You have an inkling of something not being very right with your feeling of self worth???

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 You have an inkling of something not being very right with your feeling of self worth???


If you frequently find that you are defending yourself,


feeling bad for every other comment, taking everything personally and wallowing in self pity or up in arms against everyone- Recognize that this is INFERIORITY COMPLEX in person, and accept that whatever and whoever you may be, today you are harboring LOW SELF- ESTEEM.


Sit with yourself and make a list of what all you do not like


about yourself and all that you love about yourself. Be careful not to indulge in what others do not like about you and when it comes to liking yourself- be a narcissist.Â


Look at the list of all that is good about you. You may not be as athletic as your neighbor but you are you and you are unique and special. Be generous in praising yourself. Know that there is always someone who looks better than the most


handsome movie star and always someone who own a bigger car than the guy with Mercedes. Don’t compare, just look at your list and feel good and thankful about what you have. We all have something that is unique about us. Do this everyday before starting for the day.


Look at your other list. Pick up one or two things that you would like to change about yourself first. Write down what you need to do to change them. Trust me “You know it”. If


you need specific help do ask someone who knows and appreciates your efforts. Set a timeline to your improvement activity and evaluate frequently. Then start shifting the improvements from the “Not like” list and to the “Good” list and feel proud of yourself.


Change and improvement is a lifelong activity. As we evolve


we recognize more that we need to learn or change. Don’t be hesitant to accept and work on it. We are human. We will never be perfect. But the better ones among us keep working on ourselves and respect the fact that we are “WORK IN PROGRESS” while we keep our focus on happiness.


Thank You Presented by

Dr. Sapna Sharma

The Spiritual Counselor

For more details, Mail us at: Or Call on: 8446229088Â

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