Parents of Today & Their Concerns

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There are a number of reasons that parents of today are concerned about. Majority of the concerns are common and regularly asked to me being a Parenting Counselor. So, here I have compiled them to discuss at one place.

Here are the three common queries of parents & answers to them to handle and address their fear about their children Tips For Modern Day Parents From Dr. Sapna Sharma

Addiction in Children Question 1 - I am always in fear that my teenage kid shouldn’t get addicted to something wrong. How to deal with it?

Answer 1 - Children are known to experiment. When they enter into college and get introduced to the outer world, they suddenly seek a lot of freedom and money. Here, it becomes essential to monitor them till at least they graduate even if they won’t like it. Take them regularly for drug test, and help them understand that it is for their own good. If he/she is not doing it or addicted to it, he/she should not be irritated by undergoing the test. Tips For Modern Day Parents From Dr. Sapna Sharma

Attraction for Opposite Gender Question 2 - How should I control my kid from getting emotionally attached to opposite gender?

Answer 2 - The attraction between the two sexes is natural that is not something we can control. So, rather than reacting too sharply to their attachment for opposite sex, parents need to guide them. Since, they are too young to handle the attachment, and may end up broken. Your sharp reaction to such things make children not to share and hide their problems related to the attachments. This is of concern because in that case they will turn to their friends for advice which can be detrimental. Tips For Modern Day Parents From Dr. Sapna Sharma

Pocket Money is Good or Bad Question 3 -Â Pocket Money makes kids responsible or irresponsible?

Answer 3 - Give Pocket Money to your children, but it should be a bare minimum amount. Monitor their spending, and question about it when you feel required. If they need additional money, ask them to earn it. This will bring a sense of responsibility in them, also they start respecting money and saving it. On the other hand, they will get many moments to feel proud about themselves when they find themselves only one among their peers who can buy things on his/ her own. Tips For Modern Day Parents From Dr. Sapna Sharma

Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor

For more details, Mail us at: Or Call on: 8446229088 Tips For Modern Day Parents From Dr. Sapna Sharma

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