What are the Parameters for Self Analysis
What Takes Us to Self Analysis? As we have seen a career is less about the course you study and more about the way of life you wish to lead. So as we start out to plan our careers we need to know ourselves thoroughly to understand what would give us the long lasting happiness and satisfaction. Unfortunately most of us go through this life looking at ourselves from other’s point of view. Then we take those grades as our definers.
Why Is There a Need for Self Analysis? After all the labels and grades that define us, we actually come to a point where we feel that we need to know ourselves better This becomes most important when planning to choose career It is important to remember that we are all unique and no one else can know us as much as we do.
What are the Parameters of Self Analysis?
Values Aptitude Interests Dreams and desires Goal setting
Values instilled deep within us define the core of our existence. These define the way we take the important decisions of our lives including the process of career selection.
Aptitude Every individual is born with an inherent personality. With the process of socialization many layers are added to this personality. The inherent traits are the guiding lines on which we process the information provided to us in our growing years. This becomes an important component when taking the career decision. Many career aptitude tests are conducted by counselors all over the world. These researched and standardized tests check the student on basic sets of inherent talents.
Interests Interests can be defined as a state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something. If we can know our areas of interests clearly and if we can include it in our career or occupation, due to our curiosity and attention for it we would surely achieve greater success. Understanding interest areas can help us think about the types of work-related activities we might find enjoyable. Occupations that fit our interests are likely to be the most rewarding for us.
Dreams and Desires
You are unique and so are your dreams and desires. However, it is most important that you keep your faith in your dreams. When making a career decision or planning your career, keep a secured place in it for your dreams.
Goal Setting
Goal setting is an important element to consider in the career planning process. Career goals should be attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
Best of luck on your journey to self!
Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor For more details, Mail us at: sapna@thespiritualcounseling.com Or Call on: 8446229088