How to Deal with Your Own Anxiety Level

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How to Deal with Your Own Anxiety Level

We all have anxiety at times in our lives and we are familiar with the faster heartbeat or sweat palms during these anxiety attacks. Anyone can get an anxiety attack when confronted with an overwhelming task or event. Such an event could be anything from your first day at a job, giving a presentation, or meeting your partner’s family.

Five Quick Ways to Cope With Anxiety If your anxiety is not chronic and gets in the way of focusing or doing your regular work there are some fast natural remedies that can help you to take control of your situation. If your anxiety is focused around an event or situation like being worried about some particular event that is about to occur, you will notice a pattern. The pattern is that the anxiety is short lived and usually subsides after the event. In this case it is good to take hold of the situation by using the following information:

5 Important Tips to Deal with Anxiety

1. Question Your Thought Pattern 2. Practice Focused Deep Breathing 3. Use Aromatherapy 4. Go for a Walk or Do Yoga for 15 Minutes 5. Write Down Your Thoughts

Tip 1: Question Your Thought Pattern Negative thoughts usually take root in your mind and make the situation look more severe than it is. One way to deal with anxiety is to challenge your own fears and analyse whether they are true. Here you also need to see where you can take control of the situation and get the anxiety out of your system.

Tip 2: Practice Focused Deep Breathing Try inhaling for 4 counts and exhaling for 4 counts and do this breathing exercise for 5 minutes. If you even out your breath the heart rate will become slow and it will help you calm down.

Tip 3: Use Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy through the use of various scents serves as stimulants that activate brain receptors.

Tip 4: Go for a Walk or Do Yoga for 15 Minutes Sometimes the best thing to do is to get away from the situation and here you should make it a point to do that phyically. So just go for a long walk or do yoga for 15 minutes. By doing this you will be focusing on your body rather than on the thought or situation which is making you anxious.

Tip 5: Write Down Your Thoughts If you actually put pen to paper and write down what it is that is making you anxious then it will go out of your mind and will make the situation or task look less daunting. This in turn will reduce your level of anxiety.

To Conclude: This is what we can do with regular anxiety in day to day life. However people who have an anxiety disorder should see a psychiatrist because they may need some type of medication or special counseling in order to deal with their chronic anxiety.

Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor

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