Ms sect b 20170101 sunday

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Adelle Chua, Editor



By Justin Fox MY MAIN New Year’s resolution for 2017 is pretty much the same as always: Stop eating Christmas cookies, cut back on the drinking and get back to the gym. This resolve tends to stick for much of the year—only during the next holiday season does everything invariably fall apart again. Maybe I should consider making this a preThanksgiving resolution. I’ve had some other resolutions on my mind this week, though, and it struck me that they might be of wider applicability for a year that so many people are approaching with a hangover—literal, metaphorical or both—and a lot of trepidation. Also, while I don’t really believe that New Year’s resolutions are the key to ending the productivity-growth slowdown that has been weighing on the economy for the past decade-plus, they can’t hurt, right? So here goes. Go outside. Modern professional life generally happens indoors. That’s inevitable, but for me staying in the building often means getting stuck in a rut, or even a funk. Just walking around the block shakes things up a little, but I’m lucky enough to have a job where I can count wandering around a California alfalfa field or a Chinese theme park as work. So why am I not doing that more often? And on weekends, why am I not spending more time exploring the gigantic, endlessly surprising city I live in? Seriously, I need to get out more. Maybe you do, too. Talk to human beings, in person. This is obviously key for a journalist, but it seems kind of important for all of us. Virtual interaction is efficient. It can open up new worlds. It’s also incomplete, and often onedimensional. Interacting with data can be great, too. But it comes with its own biases and blinders. Actual conversations take time. They complicate things. That’s why they’re so important. B e generous. Yo u c a n’t b e generous to everybody. But it’s too easy to use that as an excuse not to be generous to anybody. I’m not just talking about panhandlers on the subway (although I am talking about panhandlers on the subway). It’s also that friend whose book manuscript is waiting to be read, that family member who could use a little encouragement and help, that good idea that might wither without some attention and promotion. I’m never going to be another Adam Grant—the tireless Wharton School professor who has made helpfulness into a personal and professional credo. But I do think Grant is right that generosity benefits the generous. (Which is, of course, a terribly ungenerous reason to be generous, but, well … ) Have a plan. Benjamin Franklin famously made a habit of asking himself every morning: “What good shall I do this day?” After that he would, “contrive [the] day’s business, and take the resolution of the day.” This is the basic rule of personal effectiveness— have some idea of what you aim to accomplish before you head out to face the day, or week, or year. As a self-help skeptic I’m a little alarmed to



E ALWAYS like to portray the future as a period of great uncertainty. us, finally, the kind we want and expect like the upliftment of the poor, better wealth distribution and the change in behavior of our government officials? Will investments come, and stay, and will the ordinary wage earner be no longer afraid that he may not have his job after five months? Will communities be better able to anticipate, prepare for and recover from disasters? And will people eventually feel safe in their homes or on the streets, without worrying that they would be hapless victims or collateral damage in the war against illegal drugs and the inordinate zeal with which agents of the government carry it out? The outcome may be too hazy to contemplate now. There are numerous factors we may not realize at the present time. What we can know for certain, however, are the concrete steps we commit to take in pursuit of our objectives. If we remain true to these well thought out programs, track progress and reject distractions, we will have a fair idea of where we would be by the end of the year, a knowledge based on reason, not divination.

What will happen in a few months or years is something that can only be predicted by the very wise or divined by those with a crystal ball. After all, did it not come a surprise that a city mayor from Mindanao would emerge as the president of the land when we believed early frontrunners, all national figures, would dominate the elections held in May? And were we not taken aback by the extent of the prevalence of the drug menace? We had known all along it was there, all right, but we had no idea that it was so widespread and deeply rooted such that the people we believed protected the people were protecting drug dealers instead. Today, the first day of 2017, we again express wonder at what could possibly happen this year. What challenges will our nation face, and will our people be any better for them? Will change dawn upon

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Turn to B2


MANY say 2016 was a bad year in many respects. Many prominent and wellloved names passed on, there were a number of disasters, and Filipinos got a surprise they never quite bargained for. I know some friends for whom the year carried a less-than-fair dose of surprises and tragedies. Personally, 2016 for me

The past year was not bad. It was just sobering.

was still good, and I would prefer to call even the bad episodes sobering. The best takeaway I had was that we should, for the sake of our sanity, make time for just a little bit of everything. Time alone. The cliché is that we work so hard on regular days that we should find time,

on weekends or during breaks, to spend time with the people who matter to us. Whether it’s a movie date, dinner, coffee or drinks, what is important is the opportunity to catch up and be updated with what is going on in our loved ones’ lives. Perhaps we dish out advice, but for Turn to B2

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Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial) 832-5554, (Advertising) 832-5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www.thestandard.; e-mail:



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