Source Weekly September 10, 2020

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VOLUM E 2 4 / I S S UE 3 0 / S EP TEM BER 1 0 , 2 0 2 0




GOOD BAD UGLY Wrestling with PLUS

social media’s many faces







Jess McComb, Hanna Merzbach

Raise Your Voice to Raise the River at Artist:

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088


Darris Hurst

Cover design by Darris Hurst. Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:

EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - REPORTER Laurel Brauns - REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Cayla Clark -

FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Hanna Merzbach, Jared Rasic SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker

4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 10 - Feature The Good, the Bad, the Ugly – Is social media all good? All bad? Neither, or both? We look at some of the good, the bad and the ugly. 13 - Source Picks 14 - Sound 15 - Calendar 19 - Culture TikTok of the Town – A teen musician just made a cameo on the “Today” show, after making some popular duets on the social media platform, TikTok. Call it a “good” part of social media? 21 - Chow 23 - Screen 25 - Outside Bolt Ban! – A longtime climber’s action at Smith Rock prompted the rest of the climbing community to take action—and Smith Rock managers to institute a ban on new bolts in the park.

On the Cover: "Cowboys in Oceans" by Douglas Robertson. This is just a small piece of a larger mural located on the Cascade Heating & Specialties building in downtown Bend. To view more of Robertson's work visit his website at

COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts


Oregon is on fire, and that means poor air quality and lots of smoke for many communities around the state, including this shot from Bend Monday. On Tuesday, Gov. Kate Brown invoked the Emergency Conflagration Act in response to the Beachie Creek and Lionshead fires in the Santiam Canyon and Jefferson County, and the Holiday Farm Fire near McKenzie Bridge—fires that saw significant spread due to heavy winds.


27 - Real Estate 28 - Advice 29 - Astrology 30 - Craft The Little Woody Returns – It won’t be a large gathering in one place, but Bend’s barrel-aged brew fest is moving forward with a pandemic-era version. 31 - Puzzles

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Shannon Corey - INTERNS Miina McCown, Kyle Switzer



ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Timm Collins, Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat OFFICE MANAGER Bethany Jenkins - DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer -


PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770

Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.

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The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2020 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2020 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.

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Last week, we focused our attention on preparations for school. This week, embedded inside Laurel Brauns’ news story on unions is more info on where we stand: Deschutes County has met the testing metrics three weeks in a row to begin the process of sending kids back to school. We, like many, are watching that development with interest. We’re also tracking the fires surrounding Central Oregon; from Jefferson County and Marion County, and now, from Lane County and the McKenzie Bridge area. We’re hoping for the best possible outcome, but the loss of homes—and even people’s lives—appears to be the reality. Between COVID-19, the ongoing racial tensions and now smoke and fires, it’s been a challenging summer, to say the least. If you get an evacuation order, take it seriously. Don’t wait to prepare and get out, if needed. Our most recent updates can always be found in your inbox every morning inside our daily newsletter, the Cascades Reader. Sign up at


If We’re in a War on Cars, Is This How We Win It?









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ou hear it time and again: When asked to mention some of the biggest issues facing Bend, politicians and regular folk alike will parrot the same things. Transportation, transportation, transportation… and housing, of course. Recent weeks in Central Oregon have demonstrated no exception. Below are just some of the examples of the challenges—both cultural and logistical—that plague Bend’s overall transportation system. There was the horrible treatment of a young Black man aboard a Cascades East Transit bus—video of which was released in late August. Not only did a CET driver put the man in a chokehold and make him lose consciousness for the “crime” of not wearing shoes on the empty bus, but it turns out that the driver had a string of charges on his record, including arrests on 23 felony charges, including criminal mistreatment and theft, in 2012. As has been the method in recent years, the man was hired and employed through a third party, not CET, and was fired after the incident. Buses are one of the few means of alternative transportation in our community, and this was not a prime example of making public safety aboard the buses a high priority. Those who ride those buses already know that routes are limited, pickup locations few, and the system’s main “hub,” along Hawthorne Avenue, can be chaotic and dangerous for both cars and pedestrians. Another example of problems, both cultural and logistical: In the City of Bend’s recent adoption of a 20-year Transportation System Plan, transit issues got the short shrift, left far below the funding offered for big-ticket items that will clear traffic for masses of cars along Highway 97 and Murphy Road. Poorly vetted bus drivers and paltry local funds are how Bend prioritizes transit. Not a great offensive in the war on cars. On another front, the Bend City Council decided this past week to move forward on a pilot program that will issue parking permits for people living in parts of Old Bend nearest to Drake Park.

As this week’s News story outlines, the program, to be put into place through 2021, at taxpayer expense, will allow residents to get a permit to park on certain city streets, but will exclude everyone else—to the tune of a $50 ticket. Put it another way: The City is moving to an exclusive system that will allow the parking of cars for people who can prove some connection with Old Bend, while excluding anyone and everyone else who might want to park nearby in order to visit Drake Park and Mirror Pond—a water feature so popular, that everyone in the Northwest knows it by the beer that bears its name. To be fair, the City does have a plan to issue $5 parking passes for special events, but that hardly accounts for the many other days of the year when the average Bend taxpayer will be unable to park on streets they pay to maintain. And here’s yet another kicker: When advised to recuse herself due to her daughter’s ownership-via-trust of a property in the proposed permit parking zone, Bend Mayor Sally Russell chose not to do so, and cast her vote alongside the rest. So let’s recap some of the ways Bend’s policies—and culture—make transportation such a glaring issue: -Bend has de-prioritized a transit system that benefits its most vulnerable citizens—including those unable to drive, those who can’t afford it, and heck, even the people who might otherwise choose transit because it’s a more ecologically sound thing to do. -Bend and CET have abdicated responsibility for public safety aboard Bend buses, leaving it to a third party to vet and hire drivers. Someone had to be placed in a chokehold to the point of passing out for us to see why that’s a problem. -Bend has placed the priorities of a chosen few over the wider public, creating an exclusive pilot parking program in a part of town used by many for shopping, sightseeing, recreating and gathering. Is this a war on cars, or just a culture war? Either way, we’re losing.



Some people may think I, as a 5th grade teacher in rural Oregon, am least likely to deal with a drug crisis. Yet my reality is the exact opposite. You see, in Oregon, one in 11 people are struggling with drug abuse. Every hour, an Oregonian is arrested for a drug-related incident. These arrests are leading reasons Oregon children land in the foster system. I do deal with the drug crisis and how it affects innocent children. This crisis is not an “urban” problem, limited to people who are homeless under bridges and on sidewalks in downtown Portland. It’s happening all over the state, including right here. Drug addiction leaves a wide wake of hurdles. It’s not unusual for me to have one or more students in households where an adult is dealing with substance abuse. No child—no matter how young— is unscathed by their family’s challenges. These kiddos feel every bit of that weight and carry it right into the classroom. Leaving it at the door just isn’t an option for them. I see how this weight competes with their ability to learn and be part of the school community. One of the things that tugs at my heartstrings most is when a student withers from their educational potential. They’ve seen another system— the justice system—hurt their loved one, often the entire family. They know this system seldom means “good stuff ahead.” The ripple into our schools and communities is just one reason to rethink our response to drug addiction. Instead, addiction should be treated for what it is—a health care issue! Right now, one of the biggest obstacles in Oregon’s drug crisis is the ability to provide care for people who are ready to recover. Measure 110, which will be on the ballot this November, will expand Oregon’s ability to provide drug treatment and recovery services to communities all across the state—including ours. Measure 110 also addresses another important issue—the often-debilitating

Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!

hurdles people deal with after they’re hit with a charge for low-level drug possession. Even after someone finds recovery, their record still follows them, making it harder for them to find jobs, housing, obtain professional licenses, student loans, and more. This measure expands access to treatment and removes unfairly harsh punishments for minor, nonviolent drug offenses, so people with addiction can more easily recover. People will no longer be arrested and put in jail simply for possession of small amounts of drugs. Instead, they will receive a health assessment and be connected to the right treatment or recovery services, including housing assistance, to help them get their lives back on track. Measure 110 doesn’t legalize drugs, and no change is made in the criminal code for delivery, manufacture and other commercial drug offenses. These offenses remain a crime. No change is made for other crimes that may be associated with drug use, such as driving under the influence and theft. One of the best parts of Measure 110—it is paid for by money already flowing into the state in the form of taxes on marijuana. It comes down to this: Students have one shot at 5th grade, or any grade. Their home life is a huge ingredient to their success. Measure 110 means more support for parents with addictions, therein giving kids a better chance to succeed. It’s just that simple. Think of the good we could bring to our communities with addiction recovery for anyone who wants it. It would make my classroom, and classrooms all around Oregon, just a bit brighter. Please join me in voting “yes” on Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment & Recovery Act. —Anna Rhodes is an educator of 7 years in Central Oregon.

County Commissioners (County Commissioners) must approve two applications for indoor marijuana growing operations in unincorporated areas of the County. LUBA had previously ruled against the County Commissioners’ decision to deny a land-use permit to one of the applicants in October 2019. Despite the two rulings from LUBA, the County Commissioners have decided to appeal both cases to the Oregon Court of Appeals. The County Commissioners’ decision to move forward with these cases is puzzling and raises a few questions: (1) How much taxpayer money has been spent to date to deny land-use permits for these proposed indoor marijuana growing operations? and (2) How much taxpayer money and County staff time will be wasted during the next phase(s) of this years long legal battle? I don’t know how many thousands of dollars the County Commissioners are prepared to spend to protect children from pot plants grown inside buildings but I do know that earlier this year Commissioner Phil Henderson and the Deschutes County Budget Committee refused to contribute $170,624 to the Bend-La Pine School District to help reduce youth suicide and substance abuse rates in local high schools. We need County Commissioners focused on addressing real problems in our community. This November please join me and vote for Phil Chang. —Adrian Jones

farewell column. Jim and I go back a long, long way. I was one of the teenaged science geeks that he mentored for two weeks, two years in a row, on that OMSI Science Bus. While I already had a keen interest in the natural world, it was he that introduced me to Geology. I was surprised, upon returning to Oregon two years ago, to see a column of his in the Sisters paper. “Jeez, he’s STILL ALIVE?” I mused. A couple of emails later, I went to see him at his Sisters home. It was wonderful. He loaned me a rare & precious book by Thomas Condon, which I read cover to cover and duly returned. He also gave me a signed copy of his book. I shall treasure it forever. —Ken Barber

Letter of the Week:

Ken, Happy our lil ol’ paper was something worth going to the big city for! Come on in for your gift card to Palate —Nicole Vulcan


How fortuitous that I happened to make my grocery run to the Big City (LaPine) in time to see Jim Anderson’s


As discussed in Nicole Vulcan’s recent column “Deschutes County Files Appeals in Two Pot Farm Cases”, the State of Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) issued a decision on August 10, 2020 stating that the Deschutes County Board of

EXCLUSIVE THIS WEEK IN: The 2020 election is 60 days away, and the Source team is hard at work interviewing candidates! Our “My View” video series, featuring local candidates sharing their views, from a local viewpoint they love, continues this week in the Cascades Reader. Look for our one-on-one interviews with candidates running for Bend City Council… with many more interviews to come in the weeks ahead. Start your day with Central Oregon’s best source for news and local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS


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Private Parking Coming to Old Bend

City creates new permit-only parking district pilot program for areas around Drake Park By Laurel Brauns




he Bend City Council moved forward Sept. 2 with an ordinance to create a restricted parking district in a small section of the Old Bend neighborhood. The City is going ahead with a pilot program that gives Old Bend residents a private parking district through the end of 2021, and fines others who park while visiting downtown, Drake Park and the Deschutes River. At that point, the City may renew and expand the program, or cancel it all together. Only one City Councilor, Barb Campbell, argued the district was not fair for other taxpayers in Bend. The pilot project will include all the streets east of the Deschutes River between Drake Park and Miller’s Landing Park, and will end at NW Broadway to the east. NW Riverside Boulevard along Drake Park will remain public with a four-hour parking limit. For years, people who live in the district have said that some tubers, event-goers, shoppers and employees of downtown restaurants and the City of Bend park on the streets in front of their homes, and that they can’t find a place to park when they come home, according to Tobias Marx, the city’s parking services division manager, who said that is why prioritizing parking for people in

“permit only” signs throughout the district, and pay a third-party parking enforcement company to fine non-permit holders $50. The City’s goal is to make the program cost-neutral and to eventually funnel profits toward a new Old Bend Neighborhood parking committee for improvement projects, according to Marx, who presented the plan to the Bend City Council on Sept. 2. To gauge support for the parking restriction zone, the City sent out 1,005 surveys to residents of the entire Old Bend district which stretches from the Deschutes River and moves east to Highway 97, south to NW Arizona Avenue and north to Franklin Avenue. The return rate on the survey was 26%, Marx explained. Most of the respondents lived between the river and NW Broadway and were supportive of the permit system, so Marx proposed this smaller area for a pilot program. Even in that neighborhood though, the return rate was only around 40%. In the beginning, the City may use money from its general fund to get the project off the ground, according to City Manager Eric King. The City hopes to use it as a model to create similar districts throughout Bend, Marx said.

This is institutional classism. The government is excluding undesirable people from privileged neighborhoods, yet every last one of them paid for these darn streets. —Bend City Councilor Barb Campbell Old Bend is important. He said tubers are sometimes rowdy after getting off the river, which disturbs the residents, who then call the City to complain. “The proximity of the neighborhood to City Hall is a large contributor to the problem,” said former Bend City Councilor Doug Knight, who lives in the close-in part of Old Bend. “Even though they’ve been encouraged to park elsewhere, City employees (pre-COVID anyway) were still using our neighborhood as their de-facto parking lot. It’s true of restaurant and retail workers too, even farmers market trucks. Everyone seems to think that curbside in front of all of our houses is where they should park. Well, the 1910 neighborhood isn’t set up for that. A lot of us don’t even have garages big enough to fit modern cars in them.” Residents of Old Bend near Drake Park will pay between $15-30 for a yearlong parking permit. The fees will fund a program where the City will post

“I see this as a responsibility of the City to preserve the livability of the community,” said Councilor Bill Moseley at the Sept. 2 City Council meeting. “The community is growing and changing, and sometimes the City encourages that change, through promoting tourism for example, or rezoning a particular area to be commercial. And often times this degrades the livability of the community where people live right in their homes.” “I do have concerns of a balloon effect, you squeeze it one area, it’s going to pop out in another,” said Councilor Justin Livingston. “I think we could be shoving the issue just a block or two away.” “I know that this particular neighborhood, especially in the pilot area, has been grappling with this issue for probably 30 years,” said Mayor Sally Russell during the City Council meeting. “We’re going to be having this conversation for a really long time unless we make some

Laurel Brauns

One of the many historic homes in the Old Bend Neighborhood close to Drake Park. Many of these homes can be accessed by vehicle through the back of the property on alleyways.

sort of decision tonight.” She voted in favor of the pilot program. Russell’s family owns two properties in Old Bend, including one on State Street, in the pilot project area, as well as one on NW Georgia Avenue. They’re both in Russell’s daughter’s name, in a Revocable Trust, meaning all income earned on the property goes to the grantor as long as the grantor is alive. Per Bend City Council rules, councilors were advised to recuse themselves from voting if they live or have a business in the area, or have a family member that does. Russell was briefed on this rule by Associate City Attorney Elizabeth Oshel during the meeting, and opted to vote anyway. The permit parking program was first proposed in response to two parking studies the City commissioned in 2017 to evaluate parking issues in downtown and near NW Galveston Avenue. Combined, these studies cost the City nearly a half a million dollars, according to Sharon Wojda, the City’s chief financial officer. This February, the City Council made it a goal to begin to adopt code changes that would allow for the new parking districts by June. A private parking district; a public street The lone dissenting vote on the program was Councilor Barb Campbell, who said the program was not equitable. “This resolution is selling part of the public right of way to a small number of our citizens,” she said. “As a taxpayer, I have to contribute to the creation of a space that I cannot park, and then I will get charged a citation to subsidize the residents so they don’t have to pay for the whole thing themselves.” Campbell later told the Source, “This is institutional classism. The government is excluding undesirable people

from privileged neighborhoods, yet every last one of them paid for these darn streets.” Cameron Clark—who runs C3 Events and hosts many events in Drake Park throughout the summer—is also concerned about equity. He also lives in Old Bend. He said that all events he hosts spill into the Old Bend area, including Munch & Music and Theater in the Park, both in Drake Park, as well as seasonal festivals downtown. He said he never markets those events outside of Bend and that most attendees are from Central Oregon, according to yearly surveys his company conducts. “This [parking program] is taking free events that have transcended class for decades and that attract more than 90% locals and then starts charging people to go,” Clark said. “It discourages a multi-class group of people from going. People won’t come. Many people decide to go at the last minute.” Parking Services Division Manager Tobias Marx said the City will organize an event-specific parking program where special parking will be allowed on certain streets like NW Broadway for a nightly fee of $5 that will be paid through a mobile device. “The City is collecting a tax for not doing anything,” Clark said. “It will be collecting thousands of dollars.” Clark is also concerned that the City is opening a “pandora’s box” of private parking districts all over the city to appease angry neighbors who call to complain. According to Councilor Chris Piper, this is exactly what the City has in mind: “Looking at a smaller footprint [in Old Bend] will give assurance to the other part of the neighborhood that we will have a model in place that we can expand throughout the community.”


Noticias en Español de la calle NW Broadway. La calle de NW Riverside Boulevard, a lo largo del parque Drake, seguirá siendo una calle abierta al público con un limite de estacionamiento de hasta 4 horas. Según Tobias Marx, gerente de la división de servicios de estacionamiento de la ciudad, las personas que viven en la región dicen que la personas que flotan el río en su flotador, las que asisten a eventos, las que van de compras y los empleados de restaurantes que trabajan en la zona centro y los que trabajan para la ciudad de Bend se estacionan enfrente de sus casas y ellos no pueden encontrar un lugar para estacionarse al regresar a casa. También comento que algunas veces, las personas que flotan el río, después de salir del río hacen escandalo, lo cual perturba a los vecinos, los cuales luego llaman a las instalaciones de la ciudad para quejarse. Según Marx, quien presento el plan al consejo municipal de la ciudad de Bend el 2 de Septiembre, los vecinos de la zona histórica de Bend que viven cerca del parque Drake pagarán entre $15 a $30 dólares al año por el permiso de estacionamiento. Las cuotas financiarán un programa en el que la ciudad colocará letreros a lo largo del

Escrito por Laurel Brauns; Traducido por/ translated by Jéssica Sánchez-Millar


l 2 de Septiembre, el concejo municipal de la ciudad de Bend procedió con un decreto para crear una zona de estacionamiento limitado en un pequeño segmento del vecindario de la zona histórica de Bend. La ciudad esta llevando a cabo un programa piloto que proporciona a los habitantes/vecinos de la zona histórica de la ciudad de Bend un espacio de estacionamiento privado hasta finales del año 2021 y multa a otras personas que se estacionen en el centro, en el parque Drake y en el río Deschutes durante su visita a esas zonas. Llegado ese punto, la ciudad podría renovar y expandir el programa o cancelarlo por completo. El proyecto piloto incluirá todas las calles al este del río Deschutes localizadas entre los parques Drake y Miller’s Landing y abarcará hacia la zona este

Redmond esta en busca de arte juvenil en el circuito de bicicletas Pump Track Escrito por Jess McComb; Traducido por/ translated by Jéssica Sánchez-Millar


tención, jóvenes aspirantes artistas! Este mes, el Comité de Artes en lugares públicos de Redmond esta organizando su segundo concurso anual de arte estudiantil para tener la oportunidad de crear un mural en el circuito de bicicletas Homestead Bike Park Pump. Se les invita a los estudiantes de Redmond de 18 años o menos a enviar hasta tres propuestas de un mural que se exhibirá en el circuito de bicicletas. Para que las propuestas sean consideradas, todas las obras deben ser enviadas a mas tardar el 30 de septiembre. El criterio principal es la creatividad pero de acuerdo a las pautas a seguir, el mural también debe ser colorido, original y apropiado para el público. El/ La ganadora del concurso colaborará junto con los miembros de RCAPP para encargarse del mural para el circuito de bicicletas. Los trabajos elegibles pueden enviarse vía online o por correo. Los detalles para enviar la propuesta y las reglas, las pueden encontrar en la página web de la ciudad de Redmond,

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Próximamente estacionamiento privado en la zona histórica de la ciudad de Bend

vecindario con mensajes que indican “permit only”- estacionamiento autorizado solo con permiso - y pagará a una tercera entidad, a una empresa de control de estacionamiento, para que multe con $50 a las personas que no tengan un permiso para estacionarse. El objetivo de la ciudad es hacer que el programa tenga un costo neutro y a la larga canalizar las ganancias hacia un nuevo comité de estacionamiento del vecindario de la zona histórica para proyectos de mejora. El único voto en contra al programa, fue el de la concejal Barb Campbell, quien dijo que el programa no era equitativo. Campbell dijo lo siguiente: “Esta resolución esta vendiendo parte del derecho de paso de derecho público a una pequeña parte de nuestros ciudadanos.” “Como contribuyente, tengo que contribuir a la creación de un espacio en el cual no me puedo estacionar y luego me cobrarán una multa para subsidiar a los vecinos de esa región para que no tengan que pagar por todo ellos mismos.” Más tarde Campbell le dijo a The Source, “Esto es clasismo institucional. El gobierno está excluyendo personas indeseables de los vecindarios privilegiados, además, cada una de estas personas pago por estas malditas calles.”



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State of the Central Oregon Unions

In honor of Labor Day, a short history of the local labor movement and the challenges facing workers in the time of COVID-19


By Laurel Brauns

Why join a union? During the years following World War II and before President Ronald Reagan took office, both union membership and middle-class wages were at their peak. During that era, workers had more power and it was possible to be middle class with only a high school diploma, according to the Center for American Progress. In the mid-’60s, unions represented 35% of American workers. In 2020, union membership is 10.3% and overall wages of the middle 60% of Americans have shrunk significantly since the 1960s as a portion of national income, according to the Center for American Progress. Today, many service workers barely subsist on minimum wage, according to the CAP report. If today’s minimum wage was adjusted for GDP and overall wage gains from its peak buying power in 1968, the wage would be more like $21/hour, according to Michael Funke, a local labor activist and KPOV radio show host, told the Source, “Workers by and large are always going to be better off with a union contract. One of my fellow union members told me once, ‘I didn’t join the union to get something out of the union, I joined the union to get something out of the boss.’ Unions don’t just work for better compensation, they help with working conditions, health insurance, they establish a system to advance in the work place and provide a way to voice grievances with employers and provide protection from being fired.” Central Oregon unions unite In Central Oregon there is a “high saturation” of union membership for an area of this size, said Renee Ruiz, the Central Oregon Central Labor Chapter-Oregon AFL-CIO President. Ruiz said there are active chapters for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees 3997, representing Deschutes County employees,

Renee Ruiz

the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 555, for employees of local corporate grocery stores, the Oregon Nurses Association for workers at St. Charles Medical Center, a Bend and Redmond Education Association, and an Amalgamated Transit Union 757 for Cascades East Transit drivers. Ruiz said there are also a number of smaller organizations for the building trades such as construction workers, plumbers and pipe fitters. “The main concern during COVID was worker safety and assuring workers had protective equipment, not just inside the hospitals for health care, but everywhere,” Ruiz said. “Most people represented by unions are considered essential workers.” Ruiz also represents the Oregon Nurses Association in Bend. The group organized a handout of face masks in July outside of St. Charles Bend. Early on in the pandemic, the group lobbied the hospital to postpone elective surgeries to preserve PPE; St. Charles was one of the first hospitals in the state to do so. At the state level, the nurses’ union won the right to be a part of hospital-based committees maintaining an adequate supply of PPE, which just started this month, Ruiz said. On Monday, the Central Oregon Labor Chapter organized a Virtual Labor Day concert and picnic from 1– 4pm for all its affiliated members with a live band, Thomas T and the Blue Chips, as well as several local union leaders and politicians, including Bend City Council candidate Anthony Broadman. Local teachers on going virtual Teachers unions around the country have strongly objected to returning to in-person classes this fall, as COVID cases continue to rise. The American Federation of Teachers, the second largest teachers’ union in the U.S., authorized its members to strike in districts and states that moved to reopen classrooms without adequate health and safety measures. In Sacramento, California, the union objected to the requirement that teachers record their lectures, arguing that it was a violation of privacy for all involved. In Central Oregon, both the Bend-La Pine and Redmond school districts have decided to start the year almost entirely online for at least six weeks, with the exception of some small, two-hour classes for students with disabilities and English language learners. This is in spite of the fact that schools in Deschutes County have met the state’s metric to have in-person classes for students in grades K-3. To bring these students back, the state requires a county to have 30 or fewer COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the county and a test positivity rate of less than 5% for three weeks straight.

Central Oregon union members gathered virtually on Monday for the Central Oregon Labor Chapter coalition’s annual picnic. A few members attended in person to see a live performance of Thomas T and the Blue Chips. Pictured above Stu Kinzel (left) and Thomas Tsuneta "Thomas T.".

Deschutes County has had fewer than 20 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents for three weeks and a test positivity rate below 2% during that time, according to the Oregon Health Authority. The president of the Bend Education Association did not answer a request for comment, but Barry Branaugh of the Redmond Education Association, said: “The biggest thing I would want people to understand is that teachers do not like distance learning. We got into this profession to work with kids and be around kids. At the same time, we’re dealing with a global pandemic that has no vaccine and no cure. Since our last day with students (March 13), nothing has changed from a medical standpoint. That’s the conflict—we want to come back, but only when it’s safe to do so. “As a local association we have many members who are very fearful of returning, so we have taken the position that we aren’t willing to return to school until the medical experts deem it is safe to do so. We want people to do what the medical experts are encouraging (wearing masks, etc.) to bring the cases down. When the medical experts say it’s safe to return, then we are more than willing. We get that it’s frustrating for parents, students, and teachers, but we don’t see any value in rushing back and then having cases spike and get shut down again. We would like to do it correctly once so we can get back as soon as possible.” The labor and social justice alliance in Central Oregon When Jobs with Justice – Central Oregon first formed in 2003, a number of events coalesced to inspire a coalition of labor and social justice: the Bend City Council faced a homophobic backlash for its efforts to pass an equal rights ordinance with protections for sexual

orientation and gender identity, the local school district tried to de-unionize the jobs of non-faculty staff, and workers at Bend Cable (today Bend Broadband) failed to unionize. Among many other successful campaigns (including blocking a Walmart Supercenter in north Bend) members of Jobs with Justice and other groups joined together to fight for unionization of the Bend bus drivers for Cascades East Transit in 2007. The rest of CET drivers were already unionized and employed by Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council. But Bend drivers to this day are employed by a contract company, Paratransit Services, from Washington state. While the group won the right to organize for better contracts, Bend CET workers have been struggling with Paratransit ever since. In 2018, when they were bargaining for a new contract, they were paid significantly less than COIC workers and said the health insurance offered by the company was not something they could afford with their hourly wage. The recent scandal involving a Bend CET driver putting a passenger in a chokehold renewed public interest in the topic of allowing a contract company to handle the employment— and vetting—of drivers who provide an essential service to people in Bend. Today, Jobs with Justice is one of many organizations that occupy the Central Oregon Social Justice Center near downtown, established in 2012. The center brought together activists fighting for immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, and leases office space to two unions and two immigration lawyers. Today it stands as a meeting place for a variety of progressive groups organized to fight for working people on a local, state and national level.  Central Oregon Labor Chapter



entral Oregon is home to dozens of chapters of different union groups, from local education associations for teachers, to a St. Charles Health System chapter of the Oregon Nurses’ Association. The Source checked in with local union leaders to find out what they’re working on in the age of the coronavirus. The year 2020 has been a devastating year so far for both American and Oregon workers. Since the coronavirus hit the state in the spring, more than half a million Oregon workers have filed for unemployment, and 66% of those claims came from people making less than $20 an hour, according to Damon Runberg, a regional economist with the Oregon Employment Department.




Douglas Robertson





Wrestling with social media’s many faces

Social Glue

Bringing people together online, for food, fellowship… and a lot less political fervor By Nicole Vulcan


few weeks back, I tried to find a new home for an errant rooster that had accidentally made his way into my backyard flock. Turns out, giving away livestock is against Facebook rules, and my request was removed from a local Facebook group where I posted it. Facebook may have played a hand in helping influence the last presidential election by allowing misleading ads to proliferate, but giving away a chicken? Heck, nah. But rather than focus on all the political fervor that continues as we approach yet another presidential election, this is intended to focus a bit on the positive side of social media, by way of some of the groups using it.

Central Oregon Gardeners Started in 2013 by Stacey Kent, who lived in Prineville, and joined later that year by Tessa Neill, who had started her own gardening group, the initial vision for Central Oregon Gardeners was, “to not only create a fun and friendly place to get the specific information for our bipolar weather, but to gather the members in real life,” according to a document on the COG group page. What started out as a group for a few hearty Central Oregon gardeners who wanted to prove you could actually grow food in the high desert has turned into a group of over 5,800 members, some who live in other far-flung high desert areas. “I was in a volatile domestic violence situation, and building the group

gave me a sense of worth and purpose. Plants and growing gave me hope for life when I thought mine would end,” Kent told the Source. “It is impossible to think about your past, present, or future while gardening. You can only see the beauty, pull the weed or plan the next place for that flower.” The recent pandemic has inspired a lot more people—some with more time on their hands, and perhaps the addition of financial concerns, to turn to growing their own food. Oregon State University, seeing the uptick in desire for information about growing food, even made some of its Master Gardener curriculum free at the start of the pandemic. Neill of COG says the group, too, saw growth in group membership due to the pandemic—but said that group numbers have been steadily on the rise as the local population grows. COG members post photos of pests or problem areas in their gardens, and quickly get responses from any number of fellow group members. If someone has more of something than they need—such as an overgrowth of a certain type of plant, for example— another member is likely to swoop it up. “I’ve seen members lose all the plants they started and other members offering to give them some starts,” Neill told the Source. “We’ve seen members get really defeated about the challenges of growing in Central Oregon, and members are quick to offer encouragement to keep going.” Around 2015, COG began a seed swap, and then added plant swaps. In

addition, “More and more members are stepping up to offer events teaching about their passion, what they do that works, etc.,” Neill said. Pandemic Partners The last time we mentioned Pandemic Partners, it was a new Facebook group that had exploded in size, connecting people who had things with people who needed things during this global pandemic. As its group description reads, “It’s simple - if you need help, ask. If you can help, respond out of the goodness of your heart.” Since its creation, by Morgan Schmidt, pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Bend, the Pandemic Partners “brand” has expanded beyond Bend: Groups now exist specifically for Redmond (2,300+ members), South Deschutes County (700+ members), Sisters (900+ members) and Jefferson County (780+ members)—and it’s now a nonprofit with its own website sharing resources and a “starter kit” of sorts for those interested in “crowdsourcing kindness.” Is this possible without social media? While Congress continues to debate whether social media giants should be treated like publishers—who are subject to rules and regulations that govern what they can and can’t say (truth in advertising, for example), group leaders using Facebook as a vehicle believe it’s the intention of the group—not the method by which the information is delivered— that really moves things along.

Nicole Vulcan

Want to give away a rooster on Facebook? No way, says Facebook. But posting inane, untrue memes about a political candidate? Well...

Before the Facebook group, Kent said she got the word out via other means. “In the beginning I did a lot of Craigslist ads, local paper, like the (Your) Round Up, and flyers at businesses. I talked to everyone I could get to listen, too,” Kent said. It’s tough to say whether a group like this would have gathered so many members were old-school community bulletin boards, rather than social media, its gathering point, but as Neill puts it, if social media didn’t exist, Kent would have made it happen somehow. “That’s how she rolls,” Neill said.


Thanks a Bunch, Zuckerberg

Facebook was originally developed to keep people connected – however, according to some Bend locals, the social media platform is better at driving people apart By Cayla Clark Unsplash

were uninstalled entirely. Social media had become so ugly and hateful that it was starting to take an emotional and mental toll. For some, like Bend local Sandy Klein, social media took an even more menacing turn in recent times. After undergoing a significant interpersonal trauma involving her husband, she began receiving extensive backlash from some local people. Even before that, she decided to get rid of one of her two Facebook pages to avoid the constant conflict. “The political climate is the worst right now, and it’s really bringing out the worst in people in my opinion,” said Klein. “It goes way beyond just having an opinion or sharing news. So many times, when a news article is shared by someone, left or right, it quickly turns toxic. There was one instance I can remember; someone asked a genuine question and was looking for a genuine answer, and I responded. But as soon as I answered I was viciously attacked and called a racist. That part drives me crazy, that a person can express themselves without being attacked like that. With everything that I’ve been going through, you know, that makes me feel like I have to keep it all to myself.” Pixabay

“Unfriending” people on Facebook seems simple enough, but some prefer calling names and making threats.

What started as another way for humans to communicate has shifted toward becoming a platform for hate and toxicity.

Bend local Griffin Michael added that discussing politics on Facebook was driving a clear wedge between people. “I had a man threaten to give my business bad reviews on Google in order to ruin my business because we had differing opinions on politics. He looked at my Facebook page and said, ‘I see you’re divorced... your wife couldn’t even stand your pathetic ass,’ and even went on to say that he hopes my kids die from COVID. I was like, ‘Whoa! I’ve never met you in my life. You say these things based on what?’ It made me sad; not just because of what he said about me, but just about how vitriolic and vile he became. There are people out there wishing harm to others based on a disagreement. I don’t think that happens so easily in real life. Or maybe these days it does? I don’t know.” Klein agreed that there was a disconnect between online interactions and in-person interactions. “It’s far easier to be hurtful to someone on social media, whether you know them or not. It’s more difficult to have conversations face-to-face.” To the same point, Michael continued, “I think through algorithms and echo chambers we are losing

touch with our humanity. There just seems to be less room for nuance when everything is a meme or a jab. Someone told me one time that they thought I was a great dad based on my Facebook page. I replied, ‘Well, yeah, I don’t post pictures or videos of me being an asshole.’” “Cancel culture” has become another prevalent social media-based trend. The phrase refers to the practice of withdrawing support from a person or organization after some allegedly offensive or objectionable behavior comes to the surface. Klein noted that she had experienced “cancel culture” firsthand after undergoing her familial issue. “People were so quick to pass judgement or call me names,” she said. “Everyone started canceling me. I wanted to fight back sometimes, but I know doing so would only make things worse, so I stick to posting puppies and kittens. I also experienced the “lynch mob mentality” firsthand. I was surprised by how unsafe I felt at one point and how quickly things on Facebook escalated. People were making threats, wishing awful things on me and making up stories just to drive the point home. I really felt unsafe there for a little bit.”



acebook is the biggest social media platform worldwide, with over 2.7 billion monthly users. Despite its global popularity, numerous studies have been conducted on the mental health implications of the social site, examining just how detrimental Facebook can be when it comes to our psychological well-being. A study published in the academic journal, Computers in Human Behavior, titled, “A systematic review of the mental health outcomes associated with Facebook use,” found that regular Facebook use was associated with six main outcomes: addiction, anxiety, depression, body image issues, alcohol use and other problems. This is just one of numerous studies pointing to the negative outcomes of ongoing social media engagement. Personally, I had to take an extended break from social media shortly after the coronavirus pandemic turned political. The blatant divide between “maskers” and “anti-maskers,” “Trumpers” and “libtards” and “sheep” and “herders” (herd immunity activists, to be more specific) was enough to drive a quarantined person to drink (excessively). It was difficult to stay unengaged unless the apps






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9/9 – 9/15






Join Worthy Brewing on its socially distanced patio for live music from local four-man band Blackstrap Bluegrass! Enjoy the show in person or stream it live via the Worthy Facebook page. Wed., Sep. 9, 7pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. No cover.




General Duffy’s hosts a live performance by local acoustic musician Austin Lindstrom, coupled with great food, beer and a wide range of artisanal vendors. Fri., Sept. 11, 6pm. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. $10.



The Silvertone Devils play roots and rock and roll, inspired by a love of good ol’ fashioned country music. Originals and covers from the Grateful Dead to the Rolling Stones. Thu., Sept. 10, 6-8pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. No cover.



Albert Wright and Annemarie Hamlin discuss structural racism and white privilege in America in this free, informative online seminar. Register early to reserve your spot! Sun. Sept. 13, 3-4pm. Free.




This special, limited capacity event features live music from The Jess Ryan Band. Tickets include the live, socially distanced concert, food, drinks, a meet and greet and an exclusive, early-release album! Thu., Sept. 10, 7pm. The Bale’s Backyard (private address), Bend. $25.




Bend’s newest drive-in experience! Featuring "The Fantastic Mr. Fox," "The Art of Racing in the Rain," "Rio" and "Stuber" – fun for the whole family! Fri., Sept. 11, 5:30 and 8pm and Sat., Sept. 12, 5:30 and 7:30pm. Cascade Relays, 1177 SE 9th St., Bend. $15-$40.




Thomas T and The Blue Chips play a combination of classic and contemporary Chicago and Texas blues music! Head down to Initiative Brewing for cold beer, good food and socially distanced fun. Fri., Sept. 11, 6:30-9:30pm. Initiative Brewing, 424 NW Fifth St., Redmond. No cover.

2020 WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S CENTRAL OREGON WALK FOR A CURE Things might look a little different right now, but the ongoing commitment to ending Alzheimer’s and dementia hasn’t changed. This year, Walk to End Alzheimer’s is everywhere — on every sidewalk, track and trail. Sat., Sept. 12, 11am. site/TR/Walk2020/OR-OregonampSWWashington?fr_id=13780&pg=entry. Free.



Volunteers needed to help Crux harvest its parking lot hops! Stick around until the end and help throw the hops into the hopback for Off the Fence, Crux’s fresh hop pale ale that’s brewed every year. Tue., Sep. 15, 7am. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend. Free.

We’re actively implementing the Governor’s reopening guidelines.

Keep an eye out for dates and details of our new Central Oregon talent showcase “All for One, One for All.”

VISIT US ONLINE for more details on how you can support your local arts community


Time to put on your best ‘20s attire and do as the flappers did! The show is socially distanced, tables are up for grabs and individual tickets are available. This is a 21+ event featuring adult content, nudity and lots of laughs! Fri., Sept. 11, 6:45-10pm. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. $20-$100.


Sisters Folk Festival opens livestream access to its sold-out Close To Home music festival


A Multi-Day Festival in the Age of COVID-19 By Isaac Biehl

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for In-Studio and Online classes Redeem online at with promotion code “TSWeekly2020”

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MEET THE WINNERS SEPT. 17 Get in touch to be a part of the most popular issue of the year! Ad Deadline Sept. 9 MORE INFO: 541.383.0800


Jay Mather Photography

ormally, Sisters Folk Festival would be bringing in a huge number of touring artists and bands to Central Oregon right about now, with even more fans flocking to listen. With COVID-19 still among us, however, they’ve found an alternative. Throughout the sum- Ron Artis II performs at Close To Home on Aug. 1. mer, SFF has gotten creative in making opportunities for people to for any type of gathering during the pansee and hear live music. Whether it demic, especially when physical distance was converting a flatbed trailer into a is maintained,” Executive Director Crisstage for bands or live streaming its My ta Munro told the Source. “The safety of Own Two Hands Celebration, SFF was our people is our top priority, and knowdetermined to keep some of its pro- ing that we can deliver this experience gramming alive. But even with these safely during a global pandemic is critinnovative ideas at hand, the nonprof- ical not just to our organization, but to it organization still had to make the other cultural agencies who are looking tough decision to cancel its annual fes- for ways to continue fulfilling their mistival, planned for Sept. 11-13, to keep in sion and serving their communities until line with safety protocols in the state a viable vaccine or treatment for COVID of Oregon. Held on the festival’s orig- is widely available.” inally planned weekend, SFF is hosting In-person tickets sold out incredibly Close To Home 2, a multi-day festival fast for this festival, but SFF wanted to set up on the Sisters Art Works lawn. ensure that the need for concerts in the The three-day festival is a follow-up to community was available for more, so the first Close To Home concert, which they’ve created a livestream option for was a one-day offering back in August. those who were unable to buy tickets. This time, things are going to be bigger. “We settled on the model for this Performers at Close To Home 2 weekend back in July, then tested the include Judith Hill, Thunderstorm Artis, concept on August 1 with our first live AJ Lee and Blue Summit and The Par- concert in six months. It went great! nells on Friday, then John Craigie, Kirsten Seating pods sold out in less than 24 Gainger & True North, Judith Hill and hours and the crowd was very compliant Thunderstorm Artis on Saturday. On with all of the necessary safety regulaSunday, Caleb Klauder & Reeb Williams, tions—our people tend to be caring and Jenner Fox Band, AJ Lee and Blue Sum- considerate anyway, so that combined mit and John Craigie will wrap things up. with the sheer joy of being at a real conFor those attending in person, cert made for a very happy audience.” the festival features two-person and In the long run, Close To Home 2 four-person “pods.” Concert-goers might serve as a glimpse of the way we sit in low-rise lawn chairs or on blan- attend concerts for the near future: kets and can be unmasked while sitting Spaced-out pods or sections, with liminside their pods. People must bring ited attendance and safety guidelines in a mask or face covering with them, as place. It’s not what we’re used to, but it’s anytime they step out of the pod they better than the alternative of zero shows. must be worn. There will be hand The livestream package ticketing washing/sanitizing stations, touchless option is $30 for all three days. For payment areas with plexiglass between those who miss the live broadcast, a workers and customers and constant replay will be available until Sept. 30. sanitizing of high-touch areas. Tickets are available on Eventbrite. “We had no reports of new infections ( outbreaks from the first Close To home-2-tickets-118990197885)  Home in the days after the concert, and that prompted our staff to feel comfortSisters Folk Festival able going forward with a more extenClose To Home Livestreams sive, three-day event over the festival Sept. 11 & 12 starting at 5pm, Sept. 13 starting at noon weekend. The scientific consensus is that $30 outdoors is a much safer environment




Tickets Available on

Initiative Brewing Thomas T. and The

9 Wednesday Bend’s best live trivia show. Locals Specials all day! It’s free to play! Don’t miss out! 7-9pm. Free.

Worthy Brewing Worthy Wednesday with

Blackstrap Bluegrass Join us on our socially distanced patio for music on the Worthy Brewing stage or stream on the Worthy page! 7-9pm. No cover.

10 Thursday Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia at

Bridge 99 Bridge 99 pint specials and great food truck grub. We’re complying with state health guidelines and hope you’ll play it smart. 6-8:30pm. Free.

River’s Place Silvertone Devils The Devils

play roots rock and roll- there’s a love of good old country music along w the Grateful Dead, Rolling Stones and EC. 6-8pm. No cover.

The Bale’s Backyard Jess Ray Backyard Tour Special, limited capacity event. Ticket includes the live concert (socially distanced), food, drinks, meet and greets and an exclusive, early-release album! 7pm. $25.

11 Friday General Duffy's Waterhole Austin Lind-

strom Come out for great food, live music, beer, and vendors! Show starts at 6pm! 6pm. $10.

Bendistillery Distillery & Tasting Room Safe Summer Nights Music performed by Tone Red, food available from Curbside Bacon. Bend Axe will be in attendance! Cocktails are $8. Bring your own seating (chairs, blankets etc. - tables are first come first serve). Masks are required. Might be chilly, bring a sweater! 5:30-8:30pm. $15-$25.

The Capitol Bend Burlesque Presents: A Speakeasy Soirée Put on your best 20s attire and do as the flappers did! Show is socially distanced, tables are for sale and individual tickets are up. This is a 21+ event featuring adult content, nudity and lots of laughs. 6:45-10pm. $20-$100.

Northside Bar & Grill Tiger Lyn High-energy solo act! 7-9pm. No cover.

River’s Place Larkspur Stand CD Release

Party! Americana/indie-bluegrass band performing country blues, folk, rock and bluegrass. This will be a fun party to celebrate their 1st album, Road Trip Playlist. Loose Platoon will be opening the festivities. Come out and support local music! 5-8pm. No cover.

Sisters Art Works SOLD OUT - Sisters Folk Festival Presents: Close To Home 2 The live show is sold out, but tickets to the virtual show are still available! 5-10pm.

Worthy Brewing Music On The Patio with Shady GroOove Join us on our socially distanced patio for live music with Shady GroOove from the Worthy Brewing stage or stream on the Worthy Facebook page! 7-9pm. No cover.

12 Saturday Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy at Craft Five comics bring the funny to your face in rapid succession. Hosted by Katy Ipock. Featuring Ethan Albers, Conner Satterfield, Carrie Reid, John Reoch and Mark Rook. Masks required. We will be collecting contact information from all attendees. 18+. 7:30-9:30pm. $20-$40. Midtown Ballroom/Domino Room/ Annex OverTime in Bend, OR - Divided We

Fall Tour OverTime returns to Bend, OR! 8pm. $15-$25.

Porter Brewing Traditional Irish Pub Music Come down and lift your glass and voice in song as you enjoy some traditional session tunes with Patrick Flaherty and the gang. 6:30pm. No cover. Sisters Art Works SOLD OUT - Sisters Folk Festival Presents: Close To Home 2 The live show is sold out, but tickets to the virtual show are still available! 5-10pm.

Courtesy Maragas Winery

13 Sunday Maragas Winery Tap Room Sunday Jazz

at Maragas Winery We’ll have a cheese plate, Mediterranean appetizer plate, wine & beer available for you to enjoy on our patio or lawn while listening to live music! Masks are required, social distancing enforced and groups are limited to 10 people! 1-4pm.

River’s Place Lisa Dae Trio Lisa Dae Jazz Trio specializes in classic jazz tunes popular in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. 6-8pm. No cover.

Sisters Art Works SOLD OUT - Sisters Folk Festival Presents: Close To Home 2 The live show is sold out, but tickets to the virtual show are still available! Noon-5pm.

14 Monday River’s Place Trivia Mondays at River’s Place Kick off the week with cold brew, good grub and Bend’s finest live trivia show, UKB Trivia! 6-8pm. Free.

15 Tuesday Greg’s Grill Live Music at Greg’s Grill Diners are invited to join Greg’s Grill on their outdoor patio for exceptional food, one of a kind drinks, breathtaking views and socially distanced live music. To see the full schedule of live music events, follow Greg’s Grill on Facebook. 5:30pm. No cover. Initiative Brewing Tuesday Night Trivia in

Redmond Central Oregon’s finest live trivia show returns to Redmond on Tuesdays, 6:30 pm at Initiative Brewing. It’s free and fun to play, with Taco Tuesday specials too. Don’t miss out! 6:308:30pm. Free.

16 Wednesday Cabin 22 Locals Wednesdays Trivia at Cabin 22 Central Oregon’s finest Wednesday live trivia show. Locals Day specials all day! It’s free to play! Bring your crew. Don’t miss out! 7-9pm. Free. Worthy Brewing Worthy Wednesday with Fair Trade Boogie Band Join us on our socially distanced patio for live music with Fair Trade Boogie Band from the Worthy Brewing stage or livestream from Worthy’s page! 7-9pm. No cover.

MUSIC Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice Experienced pipers and drum-

mers are welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn. Call beforehand to confirm! Limit 10 people Mondays, 6-8pm. Mission Church Redmond, 3732 SW 21st Pl, Redmond. Contact: 541-633-3225.

Gina Maragas and chef Spiro Bellas take a break from preparing the food that pairs with delicious wine and live jazz, every Sunday at Maragas Winery from 11am-5pm!

The Ultimate Oldies Show A locally-produced, thematic two-hour radio show highlighting the music, artists, producers, musicians and cultural touchstones of the late 1940s through the late 1960s. Fridays, 6-8pm. KPOV, 501 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: mikeficher@ Free.

FILM EVENTS Bend Outdoor Movies (Drive-in) The best

drive-in outdoor movie experience with Bends’ largest LED video wall — a fun, safe, socially-distanced, evening out for the entire family! SHOW TIMES: Fri 9/11 - The Fantastic Mr. Fox (5:30PM) - The Art of Racing in the Rain (8:00PM) / Sat 9/12 - Rio (4:30PM) - Stuber. Sept. 11, 5:30 and 8pm and Sept. 12, 4:30 and 7:30pm. Cascade Relays, 1177 SE 9th Street, Bend. Contact: 541633-7174. $15-$40.

BendTicket Pop Up Drive-In BendFilm’s Pop Up Drive-In combines the nostalgia of the drive-in era, the crisp Pacific Northwest air, the right amount of physical distancing and innovative presentation to create the ultimate outdoor viewing experience. Limited to first 110 vehicles. Fridays, 7pm and Saturdays, 7pm. Deschutes Brewery Warehouse, 399 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend. $35. Classic Horror Thursday at the Tin Pan Theater! Join the Tin Pan Theater every Thursday for an outdoor screening of a classic horror film! Masks are required! Thursdays, 7pm. Tin Pan Theater, 869 NW Tin Pan Alley, Bend. $7.

ARTS & CRAFTS Call to Artisits The award winning Red Chair Gallery located in downtown Bend is seeking new 2D and 3D artists. We are a membership gallery. If you are interested in joining us, stop by the gallery and pick up membership packet. Mondays-Sundays. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-410-6813.

PRESENTATIONS & EXHIBITS Blooms & Bees Tour Join Sunriver Nature

Center & Observatory’s resident plant and bee specialists for an insider’s tour of the botanic garden, native plant collection and honey bee hive. Face coverings are required and capacity is limited. Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Rd., Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-4394. $10.

First Chair Fundraiser for OAS At OAS,

we are working towards a day when everyone has access to the benefits of outdoor recreation, regardless of ability. Join in for this 30 minute online event, broadcast from the Bledsoe Winery to highlight the work being done to make this a reality! Sept. 15, 5:30-6:30pm. Contact: 541-306-4774.

Justice for All: 2020 Membership Conference | ACLU of Oregon Prepare

for critical civil rights and civil liberties battles in the upcoming November election and 2021 Legislative session with ACLU supporters across Oregon virtually at our Justice For All Membership Conference. Register at www. Sept. 12, 9:30am-12:30pm. Contact: $100.

Know Us - The Curtailing of Immigration in America Join Bend Immigration Group attorneys as they discuss changes in immigration law, from closed consulates to closed courtrooms, in this live webinar as part of as part of Bend’s Welcoming Week. A recorded video will also be available beginning Monday, September 21st. Sept. 15, 5:30-6:30pm. Online. Contact: 541-312-1029. Free.

Submitting an event is free and easy.  Add your event to our calendar at


Cabin 22 Locals Wednesdays Trivia at Cabin 22

Blue Chips Thomas T and The Blue Chips play classic and contemporary Chicago and Texas blues music! Fun and funky blues, it’s always a good time when this 4-piece band performs. 6:30-9:30pm. No cover.






Know Us - The Lived Experience of Racism and White Privilege Albert

Wright and Annemarie Hamlin discuss structural racism and white privilege. Sept. 13, 3-4pm. Online. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@ Free.


Virtual Celebration for the Environment

Brunch starts at noon on Saturday & Sunday

Open at noon everyday

Bloody Mary Add Ons:

Shrimp 50¢ BBQ Lil’ Smokies 2 for 50¢ Bacon 50¢ Blue cheese stuffed olives 50¢ Cheese cube 50¢ each Jalapeño poppers $1 each (Mozzarella, cheddar or pepper Jack) Chicken wings $1 each

Join us from home for our biggest fundraising event of the year. Hear from elected officials and OLCV-endorsed candidates running for office, and bid on exciting raffle and auction prizes! All proceeds benefit our work passing laws that protect Oregon’s environmental legacy, electing pro-environment candidates to office, and holding our elected officials accountable. Sept. 11, 7pm. Online. Contact: Free.

THEATER Teen Theater Comedy and Improv Course Ages 12-19 - Discover improvisational

comedy, improve storytelling skills, learn to think quickly on your feet and be more creative. Led by instructor Molly Choate. Register online at www. Thursdays, 4-6pm. Through Oct. 2. Cascades Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. Free.

WORDS Mystery Book Club On September 16th we will discuss “November Road” by Lou Berney. Please visit for Zoom info. Sept. 16, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 541306-6564. Free.

939 NW Bond St, Bend • (541) 388-0116 •

Nonfiction Book Club On September 11th we will discuss three books. Please visit www. for titles and Zoom info. Sept. 11, 1-2:30pm. Online. Contact: 541306-6564. Free. Not Your Average Book Club Join us for

Not Your Average Book Club. We will read and discuss Fatal Throne: The Wives of Henry VIII Tell All. Please visit for Zoom info. Sept. 14, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 541306-6564. Free.

Out of This World Book Club On September 9th we will discuss “Harrow the Ninth” by Tamsyn Muir. Visit for Zoom info. Sept. 9, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 541306-6564. Free.

Writers Reading: Anis Mojgani, Oregon Poet Laureate Reads Oregon Poet Laureate

Anis Mojgani reads. Q&A to follow. Mojgani is the current Poet Laureate of Oregon and a two-time individual champion of the National Poetry Slam. Sept. 10, 6:30-7:30pm. Online. Contact: 541-3121063. Free.

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Zoom Author Event: No Option But North by Kelsey Freeman No Option but North inter-

weaves stories with research and anecdotes from Kelsey Freeman’s experiences to discuss the fundamental moral quandaries in migration. Please visit for Zoom info. Sept. 11, 6-7pm. Online. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free.

ETC. Preventative Walk-In Pet Wellness Clinic The Bend Spay and Neuter Project

offers vaccinations, deworming and microchips at our walk-in wellness clinic. No appointments necessary, first come first served. Visit for a list of services. Saturdays, 10am-1:30pm. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson, Suite A1, Bend. $10/office visit.

VOLUNTEER Call for Volunteers - Play with Parrots!

Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue to help socialize birds for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Bend Chapter Monthly Meeting The Citizens’ Climate

Lobby Bend chapter gathers monthly to further our outreach and education efforts on solutions to global warming that can be put into place at the federal level. To get the link to the Zoom monthly meeting, please email \Second Wednesday of every month, 5-6:30pm. Through Dec. 9. Contact: 541389-5400. Free.

Volunteer Opportunity Are you a Jack/Jill of

all trades? There’s everything from small engine, fencing, troubleshooting in a barn/rescue facility that require TLC repairs. Call and leave a message. Mondays-Sundays, 9am-6pm. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-8943.

Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

GROUPS & MEETUPS 2020 Walk to End Alzheimer’s Central Oregon This year, Walk to End Alzheimer’s

is everywhere — on every sidewalk, track and trail. We are all still walking for a world without Alzheimer’s and all dementia. Sept. 12, 11am. Contact: 503-416-0213. Free.

Drum Ensemble - You’re Invited! Join

a peaceful drum ensemble at Drake Park every Saturday! No drugs, alcohol or violence; no political platforms. Saturdays-Noon. Drake Park, Bend. Contact: 360-301-5579. wononorb@ Free.

Optimizing Crisis to Address Climate Change Arlene Burns, Mayor of Mosier and

Eileen Kiely, both Oregon Senate candidates and Diane Hodiak, 350Deschutes Executive Director launch the Go Clean Energy conference. Sept. 15, noon-2pm. Online. Contact: 206-498-5887. Free.

Resist! Rally Weekly resistance protest,

the theme of the week changes. Contact Vocal Seniority or Indivisible Bend for more info. Bring your signs, bring your attitude—and we’ll bring the bullhorn! Contact info@thevocalseniority. org for more info. Tuesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm. Peace Corner, Corner of NW Greenwood Avenue and NW Wall Street, Bend.

FAMILY & KIDS Adoption Information Session Monthly

adoption information session brought on by A Family for Every Child. Learn more about the process of adoption from foster care with some of your local adoption workers! Deschutes Downtown Bend Public Library - Meyer Room, 601 N.W. Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-3430295. Free.

First Day of *In-Person, Hands-On* School! We integrate art, mindfulness and

time outside into our core curriculum, giving your child a well-rounded education. Not to mention - socialization! Sept. 9, 8:30am. Roots Art & Nature School, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr #130, Bend. Contact: 218-340-3035. ashley@

Foster Parent Orientation Training This two-hour introductory class will cover the basics about being a certified foster parent and working with the Oregon Child Welfare program. Held via livestream. Tue, Sept. 15, Noon-2pm and Thu, Sept. 24, 4:30-6:30pm. Contact: 541-548-9480. Free. Kids Ninja Warrior Classes Kids (age

6-10) will gain amazing abilities through obstacle course training, climbing and and team motivation. Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm and Tuesdays, 3:304:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $99.



Kids Ninja Warrior Summer Camp Drop-

off the kids (age 6-12) this summer! Our experienced adult coaches will lead new ninja warrior challenges, team games and activities. Sept. 8-11, 9am-3:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $200.

Sole Support Walk Join Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon for a drive-thru event. Turn in donations, collect t-shirts, gather other goodies and get your car decorated! Then choose your own adventure by walking a suggested or personal favorite route. Sept. 12, 11am-1pm. Ponderosa Elementary School, 3790 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Contact: 800-426-6806. kristi@ Free. Teen Theater Film Industry History Course Go through the history of the film

industry with Instructor Kellianne Jordon, create short films and share them at a special screening at the end of the course. For ages 12 to 19. Register at www.cascadestheatrical. org/book-online Mondays-Wednesdays, 4-6pm. Through Oct. 2. Online. Contact: 541-389-0803. Free.

Teen Theater Intro to the World Of Theater Course Practice the basics neces-

sary to become a rounded performer. For ages 12 to 19. Instructed by Maya Gardner. Register online at Tuesdays, 4-6pm. Through Oct. 2. Cascades Theatre (formerly Greenwood Playhouse), 148 NW Greenwood Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-3890803. Free.

Teen Theater Playwriting Workshop

Seasoned playwright or just starting out, this workshop is for you! For ages 12 to 19. Instructor: Cricket Daniel. Register online at Mondays-Wednesdays, 4-6pm. Through Oct. 2. Cascades Theatre (formerly Greenwood Playhouse), 148 NW Greenwood Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. Free.

FOOD EVENTS Madras Saturday Market The weekly market features local produce and goods, fresh flowers and more! Safe and socially distanced - don’t forget to bring your mask! Saturdays, 10am. Sahalee Park, 241 SE Seventh St, Madras. Contact: 541-550-0066. Free. Prime Rib Night Earlier reservations are recommended as we serve our legendary prime rib until it is all gone. Don’t miss out! Saturdays-Sundays, 4:30pm. Tumalo Feed Co. Steak House, 64619 W. Highway 20, Bend. Contact: 541-382-2202. $32.95-$37.50. Redmond Farmers Market Find local

Central Oregon farm-fresh produce, organic


Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play

eggs and meat, bakers, makers and crafters, fresh flowers, starts, plants and much more. We’re a dog-friendly farmers market! Tuesdays, 3-6pm. Through Sept. 15. Centennial Park, Evergreen, Between 7th and 8th St., Redmond. Contact: 541-550-0066. Free.


Sisters Farmers Market Enjoy the community abundance with our open-air socially distanced market! Enjoy local veggies, fruits, meats, eggs, kombucha, pickles, grains, breads, soaps and artisan goods! Sundays, 11am-2pm. Through Sept. 30. Sisters Farmers Market at Fir Street Park, 291 East Main Avenue, Sisters. Contact: 541904-0134. Free.

BEER & DRINK EVENTS Hops Harvest at Crux The hops are calling. Let’s go! Sept. 15, 7am. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend. Free. Locals' Night Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and food specials from the food carts! Tuesdays, 3-9pm. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour Rd. Suite B, Bend. Contact: Free. Locals' Night at Porter Brewing! We offer a full menu of cask-conditioned ales, wine, cider and non-alcoholic beverages. Wednesdays, 4-7pm. Porter Brewing, 611 NE Jackpine Ct #2, Redmond. Free. Taco Tuesdays Join us for $2.50 tacos!

Tuesdays, 4-10pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-388-8331.

Thursdays on the Deck at Suttle Lodge

This summer we’re inviting folks to come sit, relax and learn from the wineries featured on our year-round wine list. Seatings require reservations! Thursdays, 1-4pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. $55.

Whiskey Wing Wednesdays Come down

and order our signature wings and choose from six different quality whiskeys for a pour for only $5! Wednesdays, 11:30am-10pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-388-8331.

ATHLETIC EVENTS Bend Area Running Fraternity The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. AVID Cider Co., 900 SE Wilson St., Bend. Contact: Free. Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a full schedule of classes through Zoom! Prior to start you will receive an email invitation to join class. Be ready with mat, weights, roller, and/ or band and login 5 minutes prior to class time. Ongoing. For more information visit Ongoing, noon-1pm. Online. InMotion Weekly Workout InMotion Training Studio in Bend is offering free weekly workouts via their Facebook page, Additionally, those that register will receive daily education and the ability to check-in and stay

Outdoor Yoga Flow at the Old Mill, Mon., Wed., Sat. and Sun. from 9:15-10:15am!

accountable. Free. Ongoing, 4-5pm. Online. Free.

Outdoor Spirit Fitness Class This well-rounded fitness class will enhance your cardio system and tone your whole body. All classes meet in the Old Mill District on the grass next to the walking path. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7:30-8:30am. Through Oct. 29. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $12. Outdoor Yoga Flow Experience the wonderful feeling of a yoga community again as we move and flow together while enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and sounds of the river at the Old Mill! Pre-registration required. Mondays-Wednesdays-Saturdays-Sundays, 9:1510:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $12.

OUTDOOR EVENTS 2020 Sisters Fly Fishing Rendezvous

Join like minded women anglers for 5 days of fun, fishing, and creating new friendships. The event is based from Black Butte Ranch. Sept. 14, 4pm. Sisters, Sisters, Sisters. $150-$1,200.

Outdoor Yoga + Fit Outdoor Yoga + Fit in the

Old Mill starts with fitness exercises and ends with yoga flow movements. Pre-registration required. Fridays, 9:15-10:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $12.

HEALTH & WELLNESS Bariatric Informational Meetings Informational Meetings Sept. 15, 6pm. St. Charles Bend, 2500 Northeast Neff Road, Bend. Free. Confidential Women’s Sexual Abuse Support Group Confidential support group

for women survivors of sexual abuse. The primary focus of the group will be to develop a support

system to share and work through issues related to sexual abuse. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Through Sept. 15. Veronica Ramos, Private, Bend. Contact: 503856-4874. Free.

Heart Healthy Heroes Club - Bend (Sept. 2020) This class is a series offered every

Friday on Sept. 9, 16 and 25. RSVPing for this event means you’re registering for all three dates. Impr Sept. 9, 1pm. St. Charles Center for Health and Learning, 2500 NE Neff Road, Bend. Free.

Livestreamed Meditation Class Classes led by Cathleen Hylton of Blissful Heart Wellness Center. Take a break from the current climate and get your zen on in this free meditation class. Join class via Thursdays, 6-7pm. Online. Free. Outdoor Family Yoga Event Bend Families, partner-up with your kids during this outdoor yoga class as we lead you through fun ways to practice yoga together as a family. We will do yoga sequences, partner poses, yoga games and learn relaxing breathing techniques. Sept. 13, 10:30-11:15am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $12. Thriving with Diabetes Synergy is

hosting a 4-week complete diabetes program, accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). This program includes individual support and group sessions to help adults with Diabetes lower HbA1c, decrease complications, and have a better quality of life. Saturdays, 9-11am. Through Oct. 3. Synergy Health & Wellness, 361 NE Franklin Ave. Building C, Bend. Contact: 541323-3488.

Tula Movement Arts - Online Classes

Stay bendy, not spendy. Tula is offering $7 off of all online classes. Otherwise, classes are free for current members and new clients can score a month-long pass for only $30. Download the MindBody app as well as Zoom, and sign up for classes at Ongoing, 1-2pm. Online. $30.

FRI, SEPT 11 • 6:30pm

FRI, SEPT 11 • 6:45pm

F R I / S AT, S E P T 1 8 & 1 9




“THE LAST BLOCKBUSTER” at Deschutes Brewery Gravel Lot




Ninja Elite Classes Kids (age 9-12), increase your athletic performance through Ninja Warrior! Through focus and determination these kids classes we will coach you through gymnastics, ground-based obstacles and rock climbing. Tuesdays, 5-6pm and Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Through Dec. 8. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $99.


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TikTok of the Town

Through online duets, a local teen musician has gotten exposure on the “Today” show, and with other well-known musicians By Cayla Clark

“I’ve been performing, singing and songwriting since I was 8 years old,” said the 17-year old in an interview with the Source. “I wrote my first song when I was 8. I grew up in a musical household; my dad is a music professor at COCC. He brought music into our lives, my siblings and I. Recently I got a band together and we’ve been playing around town. Of course, it’s gotten more difficult with COVID, but I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to perform in Bend.” At the end of August, Knox “dueted” a video with two-time Grammy Award nominee and American singer-songwriter Charlie Puth; a video that now has over 2.5 million views. In the original video, Puth created a beat and asked TikTokkers to write lyrics and sing along, or “duet.” Knox joined the fun, but explained that gravitating toward TikTok was out of the norm for her non-tech-savvy self. “I don’t know a lot about social media, but TikTok was a lot of fun,” she said. “At first I was just making funny videos. Then I posted the Charlie Puth video and that got crazy. Now I have this amazing platform that I can perform on and grow on, and I have all of these followers that encourage me to pursue my musical goals. The support has been incredible and encouraging.” One of the most noteworthy comments, Knox noted, was from Puth himself.


Watch all of Knox’s videos on TikTok @oliviaknoxmusic.

“There are so many positives when it comes to this platform,” said Knox. “I’m able to get my music out there on a super-supportive platform. People are so nice; I don’t even know these people and I just want to hug every one of them. It’s very uplifting. It’s also so easy to interact with these major celebrities. Having Charlie Puth comment on my video was amazing. It’s so crazy that he knows my face and knows my name. I recently ‘dueted’ a video with Andy Grammer, and it got me on the "Today" Show a couple of days ago. It’s been a very good thing so far.” Grammer, another multi-platinum selling recording artist, featured a clip of

Knox’s duet while he was appearing as a guest on the nationally broadcast television show. Knox is preparing to continue making videos to keep her rapidly growing online fan base engaged. “The hard part is coming up with new videos every day, but doing so is helping push me towards my goals in my music career,” she concluded. “I have a lot of original music that I’m excited to showcase, too. Right now my parents are helping me with a studio setup; I’ll be getting a high-quality microphone and some other equipment to help with the sound. Right now I’m just singing into an earbud mic.”

By Jess McComb

Redmond Seeks Youth Art for Pump Track

Waterston Desert Writing Prize Ceremony Ahead

Young people invited to compete in mural contest for Homestead bike park


Olivia Knox

Nicole Vulcan

ttention young aspiring artists! This month, the Redmond Committee for Art in Public Places is hosting its annual student art contest, for a chance to create a mural at the Homestead Bike Park Pump Track. Redmond students under the age of 18 are invited to submit up to three concepts for a mural painting to be displayed at the bike track. All entries must be submitted by Sept. 30 for consideration. Creativ- It's time for Redmond youth to pump up the art. ity is the main criteria, but mural for the bike track. Eligible entries according to the guidelines, the mural must also be colorful, origi- can be submitted online or by mail. nal and appropriate for public viewing. Details on submission and regulations The contest winner will collaborate with can be found at the Redmond city webmembers of the RCAPP to commission a site,

Ceremony will be hosted on Zoom and include readings from winners —as well as an important announcement


or all lovers of literary environmental activism, the sixth annual awards ceremony for the Waterston Desert Writing prize will be held virtually through Zoom on Sept. 17. The prize, founded by local author Ellen Waterston, encourages writers across the country to narrate the desert through creative nonfiction. Entries will focus on the importance of protecting and preserving high desert ecosystems and introduce important conversations about deserts. At the ceremony, winners will read from their entries, and the High Desert Museum will also announce its official adoption of the prize. The Museum has hosted the prize since it first started in 2014 and, by formally adopting the prize, intends to add depth and reach to the movement by expanding its literary audience. The winner receives a $2,500 cash award as well as

BLM / Flickr

Dig the desert and write about it!

a two-week residency at PLAYA, an art and science campus in Summer Lake, Oregon. Free registry to the Zoom ceremony is offered at



ikTok, a recently controversial and much discussed video-sharing app, was first developed by Beijing-based servicing company ByteDance in 2012. The app gained rampant popularity during the global coronavirus pandemic, garnering over 800 active million users in 155 different countries. Now TikTok serves as a platform for everyone from gifted short filmmakers and sketch comedians to middle-aged women who like to dress their miniature pigs up in blonde wigs and lipstick. On Aug. 6, President Trump issued an executive order to ban two widely used Chinese-developed apps, TikTok and WeChat, if they were not immediately sold by their parent companies. For over a year, TikTok-inspired rumors have been circulating; is the app actually handing over personal data to the Communist Party of China? Is TikTok being banned or bought up by Microsoft or Twitter? And are we justified in so harshly politicizing an app that serves as a viable platform for budding talent? As of now, the future of TikTok remains unclear. What is clear, however, is that while the app does still exist, many undiscovered talents are utilizing the video-sharing technology for the greater good. Bend-local musician Olivia Knox is one of those who’ve experienced a sudden and impactful surge of TikTok-related success.




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Rockin’ and Ronin

By Cayla Clark

From a popular food truck to a spacious brick-and-mortar, Chef Scott Byers creates a collaborative food experience

High Desert Food and Farm Alliance



he Japanese term, “izakaya,” translates to a neighborhood pub where friends gather after work for great food, drinks, laughs and conversation. The concept is not lost on Bend Izakaya Ronin, Scott Byers’ brick-and-mortar version of his popular Japanese food truck. “We opened the food truck in June of 2014,” Byers explained. “It was new for Bend for a truck to be slingin’ fish; no one was doing what we were doing. We kept working at it and got more and more noticed, we started gaining repeat customers. Donni Davidson, who now owns The Bite in Tumalo, was a big supporter of ours. She told me about her concept for a food truck lot; eventually we moved down there and Ronin completely took off. The business started outgrowing the truck itself; there was a constant line of people from open to close. We were small, but the demand was high.” With that popularity, Byers started looking into brick-and-mortar locations, preparing to use what he found as a catering kitchen while he launched another food truck concept. “When I got into the space, I decided just to remodel it and make it what I wanted,” he explained. “I shuttered the doors of the truck and opened the restaurant in January of this year. Everything was going great up until the pandemic, and here we are now.” During my recent visit to Ronin, I was blown away by the epic and unanticipated omakase, a meal consisting of chef-selected dishes, that was expertly presented by Byers and his head sushi chef, Brad VanHemelryck.

Courtesy Ronin

Take date night up a notch while supporting HDFFA’s Food Access Programs.

September Food & Drink Events

For beer-lovers and fundraising fiends alike Have it the chef's way with "Omakase" at Bend Izakaya Ronin.

“‘Omakase’ basically means, ‘I leave it to you,’” said Byers. “We go over parameters, like any intense dislikes, allergies and the price point. So people will come in and say they want to spend $50, which will get them around five plates of food; hot, cold, fish and sushi, cooked. There’s no set anything when it comes to omakase, we all just communicate in the moment and play off each other.” The dishes that arrived for me were inspired; neither on the menu and both delicious: the first, a pan-fried pork belly with roasted apples, pickled mustard seeds and a side of house-pickled daikon; the second, a crab roll topped with Courtesy Ronin

an ahi-like marinated watermelon that VanHemelryck had been experimenting with. Both true works of culinary art, visually and otherwise. Byers noted that while he appreciates the simplicity and quality of Japanese cuisine, he is passionate about giving his culinary team room to explore. “Our head sushi chef, Brad, worked for us in Tumalo, then moved on to L.A. to attend the California Sushi Academy,” he said. “Right out of school he was lined up with a job at a Michelin Star sushi bar. When COVID hit he found himself in the same spot of a lot of chefs and came back to Bend. The people I look for are people with the background and integrity to keep the tradition going while branching out and trying new things. It’s a collaborative effort on everyone’s part.” In a world where ego can play a significant role in menu development, Byers noted it’s rare to find a head chef or restaurant owner that pushes for collaboration. “I want my team to help me come up with the menu,” he said. “I give my chefs space and freedom. I like watching what they can come up with; I like watching them grow. There’s always a team behind every good chef, down to the bussers, the dishwashers and the service staff. There are a bunch of people behind me that really make Ronin what it is.”  Bend Izakaya Ronin

A plate beautiful as it is delicious, Bend Izakaya nails it.

70 SW Century Dr., Suite 102, Bend 541-797-4325

HDFFA Harvest Dinner Box Fundraiser Ratchet date night up a notch with the High Desert Food and Farm Alliance Dinner Box Fundraiser, in support of HDFFA’s Food Access Programs. Each box will be packed with local ingredients from regional farmers, ranchers and other food-related businesses. Elevate date night even more and request to have your meal prepared by chef Thor Erickson of the Cascade Culinary Institute. Choose your meal type (meat, vegetarian or vegan), make note of dietary needs and pick from one of three local beverages, including beer from Mecca Grade Estate Malt, a cocktail mixer (booze not included) from El Sancho or kombucha from Compassion Kombucha. Purchase by Monday, Sep. 21 for pick-up on Friday, Oct. 2 at

Beer Release Party! Caldera Brewing and Wild Ride Brewing are teaming up to bring Central Oregonians a unique new collaborative brew. Few things are as classically comforting as a good old-fashioned PB&J, right? Caldera and Wild Ride have elevated and liquified this quintessential American combo in their new Peanut Butter & Marion Berry Brown Ale! The release party will take place at Wild Ride Brewing in Redmond on Thursday, Sept. 17 from 6-8pm and again at Bend’s newest food cart lot, Midtown Yacht Club, on Saturday, Sept. 19 from 5-7pm. Come down, support local and sample this innovative (however familiar) ale.


By Cayla Clark









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Trouble SCREEN Great Bend’s Father’s Group teams up With BendFilm for a thoughtful evening at the drive-in


By Jared Rasic


says LeGrand, “to develop a leadership development program. We’re also working with the Bend-LaPine school district to help overcome some of the racial tensions and concerns that happen with parents and students of color—but work together to use restorative justice practices to make that happen. Let’s go in with an open heart and an open mind in this community in terms of trying to overcome some of these things and work together to make change.” Lewis was much more than just an icon, and the documentary explores not only his history and achievements, but also really sheds light on the man, demystifying him for generations to come. “I want our community to see more than just a civil rights leader,” says LeGrand. “He was a father, husband, and a profoundly spiritual and philanthropic gentleman. For years, he has been the gold standard for African American men, and his contribution to the world needs to be celebrated.” Lewis just passed away in July. With the election coming up and worries of voter suppression becoming a part of the debate, we have to hold tight to the fight Lewis dedicated his life to, because it’s nowhere near over. “Imagine if you’re a person of color, African American or Latino or Native American, and you’re trying to make change for your community, but you don’t know how the systems work,” says LeGrand. “You don’t know where the money and the resources come

Always a fighter, John Lewis never backed down.

from. Yeah, you’re going to school every day but no one told you, I hate to say it, you’re an full-time equivalent. You’re a number, you’re a resource. So if they know how these systems work then they know how to navigate that system and make it an advantage for their community to be stronger. Every parent wants the same thing: they want their kids to be better citizens and have the option to navigate this without having any strife.” LeGrand hopes the film inspires conversation as well as raising funds for kids. “Hopefully this will be an opportunity to have meaningful discussions

with your family, friends and co-workers about how the violent and social justice in the documentary is very similar to today,” says LeGrand. As we see the struggle for social justice being fought all across the country every day, Lewis’ message is just as imperative now as when he participated in the Freedom Ride in 1961. Hopefully, for once, we all hear it together.  John Lewis: Good Trouble

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Courtesy of Magnolia Pictures

few weeks ago, I wrote about movies that changed the world—and now here we are, coming up on two of them that have the power to do just that. Local nonprofit, The Father’s Group, is taking over the pop-up drivein for a night, showing one of the most powerful documentaries to have come out over the last decade. After an encore screening of “The Last Blockbuster” on 9/11 and a showing of the James Baldwin masterpiece “I Am Not Your Negro” on 9/12, BendFilm and The Father’s Group are teaming up to show “John Lewis: Good Trouble,” a documentary focused on the life of the civil rights icon and longtime legislator. Proceeds from the screening will not only support The Father’s Group, but they’re also handing out backpacks and school supplies to children and families whose resources have been depleted by COVID. The Father’s Group started initially as just a few dads getting together and talking about what was going on in the community with school systems, policing and leadership—basically discussing ways to make the community better for their kids. It was the murder of George Floyd, however, that made the group start becoming proactive instead of reactive. Now, it’s more than just conversations. I talked to Marcus LeGrand of The Father’s Group, who explained how they’re looking to become a powerful resource for the community. “We’re going to work with the police,”






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Rocky Regulations

The installation of a rebar ladder on a popular wall prompts new rules for climbing hardware at Smith Rock 25

By Hanna Merzbach

A bold move Snyder’s recent actions sparked community outrage. Just 12 hours after an announcement went out on social media, Park Manager Matthew Davey said he’d received about 220 emails from climbers demanding action to stop Snyder. “Our goal was to get this done immediately so as to not lose our ability to climb at the park,” said Lizzy VanPatten, co-founder of the women’s climbing group, She Moves Mountains. On Aug. 31, Davey released a memorandum covering the new bolting policy. A failure to obey the policy can result in a warning, citation or exclusion from Smith Rock. Snyder had installed hardware before this policy was in place, so he’s not subject to any legal action, though the rebar has since been cut and any holes will be filled. Davey said he doesn’t intend to prevent climbers from developing and replacing hardware in the park. “(The goal is) really just to improve the communication between the park and the climbing community and make sure that our relationship continues to strengthen and grow,” Davey said. Climbers at Smith Rock have historically had a good relationship with park officials. Members of local climbing organizations, such as the High Desert Climbers Alliance and Smith Rock Group, see asking for permission to install and remove hardware as a small price to pay. “It finally felt like the cost of regulating everybody was worth the benefit of

A rebar ladder, now taken down, was installed on Picnic Lunch Wall, at the foot of the Misery Ridge Trail.

having specific rules in place to remove bad actors,” said Max Tepfer, a HDCA board member. A rift between climbers Until the recent decision from Smith Rock State Park, climbing development at the park had been self-regulated. Snyder believes climbers are destroying the park and seeks to prevent improper bolting and rebolting. In the past, he’s been temporarily banned from the park and arrested for removing ropes and gear off the walls, which he deemed “eyesores.” “My goal for a long time has been to get all of us to look in the mirror and see that we ourselves, as a so-called climbing community, are the problem at our climbing areas,” Snyder said. He considered his recent installation as a last attempt to get the park to instate a bolt ban and evaluate its bolting practices. Other ladders are installed in the park to give access to various areas, yet with those, park managers gave developers permission to install them with high-quality materials. Tepfer, who focuses on fixed hardware for the HDCA, admits that a high degree of maintenance is required to replace bolts and anchors at Smith, and some rebolting efforts have not been up to par. But Tepfer added that climbers are rarely in danger of falling due to loose bolts, and that the HDCA has employed

mentorship programs to address any visual and structural problems. “Everybody’s trying to produce the quality of work that (Snyder) would like to see up there, but it takes time to pull this off,” Tepfer said. Snyder said he’s tried to communicate peacefully with members of the climbing community, to no avail, and has determined that physical threats and actions are the only methods that work— though he admits that these actions are “unacceptable.” Justin Brown, a board member of the Smith Rock Group, a nonprofit focused

on year-round maintenance of the park, said there are many instances where Snyder and others agree, and most people admit that Snyder is skilled at placing and removing bolts. “I think the biggest sticking point was the methods in which he used to try and prove his point,” Brown said. The path forward Park managers have been working with the HDCA on a climbing management plan for some time now, which will include a similar policy. This plan is separate from the bigger Smith Rock Master Plan—on hold due to budget cuts and awaiting public feedback. While a final Master Plan is still a way off, the park is hoping to implement the final climbing management plan by spring 2021 and establish a formal board to vet developers at Smith. Though most new development is happening in the nearby Marsupials on U.S. Bureau of Land Management land, outside of the park’s jurisdiction, some developers have already been approved and see asking for permission as only a small hurdle. Many local climbers and developers are thrilled by this new policy and the speed in which the community united to call for action. Snyder, however, is unhappy that climbers can still install and remove bolts with park permission. Although he cannot legally place any more ladders at Smith, he’s already placing them in the Marsupials and plans to do the same in Joshua Tree and Yosemite, he said. As Snyder puts it, “Every single one of these places needs to have a mandatory moratorium until they get their sh** together and take responsibility for all of these climbers going into our majestic areas and destroying them.”  Courtesy Max Tepfer

A bird’s-eye view of Smith Rock State Park’s many rock faces.



Courtesy Shawn Snyder

s rock climbing has taken off and rock gyms have skyrocketed in popularity, the number of visitors to Smith Rock State Park has doubled over the last decade, park managers say. Today, fixed hardware, or “bolts,” fill its rock faces. With so much traffic there, local climbers, historically perceived as law-defying rebels, are welcoming more regulations from the park—though a recent installation shows that some individuals have different ideas on how to get there. On Aug. 28, longtime climber Shawn Snyder installed a rebar ladder up Picnic Lunch Wall, at the foot of Misery Ridge Trail, and announced he would install these around the park until a “bolt ban” was in place. To highlight the park’s lack of rules, Snyder took the same kind of action he’s fighting against, placing low-quality rebar on the wall instead of the sturdier stainless steel. Local climbers called on the park to take action. On Aug. 31 officials placed a ban on all hardware placement or removal without park permission.




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By Abbie + Rick Sams


Licensed brokers, Team Sams at Fred Real Estate Group

A New Building Era

Net-zero energy homes designed for change

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - Buckminster Fuller This idea is applicable to our current situation: the existing reality is standardized home building practices which need to be updated to a new sustainable model of home building, a Zero-Energy or Net-Zero Energy-Ready Home. A Net-Zero Ready home is built to be more energy efficient than a conventional home built to minimum code requirements. Energy efficiency is achieved with the use of additional insulation, high quality, energy efficient windows and doors, Energy Star appliances, LED lighting and lower water use fixtures, combined with intentional design, utilizing natural heating and cooling qualities along with the introduction of natural light, adding up to the highest efficiency possible, well above the standards. A Net-Zero Energy home is complete with all of the efficiency elements, plus the addition of renewable energy, such as solar, to offset the home’s energy consumption.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, about 70% of the total electricity consumed in the United States is from the residential and commercial sectors. Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas produce the majority of the energy consumed. Emissions from burning fossil fuels are not beneficial, but actually harmful, for the environment and human health, and must be phased out. Zero-Energy Ready and Zero-Energy homes have crossed the threshold to being financially viable for home builders. A study performed by the Rocky Mountain Institute highlighted that Zero-Energy homes have an average cost premium of 7.3% and Zero-Energy Ready homes have an average of 1.8% cost premium compared to baseline code-built homes. The research also finds that homebuyers are willing to pay up to a 4% premium for a green built home—more than compensating for the extra cost. So the question remains: What’s the holdup? Like it or not, believe it or not, society as we know it is at the proverbial crossroads of maintaining a habitable planet and survival of our species, or setting the stage for the end of humanity. The tools have been developed and the technology is in place to build a better future. Even though the need for change is convenient to ignore, there will be a time in the near future when it cannot be denied and there will be no other option. For additional information, visit a local-based website, zeroenergyproject. org and the Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Home page at buildings/zero-energy-ready-homes.


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uildings have been transforming since the beginning of their existence. Throughout history, people have adapted buildings to address social needs, as builders continue to learn, adapt and improve after mistakes. Today’s era of building is ready to enter into a new phase, with change being driven by a need to conserve precious resources, clean air, water, energy and land.




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My 23-year-old nephew is a nice guy, a college grad with a good job who’s a loving pet owner. The women in the family love his ironic mustache, his tattoos, and his way of making people laugh, but the men, including my husband, tend to see him in a negative light. I struggle to understand why they think so little of him. But maybe that’s it: My nephew’s not a big guy. He’s maybe 5-foot6, and while that’s not terribly short, my family skews tall, with all the other men 6-foot-3 and over. From reading evolutionary theory in your books and columns, I’m wondering, might these men subconsciously dislike him because he’s small? If so, is there any way to get them to see him in a better light? —Concerned Aunt Your nephew sounds like a good guy who’ll eventually be some lucky woman’s three-fourths and only. You’re on to something about height affecting our evaluation of other people. Evolutionary researchers Gert Stulp and Abraham “Bram” Buunk observe that, across cultures, “taller stature” is linked with higher social status, and historically, “The term ‘big man’ has been used to denote an individual of both high social status and physical stature.” In fact, the researchers explain, because physical dominance was the primary path to power for much of human evolutionary history, “it seems likely that ‘big men’ experienced increased social status” because of their “physical superiority in competition with others.” In other words, though taller doesn’t always equal stronger, in general, the bigger the bro, the bigger the beatdown he could dispense. Today, physical dominance is still the currency of power in really scary neighborhoods (including scary cellblocks). However, a garden gnome-sized man can make up in stacks of thousand-dollar bills the leverage he’d have from physical stature. And recall that wouldbe duel from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with some huge creep brandishing a giant scimitar at Harrison Ford -- who simply draws his gun and shoots the guy. Likewise, the local Goliath might be no match for a well-armed Mr. Stubby. However, though we’re living in modern times, the psychology currently driving our behavior is seriously antique, calibrated for the hunter-gatherer way back when. In our modern world, it often leads us to behave in unnecessary and even counterproductive ways. Our psychological response is typically subconscious, so, for

example, we might sometimes think less of somebody less-than-towering without understanding why. This could explain some of the findings Stulp and Buunk cited. Even in “contemporary, industrialized society,” tall people rule, achieving “greater levels of upward social mobility.” This is seen even when a taller person and a shorter one are siblings with a shared environment (researcher-speak for growing up in the same home). Additionally, from childhood on, “Height may also affect how people perceive themselves, and so influence behavior” (in turn influencing how other people perceive and treat them). Though prior Amy Alkon research finds perceptions of a person’s dominance and high status are related to height, Stulp and Buunk’s team explored the influence of height on people’s behavior. For example, in a narrow pedestrian passageway, they observed that both taller men and taller women were more likely to storm forward unyieldingly, forcing shorter pedestrians to give way and let them pass. Likewise, on a crowded shopping street, when a shortie was coming from the opposite direction, people were less likely to step aside, which resulted in the shorties having more collisions. After I had you do “homework,” asking your male relatives whether they dislike your nephew, and if so, why, you came back on a positive note. They told you they don’t dislike him; in fact, they say they like him. They just seem to talk trash about him over his attitudes about money. For example, your husband goes “on and on” about how the nephew’s paying too big a monthly nut for his new truck. Maybe this triggers fears in your husband that he’ll be asked for money if the guy loses his job, and he’s just venting. And going back to the evolutionary well, gossip is sometimes used as a form of signaling. Perhaps your husband and other men in the family OMG-ing about the big bucks for the truck are ultimately promoting themselves as fiscally wiser. You do say the older dudes in the family don’t have such a harsh attitude about other (taller) young nephews who are less responsible and together than the travel-sized one. So, maybe there is diminished respect for him because of his shorter stature. It’s really impossible to do more than loosely speculate. All in all, you probably don’t need to worry about your nephew, because he sounds happy and well-adjusted. Over time, I suspect the men in your family will come to realize that some stories just aren’t complete without the little guys. (Consider: “Snow White and the Seven Los Angeles Lakers.”)

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (

© 2020, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Many of you Sagittarians specialize in generous breakthroughs and invigorating leaps of truth. Often, you make them look easy and natural—so much so that people may not realize how talented you are in generating them. I hope you adjust for that by giving yourself the proper acknowledgment and credit. If this phenomenon shows up in the coming weeks—and I suspect it might—please take strenuous measures to ensure that you register the fullness of your own accomplishments. To do so will be crucial in enabling those accomplishments to ripen to their highest potential. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel wrote, “When you die and go to heaven, our maker is not going to ask, ‘why didn’t you discover the cure for such and such? why didn’t you become the Messiah?’ The only question we will be asked in that precious moment is ‘why didn’t you become you?’” I hope that serves as a stimulating challenge for you, Capricorn. The fact is that you are in an extended phase when it’s easier than usual to summon the audacity and ingenuity necessary to become more fully yourself than you have ever been before. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Years ago, comedian Lenny Bruce observed, “Every day people are straying away from the church and going back to God.” His statement is even truer today than it was then. Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan think tank, has gathered the concrete evidence. Church attendance was way down even before the pandemic struck. Now it’s even lower. What does this have to do with you? In my astrological opinion, the coming months will be prime time for you to build your intimate and unique relationship with God rather than with institutions that have formulaic notions about who and what God is. A similar principle will be active in other ways, as well. You’ll thrive by drawing energy from actual sources and firsthand experiences rather than from systems and ideologies that supposedly represent those sources and experiences.



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ARIES (March 21-April 19): “It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t,” observes author James S. Gordon. “Rather, it’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” Lucky for you, Aries! Your willpower is even more potent than usual right now, and your willingness to change is growing stronger. And so very soon now, I expect you will reach the threshold that enables you to act crisply and forcefully. You will become so convinced that it’s wise to instigate transformation that you will just naturally instigate transformation. Adjust, adapt, improvise, improve!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi is an expert on the mental state known as being in the flow. He defines it as what happens when you’re completely absorbed in what you are doing: “immersed in a feeling of energized focus,” with “full involvement and enjoyment in the process of the activity.” According to my reading of the astrological omens, you are extra likely to enjoy such graceful interludes in the coming weeks. But I hope you will be discerning about how you use them. I mean, you could get into a flow playing video games or doing sudoku puzzles. But God and Life and I would prefer it if you’ll devote those times to working on a sublime labor of love or a highly worthy quest.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): According to researcher Rosalind Cartwright, “Memory is never a precise duplicate of the original. It is a continuing act of creation.” Neurologist Oliver Sacks agrees, telling us, “Memories are not fixed or frozen, but are transformed, disassembled, reassembled, and recategorized with every act of recollection.” Reams of additional evidence also suggest that our experience of the past is always being transformed. In accordance with astrological potentials, I invite you to take advantage of this truth. Re-imagine your life story so it has more positive spins. Re-envision the plot threads so that redemption and rebirth are major features. Engage in a playful reworking of your memories so that the epic myth of your destiny serves your future happiness and success. CANCER (June 21-July 22): All of us are susceptible to fooling ourselves and lying to ourselves. And all of us are susceptible to the cowardice that such self-sabotage generates. But the good news is that you Cancerians will have an expansive capacity to dissolve and rise above self-deception in the coming weeks—and will therefore be able to call on a great deal of courage. As Cancerian author and Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön says, “The essence of bravery is being without self-deception.” LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): If you like, I will give you the waning crescent moon and the dawn breeze. Do you want them? How about sudden bursts of joy for no apparent reasons and a warm greeting from a person you thought had a problem with you? Would you be interested in having those experiences? And what about an unexpected insight into how to improve your financial situation and a message from the future about how to acquire more stability and security? Are those blessings you might enjoy? Everything I just named will be possible in the coming weeks—especially if you formulate a desire to receive them and ask life to provide them.

Homework: What’s the best possible commotion you could stir up—a healing commotion that would help heal and liberate you?


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727 NE Greenwood Ave. Bend, Oregon 97701 The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. If a condition persists, contact your health care provider. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE USING IF PREGNANT.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Comedian and actor Aubrey Plaza bragged about the deal she made. “I sold my soul to the devil,” she said. “I’d like to thank the devil.” Plaza is quite popular and successful, so who knows? Maybe the Prince of Darkness did indeed give her a boost. But I really hope you don’t regard her as a role model in the coming weeks—not even in jest. What worked for Plaza won’t work for you. Diabolical influences that may seem tempting will not, in the long run, serve your interests— and may even sabotage them. Besides, more benevolent forces will be available to you, and at a better price.

Jung wrote, “The function of dreams is to restore our psychological balance by producing dream material that re-establishes the total psychic equilibrium.” According to my reading of the astrological omens, you especially need this kind of action right now. To expedite your healing process, meditate on what aspects of your life might have become too extreme or one-sided. Where could you apply compensatory energy to establish better equipoise? What top-heavy or lopsided or wobbly situations could benefit from bold, imaginative strokes of counterbalance?


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “The more unintelligent people are, the less mysterious existence seems to them,” wrote philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. I agree with that idea, as well as the converse: The more intelligent people are, the more mysterious existence seems to them. Since I expect you to be at the peak of your soulful intelligence in the coming weeks, I am quite sure that life will be exquisitely mysterious to you. It’s true that some of its enigmatic qualities may be murky and frustrating, but I suspect that many of them will be magical and delightful. If you ever wanted your life to resemble a poetic art film, you’re going to get your wish.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Psychologist Carl


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo poet Mary Oliver was renowned for giving herself permission. Permission to do what? To become a different person from the self she had been. To shed her familiar beliefs and adopt new ones. To treat every experience as an opportunity to experiment. To be at peace with uncertainty. I think you’ll be wise to give yourself all those permissions in the coming weeks—as well as others that would enhance your freedom to be and do whatever you want to be and do. Here’s another favorite Mary Oliver permission that I hope you’ll offer yourself: “And I say to my heart: rave on.”


ASTROLOGY  By Rob Brezsny





Barrel-Aged Brew Fest Goes Walkabout A pandemic-era version of the Little Woody puts people on a downtown Bend scavenger hunt for beer By Nicole Vulcan Brian Becker Photography


Get festive for this year's walkabout, get extra punches.


Tokyo Pro Shred Nora Beck

Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use by adults 21 years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

s fall approaches, many of the rituals that come with the season have gone by the wayside: No massive Labor Day picnics; no snapping photos in front of the school on the first day. But one Central Oregon fall tradition is actually coming to fruition this season: The Little Woody, a barrel-aged beer and cider fest usually housed outside the Deschutes Historical Museum, is moving forward and adapting to the times. The event takes place Friday, Sept. 18 and Saturday, Sept 19. Instead of seeing beer lovers gathered at the Museum sipping barrel-aged samples from brewers as far flung as the state of Michigan, this year, revelers will go on a “walkabout” of downtown Bend, stopping at 10+ locations for tasters of local barrel-aged brews. Stops include McMenamins, Deschutes Brewery Pub, Silver Moon and Bend Brewing Co.—along with a handful of local bars, each featuring a local brewery or cidery’s creations. At Dogwood Cocktail Cabin, for example, Little Woody participants can sip on Three Creeks Brewing’s Tenpine Chocolate Porter, an 8.4% ABV porter featuring double the chocolate malt and double the dark Belgian chocolate that the “regular” Tenpine contains. At Unofficial Logging Co., revelers can try Sunriver Brewing’s Mi Casa Es Su Casa, a whopping 12% ABV Mexican Mocha Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout. At The Point Pub & Grill, Bend Cider Company will feature Toasted Oak, a 6.9%

ABV cider aged in New American Oak. And at the final stop at The Commons, The Ale Apothecary will serve up two brews, including its 8.1% ABV Ralph, an aged sour featuring white fir needles and aged hops. (Note: Each stop features at least two drink selections.) Normally a festival that draws over 4,000 over the weekend, this year’s numbers, with pandemic guidelines still in place, have been cut by 75%. “The Little Woody has always been a locals' beer festival. We pushed the date back after Labor Day to ensure that this year,” said Aaron Switzer, producer of Lay It Out Events, which puts on the festival. “We didn’t want our loyal festival goers to live without for a whole year. By incorporating downtown businesses, we can also give the larger economy a boost.” To help spread people out, participants sign up for one of eight time slots on either Friday or Saturday, starting at the Historical Museum to grab a punch card. (Those who dress in “gnome wear”—in keeping with the Little Woody theme—get a few extra punches on their cards.) After hitting any number of spots on the walking tour, the tour ends at The Commons’ Brooks Street Plaza. As Switzer put it, “These smallbatch, wood-cask beers and ciders are a true beer lover’s specialty.” The Source Weekly is the sister company to Lay It Out Events, which hosts The Little Woody.

THE REC ROOM Crossword


By Brendan Emmett Quigley

Pearl’s Puzzle

Difficulty Level


We’re Local!

© Pearl Stark

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.



The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:

“People say nothing is impossible, ________ every day.” —Theodor Rosyfelt


ACROSS 1. Art that is in creasing 8. Lack of experience 15. “Star Trek” race with a V-shaped forehead 16. PDF reader 17. Quarantine, e.g. 18. Really passionate 19. Marlins manager Mattingly 20. Ruffles features 22. Freshly 24. Miasma 25. Topic of discussion 29. What a pot user might collect 31. Heat star Kendrick ___ 34. Make a go of it 35. Implant material 37. “Let go of that thing!” 38. Classes you might Zoom through, and a hint to this puzzle’s theme 40. Keoghan who hosts “The Amazing Race” 41. Reaching the top, as a wave 42. Expert in 47-Across: Abbr. 43. Action star Jackie 44. Retreat, as a wave 45. Primer for wall paint 47. See 42-Across 49. Nasty dogs 53. Dismissal from a position 56. Darn clothes 57. Like better cheddar 60. Run 64. Points in the right direction 65. Like romantic walks 66. Unleashes one’s claws upon 67. Bettors’ practices

DOWN 1. Big name in frozen food 2. Grammy-winning producer Mark 3. “Catch you on the flip” 4. Coastal bird 5. Actress Shawkat 6. Sail supporter 7. “I’m behind the door!” 8. Gung-ho 9. Doing remarkable on 10. Voted for a candidate not on the ballot, say 11. Exactly 12. Black, poetically 13. Droops down 14. 28-Down problem 21. Quality of babes 23. “Mack the Knife” composer 24. Recoil 26. “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” author ___ Larsson 27. Ceremonial containers 28. Word with black, red, or pink 30. High priest of Shiloh in the Old Testament 32. Domino’s rival 33. Take one’s balls and go home? 35. Bad moods 36. Voice actor Michael of “The Lego Batman Movie” 37. Katy Tur’s network 38. “Heaven help us!” 39. Tease mercilessly 40. Cribbage piece 43. Features of the mile-long CVS receipts 46. Mail room job 48. Golfing with the stars events 50. Good for something 51. Edit down further, as a video 52. Workout clothing 54. Sleep Number rival 55. Affair 57. What a chaser follows 58. Put on staff 59. Turkey’s home 61. Tactical maneuver 62. They’ve got big heads 63. “La Vie Bohème” musical

“I tried to throw a yo-yo away; it was impossible.” —Mitch Hedberg


©2020 Brendan Emmett Quigley (

Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at


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HIT THE TRAILS | OPEN DAILY View availability at:

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