Source Weekly September 29, 2022

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There’s so much to celebrate inside this issue of the Source Weekly: a story covering the 25th festival for Sis ters Folk, an overview of the upcoming Fungi Fest in Sunriver, a preview of films to see at the upcoming Bend Film… and with the sweet also comes the salty, because also inside this issue is information on two beloved com munity members we lost this week. It’s hard to imagine a Source Weekly without the upbeat musings of natu ralist Jim Anderson; likewise, it’s hard to imagine a Bend drag scene without Cult of Tuck founder Deb Auchery. Tributes to both of those great people are inside this issue, with more to come in future issues. Sit back, peruse these pages, and as always, thanks for reading!


VOLUME 26 ISSUE 39 / SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY 3 The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2021 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2021 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines. Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 10am, Mondays Classified Deadline: 4pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.
the Cover: Cover design by Jessie Czopek Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:
Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t.
f. The last of the summer wildflowers match the vibrancy of the Central Oregon sunset in this beautiful pho to from @n8_vines. Central Oregon’s trails are lined with these flourishing wild blossoms. Make sure to get outside, and enjoy them while you can. Thanks for tagging us in this! Don’t forget to share your photos with us and tag @sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as out Lightmeter. Winners receive a free print from @highdesertframeworks. LIGHTMETER: PRESENTED BY HARVEST
WOODWORKS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: @n8_vines HARVESTMOONWOODWORKS.COM CUSTOM. CABINE TS 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 10 - Feature 13 - Source Picks 15 - Sound 16 - Calendar 48 - Chow 52 - Screen 56 - Outside 58 - Craft 59 - Puzzles 60 - Astrology 61 - Column 63 - Real Estate BECOME A SUPPORTER! Your one-time or recurring contribution helps support investigative journalism and fun, smart reporting on local food, events and more! EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - REPORTER Jack Harvel- REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Allie Noland - COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Damian Fagan, Joshua Phillips, Sarah Mowry, Brian Yaeger SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Jessie Czopek - GRAPHIC DESIGNER Nathan Elston - ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat, Trinity Bradle DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer - PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770 Beautiful New Stylesin StockFallinto Bed a New Hwy 20 East across from Pilot Butte Locally Owned • Since 1993 All at the Guaranteed Lowest Prices in Central Oregon! Purchase discount gift certificates online at 25% Off $25 at Cafe Sintra - SUNRIVER $25.00 value for $18.75


Yes on 9-155 – Bend-La Pine Schools bond

oters in the Bend-La Pine Schools district have a consistent track record of supporting bonds for the construction and maintenance of local schools. Recent bond funding has seen the construction of both a new ele mentary school and a new high school in Bend—projects that have helped a district with a steady stream of new residents keep pace and mitigate over crowding. This next round of general obligation bonds seeks to both repair and maintain the assets BLPS already has, while also adding some safety fea tures that, sadly, appear necessary in the U.S. in the 21st Century. Some of the $249.7 million in bond funds would be used to add door mechanisms to each classroom in the district, allow ing those inside to confirm that a door is locked even while across the room. Other funds would go toward fire “life safety systems,” as well as to repairs and maintenance of buildings. And while these bond funds would not fully cover the cost of getting Bend Senior

High School’s facilities up to par with the other high schools in the district, the funds would begin to replace some of the most dilapidated parts of Bend’s oldest high school. These are projects that serve to address safety, and in the case of Bend High, equity in the dis trict, and voters should support them.

Notably, with the expiration of old er bonds in the district, this latest bond request would not raise the tax rate for property owners within the tax district—another reason why voters should have no problem saying “yes.” Educators in our schools have con sistently faced tremendous division within the community and dealt with numerous challenges over the past few years. Not supporting this essen tial bond measure should not be one of the challenges they should have to face going forward. Vote yes on Measure 9-155 Administrative School District No. 1 (Bend-La Pine Schools) - Bonds for Safety Improvements, School Ren ovations and Preservation of Facilities.

Vote No on Measure 9-152 – Allow Psilocybin Manufacturing and Service Centers in unincorporated Deschutes County

If it feels like double jeopardy to be voting on a thing that we just voted upon in the last election cycle in 2020, that’s because it is. Two of the com missioners on the Deschutes Coun ty Board of Commissioners—Tony DeBone and Patti Adair—have voted in favor of placing this item on the bal lots of Deschutes County vot ers because they believe you don’t know what you voted for back in 2020. During his endorsement interview this month, DeBone told our editorial board just that— that he wanted to use this opportu nity, on taxpayers’ dimes, to re-explain what a psilocybin man ufacturing and/or service center would look like in the unincor porated county. To be fair, each county has the option to opt out of this pro gram under the letter of the law, but since the majority of Deschutes Coun ty voters already voted in 2020 in favor of the program, this measure is a colos sal waste of time and money coupled with a healthy dose of fearmongering.

Here’s what psilocybin therapy is going to look like: People will use a small amount of space in a regulat ed and secure indoor environment to

grow psychedelic mushrooms that peo ple in regulated, secure therapy pro grams can then consume to help them deal with anxiety, depression and oth er mental health concerns, under the supervision of trained professionals. What it won’t look like: a wild version of Woodstock where naked people run wild on the graveled roads of Tumalo.

With mental health concerns like the ones named above at an all-time high, and with every one from psy chotherapists to military veter ans seeing results from these ther apies, we maintain that society needs more opportunities to explore effective natural therapies, not few er. Vote no on Measure 9-152—” Con cerning psilocybin manufacturing and service centers in unincorporated Deschutes County.”— so that all peo ple in Deschutes County can see this emerging therapy come to fruition.

*Note: Voting “No” means you want to keep the current plan—to roll out a therapy program in Deschutes Coun ty—in place.

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A lack of affordable housing, home lessness, worker shortages, a childcare “desert,” drought and wildfires. These are just a few of the challenges we are facing right now in Deschutes Coun ty. Our elected officials have made progress towards addressing these chal lenges but there is still much work to be done. Frankly, some of these officials are not up to the task.

Moving forward we need leaders who will prioritize tackling the complex problems instead of wasting resources on ideological crusades. Leaders who are forward looking, not shortsight ed. Leaders who listen to experts and make decisions based on facts, not anec dotes. Leaders who are compassionate.

Morgan Schmidt is the type of leader that the Deschutes County Commission needs right now.

Morgan has 15 years of public ser vice experience and is the Chair of the Homeless Leadership Coalition’s Com munity Engagement Committee and the Presbytery of the Cascades Wildfire Response Committee, but she is best known for her work during the pandem ic. In March 2020, Morgan formed Pan demic Partners, an online forum with a simple premise, “If you need help, ask; if you can give help, do.” Thou sands of Central Oregonians received much-needed assistance through Pan demic Partners. In fact, Pandemic Part ners was so successful that Morgan received requests from other cities to help them establish similar programs.

Morgan evaluated the needs of her community, listened to public health experts and took action. I am confident she will be an excellent and effective County Commissioner.

Please join me and vote for Morgan Schmidt this November.

Central Oregonians know the top ic of “water” has everyone’s attention. To effectively address water-related issues, electing Jamie McLeod-Skinner as our Congressional District 5 Repre sentative will help immensely, as water and other natural resource sciences are the foundation of Jamie’s training. She understands how landscapes respond to planned and unplanned changes. As a water law attorney and a civil engineer, she has expertise on the issues impact ing agriculture, water management and land development.

Jamie knows where and how commu nities can get results from local, state and federal agencies on water issues. She recently collaborated with com munity stakeholders to improve water access for farmers and ranchers affected by Oregon’s multiyear drought to pro tect their livelihoods. Jamie sits on the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, which provides grants to protect and restore healthy watersheds and habitats for thriving communities. As an emer gency response coordinator, she has on-the-ground experience in commu nity disaster preparedness and recov ery, including making infrastructure investments to upgrade water systems.  Through her years of work on water, drought, and fire issues, Jamie devel oped relationships with leaders and managers across Oregon and in D.C.; relationships we’ll benefit from when she is in Congress.

Jamie’s opponent has no water expertise.

With more people moving to the Pacific Northwest, impacts to water sup ply will be undeniable. We need lead ers who have water expertise. Jamie will work to protect our water and rural econ omies for future generations. Please look for what you can do to support Jamie

McLeod-Skinner’s campaign, for waterwise policies in Congress.


This is truly heartbreaking. Hav ing worked in an elementary school for many years that celebrated art and had many inspirational murals and art proj ect on display, I know how much com fort and joy kids get from being in a beautified environment that values chil dren and creativity. What a shameful and senseless decision. Just awful.

—Maia Yamasaki via

To me, this case brings up the issue of support for teachers. Having been a teacher, I know that many teachers are in this profession because it is a labor of love, hoping to make a difference, inspiring and motivating children. We all know that teaching is not a profes sion for those seeking material wealth! Through Covid, through school shoot ing scares, poor pay, poor resources, teachers are there because they love the kids and want to nurture and feed their sense of wonder and curiosity. Teach ers are the ones who are on the front lines, in the trenches, the ones actu ally interacting with and understand ing students—their anxieties, learning needs and what inspires. If you are a teacher, it is understood that a student cannot learn to read, to do arithmetic, understand history and science unless they feel grounded, secure, comfortable

and happy. Socio-emotional learning— how to be kinder and better citizens to each other and in the community—are an integral part of the whole picture of learning. And Mrs. Rodgers, by virtue of being on the front lines, actually inter acting with the children, knew what her children and others in the school need ed—inspiration, beauty, kind words— everything that was in the murals. She—not outdated rules that perhaps need to be reevaluated—knows better what the children need. What would you—school district, administration, parents, community—do to give much needed support and respect, a voice to your caring and hardworking teachers? Can we as a community ask, “What is best for the children?” and seek guid ance on this question from our teachers. When it comes to raising and nurtur ing and teaching our children... politics and personal egos need to take a back seat. That’s what (most) teachers do. Put children first. SO, listen to teach ers. Support them. In my opinion, not including Mrs. Rodgers and other teach ers in the decision to remove the mural lacked decency and respect for the teaching profession.

Letter of the Week:

Tomoko: Thanks for your words and for the note reminding us that kids are the reason schools exist. Come on by for your gift card to Palate! —Nicole Vulcan

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O Letters
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Firefighting in the Era of Megafires

Firefighters have drawn containment lines for 20% of the Cedar Creek Fire, and indirect lines for as much as half of it. How it’s fought and how it grew looks different than it did just 10 years ago.

The Cedar Creek Fire was just one of up to 30 spot ted after a lightning storm crossed the Cascades on Aug. 1. Rappelers went out in helicopters the next day to respond, but couldn’t find a safe access point to the then-5-acre fire. Helicopters dropped water on the fire most of Tuesday, but by Wednesday it’d grown to an estimated 100 acres.

Nearly two months later the fire is over 114,000 acres, and burning in inaccessible areas not conducive to building line support, using dozers and other direct firefighting techniques—so firefighters are using an “indirect” firefighting strategy. One thing the Cas cade Crest is conducive to is wildfires; good soil, plen ty of moisture and moss that spreads fires up trees and makes it easier to spread. An indirect strategy identi fies areas around the fire where firefighters can make a stand.

“That can be 100 feet, that could be 15 miles based on what you have available as options,” said North west Incident Management Team Operations Section Chief Chris Orr. “With the tremendous fire behavior that was coming out of this, you could not be close to it in a direct strategy; you come out to some dis tance where you’re much more likely to be successful by making a stand there. We look at areas with breaks in fuel, changes in typography in our favor and existing barriers that we could improve upon to be successful.”

The barriers can be roads, rivers or areas with more spread-out trees and foliage. On the Cedar Creek Fire, crews have about 20% of containment lines drawn, but the lines don’t connect all the way around—plus, con tainment lines don’t consider the indirect lines fire crews are working on now. Orr said they’ve dug about half of the indirect containment lines needed to iso late the fire.

He cites fuel accumulation from fighting other fires, and the resultant larger fires as reasons for the change in approach, with a lesser focus on “containment.”

“Years ago, when we were able to have smaller fires that we could get around, containment made more sense. The last six, seven years in the era of mega fires with the drought in the West, the fuel accumulations, the lack of resources, we’re not going direct on every fire anymore. So, containment is not the term that best fits it,” Orr said.

Firefighting strategies changed over the past decades as fires have spread faster, all while the wild land firefighting workforce shrank. In June about 20% of Oregon’s federal firefighter workforce positions were vacant.

A changing view of fire’s place in an ecosystem has also impacted how firefighting has changed. Fire is so built into the ecosystem that plants like the Lodgepole

pine’s cones must be exposed to high heat before they can release seeds. While firefighters 10 or more years ago may have rushed to extinguish a fire as quickly as possible, now they account for long-term impacts on the landscape.

“I keep going back to those same areas where we caught it small, and now it’s just burning all around it under worse conditions,” Orr said. “If we can have the conditions where we can allow fire to do its thing to

the west Northwest Incident Management Team 9 is “firing operations” to eliminate fuels and bring the fire closer to existing containment lines. The fire is about 15 miles east of Oakridge, which at one point evacuated the whole town. Now parts of the Deschutes and Wil lamette National Forests are subject to closure orders.

Smoke from the fire drifted into Central Oregon but has more often traveled northward. From there it can travel across the globe as it latches onto the jetstreams in the upper atmosphere.

“Some of our fires have gotten smoke on the East Coast. I have family in Michigan that has complained to me, ‘We’ve got your smoke,’” said Alan Hageman, NWIMT7’s public information officer. “If you’re healthy, it’s annoying. If you’re not healthy it can be a game changer.”

Once the fire is contained and even once it’s burned itself out there’s still work to be done. Wildfires leave hazardous burned-out trees in their wake that look healthy but can fall shortly after a fire ends.

reduce the fuel loading, buffer it for the next year and the next 30 years to come, we’re all in a better spot.”

The firefighters are working on an eastern and western front on the Cedar Creek Fire. In the east, the Northwest Incident Management Team 7 is working on reducing fuel along the Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway, Charlton Lake Road and several forest service roads. In

“There will be hazards from this fire, there will be, and those have to be identified and mitigated or removed before that access is there,” Hageman said.

As fires get bigger and faster, Orr and Hageman said people need to become more adjusted to life in an eco system prone to fire. Evacuation orders may be issued even if a fire is over 10 miles away. Smoke isn’t going to go away. And people will have to become responsible for their own property.

“I used to work in Yosemite, and in California defen sible space for a lot of people is like second nature. And then when I came to Oregon, it seems like not every body’s got the memo,” Hageman said.

Defensible space can involve whole remodels like replacing shake shingle roofs, using cement siding and decks and installing fire-resistant ventilation. It could also involve how a property is taken care of, including things like clearing wood from under decks, keeping firewood more than 30 feet away and not having trees and foliage near a house.

"If we can have the conditions where we can allow fire to do its thing to reduce the fuel loading, buffer it for the next year and the next 30 years to come, we’re all in a better spot.”
Courtesy of the National Incident Management Team Jack Harvel One
of three camps firefighters set up to host the nearly 2,000 people battling the Cedar Creek Fire is at Mount Bachelor.

Lowered Standards

Oregon standardized test scores dropped by 9%, and Central Oregon wasn’t immune to COVID learning loss

Standardized test scores are down by 9% in Ore gon, and both Bend-La Pine Schools and the Redmond School District trended down in all three subjects. The 2021-22 school year was the first time students have taken standardized tests since the 2018-19 school year, after the pandemic disrupted education.

Though test scores were down in BLPS they fared better than the state’s average decline in all subjects except science. In English 56% of BLPS students received passing grades compared to 60.7% in ‘18-19, a 44.9% pass rate in math compared to 49.4% and a 33.4% pass rate compared to 43%.

"While we avoided steep declines seen in some dis tricts across the nation, we did experience an overall dip," said Dave VanLoo, director of school improve ment at BLPS. "Likely these results are connected to the disrupted learning that students experienced during the pandemic, which included a variety of increased stressors both in and outside of school for families."

Redmond similarly saw scores drop to 45.5% pass ing from 52.8% in English, 32.8% from 42.9% in math and 30.9% from 34.5% in science.

“What we attribute that to mostly is the pandemic. So that lost learning that happened in the pandemic, things like attendance issues from having to quaran tine, the challenges of online learning, that’s what we think caused it,” said Holly Brown, public information officer for the Redmond School District. “Now that we’re back in school we are hoping that we can have better attendance and that face-to-face education.”

As standardized tests return from a COVID-caused hiatus, schools are starting to see the impact the pan demic had on student success. Nationally, reading scores declined more than they have in 30 years and math, decreasing for the first time since the National Center for Education Statistics started tracking scores. Averages scores fell 7% in math and 5% in reading for 9-year-old students.

“These are some of the largest declines we have observed in a single assessment cycle in 50 years of the NAEP program," Daniel McGrath, the acting associate commissioner of NCES, told National Public Radio. “Students in 2022 are performing at a level last seen two decades ago.”

All demographic groups saw scores slip national ly, but students of color and those attending less-af fluent schools saw more dramatic drops. Participation in Oregon’s standardized tests also dropped. In BLPS about 83.8% of students tested in reading in the ‘21-22 school year compared to 88.2% during the last round

Redmond saw an even greater drop, testing more than 10% fewer students than it did in the '18-'19 school year. Less than 70% of Redmond students took a stan dardized test in any of the three subjects.

“We wish that more people would participate, because the scores are meant to be a measurement standard. And if we’re not getting a great participation rate, then we can’t really properly assess that data,” Brown said.

Those numbers are critical for administrators to allocate resources. The data breaks down demographic groups and whether they participate in certain school

programs like English-language learning students and Special Ed students.

“Every year that the testing data comes out, we take a look and see in what areas what student focus groups that we might need to allocate some more resources to and try to improve those numbers,” Brown said. “We’re just hoping that more students will participate in the testing so that we can assess our programs, and real ly give the best education and devote the right assets where they need to be devoted to the school district.”

During the pandemic, Oregon was slower to return to in-person learning compared to other states, and though enrollment isn’t back at its pre-COVID peak in BLPS and RSD, students are slowly re-entering the pub lic school system. BLPS enrollment is pretty much the same as last year, but its online program has a total pop ulation of 180 students—about 70 fewer students than the district anticipated. In Redmond there are about 50 more students than last year, which may not indicate people returning to traditional schooling rather than standard growth from Redmond’s rising population.

“This school year, it looks like we had a standard increase. There wasn’t anything super surprising. But we are still under our pre COVID numbers by a little

“Every year that the testing data comes out, we take a look and see in what areas what student focus groups that we might need to allocate some more resources to and try to improve those numbers.”
Courtesy of the Brookings Institute The Brookings Institute tracked student achievement, showing a sharp decline in math scores at the start of the pandemic.
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La lucha contra incendios en la era de fuertes incendios

El incendio forestal de Cedar Creek fue solo uno de los 30 que se detec taron después de la tormenta de ray os a lo largo de Cascades el 1 de agosto. Personas descendieron en rapel del heli cóptero al día siguiente para responder al incendio pero no pudieron encontrar un punto de acceso seguro al incendio, en aquel entonces, de 5 acres. Los heli cópteros arrojaron agua sobre el fuego la mayor parte del martes, pero para el miércoles se había extendido a unas 100 hectáreas.

Casi dos meses después, el incendio se encuentra cerca de las 114,000 hectáreas y arde en zonas inaccesibles que no son propi cias para el apoyo de líneas de contención, de escabadoras y de otras técnicas directas de extinción de incendios, por lo que los bomb eros están usando una estrategia “indirecta” para extinguir incendios. Una cosa en la que Cascade Crest es propicia es a los incendios forestales; hay buen terreno, mucha hume dad y musgo que se esparce los incendios en los árboles y hace que se propague más fácil mente. Una estrategia indirecta identifica las zonas alrededor del incendio en dónde los bomberos pueden resistir al incendio.

“Puede ser 100 pies, eso podría ser 15 millas basado en lo que tenga uno dis ponible como alternativa,” dijo Chris Orr, Jefe del Equipo del Departamento de Operaciones del Equipo de Gestión de Incidentes del Noroeste. “Con el comportamiento tan impresionante del fuego que estaba surgiendo, no podías estar cerca de él durante una estrate gia directa; tienes que llegar a una cierta distancia en donde es mucho más prob able que tengas éxito si te situas allí. Buscamos zonas con fugas de combus tible, cambios en la tipografía a nuestro favor y barreras existentes que podría mos mejorar para tener éxito.”

Las barreras pueden ser los caminos, los ríos o las zonas con árboles y follaje más dispersos. En el incendio de Cedar Creek, las cuadrillas tienen marcadas cerca del 20% de líneas de contención, pero las líneas no se conectan completa mente, además, las líneas de contención no tienen en cuenta las líneas indirec tas en las que las cuadrillas de bomberos están trabajando ahora. Orr dijo que aproximadamente la mitad de las líneas de conteción indirecta estaban estable cidas.

Cita la acumulación del combustible al combatir otros incendios y los incen dios más extensos resultants, como las razones para el cambio de enfoque, con un menor enfoque en la “contención”.

“Hace años, cuando podíamos tener incendios más pequeños que podíamos enfrentar, el uso de la contención tenía más sentido. Los últimos seis, siete años en la zona de los megaincendios, con la sequía en el oeste, las acumulaciones de combustible, la falta de recursos, ya no vamos a dirigir directamente a cada incendio. Así que la contención no es el mejor de los terminos,” comentó Orr.

Las estrategias para combatir incen dios cambiaron en las últimas décadas a medida que los incendios se propagan más rápidamente, todo mientras que la fuerza laboral para combatir los incen dios se reduce. En junio, cerca del 20% de los puestos de trabajo de bomberos federales de Oregon estaban vacantes (about 20% of Oregon’s federal firefight er workforce positions were vacant.)

Una vez que esté contenido el incen dio e incluso una vez que se haya extin guido, aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer. Los incendios forestales dejan a

su paso peligro como lo son los árboles quemados que se ven saludables pero que pueden caerse poco después de que se apague el fuego. “Habrá peligro debi do a este incendio, lo habrá, y deberán ser identificados y mitigados o elimi nados antes que haya acceso” comentó Hageman.

A medida que los incendios son más grandes y más rápidos, las autoridades dijeron que las personas necesitan adaptarse más a la vida en un ecosiste ma propenso a los incendios. Se pueden emitir órdenes de evacuación inclu so si el incendio se encuentra a más de 10 millas de distancia. El humo no va a desaparecer. Y las personas tendrán que responsabilizarse de sus propios bienes.

Un espacio defendible puede invo lucrar una remodelación total, cómo reemplazar los techos de tejas, usar revestimiento y terrazas de cemento e instalar ventilación resistente al fuego. También podría incluir cómo cuidar una propiedad, incluyendo cosas como qui tar la madera que hay debajo de las ter razas, guardar la leña a más de 30 pies de distancia de la casa y no tener árboles o follaje cerca de la casa.


For the Love of Music

Sisters Folk marks its 25th festival this year. Between the festival, its year-round programming and educational opportunities in schools, its impact on Central Oregon is nothing short of astounding

Those who have attended the Sisters Folk Festival or any of its special program ming throughout the year already are in the know, but it bears repeating: the impact of this entity on Sisters, and wider Cen tral Oregon, is immense. What started as a small festi val celebrating folk music in the shoulder season in the small town of Sisters has grown to include songwrit ing and instrument-making classes in local schools, a songwriter’s academy connecting experienced and emerging musicians, year-round concerts, fund raisers that are events all in themselves, and now, with the purchase of the Sisters Artworks building in 2020, an outdoor venue that hosts concerts throughout the summer. A love of Americana music is the root of the effort, but that root has grown many branches in the three decades of its existence.

The festival has seen setbacks in recent years, with closures in both 2017 due to wildfire smoke and 2020 due to COVID. But now, with festival weekend happening in October, away from the heaviest impacts of fire season, the fes tival is marking its 25th year and is get ting ready to rock this weekend.

In honor of those 25 years of festi vals, the Source Weekly chatted with several of its past and present contrib utors, including this Q&A with Creative Director Brad Tisdel. The interviews have been edited for length and clarity.

Source Weekly: Sisters Folk Festival is celebrating its 25th festival this year— but the timeline is a bit more extended, right?

Brad Tisdel: The organization was started as a nonprofit in 1995 to pro duce the sisters Folk Festival. It was one venue at what is now the Sisters Middle School. They produced festivals in '95, '96, '97 and '98. I think in '98 it was at the present-day Meadows Village, just in kind of a dusty field, in a tent. They took 1999 off because they had lost a lit tle bit of money in the ‘98 festival. And, and in 2000, we came back strong with Kathy Deggendorfer helping bring quite a few sponsors and different communi ty members, and a little bit of a differ ent model. And that was the same year that we started the Americana Project as well. And I was asked, basically in sum mer of 2002, to help create and direct

the Americana Project, and we end ed up doing that and over the course of the next five years. From 2000 to 2005, we cre ated the Americana Proj ect, the Americana Song Academy and My Own Two Hands as a fundrais er for those programs, and it kind of took off from there.

SW: Give people a sense of what the Americana Project is.

BT: It’s the educational outreach program of the Sisters Folk Festival. For the past 22 years we’ve taught a class, if not two, at the high school, teaching guitar playing, songwriting, performing, recording—many guest artists, many different opportunities for young peo ple to perform, and it’s also about the history of roots music—blues, jazz, gos pel, folk and all the different aspects that make up what is now Americana music.

Over time we’ve developed program ming in partnership with the school dis trict—it really encompasses K-12 music & arts, visual arts programming. The other part too—in 2007, Tony Cos by and Jayson Bowerman started the Luthier Program, and that was build ing guitars with high school kids in the wood shop. A couple years after that, we took over the management, got a grant, upgraded a lot of the machinery and worked in tandem with Jayson Bower man and Tony really ever since.

And at this point, there’s been may be 470 or so guitars built and for a long time, they were building handmade uku leles as well. Probably a couple hundred of those were built and that program to this day still exists, and they’re building really nice handmade instruments.

SW: That’s super cool. I wondered, there’s now these kids, who for a long time have had this exposure to pro fessional musicians and things. And I imagine some of those have gone on to become musicians themselves.

BT: The people that come up for me are kind of still involved. I don’t even know what year it was, but probably 2007 or '08, we started the Song Acade my for Youth, and we produced that for about 12 to 14 years, bringing different alumni students back who would then teach at the Song Academy for Youth, which was kind of modeled after our

Song Academy that we’ve always done up there—Peter Smith who went on to create The Weather Machine and he’s still active musically for sure. Laura Curtis is someone that I’ve always kind of gone to because she pursued a pro fessional recording career and she’s not doing that necessarily anymore as a pro, but she definitely still plays and writes and sings. There’s a fella in town here that’s still involved, Drew Harrison, who is going to be part of our staff at the Academy this year. And then Benji Nagel is also someone that lives in Sis ters, has created a home in Sisters, has a family and still teaches and plays. He’s active in a whole bunch of bands all throughout Central Oregon.

The thing that I appreciate most is the intergenerational connection between all these young peo ple that have stayed really involved with us through My Own Two Hands and Americana and the Song Academy, and many of them have come back to teach and mentor.

SW: cool. That’s probably what makes your festi val so unique. So I guess the question out of that is, do you know of anoth er festival that invests so heavily in the education and this kind of loop that you’re talking about?

BT: tion. I know that there are many oth er festivals that have either kids

programming or kids’ camps before the festival, that kind of thing. I don’t know a lot that have partnerships with the local schools and a communi ty of young people around the creative


you’ve been so instrumental (haha) in making this festival what it is today. Can you give us an overview of your own tra jectory with Sisters Folk Festival?

BT: Well, thanks. And yet, I always have to be careful, you know, tooting my own horn because so many other peo ple have been involved in so many differ ent ways. Originally, I was a song contest finalist in the very first two years of the Sisters Folk Festival, and that’s how I got connected.

In ‘95 I moved to Sisters. I was only involved as a song contest finalist the first couple of years, but I knew about it and then I started working in the schools in ’97, and I was doing contract work with them around cooperative team building using music and drum ming and some retreats that I helped create. I was a connecting point when it was actually Philippe Malin who told

Kathy Deggendorfer, ‘There’s this guy in the schools, doing music stuff—you should talk to him.’ They came to me in the summer of 2000 and said, ‘We want you to help us start and create what we know we’d like to do, it’s called Ameri cana Project.’

My feeling was originally, I dig the history and the social significance of roots music but I’m a singer/songwriter and a musician first. So we have to get instruments in the hands of kids and teach them to write songs and perform and record and that kind of thing. So in 2000 that was the goal. Sisters Folk Fes tival didn’t really have a budget for a per son like me to do some of the work that I wanted to do. I had seen the song school at Rocky Mountain Folk Fest and I had attended a couple of years, late ‘90s. And so I came to Kathy asking if we could start our own songs school, and we did that at Caldera.

So I was sort of a connecting point between the Folk Festival and Caldera in starting the Americana Song Acade my and then that was originally intended to be kind of like a master class for high school kids that were in our program.

All these local kids were really into it and so you know, fortunately it was a creative sort of canvas for me, Kathy and others, including board members of the Folk Festival to just try different things. We started My Own Two Hands because we needed a fundraiser to help fund the programming that was original ly called Painted Strings, where I found acoustic guitars that had been donated to a pawn shop. Kathy had been at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival—this is like the long story, but we said, well, why don’t we use guitars as a canvas for art ists to create? And we did that with kids at the high school as well as professional artists and we raised almost $20,000, and

“The whole reason to get involved was to create a community that is a place I really wanted to live, and you can’t do that expecting everybody else to step up and do it for you, right? When we very first moved here, maybe 1997, I got on the Community Action team, and it was obvi ous that we needed something that was going to draw that creative community together. People always think of Sisters as being this place with lots of artists and you know, arts-based economy, but it’s because individuals are doing it.

“There was no real place where people could gather so I started working on that—trying to think, oh, maybe we will get the City to donate some money and we’ll have a space, have an art center. And every model I looked at like that was one of those places where, when times got tough, people would say, ‘I’m not paying taxes so they can do, you know, knitting classes there.’ It really has to be independent.

“So where Sisters Artworks is, [the building] sat on the market and sat on the market and sat on the market. And I finally, we just made an offer—my husband and I personally purchased the property and remodeled it and made it into Sisters Artworks, which was a place for different artists to come. And basically, the rent was subsidized, super-cheap rent, but it had a bunch of different communal spaces. One of the main tenants was the Sisters Folk Festival because I’d been on that board for years. And so just over the years as they grew, they would take over more and more of the office space. I got interested in creating the project that I’m doing now which is through the Roundhouse Foun dation, the Pine Meadow Ranch.

“Over the years, I saw how important it was that we had a really strong not-forprofit presence, organizations like Sisters Folk Festival, and the Sisters Rhythm and Blues festival, and the Quilt Show and the rodeo—that they all were really strong and focused on creating their own programming. And then also, a really strong for-profit sector, like all the different galleries and places that really support people being able to make a living through the arts.

“I told the Folk Festival, I’m not doing this landlord for this particular space for the rest of my life, but let’s figure out a way that you can buy the building. We offered to sell them that building for the same price we paid for it from the city in 2005, and we had done a majority of the remod eling. We were able to find funding plus some so that they could purchase the building, and it worked out really well.”

Battle of Santiago, an Afro-Cuban band from Toronto, Canada, played the 2018 Sisters Folk Festival. Courtesy of Sisters Folk Festival Courtesy of Sisters Folk Festival Singer-songwriter Joe Purdy plays the 2018 festival. Kathy Deggendorfer, Former board member, community member
#SFFLove Festival contributors share their memories of Sisters Folk Festival
C gge n d o r f

Jayson Bowerman, Luthier Program volunteer, former SFF board member

“I was participating in an Earth Day Cleanup with Tony Cosby, who’s the woodshop instructor at Sisters High School, and also the engineering instructor. He was putting the bug in my ear …’You know, what do you think the possibility would be of build ing guitars at the high school level?’ And I thought about it a little bit and I said, ‘Tony, I think you’re crazy. I don’t think you can really do it.’ He said, “What if you had all the support of a company like Breedlove [Guitars] and the resources and the know-how and stuff?’

“We started the [Luthier] program in 2006 and we’ve been building guitars at the high school ever since.

“I think at last count there’s something in excess of 470 guitars that have been built by students at the high school. And for me, the coolest thing about the program is, it’s been supported by the Sisters Folk Festival—sort of the charitable fundraising arm, but it also brings in the brightest and best in the school as well as some kids that are on the margins—kids that might otherwise slip through the cracks. They never saw the rele vance of math classes, for example. There’s a lot of trigonom etry and other basic algebra problems in guitar building. And once you see the application, once you see a practical appli cation for those types of skills, all of a sudden mathematics, you know, math classes, algebra, pre-algebra, trigonometry… those subject matters have a lot more relevance, and I had a lot of students come up to me and say, ‘I never really understood why we had to learn this stuff,’ and then they take this class and all of a sudden its clicks and you see the interest levels rise. Some kids that are on the margins of maybe dropping out or failing out come back into academic proficiency as a result of their engagement with a program like that, and that’s really, really gratifying.”

went, well, that totally works. Then we were able to buy better instru ments and get kids more engaged. And so between the schools, the community and key people at the Folk Festival, we just kind of con tinued to evolve and adapt and cre ate new programming that worked complementarily with one anoth er.

And so then all of a sudden there was this intergenerational thing that you know, community musicians and artists were going into the schools and knew about the kids who were evolving and developing as humans, that then would connect with those guys. And, you know, it was really cool to see friendships develop over generations, all around music.

SW: And then you started booking things and became artis tic director, am I right?

BT: In 2003 I became the artis tic director of the Folk Festival and I booked half of that, then went on to book 2004 through the present day. I was the executive director and artistic director from 2008 to 2014. We grew stages. Every festi val and programming grew and we did stuff in the middle school. We started the Americana Project in the middle school in like 2005, that was kind of arts and music. Every thing was evolving and developing and growing and actually getting bigger and kind of selling out every year. In 2014 we brought in a man aging director to take care of the administrative and nonprofit side of things, and I went to creative director, so that I could concen trate on the artistic side. Then we hired Krista Munro as executive director in the summer of 2019. She’s now the executive direc tor which I’m very grateful for because she’s excellent at a lot of

things and I can concentrate on the creative direction of the orga nization.

SW: For those who just assume because there’s folk in the title, that that’s all the music there is. How do you push back against that sort of impression?

BT: The most gracious way to push back is to say that pret ty much all music can be consid ered folk music, and there’s a huge umbrella under Americana and roots music. That’s basically what we present; it’s Americana music, it’s roots music, but it’s super diverse and it’s everything from hip-hop to some world music to blues, rock. We definitely hon or traditional music but it’s cer tainly not all you get at Sisters Folk Festival.

“Sisters Folk Festival started in a very small way. There were just a handful of people involved with putting it on. It was truly a small-town event. It was so exciting when we first noticed people coming all the way from Bend! Soon we saw people coming from California and other far-off places and it was amazing. Throughout this early-growth period it became clear that this was a community-owned event and a bunch of smart and talented people started pitching in. Somehow the budget for talent grew and bookings became more impressive than ever.

“I have designed posters for the festival for 20 years or so. The first one featured several different hands on the neck of a guitar. The body of the guitar was an old Martin and the headstock was that of the distinctive Breedlove, a valued spon sor. The concept was to show the evolution from traditional to contemporary. The hand on the old Martin was Doc Reno’s, a Bend violin maker who passed away shortly after. The hand at the top was a young woman’s, modeled by Valori Wells, who has gone on to fame as a fabric artist. Between was the hand of Jim Cornelius, co-founder of the festival, along with others. I tried to make this poster say something about what the festival was about. From there I did a series called ‘Local Treasures’ that featured local musicians as models. Then I went with animals, starting with ‘Buck.’ He had a pompadeer hairdo, a harmonics rack and an ear that featured a ‘deer ring.’ Our audience by that time needed no visual explanation of what a folk festival was. From then on the posters have been all about visual entertain ment—quirky and fun.

“I have benefitted tremendously as a local artist both with poster design and musical performances. I feel fortunate to be a community member in support of an organization that is all about something I truly love.”

25th Sisters Folk Festival Fri., Sept. 30-Sun., Oct. 2

Courtesy of Sisters Folk Festival Kahulanui, a Grammy-nominated Hawaiian swing band from the Big Island of Hawaii, played an earlier fest. Throughout the town of Sisters, featuring Milk Carton Kids, Doreen’s Jazz New Orle ans, Le Vent du Nord, David Wilcox, Emily Scott Robin son, Lindsay Lou, Jeffrey Foucault, The Accidentals, Rainbow Girls, Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas, The Po’ Ramblin’ Boys, JigJam, The Sweet Water Warblers and so much more. Courtesy of Milk Carton Kids Facebook Courtesy of Sisters Folk Festival The Milk Carton Kids are headlining the 2022 festival. Dennis McGregor’s first poster for the Sisters Folk Festival, featuring the hands of some of the original organizers, including the hand of Jim Cornelius, co-founder of the festival and present board member emeritus.
#SFFLove CourtesyJaysonB ower m a n f CourtesyDenni s McG re g o r f




Weaving through the juniper forest and high desert wilderness, the Deschutes Land Trust offers a fall hike for the community. Learn about native grass lands, talk with experts and enjoy the natural beauty that our area has to offer. Thu., Sept. 30, 10am1:30pm. Whychus Canyon Preserve, 69899 Goodrich Rd., Sisters. Free.




Jade MaRae’s bluesy and bold voice takes listeners back in time with music full of meaning and soul. Her 11-track album, “Handle Me with Care,” is a diverse set of tunes that will get you grooving and moving. MacRae’s concert will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Fri., Sept. 30, 8pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave., Bend. $20.



Everyone loves a little green in their home. Do you love your plant but want something a little different? Bring your plants. Exchange your plants. Buy new plants. Join this two-hour gathering to liven up your living space with a special opportunity. Sat., Oct. 1, 2-4pm. Stack Park, 820 NW Kingwood Pl., Redmond. Free.






learn about the aging process. Tue., Oct 4. 6-7:30pm. Wille Hall, Coats Campus Center, COCC Bend Cam pus, NW College Way, Bend. $10/in-person, $5/ livestream.



Soothe your soul with this folk, bluegrass, classical concert. The Arcadian Wild’s music is simply beautiful with its harmonious acoustics. From slow, emotional songs to upbeat, folky tunes, the group’s sound cross es multiple genres. This concert is an acoustic folk fan’s dream. Tue., Oct. 4, 8-10pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $15.


The competition is simple. Participants are given 10 locations around Bend to go snap selfies — any type of location, from businesses, art, murals and landmarks to nature scenes. First person to collect all 10 selfies and submit them wins a cash prize of $100. This photo hunt is an exciting way to get to know Bend. Sat., Oct. 1, Noon - Mon., Oct. 3, 11:45pm. Bend. $10.



Folk music is more diverse than you think. Sisters is hosting over 31 artists that will perform at sev en unique venues in the area. From blues to jazz to bluegrass, folk music is taking over Central Oregon this weekend. Fri., Sept. 30, 6pm-Midnight. Sat., Oct. 1, Noon-Midnight. Sun., Oct. 2, 10am-4:30pm. Sisters Artworks, 204 W Adams Ave., Sisters. $200/3-day pass. Single passes are available.




Bend is a beer town. Want to be a part of it and start brewing yourself? Join HomeBrewing 101. All ingre dients and equipment are included in the class. This beginner class is the ideal foot in the door to crafting your own special brew to share with friends. Sat., Oct. 1, 10am-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. $75.




Many people are obsessed with anti-aging products and methods, but how many people actually know the science behind it? This seminar is an opportunity to



Known for being a folk singer-songwriter, Todd Snid er’s music is full of storytelling lyrics that will make you laugh and cry. Humor fills Snider’s concert per formances and leaves listeners wanting more. Joining Snider on stage is the soulful singer, Ryan Montbleau. Tue., Oct. 4, 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $33-$50.




As we enter the cold-weather season, curling up on the couch with tea and a book is sounding better and better. Join the current fiction book club to stay up to date with recent releases and discuss literature with others. This week’s book is “The Candy House” by Jennifer Egan. Wed., Oct. 5. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Free.

Courtesy of Arcadian Wild FB Courtesyof Kim Lyons Ben Sollee WEDNESDAY, Postmodern Olivia Knox w/ Mosley Wotta
9/29 – 10/5
??? ???
Jukebox SATURDAY, 11/5
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The Electric Flavor of Boot Juice

This big band brings a fun energy to its live shows, perfect for fans of rock, folk and Americana

If you’re looking for a good time this week, look no further. Coming from Northern California to Bend this Thursday is Boot Juice, a rocking sev en-piece that brings a lot of energy and that big band feel to the stage.

The band first came together with Connor Hurdt and Evan Daly, two child hood friends who have been playing music together since they were teenag ers. Then it kept on evolving from there, as Boot Juice will usually perform with six to eight members on stage.

In 2021 Boot Juice released its sec ond album, the appropriately titled “Shifting Gears.” It featured bluesy roots rock, some country twang, laidback soul and more. My personal favor ite off of the record is “Summer Camp,” a retro-sounding number that while a little mellow, still gets you grooving. The variety that Boot Juice plays with is what makes them special. Vocalist/art director Jess Stoll agrees.

“Everyone really brings different things to the table musically, everything from bluegrass to metal to jazz and punk are weaved into the acoustic tapestry of the band,” she says.

Currently Boot Juice is working on its third album, hopefully to be released sometime in the spring or summer of 2023. Learn more about this rockin’ big band in our Q&A with Stoll.

Source Weekly: You have a big band and are known for lively shows. Could you describe each member’s playing style with one word each?

Jess Stoll: One word is tough but here’s our best go at it!

Connor Herdt: acoustic guitarist, vocals - rootsy

Evan Daly: electric guitar, vocalsshreddy

Jess Stoll: vocals - soulful

Brett Worley: bass - melodic

Caleb Sanders: sax (alto + tenor)tasty

Al Smith: drums, percussionthoughtful

SW: I have to ask, what’s the story behind the name Boot Juice?

JS: One of the original band mem bers suggested the name and Con nor was drawn to it, due to the image it evokes. Dancing up a sweat in boots on dirty barroom floors; it has a work ing-class ring to it.

SW: You’re also the band’s art direc tor. What does that entail for you?

JS: As the art director I curate the artwork for Boot Juice projects such as album covers, posters and merchandise. I am the primary illustrator and graphic designer and create the majority of our artwork, including the poster for our VTP show this week.

SW: You guys released your album “Shifting Gears” last year. What were some of your favorite memories from recording that record?

JS: “Shifting Gears” was an adven ture for us. We were set to track in our producer’s studio in Los Angeles in March 2020, right as COVID quarantine began. We were actually down at the

studio when we received the news and Scott (our producer + engineer) had to immediately fly back home to the east coast, fearing airline shutdowns. After this, we had to get some crash course Pro Tools and recording lessons from Scott via Zoom and track everything at home. Luckily, our bassist also has a degree in studio recording, making the process easier. We learned a ton through the process! So, really, the whole pro cess was memorable for us.



Micah Marmorstein: trumpetenergetic Billy Thompson: drums, percus sion- funky Boot Juice is a lock to get you moving and grooving when the band takes the stage. Courtesy of the band
Juice w/
Fryer Thu., Sept. 29, 9pm Volcanic Theatre Pub 70 SW Century Dr., Bend $10 on Bendticket
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28 Wednesday

Silver Moon Brewing Song & Story with Pete Kartsounes Pete is an award-winning singer-songwriter, flat picker and cutting-edge musician’s musician. No stranger to life out on the road, Pete has spent over two decades bringing his voice and guitar to stages all over the world. Come experience one of Bend’s finest talents! 6-8pm. Free.

Bevel Craft Brewing Live Music at Bevel Join Bevel Craft Brewing on the patio for free live music every Wednesday night through the summer! Check the website for the upcoming show list! 6-8pm. Free.

Bledsoe Family Winery Wine and Live Music! Featuring Evan Mullins Join the winery for a glass of Walla Walla’s finest! Evan’s Solo piano draws from a range of styles including old time Americana, jazz, blues, folk and baby boom er classics from the 60s and 70s, from Hank to Hendrix. Reservations are recommended. 4:306:30pm. Free.

Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays at Cabin 22 Cabin 22 is back and better than ever. All the fun you remember has returned, and Cabin 22 hopes you will, too! More TV coverage, locals specials and prizes to win! 6:30pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen & Brewery Comedy Open Mic Sign-up 7:30pm. Starts at 8pm. Free to watch. Free to perform. If you’ve ever wanted to try stand-up comedy, this is where you start! 8-10pm. Free.

Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 Something

Dirty @ Crosscut - Warming Hut No. 5 Relax with a pint, and enjoy great local music every Wednes day. 6-8pm. Free.

General Duffy’s Waterhole Live Music

Wednesdays Stop by for live Music by local artist every Wednesday night in the Annex at General Duffy’s Waterhole. See artists like Parker Steers, Tony Buckman, Phillip Austin and others! 7-9pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. (21 and over) 6:30pm. Free.

Midtown Yacht Club Dustin Does Trivia Midtown Yacht Club has partnered with Dustin Riley Events to remix a trivia night into an extra playful event that no one thought possible!

Dustin’s high energy and positive vibes will bring the community together, creating an experience not-done-before in the trivia scene! #YouBelong at Dustin Does Trivia! 7-9pm. Free.

Northside Bar & Grill Accoustic Open Mic w/ Derek Michael Marc Head down to the Northside Bar and Grill Wednesdays to catch local artists perform live. 7-9pm. Free.

Pour House Grill Ultimate Trivia Night with Clif Come to Pour House Grill for the best trivia night in town, guaranteed. With new questions every week written by the host Clif, and inter esting gameplay including wager style Double Jeopardy and Final Jeopardy questions, Pour House Trivia Night will have you on the edge of your seat! 6-8pm. Free.

Seven Nightclub & Restaurant The CO Show The CO Show is a free comedy showcase! Doors open at 7pm show starts at 8pm! Central

Oregon Comedy Scene and Karaokaine produc tions have teamed up to bring this show to you! It’s co-hosted with multiple hosts, co-produced for Central Oregon! 8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Montana Of 300 Rap God Tour Feat. J Meast & The Clumzys Ev erything has a start and a finish and for 32-yearold Montana of 300, he believes his solo career has reached its peak destination. The Southside Chicago-born-and-raised rapper, singer, song writer is not turning his back completely away from music. Instead, he wants to focus the spot light on other artists that are a part of his Fly Guy Entertainment label as well as his line of mer chandise and products. Montana’s music career dates back to 2006 when, like many artists just starting out, he began selling mixtapes out of his trunk and putting his own shows together. His independent route in the music business allowed him the space to carve out his own narrative. From the beginning, he’s been aware of how his story would play out. 6:30-11pm. $15.

29 Thursday

at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! 6pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Trivia Night Craft Kitchen and Brewery is bringing a nostalgic spin to trivia with large, hand-crafted, replicas of Trivial Pursuit wheels. There are enough pies for six teams. So get there early to claim your favorite color! Sign-up 6:30pm. Starts at 7pm. 6:30-8pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Small Batch Comedy Festival Comedy @ Craft: Eric Oren The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extravaganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Community! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. Eric Oren is an actor, filmmaker and comedian whose critically acclaimed short films and music videos have won awards from The Oregon Independent Film Festival, Bare Bones International Music and Film Festival and more. Eric has toured the country as a stand-up come dian, opening for acts like Kyle Kinane and Guy Branum. 8-10pm. $15.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.

M&J Tavern One Mad Man Spencer Snyder loops together multiple instruments to create

moody, driven backdrops to accentuate his spirited lyrics in an evening guaranteed to move and groove you! Remember to tip the band. 9pm. Free.

Midtown Ballroom Matisyahu Like only the most gifted storytellers, Matisyahu spins the rare kind of stories that simultaneously enlighten and enthrall and expand the audi ence’s sense of possibility. On his eponymous new album, the Grammy Award-nominated singer/songwriter/rapper shares his most autobiographical work to date, merging that personal revelation with a shapeshifting collision of reggae and hip-hop and boldly inventive pop. Produced by Salt Cathedral (a Brooklyn-based duo comprised of Colombian musicians Juliana Ronderos and Nicolas Losada), the result is an undeniably transformative album, one that invites both intense introspection and unbridled celebration. 4pm show and 8pm show. $30.

Open Space Event Studios You Belong Bingo Every Child Central Oregon is partnering with Dustin Riley Events to create a night of high energy bingo that promises to entertain from start to finish! Tickets include all the bingo cards. Cash prizes will be paid out to bingo game winners. 6-8pm. $25.

Porter Brewing Co. Live Music with The Ballybogs! Grab a pint, sit back, relax and enjoy live music by an amazing group of artists who bring us the best Irish Trad Music in Central Oregon! Every Thursday at Porter Brewing! 6-8pm. Free.

River’s Place Superball Bell bottom rock from the mid 60s to the mid 80s. 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon Come down to Silver Moon Brewing for a night of trivia! Teams are welcome to show up in groups up to 8 people. Silver Moon also offers seating reservations for $20 donations that all go to F*Cancer! If you would like to reserve a table please contact the Trivia on the Moon Facebook page. 7pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Small Batch Comedy Festival Cliteratti Convention: StandUp Comedy For Bad B*%$#es The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extravaganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up comedy communi ty! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. . Featuring: Whitney Russell, Deb Auchery, Grace Sophia, Stephanie Von Ayden, Grace Miller and Ocean Robinson. Hosted by: Tracy Ipockolyptic Productions is dedicated to providing entertainment that is free of racism, homophobia and transphobia. Strong content expected. 21+. 7:30-9:30pm. $15.

Sunday Guitars Ken Emerson Grammy award-winning Ken Emerson (from the Emerson Bros) will play traditional blues, ragtime, Hawai ian slack key and acoustic lap steel guitar. He plays “Kolohe Style” switching easily between finger style and slide/steel during his perfor mance at Sunday Guitars. Doors open at 6:30pm. 7pm. $12/adv., $15/door.

The Capitol Small Batch Comedy Festival Bend By Association The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extravaganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Commu nity! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. These comics have a special connection to Central Oregon but have moved on to bigger and better things. Small Batch Comedy Festival is so excited to bring them back to town to celebrate Bend’s comedy scene with them! Featuring: Dane Hesseldahl, Amanda Lynn Deal, Tanner Torkelson, Jody

Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia Night at Bridge 99 Join each Thursday for live UKB Trivia This group is led by Isaac Horn and Lincoln Mick, and supporting the duo is Erik Coveney on bass and Bailey Warren on the fiddle. Performing a contemporary and acoustic style of folk music, this group blends genres. The Arcadian Wild performs at 8-10pm on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at the Volcanic Theatre Pub. Courtesy of Arcadian Wild FB
CALENDAR LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE > Tickets Available on Submitting an event is free and easy. Add your event to our calendar at

Carroll and Gilbert Brown. Hosted by Katy Ipock. 7:30-9:30pm. $15.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Boot Juice w/ Oregon Fryer at Volcanic A band that refuses to be locked into a single genre, Boot Juice finds a sense of freedom in its ability to float from bluesy rock ’n’ roll to progressive bluegrass and back. Inspired by the likes of Railroad Earth and soulful harmonies of Creedence Clearwater Revival, Boot Juice curates a sound resulting in a layered and dynamic live performance. Boot Juice has been kickin’ around the west since 2017, leaving audiences happy and dance floors sticky. The 7-piece band features electric and acoustic guitars, three vocalists, bass, drums, trumpet and alto saxophone. The band has its heart in Americana songwriting, with a rock ’n’ roll delivery that gets crowds moving. Boot Juice plays music that will attempt to bring you to the street corner, the riverside or the open highway. 9-11pm. $10.

Zero Latency Bend Karaoke Thursdays & Friday Nights That’s right! Karaoke is coming to Zero Latency in Bend. Download the SINGA app and sign up for your time slot and song. Note: The venue will show up on the SINGA app by Monday, 8/29 to sign up. 7-10pm. $7 at the door, includes a domestic beer.

Zero Latency Virtual Reality Arena Ka raoke Nights Zero Latency has brought karaoke

to Zero Latency Virtual Reality Arena. There will be food specials, craft beers and cider on tap, domestic beers and wines available. So come on in and show Zero Latency your karaoke singing voices. 7-10pm. Free.

30 Friday

Bend Brewing Company Fresh Hops on the Pond Join on Friday, Sep. 30 from Noon-8pm for Fresh Hops On The Pond!! There are over 25 breweries from the PNW being represented. Live music all day long. Noon-2pm is audio deck. 3-5pm is Kaleo Young Band. 6-8pm is Company Grand. Noon-8pm. Free.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Stand Up - Strip Down The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extravaganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Community! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. Local comics become “Strip Jokers” by taking off their clothes and baring their souls. Come down early and get dinner from their amazing menu. Craft Beer is on tap along with cider and great cocktails! Comedi ans on stage will have to take off an article of clothing every minute or so. (Pasties and Undies required, obviously. The amount of skin shown is up to each performer) You are welcome to throw

paper money on stage during the performances. (No Coins, Please.) So, stop by the bank and get those dollar bills! Featuring: Drake Lock, Whitney Russell, Grace Sophia, Ed Dearment and Steve Harber. Host: Zac 21+. Strong content expected. No touching the comedians without consent. Ipockolyptic Productions is dedicated to providing entertainment that is free of racism, homophobia and transphobia. 8-10pm. $15.

Crux Fermentation Project Mitch Lies Mitch Lies is a veteran of the mid-Willamette valley music scene in Oregon. 6-8pm. Free.

Eqwine Wine Bar Free Friday Music at Eqwine Wine Bar Join every Friday from 6-8pm for the music series featuring local singer/song writer/musicians. This week Eqwine Wine Bar is pleased to have Michalis Patterson and Natalie Heidtmann. 6-8pm. Free.

General Duffy’s Waterhole Dry Canyon Stampede Dry Canyon Stampede performs live at General Duffy’s Waterhole for a special local live country music experience. 7pm. $10.

High Desert Music Hall Jade Macrae with Two Thirds Trio featuring Thomas T and the Blue Chips With a career spanning 25 years, and a rich musical history steeped in R&B and Jazz, multiple ARIA award nominee and APRA award winner Jade MacRae moves into 2022 with a string of tours across Australia, the U.S. and Europe, following her acclaimed 2020

LP, “Handle Me With Care.” 8pm. $20.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.

Open Space Event Studios Summer Shutdown Find out why underground hip-hop is still alive and well Sep. 30 at The Summer Shutdown. This will be a night not to be missed by rap/hip-hop artists and fans alike! 8pm. $25.

Silver Moon Brewing Small Batch Comedy Festival 7 Jesters & A Queen The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extrav aganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Community! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. The Queen is Deb Auchery. The Mother of the Cult of Tuck. The Queen of all Central Oregon Queens! The Jesters are: Dane Hesseldahl, Billy Brant, Steph anie Von Ayden, Jody Carroll, Ocean Robinson, Carl Click and Tracy Rieder. 7:30-9:30pm. $15.

Silver Moon Brewing Summers After Party Dance the night away with local DJs, Romz, EyeNEye, Swell and LiamLantern, providing deep and infectious grooves. Grab a drink, get some food and listen to live music! 8pm-2am. $5.

Sisters Artworks 25th Annual Sisters Folk Festival The Sisters Folk Festival returns Sept. 30 - Oct 2 in beautiful downtown Blues, folk and soul singer Jade MacRae was born into music and has been playing music since she was a teenager. Jade MacRae takes the stage with Thomas T. and the Blue Chips and Two/Thirds Trio at 8pm on Friday, Sept. 30 at the High Desert Music Hall. Courtesy of Bend Ticket
BENDTICKET .COM JENNER FOX BAND w/ Garret Brennan at Rockford Grange JADE MACRAE w/ Thomas T & the Blue Chips at High Desert Music Hall THE SUMMER SHUTDOWN featuring $pendoe, Day Day & more at Open Space Event Studios THURSDAY, SEPT 29 AT 6:30PM FRIDAY, SEPT 30 AT 8PMFRIDAY, SEPT 30 AT 7:30PM



ON 10/10/22.

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EXPIRES ON 10/10/22.





EXPIRES ON 10/10/22.

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Sisters at seven unique venues. The festival fea tures 31 diverse performing artists from around the world representing many genres of roots mu sic including folk, jazz, bluegrass and blues. Get 3-day or single day passes now! 6pm-Midnight. 3-Day Pass: $200 (Single-day passes available).

The Capitol Nghtspot Festival - So Much House Edition Nghtspot is a two-day festival with 2 stages of techno, house and bass music located underground. 9pm-1:30am. $10.

Walt Reilly’s Jordan Shaw Jordan Shaw is a country music singer and songwriter from Boise. Walt Reilly’s is honored to have him on his tour around the PNW! 6-9pm. Free.

Zero Latency Bend Karaoke Thursdays & Friday Nights That’s right! Karaoke is coming to Zero Latency in Bend. Download the SINGA app and sign up for your time slot and song. Note: The venue will show up on the SINGA app by Monday, 8/29 to sign up. 7-10pm. $7 at the door, includes a domestic beer.

Zero Latency Virtual Reality Arena Ka raoke Nights Zero Latency has brought karaoke to Zero Latency Virtual Reality Arena. There will be food specials, craft beers and cider on tap, domestic beers and wines available. So come on in and show Zero Latency your karaoke singing voices. 7-10pm. Free.

1 Saturday

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Small Batch Comedy Festival Comedy @ Craft: Katy Ipock Album Recording Definition of small-batch in English: “Designating or relating to a type of small-scale production in which goods are made in limited quantities, often by means of tradi tional or artisanal methods.” The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extravaganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Communi ty! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. 7-11pm.

Crux Fermentation Project Mathieu Raney Mathieu Raney is a singer and songwriter who delicately weaves the past two years of his life though music, with serious themes of love and mental health. 6-8pm. Free.

Deschutes County Fair and Expo Kendall Toyota Wham Bam Country Jam with KSJJ 102.9 Get ready for a Country

Family Festival featuring performances from multi-platinum selling band, LANCO, American Idol winner, Chayce Beckham and Saddle Bronc Rodeo Athlete, Chancey Williams from 2-8pm. In between performances, there will be shows from J.D. Platt and his K9 Kings, pumpkin splatter competitions, country craft village of vendors, line dancing, games and activities and so much more! Bring your lawn chairs, grab a bite from your favorite food truck, check out all the awe some vendors and enjoy the first ever Deschutes Country Family Festival brought to you by Kendall Toyota of Bend. 3-11pm. $50.

High Desert Music Hall Blackflowers Blacksun / Hopless Jack and the Magick Shad ows DIY dirty blues and punk rock from Portland and Bend with American roots. 8-11pm. $10/ door.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.

M&J Tavern It’s a Night of “Rabid” Good Times Local “heavy and loud” masterminds, The Kronk Men, shape an evening built on the real styles of BlackFlowers BlackSun and Forrest Friends. Gut punching slide and blues followed by electronic prowess and a fresh look on sounds invite the mind to be receptive to a whole new frequency! 21+. 9pm. Free.

River’s Place Fluffalove Music for the soul consisting primarily of 70s folk-rock gems. Its “Laurel Canyon” vibe includes two acoustic guitars and tight harmonies. A surprise addition to our Fresh Hops & Pop Up Shops event. Live music, local artisans and fresh hop beer makes for a perfect fall day! 2-4pm. Free.

River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions Swingin’ Doors brings some vintage Texas style swing. Think old school jazz with a twang! 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Sin Documen tos Sin Documentos is Oregon’s only Spanish rock cover band. Based in Corvallis and formed by five talented friends. This energetic group represents not only a different country in Latin America but also the true essence of Spanish 90s rock and roll classics. Like true rock stars, the group balances career and love of music, performing all over the Willamette Valley and practicing in the garage. 6-10pm. $10.

Silver Moon Brewing Comedy at Silver Moon: Cody Michael The Small Batch

Comedy Festival is a four-night extravaganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Commu nity! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in our backyard. Cody Michael is a comedian and actor working out of Central Oregon. He has performed across the country, including stops in Iowa, Texas, and California. 7:30-10:30pm. $15.

Sisters Artworks 25th Annual Sisters Folk Festival The Sisters Folk Festival returns Sept. 30 - Oct 2 in beautiful downtown Sisters at seven unique venues. The festival fea tures 31 diverse performing artists from around the world representing many genres of roots mu sic including folk, jazz, bluegrass and blues. Get 3-day or single day passes now! Noon-Midnight. 3-Day Pass: $200 (Single-day passes available).

Worthy Brewing Live Music Saturdays Every Saturday Worthy Brewing will put on a live show! Come enjoy beers and music. 6-8pm. Free.

2 Sunday

Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon Silver Moon Brewing’s open mic is back now on the big stage! Get a taste of the big time!! Signup is at 4pm! Come checkout the biggest and baddest open mic night in Bend! 5-8pm. Free.

The Astro Lounge Local Artist Spotlight Sundays This is a chance to listen to Central Or egon’s newest and upcoming local artists. They have earned their spot to perform a two-hour show, changing weekly, every Sunday. Support local top notch talent! 7-9pm. Free.

Flights Wine Bar Trivia at Flights Wine Bar Join Sundays from 4-6pm for trivia with King Trivia! Free to play! Get a group together, and come get nerdy! Awesome prizes and as always, delicious food and drinks! 4-6pm. Free.

Flights Wine Bar Live Music at Flights Come grab a great glass of wine, have an incredible dinner and enjoy live music every Sunday at Flights Wine Bar. 6-8pm. Free.

Hub City Bar & Grill Big Band Open Jam All welcome to sing or play an instrument, just come on in and get on Gordy’s sign-up sheet. 5-8pm. Free.

Obie Oasis Obie Oasis Concert Sundays Bring a chair, picnic and beverage to the Obie Oasis

Amphitheater and enjoy talented regional mu sicians. This is a house concert with performer donations encouraged. All proceeds go to per formers. Sound system provided by Spark Music Gear. For artist information go to CalvinMann. com/shows. 2pm. Donation.

River’s Place Trivia Sunday at River’s Place @ 12 Noon Win gift card prizes for top teams! It’s free to play. Indoor and outdoor seating available. Enjoy brunch favorites by Nik’s Snacks, Bai Tong on Wheels and Bluma’s Chicken. Mimosas, brews, ciders and more! Noon-2pm. Free.

River’s Place Silverado Kurt Silva and his band will bring you a rockin’ good time. 6-8pm. Free.

Silver Moon Brewing Small Batch Comedy Festival Comedy at Silver Moon: Michael Glatzmaier & Deece Casillas The Small Batch Comedy Festival is a four-night extrav aganza celebrating Bend’s Stand-Up Comedy Community! It’s all the laughs and fun you expect from the big comedy festivals while highlighting the talent right here in the backyard. 7:3010:30pm. $15.

Sisters Artworks 25th Annual Sisters Folk Festival The Sisters Folk Festival returns Sept. 30 - Oct 2 in beautiful downtown Sisters at seven unique venues. The festival fea tures 31 diverse performing artists from around the world representing many genres of roots mu sic including folk, jazz, bluegrass and blues. Get 3-day or single day passes now! 10am-4:30pm. 3-Day Pass: $200 (Single-day passes available).

3 Monday

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Sign-up 6:30pm. Starts at 7pm. Hosted by Jessica Taylor and Katy Ipock. 7-9pm. Free.

The Astro Lounge Open Mic Mondays Amazing top notch talent, jaw dropping! All musicians and comedians are welcome from first-timers to pros. Hosted by Nancy Blake and Danny Guitar Harris, two longtime local musi cians. Very supportive and can provide instru ments if needed. 8pm. Free.

Bridge 99 Brewery Monday Night Trivia Now playing Mondays (Thursdays too!) at 6pm it’s live UKB Trivia at Bridge 99 Brewery. Free to play. Win Bridge 99 gift cards! 6-8pm. Free.

Dry Canyon Stampede is a 7-piece band from Central Oregon. Playing around Oregon, this band has made its way into the music scene. Dry Canyon Stampede is playing at 7pm on Friday, Sept. 30 at General Duffy’s Water hole. Courtesy of Dry Canyon Stampede FB
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 20 OR 223388 • ID RCE - 53749541-449-9806 Cannot be combined with other offers. Valid for new projects only. Offer expires 09/30/2022. Eliminate Visual Clutter with Webfoot Cabinets


Elixir Wine Group Locals Music Night Enjoy live musicians, great wine and small bites. 6-9pm. Free.

On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free.

4 Tuesday

The Commons Cafe & Taproom Story tellers Open-Mic StoryTellers open-mic nights are full of music, laughs and community. Bill Powers of Honey Don’t and several other projects in town, hosts one of the best open mics in town. Sign-ups start at 5pm sharp in the cafe, and spots go quick. Poetry, comedy and spoken word are welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick 10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. 6pm. Free.

Initiative Brewing Trivia Tuesdays in Red mond Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Great new food menu. Arrive early for best seating. 6:30pm. Free.

River’s Place Bingo at River’s Place Have fun, win cash, support a local nonprofit and drink a great beer. Perfect way to spend a chilly fall evening. Join inside the heated tap house for the fun. Every other Tuesday, 6-8pm. Game cards range $1-$5.

Silver Moon Brewing Eric Leadbetter & Friends Local artist Eric Leadbetter hosts his fellow musicians for this weekly free show every Tuesday. Come sit out on the brewery’s patio and enjoy an evening of music, food and most import ant... stellar craft beers! 6-8pm. Free.

Tower Theatre - Bend Todd Snider, Ryan Montbleau Todd Snider is an American singer/songwriter whose music incorporates elements of folk, rock, blues, alt country and funk. He returns to the Tower, with special guest Ryan Montbleau, to showcase his many talents

and styles in a concert you won't soon forget. Get your tickets today! 7:30pm. $33-$50.50.

Volcanic Theatre Pub The Ar cadian Wild at Volcanic Led by songwriters Isaac Horn and Lincoln Mick, Nashville-based acoustic quartet The Arcadian Wild confidently inhabits and explores an intersection of genre, blending traditional with the contemporary in order to create a unique acoustic sound that is simulta neously unified and diverse. Combining elements of progressive bluegrass, folk and formal vocal music, The Arcadian Wild offer up songs of invi tation; calls to come and see, to find refuge and rest or to journey and wonder. 8-10pm. $15.


Celtic Cellist Ilse de Ziah - Irish/ Australian Cellist This is no ordinary event. Do you love soul-stirring music, sonorous cello, slow Irish airs? Ilse draws upon traditional Irish melodies, easily blending classical and contem porary styles with a rich folkloric tradition, to transport the listener to an entirely new musical landscape. Oct. 2, 4-6am. Central Oregon Com munity College, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: $20.

Community Singing with Ahlay Blake ly, feat. Pixie Lighthouse An unforgettable evening of singing... together! All voices are welcome. Songs are taught by ear. Led by Seat tle-based community songleader Ahlay Blakely, featuring Pixie Lighthouse. Ahlay’s songs are swirls of spells for cracking open, humbly kneeling, cultivating compassion and inquiring into our souls’ intimate longings. Hosted by Open Hub Singing Club. Oct. 3, 6:30-9pm. First Pres byterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-241-6182. openhubsinging@gmail. com. $15-$55.

Music in Public Places Enjoy an hour of music courtesy of Central Oregon Symphony. Oct. 1, 2-3pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-3121032. Free.

Sunday Brunch and Karaoke Wake up

right with brunch and karaoke! Sundays, 10am3pm. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Free.


Argentine Tango Classes and Dance

Join every Wednesday for Tango classes and dancing! Your first class is free. 6:30-7pm Tango 101 Class, no partner needed! 7-8pm All Levels Class. 8-9:30pm Open Dancing. Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-728-3234. $5-$10.

Line and Swing Dancing Lessons Line and swing dance lessons every Thursday night at The Cross-Eyed Cricket! Thursdays, 7-9pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.

Nia Fusion of dance, martial arts and healing arts focusing on reconnecting to body sensations and the body’s natural way of movement through form, freedom and play. You will dance though deep intention and joyful expressions to connect to your true nature. Wednesdays, 8-9am and Sat urdays, 11am-Noon. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. UnitA320, Bend. Contact: yoga@bendhotyoga. com. $20/drop-In.

Soul in Motion: Movement and Dance Movement and dance as a practice for life: no mats, no poses, all you!! Facilitated to support you to let your body take the lead, bringing curiosity, playfulness and mindfulness to par ticipants’ movements... alone, together and as a community. No dance experience necessary, just a desire to move. All bodies welcomed. Mondays, 7-8:15pm. Through Oct. 26. Namaspa Yoga Stu dio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541948-7015. $20.


Fleeting Time World Premiere Pre sented by Red Bull and Ben Ferguson Join for the world premiere of “Fleeting Time,” presented by Red Bull and Bend’s own and world-renowned snowboarder Ben Ferguson.


“Fleeting Time” solidifies Ferguson’s evolution from a top-tier Olympic halfpipe rider to one of the greatest big mountain freeriders of today and a creative force within the sport. Oct. 1, 7-8pm. Tower Theatre - Bend, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-0700. $13.

Wild & Scenic Film Festival Oregon Natural Desert Association presents the Wild & Scenic Film Festival! Join The Tower Theatre for an evening of short films showcasing our earth’s natural wonders and the amazing stories of activists working to conserve the environment. Sept. 30, 6-8pm. The Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-330-2638. hsant@ $14.


Art Viewing Visit Sagebrushers Art Society in beautiful Bend to see lovely work, paintings and greeting cards by local artists. New exhibit every 8 weeks. Visit for information on current shows. Wednesdays, 1-4pm, Fridays, 1-4pm and Saturdays, 1-4pm. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free.

Build a Sculptural Form for your Mosaic Art Design a sculptural form with hands-on exercises aimed at helping students become more comfortable with the design and building process. Students will choose to create either an abstract sculptural form or a flower. Once built, students will be ready to add their own mosaic design to the exterior. Fridays, 5-7pm. Through Oct. 7. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. info@ $250.

Galveston Street Market The Galveston Street Market is a local vendors' market with the goal of bringing community together while men toring new and seasoned makers alike. Vendors change each week for a variety of locally made products so there’s something for everyone. Shop local! Shop small! Fridays, 5-9pm. Through Sept. 30. Big O Bagels - Westside, 1032 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: galvestonstreet Free.

Cellist Ilse De Ziah composes, arranges and plays her own music. As an experimental soloist, she doesn’t stick to one genre. Ilse De Ziah is playing at 4pm on Sunday, Oct. 2 at Central Oregon Community College. Courtesy of Llsede Ziah Facebook


Intermediate/Advanced Wheel Throw ing Class This class is for intermediate students. Continuing students will continue to skill build and work on their own projects or a group decided project. The course includes one scheduled 3-hour class per week for five weeks and use of studio tools, one 25 lb. bag of clay and glazes. Tuesdays, 10am-1pm. Through Oct. 11. Tumalo School of Pottery & Craft, 65093 Smokey Butte Dr., Bend. Contact: 321-432-8009. pottery $225.

Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio Open Daily by Appointment 55-year profession al artist David Kreitzer displays sublime and stunning water, landscape, city, figure, floral and fantasy oil and watercolor masterworks. Medita tive, healing and soul-satisfying. Mondays-Sun days, Noon-7pm. Through Sept. 30. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Rd., Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. jkreitze@icloud. com. Free.

Monday Morning Wheel Throwing with Yvonne This class is for beginning/interme diate students. Continuing students will build skills while working on group or pre-approved personal projects. New students will learn the steps in throwing, glazing and firing. Mondays, 10am-1pm. Through Oct. 10. Tumalo School of Pottery & Craft, 65093 Smokey Butte Dr., Bend. Contact: 458-202-9430. yvonne@tumaloschoolof $225.

Visual Joy and Perfection: The Artistry of Master Fine Artist David Kreitzer Join David in the Kreitzer Gallery and Studio, and experience sublime and healing Central Oregon splendor landscapes, the human figure, koi,


California vineyards, floral and fantasy oil and watercolor images. Thursdays-Sundays, Noon5pm. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Rd., Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. Free.


Bend Ghost Tours Join for Ghosts and Legends of Downtown Bend Tour and hear all about Bend’s permanent residents! Your Spirit Guide will lead you through the haunted streets and alleyways of Historic Downtown Bend where you’ll learn about the city’s many macabre tales, long-buried secrets and famous ghosts. Wednes days-Sundays, 7:30-9pm. Downtown Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-350-0732. bendghosttours@gmail. com. $25.

Building Resiliency with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine - Part 2 Learn simple concepts to help when illness strikes the home. This course will go over foundational Chinese medicine philosophies and tools to bring into your day to day life for strength, confidence and reassurance. You will learn simple acupuncture concepts and understandings to bring home right away. Sept. 28, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-312-1029. Free.

Coexistence and Regeneration: Re thinking Fire The lecture series’ theme, “Co existence and Regeneration,” is also the focus of this year’s residency program at the Ranch, and seeks to offer a more expansive perspective that recognizes the power of diverse ways of knowing

and being. Lecturers in the series offer views from across the arts, humanities and environ mental sciences to share their knowledge and experiences on connecting history, living culture and ecology. Advanced registration required. Sept. 29, 6-8pm. TBD, Private, Bend. Contact: 541-904-0700. inquiries@roundhousefoundation. org. Free.

Forever Young: What Science is Discovering About Aging and Lon gevity Dr. Jill Helms, Professor of Surgery at Stanford University, will discuss her lab’s work on understanding why we age and how they are translating that new knowledge into therapeutic strategies that slow the natural process. Oct. 4, 6-7:30pm. Wille Hall, Coats Campus Center, COCC Bend Campus, Bend. Contact: 541-3837257. $10 in-person, $5 livestream.

Natural History Pub: Living Buildings: Designing for the Future In an era of en vironmental decline and climatological change, engineers are redesigning the built environ ment to reduce carbon consumption. Across the region, homeowners and business leaders are constructing Living Buildings that meet the highest standards of sustainability. This event is free but registration is required. Visit highdesert to register. Oct. 3, 7-8pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend. Free.

Plant Medicines: New Technologies and Ancient Traditions This presentation will outline the changing landscape of three master plant teachers - psilocybin, cacao and ayahuasca - in research and practice, including

discussion about how to be in safe and right re lationship. Michelle Ericksen, PhD is a bilingual (Spanish) medicine woman, teacher, researcher and coach. Sept. 28, 7-8pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free.


The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Winner of the Tony and the Drama Desk Awards for Best Book, The 25th An nual Putnam County Spelling Bee has charmed audiences across the country with its effortless wit and humor. A riotous ride, complete with au dience participation, this musical is a delightful den of comedic genius. Thu, Sept. 29, 7:30pm, Fri, Sept. 30, 7:30pm, Sat, Oct. 1, 2 and 7:30pm and Sun, Oct. 2, 2 and 7:30pm. Cascade Theat rical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. ctcinfo@cascadestheatri $25-$29.

CTC Teen Theatre Program ClassActing For Theatre, Film & TV 10-week class! Ages 12-19. Find out who you are and maybe who you can be! With so many outlets, what does it mean to be an actor? Do you have what it takes? Thursdays, 4-5:30pm. Through Dec. 1. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-3890803. $60 for non-members, free for members.

CTC Teen Theatre Program ClassHeads Up 7 Up! A Playwriting Work shop 10-week class! Ages 12-19. Seven easy

Local artist Eric Leadbetter and his band have been performing around Bend, providing listeners with acoustic tunes to liven up the evening. The band has an album on Spotify called “Middle Ground,” and it was released in 2020. Eric Leadbetter & Friends play every Tuesday at 6pm at Silver Moon Brewing. Courtesy of Superball FB
Presented By: Friday - Sunday September 30th - October 2nd Celebrate the Autumn season in downtown Bend, OR with crafts, art, music, and more!Ready for Sweater Weather?
2 BendBroadband® is a registered trademark of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. Copyright © 2021, TDS Telecommunications Corporation, All Rights Reserved. 205411/6-21/12444 541-803-8093 INTERNET | TV | PHONE PROUDLY SUPPORTING CENTRAL OREGON SINCE 1955 AT BEND FALL FESTIVAL Also visit our tasting room in the Box Factory or pick up at your local store. Refresh yourself with a Northwest original AVIDCIDER.COM






Interstate Bank, The Bend Fall Festival Title Sponsor:

As your trusted community bank, partner, and neighbor, we are ex cited to spend time with you this season at the Fall Festival. If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s that we need to em brace and celebrate the special people and moments around us.

With a renewed sense of appreciation and gratitude for one an other, we continue to look for ways to safely connect, celebrate, and recreate—which is why First Interstate is proud and honored to kick off the First Interstate Bank Fall Festival.

With great food, music, art, vendors and family fun, this amazing event celebrates where we live and the communities we serve. Al though First Interstate has seen many changes during our growth and evolution the past five decades, dedication to clients and giving back to the places we call home remains our top priority.

In addition to our support of the Fall Festival, you’ve also likely seen our team at various local events, volunteering for area non profits, and supporting community causes and efforts.

“Celebrating community through arts, crafts, culture, and cui sine is so special to us, and First Interstate is proud to serve as a long-time supporter of the Fall Festival,” said Cameronne Mosh er, First Interstate Market President in Bend. “We honor and celebrate the small business owners and artisans who bring this annual event to life and encourage everyone to pop by to enjoy the festivities and fun.”

See you there!

First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 3
Learn more about everything happening this year at A Word
SEPTEMBER 30th 5pm-10pm Music and food on Oregon Ave
OCTOBER 1st 11am-10pm
OCTOBER 2nd 11am-5pm Celebrate the Autumn season with crafts, art, music, and more. The annual tradition brings the best of the PNW culture right to the heart of downtown Bend. Enjoy a full weekend of fall fun during Central Oregon’s favorite time of year! Event Hours BROOKS ST GREENWOOD AVE MINNESOTA AVE FRANKLIN AVE WALL ST BOND ST LAVA RD BROOKS ST OREGON AVE Artists Art in Action HarvestMarket Business Showcase CornholeTournanment P SoulCollective INFO BAR BAR MAIN STAGE Artists LifestyleOregon Kids Area FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30 ONLY OREGON AVE OPEN FoodVendors BAR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Only Oregon Ave - Wall St Open SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 All Areas Open

Live MusicLive Music

Friday, September 30 Saturday, October 1 on theon the


5:30PM - 6:30PM The Roof Rabbits is a three-piece punk band, hailing from Bend, Oregon. Well, that’s the simple way of putting it. Their influ ences come from all over the musical spectrum, drawing most of the sound from the years of punk’s infancy. Bands like the Stooges and Television, create a raw backbone for the Roof Rabbits, while later pop-punk and post-punk bands provide influence in much of the song structures. This eclectic concen tration of all things that rock has been distilled by the rabbits, and mixed with real life experiences to form brutally honest songs that are addictive and unique.


7PM - 8PM They say good things take time, and that rings true for The Old Revival. What originally started as a collection of solo songs written in a spare room by frontman Brandon Prinzing, later became the band’s first record. Hitting the road with an acoustic guitar, Prinzing crossed paths with The Almost frontman and Underoath drummer Aaron Gillespie. After becoming friends on the road and as the tour came to an end, it was decided that Gillespie would produce Prinzing’s first record. With an themic sounds, intricate guitar work, sing-a-long melodies and delicate piano, 9 Meals from Anarchy is a creation that takes you on a journey.




Catch the Cascade School of Music students perform live! As a nonprofit music school for all ages, their mission is to enrich our community by providing exceptional music education and experiences for all Central Oregonians, making music fun, engaging, safe and social.


1PM-2PM Kimberly Rogers and Steve Thorp make up Da Chara Duo, a Central Oregon favorite since 2012. The Duo’s brand of eclectic, acoustic music on flute, guitar, and vocals has been called, “the perfect background music,” an effortless blend of jazz, pop, and originals: old and new, up tempo and mellow. The band has released two CD’s: “Bloom,” a mix of jazz, folk, and originals, and “Two,” featuring the group’s instrumental side, in 2016. Satisfaction guaranteed!


8:30PM-10PM Marcus Rezak’s Shred Is Dead Feat. Ike Willis (Frank Zappa) and Members of Yak Attack - As a lead guitarist, Marcus carves out a distinguished style in the world of Guitar with several well-known cutting-edge groups including Katharsis, Shred is Dead, FrankenZaps Monster, Digital Tape Machine, Stratosphere All-Stars, and as an artist at large. He has performed at some of the most elite music festivals across the globe in various genres. Known as a master of jazz improvisation and the art of the sit-in, Marcus is a frequent call among bands and musicians carving out his unique niche in the performance world. Having a commanding stage presence, Marcus takes the euphoric freedom of live music and directs its path into a unique approach, as if every jam is a live recording session. By keeping exceptionally comprehensive mental notes on what works, what doesn’t, and how to improve is what has led Marcus to respect in the music world and to such integral heights.


Jay Si Proof is a musical collective playing earth jazz, founded in 2019 by trombonist/singer Jeff Chilton in Portland, OR. Playing between dancy grooves, catchy melodies, personal lyrics, and jazzy harmonies, Jay Si Proof’s music strikes a bal ance between being thoughtfully arranged and passionately improvised. The band has been described as a cross between Steely Dan and Chick Corea fronted with vocals and horns.


4PM-5PM Born out of the belly of the acoustic music scene in Eugene, Oregon, The Muddy Souls were formed in the Fall of 2018. They combine bluegrass, folk and traditional music with orig inal songwriting and lively instrumentals for a memorable show that is sure to get your feet dancing and your face grinning.


Main Stage

Main Stage Saturday, October 1 Sunday, October 2





We’re excited to bring the Rock & Soul Dance Party to Bend! Mitch & the Melody Makers is a 50’s & 60’s rock ‘n’ roll cover band from Portland, Oregon. Your Melody Makers are Mitchell S. Gonzalez (Alexandra Savior, Matt Dorrien) on lead guitar and lead vocals, Alex Landers on guitar and vocals, David Robert Burrows (Kulululu, Human Ottoman) on keys, Carmen Paradise (Ashleigh Flynn & the Riveters, Mama Sam & the Jam) on sparkle bass and vocals, and Alexandra Geffel (The Cabin Project, Far Out West) on drums and vocals.


7PM-8PM As a performer Ben looks to the greats for inspiration and is always striving to connect with the audience through his music and stories. He also has an interesting arsenal of guitars playing resophonic guitars and homemade cigar box guitars. More im portant than the visual appeal Ben has an amazing way of making these guitars sound, often bringing audiences to tears with his slide playing.



The students take the stage for the second time. Live performances from students learning at Cascade School of Music!



Originally from New York, Dan has a meditative reggae funk vibe and soothing vocals. He plays with a multi-layer loop of guitar bass and drums.


Coyote Willow is an Americana band hailing from Bend, Oregon. This exciting artistic partnership joins Tim Coffey’s soulful guitar, Kat Hilst’s powerful cello and the duo’s rich vocal harmonies, creating a unique blend of folk, roots, blues and intricate instrumentals. Their beautiful music with grit celebrates the magical rhythms of life.





Hot Buttered Rum, a souped-up, left-coast string band, is the brainchild of uniquely gifted musicians who weave their love of bluegrass, folk, jazz and soul into a riveting strain of Americana. String bass and five-alarm fiddle merge with guitar, banjo, mandolin, drums and keyboards to frame the voices of its two contrasting writers, fueling a dance party with roots in Appalachia and its branches in California. It’s a sound that’s as tough to describe as it is easy to love. Twenty years into its journey, HBR’s music, dreamed up in the backcountry of the High Sierra and the basements of San Francisco, has found its way into the hearts, minds and bodies of fans nationwide. The band continues to tour year-round in support of its many albums and social causes.

The Hasbens (the band that has Bens) is a funky four-piece Jam Band from Upstate New York (whom recently relo cated to Bend) featuring Ben Sparks (Rhythm Guitar), Sam Ralbovsky (Lead Guitar), Ben Thompson (Bass), and Sam Gibney (Drums). Pulling from diverse musical backgrounds, the group makes it a priority to blend styles in a manner that will keep any crowd dancing and the energy high. With a diverse catalogue of distinctive originals and familiar covers, The Hasbens will keep your attention locked and your body groovin!

First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 5
6 SALES: (541) 205-0716 | SERVICE: (541) 693-5105 | 345 NE 3RD STREET, BEND OREGON Your Truck and SUV Superstore. 2022 CHEVROLET BOLT EUV Proud Sponsor of the Bend Fall Festival. TEST DRIVE TODAY! 2022 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 Saturday 11am-6:30pm & Sunday 11am-5pm Brooks Alley between Franklin and Oregon Enjoy two days of family fun from First Inter state Bank Bend Fall Festival. It will be more fun than ever. Bounce houses, kids’ activities and more! The Bend Family Play ZoneThe Bend Family Play Zone

Bend Fall

First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 7 | use code: FESTIVAL25 to save Available For: iPad 10.2 | iPad Air | iPad Mini | Perch Mobile The WingoCase patented design includes four independent and easily deployable wings that unfold from the back of the case to fit your natural posture. Designed For Comfort. People grow a lot of great things in Oregon. For us, it’s healthy members and communities. Members First Join us on Saturday, October 1st for an exciting PacificSource Kids Rock the Races event! Kids between the ages of 3-10 will have a blast on this fun course at Troy Field (just south of the
Festival). Each little runner will receive a pumpkin to take back to the Bend Family Play Zone’s Pumpkin Painting Station after the race. REGISTER TODAY! Saturday, Oct 1 @ Noon on Troy Field Ages 3 to 4 — 12:00pm Ages 5 to 7 — 12:10pm Ages 8 to 10 — 12:20pm A PacificSource Kids Rock the Races event

Fall Festival Food & DrinkFall Festival Food & Drink

Enjoy a slice of pizza, tasty corndogs, a sweet treat and more from one of the many food carts lining the streets of downtown Bend, and wash it down with a lemonade or libation from Deschutes Brewery, AVID Cider Company, 101 North and Crater Lake Spirits.

Food Vendors

The Bob

The Pizza Cart

SubZero Products

The Corndog Company


Masa Empanadas

Kona Ice

S’more Than a Cookie

Deschutes Brewery

Fresh Haze IPA

Fresh Squeezed IPA

Mirror Pond Pale Ale

King Crispy Pilsner

Black Butte Porter

101 North

Pinot Grigio Cabernet Sauvignon

Avid Cider

Blackberry Currant

Golden Delish Imperial

Crater Lake Spirits Cocktails

Sea Breeze

Whiskey Arnold Palmer

In Action


Saturday, October 1: 11 am to 6:30 pm Sunday, October 2: 11 am to 5 pm

Brooks Alley

Catch artists in the act of creating on Art in Action Avenue, a gigantic art studio for you to explore. Discover your inner artists with printmakers, clay sculptor, mask makers and pumpkin painters! Stand back as the massive steamroller prints amazing works of art, transform clay from a lump to a bowl, discover your inner artist with mask making and your inner ghoul by painting a pumpkin. Fun for all ages!

Steam Roller Prints

Stand back! Prepare to see several thousand pounds of raw machine muscle create stunning artwork on the street, right in front of you. Some of Central Oregon finest artists will be expanding the dimen sions of their typical printmaking boundaries onto relatively massive expanses of paper. This is big art!

Clay Studio

It is indeed magic to see a formless lump of clay transformed into a beautiful vessel in mere minutes as professional Central Oregon ceramic artists demonstrate the art and skill of wheel throwing clay. Artists will hand build shapeless clay into amazing sculptures. Maybe you can try your hand at being a clay artist yourself!

Masker Aid

Masker Aid! Who wouldn’t appreciate a little FREE help with mask creation before Halloween and Day of the Dead celebrations? Pro fessional artists are supplied with mask templates, feathers, paint and sparkles to help you create a festive disguise you will be proud to masquerade around Bend Fall Festival.

Cartooning and painting demonstrations by artists who teach or show at Layor Art + Supply complete the picture.

Pumpkin Painting

Grab a pumpkin and let your imagination run wild! Paint spooky faces, fall scenes or a colorful abstract masterpiece. All kids 12 and under receive a free pumpkin and the paint supplies are free.

Get your eat and drink on while enjoying the fun and entertainment at First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival!
First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 9
Art In

Fine Artist



Beth Houts

Photography printed on canvas and hand stretched to vintage items or artist made frames.

Michael Howard Photos

My priority is creating the sharpest and most life-like images possible. This is achieved through in the field techniques, post-processing, and by using high-quality archival printing materials.

Hiker Booty

Maps, watercolor and illustrations of America’s Public Lands and National Scenic Trails. Including a large Oregon Series that includes Central Oregon.

Snake River Net Company

Handmade fishing nets, fly boxes and rod cases. All out of exotic woods. Laminat ed and bent to create the hoops. Many engraved and inlayed with turquoise. Other wood turned items pill boxes, pens etc.

Alan Higinbotham Pottery

Wheel thrown porcelain clay with emphasis on form; pieces then carved. I high-fire my work to 2350 F balancing heat, time, oxygen, for reduction fired rich copper reds and time-honored celadon greens.

Annie Chrietzberg

I make unique tableware from durable stoneware with my own notable glazes. I meticulously prototype then hand-build the pieces, composing in function, pattern, and color.

Art of Laura Koppes

I paint with acrylics and modify with other mediums. I utilize human form, mark making and rhythmic motion in an attempt search for order in a world that I find increasingly filled with chaos.

Art to Harmony

Fused glass in bright vibrant colors using multiple techniques to create functional art including night lights, cheese plates, clocks, bowls, wall hangings, and sculp tures.

August Hess Jewelry

Using carefully selected responsibly sourced raw stones, I begin my work using a stone cutter and lapidary machine. I then sketch designs around the stones and cast them into fully recycled metals.

Bearded Architect

Artist, craftsman, woodworker and sole proprietor of Bearded Architect Designs. I’m here to provide you with neat wooden works of art made by me.

Beautiful Oregon

Foremost, my process begins with study of the natural environment. Image capture with dSLR. Pigment giclee prints, exhibition paper and archival framing practices used throughout.

Branch+Barrel is an artist-run jewelry company based in Bend, OR. Handmade designs use natural wood, reclaimed barrel staves accented and botanicals with handforged metals and hand tinted resins.


Using the sun, two chemicals, and curated leaves I create something simple, yet elegant. I have captured a study of nature using Cyanotypes. The result is a one-of-akind image of deep indigo blue.

Carrot Flower Creative

The studio produces handmade objects made from new and recycled materials including ceramics and other mixed media. Items are hand-built mugs, bowls, wall hangings, platters, bowls, and more.

Cedar Rose Woodworking

Vases and lighted sculptures made from wood harvested by the artist, storm damaged or dead trees, turned on a lathe, finished with a variety of finishes used to enhance or hold the natural color.

Clay Dragon

I am a functional potter making everyday life a little more beautiful. All pottery is dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe.

Cold Stream Design Co.

I am a second-generation blacksmith. All products I create are handmade and com pleted in our small blacksmith shop with a hot-fire pumping forge, a hammer and our trusty anvil.

Cooper Art and Abode

I am an abstract artist based out of Bend, Oregon. I create abstract landscapes that are imaginative and vibrant using acrylic paint, spray paint, charcoal and oil stick.

Creative Beginnings

Sand, slice and soda ash make up the mol ten glass used to make my work. Precious metals are added for the color.

Davis Mae Jewelry

Davis Mae Jewelry is handmade with ster ling silver wire and/or sheets using tradi tional metal smithing techniques including cutting, forging, filing and soldering.

Dawn Fleming Encaustic

My work encompasses both photo encaustic and mixed media encaustic presented on wood panels and wood boxes.

De Los Angeles Weaving

Uses hand looms and handmade wool to create rugs walls hanging pillow covers, our highly skilled textile artists transform the raw wool into one of kind pieces. Hand spun yarn and naturally dyes

Desert Rose Weaving

Handwoven decor including rugs, mug rugs, table runners and wall art. All made with rare Navajo Churro wool and other 100% wool fiber.

Gall’s Gallery

Stoneware/porcelain pottery and wall sculptures. Raku/saggar fired, and embel lished with chalk.

Hollis ArtWorks

With imagination bursting just waiting to emerge we create thru welding, forging, grinding and a variety of other tools one of a kind artwork. Our artwork is whimsical and brings smiles to all ages.

Island Stone Creations

I have found a way using rubber stamps that were molded from a lava field to create nearly any object out of concrete that looks like it is actually made out of dried lava.

Jewelry by Viki Inc

I abstract shapes seen in nature into airy, feminine jewelry. I hand shape each from wire, solder, hammer and polish. Then, I meticulously wire wrap a variety of semi-precious stones on to each shape.


I am an impressionist/expressionist land scape artist using both acrylic and oil on canvas or wooden panels. I use both brush work and palate knife to create depth and texture in my paintings.

Joachim Mcmillan

Textured oils painted with the palette knife on a gallery wrap canvas and scored for a mosaic look. One of a kind with a unique style. Vibrant colors. Subjects are imagina tive compositions.

Joanna Lusk Designs

Hand burned and hand-crafted wood art and housewares

Journeyman Ceramics

Local fun and functional pottery. Stoneware that makes viewers smile.

KaryLane Photography

My passion is to preserve for others a mo ment in time. I want the viewer of my photo to “feel” that moment, as I experienced it, using all of my senses - the scent, the texture, and the sounds.

Kyla Rae Design

Kyla Rae Design is a studio in Oregon that sells natural science themed art prints, cards, tees, and more. Kyla uses watercolor and ink to explore the life cycle and docu ment plants and animals.



Lessa Clayton Art

I paint photo realistic landscapes in oil paint on stretched canvases.

Mordensky Fine Art

I am a nature artist who paints using two distinct techniques. I paint highly textured oil finger-paintings and highly detailed acrylic paintings. Originals are on gallery wrapped canvas or hardboard.

Linda Donohue

Original abstract expressionist and sea scape paintings on gallery wrapped canvas and birch wood panels painted with a pallet knife and brushes.

Little Pine Artistry

My painting inspiration is animals and nature. I create my original designs with gouache paint and other mixed media on watercolor paper. I offer original paintings, giclee prints and stationary.

Living Large Small

Craig is responsible for throwing all of our ceramic forms, while Britt uses various glazing technique (such as sgraffito & layering applications) to achieve a unique, collaborative body of work.

Maia Leisz Fine Arts

Large format oils using two small brushes. I paint on a burnt sienna ground mixing my palette from the primaries to create vibrant yet complex color and energizing brushwork.

Map Your Adventure

Topographic maps that are accurate, aesthetic and artistic. Created from lidar using GIS and graphic design, I use natural boundaries to map what matters. Mediums: archival-prints, birchwood and stickers.

MarkitaRita Jewelry

Sterling silver is my medium. All compo nents of the settings I hand make one-byone and solder on using a torch.

Megan Gray Art

I will display original drawings, paintings, matted and framed prints of original works, as well as art stickers.

Megan Marie Myers Art

I create original paintings using acrylic paint on canvas. I locally reproduce my original work in the form of fine are prints, cards, logs, stickers, calendars and other goods.

Michelle Adam

Landscape and abstract nature digital photography printed on metal and Giclée paper. Mood created with dramatic natural light and panoramic techniques.

One Dream Design

Wheel thrown and altered one of a kind sculptural art ceramics, highly textural and large scale, using self-formulated high fire macro-crystalline glazes

Paper Cut

I am a paper artist. I roll strips of paper into segments and place them to create a desired effect. The work is framed and mounted behind glass. It has three-dimen sional quality.

Patrick Campbell Photography

Nikon equipment for image capture. Processing with Adobe Photoshop and third party apps. I produce my own inkjet prints and cards using a Canon Pro-300 printer. Metal and canvas prints are outsourced.

Rachel Elise Art

I create semi-abstract paintings with acryl ic or watercolor. I use limited colors with soft brush strokes that include scenery from the mountains to the ocean. I sell original art and prints.

Ryan Simpson Fine Art

I oil paint a variety of subjects in a variety of techniques and styles. I also work with fusing old-world aesthetics with modern subjects.

Sabine Schran-Collings

Contemporary Jewelry

All our work is fabricated in sterling silver and 14k or 18k gold. Etching and roller printing techniques are used to achieve textures on the metals. A variety of stones are set in bezels to add color.

sam + finn

Using found materials to compose a balance of pattern, texture and value in cre ating unique home and personal accesso ries. Each piece has its own personality and vibe to enhance your lifestyle.

Sarah Robison Art

Abstract art created with fluid art tech niques. Paintings include alcohol ink, resin, acrylic ink, and mixed media pieces.

Scarola Photography

From landscapes to architecture, I find inspiration in capturing ordinary things in new and interesting ways.

Studio Les Bois

Hand-drawn, hand-cut backlit wooden landscape art created one at a time by the artist. Rare woods and unique grains are used to mimic landscapes, treated with mineral oil keeping the natural colors.

Susie Larsson Design

Jewelry is hand-woven, using a very fine needle and thread. Each jewelry piece consists of glass-plated metallic beads including 24KT Gold, Palladium, Sterling Silver and other colors and finishes.

Swann Freslon

2D mixed media abstract artist. Paint on fabric canvases, birchwood cradles, alumi num plates with acrylic, acrylic ink, pastel, spray paint and resin epoxy. My tools are palette knives, paint brushes.

Tyler Haas Designs

My unique pieces of jewelry are inspired by fantasy elven style and swirling lines. I hand form silver and gold into visually stunning pieces of wearable art that feature vibrant natural gemstones.

Uli Kirchler

West Coast woods shaped, sculpted and inlaid with eggshells, rice, stones, twigs, and various metals. With a tap, all castles collapse and pop right back up with a shake.

Upswings Jewelry

Many fabricating techniques are used in each piece as reticulation, granulation and fold forming. Using Merlin’s gold, 18K and 24K gold, argentium silver and precious/ semi-precious stones.

Vanscoy Photography

Images are digital and analog photogra phy combined to create one imaginary but realistic image, color is added in post production handmade frames signed and numbered limit 75.


Made out of water base clay, wood and metal. All my sculptures are hollowed and fired to 2015 F. I try to make them alive.

Wild by Design

I make real botanical and faux insect jew elry! Once the flowers are pressed, I encase them in four layers of resin. I then add in materials such as silver, gold, stones, and beautiful paper insects.

Xochi Fine Art

all original works, no prints. I’m primar ily Focusing on florals, landscapes and abstracts. I feel my work Reflects my view towards life and I try to show that with vivid color and movement.

VOLUME 26 ISSUE 39 / SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY 33 First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 11 Sponsored by

The Harvest Market, on Minnesota Ave., will be teeming with the colors and fragrances of fall’s bounty. Delicious fruits and vegetables from local farmers like knobby gourds, acorn squash, and pumpkins will gild the booths. Local ranchers will provide chicken, pork and beef to make hearty meals, appropriate for the season.

Ave between Bond St & Tin Pan Alley
12 Your Oregon Based Solar Solutions Provider for 14 Years 541.213.8062 NATIONALSOLARUSA.COM TODAY, TOMORROW, TOGETHE S TA RT S AVIN G WITH SOL AR ! LEARN MORE AT: NATIONALSOLARUSA.COM Stop by our location in Bend: 2709 NW Crossing Drive • Lower Your Electricity Bills • Environmentally Friendly • Increase Appraised Property Value SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS! Oregon CCB License: 186224 OREGON DEPT OF ENERGY INCENTIVES NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL HOMEOWNERS AND UTILITIES Solar loans starting at 2.99% on Approved Credit Saturday & Sunday | Minnesota
• Penelope’s Soaps & Such • Kook’i • BeRUNA living.foods • Bee Swell • RioGood • Bend Simple Products • Hawaiian Moon • RCP Foods • Mythical Chocolate • Mt. View Farm • Oh Honey and Nuts • lil mama megs • Tumalo Tea • Mountain Paws Pet Co • She Flower Apothecary • Columbia Gorge Garlic • The Orange Mama • Central Oregon Psychic • Gbag Vendors: Harvest MarketHarvest Market E v e r g r e e n s o f t u b . c o m 8 6 6 5 1 5 7 1 1 9 P L U G S I N T O A S T A N D A R D O U T L E T S E T T E M P E R A T U R E U P T O 1 0 4 D E G R E E S A L L M O D E L S W E I G H L E S S T H A N 8 8 P O U N D S H O T 2 4 / 7 F O R L E S S T H A N $ 1 5 A M O N T H I N E L E C T R I C I T Y P O W E R F U L J E T S !

Between Oregon and Greenwood Avenue

The Bend Business Showcase is located on Wall St. and is a valu able opportunity for event-goers to become acquainted with Cen tral Oregon business owners. Meet the biggest names in a variety of industries, including healing and wellness, nutrition, tiny homes, home improvement, insurance, banking, solar power, recreational and sporting goods, social media management, and more!

First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 13 • Eternal Health Chiropractic • LeafFilter • ProCaliber Motorsports • Cascadia Vehicle Tents • UCBO Bikes • Country Financial • Renewal by Andersen • Hotworx Bend • Ryan Walker State Farm • Deschutes Republicans • Webfoot Concrete Coatings • Webfoot Painting • Manski Media • Mission 22 • Youthline-Lines for Life • F45 Training • Mathnasium • Smile-A-Mile Painting • Wild Deschutes • Vacasa • Accident Care Chiropractic Bend Business Showcase Saturday & Sunday | Wall Street •
Vendors: Bend Business Showcase
First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 15 LeafGuard, the only patented one piece seamless gutter system on the market with a clog free guarantee and backed by the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. The lifetime transferable warranty will leave you at ease knowing you will never have to deal with your gutters again. Get it...and forget it $99 Show Special Explore clothing and accessories that exhibit the influences of rich textiles from vintage to global. Indulge your creative side and discover a source of inspiration through artfulness and good design. Escape from the everyday and fulfill your soul by embracing mindfulness and well-being. Vendors: • Stellar Stones • June Blout Designs • FunLuvin’ Fleecwear • Derive Jewelry • Sticks & Stones • Bahko Eyewear • Tate & Adelle • Charlotte Chanel • International Accents • Piel Canela Peru • Wayward & Wild • Liv & Lotus • Wildflower Fashion Truck • OM Gaia Tree • CD Originals • Nomad Leather • Lotus Leather • Jax Hats • Lazy Eye Supply • Triumph Outpost • Circle Couture • Dark Forest • Sarita Star Designs Saturday 11am-6:30 pm / Sunday 11am-5pm Oregon Ave between Brooks Alley & Wall St Soul CollectiveSoul Collective • Thrive Sauce • Manja Creations • Bend Sauce • Royal Juice Company • The Loving Fungi • Broadus Bees • 2 Angry Cats • Koa Roots • Manuka Mana • The Point Pub • Hoss Sauce • Lava Terrace Cellars • Fred Sauce • Mailekai Creates • Sakari Farms • Cutco Cutlery • Laurel Ridge Winery Vendors: If you need some foodie inspiration, visit Minnesota Avenue to treat your palette to robust Pacific Northwest wines and epicurean treats. Gourmet is a lifestyle! Artisan products will be available for novice cooks to gourmet chefs alike. Live Your Best Life Saturday 11am-6:30pm Sunday 11am-5pm Minnesota Ave between Wall St & Bond St Oregon Lifestyle Marketplace Oregon Lifestyle Marketplace
1000 NW Wall Street, Suite 110 Bend, OR 97703 541-322-0421 Find a creative environment where quality art supplies are accessible, and the local community is inspired to #Liveart. Saturday

Cornhole forKids Tourney

Every year, a portion of proceeds from Bend Fall Festival is donated to a local nonprofit. In 2022, Boys and Girls Club of Bend is our beneficiary!

Saturday 11am | Minnesota Ave

Let’s play cornhole! Enter this tournament style competition at the 2022 Bend Fall Festival – all in support of the youth in our community.


Enter to play in the tournament by downloading the Scorholio app on your phone

About Boys and Girls Club

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend (BGCB) has been serv ing our community for over 28 years. Our mission is to provide supportive relationships and opportunities for growth that inspire and empower youth to reach their full poten tial in the classroom, at home, and in our community. Our programs address the needs of our members in three core areas: Character & Leadership

Development, Healthy Lifestyles, and Academic Success. Our goal is to serve the whole child, addressing their physical, emotional, and social development.

First Interstate Bank Bend Fall Festival 17
Support our event beneficiary!
Fee: $100 for 2 players


by spidering around

Downtown during

Fall Fest weekend.

Downtown Bend, the heart of Central Oregon!

Executive Director, DBBA

be outside of The Commons with

Spirit Day events 11am-7pm

Keg Tap at Noon

Keg Tap at Noon

Hammerschlagen at 6pm

Hammerschlagen at 6pm

on all things Oktoberfest

Costume Contest at participating businesses for all ages, including pets!  Yodeling at the top of every hour

Coloring Contest at the DBBA Tent and participating businesses Chicken Dance Flash Mob at 5pm

18 WWW.SOURCEWEEKLY.COM / August 12, 2015 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 2 Beer garden Traditional German music
Downtown Bend Business Association
Join our Breweries, Bars, and Shops for spirited Oktoberfest events throughout the Downtown Bend District! Saturday October 1, 11am-7pm I encourage you to find your unique style of fun
Join us on

Scavenger hunt

Beer stein hold every hour, starting at Noon Brats & Pretzels

Brownbag Popcorn Co.  Pretzel and Mustard Tastings

Looney Bean Pumpkin Pie Hippee Dessert  Pumpkin beverages Lattes & Chai


Launching new, limited-edition product on Oct. 1

Jackalope Grill German menu starting September 28

Desperado Offering 10% off to Oktoberfest goers

Cowgirl Cash 20% off Stetson hats

All German beers $5


pancakes for brunch

Oktoberfest style on Costume Contest Participants: Coloring Contest Participants:
tap in the cafe

It’s perfectly ordinary. And it’s extraordinarily perfect. Life’s moments happen in all shapes and sizes. Let them happen on your own terms, too.

Bring on the day.


Proud sponsor of the Bend Fall Festival
FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. ⌂


steps to getting that play out of your head and on to the page. Whether you are a seasoned playwright or just starting out, this workshop is for you! Mondays, 4-6pm. Through Nov. 28. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-389-0803. ctcinfo@ $60 for non-members, free for members.


Author Event: The Last Housewife by Ashley Winstead Roundabout Books will stream the author live in the store! From the author of the acclaimed “In My Dreams I Hold a Knife” comes a dark thriller about a woman determined to take down a patriarchal cult and avenge the women in her life—but to do so, she might lose everything. Sept. 29, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. julie@ Free.

Fall into OBOB Series: Taylor Before and After by Jennie Englund Jennie En glund, author of Oregon Battle of the Books title “Taylor Before and After,” will join via Zoom for a Q&A from readers, parents and teachers. Submit your questions to events@roundaboutbookshop. com. Oct. 4, 6-7pm. Contact: 541-306-6564. Free.

Mystery Book Club Please join in-store or on Zoom for Mystery Book Club. The group will discuss The Ladies of the Secret Circus by Constance Sayers. Join zoom link here: https:// jRIOVkyck5DL092OE9Nakd2QT09. Wednesdays, 10:30am. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-3066564. Free.

Rediscovered Reads Book Club Please join Roundabout Books for Rediscovered Reads Book Club. Participants will discuss “March” by Geraldine Brooks. Sept. 28, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110,

Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. julie@roundabout Free.

Writers Writing: Quiet Writing Time

Enjoy the focus of a quiet space with the benefit of others’ company. This is an in-person pro gram. Masks are recommended at all in-person library events. Bring personal work, read a book or answer emails. Come when you can, leave when you want. Free, open network WiFi avail able. Tuesdays, 1:30-4:30pm. Deschutes Public Library-Downtown, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free.


Art in the West Closing Party Celebrate the last day of Art in the West! Mingle with par ticipating artists, watch live demonstrations and enjoy live music, food and libations. The exhibit and auction close at 7pm. Auction winners who are present can take home their pieces starting at 8pm. Sept. 30, 6-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Free.

Bingo at The Lot benefiting Street Dog Hero Come play some bingo at The Lot in Bend, benefiting Street Dog Hero! A night of high ener gy bingo that promises to entertain from start to finish! It will be outdoors with covered seating; there will be food trucks, cold drinks and some pups looking for their forever homes. Oct. 3, 6-8pm. The Lot, 745 NW Columbia St., Bend. Contact: 541-323-3647. Free.

Not Cho Grandma’s Bingo Not Cho’ Grandma’s Bingo is back at Silver Moon Brewing! The brewery hosts the famous bingo event for good times and a chance to win some cold hard cash! Sundays, 10am-1pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Free.

Teachers’ Night Out Back-to-school night, but for teachers! Central Oregon teachers and school administrators are invited to network with community organizations to support and enhance their upcoming school year. Come early for the

first screening of the High Desert Museum’s joint film project with Oregon Black Pioneers, “Meet ing the Sewells.” Sept. 28, 6-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Free to public, private and home-school educators and administrators.


Call for Volunteers - Play with Par rots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and prac tice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.

Humane Society Thrift Store - Volun teers Needed Volunteers Needed: Do you love animals and discovering “new” treasures? Then volunteering at the HSCO Thrift Store Donation Door is the perfect place to combine your passions while helping HSCO raise funds to provide animal welfare services for the local community. For information contact: Ongoing. Humane Society Thrift Shop, 61220 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3761.

Redmond Recreation Center Rally Join at the site of proposed Redmond Recreation center at SW 35th and Lava to learn about the facility, volunteer to hand out flyers or pick up a lawn sign. Free bouncy house and refreshments, and activities! The facility will be on the ballot for Eagle Crest, Terrebonne and Redmond. Sat, Oct. 1, 9am-Noon and Sat, Oct. 22, 9am-Noon. Red mond Recreation Center Site, SW 35th St. and Lava Ave., Redmond. Contact: info@redmondrec Free.

Share Your Business and Profession al Expertise Share your professional and business expertise! Become a volunteer mentor with SCORE in Central Oregon. The chapter is growing. Your experience and knowledge will be

Innovation is what defines Matisyahu. His music crosses over multiple genres, including reggae, experimental pop and hip-hop. Matisyahu is performing at 4pm and 8pm on Thu., Sept. 29 at the Midtown Ballroom. Courtesy of Matisyahu FB

valued by both new and existing businesses in the community. To apply, call 541-316-0662 or visit Ongoing. Contact: 541-316-0662.

Volunteer with Mustangs to the Res cue Gratifying opportunity available! All aspects of daily horse care and barn maintenance for Mustangs to the Rescue. Mondays-Sundays. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-330-8943. volunteer@mus Free.

Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Salvation Army has an emergency food pantry, the groups visit residents of assisted living centers and make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.

Volunteers Needed! Bird friendly or just curious? Volunteers are needed to help socialize and play with birds to help them to become more adoptable and possibly make some new (feath ered) friends! Please email or call for hours and location, by appointment only. First Monday-Sun day of every month, 10am-4pm. Second Chance Bird Rescue, 19084 Dayton Rd, Bend. Contact: 916-956-2153. Free.


Backcountry Brew: Coffee with the Hunting Curious Are you curious about hunting, but not sure where to begin? Backcoun try Hunters and Anglers of Central Oregon is chock full of friendly, ethically-minded hunters and the group is eager to meet you! Dress warm, grab some morning caffeine and come about the outdoors and what it takes to get started. First Saturday of every month, 9-10am. The Commons Cafe & Taproom, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. Con tact: Free. Become a Better Public Speaker! Do

you struggle with public speaking? You’re not alone! Come visit Bend Toastmasters Club and learn how to overcome your public speaking fears. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. Contact: 503501-6031. Free.

Board Games Hosted by The Base The Base at Franklin is a new space in the Old Bend neighborhood for neurodivergent humans and allies to access community through the shared goal for connection and wellness. Board games from 4-5:30pm. RPG direcly following at 5:30pm. RSVP required. Fridays, 4-5:30pm. The Base at Franklin, 5 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 5416108826. Free.

Celebrate With the Bend Bhakti Col lective Kirtan, sacred song, dance and commu nity. Celebrate with the Bend Bhakti Collective. Thursdays, 7pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-3824401. Free-$20.

Connecting Central Oregon Communi ties The Central Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Summit brings together Central Oregon resi dents, transportation planners, city and county officials and experts from around the state to re view what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done to make walking, bicycling and using transit safe, comfortable and accessible for everyone. Sept. 29, 8:30am. Redmond City Hall, 411 SW 9th St., Redmond. Contact: 503-7029479. Free.

First on the Butte! Join Central Oregon LandWatch staff and other folks for a bright and early casual hike up Pilot Butte each month, while learning about Central Oregon Land Watch’s work to defend the region. Hikers will meet at the main trailhead at 7am and keep an accommodating pace. All are welcome! RSVP suggested: first of every month, 7-8:30am. Through Dec. 31. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Contact: 302-

690-3420. Free.

Free Microchip Clinic with BrightSide Animal Center BrightSide Animal will offer free microchipping and will be able to serve 50 pets. No appointment necessary. Pets will be microchipped on a first come, first serve basis. Pet owners are encouraged to download the mi crochip authorization form at brightsideanimals. org/microchip, fill it out in advance and bring it to the shelter on Oct. 1 to expedite the process. The clinic includes a brief exam of each animal, insertion of the chip and the necessary paper work. Oct. 1, 10am-2pm. Contact: 541-923-0882. Free.

Game Night: Let’s Play LeftCenterRi ght Bring friends and make new friends. More people the bigger the pot. Simple game. One dollar table and 5 dollar tables. The winner of each game takes the pot. You're not going to get rich but you will have fun. Happy hour has $4 beer and wine. Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Zero Laten cy Bend, 1900 NE 3rd St. STE 104, Bend. Contact: 541-617-0688.

Get There Challenge Celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Get There Challenge this Oct. 3-16 by making your commute better! Try biking, walking, carpooling or taking transit to work to save money and reduce CO2. Then, log your trips (including remote work) in Get There Connect and unlock other achievements to earn points. Oct. 2-16. Contact: 541-408-6111. kim@commu Free.

Grand Opening for Central Oregon Aesthetics Join for Central Oregon Aesthet ics’ Grand Opening on Sept. 30.There will be champagne, hors d’oeuvres, raffles, swag bags and more! Sept. 30, 5:30-8pm. Central Oregon Aesthetics, 780 NW York Dr. Suite 104, Bend. Contact: 541-329-3300. info@centraloregonaes Free.

Superball is a bell bottom rock band from Bend. Playing music from the '60s all the way through the late '80s, this band has been playing all around Central Oregon. Superball is playing at 6pm on Thu., Sept. 29 at River’s Place. Courtesy of Superball FB
Hearthstone Gathering A homegrown CALENDAR EVENTSFIND DEALS HERE SAVE 20%-50% on your favoritelocal businesses Purchase discount gift certificates online at

gathering for teachers, healers, artists, vision aries and you. Our intention is to co-create community, sharing ourselves and the “heart istry” to collectively expand the consciousness and anchor in heart-centered living. The group spends 4-days and 3-nights together to sing, dance, swim, hike, play, learn, share and har monize with nature. Each day the gathering will offer 10-20 different classes and workshops, and in the evenings, celebrate the time together with performances, drumming and sharing hearts. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. Ogden Group Camp - Newberry Caldera, Paulina Lake Rd., La Pine. Contact: $77-$177.

House Plant Sale and Exchange

Join the 4th collective event for houseplant lov ers. All are welcome, from complete beginners to expert growers. There will be sales, clipping exchanges, raffle prizes and more! For more info visit the Central Oregon Houseplant Exchange and Consult facebook page. Oct. 1, 2-4pm. Stack Park, 820 NW Kingwood Pl., Redmond. Free.

Kirtan & Sacred Sound Find out why chanting mantra is beneficial. No singing or other experience needed! Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Heritage Hall, 230 NE 9th St., Bend. Free, sug gested donation of $5-$20.

Lecture: Coexistence and Regenera tion: “Rethinking Fire” Speakers from Uni versity of Saskatchewan, Lomakatsi Restoration Project and Wallowa Resources share lectures discussing the transformative, regenerative and collaborative forces at play in today’s environ ment, specifically surrounding wildfire. Part of the 2022 Coexistence and Regeneration Lecture Series, presented by Pine Meadow Ranch for Arts and Agriculture and The Roundhouse Foundation. Sept. 29, 6-8pm. Sisters Library, 110 North Cedar St., Sisters. Contact: inquires@ Free.

Mountain Muskrats Monthly Meeting

Your unexpected Central Oregon dive experi ence begins here. The Mountain Muskrats is an independent dive club set on exploring Central Oregon’s waterways. Join the club! First Satur day of every month, 5:30pm. The Den Dive Shop, 56881 Enterprise Dr., Sunriver. Contact: 541-6009355. $100 annual club fee.

Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon Support Group

This support group offers a safe space for all people involved in caring for or managing Parkinson’s Disease. Please contact Kay Terzian if you wish to join or have further questions 541-388-1706. Fridays, 9:45-11:45am. Through Jan. 1. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE

Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-388-1706. Free.

Ultimate Scavenger Bend

Photo Hunt Welcome to Bend’s first Photo Scavenger Hunt by The Ultimate Scavenger! Participants will be given 10 photos of loca tions in Bend. The locations might be murals, sculptures, shops, nature and more! Participants will attempt to locate these destinations and take a selfie with each to prove they were there. The first person to find all 10 photos and submit them is the winner! The winner gets a $100 cash prize! Email for more details. Sat, Oct. 1 Noon- Mon, Oct. 4 at 11:45am. $10.

Wazzu Football Watch Party Go Cougs! Meet fellow alumni, win swag and fight, fight, fight for Washington State at Cascade Lakes Brewing Company in Bend, the home of the WSUAA Central Oregon Club. Saturdays-Sat, Oct. 8, Sat, Oct. 15, Sat, Nov. 5 and Sat, Nov. 19. Through Nov. 26. Cascade Lakes Brewpub, 1441 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Free.

Wild Women Book Club Come join other women in community as participants dive deep into the untamed feminine psyche. This is set up in a way that you can jump in at any time with or without reading the “required” pages. Join in the discussion or just come for a cup of tea and listen! Fourth Wednesday of every month, 6-8pm. The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. classes@the $9 online/$10 at the door.

Women’s Intimate Health Support Circle A roundtable Q&A for women in the Cen tral Oregon community! You’re invited to join the Women’s Intimate Health Support Circle in tap ping into the wisdom of women and sharing the secrets that we keep. Bring your concerns about aging, intimate health, pelvic health and more out in the open, together. Sept. 28, 5:30-8pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-241-2763. info@freedomre Free.


After School Art Club Art Club is a unique after school program for kids to create and bring their ideas to life in an inspiring studio space. The weekly schedule features a different focus each day. Choose the day that most interests your child or nurture their creativity across a variety of media. Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays, 2:30-5pm. Through Dec. 15. Wondery Art + Ad venture School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr. Suite 190, Bend. Contact:

$150 per month.

Amelia’s World Puppet Show Join Amelia Airheart Monkey & Miss Hannah for a fun & uplifting interactive zoom puppet show! All ages welcome, 3 and under please be accompanied by a sibling or parent/caregiver to assist with inter action. Message ACORN School of Art & Nature on Facebook to request the Zoom link. Fridays, 4-4:15pm. Contact: nature. Free.

Borrow a Dress for Homecoming! High school girls are invited to check out the wide selection of new and gently used long and short dresses at Cinderella’s Closet. Hundreds of dresses, as well as shoes, jewelry, purses and other accessories are available to borrow at no cost for upcoming Homecoming events. First Saturday of every month, 10am-2pm. Assistance League of Bend, 210 SE Urania, Bend. Free.

Early Release Wild Wednesday Art Club

Art Club is a unique after school program for kids to create and bring their ideas to life in an inspiring studio space. The weekly schedule features a different focus each day. Choose the day that most interests your child or nur ture their creativity across a variety of media. Wednesdays, 1-5pm. Through Dec. 14. Wondery Art + Adventure School, 19550 Amber Meadow Dr. Suite 190, Bend. Contact: sarah@wondery $150 per month.

Fall Artisan Market This fall stop into Gen eral Duffy’s Waterhole every other Saturday to shop a variety of vendors during the Fall Artisan Market from 10am-2pm. Start with brunch and mimosas from the Annex, then shop till you drop! Every other Saturday, 10am-2pm. Through Nov. 26. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-527-4345. Free.

Halloween Hang Out - Toddler Open Play

Join for a spooky good time this Halloween with a special Toddler Open Play. Dress up your little ones and bring them to the super-cute toddler costume contest! The studio will have a spooky photo backdrop, fun Halloween music and candy give away! Ages 6 months-5 yrs. Sept. 29, 9-10:30am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr., Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. $22.

Homeschool Youth Naturalist Pro gram Quarterly enrollment, 7-week quarters, 3 quarters/year. 2022-23 options: Tue. 10am-1pm for 7-9 year olds Wed. 10am-1pm for 10-12 year olds. All outdoors. Connect with nature, make friends and learn survival skills. Learn more at

school. Oct. 4. Bend, RSVP for address, Bend. Contact: 901-486-4734. info@nighthawknatural $275.

Kids Harvest Run Join on Sat., Oct. 1 for an exciting PacificSource Kids Rock the Races event! Kids between the ages of 3-10 will have a blast on this fun course at Troy Field (just south of the Bend Fall Festival). Each little runner will receive a pumpkin to take back to the Bend Fam ily Play Zone’s Pumpkin Painting Station after the race. Oct. 1, Noon. Troy Field, NW Bond Street and Louisiana Avenue, Bend. $7.

Kids Open Play The Kids Ninja Warrior gym is a wonderful space for kids to stay active and have fun! It offers both Toddler Open Play for the littles and Kids Open Play for kids — babies and toddlers are welcome, too. The clean, bright and fully padded space is full of fun-filled movement. Saturdays-Sundays, Noon-3pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr., Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespir $15/Kids Open Play 1-Pass, $130/ Kids Open Play 10-Pass.

Let’s Talk About It Training with KIDS Center Examine child development through a social, physical and developmental lens. You can attend this program online or in-person. Registration is required. Register by using the “Register Here” link above. Masks are required at all in-person library events. Tuesdays, 10am. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@ Free.

Moms + Groms Meetup Moms + Groms is officially back at Boss Rambler 3-6pm every Wednesday! Moms, it’s simple: show up with your grom(s) to socialize and drink beer (or whatever you want) with other moms while the kiddos make new friends! All moms get $1 off drinks! Wednesdays, 3-6pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.

Tinkergarten: Body, Mind & Heart Fall Season How can you help your kid fall in love with the outdoors and build the habits, connec tions and skills that help kids thrive throughout life? Join for the fall series! Leading explorers through lessons that help kids learn to take risks, embrace change, keep calm, practice gratitude and more! Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-11am. Through Nov. 10. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd., Bend. Contact: 458-2313395. $219.

Ujima Afterschool Program Ujima after school program is committed to elevating stu dent voice, ensuring diverse representation, and

CALENDAREVENTSTICKETS AVAILABLE AT Insurance Accepted Blending Nature with Medicine , N.D.


is dedicated to equity work regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation/ expression, etc. The program celebrates diversity and culture and pursue an education of the self that benefits the community. Wednesdays, 3-5:30pm. Through Nov. 16. Ujima Afterschool Program, 520 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541604-8055. Free.

Youth Cooking Class-Soup Soup is good for the soul! Have your child age (7-17) join Kin dred Creative Kitchen in this fun hands-on class. Participants will make a variety of heart-warm ing seasonal soups. Oct. 1, 5:30-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-640-0350. kindredcreativekitchen@ $50.


Adult Cooking Class-Breads There is something very therapeutic about making bread, and of course it smells amazing when it comes out of the oven. Please join Kindred Creative Kitchen in this hands-on class where partici pants will make a variety of breads from scratch. Sept. 30, 5:30-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-6400350. $90.

Adult-Bake Like a Pro 1 Baking is all about technique. Kindred Creative Kitchen loves sharing the baking experience with people. This is the first of the Bake Like a Pro series but can be taken out of order. Adults, join Kindred Creative Kitchen in this extensive hands-on class to learn to bake like the pros do. Mon, Oct. 3, 6-9pm, Mon, Oct. 10, 6-9pm and Mon, Oct. 24, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-640-0350. $180.

Thursdays at Flights Wine Bar! Dine in with a 2-piece plate with sides and a biscuit for $18 or take an 8-piece bucket and a bottle to-go! Upgrade to the “Balla Bucket” to get a selected bottle of champagne. Thursdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail. com. $38.

Sisters Farmers Market Sisters Farmers Market runs every weekend from the first Sunday in June through the first Sunday in October. Explore the market this season to shop for fresh, micro-local produce, pantry staples and artisanal goods throughout Fir Street Park in the heart of Sisters. SNAP and EBT accepted! More infor mation at Sundays, 11am-2pm. Through Oct. 3. Fir Street Park, Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0134. sistersfarmers Free.

The Everyday Magic of Potions With Chef Vanna: A Live Cooking Show Abracadabra! Chef Vanna casts spells on mys tical health elixirs, skillfully boosting immunity with plant-based ingredients during this spooky season live cooking show. Join for an afternoon of learning how to access the magic of healing tonics, followed by a soup and salad lunch devel oped to protect your skeleton. Oct. 1, Noon-2pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Contact: 909-837-7693. info@openspace. studio. $35.


2nd Annual Oktoberfest 2nd Annual Okto berfest with authentic fest food, specials, beer, games and prizes. Join for an afternoon full of spirit and live music. Oct. 1, 1-7pm. Corral Tap Room & Food Carts, 791 NW 3rd St., Prineville. Free.

Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day! Tuesdays are Locals’ Day. Every Tuesday enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang out by the fire. See you soon, Bend! Tuesdays. Crosscut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend.

Fresh Hops & Pop Up Shops Come celebrate fall with River’s Place! Tons of fresh hop beers all day (tasting flights available), local artisan booths (shopping Noon-5pm) and live music by The Swingin’ Doors 6-8pm. Fresh hops truly are unique to the PNW, so grab a beer and support some amazing local artists. Oct. 1, Noon-8pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-525-5792. riversplacebend@ Free.

Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off growler fills every Wednesday at Bevel! Wednes days. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: 831-245-1922. holla@bevelbeer. com. Free.

HomeBrewing 101 DIYcave and Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization are proud to present this beginner class on home brewing beer. Club president and “Homebrewer of the Year” winner Kevin Tucker will teach you the basics of making all-grain beer on the club’s own brewing system. All materials and ingredi ents provided. Oct. 1, 10am-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-3882283. $75.

Locals’ Night Monday is the day to be at Silver Moon Brewing! Come on down, and join the local family all day every Monday! Silver Moon offers $3 pints of the core lineup beers and $4 pours of the barrel aged beers all day. Come down and sample what’s new while also enjoying the brand new food menu! It’s a steal of a deal that they won’t be chasing you out the door for! Mondays.

Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.

Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. There are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tues days. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: Free.

Thai Street Food Pop-Up Pranom Thai Street Food Pop-Up is coming back to Boss Rambler! Based out of LA + ATX, Chef Dream Kasestatad has been featured by the likes of @ eater + @laweekly + @zagat. 5pm until sold out both nights. Get there early. Sept. 28, 5-8pm and Sept. 29, 5-8pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.

Thursday Night Football Welcome to the new era of Thursday Night Football only on Amazon Prime and shown on Peppertree Pub’s 6 big screen TVs. $10 for one appetizer and a pint of beer poured from 15 rotating taps. It’s the NFL like you have never seen it before at the new Peppertree Pub. Thursdays, 4-9pm. Peppertree Pub, 1082 SW Yates Dr., Best Western Premier, Bend. Contact: 541-382-2007. bendsales@pep Free.

Whiskey Tuesdays The Cross-eyed Cricket Watering Hole is offering exclusive access to a library of top shelf whiskeys every Tuesday. One-ounce pours for reasonable prices. Come by and try something new, or sip on your favorites! Tuesdays, 11am-11pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.

Wine Wednesdays Happy hour all day on Wine Wednesday. Come in for discounts on glasses, beers and apps! Wednesdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@ Free.

Fried Chicken Thursdays Fried Chicken


2022 MBSEF Thrilla Cyclocross Series

MBSEF brings back its weekly cyclocross series for the month of November! Racers will rip around the grounds of The Athletic Club of Bend and can register for individual races or the fourday race series. Thursdays, 5:15pm. Through Sept. 29. Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-388-0002. molly@ $15-$35.

Adult Dodgeball (Open Gym) Make friends, get fit and have fun! Whether you’ve played before or are trying something new, join Bend Dodgeball for a game or two and see why it’s Bend’s favorite adult social sports league. Wednesdays, 6:30pm. Through Nov. 16. Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend, 500 NE Wall St., Bend. Contact: $8.

Badminton Night! Beginners and expe rienced players welcome. Extra racquets and birdies provided. The $10 cost helps pay for the facility. Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30pm. Through Nov. 2. Bend Hoops, 1307 NE 1st St., Bend. Contact: 503-720-8605. $10.

Bend Area Running Fraternity The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. AVID Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: bendarearunningfraternity@ Free.

FootZone Fall Training Groups Trail Half Marathon Training for and completing a Trail Half Marathon (13.1mi) is a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Participants benefit from FootZone’s experienced head coach and mentors. The half marathon program will also include informational clinics on nutrition, hydration, gear, injury prevention, stretching techniques and more. Safe. Community. Accountability. Fun. Friends. Tuesdays-Saturdays, 8am and Tue, Aug. 16, 6pm. Through Nov. 12. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-3568. col@ $150.

FootZone Fall Training Groups: Run ning Forward FootZone is combining its 5k and 10k groups to add more value to partici pants. In this track runners will be welcomed as a first time 5k runner or encouraged as a re turning runner looking to advance skills, improve endurance or push for a little bit longer running event. Sat, Sept. 10, 8am and Tuesdays-Wednes days-Saturdays, 6pm. Through Nov. 6. FootZone,

842 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-3568. $120.

Outdoor Fitness Class This fun and moti vating outdoor fitness class will get your blood flowing and leave you feeling empowered! Class will contain circuit, interval training and breath work. Adaptable to all levels. Parking pass, mats and equipment included. Reservation required, please visit website. Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. Through Sept. 28. Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Contact: 503-888-3674. wildlandguidingcompa $20.

Planet Fitness Home Work-Ins Planet Fitness is offering free daily workouts via lives tream! The best part? No equipment needed. Get your sweat on at least four times a day. Valid even for those without memberships! Visit the Planet Fitness Facebook page for more details. Ongoing, 4-5pm. Free.

Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Run ning Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thursdays, 6:15pm. City of Redmond, Redmond. Contact:

Thursday Night Run Run through the Old Mill for around 3-5 miles, stay for food and drinks! Thursdays, 6-7pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.


Cancer Bike Out - Social Dustortion All day mountain bike shuttles from Wanoga SnoPark on trails including: Funner, Tiddlywinks, Tyler’s Traverse, Royal Flush, Lower Storm King and more. Enjoy a day of riding with friends, raise money for local cancer charities including St. Charles Foundations and Candlelighters for Children with Cancer. Oct. 1, 10am-4pm. Wanoga Sno Park, Cascade Lakes Highway, Bend. Con tact: 541-639-5818. $30-$50.

The Circuit BIPOC Climbing Night Join the Circuit Rock gym the last Thursday every month for an event that welcomes all in the BI POC community. Last Thursday of every month. The Circuit Bouldering Gym Bend, 63051 NE Corporate Pl., Bend. 50% off day pass.

Cog Wild Jumping for Oldies For the ex perienced rider, age 30+, who didn’t get around to hitting jumps when youth was on their side. Day #1 at Phil’s Trailhead learning fundamen tal technique on jumps. Day #2 has students applying their new skills at the The Lair. $150 for

Storytelling and humor is at the forefront of Todd Snider’s music. This folk singer-songwriter sings with and a tone. Todd Snider performs with Ryan Montbleau at 7:30pm Towers Theatre. Courtesy
on Tue., Oct. 4 at
of Todd Snider FB 617-448-5277 Mon-Fri: Sat, Sun: 541-388-2337 61276 S Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97702 3pm–9pm 9am–9pmGreat food 22 big screen tvs 24 beers on tap
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 48 TOURS AND TREKS AND EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE TO TURN WINTER INTO THE BEST TIME OF YEAR extremely cool winter activities 541.383.0800 | On Stands 10. 13 Ad deadline 10.07 BOOK YOUR NEW DECK ESTIMATE C OM P OSIT E , S TEE L, WO O D. .. . GET $500 OFF DECK BUILDING! OREGON’S #1 RATED DECK BUILDERS DO IT ALL! 541-325-4991 *Cannot be combined with any other offer Saturday

2 days. Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Through Sept. 28. Cog Wild, 19221 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-385-7002. $150.

Cog Wild Ladies Progression Rides

Join like-minded ladies for a fun, low stress en vironment, social pace ride with skills sessions along the way. Rally your girls, minimum of four riders required to run these rides. Join for a single session or join them all. $45 per session. Thursdays, 4:30-7pm. Through Sept. 29. Cog Wild, 19221 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: 541385-7002. $45 per session.

Hoop Camp Hoop Camp is a basketball clinic for the special needs community. The Athletic Club of Bend encourages all members of the Bend community to participate. Making the camp inclusive. Join in on the fun! Oct. 1, 10am-1pm. Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-788-8489. chrisanne58@ $40.

Saturday Morning Coffee Run Come join CORK for a Saturday long run at 9am. The group will meet outside Thump Coffee on York Dr. for a long run. Feel free to run or walk, whatever “long” means to you! Whatever your pace and distance, Thump hopes you’ll join for the run and stay afterwards for food and drinks! Saturdays, 9-10am. Thump Coffee - NW Crossing, 549 NW York Dr., Bend. Free.

Whychus Canyon Preserve Hike

Join the Deschutes Land Trust and Michele McKay for a 4-5 mile fall hike at Whychus Canyon Preserve. Hiker will follow a trail through juniper forests and native grasslands. Along the way they will look for signs of wildlife and learn about the human and natural history of the preserve. Sept. 29, 10am-1:30pm. Whychus Canyon Preserve, outside Sisters, Sisters. Contact: 541 330 0017. Free.

Wildlife Tracking Certification & Workshops Sept 29/30 & Oct 1/2 Learn from Evaluator Marcus and the interconnected relationships of wildlife and their environment. This is an amazing learning experience you will leave seeing the natural world in a very different way. The fall event in 2021 in Bend sold out! These are two 2-day workshops. Thu, Sept. 29, 8am-4pm, Fri, Sept. 30, 8am-4pm, Sat, Oct. 1, 8am-4pm and Sun, Oct. 2, 8am-4pm. Deschutes National Forest, Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District, 63095 Deschutes Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 415-940-0469. $280.


“Honor Moments of Change: Pivot with Purpose” Mini-Retreat Series Kids grow. Parents age. Bodies evolve. Connections build and dissipate. Change is inevitable yet how we process and respond to that change invokes long-standing effects. Throughout the classes time together, participants will implement tools to gracefully navigate and intentionally reflect upon life’s transitions. Cultivate space to be and become! For more information visit inviting Wednesdays. Through Nov. 2. Bend, River West Neighborhood, NW Columbia, Bend. Contact: $500 for eight week series (Limited to 10 people).

$5 Yoga Classes All Day Bend Hot Yoga is offering 9 classes on 10/1 at $5 drop-in fee. Come check out original hot yoga, vinyasa, restorative, hot hatha, nia, inferno hot pilates and a sound bath. Bend Hot Yoga would love to welcome you into its space and its community! Please pre-register. Oct. 1. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. UnitA320, Bend. Contact: yoga@bend $5.

Access Bars and Body Process Gifting and Receiving Did you know your body’s first language is energy? Group trade of Access Bars and Body Processes is a great way to connect with others in the area and receive! If you have taken a Bars or Body Process class, join! What’s possible if we receive bodywork regularly? Every thing! First Tuesday of every month, 5-7pm. The

Blissful Heart Hidden Garden, 105 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-848-7608. jennifereve Free.

Befriending You: Embodied Self- Con nection Intro - Free Experience a taste of embodied self-awareness and communicating in ways that deepen the connection with yourself. When we resonate with ourselves, we calm our nervous system and have more clarity and connection. Get a sense of what it feels like to be truly seen and understood. Wed, Sept. 28, 12-1:30pm. Contact: 503-680-5810. bethwelton Free.

Beginner Yoga Series Join Deven Sisler in a warm, welcoming space to demystify yoga, discover why and how to use props for your body and explore how your own breath, mind and body can help you with your posture, reducing stress and falling asleep with ease. Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm. Through Oct. 23. The Yoga Lab, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 170, Bend. Contact: 541-633-7363. $60 for all four sessions, $19 drop in.

Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a full schedule of classes through Zoom! Sign up for your class on and download Zoom. Prior to start you will receive an email in vitation to join class. Be ready with mat, weights, roller and/or band and login five minutes prior to class time. For more information visit bend Ongoing, Noon-1pm. $20.

Bend Zen Meditation Group Bend Zen sits every Mon, evening at 7pm. Arrive at 6:45pm to orient yourself and meet others. The group has two 25-minute sits followed by a member-led Dharma discussion from 8:05-8:30pm. All are welcome! Learn more and sign-up for emails at Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St., Bend. Contact: Donations accepted.

Buddhism: Start Here This informal talk is designed to introduce the basics of the Buddhist point of view as expressed in the Vajrayana (Tibetan) tradition, led by Natural Mind Dharma Center director Michael Stevens. First Monday of every month, 7pm. Natural Mind Dharma Center, 345 SW Century Dr., Suite 2, Bend. Contact: info@ Free.

Capoeira: A Martial & Cultural Art Form of Freedom Free yourself from everyday movement and thought streams, push your boundaries and find joy in community. This Afro-Brazilian art combines music and acro batics in a constant flow of movement, attacks and creative defense. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr. Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 541-6783460. $30 intro month.

Coaching Group Build your dream life while connecting to a supportive, motivating commu nity. Clarify your goals — internal or external, immediate or long-term, self or other focused. Learn new skills, techniques and insights to make it happen! Led by Diana Lee, Meadowlark Coaching. Mondays, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 914-9802644. $15-25.

Community Acupuncture Acupuncture helps reduce stress, increase vitality and energy, treat acute and chronic pain and strengthen your immune system. Community acupuncture makes it possible for more people to access affordable health care. Wednesdays-Fridays, 10:30am-1pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: Reservations: 541-330-0334. $60/session.

Drop In Monday Meditation Come join in the beautiful gardens for meditation and healing! All are welcome! Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm. Blissful Heart Wellness Center, 45 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 510-220-2441. cathleen@ Donation-based.

Ecstatic Meditation Retreat Join on Oct 12-16 for 5-day retreat with 3 full days of silence and the indefinable exploration into meditations that transcend sitting into dance, yoga and more. Offerings coming from Monika, Amanda, Owl, Puma, Ryan, Shanti and more. For a full sched ule and all the details, email Ryan at: exudechi@ Through Oct. 11. Central Oregon, Countywide, . Contact:

Impact Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Program Impact PD! is a highly energy exer cise class designed for people with Parkinson’s. Whole body activation, voice work, facial expres sion, counteract your symptoms, dual tasking, fine motor skills and increase your daily activity. Led by Nancy Nelson an Exercise Specialist for Parkinson’s. Call with questions and to sign up 503-799-5311. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:1510:30am. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr. Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 503-7995311. $119 a month.

In-Person Yoga at LOFT Wellness & Day Spa In-person yoga classes at Bend’s newest yoga studio! Tuesdays: Vinyasa with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Thursdays: Foundation Flow with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Schedule online or give us a call to reserve your spot! Tuesdays-Thursdays, 5-6pm. Loft Wellness & Day Spa, 339 SW Century Dr. Ste 203, Bend. Contact: 541-690-5100. info@loftbend. com. $20.

Live Music Yoga & Gong Bath Medita tion This experiential yoga class explores vibra tion through movement, music and meditation. Through the use of gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls, chimes, flutes, and drums the group explores the healing journey of experiencing sound on a deep profound level. Please bring a yoga mat, cushion and blanket for max comfort. All levels welcome. Wednesdays, 7pm. Hanai Foundation, 62430 Eagle Rd., Bend. Contact: 808783-0374. $15-20.

Love Thy Camp Yoga Studio Classes in Tumalo Love Thy Camp has opened a small (4 yogis max) yoga studio in Tumalo! One of the ways it raises money is through yoga classes. So, come support your health and a great cause! Check the schedule for dates/times. Private one-on-one available, too! First class $5 off with code: GetSomeYoga. Mondays-Fridays, 9:3010:30am and 11:30am-12:30pm. Love Thy Camp, 20039 Beaver Lane, Bend. Contact: 541-9485035. $20 Drop-in.

Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Support Group

The Mommy & Me Breastfeeding Sup port Group meets weekly in the Central Oregon Locavore event space. Lactation consultants on hand from St. Charles and WIC to weigh babies and answer questions. All are welcome, includ ing partners and siblings, no matter how you are feeding your baby. Thursdays, 6-8am. Central Oregon Locavore, 1841 NE Third St., Bend. Free.

Motivation and Goal Setting Workshop Feeling Pandemic Blues? It’s a great time to redesign your life. Make use of your time at home by setting and reaching goals in a free Zoom Workshop. Certified Life Coach, Jacquie Elliott is hosting a motivation and accountability workshop on the first Monday of the each month. First Monday of every month, 5:30-7pm. Contact: Free.

Outdoor Yoga Class All-levels Vinyasa Flow class. Our community yoga classes take place outside, with the sun shining, the birds chirping and the river flowing by. For visitors, new to Bend and locals — build strength and flexibility in community, in nature! Parking pass, mat and props included. Reservation required, please visit website. Fridays, 8:30-9:30am and Wednesdays, 8:30-9:30am. Through Sept. 28. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd, Bend. Contact: 503888-3674. $20.

Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Meeting Zoom meeting password: 301247 For more infor mation: For assistance, call Terri at 541-390-1097. Sundays, 3-4pm. Contact: 541-390-1097.

Parkinson’s In Person Exercise Class PWR! Moves Group Exercise Class. Please join Nancy Nelson, Parkinson’s Exercise specialist, for this whole body in-person, function-focused exercise that will push you to do more than you think. You will be challenged physically and cognitively while working through fitness goals: strength, balance and agility. Call Nancy 503799-5311. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 1-2pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 503-799-5311. $160 for 8 weeks.

Scottish Country Dance Scottish Country Dance class is on Monday from 7-9pm at the Sons of Norway Building, 549 NW Harmon. A chance to socialize and get a bit of exercise, too. Beginners are welcome. All footwork, figures and social graces will be taught and reviewed. Contact 541-508-9110. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-508-9110. allely@bendbroadband. com. $5.

St. Jacob Orthodox Christian Church Liturgy Father Ignatius leads the Christian Or thodox community at the back of the Bend Coffee & Books store. All ages, denominations, colors, races and groups are welcome to come join. Par ticipants will pray, give thanks, read and worship. Please wear modest attire. Sundays, 10-11:30am. Through Feb. 1. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-241-8119. Free.

St. Jacob Orthodox Christian Church VESPERS Join Father Ignatius and the con gregation in a small worship space located at the back of Bend Coffee & Books. This is a simple evening of prayer and worship. Wednesdays, 6-6:45pm and Saturdays, 6-6:45pm. Through Feb. 1. Bend Coffee & Books, 155 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-241-8119. father.ignati Free.

Tai Chi / Qi Gong The focus of Grandmaster Franklin’s teaching is on the individual, not on the group. He teaches the original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. This holistic ap proach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Tuesdays-Thurs days, 9:45am. Grandmaster Franklin, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. $80 per month.

Women’s Intimate Health Support Circle w/ Dr. Carol Petherbridge Dr. Carol Petherbridge ND, is a women’s urinary incontinence and sexual health specialist, supporting women in aging with Joy. In these women’s circles, you will have the opportunity to chat with local experts in women’s intimate health and receive empathetic connection with women in your community. Sept. 28, 5:30-8pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-410-5866. info@freedomre Free.

Yoga with Focus: Dance Gain flexibility for extensions and strength for inversions. This vinyasa style class allows a deep stretch while building strength. Tools for stress relief and conditioning that can be transferred to the dance studio. Appropriate for all levels of yoga and dance. No yoga or dance experience necessary. Thursdays, 9-10am. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. UnitA320, Bend. Contact: yoga@bendhotyoga. com. $20/drop-in.


Fungi Festival Celebrates the Culinary Wealth of the Oregon Forests

The 6th annual fungi fest is set to ‘shroom on Oct. 8

Get set to explore the mystical and magical world of mushrooms during the Fungi Festival hosted by the Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory and the Central Oregon Mushroom Club on Saturday, Oct. 8. There will be walks and talks, a mushroom ID station staffed by members of the Cascade Mycological Soci ety, children’s activities and a mushroom display with different species of wild fungi labeled for viewing.

“This is our 6th annual Fungi and Mushroom fest in cooperation with the Central Oregon Mushroom Club and is just a celebration of all things mushroom,” said Kelli Neumann, SNCO program director. “Mush room people are a kick. They are my new favorite peo ple. They are just so into understanding these crazy diverse organisms that exist in our forests.”

Additional activities include cooking demos and a mushroom marketplace with vendors that will send you home prepped to grow your own edible mush rooms or ready to serve up some delicious fungi (see the website for some vendors accepting pre-orders for pick-up at the marketplace). For those who can’t wait, the Feast Food Company food truck will be serving up a mushroom-forward menu.

“We are doing all these field trips to collect speci mens for the display,” said Linda Gilpin, COMC pres ident. “The number of specimens for the display is partially weather-dependent, especially if the weather has been dry.” Interested individuals should reg ister with SNCO for one of the two Mush room Foraging Field Trips on Friday, Oct. 7; space is limited to 12 people per trip.

“We’ll also cover responsible har vesting tips on the field trip,” said Neumann.

Gilpin recommends that pri or to the field trip, people check their yard or park and try to iden tify the mushrooms on their own.

“Part of the invitation to the public is to learn how to look at mushrooms to identify them,” said Gilpin.

In addition to the field trips, Sunriver Lodge’s Executive Chef Joshua Hedrick will prepare a four-course dinner that features delicious mushrooms. Tickets for the 6pm dinner may also be purchased from the resort.

Rob Glenney, Deschutes Gourmet Mushrooms owner, will host a session during the festival on grow ing gourmet mushrooms at home. “Mainly, it’s going to be on oyster mushrooms because those are the most commonly grown, novice mushrooms. They’re

easy to grow, very productive and taste great,” said Glenney. In addition to the indoor variety, Glenney will talk about growing mushrooms outdoors. “That variety would be wine cap mushrooms, and those are good because folks can grow those here in Cen tral Oregon.” Glenney will also bring sever al hundred pounds of mushrooms to the marketplace including several varieties of oyster mushrooms, chestnut mushrooms, lion’s manes and King trumpets, as well as ready-to-fruit blocks which sell out quickly.

At 1:30 pm, Dr. Gurpreet Chopra, a psychiatrist from Bend, and J.E. “Jeff” Hyatt will present “Psilocybin Ther apy,” a discussion of psilocybin chemistry, a review of academic psychedelic science, and the pres ent-day inclusion of psychedelics as pos sible treatments in therapy, and as a benefit to those diagnosed with end-stage cancer. The presenta tion is timely as Measure 109, the ballot measure that

identification,” said Gilpin. Cowan will give a presen tation at 2:30pm about spores, the reproductive unit of a mushroom.

In 2021, the festival attracted over 900 visitors and some of the vendors sold out their stock. Since park ing is very limited at SNCO, there will be a shuttle from the Sunriver Marina to reduce parking along the road. “The parking area is about one-half mile from the Nature Center and we’ll have a shuttle going back and forth all day,” said Neumann. Attendees might also consider parking in the Sunriver Village or other public parking areas and access the Nature Center via the bik ing and walking trails.

“The festival covers any interest people have in mushrooms, from cultivating mushrooms to identify ing wild mushrooms,” Glenney. “No matter what it is you like about mushrooms, you’re going to get it cov ered there.”

The Sunriver Nature Center is hosting a fungi Saturday that features all things mushroom. Courtesy
Sunriver Fungi Fest & Mushroom Show Sat., Oct. 8, 10am to 3pm Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory 57245 River Rd., Sunriver Adults $12, ages 4-12 $10, SNCO member $9, COMC member $7, SROA member Free

Dump City Gets New Digs

Dump City Dumplings has a new brick-and-mortar home, taking over the Galves ton Avenue location recently occupied by Primal Cuts Market. The dumpling business that began life as a food cart moved into a more formal location in the Old Mill in 2018, but moved its operations to the west side of Bend this month, cel ebrating its grand opening on Sept. 23. Dump City’s new location is open seven days a week and features Chinese bao-style dumplings in flavors including Chinese style pork, Pad Thai, Four-Cheeze Pizza and daily-special flavors, as well as serving teri yaki chicken and Xin Jiang lamb skewers, drinks and more.

Dump City Dumplings 1244 NW Galveston Ave., Bend

Thai Street Food Popup at Boss Rambler

The Pranom popup is a Thai food operation that doesn’t just pop up in one region, or even just one state—but moves around wherever “The Noodle Man” wants to go. This week, Pranom Chef Dream Kasestatad will bring his flavors to Bend. Boss Rambler Beer Club hosts the Pranom popup Sept. 28 and 29, starting at 5pm each night until the food sells out. A meat and vegan option is available each night. Kasestatad is based in Austin, Texas, and Los Angeles and has been featured in publications including LA Weekly and Eater. According to the Pranom Pop-up web site, “Dream Kasestatad began his culinary journey with just a bicycle, making Pad Thai from his apartment and delivering it to his friends, neighborhood bars, and businesses in Los Angeles. Word quickly spread and he soon began hosting Thai street food pop-ups all over the city as Pranom Pop-Up.”

Pranom Popup at Boss Rambler Beer Club

Wed., Sept 28 & Thu., Sept. 29. 5pm til selling out

1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend

Courtesy Dump City_Facebook Courtesy Boss Rambler Beer Club
Together, Together, Hand Hand & &Paw Paw Transforming TLives ransforming Lives Together, we help 3,000 animals every year at the Humane Society of Central Oregon with safe sheltering, medical care & adoption. 541 382 3537 ADOPT SHOP DONATE HSCO Thrift Store HSCO Shelter 61170 SE 27th St Bend OR 97702 Tu Fri 1p 5:30p Sat 10a 5p hsco org 61220 S Highway 97 Bend OR 97702 Every Day 10a 6p Donations M Sat 10a 5p KIRTAN & SACRED SONG BEND BHAKTI COLLECTIVE JOIN THE FULL BAND FOR AN EVENING OF JOY FILLED KIRTAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH 7:00-8:30PM CELEBRATE MUSIC CELEBRATE LIFE HERITAGE HALL 230 NE 9TH ST SUGGESTED DONATION $5-$20 NO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDS


The Empathy Machine BendFilm Festival returns for its 19th year

This makes me feel incredibly old, but I’ve seen at least one movie at every BendFilm Festival since its inception 19 years ago. Having watched the fest go from folding chairs in Midtown Ballroom at midnight (checking out Ti West’s first feature, “The Roost”) to interviewing indie legends like John Sayles and Debra Granik, BendFilm’s evolution has only been a positive one. Don’t get me wrong, the early years of the festival were very exciting, as it felt like being on the ground floor of something last ing and important, but now being recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as an Oscar-qualifying event is an astounding glow-up.

Under the executive direction of Todd Looby, the festival programming of Selin Sevinc and everyone from the venue managers to the screening committee, BendFilm has become more diverse, more inclusive and genuinely seeks out marginalized voices that deserve to be heard. Each year, there exists a very thin thread that thematically connects the features, documentaries and shorts. While I haven’t watched everything (although I will for next week’s issue, when I build a schedule of my favorite movies for those having trouble deciding what to come see), I found a powerful thread of empathy connecting the movies I’ve watched so far. Here’s a look at a few I’ve enjoyed.

“Sweetheart Deal:” An unflinching gut punch of a documentary following four sex workers in Seattle who are all deep in the throes of addiction, and the self-pro claimed helper who lives in a roadside RV, offering the women a supposed safe place to sleep and heal. This might sound like a depressing offering (and it does have its moments), but the film is actually profoundly empathetic and life affirming. Direc tors Elisa Levine and Gabriel Miller use such an unobtrusive verité method to the filmmaking that the entire documentary feels like an unprecedented view into a world we never see. Filmmakers will be in attendance.

“Jacir:” Jacir is a Syrian refugee living in a rough area of Memphis, settled next to a racist and opioid-addicted older woman. This narrative feature is a powerful look at the refugee experience in the U.S. and an unflinching elegy to those society leaves to fester inside an unsparing opioid crisis. The lead performances by “The Sopra nos’” Lorraine Bracco and Malek Rahbani are legitimately astounding and deserve to win every major award at the festival. Filmmakers will be in attendance.

“Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest:” This is an inspiring and breathtaking doc umentary about Pasang Lhamu Sherpa, a Nepalese woman on a tireless quest to be the first woman to summit Everest. Her story not only inspired people to follow in her footsteps, but reshaped the entire Sherpa culture forever. Documentaries this expansive are rare and wonderful. Filmmakers will be in attendance.

Check back with the Source Weekly next week, when I’ll get granular with the festival schedule and break down exactly how to maximize your time to have as much fun over the weekend as possible.

BendFilm Festival

In-Person is Oct. 6-9, Virtual is Oct. 10-23 Go to for tickets and showtimes.

“Sam Now:” I would guess this documentary has a good chance of winning Best Documentary, Best Editing, the Audience Award or some combination of the three. This spellbinding doc follows director Reed Harkness, who spent 25 years of his life filming his younger brother Sam, eventually taking him on a 2,000 mile road trip looking for the mother who abandoned him as a teenager. “Sam Now” is a spell binding look at generational trauma, the power of art and the cycles of life we can become trapped inside. Filmmakers will be in attendance. Courtesy of IMdb Courtesy of IMdb Courtesy of IMdb Courtesy of IMdb

First Interstate Bank’s EMPTY BOWLS

AVATAR (RE-RELEASE): To get people hyped for the new “Avatar” movie that’s coming out in December, Disney is re-releasing the original to remind people that it was a thing back in 2009. I haven’t seen it in years, but I remember “Ava tar” having cool 3D and a plot that reminded me how much I love “Fern Gully.” Regal Old Mill

BARBARIAN: A woman arrives to her rental home but the dude that played Pennywise is already there. Most people would flee into the night, but then we wouldn’t have a movie, so she stays and deeply creepy horror ensues. This is a new horror classic from top to bottom. Regal Old Mill

BROS: Finally, we have a big budget studio romantic comedy with and an all-LGBTQ+ central cast. This is the first time something like this has been done in history and with star Billy Eichner writing and Nicholas (“Forgetting Sarah Marshall”) Stoller, this could end up being this year’s comedy smash success. Regal Old Mill

BULLET TRAIN: Why yes, I would like to see Brad Pitt fight a train full of assassins as it speeds across Japan. When you’ve got one of the co-creators of the “John Wick” franchise behind the camera, that means there will be just as many jokes as punches and “Bullet Train” is just as goofy as it is exciting. Regal Old Mill

DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: This animated adventure sees The Rock and Kevin Hart as the voice of Superman and Batman’s respective dogs that must team up to save their respective Super Partners. Regal Old Mill

DON’T WORRY DARLING: The media loves to talk about all the drama involved with the making of this one, but completely forgets that 1) Olivia Wilde directed the charming and lovely “Booksmart,” 2) Florence Pugh is one of the best actresses of her generation and 3) that this movie is actually an orig inal idea instead of a remake or comic book movie. I think it looks fantastic. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub, McMenamins

GOD’S COUNTRY: Thandiwe Newton vs trespassers in a modern inversion of the American Western? Yeah, sign me up. The trailer for this is chilling.

Sisters Movie House

THE GOOD HOUSE: Starring Kevin Kline and Sigour ney Weaver, this romantic drama follows a New En gland realtor as she rekindles some long-dormant connection with her high school sweetheart. This definitely looks like one of those movies that people complain don’t get made anymore: something fo cused on adults dealing with real human emotions. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON: Did you fall in love with the hilarious and touching YouTube vid eos of Marcel (voiced by the luminous Jenny Slate) when they came out a few years ago? Of course you did. Well, this feature length story about the little shell searching for his people is one of the sweetest

and kindest movies of the last few years. A joy. Tin Pan Theater

MOONAGE DAYDREAM: David Bowie. In IMAX. Glorious. Regal Old Mill

MY OLD SCHOOL: Go into this hybrid documentary knowing nothing except that it’s so much stranger than fiction. Will melt your brain and help redefine what humans will do to achieve their dreams. Tin Pan Theater

PEARL: A darkly funny and disturbing melodrama that acts as a prequel to last year’s modern horror classic “X,” Ti West and Mia Goth’s “Pearl” is a perverted and bloody ‘Wizard of Oz.” Truly one of the most original experiences of the year. Regal Old Mill, Tin Pan Theater

SEE HOW THEY RUN: An old-fashioned comedy/ mystery that plays like a madcap Agatha Christie whodunnit featuring Sam Rockwell, Saoirse Ronan, Adrien Brody and Ruth Wilson? Yeah, that sounds like it was made just for me. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub

THE SILENT TWINS: The true story of twin sisters living in a small town in Wales who would only communicate with each other. A deep dive into institutional racism, this is a remarkable story I had never heard of before now. Regal Old Mill

SMILE: This new horror flick has a similar plot to “It Follows,” but looks just creepy enough to stand on its own. After a young woman goes through a traumatic incident, she starts getting stalked by a smiling creature that looks like people she knows. This has a hell of a trailer, so maybe we might have a solid horror flick on our hands. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub

THE TERRITORY: A captivating look at the struggle between indigenous tribes and developers as the lo cals try to save as much as they can of the Amazon. This really shows you the power of documentaries and their ability to effect change. Tin Pan Theater

TOP GUN: MAVERICK: There’s a reason why Tom Cruise is the last true movie star and it’s mostly because he’s that perfect blend of creepy, weird and desperate to entertain us—and boy does he. Talk about a highway to the danger zone. Regal Old Mill

WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING: I really liked this book and actress Daisy Edgar-Jones is a fantastic new talent, so hopefully this Rural Noir murder mystery catches the imaginations of people unfa miliar with the story. If the reviews are accurate, the film doesn’t quite capture the same magic as the book does, but not many movies adapt novels very well in the first place. Regal Old Mill

THE WOMAN KING: An historical drama/action movie about the Agojie, the all-female warrior unit that protected the African kingdom of Dahomey in the 1800’s. Featuring an absolutely fierce perfor mance by Viola Davis, this is a solid if flawed epic. Regal Old Mill

Empty Bowls is an internationally recognized event that raises awareness of hunger and food insecuri ty. Locally, funds raised support NeighborImpact’s Food Program. This program feeds more than 52,000 each month and distributes about 4 million pounds of food locally each year in Central Oregon.

 Your friendly local film reviewer’s takes on what’s out there in the world of movies.
Tickets are $35 & GOING FAST! JOIN US SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th Two Seating Times: Noon & 1:30pm BACK IN PERSON at Central Oregon Community College SCAN HERE Empty Bowls’ Event Sponsors MOONAGE DAYDREAM

OJim Anderson, Champion of the Natural World

Jim was born James Oscar Anderson Jr. on March 27, 1928, in West Haven, Connecticut and raised on a small farm. For 16 years, he never had cold hands or a cold forehead—thanks to his grandfather teaching him how to milk cows.

He leaves wife Sue, who has lived with him for near ly 50 years, six children: Kristen, Dean, Ross, Reu ben, Caleb and Miriam, 16 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

It was on the farm that Jim learned the Conserva tion Ethic at the age of 11. “You eat what you shoot,” his grandfather said, as he inspected a great horned owl Jim had shot and taught him the positive role of owls in the environment.

It was also in West Haven that Jim began a long love affair with airplanes and flying. He used a horse-drawn mowing machine to cut the grass on a small airport close by, and took his wages in flying time. (This expe rience eventually led him to become an FAA Certified Commercial Pilot and flight instructor in gliders).

Jim rolled into Bend on his Harley-Davidson in Sep tember of 1951, after spending four years in the U.S. Navy serving on sub-chasers in the Caribbean. The day after he arrived in Bend he was fighting forest fires, using his motorcycle for transportation on mountain roads.

In the mid-‘50s Jim spent time with Fort Rock, Ore gon, horseman Reub Long, author of “The Oregon Des ert,” to see if he wanted to be a buckaroo. After pulling calves at 16-below zero, he decided he didn’t.

Jim logged, mined pumice and studied coyotes— especially the response to poisons (and subsequent impact on non-target species, such as raptors) and what effect “control” had on reducing livestock dam ages. He also became involved with the Oregon State Police and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, apprehending crimi nals shooting raptors and other wildlife. In later years, he contributed to studies for ODFW on bats, eagles,

hawks, owls, cormorants and osprey.

Jim worked for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland as a naturalist for several years, implementing outdoor education and scientific activities for families, students and teachers. He took hundreds of children on field trips throughout the Northwest in the OMSI Space Cruiser bus. He was also involved in operating OMSI’s science camps. He then became the director of the Children’s Zoo and Con servation and Education Programs in what is now the Oregon Zoo in Portland.

Jim has been involved in studying and banding rap tors in Central Oregon for over 50 years. He and wife

The Cult of Deb Vigil planned for Deb Auchery, founder of Cult of Tuck

“That’s kind of what all of my stand-up is revolved around—taking the darkness and all those not-sogreat things in my life and turning it into something that’s fun and hilarious, and that people can relate to, and heal from. It’s also partially about educating peo ple about the transitioning process and letting them hear, you know, the dances from a trans person herself.

“It’s something that everyone’s able to relate to— everyone goes through breakups. Everyone’s gone through puberty. Everyone’s dated, but I get to share my experiences during my unique ones, and I think that helps me feel a little bit less alone and less isolat ed with the trans experience.”

Back in May, Central Oregon drag queen Deb Auch ery, also known as Alex Simpson, talked to the Source Weekly about her transition and how doing comedy

Sue recently completed their part of a 10-year survey of the Golden eagles in Oregon that took them to many remote places in Oregon’s outback where they loved to spend their time.

Jim has been writing a nature column for “The Nug get Newspaper” in Sisters and the “Source Weekly" of Bend for many years. He is also the author of a book, “Tales from a Northwest Naturalist." He was a selftaught naturalist. (In his case a “Naturalist” is a biolo gist who flunked chemistry.)

Jim traveled to Australia and lived with Aborigines in the Northern Territory for a time and studied spi ders in Melbourne. He was the manager of the Nature Conservancy’s Ramsey Canyon Preserve in Southeast Arizona for three years. He then originated the nature programs at Sunriver in the early ‘70s, working with John Gray and the original landscape architect, Bob Royston.

He conducted Elder Hostel programs for Central Oregon Community College, Sunriver Nature Center and Southern Oregon University for several years, and enjoyed working with OPB and the crew with “Oregon Field Guide.” One of his favorite activities was taking a Great Horned Owl into a classroom and introducing children to the wide world of nature.

He died, reluctantly, on Sept 22 and his final resting place will be in full view of his beloved Fourt. Rock in Central Oregon. A celebration of life is planned for the near future.

Those wishing to honor Jim with a donation can send it to the Deschutes Land Trust, one of his beloved organizations for preserving Central Oregon special lands for future generations.

had helped her through. Deb died suddenly last week, shocking the community and leaving many to weigh in about the impact her life and work had on their lives. The Source Weekly is planning a tribute for Deb in a future issue, but in the meantime, a vigil is planned this Friday.

Community Candlelight Vigil for Deb Auchery Fri., Sept. 30, 6-9pm

Peace Corner, corner of Greenwood and Wall St., Bend Speakers, music and snacks and beverages provided.

An ode to our longtime naturalist contributor, who went out among the stars Sept. 22 Jim Anderson with one of his beloved owls. Anderson passed away Sept. 22. Courtesy Anderson family


Aspen, more than your average tree Glorious fall foliage is just one benefit

The Brookings Institute tracked student achievement, showing a sharp decline in math scores at the start of the pandemic.

Every fall the aspen trees of Central Oregon light up the forest with their brilliant changing colors.

There’s just something about their stark white bark, round yellow and orange leaves and delicate quaking sound that is so enchanting. But, did you know that aspens are more than your average tree? They provide year-round benefits to wildlife and people.

Quaking aspens (Populus tremuloides) are the most widely distributed trees in North America. Though they are more common in the Rocky Mountains and into Canada, eastern and Central Oregon are on the edge of their range. Here they are most often found in near rivers or creeks, along the edge of meadows, or in openings in the forest. Aspens can grow up to 40 feet tall with trunks as large as 10 inches. Individual trees will live for 100-150 years, but because they are clonal and reproduce via root sprouts the larger clone can be thousands of years old. Aspen groves from the same clone will even change color at the same time each fall!

Aspen and aspen stands are used by a wide range of wildlife and are considered biological hotspots— places rich in biological diversity. Their dense thick ets provide cover and hiding spots for calving deer and elk. Woodpeckers use aspen trunks to create nesting cavities. Songbirds, bats, beaver, black bear and other wildlife nest and forage in aspen stands. In the winter, aspen stands provide warmer locations for wildlife to escape wind, snow and extreme cold.

Aspen trees also play an important role in our water cycle. Their dense shady stands collect and store snowpack longer than surrounding conifer stands. In the winter and spring, aspen slowly release their snow pack stored in these shady groves, adding cool water into our streams and groundwater. This is especially important for communities that rely on snowmelt for their water supply.

Aspen trees like disturbance and are good at colo nizing a site after something like a fire moves through the forest. While the mature trees with their thin bark will often die in a fire, the roots below ground remain and will re-sprout in abundance. According to the U.S. Forest Service, as many as 50,000 to 100,000 can sprout on a single acre after a fire!

Today, aspens are very limited in their range in Ore gon. It’s estimated that 70% of the aspen woodlands in southeastern Oregon have been lost since the 1800s. So, what’s causing the decline? Fire suppression and conifer growth, for one. Aspens evolved with fire and need frequent fires to reinvigorate their groves and stimulate the growth of new trees to replace the rel atively shorter lived mature ones. Without fire, aspen stands tend to be overtaken by conifer trees, eventually blocking the light that sun-loving aspen need to thrive. Browse pressure can also make it hard for aspen stands to thrive. Those thousands of little suckers can only take so much munching from deer, elk and livestock. That’s why you’ll often see aspen stands around Ore gon fenced in to give them a chance to get established.

Finally, climate change is one of the biggest threats to aspen. The ongoing intense drought and lack of pre cipitation in the West stresses these moisture-lov ing trees, making them more susceptible to insects and other diseases. That’s why local land stewards like the Forest Service and Deschutes Land Trust are working to conserve and restore the aspen stands we have today, so they can thrive and hopefully adapt to a climate-changed future. Aspen restoration includes reintroducing fire where appropriate or removing encroaching conifers to let in more sunlight. Aspen caging or fencing also helps limit the intense browsing so young aspen can grow strong.

So, this fall when you are out and about enjoying the changing colors, be sure to take some time to appre ciate all that aspens offer to the natural world. Their stunning yellows and oranges are only the tip of the iceberg!

This aspen grove is on fire! With color, that is. No matter the viewpoint, aspen provide a fall bounty of beauty. Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust

“Fleeting Time” with hometown Olympian Ben Ferguson

Iconic snowboarding movie world premiere

Bend’s very own Ben Ferguson, Olympic snowboarder and Winter X Games ath lete, is releasing his film, “Fleeting Time” this Saturday with Homestead Cre ative. Co-produced by Red Bull Media, the world premiere is happening right here in Bend, at the Tower Theatre on Oct. 1 at 7pm. From Olympic halfpipe ath lete to famous freerider, “Fleeting Time” follows Ferguson’s excursions with fellow Olympians and boarders on the big mountain powder.

This film is a two-year collection of snowboarding shots. Full of action, creative shots and epic music, this is a highly anticipated movie release in the winter sport world. Oregonians are sure to recognize two of the mountains where Ferguson and his friends shot film and did some halfpipe sessions — Mt. Bachelor and Mt. Hood.

“I remember being a little kid, going to video premieres, watching the older dudes shred and being inspired to be a snowboarder,” Ferguson said.

Full of legendary lines and insane tricks, “Fleeting Time” is a classic snowboard movie, but it also takes time to appreciate the beauty of nature in scenic shots of various mountains. “Fleeting Time” is reminiscent of old, vintage snowboarding movies, Ferguson said.

Ferguson said the soundtrack is key in a snowboarding film, and he wants peo ple adding the “Fleeting Time” soundtrack to their snowboarding/skiing playlists. When selecting songs for the movie, he found ones that “really packed a punch” and created the perfect vibe for the feeling of the visual content.

“I want Bendites to come out and enjoy the movie,” Ferguson said. “I’m super excited to show it to everyone in my hometown, and I wouldn’t want to premiere it anywhere else.”

The Tower Theatre will be full of adventure-seeking winter athletes for the screening— friends of Ferguson. Joining at the premier will be 2018 Olympic Slope style Gold Medalist Red Gerard, Travis Rice, Hailey Langland, as well as local riders Jared Elston, Mason Lemery, Austin Smith and Curtis Ciszek. Get ready for shred season with “Fleeting Time.”

Tower Theatre Sat., Oct. 1. 7pm and 8pm Tower Theatre 835 NW Wall St., Bend $10 Fleeting Time Press Kit OCTOBER 1ST! The Tony Buckman Band Live at THE VAULT REDMOND, OR 5 to 8 pm 2022

CRAFT The Confusing Case of Cold IPAs No one argues they’re not cold. But are they IPAs?

If you’re the type of craft beer drink er who casually peruses tap lists but really, you’re just searching for the IPAs, you’ve possibly come across something called a cold IPA. Instead of that being something darker and malti er in the vein of a Winter IPA, it’s actu ally lighter and drier. In short, it’s an India Pale Ale that’s been fermented with a lager yeast strain instead of an ale yeast strain, and like lagers, they’re fermented at cooler tempera tures. If you’re asking, “Wouldn’t that make it a lager instead of an ale?” you’re not alone. But words have always changed meaning and market ing descriptions always keep up with the times, so all I can tell you is, a cold IPA is crafted in nearly the same way as the short-lived India Pale Lager style from the aughts, but updated for the ‘20s.

Moreover, just as New England-style or hazy IPAs are marked by a sweet er juiciness and rely on what’s called late-addition hops to emphasize fruit iness while de-emphasizing early-ad dition hops that contribute bitterness, dry and crisp cold IPAs are a reaction to hazies. The contemporary style’s ori gins only date back to October, 2018, when brewmaster Kevin Davey devised it at Wayfinder Beer in Portland. The paradox of cold IPA is that it both pro motes “juicy,” fruit-forward notes cour tesy of trendier, tropical hop flavors while also suppressing fruity esters— aromatic compounds—contributed by ale yeast strains.

In the ensuing four years, the style has begun to take flight around the Pacific Northwest and has reached not only the East Coast, but overseas craft breweries as well. Yet it has scarcely graced Central Oregon brewery draft lines.

Silver Moon released Cosmic Chill Cold IPA earlier this year and accord ing to brewery owner James Watts, “It was a big hit that we’re adding it to our core year-round lineup for 2023.” Perhaps less of a hit? The style name. When it returns—in cans next time—it will simply be called Cosmic Chill IPA.

McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Crux Fermentation Project, and 10 Bar rel are among the other few local brew eries that dabbled in the style. Wild

Ride brewed a one-off called Crazy Eight Cold IPA and its ephemeral Crazy Fresh, a fresh-hopped cold IPA, is cur rently available.

Andrew Rhine of Cascade Lakes Brewing Company left the door open to brewing a cold IPA in the near future.

So, too, has GoodLife co-owner Ty Barnett, who pointed out that friend-of-the-brewery, G.

Love (during a conver sation while Love was in town performing at Hayden Homes Amphitheater) said he’d like to see his next duet with Good Life be a cold IPA.

More telling, though, is what Barnett added. “For now, we are sticking to tra ditional lager styles.” He rattled off examples such as GoodLife’s Pil sner, Helles and Oktoberfest.

That’s what Franklin Gordon, the beer buyer at Third Street Beverage and a Certified Cicerone, likes to hear.

“As a beer educator and someone who works in sales, I can’t get behind the cold IPA moniker. All beers are either ales or lagers, and the one and only differentiator of the two is which yeast strain was used to brew it.” He further stressed, “IPA stands for India Pale Ale and if you brew a beer with a lager yeast, as the vast majority of cold IPAs do, and call it an IPA, it is inher ently wrong…You end up with a trend in beer production and consump tion that is detrimental to the indus try. Now, people drinking beer often couldn’t care less, and distributors love a hot, new beer trend, but brewers should know better than to get behind what is essentially an advertising gim mick.”

It’s hard to argue against Gordon’s point. But the beer industry prefers to sell beer than get involved in pedan tic arguments. Boss Rambler’s Matt Molletta noted that his brewery has, indeed, brewed cold IPAs but has pos sibly already moved past them “like the Brut IPA fad,” referring to the eva nescent style from 2018 that, like cold IPA, offered a drier drinking experience but achieved it through enzymes rath er than lager yeast. Because IPA is the most consumer-driven style, and con sumers also want the new hotness, right now that may be cold IPA, but from bit ter West Coast IPAs to juicy East Coast IPAs, there will always be something new under the IPA umbrella.



Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters S N A K Y T E M P exactly once.


The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will “What Turning Forty Meant to Me: I need to ________ off as used to have to do that. But now I do.” ― Tina Fey

for the week of Sep 19, 2022




Samuel Butler

Pearl Stark

lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits."
Pearl’s Puzzle Difficulty Level Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once. SNAKY TEMP The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: “What Turning Forty Meant to Me: I need to ________ off as soon as I get home. I didn’t used to have to do that. But now I do.” - Tina Fey We’re Local! Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at © Pearl Stark
★ ★ ★ ©2021 Brendan Emmett Quigley ( ACROSS 1 Very pale 4 Biblical queen’s home 9 Reliever’s stat 14 Letters on a Crest box 15 Serve some more wine 16 Spanish plain 17 Squalid hope? 19 Music scout’s dept. at a label 20 Back of the book listing 21 Coastal flyer 23 Coloration 24 It comes after 11 25 College head’s tumbler? 29 “Get back here, you scoundrel!” 30 Figures out 31 Smaller grommet 32 Choral works 34 Olaf Scholz’s nat. 35 November event for the “Black Is King” singer? 38 Grass to grow on 39 Some urinals 40 Big name in travel guides 43 Surf without comment 44 Safety’s point value 47 Get some wild felines from a store? 49 See 8-Down 50 Decorative globe 51 Game with Skip cards 52 Clear, as windshields in February 53 Dudes 55 Cafeteria item leans a bit? 59 Dude in Devonshire 60 Craze of the moment 61 Long tail? 62 Made some stitching 63 ___ Theory (postulate in sports wherein a team gets better after their star player is sidelined) 64 [Just a couple examples will do]: Abbr. DOWN 1 Going up to one’s ankles 2 “Songs in ___” (Alicia Keys album) 3 ___ the Relentless (“What We Do In The Shadows” vampire) 4 Underground riverway 5 “Explain it to me” 6 Prefix with Pen 7 Long way around town? 8 With 49-Across, alias of electronic musi cian Richard D. James 9 Like “sus” or “bet” 10 Copying, in the kitchen 11 Band that infamously stipulated “no brown M&Ms” in its riders 12 Software developer’s target audience 13 Most in pain 18 Mil. title 22 Sandwich store bread 25 Davidson of “Meet Cute” 26 Scottish dances 27 “Great Expectations” heroine 28 Some bricks 30 Ingredient of some milk 32 Red wine 33 Do a deep clean 35 It’s a gut punch 36 Besmirches 37 Fluid from a well 38 Drink similar to a lambic or a gueuze 40 They’re dropped when one’s angry 41 Stirred (up) 42 Day light 44 Feeling of regret 45 Set of pegs in cricket 46 “Almost done” 48 “Dunno” 49 Big Sri Lankan export 52 Dumb putz, for short 54 Squeeze (out) 56 Unpolished 57 Black bird with a smoothed bill 58 Yang’s companion ANSWER
LAST WEEK'S PUZZLES “Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.” - Samuel Butler Puzzle for the week of September 26, 2022 Difficulty Level: ●●●○
"Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we
W E I O W L R U F T Puzzle for the week of September 26, 2022 Difficulty Level: ●●●○ Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters S N A K Y T E M P exactly once. The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: “What Turning Forty Meant to Me: I need to ________ off as soon as I get home. I didn't used to have to do that. But now I do.” ― Tina Fey Answer for the week of Sep 19, 2022 "Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits." Samuel Butler © Pearl Stark P N P T S E N Y M T A N K M K N Y S E A M K P M K A E I U F O T L W R E O L W R E I F T U R T E F W U O L I L O U I R E T W F W F R T U O I E L T E I L F W R U O U W T E O F L I R F R L U I T E O W E I O W L R U F T


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Libran approach to fighting for what’s right shouldn’t involve get ting into loud arguments or trying to manipulate people into seeing things your way. If you’re do ing what you were born to do, you rely on gentler styles of persuasion. Are you doing what you were born to do? Have you become skilled at using clear, elegant language to say what you mean? Do you work in behalf of the best outcome rather than merely serving your ego? Do you try to understand why others feel the way they do, even if you dis agree with their conclusions? I hope you call on these superpowers in the coming weeks. We all need you to be at the height of your potency.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “One bad apple spoils the rest” is an idiom in the English lan guage. It refers to the idea that if one apple rots as it rests in a pile of apples, the rest will quickly rot, too. It’s based on a scientific fact. As an apple de cays, it emanates the gas ethylene, which speeds up decay in nearby apples. A variant of this idiom has recently evolved in relation to police miscon duct, however. When law enforcement officials re spond to such allegations, they say that a few “bad apples” in the police force aren’t representative of all the other cops. So I’m wondering which side of the metaphor is at work for you right now, Scorpio. Should you immediately expunge the bad apple in your life? Or should you critique and tolerate it? Should you worry about the possibility of con tamination, or can you successfully enforce damage control? Only you know the correct answer.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Of all the signs in the zodiac, you Sagittarians know best how to have fun even when life sucks. Your daily rhythm may tem porarily become a tan gle of boring or annoying tasks, yet you can still summon a knack for enjoying yourself. But let me ask you this: How are your instincts for drumming up amusement when life doesn’t suck? Are you as talented at whipping up glee and inspiration when the daily rhythm is smooth and groovy? I suspect we will gather evidence to answer those questions in the coming weeks. Here’s my prediction: The good times will spur you to new heights of creating even more good times.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): More than you might realize, people look to you for leadership and regard you as a role model. This will be extra true in the coming weeks. Your statements and actions will have an even bigger impact than usu al. Your influence will ripple out far beyond your sphere. In light of these developments, which may sometimes be subtle, I encourage you to upgrade your sense of responsibility. Make sure your in tegrity is impeccable. Another piece of advice, too: Be an inspiring example to people without making them feel like they owe you anything.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Rapper-song writer Nicki Minaj says, “You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. It’s exhilarating.” I will go further, Aquarius. I invite you to summon ingenuity and joy in your efforts to be a work of art. The coming weeks will be an ideal time for you to tease out more of your inner beauty so that more people can benefit from it. I hope you will be dra matic and expressive about showing the world the full array of your interesting qualities. PS: Please call on the entertainment value of surprise and unpredictability.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Author Robertson Davies declared, “One learns one’s mystery at the price of one’s innocence.” It sounds poetic, but it doesn’t apply to most of you Pisceans—especial ly now. Here’s what I’ve concluded: The more you learn your mystery, the more innocent you be come. Please note I’m using the word “innocence” in the sense defined by author Clarissa Pinkola Estés. She wrote: “Ignorance is not knowing any thing and being attracted to the good. Innocence is knowing everything and still being attracted to the good.”

ARIES (March 21-April 19): When you Aries folks are at your best, you are drawn to people who tell you exactly what they think, who aren’t intim idated by your high energy, and who dare to be as vigorous as you. I hope you have an array of allies like that in your sphere right now. In my astrologi cal opinion, you especially need their kind of stim ulation. It’s an excellent time to invite influences that will nudge you out of your status quo and help you glide into a new groove. Are you willing to be challenged and changed?

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Author Toni Mor rison thought that beauty was “an absolute neces sity” and not “a privilege or an indulgence.” She said that “finding, incorporating, and then repre senting beauty is what humans do.” In her view, we can’t live without beauty “any more than we can do without dreams or oxygen.” All she said is even truer for Tauruses and Libras than the other signs. And you Bulls have an extra wrinkle: It’s optimal if at least some of the beauty in your life is useful. Your mandate is summed up well by author Anne Michaels: “Find a way to make beauty necessary; find a way to make necessity beautiful.” I hope you’ll do a lot of that in the coming weeks.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said, “It requires a very unusual mind to make an analysis of the obvious.” I nominate you to perform that service in the coming days, both for yourself and your allies. No one will be better able than you to discern the complexities of seeming ly simple situations. You will also have extraordinary pow er to help people appreciate and even embrace paradox. So be a crafty master of can dor and transparency, Gemi ni. Demonstrate the benefits of being loyal to the objective evidence rather than to the easy and popular delusions.

Tell the interesting truths.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cancerian poet Lucille Clifton sent us all an invitation: “Won’t you celebrate with me what i have shaped into a kind of life? i had no model. i made it up here on this bridge between starshine and clay, my one hand holding tight my other hand.” During October, fellow Can cerian, I propose you draw inspiration from her heroic efforts to create herself. The coming weeks will be a time when you can achieve small mira cles as you bolster your roots, nourish your soul ful confidence, and ripen your uniqueness.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Dear Rob the Astrolo ger: This morning I put extra mousse on my hair and blow-dried the hell out of it, so now it is huge and curly and impossibly irresistible. I’m wear ing bright orange shoes so everyone will stare at my feet, and a blue silk blouse that is much too high-fashion to wear to work. It has princess seams and matches my eyes. I look fantastic. How could anyone of any gender resist drinking in my magnificence? I realize you’re a spiritual type and may not approve of my showmanship, but I wanted you to know that what I’m doing is a totally valid way to be a Leo. —Your Leo teacher Brooke.” Dear Brooke: Thank you for your helpful instruction! It’s true that I periodically need to loosen my tight grip on my high principles. I must be more open to ap preciating life’s raw feed. I hope you will perform a similar service for everyone you encounter in the coming weeks.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): How to be the best Virgo you can be during the coming weeks: 1. You must relish, not apologize for, your precise obses sions. 2. Be as nosy as you need to be to discover the core truths hidden beneath the surface. Risk asking almost too many questions in your subtle drive to know everything. 3. Help loved ones and allies shrink and heal their insecurities. 4. Gener ate beauty and truth through your skill at knowing what needs to be purged and shed. 5. Always have your Bullshit Detector with you. Use it liberally.

6. Keep in close touch with the conversations be tween your mind and

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Secluded and private, this small acreage property has a park like setting with plenty of mature trees, conveniently located close to Bend and Redmond. This single level 3 bedroom 2 bath, 1622 sqft ranch style home, features open floor plan with vaulted ceilings. A large primary suite featuring numerous windows and vaulted ceilings. The primary bathroom includes dual vanities. An oversized deck looks outs over the property and a detached garage/shop features an insulated 12 ft garage door, with an additional 400 sqft art studio located on the second floor. The property includes 3.72 acres of COID irrigation irrigated by an underground system, a 20,000 gallon cistern, tool shed, chicken coup, and 400 amp service to the property.

NE WELLS ACRES, BEND 97701 • $511,000

Move-in ready home in a quiet NE Bend neighborhood in a great location. This light and bright home features recent improvements including new carpet, fresh interior & exterior paint, newly refinished hardwood floors and new LVT flooring.

A fully fenced back yard features nomaintenance Trex deck and storage shed, large gated access to back yard on both sides of the home. This Palmer home has a great floor plan. A Must See! Seller will credit buyer $13,000.00 towards buyers closing cost or rate buydown.


This is the family dream home! 4 bedrooms 3.5 bath with a huge open living concept on the main level with the kitchen, family and dining room all flowing together perfectly. Master suite is just off of the family room with access to the large deck with amazing views of the Three Sisters and Mt. Bachelor. Go upstairs for 3 bedrooms and a large loft which is perfect for entertaining. Go downstairs for even more space. Potential for an office or bonus room. Then there is another garage downstairs that has been converted into more of a bonus room, could be used as a garage as well to make it 5 garage spaces. This is a rare find in a perfect location

PRICE REDUCED 64170 PIONEER LOOP, BEND 97701 • $810,000 www SkjersaaGroup com 5 41.3 83 14 26 1 033 NW Newpor t Ave Bend, OR 97703 Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty Oregon Real Estate Licensees CAPTIVATING MTN FARMHOUSE IN TETHEROW 61391 SW Skene Trail Built by the award-winning duo of Greg Welch Con struction and Jason Todd Designs. 3831 sq. ft, 4 bed, 4.5 bath, 4 car garage, exquisite appliance package, rear paver patio & large gathering around the firepit. OFFERED AT $2,995,000 BEAUTIFUL MTN VIEWS AT BRASADA RANCH 15632 SW Mecate Lane This Brasada lot at .59 acres is slightly sloped for breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains, small pond for added privacy, and is located near exits for quicker access to Bend, Redmond & Prineville. OFFERED AT $249,000 PANORAMICVIEWSONAWBREYBUTTE 3240 NW Metke Place One of the few remaining vacant Cascade mountain view lots in the coveted Awbrey Butte neighborhood. The property is elevated and the 0.74 acre size offers considerable privacy from nearby homes. OFFERED AT $499,000 NEAR TRAILS AND SKIING 61491 Elder Ridge Street This 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2498 sq. ft. home offers a vaulted great room, hardwood floors, gas fireplace, covered back patio, fully fenced yard, office space & bonus room. OFFERED AT $799,900 PRISTINE RAMBLING RANCH 61605 Summer Shade Drive 3 bed, 2 bath, 1344 sq.ft. home built in 1979, but feels like new with updated roof, new carpet, new flooring, Milgard wood-clad windows, 2 car garage, ample RV & trailer parking, fully fenced backyard & large kitchen. OFFERED AT $799,000 Terry Skjersaa Principal Broker, CRS Jason Boone Principal Broker, CRS Mollie Hogan Principal Broker, CRS Greg Millikan Broker 1221 NW West Hills Avenue, Bend OR 97703 4 BED, 3.1 BATH, 3,883 SQ.FT, .49 ACRES Geoff Groener Licensed Broker 541.390.4488 Your Coastal & High Desert Connection MLS# 220152062 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. 5 41 815 820 0 Andy Stearns Prin cip al B ro ke r L icens e d in the State of O e gon 541-350-0322 M y L u c k y H o u s e . c o m 1 2 9 3 N E 3 rd St , B e n d 5 4 1 8 1 5 8 2 0 0 Real Estate • Proper t y Management • Rentals MyLuck yH ou se com Downtown Bend Condo. Easy access to River. Walk to shops and restau rants. 1 Bedroom, plus murphy bed, 2 Full bathrooms. Currently a Vacation Rental or owner occupy. Great rental income as Short Term Rental. Profit and Loss available. $32,000 of annual Gross income. HOA covers practically everything. Includes furniture and appliances. Easy to show. Contact listing agent about financing options. 1565 NW Wall Street, Unit 153 Bend 97703 $345,000


What Every “For Sale by Owner” Wishes They Knew


agent saves money, time & peace of mind

Occasionally, sellers decide to repre sent themselves in the sale of their home. They typically point to cost savings as the motivating factor. They think that by selling their property on their own, they will save thousands of dollars in commission payments owed to a real estate agent.

But what a For Sale By Owner, or FSBO, might not know is that they are more likely to lose money (and time) navigating the transaction themselves. In fact, according to Collateral Analyt ics, National Association of Realtors and Clever Real Estate, FSBO homes sold for an average of 5.5-26% less than comparable homes listed on the MLS. And 73% of buyers think either them selves or their agent could out-nego tiate a FSBO seller. This means that often, FSBO will make less on the home than they would with a licensed real estate agent even with an average com mission payout. Why? FSBOs create an opportunity for buyers to low-ball and get a house for much less than the sell er could have netted by listing a real estate broker.

For a FSBO to succeed and not fall prey to low-ball offers, they must know the market and get their pricing just right. This is a difficult endeav or. Online valuation sites, like Zillow, offer an estimated home value based on a range. But these sites cannot take important factors into account, like location, views, road noise, renova tions, etc. Whereas a real estate broker looks to the relevant key data points for the local market and considers pos itive and negative factors of a specific home, keeping in mind what buyers in the market are looking for and what the

average buyer is willing to accept at a certain price point.

In today’s market, selling a home requires more than a "For Sale" sign. A successful transaction netting the highest profit possible requires a smart marketing plan that reaches the right buyers. FSBOs may not have the time or resources to invest in the type of tac tics a licensed real estate agent would put to work on day one. According to a recent study by NAR, 34% of FSBOs said they did not actively market their home.

Beyond pricing right and market ing the home, there is a great deal of legal liability in the real estate trans action. Even the slightest unintention al error or omission can put a seller in legal peril. A licensed real estate broker is insured against such errors and omis sions, and has the knowledge, training and office support to avoid such mis takes. We have access to well-written, legal contracts and forms that offer the most protection to all parties in the transaction. For example, not disclos ing a known issue, even if it has been repaired and the seller doesn’t even think it could be pertinent information at the time of sale, could put the FSBO seller in legal jeopardy down the line.   Bottom line? Most FSBO sellers think they’re saving 2-6% in commis sion by not listing with an agent. In reality, historical data shows that list ing with an agent will net you 10% to 30% more on your sale price. Not to mention, time savings and the peace of mind that you are not putting yourself in a vulnerable legal situation.

Tyler Papadimos
a real estate
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service HOME PRICE ROUNDUP << LOW 20024 Mt Hope Lane, Bend $450,000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 1,235 square feet; .1 acre lot Built in 2005 Listed by John Schimmoller, RE/MAX Key Properties MID >> 645 Nutcracker Drive, Redmond $850,000 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 2,338 square feet; .25 acre lot Built in 2002 Listed by Tyler Papadimos, RE/MAX Key Properties << HIGH 3011 NW Starview Drive, Bend $3,750,000 4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms 6,035 square feet; 2.31 acre lot Built in 1994 Listed by Gary Everett & Joan Steelhammer, RE/MAX Key Properties
Real Estate Sold By Real Experts TAKING REAL ESTATE SERVICE TO A HIGHER LEVEL THE KOHLMOOS TEAM Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. SANDY: 541.408.4309 · JOHN: 541.480.8131 SANDY KOHLMOOS, LICENSED BROKER IN OR JOHN KOHLMOOS, LICENSED BROKER IN OR WWW.KOHLMOOSREALTORSBEND.COM FIND YOUR PLACE IN BEND & 541.771.4824 ) Otis Craig Broker, CRS In-Person + Virtual Creative Event October 10-14, 2022 Speakers, Films, Creativity & Conversation for Designers, Changemakers and the Curious.
Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. 541.383.7600 | BEND | 16825 DELICIOUS ST $2,350,000 | 4 BD | 3 BA | 1,920 SF • Bordered by Deschutes National Forest • Sitting at the Base of the Three Sisters • Outdoor mecca for riding, hiking, biking • Main house with updates, guest cottage Outdoor riding arena, shop, 6 stall barn MLS# 220151461 Julie Reber | Principal Broker | 415.609.3677 123 ACRES OF RAW BEAUTY! BEND | 20999 NE LEGEND PL $775,000 | 3 BD | 3 BA | 2,586 SF • Gourmet kitchen • Bonus Room Near Pine Nursery Park • RV/Boat Parking Community pool and clubhouse MLS# 220154012 Brandon Cook-Bostick | Broker | 541.788.2383 WELCOME HOME! BEND | 61165 SNOWBRUSH DR $619,000 | 3 BD | 2.5 BA |1,585 SF • Great room with corner gas fireplace Main level dedicated office nook • New interior paint & window coverings • One block from neighborhood park & pool Zero maintenance side yard MLS# 220154084 Sam DeLay & Cole Billings | Brokers 541.678.3290 | SOUGHT AFTER SW BEND! BEND | 1854 NE JANICE WY $625,000 | 3 BD | 2.5 BA | 1,818 SF Open concept living area • Quartz kitchen counters & beverage bar • Fully fenced backyard with covered patio • Gated 30+ foot RV Parking • Fruit trees & raised garden beds MLS# 220153965 Sharon Nyberg & Sam DeLay | Brokers 541.480.8774 | IN THE HEART OF BEND BEND | 1221 NW WEST HILLS DR $2,100,000 | 5 BD | 4 BA | 3,883 SF True Midcentury Modern spirit • Floor to ceiling windows • Inground salt water pool • Oversized & fenced backyard(s) • 3 fireplaces perfect for all seasons MLS# 220152062 Nicolette Rice & Geoff Groener | Brokers 541.241.0432 | RARE OFFERING ON WESTSIDE BEND | 60892 SAWTOOTH MOUNTAIN LN $629,900 | 3 BD | 2 BA | 1,505 SF • Corner lot in Mountain Pine neighborhood • Open floor plan concept • Amazing backyard patio • Primary bedroom w/ access to the backyard Close to golf, new park & bypass MLS# 220154091 Melissa Beaver | Broker | 541.350.8685 CRAFTSMAN STYLE HOME BEND | 63922 SUNSET DR $525,000 | 3 BD | 2 BA | 1,364 SF Large Lot! • Garden Area • Wood burning stove • RV Parking • Sun Room MLS# 220154076 Brandon Cook-Bostick | Broker | 541.788.2383 NORTHWEST BEND LIVING! BEND | 20495 BRENTWOOD AVE $545,000 | 3 BD | 3 BA | 1,397 SF • Turn-key in the heart of Bend New interior paint & tasteful upgrades • HOA takes care of the front yard Turf, garden boxes & native plants • Close to trails, parks, shopping & more! MLS# 220153275 Chad George | Broker | 541.639.7451 IMPECCABLY MAINTAINED Work with the most effective brokerage in Bend Market Share Repo rt Bend, Orego n Real Estate All Pro perties & Price Po ints 01/o 1/2022 08/16/2022 (per MLSCO) 900,000,000 800,000,000 700,000,000 600,000,000 500,000,000 400,000,000 300,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 0 CHSIR Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 $817,589,212 $260,973,521 $227,092,419 $209,227,507 $166,733,230 Dollar Amounts in Millions Top 5 Brokerages 21% To tal market share in the regio n 3.1x Mo re so ld vo lume than o ur nearest co mpetito r 120M Higher than o ur nearest 3 co mpetito rs co mbined 300,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 0 CHSIR Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 $817,589,212 $260,973,521 $227,092,419 $209,227,507 $166,733,230 Dollar Top 5 Brokerages 21% To tal market share in the regio n 3.1x Mo re so ld vo lume than o ur nearest co mpetito r 120M Higher than o ur nearest 3 co mpetito rs co mbined 01/01/2022 - 08/16/2022 (Source MLSCO)

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