How to Deal with a Life Full of Emotional Disturbances?
What do you mean by Emotional Disturbance?
‘Emotional disturbance’ is much more than it goes beyond the medical meaning of the phrase. Medically if we define, it is a state of mental, social and spiritual inability that creates negative feelings of fear, depression, anxiety and aggression.
What is the Impact of Emotional Disturbances? It diminishes the persons’ capability to adjust and cope up with the daily demands of life. It is that stage of a person’s life when he or she withdraws the self from the world around. The person starts to live with excessive mood swings and impulsiveness. The person also fails to live satisfactory relationships, be it personal or professional. This is one such emotional state of being that destroys the self and leaves emptiness within.
Should we Withdraw Ourselves from Emotionally Disturbed People? We all talk about mood swings, impulsiveness and temper tantrums but have we ever... Thought about the causes of such behaviour Thought why that someone is acting so immaturely Peeped into his or her soul Tried to know what’s there within that has forced him or her to be what he or she has become
No never! We simply withdraw but why?
How to Analyze the Causes of Emotional Disturbances? Try to keep yourselves in their shoes and imagine living a life they have lived all through. We should discover the hidden truth of creating a life full of emotional disturbances.
Discuss their silence Know their problems Try to feel what they are going through
How to Deal with Emotional Disturbances? After discovering a life full of emotional disturbances, it’s completely to us how to take it and deal with it. We have two options:
To quit the relationship and move on in our own lives To instil so much happiness and joys within that all the mental blockages get washed away with smiling tears
How to Help Emotionally Disturbed People? The causes of emotional disturbances can be many like mental illness, broken relationship, neglect, improper diet, stress and family conflicts but the solution is only one: “LWC”
Love that is unconditional Warmth that is intense Care that is selfless That’s what will create a difference.
Dealing with love and care, you can certainly “Transform a Life Full of Emotional Disturbances to a Life Full of Hopes and Aspirations�.
Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor
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