How To Know If You Love Someone!!
Love, today, is a very complex matter
It seems to be more words than feelings and appears to be on impulse. It is more about physical than about connection and commitment.
Getting in love is easy, staying in love is difficult Without understanding someone or self, deeply, we believe to fall in love by getting attracted to someone’s qualities, traits or appearances. This attraction can be the result of spending long hours with each other at work or study. But as time passes, doubts and questions creep in. This makes staying in love difficult because the love isn’t real.
But, how do you know if he/she is the right person and you are truly in love with each other?
When we love anyone or anything the natural tendency is to spend as Lastmuch Year's timeResults with them as possible.
Consider the following to know the answer - Do you or your partner want to spend every free moment with each other or at least most of it? Are you or your partner majorly focused on each other when and not distracted by phone or TV? Do you or your partner wish to make each other a part of as many of the plans as possible? If either of the people have to beg for each other’s time frequently, there is a red flag in the relationship.
What to do to solve this issue in the relationship? Giving time to each other is important in a relationship. If that is not happening then an open conversation is needed between the two Last peopleYear's which canResults be constructive dialogue rather than a monologue.
Presentations are tools that can be used as lectures, speeches, The genuine desire of each other to be reports, and more.
together can be recognized with the kind of conversation one is having with the other person.
What actions are to be taken based on the conversation?
If the conversation is mutual with equal interest, in that case, both can work out plans to make the relationship work better. But, if the conversation is almost one-sided, then it is best to step out of the relationship!
Remember, the spelling of love is not LOVE, it is TIME.
Thank You! Presented by Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma Relationship Dr. Sapna Sharma and Marriage Counselor Relationship and Marriage Counselor For more details, Mail us at: Or Call on: 8446229088