Prices Women Have to Pay for Being Modern
Unlike what most of the women think, modernity has much more to do than just having freedom. Loads of responsibilities and duties comes along with Modernity.
 In modern world women are regularly faced with situations where men approach them with various degrees of proposals and it can be uncanny sometimes.
Indian women are fascinated with the idea of the privileges that the WESTERN MODERNITY provides. But women in the modern western world are not only financially independent but also do the dirty works of the house without the help of their mothers and maids.
 In the western world women socialising with men are not looked down upon by the society but in modern India women socialising with men are looked at as a proof of loose character.
Modernity means stepping out of the comfort of the house, earning a living and being financially independent. One cannot be modern and at the same time depend on parents and loved-ones for financial requirement.
Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma
The Spiritual Counselor
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