What is Your Parenting Style

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What is Your Parenting Style?

Parenting is a huge spectrum of variation in style of handling children and measures of dealing with their daily routine.

Every parent is different and follows a unique approach to deal with children. Researchers have grouped parents into four different aspects and styles of parenting. This is what impacts the growth and development of our children.

Learn the four parenting styles and understand what kind of parent are you. This will help you create a stronger and lasting bond with your children.

Authoritarian Permissive Uninvolved Authoritative

Authoritarian Parenting This is a disciplinary kind of parenting. If you follow this style, then you often go for:

Punishment Strict discipline Less nurturing Rules and regulations High expectations from children

Permissive Parenting This style of parenting gives the freedom of thoughts and actions to their children. If you follow this style of parenting type, you often go for: Friendly relationships with children Give permissions easily Extra warmth and love Open to all sorts of communication Less expectations and less emotional pressure

Uninvolved Parenting This style of parenting stays completely uninvolved with the routine and lifestyle of their children. If you follow this style of parenting type, you often go for: Limited communication Too little expectations Lack of love and care Very little nurturing

Authoritative Parenting This style of parenting is a way of rational and nurturing parenting. If you follow this style of parenting type, you often go for: Clear discipline rules Defined set of rules and regulations High expectations and high goals High level of communication Instill learning into child’s attitude

Now, you know what type of parent are you. You have two options, either be the way you are or consciously change your style and be the best parent for your children and raise them to live as confident, responsible, and stable adults.

Happy Parenting!!!

Thank You Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma The Spiritual Counselor

For more details, Mail us at: sapna@thespiritualcounseling.com Or Call on: 8446229088

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