What Makes Marriages Difficult for Today’s Generation?
Today’s youth and their concept of marriage Today’s generation is oblivious about what qualities go behind making a good marriage because most of the youth either stay by themselves in some city for work, or stay with their parents. The system of joint family isn’t preferred much nowadays. Because of the no joint-family culture and isolated living, today’s youth don’t have an understanding about compromises, sacrifices, sharing, caring and adjustments of taking up the household chores on a daily basis.
Things make marriages difficult for today’s generation Marriages are difficult for today’s generation because of the expectations that the same scenario will continue after the marriage which was before marriage. Mostly everyone today is well educated and is having a good paying job. This makes it difficult for both individuals in marriage to concentrate on the house chores properly. No one wants to do the house duties, and everything is taken for granted or assumed to be taken care of by the other partner. Proper understanding about how a married life should be as compared to how it was before marriage, and the readiness to compromise without ego clashes, is mostly lacking in today’s youth.
The role of parents in their children’s marriage The role of parents in a person’s life is not to just educate them highly and take care of everything in order to help children have a high paying job. A parent’s role is equally important when it comes to the marriage of their children. They need to inculcate their children with proper knowledge about the reality of a married life and how it should be. Core values which are important in a married life should be imparted to the children, so their children can have a happy marriage with their partner.
How to deal with unexpected happenings after marriage? To many, even those who have love marriages, the after-marriage phase can come as shock. Especially the first year, because the expectations from each other changes after marriage, for both the individuals. A simple way to deal with such a shock or change is to know and work on things in a married life together. Topics like how to deal with the in-laws and relatives, how to share the household matters together, how and when to plan finances and investments and adjusting to the life as it comes, is the way to have a good marriage.
Marriage is good!
Thank You! Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma Relationship and Marriage Counselor For more details, Mail us at: sapna@thespiritualcounseling.com Or Call on: 8446229088