Source Weekly September 22, 2022

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VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202222,SEPTEMBER/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 2 Demos By Register at www.nevercancer.orgCancer Bike Out presents:

Inside this issue, Reporter Jack Harvel has a little fun in La Pine, getting to know someone whose career was forced to “shift gears” after the decline of logging in Ore gon. We’re also covering the reaction from local renters on the announcement of the maximum rental increase for the coming year, as well as the ups and downs of a mural project commissioned at a local school. Our food coverage dips into the bar-food category with a review of The Flamingo Room, and in film, Jared Rasic has a mixed review of the new Viola Davis film. Our endorsements of local candidates continue on the Opinion page, where we’ll bring you our take on local races all the way up to the November elec tion. Have you checked your voter registration yet? Now’s the time, Central Ore gon. As always, thanks for reading!

202222,SEPTEMBER/38ISSUE26VOLUME/THESOURCEWEEKLY 3 The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2021 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2021 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines. Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues. On the Cover: Photo by Jack Harvel Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: EDITOR’S NOTE:

SUPPORT LOCAL The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 We always love seeing photos in front of the “Greetings From Bend, Oregon” mural painted by Karen Eland and Katie Daisy in the Old Mill. This mural captures what Bend is all about — mountains, nature and beauty. Thank you to @pamelitaskitchen for tagging us in this photo and sharing the beauty of Bend with our followers. Don’t forget to share your photos with us and tag @sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as out Lightmeter. Winners receive a free print from @highdesert frameworks. LIGHTMETER: PRESENTED BY HARVEST MOON WOODWORKS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: @pamelitaskitchen CUSTHARVESTMOONWOODWORKS.COMOM.CABINETS 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 10 - Feature 13 - Source Picks 15 - Sound 17 - Calendar 26 - Chow 29 - Culture 30 - Screen 32 - Outside 34 - Craft 35 - Puzzles 36 - Astrology 37 - Advice 39 - Real Estate BECOME investigativeYourSUPPORTER!Aone-timeorrecurringcontributionhelpssupportjournalismandfun,smartreportingonlocalfood,eventsandmore! EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - REPORTER Jack Harvel- REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Chris Williams - COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Damian Fagan, Donna Britt, Ellen Waterston SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Jessie Czopek - GRAPHIC DESIGNER Nathan Elston - ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat, Trinity Bradle DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer - PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770 WINTER SALE SKIS, BOARDS, BOOTS, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES 311 SW CENTURY DR BEND 541 389 6234 · OPEN DAILY 9 6 Purchase discount gift certificates online perks.bendsource.comat 25% Off a 3-pack of Harmonic Egg Sessions $360.00 value for $270.00

lot has changed since the last time voters cast their ballots for Ore gon’s House District 53. Due to redistricting following the recent U.S. Census, the boundaries of the district changed to incorporate more of Bend and less of Redmond. Additionally, incumbent Jack Zika decided not to run again, making this a competitive race with two new and as-yet-untested can didates vying for the spot. Both have been at work establishing their reputa tions in the community, and while both appear well-prepared to represent the voters of Central Oregon, it’s in renew able energy attorney and school safety advocate Emerson Levy, a Democrat, that we see the most promise.

ncumbents in a race typically have an advantage for a number of reasons— name recognition, yes, but also, if they’re doing the work that voters sent them to do, it’s difficult for a newcom er to gain an advantage. In the race for Oregon House District 54, Republi can challenger Judy Trego can’t exact ly be deemed a newcomer, having been the chief of staff for an Oregon leg islator as well as being a former con stituent services staffer for Rep. Greg Walden, and while we respect her life time of service, the incumbent in this race is doing exactly what we sent him to Salem to do.

In his two years as representative for HD 54, then-freshman Democrat Jason Kropf brought a lot of dollars home to Central Oregon, focused in some important areas. Two-ish years ago, Central Oregon struggled to cobble together a winter warming shelter every winter. Now, due to funding supported by Kropf, Bend has a full-time low-bar rier shelter on Second Street. Not only that, but it’s also become a navigation center that helps people experienc ing homelessness access services, due to another bill co-sponsored by Kropf. He’s also advocated for the Joint Office

Vote Jason Kropf for Oregon House District 54


On gun safety, Kropf supports Mea sure 114; Trego has reservations. On abortion, Kropf vows to keep care safe, accessible and affordable; Trego, who’s pro-life, feels the Supreme Court’s deci sion was just and that Oregon should increase its support services for alterna tives to abortion.



Vote Emerson Levy for Oregon House District 53

Vote Jason Kropf for Oregon House Dis trict 54.

Sipe placed heavy emphasis on the effects of Measure 110—the 2020 mea sure that decriminalized drugs in Ore gon and established more funding for treatment centers statewide—as the cause of homelessness. On abortion, Levy is pro-choice; Sipe said he’s prolife. On water rights and drought, the candidates agreed that canal piping has been essential, but beyond that, Levy said she supports more leasing of water rights, while Sipe believes there’s plen ty of water in the basin if we drill down far enough. Both candidates expressed a need to address Oregon’s Corporate Activities Tax, but Sipe wants it to go away completely, while Levy believes there are ways to tinker with portions of it so as to retain its benefits to Ore gonWhenschools.we asked for an example of a time they reached across the aisle to work with someone of a differing polit ical persuasion, it was telling that Levy pointed to the bipartisan bill she has already drafted, while Sipe pointed to his work in mergers and acquisitions and his contributions to the Central Oregon Prayer Fundamentally,Breakfast.we believe Levy would better represent the voters of HD 53. Vote Emerson Levy for Oregon House District 53.


With school safety a major priority for her, Levy, on her own time, has already crafted a bipartisan bill that would establish silent panic alarms in Oregon schools, and sees gun safety as the “fight of her life.” When we asked opponent Republican Michael Sipe about his take on gun safety and his take on Measure 114—the gun safety bill that voters will consider in November—Sipe said while he supports training and a 30-day wait for new gun owners, he’s still opposed due to “unintended consequences” of theOnbill.housing, Levy told us she sup ports the “housing first” model, while

on Homelessness, a pilot project that brings local governments together to address the issue of houselessness not just here, but statewide. He’s also been instrumental in getting the Stevens Road tract project approved, with 20 acres of it earmarked for affordable housing, and 6 of those set aside for housing for edu cators, he said. On top of that, he was a sponsor of the bipartisan bill that estab lished the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care, a result of which was around $8 million in vouchers for Cen tral Oregon child care centers to help them grow their businesses.

See the Source's editorial board interview all the candidates! Look for the Elections tab at


In this race, we see no reason to replace Kropf. He’s been a strong advo cate for Central Oregon and has the abil ity to work across the aisle in support of the most crucial needs for his district.

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Letter of the Week:

—Nicole Vulcan

Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!



—Foster Fell via

it should be noted that she recently held a private campaign event at Smith Rock during which the leader of the Oregon chapter of People’s Rights spoke.

Clearly,dignity.wehave more in common than extremist rhetoric screams. Do not be deceived by lies, conspiracy theories or fear mongering. As stated by others more eloquent than I: “Every man has the right to an opinion but no man has

Democracy in the U.S. is facing severe challenge as evidenced by extremists using their position, social media and lies to destroy the impact of institutions and political norms—not for altruis tic purposes, but to secure power for minority rule. As our democracy has aged, its population has changed from a homogeneous body to a diverse het erogeneous assemblage. This diversity in religion, ethnicity, race etc. can instill fear that “we and our values are being replaced.” The solution to this replace ment is to suppress voting rights so that a select minority gains power—eventu ally leading to an authoritarian form of government. Themost flagrant example is the assault on the transfer of power follow ing the supposedly “stolen election.” A friend from Taiwan (long a U.S. citizen) remarked several years ago that he tre mendously appreciated how America’s democracy assured peaceful transfer of power following elections. After the 2020 election that norm is in jeopardy. Election integrity is under attack at fed eral, state and local levels.

A choice is approaching—the choice of a democratic government or something else. While inflation, supply chain failures and energy costs are serious and impact a large majority, fundamental freedoms, individual rights and democratic prin ciples are at stake in the midterms and beyond. We must elect individuals who acknowledge truth, respect institutions and normative behavior, value individual freedoms and treat all people humanely and with

O Letters

People’s Rights groups hold screen ings of “2000 Mules” and can be expect ed to attract and include Republicans who believe the stolen election myth, AKA The Big Lie. The Washington Post (01/07/22) reports that only 28% of Republicans say the 2020 presidential election was legitimate.

funding they would not have got him the mental help that the shooter needed. But if he were locked up, he would still be alive as well as the other innocent people. I guess I will be asking this ques tion or go back to college for master’s in mental health counseling to learn how to get the message to people to steer people on what to do when people that they know are suicidal and talking about mass shootings.


I recently sent inquiries to 10 Oregon candidates (9 Republicans and 1 Inde pendent) who are running for federal, state, and local offices. I asked them (1) if they agreed with Bill Barr’s statement, “We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election” and (2) if they endorsed this 11/12/2020 statement from the Trump appointed Dept. of Homeland Security: “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American histo ry. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

a right to be wrong in his facts.” We can and should work together. Democrats, moderate Republicans, Independents and unaffiliated, please vote and vote responsibly for those who will protect ourThedemocracy.timetosave democracy is before it is lost.

Three of the 10 candidates respond ed. A staffer for Alek Skarlatos (R), run ning in CD [Congressional District] 4, stated Alek had no opinion. Chris Mann (R), running in CD 1, claimed several states had “violated Constitutional poli cies.” (Of, course we know that multiple courts, Trump-appointed judges, and even the U.S. Supreme Court rejected numerous legal challenges to the Biden victory.)Thethird and final respondent was Christine Drazen’s campaign. A staff er wrote, “Christine has stated multiple times that she believes Joe Biden won the 2020 election and he is the President.”

HAVE SOMETHING your thoughts to

Allen – It’s encouraging to see that more people are thinking about this important question –what can we do to get help soon er to people suffering. Ideally we won’t all have to earn a master’s to understand the issue and seek help, but I appreciate the sentiment. I do know that “See Something, Say Something” is a common phrase— which in this case likely meant “Call the police.” Come on by for your gift card to Palate.

I appreciated Rune’s timely letter, as I, too, have been pondering this issue.

@sourceweekly   Keep in the know of what's going on in Central Oregon, follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

However, before anointing Ms. Dra zen as the Liz Cheney of the Northwest,

—Ronald Patterson

I believe people need to be edu cated on what to do or where to steer depressed, suicidal people in need of help. The shooter’s friend and previous coach apparently did not know how to intervene and get him to seek help. As I thought about it, I don’t think I would have known what to do. From the KTVZ interview with Justin True, he knew the shooter was a ticking time bomb. Should Justin have called the police? I don’t know if I would have because I would think that the police would have just locked him up and because of the lack of

—Allen W. Lucas via

TO SAY? Send


EXCLUSIVE THIS WEEK IN: Start your day with Central Oregon's best source for news & local events. SIGN UP AT: BENDSOURCE.COM/NEWSLETTERS THE SOURCE WEEKLY'S E-NEWSLETTER Get your summer tickets in the Reader Every Friday we give away a pair of tickets (and sometimes more than a pair) through our ticket giveaway in the Cascade Reader. Will you be the next one to win?

These are the 7 campaigns that snubbed my questionnaire: Cliff Bentz; Tony DeBone; Patti Adair; Lori ChavezDeRemer (Jamie McLeod-Skinner’s opponent for CD 5); Mike Erickson (CD 6); Joanna Harbor (CD 3); and Betsy Johnson.

“It’s like this seven-layer cake of grief. It wasn’t like they painted over it and made the walls nice,” Peterson told the Source. “I was looking at pictures where it was just haphazardly painted over, and I think that probably added to the pain of Membersit.”of the PTO who funded the project were likewise concerned.

Before and after of a mural painted inside Miller Elementary in Bend. Artist Teafly Peterson said she finds it ironic that in this instance, BLPS staff refrained from repairing the water stain on the ceiling but painted over the mural. Another coat of paint was later added.

RODGERS cont. on page 7

The response from staff and stu dents, Rodgers said, was overwhelming ly positive.“Everyclassroom toured the school with a specific reason, and that was to choose your favorite mural and accom panying quote. I have a vivid memory of turning around and saying something to one of my students and she just looked at me and said, ‘Mrs. Rodgers, I just got the chills.’ And I can’t teach that,” Rod gers said. “That’s what art is. And that’s what an inspirational quote does to a nine-year-old.”

District concerns

In the summer of 2021, a teacher at Miller was feeling anxious about return ing to school. Between the ongoing safe ty and socio-emotional concerns of teaching in the U.S. in the 21st Century, and COVID still looming large, fourthgrade teacher Stephanie Rodgers want ed to create something to uplift the school

“She said, yes—a resounding yes,” Rodgers said of Healy’s approval. “I mean, she didn’t have to think even 10 seconds.”Healydid not respond to the Source’s requests for comment, but emails obtained through a public records request confirm that in September 2021, Healy obtained approval from the Mill er Parent-Teacher Organization to pay Peterson a fee of $3,080 for the mural project. Healy’s emails also looped in Glen Carey, custodial engineer at Miller, informing him that Peterson would be in the building over the course of about six weekends. Painting on the week ends due to COVID protocols that dis allowed visitors inside schools during school days, Peterson created 19 murals and other smaller works in classrooms,

In the spring of 2022, maintenance staff for Bend-La Pine Schools brought the mural project to the attention of Skip Offenhauser, executive director of Elementary Programs.

When Rodgers, the fourth-grade teacher, entered the school in ear ly August to begin prepping her class room for the school year, all the murals were gone, minus one at the school's entrance. On Aug. 9, district officials began to craft communication “to staff and parents that explains things and next steps.”

Artist Teafly Peterson told the Source Weekly that she learned about the painting over of the murals through a Facebook post Rodgers posted in ear ly August. [Disclosure: Teafly has been a writer and artistic contributor to the Source Weekly on a number of occasions.]

“I had discussions with our mainte nance department and was reminded of our policy… regarding painting in our buildings,” Offenhauser told the Source Weekly. BLPS’ Requirements for Vol unteer Painting include requirements around following “the established col or scheme for each school and site,” and restrict the use of things like “faux fin ishes, extravagant paint patterns, wall paper, student handprints, excessive color contrasts, stenciling and borders,” as well as instructions for wall prep, masking and painting.

bathrooms and hallways, accompanied by quotes from people such as Dolly Parton and Maya Angelou. In each bath room a mural stating, “You are loved” was painted backwards, so students would be able to read the phrase in the mirrors.“For instance, the kindergarten mural is pretty basic, [saying] ‘Be a rain bow in somebody else’s cloud.’ They all have to do with kindness,” Rodgers said.

“Withcommunity.thisuncertainty, what could at least be certain was, I’m going to enter my school and smile, because of the art on the walls,” Rodgers told the Source Weekly. “That was my vision.”

Principal Healy did not respond to the Source's emails, but Offenhauser said Healy did not follow proper proto col in regard to the murals at Miller.

Courtesy Stephanie Rodgers


“I have a vivid memory of turning around and saying something to one of my students and she just looked at me and said, ‘Mrs. Rodgers, I just got the chills.’ And I can’t teach that. That’s what art is. And that’s what an inspirational quote does to a nine-year-old.”

The official decision from BLPS: the murals would need to be painted over. As an alternative, the murals could be redone on canvas and hung around the school, emails between district staff show.

Rodgers said she reached out to Mill er Principal Jen Healy, who Rodgers said was enthusiastic about the prospect of commissioning local artist Teafly Peter son, known professionally as simply “Teafly,” to create art inside the school.

Between May and June of this year, maintenance and administrative staff for BLPS debated via email about who would inform Healy of the need to paint over the artworks. On June 24, an email from Offenhauser to Dan Dum mit, maintenance director for BLPS, revealed Offenhauser’s reservations about the project.

The Miller Elementary PTO paid a local artist to paint 19 murals inside the school. Less than a year later, the district painted over them, citing a breach of protocol.

District Removes Inspirational Murals from Bend School

By Nicole Vulcan

Another email on July 28 indicated that the district would allow Healy to select one mural “to keep” inside Miller.


“…I did get a chance to walk the school on my own and I do have some reservations and questions about paint ing over the murals and see some chal lenges with reproducing them on canvas/boards and mounting them,” Offenhauser wrote.

“The very first thing that we had to remind ourselves was that all paint ing projects—and there’s many reasons embedded underneath it—all painting projects needed to be approved by Facil ities,” Offenhauser said. “I think what was coming into Jen’s [Healy’s] mind was more of painting rooms different colors and the policy was more in her head around that.”

The artist’s reaction

or a period of about 10 months, the walls of William E. Miller Elemen tary School in Bend were adorned with inspirational quotes and the origi nal works of a local artist. In August, the murals were painted over.

Oregonians could see their rents hiked up by as much as 14.4% after a year of heavy inflation

time for consumer goods and services. Oregon’s the first state to enact rent control laws, but some cities have capped rent at much lower rates. In San Fran cisco, landlords’ allowable rent increases typically hover between 1-2%.


Applicants must reside within the Bend-La Pine Schools attendance area and be a registered voter in a Deschutes County voting precinct. Appointees are allowed to file for the next election next spring.

BLPS district area rather than a specific district. Her replacement would fill the vacancy until June 30, 2023.

"This was a tough situation at all levels," BLPS Superintendent Steve Cook told the Source. "We've learned from this, and we're going to get it resolved." BLPS officials say they plan to have the murals repro duced on canvas or another material so that the art can be replaced at Miller, but it’s not clear who will pay for the artist’s time.

A new project

“My next-door neighbor has the same apartment as me, and they moved in at $1495,” they said.

“I’m a full-time college student and my son is a high school student so we’ll be going to coffee shops to do our homework,” they said.

The maximum allowable rent increases aren’t taken advantage of by every landlord and proper ty management company. Bend’s year-over-year increase in rental costs was about 6% with a max increase of “Broadly9.9%.speaking, housing costs go up along with incomes, if not a little bit faster than that. So if we see income growth 5-6% a year, broadly speaking, housing costs go up 5- 6% a year. Of course, every year can be a little bit different than that, but that tends to be the big-picture trend,” Lehner said.

Applications for the position are due by Oct. 11 and finalists will be interviewed and appointed on Nov. 15. Llerandi Gonzales won an election in May 2021 for a four-year term for the at-large position, meaning she was one of two board members representing the entire

In October, 2021 the Oregon Government Ethics Commission opened an investigation into Llerandi Gonzales for potentially engaging in prohibited use of

Oregon’s rent control laws passed in 2019’s leg islative session and are intended to stop landlords from effectively evicting tenants through large rent increases, as well as stabilizing rental markets. The law allows 15+ year-old rentals to raise rents by 7% plus the Consumer Price Index for the West region — which measures average change of prices over

Llerandi Gonzales ran for the seat on a platform of inclusion, fostering a more welcoming environment for students, those with disabilities and those experi encing financial hardship. She continued advocating for marginalized groups as a board member, and often spoke out about other issues in the community.

ents could rise as much as 14.6% for Orego nians renting a property that’s over 15 years old in 2023. The average rent in Bend is $1,836, according to RentCafe, a data company with access to pricing on all Bend apartments 50 units or larger — so raising the average by the maximum allowable extent would bring the cost to over $2,100.

BLPS officials did not provide an estimate of the time and material costs incurred by the district for the repainting, but said that it used “standard paint” that the district uses in all buildings, and that the job was done by maintenance staff.


The 14.4% hike is the steepest since the program’s inception three years ago, thanks to the fastest inflation observed in 40 years. Over the past several decades inflation was generally around 2-3%. Lehner said signs are pointing to less-rapid inflation in the coming year. Inflation stemmed largely from the increases in energy pric es that are now decreasing, and supply chain issues that’re also starting to ease up.

an official position and violating gift limits. In a pro test after Roe v. Wade was overturned in July, Lleran di Gonzales was also reprimanded for violating the school board’s code of conduct when she failed to state she was voicing her own opinions that weren’t repre sentative of the board, and using profanity.

Peterson also sees it as an equity issue.

“Decades of economic and academic research show that really stringent rent controls, which this is not, but really stringent rent controls harm new construction. If a builder or develop er cannot get a return on their investment, if the rents can only go up by 1% or 2% a year, they don’t get that financial return, and then they don’t build at all,” said Josh Leh ner, an economist for the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis.

“Especially after COVID—it just really wreaked havoc, I think, on mental health for kids and teachers alike, and it was just this wonderful bright, positive way of welcoming kids and teachers and staff back to the school. I thought it was a great use of funds,” said Emily Pietrzak, president of the Miller PTO during the 202021 school year. “When I heard that the district took the time and budgeted to paint over them, I thought, you know, there’s a larger problem in the district, in how they solve issues, and I think this was a really poor way of handling a situation that they weren’t happy with.”

Pietrzak, whose kids have since aged out of Miller, said paying for the project with PTO funds would be a tough“Evencall.though, you know, the ultimate outcome is, ‘we want this here for the kids to see,’ you know, just the whole principle of the thing of, we have to fund raise for this again. That’s not fair, you know?” Peitr zak

They said they budget conservatively and that they’re already exploring how they can tighten up their budget. They’re expecting to cut off the inter net, leaving only cell phones, electric bills and car insurance as their only monthly expenses.

“Isaid.was also thinking, God, somebody walked in with a bucket of paint and a roller and painted over, ‘You are loved.’”

“I’m actually kind of happy to get the opportunity to recreate the art with people because it’s so sad, the fact that kids don’t have it there,” Peterson said.

“The second I heard about the new increase I knew that as soon as they can in July, they will be raising it as much as they can because they have every single year,” said a Bend-based tenant who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation from their land lord.The tenant is current ly paying $950 a month for their apartment, and comes with its own set of problems. Their carpet is 20 years old and so thread bare tack strips are pok ing through it. They have no washer, dryer, dishwasher or garbage disposal and their base board heater is malfunctioning.

By Jack Harvel

By Jack Harvel

“This is one of the most affluent neighborhoods in our community, and they were treated this way? What’s happening in our community where the parents don’t have the resources or don’t have the time available to advocate for their kids on this level?” she said. “We force them to do these things… we make them duck and cover—do their active shooter drills, and the little bit of joy that was on their walls to help them through this process is now gone.”

Seeking School Board Member

Bend-La Pine Schools is seeking to replace a vacant seat on the school board. Board member Janet Sarai Llerandi Gonzales resigned on Sept. 10 after moving out of the district. On Sept. 13, the BLPS board chair announced the board would be seeking a replacement at an upcoming school board meeting.

Bend-La Pine Schools announced it needs a replacement to fill Janet Sarai Llerandi Gonzales on the board

Rodgers, the teacher, also expressed concerns about the message sent to kids about conflict resolution. “I don’t know what to say,” Rodgers said. “Your art has been painted over because of a rule. OK, so we broke the rule. Well then, let’s talk about the rule and maybe that rule needs to be changed.”

Rents Could Rise

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202222,SEPTEMBER/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 8 In-Person + Virtual Creative Event October 10-14, 2022 Speakers, Films, Creativity & Conversation for Designers, Changemakers and the Curious. READY TO BE INSPIRED? Order Tickets at

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La alza del 4.4% es la mayor desde la creación del programa de ya de tres años, esto gracias a la inflación más alta en los útimos 40 años. En las últimas déca das la inflación andaba alrededor del 2 al 3%. Lehner dijo que los indicios están apuntando hacia una inflación menos rápida el año que viene. La inflación se debió en gran medida al aumento en los precios de la energía que están hoy en día bajando y a los problemas del abas tecimiento que también están empeza do a Loscesar.aumentos

“Décadas de investigación académica y económica muestran que el control de las rentas realmente estrictas, las cuales

las rentas sólo pueden subir al 1 o 2 por ciento al año, no reciben esa ganancia financiera y no construyen, dijo Josh Leh ner, economista del Departamento de Análisis Económicos de Oregon.

“En terminos generales, los costos de vivienda aumentan junto con los ingresos, si no un poco más rápido que el ingreso. Así que, si vemos un aumen to en el ingreso del 5 al 6% anual, en términos generales, los costos por vivi enda aumentan del 5 al 6% anual. Por supuesto, cada año puede ser algo difer ente que eso, pero eso tiende a ser así,” By Jack Harvel Sánchez-Millar

de la renta máximos permitidos no los aprovechan todos los propietarios y empresas de adminis tración de inmuebles. El aumento año tras año de los costos de alquiler de Bend fue de alrededor del 6% con un aumento máximo del 9.9%.

“Mi vecino de al lado, que vive en un apartamento igual al mío, me comento que paga Dijeron$1,495.”queya no tienen muchos gas tos extras y que ya están viendo como ajustar su presupuesto. Están pensan do suspender el servicio de internet, teniendo solo los celulares, el recibo de luz y el pago del seguro automovilístico como gastos mensuales únicos.

El inquilino actualmente está pagan

“En cuanto me enteré del nuevo aumento, supe que tan pronto como pudieran en julio, lo estarán subiendo lo más que puedan ya que lo han hecho cada año,” dijo un inquilino de Bend que prefi ere permanecer en anonimato por miedo a replesalias de parte de su arrendador.


Noticias en Español Las rentas podrían aumentar Los habitantes de Oregon podrían ver cómo el costo de la renta aumenta hasta un 14.4% después de un año de fuerte inflación Por /

se ve rala, no tiene lava vajillas, lavado ra, secadora o triturador de desechos y el calentador base no funciona bien.

sus inquilinos de manera efectiva por medio de un alto aumento en la renta, así como para también estabilizar los mecados de renta. La ley permite que las unidades de renta con más de 15 años de antigüedad aumenten la renta en un 7% más del índice de precios al consum idor para la zona oeste, lo cual mide el cambio promedio de los precios a lo lar go del tiempo para los bienes y servicios de consumo. Oregon es el primer esta do en promulgar leyes para el control de la renta pero algunas ciudades han lim itado la renta a tasas mucho más bajas. En San Francisco el aumento de la renta permitido a los arrendadores suele ser de entre el 1 al 2%.


as rentas podrían subir hasta un 14.6% para los habitantes de Oregon que renten una propiedad que ten ga más de 15 años de antigüedad para el 2023. La renta promedio en Bend es de $1,836 según RentCafe, una compañía de datos con acceso al precio de la renta de todos los apartamentos de Bend que constan con 50 unidades o más, así que el subir el promedio de la renta al máx imo aumentaria el costo de la renta a más de los $2,100.

Me comentó lo siguiente: “Yo soy un estudiante universitario que asiste a la escuela tiempo completo y mi hijo es un estudiante de preparatoria (high school) así que iremos a las cafeterías para hac er laLastarea.”leyes de control de la renta de

Traducido por / Translated by Jéssica

Within five minutes I responded asking what this place was, and three minutes after that he invited me to swing by in a similarly cryptic fashion.


A former logger finds a way to keep working with wood after the collapse of the logging industry

Mosquito Bob owns hundreds of chainsaws, each with its own name, use and feel. He learned about chainsaws tinkering on old ones as a logger, and has had a passion for the tools ever since.

Jack Harvel

n Aug. 15 I received an email from someone only identified as Mosquito Bob in my inbox, hinting about a location.


guerilla marketing. He sent his number, asking to talk. Mondays are usually one of our busier days at the Source, but I had to put my work aside to find out what the hell Mosquito Bob was talking about.

Turns out it was some guerilla marketing. Mosqui to Bob is breaking into the woodcarving business and wanted to show off the bears, bigfoots and bar he’s built on his property in La Pine. Usually, I’d leave the arts and culture stories to a reporter more suited to it, but Mosquito Bob approached me creatively enough to take full ownership of the story.

I wondered what this could possibly mean. There were three things I imagined this could be: At worst I was being lured to a remote location by someone named Mosquito Bob; slightly better, I was being trolled and the location is infested with mosquitos that would eat me up or this was some kind of weird

The name Mosquito Bob (the only name he identi fies as, or at least the only name he’ll share with news reporters) draws from the protective eyewear Bob wears while using one of the hundreds of chainsaws he has strewn around his property. He has an encyclope dic knowledge of chainsaws and talks about them the same way a car enthusiast would talk about classic cars — noting the looks, feel, technology and sound of dif ferent chainsaws. The modern saw chain has Oregon roots; in 1947 lumberjack Joseph Cox designed the Cox Chipper Chain after observing how timber beetles cut through trees.

Reporters are used to getting strange emails. Wheth er it’s a pushy PR firm pitching a story about a Seat tle-based dog trainer, a local asking you to report on their neighbor’s overgrown lawn or a political screed about why and how I should cover an event, there’s usually something interesting sprinkled among the dozens of press releases we get in a day. But this one really piqued my interest.

‘Cutting Out Everything That’s Not a Bear’ with Mosquito Bob

By Jack Harvel

“Come up and I will show you. There is a private hydration station. Bigfoot & bear sightings most eve nings,” Mosquito Bob wrote.

Jack Harvel

Woodchips fly all over Mosquito Bob’s workspace as he carves a stump into a bear. He can turn a small log into a rough carving in about 30 minutes before painting, though larger statues can take months.

“Hey man, I know a place in the pines that’s magi cal, enchanted, whimsical, creative, entertaining, dan gerous, exciting and unique,” Mosquito Bob wrote. “I would like to share it with folks.”

The Chainsaws

Bob can hardly draw a stick figure after years of operating vibrating saws, but he’s an artist with a chainsaw. He said he approaches carving a lot like he did cutting trees. It’s all about imagining a finished product, and chipping away until it’s finally realized.


Loggers are 28 times more likely to die on the job than an average worker. In 2020 loggers had a fatal ity rate of 97.6 per 100,000 full time workers, and over 1,000 nonfatal injuries in a workforce with about 53,000 people. For comparison, active duty military personnel between 2001 and 2010 had a fatality rate of 93.4 per Mosquito100,000.Bob got into the logging industry set ting chokers on trees, aka attaching cords to trees so a crane can haul them away. It took him a long time to earn his stripes and join the cutters chipping away at trees. Finally, they let him join, but not with a saw — he carried their gas tanks for six months before he got to work lumberjacking.

“My mentor Larry took me under his wing. He was 69 years old the day he took me under his wing cutting timber. And I worked with him for seven years. You know, felling timber, learning from a living legend, a man that cut Mount St. Helens after it blew. I’m talking the widest trees, man,” Mosquito Bob said. “He took me under his wing, and I knew that I was probably the last man on earth who was going to learn that infor mation from him. There’s a heritage, there’s a history.”

He learned the mechanics of chainsaws tinkering on old broken saws and putting them back together. He gives each of his chainsaws its own name and has a purpose for all of them. If he’s felling timber he’s using a Stihl, but when carving he prefers a Husqvarna or a McCulloch.“They’ve got a cadence; they remind me of guitars. Chainsaws and guitars are a lot alike and a lot of saw yers play guitar; there’s a cadence to them, there’s a dance,” Mosquito Bob said. “Now they’re just the paint brushes, man. Every tool here is a paint brush for myBob’sart.” a guitarist himself, and points to his “theme song,” Jackyl’s "The Lumberjack," to get a sense for the cadence of a chainsaw. In it, the front man Jesse James Dupree plays a chainsaw solo over a blues riff. But unlike guitars, chainsaws are dangerous tools and are used in the U.S.’s most dangerous profession.

“That beetle has a little (c-shaped) jaw like that, you see that little tooth cutter,” Mosquito Bob said while showcasing one of his chainsaws. “He has one on top and one on the bottom. If you listen and then you go to one of these beetle-ridden trees and listen to that tree, you’ll hear the same sound as a chainsaw, almost sounds like steel. The guy designed crosscut chain, and it revolutionized the world because these sons of bitches can cut, man.”

As logging became more mechanical and the less labor-intensive, it became less appealing for Mosquito Bob. He liked “running in for his job, running out for his life and looking up.” He didn’t want to be cooped up in a cab pulling levers so he got out of the cutting game and got into building. He started setting up fram ing for houses, where he could still work his chainsaw.

Mosquito Bob bought an industrially zoned piece of land in La Pine where he can carve without bother ing the neighbors. He started carving wood about four years ago when a friend commissioned him to carve a morel mushroom.

Mosquito Bob said he’s taking appointments for commissions and live carvings. This Friday and Sat urday he’ll be finding the bear in his logs at Shandy’s bowling alley in La Pine. He’ll even have a couple carv ings for sale, which he’ll trade for money or, of course, old chainsaws.

Still, he saw the danger of the industry firsthand. He’s seen men die on the job. In 1996 he crushed his leg in 18 places and spent the next three years on crutches. By the time he healed up the logging industry was just about gone. He saw the end of logging, but not before learning from the legends of the tall timber.

“The first logging crew I ever worked for, the log ging didn’t scare me, the men did!” Mosquito Bob said.

Jack Harvel

“Everything in the tall timber is a cutting solu tion. You’ll sit there, knock them down like dominoes with the same cut every time, but then you’ll get into a patch and you might have to go cut some stuff loose to get the results you want,” Mosquito Bob said. “My cutting solution on carving is like cut away everything that isn’t a bear, cut away everything that isn’t a dog or a horse or a Sasquatch.”

Mosquito Bob chars eyes onto a bear sculpture he carved. Next it will be detailed and painted.

“The thing with framing is, it didn’t have what I wanted, the tribal type of crew,” Mosquito Bob said. “I missed the timber. I missed the woods. Now you’re downtown, you’re eating out of a friggin’ mini mart every day. I really don’t want to stop downtown.”

“You don’t get rich. We’re not scooping up $100 bills with a butterfly net. Carving is probably the hard est job out of everything I’ve done,” Mosquito Bob said. “You don’t have anybody to ask. Nobody shares their secrets. Maybe if you get into their circle, but they don’t want you on their corner. Because we’re all starving artists, you know, just like any other.”

The logging heyday

Several of Mosquito Bob’s creations sit on a trailer. Some of the larger sculptures take a lot of effort to move.

Jack Harvel

“My cutting solution on carving is like cut away everything that isn’t a bear, cut away everything that isn’t a dog or a horse or a Sasquatch.” —MOSQUITO BOB

Finding the bear

“The second one is always better than the first one, and the next one is always better than the last one. Because you learn, you’re better and faster,” Mosqui to Bob said.

Those bears can be as tall as 9 feet or the size of a stump. Just like in logging he’s been earning his stripes in carving by burning his gas tanks down, practicing on new logs. He doesn’t start with any designs on paper; he just tries to find the subject in the wood.

His ultimate goal is to have his carvings be like a gal lery at his home and can demonstrate what he can do for private commissions. He’d also like to host work shops on carvings and saws, and would really like to see a chainsaw festival in La Pine. Mosquito Bob said his carving isn’t quite a full-time business yet, but he’s hoping to carve out some territory in La Pine where he’s the carver of choice.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202222,SEPTEMBER/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 12 OR 223388 • ID RCE - 53749541-449-9806 Cannot be combined with other offers. Valid for new projects only. Offer expires 09/30/2022. Eliminate Visual Clutter with Webfoot Cabinets SCOOTBEND.COM Located at The Brown Owl in the Box Factory Safety Orientation and Instruction Provided to Every Guest Electric Moped Rental OFF SEASON PRICING 6 HOURS FOR $60 OPEN TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 10am – 4pm • Prizes for the first 100 people to RSVP! Register online mosaicmedical.orgat Mosaic is turning twenty! To celebrate, we are hosting a free, fun-filled evening of music! Frid a y, Sept. 23, 2022 5:30  9:30 p.m. CELEBRATE WITH US! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! LIVE MUSIC High Desert Music H a ll · Redmond, OR GAMES FOOD A Night • Special presentationaward+ learn more about our Prineville roots! • Live ¡Chiringa!BluegrassBlackstrapbands:and of MosaicwithMusic Quality Care For All Founded by the  incommunity2002






With over 10 million listeners on Spotify, the twoman band is bringing rock pop to Central Oregon. LANY has music that will get listeners on their feet and dancing but also has some slower tunes that will trigger some feelings. Fri., Sept. 23, 6pm. Hayden Homes Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr., Bend. $49-65.






Crafting its once-a-year Oktoberfest lager, Mc Menamins is sharing a longtime tradition with Central Oregon. Live music will fill the afternoon to accompa ny the German menu specialties and massive pints. Prost! Sat., Sept. 24 1-9:30pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Sisters. Free.

Banned Books Week is here, and everyone has some thing to say about it. Hear from a panel of book-loving librarians and join the live webinar about what this week is all about, how it impacts Central Oregon and what our community thinks about it. Thu., Sept. 22, 6-7:30pm. Zoom link on Free.

Recreating the fluffiness and crunch of sourdough bread can be hard when attempting a gluten-free version. The People’s Apothecary is hosting a baking event that unlocks the secret to the perfect glu ten-free sourdough starter. Thu., Sept. 22, 6-7:30pm. The People’s Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr., Bend. $130. -SUNDAY




Eight stages will host over 100 bands in the Box Factory this weekend. Spoken Moto, Crosscut Warming Hut #5 and Avid Cider are three of many venues hosting artists from around Central Oregon. This family-friendly event will host educational workshops, too! Fri-Sun, Sept. 23-35. Box Factory, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.










Touring his eighth studio album, “Meeting in the Moonlight,” Jack Johnson shares his island sound with Central Oregon. Known for his easy listening and relaxed music, Johnson’s new album will get listen ers grooving for a chill evening on the Hayden Homes lawn. Sun., Sept. 25, 6:30pm. Hayden Homes Amphi theater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr, Bend. $75.

To welcome fall and celebrate the process of making cider, Bend Cider Co. is inviting the community to take part in pressing apples for its fall cider. Take part in the process, listen to live music and grab some snacks this Sunday afternoon. Look for the big orange barn when you get there! Sun., Sept. 25, 12:307:30pm. Bend Cider Co., 64649 Wharton Ave., Bend. Free.

Bend Cider Co. Pexels










of Facebook Courtesy of Facebook Courtesy of Three Creeks Olivia Knox w/ Mosley Wotta SATURDAY, 10/22 QueenMajesty:Tribute TUESDAY, 11/1 ComedyCapitol WEDNESDAY, 10/12





It’s the fresh hop season, so why not celebrate it with a festival? Three Creeks Brewing is collaborating with over 20 state and local breweries to host this beer event. Join the festival to listen to live music, enjoy a new brew and grab a bite to eat at the food trucks. Sat., Sept. 24, Noon-11pm. Three Creeks Brewing, 265 E Barclay Dr., Sisters. $25-30.

9/21 – 9/25

The multi-talented music artist, Ben Harper, is com ing to Bend. Exploring all kinds of genres, including folk, indie, rock, blues, reggae and soul, he does it all. Harper ties activism and musical mastery together for incredible live shows. Wed., Sept. 21, 5:30pm. Athlet ic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr., Bend. $49.

Looking to swap out your pair of skis, hiking boots or puffy jacket? Join Hike-N-Peaks and Black Butte Schools at the used sporting gear and outdoor equip ment sale and swap. All profits will go to BBS’s out door education programs. Sat., Sept. 24, 10am-4pm. Hike-N-Peak, 103 A E Hood Ave., Sisters. Free.


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Who’s in the band: Nikki Sisti on vocals and guitar, Kate Black on vocals, bass and synth and Shari Page on vocals and drums.

For fans of: Illuminati Hotties, PUP, Mannequin Pussy, Dehd, Bully


What’s to like: THICK will just lay it all out there on any given track. On the trio’s second album, "Hap py Now," it doesn’t make the listener have to wonder where their angst is coming from—the artists tell it like it is. With “Montreal,” THICK concocts a beau tiful and hard-nosed love song. On the album’s clos er, “Something Went Wrong,” the three let loose and drill through the bullshit they are forced to deal with daily for just being women. THICK brings honesty, punchy harmonies and high energy to its poppy, punk and garage rock sounding tunes. They are exactly what a Riot grrrl band would sound like in 2022, delivering countless headbangers.

Jessica Gurewitz


THICK w/ Skating Polly and Vial Mon., Sept. 26, 8-11pm Volcanic Theatre Pub 70 SW Century Dr., Bend $16 on Bendticket

Socials: Instagram: @thickinbrooklyn Twitter: Facebook:@thickinbrooklynThickinbrooklyn

Band Fact Sheet: THICK Brooklyn punk trio is going to bring it when it hits Volcanic

Songs to start with: “Happiness,” “Mansplain,” “Puke’s Dinner,” “Loser,” “Maybe Tomorrow”

Any punk or garage rock fans in Central Oregon should be flocking to the Volcanic Theatre Pub next Monday night. Learn more about the trio with this Band Fact Sheet.

Rainbow Canyon by Dawn Emerson

By Isaac Biehl

You can stream THICK’s latest album “Happy Now” on Bandcamp, Spotify and Apple Music.

Random Internet Dig Fact: Drummer Kate Black seems to have invented a new word, and I love it. In an interview with When The Horn Blows, Black coins the term “angertivity” when talking about THICK’s new album. Angertivity is “when you experience pos itivity and happiness from going through anger and hurt.” This seems like the perfect word to describe the group’s sound.

xpressing anger and getting out your frustrations actually feels pretty good sometimes. If you’re having trouble doing so, listening to a song from Brooklyn’s THICK will probably help you release that tension. The passion this punk trio has is one to get you inspired. Not only is THICK’s music relentless and powerful, but it’s also really damn good.

How they came to be: Around the end of 2014 Sisti posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a drummer who shared a similar love for Blink-182 and FIDLAR—that’s when Page came into the picture. Black joined later in 2015 after Sisti and Page worked their magic to get her in the band. Then the Brooklyn punk trio was com plete. They’ve been signed on with the great Epitaph records since 2018.

VOICEINDEPENDENTBEND’S/202222,SEPTEMBER/WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM 16 Presented By: FridaySeptemberSunday30th-October 2nd Celebrate the Autumn season in downtown Bend, OR with crafts, art, music, and more!Ready for Sweater Weather?

Pour House Grill Ultimate Trivia Night with Clif Come to Pour House Grill for the best trivia night in town, guaranteed. With new questions every week written by the host Clif, and inter esting gameplay including wager style Double

Athletic Club of Bend Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals Ben was raised in a hub of activists, poets, artists and of course, great musicians. They included frequent patrons such as Chris Darrow, Leonard Cohen, Jackson Browne and Taj Mahal – the latter of whom gave Ben his first major tour and asked him to record “Follow the Drinking Gourd” with him (1990), all of which culminated in playing with Taj on Austin City Limits (which would become the first of five times Ben would be on the show). 5:30pm. $49.

Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 John Shipe

Courtesy of Facebook

High Desert Music Hall PLANET

Tower Theatre - Bend Home Free: Road Sweet Road Tour Head to The Tower Theatre to see the all-vocal country group, Home Free! The band will bring new music from an unnamed recording project that should be released in late summer. Hear more from special guest, Maggie Baugh. 7:30pm. $45 - $75 (plus $3 historic preservation fee).

Zero Latency Bend Karaoke Thursdays & Friday Nights That’s right! Karaoke is coming to Zero Latency in Bend. Download the SINGA app and sign-up for your time slot and song. Note: The venue will show up on the SINGA app by Monday, 8/29 to sign up. 7-10pm. $7 at the door, includes a domestic beer.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.

Bledsoe Family Winery Wine and Live Music! Featuring Mari Auna Join the winery for a glass of Walla Walla’s finest! Mari is a local singer/songwriter/musician, featuring original music and cover songs. Her music style is a mix of blues, alternative and folk. Reservations are recommended. 4:30-6:30pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery bringing a nostaligic spin to trivia with large, hand-crafted, replicas of Trivial Pursuit wheels. They have enough pies for six teams. So get there early to claim your favorite color! Sign-up 6:30. Starts at 7pm. 6:308pm. Free.

Porter Brewing Co. Live Music with The Ballybogs! Grab a pint, sit back, relax and enjoy live music by an amazing group of artists who bring us the best Irish Trad Music in Central Oregon! Every Thursday. 6-8pm. Free.

Midtown Ballroom Samantha Fish Midtown Events is proud to present Samantha Fish. Doors open at 7pm with music starting at 8pm. This is an all age show. 7-11pm. $25.

Walt Reilly’s Silvertone Devils This band encompasses a little bit of everything: country, blues, rock and alternative. Walt Reilly’s is excit ed to welcome them back for the second time to Walt Reilly’s! 7-9:30pm. Free.


Zero Latency Bend Karaoke Thursdays & Friday Nights That’s right! Karaoke is coming to Zero Latency in Bend. Download the SINGA app and sign-up for your time slot and song. Note: The venue will show up on the SINGA app by Monday, 8/29 to sign up. 7-10pm. $7 at the door, includes a domestic beer.

at the Vineyard: Cheyenne West & Kurt Silva Excellent country duo. You will be amazed at the sounds of Cheyenne West with Kurt on guitar! Chairs and tables provided for you. Hand-crafted pizzas, award-winning wine by the bottle, beer on tap, salad and dessert are all available for purchase. 5-8pm. Adults/$15, Children 12 and under/free.

22 Thursday

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Trivia Night

Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live

Seven Nightclub & Restaurant The CO Show The CO Show is a free comedy show case! Doors open at 7pm show starts at 8pm!

The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Last Sing Before The Ring: Karaoke Bachelor(ette) Party Bunk+Brew’s karaoke hosts are getting married! Ever wanted to crash a wedding? Well you can’t. BUT! What you can do is crash Chris and Claire’s joint bachelor-bachelorette karaoke party! Come eat, drink, sing and celebrate all things karaoke, neighbors and our hosts! Will be a wild night to say the least! 7-10pm. Free.

Central Oregon Comedy Scene and Karaokaine productions have teamed up to bring this show to you!! It's co-hosted with multpile hosts, co-pro duced for Central Oregon! 8pm. Free, donations accepted.

General Duffy’s Waterhole Live Music Wednesdays Stop by for live Music by local artist every Wednesday night in the Annex at General Duffy’s Waterhole. See artists like Parker Steers, Tony Buckman, Phillip Austin and others! 7-9pm. Free.

Box Factory Bend Roots Revival

Silver Moon Brewing Dead Animal Plant Assembly Dead Animal Plant Assembly is an industrial metal collective that has been rocking the stage with unforgettable visuals and performing energy. The hardcore metal group will perform at Silver Moon Brewing. 7-10pm. $10.

Worthy Brewing Live Music Wednesdays Enjoy free live music every Wednesday at Worthy Brewing’s Eastside Pub! 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Song & Story with Pete Kartsounes Pete is an award-winning singer-songwriter, flat picker and cutting-edge musician’s musician. No stranger to life out on the road, Pete has spent over two decades bringing his voice and guitar to stages all over the world. Come experience one of Bend’s finest talents! 6-8pm. Free.

Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays Cabin 22 is back and better than ever. All the fun you remember has returned and it hopes you will, too! More TV coverage, locals specials and prizes to win! 6:30pm. Free.

BOOTY Are you ready to be 110% yourself? Join Planet Booty in a performance to remember, bringing dj dance club vibes to Bend. 8-11pm. $15.

23 Friday

Silver Moon Brewing Son De Cuba w/ Victoria of Bend Dance Lessons Son de Cuba is a sextet created by musicians from Chile, Mexico, U.S.A. and Cuba. The group blends this vast knowledge of different beats together in classic and modern latin songs, exuding energy, hap piness and encouraging you to dance. 7-11pm. $20.

LANY: Summer Forever Tour LANY is an Amer ican pop rock band from Los Angeles. Formed in Nashville in 2014, the band consists of Paul Jason Klein and Jake Clifford Goss. Signed to Polydor and Interscope Records, the band has released three top 40 albums: LANY, Malibu Nights and Mama’s Boy. 6pm. $49.50-$65.

21 Wednesday


Ninjas with Syringes The four-piece punk rock band is taking the stage at McMenamins Old St. Francis School! Grab some food and a drink and listen to some live music! 6-9pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Da MaddHouze pres ents The “This is Me” Tour starring Alessandra Rose ft. DEZZ Da MaddHouze presents: The “This is Me” Tour starring Alessandra Rose ft. Da MaddHatter w/special guests: Ill Martian, BXR BXROS and DropBoyz-DJ BP. 21+. 6-9pm. Free.

Northside Bar & Grill Accoustic Open Mic w/ Derek Michael Marc Head down to the Northside Bar and Grill on Wednesdays to catch local artists perform live. 7-9pm. Free.

Join Crosscut Warming Hut for music in the garden with John Shipe. 6-8pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen & Brewery Comedy Open Mic Sign-up 7:30pm. Starts at 8pm. Free to watch. Free to perform. If you’ve ever wanted to try stand-up comedy, this is where you start! 8-10pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Fractal at Volcanic Fractal by definition is infinitely complex patterns that are self similar across different scales. Fractal plays organic jamtronica based music with improvisational-toned dance grooves to elevate your mind and spirit. Fractal was formed in the winter of 2019 in Bend. Five local musicians who have all been around the Bend music scene for years decided to get together and play with the sole intention of bringing a dance party to town. 9-11:30pm. $10.

Jack Johnson’s music can be considered anything from surf rock to folk to alternative reggae. Johnson just released his eighth studio album, “Meet in the Moonlight” and is on his summer tour. This singer-songwrit er is playing at the Hayden Homes Amphitheater on Sun., Sept. 25 at 6:30pm.

Hayden Homes Amphitheater

Jeopardy and Final Jeopardy questions, Pour House Trivia Night will have you on the edge of your seat! 6-8pm. Free.

Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Doc Ryan Trio Michael “Doc” Ryan has been a fixture on the local music scene since the early 2000s. Originally from Dallas, Texas, the roots-rocking guitarist, singer-song writer and orthopedic surgeon is ready to rock. Chairs and tables provided. Hand-crafted pizzas, award-winning wine by the bottle, beer on tap, salad and dessert are available for purchase. 6-9pm. Adults/$15, Children 12 and under/free.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia Night

LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE > Tickets Available on Submitting an event is free and easy. Add your event to our calendar at

Join each Thursday at six, for live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! Free.

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. 21+. 6:30pm. Free.

River’s Place The Jugulars A local 3-piece band that plays all your favorite songs from the 70s to contemporary. 6-8pm. Free.

Bevel Craft Brewing Live Music Join Bevel Craft Brewing on the patio for free live music every Wednesday night through the summer! Check the website for the upcoming show list! 6-8pm. Free.

Tower Theatre Home Free All-vocal country entertainers Home Free have made their mark on the music scene, racking up nearly 600,000 album equivalents globally. 7:30pm. $45-$90.

Eqwine Wine Bar Free Friday Music at Eqwine Wine Bar Join every Friday from 6-8pm for the music series featuring local singer/song writer/musicians. This week Eqwine Wine Bar is happy to bring you musician Russel Herring. 6-8pm. Free.

The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Live Music w/ Bobby Lindstrom Bobby’s got 50+ years of playing music and telling stories under his belt. And he’s not stopping anytime soon! Come check out Bobby Lindstrom and Ed the Whistler as they bluegrass and folk your Friday up while you enjoy the vibes in front of fire pits and food trucks! 6-8pm. Free.

2022 This season, Bend Roots Revival, a free community music festival, is scheduled for Sep. 23-25, 2022, and takes place in The Box Factory area above the Old Mill. Nine stages will host 100+ acts and educational workshops. Roots is family-friendly, free, open to all. Free.

Sisters Fresh Hop Festival Fresh hop beers from 20+ Oregon breweries. Live music, food trucks and more! All ages eelcome. 21+. Inside beer tent. Noon-11pm.

On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free.

Crater Lake Spirits Downtown Tasting Room Flight Night with Breakfast Come to the downtown tasting room for live music and some great deals! 5:30-7:30pm. Free.

The Astro Lounge Local Artist Spotlight Sundays This is a chance to listen to Central Or egon’s newest and upcoming local artists. They have earned their spot to perform a two-hour show, changing weekly, every Sunday. Support local top notch talent! 7-9pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill Big Band Open Jam All welcome to sing or play an instrument, just come on in and get on Gordy’s sign-up sheet. 5-8pm. Free.


Three Creeks Brewing Co. Production Brewery & Tasting Room

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy

Jack Johnson 2022 Summer Tour Known for his relaxed and laid back vibes, Jack Johnson's songs fill the space with masterful songs. His intentional lyrics are known by many, and this will be a night to remember. 6:30pm. $75.

The Hasbens at On Tap The Hasbens (the band that has Bens) is a 5-piece fusion jam band based here in Bend. Sep. 26, 6-8pm. On Tap Beer Garden & Food Trucks, 1424 NE Cushing Dr., Bend. Contact: Free.

The Hasbens at Bend Roots Revival

Box Factory Bend Roots Revival 2022 This season, Bend Roots Revival, a free commu nity music festival, is scheduled for Sep. 23-25, and takes place in The Box Factory area above the Old Mill. Nine stages will host 100+ acts and educational workshops. Roots is family-friendly, free, open to all. Free.

Volcanic Theatre Pub An Evening

River’s Place Trivia Sunday Win gift card prizes for top teams! It’s free to play. Indoor and outdoor seating available. Enjoy brunch favorites by Nik’s Snacks, Bai Tong on Wheels and Blu ma’s Chicken. Mimosas, brews, ciders & more! Noon-2pm. Free.

M&J Tavern Long Gone Wilder This group brings a crew of musicians that pull from all styles and genres. By day they help mold the youth into thinkers and doers. By night they tap into their muse and play songs that speak to all of us. Please tip the band. 9pm. Free.

The Astro Lounge Open Mic Mondays Amazing top notch talent, jaw dropping! All musicians and comedians are welcome from first-timers to pros. Hosted by Nancy Blake and Danny Guitar Harris, two longtime local musi cians. Very supportive and can provide instru ments if needed. 8pm-Midnight. Free.

@ Craft: Showcase Saturday Nights are made for laughter at Craft. Featuring: Julia Corral, Noah Watson, Grace Sophia and Ocean Robinson. Hosted by Zac. 21+. Strong content expected. Ipockolyptic Productions is committed to pro viding entertainment that is free from racism, homophobia and transphobia. 8-10pm. $15.

Bevel Craft Brewing Seinfeld Trivia A fa vorite show at Bevel. It is excited to bring it back for Seinfeld trivia version 2.0! Themed attire is encouraged and appreciated! 6-9pm. Free.


2022 This season, Bend Roots Revival, a free community music festival, is scheduled for Sept. 23-25, 2022, and takes place in The Box Factory area above the Old Mill. Nine stages will host 100+ acts and educational workshops. Roots is family-friendly, free, open to all. Free.

10 Barrel East Side Sunday Funday with Leadbetter Band Join 10 Barrel on the bier garten lawn for free live music with Leadbetter Band! Leadbetter Band was born after the final closing chapters of Jive Coulis in the early winter of 2017. The rhythm section features Aaron Moore on bass and vocals and Kaleb Kellher on drums. 2-4pm. Free.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon Guitarist: Hiroya Tsuka moto Eclectic, immersive and mesmerizing — a guitarist and songwriter Hiroya Tsukamoto embodies the notion that music has no language. Beautifully raw and cathartically emotional, Tsukamoto is a world-renowned, self-made musician. 2-4pm. $20 at door.


Flights Wine Bar Live Music at Flights Come grab a great glass of wine, have an incredible dinner and enjoy live music every Sunday from 6-8pm at Flights Wine Bar. 6-8pm. Free.

With Swindler at Volcanic Swindler is leading the jam band scene in the Pacific Northwest with its unique brand of psychedelic funk. The band continues to expand an already rapidly growing fanbase with each show. Funk-based grooves, tight melodic arrangements and strong instru mental improvisation all create a vibe that brings the dance floor alive. 9-11:45pm. $12.

Domaine Serene Wine Lounge Live Mu sic Join for a glass of wine and live music from local singers and songwriters, every Sunday from 6-8pm! 6-8pm. Free.

Bends Roots Revival features local bands and artists on multiple stages all weekend long! The Hasbens will be jamming on the BIGS Stage at The Podski to open up the weekend! The Has bens (the band that has Bens) is a 5-piece fusion jam band. Sep. 23, 5-5:45pm. Bend Roots Revival - BIGS Stage, 536 NW Arizona Ave., Bend. Free.

consultations and health care screenings. 9am5pm. $5.

Classes and Dance

Bridge 99 Brewery Monday Night Trivia Now playing Mondays (Thursdays too!) at 6 it’s live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! 6-8pm. Free.

Line and Swing Dancing Lessons Line and swing dance lessons every Thursday night at The Cross-Eyed Cricket! Thursdays, 7-9pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.

Soul in Motion: Movement and Dance

Blues Social Dance Meet friendly people, enjoy great music and connect with others through dance at this bi-weekly social. Drinks plus catching up with old friends and making new ones at 7pm, beginner dance lesson at 8pm followed by social dancing until 10pm. $5 suggested donation. No partner or experience needed! Every other Friday, 7-10pm. Through Dec. 30. The Range Apartments Clubhouse, 3001 NW Clearwater Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-5087766. $5.

10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. 6pm. Free.

Join High Desert Music Hall for a free night of music, food and fun as everyone celebrates Mo saic’s 20th anniversary! Don’t miss out on: two live bands: ¡Chiringa! & Blackstrap Bluegrass, Dustin Riley as Emcee, special award presenta tions & prizes for the first 100 people to RSVP. RSVP required at Sep. 23, 5:30-9:30pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-383-3005. Free.

Hayden Homes Amphitheater ODESZA: The Last Goodbye Tour ODESZA returns with their fourth studio album, "The Last Goodbye" which was released July 22. Symphonic, vast, and emotionally stirring, "The Last Goodbye" is set to be the GRAMMY-nominated duo’s most ambitious album to date. 4pm. $94.

Volcanic Theatre Pub THICK w/ Skat ing Polly & Vial at Volcanic Since first forming in 2014, New York trio THICK have triumphed at turning the harshest truths into wildly exhilarat ing punk songs. On the group’s second album “Happy Now,” vocalist/guitarist Nikki Sisti, vo calist/bassist Kate Black, and vocalist/drummer Shari Page deliver THICK’s most complex and confessional work yet, exploring everything from self-sabotage and insecurity to victim-blaming and destructive relationships. 8-11pm. $16.

Initiative Brewing Trivia Tuesdays in Red mond Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Great new food menu. Arrive early for best seating. 6:30pm. Free.

The Outfitter Bar at Seventh Mountain Resort Live music with DiRT (Doc Ryan Trio) Join DiRT outside on the rink for live music! The band plays American roots music, pure and simple. Folk, blues, rock, gospel, alt. country and the band even gets funky. Original but familiar. 4-7pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.

Box Factory Bend Roots Revival

McMenamins Old St. Francis School Oktoberfest at McMenamins Oktober fest means celebration and beer. McMenamins is serving up tasty German-style specials, plenty of beer and live music as a backdrop to it all. 1-9:30pm. Free.


Join every Wednesday for Tango classes and dancing! Your first class is free. 6:30-7pm Tango 101 Class, no partner needed! 7-8pm All Levels Class. 8-9:30pm Open Dancing. Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact:$5-$10.

Bend Cider Co. Tosch Roy From upbeat, rhythmic, sing-alongs to some folky originals, Tosch Roy performs a variety of genres that’ll get your foot a-stomping. Come check out this great musician while you sip cider in the garden! 5-7pm. Free.

Hayden Homes Amphitheater

Your local Grateful Dead Tribute band jams your favorite tunes on the outside stage! 4-6pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Summers End Party w/ItsRonnyB, B trEZ, Chxno, TjMane, Lovsiq Come celebrate the end of summer with local hip-hop artist ItsRonnyB! Wear beach attire and get a chance to win cool stuff! All ages. 7-10pm. $10.

Obie Oasis Dayan Kai Dayan Kai’s virtuous musicality and soulful voice combined with his

27 Tuesday

The Cellar—A Porter Brewing Com pany Music Night at The Cellar, Featuring Central Oregon Music & Musicians Grab a pint, sit back, relax and enjoy live music by Central Oregon musicians! Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 6-8pm at The Cellar! Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Eric Leadbetter & Friends Local artist, Eric Leadbetter, hosts his fellow musicians for this weekly free show every Tuesday. Come sit out on the brewery’s patio and enjoy an evening of music, food and most import ant...stellar craft beers! 6-8pm. Free.

deep insight into the human condition make him a beloved singer/songwriter and top-notch band member. He is a favorite at many musical festi vals. Bring a chair, picnic, beverage and enjoy the outdoor mini amphitheater. 2:05pm. Donation.

Elixir Wine Group Locals Music Night Enjoy live musicians, great wine and small bites. 6-9pm. Free.

Open Space Event Studios The Whippoorwill Presents Chris Beland with Justin Lavik and Grace Caston Yes, three amazing songwriters in one night. When Chris Beland picks up the phone to do an interview for this bio, a friend is having a baby in the living room of his Arroyo Grande home as a chorus of roosters crow in the background. It’s an apt thing to happen to Beland — not only because his life has been anything but traditional, but also because his 40-plus years on this Earth have been replete with beginnings and endings, a constant cycle of rebirth. 7-11pm. $15.

Silver Moon Brewing Call Down Thunder

Nia Fusion of dance, martial arts and healing arts focusing on reconnecting to body sensations and the body’s natural way of movement through form, freedom and play. Wednesdays, 8-9am and Saturdays, 11am-Noon. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. Unit A320, Bend. Contact: yoga@bend $20/drop-In.

River’s Place Boxcar Stringband Three-piece blues/rockabilly machine. Slide guitar, banjo, slap style rockabilly bass and complex rhythms out of a simple kit are some of the group’s trademarks. Known for lively and engaging stage performances. 6-8pm. Free.

The Commons Cafe & Taproom Story tellers Open-Mic StoryTellers open-mic nights are full of music, laughs and community. In the old house Bill Powers of Honey Don’t and several other projects in town hosts one of the best open mics in town. Sign-ups start at 5pm sharp in the cafe and spots go quick. Poetry, comedy and spoken Word welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick

Worthy Brewing Live Music Saturdays Every Saturday Worthy Brewing will put on a live show! Come enjoy beers and music. 6-8pm. Free.

26 Monday

Bend Cider Co. Anna May- Singer/Song writer Anna’s music is about memory, freedom, connection and meditation. Traditional folk with a twist. Come sit in the butterfly garden, sip cider and relax. Look for the big orange barn. Snacks are avaliable and outside food OK. 5-7pm. Free.

Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Magical Mystery Four Magical Mystery Four is a 4-piece Beatles cover band, based in Bend and includes three former mem bers of Juju Eyeball. Chairs and tables provided for you. Hand-crafted pizzas, award-winning wine by the bottle, beer on tap, salad and dessert are all available for purchase. 6-9pm. Adults/$25, Child 12 & under/free.

25 Sunday

Flights Wine Bar Trivia at Flights Wine Bar Join Sundays from 4-6pm for trivia with King Trivia! Free to play! Get a group together and come get nerdy! Awesome prizes and as always, delicious food and drinks! 4-6pm. Free.

River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions Lisa Dae Quartet. Jazz standards and exquisite vocals. 6-8pm. Free.

Sunday Brunch and Karaoke Wake up right with brunch and karaoke! Sundays, 10am3pm. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Free.

Riverhouse on the Deschutes Bend Health Fair Welcome to the Bend Oregon Health Fair, Bend’s largest and most comprehensive Health Event! Bringing local practitioners and health-related services together with an ever-growing community. Build your health care team by meeting health experts and healers in person. Take advantage of complimentary

Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon Silver Moon Brewing’s open mic is back now on the big stage! Get a taste of the big time! Sign-up is at 4pm. Come checkout the biggest and bad dest open mic night in Bend! 5-8pm. Free.



Visual Joy and Perfection: The Artistry of Master Fine Artist David Kreitzer

Art Viewing Visit Sagebrushers Art Society in beautiful Bend to see lovely work, paintings and greeting cards by local artists. New exhibit every 8 weeks. Visit for information on current shows. Wednesdays, 1-4pm, Fridays, 1-4pm and Saturdays, 1-4pm. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free.

Page to Screen Family Movie Night at Tower Theatre Screen “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day,” based on the classic children’s book by Judith Viorst. Screening is free but tickets are required. Reserve tickets at 541-312-1032.Towerble-no-good-very-bad-day.and-events/,6-8pm.TheTheatre,835NWWallSt.,

Join for Ghosts and Legends of Downtown Bend Tour and hear all about Bend's permanent residents! Your Spirit Guide will lead you through the haunted streets and alleyways of Historic Downtown Bend where you’ll learn about the city’s many macabre tales, long-buried secrets and famous ghosts. Wednes days-Sundays, 7:30-9pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-350-0732. $25.

CTC Teen Theatre Program ClassActing For Theatre, Film & TV 10-week class! Ages 12-19. Find out who you are and maybe who you can be! With so many outlets, what does it mean to be an actor? Do you have what it takes? $60 for non-members, free for members! Thursdays, 4-5:30pm. Through Dec. 1. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. ctcinfo@ $60 for non members, Free for members.

Learn to Knit at Fancywork Yarn Shop Get started on the path to creating your own treasured handknits! Learn the fundamentals of knitting, basic stitches, how to read a pattern, fix your mistakes and more. Create a small project to take home. Pattern provided. Take three classes and earn a 10% discount on yarn! Every other Thursday, 5:30-7pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-3238686. $10.

Build a Sculptural Form for your Mo saic Art Design a sculptural form with handson exercises aimed at helping students become more comfortable with the design and building process. Students will choose to create either an abstract sculptural form or a flower. Once built, students will be ready to add their own mosaic design to the exterior. Fridays, 5-7pm. Through Oct. 7. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St., Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. $250.

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day This event is in partnership with Dechutes Public Library. "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" is based after the book written by American author Judith Viorst. Sep. 23, 6pm. The Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-0700. Free.

BENDTICKET.COM SAMANTHA FISH w/ Eric Johanson at Midtown Ballroom SISTERS FRESH HOP FESTIVAL at Three Creeks Brewing Co. CHRIS BELAND w/ Justin Lavik & Grace Caston at Open Space Event Studios SATURDAY, SEPT 24 AT 12PM SATURDAY, SEPT 24 AT 7PMTHURSDAY, SEPT 22 AT 7PM


Movement and dance as a practice for life: no mats, no poses, all you! Facilitated to support you to let your body take the lead, bringing curiosity, playfulness and mindfulness to par ticipants’ movements... alone, together and as a community. No dance experience necessary, just a desire to move. All bodies welcomed. Mondays, 7-8:15pm. Through Oct. 26. Namaspa Yoga Stu dio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541948-7015. $20.

Sugarplum Circus Pop-Up Shop The Sugarplum Circus is in town! Shop the pop-up Friday & Saturday, Sep. 23 & 24, 10am-5pm. Join Saturday evening for a special sip & stitch with the dyer! Sugarplum Circus is a PNW micro-dy ery, where fine yarns are dyed in small batches with layers upon layers of color. Sep. 23, 10am5pm and Sep. 24, 10am-7pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-323-8686. Free.

Furnish Hope & Home Grand Opening

CTC Teen Theatre Program ClassHeads Up 7 Up! A Playwriting Work shop 10-week class! Ages 12-19. Seven easy steps to getting that play out of your head and on to the page. Whether you are a seasoned play wright or just starting out, this workshop is for you! $60 for non-members, free for members.

Hope & Home! Bend’s new upscale resale home furnishing boutique, supporting the mission to furnish homes for those in need. Shop with purpose! Sep. 23, 10am-5pm and Sep. 24, 10am5pm. Furnish Hope & Home, 50 SE Scott St., Bend. Contact: 541-316-8266. shop@furnish

Learn to Blacksmith - Forge Ba sics Come have fun and try your hand at the time-honored craft of shaping, tapering, splitting, twisting and punching steel to create art, jewelry and functional items. Learn the skills you need to begin forging steel in true maker fashion. Learn proper hammer strokes, anvil techniques, stance and forge etiquette/management. Sep. 21, 6-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Con tact: 541-388-2283. $245.

Portraits of Resilience – Local Artists Thrive in Pandemic Times Showcase by Gary Calicott Local photographer and champion of the Central Oregon music scene, Gary Calicott, is presenting a unique collection of work during the upcoming Bend Roots Revival 2022. There will also be an artist’s reception on the 23rd from 5:30-8:30 pm. Fri, Sep. 23, Sat, Sep. 24 and Sun, Sep. 25. Immersion Brewing, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-7605677. Free.

Galveston Street Market The Galveston Street Market is a local vendor’s market with the goal of bringing community together while men toring new and seasoned makers alike. Vendors change each week for a variety of locally made products so there’s something for everyone. Shop local! Shop small! Fridays, 5-9pm. Through Sep. 30. Big O Bagels - Westside, 1032 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: galvestonstreet Free.

stration Mosquito Bob will do live wood carv ings! Food and drinks available, and carvings will be available for purchase. Bring old chainsaws to trade. Sep. 23, 10am-4pm and Sep. 24, 10am4pm. Shandy’s, 52510 US-97, La Pine. Free.

4th Friday Artwalk in Sisters, All-Day 10am-7pm Visit the art galleries in Sisters featuring: a great time, beautiful art, good com pany, demonstrations, plus additional sponsoring restaurants and food venues Fourth Friday of every month from 10am-7pm. Through Oct. 28. Downtown Sisters, Hood Ave., Sisters. Contact: 541-719-8581. events@sistersartsassociation. org. Free.

Portraits of Resilience Reception: The Photography of Gary Calicott Local pho tographer and champion of the Central Oregon music scene, Gary Calicott, is presenting unique black and white creative portraiture of local musicians during the weekend of Bend Roots Revival 2022. Come celebrate art and attend the reception! Sep. 23, 5:30-8:30pm. Immersion Brewing, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-760-5677. free.

Mosquito Bob Woodcarving Demon

AuditionsTHEATERfor“Native Gardens” by

Katrina Zacharis Looking for characters: 1 Latino early 30s, 1 Latina early 30s and 1 female 60 to mid-70s years old. Sep. 24, 10:30am-Noon. Downtown Bend Public Library - Brooks Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 760-473-4619. Free.

Third Thursday Open Mic at the High Desert Music Hall Spoken word open mic night for all poets, storytellers and writers. This is an in-person program. Join us at the High Desert Music Hall for a spoken word open mic night the third Thursday of the month. All writers and readers and word-lovers invited to attend and read. Every third Thursday, 6-8pm. Contact: 541-312-1063. Free.

Sip & Stitch with Sugarplum Circus

Courtesy of Facebook

Rocking the blues and rock ‘n’ roll scene, Samantha Fish brings life to her music. Fish puts soul into her vocals, and it makes for captivating performances. She is taking the stage at the Midtown Ballroom this Thu., Sept. 22 at 7pm.

After you’ve shopped the Sugarplum Circus popup, join Saturday evening for a special evening Sip & Stitch, with guest Jensen Ward, the dyer/ maker/legend behind Sugarplum Circus. There will refreshments, nibbles and the very best of company! Bring your project and your curiosity for this free community event. RSVP. Sep. 24, 5-7pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Green wood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-323-8686. hello@ Free.

Join the grand opening weekend at Furnish

Join David in the Kreitzer Gallery and Studio, and experience sublime and healing Central Oregon splendor landscapes, the human figure, koi, California vineyards, floral and fantasy oil and watercolor images. Thursdays-Sundays, Noon5pm. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Ar chie Briggs Road, Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. Free.

Star Party at the Vineyard Join FHC and the Sisters Astronomy Club for a night under the Terrebonne stars with gourmet charcuterie and our award-winning wine. The Astronomy Club members led by Jim Hammond and Ron Thork ildson will be our guides. Ticket includes bottle of our award-winning wine, 2 FHC wine glasses and charcuterie. Sep. 25, 6:30-10pm. Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. Contact: 541-526-5075. events@ Individual $125, Couples $150.

Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio Open Daily by Appointment 55-year professional artist David Kreitzer displays sublime and stun ning water, landscape, city, figure, floral and fan tasy oil and watercolor masterworks. Meditative, healing and soul-satisfying. Mondays-Sundays, Noon-7pm. Through Sep. 30. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Rd., Bend. Con tact: 805-234-2048. Free.


Artist Studio Tour in Sisters Visit 32 artists at 19 studios. Many well-known and widely collected painters, potters, jewelers, glass artists, photographers, mixed media artists and sculptors. Get to know artists while working in studio settings. Walk, bike or drive. A free self-guided tour included. Maps online and at event. Sep. 24-25, 10am-4pm. Downtown Sisters, Hood Ave., Sisters. Contact:

Fur on Fir: A Celebration of Animals

Exhibition Closing: Imagine a World

group will discuss different strategies for taking advantage of that opportunity. Sep. 23, 121:30pm. Sunriver Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@ Free.


Community Garage Sale


Not Cho Grandma’s Bingo Not Cho’ Grandma’s Bingo is back at Silver Moon Brewing! We host the famous bingo event for good times and a chance to win some cold hard cash! Sun days, 10am-1pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Free.

Writers Writing: Quiet Writing Time

Join the Bridges Community for its garage sale, located at Golden Gate Place. Find some treaures and support the community. Sep. 24, 8am-Noon. Golden Gate Place, Bend. Free.

Discuss and practice how to hook readers from the very first line. This is an in-person program. Registration is required. The first page is an incredible opportunity to make an impression on readers right away. In this workshop, the

Readers Theater Is there a play that you’ve always wanted to read but you don’t have enough friends (or voices in your head) for all the charac ters? Join one Saturday morning a month as the group explores new, original and classical plays,

al Theater Company Authentic, hilarious comedy based on audience suggestions, with a sprinkling of comedy sketches. No show is ever the same! Real improv. Real laughs. Real theater. Every other Tuesday, 8-9:30pm. Through Oct. 26. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Contact: $10/ online, $15/door.


Mondays, 4-6pm. Through Nov. 28. Cascade The atrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. ctcinfo@cascadestheat $60.

Class Prepares Volunteers to Men tor Children of Incarcerated Parents

One Dog at a Time, LLC Gale Blanchard Personal Pet Sitting in my Home One or Two Dogs (If Both Live Together) Overnight or Daycare Dog Walking and Cat Care in Redmond541-316-1775 CA N YOU BEAT BEETHOVEN? SI< Fun Run/Walk Symphony! h h h 5konsors t ueatueet11oven .com BEAT BEETHOVEN? Beethoven the Central online h h h 5kenerous sponsors at ueatueet11oven .com CA N YOU BEAT BEETHOVEN? Beat Beethoven SI< Fun Run/Walk to support the Central Oregon Symphony! BEAT Beethoven's SBS. M� l..:� Octo�er 9, 2022at10:00 am Register online h h h 5kandviewall of ourgenerous sponsors at ueatueet11oven .com


rots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and prac tice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

CallVOLUNTEERforVolunteers-Play with Par

Enjoy the focus of a quiet space with the benefit of others’ company. This is an in-person pro gram. Masks are recommended at all in-person library events. Bring personal work, read a book or answer emails. Come when you can, leave when you want. Free, open network WiFi avail able. Tuesdays, 1:30-4:30pm. Deschutes Public Library-Downtown, 601 NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free.

Don’t miss your last chance to explore the exhibi tion that considers the ambitions, intentions and outcomes (sometimes disastrous) of intentional communities in the High Desert and Western United States over the past half century. It high lights contemporary artists as well, sharing their visions of alternative worlds and futures. Sep. 25, 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. High way 97, Bend. Free with Museum admission.

I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change A musical revue celebrating the mating game! This crowd-pleasing comedy takes on the truths and myths behind that contemporary conundrum know as ‘the relationship.’ “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals. www. Thu, Sep. 22, 7pm, Fri, Sep. 23, 7pm and Sun, Sep. 25, 2pm. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. ctcinfo@cascades $36-$39.

Celebrate furry friends at “Fur On Fir” at Sisters Farmers Market. Dogs and their humans can enjoy special, local treats plus a selfie station. Meet folks from the Furry Friends Foundation, Wolf Welcome Committee and Harmony Farm Sanctuary. Evan Mullins plays tunes on the Song bird Stage. Pets welcome! Sep. 25, 11am-2pm. Fir Street Park, Sisters, Sisters. Free.

OUT OF THIN AIR Improvisation

Go Beyond Engagement - Cultivate A Happy And Fulfilled Workforce Central Oregon Employer’s Council presents: Go Beyond Engagement TM – Cultivate a Happy and Fulfilled Workforce. Marriott is excited to have national speaker, Diane Allen’s presentation right here in Bend. This program will help you create a culture where people are happy and fulfilled. Sep. 22, 8am-Noon. The Residence Inn by Marriott Bend, 500 SW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541-749-8763. $50.

Senior Day Visitors 65 and older are invited to enjoy the museum for free on this day. Sep. 21, 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Free for seniors.

Central Oregon Partnerships for Youth is offering a class to prepare volunteers to become mentors for children with an incarcerated parent. This 3½ hour class covers program policies, Q&A from a current volunteer, how to establish a mentor relationship, the impact incarceration has on families and communication skills. Sep. 24, 9am12:30pm. Deschutes County Services Center, 1300 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-388-6651. Free.

Death Cafe Eat tasty treats, drink tea and dis cuss death. Free of agenda or ideology, the aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. Facilitated by End of Life Doula, Cheryl Adcox. Ages 16+. Tue, Sep. 27, 6-7:30pm, Tue, Oct. 25, 6-7:30pm and Tue, Nov. 29, 6-7:30pm. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-3121029. Free.

Humane Society Thrift Store - Vol unteers Needed Do you love animals and discovering “new” treasures? Then volunteering at the HSCO Thrift Store Donation Door is the perfect place to combine your passions while helping HSCO raise funds to provide animal welfare services for the local community. For information contact: Ongoing. Humane Society Thrift Shop, 61220 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3761. rebecca@hsco. org.

Share Your Business and Profession al Expertise Share your professional and business expertise! Become a volunteer mentor with SCORE in Central Oregon. Our chapter is growing. Your experience and knowledge will be valued by both new and existing businesses in our community. To apply, call 541-316-0662 or visit Fri, Aug. 26 and Ongoing. Contact: 541-316-0662.

Bend Parkinson’s Support Group

between medical care and wellness. Fun and en gaging! Call Carol at PRO office 541-668-6599 to RSVP and to check on any weather cancellations. Third Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30pm. Best Western Premier, 1082 SW Yates Dr., Bend. Con tact: 541-668-6599. Carol@parkinsonsresources. com. Free.

Neuroqueer Meetup A safe place for neu rodivergent, queer individuals to exchange with the goal of promoting exploration and sharing of experiences, as well as empowerment and con nection to community. Every other Wednesday, 6-7:30pm. The Base at Franklin, 5 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-610-8826. hello@base Free.

2022 Green Tour On the Green Tour, you’ll see real-world solutions that reduce energy use, increase solar production and contribute to a more livable community right here in Central Oregon. There will be a tour map and a link to the digital guide the week of the event. Sep. 24, 10am-4pm. Central Oregon, Countywide, . Con tact: (541) 385-6908. Free.

Game Night Let’s Play LeftCenterRi ght Let’s play LeftCenterRight! Bring friends and make new friends. More people the bigger the pot. Simple game, one dollar table and $5 tables. The winner of each game takes the pot. Your not going to get rich, but you will have fun. Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Zero Latency Bend, 1900 NE 3rd St., STE 104, Bend. Contact: 541-6170688.


Bend Parkinson’s Support Group

Pet Loss Support Group Have you experi enced the loss of a beloved pet? Whether recent ly or years ago the sadness can be overwhelming and sometimes isolating. If you’re looking for a safe space free of judgement and full of support please join the Pet Loss Support Group. Time doesn’t always heal, but connecting with others can help. Tue, Sep. 27, 7-8pm and Tue, Dec. 6, 7-8pm. Veterinary Clinic, 360 NE Quimby Ave., Bend. Free.

Celebrate With the Bend Bhakti Collective Kirtan, sacred song, dance and community. Celebrate with the Bend Bhakti Collective. Thursdays, 7pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4401. Free-$20.

Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon

After School Art Club Art Club is a unique after school program for kids to create and bring their ideas to life in an inspiring studio space. The weekly schedule features a different focus each day; choose the day that most interests your child or nurture their creativity across a variety of media. Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays, 2:30-5pm. Through Dec. 15. Wondery Art + Ad venture School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr., Suite 190, Bend. Contact: $150 per month.

4th Annual Cancer Composium Cancer with Compasion’s theme this year is “In This Together: Facing Cancer in the Context of Com munity.” In addition to its Gift Market and Service of Light, it will have cancer patients as special speakers. The speakers will share on the im portance of community for patients on a cancer journey. Sep. 24, 10am-2pm. Holy Communion Church, 1245 SE 3rd Street c10, Bend. Contact: 949-279-1246. cancerwithcompassion@gmail. com. free.


Kirtan & Sacred Sound Kirtan and Sacred Sound with Bend Bhakti Collective and special guests through the month. Find out why chanting mantra is beneficial. No singing or other experi ence needed! Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Through Oct. 6. Heritage Hall, 230 NE 9th St., Bend. Free.

25th Anniversary Celebration of Worrell Wayside County Park Cele brate the 25th Anniversary of Worrell Wayside with refreshments and speakers. Patti Adair, County Commissioner, Derek Loeb, Geologist, Nathan Hovekamp, BPRD Board, Vanessa Ivey, Deschutes Historical Museum and Green Lead ership Coalition will all be speaking at the event. Sep. 24, 1:30-4pm. Worrell Wayside Park, 1236 NW Wall, Bend. Free.

Courtesy of Facebook

Patients and caregivers are welcome to join us. These meetings serve as a resource for educational and emotional support. Focusing on providing local services, bridging the gap

Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Salvation Army has an emergency food pantry, the groups visit residents of assisted living centers and make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

Non-Specific Grief Support Group Small support group (4-5 people) for those who need a safe space to share a grief difficult to share with one’s friend and family, long-term grief for a death, loss of relationship, loss from suicide, loss of health, loss of function, etc. To cificgriefter:,5-6pm.Free.

Support Group This support group offers a safe space for all people involved in caring for or managing Parkinson’s Disease. Please contact Kay Terzian if you wish to join or have further questions 541-388-1706. Fridays, 9:45-11:45am. Through Jan. 1. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-388-1706. Free.

ConnectW Monthly Meeting


General Volunteer Opportunities For information on volunteer opportunities at Beth lehem Inn please contact Courtney, Community Engagement Coordinator, at volunteer@beth Fourth Thursday of every month. Bethlehem Inn, 3705 N Hwy 97, Bend. Contact: 541-322-8768. Free.

Board Games hosted by The Base The Base at Franklin is a new space in the Old Bend neighborhood for neurodivergent humans and allies to access community through the shared goal for connection and wellness. Board Games 4-5:30pm, RPG direcly following 5:30pm. RSVP Required- Free. The Base at Franklin 541-6108826 Fridays, 4-5:30pm. The Base at Franklin is a new space in the Old Bend neighborhood for neurodivergent humans and allies to access community through the shared goal for connec tion and wellness. Board games from 4-5:30pm .RPG direcly following. Fridays, 4pm. The Base at Franklin, 5 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-610-8826.

Redmond: Open Hub Singing Club An unforgettable evening of singing...together! All voices are welcome. Songs are taught by ear and quickly a group of strangers discovers they can make beautiful, meaningful sound together. Led by community song leader, Ian Carrick. Third Wednesday of every month, 6-7:30pm. Through Nov. 17. Redmond Library, 827 Southwest De schutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1029. Free.

Medicinal Plant Walk Join Dr. Ashley one weekend morning a month from 10-11:30am to walk and talk about plants. Participants will identify local plants and discuss medicinal properties and uses of the plants we find and sustainable harvesting practices. The group will meet at various trail heads each month in and around Bend. Sep. 25, 10-11:30am. The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. classes@thepeople

One-Day Metal Scrap Bladesmith

Seed to Table Fall Farm Tours Join Seed to Table Farm in exploring the farm and experiencing the fall bounty! Explore cucumbers growing to the ceiling in greenhouses, get a taste of what students experience on field trips and ask questions to the farmers who steward the land to grow nearly 55,000 pounds of produce on a few acres. Wed, Sep. 21, 5:15-6:15pm and Sat, Sep. 24, 10-11am. Seed to Table Farm, 998 E Black Butte Ave., Sisters. Contact: 541-203-0152. Free.

Wazzu Football Watch Party Go Cougs! Meet fellow alumni, win swag and fight, fight, fight for Washington State at Cascade Lakes Brewing Company in Bend, the home of the WSUAA Central Oregon Club. Saturdays — Sat, Sep. 24, Sat, Oct. 8, Sat, Oct. 15, Sat, Nov. 5 and Sat, Nov. 19. Through Nov. 26. Cascade Lakes Brewpub, 1441 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Free. $20.

Hardcore metal band, Dead Animal Assembly Plant, rocks the stage with full force. Completed with full cos tumes and striking stage looks, this band is sure to blow its listeners away with its captivating performanc es. Dead Animal Assembly Plant is performing at Silver Moon Brewing on Wed., Sept. 21 at 7pm.

Meeting Patients and caregivers are wel come to join this support group meeting. These meetings serve as a resource for educational and emotional support. Focusing on providing local services, bridging the gap between medical care, wellness. Snacks, fun and engaging! Time to share with others who are experiencing this disease. Call Mo 513-678-6422 with questions. Third Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30pm. Best Western Premier, 1082 SW Yates Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-668-6599. Nia@parkinsonsresourc Free.

Get to the Central Oregon Stamp Bourse where you can buy, sell and trade with dealers from across Oregon. Bring in old collections for a free ap praisal. Browse thousands of stamps, envelopes and collections. Free stamps and activities for kids. Location: Zion Luther Church, 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. Sep. 24, 10am-4pm. Contact: 503-440-4441. bryannielsen27@gmail. com. Free.

Become a Better Public Speaker! Do you struggle with public speaking? You’re not alone! Come visit Bend Toastmasters Club and learn how to overcome your public speak ing fears. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. Contact: 5035016031. com. Free.

This month is about drawing the truth from within. As business owners, people are often looking for strate gies to help them market better, communicate more effectively and/or increase sales. Sep. 21, 5:30-8pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. $35.

Fridays for Future Bend Global Cli mate Strike Join on Sep. 23 as the community demands climate justice and take to the streets. There will be marching from Harmon Park to City Hall. Bring a sign and a friend, and get ready to stand up for climate action! Sep. 23, 11am-1pm. Harmon Park, 1100 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-904-5235. bend@fridaysforfutureu Free.

Hysteria Comedy Collective: Comedy Writing Workshop Welcome to Hysteria, a comedy collective open to all female-identifying, trans and non-binary folks. Whether you are a seasoned performer or completely new to the scene, Hysteria invites you to join the community of professional, novice and aspiring stand-up comedians. Its mission is to create a space where there is support for each other’s growth as writers/performers, give and receive feedback on materials and foster a more inclusive, pro gressive, and artistic comedy community. Third Wednesday of every month, 5:30-7pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. $10.

Central Oregon Stamp Show

ABC’s of ADUs Thinking of building an Acces sory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on your property, but not sure where to start? Come attend this Lunch & Learn event at The Environmental Center on Sep. 21, where there will be a panel of local experts presenting a comprehensive overview of city guidelines, designing and more. Sep. 21, 12-1:30pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-385-6908. $10.

Workshop Forge a knife you will be proud to own. Each student will learn basic blacksmithing operation, skills, techniques and knowledge to replicate what we do in the labor-intensive work shop and make a utility knife out of metal scraps. The blade will be hardened and tempered but not polished. Sep. 24, 10:30am-3:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541388-2283. $269.


Kids Open Play The Kids Ninja Warrior gym is a wonderful space for kids to stay active and have fun! It offers both Toddler Open Play for the littles and Kids Open Play for kids — babies and toddlers are welcome, too. The clean, bright and fully padded space is full of fun-filled movement Saturdays-Sundays, Noon-3pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr., Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespir $15/Kids Open Play 1-Pass, $130/ Kids Open Play 10-Pass.

Ninja Night! Drop off your kids (age 6-12) for 3 hours of fun at our super-rad Ninja Warrior play space. Our staff will lead fun, team-building games, Ninja Warrior challenges and thrilling timed races through our obstacle course. This is a great opportunity for your kids to play and make some friends! Sep. 24, 5:30-8:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $32.

Homeschool Studio Makers Class Join Wondery Art+Adventure School for a semester class where participants explore, tinker and make through three themed sessions. Students will explore the concept of biomimicry and create inventions inspired by nature, use maker mate rials (cardboard, wood, fabric and loose parts) to build stories and engage in mixed media fun in tegrating circuits. Thursdays, 9am-2pm. Through Dec. 15. Wondery Art + Adventure School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr., Suite 190, Bend. Contact: $960.

Early Release Wild Wednesday Art Club Art Club is a unique after school program for kids to create and bring their ideas to life in an inspiring studio space. The weekly schedule features a different focus each day; choose the day that most interests your child or nur ture their creativity across a variety of media. Wednesdays, 1-5pm. Through Dec. 14. Wondery Art + Adventure School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr., Suite 190, Bend. Contact: sarah@wondery $150 per month.

Youth Cooking Class-Cupcakes Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Have your child (age 7-17) join Kindred Creative Kitchen in this handson class where they will learn to make and decorate their own cupcakes. Sep. 24, 5:30-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-640-0350. kindredcre $50.

Let’s Talk About It Training with KIDS Center Examine child development through a social, physical and developmental lens. You can attend this program online or in-person. Registration is required. Register by using the “Register Here” link above. Masks are required at all in-person library events. Tuesdays, 10am. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes

Whiskey Tuesdays The Cross-eyed Cricket Watering Hole is offering exclusive access to a li brary of top shelf whiskeys every Tue. One-ounce pours for reasonable prices. Come by and try something new, or sip on your favorites! Tues days, 11am-11pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.

Thursday Night Football Welcome to the new era of Thursday Night Football only on Amazon Prime and shown on Peppertree Pub’s 6 big screen TVs. $10 for one appetizer and a pint of beer poured from 15 rotating taps. It’s the NFL like you have never seen it before at the new Peppertree Pub. Thursdays, 4-9pm. Peppertree Pub, 1082 SW Yates Drive, Best Western Premier, Bend. Contact: 541-382-2007. bendsales@pep Free.

Know Flavor: No Salt, No Flavor at Eqwine Wine Learn how to take salt to the next level. Registration is required. Sep. 27, 5-6:30pm. Eqwine Wine Bar, 218 SW 4th St, Red mond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@deschutesli Free.

Let Freedom Read Rally Redmond Collec tive Action is organizing Redmond’s first ever Let Freedom Read rally support of and in defense of diverse and inclusive books. Book-based activity tables, guest readers, food trucks and raffle. Proceeds donated to Redmond School District libraries. Sep. 25, 2-4pm. American Legion Park, 850 SW Rimrock Way, Redmond. Contact: 541-350-3537. redmondcollectiveaction@gmail. com. Free.

Adult Cooking Class-Classic French Cuisine France has a rich culinary history that is duplicated all over the world. French cuisine is very technique driven and extremely flavorful and fun to eat. Please join Kindred Creative Kitchen in this hands-on class where participants will make 3 courses of classic French dishes. Each course will be paired with wine. Sep. 23, 5:30-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Dr., Bend. Contact:$90.

& Beyond Join the Peoples Apothecary for a delicious and fun evening spent demystifying sourdough bread making, baking and caring for your sourdough starter. You will walk away from this workshop with your own gluten-free sourdough starter and the confidence to make your own gluten-free sourdough bread! Sep. 22, 6-7:30pm. The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. class $130.

Apple Pressing Party Come hang with the community, press apples, drink cider and listen to music. All the juice pressed will be used in a special Fall Cider Release! Snacks will be avail able — outside food OK. Look for our big orange barn. Sep. 25, 12:30-7:30pm. Bend Cider Co., 64649 Wharton Ave., Bend. Free.

Fried Chicken Thursdays Dine in with a 2-piece plate with sides and a biscuit for $18 or take an 8-piece bucket and a bottle to-go! Upgrade to the "Balla Bucket" to get a selected bottle of champagne. Thursdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail. com. $38.

Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@ Free.

Locals’ Night Monday is the day to be at Silver Moon Brewing! Come on down and join the local family all day every Monday! Silver Moon offers $3 pints of the core lineup beers and $4 pours of our barrel aged beers all day. Come down and sample what's new while also enjoying the brand new food menu! It’s a steal of a deal that they won’t be chasing you out the door for! Come down and join the Silver Moon family every Monday! Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.

Homeschool Adventure Art Class Join Wondery Art+Adventure School for a semester class where participants learn how to observe and create like an adventure artist. Each week participants focus on a new element of art and bring it to life through nature journaling and a guided art project. Mondays, 9am-Noon Through Dec. 12. Wondery Art + Adventure School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr., Suite 190, Bend. Contact: $780.

Build + Brunch Workshop Drop your child off at Wondery Art+Adventure School and walk next door to Meadowlark to enjoy a delicious brunch at a discounted price (take $10 off of $50!). There will be a design challenge and a selection of art materials for children to create, tinker, build and invent with. Saturdays, 10-11:30am. Through Oct. 15. Wondery Art + Adventure School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr., Suite 190, Bend. Contact: sarah@wonderyschool. com. $25.

Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day! Tuesdays are Locals’ Day. Every Tuesday enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang out by the fire. See you soon, Bend! Tuesdays. Crosscut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend.

Tinkergarten: Body, Mind & Heart Fall Season How can you help your kid fall in love with the outdoors and build the habits, connec tions and skills that help kids thrive throughout life? Tinkergarten will lead explorers through lessons that help kids learn to take risks, em brace change, keep calm, practice gratitude and more! Tuesdays, 10am-11pm. Through Nov. 9. Thursdays, 10-11am. Through Nov. 10. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd., Bend. Contact: 458-231-3395. sherry.cardot@mail.tinkergarten. com. $219.

Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. There are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tues days. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Wine Wednesdays Happy hour all day on Wine Wednesday. Come in for discounts on glasses, beers and apps! Wednesdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@ Free.

Street Dog Hero’s 2022 Heroes on the Run 5k & Kids Mini-Run Street Dog Hero is hosting their 3rd annual Heroes on the Run 5k Fun Run & Kids Mini-Run on Sunday, Sep. 25 at the Athletic Club of Bend. This is a dog, kid and family friendly event. Sep. 25, 10am-2pm. Ath letic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr, Bend. Contact: $45.

Sisters Farmers Market Sisters Farmers

Oregon Whiskey Festival Taste whiskey that is mashed, fermented, distilled and aged in Oregon. This event is a celebration of the excep tional whiskey being produced in Oregon and the recognition of distillers who are committed to the art and craft of distilling. Sep. 23, 5pm and Sep. 24, 2pm. Oregon Spirit Distillers, 740 NE First St., Bend. Contact: nicole@oregonspiritdistillers. com. GA/$40, VIP/$195.

Gluten Free Sourdough Basics



Amelia’s World Puppet Show Join Amelia Airheart Monkey & Miss Hannah for a fun & uplifting interactive Zoom puppet show! All ages welcome, 3 & under please be accompanied by a sibling or parent/caregiver to assist with inter action. Message ACORN School of Art & Nature on Facebook to request the Zoom link. Fridays, 4-4:15pm. Contact: nature. Free.

Moms + Groms Meetup Moms + Groms is officially back at Boss Rambler 3-6pm every Wednesday! Moms, it’s simple: show up with your grom(s) to socialize and drink beer (or whatever you want) with other moms while the kiddos make new friends! All moms get $1 off drinks! Wednesdays, 3-6pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.

Glory Daze Car Show Glory Daze Car Show takes place in beautiful downtown Sisters. With over 75 cars, a kid’s zone, a raffle and more. There is something for everyone! Sep. 24, 10am2pm. East Main Avenue, East Main Ave., Sisters. Contact: 541-549-2091. SPRD@sistersrecreation. com. Free.

Market runs every weekend from the first Sunday in June through the first Sunday in October. Explore the market this season to shop for fresh, micro-local produce, pantry staples and artisanal goods throughout Fir Street Park in the heart of Sisters, Oregon. SNAP and EBT accepted! More information at Sun days, 11am-2pm. Through Oct. 3. Fir Street Park, Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0134. sistersfarmers Free.

2nd Annual Yachtoberfest It’s that time of year again and the MTYC 2nd Annual Yachto berfest is coming up on Saturday, Sep. 24 from 1-6pm! Midtown Yacht Club is excited to kick off the fall season and celebrate the @sourceweekly Best Food Cart Lot win with you. Sep. 24, 1-6pm. Midtown Yacht Club, 1661 NE 4th St., Bend. Con tact: 458-256-5454. midtownyachtclub@gmail. com. Free.

Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off growler fills every Wednesday at Bevel! Wednesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: 831-245-1922. Free.


Planet Fitness Home Work-Ins Planet Fitness is offering free daily workouts via lives tream! The best part? No equipment needed. Get your sweat on at least four times a day. Valid even for those without memberships! Visit the Planet Fitness Facebook page for more details. Ongoing, 4-5pm. Free.

Learn more about the natural world through outdoor sessions on focused topics, one Saturday per month for 10 months. Topics include orni thology, plant ID, osteology, ecology, ethnobot any, geology, a wildlife tracking weekend at the Oregon Dunes and more! September - June. Learn more at,,$995.


pants. In this track runners will be welcomed as a first time 5k runner or encouraged as a re turning runner looking to advance skills, improve endurance or push for a little bit longer running event. Sat, Sep. 24, 8am and Tuesdays-Wednes days-Saturdays, 6pm. Through Nov. 6. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-3568. $120.

$5 OFF $15 OFF $30 OFF Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS. EXPIRES ON 10/10/22. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS. EXPIRES ON 10/10/22. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS. EXPIRES ON 10/10/22. 1199 NW WALL ST. BEND, OR 97703 | 844-OREGROWN 1199 NW WALL ST. BEND, OR 97703 | 844-OREGROWN 1199 NW WALL ST. BEND, OR 97703 | 844-OREGROWN MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $50 (PRE-TAX) IN-STORE OR ONLINE. FOR ONLINE USE CODE: SOURCE5 MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $100 (PRE-TAX) IN-STORE OR ONLINE. FOR ONLINE USE CODE: SOURCE15

Outdoor Fitness Class This fun and moti vating outdoor fitness class will get your blood flowing and leave you feeling empowered! Class will contain circuit, interval training and breath work. Adaptable to all levels. Parking pass, mats and equipment included. Reservation required, please visit website. Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. Through Sep. 28. Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Contact: 503-888-3674. wildlandguidingcompa $20.


FootZone Fall Training Groups: Run

Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thurs days, 6:15pm. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact:

Ring of Fire MTB

Cog Wild Jumping for Oldies For the ex perienced rider, age 30+, who didn’t get around to hitting jumps when youth was on their side. Day #1 at Phil’s Trailhead learning fundamen tal technique on jumps. Day #2 has students applying their new skills at the The Lair. $150 for 2 days. Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Through Sep. 28. Cog Wild, 19221 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-385-7002. $150.


2022 MBSEF Thrilla Cyclocross Series

Saturday Morning Coffee Run Come join CORK for a Saturday long run at 9am. The group will meet outside Thump Coffee on York Dr. for a long run. Feel free to run or walk, whatever “long” means to you! Whatever your pace and distance, Thump hopes you’ll join them for the run and stay afterwards for food and drinks! Sat urdays, 9-10am. Thump Coffee - NW Crossing, 549 NW York Dr., Bend. Free.

Join like-minded ladies for a fun, low stress en vironment, social pace ride with skills sessions along the way. Rally your girls, minimum of 4 riders required to run these rides. Join for a


Befriending You: Embodied Self- Con nection Intro - Free Experience a taste of embodied self-awareness and communicating in ways that deepen the connection with yourself. When we resonate with ourselves, we calm

Badminton Night! Beginners and expe rienced players welcome. Extra racquets and birdies provided. The $10 cost helps pay for the facility. Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30pm. Through Nov. 2. Bend Hoops, 1307 NE 1st St, Bend. Contact: 503-720-8605. $10.

Bend Area Running Fraternity The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. AVID Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: bendarearunningfraternity@ Free.

Cog Wild Ladies Progression Rides


“Honor Moments of Change: Pivot with Purpose” Mini-Retreat Series Kids grow. Parents age. Bodies evolve. Connections build and dissipate. Change is inevitable yet how we process and respond to that change invokes long-standing effects. Throughout the classes time together, participants will implement tools to gracefully navigate and intentionally reflect upon life’s transitions. Cultivate space to be and become! For more information visit www. Wednesdays. Through Nov. 2. Bend, River West Neighborhood, NW Columbia, Bend. Contact: $500 for eight week series (Limited to 10 people)..

25,000-mile Volcanic area in the Pacific Ocean Ba sin called the Ring of Fire. Embrace the lava and all the fantastic singletrack and the opportunity to have one great late-season race and finish with a smile. Sep. 24, 8:30am-4pm. Wanoga Sno Park, Cascade Lakes Highway, Bend. Contact: 541-2257946. $170.

19221 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-3857002. $45 per session.

Gear Swap Black Butte School along with Hike-N-Peaks will host a community gear swap selling quality used outdoor and sporting clothing and equipment. Sell your own gear, come by to purchase used gear in good condition or donate directly to the school to sell. All proceeds go to outdoor education at BBS. Sep. 24, 10am-4pm. Hike-N-Peaks, 103 A E Hood Ave, Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0778. jsharp@ Free.

MBSEF brings back its weekly cyclocross series for the month of November! Racers will rip around the grounds of The Athletic Club of Bend and can register for individual races or the fourday race series. Thursdays, 5:15pm. Through Sep. 29. Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-388-0002. molly@ $15-$35.

FootZone Fall Training Groups Trail Half Marathon Training for and completing a Trail Half Marathon (13.1mi) is a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Participants benefit from FootZone’s experienced head coach and mentors. The half marathon program will also include informational clinics on nutrition, hydration, gear, injury prevention, stretching techniques and more. Safe. Community. Accountability. Fun. Friends. Tuesdays-Saturdays, 8am and Tue, Aug. 16, 6pm. Through Nov. 12. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-3568. col@ $150.


Thursday Night Run Run through the Old Mill for around 3-5 miles, stay for food and drinks! Thursdays, 6-7pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.

Hoop Camp Hoop Camp is a basketball clinic for the special needs community. The Athletic Club of Bend encourages all members of the Bend community to participate. Making the camp inclusive. Join in on the FUN! Oct.1, 10am-1pm. Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-788-8489. chrisanne58@ $40.

Adult Naturalist Immersion Program

Dream Interpretation Group Your inner consciousness is trying to communicate with your conscious mind all the time. It speaks to us in dreams and waking life in the language of symbolism. Facilitator Michael Hoffman has been interpreting dreams for the past 35 years. This approach draws on Jungian dream interpre tation and spiritual traditions. Every other Tues


Impact Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Program Impact PD! is a highly energy exer cise class designed for people with Parkinson’s. Whole body activation, voice work, facial expres sion, counteract your symptoms, dual tasking, fine motor skills and increase your daily activity. Led by Nancy Nelson an Exercise Specialist for Parkinson’s. Call with questions and to sign up 503-799-5311. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:1510:30am. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr. Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 503-7995311. $119 a month.

Zoom meeting password: 30124. For more infor mation: For assistance, call Terri at 541-390-1097 Sundays, 3-4pm. Contact: 541-390-1097.

Form of Freedom Free yourself from everyday movement and thought streams, push your boundaries and find joy in community. This Afro-Brazilian art combines music and acro batics in a constant flow of movement, attacks and creative defense. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr., Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 541-6783460. $30 intro month.

St. Jacob Orthodox Christian Church VESPERS Join Father Ignatius and the con gregation in a small worship space located at the back of Bend Coffee & Books. This is a simple evening of prayer and worship. Wednesdays, 6-6:45pm and Saturdays, 6-6:45pm. Through Feb. 1. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-241-8119. father.ignati Free.

Cacao, Songs & Gongs The group will gather around the altar to set intentions for the coming season, voice inspirations and resistance toward change and evolution as individuals and in community. This is a safe place to open hearts, to receive and share experiences. Sep. 25, 5-7:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central OR, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Con tact: 808-783-0374. $44.

Outdoor Yoga Class All-levels Vinyasa Flow class. Our community yoga classes take place outside, with the sun shining, the birds chirping and the river flowing by. For visitors, new to Bend and locals - build strength and flexibility in community, in nature! Parking pass, mat and props included. Reservation required, please visit website. Fridays, 8:30-9:30am and Wednesdays, 8:30-9:30am. Through Sep. 28. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd., Bend. Contact: 503-8883674. $20.

Featuring acoustic rock, Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals' music is all about meshing creative, mov ing lyrics along with groovy beats. The group will perform on the Athletic Club of Bend’s outdoor stage this Wed., Sept. 21 at 5:30pm.

THE VANCE STANCE ® Is pain preventing activities you love? Can you no longer “power through” pain from accidents, injuries and his toric bad posture? Been told there is no remedy for: Scoliosis, Sciatica, Bunions or “bad” shoul ders, back, hips and knees? Correct your posture and flexibility to become pain free! Mondays, Noon-2pm and 6-8pm, Wednesdays, 6-8pm and Thursdays, Noon-2pm. Through Dec. 1. Vance Bonner, 21173 Sunburst Ct., Bend. Contact: 541330-9070. $180.

Community Acupuncture Reduce stress, increase vitality and energy, treat acute and chronic pain and strengthen your immune system through acupuncture in an affordable, community style setting. Both new and returning patients are welcome! Join David Watts, LAc at Hawthorn every Wednesday and Friday. Call to schedule today! Wednesdays, 10:30am-1pm and Fridays, 10:30am-1pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: Reservations: 541-330-0334. info@hawthorncen $60/session.

Conscious Dance Drop in and join the dance studio....moving alone, together and in commu nity. All are welcome! Each event will have some guidance and intention, the rest is up to you. Move with what moves you, allow some play. It’ll be fun! Let your body take the as practice for life. Sep. 21, 6-7:30pm. Terpsichore an Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-948-7015. soulinmotionbend@ $20.

Parkinson’s In Person Exercise Class

day, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 541-639-6246. michael@ Free.

Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a full schedule of classes through Zoom! Sign up for your class on and download Zoom. Prior to start you will receive an email in vitation to join class. Be ready with mat, weights, roller and/or band and login five minutes prior to class time. For more information visit bend Ongoing, Noon-1pm. $20.

Fall Cleanse with Alchemy Crystal Bowls and Gong Sound Bath with Wendy Schmitt Cleansing is a way to help sensitize us to our patterns enabling us to use them in a healthy way to build vitality. Bend Hot Yoga’s offerings include: recipes and sampling of Kitchari and Yogi Tea, practice a cleansing yoga set, set intentions, bring awareness to patterns and a cleansing sound bath. Sep. 25, 6:308:15pm. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. Unit A320, Bend. Contact: $15/BHY members; $30/non-members.


Dance Meditation Transformation

Live Music Yoga & Gong Bath Medita tion This experiential yoga class explores vibra tion through movement, music and meditation. Through the use of gongs, crystal and Tibetan

Scottish Country Dance Scottish Country Dance class is on Mon. from 7-9pm at the Sons of Norway Building, 549 NW Harmon. A chance to socialize and get a bit of exercise, too. Beginners are welcome. All footwork, figures and social graces will be taught and reviewed. Contact 541508-9110. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-5089110. $5.

Psilocybin Therapy: Info Session and Q&A Voters decide in November whether to opt out of psilocybin therapy in unincorporated De schutes. Join for this info session and Q&A about psilocybin therapy for addressing depression, anxiety, end-of-life anxiety, addiction and other mental health challenges. Short film followed by Q&A with panel of experts. Sep. 22, 6:30-8:30pm. Embark, 2843 NW Lolo Drive, Bend. Free.

In-Person Yoga at LOFT Wellness & Day Spa In-person yoga classes at Bend’s newest yoga studio! Tuesdays: Vinyasa with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Thursdays: Foundation Flow with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Schedule online or call to reserve your spot! Tuesdays-Thursdays, 5-6pm. Loft Wellness & Day Spa, 339 SW Century Dr., Ste 203, Bend. Contact: 541-690-5100. info@loftbend. com. $20.

Love Thy Camp Yoga Studio Classes in Tumalo Love Thy Camp has opened a small (4 yogis max) yoga studio in Tumalo! One of the ways its raises money is through yoga classes. So, come support your health and a great cause! Check the schedule below for dates/times. Private one-on-one available too! First class $5 Off with code: GetSomeYoga. Mondays-Fridays, 9:30-10:30 and 11:30am-12:30pm. Love Thy Camp, 20039 Beaver Lane, Bend. Contact: 541948-5035. $20/drop-in.

Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Meeting

Tai Chi / Qi Gong The focus of Grandmaster Franklin’s teaching is on the individual, not on the group. He teaches the original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. This holistic ap proach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Tuesdays-Thurs days, 9:45am. Grandmaster Franklin, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. $80 per month.

Tai Chi for Health™ created by Dr. Paul Lam This two-day per week class is appropriate for anyone who wants a slower Tai Chi class or those dealing with chronic health conditions. The gradual, gentle and simple movements help facilitate healing and improve motion, flexibility and balance. We also explore using our knowl edge of Tai Chi to help us stay safe and balanced, as seniors. Mondays-Wednesdays, 8:45-9:45am. Oregon Tai Chi, 1350 SE Reed Mkt Rd., Ste 102, Bend. Contact: 541-389-5015. $55-$65.

Women’s Transformative Workshop: The Alchemy of Creation This workshop combines science with several healing mo dalities to naturally create an altered state of consciousness which will allow the participant to create new neural pathways in the brain which will support a shift into a more creative future. Get more information and purchase tickets at Sep. 24, 11am-3pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: 458-256-8464. phnxmn11@ $100.

Capoeira: A Martial & Cultural Art

truly seen and understood. Thu, Sep. 22, 6:308pm and Wed, Sep. 28, 12-1:30pm. Contact: 503680-5810. Free.

Bend Zen Meditation Group Bend Zen sits every Mon, evening at 7pm. Arrive at 6:45pm to orient yourself and meet others. The group has two 25-minute sits followed by a member-led Dharma discussion from 8:05-8:30pm. All are welcome! Learn more and sign up for emails at, 6:45-8:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St., Bend. Contact: Donations accepted.

Dance Meditation Transformation is held every Thursday at 6pm at the Hanai Center. The expe rience of meditation going through the 5 stages of preparing your body and mind to flow freely is a unique experience. The session ends with a free flow dance set of world music. Suggest ed donations $15-$25. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Through Sep. 22. Hanai Foundation, 62430 Eagle Rd., Bend. Contact: 310-420-5873. seedofnoth $15-$25.

Drop In Monday Meditation - open to all Come join us in the beautiful gardens for meditation and healing! Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm. Blissful Heart Wellness Center, 45 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 510-220-2441. cathleen@ Donation Based.

Please join Nancy Nelson — Parkinson’s Exer cise specialist — for this whole body in person, function-focused exercise that will push you to do more than you think. You will be challenged physically and cognitively while working through fitness goals: strength, balance and agility. Call Nancy 503-799-5311. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 1-2pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 503-799-5311. nancyn.pdex@ $160 for 8 weeks.

Praise & Worship In the Vineyard


vineyard with live music. This is a beautiful way to start your Sunday morning. Sit in the Vineyard with a backdrop of the Three Sisters Mountains for praise and worship. Please bring a chair for this event. Sundays, 11am-Noon. Through Sep. 25. Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. Contact: 541-5265075. Free.

Fall Equinox Sound Bath The Peoples Apothecary will celebrate the Autumn Equinox with a very special sound bath. Ezra Alya will facilitate a healing experience utilizing frequency infused water and play crystal singing bowls in the first event of this kind at The Apothecary. Find out more at our website. Sep. 21, 6-7:30pm. The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. classes@ $25.

Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Support Group The Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Sup port Group meets weekly in the Central Oregon Locavore event space. Lactation consultants on hand from St. Charles and WIC to weigh babies and answer questions. All are welcome, includ ing partners and siblings, no matter how you are feeding your baby. Thursdays, 6-8am. Central Oregon Locavore, 1841 NE Third St., Bend. Free.

Coaching Group Build your dream life while connecting to a supportive, motivating commu nity. Clarify your goals — internal or external, immediate or long-term, self or other focused. Learn new skills, techniques and insights to make it happen! Led by Diana Lee, Meadowlark Coaching. Mondays, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 914-9802644. $15-25.

Yoga with Focus: Dance Gain flexibility for extensions and strength for inversions. This vinyasa-style class allows a deep stretch while building strength. Tools for stress relief and conditioning that can be transferred to the dance studio. Appropriate for all levels of yoga and dance. No yoga or dance experience necessary. Thursdays, 9-10am. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St., Unit A320, Bend. Contact: yoga@bendhotyo $20/drop in.

bowls, chimes, flutes and drums participants explore the healing journey of experiencing sound on a deep profound level. Please bring a yoga mat, cushion and blanket for max comfort. All levels Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm. Unitarian Univer salist Fellowship of Central OR, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd., Bend. Contact: 808-783-0374. kevin@ $15-20.

Join the vineyard for praise and worship in the


But let’s get to Bar #2, which is the focus of this particular writing. The Fla mingo Room, tucked into an unassum ing business plaza off Century Drive on Bend’s west side, has been open since the spring of this year. It’s been bustling ever since, despite its hidden location. Trottier says it’s local residents that are responsible for the positive reception.

San Simón’s west side sibling offers a vibrant atmosphere, cool cocktails and thought-out food

The food and drinks are well thought out at the new locals’ favorite, The Flamingo Room.

On Instagram @theflamingoroombend

By Donna Britt @donnabrittcooks

One of the first things visitors are likely to notice is the plants. They’re everywhere! “I like the energy of plant stores. I like browsing in plant stores. It occurred to me, ‘why couldn’t we have that same environment in a bar,’” explains Trottier. So there you have it – live plants abound at the Flamin go – on shelves high and low, hanging from the ceiling, on the floor, literal ly in every direction you look. They’re the backdrop and the forefront among rusty, mismatched metal chairs and oth er junkyard treasures that Trottier is proud to say he recycled from a junk yard in Powell Butte. “It’s an authentic,

The Flamingo Room

Speaking of staff, the drinks run the gamut and are largely inspired by the staff’s travels to areas around the Equa tor. Rum and mezcal, warm-weather spirits, as Trottier describes them, are staples in the Flamingo’s cocktail rep ertoire. “We pride ourselves in taking spirits that people think they don’t like and changing their minds about it. For example the Jazz Daq #2 turns around what you think it’s going to be,” Trotti er boasts. It’s made with rum, passion

The Flamingo Room is Feeling The Local Love

“Our food is definitely thought out. It’s not an apology. It’s not an accident. We wanted a more healthy feeling and even though we don’t advertise it, our food is predominantly vegan and vege tarian. It’s rare that you find a bar with those attributes, but why can’t the food make you feel better?” beams Trottier.

Courtesy Donna Britt

tropical vibe without being a Jimmy Buf fett show. It’s more like a developing nation or a Florida bar after the apoca lypse or after a horrible hurricane,” says Trottier. “Vaguely Equatorial” is another descriptor used by the owners and staff.

peas and bread with butter. Conservas are Sardines in Vinegar, Line Caught Tuna in Olive Oil, Squid in Ink, mussels and cod. There are also Masa Empana das, a simple green salad, and handmade chocolate bars by the local Fawkes Con fectionery. All snack trays come with kettle or plantain chips as well—a nice ly curated assortment of bites and bits which are delicious and quite satisfying.

Open Daily 4 pm-late 70 SW Century Dr., #130, Bend 541-323-0472


pening another bar is like decid ing to have another child. All you remember is how much fun you had with the first one and how cute it was (at least in the beginning), forgetting all about the long, sleepless nights and dirty diapers. That’s how Brian Trot tier explains how he and his wife Ash ley came about opening a second bar in Bend. Trottier says their first one, San Simón, downtown in Tin Pan Alley, was way more fun to open than he had antic ipated, so when he got another bar con cept/idea in his head he felt compelled to do it again. It probably didn’t hurt that bar number one has been a raging success, extremely popular and voted Best Bar by Source Weekly readers two years in a row now (2021 & 2022).


While nibbling and sipping, one may also notice the music. Trottier himself makes the playlists and they’re very spe cific, handpicked tunes. His mission is to play familiar songs mixed with unfa miliar selections. His aim is huge diver sity, playing everything from African music to Japanese garage rock to Cuban music to 1960s French pop along with Prince and Dr. Dre. That mix creates a “worldly” atmosphere, according to Trottier, and he says it works because of the way he weaves in the unfamiliar with theSofamiliar.iftasty

bites, interesting drinks, captivating décor and amazing music mixes weren’t enough, Trottier says the thing he’s most proud of, the thing that gets overlooked too often, is the excep tional staff. As he puts it, “They’re just the nicest, most generous and gracious people and that’s really the big thing that makes it all work – the dynamite staff!”


And then there’s the food at The Flamingo Room. Similar to San Simón, guests get a small clipboard with a checklist menu attached in order to choose what they want. Dips & Nosh items include things such as Watermel on & Feta salad, Onion Cashew Dip and Fig & Olive Tapenade. Nibbles are things like pickled carrots, spicy pickled aspar agus, seasoned pistachios, fresh snap

“I go in there and recognize 75% of the people in the place. People in Bend really support us, which is great because we thought it would be cool to open something more for the local crowd, something off the beaten path.”

fruit, Cocchi Americano and fresh lime juice and it’s already a Flamingo favorite. Trottier is proud of the curated liquor selection, explaining that they’re not trying to have the biggest selection of any one thing but rather a well-rounded selection with some weirder gins, mez cals and Japanese liquors, etc.

Crave Mini Donuts Now at On Tap Cart moves into east side food cart lot

Lady Bird in the Old Mill his own


Courtesy Crave Mini Donuts


By Nicole Vulcan

Cheesecake and Funfetti. It’s open ThuMon from noon to 8pm, according to its Facebook page.

“Guests really can expect some fireworks and attention to fine details when it comes to the food and beverage offerings,” Gurnee said. “In addition to artisan, naturally leavened pizzas coming out of our wood-fired oven, we will be offering a highly seasonal and curated menu of fresh handmade pastas, beautifully composed salads, eclectic shareable appetizers, impeccably fresh raw bar and a small list of exquisiteGurney’sentrees.”beenactive in the Bend food scene since he moved to Central Ore gon in 2014. In addition to his work at the Drake and Washington Dining & Cock tails, the graduate of San Francisco’s California Culinary Academy consulted on the re-branding of Cascade Lakes Brewery and the opening of Walt Reilly’s and assisted culinary operations at Meadowlark.

Crave Mini Donuts At On Tap 1424 NE Cushing Dr., Bend On Instagram @crave_mini_donuts

A Bend-based chef is opening

he former leader of the culinary team at Drake and later Washington Dining & Cocktails, John Gurnee, announced a new fine dining experience in the Old Mill at the former location of Flatbread Neapolitan Pizza. Lady Bird is set to open this fall continuing selling wood-fired pizza like Flatbread before it, as well as its own Mediterranean-inspired menu.

fine dining restaurant after years at Drake and Washington Dining & ByLITTLECocktailsBITESJackHarvel FranklinNW550Ave. 706NE Greenwood 1052NW Newport 15th1075SESt. Scallops and their velouté with peas, bacon and cipollini onion. Lady Bird OCTOBER 1ST! The Tony Buckman Band Live at THE VAULT REDMOND, OR 5 to 8 pm 2022


“We hope that our patrons will enjoy getting dressed up to the nines and make Lady Bird the first or last stop for a night on the town or join us for a lovely cham pagne brunch on our riverside patio before a day of shopping or casual stroll along the Deschutes,” he said.

rave Mini Donuts, the food cart that serves an array of delightful small donuts, has moved. Crave, formerly located at the Bend Factory Stores park ing lot, moved to On Tap in earlier this month. Crave Mini Donuts was original ly started in McMinnville before mov ing to Bend in the spring. Regular donut flavors include Boston Crème, Lemon, Maple Bacon, Cinnamon Roll, Raspberry


By Jared Rasic CULTURE

Hedwig will tell you some stories.

Hedwig not only broke ground by having a trans character front and cen ter of a rock opera, but John Cameron Mitchell’s masterwork also balanced the tragedy of loss, the warmth of love and the pitch-black comedy of failure in a way that hadn’t been done before or since.The show stays with everyone who sees it, not just for a day or two, but for ever. “I hope people walk away feeling moved,” says Kish. “Some may not know why, others may be jazzed from the rock music and some may see life a little dif ferently than before. Hedwig’s story is that of us all; a universal pain shared, no matter the circumstances. Acceptance of self is making love; having compas sion for yourself and others.”

Photos by Joy Reyneke

C Growing Places

Hedwig and the Angry Inch Oct. 21-Sat., NE 2nd



’ve been a part of the Bend theater scene on and off for a long time, and there aren’t very many predictable aspects of that world. I’ve acted in a few dozen plays, stage managed a handful and directed two of them, so I tend to feel like I have skin in the game when it comes to Central Oregon having a strong theater community. Converse ly, the quality of the productions always vary across the theater companies, the backstage drama fluctuates between deeply uncomfortable and non-existent and it’s usually pretty impossible to tell how opening night is going to be until you’re in the middle of it.

Nov. 5 The Greenhouse Cabaret 1017

So, in a perfect confluence of events, Kish is opening The Greenhouse Caba ret, a theater space inside his plant shop, Somewhere That’s Green.

The Greenhouse is planning on help ing change that. “My hope is to host diverse theatrical companies from sur rounding Oregon areas to bring more art to Bend,” says Kish. “Then, in time, open up that conversation about creat ing local opportunities here. Many say there are no LGBTQIA2S+ or BIPOC artistic opportunities and I agree. So, I built a theater to do so. The Greenhouse will also be a host to local drag troupes, RuPaul viewing parties and more queer community-building opportunities that are not offered in this town.”

“When I conceived my plant shop idea back in 2013, the theater was also a part,” Kish told the Source Week ly. “When I launched the plant shop in 2018 I never dreamed that in four years I would already have the theater launch ing within it! The main inspiration was ‘Little Shop of Horrors,’ AKA plants and theater combined, my two loves and passions. Also, I left NYC wanting more nature and grounding, so performing in a planty space is a unique experience I’ve never seen, for both the performer and audience member.”

If you’re not familiar with “Hedwig and the Angry Inch,” it’s heartbreaking, hilarious and an enduring artistic work that only gets more relevant with time. Directed by the great Rick Johnson, “Hedwig” has a thematic importance that Kish instinctively knows is an ideal launch to the Greenhouse.

St., Bend Tickets and show details greenhousecabaret@gmail.comthegreenhousecabaret.comatVolunteeropportunitiesat


Theater in Bend is in good hands with John Kish. Just look at how beautifully he curates Somewhere That’s Green and imagine how that skill would carry over to The Greenhouse Cabaret. He has the patience to build something with strong roots; something that will grow larger and more beautiful over time. He wouldn’t oversaturate the scene, instead making sure each and every blossom, each leaf, each artistic endeavor is given the attention and love it deserves. Live theater came very close to dying during COVID. The art form deserves to be regrown with a stronger foundation and I can’t think of anyone better than John Kish to plant the seed.

And what better way to launch Th Greenhouse Cabaret than with one of the finest rock musicals of all time, “Hedwig and the Angry Inch,” with Kish in the starring role. “It has often been said that Hedwig is a career-ending role as there’s nothing quite like it again,” says Kish. “I’ve never been in the right place or time to get cast, and what bet ter way than to launch my own theater with it. It truly will be a great represen tation of what this new stage will rep resent.”Inthe category of painfully obvious information, the Bend theater scene has a massive lack of opportunities for LGBTQIA2S+ artists and artists of color on stage and in the director’s chair. The movement forward has been happening so slowly as to almost be unnoticeable.

In fact, I’m pretty sure there’s only one actually predictable aspect of the ater in Bend: If John Kish is involved, it’s going to be worth watching. From founding the Cocktail Cabaret at the Capitol, giving a powerful dramatic per formance in “The Glass Menagerie” and a classic slapstick performance in “Young Frankenstein” and directing one of the finest musicals Central Oregon has ever seen with “Spring Awakening,” John Kish is one of our best storytellers.

John Kish launches The Greenhouse Cabaret with ‘Hedwig’

Here’s the thing, though: Your mileage may vary, whether that bothers you or not. I don’t usually go to movies for historical accuracy (that’s what I like books and docs for), so I usually take everything presented in “historical” films with a boulder of salt. If movies play ing fast and loose with the facts make you angry, then I might avoid the new historical action/drama, “The Woman King,” but if you use the film as a jumping off

It’s Viola Davis’ World The Woman King entertains, as long as historical accuracy isn’t expected

At the end of the day, it’s extremely satisfying to watch African warrior women systematically slaughter colonizers and slavers, so all of my complaints of his torical accuracy fall by the wayside when 57-year-old Viola Davis fights men twice her size and half her age and pulls it off more believably than most other actors. I mean, I buy Viola Davis as an action star now more than Chris Pratt or Vin Diesel.

complicated history for crowd-pleasing adventure. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the film immensely as I was watching it, but once I went home and researched Dahomey and its history with slavery and human sacri fice, it made me wonder if something more historical ly accurate would have ultimately carried more power.

Courtesy of IMdb

know this is incredibly obvious, but most movies are full of crap. If it’s not a documentary, it’s definite ly full of crap, and if it says, “Based on a true sto ry,” it’s usually just as full of crap as the rest. Look at “The Conjuring” franchise. There’s more evidence that the Warrens were snake oil salespeople than that they were investigating real hauntings. Hollywood likes to take a kernel of a true story like a historical event or figure and then fabricate a (sometimes) compelling narrative to transform into box-office dollars.


By Jared Rasic SCREEN

“The Woman King” is an extremely entertaining bit of popcorn historical action. It could have been much more, but this is what we have, and since it’s kind of amazing we even have this, it’s good enough for now. But Hollywood can still do better. They owe it to the underrepresented and marginalized voices they’ve silenced for over 100 years. Movies like this and “Black Panther” are a good place to start, but this is just the beginning.

The real life Agojie, an all-female warrior military group, could have conquered the world if they wanted to.

“The Woman King” tells the story of the Agojie, the all-female warrior military group that protected the West African Kingdom of Dahomey. Set in the 1820s, the film follows the leader of the Agojie, General Nan isca (a seismic Viola Davis), her second-in-command, Izogie (a scene-stealing Lashana Lynch) and a new recruit to the unit, Nawi (a star-making performance from Thuso Mbedu). These three performances are so compelling that even when the film veers into melo drama, it never ceases to be immanently watchable.

point for doing your own reading on the subject, then it’s a very entertaining epic bolstered by three astound ing lead performances.


The story of the Agojie and of the long-ended King dom of Dahomey is a fascinating one and definitely worthy of making a big-budget historical epic about, but, because Hollywood, what we have in “The Wom an King” is a sanitized and bloodless drama that trades

“The Woman King” Dir. Gina Prince-BythewoodGrade:B Playing at Regal Old Mill

But ignoring all that and just viewing the movie for what it is and not what it could have been, “The Woman King” is a strong look at Black sisterhood, the majesty of Africa and the destitution of slavery. This is “Braveheart” and “Gladiator” writ even larger with an almost exclusively BIPOC cast which is something we’ve needed for a long time. It’s hard to nitpick the details of this movie when it’s ultimately so refreshing that Hollywood is finally making movies like this after so many years of almost zero representation.


B 617-448-5277

SEE HOW THEY RUN: An old-fashioned comedy/ mystery that plays like a madcap Agatha Christie whodunnit featuring Sam Rockwell, Saoirse Ronan, Adrien Brody and Ruth Wilson? Yeah, that sounds like it was made just for me. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub

THE INVITATION: This period horror film is a reinterpretation of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula,” but set at a destination wedding in the English countryside. Starring the luminous Nathalie Emmanuel, this looks like a classy creeper designed to engage the brain while being spooky as all get out. Regal Old Mill

GOD’S COUNTRY: Thandiwe Newton vs trespassers in a modern inversion of the American Western? Yeah, sign me up. The trailer for this is chilling. Sisters Movie House

JAWS: This is legit one of the best movies of all time, now available to see in either IMAX or in 3D. I hope I have nightmares about a shark swimming at my face in a crowded movie theater from now on. That sounds like fun, for sure. Regal Old Mill

BARBARIAN: A woman arrives to her rental home but the dude that played Pennywise is already there. Most people would flee into the night, but then we wouldn’t have a movie, so she stays and deeply creepy horror ensues. This is a new horror classic from top to bottom. Regal Old Mill

BULLET TRAIN: Why yes, I would like to see Brad Pitt fight a train full of assassins as it speeds across Japan. When you’ve got one of the co-creators of the “John Wick” franchise behind the camera, that means there will be just as many jokes as punches and “Bullet Train” is just as goofy as it is exciting. Regal Old Mill

WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING: I really liked this book and actress Daisy Edgar-Jones is a fantastic new talent, so hopefully this Rural Noir murder mystery catches the imaginations of people unfa miliar with the story. If the reviews are accurate, the film doesn’t quite capture the same magic as the book does, but not many movies adapt novels very well in the first place. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub

DON’T WORRY DARLING: The media loves to talk about all the drama involved with the making of this one, but completely forgets that 1) Olivia Wilde directed the charming and lovely “Booksmart,” 2) Florence Pugh is one of the best actresses of her generation and 3) that this movie is actually an orig inal idea instead of a remake or comic book movie. I think it looks fantastic. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub, McMenamins

as Zizka and co-starring Michael Caine, this should be a bloody good time for fans of historical fiction. Regal Old Mill


THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER: Writer/director Taika Waititi is one our most innovative filmmakers and “Love and Thunder” is packed with mind-blowing visuals and some of his most irreverent humor yet. Don’t believe the negativity, this is an absolute blast. I hope we get Thor movies forever. Regal Old Mill

MOONAGE DAYDREAM: David Bowie. In IMAX. Glorious. Regal Old Mill

THE TERRITORY: A captivating look at the struggle between indigenous tribes and developers as the lo cals try to save as much as they can of the Amazon. This really shows you the power of documentaries and their ability to effect change. Tin Pan Theater

PEARL: A darkly funny and disturbing melodrama that acts as a prequel to last year’s modern horror classic “X,” Ti West and Mia Goth’s “Pearl” is a perverted and bloody "Wizard of Oz.” Truly one of the most original experiences of the year. Regal Old Mill, Tin Pan Theater

FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic  Your friendly local film reviewer’s takes on what’s out there in the world of movies. Courtesy IMdb Prepare to get your scare on with "Barbarian." TICKETS: ONDA.ORG/FILMFEST PRESENTED BY A BENEFIT FOR Photo: Rick Samco 541.383.0800 | This special edition brought to you by On Stands: Oct 6 Ad Deadline: Sept 29 Breakfast & Lunch —GUIDE — — — Whether you prefer sweet or savory, veggie or deli, light and crunchy, or rich and heavy, we’ve got the lowdown on the best breakfast and lunch options in town. Readers will sink their teeth into this easy to explore format. Advertise in the Source Weekly’s Breakfast and Lunch Guide and bring home the bacon! local20%-50%SAVEonyourfavoritebusinessesPurchase discount gift certificates online at

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON: Did you fall in love with the hilarious and touching YouTube vid eos of Marcel (voiced by the luminous Jenny Slate) when they came out a few years ago? Of course you did. Well, this feature length story about the little shell searching for his people is one of the sweetest and kindest movies of the last few years. A joy. Tin Pan Theater

AVATAR (RE-RELEASE): To get people hyped for the new “Avatar” movie that’s coming out in December, Disney is re-releasing the original to remind people that that was a thing back in 2009. I haven’t seen it in years, but I remember “Avatar” having cool 3D and a plot that reminded me how much I love “Fern Gully.” Regal Old Mill

MEDIEVAL: A Czech historical action drama about Jan Zizka, a Bohemian military commander who never lost a battle. With the always great Ben Foster

THE WOMAN KING: An historical drama/action movie about the Agojie, the all-female warrior unit that protected the African kingdom of Dahomey in the 1800’s. Featuring an absolutely fierce perfor mance by Viola Davis, this is a solid if flawed epic. See full review on page 30. Regal Old Mill

MY OLD SCHOOL: Go into this hybrid documentary knowing nothing except that it’s so much stranger than fiction. Will melt your brain and help redefine what humans will do to achieve their dreams. Tin Pan Theater

DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: This animated adventure sees The Rock and Kevin Hart as the voice of Superman and Batman’s respective dogs that must team up to save their respective Super Partners. Regal Old Mill

THE SILENT TWINS: The true story of twin sisters living in a small town in Wales that would only communicate with each other. A deep dive into institutional racism, this is a remarkable story I had never heard of before now. Regal Old Mill

TOP GUN: MAVERICK: There’s a reason why Tom Cruise is the last true movie star and it’s mostly because he’s that perfect blend of creepy, weird and desperate to entertain us—and boy does he. Talk about a highway to the danger zone. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub

Courtesy ONDA



The tour consists of 10 films that ONDA selected for this year’s event, which include in-person viewing at the Tower Theatre or online streaming at

“I’mhome.glad to be bringing a handful of films that are specific to the northwest ern United States (“Finding Salmon” (2 min.), “Guardians of the River” (14 min.), “Land of the Yakamas” (9 min.), as it’s always fun to see gorgeous films from places we know well,” said Hart.

Internationally, “The Bat Woman and Bat Man of India” (7 min.) features two Indian chiropteran researchers at Osmania University whose passion for bats and each other wasn’t inspired by wine and roses, but rather by dead bats,

Another river-related film, “The Voice of a River” (11 min.) is the story of Mark Dubois, who protested the flood ing of the Stanislaus River by chaining himself to a rock upstream of the New Melones

which they exchanged as endearing gifts. Their unique relationship led them on a unique and at-times-dangerous journey

to protect bat species in India, in partic ular the Kolar leaf-nosed bat that hadn’t been observed in India since the 1980s.

“Ghost Ponds” (12 min.) tells the story of disappearing habitat in England and Wales as agriculture fills in ponds and wetlands at an accelerated rate. The buried ponds leave a “ghostly” mark on the landscape that researchers target to unearth seeds buried in the sediments to revive these dead habitats.

“The main thing I want the audi ence to take away from the festival is how impactful one person can be when it comes to conserving and stew arding our earth,” said Hart. “I want folks to feel inspired to get involved and to understand that however they choose to engage—donating, volunteer ing or advocating—it all matters. Our community of supporters makes our workGeneralpossible!”admission tickets are avail able online from the Tower Theatre. Doors open at 5 pm and all proceeds go to benefit ONDA’s work to protect, defend and restore Oregon’s high des ert wild lands, waters and wildlife. For streaming, the virtual waiting room opens at 5:30pm, and only one house hold member needs to register for this free option.


Wild and Scenic Film Festival Fri., Sept. 30 6-8pm Tower Theatre 835 NW Wall St.,

By Damian Fagan

“On Tour” show presented by ONDA on September 30 at the Tower Theatre

Courtesy ONDA

Wild and Scenic Film Festival Rolls into Bend

“Guardians of the River” shares the vision of Klamath tribal leaders and their vision of removing four dams along the Klamath River to restore salmon runs, riparian habitat and tribal justice.

“The Wild & Scenic Film Festival was started by the South Yuba River Citi zens League,” said Hana Hart, ONDA membership and engagement coordi nator. “Each year they bring over 100 short films to their festival, and then they offer a selection of those films as ‘on tour’ films and allow other nonprof its to curate a lineup of films and bring a shorter, on-tour version of the festival to their hometown.”

nspiration happens through various formats. The Wild and Scenic Film Festival presented by Oregon Natu ral Desert Association and sponsored by E2Solar at the Tower Theatre brings inspiration through visual storytelling on Friday, Sept. 30. The short films high light activists working on environmental issues across the globe. And in the case of “National Parks ‘One Star Reviews’” they also poke a little fun at irreverent reviews of America’s crown jewels.

“Originally,Dam. the goal behind the film was to celebrate Earth Day and the Executive Producers (Monica Gonzalez and Jarvis Smith) and Citrix (sponsor of the film) were exploring different angles for a short piece on the topic, the story of Mark Dubois and his activism in the face of the New Melones Dam project in 1979,” said Carlos Gonzalez, owner of Illumirit Productions. “Mark’s connec tion to the Stanislaus was undeniable and I felt one of the more powerful ways to have a discussion about conservation of this planet.” Dubois’s actions show how one person can influence change.


"The Voice of a River" tells the story of an activist who chained himself to a rock to help save the Stanislaus River.

"Denizens of the Steep" contrasts the joy of backcountry skiing with the threatened extinction of bighorn sheep.


Vote at more information on educational events follow website

6:30pm For

NO on 9-152 Protect Access to Mental Health Services in Our Community. VoteVoteNO9152Noon9-152 Deschutes County Curious about psilocybin? Please join us at our FREE Psilocybin Educational Q&A Session at Embark CoWorking Community. September 22nd

Street Dog Hero 5K Sun., Sept. 25, 10am

Free to watch; $45 entry fee for adults/$10 kids run

Street Dog Hero has been providing dogs with forever homes since 2017, while also making efforts to spay/neuter animals, educate the community and advocate for animal

treet Dog Hero is giving Central Oregon a reason to run this weekend. For all ages and all experience levels, the Street Dog Hero Third Annual Heroes on the Run 5K event is back. Attendees can listen to live music, meet adoptable dogs, run for a cause and find their favorite food cart to eat lunch after the race. What else could you want out of a Sunday?

Central Oregon is running a 5K for the dogs

Attendeeswellness. canbuy

raffle tickets to support Street Dog Hero’s efforts to give good lives to dogs around the world. The raffle prize winners will be announced at 1:15pm. Listen to live local music performances, enjoy a beer at the mini-pub beer garden and grab some lunch after the races and while waiting for runners and the raffle announcements. Get out there, run for the dogs and maybe meet your new bestie!

Street Dog Hero


Heroes on the Run will be held at the Athletic Club of Bend starting at 10am and includes kids, dogs and adults who are ready to raise awareness for rescuing street dogs around the world. Registration opens at the beginning of the event, and the first kids’ race will kick off at 10:30am. The main event is the 5K race starting at 11am. A second kids mini-course race will follow at 12:30pm.

By Allie Noland

and social media:


Athletic Club of Bend 61615 Athletic Club Dr.,


At this 5K event, people can enjoy one of the last warm weekend days on the beautiful Deschutes River. The race starts at the Athletic Club of Bend, takes run ners down to the river, along the Deschutes River Trail, down to the Old Mill area and then back up and around to the club. Every step of this scenic 3.1-mile loop is to help find dogs forever homes.


Research has shown that psilocybin-assisted therapy is safe and effective in treating anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions.


RethinkingNorthwestCRAFTBrewersDrinking with Craft ‘Near Beer’

There are a bunch of ways to make nonalcoholic beer. One is to brew reg ular beer and then later remove the alcohol with pressure or heat. Anoth er option is to control the fermenta tion, so the batch produces minimal or no alcohol to begin with. Blonden takes that

“Whilebeer.the craft brewing industry is amazingly collaborative and most breweries will happily talk recipes and process with other breweries, the NA brewing world is the exact opposite,” Monroe wrote. “Most NA breweries spend an immense amount of time and resources on research and develop ment and therefore closely guard their processes as proprietary trade secrets. (The) blog is intended to be the anti dote to that.”

alf a dozen Pacific Northwest craft breweries are diversifying into making nonalcoholic beer. But instead of brewing bland and watery “near beer,” they’re injecting quality and variety into a space that used to be dominated by a few national brands. A swelling customer base is lapping it up.

nonalcoholic beer pour into the market.

“This is Self Care ‘Fresh Cut!’ It’s a pale ale,” Blonden announced as an assistant emptied the bags of fra grant hops into a stainless steel tank. Blonden’s team has plans to brew sever al different styles of fresh hopped beers during the harvest season. This brewery is one of the first in the nation to extend the distinctive, aromatic seasonal treat to the nonalcoholic segment.

Brewers are diversifying into nonalcoholic beers after 20% growth in sales

Broadly speaking, the technique is called manipulated or arrested fermen tation. Craft brewers prefer it because it preserves the flavor and body of the beverage without requiring addition al expensive technology. To be sold as nonalcoholic in most states, an adult beverage needs to have less than 0.5% alcohol content.

By Tom Banse via Northwest News Network

The next entrant from the region into the nonalcoholic segment could be Figurehead Brewing Company in Seat tle, where co-owner and head brewer Bob Monroe has been cutting against the grain by blogging about his exper iments to create a “great tasting” non alcoholic


This story originally appeared on Northwest News Network and is published here through a partnership with Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Craft brewers said they are seeing the target audience spill well beyond designated drivers and people in recov ery minding their sobriety. Athletes are choosing the zero-proof lagers. Health-conscious millennials are driving growth. The quality improvement eased the possible stigma of being seen drink ing “near beer” at a bar or barbeque.

“A lot of our pilsners do really well,” Blonden said. “The Bohemian Brew that just came out is wonderful. That’s based on a Czech pilsner that I special ize Inin.” Oregon, Deschutes Brewery now makes a nonalcoholic version of its signature Black Butte Porter. Also from Bend, Crux Fermentation Proj ect competes with an IPA and a Hazy IPA. Crux’s marketing director, Jason Randles, said sales at retail in Oregon of nonalcoholic beer are up 20% in the year to date while most other beer seg ments are down.

The past couple years have seen a case full of flavors and styles of

“I’veapproach.toldeverybody it’s challeng ing,” he said. “And no, I won’t tell you exactly how we do it.”

“We see this trend continuing as craft beer drinkers look for healthier options and more occasions to enjoy locally made, high quality beer,” Ran dles said via email. “We’re also seeing strong support from retailers like Safe way, Fred Meyer, Whole Foods, and evenThisCostco.”month, Sawtooth in Idaho is coming out with a seasonal Oktober fest brew under its nonalcoholic Atmos Brewing label. Bend-based 10 Bar rel Brewing Company is the newest to join the party with a full-flavored, alco hol-free IPA it released in August.


The kettle was already hot when the co-owner and the head brewer at Three Magnets Brewing Company arrived last Wednesday with a load of freshly har vested hops from the Willamette Val ley. Brewer Aaron Blonden got right to work at the brewpub in Olympia.

Answer for the week September

s." Samuel

12, 2022 “I’m not good and tired, just tired.” Mae West © Pearl

Pearl’s Puzzle Difficulty Level Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once. WRITE FOUL The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: “Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in ______s we more than gain in ______s.” - Samuel Butler We’re Local! Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark pearl@bendsource.comat © Pearl ★ ★ ★ (©2021 ACROSS1Stop shooting a film 5 Movie with undead characters played for laughs 11 Jab with a fork 14 Really, really dislike 15 “Positions” singer Grande 16 Jay-Z’s nickname 17 “___ cost ya” 18 Twice-inducted Basketball Hall of Fame Duke legend, for short 19 Middle eastern potentate 20 “___ Lets Flats” 22 Rode around in a 27-Down 24 Brown under the sun 25 Choose not to participate 29 Give a speech 30 En fuego 31 Airplane wing parts 32 Covered with a fine watery spray 33 “Manningcast” co-host 34 ___-Coburg-Gotha 35 60 secs. 36 State-of-the-art, and a hint to five extra answers in this puzzle 40 Grp. that runs 41 Puddle of ___ 42 Nutty hiker’s snack 45 Actress Knightley 48 End-of-the-semester test 49 Butter substitute 50 “Rule, Britannia!” composer Thomas 51 Back drop? 52 Knee-hiding skirt 53 Scrubber in the kitchen 55 “Cheers” barfly Cliff 57 NBA bio stats 58 Wearing a cap, say 62 ___ a time 63 Sch. with the a cappella group The Cho rallaries 64 Each 65 Sir or Sergeant, e.g. 66 It has a chilling effect 67 “Love Actually” co-star 68 Filled to the max DOWN1Ref’s tool 2 Do similar to a mullet 3 It’s lowest point is the Milwaukee Deep 4 Hunter’s skin 5 Marlins pitcher Gallen 6 The first blank in “___ y ___” 7 British actress Goth 8 Plant with prickles 9 Boiling, perhaps 10 Sort of shark 11 Barber’s tools 12 Certain tabby 13 Get high? 21 Hempstead university 23 Flattening, in the ring 26 The second blank in “___ y ___” 27 See 22-Across 28 Night to try out some new material 32 Pianist’s starting place 35 Military award 37 International delegate, briefly 38 Filth 39 Narcissist 43 Italian manufacturer of typewriters 44 Called back 45 Led Zeppelin song that begins “Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face” 46 Blue literature 47 Very worried 48 Losing trend 51 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall city 54 Backup strategy 56 “___ love, hon!” 59 From southern Asia 60 Opportunity cost subj. 61 ___ Xiaoping ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLES “I’m not good and tired, just tired.” - Mae West Puzzle for the week of Sep 19, 2022 Difficulty Level: ●●●○ Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters W R I T E F O U L exactly once. The

“I’m not good and tired, just tired.” Mae West © Pearl

By Brendan Emmett Quigley highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will "Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in we more than gain in Butler

Answer for the week September 12, 2022



Puzzle for the week of Sep 19, 2022


The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: "Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in s we more than gain in s."

Difficulty Level: ●●●○

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters W R I T exactly once.

Samuel Butler

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Poet Susan Howe describes poetry as an “amorous search under the sign of love for a remembered time at the pitchdark fringes of evening when we gathered togeth er to bless and believe.” I’d like to use that lyrical assessment to describe your life in the coming days—or at least what I hope will be your life. In my astrological opinion, it’s a favorable time to intensify your quest for interesting adventures in intimacy; to seek out new ways to imagine and create togetherness; to collaborate with allies in creating brave excursions into synergy.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh was born under the sign of Libra. He said, “The root-word ‘Buddha’ means to wake up, to know, to understand; and he or she who wakes up and understands is called a Buddha.” So according to him, the spiritual teacher Siddhartha Gautama who lived in ancient India was just one of many Buddhas. And by my astrological reckoning, you will have a much higher chance than usual to be like one of these Buddhas yourself in the com ing weeks. Waking up will be your specialty. You will have an extraordinary capacity to burst free of dreamy illusions and murky misapprehensions. I hope you take full advantage. Deeper understand ings are nigh.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the coming weeks, you should refrain from wrestling with problems that resist your solutions. Be discern ing about how you use your superior analytical abilities. Devote yourself solely to manageable dilemmas that are truly responsive to your intelli gent probing. PS: I feel sorry for people who aren’t receptive to your input, but you can’t force them to give up their ignorance or suffering. Go where you’re wanted. Take power where it’s offered. Meditate on the wisdom of Anaïs Nin: “You cannot save people. You can only love them.”

Homework: What’s the best change you could make that would be fairly easy to accomplish? A Quantum Healing Center It is an egg shaped, patented chamber that utilizes sound, light, and sacred geometry to realign your energies so your body can do what it does best, heal itself. Head to our website to learn more. What is a Harmonic Egg? Ongoing events at Spark Wellness: • Meditations every Monday evening 6:30-8pm • Metaphysical Book Club every 3rd Thursday of the month 541.604.2440 210 SW 5th St. Suite 4 Redmond, OR @sparkwellnessredmond97756 The signs of child abuse are not always obvious. Learn how to spot the signs. A child may thank you. Visit Could you spot a child distress?in

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Author Colin Wil son describes sex as “a craving for the mingling of consciousness, whose symbol is the mingling of bodies. Every time partners slake their thirst in the strange waters of the other’s identity, they glimpse the immensity of their freedom.” I love this way of understanding the erotic urge, and rec ommend you try it out for a while. You’re entering a phase when you will have extra power to refine and expand the way you experience blending and merging. If you’re fuzzy about the meaning of the words “synergy” and “symbiosis,” I suggest you look them up in the dictionary. They should be fea tured themes for you in the coming weeks.

By Rob Brezsny

innate wisdom. 6. Open yourself more to receiving help and gifts.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Conduct your blooming in the noise and whip of the whirlwind,” wrote Gemini poet Gwendolyn Brooks. I love that advice! The whirlwind is her metaphor for the chaos of everyday life. She was telling us that we shouldn’t wait to ripen ourselves until the daily rhythm is calm and smooth. Live wild and free right now! That’s always good advice, in my opin ion, but it will be especially apropos for you in the coming weeks. Now is your time to “endorse the splendor splashes” and “sway in wicked grace,” as Brooks would say.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Don’t look away,” advised novelist Henry Miller in a letter to his lov er. “Look straight at everything. Look it all in the eye, good and bad.” While that advice is appealing, I don’t endorse it unconditionally. I’m a Canceri an, and I sometimes find value in gazing at things sideways, or catching reflections in mirrors, or even turning my attention away for a while. In my view, we Crabs have a special need to be self-pro tective and self-nurturing. And to accomplish that, we may need to be evasive and elusive. In my as trological opinion, the next two weeks will be one of these times. I urge you to gaze directly and en gage point-blank only with what’s good for you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23Nov. 21): I invite you to be the sexiest, most intriguing, most mys terious Scorpio you can be in the coming weeks. Here are ideas to get you started. 1. Sprinkle the phrase “in accordance with prophecy” into your conversations. 2. Find an image that symbolizes rebirth and revitalization arising out of disruption. Meditate on it daily until you actually experience rebirth and revitalization arising out of disruption.

3. Be kind and merciful to the young souls you know who are living their first lifetimes. 4. Collect deep, dark secrets from the interesting people you know. Employ this infor mation to plan how you will avoid the trouble they endured. 5. Buy two deluxe squirt guns and two knives made of foam rubber. Use them to wage playful fights with those you love.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): To honor your entrance into the most expansive phase of your astrological cycle, I’m calling on the counsel of an intuitive guide named Nensi the Mercury Priest ess. She offers the following advice. 1. Cultivate a mindset where you expect something unexpected to happen. 2. Fantasize about the possibility of a surprising blessing or unplanned-for miracle. 3. Imagine that a beguiling breakthrough will erupt into your rhythm. 4. Shed a few preconceptions about how your life story will unfold in the next two years. 5. Boost your trust in your deep self’s


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Let’s imagine you are in your office or on the job or sitting at your kitchen table. With focused diligence, you’re working on solving a problem or improving a situ ation that involves a number of people. You think to yourself, “No one seems to be aware that I am quietly toiling here behind the scenes to make the magic happen.” A few days or a few weeks later, your efforts have been successful. The problem is resolved or the situation has improved. But then you hear the people involved say, “Wow, I wonder what happened? It’s like things got fixed all by themselves.” If a scenario like this happens, Cap ricorn, I urge you to speak up and tell everyone what actually transpired.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Social reformer Fred erick Douglass (1817-1895) had a growlery. It was a one-room stone cabin where he escaped to think deep thoughts, work on his books, and literally growl. As a ge nius who escaped enslave ment and spent the rest of his life fighting for the rights of his fellow Black people, he had lots of reasons to snarl, howl, and bellow as well as growl. The coming weeks would be an excellent time for you to find or create your own growlery, Tau rus. The anger you feel will be especially likely to lead to constructive changes. The same is true about the deep thoughts you summon in your growlery: They will be extra potent in helping you reach wise practical decisions.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Tips to get the most out of the next three weeks: 1. Play at least as hard as you work. 2. Give yourself permission to do anything that has integrity and is fueled by com passion. 3. Assume there is no limit to how much generous joie de vivre you can summon and ex press. 4. Fondle and nuzzle with eager partners as much as possible. And tell them EXACTLY where and how it feels good. 5. Be magnanimous in every gesture, no matter how large or small. 6. Even if you don’t regard yourself as a skillful singer, use singing to transform yourself out of any mood you don’t want to stay in.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): There’s an ancient Greek saying, “I seek the truth, by which no one ever was truly harmed.” I regard that as a fine motto for you Sagittarians. When you are at your best and brightest, you are in quest of the truth. And while your quests may sometimes disturb the status quo, they often bring healthy transfor mations. The truths you discover may rattle rou tines and disturb habits, but they ultimately lead to greater clarity and authenticity. Now is an excel lent time to emphasize this aspect of your nature.



Those were the early Boomer days of Vietnam War protests, freewheel ing counter-culture movements, Wood stock and lots of experimentation with psychedelics. Alarmed by the social upheaval and what then-President Rich ard Nixon considered rampant LSD use by young Americans, he instigated the War on Drugs in the mid-‘60s. In 1970, Congress passed the Controlled Sub stance Act, effectively halting research on the health benefits of psychedelic mushrooms.But50years later psilocybin stud ies are back. In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration proclaimed psilocybin a breakthrough therapy in treating severe depression, a designa tion the agency applies to drugs that demonstrate improvement over exist ing treatments. In 2021, the U.S. fed eral government finally re-entered the psilocybin research game, having left the funding during the hiatus to private institutions, including a 1990s Johns

According to a 2020 Pew Trust sur vey, “the Connecticut legislature has started the process toward legaliz ing centers in which veterans and first responders could be administered psi locybin…Texas, Utah and Washington state have set up task forces or funded research into the medical use of psilo cybin. Maryland has created a $1 million fund to study alternative treatments, including psychedelics, for PTSD or traumatic brain injury, and to pay for such treatments for veterans. Ballot ini tiatives that would legalize psilocybin are underway in Colorado and Califor nia. Ann Arbor, Michigan; Denver; Oak land, California; and Seattle, have passed measures that essentially decriminal ize psilocybin mushrooms …” We’re in what some refer to as the “Psychedelic Renaissance,” a bit ironic in that indige nous populations around the world have recognized the beneficial effects of psy chedelics for hundreds of years. It’s not the first time “modern” culture is late to the plant party.

In his book, “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psy chedelics Teaches Us About Conscious ness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence,” author Michael Pollan examines LSD, psilocybin, Ayahuasca and other compounds for “their poten tial to relieve several kinds of mental distress, including depression, anxiety, and

And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you’re going to fall Tell ‘em a hookah-smoking caterpillar Has given you the call. Call Alice…”


But not so Oregon fast. Just as with the 2016 process of cannabis legisla tion, Oregon’s psylocibin measure gives counties the ability to opt out. Many that did in 2016 are asking voters to do so again…although it should be noted the 2016 naysayers have since relaxed their opposition to cannabis and, thank you very much, are profiting from their change of mind. So how about a change of mind on this issue as well? How about clearing the way for regulated and supervised psilocybin uniformly avail able to help all Oregonians, young and old, in health- and life-enhancing ways we only just begin to understand? As Michael Pollan says, “This book has tak en me places I’ve never been—indeed, places I didn’t know existed.”

We’re in what some refer TOURS AND TREKS AND EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE TO TURN WINTER INTO THE BEST TIME OF YEAR extremely cool winter activities 541.383.0800 | On Stands 10. 13 Ad deadline 10.07

When she’s 10 feet tall

how you can help prevent child abuse. Sign up for a training today.

“Go ask Alice


Hopkins study that identified the ben efits of psilocybin when used to treat depression, chronic pain, addiction and anxiety. In 2020, Oregon voters approved a ballot measure to initiate a regulatory and licensing framework that, beginning in 2023, allows patients to take psilocybin under supervision. Oregon is the first state to do so.

As a child, Lewis Carroll’s dream scape masterpiece, “Alice In Wonder land,” was my first encounter with the notion that a mushroom was more than sauteed garnish for red meat or a healthy addition to salad. With the hookah-smoking Caterpillar in the role of what would now be referred to as a “trip sitter” to monitor her experience, Alice nibbled opposite sides of a mush room, one making her taller, the oth er—smaller. (She ultimately settled on her original height, interpreted by some to be Lewis Carroll’s way of encourag ing young people to accept themselves just as they are.) Grace Slick and her band Jefferson Airplane co-opted Alice’s mushroom adventures in the 1967 song “White Rabbit” to extoll LSD use:


But sometimes, some special times, taken separately or together, compas sion, modern research and aboriginal wisdom prevail, resulting in change that is for the good of the whole.

The health benefits of standard, over-the-grocery-counter mushrooms are well known. They’re a rich, low-cal orie source of fiber, protein, antioxi dants, vitamin D and zinc, and are an anti-inflammatory. Mushroom clubs, including in Central Oregon, are show ing up everywhere, as mushroom hunt ers search for porcini, chanterelles and truffles. No special legislation required for these hunter gatherers. That’s not the case for psychedelic varieties.

f change is the only constant, why is it so hard to change one’s mind about things? Witness the ill effects inflexi ble thinking is having on many aspects of our society.

“Severaladdiction.”ofthe scientists I profile,” he says, “are convinced psychedelics could revolutionize mental health care and our understanding of the mind.” All this sounds like a reason for anyone suf fering with chronic pain, stress, or men tal health challenges to celebrate!

home! 4 bedrooms 3.5 bath with a

family and dining room all flowing together perfectly. Master suite is


upstairs for 3


be used as a garage as well to make it 5 garage spaces. This is a rare find in a

Move-in ready home in a quiet NE Bend neighborhood in a great location. This light and bright home features recent improvements including new carpet, fresh interior & exterior paint, newly refinished hardwood floors and new LVT flooring.


deck with amazing


the family room with access to the

entertaining. Go

the Three


Secluded and private, this small acreage property has a park like setting with plenty of mature trees, conveniently located close to Bend and Redmond. This single level 3 bedroom 2 bath, 1622 sqft ranch style home, features open floor plan with vaulted ceilings. A large primary suite featuring numerous windows and vaulted ceilings. The primary bathroom includes dual vanities. An oversized deck looks outs over the property and a detached garage/shop features an insulated 12 ft garage door, with an additional 400 sqft art studio located on the second floor. The property includes 3.72 acres of COID irrigation irrigated by an underground system, a 20,000 gallon cistern, tool shed, chicken coup, and 400 amp service to the property. ACRES, BEND 97701 • $511,000

on the main level with the

A fully fenced back yard features nomaintenance Trex deck and storage shed, large gated access to back yard on both sides of the home. This Palmer home has a great floor plan. A Must See! Seller will credit buyer $13,000.00 towards buyers closing cost or rate buydown.

is another garage downstairs that has been converted into more

This is the family dream huge open living concept kitchen, just off of large views of Sisters Mt. Bachelor. Go bedrooms a large loft which is perfect for downstairs even office bonus room. Then there of bonus room, could perfect

PRICE REDUCED 64170 PIONEER LOOP, BEND 97701 • $810,000 www SkjersaaGroup com 5 41.3 83 14 26 1 033 NW Newpor t Ave Bend, OR 97703 Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty Oregon Real Estate Licensees CAPTIVATING MTN FARMHOUSE IN TETHEROW 61391 SW Skene Trail Built by the award-winning duo of Greg Welch Con struction and Jason Todd Designs. 3831 sq. ft, 4 bed, 4.5 bath, 4 car garage, exquisite appliance package, rear paver patio & large gathering around the firepit. OFFERED AT $2,995,000 BEAUTIFUL MTN VIEWS AT BRASADA RANCH 15632 SW Mecate Lane Brasada lot at .59 acres is slightly sloped for breath taking views of the Cascade Mountains, small pond for added privacy, and is located near exits for quicker access to Bend. OFFERED AT $249,000 PANORAMICVIEWSONAWBREYBUTTE 3240 NW Metke Place One of few remaining vacant Cascade mountain view lots in the coveted Awbrey Butte neighborhood. This property is elevated and the 0.74 acre size offers considerable privacy from nearby homes. OFFERED AT $499,000 STUNNING DISCOVERY WEST HOME 3095 NW Tharp Avenue 2180 sq.ft., 3 bed, 3 bath, flex space, slab quartz countertops, and a 2 car garage. Built by award winning collaboration of Mike Wilkins Construction & Jason Todd Designs. OFFERED AT $1,500,000 PRISTINE RAMBLING RANCH 61605 Summer Shade Drive 3 bed, 2 bath, 1344 sq.ft. home built in 1979, but feels like new with updated roof, new carpet, new flooring, Milgard wood-clad windows, 2 car garage, ample RV & trailer parking, fully fenced backyard & large kitchen. OFFERED AT $799,000 Terry Skjersaa Principal Broker, CRS Jason Boone Principal Broker, CRS Mollie Hogan Principal Broker, CRS GregBrokerMillikan Call for Price & Viewing550 NW FRANKLIN AVENUE, SUITE 108, BEND colleendillingham@gmail.com541-788-9991 Colleen Dillingham, Broker Offered for $1,595,000 lshatterly@gmail.com541-350-4136 liz Shatterly, Broker • 3672 Sq ft – 5BR 3 Bath • On 2.54 Acres • Main floor living • Open floor plan • Spacious kitchen w large island • Gas fireplace • Dry Sauna • Multi-generational possibility • Shop and double garage • RV parking/hookup n ew l i S ting — B oone SB orough 64676 m C g rath r D . B en D , or OPEN HOUSE SAT 11:30 - 2:30 Real Estate Sold By Real Experts TAKING REAL ESTATE SERVICE TO A HIGHER LEVEL THE KOHLMOOS TEAM Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. SANDY: 541.408.4309 · JOHN: 541.480.8131 SANDY KOHLMOOS, LICENSED BROKER IN OR JOHN KOHLMOOS, LICENSED BROKER IN OR WWW.KOHLMOOSREALTORSBEND.COM 1221 NW West Hills Avenue, Bend OR 97703 4 BED, 3.1 BATH, 3,883 SQ.FT, .49 ACRES Geoff Groener Licensed geoff.groener@cascadesir.com541.390.4488Broker Your Coastal & High Desert Connection MLS# 220152062 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED.



more space. Potential for an


your real estate

Q: Is it worth replacing the bed room carpet in a home I am planning on listing this winter? -Steve W.

Central Mailbag Answering questions

Oregon Real Estate

Q: Should I buy my first house right now? -Leslie R

A: Well… assuming it is just old as opposed not stained or really dirty, probably not. A lot of buyers plan on making their own changes to the home, so your money is best spent elsewhere. Where is the best place to spend mon ey? I think the best bang for your buck will always be with cleaning, declut tering, organizing. Whether you do it yourself or hire someone for the job, a tidy, clean, home shows so much better and appears to have much more value, than a cluttered dirty home. If you are willing to spend a little more getting

a pre inspection done on your home and having the ability to get the items fixed before being under a contractu al deadline, can take away a lot of the stress that comes with selling a home. Landscaping can also be a pretty cost effective way to raise the curb appeal of your home; fresh bark dust, gravel or a few plants and flowers (less effective in winter) can go a long way to adding curb appeal and value to your home.

A: Lots of ways to tackle this ques tion. The answer is not the same for everyone as everyone’s circumstances can be different. Sure, rates are high er today than they were a few months ago. The consolation prize is that pric es are down and inventory is up, so it is less of a seller’s market today, too. Buyers can begin to offer below asking price, as well as ask for certain conces sions to be made. I am not going to give you a speech about how "historically speaking rates are still low," because prices increased dramatically over the last couple of years. We are now see ing prices stabilizing, down a bit from "the peak" of Spring 2022. The answer to this question really lies with the indi vidual or family making the decision: Weigh your options, run through vari ous scenarios, but ultimately you must make the right decision for you or your family.

If you have a question about real estate, you would like answered or have a topic you would like covered, please reach out to me with your questions

TAKE ME HOME By James Keane Broker

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Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service HOME PRICE ROUNDUP 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1,497 sq ft, .06 acres lot. MID >> 2732 NW Ordway Ave., Bend $995,000 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. 1,648 sq ft, .08 acres lot. Built in 2018 Listed by Lisa Cole of Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices << HIGH 61295 Mountain Breezes Court, Bend $1,600,000 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms. 5,077 sq ft inside, 3.08 acres lot. Built in 1990 Listed by Lesli Fox of Cascade Hasson Sotheby’s International Realty

Update on a question from a few weeksBackago:in early August we were asked about how many cash vs financed pur chases had been occurring in Bend. While we don’t have the full 3 ter numbers, the most recent Beacon Report indicates that the number of cash purchases increased from quar ter 1 (34, 37, 45 transactions) to quar ter 2 (50, 56, 43 transactions) and so far quarter 3 (52, 47, ? September transac tions). Not any real noticeable trends, especially if you are looking at the Bea con’s graph (check out Beacon Apprais al Group’s website). Looking back through 2020 and 2021 there were more cash transactions going on back then, when compared to right now. That could be explained by people pur chasing a property in cash due to the competitive nature of the real estate market the last couple of years, and lat er taking out a mortgage after the pur chase was complete. I will update this again in the 4

Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. 541.383.7600 | BEND | 3026 NW FAIRWAY HEIGHTS DR $1,100,000 | 3 BD | 4 BA | 3,076 SF • Backs up to the 3rd hole of Rivers Edge Main level living; Primary on main floor • Large soaking tub & walk in closet • Each bedroom is an ensuite w/deck access • Hardwood flooring on main level MLS# 220148993 Melody Luelling & Mariah Luelling | Brokers 541.948.3107 | WESTSIDE NW STYLE HOME BEND | 455 NE UNDERWOOD AVE $1,080,000 | 8 BD | 4 BA | 3,000 SF • Single level 2 bed, 1 bath units 750 SqFt with private decks • All have gas wall furnaces; some w/ A/C • 4 designated parking, 3 guest spaces • 475 NE Underwood 4-plex also available MLS# 220147651 Melody Luelling & Mariah Luelling | Brokers 541.948.3107 | 4PLEX IN NE BEND BEND | 65025 92ND ST $925,000 | 4 BD | 3 BA | 2,853 SF • Stunning Cascade Mountain views • 1 acre lot • Detached 2 car garage • Large fenced and landscaped yard Plentiful possibilities MLS# 220148548 Mark Garcia | Broker 541.408.3781 | OPEN HOUSE 9/23 FROM 3-5PM BEND | 62967 LEVINS LN $995,000 | LAND | 2.68 ACRES • Broken Top and Mt. Bachelor Views Backs directly to 981 acre Shevlin Park • Tumalo Creek access 2.68 acres with Towering Pines • Ideal Custom Home Lot MLS# 220153638 Sharon Nyberg & Sam DeLay | Brokers 541.480.8774 | SKYLINE RANCH VIEW LOT BEND | 1221 NW WEST HILLS DR $2,100,000 | 5 BD | 4 BA | 3,883 SF True Midcentury Modern spirit • Floor to ceiling windows • Inground salt water pool • Oversized & fenced backyard(s) • 3 fireplaces perfect for all seasons MLS# 220152062 Nicolette Rice & Geoff Groener | Brokers 541.241.0432 | RARE OFFERING ON WESTSIDE BEND | 20480 MAZAMA PL $749,000 | 3 BD | 2.5 BA | 2,296 SF • Loads of curb appeal & design features • Roomy vaulted bonus room Dedicated office just inside the entry • Private back yard with covered patio Full-size RV parking plus 3 car garage MLS# 220152281 Sam DeLay & Cole Billings | Brokers 541.678.3290 | SE BEND BEAUTY BEND | 61250 CRESENT CT $875,000 | 3 BD | 2 BA | 2,012 SF | 0.53 ACRES • Open floor plan w/ vaulted ceilings • Landscaped gardens & level lawn Gated RV parking & additional park pad • Close proximity to schools, food & more • No HOA MLS# 220153487 Heather Wells | Broker 415.847.0740 | SOPHISTICATED HOME BEND | 63163 BOYD ACRES RD $539,000 | 3 BD | 2.5 BA | 1,810 SF • Large outdoor patio • Solar Panels Hardwood flooring on main level • Separate Office/Den • New Exterior & Interior paint MLS# 220149039 Kira Camarata & Lisa Lamberto | Brokers 541.610.9697 | HANDSOME NE BEND HOME Work with the most effective brokerage in Bend Market Share Repo rt Bend, Orego n Real Estate All Pro perties & Price Po ints 01/o 1/2022 08/16/2022 (per MLSCO) 0100,000,000200,000,000300,000,000400,000,000500,000,000600,000,000700,000,000800,000,000900,000,000 CHSIR Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 $817,589,212 $260,973,521 $227,092,419 $209,227,507 $166,733,230 MillionsinAmountsDollar Top 5 Brokerages 21% To tal market share in the regio n 3.1x Mo re so ld vo lume than o ur nearest co mpetito r 120M Higher than o ur nearest 3 co mpetito rs co mbined 0100,000,000200,000,000300,000,000 CHSIR Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 $817,589,212 $260,973,521 $227,092,419 $209,227,507 $166,733,230 Dollar Top 5 Brokerages 21% To tal market share in the regio n 3.1x Mo re so ld vo lume than o ur nearest co mpetito r 120M Higher than o ur nearest 3 co mpetito rs co mbined 01/01/2022 - 08/16/2022 (Source MLSCO)

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