Online Counseling When you Need Best, Beating the Distance
Online counseling through any of the video calling modes is an effective option for many reasons:
Visiting a counselor is still taboo in some sections of the society. As they confuse the counselor with psychiatrist,
1.Beating the taboo:
hence label the counselee as mentally challenged person. This makes many in need of counseling to miss on this critical support. So, an online session conducted through your home can bypass this invisible barrier towards a life changing experience.
You can get the services of any counselor of
2.Best Counselors:
your wish. No matter which corner of the world he is situated in. Knowing about them in detail is easily possible through their profiles and updates available online.
3.Familiar surrounding:
Whatever difficult emotional discussions you have to go through with the counselor, it becomes a little comfortable when you are sitting at your own home or office.Â
4.Comfortable timings:
Since many counselors give you the flexibility of having appointments after office hours or even on weekends, online counseling sessions can be managed even with full time employment or education.
Sometimes it is of good help when family members of
5.Involving the family:
counselee share important input with the counselor. On the other hand, the counselor may also need to convey something important to the family. In such situations, online sessions taken at home can make it very convenient for the family to get involved in spite of their other engagements.
6.Better Compliance:
At times, due to not so stable mental state one may want to skip counseling sessions. Online counseling is helpful in such particular situations as counselor comes to our home through the Internet.
People who travel frequently do not have to worry about missing counseling
sessions. Since all we need is a good internet connection, and we can connect with our counselor from anywhere in the world at no extra cost.
Those who live in metro cities, travel time and
8.Avoiding the road rush:
traffic can be a deterrent for keeping regular sessions with the counselor. Also for those who cannot travel independently, there needs another person who has to make adjustments to ensure timely visit to the counselor. Both these issues can be taken care of by opting for online counseling services.
Thank You Presented by
Dr. Sapna Sharma
The Spiritual Counselor
For more details, Mail us at: sapna@thespiritualcounseling.com Or Call on: 8446229088Â