The Most Precious Thing One can Offer in LOVE Relationships is TIME
We all know that we need to devote TIME to achieve anything we want. Still we do not give time to our children and partner, though we wish to achieve a healthy relationship with them. And gradually we start complaining - ‘my partner has lost interest in me’ or ‘my daughter doesn’t listen to me’.
Know how spending quality TIME with your partner or children helps to create a strong bond and affection with them.
The major Reasons for Relationship Failure Giving priority to work and other things rather than family and near ones. That thought of parents and partners that spending money or providing expensive gifts, education, etc. is enough to let the other person know your love for them. The myth that washing clothes or taking care of our loved ones’ diet also is enough to show your love and care to them Not finding the need to convey to children and spouses that you are genuinely interested in them and want to spend time with them
4 Benefits of Spending TIME in Love Relationships Spending quality TIME with a partner helps to build strong friendship and compatibility with them. When you start giving TIME to your partner or children, they would also start realising that they too should start giving attention to you. Slowly you start re-building the bond by again each other’s company. It helps to build strong trust of the partner that they want to be with them forever
4 Best Tips to Maintain Healthy Relationships Plan your Schedule and decide to give particular T.I.ME to your family and partner. Always give first priority to your partner and family members because they are the one for whom you are working so hard to give them everything. Try to remind those days when you try to connect on the phone late into the night after seeing them for long hours Always give attention and Importance to their views and opinions and try to implement them. This will help to build a mutual understanding between them
Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor
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