fight for America’s Public Lands,” now’s the time. Bentz is also against the Affordable Care Act, and he’s against a woman’s right to choose. Let’s be clear: Bentz is not a moderate. And, for the most part, neither are most of the areas in District 2, with one notable exception: Bend. We don’t think it’s too much to ask Bentz to recognize the economic importance of our city and temper his pro-Trump rhetoric with some politics that are going to make our booming city feel like our representative has our interests at heart. Sadly, that’s not the case right now, but we do hope Bentz, unlike Walden, will take the time to learn the nuances in the difference between Central and Eastern Oregon. Vote Democrat Alex Spenser for Oregon’s Congressional District 2.
info@thevocalseniority.org http://www.thevocalseniority.org
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FRIDAY 10/23
10/22 – 10/28
Monkless Belgian Ales
Follow along as “Ghost Hunters” star Dustin Pari shares his favorite stories from his paranormal investigations across the globe. Get ready for ghost stories from Irish castles, prisons and more spooky places from over 26 countries! Thu., Oct. 22, 6-7pm. Online. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar/event/60682. Free.
A whole week of fun! Celebrate Monkless Brasserie’s first anniversary with special tasty menu items and limited-edition beers. Sun., Oct. 25 – Sat., Oct. 31 Noon-9pm. Monkless Belgian Ales Brasserie, 803 SW Industrial Way, Bend.
FRIDAY 10/23
Join Bunk + Brew as it hosts a special performance with artists Spitt, the Kid and Elia Kay. Hear never-released tunes from The Observatorium, while sipping on brews and hanging on the patio with your crew. Fri., Oct. 23, 7pm. Bunk + Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave., Bend. $0-$50.
FRIDAY-SUNDAY 10/23-10/25
Celebrate Halloween at the museum! Featuring scary stories, wildlife secrets and spooky traditions from the Miller family. Wear your best costume and a face mask! Sat., Oct. 24, 10am-1pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Free.
Join the virtual screening of the closing film for BendFilm Fest 2020. This documentary from award-winning director Ondi Timoner features addiction through different lens. Time your experience to line up with a live Q&A after the film with the director for an at-home fest experience. Fri., Oct. 23, 8am through Sun., Oct. 25, midnight. Online. watch.eventive.org/bendfilm2020.
Plan a day at the vineyard with Alpaca Country Estates! Drink wine while meeting new alpaca friends. Spend the afternoon enjoying the gifts made with alpaca fiber and fresh woodfired pizza for lunch. Sat., Oct. 24, Noon-5pm. Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards. 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. $15-$20.
SUNDAY 10/25
Get ready for a night of spooky family fun! A drive-in movie experience on a huge outdoor screen, featuring “Casper.” Sun., Oct. 25, 4-9pm. Faith, Hope, and Charity Vineyards and Events Center, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. $10-$15.
A work party full of planting and nature. Help restore this natural area to its full glory by planting milkweed and other native plants that butterflies and bees will love. Tue., Oct. 27, 1pm. Camp Polk Meadow Preserve, outside Sisters. Free.
It is time for a throwdown. Get ready for a rock 'n roll spin on country and Americana sounds. Wed., Oct. 28, 6-8pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. No cover.
Horseshoe Tavern has a new outdoor music venue that's ready to rock. Come on down to the Stockyards and enjoy live music from local artists with a mix of country, rock & blues. Fri., Oct. 23, 6:30-9:30pm. Horseshoe Tavern, 410 N Main St., Prineville. Free.
Musicians Say “No” to Trump
From “YMCA” to “Happy,” songs don’t always land well on the campaign trail
Thank you for your support during these crazy times. We love our community and are so
By Bill Forman
grateful to all of you. We are open for dine-in,
ith its Wagnerian orchestral takeout and delivery with a limited menu. soundtrack, exceptionally low camera angles, and sweeping Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates. shots of white marble columns reaching up toward the heavens, the recent Republican National Convention served www.baldysbbq.com as an answer to the question, “What would happen if the producers of “The Apprentice” did a remake of Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will?” Which 235 SW Century Dr makes sense, given that two of Trump’s On the road to Mt Bachelor former reality show producers were 541.923.RIBS (7427) brought onboard to help direct the event. What was more surprising was the music itself. Gone were MAGA rally favorites like the Rolling Stones’ “You 343 NW 6th Street Can’t Always Get What You Want” 541.923.BBQ1 (2271) and Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World.” Was it possible that, for the first time in four years, Trump had finally yielded to the demands of the numerHwy 20 & 27th St ous artists who’ve railed against his use In the Forum shops of their music without their consent? 541.388.4BBQ (4227) That question would be answered during the convention’s fourth and final day. But first, to put all of this in perspective, it’s worth taking a brief detour to consider the history of Trump’s battles with these musicians and the legal issues surrounding them. The best-known case is Trump’s use SHINE THE of the Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” at the close of rallies in which he’s just assured his overwhelmSPOTLIGHT ingly white audiences that he will, in fact, get them everything they want and ON YOUR more. Trump has been doing this for four years now, during which time a sizable portion of his audience must have LOCAL picked up on the contradiction. There was the Midwest rally that Trump NONPROFIT held just hours after a white racist walked into a synagogue and opened fire on the congregation. While the rest of the nation ON STANDS NOV 12 The Source Weekly’s Give Guide features grieved, Trump got his followers to get up Central Oregon nonprofits and provides COPY DUE NOV 2 and dance to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy.” readers with a path to year-end charitable n at tio Williams’ lawyer responded with a na do Make a gonGives.org lOre donations. Each profile highlights the Centra cease-and-desist order that conveyed his HOUSE ONALD LD McD RONA organization’s mission, how to directly get client’s outrage. DO involved or how to donate. In addition, all FOR FI Tom Petty’s family decried the use of FENCES profiles are featured on bendsource.com “I Won’t Back Down” at Trump’s June for a full year and presented at least once 20 Tulsa rally. George Harrison’s estate in our digital newsletters. sent its own cease-and-desist letter after Trump appropriated “Here Comes the ALSO... All participating nonprofits will Sun.” The surviving members of Queen, be featured in CentralOregonGives.org as dismayed by his use of “We Will Rock part of the online giving program running You,” did the same on behalf of themselves from Nov. 12 – Dec. 31st. and their late singer Freddie Mercury. The reason Trump has continued to get away with all this involves the blanket licensing agreements that music licensGET IN TOUCH TO LEARN MORE STAR IN ing organizations like BMI and ASCAP TA N AND RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY MOU make with political campaigns and venadvertise@bendsource.com | 541.383.0800 ues. Both organizations let artists fight their own battles until this June, when the
Mark Seliger
Bend – West:
Bend – East:
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Family of the late Tom Petty will not back down against Trump.
two organizations warned Trump to stop using “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” as well as any other Rolling Stones songs. According to BMI, once an artist issues a cease-and-desist letter, any future use constitutes a breach of contract. And so it was that, on the last night of the Republican National Convention, the gathering of unmasked supporters on the White House lawn were deprived of the upbeat anthems. Still, during the closing ceremony, the singer Christopher Macchio came out on the White House balcony to serenade the President and his entourage with a semi-operatic set that featured the late Leonard Cohen’s devastatingly bitter breakup song “Hallelujah.” Apart from its title, Cohen’s borderline vicious ode to God-knows-what was an inexplicably bizarre addition to a medley that included classical-crossover fare like “Ave Maria” and “Nessun Dorma.” This is, after all, a song with lyrics like “I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch / Love is not a victory march / It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah.” According to the White House, Trump makes all of the final decisions when it comes to songs. Cohen’s estate has indicated it is exploring its legal options in regard to Trump’s use of “Hallelujah.” Instead of the Rolling Stones, he’s replacing it with his fans’ second-favorite rally song: the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A.” There’s something almost endearing about seeing MAGA supporters joyfully getting down to the racially integrated and flamboyantly dressed group’s ode to intimate male bonding. But Village People leader Victor Willis is not amused, as he conveyed in a recent Facebook post: “I ask that you no longer use any of my music at your rallies, especially ‘Y.M.C.A.’ and ‘Macho Man’, following the George Floyd protests and Black Lives Matter marches,” he wrote. “Sorry, but I can no longer look the other way.”
Tickets Available on Bendticket.com
Thump Roastery Going Left Drive In Fest
21 Wednesday Locals Day specials all day! It’s free to play! Bring your crew. Don’t miss out! 7-9pm. Free.
Kelly D’s Shamrock Room “Mellow Wednesday” Acoustic Open Mic & Jam “Mellow Wednesday” is in its 6th year of providing an outlet of musical healing in Bend. Come join the fun as local artists are showcased. Dinner & drink specials. 6:30-9pm. Free. Midtown Yacht Club BINGO! At Midtown Yacht Club Join us for $1 and $2 games of Bingo! Lot’s of fun prizes will be given out each round as well. 6pm. $1. Worthy Brewing Worthy Wednesday with
Shane Brown Live music with Shane Brown from the Worthy Brewing stage or livestream! 5:307:30pm. Free.
21 Saturday Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House
Bunk+Brew Presents: Blackstrap Bluegrass A hard driving bluegrass with catchy originals that give a nod to the roots of Americana music, Cosmic twang, and Jamgrass. 5-8pm. Free.
Niblick and Greenes at Eagle Crest
Autumn/Winter Live Music Series at Niblick & Greene’s The best variety and talent in the area is coming to the iconic stage at Brassie’s Bar here at Niblick’s! New ownership is continuing the 25 year tradition! Come enjoy some great food, drinks, and fabulous tunes! 6-9pm. No cover. Enjoy some of Central Oregon’s best local artists while sipping on award-winning craft beer. Concerts are free of charge and family-friendly! 4-7pm. Free.
Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia at Bridge 99 Thursday trivia in three rooms, all with game screens for lot’s of space! Bridge 99 pint specials and great food truck grub. 6-8:30pm. Free.
21 Sunday Bingo: Presented by MBSEF Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation is bringing the party back to satisfy all of your bingo cravings! 10am-Noon.
Join us and our wonderful hosts in the socially distanced patio edition of trivia. 7-9pm.
21 Friday
21 Monday
She Stands Up Livestream LIVES-
TREAM! A comedy and music lineup benefitting OUT Central Oregon, Mecca Bend, Planned Parenthood Columbia-Willamette, The World Muse, and more! An evening of laughter, music, community, and connection. 6pm. $0-20.
Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House
The Observatorium An exclusive album experience, headlining Spitt, the Kid and Elisa Kay as they perform an unreleased tape. 7pm. $0-$50.
Horseshoe Tavern Kristi Kinsey & The Whiskey Bandits Come out to the new Stockyards outside music venue and see Central Oregon’s rising country, rock & blues act! 6:30-9:30pm. Free.
Cabin 22 Locals’ Wednesdays Trivia at Cabin 22 Locals Day specials all day! It’s free to play! Bring your crew. Don’t miss out! 7-9pm. Free.
Kelly D’s Shamrock Room “Mellow
Wednesday” Acoustic Open Mic & Jam Catering to listeners & performers of all ages! Come join the fun as local artists are showcased. Dinner & drink specials. 6:30-9pm. Free.
Worthy Brewing Worthy Wednesday with
Sleepless Truckers Live music with Sleepless Truckers from the Worthy Brewing stage or livestream from Worthy’s Facebook page! 5:30-7:30pm. Free.
MUSIC Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice A traditional bagpipe and drum band with members from the Central Oregon area. Mondays, 6-8pm. Mission Church - Redmond, 3732 SW 21st Pl, Redmond. Contact: 541-633-3225. pipersej@yahoo.com.
Silver Moon Brewing Not Cho’ Grandma’s
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Redmond Central Oregon’s finest live trivia show returns to Redmond. It’s free and fun to play, with Taco Tuesday specials too. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
21 Wednesday
Silver Moon Brewing Save the Music Saturdays!
21 Thursday
Initiative Brewing Tuesday Night Trivia in
ONLINE ONLY: Songs, Stories, and Poetry with Beth Wood Beth Wood will weave
together songs, stories, and poetry for an offering that reminds us of the connecting power of word and song. Oct. 23, 5-6pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
J-Dub J-Dub Monday Music w/ Mark Ransom
The Ultimate Oldies Show A locally-produced, syndicated, weekly, thematic two-hour radio show highlighting the music, artists, producers, musicians and cultural touchstones of the late 1940s through the late 1960s. Fridays, 6-8pm. KPOV, 501 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: mikeficher@gmail.com. Free.
River’s Place Trivia Mondays at River’s Place
Come eat, drink and be merry and let those Monday blues melt away on our relaxing family and dog-friendly patio! 6-8pm. No cover. Kick off the week with cold brew, good grub and Bend’s finest live trivia show. 6-8pm. Free.
21 Tuesday Greg’s Grill Live Music at Greg’s Grill Enjoy exceptional food, one of a kind drinks, breathtaking views and socially distanced live music. 5:30pm. No cover.
Courtesy Bunk+ Brew
BendFilm Festival Virtual Catalog The 17th
annual BendFilm Festival will be presented in a reimagined format to engage at-home and in-person audiences with a longer viewing window and more chances to celebrate the power of independent film. Thursdays-Sundays. Through Oct. 25. Free.
Casper Drive-In Brought to you by 3
Rivers Limo Co., Chris Ossig Productions, & Faith, Hope, and Charity Vineyard Oct. 25, 4pm. Faith, Hope, and Charity Vineyards and Events Center, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr, Terrebonne. $0-$18.
Classic Horror Thursday at the Tin Pan Theater! An outdoor screening of a classic horror film! Thursdays, 7pm. Tin Pan Theater, 869 NW Tin Pan Alley, Bend. $7.
Comedian Carl Click and Monty Python’s “Life of Brian” Come enjoy cinematic
comedy classics, each personally selected by and introduced with a special performance from a local comedian. Oct. 24, 7:30-9:30pm. Tower Theatre - Bend, 835 NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-317-0700. info@towertheatre.org. $20.
DIY-Copper Spinner Rings With Sterling Silver Upgrade Option Full description at DI-
Ycave.com Oct. 24, 10:30am-2pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@diycave.com. $105.
DIY-Handmade Cutting Boards Full
description at DIYcave.com Oct. 23, 5:30-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@diycave.com. $69.
DIY-Lathe Turning Basics Full description at
DIYcave.com Mon, Oct. 26, 6:30-9pm, Tue, Nov. 10, 6:30-9pm, Mon, Nov. 23, 6:30-9pm, Tue, Dec. 8, 6:309pm and Wed, Dec. 16, 6:30-9pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@diycave.com. $79.
DIY-Soap Making Full description at DIYcave.
com Sun, Oct. 18, 2-4:30pm and Tue, Oct. 27, 5:308pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@diycave.com. $89.
DIY-Woodworking Friction Fit Joinery Series (2 Back to Back Weeks ) Full
description at DIYcave.com Wed, Sept. 30, 7-9pm and Wed, Oct. 28, 7-9pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@ diycave.com. $169.
October Events & Exhibits Featuring pastels by Sue Lyon Manley, wildlife photography by Sue Dougherty, multimedia mosaics by Joanie Callen and handpainted silk scarves by Linda Swindle Thursdays. Through Oct. 30. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend.
PRESENTATIONS & EXHIBITS Basics of Estate Planning & Probate Join attorney Rich Miller online via Zoom webinar as he discusses probate, ways to avoid probate, wills, trusts, powers of attorney and health care directives. Oct. 27, 6:30-7:30pm. Contact: 541-617-7089. jenniferp@deschuteslibrary.org. Free. Bend Design Week Explore the possibilities at
Bend Design Week 2020! Join us online for a Covid-safe week featuring a diverse range of creative thinkers, designers, and artists. Oct. 19-22, 1-6pm. $50-$100.
The Impact of Indigenous Languages
Lewis & Clark College’s Freddy O. Vilches, Ph.D., associate professor of Hispanic studies, will provide a lecture on the influence of indigenous languages on the Spanish of Latin America. Thu, Oct. 22, Noon. Free.
Know Sci Fi & Fantasy: Spirits of the World Dustin Pari shares some of his favorite stories from investigations in Irish castles, French chateaus, Australian prisons and more! Oct. 22, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-312-132. lizg@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Know Sci-Fi & Fantasy - The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination Examine
BIPOC representation in fantasy worlds like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter with Dr. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas. Oct. 23, Noon-1pm. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Smithsonian Guest Lecture: Unraveling the Mysteries of Migration with Dr. Autumn-Lynn Harrison John James Audubon was
Autumn Mornings on the Farm Autumn Morn-
3D art, 2D oil watercolor, encaustic and woodwork. Wednesdays. Through Dec. 9. Artists’ Gallery Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr. Suite 19, Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4382. info@artistsgallerysunriver.com. Free.
Ski Films in the Garden A Night of Ski Films
That Will Have You Stoked for Powder Season! Oct. 22, 6-10pm. Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave, Bend. Contact: 458.202.1090. Free.
Join Bunk + Brew Historic Lucas House for a night of ski films to get you ready for the coming powder days. Thu., Oct 22, 6-10pm.
Call to Artists Looking for fine art and crafts,
ing on the farm! Painting on wood round. Oct. 23, 6pm. Geist Beerworks, 736 SW Umatilla Ave., Redmond. $25.
one of the first people to tag birds with the intent of tracking their annual cycles. Oct. 28, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-382-4754. bburda@highdesertmuseum.org. Free.
Submitting an event is free and easy. Add your event to our calendar at bendsource.com/submitevent
Cabin 22 Locals’ Wednesdays Trivia at Cabin 22
at Thump Coffee - FT. Tony Smiley Going Left Drive In Fest Featuring: Tony Smiley, ...more to be announced. 5:30pm. $40.
CALENDAR Sunriver Bird Walk Join Tom Lawler, expert
local birder and nature photographer, to discover the rich bird habitats of Sunriver. Sat, Oct. 24, 9-Midnight and Sat, Oct. 31, 9am-Noon. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Rd., Sunriver, Sunriver. Contact: 541-797-9959. programs@snco.org. $10.
Vaccines: History, Science & Ethics Join
us as Jacob Appel discusses the history, science and ethics behind vaccines. Oct. 28, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 541-383-7257. cgilbride@cocc.edu. Free.
Virtual Lecture: Bats of the Pacific Northwest Join Bat Hub Coordinator, Rogelio
Rodriguez, for a look at the diversity of bats of the Pacific Northwest and what his research group has learned over the years. Oct. 28, 6:30-8pm. Contact: 541-797-9959. programs@snco.org. $5.
hood. Oct. 22, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
and share. Sat, Oct. 24, 9am, Sat, Oct. 31, 9am. Online, Bend. Free.
Mommy and Me: Breastfeeding Support Group in Bend Come visit “Mommy and Me”
for social hour and breastfeeding support. We have two locations: Redmond - Tuesdays, 12-2pm at the Center for Women’s Health and Bend - Thursdays, 1-3pm at Central Oregon Locavore. See Facebook for details! Free.
ONLINE ONLY: Know Sci-Fi & Fantasy Fantastic Libraries Virtual Tour This visual
online trip will inspire and amaze as you explore the world’s greatest library creations and secrets that makes them so special. Oct. 27, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Preventative Walk-In Pet Wellness Clinic
Introduction to Physical Theatre for youth Create, Connect, Move, Play. Mon, Oct. 26,
11:30am. 216 NW Jefferson Pl, 216 Northwest Jefferson Place, Bend.
WORDS Mystery Book Club We will discuss The Guest List by Lisa Foley. Oct. 21, 6-7pm. Contact: 541306-6564. sara@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
Rediscovered Reads Book Club We will discuss “A Piece of the World” by Christina Baker Kline. Oct. 28, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. sara@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free. Zoom Author Event: Rough House by Tina Ontiveros Tina Ontiveros explores
themes of love and loss, parents and children and her own journey to a different kind of adult-
Offering vaccinations, deworming and microchips at our walk-in wellness clinic. Saturdays, 9am2pm. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. $10-$30.
Soroptimist International of Bend Holiday Wreath & Evergreen Sale T Oregon
based Teufel’s Holly Farms, which was founded in 1890, assures us that they will have ample supplies of fresh evergreens to create their products, even in this difficult fire season. Oct. 1-29. Contact: 541-420-3296. wreaths@sibend.org. $17-$50.
Whole Soul Sister Circle (sometimes men too) We will have a series of specific topics
for our personal growth to deepen our self lov Oct. 26, 6:45pm. The Sanctuary, 339 SW Century Dr. #203, Bend. $30.
Women’s Share Healing Circle We all
experience challenges on our journey of life. Together We uplift and encourage as we connect
2020 Made in Crook County Tour We’ll
Call for Volunteers - Play with Parrots!
Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.
Foster Care Foundations Training Join us
for Foundations training to learn about the Oregon DHS Child Welfare program. Tue, Oct. 20, 4-7pm, Thu, Oct. 22, 4-7pm. Contact: 541-548-9480. lia.a.barney-thomsen@dhsoha.state.or.us. Free.
General Volunteer Opportunities For information on volunteer opportunities at Bethlehem Inn please contact Courtney, Community Engagement Coordinator, at volunteer@bethleheminn. org. Bethlehem Inn, 3705 N Hwy 97, Bend. Contact: 541-322-8768 x11. Volunteer Opportunity Seize this oppor-
tunity; volunteer at Mustangs To The Rescue. Mondays-Sundays, 9am-6pm. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-8943. info@MustangstotheRescue.org.
Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.
GROUPS & MEETUPS 2020 Candidate Forum: Bend City Council Record and broadcast candidate responses to
Central Oregonians’ concerns. In lieu of in-person forums, make your voice heard now! Tue, Oct. 20, 7-8pm and Thu, Oct. 22, 7-8pm. Contact: info@ lwvdeschutes.org. Free.
have limited in-person tickets available, as well as an online streaming option to tune in to the virtual tours, giving attendees a glance at the inner workings, products, and services of local Crook County companies. Oct. 22, 2:30pm. Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S Main St., Prineville. Free.
ConnectW: Strategies for Developing and Nurturing your Personal Network
As the Vice President of Leadership Development, Talena’s work at the Chamber focuses on strengthening the entire continuum of workforce, community leadership and talent development. Oct. 21, 7-8pm. Free.
Effective Communication Strategies
Join us to explore how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s. Oct. 28, 2-3:30pm. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free.
Ready to Rent Workshop Series This free 4-class series is intended for those, living in Bend and surrounding areas, who want a competitive edge renting. Tue, Oct. 20, 5:30-8:30pm, Tue, Oct. 27, 5:30-8:30pm and Tue, Nov. 3, 5:30-8:30pm. Contact: 541-323-6567. homesource@neighborimpact.org. Free. Saluting First Responders 2020 has been a helluva year, so join us in protecting those who protect us. Eat pizza, donate, get involved. Oct. 28, 10:30am-10pm. Contact: 541-390-3133. emily@shieldcentraloregon.org.
Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia Join us to learn about the impact of
Alzheimer’s; the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia and more. Oct. 22, 11am-12:30pm. Contact: 800-272-3900. Free.
CARTRIDGE sale SATURDAY $10 when you Buy off 2+ Jolly sticks *Discount applies to Dr. Jolly's brand cartridges only
new-in store specials daily SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS: jollybend.com/specials
JOLLYBEND.COM • 415 SE 3rd St, Bend, OR 97702 • @dr.jollys.bend • 541-508-2708 Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out reach of children.
Camp Fire Afterschool A flexible and fun
option for families looking to balance after school care with enrichment opportunities and social-emotional skill development. Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays, 1:30-5:30pm. Through Dec. 18. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $120 per 7 week session.
Camp Fire Nature Days An all-day enrichment program with nature-based themes to support family and youth during current distance learning. Wednesdays, 9am-3:30pm. Through Oct. 21. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $55 per day. Equipo de Robótica Bilingüe ¡Únete al
Equipo de Robótica LEGO y aprende a construir y programar con robots LEGO! Mondays-Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Through Feb. 10. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $80/month.
Fall Saturday Market Fall Saturday market, featuring crafts, food and brews! Saturdays, 11am3pm. Through Nov. 28. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Avenue, Redmond. Halloween in the Old Mill District To cele-
brate the Halloween season, a variety of three-dimensional photo stations will be set up throughout the Old Mill District. Families are invited to wear their best costumes and visit the photo stations any time. Oct. 24-30, 11am-6pm. Old Mill District, 450 SW Powerhouse Dr. Suite 422, Bend. Contact: carrie@oldmilldistrict.com. Free.
High Desert Halloween Calling all
ghouls and goblins! Celebrate Halloween at the Museum. Hear tales that make you tremble. Uncover myths about not-so wicked wildlife. Oct. 24, 10am-1pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. bburda@ highdesertmuseum.org. Free.
Kids Ninja Night Drop off your kids age 6 and
older for up to 3 hours of fun in our super-rad indoor ninja warrior play space. Sat, Oct. 24, 6-9pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $20.
Kids Ninja Warrior Classes Kids will gain amazing abilities through obstacle course training, climbing and fitness conditioning and team motivation. Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm. Through Dec. 8. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $99. LEGO Robotics This club is all about problem
solving, getting creative, exploring new ideas, and having fun! Mondays-Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30pm. Through Feb. 10. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $80/month.
Nano-Ninja Classes Through positive direc-
tion your children, age 4-5, will gain confidence while enhancing their balance, strength, focus and body awareness. Thursdays, 3:30-4:15pm. Through Dec. 10. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $99.
Ninja Elite Classes Kids (age 9-12) come
increase your athletic performance through the exciting sport of Ninja Warrior! Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Through Dec. 8. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $99.
Online Art Activities for Kids Virtual art activities, designed for K-5th graders but open to all! Tuesdays, 4-4:30pm. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. Free. Online STEM Activities for Kids Virtual
STEM activities designed for K-5th graders but open to all! Thursdays, 4-4:30pm. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. Free.
Teen Service Club Members explore what matters to them, challenge themselves, and take on leadership roles to achieve their goals. Mondays, 3:30-6:30pm. Through Nov. 9. BendTECH, 1001 SW Emkay Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. $75-$175. The Patch at Schilling’s Garden Market
Bring the whole family out to The Patch with a view and enjoy our incredible view of the Cascades while you hunt for your perfect pumpkin! Oct. 25, 10am-3pm. Schilling’s Garden Market, 64640 Old Bend-Redmond HWY, Bend.
FOOD EVENTS Prime Rib Night Come experience our leg-
endary prime rib all the locals have been bragging about. Saturdays-Sundays, 4:30pm. Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House, 64619 W. Highway 20, Bend. Contact: 541-382-2202. tfcsmanagement@gmail.com. $32.95-$37.50.
BEER & DRINK 2020 Pub Crawl for A Cause Our 2nd annual Pub Crawl for a Cause to raise funds for Crook County Family Access Network. Oct. 24, 1pm. Prineville, Prineville, Prineville. $100. Locals’ Night $4 beers and food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tuesdays, 3-9pm. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: holla@bevelbeer.com. Free. Locals’ Night at Porter Brewing! We offer a full menu of cask-conditioned ales, wine, cider and non-alcoholic beverages. Wednesdays, 4-7pm. Porter Brewing, 611 NE Jackpine Ct #2, Redmond. Free. A Mimosa Morning in Bend. Brunch in a Garden. Featured menu items from Alebrije an
authentic Oaxaca Mexican Cuisine. Be ready for a $4 mimosa. Oct. 25, 9am-1pm. Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave, Bend. Contact: 458.202.1090. Free.
Monkless Belgian Ales - The Brasserie 1st Anniversary Celebration We will
feature anniversary special menu offerings and rare beers from Monkless Belgian Ales. Oct. 25-31, Noon-9pm. Monkless Belgian Ales Brasserie, 803
Hunt for the best pumpkin and more fall harvest must haves at the Patch at Schilling's Garden Market. Sun., Oct. 25 10am-3pm.
SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-203-0507. aaron@monkless.com. Free.
ATHLETIC EVENTS Bend Area Running Fraternity Receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. AVID Cider Co., 900 SE Wilson St., Bend. Contact: bendarearunningfraternity@gmail.com. Free. Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a full
schedule of classes through Zoom! Ongoing.
CORK Thursday Run Join us for a run from 3-5 miles. Stay afterward for a drink and food. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Zpizza Tap Room, 1082 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Free. Outdoor Spirit Fitness Class Open to
all abilities this well-rounded fitness class will enhance your cardio system and tone your whole body. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7:30-8:30am. Through Oct. 29. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $12.
Outdoor Yoga Flow Experience the wonder-
ful feeling of a yoga community again. Mondays-Wednesdays-Saturdays-Sundays, 9:1510:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $12.
Redmond Running Group Run All levels
welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thursdays, 6:15pm. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact: rundanorun1985@gmail.com.
OUTDOOR EVENTS Outdoor Yoga + Fit Starts with bodyweight fit-
ness exercises and ends with yoga flow movements. Fridays, 9:15-10:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $12.
Planting Party, Camp Polk Meadow Preserve Help plant milkweed and other
native plants at Camp Polk Meadow Preserve. Oct. 27, 1pm. Camp Polk Meadow Preserve, outside Sisters, Sisters. Free.
HEALTH & WELLNESS 40 Days to Personal Revolution Join this breakthrough program to awaken your sacred soul.. Tuesdays, 7-8:15pm. Through Nov. 10. Contact: 541-550-8550. namaspayoga@gmail.com. $59. Ashtanga Full Primary Online Sunday Morning led Primary class. Sundays, 7-9am. Through Dec. 18. Contact: cclauren.cruz@gmail.com. $20.
Capoeira: Martial Art with Music This on-
going beginner session welcomes new students on the first Wednesday of each month. Wednesdays, 6pm. Contact: 541-678-3460. ucabend@gmail.com. $30 intro month.
Early Church Service Limited Space
Early Service Registration. Sun, Oct. 25, 8:30am. Prineville. Free.
Livestreamed Meditation Class Online
meditation classes led by Cathleen Hylton of Blissful Heart Wellness Center. Thursdays, 6-7pm. Free.
Morning Mysore In Person Ashtanga Yoga
Classes both Guided and Mysore Style. Mondays-Fridays, 6-8:30am. Through Dec. 24. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. Contact: 662-302-1877. cclauren.cruz@ gmail.com. $20.
Reiki for Abundance You receive a Reiki At-
tunement that increases your Energetic Vibration & allows you to manifest Abundance! Oct. 24, 9:30am. Kimimi Healing Arts, 2039 NE Cradle Mountain Way, Bend. $185.
Saturday Yoga Come Join me for a loving Satuday Yoga Class. We will start with some simple Sun Salutations and then see where to go from there. Saturdays, 10-11:30pm. Through Nov. 7. Drake Park In front of stage, Riverside Drive, Bend. Contact: 6623021877. cclauren.cruz@gmail.com. 10. Sunday Morning Celebration Services (8:30, 10:30, and 11:30) at PBCC
THREE Sunday Services to choose from: 8:30am and10:30am (in the Worship Center), & 11:30am (in the Historic Chapel) Powell Butte Christian Church, 13720 SW Hwy 126, Bend. Free.
FRI, OCT 23 • 6pm
FRI, OCT 30 • 8pm
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Children of the Candy Corns LITTLE BITES Beyond the corn-syrup variety, here are some other corny treats for this time of year
By Nicole Vulcan
Megan Baker
By Ari Levaux
We Heart Locals’ Nights Where everyone (should) know your name Sweet or savory, chicos make for a tasty autumnal treat.
dress like Bootsy Collins. And corn? It’s to Halloween like frost is to a pumpkin. A sign of the times. The inevitability of progress. So allow me to tell you how I make chicos. I made about three dozen ears’ worth, which won’t last too long but is a nice stash. Chicos The only ingredient is corn, preferably with the husk on. Traditionally, the process involves a clay oven or “horno,” but other ovens work too. Ultimately, you’re doing little more than drying out corn. Although usually made with fresh corn, I’ve also made chicos with frozen corn, and the operation was surprisingly successful, even if the product lacked the soulful smokey flavor that a roasted corn husk imparts. Turn the oven to 300 and place the ears directly on the oven racks, not touching one another, and bake until the husks start to dry out and brown and even smoke a little – about three hours. When cool, peel off the husks. If using husked or frozen corn, skip this step. Put the cobs on the oven racks, spaced so as not to touch one another, and bake at 225, until the kernels start to shrink and visibly dry out – about four hours. Let the ears cool completely and rub off the kernels — try the edge of a spoon if they are stubborn. Store in a plastic bag in a cool, dry place. The drier you get them, the longer they will store. If making chicos from frozen corn, spread the kernels on a cookie sheet and bake at 225. They will take less time
— about two hours — and will quickly turn brown and then black. Chicos and Milk Fill a bowl with chicos and milk, with sugar to taste. It might taste familiar. When the chicos are gone and you sip the sweet milk that remains, you may feel a distinct déjà vous to a time, long ago, when you sipped the sweet leftover milk from a bowl of corn flakes. Beans with Chicos A handful of chicos turns a pot of beans into something interesting and delightful. Served alongside rice, you’ve got a delicious meal with complete protein. Serves 2 1 strip of bacon (optional, recommended), chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil if skipping the bacon or if it’s lean ½ cup minced onions 1 clove garlic, minced 1 teaspoon minced fresh oregano or thyme ¼ cup chicos 1 can of plain beans (pinto, white, black, kidney….) including the liquid 1 can of water or stock 1 teaspoon paprika or chile powder to taste Salt, if the bacon doesn’t add enough Fry the bacon on medium heat. When half-crispy, about five minutes, add the onions, garlic and herbs. Fry until the onions become translucent. Add the chicos beans and water and stir together. Season with salt, if necessary. Heat to a simmer, stirring as necessary to prevent sticking. Adjust seasoning and serve.
It’s that time of year: The tourist numbers are starting to dwindle, and the traffic is (relatively) slowing— meaning it’s locals’ time to spread out on the trails and at local watering holes. Local breweries have your back this time of year—OK, anytime of the year, really—with Locals’ Nights offering discounts and specials. Here are a few to check out. Bevel Craft Brewing Tuesday night is Locals’ Night at Bevel Craft Brewing, offering $4 beers and food specials from the food carts out back from 3pm to 9pm. Bevel Craft Brewing
911 SE Armour Rd., Bend bevelbeer.com
Boneyard Beer On Wednesdays, locals have at least two options: In Bend, Boneyard Pub offers Locals' Day all day, offering $1 off draft beer, $3 off all pitchers and $10 growler fills for its “tier one” beers. Boneyard Pub
1955 NE Division St., Bend boneyardbeer.com
Porter Brewing In Redmond, Porter Brewing hosts a Locals’ Night from 4 to 7pm Wednesdays, featuring its full menu of cask-conditioned ales, wine, cider and non-alcoholic fare. Porter Brewing
611 NE Jackpine Ct #2, Redmond Porterbrewingco.com
Find all of these Locals’ Nights on the Source calendar at bendsource.com/ calendar.
Ari LeVaux
alloween, more than almost any other holiday, is about fun. Unlike Christmas, Easter, Mothers or Fathers Days, all of which involve a certain amount of stress and sacrifice if not guilt, Thanksgiving is fun but it’s a lot of work. Halloween is a lot of play, nearly unmatched in its unbridled hedonism. It’s like New Year’s, but with corn syrup instead of booze. It began with the Gaelic festival Samhain, which celebrated the end of harvest while ushering in the dark half of the year. Autumn was a spooky time when the boundaries between the living and spirit worlds were thought to become more porous. Brought to America by Irish and Scottish settlers, Halloween found footholds in the southern colonies, and developed a more playful, mischievous, and decidedly corny vibe. Candy corn didn’t start out as a Halloween treat, but jumped on the bandwagon in the 1950s, as Halloween pivoted into a full embrace of processed sugar. They may only taste good if you’re starving, diabetic or a food coloring enthusiast, but apparently that’s about half of all Americans. Corn officially became spooky with the release of “Children of the Corn,” a 1984 movie about a midwestern village where the kids took over and decided nobody was permitted to age beyond 17. In 1993, the world’s first for-profit corn maze was built in Annville, Pennsylvania. Since then the tradition has taken off, and corn mazes—aka maizes—now number in the thousands. When I lived in New Mexico I learned about chicos, a type of Native American dried corn. “Chicos” means “little boys” in Spanish, as the kernels shrink when dried. The ones for sale at the store were dried to the hardness of popcorn, but when I make them at home I let them stay a bit chewy, like real-life versions of candy corn. But nuttier, and cornier. Each batch of chicos has a unique character, with different levels of brown, crunchiness, chewiness and/or sweetness, depending on the corn and how long it’s roasted. Many Halloween corn mazes are closed this year, thanks to the virus. And door-to-door candy-begging is largely out, too. If treat-seekers are left to their own devices I’m fine with that, because processed sugar is poison, and a tradition that hinges on giving candy to kids isn’t worth rescuing. Luckily, nothing about the original spirit of Halloween demands candy. Spookiness, on the other hand, is in Halloween’s DNA, as is my right to
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SCREEN The Lovely Ghosts
Grief is a spirit in "The Haunting of Bly Manor" By Jared Rasic
Some audiences will definitely find “Bly Manor” too slow and ponderous, especially in comparison to “Hill House,” but at the end of those nine hours everything comes together so beautifully that it’s hard not to look at this as one of the most perfectly constructed ghost stories of the last decade. ing role for “You’s” Victoria Pedretti) is haunted by a death she can’t stop seeing over and over. She’s hired to be the governess for two children at an old manor in the English countryside, but the splendor of the idyllic locale is offset by the terror she feels as she tries to get close to anyone new she meets. The kids, also touched by loss and struggling to process their grief, cling
Eike Schroter
desperately to the adults in their lives, just wanting a sense of normalcy to return. The chef is losing his mother to dementia, the housekeeper was abandoned by her husband and struggles to trust anyone and the gardener walks a fine line between pain and rage that she masks with self-deprecation. Everyone at Bly is covered with cracks and being filled up one breath at a time by the lonely, jealous dead. Bly Manor is filled with ghosts, both subtextual and literal, but none of them are as pronounced as the ones the living carry with them. Grief is a black dog with fangs and no amount of things that go bump in the night can ever be as scary as that.
From Mike Flanagan, the horror auteur behind “The Haunting of Hill House” and “Doctor Sleep,” comes “The Haunting of Bly Manor,” a genuinely heartbreaking ghost story loosely based on the work of Henry James, such as “The Turn of the Screw” and some of his lesser known short stories. While “Bly Manor” is nowhere near as scary as “Hill House,” it’s not
Great. A creepy girl shushing me in an attic. This will turn out horribly.
really meant to be, either. “Bly Manor” luxuriates in mood and dread while exploring the many kinds of love, both healthy and otherwise, and making the audience fearful not for the next jump scare, but for the characters so desperately seeking a happy ending and doomed for the opposite. Some audiences will definitely find “Bly Manor” too slow and ponderous, especially in comparison to “Hill House,” but at the end of those nine hours everything comes together so beautifully that it’s hard not to look at this as one of the most perfectly constructed ghost stories of the last decade. If every love story is also a ghost story, then every ghost story is also a
romance. To be haunted by something is to allow the ephemeral to live within us and tie us to what has gone away. Flanagan and his perfect cast don’t just want to scare us, they want us to gain strength from our longing and to find peace with the empty rooms and unfinished sentences. He wants to remind us that even as we are haunted by ghosts, so too are we possessed with love. That struggle can be a horror movie, for sure, but that doesn’t mean it has to be scary. The Haunting of Bly Manor Created by Mike Flanagan Grade: ANow Streaming on Netflix
A ¯
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ltimately, every love story is also a ghost story. At some point or another, one person loses the other and then all that’s left are memories and empty rooms; a never-ending ellipsis sprawling out into the future like an unfinished sentence. “The Haunting of Bly Manor” is a nine-hour-long mini-series that combines love, death and time into a bittersweet elegy for interrupted futures and dashed dreams. A love story haunted by loss. Nine hours are spent with characters aching for something different, but too caught in the loop of their own trauma to change anything or to even know that they should. Dani Clayton (a star-mak-
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Empty Bowls
a virtual event
November, 15 2020
Tickets cost $35 and include a gift package of a handmade bowl created by local potters, dry soup mix made by students from the Cascade Culinary Institute at COCC, and gift certificates for a bowl of soup, chili or appetizer; bread; coffee; and a cookie or cupcake from our restaurant, coffee, and bakery partners.
Presented by
For tickets visit neighborimpact.org Funds raised from Empty Bowls support NeighborImpact and the Emergency Food Assistance program. This program feeds approximately 31,000 residents each month and distributes more than three million pounds of food locally each year in Central Oregon.
Sustaining Sponsor
Strengthening Sponsor
Glacier Funeral
By Nicole Vulcan
After commemorating the loss of Clark Glacier, the Oregon Glaciers Institute looks ahead at what’s to come
Aaron Hartz
Learn About Gravel Biking in the Skyline Forest
Ever wanted to bike the Skyline Forest, but don’t know where to go? An upcoming webinar gives locals the chance to learn about gravel biking on the privately owned land. The Deschutes Land Trust—which has long worked to help preserve the forest and protect it from development—is partnering with Dirty Freehub for a virtual event centered around gravel biking in Skyline Forest. Kevin English of Dirty Freehub and Brad Chalfant of the Deschutes Land Trust will host the free event, which takes place Oct. 27 from 7 to 8pm. Get a link to the online webinar at deschuteslandtrust.org.
OGI was surprised to find that Crook Glacier on Broken Top is still technically active, but barely hanging in there.
n Oct. 18, on South Sister, the Oregon Glaciers Institute held a funeral for Clark Glacier, pronouncing it “dead.” Well, they almost held the funeral. Due to rain and wind conditions the team was unable to make it to the glacier itself, where they planned to livestream on Instagram while commemorating the life of the Clark Glacier. The team of hikers still held a moment of silence at the trailhead. You might be asking, what does a “dead glacier” mean? To the recently formed Institute, it means this is it—Clark Glacier will never be what it used to be. A live glacier will be moving and shifting under all of that mass of white and blue—something Clark is no longer doing. “Mostly it was the sentiment to help people realize that our environment is changing,” says Head of Field Operations Aaron Hartz. “When that ice shrinks to a certain level, once you get much less than 100 feet thick of ice the glacier tends to stop moving. One way to think of it: a glacier can either completely disappear, or you can have remnants of ice, like a dead animal carcass.” The Oregon Glaciers Institute was founded in May this year by Hartz and President and Chief Scientist Anders Carlson. With no government agency tracking glaciers in Oregon, OGI is taking up the charge, recounting the number of glaciers left in the state. At the
start of the 20th Century, it was more than 40. The group monitors each glacier’s health by measuring its mass balance and gathering data to track future projections for Oregon’s glaciers. “The funerals a year ago for glaciers in Switzerland and Iceland were the initial spark. Like wait a minute, this is also happening here in the U.S., and no one seems to be paying attention. It turned out that we knew so little about the glaciers in Oregon, not even how many glaciers exist in the state,” Carlson told the Source. “At some point, you have to put your money in or get out of the game, and in for a penny, in for a pound. And we did it as if not us, then who and when. There is only a decade left or so to effect change and after that, it’ll be just sweeping up the pieces.” As OGI puts it, glaciers are more than just cool things to look at— they also serve entire ecosystems. When all the snowpack is gone, it’s the glaciers that feed mountain streams and supply water sources to animals, Hartz said. Without glaciers, the entire environment will function differently and certain species may be forced to migrate. “We do still have a lot of live ones. Some of them have quite a bit of ice. It’s really hard to predict what they will look like in 10, 20 or 30 years,” Hartz said. “Data from worldwide shows that glaciers are shrinking and our climate is becoming warmer with increased carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere. The
trend is that they will shrink because they melt more in the summer than the snow they are getting in the winter.” To make a significant change we’d need to act fast, the group says. “From a global perspective, we have about a decade left to make serious change. After that, it will be picking winners and losers as the world fundamentally changes. We are already in a bad state. Humans evolved in a world where carbon dioxide never exceeded 300 ppm. At the current carbon dioxide levels, the geologic record places the last equivalent climate to be more than 3 million years ago when Lucy roamed Africa,” says Carlson. “We aren’t built for the world we are creating through our use of carbon. We can’t go backwards to pre-carbon times like pre-1850 and no one (myself included) wants to give up their laptop and electric lights, so we need a new fuel source. We have to change our way of thinking and give up our love affair with the internal combustion engine. It is 19th century technology and we do live in the 21st century! We can do better!” To help people understand the issue, the Oregon Glaciers Institutes is holding a virtual presentation this week. OGI Virtual Presentation
Wed, Oct. 21, 4pm Register online: orglaciersinst.org/post/ upcoming-ogi-virtual-presentation
Race on Your Own and Against Other Runners and Riders with 10 Barrel’s Race Series
We know—you wish racing wasn’t so siloed and solo this year… but alas. For those looking to add a healthy dose of competition to their running or mountain biking routines, the 10 Barrel “Riding Solo” and “Running Solo” stage race series continue through the first week of November. Each week there’s a new course to tackle. Enter all of the races or just one of them; each race window will start at 12:01 am PDT on Sunday and end at 11:59 pm on the following Saturday. Check out more information at 10barrel.runningsolo.me and 10barrel. ridingsolo.me.
By Isaac Biehl
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High-Performance Homes
Connecting efficiency, comfort, health and durability issues, and they also have long-lasting materials which require less maintenance. When you construct a home that can stand the test of time, all the energy and materials that went into making it remain there, reducing the need to produce more replacement materials. This is a more forward-thinking approach and always takes into consideration the total cost of ownership of a home. Properly executed air sealing and mechanical ventilation providing clean indoor air for the occupants will extend the lifespan and durability of a home. The building envelope is a continuous barrier around the perimeter of the home that is a physical separation between the conditioned and unconditioned environment and helps make the home resistant to air, water, heat, light and noise transfer. Northwest AeroBarrier, a local company, uses a process that stops air leakage from within the home by pressurizing the space and spraying a fine mist of waterborne acrylic, which collects and seals leaks and holes, creating a very tightly sealed home. The U.S. Energy Information Administration states that 41% of all energy Americans use is consumed by residential and commercial buildings. Electricity production is the largest contributor to climate change in the U.S., creating 31% of total greenhouse gas emissions as per the Environmental Protection Agency. It really comes down to educated homebuyers demanding homes that function at high efficiency standards and contain materials that aren’t harmful for the residents or surrounding landscapes. Then the builders and developers will have to listen and change will come at a faster pace.
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Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
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33 SW Truman Avenue, Bend OR 97702 2 beds, 2 bath, 1,247 square feet, .1 acres lot Built in 2002 $415,000 Listed by Cascade Sotheby’s Int’l Realty
MID >>
63141 NW Via Palazzo, Bend, OR 97703, 4 beds, 3 bath, 2,091 square feet, .1 acres lot Built in 2017 $564,500. Listed by Save Big Realty
20048 Crystal Creek Court, Bend, OR 97702 4 beds, 4 baths, 2,514 square feet, .18 acres lot Built in 2004 $779,000 Listed by Bend Premier Real Estate LLC
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echnology is evolving at an unprecedented rate. Change is happening so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up with the newest of the new. This change and evolution is widely accepted amongst the public in certain sectors, but support is still lagging in the home-building sector. Comparing the auto industry, which has continually pushed forward in research and development in creating safer, more fuel-efficient vehicles that produce less harmful emissions, it’s time that the building industry strives for higher standards and makes changes to catch up with the current needs and wants of this generation. Even though it’s not widely implemented, there have been significant breakthroughs in building practices and technology. Some builders are beginning to utilize them to produce higher quality, extremely energy-efficient homes. A prime example of this is a High-Performance Home. These homes are raising the bar and setting a new precedent by providing a superior living experience, while performing on a highly energy-efficient level. The New Home Stakeholders Group defines a high-performance home by increased comfort, durability, better indoor air quality and lower energy use. This is achieved through a focus on a few main components, covering a broad spectrum ranging from types of insulation to alternative building methods while incorporating the most energy efficient appliances, lighting, heating and cooling systems. These homes are built to perform highly throughout their lifespan by incorporating building science methods to reduce mold, rot and other
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I’m a woman who recently stopped talking with a guy I’d been seeing because, frankly, I didn’t find him intelligent enough. He is a good guy, but just a little dim for me. When I told my friends this was the reason I ended things, they said it was a bit snobbish. Does this make me an intellectual snob? I get that he has other good qualities, but I just don’t feel like they’re enough. —Nerd Seeking Nerd Love sometimes requires one to make sacrifices, but these shouldn’t include avoiding any words with more than two syllables. You aren’t alone in wanting a partner with smarts. In 1989, evolutionary psychologist David Buss and his colleagues did a massive study exploring mate preferences, including the desire for an intelligent partner, across 37 cultures (“on six continents and five islands”). Their participant group included Gujarati Indians, Estonians, mainland Chinese, Santa Catarina Brazilians, and South African Zulus. Using such a broad cross-cultural group (rather than just surveying the latest crop of American college undergrads) helps parse which traits might be evolved “human universals,” inherited by humans around the globe, irrespective of culture. Universal human traits -- for example, communicating with language and fear of snakes -- evolved to solve recurring problems faced by ancestral humans across continents and over generations, improving our chances of surviving, mating, and, most importantly, passing on our genes. Buss found that for some mate preferences, “cultures varied tremendously.” For example, the Dutch had a “whatevs!” attitude toward whether a partner is a virgin, while people in mainland China, India, and Iran placed a lot of importance on “chastity or virginity” in a partner. There were also strong sex differences in certain mate preferences -- even across cultures -- for example, with men (on average) “always ... valuing virginity more than women.” This might help a man avoid a hookup-erella and the evolutionary fail of unwittingly investing in a kid who’ll pass on some other dude’s genes. Of course, no woman has to worry her kid isn’t hers (especially not after 26 hours of screaming labor to push it out). There were also some universal mate preferences -- across cultures and in both sexes. Buss and his team found that intelligence (as well as kindness and health) were chart-toppers, traits desired by men and women across cultures from Z to Z: from the Zulus to the Croatians in Zagreb.
Granted, Buss did this research 30 years ago. Do his findings hold up? They do -- according to a survey of 14,000 people in 45 countries published in March of 2020 by evolutionary psychologist Daniel Conroy-Beam and his grad student Kathryn V. Walter, in concert with a huge international team of researchers. They write, “Consistent with Buss (1989), our results showed that health, kindness, and intelligence were highly valued by both men and women” around the world. Why might intelligence in a mate have evolved to be such a strong, culturally universal preference? In research exploring the role of men’s intelligence in heterosexual women’s Amy Alkon mate choices, psychologist Mark D. Prokosch and his colleagues explain that “greater intelligence is generally associated with success in a wide variety of circumstances,” most notably, workplace success, leading to higher income. “Selecting a more intelligent mate often provides women with better access to resources and parental investment for offspring.” Additionally, smartman genes are likely to lead to smarter children, making intelligence attractive as an “overall heritable... quality.” There’s a widely held myth that romantic partners need to be near doppelgangers -- have matching traits and interests -- to make it as a couple. This sells memberships to those dating sites promising to ferret out “points of compatibility.” However, research by psychologist Manon van Scheppingen finds that varying, complementing personality traits (such as outgoingness or conscientiousness) in partners often lead to greater relationship satisfaction. That said, it’s reasonable to want a partner with a level of smarts that’s a pretty good match with yours, because, well, a meeting of the minds is a little hard when one mind is tuned into Cold War documentaries while the other is all up in reruns of “Scooby-Doo.” Chances are the notion that you’re a “snob” for wanting an intellectually wellmatched partner is driven in part by others’ fear that they’ll be nixed by potential partners for traits beyond their control. There’s this lovely fiction that “what’s inside is all that matters.” A person’s heart and character are deeply important, but you can’t just decide to have the hots for some Mr. Libido Repellent because he feeds orphaned baby birds with an eyedropper while taking calls for a suicide hotline. Likewise, you can believe all people have innate value and treat them with respect and dignity and still not feel you’re compatible with a partner whose intelligence test results lead to a participation trophy.
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (advicegoddess.com).
© 2020, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I vote in American
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Yes, do let people see you sweat. At least for now, be forthright and revelatory. Let people witness your secret fire, your fierce tang, your salty tears, and your unhealed wounds. Hold nothing back as you give what you haven’t been able to give before. Be gleefully expressive as you unveil every truth, every question, every buried joy. Don’t be crude and insensitive, of course. Be as elegant and respectful as possible. But make it your priority to experiment with sacred vulnerability. Find out how far you can safely go as you strip away the disguises that have kept you out of touch with your full power.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Author Renata Adler expresses my own feelings when she writes, “Hardly anyone about whom I deeply care resembles anyone else I have ever met, or heard of, or read about in literature.” I bet if you’re honest, Taurus, you would say the same. It’s almost certainly the case that the people you regard as worthy of your love and interest are absolutely unique. In the sense that there are no other characters like them in the world, they are superstars and prodigies. I bring this to your attention because now is an excellent time to fully express your appreciation for their one-of-a-kind beauty—to honor and celebrate them for their entertainment value and precious influence and unparalleled blessings. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “If you cannot find an element of humor in something, you’re not taking it seriously enough,” writes author Ilyas Kassam. That’s a key thought for you to keep in mind during the coming weeks. Levity and joking will be necessities, not luxuries. Fun and amusement will be essential ingredients in the quest to make good decisions. You can’t afford to be solemn and stern, because allowing those states to dominate you would diminish your intelligence. Being playful—even in the face of challenges—will ensure your ultimate success.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Between 2008
CANCER (June 21-July 22): I’m hoping the
and 2017, Southern California had two sizable earthquakes: 5.5 and 5.1 on the Richter scale. But during the same period, the area had 1.8 million small quakes that were mostly too mild to be felt. The ground beneath the feet of the local people was shaking at the rate of once every three minutes. Metaphorically speaking, Capricorn, you’re now in a phase that resembles the mild shakes. There’s a lot of action going on beneath the surface, although not much of it is obvious. I think this is a good thing. The changes you’re shepherding are proceeding at a safe, gradual, well-integrated pace.
horoscopes I wrote for you in late August helped propel you into a higher level of commitment to the art of transformation. In any case, I suspect that you will have the chance, in the coming weeks, to go even further in your mastery of that art. To inspire you in your efforts, I’ll encourage you to at least temporarily adopt one or more of the nicknames in the following list: 1. Flux Luster 2. Fateful Fluctuator 3. Shift Virtuoso 4. Flow Maestro 5. Alteration Adept 6. Change Arranger 7. Mutability Savant 8. Transition Connoisseur
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): No American woman was allowed to earn a medical degree and practice as a physician until Aquarian-born Elizabeth Blackwell did it in 1849. It was an almost impossible feat, since the all-male college she attended undermined her mercilessly. Once she began her career a doctor, she constantly had to outwit men who made it difficult for her. Nevertheless, she persisted. Eventually, she helped create a medical school for women in England and made it possible for 476 women to practice medicine there. I propose that we make her your patron saint for now. May she inspire you to redouble your diligent pursuit of your big dream. Here’s your motto: “Nevertheless, I’m persisting.”
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Henry David Thoreau wrote, “I fear my expression may not be extravagant enough, may not wander far enough beyond the narrow limit of my daily experience, so as to be adequate to the truth of which I have been convinced.” You’ll be wise to have a similar fear, Pisces. According to my analysis, you can generate good fortune for yourself by transcending what you already know and think. Life is conspiring to nudge you and coax you into seeking experiences that will expand your understanding
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “When one is a stranger to oneself, then one is estranged from others, too,” wrote author Anne Morrow Lindbergh. “If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others. Only when one is connected to one’s own core, is one connected to others.” In bringing these thoughts to your attention, Leo, I don’t mean to imply that you are out of touch with your deep self. Not at all. But in my view, all of us can benefit from getting into ever-closer communion with our deep selves. In the coming weeks, you especially need to work on that— and are likely to have extra success in doing so.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): My cosmic tipsters told me that you will be even smarter than usual in the coming weeks. As I scoured the heavenly maps, I detected signs that you have the potential to be a skilled code-cracker, riddle-decipherer, and solver of knotty problems and tricky dilemmas. That’s why I suggest you express gratitude to your beautiful brain, Virgo. Sing it sweet songs and tell it how much you love it and find out which foods you can eat to strengthen it even more. Now read Diane Ackerman’s description of the brain: “that shiny mound of being, that mouse-gray parliament of cells, that dream factory, that petit tyrant inside a ball of bone, that huddle of neurons calling all the plays, that little everywhere, that fickle pleasuredome.”
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CentralOregonGives.org Homework: Name five things you do to make yourself feel good. Then think of another thing to add to the list. FreeWillAstrology.com
Central Oregon Gives is a Partnership between
but I approve of vanity,” said fashion writer Diana Vreeland. Here’s how I interpret that: People who care mostly for their own feelings and welfare, and who believe they’re more important than everyone else, are boring and repellent. But those who enjoy looking their best and expressing their unique beauty may do so out of a desire to share their gifts with the world. Their motivation might be artistry and generosity, not self-centeredness. In accordance with cosmic potentials, Scorpio, I invite you to elude the temptations of narcissism as you explore benevolent forms of vanity.
nobody sings the word ‘hunger’ like I do,” testified Aries chanteuse Billie Holiday. She wasn’t suggesting that she had a stylish way of crooning about fine dining. Rather, she meant “hunger” in the sense of the longing for life’s poignant richness. Her genius-level ability to express such beauty was due in part to her skillful vocal technique, but also because she was a master of cultivating soulful emotions. Your assignment in the coming weeks, Aries, is to refine and deepen your own hunger.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “I loathe narcissism,
ARIES (March 21-April 19): “I’ve been told that
elections, but I’ve never belonged to a political party. One of my favorite politicians is Bernie Sanders, who for most of his career has been an Independent. But now I’m a staunch advocate for the Democrats. Why? Because Republicans are so thoroughly under the curse of the nasty, cruel, toxic person known as Donald Trump. I’m convinced that it’s crucial for our country’s well-being that Democrats achieve total victory in the upcoming election. In accordance with astrological omens, I urge you to do your personal equivalent of what I’ve done: Unambiguously align yourself with influences that represent your highest, noblest values. Take a sacred stand not just for yourself, but also in behalf of everything you love.
of everything. Take advantage of this opportunity to blow your own mind!
ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny
Crater Lake Enters the CRAFT Tequila(ish) Game CH
A focus on rare or unique spirits for Bend distillery turns to an agave-based spirit By Nicole Vulcan
Crater Lake Spirits
Tokyo Pro Shred Nora Beck
rater Lake Spirits is adding an entirely new flavor profile to its lineup of spirits—but don’t call it tequila. The Bend-based spirits maker is rolling out the next in its Rare Spirits Collection, this time featuring a product made from agave. The Agave Spirit Reposado will taste like a tequila—but since the spirit was aged in Oregon, rather than made entirely in Mexico, Crater Lake can’t technically call the spirit a tequila. Mexican authorities heavily regulate the use of the term “tequila” to define blue agave spirits made primarily in the state of Jalisco—though some other Mexican states also have limited authority to use the term on products made in those states, too. It’s the same approach used by French authorities to regulate the term “champagne,” to exclude any sparkling white wine not made in the Champagne region of France. “The spirit was sourced from a small distillery in Mexico several years ago and was aged in used Crater Lake Reserve Rye Whiskey barrels for eight months,” said Alan Dietrich, CEO of Crater Lake Spirits. “The Rare Reposado is a 100% blue agave spirit distilled in Mexico. It actually conforms to the definition of tequila, but because we aged it here in Bend, we cannot legally call it this. This is a very rare, unique interpretation of the style.” The bottles were released Oct. 14 and available for $34.95 in the tasting rooms in downtown Bend and in Tumalo. Both spaces have been keeping regular hours—with social distancing and other safety protocols in place, of course. The first release in the company’s Rare Spirits collection was a Barley Whiskey, a five-year malted barley whiskey released earlier this past summer and available only in Crater Lake Spirits’ two tasting rooms. The company expects to release more additions to its Rare Spirits collection in the coming year. Crater Lake Spirits
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use by adults 21 years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
Enjoy this rare spirit; just don't call it tequila.
1024 NW Bond St., Suite 102, Bend and 19330 Pinehurst Rd., Bend craterlakespirits.com
THE REC ROOM Crossword
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearl’s Puzzle
Difficulty Level
We’re Local!
© Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
“Plot idea: 97% of the world’s scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of _______res & _______es.” —Scott Westerfeld
ACROSS 1. Crash-examining org. 5. “Pick me! Pick me!” 9. Stoker of horror 13. Dance floor filler by the Village People 14. “Everybody knows that!” 16. Whiffenpoof’s school 17. Bigwig 18. Big name in filtration 19. Let forth 20. Condom used by superspy Jason? 23. Messenger ___ 24. “May I have a volunteer?” 25. Subject that will drive you crazy? 31. Protected from the elements, as on a yacht 32. R&B/yacht rock singer Robbie 33. Totally amazing 36. Cheering crowd sounds 38. ___ chi ch’uan (Chinese discipline) 39. Wine in Sangria 41. Ticked, as a box 42. Luxury Hondas 45. Shit slinger 46. Change everybody on an advisory committee? 48. Epiglottis spot 51. Mom’s surrounded by them 52. Won’t share a “Survivor” prize? 57. Ladder spanner 58. Calliope’s sister 59. Mayonnaise base 62. Frozen waffle that comes in Homestyle and Chocolatey Chip varieties 63. I liner? 64. Scrape that only Dr. Mom can see 65. Sharpen 66. Inner child, maybe? 67. Arm bone
DOWN 1. FDR Drive loc. 2. Rival of Bossip and Perez Hilton 3. Union breaker 4. It’s a round 5. Consistent with one’s image 6. Road rager’s punching bag 7. Slobbering dog in panels 8. Homes with thatched roofs, maybe 9. “Ciao, darling” 10. “First Blood” hero John 11. Many a Comic-Con cosplayer 12. Scotland Yard measurement? 15. Capital of Zimbabwe 21. Article written by Victor Hugo 22. Al in the International Motorsports Hall of Fame 25. Comic who said “Whatever it is, I’m against it” 26. Plant with healing juices 27. Without any charge 28. Laugh-a-minute type 29. Eye-popping paintings 30. ___ Heep (hard rockers) 33. Law that allows govt. documents to be released 34. Almost shut 35. Singing storyteller 37. Word ___ (gobbledygook) 40. Comment said when someone walks into a bad cell 43. A lot of people live here 44. Escorted away 46. Drew a blank 47. Meas. for obesity 48. Did some relief work 49. “Dancing With the Stars” judge Derek 50. Actor’s versatility 53. Grunts’ grub 54. She might be a nag 55. Internet bill, e.g.: Abbr. 56. Blood-curdling scream 60. Actress Shaye of horror films 61. Kiwi parrot
“Autumn is a tea drinker’s paradise.” —Jessica Walliser
©2020 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
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