Looking for someone? First, find yourself.

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Looking for Someone? First, find Yourself

“It seems like two people who are bored with themselves come together in a relationship or a marriage and then expect one another to take care of their boredom.�

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Today many relationships are breaking up and people are finding it difficult to be with one person for long. That is why we need to change our perspective and take a fresh look at our concepts of relationships..

Our thoughts about relationship: Relationships start when we are looking for someone to complete something inside us, even though we have no clue what makes us happy in life. This thinking makes us expect from our partner to keep us happy and entertained constantly.

We believe that if we are attracted to a person based on his few qualities, it’ll always lead to a happy relationship. The belief goes to the extent that we don’t think anything else but about the lifetime lasting happily ever after with the partner.

The efforts we put in an unhappy relationship to keep it intact: Even when knowing that the partner isn’t right and the relationship isn’t being happy, we keep on putting efforts to make the relationship normal.We push towards changing the partner’s habits and behavior just so we can assure ourselves that this is the person who Is right for me.

Self-reflection in any relationship is needed Even when a relationship breaks, we either become depressed and sulk, pity ourselves and find faults, or get in a new relationship to distract ourselves.When in a relationship, we barely self-reflect on our needs from ourselves. We never think “What kind of person I am? What is my definition of a relationship? What kind of person can I be genuinely happy with?�

Before getting into any relationship, you should know yourself first. If you can’t have a healthy relationship with yourself, by respecting and loving yourself, you won’t be able to be happy with the other person no matter how hard you try.

Thank You! Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma Relationship and Marriage Counselor For more details, Mail us at: mail@drsapnasharma.com Or Send WhatsApp message on: 8446229088

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