What Are Your Work Values - Do SelfAssessment for Satisfied Career Growth
What are Work Values? Work values are the values ingrained deep within
you that make you a responsible and ethical in your professional as well as personal avenue.
It personifies your inner soul while highlighting your beliefs and ideas as a true asset to any job, occupation, or an organization.
What are the Types of Work Values? Intrinsic Work Values: These values play an integral role in helping you perform your day-to-day
responsibilities with responsibility and reliability. Extrinsic Work Values: These value define your calibre as a professional as to how you gain
recognition, better salary package, and job security.
Self-Assessment of your Work Values Perform a career assessment test to know your values
Learn about your career goals, career needs, and career opportunities you wish to explore Earn increased job satisfaction and selfconfidence
Rate Your Values from 0 to 10 1. Prestige: Attaining all the values to gain recognition and prominence
2. Responsibility: Being responsible to your work
while inspiring others to look at you as dependable 3. Adventure: Ability to take risks and accept challenges with a stern belief to overcome
4. Independence: Creating your unique identity and working within your freedom space
5. Creativity: Trying to create and innovate while
stimulating the interests and creation of your coworkers
Continue... 6. Accomplishment: Aspiring to excel and achieve your career goal
7. Variety: Wanting and enjoying change with the ability to stay adaptable to all changes
8. Power and Authority: Adopting leadership qualities and pushing your team members towards a shared organizational goal
9. Money: Liking material possessions but not being under its influence
10. Integrity: Behaving consistently with your own beliefs and fulfilling commitments and promises
11. Altruism: Helping people, society, or/and animals
as an initiative of your corporate social responsibility
Judge yourself as a responsible, selfconfident, and reliable professional
Then take a step ahead to plan your career
Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor
For more details, Mail us at: sapna@thespiritualcounseling.com Or Call on: 8446229088