Critical Thinking Activities for Children
Children are often told what to think but they remain ignorant about how to think. In education system proper time is devoted to make the child think about various issues but no efforts are made on developing the critical thinking of children. Many children do not have the proper mental skills to critically think on an issue and hence arrived at a conclusion which is not worth it. It becomes necessary for parents to teach their children the advantage of critical thinking.
Follow the slides to learn few methods by which you can develop critical thinking skills in your child.
Encouraging children to ask questions: Make your child learn how to ask questions to improve his critical thinking. Encourage him to ask questions, compare different situations, think forward and apply various combinations of ideas to understand a particular situation.
Ensuring children that asking questions is a normal exercise: It must be made clear in the kid's mind that asking questions is normal and it will deepen their knowledge on a particular subject. There are no questions which does not have any answer.
Self preparation to answer the questions: Whenever you are dealing with kids you should make yourself prepared to answer all their questions. These question answer sessions will make them confident that they know how to ask questions and how to think critical.
Promoting open ended questions:
Always promote child to ask open ended questions instead of asking yes or no questions. This open ended discussion will help the kid to develop critical thinking.
Encouraging their imagination: Imaginations are always larger than reality and give the child the required derive to move forward. Ask your child to draw a picture or write a story as per their imagination. This activity will help children to learn how to think.
Encouraging children to take their own decisions: Give your child a basic knowledge of any particular subject and then ask him to apply that knowledge in his life. In this way he will learn to make decisions by thinking critically.
Encouraging children to clear their doubts: It is important that children doubts should be clear quickly before they arrive at a conclusion which might be wrong.
Encouraging them to listen carefully:
Critical thinking can be developed by listening to other people carefully. Create a game by asking children to repeat what they have heard and what they think about the topic discussed.
Exposing children to challenging activities: There are so many challenging activities for children such as playing mazes, puzzles, chess etc. These all activities will help the children to think critically.
Asking hypothetical questions: Children should be asked hypothetical questions to test their knowledge. They should be given the chance to think on other sides of their answers.
Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor
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